Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 09, 1898, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DAILY' BEE : MONDAY , MAY f ) . 1808.
- / .n
\ MI.\OH MC.\T10X.
Try Modrc's stock food.
Dr. Hoc , dentist , Merrlnm block.
Dr. Green , office D12 Fourth street.
Dr. Drown , dentist- room 301 Mcrrlam blk.
U. H. Qrason of Dcnlson spent Sunday In
the muffs.
Oscar Kecllnc returned yesterday from hla
rnnch In Wyoming.
C. C. Potter of OlcnwooJ was a Council
Bluffs visitor yesterday.
Dr. A. O. Mudgc , the dentist , removed
from 319 to 338 Broadway.
Charles Kathlce , a business man of Glen-
wood , was a city visitor yesterday.
Thonlas Maloy and son of Kmcrson , la. ,
were In the city yesterday visiting friends.
W. A. Wllkon , an Insurance man of At
lantic , In. , was In the city yesterday visit
ing friends.
Tlio Mvnns Inundry In the leader In flno
work both for color and finish. 620 Pearl
Btrrot. Phone 290.
Mis ? Pwcrlnqcn cf Omaha had charge of
tlio music at both scivkfs ycstorday at the
I'lrst C'cimrcfntlcmal church.
The board of trustees of the Public
library will hold Its regular monthly meetIng -
Ing thin afternoon at the library.
Miss Olla Cook of this city furnished the
decorated china to fire for the new china
kiln that Is being tried In Omaha.
The regular monthly meeting of the ses-
Blon of the First Presbyterian church will
be held this evening In the pastor's study i
nt the church. '
Don't you think It must be a pretty good I
laundry that can plcaso no many hundreds |
of customers ? Well that's the "Eagle , " |
724 Broadway.
City Engineer Etnyre 1ms made an In
spection of all the unpavcd streets and
flnuc that very little damage was caused by
tin recent rains.
Charles Ott of this cltv left yesterday for
San Francisco , where he expects to Join as
ono of the crew of the United States war-
Bhlo the Charlestown.
B. J , Ilourlclus of Kansas City , Mo. , who
has been the guest of his brother , Mar
Bourlclus , of Stutsman street , for the last
Week , has returned home.
At the mntlng of the Men's club of the
First Presbyterian church next Friday
evening Judge Heed will read a paper on
"Tho lllghts of Capital. "
The supplementary reading matter re
cently ordered by the Hoard of Education
11:1-3 : nnUcil and tlio last Instalment will be
distributed among the different schools
At the morning services yesterday at St.
Paul's Episcopal church special thanksgiv
ing prayer was offered for the glorious vic
tory of the United States over the Spanish
at Manila.
At the evening services at the Central
ChrlHtl&n thuicii yesterday Hev. A. R. Cau-
illo prcnched ,1 spc-clal sermon to the mem
bers o ? the Modern Woodmen of America ,
who nltcndrd In a body.
Rev. J. II. Soncency pastor of the Broad
way Methodist church , has been selected
to prccah the baccalcurcato sermon to the
graduating claps of the High school this
year. He will1 preach It Sunday , May 29. I
The police yesterday afternoon were lookIng -
Ing for two negroes who had stolen a watch
In Omaha and were supposed to have crossed
over to this nldo of the river. When last
Been In Omaha they wcro making for the
Douglas street bridge.
Judge Aylesworth left for Echo , Utah , yes
terday , where he will assist In the prose
cution of the man charged with the murder
of Tom Green , a former resident of this
city and whoso parents still live here.
The police yesterday received word from
the city marshal at Charlton , la. , that ho
had under arrest two men who had In their
possession a lot of fine clothing and several
pairs of new shoes supposed to be the pro
ceeds of some burglary.
Dr. J. H. Cleaver , P. II. Mcagher. W. E.
Haverstock. William Arnd , O. D. Wheeler
and Andrew McMillan left yesterday for
Waterloo , la. , to attend the session of the
grand lodge of the Ancient Order of United
Workmen , which convenes there today.
The employes of the city who have been
unable to cash their warrants for last
montu B salaries arc anxiously awaiting
Judge Smith's decision , to be handed down
this morning In the mandamus case of N.
C. Phillips against City Treasurer Reed.
Mayor Jennings Is in accord with the ex
pressed wish of the veterans of the Grand
Army cf the Republic that ho call a mass
tnettini : I' ) celebrate Admiral Dcwcy's vic
tory over thii Spanish and will so Inform
thd committee when It waits upon him this
mot nine-
A meeting of the Merchants' and Manu
facturers' association will be held Tuesday
evening In the office of Secretary Judson In
the Shugart block for the purpose of mak
ing arrangements for the excursion of the
association to Port Arthur at the Invitation
of the officials of the Port Arthur route.
The lionrd of Park Commissioners will
moo' In adjourned session tomorrow night
for the purpose of letting- the contract for
the btilldlm : of tint new land stand at Fair-
mount park. AT. bids for the building have
to Lo In the hands of CltytClerk Phillips
br ' > o'clock tomorrow evening.
A. R. Long , the man wanted by the au
thorities at Urbana , III. , and under arrest
hero as a fugitive from justice , has refused
to go back without requisition papers. Long
cot away with $25 cash and an overcoat
from a hotel where ho was employed In
Urbana. Ho says ho committed the theft
whllo on a spree.
The city council will meet In adjourned
BcsBlon tonight. U Is believed that Mayor
Jennings will tonight return the newsboys'
ordinance unsigned to the council. The
general opinion seems to prevail that there
Is no necessity for such a measure and as
far as Is known no such ordinance Is in
force In other cities.
Dr. F. S. Thomas had planned to go to
Waco , Tex. , yesterday to bring homo his
daughter , Evelyn , who has been spending
the winter there , but had to defer the trip ,
being an Important wlUicss In the personal
damage suit of Mrs. Jennie Knsslng against
the Rock Island railroad , which comes up
for trial In the district court this morning.
A combination of pathos and humor , to
gether with an exceptionally strong and In
teresting story of American life , are the
component parts that make Daniel Bully's
great play , "O'Brien , the Contractor , "
which will bo seen at the Dohany theater
next Thursday , the success that It Is. Mr.
Bully has a role that fits his personality ex
actly and his portrayal of an Irish-Ameri
can Is a tribute to Irish character.
Chief of Police Blxby yesterday received
n letter from Sheriff Nell of Watertown , S.
D. , enclosing the photographs of a man
supposed to be Frank Willis , who was shot
there a tow days ago , and of three men
who are under arrset , charged with the
shooting. The four men were traveling
overland In a covered wagon and uro
thought to belong to this vicinity. The
police are Investigating , as a family named
Willis formerly lived here.
C. B. Vlavl Co. , female remedy ; consulta
tion free. Office hours , 9 to 12 and 2 to 5.
Health book furnished. 326-327-328 Mcr-
rtam block.
Money to loan on city property. Klnne.
N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 'SSO.
I have n few thousand dollars to be
loaned In small amounts on good Improved
farms or upon the butter class of city prop
erty. D. W. Otis , 133 P arl street , Council
Cordwood for sale cheap. Address W. F. ,
Dee office. Council Bluffa.
Storage , Wlnn & Konlgmachcr , 336 Broad
A nice line of refrigerator * , lawn mow
ers and seasonable goods at Cole & Colo's.
Good flour , fl.35. Bartel & Miller.
A good place to buy a fine piano Ii
Bourlclua' Music House , 325 Broadway ,
where they give premium lUmpi * nd
premium iUn.
War on Spain Not Made Merely to Becnro
Eevenge for the Maine ,
Conflict In to Advance the Cntme of
Mnnkliut mill Not to Esnct
VetiKcnitce fur n Wronir Done
In llavnnn llurlinr.
Yesterday was observed as "Maine Me
morial day" at the First Presbyterian
church. The church , which had been taste
fully decorated with flags under the direc
tion of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Orr , was crowded
nt the morning service. The music was ap
propriate to the patriotic character of the
special services and the pastor , Rev. W. S.
Barnes , preached a remarkably forceful ser
mon , taking as his subject "Tho National
Spirit Tested , " and his text from I Chroni
cles , xxl , 15. Mr. Barnes said In part :
"The destroying angel was commanded to
cease his severity against Jerusalem when
the purpose of his errand was accomplished.
'It Is enough ; stay cow thlno hand. Go not
beyond what Is necessary In the awful work
of destruction. In the execution of Justice ,
remember mercy. Be not carried awny wlt h
the passlonlor blood. As thou art tne fn-
Etrumcnt and agent of God keep thyself In
the spirit and temper of God. ' Thus God
spoke to the angel and undoubtedly therein
declared His will for all time , In similar
circumstances. We us a nation have felt
ourselves called upon to Interfere In God's
name In the affairs of another nation and
nfiwvo find ourselves In the midst of what
Dean Swift has called 'war , that mad game
the world so loves to play. ' Already we
have had our national spirit exalted by a
taste of victory and It may be well for us
Just now to listen while the duke of Welling
ton , the hero of Waterloo , tells us that
'nothing except a battle lost can be half so
melancholy as a battle won. ' The awful
sadness even of winning a battle may It not
escape our serious attention.
"And now on this Sabbath designated as
'Maine Memorial day' It may be well for us
to tlx our minds quietly upon the signifi
cance of the present war from the Christian
standpoint. The destruction of the Maine
filled us with horror and with an Indigna
tion from which wo shall not soon recover ,
and It Is prefectly proper to erect an endur
ing tribute to the memory of those who fell
the Innocent victims of a most diabolical
plot. But beyond that the event Itself has
a larger significance ; It marks the turning
point , the arousing point for us as a nation
In the matter of Cuban relief. It brought
us to our feet to demand what In recent
years we have been Insisting that other
Christian nations should demand , namely ,
that In this late age of the Christian era the
nations of the earth must all conduct their
government of their subjects In harmony
with the principles of civilization.
Will End llnil Government.
"It Is well then to mark and remember
that calamity which did so much to rouse
our tardy energies to engage In this hu
manitarian war. And the war Itself , we
may venture to say , Is destined to have a
largo significance In the history of the world ,
In that It will set an example and establish
a precedent among the nations , In the matter
of the strong coming to the rescue of the
weak and delivering the oppressed with ab
solutely no selfish purpose. There are good
Indications that the time Is near at hand
when no human being will be the helpless
subject of a bad government. We are com
ing to see that national boundary lines arc
only artificial , not divine. The doctrine 01
the brotherhood of man is making the worli
feel a measure of responsibility for its
brother man wherever he may live ant
closely after this follows that other great
Idea of the brotherhood of nations. No na
tion Is to bo permitted to bo entirely arbi
trary and supreme , even In the management
of Its own affairs. It must remember thai
It Is ono of the great family of nations anc
must keep Itself In harmony with the gen
eral family spirit. The Individual nation is
to bo regarded no longer aa absolute in Its
sovereignty , but must hold Itself subject. In
Its turn to supreme sovereignty of the earth
the consensus of all the nations , to which
ultimately every human being shall have
the Bright of apcal.
'This new doctrine is being rapidly de
veloped by the recent demand for Interven
tion in American affairs which , however
failed of execution , and by the intervention
In Cuban affairs which is now being exe
cuted. This war Is very different from the
ordinary wars of the world's history. It Is
different oven from the religious wars In
which men have fought for their own relig
ion , which is only ono form of fighting for
their own nation's supremacy. Into this war
religious questions have not entered. We
have laid precious lives upon the altar o
sacrifice and are voluntarily going to an
expense of hundreds of millions , almost en
tirely for a philanthropic purpose , with no
considerable material gain to como to us
but chiefly to discharge our duty as a mem
her of the great family of nations.
Good Time to Keep Cool.
"And now that the war Is on , it is 1m
portant that we keep our feelings undc
control and our heads clear , lest victory in
battle carry us Into a frenzy of excltemcn
and we forget the high motives that have
prompted us. We ought to be listening
eagerly for the voice that shall say 'It I
enough , stay now thine hand. ' We hea
fears openly expressed in many quarter
that the war may not be serious , that the
great preparations made and making may
not bo needed , that Spain may be persuadec
to yield without giving us the opportunity
for another so-called glorious victory. A
a people , wo are fond of excitement , ant
are waiting dally , hourly , to hear that every
war ship Is speeding away on an errant
of destruction and the army moving rapidly
forward to victorious conflict. Are we not
developing a thirst for blood , with our con
fidence in our superior strength ? And la
I there not something of the barbarous In
that , something of the tyranny of brute
force against which we have need to been
on our guard ? Then , pause a moment.
This is a humanitarian war , and shall wo
forget to maintain the humanitarian spirit
toward the enemy ? What does It mean for
them ? They are undoubtedly already In sore
plight , both abroad and at home. It was
perfectly right and our plain duty to say
to Spain , 'You must withdraw from Cuba , '
and It was undoubtedly right for us to load
our guna to show that we meant It , and to
fire as many of them as may be absolutely
necessary. Their refusal at first was per
fectly natural , but If brought to a better
mind by the Influence of good friends , or
under the smart of the first stroke of the
uplifted hand they shall speedily say , 'We
comply , ' shall we then be disappointed be
cause they did not by persistent stubborn
ness , give us the opportunity to whip them
severely by destroying their property and
blowing their men into eternity ? Nay , we
ought to rejoice It we can be spared from
Inflicting the awful stroke. If the voice of
Providence should now say , 'It Is enough ,
Uy now thine handaught to U the
happiest people In the world to hear that i
"Our nation U In danger of falling Into
A grave error right here. It Is easy for a
nan In the heat of conflict to lose his better
udgmcnt , and the spirit of a nation Is
mrclor to control than ono man's spirit ,
Vhat are wo fichtlng for ? la It to avenge the
oss of the Maine and her men ? If It Is ,
hen God forgive us , for the righteousness
of our cause la largely departed. Nay , even
low wo may hear the voice of God speaking
n tones of thunder out of a clear sky : 'Von-
; canco Is mine. I will repay , salth the
x > rd. ' H may be that the Spaniards deserve
punishment for their unchristian govern
ment , but arc we qulto sure that we' have
een commissioned by heaven to chastise
hem ? We may only say In the words of
ox-Prcsldent Harrison that 'wo have as a
nation toward Cuba the same high commls-
lon which every brave hearted man has to
trlkc down the ruffian who beats a woman
or a child , and will not desist. ' For what ,
f not for this , does God make a man or
nation strong ? Wo have risen In our might
and stepped forth to set free 1,500,000 of
oppressed human beings and may God help
us not to fire a single gun more than may
io necessary to accomplish this benevolent
Tremcndonn Ilc i > oii l1illl < > ' .
"A nation In declaring war should bo
Iftcd above Its passions by the tearfulness
and solemnity of the act. It should appeal
with unfeigned confidence to heaven and
earth for Its uprightness of purpose. By
nothing does a people Incur such tremendous
deus responsibility as by war. These things
are more solemnly true than over In these
lays of the awfully destructive modern In-
sjrurnents of wajj Let us not fall to appre
ciate the tiecp solemnity of 611 * r situation.
What though It might bo disappointing to
our enlisted soldiers to bo discharged wlth-
ut once smelling powder , and to our splen
did navy to settle down again without an
other opportunity to display Its terrible
skill ? That Is a small matter indeed. Let ,
us remember that the real spirit of our na-
lon Is now to bo tested. We entered upon
ho war for a humanitarian purpose ; shall
we now bo found sufficiently self-masterful
and sufficiently magnanimous to maintain
a humane spirit In the actual conduct of
.ho war and the earliest possible termina
tion of It ?
"Let It be remembered that we arc making
ilstory , and that this history will be read
after the heat of the present excitement Is
over , and we shall be Judged In the light
of our exalted position among the nations
of the earth. We have a high mission among
the nations as a peace-loving and peace-
maintaining people. Wo have opportunity
o teach the world a great lesson In the line
of high and unselfish motives In warfare.
Lct our money and the lives of our men bo
spent phllanthroplcally If necessary , and
for no other purpose until wo shall hear
God himself say 'It Is enough ; stay now
thine hand. ' And may God grant that the
war be brief and the carnage small. "
FOR SALE Good eccond-hand bicycle at
a bargain. Call at The Bee office , Council
Hoffmayr's fancy patent flour makes the
best and most bread. Ask your grocer for It.
Street Cnr Improvement ) ! .
In the shops of the motor company are
two new big motor cars which are receiving
the finishing touches at the hands of Master
Painter Carmlchael and which will soon bo
placed In service on the Omaha line. The
cars will be known as Nos. 65 and 67 and
In the matter of interior decoration are en
tirely different from any of the other cars.
In both cars the ceilings are painted white
enamel with fancy scroll work In gold. The
woodwork Is cherry finish and the electric
lights ore of lacquered brass work. In
car No. 65 the upholstering Is of a dark blue
while that of No. 67 Is of dark maroon. Su
perintendent Dlraraock says they will when
finished be the handsomest cars ever turned
out of the company's shops. They will be
equipped with the new G. E. 57 general elec
tric motors , which weigh about 3,000 pounds ,
of which each car will carry two. AH the
big cars of the company will as soon as they
can bo refitted be equipped with these new
motors. All the summer cars which will
shortly bo put on the road have been reno
vated and In each an end screen with glass
windows back of the motorneer has been
Chambers' May party for adults , Tuesday
evening. May 10. Orchestra of five pieces
Refreshments ; $1.00 per couple.
Irving hotel , 2759 B'd'y ; rates , $1.60.
Sheriff Won.
IOWA CITY , la. . May 8. ( Speclal.- )
Sherlff John W. Walsh of this county , who
was accused of having permitted a prisoner
to escape In Cedar Rapids while the sheriff
was drunk , has been acquitted. He was on
trial charged with malfeasance In office
drunkenness , permitting a prisoner to es
cape , etc. The case was tried before Judge
House of Maquoketa , Judge Wade deciding
not to preside at the trial of an officer In
his own court. Judge House took the case
from the Jury on technicalities , declaring ,
that the law did not provide for the dis
missal of an officer where Intoxication dl <
not Interfere with the performance of his
official duties and that the recent escape
of the prisoner at Cedar Rapids , while en-
route to Anamosa , unless willfully permitted
by the sheriff , was not a cause of expul
Colonel Keatley Would EnlUt.
DES MOINES , May 8. ( Special. ) Colone
John H. Keatley , recently commandant o
the Iowa Soldiers' home , Is now located In
Washington , where he la holding a position
In one of the departments , but he has ten
dcred his services to the government dur
Ing the war and will serve wherever called.
He desired service with the Iowa National
Guards , but ho Is long past the age limit
placed on the guards. He has taken an In
terest In the Iowa National Guards for
many years and before It was organized he
assisted In tbo formation of one of the few
military companies of the state the Coun
cil Bluffs Light artillery , which had posses
sion of the 12-pound gun left there by Ad
jutant General Baker of immortal Iowa
memory. Colonel Keatley was the second
officer of that company.
lown Onilnea * Note * .
Many new houses are being built In Hum-
The new Union railroad depot Is to be
completed ready for use by the first of next
Fort Dodge has a floating debt unprovided
for of $12,767.43 and a bonded debt of $52,000 ,
making a total debt of $64,767.43.
It Is estimated that it will cost $35,000 to
build and equip an electric railway from
Arnold's Park to Hotel Orleans , a project
W. F. Ryan of Peoria , III. , has been look
ing up and hoping to enlist local aid therein.
A new town will be platted about midway
between Spirit Lake and Lake Park at the
siding now called Gaylord , on the Burling
ton , Cedar Rapids & Northern. The first
move will be to put in a lumber yard , coal
sheds and a store.
The next event with the Des Molnes Job
bers' association Is a trip to Centervllle and
connecting points. Among tbo leading towns
to be visited will be Centervllle , Osceola ,
Corydon and Humeston.
A gang of men Is busy grading at Wall
Lake for the Chicago & Northwestern rail
way at this place. It is the Intention of
the company to put In considerable more
side track. Work on the new stock yards
will be commenced at once.
rr J.
owa Militiamen Tnnfd.RJDown } by tie
Examining Bowd ,
; .fK
Some of ( he Mont Rfllelent Officer *
and Men In the Cihnnl Fnll to
1'niisj the itliynlcnl
DBS MOINES , May 8. ( Special. ) It Is
beginning to look as though at least 15
per cent of the Iowa troops will be turned
own by the physical examination and that
00 or more recruits will bo needed to take
ho places of those who will be dropped ,
lost of those who fall to pass the examlua-
lon are men who have worked for years In
tores and business offices , and having led
edcntary lives do not meet the require
ments In weight. All such men are gaining
apldly In flesh and strength whtlo In camp ,
however , and should the examination bo held
a month later very few would fall to tip
he scales at the required point. The men
who arc turned down Include some of the
most efficient officers and men In the Na
tional Guard , and there has been consider
able grumbling , but all realize that Uncle
Sam fs very strict about his fighters , and
they have decided to accept the Inevitable
with good grace , 50 h.ome , build up In flesh ,
raise companies to be held as a reserve force
and be Ijj readiness for the next call. The
iresent strength of the troops mobilized at
Jamp McKlnloy Is by regiments as follows :
Officers. Men. Total.
First regiment i 48 784 W2
Second regiment 50 745 795
Third regiment 42 SM 940
" ourth regiment , 61 52 DOS
Total strength 191 3279 3470
Brigade drills are being held each after
noon from 2:30 : till 5 o'clock. General Lin
coln , who Is In command of the camp and
Is likely to bo appointed brigadier general
to have command of the Iowa troops when
they go to the front , Is well pleased with
the drills and says that there are no four
regiments In the country which can beat
Iowa's. He served as an officer In the con
federate army throughout the civil war and
knows good soldiers when he sees them.
Each afternoon during the brigade drill a
battle line Is formed and the men arc put
through the evolutions they would be called
upon to make if In real action. The battle
lines formed arc over a half mile long , and
when the order to advance Is made the
troops move forward In a solid and formid
able line , with perfect alignment and with
rapidity. The regular tinny7 officers here say
that the Iowa troops are a finely drilled lot
and will undoubtedly mhlcc excellent sol
diers. ' '
New Scluiol Hound forMnnnlnpr. .
MANNING , la. , May 7. ( Special. ) At an
election held on Tuesday , 'the ' school house
proposition was carried byfthree votes , only
103 being the total nUmber cast. Immedi
ately following'the ' closing'of the school this
spring , $3,000 will be'expended in building
onto and repairing the building. Although
having eight apartments , the old structure
Is Inadequate , the attendance having stead
ily Increased with each succeeding year until
now tlio .enrollment IB
Sent to I'rlNon. >
ATLANTIC , la. , May 8. ( Special. )
Hugh Moore , 'an ' old eoldtcr nearly 60 years
of age was on account of his age sentenced
to eight months in the penitentiary at Fort
Madison for keeping a house of Ill-repute ,
Stewart Craig of Lewis was pent to the
same place for fifteen months for adultery.
IOTVU I'rcn * Comment.
Ottumwa Courier : The Iowa soldier boys
at Camp McKlnley are anxious to go to
Cuba to escape the rainy season.
Des Molnes Leader : The Iowa troops are
hardy. The weather during the last few
days has been , most Inclement and unseason
able , yet out of 3,400 at Camp McKlnley but
twelve are In the hospital.
Sioux City Journal : The Des Molnes
newspapers note with prjde that Commodore
Dewey IB Interested in 'real estate In that
city. Still bis greatest real estate deal was
that wherein he made American territory
of the Philippines.
Marshalltown Times-Republican : Since
looking at a map of the United States In
The Omaha Bee we are convinced that
Omaha Is the chief point of Interest In the
United States or will bp about June 1 , when
the Transmlsslsslppl Exposition opens.
Perry Chief : With no opposition to Con
gressman Hull In this district , with Judges
Wilkinson. Apoleeate and Gamble sure of
renomtnatlon , all the republican candidates
In Dallas caunty without opposition at the
primaries and everybody endorsing Presi
dent McKlnley , wo haven't got a thing to
do but lick Spaniards. Talk about a loyal
and united people wo have 'cm In Dallas
county. *
Survivor * of I.nte War Itrmcmbercd
br General Government.
WASHINGTON , May 8. ( Special. ) Pen
sions have been Issued as follows :
Issue of April 27 :
Nebraska : Original Henry Woods , Au
rora , $6 ; John Fink , Arlington , $8 ; James T
Lewis , Blair , $8 ; Lewis Dunn , Omaha , $8
Additional John W. Huston , Davenport , $2
to $8. Increase Jacob Reynolds , Hebron , $8
to $12. Reissue John Scanlan , Phillips , $17
Iowa : Original William T. McCifne
Gravity , $6 : Mortimer H. Ireland , Cherokee
$6. Increase Daniel Flgglns , Afton , $8 to
$10 ; Daniel Lamb , Maxwell , $8 to $12
Original , widows , etc. Frances A. Gregg
Sprlngvllle , $8 ; Esther Weeso , Des Molnes
$8. *
North Dakota : Original Andrew J
Shaw , Blanchard , $6.
Montana : Original George W. Bodurtha
Stevensvllle , $8.
Wyoming William J. Garland , Cheyenne
$7.60 to $8. c
South Dakota : Orljlnalr-Gcorge Adklns
Sioux Falls , $6. /v
I'roiul of 3'lier | Hey * .
SCHUYLER , Neb. , May 8. ( Special. )
Several Schuyler people" went to Lincoln
to see the boys of company K , some relatives
going to relieve the wants of some of the
boys who arc suffering from various Indispo
sitions resultant from.cVp'6sure. Citizens o
Schuyler express mifth..pride In company
K'i physical standing , -only eight of the
company having been rejected.
The new company { $ > < ? ' containing sixty
men Is drilling two ntghtaiper week , 0. Van
Housen , ex-captain of tompnny K , being
drill master. \i' " }
Hurt In
AURORA , Neb. , May' 8. ( Special Tele
gram. ) William McKearns' team tan away
with him last evening , throwing him out o
his wagon , breaking some of his ribs and
otherwise bruising him. from which wounds
he died shortly after the accident.
o ,
* "
ttfutu *
It U Announced thnt Forty Tlionnnnil
Volunteer * Will tie Concen
trated nt Clilrknninticrn.
May 8. U was given out officially today that
40.000 men of the volunteer army would be
mobilized hero Just ns teen as they have
been mustered Into the government service.
With the ten regiments of regulars now hero
filled to war strength , the army at this
point will number 00,000 men.
It was also announced that Major General
Fltzhugh Leo , Major General Jon Wheeler
and Major General James H. Wilson would
bo In command , the purpose being to form
the volunteer men Into three army corps ,
The following recently appointed brigadier
generals , ex-colonels of the regular army ,
have been assigned to the volunteer army
hero : General A. S. Burt , late of the Twen
ty-fifth Infantry ; General Sumncr , late col
onel Third cavalry ; General Snyder , colonel
Nineteenth Infantry. Other assignments can
bo expected at any moment.
The first Installment of equipments for
recruits arrived today and wcro distributed.
Recruits arc now coming In rapidly. Ono
hundred reached hero today , and Information
from recruiting officers Is to the effect that
all the recruits required nlll be obtained
In a comparatively short time.
It has been decided to locate the camp of
the volunteer army on the west side of the
Lafayette road near Chlckamauga creek ,
and a force of men has been put to work
preparing the grounds and getting them In
readiness for occupancy.
Fred Clayton , Ed Hill and John Lane ,
\hp were arrested Satyrdny ajtcrncon for
attempting To flimflam Thomas Norsuog. es-
aped from the city Jail at an early hour
Sunday morning and are still at large. No
one around police headquarters appeared to
know much about the escape , but It was
asserted by the day force that the men
gained their liberty while the night force
was still on duty. Just how the birds es
caped U a mystery , but It Is elated that the
ron door to the corridor was sprung open
at the top far enough to allow those Inside
o get out. Not long ago the Jail was all
Ixcd up Inside at nn expense of nearly $50 ,
he locks on the cells being protected by
icavy wire netting. Why the prisoners were
not locked in the cells Is a question for
the jailer or chief of police to answer. Only
a day or two ago Mayor Ensor made the
statement that his Idea of appointing a day
and night Jailer was to prevent escapes and
nsuro the attendance of an officer at the
prison all of the time. Whllo he did not say
so , he Intimated that the first time an es
cape occurred the police officer responsible
vould lose his Job. This time Is probably
an exception , for persons who frequent the
lall assert that the mayor called on the
: hree prisoners Saturday night and had
quite a talk with them. Not a half hour
after the mayor had left the Jail a well
known sport ventured the assertion that
not one of the prisoners would bo brought
to trial.
Ono of the officers on duty at the Jail yes
terday afternoon tried to show how the es
cape was effected and managed to spring
the door fully two Inches. The mouths of
the police have been closed so far as talkIng -
Ing about the occurrence is concerned , but
the truth will come out before long. The
most-probable solution of the problem Is that
the prisoners were released on orders Is
sued by the mayor. Investigation shows
that not a door or window at the Jail has
been tampered with. The lock on the big
outside door IB of Yale manufacture and
made1 expressly for Jail purposes.
At the request of Police Judge Babcock ,
Norskog , the complaining witness , was taken
to the county Jail in Omaha late Saturday
night by Deputy Sheriff Mitchell. A couple
of hours later Clayto'n , Hill and Lane were
seen boarding a street car for Omaha , and
they were not In custody either. It is un
derstood that County Attorney Baldrlgo
sent for Norskog In order to prevent friends
of the prisoners from squaring the matter ,
and ho intended filing'state complaints
against the confidence men this morning.
Just after Deputy Sheriff Mitchell left the
Jail with the complaining witness Bill John
son , the negro brought from Iowa by Chief
Brennan and who Is charged with grand
larceny , was securely locked In the steel
cage , but the three star boarders were al
lowed the liberty of the corridor.
When seen yesterday afternoon Mayor En
ser denied all knowledge of the escape and
stated that ho would ask the council com
mittee on police to hold an Investigation
tonight. The mayor Insists that the present
Jail Is not strong enough to hold desperate
criminals and declares that better protection
Is needed. It Is also stated that at the In
vestigation to be held tonight the mayor will
ask Police Judge Babcock to verify his
statement to the effect that a certain city
official turned the confidence men loose. The
last Investigation held by the police com
mittee of the council was a farce and there
is no reason to suppose that the one to be
called , wlll bo any different. It Is possible
that some information may bo made pub
lic at the Investigation which will reflect
upon the mayor and his appointees.
Municipal MuIitltiK Plant.
Mulclpal ownership of a lighting plant is
one of the questions In which the present
city officials are greatly Interested in and
without a doubt the proposition will bo voted
upon by the people at the election this fall.
The owning and operating of a water works
plant Is considered out of the question on
account of the expense and the compara
tively low rate charged by the Omaha Water
Works company. It Is true that some claim
the rate of $60 per year for a fire hydrant Is
too much , but when everything Is taken Into
consideration and a comparison with the
rates charged at other places of this size
Is made the rate Is not excessive. All of the
water used at the engine houses , the city
hall , police station and schoolhouses Is free ,
for the reason that while' the water com
pany has the right to charge for the water
used at those places , It has never done so.
Then the streets nro frequently flushed and
no account Is taken of the water u cd. Con
sidering thfxo donations It Is safe to say
that the hydrant rental Is annually reduced
several thousand dollars. There was a
scheme on foot hero once to erect water
works at the foot of O street and pump
water from artesian wells to the stock yards
and packing houses , but It had to bo given
up on account of the small supply of water.
Since that time the municipal ownership of
n water works plant has never been seriously
Mayor Ensor has taken the matter of
electric lighting In haud and has obtained
statistics from cities owning anil operat
ing their own plants. Whllo some cities
make a creditable showing In the saving
of cxpens'c this Is not the case In every
Instance. Where electric lighting and
water works are operated In conjunction
n saving Is noted because ono set of boil
ers will operate both plans , but where the
operation of these plants Is undertaken
singly It Is not always the success antici
pated. The mayor Is of the opinion that It
would bo a good scheme to vote bonds for
the purchase of the local electric light
plant. This plant now Includes the latest
Improved machinery and at least fifty miles
of street wiring. To purchase the plant
outright , Including the value of the unex-
plrcd franchise , would cost In the neighbor
hood of $90,000 , possibly more. Each arc
light Installed nt street Intersections costs
the city $12 per month , and Including the
lights used In the city offices , Jail and fire
halls the city pays monthly the sum of
$350. Whether the city would undertake to
supply private consumers with light Is a
question which has not been settled by
those Interested In this movement , but
moro than likely such would be the case.
Iloiiort oil Clty'n IloolCH.
Prof. Beck , who was selected by the
finnncc committee of the council to check
up the books of the city officials , has com
pleted his labors and will bo ready to make
n written report of the condition of the
city's finance at the next council meeting.
The books have been checked from April.
1SOG. up to and Including April , 1898. cov
ering n period of twenty-five months. Dur
ing this time the city treasurer has re
ceived , from all sources , the sum of $495-
000 , and Including the balance on hand at
the close of business the last day of April
the sum reaches a total of over $532,000.
In this sum the school funds are Included ,
but the amount received from liquor
licenses this year Is not counted. Very few
people here have any Idea of the amount
of business transacted at the treasurer's
office and the totals mentioned will bo a
surprise to many. In addition to the reg
ular report generally made by experts , Prof.
Beck will Include a statement showing the
receipts and disbursements In each fund
during the last two years. This Is some
thing which will be of great value and will
show Just where every cent received has
gone. The average shows that nearly
$250,000 are received and disbursed by the
city treasurer every twelve months. This
same showing cannot bo made for the
years prior to 1S96 for the reason that the
volume of business In this city has In
creased to a great extent within the last
twenty-four months. Taxes are coming In
a great deal faster than formerly and people
ple are paying back-taxes which have been
allowed to accumulate for years and this
of course adds greatly to the total.
MiiKlc City
The council will not meet until Tuesday
The assessors are still hard at work and It
will be a month yet before the assessment
Is completed.
The Mohicans will meet tonight nt Para
dise flat to hcaracontlnucd story which Harry
Carpenter Is Inflicting the members with.
Miss Kittle Whlttcn , daughter of Mrs
Sarah Whlttcu , Is seriously 111 and has been
taken to the South Omaha hospital for treat
Engineer Be&l estimates thnt 7,000 feet ol
sidewalk has been laid In the city during
the last six months , which will be chargutl
to the property owners.
Take Laxative Uro mo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund tbo money If It falle to euro
25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet.
Partly Clouily In ! Yclirn kn | Colder III
the Wcntcrn Part of the State
nuil NorthweNterly WlndN.
"WASHINGTON , May 8. Forecast for
Monday :
For Nebraska Partly cloudy weather ;
colder In western portion ; northwesterly
For Missouri Fair and warmer ; winds be
coming southerly.
For South Dakota Partly cloudy weather ;
scattered showers ; colder ; northwesterly
For Iowa Fair weather ; southwest winds.
For Kansas Partly cloudy weather ; prob
ably showers In western portion ; colder In
western portion ; winds becoming northeast
For Wyoming Partly cloudy weather ;
variable winds.
I suffered from Eczema on the right car. I
couU hardly keep my hands off It , tlio Itching
was so severe. Small bubbles would open ,
emitting a watcry-llke substance , apparently
poisonous. Ono of the leading doctors here
treated me , and applied tbo utual physician's
remedies without benefit. My brother rec
ommended that I try CirncunA. Tlio first
application teas teething , and bcforo the box
was half gone the rlittait hail disappeared.
II. C. IIAUNKT , 6H Race St. , Clnn. , O.
BriIOT CCII-TRKTHIIT rn Freer Kixe or Eo
UIWITII l.oii or lli . Wirtn bath ! wiih Ci-Ti
cca * 8or , untie tnnlntlnrt wllli CCTIccii , purtlt ot
emollients , and mild dmCTefCcncca * KISOLTIXT.
SoilIhronjhoutlSjworld. Pnrris Pirn nn PRIM.
Coir. , Bole Prop. . , Dottoo. " Uow loCure Ccunis , " tne.
II Blew Monday"
M SvvSPe ' * as y ° u w ' t lat's tle soap-users' washday
uses them up completely. Never
a "blue Monday "with the right sort
of Pearline washing. No rubbing
to speak of , no wear , just soaking ,
"J /iYfTfiW * * boiling , rinsing. Things washed are
\m-C \ ffQ/f cleaner and woman who washes is
" 1 lr * '
able to ienjoy the time saved , ew
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Jobbers of
Selling Agents
lOo Cigar * . Bo Clgurm ,
Intr ! < Itobi the ( Koninrh nnd Whn
KolloMi the Holdicry.
According to Do Qulncey , the ituprrma
> rlzo In life Is the union of n line Intellect
ind a healthy stomach. Why this com-
ilnntlon of blessing * Is ro rnro IB easy to
BOO. The brain Is fclilsh nml the moro
ictlve It In , the moro blooil It takes from
he stomach , Thnt the utomncli limy need
ho blood for the i1l estlon of n tough. In-
rnctablo dinner makes no difference to
ho brain. Hence i < o many clever men nro
moro or less dynpcptle , nml some of then *
my , with Alexander 1'ope , "my llfo Is a >
onfj disease. "
The whole bodily machinery la thrown
nit of kilter by n disordered otonmch.
Jedontnry habits , nervous stress nnd strnln
i nil carolcKS living mnkr mutters worse.
Joctors agree on some thliiKH , n popular
irovcrb to the contrary , notwithstanding ,
They nRroo thnt the best medication for a
fcpblo stomach Is n ntlmulcnt free from
my of the thousand and ono mischievous
mibMniiccs that make BO many "liquors"
TinkliiK of medicinal stimulants Is Dnf-
y's 1'uro Mult Whiskey , which you cnn qb-
aln from grocera nnd druggists. U Is Im
mediately lieiiellclul In rnvca of Itnp.ilreil
llKcstlon , for It promotes the sooretlon of
rnstrlc Julco nnd expands tlio net-work of
Iny blooil vessels In tlio utoimich o thnt
ho rich blood tills them.
You cnn get rid of thnt stuffy , hrnvy ,
nfter'dlnner feeling If you use Duffy's 1'uro
Mult Whiskey.
Primary. Secondary or Tcrtltrr BtOOO
POISON ptrraanentljr
Cured In 15 to 35 Days.
T u"on b * treated at horn * for Mm *
prlo * under Mm * guaranty. U you prefer
to cottle litre * will contract to pay rajt-
rot * fsre and hotel bill * , ana no caerte
U w * fall to cur *
taken mnxjutr. Iculldt potash and aUt
have actit * anil patni. Muootu Patchn In
m uth. Sore Throat , I'lmplr * . Coppfr Col.
? rtd 8pct , Vlctrs on any part of til *
Mdy. H lr or Eyebrows falllnaout. . It Is
tMs fltconflsrr
Wt Guarantee to Cure
W solicit tb mist obstlnat * Ma * * and
challenge the worlS ( or a ctia w * cannot
cur * . This dliUJe has always baffled tbs
skill of UM uu > it tralnint physicians.
tSOO.IW ) capital behind our unconditional
fuarantr. Abioluu proofs seat actlad
on application. 1M P ie book Hot rr * * .
Address COOK aEMEDY CO * 14D1
Maioalo Temple , Chicago , III.
Two Weeks'
To All
Alii ; oin
In the treatmtiit of all
Chroiic , Nervous and Private Diseases.
Catarrh , all Diseases of the Nose , T.'voat. Obe\
tomach , Liver. Ulood. Skin and Kidney DJ K
MM , Lost Manhood , Ilydrocele , Verlcocelev
Gonorrhea , Gleete. Syphilis. Stricture. Files. Fis
tula and Rectal Ulcer * Dlabetn DHfhl'e Dla.
as * cured. Call on or address wltb stamp fo
Fre * Book and New Methods.
Treatment br 3Ill , Consultation free *
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute
JHotB tVUItt North HUi St. OMfesV
Steel § Penny royal Treatment
is the original nml only FRENCH ,
( ate and reliable euro on the mar *
kot. Price. $1.00 ; sent by mail.
, Genuine Bol-1 only by
Mycru Dillon Ilrnir Co. . S. K , Come *
lUtli nml Kiirnnui Sim. , Omaha , Neb ,
Gas and
1 to JOO
Call on us or write for prices and de crlpttona\
Council Bluff * , lorrn.
Header of Dlseanes of tueu anA
World's Uerbal Dispensary of Hedlclwi.
I Cimn Catarrh of Head , Throat on *
r.unfrs , Diseases of I'yo and Car , Fits and ;
Apoplexy , Heart , I.lver and Kidney Diseases ,
Dlubuteu. IlrlHht's Dlaeuec , Bt. Vltus Dance.
Ulieiiiimtlsm , Scrofula , Dropsy cured without
lapplnir , Tape Worms removed , all chronic-
Nervous and Private Diseases ,
CVDUII 1C _ ° " ' > ' Physician who can
9 1 r niLIOs properly cure HYPIIILia
without destroying teeth and bonci. No mcr >
cur y or poison mineral uerd.
The only Physician who can tell what all *
you without asking a question.
Tliosu at a distance send for question
blank. No. 1 for men ; No. i for women.
All oorreai > ondenco strictly coiiQdontlaJ.
Mcdlclno sent by express.
Address all If ( tors to
G. W. PANGLE , M. D. ,
D55 Broadway , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IjX
tVSend 2-ceiit starou for replr.
Dohany T7ioatre.
America's Favorite Irish Actor ,
And his metropolitan company , presenting
his latest success
A play of today , elaborately staged anft
costumed. Prices 25c , 3Sc , GOc and 75c.
Seats now on sale.
Unda for uU of rM. Day * Ufa * W