Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 10, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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    THE CMIAHA DAILY BEEl TUESDAY , 3HAY 10 , 1898. 11
Most Exciting Wheat Market in More Thar
Twenty-lire Years.
Ileernt Hhnrn Ailvnnoe In Mnr When
In InnlKnlflcnnt In. G'omnnrliion
o Hie ItnlKe t r
Later Option.
CHICAGO , May . The most excltlni
market since the Franco-Prussian war wa
witnessed In the wheat pit today on th
Chicago Board of Trade. An advance o
14 7-8c n btt. wan Reared In the native op
tton , July. The market reacted only 1
from the highest point , July closing strom
at"JI.20U. . May wheat rose to $1.75 and fin
Ished at the top , a net aln of 8c. The re
cent sharp advance In May was Inslgnifl
caiit In comparison with today's bulge I
.July. Bids had frequently to' bo advance
2c or 3d on the execution of B single ordci
A sensational advance at Liverpool , ovc
'l2e for-July , started the Chicago markc
, nnd utter the start there was trpparcntl
no stopping. Corn advanced 2c , oats it
pork 27c , lard 7c , ribs 2c.
The Liverpool , wheat market today ex
celled all previous efforts at startling nil
vnnces by opctilng 7d higher for May an
from 7d to 9d for July , compared with Sat
urduy'B closing figures. That set the Ch !
cngo wheat pit Into n roar of nervous c >
cltement nt the opening. All sorts of prlri
wc-rr paid for July simultaneously In dll
ferent parts of the pit. It was Imposslbl
for n few minutes to get an Idea of whti
lirlco was predominating , but after a whll
the opening range , as near ns could h
found out. was given nt from S1.09H t
SI.10- % . Trading between those limits WH
enormous for two or three minutes , bt
buying orders without limit to price poiirc
in from outside and the price leaped 111
ward In great bounds , touching SI.14 fc
nn Instant. The market rebounded (
II.lift. Shorts saw that their only chant
to recoup was by doubling and price we
no object. Up shot quotations ngali
touching J1.1G , ten minutes after the opei
ing. Another reaction to S1.13V4 followei
but offerings were readily absorbed an
the market gradually settled down arotin
SI.15. Trading In May began nt gcfadvanc
Leltcsr sold a little nt $1.75 , caudtig a n
nctlif.l to $1.70 , which was quickly reco\
crod. The usual statistical figures wei
utterly disregarded. Local receipts wei
312 cars , against nine a year ago. Mlnni
upollx and Duluth received 42S cars , con
pared with 41) n year ago. The world
xhlpments were 9,775,000 bu. last wee ;
Indian contributing 1G5S. < X und Ilusal
3.912,000 bu. gf the total. The ijomestlc vl :
Iblo dccrrased only 735,000 bu. , against 2,650
GO1) bu. last year. Primary western ma
kcts received U2S.OOO bu. . compared wll
3TO.COO' bu. the corresponding day of 1SS
The English visible supply Increased 239,0
bu. The quantity on ocean passage wt
BfiC.OOO bu. smaller than a weuk ago. Afti
a brief rest at $1.15 the buying furore wi
renewed. The wild scramble of Europcc
nations for American breadstuffs appean
to bo conclusively shown by the announc
mcnt of fresh bids to Loiter for 2,000.0
bu. of rod wheat. Up to the close ho be
not accepted the offer , but reported otlv
Bales of 350,000 bu. to go abroad. Llverpo
market nt the close showed gains of I
for spot and 8 7-M/9d / for futures. Par
nnd Antwerp accentuated the Kuropet
shortage by advancing 5c each. Near tl
end of the session offerings became scarri
than over and July rushed up to $1.21' '
easing off nt the close to J1.20'/t. Septer
ber , which sold early nt E9c , was rushi
tip to 95c and closed 7c net higher nt 9l'/i
No failures were reported on 'change , b
margin calling was sharp.
Corn was active and shorts covered fr < -
ly , with the strength of wheat as nn I
cpiitlve. May gained 2 3-Sc , July 2c. U
celptH were heavy , ti78 cars nt Chicago , in
weather' ' was favorable. Seaboard clea
anccs wore 879,000 bu. The visible supp
decreased 1.131,000 bu. July started le high
nt 3 > ! i-8c to 35 7-Sc to Sfic , advanced
37 3-S1T37HC. , closing rasy at 3ii 7-8y37c.
Oats T cre neglected , but on modern
covering ndvnnoed about In. The visit
nuppiy decreased l.CSI.COQ bu. The day
clearances were 227,000 bu'.f local receipt
422 cars. July openpfl J4ft3-.Sc higher
27 . ; i2" 3-Sc , nflvaneod to 28c. closing 7-8 $
net higher-Bt 27 7-Sfi28c.
Provisions did not any extent
the grain excitement. Liverpool was quoti
dullit < unchanged prices for meats , ai
lard. ' Western hog receipts were C7C
liead , against CO.OOO head last year. Pap
ers sold moderately nt tlio advance. Tl
closing prices showed advances of 23c
pork , 7c In lard nnd 2' c In ribs.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow : AVher
425 cars ; corn , 119 cars ; oats , 625 cars ; hog
27.000 head.
Leading futures range as follows ;
3rtl'cle . .l Opon. I Uljh. I Low. I CloteT ! Sal
V > lrHt-
liny. . . 1 73 1 75 i no 1 76 1 61
July. . . * 1 21)4 ) t ii W 1 2014 1 OtHI
108S J5 sti tuw HI
bBH 8 !
Mny. . . 74 Sfli
July. . . I7W4H 30M-37
Bt-pt. S7H 3UU
Mny. . . 31W 32 31
July. . . 27 > 4M 20 27M 1
May. . . 10 85 10 DO 10 80 10 no 10 71
July. . . 11 00 11 23 11 UO. 11 2L'V 1001
Mar. . . S 87K fi DUU & 87 > 4 A no s R :
Jnly. . . 0 03 fiflA fi > ( , D HI
5 03 0 03 6 03' o o * & 5 Oi
May. . , 5 55 fi B :
July. . . 0 00 S 33 S no C Ai
rSopt 0 07H n 074 A ( I7H fit ) .
No. 2.
Cash quotations were as follows :
FLOUR Strong ; foreign bids itdvnnc
49cf ; standard patents were quoted -at $1
4l'7.50 ' ; leading brands , Jl higher.
WHEAT No. 3 spring , J1.3W.55 ; No.
red * . fl.70ftl.75.
CORN No. 2 , 35 3-817J7c.
1 OATS No. 2 , 31H032V4C t. o. b. : No.
White. 24Vl < T/35c : No. 3 Whltei33fi3l'ic.
KYENo. . 2. 74TJ75C. \
llAllhBY 43fjE2c. t
FLAXSEED-No. 1. J1.38. i
TOMOTHY SEED-1'rlme. 12.75.
PROVlSlONS-Moss pork , per bbl. , Jl (
5D10.95. LArd. per 100 Ibs , ? 5.90Il5.92' . Sh ;
ribs , sides ( loose ) , J1.33ifi > 3.70. ! Dry sail
shoulders { boxed ) . J4.75tj5.00 ; short cli
uhlea ( boxe'd ) . J5.9036.10.
WHISKY Distillers' HnUhcd goods , i
SUQARS-Cut loaf. $5.91 ; granulated , $5
On the Produce exchange today the b
tor market was steady ; creameries , 13Q1
dairies , 131) ) 14r. Eggs , steady ; fr.esh , 1
Cherae. unchanged. Live poultry. In gt
demand : turkeys , bQ9c ; chickens ,
duck ? .
QnotutloiJH liir < liu JJny on Geiiei
NEW YORK , Mny 9.-FLOUR-Rcceli
22.031 bbls. ; exports , 7,4)1 bbls. ; excited r
decidedly higher , discouraging buyers. M
nesutu patent , JT.DOQS.OO ; Minnesota bake
J3.30J56.00 ; winter patents , IB.60i7.00 ? ; win
straights , JS.SOfte.BO ; winter extras. $4.1
D.OO ; winter low grades , J3.90ff3.00. 1
Hour , llrm , J3.70ff4.15.
CORNMEAL-Flrmer ; yellow westt
79c.RYE Strong ; No. 2 western , 78c.
1JAHLEY Dull : feeding. 42c.
BARLEY MALT Qutot ; western , Kft'
WHEAT Receipts , 22H.625 bu. ; B ]
ntrong ; No. 2 red , J1.88 f. o. b. ' nlloat to
rive , nominal. Options were sensatlom
trong nil day on the biggest short scare
the year , started by extraordinary siren
at Liverpool. Both May and July had I
mcndous advances , the former closlng-2 !
net higher , the latter ISM-c higher i
other months fi % r8e net higher. No
red. May. Jl.70ftl.lXV closed Jl.B&'i ; Ji
| 1.1VTM. & % . closed J1.2SW.
CORN Receipts , 160,875 bu. ; spot , stro
No. 2 , 43V4c : options , strong and active
day with wheat. Shorts covered freely i
the market closed 2ViT2 3-Sc net hlgl
May , 40U41 5-Sc. closed 41'ic ; July , 4U
42VU- . closed 42Uc.
OATS Receipts. 212.400 bu. ; exports , 1
930 bit. : spot , strong ; No. 2. 3 ! c ; Nc
white , Ort'ijs ic : options , nulet but stron
with other markets , closing ut IVic
.viuico : May closed at 3Cc.
HAY Steady ; hhlpplnjf , 30Q33c ; good
choice , 65ft 75c.
HOPS Steady ; state , common to chi
isw crop , 4fi5c ; 1S36 crop. 7Sc ; is 7 ci
! Mrl6c : Paclllc coast , 18 5 crop , 4i5c ;
crop. 7 3o ; 1837 crop. IMUtk- .
HIDES Qulat ; Galveston , WJc ; Tf
dry. 12Mtc ; California , 17H lc.
LEATHER Firm ; hemlock sole , Bnc
'Ay row. 19Viii20c. .
WOOL-Quletj fleece , 16 22c ; oataa ,
I4c. *
TUOVISlONS-Bcef. trdnfc * uaUyvl
ll CO ; extra mem , JlO.SOttU.M eef ha
packet , J11.OOU1J.00. .Out roe
belli * * ,
houtdprs , J3 ; pickled Imtn , } 7.75f100. Lnrd ,
ulelj western stetrmeer W.2SWO.W. Rcnned ,
inlet. Pork , pitnlcrfrm-SB , Jlo.fal ll.OO ; short
Icar , JI1.00W13.00 ! family , J12.0W12.50. Tnl-
ow , dull ; city , 3B8ccountry ; , ZWitVic ,
o nuallty. t
OlLS Petroleum , nrm ; reflncd New York ,
C : Philadelphia and > Waltlmore. J5.90 ; Phil-
ulclphla and lialtlm/rc. In bulkJ3.50. Rosin ,
Irm ; strained , cotntftoh to good , ll.43ttl.47Vi.
Turpentine , utombt 32'MiMc. Cottonseed
oil. prime crude , 20cV prime crude , f. o. b. ,
mills. 16ftl7c ; prime summer yellow ,
4V4c , off summer yellow , 23VW24C , nomlnul ;
Hitler oil , 2 a2Sc ; prime winter yellow , 2tt
RICB-FIrm ; ? alr to cxt'ra , 51-8t7'lc } ;
Japan , 5 7-8fJ6c. ]
MOLASHKS-SWaiiy ; New Orleans open
( ettlo , good tn cllolio , 2MB33C.
METALS-Thc week In the metal mar-
kct opens with Interest nt a low ebb and
prices In many Instances largely nominal
At the close today the metal exchange
calls pig Iron wararnti dull nt J4.65 bid
CJ.83 asked : lake topper , unchanged nl
112.10 bid. J12.20 nskdd ; tin , dull nt $14.40 bid ,
J14.60 asked ; spelter1 , quiet at J4.10 bid , Jl.2 (
asked , and lead easier nt J365 < tf3.70. Th <
flrm that llxes the Settling price for mlnen
and smelters ( luotes lead nt J3.0.
BUTTER Receipts. 9,177 pkgs. ; westorr
creamery , 14V4Q17c ; Elgltis , lie ; factory
CHEESE TtccclptH , 4,122 pkgs. ; quiet
new , light skims , GVif c ; part sklma ,
6Hc : full skims , 2W3c.
EGGS Receipts , 16.239 pkgs. ; western ,
He ; southern ,
Canilltlnn of Trnilo nnd Onntniloni
on Stni > lp nnd KnncjProduce. .
EGOS Good stock , 9e.
BUTTER Common to fair , 9@llc ; sop.
arator , 17c ; gathered creamery , lliflSc.
VEAL-ChoIco fat , 80 to 120 Ibs. . quoted al
; largo and coarse , 67c.
LIVE POULTRY-Chlckens. 7&7H : eli
rooitera , .WJtJDVic ; young roosters. 6j6',4c.
PlOEONLlvo , J1.15Q1.23 ; dead pigeon !
not wanted.
HAY Upland. J7.00 ; midland , J .00 ; low
land , J3.50 ; rye straw , $1.00 ; color makes tin
price on hay ; light bales sell the best ; onlj
top grades bring top prices.
ONIONS Per bu. , 90cQJl.
BEANS Hand-picked navy , per bu. , J1.25
SWEET POTATOES-Kansas , 10-pec )
bbls. . J1.EO : seed sweet potatoes J2.00.
CABBAGE New , Florida , per crate , J2.25
Mississippi cabbage , $2.50.
POTATOES- Home grown , : OQ53c ; Colorado
rado stock , 70c ; rfarthcrn fancy early Ohlt
seed potatoes , S5c > ,
TOMATOKH Per crate. J3.00fi3.25.
NEW BEETS-Per dox. bunchcfl. 4ifi50c
RADISIlES-l'cr d.oz. bunches , 3j1j33c.
LETTUCE Per Ooz. bunches , 3.iii40c.
GREEN ONIONS-Per doz. , 120.110
WATERCRESS Per 16-qt. ciise , $1.60.
CUCUMBERS Per doz. , J1.23Q1.50.
WAX BEANS % -bu. box , JI.
PEAS Per Int. , fancy Mississippi , J1.23.
SPINACH-Esr basket , Jl ,
PIEPLANT Homo giown , per lb. 2c.
STRAWBERRIES- Arkansas , M-qt. cast
APPLES Winter stock. J3.00fl3.50.
CRANBERRIES Fancy Jersey , per bbl.
UtiAPKS Mnlacns. 'J3.00fl6.00.
ORANGES-Callfornla navels , J2.73fl3.0fl
seedlings , $2.25.
LEMONS Cnlfornla fancy , J3.00 ; choice
J2.50fi2.73 ; fancy Messina , J3.00P3.50.
BANANAS Choice , largo stock , pe
bunch , $2.00g2.25 ; medium sized bunches
$1.7503.00.MISCELLANEOUS. .
NUTS Almonds , per lb. . large size , 125
13c ; imnll , lie ; Brazils , per lb. , 9i 10u ; Erg
llsb walnuts , per.Jb. , fancy soft shell , 110
He ; standard * . 8T(9o ( ; filberts , per lb. , lOc
pecans , polished , " medium , < Vj7c : extr
large , MJDo ; lare hickory nuts , $1.00711.1
per bu , ; small , Jl.23yi.3i per bu. ; cncoanul ;
per 100 , Jl ; pettttuts , raw , ei/Slic / ; roastoi
MAPLE SYRUPr-Fivc-gal. can , eacl
$2.75 ; gal. cans , pure , per dnz. , $12 ; half-ga
t'Ain , J5.25 ; quart cans , $1.50.
FIGS Imported , fancy , 3-crown. 14-11
boxes , lOc ; 5-crown , 41-lb. boxes , 13c ; 2-11
boxes. 22J23c per box ; California , 10-11
box , Jl.
HONEY Choice white , 12c ; Colorado air
bur , lOtfllc.
KRAUT Per bbl. , $3.50 ; per half bbl
"DATES Ilallowpe , GO to 70-lb. boxc !
SHc : Salr , 5c ; Fard , 9-lb. boxes , 9c.
CIDER-Pcr half bbl. , $3 ; bbl. , $3.
HIDES No. Ifereen hldcst 6c ; No. 2 groc
hlilos , 5e > No. 1 Baited hides , Sc'No. 'i grec
raited hides. . 7 < st.No.1.3r il calf , . S to 12 Iba
- i9c : No. 2 veal calf , IS to 15 Ibs. , "ic. .
, TALLOW , GTIEA3E. ETC. Tallow , Ni
, ' 1 , 3c ; tallow , No , 2 ; aVSo ; rough tallow , 1 % <
Jjwhite grease , 2'/42c ( ; yellow and brow
, ; giease. IV&ffJZ & c.
0 SHEEP PELTS-Green salted , each , 15
(75c ( : green salted shearings' ( short 'Woole
„ 'early skins ) , each , 15c ; . < fry shearings , ( shoi
wcoled early'skins * . No. 1 , euch , 5c ; di
, I flint , Kansas andv licbraska butpher woi
I' pelts , perV. \ . , > v ? ctua4 - height , 4 < B5 <
' dry flint. Kansa , and Nebraska murrul
wool pelts , per lb.-actual weight , 34c ; dt
flint , Colorado , btitWjcr wool pelts , per It
t actual weight. 4g5ciary'fllnt , Colorado mu :
rain wool" pelts'ifc Jb.v actual weight ,
FURS-Bear ( D ) < * or brown ) . $5.00fJ20.0
otter. Jl.&MTS.OOlr.JUlnlc , 15/3Cpc : beaver , JL
SG.OO ; skunk.JS&ZUSc , Me ; muskrnt. 3c , 6
7c ; raccoon , 15iQ90c ; red fox , 25cfiJ1.25 ( ; grn
fox , 25fT50c ; wolf ( timber ) , 25C0J2.50 ; wo
( prairie coyote ) , lOfraOc ; wildcat. I
badger , 6t40c } ; silver fox , JS.OOOi75.00.
DRESSED BEEF Good native steers. '
per fb. ; good forequarters steer * . 6c ; goc
hindquarters steers , dc ; western steers , G } ;
native heifers , . G-Ho ; western heifers. 6H
good forequarters heifers , 6c ; good him
quarters heifers , 8'/4c ; native cows , 6 > t
western cows , 6V4c ; fair cows , fc : cow for
quarters. Cc ; cow hindquarters , 8c ; bacl
halves. 606Victriangles. ; . 4'/4c.
BEEF CUTS Tenderloins , fresh. 18
fiozcn , 15c ; boneless strips , fresh , 10
frozen , 9c ; strip loins , fresh. S c ; froze
6H ; rolls , boneless , frozen , 9c ; fresh , 10
rolls. Spencer- cuts , frozen , DC ; fresh , 10
sirloin butts , boneless , frozen , 9c ; fresh , 10
shoulder clods , boneless , 6Uc ; rump butt
boneless , 6c ; No. 1 chucks. 5'ic ; No.
chucks. 4&c : No. 3 chucks. 41/4c ; bonele
chucks , frozen , 4c ; fresh , 6Uc ; cow plate
3'Ac ; steer platen , . 4c ; flank steak , 7c ; loir
No. 1 , frozen , 12c ; fresh14c ; loins , No.
frozen , lOc : fresh. 12c ; loins , No. 3 , froze
80 ; frculi , lOc ; short loins , market style ,
above loins : hotel style , 4c above loins ; cc
loin ends , 8V&c ; steer loin ends , 9 > , ic ; ban
Ing tenderloins , 4V6c < : ribs , No. 1 , froze
lOc- ; fresh , 12c ; ribs. No. 2 , frozen , 8c ; fres
lOc ; ribs. No. 3 frozen. 6c ; fresh , 8c ; No.
rounds , 7c ; No. i rounds , 6c ; No. 3 rount
filSc : beef roundx , shank off , % c addltloni
beef rounds shank and rump off , l < c adi
tlnnal ; trimmings.4i4c ; beef shanks , 5
btnlns , per doz. , 35c ; sweetbrcadu , per r
fieizpn , lOc ; fresh. 12',4c ; sweetbrea
( calves ) , per lb , . 40c ; kidneys , per doz. , 3i
ox tails , each , 3c ; livers , per lb. , 2V4c ; hear
per lb. , 2'/4c ; tongues , per lb. , 12c ; calf llvei
each , 35c : calves , whole carcass or sldi
lOVic ; calf nead and feet , scalded , per BI
MUTTON Fancy lambs , 9c per 11) . ; rcg
lar lambs. So ; sheep , 7Vic ; market rnc
( Icng ) , ? c ; hotel racks ( short ) , He ; loins , !
saddles , 9c ; legs , 9c ; lamb legs , lOe ; brea ;
and stews , 3 c ; tongues , each , 3c ; forequc
tors , 6'ic.
PORK Dressed pigs. 5Hc per lb. ; dress
hogs , 6c : tenderloins. 15u ; loins , small , Ci i
large , GVlc ; spare ribs. 44o : ham satisn
butts , 6V4c ; Boston butts , 5Hc : shoulde
rough , 4'ic ; shouldern , skinned , 6c ; trli
mlngs , 4V4c ; leaf lard , not rendered. 5Vi
heads , cleaned , So : snouta nnd ears , I
fresh hams , 10 to IS tbs. , 7l c ; fresh ban
short clears , 5ie ; cheek meats , 4c ; nee
bones , 2o ; plga' tails , 3c ; plucks , each , I
chitterlings , DC ; hocks. 4c ; hearts , per da
2"c ; stomachs , each. 3o ; tongues , eaqh , '
er kidneys , per doa. . lOo ; brains , per doz. . 1 !
pigs' feet , per doz. , 30c ; livers , each , . :
ya hog rinds , 3c ; blade bones , 5c.
'n ' , St. iHMiln ( ieneral Mnrket ! ' . *
ST. LOUIS , May 9. FLOUR-Stronj
nnd higher ; patents. J6.2Mf6.6Q : stralgh
.TSftO.OO ; clear , J5.0035.25 ; medium , J4.2
WHEAT Exulted , closing nt the top , w
May 12c , July V&c ; September 8 3-8o and I
ly ce-mbcr 4e higher than Saturday finals ; Ji
of opened 4o higher and after a very Irregu
the course , the fluctuations being frequent , i
eJo vnnccd 9o more. Siwt , higher : No. 2 r
Jo cash , elevator. J1.36 ; track , Jt.35 ; May , Jl.
nd July. Jl.11',4 ; September. S3 > io bid : Dece
ber. 90ct asked ; No. 3 hard , cash , J1.25.
CORN Advanced with wheat and clos
at the top. with -July , the ruling optl
g ; 23-8c above yesterday. Spot , higher : No
ml nil cash. 34c : May , 353iSu ; July , 357-8o ; Septc
ber. aa 3-Sc bid.
OATS Higher : No. 2. cash. . JSo ; tra
33QXVir ; May. 33c bid : July , 27ftc ; S
temlior. 24c ; No. 2 , KWi3tc.
RYU Nominal and higher at 87c.
SEEDS-Flnxseed. higher at $1.35. Frl
timothy seed. ile04r2.G5.
CORNMEAL-IJIgher at J1.80C1.8I.
to BRAN Strong and higher ; sacked , , c
track. GSfi70c thl side.
HAY Firm : priklrle , $10.odfll0.50 ; tlmot
$ S.50 13.00. .1 ,
BUTTER Quiet ; creamery , l&OlTc ; dal
EGGB-Steady at 8c.
COTTONTIE8 70 < ) .
M ETALB-LeadV steady at H.M. Spell
hUther at J4.flb bid. w
LUg PROVISlONB-Porlt. steady : stand
meM. Jobbing " $11. Lard , higher ; pri
ta ) ; V.70 : choice ; J5.W. . Bacon , bo ;
$ , J ? ; extra short clear , W.I
ribs , $5.2. . ; shorts , I0.37V4. Dry salt mcatf
( boxed ) , shoulders , J4.75 ; extra short clear ,
J3.G2H ; ribs , J5.75 ; shorts , J5.87H.
RECEIPTS-Flour , 10,000 bbls. ; wheat , 22-
000 bu , : corn , 250,000 bu. ; oats , 7,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS-FIour. 3,000 bbls. ; wheat ,
97,000 bu. ; corn , 103,000 bu. ; oats , 11,000 bu.
llnltlntitre .Mnrkt-t.
BALTIMORE , May 9.-FLOUR-8trong
nnd higher ; weitern super , Jl.OO'tf ) .2 > : west
ern extra , Jl.85ff5.0 : western family , J6.0i
QG.40 ; winter client patents , ja.60ftU.90 !
spring wheat putents. J7.OOWt.50 ; sprlnn
whrat straight , JS.C.'BT.OO ' ! receipts , ,653
barrels ; exsnirtl , 1.332 barrels.
WHEAT Unsettled nnd higher ; spol
nd month , Jt.45Ql.4S ; July , Jl.18fil.20 ;
learner No. 2 red , J1.41V4 : receipts , 44,82 :
ni. ; exports , none. Southern wheat b }
amnle , J1.4W1.40 ; southern wheat or
grade. | 1.42Vif(1.45H.
COHN-Strong nnd higher ; spot , 41'W1
l Jc : month , 41Vt 41 ,4c ; July , 41o bid
iteamcr mixed , tOH u-Jic ; receipts , 263,61 !
tu.i exports , 157.143 bu. Southern white
rorn. 42@43c ; southern yellow , 43&44c.
OATS-Strong and higher ; No. 2 white
29W < HOa ; No. 2 mixed , 35V436c ; receipts
a,4So bu. ; exports , 30.000 bu.
RYE Strong and higher ; No. 2 , near by
' 6fl75V4c ; No , 2 western. 77c bid ; receipts
2.C68 bu. ; exports , none.
HAY Firm ; choice timothy , $13 bid.
GRAIN FREIGHTS Quiet ; grain price :
becking business ; steam to Liverpool pe
lushel , 5(1 , June ; cork for orders per quar
, cr , 3s7Hd , May ; 4s , June.
BUTTiiR Steady ; fancy creamerj' , 19c
jreamery Imitation , \lHf\So ; creamer ]
mile , 15c ; good ladle , 13@14c ; storp , packed
'OTfl2c. '
KG(3S-Wcak ; fresh , lOc.
CHEESE Steady ; fancy N6W ' Vork
arge. 9Viy9Vic ; fancy New Ydrk medium
lOs ; fancy New York small/ /
Liverpool Market.
LIVERPOOL , May 9.-WliAT-Snot
flrm ; No. 1 red northern spring , 10s 8 < 1.
CORN Spot , quiet ; American mixed , 4
d ; May , 3 * ilid ; July , 3sllid ; Scptombei
FLOUR St. Louis fancy winter , firm , 12
HOPS At London ( Pacific coast ) , flrm
2 103fj ; . 2 15s.
PROVlSIONS-Becf , flrm ; extra Indl ;
mess , 76s 3d ; prime mess , 68s 9d. Pork
Irm ; prlmo mess , line western , 55s ; prim
mess , medium western , 51s 3d. Hams , < shor
cut , 14 to 16 Ibs. . 36s. Bacon , dull , 25s M
short ribs , 31s Gd ; long clear middles , llgh
35s ; long clear middles , heavy , 34s 6d ; shor
clear backs , 31s ; clear bellies , 34s ; shoul
dew. square , dull , 27s. Lard , dull ; prim
western , 30s Gd. Tallow , prlmo city , flnr
" > a Cd.
CHEESE American finest. white , 42s
American finest colored , 41s.
OILS Cottonseed oil , Liverpool rcflnei
sttrady , 16s 6d. Turpentine spirits , stead }
26s 6d. Rosin , common , strong , 6s Gel.
Imports ot wheat from Atlantic port
were 66,800 quarters ; from Pnclllc port :
21,000 quarters ; from other ports , 41,0 (
quarters. Imports of corn Into Llverpoc
From Atlantic ports for the week wet
92,443,400 quarters.
KotinnH City ( iraln'nnil Provision * .
sold Sc to lOc above Saturday's close ; sot
steady to lOc higher ; No. 1 hard , J1.30fd.3
No. 2 , J1.2S1.30 : No. 3 , J1.25ftl.2S : No. 1 rei
J1.40 ; No. 2. JL30S > 1.40 ; No. 3. Jl.31ffl.33 ; Ni
2 spring , Jl.25ftil.2S ; No. 3 , J1.22JM.2I.
CORN Active , higher ; No. 2 mixed , 31
® 35c.
OATS Active , higher ; No. 2 white , 33
34' c.
RYE Higher ; No. 2. 70c.
HAY Firm ; choice timothy , $11.00 ; choli
prairie. $10.23ffl0.50.
BUTTER Weak ; creamery , 13@15H :
dairy , IKfiHc.
EGGS-Weak : fresh. 9c.
RECEIPTS-Whent , 58,800 bu. ; corn , 70,2
bu. ; oats , 22.000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Wheat , 33,600 bu. ; corn , 4 (
100 bu. ; oats , 2,000 bu.
Xo - OrlcniiH
UCT8 Firm. Pork , standard mess , J11.7
Lard , reflncd , tierce , 4i4 l-8c ; pure lari
6V4c. Boxed meats , dry salt meats , shou
ders , 6 < a51-8c ; sides , $5900$0.00. Bacoi
clear rib jldes , 6-54B67-8C. Hams , choli
sugar cured , 8 > iQ9'Vic. Coffee , steady ; III
ordinary to fair , &Vl < g9 5-Sc.
RICE Firm ; ordinary to good , 46-8
FLOUR Firmer ; extra fancy , J3.7505.S
patents , J6.03fcG.10.
CORNMEAL J1.8501.0.
BRAN 76&78c.
HAY Prime , J14.50016.00 ; choice , $15.CO
CORN No. 2 sacked mixed , 4084Sc ; whl
and yellow , 45ff4Gc.
OATS No. 2 sacked western , 38c.
Cincinnati Jliirket.
fancy. J5.30j73.60 : family , J4.75Q5.00.
WHEAT Excited and higher ; No. 2 re
CORN-Strong ; No. 2 mixed ,
OATS Firmer : No. 2 mixed , 3\c. \
R.YE Steady ; No. 2 , 73c.
PROVISIONS Lard , flrmcr at J3.80. Bu
meats , quiet at J5.75. Bacon , flrm at'JG.E
WHISKY Active and flrm at J1.22.
BUTTER-Dull ; Elgin creamery , ISU
Ohio. 12 16c ; dairy , lOc.
SUGAR-FIrm ; hard refined , J1.47QG.16 ,
EGGS-Qulet nt 9c.
CHEESE Steady ; good to prime Oh
flat , SCVic.
- . - _ - , . - m -
Viftlhlr Gr'nln Sa | ply.
NEW YORK. May 9. The statement
the visible supply of grain In store ni
afloat Saturday. May 7 , 1893 , as compll
by the New York Produce"exchango la
follows :
Wheat , 22,698,000 bu. : decrease , 733,000 t
Corn , 24.993.000 bu. ; decrease , 2.031,000 heats
oats , 9 ! > ,53I.OOO bu. ; decrease , 1,684,000 h
Rye , 1,8(6.000 bu. ; decrease , 914,009 bu.Ba
ley , 616,000 bu. ; decrease , 235,000 bu" .
Ornln IlrcpliitH nt Prlnrlphl Mnrkei
MINNEAPOLIS , May ttecclpl
Wheat. 338 cars.
ST. LOUIS , May 9. Receipts : Whet
30 cars.
CHICAGO , May 9-Recelpts toda
Wheat. 343 cars ; corn , 678 cars ; oats ,
cars. Estimated car lots tomorrow : Whet
145 ; corn. 1,190 ; oats , 625.
DULUTH , May 9. Receipts : Wheat ,
car * .
Toledo Mnrket.
TOLEDO , O. , May 9. WHEAT ActU
higher : No. 2. cash. $1.66 ; May , J1.65 aikt
CORN Active , higher ; No. 2 , mlxe
37V c.
OATS-Dull. higher ; No. 2 , mixed , 32c
RYE Dull : No. 2 , cash , 75c asked.
CLOVERSEED-Dull , steady ; prlt J3 03 ,
OIL North Lima , GOc ; South Lima n
Indiana , 63c.
i Pt-orln MnrkctM ,
PEORTA. May 9. CORN-Actlve , high. .
No. 2. 35"/.c.
OATS-Strong , higher : No. 2 white , 32 }
WHISKY-HIgh proof spirits , $ l.21 J.
Detroit Mnrket.
DETROIT , May 9-WHEAT-No. 1 whl
$1.23 : No. 2 red , cash nnd May , $1.57.
CORN No. 2 mixed , 40c.
OATS No. 2 T"hlto , 36c.
RYE-NO. 2.70c.
Sun FrnnelHc-n Wheat Market.
steady : December. $1.77 % ; May , $1.S3.
BARLEY Steady ; December , $1.33.
Mnrket I * Kixvoralilr Affected , by t
llooni In Wlient. . '
NEW YORK , May 9.-Probably loda
stock market owed Its firmness ,
points its strength , to the e >
ccurso of prices In the wheat marVet. > . W
May wheat selling In this market .atJ
a bu. before the middle of the month , a
with July option almost keeping "pace w
It , there Is assured promise of abundi
Increase of wealth for this country. 1
outbreaks of violence and bloodshed In It ;
and Spain on account of the dearnesa
bread , and the aervanclng price for that ;
ceisslty at other points in , Europe , are'o
too convincing evidence that the high prl
for wheat are not due to speculative man
ulatlon , but to the urgent need of fore
consumers. With this demonstration of
country's potential command of wealth ,
was natural that prices of securities she
continue to advance. But the market 1
to curry the burden ot an extensive llq
datlon of profits In many stocks and of la
selling for foreign account Induced by
stiffness of money rates abroad. There \
besides positive repression In some of
stocks which are most prominent In
market. With three such conspicuous le
era'as Sugar , Manhattan nnd Mctropoll
Street Railway suffering from special cau
ot weakness It was natural that Homo all
depression should radiate from 111
through the list. There was n halting t
dency manifest even In some of ( ho gra
ers. notwithstanding the special advantu
to them from the active demand for wh
und corn. Rock Island showed the m
strength , and St. Paul was well sustain
Otherwise the grangers were a good 0
weighted by prollt taking sales. In the
ternatlonal stocks Louisville was about
only one outside of St. Paul' ' to show pi
tlvo strength. Wabaah preferred and Ate
son preferred were advanced sharply
heavy buying , but the former lost mr '
the gain. There were some sharp , , .
shown In a'few other -casea , notably I
pie's Gnu nnd Paclllc Mall. Tobacco lout
of Its gain before the end of the day. Th
w i a general downward movement In
> -whoe ) < Mat x > -profit takmtt and tear pi
ituro during the Unul hour , which n
the day's changas extremely Irregular ,
Prominent stocks are found showing shnrii
gains nnd others equally prominent show
marked louses. The day's business" was the
heaviest since last fall , the total sales ol
all stocks reaching 620.200 shares. A feature
ot the day was the sharp advance of H pet
cent In sterling exchange. Not only the
easier tendency of money here , but the large
demand for exchange created by the sclllnt
of stocks for foreign account had to do will
this advance. The sales for foreign accoun !
reached over J30.000.000. The bond markol
shared In the activity of stocks nnd win
strong throughout. Total sales J3.170.000
United States 4s advanced H per cent , tlu
6s nnd old 4s , coupon , U per cent nnd the
old 4g , registered , U per cent In the bU
price. ; .
The Evening Poll's I < ondon financial ca.
blegrnm says : "The'.stock markets hen
opened dull today , 'but rapidly Improved
The recovery was leTl'K'Fn marked Improve
trrnt In foreign bourses , notably In Paris
A rumor spread that Spain was asking tin
powers to Intervene. 'Nothing definite wai
known , but the buyingHt'as so good and general
oral that color wasgglven to the report. 1
must be remcmbcretj , ' ttflwcvcr , that the set
tlement will bcglh1 tomorrow , therufon
much of the Improvement perhaps Is duo It
bears' covering. Interest today centered li
Americana , In which 'fnp business was in
usually heavy. Tho"nrm prices In Nev
York Induced rcalbflnjc here , which the ar
bltrage dealers readily absorbed. Subsc
qucntly the buylturTieCamo more general
the prices cloning auilho bent. Operator
have apparently matte' up their minds tha
the war wilt not Interfere with Americans
while the reeognle.drtse In wheat adds ti
the spending power of the United Btntcfl
Spanish 4s opened < t 30V4 , declined to 29JJ
but advanced rnpldlyjo 32 1-S on covering b ;
bear speculators In anticipation of the com
Ing Stock exchangesettlement. Their no
gain for the day wan 2Vi per cent , Thel
rise was assisted by * unconfirmed rumor
that money was on hand for the payment o
the July coupon. Today's weekly report o
the Bank of Spain shows n decrease ot 31 ,
77P,000 pezctas ( Jfi.353,000) ) silver coin , and In
crease of 16,763.000 pczetas (13,354.000) ( ) In not
circulation. There was a sharp rise In Bra
zlllnn stocks. The only feature In the mln
Ing settlement today was an Indication of
revival of activity In Kafllrs. The mono
rates tomorrow will probably bo the sam
as at the previous settlement. The declln
of l'/4 per cent In French exchange Is du
to large applications sent from hero for
share In the portion of the Greek loan al
lotted to Paris. Spanish exchange Is stead
lor nnd the gold premium easier. Th
American demand here for gold has fallc
The following arc the closing quotation
of the leading stocks on the New \ork mat
kct today :
Total sales of stock ; ) today 620,700 share
Including 3.S30 'Archjuqn. 29,201 , Atphlsc
preferred. 7.7031 ChcfUpeake ' & Ohio ? 2o,7
Chicago , BurllngtfW & ' Qulncy. 3.210 Er
preferred. 18,820 LTJUtsVllle & Nashvlll
11,320 Manhattan , 8.660 Metropolitan , 6.8
Reading preferred'Il.Wo Missouri Paclfl
9.S20 Now York Central , 10,010 Northet
Pnclllc. 24.310 Northerrt Paclllc proforro
4,730 Reading. 45,7 iRBck Island , 68,620 S
Paul. 9,125 Southern''prtferred ' ' , 4,710 Text
Pacific , 45.120 Union.I'Aclrtc preferred , 4,0
Union Pnclflc , D'--uve U& Gulf , 19,650Vi
baah preferred , 10070 ; ! > American Spirit
40,760 Tobacco , 15,8701 Chicago Great VVes
ern , 24.830 People's Oas.i 6,025 General Ele
trie. 5 970 Pnclflo Watt ; 38.750 Sugar. 8,0
Tennessee Coal ana . .Iron. 9.615 Westet
Union , 3.840 St. Loulfl & San Franclst
preferred. ' > T j'l
Slew Yorlc .Honey Mnrket.
per cent
actual business In bankers' bills nt $4,84V5
4.84 i for demand anil' $4.8lS4.81 nnd $4.81
for sixty days ; posted rates , $4.82 at
reg. and coupon , 122 % ; < s , reg. , 108V4 ; ca
pou , 10JV4 : 2s , 95 ; 5s. reg. nnd coupon , llfli
Pnclflc 6s of ' 99 , 103.
Closing quotations on bonds were as fc
lows : '
Ilnntnii StocU Uuotiilloni.
BOSTON. Mny 9. Call loans , 3R5 per cci
time loans. frf7 per cent. Closing prli
for stocks , bonds and mining shares :
Week Opens with a Liberal Supply of a
Bather Indifferent Sort
I1iicr Are Pnrtlrnlnr anil OBluli Anl-
nmU Snft > r 9evercIrHoK * Hulc
ittendr unit Sheep Klrm-Dc-
ceiitton lit Hecelpta.
SOUTH OMAHA , Mny 9.-nccclpt8 for
the days Indicated were :
Cattlo. Hoes. Sheep. HVa.
May 9 2.WU 3.6.4 10.8SS So
May 7. . . . 1,868 9,217 2,574
May G 2,902 7.551 4,993 *
May 6 7X1 4,186 1,479
May 4 , 3,192 7,915 3.S52 1
May 3 , 4.E26 9.256 5,830 . . * .
May 2 2.9S * 2 , ! > 49 7,133 21
April 30 1.693 ( .900 1.328 SI
April 29 1 2.093 6,2SS 6.S13
April 2S 1.5SS 8.759 8,006
April 27. . 2,972 7WO 4.3S2 S
April 2li 3.11S 8,081 3,900 73
April 25 1,301 4,257 3.336 31
April 2.1 1,375 8,237 7,170
April 22 2.359 6.617 1.318 1
April . 1 , .i. . 1,611 8,075 7,461
The' ofllclitl number of cars of stock
brought in-today by each rend was :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Horses.
Union Pacific Sys. . 2S 13 3i !
P. , K. & M. V. II. 11. 39 10
O. , St. P. . M. & O. . 21 1
B. & M. H. U. II. . . . 31 IS 2
C. , B. & Q. Hy . .
C. , R. I. & P. Ity. , K 1 2
Total receipts . .125 52 41 S
The disposition of tlio day's receipts was
na follows , each buyer purchasing the num.
bor of head indicated :
Buyers. Cattlo. HOBS. Sheep
Omaha Packing Co IS . . . . . . ,
The Q. H. Hammond Co 39S 747
Swift and Company 71 $ 1,095 221
The Cudahy Packing Co 4S7 1.S1S 251
Liobman & Rothschilds. . 1-0 . . . . . . ,
Huston & Co 3
Hill & Huntzlnger IS
L. F. Husz , . 20S
Livingston & Schnlcr. . . . 31 ,
Swift , from country > . . < 5 !
Meyers 337
Other Buyers Ill
Total 2,455 3,660 1,231
GENERAL Today's receipts of stocli
numbered 218 cars , as acalnst 229 on Sat
urday , 202 one week ago and eighty-live
ono year ago. In other words , today f
receipts showed up exceedingly well It :
comparison. The showing , however , wet
better on paper than in reality , ai
twenty-nine cars of sheep , which went tt
make Up the total arrivals , were shipped
out last night , so that the total offerings
were considerably less than 100 curs.
The tendency of prices was lower or
cattle , but unchanged on sheep and hogs.
CATTLE There were a few less cuttu
here than a week ago , but double the
number hero on any Monday of last month
The most of the cattle wore cornfet' '
steers , In fact almost all of them would
come under that head. The market us c
whole was slow , and It was late before c
clearance was effected owing to the uiv
favorable advices from eastern markets
which were reported lower with a goot
many beeves In sight.
At this point tnore appeared to be a fall
demand , but buyers , without exception
seemed to feel that last week's prices wen
too high and that they must have a coiv
cession. The Inquiry , however , for hand )
little native cattle was so good that buy.
ers were willing to pay about steady prlcei
for that kind , and the market was noi
very much different from what It was ai
the close of last week. Heavy cattle wer <
generally office lower and slow at the de
cllne. The heavier the cattle and tin
coarser the heavier the decline.
Only about a dozen loads of cows am
heifers were on sale , and ns there wai
about the usual demand , the market dh
not show much change. In fact , deslrabli
heifers were active sellers , and the offer
Ings were not long In finding takers
Good cows also sold well , and the offer
Ings of butchers' stock were all taken li
good season.
In the .stacker and feeder market thcr
was almost nothing doing owing to thcr
being no cattle hero of any Importnnc
except half fat stuff , As Is apt to be th
' case when the beef market Is bad , buyer
' of feeders did not take bold very active ) :
1 of the half-fat cattle and the feeling wa
weak. Buyers claimed that there were ;
good many orders in hand for good llgh
stock cattle , and that if they were to b
had they would sell well. Roprcscntatlv
sales :
- 11. . 4S5" 4 :
HOGS There were fifty-two cars of hoi
? In then yards' today as against thlrty-s
J ono'we elf ago , flfty-nino two weeks m
\ and twontymlno three weeks ago. Tl
average receipts for Monday last wei
were thirty-four cars , so that today's rt
U large for the first day of the week.
The quality of the hogs today was f l
and while some ulalmed that the averui
was just as good as Saturday , others , ut
among them buyers , claimed that the
were more rough and trashy hags amoi
the offerings.
The market opened fairly active wl
local packers- good buyers , nnd the offc
ings for the post part changed hands car
in the morning. The prices paid were Ju
about the same ns prevailed on Saturela
that is. the market was Just about stem
on all kinds :
The great bulk of the hogs sold at J3.S !
3.90. the same as on Saturday , but the pr
portion ot salea above J-7.90 may not ha
been quite so large as It was on the la
day of last week. For that reason son
of the buyers were able to report tlu
droves as costing a little lemi today , b
they claimed that the quality made up f
the difference In price.
Higs sold today a shade lower than o
wock ago , 15c higher than two weeks ni
nnd 15f(20o ( higher than a year ago , Repr
sentatlvo B.iloa :
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr
58 1S1 40 $385 10 239 . . . Ji 8 !
53 223 80 3 85 81 200 80 38 !
S3 243 80 3 8 > 22 201 40 3 8
12 211 . . . 385 72 233 $0 3 K
14. 2H . . . 3S7 % 45 232 . . . 3 ( T
60 2-10 240 387(5 ( 74 227 1KO .18 :
72 245 2SO 387 % 66 234 160 38 ;
GS 23il 80 3 87'A 63 253 240 3 K
74 2C3 SO 3 87H 7S..2IW 400 3 g
72 261 80 387 % 74 2 3 80 3 S :
68 a * ) W 387(4 ( 7S 238 160 3 V
79 225 . . . 387H 79 2TO 120 38'
GO 274 80 390 40 260 80 3 91
. . .232 . . . 390 48. . . . ,234 0 291
67 2I 200 3 W 75. . . . .213 . . . 231
15 261 . . . 390 64. . . . .295 SQ 39i
143 270 580 390 12. . . . .2tl . . . 39
4 2&3 SO &M 05. . . . .229 120 3
ar CO 230 120 3 M 71. . . . .213 W ) 2
89. 23. 160 390 70. . . . .237 40 3
8HKKP According to the figures on thi
board there were forty-one cars of sheo ]
In the yards today , m against twcnty-nlm
ono week ago and eight a year ago. Tin
figures representing todAy's receipts , now
over , were somewhat deceiving , ns twenty
nine of the cars supposed to be In were li
reality only hatted her'e yesterday for. foci
and were shipped on Inst night. In rcallt :
only twelve fresh loads wrro In the yard
this morning , nnd of that number thrr
were consigned direct to puckers nnd wer
not offered for sale. The car * shipped ou
yesterday were nil Colorado lambs , and n
n seller remarked , the Including of ther
among the day's receipts may oe a gooi
thing In the way of booming the velum
of business at this point , but that It Is i
bad thing for the market , ns Chicago sheo
men , looking nt the reports nnd sceln
such largo receipts at Omaha and at th
same time good run : * at other wester
markets , llguro that the Chicago receipt
will bo larger In the next day or two , an
down goes the price , when In reality ther
Is no great number on sale.
Today's demand for mutton sheep wa
good nnd tlio yearlings mot with quit
wiily sale at Just about last week's prlcei
The majority of the nine loads In the yard
consisted of Colorado lambs , which wor
not offered for sale , at least not durlti
the morning hours so that there was nc
much opportunity to test the market. I
would bo safe to say that good lambs , ha
there been any hero for sale , would probn
bly have brought about steady prlcei
Representative sales :
No. AVt. Pr.
31 western wethers 129 $4 CO
227 western wethers , shorn 97 4 00
223 western wethers , shorn 10L 4 00
Ovrmnpiilx of Cnttli * Cnn e n Dcclln
In ( he Price.
CHICAGO , May 9. An oversupply of cni
tie today caused declines of lOo In thr
market , except for strictly choice conslgi
ments. Sales were .slow on a basis of $3. !
Iff4.25 for common to fair , dressed , beef steoi
up to $4.75(55.00. ( Stackers nnd feeders wet
In good demand , with sales largely at $1.1
4.C5. Cows and heifers sold nt J3.50U4.B
calves , $5.00fiG.OO.
There was a fair demand for bogs , price
ruling about steady. The bulk sold at $ ! . (
5T1.12V4 , the commonest selling at $3.90ff3.ft
n few prime fetching $ l.22& Pigs brougli
Desirable sheep were In good demand nn
lOc higher. Prime light lambs rose 15i
Sheep sold at $3.25R4.35 for poor to prlmi
Lambs brought $3.7504.75 ; spring Iambi
$3 50ff7.00.
KKCBIPTS-Cnttle. 20,000 head ; hogs , 41
000 head ; sheep , 18,000 head.
Nun- York lilvt * Slock.
celpts , 4,031 head ; activei ; ters 10c higher
fat cows llrm ; common and tm-dlui
steady ; stcurs. H.COfiG.liOl tops , $5.25 ; bull ;
$ 'J.50&4.00. Cables lower ; stours , $ iOTilO-Tii
tops , lie , dressed weight.refrigerator ; bee
bi < ! (9c ( per pound. Shipments today , none
tomorrow , 559 cuttle , 1,100 jhcep , 2,1SO quai
tcra of beef. ' /
CALVKS Receipts , 5,419 head. Mnrltc
active , but 15U25O lower ; veals , $4.00i/5.5 <
choice , $5.M'ii5.8i'.4. )
SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpts , 9,9 ;
head ; market active ; light sheep llrmpi
lambs , 10U15c higher ; spring lambs , 5C
higher ; clipped sheep , S3.50'aJ.75 ; cllnpp
nmbs. $ l.EOj(5.40 ; spring lambs , $2.50&4. :
ler head. <
HOGS Receipts. 12,315 head ; markc
ilgher at $ l.20'u4.45 ; common western pig
St. I.oulM Live Stock.
ST. LOUIS , May 9. CATTLE Receipt
2700 head , Including 1,200 Texas ; shipment
200 head ; market slow , steady to easier ut
lower ; fair to fancy native shipping nnd e
port steers , $4. 50 5. 25 ; bulk of sales , $4.7C
5.10 ; dressed beef and butcher steers , $4.
< iH.90 ; bulk of sales , $4.25 < fT4.CO ; steers und
1.000 Ibs. , $3.90 < ir4.75 : bulk of Bales. $4.21
4.50 ; stockers and feeders , $3.0ifl.75 ; bu
of sales , $4.00 4.50 : cows and heifers. $2.
5JM.75 ; Texas and Indian 'steers , $3G5f4.E (
bulk of sales , ? 3.65i(4.30 ( ; cows and lielfoi
$3.25 < 8 > 4.00.
HOQS Receipts , 5,000. head ; shipment
4.300 head ; market steady to llrm ; yorkei
$3.8503.95 ; packers , $3.75 ( 4.00 ; butchers , $4 ,
( iM.05.
SHEEP Receipts , 3,3ftO head ; shlpmenl
300 head ; market steady ; native mutton
$4.004.50 ; spring lambs ; $ l. ) ig7.00.
KnnxiiH City Live Stock Market.
relpts , 4,000 head ; markctweak to ICc lowi
Texas steers , $3.00(34.50 ( ; . Texas cows , $3.01
4.30 ; native steers. S3.SQft5.qO ; cows a ]
heifers , $2.50ff4.75) ) stockera r K and feeders , $3
& 5.15 ; bulls. $2.854.50. '
HOGS Receipts , 8,000 head : market stem
to Oc lower ; bulk , of sales , $3.85@14.00 ; hcavh
$3.8504.10 ; packers. $3.80r4.05 ; mixed. $3.7 !
4.00 ; lights , $3.75@3.90 ; Yorkers , $3.8563. !
pigs. $1.5093.85.
SHEEP Receipts. 8,000 head ; mark
weak ; Iambs , $4.COQS.40 ; muttons , $3.0004. !
IlafTnlo Mro Stock.
Good to choice yorkorn. $4.25@4.30 ; lie
yorkers. $4.15@4.20 ; mixed packers' grade
S4.2ntf4.32 ; medium weights , $4.30 ; heav
$4.30 4.35 ; pigs. $3.75fM.05.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Native cllpp
Iambs , choice to extra , $5,10 5.20 ; fair
good , $4.75Tf5.00 ; native clipped shepp , chol
to selected wethers , .S4.10ifI4. 20 ; mixed shot
83.9Mf4.CK ) ; common to fair , $3.C5@3.85 ; cul
Clm-lnnntl l.lve Slock.
$3.40 4.20.
CATTLE-Strong nt $2.75 ? 4.75.
SHEEP-Strong nt $2.75 4.00.
LAMBS-Stcndy at $3.76ff4.75.
Stork In
Record of receipts of live stock nt t !
four principal markets for May 9 :
Cattle. Hogs. Shoe
Omaha 2,001 S.74 10i
Chicago 20,000 41.000 18 , (
Kansas City 4.000 8,000 8.1
St. Louis 2,700 5,000 3 , !
Totals 29,301 67,674 40 , :
Flnitncliil NoteH.
OMAHA , May 9 The clearings for t
day were $1,103.713.51 : balances. J10S.796.
The clearings for 1SD7 wore $ S76,660.9I a
the balances. $08,40 .84. Increase In clci
Incs. $229,052.57.
CHICAGO. May 9.-Clearlnis , $19,315,3
balances , $1.748,200. New York exchange
per cent discount ; sterling , posted. $ i.k
4.S.W. ; actual. JI.81iJj4.$4VS ; sixty ila :
$ l.80V-1T4.83ii. Stocks , strong. 2 points low
to 2 points higher , the latter In Blsc
shares. Biscuit , 26 ; Biscuit preferred.
Diamond Match. 136 ; North Chicago , 202
West Chicago , 92 ,
MEMPHIS , May 9. Clearlnes , $193,1
balances , $3S,4S4. Now York exchange , $1
; ' premium.
, \ ST. LOUIS , May 9.-CIearlngs , $5,692,3
I balances , $ ; il.4S . Money , 5 < ft8 per co
| New York exchange , par bid , 25c premli
" "
1 ! "cfNCINNATI , May 9.-Clearlngs , $2,3 !
a ! 950. Now York exchange , 40 to 50o. p
mlum. Monev , 4flfi per rent.
NEW ORLEANS , May 9.-Clearln
$750.949. New York exchange , bank , $1 i
$1.000 premium : commercial , par ,
PHILADELPHIA , May 9.-Bank clei
intrs. f8.rifi,3.balanccH. . $1,393.811.
BALTIS1ORE. May ,9. Clearings , $2,4 :
972 : balance * . $394,266.
NEW YORK. May 9. Clearings , $91,9
220 ; IvUanopF. $4,667,389.
BOSTON. Mnv 9. Clearings. $13,721 , ;
balances , $1,3151,333.
oil MarU t .
OIL CITY. May 9.-M3rpdlt balances , R
certlHcatcs opeiiPd 90c bid for cash ; fl
nalen , 90',4c ; closed , offered 84p ; total sal
32.000 barrels ; shipments , 118,575 barrc
runs. 8C.155 liarroU.
CHARLESTON. S. C' . . May 9.-OIL
Turpentine , llrm ; 26c ; rosin , quiet , \
SAVANNAH , On. , May 9.-OIL8-Sph
of turpentine , Jlrm , 20'ic : rnsln , llr
nuote. A. B. C , D. R. $1.05F , $1.15 :
Spirits of turpontlnp , 'ntn 2 tt2t'/jC ; ros
unchanged : crude turpentine , llrm , $1
$1.80 nnd $1.90 ; tar , ncnY/llc. / ,
LONDON , May 9.Thq market lor Am
can securities opened firm and moved
ward nil clay on Now York buying. '
closing tona wan llrm anil the demand m
orate. Amount -ot bullion gonn into
Bank of England on balance today ,
MO. Gold li quoted at HB nos Ayrea at 15
Bixxnish i clded.At 32.1r8a.nct udvono
ZU per cent. .
PARIS , Iv I. Tbero was an Irrtei
opening on the bourse today , but price *
soon strengthened , with Spnnl lMi 4
on the rumor that a nc-w ministry IH formIng -
Ing In Madrid. Italian securities were freely
offered rnrly In the day , In consequence of
thn rioting at Milan. The market closed
with nil around firmness. Spanish 4n clooc-d
nt 31 11-16 , n net advance of 1 13-16 per cent.
Three per cent rentes , 102f 95o for the no-
count ; exchange on London , 25t 32c for
11KHI.1N. May 9. Prices were Hrm on Iho
bourne today except Italian securities. The
latter declined. Americans Improved on ar
bitrage buying ,
MAURI I ) , May P.-Bpanlsl ) 4s cloned today
nt 63.50. Gold was quoted nt 100.
t'rlcoa Adrance on Account of
lufnotorr Crop ll * | ior < * .
NEW YORK , May 9.-I.lvcrpool cables
were imsatlsfnctory this morning nnd cot
ton market features and Influences wt-ro
generally scarce. The first call hero de
veloped a quiet nnd steady market nt un
changed prices to an advance of 2 points.
Subsequently the market advanced 4f6
point * , but trading throughout the session
was rather slack. The activity and excite
ment In grain diverted attention. The ad
vance wim In part due to unqntlnfactory
crop accounts , which led to covering with
out increasing Investment or speculative
buying to any considerable extent. The
market closed steady nt n net advance ot
5417 points. Total sales , 71,300 bales futures.
Spot , * total today : Net receipts. 7,261 bales ;
exports to tlrcat Britain , S.Os'l bales : to
France , COO bales ; to the continent , 3.M2
bales ; stock , ( ! C2,005 bales. Consolidated : Not
receipts , 13,134 bales ; exports to Great Brit
ain , 20,734 bnlps ; to France , 400 bales ; to the
continent , 5,019 bnlps. Total since Septem
ber l : Net receipts , 8,247,947 balps ; exports
to Orcat Itrltaln , 3,191,145 bales ; to Franco ,
764,437 bales ; to the continent , 2,717,918 bales.
Futures , dull ; sales , S.SOO bales ; May , JVM
bid ; June , $5.Su < ii5.SS : July , J5.S3ti5.9l ; Aug-
use. $5945(5.95 ; September , $ il 5'ifj97 : Octo
ber. $5.97 5.93J November , $5.931(0.01 ( ; DC-
comber , J0.fl2iiiii.03 ; January , $0.04f60fi. | Spot ,
steady ; sales , ti.WHJ bales ; ordinary. 4 < ic ;
good ordinary , 4 7-Sc ; low middlings , M/c ;
middling , 5 ll-16c : good middling , B l-16c ;
middling fair , 6 7-16c. Receipts , 2,417 bales ;
Block , 220,965 bales.
moderate demand ; prices unchanged :
American middling , 3 19-32d. The sales ol
the day were 8,000 bales , ot which COO balca
were for speculation and export and ln
eluded 7,200 bales American. Receipts , G.OOO
bales. Including 4,700 bales American. Fu
tures opened quiet , with a moderate do-
nmml nnd closed steady : American mid
dling , I. m. c. , May , 3 3J-6ld , buyers ; Mny
nnd June , 3 32-Cld , buyers ; June und July.
3 3.1-64d. Kellers ; July and August , 3 31-64 !
3 3I-C4 < 1 , sellers ; August nnd September ,
3 : a-0lfi3 34-04d , sellers ; September and Oc
tober , 3 32-C4IT3 33-64d , buyers : October nnd
November , 3 32-Cld , buyers ; November and
December , 3 31-C45I3 32-6ld , value ; December
and January , 3 31-64 3 32-64d , sellers ; Jan
uary nnd February , : t 31-GI < ? i3 32-64d , buyers ;
February and March , 3 32-G4U.
Coir ' -
NEW YORK , May 9. COFFEE Opttoni
opened steady , with prices unchanged to 10
points higher , nnd ruled Inactive , with llttlo
further change ; cable news without particu
lar Influence ; speculation checked by po
litical situation. Closed steady , unchanged
to G points net higher ; sales , 7,750 bags. In
cluding May at $5.h5 ; September , W. 75. Spot
coffee , Rio , dull : No. 7. Invoice , $ G.G2',4 ; No.
7 , Jobbing , $7.12'.4. Mild , quiet ; Cordova ,
JS.tOiJfl5.50 jobbing demand. Total ware
house deliveries- from the United States , 12-
.T72 bags. Including 10,105 from New York ;
New York stock today , 350.9SO bags ; UnltPd
StatPS stock , 464,238 bags ; afloat for the
United States , 00,000 bags ; total visible sup
ply for the United States lioO,256 bags ,
against 6CS.140 last year and 312,391 In 1S9U.
SANTOS , May 9. COFFEE-Qulet ; good
nAcrngo Santos , 10.200 rels ; receipts , 6,000
bags ; stock , 314,000 bags.
unchanged ; nt 2:30 : p. m. not unchanged to
hl > fg higher ; sales , 14,000 bags.
Quiet ; No. 7 Rio , 7,675 rels ; exchange. G-'Jid ;
receipts , 5.000 bags ; cleared for the United
States , 5,000 bags ; cleared for Europe , 3,000
bags ; stock , 146,000 bags.
HAVRE , May 9.-COFFEE Closed Uf net
lower ; sales , 17,000 bags.
\ > tv York llrjGIMMM Mnrket.
NEW YORK , May 9. No marked dispo
sition to trade marked today's dry goo.Is
market. The market for cottons Is less
Interesting. Aside from the lines of goods
Included in the needs of the government ,
there has been little movement lately. In
some of these lines the movement has not
been so heavy as was expected. Staple
goods are generally quiet and weak. The
weakness Is based on the print cloth mar
ket , which Is still In a demoralized condi
tion. Brown goods for domestic consump
tion are quiet In many grades. Brown
sheetings and drill , subject to an export
demand , are relatively stronger , but are
still capable of Improvement. Bleached
cottons are dull and without feature.
Coarse colored goods show no change In
any grade , but being ns n. rule well sold
up , are relatively stronger than other sta
ple goods. Print cloths are still quoted at
1 7-8o for regulars , but there Is no trading
at this price. Printed goods arc without
Wool Mnrkcn.
LONDON. May 9. WOOI The atondance
at the wool auction sales today was good.
The offerings aggregated 12,333 bales.
Scoured merlnoo were keenly competed fur
and good cross breds were well maintained.
Sales In detail : New South Wales , 3,100
bales ; scoured , 7dfils 4d ; greasy , 410d.
Queensland , 1,900 bales ; scoured , Is 4d@la
9V4d ; greasy , 6 10d. Victoria , 2,000 bales ;
scoured , 9djnB 6' d ; greasy , 6ftllil. South
Australia , 200 bales ; greasy , 648d. West
Australia. EOO bales ; scoured , lO&lftls 2Wd ;
greasy , GlfUSd. New Zealand , 3,200 bales ;
scoured. 2iJfS < 4d ; greasy , SftiJi'lOd. ' Cape
of Good Hope and Natal , 1,300 bales ;
scoured , 9dpis 2H > d ; greasy , BH59d } ,
Siwnr MnrkeiN.
lasses , dull ; centrifugal , 4Ji'13c.
NEW YORK , May 9.-SUGAR-Raw.
strong ; hold higher : fair refining , 3 5-So ;
centrifugal , 96 test , 4 3-16c ; rcllned , strong ;
mold A , 5 5-8c ; standard A , 6Vlc ; confec
tioners' A , 6Ue : cut loaf , 5 7-Sc ; crushed ,
5 7-Sc ; powdered , C 5-8c ; granulated , 5 3-8c ;
cubes , S 7-Sc.
Xew York Minim ; ( ) uolntlona.
NEW YORK. May 9.-Tho following ar
the closing mining quotations :
Cholinr. i i Uitino : -J7i >
Crown Point fl numr. 33
Con. Oitl. A V.I. . . . fi.l Plyiiiomn n
r > ea < twoou . Quicksilver ma
( iouirt.Si Curry JU Utilclcmlver DMJim
IJalo&Morcroiv. fi- . M."m tlova'la. . . . ( to
llomrHtaicu 40HI ) StunUtrd 153
IronSllror 4.5 Union Con 1'J
Mexican o Ynllowr Jacket . . . . 4
California Drloil FrultM.
DRIED FRUIT Apples , llrm and other
fruits steady ; evaporated apples , common ,
61i9c ; prlmn wlro tray , 6f9c ; wood tray.
Sfi9'X.c. ' Prunes , KfJ8'/4c. Apricots , Royal ,
MilOc ; Moor Puflc , 10fil2c. Po.tchcs , unpeeled -
peeled , 5fi9c ; peeled ,
C'lty Trcnsurer n
PEORIA , May 9. Henry E. Totthoff , city
treasurer , who attempted to commit Bttlcldu
the other day by shooting himself , Is now
discovered to have forged the names of rela
tives and secured $12,000 , and bo la also a
defaulter to the city to the amount of $800.
Ho Is recovering from his wound.
Prefer * Denth to Trial.
BAY CITY , Mich. . Mny-9. Charles Olaser.
ex-comptroller of West Bay City , shot him
self through tbe breast this morning and
died fifteen minutes later. Closer was re
cently Indicted by the county grand Jury
on charges of forgery and embezzlement ;
Ha vi-s to have been tried today.
Month American Cable Not Working.
NEW YORK. May 9. The Commercial
Cable company sent out notice that the
cable between Montevideo and Rio Grande
do Sul Is Interrupted. This cuts off tele
graphic communication with Montevideo and
places south , Including Buenos Ayrca.
n Il ls ; Removal
II. II. Penny Jt Co. iiucceaiorn to
Cbrlnlle-Strect Com. Co , ) Iiitvc remov
ed to room 4 , 'New York I.lfo Uulldlinr.
ip. Telephone 1030. Oanha , Neb
Kibe ,
Direct , wire * .to Chicago and New York.
lar Corr * s > ynd at4ii Job * A. Warrta * Ca.