Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 10, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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lighting Squadron la Approaching the
Coast of Porto Rico ,
Atpliniiito XIII Itcnrhc * There Un-
knoirii to Thin Unrernmcntt but
Itn Movement * Are Kept
' from the Pnbllr.
WASHINGTON , May 9. U Is now offl-
dally admitted that Admiral Sampson yes
terday was with his fleet near Capo Hay-
tlen , on the north coast of Santo Domingo ,
and distant about a day's run from Porto
SQ far no reports have come to the de
partment of any of the lurid engagements
that are said to have taken place In these
waters , but It Is believed nt the department
that If there was gun firing yesterday and
the day before , as reported by merchant ves- '
eels , It probably was caused by some of
the United States vessels chasing either
prizes or the small Spanish gunboats that
, nre believed to bo cruising around In those
It Is not believed that there has been
any engagements between Admiral Samp-
Fon's forces and the Spanish Ironclad flyIng -
Ing squadron , else reports would have been
received already at the department.
From the expectation so plainly mani
fested at the Navy department that some
thing Important Is to happen very soon
It Is surmised that If Sampson docs not
strike the Spanish flying squadron he may
strike a blow at 1'prto Rico Itself.
H Is a curious fact that thus far the Navy
department does not know positively where
the Spanish fleet Is and It Is just possible
that the vessels may lie away over on the
other sldo of the Atlantic or at Cadiz , In
stead of being In Sampson's neighborhood
in the West Indies.
That such a thing can happen Is plainly
shown by the report from St. Thomas that
the Spanish cruiser Alphonso XIII arrived
at Porto Rico yesterday or the day before.
This Is a formidable protected cruiser of
modern type , and It has been supposed all
along that It was at Cadiz , Spain , forming
part of the home defense squadron.
Keep Their MiMcineiitM Secret.
The fact that It has arrived at Porto Rico
without knowledge of Its departure having
leaked out Is an evidence that the Spanish
authorities nro able to guard the secrecy of
thulr naval movements much better than our
own people are able to do.
Word came to the Navy department today
that the cable had been cut between Monte
video and Rio Grande de Sol , thus cutting
off all communication along the cast coast
of South America below the first and last
named points tn the south of Brazil.
If this wcro not an accident , It would bo
hard to guess at the purpose , the Oregon
having passed far north of the break. It
It Is just possible that Spanish emissaries
have cut the cable to conceal Eomo naval
demonstration , or movements of Spanish
fillips In that quarter of the world.
The War department today saw fit to grat
ify the universal desire and Inform the
country through the press just where the
various state volunteer organizations are
to bo concentrated. It Is the first time that
auy official statement has boon made as to the
points of concentration themselves. .
The order as published by the department
Is thought In some quarters to Warrant the
assumption that It contemplates a speedy
movement of .tho United States military
forces upon Cuba , and In much greater force
than was originally planned.
/The War department olflclals refuse to say
anything on this point , but there Is every
evidence that they expect a short , sharp ,
conclusive and Immediate campaign , such
as could not be waged by 5,000 or 10,000
It Is also to bo noted that preparations
made by the quartermaster's department and
the commissary's department , so far as Is
disclosed by actual orders , Indicate that pro
vision Is being made for mobilizing and
transporting and feeding many thousands of
men outside of the United States.
Avoid CoiiKeNtlnir RnllrondN.
With a view to systematizing the great
work of mobilizing the forces and putting
them In service , the War department has
planned a scheme which , It Is believed , will
vc'ry much hasten the work of getting the
men together and equipping them , while
avoiding any congestion of the railroad
traffic , such as Is always to be apprehended
In cases of war.
Instead of allowing all the troops called
for from a particular state to bo assembled
and broken In at the rendezvous the depart
ment Is Instructing Its mustering officers to
complete the organization of regiments as
rapidly ns possible , and as soon as ono Is
organized to report the fact to the depart
ment , when that regiment will be ordered at
once to the point selected for concentration.
In this way the government will bo relieved
greatly tn the distribution of stores , which
will bo called for only as fast au they are
needed. The men also will bo more amenable
to discipline when quickly transferred to the
concentration points outside their own
It Is the expectation that the first regi
ments organized and reported from the
states will bo sent to Chattanooga , thence
going to Cuba via Mobile , Tampa , Now Or
leans or Galvcston , for expeditions will bo
dispatched from each of these ports.
The governor of a state will have no hand
In the designation of the regiments to go
to particular concentration camps ; the des
tination will depend upon the promptness
with which the volunteers a'ro organized and
are ready for transportation.
Probably about one-third of the entlro
Icry called for by the president , or about
40,000 troops , will constitute the force to bo
sent south to take part tn the hist Cubin
Bervlce , following the regular army forces.
These troops will be the first to receive
their equipment , just as was defined In
General Miles' circular issued todtiy.
When they are organUed , equipped and
concentrated , the government will 'jo ready
Is the season for now Ufa in nature ,
new vigor in our physical systems.
As the fresh sap can-lea life into the
trees , so our blood should give us
renewed strength and vigor. In
its impure stiito it cnunot do this ,
and the nid of Hood's Sursaparilla
ia imperatively needed.
It will purify , vitalize and enrich the
blood , and with this solid , correct
foundation , it will build up good
health , create a good appetite , tone
your stomach and digestive organs ,
strengthen your nerves and over
come or prevent that tired feeling.
This has been the experience of thou.
sands. It will bo yours if you take
Greatest Modi.
tine. Bold by l drugE < U. t
'a DHIc cure Liter Ills ; easy to
0 t\lll ukutMjr Cooperate. *
to equip the second contingent , namely , the
forces about equal to another third of the
total call , which will bo assigned to the
defenses of the coast and harbors , replac
ing tbo regular United States troop * with
drawn from those posts.
When these are equipped the Aovorninent
will turn Its attention to tha third class ,
comprising the last third of the 12COO vol
unteers called for. It Is the sincere hope
of the War department that It will not lu
called upon to fully equip these troops bc-
fore hostilities are'at an end , but the work
of preparation Is proceeding on the con
trary assumption. This third division will
constitute the second reserve , to bo drawn
upon for reinforcements wbcncvf needed ,
nnd It Is possible that the mon never will
be called upon to leave their own Htntcn ,
unless the plans of the War department
Pi cutler SnirnNtn SayH the Future of
the War In with God and
None Cnn Foresee It.
LONDON , May 10. The Madrid corre
spondent of the Morning Post has had a
long j Interview with Senor Sagasta , the pre
mier , In tbo course of which the Spanish
talesman said :
"Tho sad events at Manila have saddened
all Spaniards , but have not made them lose
icart. We can say with confidence of this
disaster that nothing has occurred to wound
our pride.
"Much ihas been said regarding the
causes of the catastrophe , but all the dis
cussion has been beside the question. The
truth was we were too few , and were over
whelmed by the greater force of the enemy ,
and by the fortunes of war which unhap
pily went against us.
"In the present Juncture there Is no time
to lose. H Is useless to debate. Wo must
reserve all our strength and all our energy
for tomorrow. Our first duty Is to unite In
order to vanquish our enemies nnd to up
hold the honor of Spain. It Is necessary to
secure that end for the government to have
the support of all , without consideration of
party nnd exclusively on patriotic grounds.
Parliament , too , must grant the government
the resources required.
"The situation Is very simple and unfor
tunately cannot bo concpalcd. Spain Is deso
lated and ruined by Internal troubles. The
United States has coveted Cuba for a long
time , firstly because It Is an excellent stra
tegic point ; second , so as to bo masters of
the Intcroccanlc trade.
"To attain Its object It has literally hcs-
tatcd at nothing. It knew the state of our
finances and took advantage of It to at
tack us , after having assisted the Cuban
Insurrection with a view of completing our
ruin , and with a cut and dried plan , de
claring war as soon ns It considered our
exhaustion sufficiently advanced.
'Now that that struggle has begun the
Americans continue the same tactics. In
stead of openly making war they encourage
In every way the troubles In Cuba , Porto
Rico and the Philippines and If they could
they would stir up an Insurrection In the
peninsula. The future is In the hands of
God. None can foresee It. "
Crew of the Brooklyn Have No Love
for Their Former Comrade.
Fort Monroe ) , May 9. The chief topic of
conversation hero today was the arrest at
Washington of Commissary Yeoman Gcorgo
A. Donning on the charge of being a spy
In the employ of the Spanish government.
Downing came to the Brooklyn last De
cember , when It lay In the navy yard at
Brooklyn , and said his residence was Nou'
York City. He was an Englishman by birth
and had done' previous sea service on the
peninsular and Oriental boats and had also
been steward of a steam yacht owned by
Phclps Carroll. He had naturalization pa
pers.Ho was accepted and served on board the
Brooklyn until the third week In April ,
when ho was notified that ho was obnoxious
to the men. He asked for his discharge
and when Paymaster's Clerk Hancock
handed It to him It was Indorsed "not rec
ommended for rc-cnllstmcnt as commis
sary. "
When Downing saw this Kb flew Into a
rage and threatened Mr. Hancock. When
ho left the ship ho declared that ho would
"make It hot for the entire navy. "
There was something more than an un
satisfactory service In Downlng's. case
which led up to his discharge and It Is sus
pected that even when on board the Brook
lyn he was gathering information. HP asked
frequent questions about coal supplies and
the destination of colliers engaged by the
When ashore ho made himself particularly
friendly to the coal contractors and the
newspaper men , particularly the latter ,
from whom ho received much information.
Ho frequented the barrooms when ashore
and sought Information about ships In the
The sailors wcro all against the man and
not a word of regret was heard today over
his arrest. In fact , the seamen openly hint
that they did not think It was unexpected.
Downlng's salary whllo hero was $60 a
month and keep.
Four days after Downing was discharged
ho wrote a letter from Norfolk to Paymas
ter's Clerk Hancock , in which ho said : "I
have been turned down very dirty , " and
then Intimated that If It wcro not for tbo
Indorsement on his discharge he could get
n place In the navy yard.
That It was his desire to get employment
In ono of the navy yards is evident , for he
wrote later from 910 E street Northwest ,
Washington , Intimating that ho was trying
to get In the yard there. In the last letter
he said ho was drinking hard and had lost
something over $100. Ho asked for a revo
cation of the Indorsement.
When Downing left here ho had In his
possession $157.85 and when arrested be
had $130.70 , so that If his lottcr was true he
had BOIUO other source of Income. Ho did
not. draw any money whllo employed on the
He Succeed * tn IIIn 31 Union to Com-
lumiluntc with Gomel.
WASHINGTON , May 9. Major General
Nunez of the Cuban army arrived here last
night on his return from landing a party
tn Cuba. This landing -was made after con
ferences between General Nunez , General
Miles and Senor Quesada , the Cuban dele
gate , about two weeks ago , and was for the
purpose of opening up communication with
Generals Garcia and Gomez. After a brief
conference with Mr. Quesada , General Nu-
noz left for Now York , where he will make
a report to President Pal ma.
The results of his trip are guarded \vllh
much care by the Cuban officials here , \\-\o '
deem It Inexpedient to discuss what General
Nunez did. It Is said that his party found
no difficulty In establishing communication
with the Cuban commanders tn the field.
It Is understood that General Nunez will
continue organizing parties of Cubans to go
to the front nnd will have command of the
united Cuban forces other than those al
ready in the field under Garcia nnd Gouic ; .
Seniilo Hill Panned by the Ixiwer
WASHINGTON , May 9. The house passed
the senate bill authorizing the army to feed
Cubans and arm tbo people in the Island of
Munocacy Mu t Move Out.
PEKIN , 3lay 9. In consequence of the
declaration of neutrality by China In tbo
war between the United States and Spain
the government has requested the United
States steamship Monocacy to leave Chinese
water * .
Aggressive Campaign Will Bo Oondnsted
from Now On.
Porto Rleo nnd llnvnnn to He Annulled
and Worlc In the Philip
pine * in tn Be Com
WASHINGTON , May 9. At today's special
cabinet meeting the leading subjects of dis
cussion were the measures to be taken to
reinforce Rear Admiral Dewey at Manila
and the probable movement on Cuba. As to
the former , there has been no material
change In the plans. Approximately , 5,000
troops will be dispatched on the City of
Pekln and other transports. The Charleston
will act as convoy. The McCulloch has not
ret left Mlrs bay , outside Hong Kong bar *
jor , where It Is watting further Instructions
to Admiral Dewey , which will be sent prob
ably today or tomorrow. In his cablegram
received here Saturday the Admiral made
no request for troops , not knowing the
government's Intention in regard to the oc
cupation of the Island. It seems quite cer-
: aln , however , that the government Intends
lo make an active campaign against the
Spanish forces there and Admiral Dewey
will be so Informed.
U is not probable that the squadron will
bombard the city or engage In any actlvo
work against the fortifications there , except
such as the admiral may find necessary In
order to retain control of points now In his
possession. On the arrival of the troops ,
which will be immediately concentrated from
the Pacific coast states , it Is expected that a
finding will be made at once and operations
begun to capture the city nnd reduce the
remaining fortifications. In addition to the
flvo or six thousand troops the transports
will also take out a considerable cargo of
suspplies , Including ammunition.
The president and the members of his
cabinet are now expecting Important news
from Admiral Sampson's fleet , which was
dispatched against Porto Rico. It Is be
lieved that his victory there will be as com
plete as that of Admiral Dewey at Manila ,
although It Is hardly to be expected that the
consequences to his fleet will be as unim
portant. No alarm Is felt ns to the where
abouts of the Spanish fleet , and It cer
tainly is not expected that Admiral Samp
son will encounter It at Porto Hlco.
As to the plans of campaign In Cuba , It Is
understood that there has been no material
change from those announced some time
ago. At the proper time It Is expected that
a landing of a considerable force with pro
visions and munitions for tbo Insurgents will
bo effected at some easily accessible point ,
and that an actlvo campaign will then bo
begun from the rear as well as from the
fleets in front of Havana and other Impor
tant seaports.
AHNlntniit Secretary MelUlejohn In
Charge of Secret Servlee.
WASHINGTON. May . By direction of
Secretary Alger , Assistant Secretary Melklc-
John of the War department has been placed
In charge of the military secret service oft
the government during the continuance of
the war with Spain. Mr. Melkjejohn will
see that a strict surveillance Is kept over
every person on whom the least suspicion
rests that ho is In any way connected with
the Spanish government , or Is furnishing
any Information whatsoever 'to ' It detrimental
to the Interests of the United States. The
entire secret service of the Treasury de
partment has been placed at his disposal
for the work In hand. The first evidence of
the vigilant work which Is being done under
the. assistant secretary's supervision was
the arrest of George Downing In Washington
Saturday charged with being a Spanish spy.
Charges and specifications against the
prisoner , who Is now confined under strict
guard at the arsenal , have been prepared by
Judge Advocate General Lelber of the War
department , a copy of which has been for
warded 'to Colonel F. L. Guenther , the com
mandant. A courtmartlal will be appointed
to try the prisoner. Assistant Secretary
Mclklcjohn Is constantly receiving letters
from many persons giving Information con
cerning the actions and doings of people who
are believed to bo suspects engaged In
furnishing Information to the Spanish gov
ernment. These are being promptly In
vestigated with a view to the apprehension
of those under suspicion.
Many Application * Arc Now IIcliiR
Filed by llecrnltn.
May 9. The order of the secretary of war
to the effect that recruits and ro-cnllst-
ments may bo made to terminate at the
close of the var with Spain has stimulated
applications for the regular army , nnd they
are now numerous.
Special drill orders were Issued today for
three parades each day except Saturday
and Sunday , only one drill to bo observed
on Saturday , which Is Intended to get the
recruits rapidly Into fighting trim.
Field orders were Issued today to divi
sion quartermasters that requisitions for
supplies must bo made at the first of each
month and be for two months. Twenty cars
of the 1,000,000 rations consignment from
Chicago arrived and were stored today.
Colored recruits are coming In In droves
and. the colored regiments will be filled
up to war strength within the next few
General Brooke has selected as the campIng -
Ing grounds for the volunteer army a place
between the Cblckanmuga river and the
Lafayette road , contiguous to the best water
supply. General Boynton is preparing the
grounds for the reception of the troops , the
advance guard of which is expected to ar
rive Thursday.
Ilrooklyn'H Crnek OrjrnnUntlon 'Will
lie DUbnmlcd.
, NEW YORK , May 9. Brooklyn's former
pride In the military line , the Thirteenth
National Guard , will , It Is said , soon cease
to exist In consequence of the way In which
it responded to the order to go Into camp
In compliance with the president's call for
volunteers , to fight against Spain. Colonel
Watcrson of the Thirteenth and many
officers and privates of the regiment took
the stand that the regimental Integrity
should bo guaranteed before they entered
the service of the United States. In con
sequence , wbnn Governor Black designated
the Thirteenth along with other regiments
to make up Now York's quota under the
president's call , there was a lame and un
satisfactory response. Of a total of 900 ,
only 250 went to Hempstead Plains to be
come a part of Camp Black. The presence
of this remnant has not helped affairs at
the camp , and today tbo announcement i
made that the Thirteenth boys will bo sent
homo. It Is alao Intimated very distinctly
that tbo regiment will bo disbanded by
order of Governor Black.
ALBANY. N. Y. , May 9. Governor Black
has Instructed Adjutant General Tllllnghast
to Issue the order to disband the Thirteenth
regiment. Disobedience of orders from the
commandcr-ln-chlef prompted thU action.
Examining the Texn * Mllltla.
ST. LOUIS , May 9. A special to the Post
Dispatch from Austin , Tex. , says : Three
rogtments of Infantry nnd one of cavalry ,
in all 4,200 men , are now at Camp Mubry.
Physical examinations are in progress and
are being pushed rapidly. One captain failed
to get through today.
Srnntn Finance -Committee in About
to Itryprt the W r Iler
enne Inir mm Amended.
WASHINGTON , May 9. When the finance
committee adjournefl tonight the revenue
bill had been almost completed , although
there were § ome puzzling problems still un
solved , ono of wnlch was the manner of
dealing with proprietary Medicinal articles.
There will probably-be a uniform tax on
all of them ,
The comraltte8nhas decided to place n
license on banki'al'Jhe | rate of | 100 a year
and upon brokcri at the rate of $50 , but
has not yet determined whether the profes
sions shall be licensed or not.
On life Insurance companies the rate has
been Increased flvo told , being made 10
cents on every $100 , and It Is estimated that
this Increase will add about 11,000,000 In
The provision for an Inheritance tax and
for a tax on bills of lading were both *
adopted , as wore the provisions for taxing
all dealers In futures , Including bucket shop
operations. The bill as It will bo reported
will contain a provision recommending that
a memoranda be made of all deals of this
character , however small , nnd that a 2-cont
stamp bo placed on this memorandum.
The democratic amendments will be taken
up tomorrow , and there Is very little doubt
that they will all bo adopted , as Senator
Jones of Nevada has Indicated his purpose
of standing with the democrats on all Ae
principal changes they suggest. It Is possi
ble the consideration of the bill may bo
completed tomorrow , but It Is uot probable.
The committee considered the two mat
ters of eliminating the tonnage tax and
change in the tobacco schedule , so Us to re
lieve stock on hand from taxation. It hat
decided to leave the boer schedule us It
passed the house , except that the rebate Is
to bo Increased from 5 to 7H cents.
The democratic members , In addition to
their provision for a corporation tax , will
otter an amendment authorizing the Issu
ance of $150,000,000 In non-Interest bearing
treasury notes and another authorizing the
coinage of the silver seigniorage In the
treasury. The rate of taxation for corpo
rations has been reduced In their program
to one-halt of 1 per cent and It Is believed
by them that this provision will proluco at
least $40,000,000 of revenue.
Stale DiMiiirtiuciit linn n I.nrwe Num
ber of Diplomatic VlNltor * .
WASHINGTON , May 9. The State'depart
ment was alive with distinguished diplo
matic callers today. General Woodford , our
late representative at Madrid , came to the
department about 11 o'clock and awaited the
return of Secretary Day from the cabinet
meeting , when the two had a half hour to
General Woodford maintained the strict
reserve he has shown , since ho entered the
diplomatic service and while greeting all
Interviewers courteously , said he must de
cline to say a wprd while he still remains
In the service. Ho Js still .technically the
United States minister to Spain , on leave of
it r
About the same time the United States
consul at Barcelona , ! Clarence W. Bowen ,
called on Assistant"Secretary Crldler , who
has charge of consular affairs , and briefly
reported his arrival. | He , too , la on sixty
days' leave of absonee. , .
The status oto pur representatives to
Spain , after their ; Jcay.cs expire , Is consider
ably In doubt ; asthe , department has not had
occasion recentlyiito consider a , case of offi
cers whose tcnUjcgfiB rvlce terminated by
war. I ti , '
A number , of joeuibors of the diplomatic
corps called onsSfleretary Day after his re
turn from the cabinet meeting , Including
Sir Julian Pauncefote ; , Baron Fava. the
Italian ambassador : first secretary of the
German embassy , Baron 'Speck ' von Stern-
burg ; the Chinese minister , Mr. Wu Ting
Pang , and the Swedish minister , Mr. Grip.
The unusual number of colters was duo
to the return of Secretary Day after an ab
sence at Canton , O.
Addltlonnl eminent Will Be Sent to
Mnnlln lo Protect Them.
LONDON , May 10. The Hong Kong cor
respondent of the Dally'Chronlclo says :
"The British In Manila have forwarded a
petition through the British consul to Vice
Admiral Seymour , commander-tn-chlef of
the China 'station' , " for further naval as
sistance , and It is anticipated that addi
tional vessels will be sent there on Wednes
day."The British consul Is working In thor
ough harmony with the American com
mander , but It Is felt the overwhelming
British commercial Interests require super
vision by a force sufficient to keep the Span-
lards and natives In check.
"There Is u desire here to advocate a
British acquisition of the Philippines , thus
completing the chain of British possessions
from the Straits Settlement by Borneo to
this country. U Is felt hero that the oc
cupation of the Philippines by any other
great European power would bo most dan
gerous to British Interests.
"Business at Manila Is at a complete
standstill , but the Spaniards are not likely
to surrender until the city Is .blown to
pieces. The British Inhabitants , however ,
are confident that the trouble will soon bo
over. "
C'ntcli. On to the KnMhlon Set by the
Cuban * .
DUBLIN , May 9. There was a demonstra
tion near Wcstport , County Mayo , yesterday ,
to protest against "the Indifference of our
brutal English rulers toward starvation In
Ireland. " It was resolved to start a national
appeal to the president and congress of tbo
United States , pointing out the condition of
the population , "Insulted and coerced by In
solent foreign masters , " and praying for the
Intervention of the government of the great
republic "to obtain self-government for
Ireland , and a cessation of the famine and
over-taxation. "
Nebrnnlifi [ lloya In Dine.
The Nebraska ioojs ] that are being mus
tered Into the l/nlted States army will be
clothed In mlll&ry-jsults of blue. Their
clothing has been "ordered by the War de
partment , and Wi now being turned out at
St. Louis and Springfield. It Is understood
that the new upfjjcjrfis nro to be delivered
to the soldiers rbefbro they leave Lincoln.
The new uniform , will bo similar to those
furnished the UocdnStates regulars.
Captain Samuel H. Jones , acting a-iarter-
master of the DJjpnVtment of the Missouri ,
up until 3 So'cloqk 'yesterday afternoon had
received no Instructions regarding the
transportation ofnttofa Nebraska troops to
Cntckamaufa paW. , Jit Is possible that the
movement may DO handled by Lieutenant
Williamson , U. S. A. , who Is acting as quar
termaster of the Nebraska regiments at
The Department of the Missouri , U. S.
A. , was advised yesterday afternoon that
troop B of the Seventh cavalry , U. S. A. ,
now stationed In Arizona , arc to be trans
ferred to Fort Reno , I. T. , at once. One
troop of the Eighth cavalry will also bo
moved from Fort Mcado , S. D. , to Fort
Washnkle. Wyo. , thjs week.
S'li iiliih lluylnir 1'rovlnloni.
KINGSTON. Jamajca , May 9.-6 p. m ,
The Spaniards are trying to provision the
forts of Eastern Cuba beforo. the blockade
begins. Today shipping merchants here rd-
celved cable requests from Santiago and
Manzanlllo for cavgocb- tit food. U Is rep
resented that thor > < time yet to market
large quantities r' n { slons. Two schoon
ers have been cLtr "t bent and one has
chartered a , v bay.
Ship * Available to Take the Troops and
Supplies to Manila.
Huntclent Snpplr of Coal I * on Hnnd
at Snn Frnnclico to Supply
the Fleet of Commo
dore Uerrer.
SAN FRANCISCO , May 9. Within this
week G,000 men will bo quartered at the
Presidio In this city awaiting transportation
to Manila. Every day troops from Oregon ,
Washington , Utah nnd Idaho will bo pour-
lug In and the work of mustering in the mill-
tla will continue. The state and federal
authorities hero arc working night and dny
to have all In readiness when the transports
lay alongside the wharves for their load.
General B. C. Merrlam is expected hourly
from Vancouver. Word came from Wash
ington late last night that all branches of
the service would bo represented In the first
allotment of troops to the Philippines , and
that California had earned the warm com
mendation of the secretary of war for its
admirable celerity In mustering In Us quota
and for the character of those who composed
It. No effort Is being spared to got Into the
ranks of the army and navy every company
In California. Adjutant Barrett has sent to
Chief Greeley , of the signal corps at Wash
ington , a notification that 100 mrn of Cali
fornia's signal corps stand fully equipped and
well qualified to go to the front Immediately.
The naval mllltla Is urging the representa
tives of the state In Washington to help
them out In their deplorable condition of
Inaction. They arc extremely anxious to bo
assigned to duty.
The vessels In port , or expected here dur
ing the next forty-eight hours , that could
bo used as transports for men , horses , muni
tions of war nnd coal , are the Australia ,
Marlposa. Ohio , City of Puebla , Lcelanaw ,
City of Peokln , City of Sydney , Progrcso ,
Washtcnaw and Willamette. Of these , the
Australia Is ready to bo fitted out at a mo
ment's notice , the Ohio Is discharging , the
City of Puebla Is to sail on Wednesday next
for Puget Sound ports , the Lcelanaw Is dis
charging coal , while the City of Sydney Is
on Its way hero from Panama , nnd the Pro-
greso , Wnshtonaw and Willamette , from
Puget Sound. The Ohio nnd Lcelanaw wcro
brought out hero from the east for St.
Michael's trade , and It would not take long
to fit them out to carry a large number
of troops. The Progreso carries 3,000 tons ,
the Washtenaw 4,000 tons and the Wil
lamette 2,400 tons of coal. They are now
on their way here , heavily laden. The big
Australian colliers Burma and Tltlnla are
now on their way here from Nanalmo , B. C. ,
with about 10,000 tons of coal between them ,
so they would flll up the American steamers
Progreso , Washtenaw and Willamette In
short order.
The military camp at the Presidio Is vis
ited dally by thousands of citizens and the
patriotic spirit of the people is shown by
flags flying throughout the city.
Add * Materially to the
Strength of the Fleet.
OFF FORT MONROE , Va. . May 9. ( On
Board the Flagship Brooklyn. ) Commodore
Schley and his staff watched with great In
terest this morning from the bridge of the
flagship the arrival of the new cruiser NPW
Orleans , It came up Hampton Roads at a
pretty lively gait and about 10 o'clock an
chored about three miles distant. The New
Orleans Is in command of Captain Folgcr
and when It dropped anchor here ind sa
luted the commodore's flag It became one
of the flying squadron. Commodore Schley
and officers of the fleet exprescd admiration
at the general appearance of the new cruise. .
It is evidently a better fighter than the de
tached Columbia , although not so fast. Com
modore Schley decided not to have it go
up to Newport News for either coal or paint
ing and It will remain at anchor here , getting
coal from lighters.
The Minneapolis will come In ihls after
noon and the squadron will then consist of
three cruisers , two battleships and a con
verted yacht. .
The formidable dynamite cruiser , tbo Ve
suvius , got away finally this morning for
Key West , accompanied by the Suwance.
Both boats will join the blockading squad
ron In the vicinity of Cuba.
Full of I2iitliiiMlnnni ami Heady to CoOperate -
Operate with United Stilton.
NEW YORK , May 9. The Evening Post's
Key West correspondence today says : An
artist who has Just arrived from Gomez's
camp says there ore 18,000 Cubans In the
neighborhood of Sanctl Splrltus , but they
are short of arms and 'ammunition. They
also have difficulty In obtaining sufficient
food , but are full of enthusiasm and desire
to co-operate with our army. The condition
of the rcconcentrados ,1s described as piti
able In the extreme.
Wn * Stcautlntr Slowly In Line of
NEW YORK , May 9. A copyrighted dis
patch to the Evening World dated at Puerta
Plata , Haytt , today , quotes the captain of
the German steamer Bolivia as saying that
while ho was In Cape Haytlcn on Sunday an
American cruiser entered , saluted the flag
and coaled. The Spanish protested without
success. After calling the Bolivia sighted
and passed five American war ships , be
lieved to bo Admiral Sampson's fleet , steam
ing slowly eastward In line of battle.
City of Poking Reache * Port.
SAN FRANCISCO , iMay 9. The Mer
chants' exchange reports the steamship City
of Peking , from Hong Kong and Yokohama ,
as passing In at 6:30. : This will bring It to the
dock about 7 o'clock unless the health offi
cers place it In quarantine. The Peking ,
with tbo steamer Australia and the cruiser
Charleston , will leave here about Saturday
or Sunday next with troops and provisions
for the Philippines.
New Cabinet U Probnble.
MADRID , May 9. 8 p. m. Tbo queen
regent consulted late this afternoon with
Senor Montero Rlos , president of tbo sen
ate , who advises a reconstruction of the
cabinet. U Is Increasingly probable that
the cabinet will be reformed , with Senor
Oamaozo Included. The house has adopted
the Indemnity bill.
Confttil Ilrlrr Report * Severn ! Hundred
Left llehlnd nnd In Dittmrr
nt Mntniiinn.
CHICAGO , May D. Alex C. Brlce. United
States consul at Matanzas , Is In this city
with his family. Ho Is on his way to his
homo , Bedford , la. , where ho will try to
forgot the scenes of horror which ho says
are equalled by nothing In Dante's Inferno.
There will bo one thing , though , that Mr ,
Urlce can never forget. Ho said ho was
forced to leave 300 citizens of America In
Matanzafi. Some of these have already been
slaughtered by the Spanish , ho believes.
Others will be. Many will die of starvation.
Mr. Brlcc said today : "Tho condition of
Rome was as bad as that of the rcconccntrr.-
dos. The greater portion , of them wore Cu
bans by birth who had become naturalized
In this country , but some wore genuine
blue-blooded Yankees.
"There were many women In the number.
It was Impossible for them to leave , not
having money enough even to buy food
The Norwegian captain of the vnsscl on
which I 'escaped refused to take the Ameri
can citizens. Had It been an American vex-
sel I would have Insisted.
"Four or flvo of the Americans who heard
I was to depart came down to the shore.
Tficy wore deeply affected and tearfully
begged to bo taken away. I told them to
take to the bush and join the Insurgents II
they could , and advise their friends to do
the same. I could not sleep that nlghl
aboard the Norwegian vessel. The memory
of those poor Americans and their probable
fate was always before mo as I tossed In
my berth. At 2 o'clock In the morning 1
arose and wrote a message which I after
ward dispatched to Washington. I ap
pealed In the name of heaven for a war ship
to take off the Americans who wcro left be
hind. President McKlnley tried to save
them , but for some reason did not succeed ,
although many Spanish left afterward.
"Some of the Americans have already been
killed or died of starvation , I understand.
A few may have escaped to the Insurgents
The most of them , however , will suffer
death cither from starvation or at the hands
of the Spanish. These arc the things I try
to forget , but cannot. "
"Too much credit Is given Captain Gen
eral Blanco for his pretended reforms,1
Bald Mr.Jlrlce. . "In the first place when
the order nllowlng the reconcentrailos to
return to fhelr homos was Issued It was
of little avail , for the people had neither
strength to drag their bodies back to the
plantations , and had they gone to the de
serted fields there was nothing but starva
tion for them.
Blanco Is not the monster that Weylcr Is
The most frightful caricature of that worthy
you have docs not do his appearance justice
Diminutive and bent , with little , beadllko
eyes , and ferocious In every lineament , he
Is the embodiment of soulless cruelty. The
work In Cuba , somewhat repulsive to Blanco
was a holiday fete for him. When this war
Is over and all Its history Is written Wey-
ler will go down In the pages of that his
tory as one of the greatest monsters of al
time. "
All Pnbllc Property on Pnolllc Conm
U nil or Iliiublu Gutird.
CHICAGO , May 9. A special to the Record
from San Francisco says :
It Is believed that the government has
been warned that the Spanish are Intend
ing to Inflict great damage In San Fran
cisco and vicinity , oven If they have no
fleets and armies here to do it with. The
Information Is that the spies will be relied
upon to work havoc upon this side of the
continent and It Is greatly worrying both
government officials and local authorities.
* " "
Immedlate""measures were taken to guard
against such contingency as far as possible
and the first result was the doubling of
euards at all places particularly exposed to
| such attacks. Extra police were detailed to
assist the regular guards In watching In
port the battleship Wisconsin , now being
built at the Union Iron works. Guards
were doubled arond the Plnola Powder
Precautions at Mare Island navy yard
have been Increased. The Spring Valley
reservoir , which supplies San Francisco's
water. Is now watched over by armed
guards. The blowing up of the great dam
would not only leave San Francisco with
out water and without protection from fire ,
but would cause to be swept away the city
of San Mateo.
Will He the bant of the Week Ilcforc
Arrangement * Are Made. '
TAMPA , Fla. , May 9. It Is stated on the
best authority that no order for the Imme
diate embarkation of troops from Tampa has
yet been received and that none is expected
at present. While officials here believe It
very probable that tbo plan of campaign In
Cuba has been decided upon already , no
movement of a largo body of troops from
hero Is possible for several days. It will
take some time to prepare the transports and
moreover nearly half the supplies necessary
for the army of Invasion have yet to be re
ceived. At the present rate of progress , and
taking into account the time nccesssary for
landing the troops It Is hardly possible that
any movement can take place before tbo end
of the week or even later.
Him u Conference with the IiiMtirKent
Lender While There.
NASSAU , N. P. , May 9. First Lieutenant
A. H. Rowan of the Nineteenth Infantry ,
the agent of tbo United States War depart
ment , who has been on a visit to Cuba , ar
rived here today after accomplishing his
mission. He has seen the Cuban leaders
and Incidentally ho saw Rear Admiral Samp
son's fleet steering in an easterly direction.
Lieutenant Rowan left Cuba on May 1 In
on open boat.
ATCHISON , Kan. , May 9. The wife of
Lieutenant A. 8. Rowan , who lives In this
city , received a telegram from the War de
partment stating that her husband was safe.
Lieutenant Rowan was lately sent to Cuba
to the camp of General Garcia.
n Mllltln Company.
MITCHELL. S. D. , May 9. ( Special Tel
egram. ) A mass meeting was hold at the
court house tonight to consider the proposi
tion of Judge Haney of Pierre , whether the
volunteer company which wished to enlist
would Join company A of Pierre , they being
short about fifty men. It was the consensus
of opinion that the volunteer company
would join no other company , believing that
Mitchell was entitled to a company of Its
own and that they did not care to nil out a
skeleton company. J. H. Scrlvcn presented
the following resolution which was unani
mously adopted :
"Resolved that we the loyal and patriotic
citizens of Mitchell and Davlson county do
Over five hundred confidential communications from
eminent medical practitioners in the United States and
throughout the world have been received testifying to
the remarkable and unique value and efficacy of
continuous use by the constipated , the gouty and the obesa
and as an occasional laxative.
Of all Druggists and Mineral Water Dealer * .
tcndcr our services to Governor Leo M
company credited to Davlnon county nd
wo hereby ogrco lo furnish a full company
manned nnd officered dy Dnvlson county cit
izens equal to any company In the state of
South Dakota. "
dpeelnl Agent for the Internal Rev
enue Offloe to MftUr 111 * Head-
anartera nt Ontnhn.
Captain George H. Wheclock has estab
lished his headquarters hero ns special In
ternal revenue agent , having his office for
the present with Superintendent Latchseroa
the first lloor. Ills permanent office will v.
bo on the upper floor , which Is not yet com
pleted. This district has heretofore boon
represented by a special agent , with head
quarters at Minneapolis. A change was
made and Captain Wheclock appointed from
Philadelphia , the territory being changed so
that this district now comprises the state !
of Nebraska , Iowa , the two Dakotas , Colorado
rado , Wyoming , Now Mexico nnd Arizona.
Captain Wheclock , having relatives In
this city , deHlrod that ho might bo located
here. Ills homo Is at Ottumwa , la. , where
his family Is located. They will come to
Omaha to reside In the near future. Cap
tain Wheclock has been connected with the
Internal revenue department for BOIUO time ,
receiving his appointment under the Harri
son administration , but was removed by
Cleveland , being reinstated by McKlnloy.
Ho Is allowed ono assistant for the present ,
who nets ns an expert gaugcr , but the cap
tain thinks there will have to be some
material Increase In the office force before
lang , and especially will this bo the case
If the pending war revenue measure passes
congress. The duties of the office deal with
the parties and products that pay tribute to
the government.
is duo not only to the originality nnd
simplicity of the combination , but also
to the care and blclll with which it ia
manufactured by scientific processes
known to.tho CAI.IFOIINIA Fie SVHUP
Co. only , and we wish to impress upon
all the importance of purchasing the
true and original remedy. As the
genuine Syrup of Figs is manufactured
by the CALIFOIINIA Fin Srnui * Co.
only , a knowledge of that fact will
assist one in a\-oiding the worthless
imitations manufactured by other par
ties. The high standing of the CAM-
FOIINIA Fie SVJIUP Co. with the medi
cal profession , and tlio satisfaction
which the genuine Syrup of Figs has
given to millions of families , makes
the name of the Company a guaranty
of the excellence of its remedy. It is
far in advance of all other laxatives ,
as it acts on the kidneys , liver and
bowels without irritating or weaken
ing them , and it does not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to get its beneficial
effects , please remember the name of
the Company
l.liniRT1Tl.P. K- . jj r.W TOIIK. N. T.
Managers. Tel. lltl.
TONIGHT , 8:15. :
America's 1'avorlto Irish Actor
nnd hit Motrnpnlltnn company In 2 great plays
OBRIENtho Contractor"
Both productions elaborately staged.
Prices. Lower floor , l,00,76o , balcony. 7Cc ,
Me. Matlnoo. Lower floor , COc , Ilulcouy ,
The / Manner , . Tei.
O. U. Woodward , Amusement Director.
Specialties Munlcal Dale , Clifford and
Huth. .
nuil Cniiltol Arc.
Matinees Wed. and Sat. 2:30. : Admlaalon lOo.
I. N Oulll. I'rop. and Manager.
Santhrnnt Ciir. IMlt mill Davenport.
Attractions week commencing May 9.
Lynwood 3 Flammo Sisters 3 Ada and
Oussle in tbclr original Turkish and Whirl
wind dances. Lalo Frances Josephine
Flammo In songs nnd dances. Carroll and
Dates. Sisters Dayton. Marie Staudford ,
songs and dances. Plamondon. Dally mati
nees except Monday.
Corner Kith nnil Hartley Street * .
Henry Lleven. Prop.
niiiwi\i COMPANY'S
G'lilc-nuo Htrcct.
South Hide JunVrHnn Siiunro.
A. JVYIir.IUJ , Pro * .
13th nnd DouglnH St.s. , Omaha.
J. K. UAIIKUL * SUM. 1-rop. .
Clectrlo care direct to r.ipoiltloa grounds
i HANlC llAUKKIl. C hl r
3AM IJAUMAH. Cnl.t Clerk.
THE -GI/JK 15131 Douglaa
Via * Room * .