THE OMAHA DAILY SUNDAY , MAY 22 , 1808. 15 AUI2XT9 WASTED. ( ContlnutJ. ) UIUCJHT business women rind girls wlv uro willing tu canvass can make inor money in a week Belling Mmo. Ynlo' colt-brutal toilet and health remedies thai they tan earn In three months on i H-ilary , For terms address Mailamo Ynlt \ [ ill Wnbash ave. , Ludlngton bldg. , Chi cueo. " j ACJENT8 wanted , the latent puzzle Jut Out. "Cuban Ulockade ; " retails S centf Kend stamps for sample. Union Puzzl Co. , P. O. Uox 2113 , Philadelphia , Pa. J-749-22 * "WANTED , men and women to work c home. ; I pay K to 16 per week for makln crayon portraits , new patent method , an ] .one who can read or write can do tr work nt homo In spare time , day or evet Ing ; send for particulars and work t once * Addreis II. A. Qrlpp , German artti Tyrone. 1'a. J-743-22 * AGENTS , everyone will buy the little Malt .cannon for the button hole ; greatest wi novelty nut ; sample prepaid 10 cents ; si 40 cunts ; . 12 , CO cents-utc. ; for street sel Ing U'H the thing. Standard Mfg. . Cc Jlaclnc , WU. J-747-22 * OFFICIAL war book by Oonzalo I Quefndarhalrmnn Cuban Legation i "Washington ; nil about war with Spal the navy , battlr-shlps ; colortype premlur tremendous seller ; biggest money mak ' -over known ; most liberal terms gua nnteod ; unt making 17 to $28 per da credit Riven ; freight paid ; outllt and o \vnr map free for six 2-cent stamps pos age. Addri-ss. Scc'y Monroe Co. , 321 Dea born St. , Chicago. J 74C-221 MEN or women , J8.00 dally ; new Invcntlo Inexperienced succeed. Dozler Co. , Omah J-S17 20' AGENTS , Money makers , big outlH for cents mailed : worth 11.00 retail ; < ul nnd easy sellers ( new ) b antlful color ty pictures nf battleship Maine" , Oen. Le birth of the American Hag and Ad. Dewc nothing like them ; on heavy plate rnp < "ready for framing , 19x21 ; every home ai Y business house wants them : sample olthcr , Including 10x14 sizes of the Malr Vjx-n , McKlnley , Dewey's victory a : /"Ijowey and his squadron , five magnlflco pictures , all 23 cents , Hart at once ; all w pictures , maps nnd our preat war nth window Hairs , buttons , badges nnd all i : trlotlc novelties , lowest prices. The 1' ' trlotlc Art Co. , C7 Clark St. , Chlcneo. J- > 5 22 WANTED. Agents to pell the llnest w pictures on the market : "HaUlo of M nlla , " size 21x20 , In elaborate colors : oil : pictures ready and In preparation ; sc 25c for sample outllt. Photo Colorty Co. , S7 Plymouth St. , Chicago. J-Sft2 22 WANTED , Agents for Uncle Sam's ftchtl lleet ; new , exclusive territory ; si-nd stamps for sample , etc. I51aclwcll Pi Co , , 1311 Unity Uldg. , Chicago , 111. , ENEIIGETIC Agents arc making J10.00 J20.00 per day pelllng our new book .11 out "Great American-Spanish AV , Scenes , " 2OT full-page half-tone pictures our navy. Including large official m : si-nd Iflc postage for free prospectus ; v * best terms. W. n. Conkoy Company , 3 nrl Dearborn St. , Chicago. J-MS03 2i WANTED , Agents In every town In st ! to handle latest Invention of the ccntu : largest commission ev ; r given ; Is a w ner : write , enclosing stamp. H. M. A. C Ellington , Cleveland , O. J-S01 2 : WAXTKI > TO HUNT. ALL hotels , boarding houses and prlvi homes with rooms to rent call 510 Bro block. K-680-2. TO Lease , good hotel and furniture In gc city ; transient ; best references glvem dress P 1 , Bee. K 7n 2 : LIST description of rooms for exposlt visitors with Mrs. Jeffries. Board of In building , corner IGth nnd Farnam stre < K iSl 2 first floor. FURNISHED room centrally located ; m erate price ; references. P 18 , Ijee. l\ . * o 5 * * STORAGE : . PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co. , 1 910 Jones , ceneral storage and forward ! " OM. Van & Storage. 1511 % Farn'm. Tel.l M & BEST trackage and storage building Omaha , U. S. gov. bonded : househ goods stored nnd cared for : lowest ral two show cases for sale , suitable for position. 1013 and 1015 Lcavenwortli. M. Bushman. H M905 WANTED-rTO BUY. SECOND-HAND books bought for casli the Antlnuarian book store. 1319Farni _ N MHO M2 VACANT LOTS. Within half-mile rat of Twentieth and Vlnton Sts. ; also south of California and west of 23d , Bemls. Paxton Blk. _ N Mt WANTED To buy an old established cl stand In good location. Address P7 _ , office. _ fr " WANTED , -To buy a first-class 1-hi power motor cheap for cash. P 16 , B " FOR SALE FURNITURE. SELLING out at 131 South 25th str hotnehold furnlturw. carpet * , ran ; cooking stoves , gas stove , etc. May seen from 2 to 6 p. ir. . O l IlEFRlGEnATOn , hall-tree , bookc stoves , etc. , for sale cheap. 2U)5\\ ) O-ME2S worth Ave/ NICE , good antique oak wardrobe cos $ ; . > will sell cheap : want of room re ; for selling. Call 2211 Locust Htreet O 181 FOR SALE , Four large hotel ranges " ch People's Furniture and Carpet < " FOR SALE , folding bed cheap. Imi 2221 Lathrop. O-09 FOR SALE HORSES , WAGONS , E FOR SALE , perfect saddle horse : il ' footer , weight 1,150 : will work in han 3 49 Charles , or 1319 Harnoy St.P P , G4- FOR SALE , n light spring wagon , or t for buggy or phaeton. 4202 Hnrney. > P 7G5- JIORSE and phaeton , horse very gentle stylish ; good driver , lady can drive. M. Cowle , 211 So. ISth St. P Slfcff TOR-SALE , young mare cheap. Call 5 ( 23th st. from i to 5. P EK FOR SALE , horse nnd phaeton , suit for lady. ISli Burt St. , 3 to 5 p. m. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. HOG nnd poultry Jenco ; better than netting. Fine sawdust for floors. 458. 901 DoUBlus. Q- JIORSE clipping machines , knlvos ant pairs , all standard makes on hand ; g : Inc razors , shears , clippers ; prompt i lee. A. L. Undeland. _ Q- FOR SALE-Ten R I.P.A.N.S. for 5 ( I at druggists ; one given relief. Q- FOR SALE Three return Tubular bol so-horse power each. Apply to the BI Intendcnt. 105 Bee building. _ Q- HALL'S Safes new and iccond-hand ; i repaired and rentfcJ. HIS Fnrnam. BIX Second-hand steel ranges , sultnbl restaurants or boarding houses , for sa great bargain : must be sold. 1410 Doc Q > S5 . THE best mixed paints nt Sherman & Connell Drug Co. . 1513 Dodge St. . On Q Mfcx > FlOO. poultry nnd lawn fences : all wli best. Wire Works. 14th and llarnay Q So * . FOR SALE , very cheap. 12 shares I Llfo Insurance Co. , of Omaha. P. O. 10S5. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FLAG poles for Bnlo. Omaha School ply Co. . 1023 Harney St. _ QTt FOR SALE , cheap , 50.000 feet of lu 2x4. 2x6. SxS. sixteen feet long. 8m Kant man , 1617 rtnkney St. Q-691 FOR SALE. English setter pups , el for reffUtmllon. Fred Gou eon. Bn < 8 strocts. South Omaha. _ Q 1 ( FOR SALE Washburn guitar , chean. . 10 Ilarney ( , Q-W FOR SAMiMISCii.IA.MoIJ9. ( OantlnuM. ) 189S BICYCLES down to J3.00 ; new U ! model ladles' and gents' bicycles are no1 being sold on easy conditions as low a S5.04 ; others outright at { 13.95 , and hlg grade at I19.9S nnd 122.50. to IKS paid fc after received ; It you will cut this notlc out and send to Sears , Roebuck & Co Chlcngo , they will send you their 189 $ b cycle catalogue and full particulars. Q-M659 J13 FOR SALE , Tuffs Palmetto draught star complete. Inquire John J. Frcytntr , 1911 I 2Uh. Q-M717 23' 2 FINE walnut counters. 104 8. 12th St. Q 767-22' HIGHEST grade bicycle , only used a fe times , for sale. 501 Brown Bldg. Bldg.Q7CC2I' FOR SALE , Kitchen range , Garland , wat back In good repair. For sale cheap i 115 N. 2Cth St. Q S22 22' FOR SALE , Good high grade Monan wheel cheap. Address or call 3321 Farnni Q 820 22' NEW 1100.00 barlock typewriter for sal JGO.OO If taken In three days. Addre P 15 , Bee. Q-S > 07 22' PAWN ticket for sale for valuable go watch , encumbered for { 11 , Address P' Bee. Q-7S7 22 < MISUELLANKOl'S. SEE Om. Van & Storage Co. about haulli to exposition ; no concessions to pay : In rates. 1511 > Farnam. R 525 31 ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co. . deal cesspools & privy vaults. c21 N. 16. Tel n R-61S Jl FOR RENT , ground on 21th St. , opposl Exposition entrance. Hedlclc Bros. & O 31S South 15tll. R M70 ! ) 2 : CLAIRVOYANTS. THE only "Gipsy Queen" fortune telli Ladles , 50c ; gentlemen , $1. 1934 Farnn St. S-MS24 2s MASSAGE , IIATIIS , KTC. ORIENTAL Turkish baths for ladles a ; gents. 107 So. 14th. , tcl. 1S91. Open l night. T M2JiS JO MEDICATED baths nnd mas.-mce. Mn Brl. son. from Paris. 107 N. 1-th St. T JI497-J-11 MRS. Dr. Leon , electric massage bath p : lors ; restful and curative. 417 S. llth , t stairs , T M372 22 MME. SMITH , US N. 13th st. . hot sprl and vapor baths. T MCOO 23 MADAME AMES , 607 S. 13 , room 10 ; nu sage baths. ' T M720 27 KL1TE Bath and Massage parlors , ! men and women ; Swedish gymnast ! electric light : Turkish nnd other bat Everything first class. II. M. Hansi Mgr. , 201S Farnam. Telephone , 20C3. T M7KS-2S LAURA EllUon , 119 N. IGth ( upstair room 12 , Turko-Russlan and plain bat ! massage. T 701 J19 PERSONAL. VIAVI for uterine troubles. 346-8 I bldg ; physician consultation or hca book free. U & : BATHS , massage. Mme. Post , 219 % S. 15 U ! si * 30. RUPTURE cured for $30. No detent from business ; 6 years In Omaha. C or write for circulars. Empire Rupt Cure , .332-933 New York Life bldg. , Oma Neb U-9 THE Pantorlum. clothes cleaned , pres nnd repaired , day or night ; special c given ladles' tailor made gowns ; dr suits for hlro. N. E. corner 14th i Farnam. Tel. 9C3. U S GENTLEMAN having good position Omaha desires the acquaintance of spectnble young lady or widow ; obj matrimony. Address O 66 , Bee.U7272 U-727-2 WANTED , men nnd women In every tote to work for us at their homes. No ci vnsslng. We send you work immedlati Wo have se.'eral lines of work to s out , some of which requires no experle whatever. If you can t devote the wli day to our work , you can earn J5 or'J week by working nn hour or two of evening. Enclose stamp. We will si you full Instructions free of charge. St dard Art Mfg. Co. , No. 82 Standard bu Ing , 142 Wen Twenty-third st. , New Yc NUDE IN ART Taken from nature ; beautiful colored pictures , all nudes , prepaid. French Art Co. , 528 Locust Philadelphia. U "MARRY , many worth 1500 to J50.000. I plan ; no { 5 fee ; private list 10csent ; sea R. L. Love , Denver , Colo. " U 770- ! WIDOWER , slightly lame , jovial and t erotis disposition , $30,000 Income , will predate true affectionate wife. "Lent 135 E. 63th St. , N. Y. U-769- : SEND name nnd description ; object ma mony or correspondence : no chn Mutual Exchange , 910 Wyandotte Str Kansas City , Mo. U MRS. J. B. WEBSTER. State manager Dr. Mary 11. Stanton's famous remet formerly of 207 S. 24th St. , will welci her friends and customers 2620 Shen Avc. U-S231 , A HIGHLY respectable young lady wi like to meet a nice sociable gentlei between 30 and 45 years of age ; obj company and pastime. P 17 , Bee. U S23 : MRS. CRONYN. Specialist , superfluous 1 moles , etc. , permanently removed by c trlclty ; references given. 1511 Douglas uoc : MONEY TO I.OA5 REAL TISTAT WANTED , choice farm nnd city loans. C. Peters & Co. , U. S. Nat'l Bank bit W $100,000.00 special fund to loan on first- , * Improved Omaha property , or for b > Ing purposes. Fidelity Trust rompai W LOAN on Improved & unimproved city le property , w. Farnam Smith & Co. , Farnam. W 6 PER cent city and farm loans. Oa Bros. , 1613 Farnam St. W j ANTHONY Loan & Trust Co. . 315 N. Y quick money at low rates for choice ( lands In Iowa , Northern Missouri. ern Nebraska. W 5 % PER cent money. Bemls , Paxton MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha estate. Brennan-Love Co. , 219 S. Kt EASTERN money for western Ini munts ; iwnd for circular. Investors rectory Co. . New York. W 2 TO LOAN CHATTELS. $10 TO $10.000 TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND 1 NOS. HOUSES , WAGONS AND CA ts RIAGES , WAREHOUSE RECEIPT etc. , nt lowest rates In Omaha. South Omaha and Council Bl * : No removal nf goods ; strictly connder you can pay the loan off at any tire In any amounts. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO 306 South 16th THE OLDEST. LARGEST .AND ONLY CORPORATED LOAN COMPANY . X- or OMAHA. at MONl5Y Ioaned salaried people ti ° ' permanent positions , with respon concerns upon their own name , wli payments. Tolman , c- security : easy ta 706. N. 7. L. bldff. X- r I1L9INESS CHANCES. FOR sale , a bargain , my entire stock , show cases , soda fountain on counters : also will rent store nt ro ; ox able rent ; located Union Depot hotel I block from U , P. and Burlington Oe oxF Ernest Stuht , proprietor. Y- TO GET In or out of business go to Gibson , 514 Pint Nat'l bank. Y- tcr & ELEVATORS for sale , a line of six vatora on tha Republican Valley bi of thn U. P. R. R. , extending south Lincoln. Neb. , through an excelUnt i nd producing region. Will b sold tog or separately , as desired. In good r and nno working order. Will be sol 04- easy term * Apply to Ed 8. Vlll r. Ulce , Neb. I UK CHANCES. ( Continued , ) GO INTO business for yourself ; $100.00 In vested In a good thing brings belter re turns than $1,000.00 Invested In one not sc pood. Will stand closest Investigation Address O CO. Bee. Y-C23-22' Q1O list of hotels , restnurnnts nnd'roomlni houses for salo. Walsh , 119 N. 16th St. Y-M6IS 22 FOR RENT Large livery barn , In rxcellen repair and In llnest locution In city to Transmlsslsslppl patronage. No competl tlon. Address O 63 , Bee. Y 700 26 FOR SALE A snap ! A sacrifice ! On nc count of health must give up best paylni business In Omaha. Will sell for $1,200.0 cash ; household goods , Including furniture carpets , dishes , etc. , which cost over $3.0C last fall. Owner conducting n llrst-clns private boarding house nnd Is makln money. Ixicntlon Is central. Owner 1 renting n benutlful 12-room modern houst Inrge ynrd , shade and fruit trees. Hpus Is full of choicest roomers nnd boarder who will stay with purchaser. IIous rents for $ SO.OO per month. No one bu rush customer need apply. Address O C Bee. Y 707-20 TO SPECULATORS Wo solicit the bus ! ness of present nti'l ' proipectlve specula tors In grain , provisions , stocks and col ton. Our 23 years' active experience n commission merchants enable us to In sure Careful nnd considerate managenien of Interests entrusted to our cure ; dall market letter sent If desired. For furthc Information address Lnmson Bros. & Co No. C Board of Trade , Chicago. Y FOR RENT , Livery barn. In Fremont , Nf braska ; best town In Nebraska for n goo livery. Address John Thomson , Fremon Neb. - Y-7J7 22 $3.000 WORTH of stock In safe corporatlo for sale ; business well established ; nnrty Is capable can also use services. 5. Bee. Y-M772 21 * WANTED , A partner to put 230 dollai and a span of horses and wagon Into business that will pay net 150 dollars week ; Investigate this If you want 1 make some money. Address P 6. rare Be Y 771 22' $130 INVESTED earns 33 per cent \veekl ; established IS cities ; third year : pan rulars free. D. Sloane , 110 St. Paul , Halt more , Md. Y FOR sale , good paying dry goods nnd gei ernl merchandise business ; established years : stock nbout $18.000 In A 1 com ! tlon : building 23x100 : 4 floors ; rent rensoi nble : one of the best locations In C'hlca ; for German nnd farmers' trade : 111 henli nnd outside Investments compel owner sell : good ohnnce for live man. Addre V 28 , care Lord & Thomas , Chlrncn. Y 753-22' PATENT wanted , thoroughly first rla and practical patent wanted by man responsibility : will push energetically < commlslson or would buy ; every fnclll for getting at the market : nmule refe ences : bonds If necessary. Wm. J. Ralne Cuyahoga Bldg. , Cleveland , O.Y Y 752-22' ' DESIRE to purchase Interest ln > lei < ltlma business where services would be - value ; character and ability the bes referencej exchanged. P 11 , B > e. Y 794 21' FOR EXCHANGE. VARIOUS pieces of property and farms Nebraska to trade for merchandise. A dress L 42. BCD. K MS6 ! CLEAR Iowa farm for stock ranch , Voc hces-Manhattan , Des Molnes , la. K-M419 26 2 HOUSES and lots , South Omaha , ne stock yards , to trade 'for Improved fai in Neb. D. J. Wilson , 28th and Frnnkl ! Omaha. Neb. Z M557 23 FOR SALE , exchange , equity In 9-rot modern house ; full lot , trees and bai mile west of postoffice. P 9 , Bee. Z-7S2 22 $7,500. WILL exchange fine California ho'r suburbs of San Jose , 5 acres bearing fru pays $300 to $700 annually , for good Io- or eastern Nebraska farm. W. A. Coop San Jose , California. Z 773 22 1,200 ACRES clear central Nebraska la for city property. In lots of 160 acres more , at reasonable prices. Address Lc Box 35 , Broken Bow , Neb. Z MS14 23 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. KOUNTZE PUce bargains , $2,500. $3,730 $6,500. J. J. Gibson , 514 First Nat'l ba bldg. RE SG HOUSES , lots , farms , lands , loans , also f Insurance. Bemls , Paxton block.RE RE S ! FOLLOWING desirable property : Busln lot corner , 60x150 ft. , in So. Omaha , pav Business' lot , 60x150 ft. . Improved , Soi Omaha , street paved. Tract (24 ( lots ) , 36th St. Tract (20 ( lots ) , SOth St. For particulars apply 1012 Farnam St. RE 81 HOMES , homes , homes , let UJ sh them to you. Two good ones and t smaller on West Farnam , delightful plat Five In Hunscom Place. Prices to suit o one. One seven room house In north part of cl Fine lot. Pleasant place. Make offer. M. J. Konnard & Son , Sole Agents. 310 r 311 , Brown Block. RE 7 : 7-R. house , corner lot ; cheap. 2114 N. 21 RE-509 Jl DESIRABLE residence lots , 124x130 , 111 class location ; 10 minutes1 walk from co house ; cheap for cash. Address O 61 , I RE-M631-J- FOR SALE , 7-room modern house and 2211 Webster St. , for $2,600. For partlcul address Mrs. Sinclair , Box 433 , Scat Wash. RE-M711 J GERMAN SAVINGS RANK PROPER' NOTHING FOR RENT IN OMAHA SOUTH OMAHA. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. Buy and save rent. Never before In history of Omaha have there been PI opportunities offered to acquire lots homes at your own prices. You mi the prices. Receivers must sell. Depositors' dema must bo satisfied. I give out no lists. If- you want to bu will match any prices made by any t Lots In South Omaha , lots In Omaha , I everywhere , from $100 to $4,000. Hou and lots and aero tracts In Deut county. Any reasonable otter will bo favorably c Bldcred. Tell wo what yon want an will tell you what I will take. If you have a customer I will pay regi commleslons. I have no agents. New 7 per cent Jeans , $1,000 to $1,500 , sale on Improved property. THOS. H. M'CAGUE. Receiver , 106 N. 15th 6 RE-US LOT , N. E. corner 42d nnd Farnam. 5 If taken by June 1. Apply J. H. Den 17M So. 10th. RE-619 2 902-904 SO. 20TH St. . 5 room houses , p $1,500 each. J. N. Frenzer , opp , old FOR SALE , Best farm of 85 acres In Io a bargain. Address Lock Box 661 , Cou Bluffs , la. RE-C52 OMAHA has never had as many thl contributing to her'permanent prospe as now ; still there has been no ndvanc real estate. The advance In value : sure to come though , and those who walling to buy homes until they can them cheaper are certain to bo dl : pointed. FOUR BAR GAINS. Beautiful east front lot on best part Georgia ave. with good 7-room house barn , 11,000. N Large east front lot on 25th street i nice 8-room house In splendid repair fine shade trees , fruit and shrubbery la taken soon can be had for { 3,000 , on ut terms. J750 cash will buy a lot on 20th street wl one mile of court house , on paved str U would oven be a bargain ut twice amount. Four lots on corner 29th and Burd Jg nd streets , only { 1,300 for all ; splendid n- to Improve. nn * n I also loan money on city and farm p erty , and write tire Insurance at rates In the most reliable companies. J. r JOHN W. ROnniNS. 1S02 Farnam 8tre * ( RE SI ! , ni IRRIGATED FARM tin 450 acres located In Boise valley , Id er will produce over 1,000 tans alfalfa yet ilr rood cattle range convenient ; this on bargain for any one Inttreuted In at ona For particulars address Tate & 8 ) BoUe , Idaho. RE MuC . FOR SALE liM.\l. ESTATE. DOT 'TIS ' Snd to part wltU Vour money wlthou value received ; 2,9 * ) nicrcs Missouri , $2.00 Improved ! guarnntedt rental 20 per cent 160 In Neb. . $400 ; wllf.nay $30.00 cash rcn for IStf ) . ,840 'TV. $ ft.M ; 400 Sarpy county 400 Washington Col SJY Douglas Co. Farm nre the one snfe IhVftilmentJ houses nn < lots , 15 per cent Investments : my list wli surprise you ; $ l,0't > tU loan on ( rood clt ; property. Call Monday. Lyinan Wntor man. S2J N. Y. Llfe'njdg. RE 773 22 * FOR sale , tleslrnblcf'.foMdence lots , 12lxlS ( In first-class locntiotlc ten minutes' wnll from court house ; cheap for cash. Ad dress O 61. Bee. , l ( RE-M691 J19 FOR SALE , three choice lots In Hoffma Terrace. $ oO.OO each will tnke them thl week. Inquire G. U. Tzschuck. Hoe offic < RE 633 28 * EXPOSITION NOTICES. THERE will bo a hot time In Omaha thl summer. Hundreds of sights equal to anything I London , Paris or New York. Do yo want tn see them nil ? Do you want room for any purpose ? Do you want an old thing ? If so send a stamp and lear how to get It. No postal cards answered. References fin nlshed. All business sacredly contldentln Write nt once , ns you may not sen th ! ndvt. ngnln. Address The Hot Tin ; 1 club , I' . O. box 12S , Omaha , Neb. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. VAN SANT'S School , 717 N. Y. Life. Tl school whose students get employmen Conducted by nn experienced reporter. . -Ml 18 AT OMAHA Bus. College , ICth & Dougla b73 SHORT-HAND , up-to-date , taught by cou reporters. Boyles' School , 403-5-7 Bee bid 870 OMAHA Shorthand and Typewriting cc lego , Boyd's theater. MI22 J12" Ml'SICAL INSTRI'.MENTS. DEEP Cut In pianos ; 150 new pianos i prices that will lose sight of cost : Ive &Poml. Vose. Emerson , Chlckerlng , Har man , Fischer and other standard mak nil Included In this great money aavli sale. Bargains In Mlghtly used pianos : Chlcke Ing , walnut rase , $115.00 ; Hardman , ebot case , only $ S. > 00 ; nett Scale Klmball , $9S. ( organs from { 25.1O upward : easy paymen If desired : pianos to rent , $3.00 per mont Tuning , polishing nnd repairing at lowe prices. . C. Mueller , tuner ; telephone 1623. chmoeller .t Mueller , 1313 Farnam , Icadli music dealers In the west. Ml 21 HOTELS. OLONADE HOTEL. A four-story brl building , 15th nnd Jackson Sts. , Omah J. E. Iszard , Prop. Rates : European pin $2.00 per day : two In a room If deslr * Parties wishing to engage rooms In n vance during the Transmlsslsslppl and I ternatlonal Exposition can secure sat by sending $2.00 and specify time , wli and how long they will be needed : rooi must be taken at time specified , as th will not be reserved after that date. T Colonade Is locnted-one block from strt cars leading direct < t > , exposition grotin < and within two blocks of the prlncli theaters. - 774 22 1TKAYKD. bay imnro with halter < weight about 1,100 : lame right hind 1 < return to 217 Francis street and recel reward. ' Lost C9D 22 , OST , Lady's gold wrftch ; suitable rewn for return. T. .L. JUngwalt. SS BarV block. . . Lost-731 22 , OST , fox terrier , evelily marked about I head. Iteward by returning to 2559 DoO st. . . . . , .o , Lost-MS"J DRESSMAKING In tamllles. 2504 Dave port. M310 31 IIHICK. vVITHNELL Bro. & Smith , paving , sew building ; capacity 100,00(1 a day ; 22d n Hickory streets. Tel. 423. K CORNEER BROS. , brick manufacture handmade front brick a specialty ; off nnd yard , 20th st. and B. & Al. It. 11. tra Omaha , Neb. 621 23 TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS for rent. $4.00 per menThe The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1 I'arnam St. ; Telephone 12S4. K OWING to the popularity of the n models , Nos. 6 , 7 and S , Remington ty writers , they have had to secure m room and have removed to 1619 Farn street. Call and see them. 674-J- : HOTELS FOR REST. WANTED , Capable hotel man or won with J2.WO to take H Interest in best p Ing hotel within exposition radius ; c tral , 45 rooms , dining room seats 60 ; si for right party ; house will clear 112 to 115,000 during exposition ; if you looking for a bonanza Investigate this once. Bemls , Paxton Blk. , Omaha , N Me CARRIAGE MAKING. P. J. KARBACH & SONS , 1312 Howard. ' . 1102. MG37 J PAWNBROKERS. II. JIAttOWITZ loans money. 41S N. II SlIOEMAKURS. LYONS & BERGQUEST Moled 307 S. Patterson block. 439 J STENOGRAPHERS. WE SOLICIT nnd furnish positions stenographers free. The Smlth-Pren Typewriter Co. Telephone , 12S4. 8 1IICYCL.KS. BARGAINS In new and second-hand cycles ; easy terms. The Safe Store , Farnam. M443 J TAILORING. MAX FOG EL makes , cleans and repi clothes. 307 S. 17. 43S J FURXITUKE PACKED. M. B. WALKIN. 21111 Cumlng. Tel. 1331 JUNK HOUSES. ALPIRN. Omaha , Junk house , 1C1 So. 1 - - all kinds of Jun paying- best price(6J- ill 818 M3 RESTAl'HAXTS. HOME meals ; all hours. 1619 Dodge.401J. 401-J.- iionsi : PASTURE. ALFALFA pasturd Wwird fences. A. Phelps & Son , 207 N , Y. L. bldg. Tel. : 61&-4 ! KXPOSITION ntOXTAGES KOR RE GROUND leases fronting expoalt Beral * . Paxton block. ! Note of prices btOCk llvo Fafm Lands LARGEST LIST IN THE STATE DIRECT AOENOV G. W. CARLOCK , n 209 So. 18th Str. , OMAHA.s MKI1ICAU LADIK9I Chlche-trr'd Knell-h Penny royal Plll.i ( Diamond brand ) are the best jafe , rollablo ; take no other ; send 4 stamp for particulars , "llellef fn l nrlle * , " In letter by ri-turn mn.ll ; nt driiR gluts. Chlchester Chomlonl Co. , Phlladcl phla. Pa. JlPiUlon line. HACKS AMI COUPK9. HACKS nnd coupes promptly furnlnheit a all hours , ilay or nlcht , by llackmen' union. A. D. T. , tcl. 177 , SC3 ami 770. M39I Jll * Jt'STtCU OK TI1K I'KACE. D. n. IIOUCK. Justice of the peace , Knrlmch block. > B\ll BEARING DENSMORE exclu sively by th exposition. Wo bell over thlnu truly good In type writers nnil supplies. ii TYIM\VUITIH & SUPPLIES c KIIU Kiiriiniu iit , Oinnlin. " " "RUBBER" TIDE business Is assuming prodigious j proportions with us. Just wanted you to know It. Come In and look at our big stock | of fine Buggies. DRUMMOND CARRIAGE CO , , Opp. Court House. RAILWAY TIM1J C.MU ) . , , ? SCHICAGO & NOUTHWES' " ern Railway City Tick Olllce , 1401 Farnain Stroi Telephone , 5G1. Depc Tenth and Mason Streoi Telephone , C23. Leave. Daylight Chicago Sperlal 0:40 : am ' 11:50 : r Mo. Val'f-y , Slaux Minneapolis 5:53 : am 10:43 : i City. St. Paul & Mo. Valley , Sioux City 7:40 : am 9:05 : i Dennlson. Carroll , Wall Lake and Council Bluffs . . . . 8:40 : am 3:15 : c Eastern Ex. , Des Molnes. Marshall- town , Cedar Hap- Ids and Chicago. . 10:30 am 4:3i : Atlantic Flyer. Chicago cage and East. . . . I-.45 pm 4:33 : i Fast Mail , Chicago to Omaha 3:10 : l Mo. Valley , Sioux CUy , St. Paul and Minneapolis LIm'd 4:33 : pm ' 8:50 : i OmChicago Spe cial GI3 : pm 8:30 : i Dally. * Dally except Sunday. FRBMONT. ELKHORN Missouri Valley Rallwa ; General Ofllces , Unit States National Bank Hli Southwest Corner Twiill nd Fa'rnam Streets. Ticket OHlce 1 o Farnam Street. Telephone. 661. Dep Fifteenth und Webster Streets. Telepho 1 i5s Leave. Arrl J.Wpm5:00 : : pm 5:03 : Hastings , York , Da- vld City , Superior , Geneva , Exeter & . . . . - " . . . . 5:00 Seward 3:00 pm : Norfolk , W. Point _ and Fremont 7:50 : am " 10:20 LirCe ± ? ? . ° . . . & . " 7:50 : am " 10:23 : Fremont Local . . . . " 7:50 : am Dally. * Dally except Sunday. " Si day only. " " Dally except Saturd Dally except Monday. CHICAGO , ST. PAUL. Ml neapolls & Omaha Hallv General Ofllcos , Nebra ; Division. Fifteenth t Webster Streets. C Ticket "Office , 1401 Farnam Street. T phone , 561. Depot , Fifteenth and Vvebs Streets. Telephone , 1,458.Leave. Leave. Arrl Sioux City Accom. . 8:50 : am 8:20 : Sioux City Accom. . 9:30 : am 8:20 : Blair , Emerson , Sioux City , Ponca. Hartlngton and. Bloomlleld 1 1:00 pm 11:55 : Sioux City , Man- kato , St. Paul & Minneapolis 5:55 : pm 1 S:20 Emerson Passenger 5:10 : om 8:45 : Dally. * Dally except Sunday. S day only. This train stops at stall Florence to South Blair , Inclusive , S days only ; on week days. South Blair 01 1SIOUX CITY & PAC1I Railroad General Oillc United States Natio Bank Building S. W. C ner Twelfth and Farn StrcetTTIcket Office , 1401 Farnam Stn Telephone 561. Depot , lath and Weba Streets. Telephone 115 $ . Leave. Arrl Sioux City , Man- M\n \ neapoit3 ' . 5:5.1 pm 8:20 Dally. KANSAS CITY. ST. , soph & Council Bluffs R Burlington road "Tho Burling Routo" Ticket Office , Fnrnam Street. Teleph Route 230. Depot , Tenth and J son Streets. Telephone Leave. Arrlv Kansa s City Day Express 9:05 : am ' 5:40 : Kansas City Night Express ' 10:00 : pro 6:30 : Dally. BURLINGTON & 11 sourl River Railroad ' " Burlington Route" G eral Offices N. W. Cot Tenth nnd Fnrnam Stre Ticket Office , 1502 Fan Street. Telephone 250. pot , Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Teleph 128. Leave. Arrl\ Lincoln , Hastings and McCook 8:33 : am 9:33 : Lincoln , Denver , Colorado , Utah , California , Black Hills. Montana & Puget Sound 4:33 pm 4:05 : Lincoln Local 7:00 pm 7:40 Lincoln Fast Mall. * 2:55 : pm 11:40 : Denver , Colorado , Utah. California and Puget Sound 11:55 : pm ll:55 : Dally. "Dally- except Sunday. CHICAGO , BURLINQTO1 Burlington Qulncy Burlington Railroad Route" Tit " ' Office. 1502 Farnam Str Route Telephone 250. Depot , Tt and Mason Streets. T phone 128.Leave. Leave. Arrli Chicago Vestlbuied Express 5:05 pm 8:10 : Chicago Express . . 9:4 : $ am 4:15 : Chicago & St. Louis Express . . . 7:45 : pm 8:1(1 ( Pacific Junction Local 11:50 am 5:4C : Fast Mall 2 : Chicago Special . . . 12:05 : am m-M Dally. Daily except Sunday. CHICAGO , ROCK ISLA & Pacific Railroad " Great Rock Island Roi City Ticket Office. Farnam Street. Telepl 428. Depot , Tenth Mason Streets. Tclept (29. Leave. An Rocky Mountain Limited , east . . . . 1:30 : am ' 1:25 : Rocky Mountain Limited , weit . . . . 1 5:20 am 5:1 : ! Chicago & St. Paul Vestibuled E x- nress * 5:00 : pm Lincoln , Colorado Springs , Pueblo , Denver and wcjt , . lSO : pm 4:2 : Chicago , Dos Molnes & Hock ' Island * 7:00 : pm 111 Atlantic Express , for Des Molnes and eastern points 7:00 : am M 8:54 Colorado Flyer 7:00 pm 8S Daily , Dally except Sunday. RAILWAY TIMK CARII. ( CVntlnurJ. ) "THI UNION PACIFIC - Overland Itouto" General Of flees , N. W. Corner Ninth am Fnrnatn Street * . City Tlckc Ofl'ce. 130J Farnam Slreet Telephone SIR. Depot , Tentl and Mason Streets. Telcuhoiv Leave , Arrive "Tho Overland Limited" for Den ver , Salt Lake , and western p'H , . 8:60 : nm 4:43 : pr The Colorado Spe cial , for Demcr & nil Colorado p'ts. H:5S : pm 6:40 : a r Fast Mail Trnln for Salt l.ak < . Paclac coast nnd all western points . . . * 4:53 : pm 6:40 : ar Lincoln , Beatrice tt Stromsburg Ex. . " 5:00 : pm " 12:20 : pr Fremont , Colum- bu , Norfolk. Gr'd Island * Kearney 4:3" : > pin " 12:20 : pr Grand Island Ex. . . 6:00 : pm " 12:20 : pr Dally. " Dally except Sunday. South Omaha Ijocal Pass. Leaves , Clj ; r m. : 7:00 : a. m. ; 9:15 : n. m. ; 3:10 : p. m. Ar riven , 10:15 : a. m. : 3:30 : p. m. ; 0iW : p. in. Council llluffj Local Leaves , 5.r a in , 0:50 : a. m. : 7:10 : n. m. ; S:40 : a. in. ; 10t : : ) e m. ; 2:13 : p. in , : 4:33 : p. m. ; 5SS : p. ni.S:20 ; : j m. ; 10W p. m. . Arrives , t'-:33 a. m. : : : a. in. ; 8U5 : u. in. : 11:30 : u. in , ; .1:10 : p. in , 5:40 : p , in. : C:30 : p. m : 9:03 : n. in. ; 10:45 : v. in. " rillCAOO. MlLWAUKEE f St. Paul Hallway Clt Ticket Otllcp. 1504 Farnar Hreot. Telephone 2SI. Depol Tenth and Mason Streets Telephone. C29 " Chli ago Limited Express * :4j pm Onilia Chicago Express " 11:00 : am Sioux City and DM Molnes Express " 11:00 : am Dally. Dally except Sunday. MISSOXMH PACIFIC P.AII road General Offices nn Ticket Office , Southeast Co ner llth and Douglas Street Telephone , 101. Depot , 131 and Webster Sts. Telcphoi 1 138 * ' Leave. Arrlv Kansas nnd Neb , Limited 3:03 : pm 12:33 : p Knnsiu Ctl St. Loula Express . . . 9:30 : pm 6:00 : n Nebraska I.o < nl . . . 4:33 : pm " 9:45 : n Dally , Dally except Sunday. OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAII PS2I rend Omaha. Kansas City Eastern Railroad "The Po AQTHU Arthur Route" Ticket Olllc ROUTE 1413 Farnam Street. Tel : phone 222. Depot. Tenth at .Mason Stroetw. Telephone , 123. Leave. Arrlv St. Louis Cannon Ball E.xpi-OKS 4:33 : pm Ml:30 n Kansas City & Qiilnry Local . . . . 7:10 : nm 9:03 : p Dallv. W ABAS H RAILROAD Ticket Office. 1413 Farnn Street. Telephone S92. Dep Tenth and Maion Street Telephone 12 ? . Leave. Arrlv St. 'Louis "Canon Ball ' Express 4:30 : pm * M:30 a Dally. Utlir.IOliN SERVICES. I'lllltlMt. nuux riumeii. sis SOUTH ninth Avenue. Ilev. l\ II. Allen. Jr. . Tastu Services at 10:10 : a. m. nml & p. m.j Suml school at noon ; 11. Y. 1 > . f , 6:20 : p. in. CAl'vAUY CHUlini. TWENTY-SIXTH A : Sewunl Streets , llev. Thoma Anilerfon. Pas Services ut 10:30 : a. m. anil 7:30 : p. m. ; Sum ! school at noon. FIUST CHL'lirH. TIUUTY-FIFTH AND FA nam Streets , rtcv. T. U Ketman , Pastor Se Icei nt 10:31 : n. in. nnd 8 p. m. : Sunday ai-hsol 11:45 : a. in , ; Junior union , 3:20 p. in. ; H. P U. . 7 p. m. : Mlfs'.nn Sumlay school. Twen elehlh avenue und Kiirnam , 3"Jl p. m. GKHMAN rHUHClI. TWKNTY-S1XTH AI Sen-ant Streets. Hev. August IJolter , Paste Service * at 19:30 : a. m. ami 7:9) : p. m. ; Sum Fchonl at 9:15 : a. m. QUACK rutmci : . TENTH AND Aim Streets. llev. J. O. Slapl ; * Mlnl'tT Servl at 10:43 : a. m. anil 8 p. m. : Sumlny school V Vdnesilay event : noon : cospel mfetlncs. Young People's meeting. Filday evcnlns ; re insr room on n every evening. IMMANt'KI , CirUnCII. I1INNEY AND TWE ty-fourth Streets. I'ulp'.t ' supplied temporan services at 10:30 : a. in. and 7:31 p. m. ; Sum MOUNT"I'ISOAH cituitcn. TWENTY-SF OLIVKT V-iumcii , GRAND AVENUE A : Thlrty-elKh'h Street. Hev. A. J. Fleml I'antor Services at tl a. m. anil 7:30 p. i Sunday school at noon. SWEDISH C11U11CH , 6H NORTH EIC teenth Street , Rev. P. Swartz. 1'aftor Servl at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. : Sunday school ZION CHURCH. 15 GRANT STREET. Ill T. T.VnrJ. . Pastor Services at 11 a. m. i 7:30 p. m. . Sunday school at 12:30 : p. m. C ill-tut lull. FIRST Cnt'RCH. CORNER TWENTIE Street and Capitol Avenue , Rev. J. M. Van- Pastor Services at 10:50 a. m. und 7:30 n. Sunday school at I ! m. : Young People's Soc ! of Christian Endeavor at 6:30 : j > . m. ; prn meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. GRANT STREET CHURCH. TWENTY-SIX and Ornnt Streets , Hev. CliarU-s Taylor , P.i Services at 10:30 : n. m. and 7:3) : p. m. ; Sun school at noon. ' WAI.NUT HIM. CHiniCII. 4IM NICHOI Street. Rev. Joseph Nichols. I'aatoi _ , Scrv at 10:30 : a. m , anil 7:30 p. in. ; Sunday schoo 3 p. m. L'onnrcautlniiiil. CHERRY HILL CHURCH. Mil NORTH FOR' ' second StreM , Rv. . I. . S. Hand. Pastor Si lc".i at 11 a. m. : Sunrtay FChool nt noon. FIRST IMU'RCII. NINETEENTH AND D. enport Streets. Rev. Franltc A. Wnrrteld. l a Services at 10:30 : a. m. ami 7:15 : p. m. ; .Sun school at noon. HII.US1DE CHt'RCH. THIRTIETH AND Ol Street * . Rev. Jacob I'look , I'aMor Services 10:30 : a , m , and 7:30 : p. m , ; Sunday school noun ; prayer service Wednesday nt 7:30 p. PARK VALE CHURCH. I4 CASTF.LL Street Pulpit supplied ; services at 10:30 a. nd 7:30 p. in. : Sunday school nt noon. "II/ITUM CHURCH , 102 NORTH FORTY-FI1 Street , Rev. Frank D. Jackson. Pastor Scrv at 11 a. m. und 7SO : p. in. ; Sunday schoo noon. PLYMOUTH CHURCH. TWENTIETH A jrunccr StrfetK Rev. Howard MacAyeal. Pa Services nt 10:34 : a. m. nnd 8 p. in , ; En-le : society nt 7:13 : p. in. : prayer ineetlnR Wed day at 7:30 p. in. : Sunday school at noon. VT. MARY'S AVENUE rHUHClI. TWEN vcnth Street nnd SI. Mary's A\enue. Rev Wrlcht llutler. D. t . . Paitor Services at 1 a. m. nnd 7:30 : p. m. : Sunday school at nooi SARATOGA CHURCH. TWENTY-FII Street and Amej Avenue. P.ev. I * S. Hi Pastor Services at 10:10 : a. m. and 7:15 : p. Sunday achool at 2:30 : p. m. Kvnnnellcal. EMANUEI , CHl'ItCH , : < W2 MARCY STRK Rev. G. J. Strulcher. Pastor Service * at a. m , and 7:3-1 : p. m. ; Sunday school at FREE'CHURCH. . TWELFTH AND DOR Streets , Rev. F. II , W. nnicchert. Pnsl Services at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 p. m. ; Sur school at : : ir. p. m. SWEDISH MISSION CHURCH. SZ DAY port Street. Rev. F. O. Hultroan. Pasi SerNlces nt 10:30 : n , m , and 7:30 : p. m. ; Sur school nt 3:1 : ! o. m. HION GERMAN CHURCH. Ktt SI'RA ( Street. Rev. Ern > - t Mchl , Pastor Sen-Ice 10:30 a. m. and 7:10 : p. m. ; Sunday sell30 11:30 a. m. I.ntUeran. DANISH CHURCH. 819 SOUTH TWEN second Street , Rev , I. C , Poulsun , Pan Services at 10:30 : a. m. and 8 p. m. , except Sunday In the month , when there are no e Inir avrvtcea ; Sunday school at 9M : a. m. EMMANUEL SWEDISH rilURCH. Nl teenth and Ca Streets. Rev. I' . J. ST Pastor Services at 10:43 : a. m. and 1M p. Sunday ach-tnl at noon. t FIRST GERMAN CHURCH. 1005 SOt Twentieth Street , Rev. E. J. FYese. Pasi ! l Sen-Ices at 10:15 : a. m. ana 7:30 p. m. ; Sui school at 2 p. m. KOl'NTZE MEMORIAL CHURCH , ! teenth and Harney Streets , n v. A. J Tu Pastor-Services at 10:30 : a , m. and 7:30 p. Sunday kchool a : r.c.on. GRACE CHURCH. TWENTV-SIXTH STR and Woolwnrth Avenue , Key. Luther Kuhru. Pastor Services at 11 a. m. and p. in : Sunday school at 11:15 : p. m. NORWEGIAN AND DANISH CHURCH. North Twenty-sixth Street. Hev. J. N. Ar on. Pdttor Sen Ires at 11 a. m. and 7 : : m. : Sunday school at 13:11 : p. m. PF.LLA DANISH CHURCH Z1S NO1 Twenty-sixth Street Pulim supplies nnrarlly ; service * At U u. in. and 7:34 : p. Sunday school at noon. ST. MARK'H CHURCH , TWENTY-FIRST t Rurdette Streets , Rev. Leonard ( iron . pa > Services at 10:43 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. i Su school at noon. ST. MATTHEVV8 CHURCH , FOURTEE und Tenter Streets. Rev , A. J. Turkle. Pa Sunday school at 3 p. m. ST. PAUI.'ri GERMAN CHURCH. HIS PAR Street , Rev. John V. H. Her. Pastor Ser at 10 a , m. and 7:10 : p. m. ; Sunday tchoul p. m. ; evening , second and fourth Sundi each month at TW : p. m. T ) EAI.EM EVANGELICAL SWEDISH C1IU1 JJ19 South Twenty-third Street. Rev. C Klvlni ; , Pastor Services at 10:30 a. m. and p. m. ; Sun-lay school at noon. ALL SAINTS' CHURCH. TWENTY-SIXTH Half-Howard Streets. Rev. Thomns J , Mn lli-dor Holy communion every unOay | i month , except the Hrsl. at 73 > a. tiu ; < e at U a , m. and 7:34 : p , m , ; Sunday scnool a . tn. CHURCH OF THE GOOD BHEl'HERD , TV ttelh and Ohio Street * . Rev. Grant * IM * Walk. M. A. , nectar S rvu-e at t a. n * . tu. and 7:34) p. H. ; tiunday achail at > .4i iir.i.idioti * sK ( Continued. ) 8T ANDREW'S CHURCH , CORNER CHARLES ml rr.rty-TUsl streets , llev , C. II , Voun * . Priest f-'en-lces at 7:30 : a. m. . It . m. and 74i ; p. m. , Sunday itchoul nt 10 . . m , Friday * nt 7:11 : p. m. RT. AfCirSTINK'S CHURCH , THinTY-Timm nml fnncls Street- , Priest In Charge , llev. W. R. Hownrd Services nt 4 p. m , ; Sunday ST ! HARNARAS'"cHURCH. 519 NORTH NINEteenth - teenth StreH. Rev. John Williams. Rector Ben-lorn nt 7:94 n. in. , U . ni. nnj * :30 p , m. | Sundnv whnM nt 9J : n. m. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH , TWENTY-SIXTH AND t-rnnkl'n Stwts , llev. W S. Howard , I'rtcM Sen-Ice * * l 7o : nml U K. rn. am ! 7:15 : i > . m. ( Sunday school nt ; SO a. m. ; dally services M i.i ; Km ! 7:0) a. in , nnd 4:43 p. m. : Whines. day * at 7HS p. m. i Fridays nt 7:3-1 : i > . m. ST. MATIIIAS' CHURCH. n SOUTH TENTH Street. Rev. ! . F. .Polter. ITUst In Churn- . Services nt 7:3. : ) a , In. : 11 a. ra.'aiiil 7tt : p. rfi.t Sunday school nt 10 n. in. ST. PAUL'S mi'ItCH. Jll CALIFORNIA Sireet Pultlt f applied temporarily ; tertlcei at 11 n , in. nml 7:33 : p. tn. ; Sunday nchool at It 8T. ' PHILLIP THE DEACON CHITHCII. Urt North Twenly.llrst Street. Rev. John Albert William' . Roi-tor S-rvlors nt 7:15 n. m , . II n. ni. nml S p. in. ; Sun.lay school nt 10 n. m.j dally morning prnytr. 9 am. ; e\itilnq , & p. lu ! TRINITY CATHKDRAU CAPITOL AVKNUI ? Bin ! EtRh'eenth ' Stt-ct. III. R"v. O oriPitth ; - InKton , lllshoi , ; Rev Campbell Fair De.ili Service * nt 8:31 : a. in. , 11 n. tn. nnj 7:13 p. rn , ; Sumlx ? school nt 10 . in , ami . ' t ) . tn. rrrli > lot-In n. AMllt.lMl PLACE CHURCH , fOUTY.Sr.COXt > ami Marlnda Streets Pulpit supplied temt poinrlly ; tervlces at 10:50 : n , m. : Sunday school at 11:30 n. in. . I iiKDFoiiD n.Aci : CHURCH. sc : I.AI.K Street , Rev. Kr.ox tloude. 1'nstor Scrvl-H-s t lo30 a. in , ami 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday school nt ; noon. , ! < CENTRAL UNITED nit'iirir. TWEN-Y- fotitlh nnl Dodge Streets , Rev.AlexanJ r Oil- chrlM. Pastor Fetvlcfs at 10:30 : a. in. and 7W : * . m. . Sunday schot 1 nt n > vm. ! .11-TON llll.l , CHURCH , 4331 GRANT Street , lU-v. J-itneii t ) , ICorr , 1'nstor Sarvlrcn 10:30 : n. m. nml 7:50 : p , m. ; Sunday school iijt FIRST CHl'tlCH. SEVENTEENTH ANP Do lire Streets Set vices at P:30 : n. m. nml I P. m. : Sunday s.'hool nt noon. ' FIIIST GERMAN nu'nat. MS-NORTH r.iniiT. ecntli Street , llev. D.inlel llrloder. Pn tor Services nt 10:30 : n , m. nml 7:30 p. m. ; Sunday school nl noon. nnsT UNITED ciit'nrn. TWENTY-PIHST ' atul Kinnioi strivis. Hev. Kmnk I ! Fo > ter , rn tor Services nt 10:10 : n. tn. nnj 7:3) : p. m.i Cuinliy rcliiot nt noon ; Ohrlftlan union muet- Ins nt 1 p m. SIIACI : MIPSION citt'ncn. M7 WILLIAM 1'ulpll siti > pllc < l temporarily : jT\lPe < tit 10.T : > a. tn. ami 7 : * ) p. in. : Sun-ljy ichool at KN'O.X I'lit'iu'ii. NINITKKVTHxn : onto Str'ol. < . Hev. A. Chrl'tlo Ill-own. l' tor-Serv ices nt 10.Co n. in. ami 7:3) : p. m. ; Stiml.iy cclinol at noon ; Young IVnplc'a HK'elln at 7 p. m. IJOWK AVRNfi : rurnciT. rouTtirnt AND Nlrhohs Stiffts , T. f llawlcy , I'n > tor .u rv- Iccs nt 10.r n. m. xn-1 M p. m. Sun lay Kchonl nt 12 in. Yolilis People's Srclely of Christian Hnilfaxor , * > :45 p. m. 1NTAHIO STllin-'T Cltfltrii , 15) ONTARIO Strout I'ulpltippll.'J \ ti > niHirarllv | ; jervli-es nt | S * , 100 n. in. nml 7:30 : p. m. ; HumUy uliool ut J. roon , r.vnK AVKNI'E ciii'iirii , PAIIK AVRNCH nnil Jjokion Strvft. llv. K.lstnr slnclllj. IMntjr S"-rvlcej nt 10:30 : a. m. uml 7:30 : p. m.j Huml.iv aelimil nt noon. SECOND CIIPIICH. TWKNTY-FOt'nTlI AN1 > Nlclml.i.1 Sttwls. Hi'V. Kanuiel M. Ware , I'a Ur H rvlcnt 10:3) : n m. nml 7:3) : ) p. m. : Hun-lay fchool nl mxin. , SOUTHWEST ClU'IlClt. TWENTIETH ANb I.e.ivonworth Flrects Sunday school nt noon. WESTMINSTEH cm'1. ! ' * ! ! , TWRNTY-NINTH nnil Mj.ion Streets Srrvkvs nt 10:30 : a. rn , imJ 7-.M p. m. : Pundqy sohool at noon. Iliiinnii Cnllinllc. CIUHICH O- ! ' THE HOLY PAMILY. EtOlt- ternthni'l Iznnl Streets , llev. John Fllipitrlck. : Pastor Services nt 7 , S anil 10:3) : n. m. and 7:30 n. pi. . Fuml.iy lie il nt 2CO : p. m. rilUHCH OI- THE SA'-HED HEART. Twenty. reconJ nnd Illnney Utreets , Mev. 1'nt-Ick J. JudR ? , I'nrtor ; llcv. .1. McNnmam , Assistant I'attor Scrvlcei at 7. S:30. : 9M : otid 10:3) n , m. ; Sunday tchool nt 2r.O : p. m. : week day main. 7 nnd 8 n. in. ST. CECELIA'S CIIUHCH. 4117 HAMILTON Slreet , llev. Tltnothv O'Callahan , r.istor Sjrv- IctM nt S and 10:30 : a. m. : Sunday scliool at ST."jrJHN'8 CHt'nCH.TVENTYI"IKTll AND Califirnl.i Streets , llev Jovpli II MeulT * ! * . S. . ! . , I'astoiS r\-icM nt 5 , C. 7. 8:30. : 9:30 : anJ 10:30 : a. in. ; Hnmlny school nt i > . m. ; ve pers nt 3 p. in. nnd 7:31 n. m. ST. JOSEPH'S C.EHMAN CHURCH , SEVEN- tcH-nth and t'ent-r Streot" . Pn-v. Maurlntii IMukkult. r.-istor S-rvlcfs at S anj 10:31 : n. m , ; Sunday school l ! : ro p. m. ST. MAUY MAODAI.ENE f'ln'Hril. MO Doticlnj Street. Ilfv. rioorue J. Hliuber , t'nstor Services nt S nnd 10:30 a. in. ; vrspen ijt BT. PATniCK-R CHIHICH. lOi CASTKLLAR J Street. Rev. Jnlm T. Smith , r.-nlor Si-rvlc i at 8 and 10:30 n. m. nnd 7:30 p. m. ; Sund.iy school at 2 p. m. f nand ST. I'ETER'.S CHfRClI. TWKNTT-EIOHTJI and -nvenwortli Streets. R v. John E. Knt- llsh. Pastor ; Rev. W. M. Mc.Vamira. A sUt- nnt Pastor Services nt 7. 9 and 10:30 : a. m. : \espeia at 7:30 : p. m. : Sunday school at 9 0 n in. ' . ST. 1'HII/WIKNA'S CATHEDRAL. < W SOUTH f Ninth Street. lit. R-v. Richard Si"nnnll. i lll hop : nev. J. H. McDevltt. I'astor ; Her. William Kelly. Assistant Pastor Service * nt f , 7 , S , 9 nnd 10:30 a. m. ; Sunday tcUcoat ! ! :3J p. m. ST. WENHWLArS UOHEM'VN CMI'llCII , 1413 South Fourteenth Slreet , Rev. John Vran'k , Pastor Sen-Ices at S and 10 n. m. ; Hutidnv school nt 2 p. in. ; xeipera at 2:3t : ) p. m. : neck day mass nt 8:30 : a. m. " " 31 t h o dim. FIRST CHURCH. TWENTIETH AND DAVENport - port Streets. Rev. John McQuold. D. D. . I'aMor Services at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. . Sunday cnool at noon. FIRST OKIIMAN CHURCH. ELEVENTH AND Center Streets. Rev. Otto E. Krlege , I'antnr Service * nt 10:30 a. ni. and 7:3) p. m.i Sundny school at noon. HANSITOM PARK CHURCH. TWENTY-NINTH Street und Woolworlh Avenue , Rev. K M. RUson. D.D. , Pastor Sen-Ices at 1C:30 : n. m. and 7:30 p. m. : Bunday sc'.mol at noon. MONMQUTH PARK rnuilCK , rHIRTr- fourth Strret and Ijirlmore Avenue. Hcv. Frank \V. nrofs. Patter Services n : i a. m. and 7:30 p. m. : Sunday schi.ol nt noon , NORWEOIAN AND DANISH CHURCH. 1SIJ North Twenty-sixth Stl et. Rev. Hnvcrut Wll- helmsen. Pastor Services at lu.3J a. m. and 7SO : D. rn. : Sunday school at noon. ST. JOHN'S AFRICAN CIM'RCH , EIC.HT- eenth and \Vrh > ter Streets , Rev. Janes < c' . Owens. I astor Hervlccs nt 10:15 : a. m. ami " : 'ii p. m. ; Sunday tchcol al 1:15 p. m. : Kpworth Ijeaeue every Sunday evening one hour pre- ce lints preachlnc : prayer meetlnir ev ry Wednesday evcnlnR at 7:30 : ; class mtetlrit every Prlday at 7:30 p. m. SP.WARO STREET CHURCH , TWENTY-PIC- end nnd Bwanl Streets. Rev. John W , Robin son. D. D. , Pastor Services nt 10:31 : n. m. anl . :3I p , in. : Sunday school al noon. BOt'TH TENTH STREET CHURCH TENTH pml Plerc * Streets. Rev. Oeorse A. Luce. IV- t ° r Services nt 11 : n. in. nnd 7:30 p. in , , Sun day school at noon ; Junior leaeue , 4 p m. ; Ep. worth teavu * * , 6:30 : p. m. SOUTHWEST CHl'RCH. 512" HICKORY Street. Rev , R , M. Henderson P.istcr Services at 11:41 n , m. nnd 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday acliccl at 11:45 : a. m. SWEDISH rilUIlCH. 51. . NORTH E1OHT- ennth Slreet. Rev. Carl O. Karl on , Parlnr Services at 11 a. in. nnd 7:30 p. m. : Sunday l'i,3 ' * > a m. and 7:30 p. ni. at the rocma nt 111 South Thirteenth stiret. WEST OMAHA niURCIt. TWENTY-SEV- enth nnl Marry Streets , Rev. James Hayne , I'astor Services at 11 a. m. and 7 : 3-J p , m.i Sunday school nt noon. TRINITY CHl'RCH. TWENTY-FIRST AND Illnnty Streets. Rev. Fred H. SanScr.-on. D. D. . Pastor Service * nt 10:30 : n. m. and : Z < > p , m. : Sunday school at noon ; Epworth I/&gue nt : $ vVALNMIT HILL. FORTY-FIRST Charles Streets. Rev. C. X. Dawion. D. D. . Pastor Services at 10:10 a. m , and 7:30 p. m. ; Sunday school at noon. J. M. Olllan , superin tendent ; Upworth lensue at 0:31 p. m. SOUTH OMAHA F1R.ST CHURCH. TWENTY- third ind N Kfrfts. nev. J. A. Jrhn rn Pasfr ' ALRRIOHT , REV. J. Q. A. FLEHARTY , PH.D. Paster. MI < < ! lnni > nu . AMERICAN VOI.t'NTEERR-SERVirE AV 10:50 a. m. and 7:3) : p. m. at thrcotr.i ut in South Thirteenth slrri-t. FIRST UNIVEItSALIST CHURCH. NINEteenth - teenth and Ixithrop Streets Pulp'i supptit-it lemimrnrlly : services at 10:45 : a. m. and 7:3) : ) p. m : : Sundav school at noon. CHAPEL Or" THE CARPENTER. SECOND ami William Streets nervier * at 9 a. rn. nml CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OK LATTER Day Saints Pen-Ice ? Sunday at 11 a. m anil 7:30 p. m. nt Knights or Pythlu hall , Noitli Twenty-fourth and Charle * trret . FREE METHODIST CHURCH. 1739 SOUTH Kl-venlh Street. Rev. William M. Adams. Pas tor Services at H a. m. ami 7W p , m , ; Sunday wheel at 9:43 a. m. KIRST CHURCH OK CHRIRT ( SCIENTIST ) , Z-3J1 St. Mary's Avenue 8n'lce at II a III , consisting of bible reading and o ! itnry readliiRs from the Christian Science Txt Unk. Sunday scho < d al noon , meeltn-U rat-h Friday evenlnir nt i o'clock. NORTH OMAHA UNION MISSION. Ml SHERman - man Aver.ut I'ulplt supplied tempomrllr ; erv ( era nt II a. m. : Sunday school at noon. OMAHA PIIII.OSOPIIICAL SOCIKY. I.AROR T mple , Rcuth Sevunteenth am ! Dcucla * Stre-na Services-at 3 ji. m. PARK FOREST MISSION. 1110 D STnElCT- Servlces U n. m. PEOPLE'S f-IIUUCH. 611 NORTH EH1H- teenth Street , Rnv. Chares W. SavlJu-e. Pas'or Services nt 10:10 : a. m. and 7:3v p. m ; Sunday school nt 2:30 p. m. REOROANIXED CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST. I.itti-r Day Saints. Ill * North Twenty-Hut [ I Sln-el. Hev. Fred A. Smith. Painr S rvlf j at 9:15 : and 11 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. ; Sunday school at 2:34 : p. m. ST. MARV'H OREEfc CHURCH. NINTH ANQ Howard Streets , Rev. Ellas AUoud , Pastor- * H -rvlcs nl 9 a. m. and S p. m. SALVATION ARMY , DIVISION NO. 1. DAR. racks , Seventeenth ami Davenport Streets- * Services at 11 a , m. , 3 and 7:34 : p. m , | SALVATION ARMY. DIVISION NO. I. I1AJI' racks , 1U1 North Twentieth Btr * t Service * nl 11 a. m. . X nnd 8 p. m. SWEDISH FREE MISSION CHUP.CH. J70J Lravenwonh Street Services at H a. in. and THEOsblWICAL SOCIETY. ROOMS SM. Sheeley Ilii/oW. South Fifteenth and Howard SlreetsH nrlc * > al 3JO p. rr THMPLB IrtRAKU tU IIARNKY STIIKET. Street , Rev lo Franklin. Rabl > l-S > rvlc t " " 'CHURCH. SEVENTEKNTH AND rj , . . ttteets. R . Newton M nn , Ulnistir 11 -vrvlwi til 10:4 } a. m. ; Uunday sctical M "