Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 11, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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Try Moore's stock food.
Dr. Green , office C > 12 Fourth street.
Dr. Brown , dentist , room HOI Mcrrlam bH
M. S. Webb of Red Oak was In the clt
F. II. Plumcr of Silver City was a clt
Visitor yesterday.
Dr. A. O , Mudgc. the dentist , remove
from 319 to 338 Broadway.
A. D. Northrup of Red Oak was In th
city yesterday visiting friends.
The Evans laundry Is the leader In fin
work both for color and finish. 520 Peat
street. Phone 200.
The Misses Watklns , Wyckoff and Holdci
teachers at the Institution for the Den
Milted the city schools yesterday.
"The stale council of the Junior Order c
United American Mechanics met yestcrda
inorrliif , ' In Grand Army of the Rcpuhll
hall.Don't you think It musi bo a pretty goo
lauii'lry that can please so many hundred
of customers ? Well that's the "Eagle ,
721 Broadway.
The Burlington will on Friday run specie
trains to Camp McKlnley at Des Molnc
from Glcrnvooil , Shcnandoah , Bedford an
all Intermediate points.
Postmaster * and Mrs. I. M. Treynor leav
next Monday for Cleveland , 0. , where Mi
Treynor will attend the meeting of the su
premc council of the Royal Arcanum.
The case against Bud Bouquet , charge
T.'lth Interfering with the poundmasler I
the execution of his duty , was continued 1
pollco court yesterday until this morning.
Thomas Rlley , cx-Janltor of the com
lir.use , who was seriously Injured by a fa
while running to a fire , was able to bo on
yesterday for the Drst time since the accl
( lent.
The women of the Fifth Avenue Meth
odlst church will servo Ice cream and cak
tomorrow afternoon from 4 to 8 o'clock t
the homo of Mrs. C. J. Fulmer , 1730 Eight
Abe Lincoln post , No. 29 , Grand Army t
the Republic , and Abe Lincoln corps , Ni
ISO , will hold memorial services at th
Fifth Avenue Methodist church on Sunda ;
May 22.
The parking In front of Baylisa park , 0 (
lioslto the Grand hotel , Is being replace
with brick. Scats will be placed there dui
ing the summer months for the convenient
of the hotel guests.
K. F. Gaylord and H. B. Pollard of Crct
ton and H. H. Fleming of St. Joseph , Mo
traveling auditors of the Burlington systen
were In the city yesterday checking up tl
city and depot offices.
The Degree Team of council camp , Ni
11 , Woodmen of the World , will glvo
May party dance on Wednesday evenini
May 11. which will be the last of the sec
Eon. A pleasant time for all.
The case against Dan Thompson , colorei
charged with the larceny of a wagon bo :
the propel ty of Isaac Gillnskl , was dlamlsst
yesterday In Justice Burke's court c
motion of the assistant county atlorney.
The Detroit gas machine will light yoi
rscldcnco or store costing 1 cent to run
sixty-four candle power lamp four hour
J. C. Blxby , heating , plumbing , llghllng. 21
Wain and 203 Pearl St. , Council Bluffs , la.
J , C. Mitchell , the Northweslern ticki
agunt In this city , has made arrangemeni
for a special motor car to be at the loa
depot this morning to take a number <
eastern editors over to see the expoHltlc
A rnhv of Miles Scofield , captain of Hoc
and Ladder company No. 1 , was reportc
yeslerday evening to have fallen out of
ii'coml story window at the Scofleld horn
on South First street , and to have bee
seriously Injured.
The regular monthly meeting of tt
Woman's Christian Temperance union wl
bo held at 721 Willow avenue this nfternoo
at 2:30 : o'clock. Business of Importance wl
be presented and a full attendance of th
members is desired.
TManny Hardy ot Tabor , la. . Indicted t
the last term of federal court on the charg
of bootlegging , was lodged in the count
Jail yesterday , having been arrested by ej
Deputy United States Marshal Ellcr of At
lantlc on a bench warrant.
Chief Blxby has created two new position
In the police force , those of first and secon
lieutenant. Deputy Marshal Frank Guanell
will have the honor of being addressed a
first lleulenant and Deputy Marshal Charlc
White as second lieutenant.
L. C. Pryor of Minneapolis , editor of Fan
Implements , Is In the city , the guest of hi
brother. P. M. Pryor. Mr. Pryor Is a mere
ber of the Minnesota commission to the c >
position and la1 here for the purpose of ai
ranging far bis state's building.
"O'Brien , the Contractor" Is not only
strong and extremely reallitlc play , but 1
the character of O'Brien Mr. Daniel Sull
has added another character that will llv
JOUR in the minds of the theater-gols
nubile. Mr. Sully appears at the Dohaij
theater tomorrow evening.
E. Waterman yesterday morning reporte
to the police that someone had stolen hi
horse and buggy and a description of tl
trussing rig was telephoned to Omaha. Late
Mr. Waterman discovered that a friend hn
borrowed the buggy and after taking a rl < !
around the city returned It.
' .All . Canadian and Brltlsh-born cltlzer
VliireiUe c ? , to nttend the ra < * nK ° *
.Urltlsh nnd > Canadian-American club , to t
iicld in the Commercial club rooms , Slj
ttpcnth and Farnam streets , Omaha. Nei ;
Thursday , May 12 at S o'clock. M. A. Hal
British vice consul. In the chair.
Miss Bechler of this city will take part I
the dramatic performance to bo given und <
the direction of Mr ,
Frank Leo Short ne'
Tuesday evening at the German theater i
Omaha. The performance will be for U
Tnl ? f. " " furnishing fund for the Boy
and Girls' building at the exposition.
rf ° Martln- " " ' "P. was discover *
yesterday morning by Officers Weir ar
Albro taking a bath In Indian creek. Tl
man proved to be a regular morphine flcr
? "Vftime < J he. ? " trylns to maB "Is w
. ,
such that KJ authorities " ' P"81 decided ' condition to get wj r
of him as soon as possible and provided hi
with transportation as far as Glen wood.
W. E. Balnbrldge , who has been ni
pointed second secretary of the UnlU
States legation at Pc-kln , China , leaves f
fni ? ' .Cl,8e ° thlB mornlnB. where ho w
Join Minister
Conger. The date of the
Balling for China Is not certain , as tl
BteamBhlp City of Pokla. on which th"h
engaged passage , has been secured by tl
government as a transport ship. A numb
of Mr. Ualnbrldge's Intimate friends ca
U 8UP"Cr Ut th ° Grand Uot
- : hours- to 12 nd S to
Health book furnished.
326-327-328 Mo
Money to loan on city property. Klnnc.
N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 2DO.
LIceniM to wed were Issued yesterday
the following persons :
Name anil Address. A _
Charles Johnson. Council Bluffs. . .
KUlo Jensen , Council Bluffs
Oeorso F. Hall. Oinalm
Tlllle Kramer , Council Bluffs " | * °
Harley Shlll , Council Bluffs ' '
Bosle Gregg , Council Bluffs
! * - . ir. i
Judge Smith Passes on the Cash Baals La1
Tett Oase.
Unlei * tlio OntdtanillnR Warrant * At
Fmuluri They Mn t lie raid IB
Order I muni Out of Cur
rent Panda.
The outstanding city warrants must t
paid before those Issued for the currct
expenses of the city government.
This Is , In'substance , the decision of Judf
Smith handed down yesterday morning c
the convening of district court In the mar
damus case of N. C. Phillips against W. 1
Reed , city treasurer. The demurrer to tr
petition of the plaintiff Is sustained and tr
writ of mandamus to compel the city * trca ;
urcr to pay a warrant for $6.24 , Issued fc
supplies for the fiscal year commcncln
April 1 , 1S98 , out ot the current funds , :
The defendant demurred to the politic
substantially upon two grounds. First , th :
the present law does not contemplate tl
payment of the warrants for the fiscal yet
commencing April 1 , 1898 , until the wni
rants previously drawn upon the gcncr ;
fund hare been paid ; and , secondly , that
the law docs so contemplate It Is unconst
tutlonal , in so far as It gives precedence i
payment to these new warrants over the :
issued and presented before tbo new coil
went Into effect. The flrst ground of tt
demurrer was not sustained by the cour
Judge Smith giving as his reason that "
Is part of the history of this leglslatto
that Its purpose and design was to put U
cities of this state upon a cash basts , an
with this end In view the new code provide
for the funding of such warrants as tt
ones In question , but docs not make sue
funding obligatory. " In view of tbo hlstoi
of the legislation under consideration Judf
Smith stated that he entertained no doul
but that It was the purpose of this leglslt
tlon to have the current bills paid from tt
current revenues and to enable cities I
take care of their old floating Indebtcdnei
by funding.
In sustaining the second ground ot tt
demurrer Judge Smith held that the wai
rants Issued and presented for paymet
prior to October 1 , 1897. when the new cot
went Into effect , must take precedence I
their order of warrants Issued for the prei
ent fiscal year.
The case , It Is understood , will be at om
taken to the supreme court , where tt
expected a hearing and decision , owing I
the Importance of the question Involvei
can bo had within fifteen days. Judf
Smith's decision , although no surprise I
those Interested , places the employes of tt
city In rather an unfortunate prcdlcamen
They are still holding their warrants fc
last month's salaries , with little or no pro :
pcct , under the present circumstances , i
being able to dispose of them , as none <
the usual purchasers are Inclined to CUE
them. It Is believed that Mayor Jcnninf
will call a special meeting of the city cour
ell to consider the matter and probabl
steps will bo taken by the city to fut
the outstanding warrants , , which amount I
about $136,000 and $7,000 Interest. This
generally accepted to be the only practlci
solution of the matter.
CorrlKK Sue * for IIU Property.
In the superior court yesterday Danl <
Carrlgg commenced suit against the Fin
National bank and others to cancel ac
annul certain assignments of leases to a
of his property. In his petition Carrlg
sets forth that when the assignments wei
made the bank agreed to apply the ren
received In payment of the taxes on tt
property and Interest on the mortgages
to keep the property In good repair ar
apply the net balance on the debt due I
the bank. This the bank , Carrlgg allege
failed to do , but Instead applied all tl
rents received on the debt and allowe
the taxes and Interest on the mortgages i
go unpaid , which precipitated the foreclo :
uro and sale of the property by the flr
mortgagee , the Mechanics' Savings bank i
Providence , R. I.
The property , the rents of which Ca :
rlgg assigned , Is the Bancroft Terrace fla
on Fourth street , the 'Omaha saloon bulli
Ing , the Turf Exchange building , both c
Broadway , and the warehouses occupied t
the Union Transfer company and the Pel
Plow and Implement company. All tl
tenants were made party defendants to tl
Get * Clear.
John Ltndscy , arrested on the charge (
burglarizing the residence of C. P. Rail !
back , on Bluffs street , and stealing a suit (
clothes and an overcoat , had n hearing b (
fore Justice Burke yesterday afternoo ;
Young Llndsey proved that the suit <
clothes which he sold at a secondhand stoi
had been given him by a couple of sma
boys , who had found them on a manui
heap In the yard of a neighbor , where thi
had evidently been thrown by the burgle
The case against him was dismissed.
FOR SALE : Good eecond-hand bicycle
a bargain. Call at Tlio Bee office , Couni
A good place to buy a fine piano
Bourlclus' Music House , 325 Broadwo
whore they give premium stamps ai
premium stars.
Itenl Hxlntc Trannrcrii.
The following transfers have been filed
the title abstract and loan ofllce of J. A
Squire , 101 Pearl street :
Bcrtonn I3 " ? " ' " Jlln ! o Mandelkov ,
s 200 fcut lot 25 , Avocn Land and
Loan Co.'s subd. , q. c. d . $
Llzziu Manilclkuv to same , a 200 foot
't 25 , Avocu Land and Loan CO.'B
' " " " '
Annie Mandelkov to sa'me"H"266"fe'et !
lot 25 , Avoca Land and Loan Co.'s
subd. , q , c. d . . .
\ \ alter I. Smith arid -wife to Richard
V Ifcl58 ! > A01.1 ? ' 23 - 4- 6an(1 6lr
V11.ock W. Railroad add. to Council
HlulTs , q. c. d .
Thomas Dlllard nnd wife to Solomo'n
Dllliml , part soU 17-71-39 , q. c. d. . . .
Solomon Dlllard and wife to James
r-cnder. part seV4 17-71-39 , w. d .
Abraham Smith and wife to Church of
Latter Day Bnlnts , part seU 21-71-39.
w. d . ; . ' '
County sheriff to Ppltz Landan & Co' . ,
lot 6. block 19 , Hull's add. to Council
Bluffs , B. 1 .
of Mary A. Smith to Joshua C.
Baker , n 65 feet lots 20 and 21 , block
4 , Uayllss1 1st add to Council Bluffs.
w. d . . 2'
Jennie L. Ingrnham and husband to
Stnto Savings bank , part outlet 2 ,
Jackson's add. to Council Bluffs.
w. a . ; (
Ten transfers , aggregating . . J3t
Vlen Ilai a Complaint. *
In the absence of Judge Aylesworth froi
the city , Justice of the P.eace. Ambros
Burke IB acting as Judge ot the police cour
Justice Vlen , whose office is several dooi
nearer the police court than Justtc
Burke's Is , feels that he ought to bo the on
to fill Judge Aylesworth's place during h !
absence. In support ot his claim Justlc
Vlen refers to section 091 of the new codi
which reads la part : "II the judge at th
superior court or police court Is abient c
unable to sit , tbo nearest Justice of th
peace shall have Jurisdiction and hold hi
court In criminal proceedings. "
Note * from the Conrtn.
A motion for a new trial In the cane i
Frank Crawford against the Athletic as (
elation ot the Nebraska State unlversll
was filed In the district court ycsterdc
by the defendant.
In the case of Clara Reed and othei
against Rebecca Hartlng and others the di
fondant , Rebecca Hartlng , yesterday flic
her election to take a homestead right I
the property of her deceased husband I
lieu of her dower Interest.
Hugh Carnnhan , receiver ot the Kcll
county bank , commenced action In the dli
trlct court yesterday against T. S , Fenlc
to recover $525 on two promlsory noti
which Fenlon had Indorsed as guarantor.
A stipulation for settlement was filed I
the district court yesterday In the case <
John P. Martin against Anna B. Shugar
The stipulation provides for the paymci
Into court by the defendant of $119.CO I
satisfaction of the Judgment obtained Man
16 , 1697 , and discontinuing ot the appeal.
In the district court this morning tl
trial of the state against Charles Coone
charged with seduction , will be con
Good flour , $1.35. Bartel & Miller.
Word was received from Des Molnes la
night that Mat Tlnley had been elected se
end lieutenant ot the Dodge Light Quari
by the unanimous vote of the company.
The Mother Study club of the Pier
Street school , will meet this afternoon.
Sanitary Itellcf Coiiiiulmilon.
The members of the Council Blul
Women's Sanitary Relief commission m
yesterday afternoon and sewed seventy tlcl
for the boys ot the Dodge Light Ouar
which will be sent to Camp McKlnley th
afternoon. The material was supplied I
Bell & Son , the Boston store and Jot
Beno & Co. A special business meeting
the commission will bo held Thursday of
crnoon at which all women Interested In tl
work are Invited to be present. The follov
ing new members were enro'lcd yesterda ;
Mcsdamcs L. P. Judson , A. B. Moore , R. )
Rutherford , F. M. Compton , P. Delaney , 1
M. Peterson , F. L. Reed and Miss' Franc
E. Brock. Manager Bowen of the opera houi
donated $5 to the fund.
Miss Laura Gnlnea has purchased
League bicycle from Cole & Cole.
Died In tlic , IIoHiiltal.
Fre'd B. Higglns , who was recently n
moved to St. Barnard's hospital , died the :
yesterday afternoon. He was 46 years
ago and leaves a wife. The funeral wl
be held this morning at 10:30 : o'clock fro
the residence of Mr. Thomas Maloney , 2 :
Avenue B. Deceased was a member of tl
Masonic fraternity and the funeral will 1
under the auspices of Bluff City Lodg
Anclont Free and Accepted Masons. Re
J. H. Senseney , pastor of the Broadwt
Methodist church , will conduct the servtci
and Interment will bo In Walnut Hill ecu
Cordwood for sale cheap. Address W. I
Bee office. Council Bluffs.
To Celebrate DcTvey'ii Victory.
The mass meeting to celebrate the vlctoi
of Admiral Dewey over the Spanish
Manila will be held Saturday night. Tl
meeting will be held at the opera houi
commencing at 8 o'clock and a number
good speakers have been secured. Smith
band and Wai McFaflden's drum corps ha1
been secured for the night and prior to tl
meeting will parade the principal street
The opera house will be elaborately deci
rated and the committee Is anxious that i
the business houses on Broadway , Main ai
Pearl streets be decorated that evening. 1
add to the enthusiasm Immense bonflr
will bo built on Broadway at different pron
Inent points.
Flndn for the Hallway.
The trial of the damage suit of Mrs. Jei
nie Kasslng against the Rock Island Ral
way company was completed In the dlstri
court yesterday afternoon and the case glvi
to the Jury about 4 o'clock. After being o
about five hours the Jury brought In a ve
diet finding for the railway company. Mi
Kasslng sued for $10,000. The railway COE
pany's defense was that Mrs. Kasslng w
not entitled to damages as she attempti
to alight from the train while It was
Park CaiuiHlmilan Meeting.
The Board of Park Commissioners held
special meeting last night at which the coi
tract for the building of the new band stni
at Falrmount park was awarded to I
Wlckham on his bid of $1,400. Mr. Wlcl
ham's original bid was $1,300 , but the cor
mlssloncrs changed the plans so as to v
galvanized In place of tin shingles on tl
roof. The board also made arrangemcn
for the purchase of a number of new In
seats for Baylies park and for flowers f
Bayllsa , Cochran and Falrmount parks.
Irving hotel , 2759 B'd'y ; rates , $1.50.
Hoffmayr's fancy patent flour makes tl
best and most bread. Ask your grocer for
Good flour , $1.45. Bartel & Miller.
In Had fluape.
City Engineer Btnyre and Counctlm :
Brough , chairman of the commltte <
bridges and city property , made an Inspe
tlon yesterday afternoon of tbo dlffere
bridges over Indian creek. _ Several we
found to be badly In need 'of repair ai
the one on North Main street was in such
dangerous condition that It was decided
close It to traffic and this was done In
night. The bridge at Bryant street was al
found to be In a very bad , although n
dangerous , condition.
Ilaiiner for the CJuiirdn.
Mayor Jennings yesterday evening r
cclVed a telegram from Colonel J. J. Stea
man at DCS Molnes stating that the Dod
Light Guards had no banner over thi
quarters at Camp McKlnley and suggcsti
that ono be procured nnd sent them. J
the other companies In camp are provide
Mayor Jennings brought the matter befo
the Manila celebration meeting last nig
and steps will bo taken at once to sccu
the boys a suitable banner.
Ravh Held for Wife Ileatlnir.
Jacob Raph was arrested yesterday on i
Information filed by his wife , Kate Rnp
charging him with assault and batter
Raph and his wlfo. have not been llvli
together for some time past and accordli
to the woman's story , Raph went to h
house yesterday morning and throwing h
down beat and choked her. Raph gave bi
in the sum of $200 and will have a hearli
before Justice Burke Saturday morning.
IllKh School I'U-lil nay.
The second annual field day of the Hl |
School Athletic association will be held tt
afternoon at the Driving park. The pr
gram of track events will bo commenced
2:30 : o'clock.
Globe to .Appear Again.
There Is talk of the dally edition ot tl
Globe-Democrat being resumed on Monda
May 23. The paper Is to be sold for 1 cer
It Is said , and C. F. Chase will be at tl
Beeond to Go First.
DES MOINE8 , May 10. ( Special Tel
gram. ) Governor Shaw decided today th
the Second regiment shall be the first to i
to the front In response to the' War depar
meat's recent call to make thl regimen
ready for service at once. The companies I
the regiment are from.J eokuk , Ccntcrvlll
Davenport , Muscatlnc , Washington , Fo
Madison , Ottumwn , iCMrlton , Iowa Clt
Qrlnncll , Newton nndjjF lrfleld. The Sccot
regiment la chosen bccnuso It has the rani
Ing colonel.
lovrn AVomnn nrcnfi * nn Incident <
IllH SchdfttiDnr * .
An old schoolmate * ti Commodore Dcwe :
commander of the Atlatlc squadron , wl
won such a signal vleinrr over the Spanlt
at Manila and Cavlto , resides In this clt ;
and tells some Interesting anecdotes of tl
celebrated fighter's boyhood In Vcrraon
says the Cedar Rapids Republican. Commi
doro Dewcy was born In Montpellcr , VI
In 1839 , and at the ago of 11 years was sei
to school at an academy thirty-six miles fro
homo to bo prepared for college , under tt
tutorship of E. K. 1'angborn , who was afte
ward paymaster In the United States nm
during the civil wnr.
Some Interesting anecdotes are told of h
school life , which shows the then buddlr
traits of mind and character which ha1
brought his fleet of boats Into such prom
nent notice before the entire world. Tl
hills around the the little New England vl
lage , where his alma mater was locate
were crowned with sugar maples , and app
orchards , which were th scenes of mat
an escapade.
At one time George Dewey commandi
( as he seemed born to do ) a party of ser
or eight boys on an excursion on a dai
night In September to ono Asher Atwnll
apple orchard. He equipped himself for tl
adventure by removing the pillow cases fro
his bed , and putting them In a roll und
his arm. The result was a return to h
room In the wee sma' hours of the tnornlt
with pillow cases laden with spoil.
On the following morning after usu
chapel exercises were over Prof. Pangboi
announced to the assembled students th
Mr. Atwcll had complained to him of tl
theft of apples from his orchard , and th
It was no secret to him who the thlcv
were , and warned them that should onythlt
of the kind occur again they would bo e :
polled without trial.
Now young Dewey bad a strong susplclt
that the honored head of the Instltuttc
was stretching a point when ho said 1
knew by whom the offense was commltte
so right under the threatening guns of tl
battery he allowed It to come , secretly
course , to Prof. Pangborn's ears that a se
end raid on the orchard would bo made c
the following Friday night. Meanwhile
visit was made to the orchard under tl
cover of darkness , an empty hogshca
propped carelessly on some weak sticks ,
the base of nn apple tree In a consplcuoi
spot on the side hill. When the Frldi
night came Prof. Pangborn , thinking
catch the offenders red handed , proccedi
to the orchard , and seeing the convenle :
barrel , concluded that being a small m ;
ho could conceal hltriselt In the Inside. I
had no sooner crept In than the bombardlt
host , Dewey and anconfedernte , appcare
One addressing the'other , said : "Seo her
Dan , there Is a tree "up there at the top
the hill that has primegrafts * on It. Let
go for those. " And doing IBO Dewey stumbli
against the hogshead an * It rolled with tl
poor professor to th * bottom of the hill.
Of course , Dewey nndi his hard hearti
confederate silently' left'the scene and b
fore the unfortunate'manl In the barrel cou
pick himself together , the ? boys were at hoc
and In bed. jl
It Is needless to say trrat1 after three da
of liniments and tho'doctor In the prtvac ;
of'his own room' the hutaJbled professorikej
his'own counsel 'and Dewey was' not expelle
New City Hall t Rlvcrton.
RIVERTON , la. . May 10. ( Special. )
Work was begun this morning on the ne
city hall and Jail by D. P. Mowrose , tl
The Rlverton cornet band Is making b
preparations for Us great gold medal or
torlcal contest , Saturday'May 14.
Commencement exercises will be he
In the largo free stiver auditorium at tt
this place May 19. There will be thr
graduates , viz : Miss Grace Smith , Charl
Cadle and Everett Shoemaker.
The school board at this place has secur
Prof. D. L. Wilson as principal , R. Thorn
son for grammar department , Miss Lei
Simons for Intermediate department , Ml
Vera Smith for Second primary , and Ml
Clara Wlldberger for First primary.
Ilelim Cuban Ilellet Fund.
ATLANTIC , la. , May 10. ( Special Tel
gram. ) At the opera house this evonl
there was a patriotic home talent entertai
mcnt under the auspices of the Hint
Daughters. Every time Dewey's name w
mentioned the audience would show I
colors by hearty applause. The procee
of the entertainment , amounting to ov
$100 , goes to the Cuban relief fund.
Rx-Goveriior'n Narrow E cni > e.
CENTERVILLE , la. . May 10. ( Special. )
Ex-Governor Drake has returned homo frc
Excelsior Springs , Mo. The Elms hot
where he was stopping , burned Mend
morning , and Governor Drake had a narn
escape with 150 other guests. The bulldl
was a total loss. Governor Drake Is E
much Improved In health.
nutter Tub Factory.
FORT DODGE , la. , May 10. ( Speci
Tclpgram. ) S. H. Thompson's butter t
factory was destroyed by flro last nlgl
Loss , { 4,000 : Insurance. 42,800.
OIT to the Front.
CORNING. la. , May 10. ( Special. ) .
1:25 : p. m. ten youns men left for Des Motn
to Join company K. They were examln
by the United States pension surgeon hei
lawn 1'olltlcal Noted.
C. W. Ncal of Stuart Is a candidate .1
district Judge In the Fifth district.
It Is reported that T. L. Gcnung wat
the fusion nomination for congress again
the Ninth district. ' ' , J
Silas Wilson of Atlantic will be a cam
date for the republlma/nomlimtlon ( or cc
gress In the Ninth/district.
All the candidates' for congress In t
Seventh district In , , opposition to Captt
J. A. T. Hull nave withdrawn , leaving h
a clear Held. nil .
J. W. Freeland ofjCijrydon and Denjan
Drown of Corning have been mentioned
candidates for Judge qn the fusion tlcl
In the Third Judlclaiydjstrlct.
In the Polk c&Uniy district Jud {
Holmes , Conrad and Bishop , all republlcai
will be renomlnated. 'and as Judge Steve
F.ou has announced tbatihe will retire S.
Prouty is likely to tiethe other nominee.
Town Props' 'Comment. '
Council Bluffs Nonpareil : At this rt
Thanksgiving day will have to come a go
deal earlier than usual this year In ord
to meet the demand.
Sioux City Tribune : It Is said that Re
Jonah Smith , a Burlington preacher ,
likely to be appointed a chaplain In t
Iowa National Guard. But * no Jonah
wanted In that organization.
Des Molnes Register : Corn will probab
follow the upward tendency In wheat. The
are at least 12C.OOO.OOO bushels of corn st
In the hands of Iowa farmers ; thercfoi
every time that corn gors up a cent , tl
farmers of Iowa will make Jl,250,000.
Sioux City Journal : This talk of plttli
our boy oratcr of Nebraska against the b <
king of Spain Is rank Inhumanity. The b
king Is not to blame for being born so at
should not be subjected to the cruel and ui
usual punishment of being talked to death.
Nut Few Hours Will Determine Wlothe
it is on This Bide ,
Opinion that It Mar Hare Turnri
Hack front Cape Verde to Artnlt
the Other 'WimcU ot the
Spanish Nary at Cndli ,
WASHINGTON , May 10. Up to the tlm
Secretary Long started for the cablnc
meeting at 11 o'clock today ho was wlthou
Information from Admiral Sampson's flee
concerning any action. All Inquiries aboti
the Navy department were directed tower
the whereabouts ot this fleet and Its proa
pects of a speedy engagement with th
enemy. While there Is little doubt that th
officials know the approximate locality c
the fleet , It Is quite certain that nothtn
has been received ns to the cruising an
search for the Spanish ships. It Is felt the
the next few hours will determine bcyon
further question whether the Spanish tlci
which left the Capo Vcrdo Islands did , I
fact , come to Porto Rico , or diverge north
word back to Cadiz for a formidable con
centratlon of the strongest ships of th
Spanish navy. In the latter event Admin
Sampson will have no Spanish fleet to flgt
save those smaller craft In Cuban water.
It will leave the course free to the Orcgo
to make a Juncture with the fleet and aU
will leave Admiral Sampson's hands free fc
attention to Porto Rico or Cuba.
St-nnto Iteeonnlitcrn Hn Aet IncreaNln
llenr AiliulrnN , a * It Wait Found
that the Step Wan UnneceHNary.
WASHINGTON , May 10. Four war meas
ures were passed by the senate today. On
provides for carrying on the additional wor
In the adjutant general's ' ofllce ; the Rccon
authorized the enlistment ot a voluntce
signal corps , two-thirds of the members <
which must be expert electricians or tclce
raphcrs ; the third was the so-called "Itn
muno" bill passed by the house , and th
fourth was a measure suspending cxlstln
law so that additional hospital steward
can bo appointed ,
The postoMlcc appropriation bill , carryln
appropriations which aggregate more tha
$99,000,000 , was passed after a debate lastln
over several days.
A determined effort was made by Mr. But
ler ( pop. , N. C. ) to cut off the sum appro
prlated for the fast mall service betwee
New York and Washington to Atlanta an
New Orleans , and to provide for two com
missions to Investigate postal affairs , but I
was unsuccessful , all amendments cxccr
those offered by the committee on appropria
ttons being voted down.
After an extended and Interesting debat
the resolution submitting to the leglsla
tures of the various states an amendment t
the constitution of the United States , chane
Ing the date of the beginning of the term
of president , vice president nnd members <
congress from March 4 to May 4 , wi
Following Is the text of the propose
amendment :
The term of office of the president an
vice president , nnd of the Fifty-sixth cor
gress , shall continue until the 4th day <
May , In the year 1801 , at noon , and the 4t
day of May at noon shall thereafter be sul
stitutcd for the 4th of March as the con
moncement and termination of the olflcli
term of the president , vice president , sent
tors and representatives in congress.
Mr. Hole entered a motion to r <
consider the vote by which tt
senate yesterday passed the bill Ir
creasing the number of rear admiral
from six to seven. The motion created sorn
surprise , but It Is the opinion of the core
mlttco on naval affairs that the prcsldcr
has ample authority to nominate Commodot
Dewey as near Admiral Dewey without tl
bill passed yesterday.
Mr. Carter favorably reported and secure
the passage of a bill providing for a volui
teer signal corps for the existing war.
Mr. Hawlcy secured the passage of tt
house bill providing for the enlistment <
10,000 yellow fever Immunes In the south.
The postofJnce appropriation bill was the
taken up and passed.
Mr. Morrtll called up the house bill I
readmit Mrs. Nellie Grant Sartorls to ell
Izenshlp In the United States. The bill w :
passed. It has already passed the house.
At 1:05 p. m. the vice president announce
his signature to the resolution of thanV
to Commodore Dewey and the officers an
men ot his command.
Pertaining to PoHtofflceii.
WASHINGTON , May 10. ( Special Tell
gram.- ) Postmasters appointed :
Nebraska : John H. Waterman , at Deavi
Crossing , Seward county , vice J. L. Evan
removed , and John Alcorn , at Bell , Slou
county , vice C. H. Iron , resigned.
South Dakota : James W. Earl , at Elro
Clark county ; Sunder Jacobson , at Indi
pendence. Day county ; James McWilllam
at Pltrodle , Clark county ; George N. Morr
son , at Philip , Nowlln county ; Albert Lang
Sutley , Campbell county ; Elijah Dunn , i
Utlca , Yankton county ; C. L. Peters , i
Ward , Moddy county.
Iowa : G. D. Flegler , at Lawn III !
Hardln county.
The contract for supplying fuel for tl
A Food-Tonlcv f (
A Nerve Soother ,
Extract of Beef
Refreshment and
delicate nourishment. _
My little book. "Tlire ? Classes or Men ,
sent to mm only It tells of my 30 year ,
experience aa a. cpeclullst In all nervot :
disorders resulting from youthful IndUcn
tlons La mo Back , etc , and tella why
cures With my Invention , ths Dr. Sande
Electric llelt. known and uaed tha worl
over , I restored last year 5.000 men , youn
and old lie ware of cheap Imitations Abov
took explalru * all ; s-jnt sealed Write toda ]
Dr. A , R. Sanden ,
No. U3 S. Clark St. . Chicago , 111.
Sioux City , U. , public tmlldlnn for tha neit
flncfil year WM today awarded to J , W. Jen-
Ken at $1,103.
n llr Trcminrr Hlnlrmrnt.
WASHINGTON , May lO.-Todny's state-
mcnt of the condition of the treasury shows :
Available cash balance , $213,313,085 ; gold ro-
ervo , $180,328,2(11. (
Cnr Kill * Three Men.
CINCINNATI , May 10. A special to the
Commercial-Tribune from I'arkorsburR , W.
Vn. , says three men were killed , ouo fatally
hurl nnd four others dangerously Injured
at the mines of the Thackcr Coal company
by the breaking away ot a car on which
were ten men. The car broke away from
the tlpplo at the mine shaft and landed
with a crash at the foot ot the mine shaft ,
300 yards way. Tbo dead arc Leo Small ,
Joseph Morris and William Hard and Wil
liam Slminn Is fatally Injured.
liul 1'ny nnil Hard Work.
The bad pay and hard work of trained
nurses has often been made the subject ot
benevolent remonstrance , by eminent medi
cal men , and nonprofcsslonal philanthrop
ists. It Is well for on Invalid , before he gets
so bad as to need a nurse or doctor , to use
Hosteller's Stomach Hitters If ho has chills
nn.l fever , constipation , rheumatism , dys
pepsia Btiil nervousness. Use It regularly ,
< 'onurrnKl tinl Nominal I mm.
RMI'OHIA. Kan. , May 10. The republican
congressional convention for the Fourth
Kansas district nominated J. M. Miller of
Morris county today. The nominee has
suvcral times represented hln county In tbo
state legislature.
ZANKSVILLE , O. , May 10. The repub
licans at the Fifteenth congressional dis
trict nominated Henry C. Van Voorhces for
his fourth term by acclamation loday.
Cure for Rheumatism
A Mllrrnnkee DUeovrry That Han
t lli < | i | > ltion to > Mnny
Ilouxrliolit * .
The more one hears of Gloria Tonic In the
cure for rheumatism the. more convincing
becomes the fact that hero at last Is the
ono euro for the. disease , the one great
ppcclllc that hundreds nnd thousands of
crippled , helpless nnd bedridden rheumatics
are awaiting with feverish anxiety. It Is
the remedy for so-called hopi'lesy cases. It
Is the tonic for the mild or Intermittent
cases. It Is the only remedy that has stood
the test in nil degrees ) of
In 1'lttsburK , Ind. , It cured 11 duiKKlst who
suffered for 33 years , fn one Instance It
cured a gentleman at the ape of OS years.
Gloria Tonic Is compounded for thp ruro
of rheumatism only , and it cures whether
the cabe Is mild or severe. Through its
action on the blood , It expels from the
system all poisonous acliiH , making the
cure permanent.
Gloria Tonic Is prepared by John A.
Smith , 212 SummcrlleUl Church Building
Milwaukee. WIs.
Prlco $1.00 a box. For sale by all drug
gists in Omaha.
Mr. Smith will send you n free trial package -
ago , testimonials and circulars , by mall
prepaid If you will send him your name and
Purely veg'lable , mild , ana reliable. Causa
perfect Dlecstlon. complete nbori > tr.n. ! and
healthy regularity. For the cure of all disorders
of the Stomach , l.Ucr. I3mcls. Kidneys , Uladder ,
Nervous Dlscapei
Observe the following fjmptoms resulting from
Diseases of the Ulfcsthc Organs : Consumption ,
Itivr&rd pile ? , fullness of blood In the head , acid
ity of the stomach , nnutea , heartburn , dlngust of
food , fullness of welsh t In the stomach , cour
eructations , sinking or Haltering of the heart ,
choking or suriucr.V. : : ; eensatlono when In a lying
posture , dimness of vision , dots or webs before
the Eight , fever und dull pain In the head , defi
ciency of perspiration , vellowncm of the ckln
end eyes , piln In the side , chest or limbs and
sudden flushes of heat , burning In the tlesh ,
A few doBBs of RADWAVS IMLL3 will free
the syctem ot ill ihe above named disorders.
1'rlce , 25 centu per box , Sold by all drugglstt
or sent by mall ,
Send to DR lADWAY & CO. , Lock Box 3U.
New Tork. for book of advlc * .
, I. an < t irinaurnt ttiro -
rcnrvsilKf back ( ind ftU.mlim In hlrifinrt MrU
Clironlo rhmmMUm , wlalfon. lumtwco or pain in
Ihotmrkareipcfillly tjirtJ. Wvldvin fktlriogl *
rell.f from ono to two OOSM , ami klmont Invarltbir
curMbcfbrs bottle tin t. .
w iviv ono Wltll- 1 1FVY n lined. Tim Muni on
Item lyornpnny prrfnri ) icimritf cure for eieh
illM > niK Atcirdtuiritlni-amnlsnMAl , irrounttj
mnllcM Hvlc write 1'rof. Munyon , 19M Arcti
JJtrrtt. PMImltlpriU. ItUbnolut lyr V.
Kentler of nittenHcn of tucii mi 6
\votii : ti <
World's Ilerlml KliprniHry of MctllctirK
I CUHK Catairh of Head , Throat aiid
I.utiK , Dlscancs of i : > o and liar , Fits anil
Apoplexy , llcart.J.lvcr and Kidney Dlceasos ,
Diabetes. BrlKht'H Dlpcnse , St. Vltus Dunco.
Hhounmtlim , Scrof'ila ' , Dropny cured without
tappliiK. Til 110 Worms removed , all elironlo
Nervous and t'rlvutu Diseases.
CVDUII 1C hn van
dlrillLldi properly curt ! tnTlHI.l.s
without destroying tvetli and bone * . Ku mer
cury or | ilbOii mlncrnl uprd ,
Tin ) only 1'liyslclan who cnti tell what nil *
you without nsklinr a question.
TlioBo nt a illatanco send for question
blank. No. 1 for men ; No. for women.
All correspondence strictly conlldentlal ,
Medicine ecut by cxprcoe.
Address all letters to
G. W. PANGLE , M. D. ,
055 Rraadwuy , COUNCIL UI.DFFS , IA
I3f 8cnd 2-ccut elHtnu for rcplv.
Gas and
1 to tOO
Oil OB ui or write for prlcrs and description
Council IllufTii , Iowa.
D oh any
America's Favorite Irish Actor ,
And his metropolitan company , presenting
his latest SUCCOSH
A play of today , elaborately staged and
costumed. Prices 25c , 35c , COc and 70c.
Scats now on sale.
FHUIT. . 'Arts * AND
Und * for ul * or not. Day * Hen. W Petit
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forH.OO. HlxM LOCMI , P jr tor , Nerre iHjphllU C'ure , never fUUi.l
or Drain toai > ! * Cured IM perfect AI you I Full treatment with gu r n-1
ever were. Wt diake our own . moi'lolnifB I teeliO.OOSlnleItozMM.OO. | : |
ami yon o n rely an crtttmr well. W , < tlta I ' PHARMACY.I
v > rittrn cruumnto * with full cure blnglt HAHN'8 .
Hoi.tlMtjy m 1L HAHVS Itltli and K rn mOMtHtnn. |
The Crooked
Little Island of Cuba
What do you know about UP How large ia itP Name the
provinces. How far ia Puerto Principe from HavanaP What
railroads are there and what point * do they connect P How far
is Cuba from the Capo Verde Islands ?
Those things wo all ought to know in these troublous time *
but most of us don't What you want Is
The Bee's Combination Map
A Map of Cuba , \
A Map of the West Indies ,
A Map of the World.
The Map of Cuba aad the Map of the West Indies are
each 14x31 inches ; the Map of the World is 21x30 inches ,
printed in colors from the latest mups of Band , McNally &
Company. They are accurate and complete.
The Omaha Bee
The Bee Coupon Map of Cuba Coupon.
Present this with
and 10 cents will , get it. Sent lOc ( by mull coupon Ho ) for
by mall In tube , 14 cents. AIup of Cuba ,
Map of the West Indies , ,
Address , Map of the World.
The Bee Publishing Co. , Omaha.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Jobbers of
Selling Agents
JOe ClaitrH , Oo