Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 21, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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    o TIIE OMAHA ! ft ALLY BElJjV'flATURPAY , MAY 31 , 1808.
War Department Adds One to the Forces al
Ghickamanga Park.
Onlnnnec i : < iulnment I * Arrlvlnn nt
the Pnrk Hnplilly nnil the Volunteer
teerJrr Helnw Put In
CHATTANOOGA , Tcnn. , May 20. The
work of organization Is now going on nt
Chlckamauga park , and order Is rapidly be
ing brought out of the seeming chaos of
the lost few days. Exercises In practical
Instruction arc held dally. Field and battle
exercises will also be held. The tlmo al
lotted to practical Instruction Is divided
among tha various exercises , at the discre
tion of bilgade and regimental command
ers , having due regard to the principle that
short , brisk , spirited drills give the best re-
sultfl. The ordnance equipment Is arriving
today , mid Is being distributed among the
various commands.
The change of program of the Wnr de
partment In ordering the formation of three
corps hero Instead of two has necessitated
the securing of additional camp grounds.
Generals Brooke and Boynton are today In
specting a number of available places. The
placu moat favored Is the largo area of
vacant property Just outside the park limits
near Kossvlllc. on the Belt railway , only
about five miles from the city. This prop
erty Is outside the limits of the park.
The Fourteenth New York Infantry , under
Colonel Fred Giant , went Into camp at the
park this mointng.
Two regiments and one battery of artil
lery , In all " , " 52 men , arrived thin morning.
The Second Infantry , 1,037 men , under
Coloiicl W. K. Coffee , came In on two trains.
General Biooko has completed the forma
tion of the First provisional army corps ,
United States volunteers , as follows :
First Division Major General Wllsor
commanding. First brigade : General A. S
Hurt commanding ; First Ohio Infantry
Colonel Hunt ; Third Wisconsin Infantry
Colonel Moore ; Fifth Illinois Infantry
Colonel Culver. Second brigade : Colonc !
C. E. Compton commanding ; Fourth Ohlc
Infantry , Colonel Colt ; Third Illinois In
fantry , Colonel Bennett ; Fourth Pennsyl
vanla Infantry , Colonel Case. Third brig
ade : Colonel Hultngs commanding ; Six
teenth Pennsylvania Infantry , Lieutenant F
R. Richards commanding ; Second Wlsconsii
infantry. Colonel Born ; One Hundred am
Flfty-pevcnth Indiana Infantry , Colone
Studebakcr commanding.
Second Division Colonel A. K. Arnolc
commanding. First brigade : Colonel Card
ner , senior officer , commanding ; Thirty-first
Michigan Infantry , Colonel Gardner com
manding ; Third Pennsylvania Infantry
Colonel Raulston ; Ono Hundred and Six
tleth Indiana Infantry , Colonel Gunder. Sec
and- brigade : Colonel B. D. Spillman com
mandlng ; First West Virginia Infantry
Colonel Spillman ; Ono Hundred and Fifty
eighth Indiana infantry , Colonel Smith
Sixth Ohio Infantry , Colonel McMacken
Third brigade : Colonel C. A. Van Dusei
commanding ; Fourteenth Minnesota Infan
try. Colonel Van Dusce ; Second Ohio in
fantry , Colonel Keurt ; First Pennsylvanli
Infantry , Colonel Good.
Third Division Brigadier General J. S. C
Bates commanding. First brigade : Colone
Bobleter commanding ; First Illinois Infan
try , Colonel Turner ; Twelfth Minnesota In
fantry , Lieutenant Colonel F. O. McCoy
Fifth Pennsylvania Infantry , Colonel Rich
field. Second brigade : Colonel William A
Pow , jKlghth Massachusetts , acting brlgadle
general ; Twenty-first Kansas Infantry
Colonel Fitch ; Twelfth New York Infantry
Colonel R. W. Leonard ; Eighth Massachu
setts Infantry , Lieutenant Colonel E. W
M. Bailey. Third brigade : Commandlni
officer not yet named : Tenth Pennsylvanli
Infantry , Colonel C. B. Dougherty ; Secom
Missouri Infantry. Colonel W. K. Coffee
First New Hampshire Infantry , Colonel Rob
crt H. Rolfe.
Until the complement of brigadiers ha :
bean appointed each brigade will be In com
mand of a senior colonel. The First corp
will be commanded by Major General Johi
R. Brooke , who will also bo In command b
the Department of the Gulf.
The following regiments arrived today
First New Hampshire Infantry , twelve com
panics , 1,009 officers and men , commands
by Colonel Robert H. Rolfo ; Second Mis
gourl Infantry , twelve companies , 05S ofll
cers and men , under command ef Colone
W. K. Caffee ; battery B , Pennsylvanli
Light artillery , 121 officers and men , full ;
equipped , commanded by Captain L. T
The story sent out from hero to the ef
feet that three men lu.J been arrested wltl
arsenic on their persons with which It jvai
supposed they were to poison the water usci
by the troops Is a fake pure and slmpli
and was evolved from the Imagination o :
By nourishing
every part of Health
your system
with blood made pure by tnk-
ing Hood's Sursnparilln. Then you
will have nerve , mental , bodily and
In the Spring
digestive strength. Then you need not
fear disease , because your system will
readily resist scrofulous tendencies
and attacks of illness. Then you -will
know the absolute intrinsic merit of
elnc. AU drusslJti. $1 , six for $ V Prepared
only by C. I. lluotl & Co. . Lowell. Mas * .
HnnrTs Pills " ' " ' " "M'f'nptirand
IIUIJll S > I Ilit BfTM-lSvaiy. 23cent * .
The Omaha Bee
J Map of Cuba Coupon
Present this Coupon with
JOc for
A Nap of Cuba.
A Map of tha West Indies.
And a Map of the World ,
A Ky Mull IH cents.
This Coupon with 25c
Official Photographs
Of the United States Navy ,
Bovcral boy , who nra Indulging In llquoi
cigarettes and other vlcci and who ar
hero ns alleged correspondents of ccrtal
nowspapcra. Tbcro la not the sllgutcn
foundation for- the atorjr , nil wells beln ;
under constant guard to picvent pollutlo
M well an waste of writer.
Frank Mcllcady , company D. Twelfth N'c\
York , of New York , died today from hear
failure while on the irmrch from Itossvlll
to the camp ground In the park. The re
mains will be sent to New York for Inter
The Second New York Infantry ai rived a
0 o'clock tonight. The regiment has wtlv
companies , 1,000 officers nnd men and I
commanded by Colonel B. E. Hard In. I
will remain In tha cars until morning , whci
t will bu assigned to the First brigade o
the First division of the Third corps.
Dattory A , First Illinois artillery , Cnplnli
i'hllllp Ycager In command , arrived nt 3:3 :
o'clock. It will remain In Its cars tonight
The First Missouri Infantry arrived at 1
o'clock. The regiment Is made up o
\\clvc companies , 1,020 officers and men am
s In command of Colonel I&lwln Butdorfl
tt will remain In the cars until morning.
Tomorrow ( Jeneral Brooke will begin th
'ormatlon of the Third army corps. Colone
[ 'red U. Grant , It Is understood , will b
made pro\lslonal brigadier of the First brigade
ado of the First division of thu corps. HI
regiment will be the first assigned to th
new corps , which will be commanded b ;
'icneral 'James. F. Wade.
Over 30,000 letters were delivered to th
troops today.
TriiuNport Mtenmer Will Stnr
with the Flrxt Detiieliiueiit of Sol-
iIlei-M for the I'lilllppliien.
WASHINGTON , May 20. Advices re
celved nt the Wnr department today Indlcat
that by tomorrow night the City of PeKin
which Is to carry troops and supplies t
Manila , will have started on Its % \uy fror
San Francisco. Over 1,000 men will b
Following the Pekln will bo the steamer
City of Sydney and Australia , which , th
department was advised today , would b
turned over tomorrow ready for loailliif
This work , It Is hoped , can bo accompllshe
in a few days , so that the second portio
of the expedition to reinforce Admiral Dewe
will be close in the wake of the first.
Assistant Secretary Mclklejohn today chat
tered another vessel to be used for trans
port purposes across the Pacific. This i
the Zeolandla of the Ocean Steamship com
pany , which can carry SOO men. It Is 3 ]
feet long , thirty-seven feet of beam au
Is 2,600 tons burden. Thn Zcalnndia Is r.o
sailing under a foreign flag and Mr. Meiklc
John has communicated with congress wit
a view to legislation that will give It a
American register.
General Wesley Merrltt was at the Wt
department nearly all day in consultatlo
concerning the troops which are to be al
lowed to him for the work he has In ham
Up to this time It has been decided to glv
him the greater part of the Fifteenth It
fantry , now on the Pacific coast ; the et
tire Eighteenth and Twenty-third rcglmenl
of infantry , two batteries from the Thlt
artillery and four troops of cavalry. Tr
remainder of the expedition will bo made v
of volunteers.
Surgeon General Sternberg has appolntc
the following list of Immune contract sui
gcons , who are assigned to stations In tt
south , and who will accompany the army i
Invasion to Cuba : Drs. Edward Bragg , J
G. Burgess and Rodger P. Ames , ordered 1
Mobile ; W. E. Parker ; II. W. Donforth , V
W. Calhoun , II. P. Jones , B. C. Leonardl , (
M. DeLatourc , G. M. Lawrence , Robert >
Pitts , Wilfred Turnbull nnd Hosta M. De
gddo , ordered to Tampa ; T. S. Dabne ;
Joseph A. Tabor and A. R. Booth , ordered I
New Orleans.
The surgeon-general also has appointed i
assistant surgeons In the regular army tt
following physicians , who have successful !
passe'd the examinations conducted by a
army board here : Clarcnco J. Manly <
Louisville , Ky. ; Charles Shlmer of Sout
Bethlehem , Pa. ; Douglas F. Duval of , Ar
napolU , Md. ; S. M. Waterhouse of Now Yor
City , and W. D. Baker of Illinois.
Tenth Pennnylvnnln IleKlmeiit of Vol
unteei-H PnMned Through Omitha
En Houte for Philippine * . >
The Tenth regiment of Pennsylvania vol
unteers , Colonel Alexander L. Hawkins .corn
mandlng , passed through this city shortl
before 2 o'clock this morning , en route t
the Pacific coast and beyond. The reglmcr
was conveyed In two sections over the Bui
llngton from Chicago , each consisting c
twelve coaches , two box cars for the officer !
mounts and ono Pullman sleeper. The at
rival of the soldiers had been expected c
10:30 : o'clock , but the heavy rains through
out Iowa threw the first section an hour lati
It was delayed another hour at Counc
Bluffs awaiting the second section , whlc
did not pull In until 12:50 : a. in.
Train crews were changed nt Counc
Bluffs , but no change wns made In the car :
which the soldiers will retain until the
reach Ogden , when tourist sleepers will I
substituted. They have occupied their prcs
ent quarters throughout the trip nnd mos
of the cars bear the name of I'ennsylvanl
lines. The train was preceded a taw houi
by eighteen cars of provisions , mostly beau
and pork , destined for soldiers In Paclfl
coast posts. The soldiers only paused a fe
minutes on this side of the river and the
proceeded west over the Union Pacific.
The Tenth regiment was recruited 1
southwest Pennsylvania , and Is con ldere
ono of the crack regiments of the stat (
It has seen active service In the Home
stead riots , In the more recent anthraclt
coal strikes and on other similar occasion :
It has also been one of the display regl
ments at the succeeding presidential In
augurali ) since the first Installation of Cleve
land. The fact that U Is composed of a Ic
of finely drilled men and haa bad consider
able active experience Is supposed to bo
reason for Us orders so far from home.
Colonel Hawkins Is a native of Washing
ton , Peun. , and Is a Eoldlcr of cstabllshe
reputation. He Is a veteran of the lat
war , and Is known oa a capable soldier an
strict disciplinarian. On his receipt ot or
dcra ho was actively engaged .In a canvas
for BtatH senator , the primaries for whlc :
are Just coming off. It Is not expected tha
his departure will Injure his prospect :
however , as ho Is a republican In a com
munlty that Is heavily of the same politico
belief. Colonel Hawkins Is about 55 year
old and of flno physical appearance.
CovthoHeKlinent .Start * .
ST. PAUL. May 20. A Sioux Falls sped :
to the Dispatch says : Colonel Grlgsby' '
cowboy regiment left nero today over th
Northwestern road ami will reach Chlcag
tomorrow -forenoon , where a delay c
twenty-four hours will ho made to re :
horaos and transfer troop ? .
Milliter In the Covrho- * .
HELENA , Mont. , May 20. Four troops <
| cavalry that become part of Colonel Grlgsby
t co-vboy regiment have been mustered In I
Lieutenant Ahcrn. These troops are lorati
1 at Billings. Miles City. Mls&qula nnd Butt
J Those at Miles City and Billings are con
poacd almost \\holly of cowboyd.
VnnUee HntlileiilSnlU South.
BLOCK ISLAND. U. I. . May 20. While U
auxiliary cruiser Yankee was practicing o
tha Island today , a small black torpedo bos
was sighted signalling to the Yankee. Tt
cruiser at once started at full speed soutl
ward , and the torpedo boat turned towai
Spnntc Will now Tnl < r Up < ltr Impor
Innt AiiiriiilinriitH ( n Wnr llrv-
ne Moonarc fnr Action.
WASHINGTON , May 20. At tbo conclu
alon of today's session at the Bcnncc th
reading of tbo war rovcnuo racasuiu bni
been completed. About seven-eighths a
the amendments proposed by the sermt
commlttco hnvo been agreed to. Those ro
malnlng , quite naturally , arc tbo most tin
portant In the bill and will provoke a den
of discussion.
The principal amendments to bo passei
on are those relating to the Issue of honJ
and certificates of Indebtedness , the tob.ico
tax , the tax on proprietary articles , th <
Issue of greenbacks , the coinage of the sllvc
seigniorage , the Issue of silver certificates
the Inheritance tax and the tax on corpora
tlona. The action on some of the amend
ments will be dependent on that of otiitrs.
Mr. Aldrlch ( rep. , II. I. ) today offeret
as a substitute for tbo paragraphs relatln ;
to the coinage of the seigniorage , the Issui
of sliver certificates and the Usuo of logn
tender notes the bond provision prepared bj
the republican minority of the commute *
on finance. It the bond provision shouli
be accepted by the senate the amendment
offered by the democrats In lieu of It wll
naturally bo rejected.
Mr. Oanlcl ( dem. , Vn. ) delivered a speed
strongly opposing an Issue of bonds am
supporting the substitute paragraphs pro
posed by the majority of the finance com
\ MVH for the A nil j' .
WASHINGTON , May 20. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The following army orders were is
sued today : First Lieutenant Eugene P
Ladd , Ninth cavalry , will report to Captalt
Medad C. Martin , assistant quartermaster
In this city.
The following officers , relieved from pros
cnt duties , will proceed to Washington , ant
report to Major General Joseph C. Drcckln
ridge , Ur S. V. , for duty as aldcs-do-camp
First Lieutenant Stephen M. Footc , Fourtl
artillery ; First Lieutenant Charles tl
Hhodcs , Sixth cavalry. Captain John Llttl
will report to commanding general of Sec
oml corps , Falls Church , Va.
Transfers In the Twentieth Infantry
Captain Henry A. Greene , from company
to company H ; Captain Frederick D. Sharr
from company H to company I.
A board of officers , to consist of Majo
William A. Thompson , Second cavalry , an
Captain Alexis U. Paxton , Fifteenth In
fantry , Is appointed to meet at Grove Clt >
Pa. , to purchase ninety artillery horses an
243 cavalry horses.
Major John 15. Greer , ordnance depart
ment , will proceed to headquarters of th
First army corps at Camp George II
Thomas , Chlckamauga National Park , Gate
to confer with Captain James Rockwell
ordnance department.
General Edward D. Wllllston , U. S. V
will proceed to Falls Church , Vn. . and re
port to Drlgadlcr Gene'ral Frauds L. Gucn
thcr , U. S. V.
First Lieutenant Joseph Dryon , Eight
cavalry , Is relieved from duty at Moun
Gretna , Pa. , and will proceed to Washing
ton and report to General Theodore Schwar
U. S. V. , for duty as aldo-de-camp.
Second Lieutenant W. C. Webb , batter
A. , Utah volunteers , having tendered hi
resignation , Is discharged from service.
Lieutenant Colonel Richard Coma , Twelft
Infantry , and Major William H. McLatighllr
Sixteenth Infantry , are detailed as member
of an examining board appointed to met
at Tampa , Fla.
Colonel Oswald H. Ernst , corps of engl
nccrs , superintendent of the Mllltar
academy , will proceed to this city for
personal conference with thji adjutant * general
" *
oral of the army. '
The following officers will proceed t
Tampa , Fla. , and report to Major Genere
Kltzhugh Lee , for duty on his staff : Lieu
tenant Colonel Joseph II. Dorst. asslstan
adjutant ; Lieutenant Colonel William F
Llvermorc , chief engineer ; Lieutenant Col
onel Curtis Guild , jr. , Inspector general
Lieutenant Colonel Oliver E. Wood , chle
commissary ; Lieutenant Colonel Louis K
Maus , chief surgeon , United States volun
tcer ; First Lieutenant Robert E. L. MitchU
adjutant of Second cavalry.
The following named officers will report t
Major General John J. Copplnger , at Mobile
Ala. : First Lieutenant Clarence H. Ed
wards , Twenty-third ( nfantry ; First Lieu
tenant Benjamin Alvord , Twentieth in
fantry ; First Lieutenant James K Thorap
son. Twenty-third Infantry.
The following named officers will rcpor
to General William R , Shatter , United State
volunteers , at Tampa , Fla. , and will be as
signed to divisions and brigades under ac
of congress approved April 22 , 1S9S : Captal !
Alfred C. Sharpe , Twenty-second infantry
Captain George S. Anderson , Sixth cavalry
Captain Uenjamtn II. Cheever , Sixth cav
airy ; First Lieutenant Charles M. Trultl
Twenty-first Infantry ; First Lieutenant Ed
win St. J. Greble , Second artillery ; Firs
Lieutenant Harvey C. Carbaught , Fifth aitil
Icry ; First Lieutenant Charles G. Treal
Fifth artillery ; First Lieutenant George E
Duncan , Fourth infantry ; Flrat Lleutenan
Robert G. Paxton , Tenth cavalry ; Firs
Lieutenant Robert L. IIowzo , Sixth cavalry
Second Lieutenant Walter C. Short , Slxt !
cavalry ; Second Lieutenant John C. Gil
more , Jr. , Fourth artillery ; Second Llcuten
ant Robert Sewell , Seventh cavalry ; Firs
Lieutenant Chauncey B. tlaker , Seventh in
fantry ; First Lieutenant Julius A. Pcnr
Second Infantry ; First Lieutenant Ulysso
G. McAlexander , Thirteenth infantry ; Firs
Lieutenant Parker W. West , Third cavnlrj
The following named officers will repor
to the commanding general at Camp Georg
II. Thomas , Chlckamauga , and Chattanoo&t
National park , Georgia , who will nsslg
them to corps , divisions and brigades undo
the provisions of section 10 , act of congres
approved April 22 , 1S9S , and In accordant
with their rank , department or corps ; Lieu
tenant Colonel Edward J. McClernand , as
slstant adjutant general United States vol
untccrs ; Lieutenant Fayetto W. Roe , judg
advocate United States volunteers ; Captal
Louis V. Caslare. Second artillery ; Captal
Hugh L. Scott , Seventh cavalry ; First Lieu
tenant Samuel Reber , signal corps ; Captal
John M. K. Davis. First artillery ; Captal
Earl D. Thomas , Fifth cavalry ; Captal
Alexander Rodgers , Fourth cavalry ; Captal
Herber J. Slocum , Seventh cavalry ; Firs
Lieutenant Francis P. Fremont , Third In
fantry ; First Lieutenant John A. Depray
Twenty-third Infantry ; First Lleutenan
William F. Hancock , Sixth artillery ; Firs
Lieutenant Edward A. Harbrook , Seventl
cavalry ; First Lieutenant Samuel Scay , jr.
Fourteenth Infantry ; First Lleutenan
Charles W. Fcnton. Fifth cavalry ; Flrs
Lieutenant Edmund L. Dutts , Fifth Infantry
Captain Ersklne Hewitt , assistant ndjutan
general. United States volunteers ; Firs
Lieutenant Charles C. Walcutt , jr. . Elghtl
cavalry ; First Lieutenant Max Flelschman
First Ohio volunteer cavalry ; First Lieu
tenant Alexander K. Piper , Fifteenth in
fantry ; Second Lieutenant Harold E. Clokc
Sixth artillery. The travel enjoined Is neccs
sary for the public service.
First Lieutenant Samuel D. Sturgls , Slxtl
artillery , and First Lieutenant Ell D. HoyU
Second artillery , are detailed for duty wit !
the expedition to the Philippine Islands.
CcMilriil IjMlior Union.
The regular meeting of the Central Labn
union wan held in Labor temple last n'ph
and considerable tlmj vsa ipent In consid
crlng the attitude of trades unions towar
department stores. The report of a com
mltti'O was heard , which hud been appolntc
at a previous meeting to confer with th
Omalm Duslness Men's association , Th
latter bad presented a' iwrnls regordln ,
the evil effects ct the department store ay a
tern on labor and a series of resolutions wa
presented to the union expressing sympath
with the movement advocated by the Rust
ness Men's association. A discussion fo !
lowed regarding the entertainment of tb
National Labor congress to bo held I
Omaha the week beginning September G.
United States Oonsul at Sydney Besieged bj
Applicant ) i for Enlistment.
ti-i - .t _
ail I
Sentiment fM 'Poth I'lmee * Over
I-lnvor * the United
the Present
' " Content.
VANCOUVER , ' B. C. , May 20. Advice ;
brought by the steamer Aorangl , which ar
rived hero yesterday from Sydney , show
that in both Australia and Hawaii an In
tense feeling In favor of the United State :
as against Spain prevails. Australians an
very anxious to Join the United States army
Colonel Bell , the American consul nt Syd
ney , has had offers from hundreds of mer
wanting to go to the front. Two trainee
hospital nurses offered to go to Cuba or the
Philippines. Australian merchants are de
bating the question whether Australlar
trade with the United States Is likely to b <
seriously Interfered with because of the out
break of hostilities between Spain ant
When the Aorangl left Honolulu , May 11
the Hawaiian govnrnment had not recclvet
official Information oJ the declaration of war
President. Dole confirmed the statement thai
he had carried back from Washington a bll
drawn up nt Washington placing the Ha
waiian Islands under the sovereignty of thi
United States In case of war. Presidenl
Dole refused to say whether the govern
ment would take action on the bill. Ameri
can Consul Haywood , at Honolulu , had s <
many applications from Americans deslrln ;
to offer their services to the United States
government that lie decided to open a bool
for enlistment purposes. The list will be
kept until the Washington authorities cai
be heard from. There Is n movement amonf
100 Americans here to go to San Franclscc
and there enlist as n body. When thi
Aorangl left Honolulu the United State :
wnr ship Bennlngton was preparing to leavi
as soon as the expected British war shl |
arrived. The Bennlngton will Join the flee
on the coast. It could soil on very shor
notice. The officers do not know what thi
British vessel is coming for.
Commenting on the fact of the Benuing
ton being relieved by a British war sht |
from Esqutmault , the Honolulu Bulletli
says :
Instead of the Hawaiian Islands being an
nexed as a war measure the prospect Is Urn
they will virtually be abandoned by th
United States until the war is over. It 1
understood from several sources on gooi
authority that 'the United States has al
ready asked Great Britain to dispatch i
cruiser to these Islands In order that thi
United States vessels now stationed hen
might be permitted to return homo am
do their share /In rprotectlng pacific coas
cities. a- i
It will be remembered that In the agree
ment between , Britain , France and thi
United States.q'ne. r the other of the pow
crs has to malplalil n naval force here fo
Joint protectlo'iv'bf the citizens of the threi
countries in cusS of revolt or other trouble
on shore. For'-'fotrje years past , by mutua
consent of tha > Hbrte powers , the duty o
caring for the Islands has been loft to thi
United Statesr.M N w that the latter hai
become Involved with Spain , It Is prohabl ;
justified In oskjfig Great Britain to assumi
for the tlmo being-Its share of the protec
tlon of Hawali.vnmT there Is no doubt tha
Great Britain ibcs promptly acceded to thi
request , imoretso 04 It appears particular ! ;
anxious to obtain' tbo , good will of th
United States at present.
, In view , of , these evcpta. , a British cruise
may bo looked1 forIn.the , harbor In a ver ;
few days , and'roh Us'arrival the Bcnnlng
ton will lose no tlmo in getting to the coast
After the Arironnuta lluil Ileeii De
ulnreil a Price Vennel , a Valua
ble Dlaeovery I * Millie.
KEY WEST. May 20. Over forty case
of ammunition were found today on thi
Spanish steamer'Argonauta , captured dur
Ing the first days of the war. It was 01
board this steamer that Lieutenant Colono
Cortljo , Weyler's brother-lu-luw , was cap
lured , with other Spanish , soldiers , now prls
oners at Fort McPheraon.
The discovery of the war supplies on thi
Argonauta will not change the status of It :
case before , the prize court , It having al
ready decided today , before learning of thi
find , that the steamer was legitimately i
prlzo of war , no claims having been Diet
by the owners of the ship or cargo.
A Uko decision was'rendered in tho-casi
of the steamer Ambroslo Bolivar and thi
three schooners captured.
The only formality remaining to make
these vessels the absolute property of I hi
United States Is the confirmation by thi
federal court authorities at the findings o
the prlzo commission. ,
The cases of the Buena Ventura , the firs
capture of the war , and the Pedro , Cntallna
Miguel Jover , Panama and Guldo , all larg (
and valuable steamers , will have to be trlec
in regular form by the United States court
claims having been filed by the owners 01
the ships and cargoes.
The summons In tha cases of the barken-
tine Frasquito and the brlgantlne Lorcnz (
are returnable on Wednesday.
The barkcntinc Carlos F. Rosas , 750 tons
captured by the New York off Havana 01
Tuesday , was brought In hero today by !
petty officer and a prtzo crew. It had at
board a cargo of garlic and jerked beef.
Fiftieth Invrii l.enven Toilny.
DBS MOINES , May 20. ( Special Tele ,
gram. ) The Fiftieth Iowa volunteers leaves
for the front early tomorrow morning. Th (
first battalion , composed of companies G o
Ottumwa , L of Newton , K of Grlnnell ani
I of Iowa City , go on the Wabash. Thi
Second battalion , consisting of B of Daven
port , C of Muscatlne , D of Washington ant
M of Falrflcld , go on the Rock Island , ami
the Third battalion , consisting of companies
A of Kcokuk , F'a Fort Madison , E of Center-
vllle and II ofChrfrlton , go on the North
western. The Jthree roads will turn theh
trains over to .the "Illinois Central at tbeli
junction polntsaB < ) the troops will then gc
by way of the Illinois Central and tbo Plant
System to Tampa , , Fla. Colonel Jackson and
staff go with tbb First battalion on the
Wabash. The regiment Is packing up to
night , and saylnp.t p last goodbyes.
Polnrlo Not Ciolnir to Ilnvnna.
NEW VORKr Ia * 20. Emll L. Boas , the
New York agent of the Hamburg-American
line , said this mcirplng that the German
steamer Polarlo , which belongs to his line ,
was not going to'tiavana ' as originally In
tended. He nddW that the report that the
government hdd 'revoked ' the permission
granted to the PoUrto to pass the blockad <
was Incorrect , and the abandonment of it
was solely to avoid embarrassing the gov
Aberdeen Orwuiililuur a Company
ABERDEEN. S. D. , May 20. ( Special.- )
Not content with sending ono full companj
of soldiers Into 'camp at Sioux Falls , an
other company has been organized with c
membership of over fifty men. The ne-a
company will be rapidly recruited to Its ful
capacity In anticipation of another call foi
troops. U Is expected here that .the First
regiment. South Dakota infantry , will go t <
the Philippines , and orders to break cami
are looked for dally.
Hnln llrenk * n Cuntp.
SIOUX FALLS. S , D. . May 20. A ralnfal
akin to a cloudburst tonight compelled thi
First regiment of South Dakota volunteer !
to break camp and seek shelter In the- city
There were no casualties and the men fount
quarters In vacant balls in the city.
Another ttnteli of Aniiolntrr * to tin
. Kttnry Hert ler Cnn Itrnil
Thvlr Title ttlrnr.
WASHINGTON , Muy 20. In the oxecutl i
session of the senate today the followlni
military nominations wcrti confirmed !
To bo chief quartermaster , with the null
of major : Captnln John M , Cannon , jr.
To be chief commissaries of subsistence
with the rank of major : Messrs. Jnmei
Oglethorpo Varncdoo of Georgia and Jiiine
M. Moody of North Carolina.
To bo Inspector general , with the rank o
major : Captains John G. Ballanco , Wllllnn
Crozler and Messrs. Henry H , Carlton o
Georgia and James II , McLcary of Texas.
To be chief surgeons , with the rank o
major : Messrs. John M > 0. Woodbury of Nev
York and Lewis Schooler of Iowa.
To be engineer officers , with the rank o
major : First Lieutenants James Franklli
Bell , Clement F. Klaglcr , Lewis H. Strothe
and Messrs. Robert II. C. Dement of Mlnnc
sola , Hugh H. Gordon of Georgia , Kdwarc
Do V. Morrvll of Pennsylvania and Wllllan
Dnnhnr Jenkins of Mississippi.
To be Inspector general , with the rank o
major : John G. Evans of South Carolina.
To be assistant adjutant general , with the
rank of major : George II. llobart of Now
To bo assistant adjutant generals , with the
rank of captain : First Lieutenant Wllllair
M. Wright , and Messrs. Wllllnm J. Sewell
of New Jersey , Shcrrlll Bnbcock of Ne\ >
York , Harry S. New of Indiana , Bevcrlj
A. Head of Texas and Putnam Bradlej
Strong of Now York.
To be commlsslarats of subsistence , will
rank of captain : Messrs. Stewart M. Brice
of New York , Oliver Perry Smith of Penn
sylvania , Edward U. Hutchlns of Iowa , Sal
mon K. Dutton of Vermont , Orron I'ottl-
John of Illinois , John Longstrect , jr. , of Ten
nessee , Peter C. Uemlng of New York , Ed
ward Gllnes of Massachusetts , John Hcnrj
of Pennsylvania , Philip M. Lydag of New
York , John Mitchell of Virginia , Miller II
Downing of Ohio , Wilson I. Daveuny of Il
linois , Scth H. Mllllkcn of Maine and J. F
Jenkins of Wyoming.
To be assistant quartermasters , with tin
rank of captain : First Lieutenant John C
-AV Brooks and Messrs. Frederick W. Cool
of Florida , John C. Breckenrldgo of New
York , William E. English of Indiana , II
P. Young of Now York and F. II. Bughei
of District of Columbia.
To bo additional paymasters : Messrs. Wll
Ham G. Cambrlll of Maryland , Henry C
Fitzgerald of New York , George F. Downe ;
of Utah , John Demerit of New Hampshire
George W. Ftshback of Missouri , Tlmoth ;
D. Kelchor of New York , Daniel W. Arnoli
of Illinois , Heccher Bradley Ray of Illinois
George Vandergrlft of Ohio , William H
Stlllwcll of Arizona , George C. Stewart o
Georgia , William B. Rochester , jr. , of Dls
trlct of Columbia , George Thomas Hollawa ;
of New York , Robert S. Smith of New York
Herbert M. Lord of Maine , Seymour Howel
of Michigan , Samuel R. McMillan of Mlnne
sotn , Clifford S. Walton of District o
Columbia , George B. Guild of Tennessee
Frank M. Hammond of Massachusetts
James F. Rusllng of New York and Wlnflcli
M. Clark of Pennsylvania.
Also following naval nominations :
Captain Silas Casey to be a commodore
Commander Benjamin P. Lamberton to bi
a captain , Lieutenant ( junior grade ) Garr ;
George to be a lieutenant , Lieutenant Com
mandcr Harrison G. O. Colby to be a com
mander , Lieutenant John H. Moore to bi
a lieutenant commander. Lieutenant Commander
mandor Leavltt C. Logan to be a commander
John Benjamin Dennlss of Maryland am
William Sturgls Thomas of New York to bi
assistant surgeons.
To bo assistant paymasters in the navy t <
fill vacancies : George Palmer Dyer of Nev
York , Robert Harris Woods of District o
Columbia , Robert Hunter Orr of Delaware
William Alfred Merrltt of Maryland , Frank
lln W. Hart of District of Columbia , Harri
son Laraar Robblns of Mississippi , Webl
Van Horn Rose of New York , William Henr :
Doherty of Massachusetts , Charles Wllllan
Fenders of New York , Charles Morris , jr.
of New York , Abel Brown Fierce of Texas
Homer Reed Stanford of Tennessee to bi
a civil engineer In the navy.
Medical Inspector : Hosca J. Babbln to be
a medical director In the navy.
Surgeon Charles E. Slgfrlcd to be a med
ical Inspector in the navy.
Ensign Ralph E. Walker , U. S. N. , to b (
a second lieutenant in the marine corps one
Second Lieutenant Arnon Branson , jr. , ma
rine corps , to bo an ensign in the navy-
of Promotion * anil Appointment -
ment * in the Army.
WASHINGTON , May 80. The presidenl
today sent these nominations to the senate :
War Captain Patrick Henry Ray , Eighth
United States Infantry , to be colonel of the
Third regiment volunteers ; Captain J. S ,
Pettit , First United States Infantry , to be
colonel of the Fourth regiment volnutcer in-
fantryT First Lieutenant Herbert H. Sar
gent , Second United States calvary , to be
colonel of the Fifth regiment , volunteer In
fantry ; Lawrence D. Tyson of Tennessee , to
be colonel Sixth regiment volunteer In
fantry ; First Lieutenant Charles S. Rich ,
corps of engineers , U. S. A. , to be colonel
of First regiment volunteer Infantry ; D. N ,
Hood of Louisiana , to be colonel of Second
i-eglmcnt volunteer Infantry.
Adjutant General's Department Colonel
Theodore Schwan. assistant adjutant gen
eral , to be adjutant general , with rank ol
colonel ; Major William H. Carter , assist
ant adjutant general , to bo assistant adju
tant general with rank of colonel.
To bo Chief of Surgeons with Rank of
Major Clayton Parkhlll of Denver ; James
M. Jcnno , surgeon general of Vermont ;
Herbert W. Cardwell , surgeon general of
Oregon ; Charles B. Nacrcde , professor of
surgery. University of Michigan ; Henry F.
White of St. Paul , Minn ; Jefferson D.
Griffith , medical director National Guard of
Missouri ; Emmett Griffin , surgeon general
of Nebraska ; Edward Bockmann , national
guard of Minnesota.
To bo Commissary of Subsistence , with
Rank of Major Noble H. Crcager of Mary
For Appointment In the Signal Corps to
be Major Captain Richard E. Thomson ,
signal corps , U. S. A. ; to be captain , Benja
min V. Montgomery of Virginia ; to be first
lieutenants , George E. Lawrence of Califor
nia , Philip J. Perkins of California , William
M. Chance of Illinois , Albert C. Thompson ,
jr. , of Michigan ; to be second lieutenants ,
William O. Bailey ; first-class sergeant
signal corps , U. S. A. , Francis Crelghton.
To be Inspector General with Rank of
Major James H. McLcary of Toxas.
To be Assistant Adjutant General with
Rank of Major First Lieutenant Harry C.
Hale , Twentieth United States Infantry ;
Captnln' Louis A. Craig , Sixth United States
cavalry ; Captain William A. Simpson ,
Seventh United States artillery.
To bo Commissaries of Subsistence with
Rank of Major Captain David B. Wilson ,
Twenty-fifth United States Infantry ; First
Lieutenant Hugh G. Gallagher , Sixth United
States cavalry.
To bo Commissary of Subsistence with
Rank of Captain Don A. Dodge , Minnesota.
Cliitiiirluir Jupnncnu ItrprrNentntlve * .
WASHINGTON , May 20. Mr. Kelshlra
Matsul , first secretary of the Japanese lega
tion , has been transferred to London , and
Mr. T. J. Nakawawa has arrived from Japan
to succeed Mr. Matsul. The latter called on
the secretary of state today to say goodbye
and to present the now first secretary. Mr.
Matsul came to Washington during the
Chinese-Japanese war and during hla service
has made many friends In official and diplo
matic life. Ills post at London la In the
nature of a promotion.
nnil nennlnm Cnll on the
I'rmlilrnl to Hreiirr I'lnrm for
I-'rlrmln In the Army.
WASHINGTON , Mitr 20. The fact thai
thin wan H rcKUlar cabinet day kept away
much of thn crowd that usually Invades the
Whlto Hoimo during the forenoon. Kvci
ulncfl the wnr began there him been a con-
Mnnt Htroam of oimor ( and representatives
( poking pnrnonal conferences with the presl-
dent , but thn latter has gained some rcllul
from the continuous strain Imposed on him
by the twlce-n-wcek cabinet day , when few
persons are ushered Into his office. Today
novcrnl persons saw the president prior tu
the asanmblngn of his advisers. Secretary
of Wnr Algor had a long consultation with
him , but what It related to was not dis
closed. Ho stated that the department had
nothing to make public. Senator Cullom and
Representative tloutcllc of Illinois were with
the president for a little whllo , thulr main
mission being to tirgo the claims of John
C. Rhode of Illinois to one of the com-
mlsslonershlps to Alaska.
If President McKinley rcrolvcd any Im
portant Information before the meeting ol
the cabinet today It was not of such a nature
as to ho made public , and he had none to
divulge to those who consulted with him
before that time.
Colonel Richard Kerens of St. Louis was
with the president In the Interests of Mis
souri patronage. Senator Gorman of Mary
land took occasion to hnvo the nomination
of ono of tbo recent appointees from his
Btnto corrected.
Representative Olcy of Virginia and
others came to urge the candidacy of Adju
tant General Nalle of Virginia , whose papers
for a brigadier generalship are now before
Secretary Alger for action. The preslden
stated that ho was much pleased with Gen
eral Nnllu's endorsements , but that be was
not yet ready to take up the civil list o
army appointments , but would do eo as soon
as possible. Representatives Underwood
Clayton and Shillings of Alabama , In bchnl
of the Alabama congressional delegation
urged John R. Bankhead , sou of Rcpresentu
live BauVhcad of that state , for a lleuten
antcy In the army. Representative Elliot
of South Carolina presented a request fron
Frank R. Frost , an attorney of Charleston
S. C. , to servo with the volunteers and ex
pressed the hope that Mr. Frost might be
given a high post. Senator Shoup of Idaho
\\hff spent Rouiu time with the president to
day , expressed the belief that the reportei
arrival of the Spanish fleet at Santiago waa
true , and that It might have the effect o
bringing about an earlier close of the wa
than had been expected. He thought , how
ever , the Indications were the wnr ralgh
last a year. Senator Nelson of Minnesota
said he believed that congress would ad
journ within a month.
The cabinet was a little late In assembling
Attorney General Grlggsand Secretaries
Wilson and Bliss were early , but the pre
scribed hour of 11 o'clock" had passed by be
fore the others had arrived. '
CIIA.VGUS i\ Tin : IIIVI\UE un.i.
Semite Finance Committee HUHn
Work on Them.
WASHINGTON , May 20. The senate com
mltteo on finance finds It necessary to make
additional amendments In the war revenue
bill before proceeding further with the meas
ure , and an adjournment of the senate wll
bo taken at the close of today's session untl
Monday , In order to allow the committee to
devote the entire tlmo tomorrow to this
work. A session of the committee was held
today , but there was not sufficient time to
reach a conclusion. There Is no division on
party lines on most of the changes required
as they , arc.largely , of. a technical character
The most Important change is that altering
the tobacco schedule. It looks as If the
house rate of 12 cents a pound would be re
stored on manufactured tobacco , and as If
there would bo a change In the schedule as
It affects cigars. There are some technical
errors to be corrected In schedule B , regard
ing proprietary medicines. The question
raised here Is oa to the tlmo the stamp
should be affixed and there Is much differ
ence of opinion on. this point. There is also
a desire to have mutual life Insurance com
panies exempted from some of the require
ments of the provision In regard to Insur
ance organizations and a movement to re
store the house provision relating to the
building and loan associations. These am
probably other matters will be considered at
tomorrow's meeting of the committee.
to Flml ( irernhaokN.
WASHINGTON , May 20. Senator Platt of
New York today gave notice of his Intention
to offer an amendment to the , war revenue
bill providing for the funding of outstand
ing greenbacks and treasury notes at the
pleasure of the holders Into bonds bearing
2 per cent interest. The principal of these
bonds Is made payable at the pleasure of
the government after the other Interest
bearing debts of the government are paid
and until finally they are made rcconvcrtlble
Into greenbacks and treasury notes.
Dally TreaMury Statement.
WASHINGTON. May 20. Today's state
ment of the condition of the treasury shows :
Available cash balance , $205,273,976 ; gold
reserve , n74.C23.925.
A Fatal Spider-Web.
When a fly acci
dentally gets caught in
a spider's web , the spi
der goes calmly about
the work of securing
his prey. He doesn't
hurry particularly. He
takes his time and
binds first the fly's
feet , and then his wings and his entire body.
That is the way with the dread enemy of
mankind consumption. It has a web the
web of trivial disorders neglected. When a
man heedlessly stumbles into that web , con.
sumption first attacks his stomach , then his
blood , then his lungs , then every organ in
his body. Many doctors assert that when a
man is once in this deadly web there is no
escape. That is a mistake. Thousands
have testified to their recovery from this
disease by the use of the right remedy.
Many of their letters , together with tbetr
names , addresses and photographs , appear
in Dr. Ficrce's Common Sense Medical Ad
viser. The remedy that saved them was
Dr. Pierce' * Golden Medical Discovery. It
cures 98 per cent , of all cases of consump
tion. It cures the conditions that lead up
to it It is the great blood-maker , flesh-
builder and germ-ejector. Druggists sell it
"Your 'Favorite Freicrlptlon' cured my little
irlrl , seven years old , of St. Vitui' dance. " write *
Mr * . A. B. tooraU , of WMuut Drove. Redwood
Co. , Minn. "She could not feed herself , nor
talk. That was fifteen years ago. I have always
had great faith in your medicines ever since. I
had a terrible cough , and ray friend * thought I
had consumption. I took the 'Golden Medical
Discovery' and it cured my cough , and now I do
my homework. I have always praUed your med-
Icfna and would like to have your 'Common
Benie Medical Adviser. ' I enclose ttaisps. "
Over a thousand pages of good home
medical advice free. Send twenty-one one-
cent stamp1) , to cover mailing only , to
World's Dispensary Medical Association.
Buffalo , N. Y. , fora paper-covered copy of
Dr. Pierce' * Common Sense Medical Ad
viser. Cloth binding ten cents extra. A
veritable medical library in one volume ,
illustrated with over too eturnvinw.
Motherx ! Mother * ! ! Mother * ! ! !
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup has been
ut-od for over 50 years by mllllontt of moth
ers for their children whllo teething with
perfect success. It soothes the child , soft
ens the Bums , allays all pain , cures wind
colic and Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea.
Sold by druggists In every part of the
world. Do suru and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's
Soothing Syrup" and toke no other kind.
25 cents > bottle.
For You to
Answer rr
Questions Which May De
cide the Future Condi
tion of Your Health.
Mhcn HUfforliiR from disease nid | nnxlnut
for u quick recovery , do you prefer u phy
sician who will treat you once or twlco a
week or one who Is constantly by your
Hide , always ready nt u moment's nolle *
to ijlvo Instant rellpf.
Would you ciiKiiKc the services of the for
mer , whoso methods require months of
treatment , without any guarantee of suc
cess , or employ lln > latter , who gives Im
mediate relief and promises a speedy euro
or fulling to ilo so , refunds moiiuv for serv
ices and medicine ? .
Of < he Ilt-Nl inciiHiiiii-il ( here nr
lliiuiyt of llic liiHt hut out- ,
Hyomei" -
The Austrnllan Dry Air Treatment for
Catarrh , rntnrrhnl Deafness. CotiKhs , ColdB.
AHthma , lironehltls and IMHK Troubles.
" 11.1011111" NtuiiilN nliiiu * IIM n iMiri- fur
nil illxi-nHi-N of tiu > nlr imNmim-n.
"H > -onn'l" NtniiilM iiloni' UN u Kiinrnn-
li'i'il ronu'ily fur Ninli illMoiiNt * .
1' ' or the price of ono visit to the pliyslchui
you oati piirohaso a "llyomel" liiluilur.
wlik'li lasts a life-time , nnd one bottle of
Inhitlunt , which gives 11 vu weeks'
Your inoofv | | l lie rffiinilfil If > ou
reiM-l i- ; > o litii > lll. * *
"Ilyompl" Inhaler Outfit. 11.00. Hxtra
bottles "llyomel. " SO.- , "llyomel" Halm , n
Wonderful healer , 2..r. Can be ohtiilmrtuil.
your drildKlst OH I1Y MAIL. Do not allow
nnyono to sell you a substitute. Pamphlets
II. T. MOO I'll CO. ,
Suite UO-U1 Auillliirliini Ill.ln. , Chi-
I'll O , III.
KUHN & CO. ,
Reliable Prescription Druggists
inth nndl DonurliiN MtreetH.
Cold * , CouKlm , Sore Throat , liilliieitEn ,
Ilronchltlx , Pneumonlii , Srrellliiff
of the JoliitN , I.iiinlmKO ,
I ii Hit in mil t Ion N.
Ilnilwnyii' Itenily Relief In n Sure Cnre
for Every Puln , Spriilim , Ill-nine * ,
I'aliin In the Unek , Client or Lliiitm.
It wan the FlrMt uud In the Only
That Instantly stops the most excruciating pains ,
ulla > a InllunimatUm. ana cures congestions ,
whether of the L.une . Stomach. Iioweln or other
Klanus or organs , by one upp'.lciiilon
A half to a tcjspaonful in half a tumbler of
wnter will In a few minutes cure Crnmus ,
Spasms. Sour Stomach , Heartburn. Nervousness ,
Sleeplessness , Sick Headache. Diarrhoea. Dysen
tery , Colic , Flatulency anil ail Internal pains.
Thera U not a remedial agent In the world
that will euro fever and ague and all other
malarious , blllloui ami 'other fevers , nlded "by
HADWAVS PIL.U3 , no quickly us KADWAY'S
READY HELICF. COc a bottle sold by drug *
Radtvay & Co. . New York City ,
59 Elm St
me / UnnilBer. . Ttl
O. t ) . Woodward , Amusement Director.
Toilnv 2il5. TnnlKht HiOO
Presenting , FANCHON.
Spoclaltle Blograph , Bert Caption , Slg
Sunday , CAJIILLB.
Specialties Glguero & Boycr , Oracle Em
mett , Blograph.
iiin-iil7 : : Fa rnnm Street.
Omnhii'M I'opulnr Family llexort.
ROBBElinO , The Dlslocntcr ; PltOP.
WELDEN , Smoke Artist ; WLGAIUANS.
rroupe of Oriental People ; Prof. Campbell's
Trick Dog , "CHICAGO ; " DOLLIE DODD ,
the Midget Queen ; THE ZANCIGS , Dan
ish Mind Headers ; HART BUOS. , Musical
Artists ; MAY EVANS , America's Greatest
Whistler ; NADINK , In Cuban Dances ;
ALMA HOWARD , the Song Bird : HALti
31STERS , Ragtime Singers nnd Dancers ;
BURT & WHITMAN , Comedy Sketch Ar-
\crobatlc Dancers.
13th nnil Capital Arc.
.latlnecs . Wed. and Sat. 2:3) : . Admission IO&
Corlier Kith nnil llnrney Street * .
Henry LIcven. Prop.
I. N Quill. Prop , and Manager.
loutheitbt Cor. tilth nnil Unrenport.
Attractions for week eommcnctng May 16.
tampbull & Campbell , sketch urtlatH ; Keri-
ilHOti Sisters , songs unit , dunce ; Fmmma
listers. In their own original iliinrett ; Hycler
i Duyton In thulr novelty plantation truv-
Mty ; Sisters Dayton , In their now and
loaning ucta ; Fred Slmonuon , looking for
Dally matlnoes except Monday.
1.11.1 Chicago Street.
South Side Jefferxon Sttuura. i
A. ISYlllMUJ , Vrof
13th and Dniiglua Sts , , Omaha.
_ AMi : ICAN AND UimOFEA * PLAN. . .
J , K. UAIUCI2L * SOX , Propi.
Itltctrlo can dlrtct to tipotltloo ground *
EAUKEIt. C .hl r