iFT > > . * I EDITORIAL SHEET. THE OMAHA UNDAY BEE. I PAGES 9 TO 16. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19 , 1871. OMAHA , SUNDAY MOHKlNG , MAY 8 , 1808 , SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. Cloak and Suit Department. Our phenomenal growth Ib'the result of merit and the power of cosh. The best vldcnco that our prices arc low la the constantly Increasing business. Come and Judge ( or yourself. A few special from a recent purchase ot (15,000 worth of goods at New York : Ladles' tailor made Coat Suits , English box style , Jacket lined with silk , klrt lined Mrlth pcrcallne , velvet bound , perfect fit guaranteed , at (6.00. Ladles' 'tailor made Coat Suits , fly front , box coat , lined with silk , seams of ktrt and coat covered with straps of same material and double stitched , at $7.00. ladles' tailor made Coat Suits ot fl ne Cheviot , broadcloth and coverts , silk lined , fly front jacket or blouse styles , at $10.00. Ladles' tailor made Coat Suits In homespuns and Imported canvas cloth , hand- Bomely trimmed with mohair braid , silk lined , at $12.00. Ladles' Dress Skirts of One figured brllllantlne. well lined and bound , 4Vi yards wide , black or colored , at $1.25. ' Ladles' Dress Skirts of mohair , handsome flower patterns , lined with percallne , all seams finished with binding , stiffened and bound , at $1.75. Ladles' Dress Skirts of fine brocaded silk , 4V4 yards wide , at $3.48 , Ladles' Dress Skirts ot plain black satin at $5.98. LADIES' CAPES In silk figured mohair at $1.50. Ladles' Capes In fine brocaded silk , trimmed with lace , ribbon and Jet , at $2.50. Ladles' Capes In plain gros grain or fancy brocaded silk , trimmed with satin ribbon and accordeon pleated chiffon , lined with silk. $3.98. Ladles' Copes of plain Bilk , embroidered with silk braid and Jot , also figured silk , trimmed with ribbon , lace , lot and pleated chiffon , lined with black or colored silk , at $3.00. Ladles' Spring Jackets In all shades of tan and black , lined throughout with cerlno satin , at $3.00. Ladles' Jackets of ton covert cloth , dnublo stitched , lined throughout , Including Blcevcs , with taffeta silk or heavy satin , $ ! i.OO , LADIES' BICYCLE SUITS of covert suiting , jacket lined with Bilk , skirt fin ished with 12 rows ot stitching , at $ G.EO. Bicycle Skirts , separate , all shades , at $1.50. LADIES' SILK WAISTS An endless variety In plaids , chccks'and bias stripes , at $4.98. 150 ladles' Shirt Waists , In percale and gingham , at 39c. Ladles'"Shirt Waists In fine corded madras and fancy figured pique , detachable collar of same material , full blouse front , 9Sc. LADIES' UNDERSKIRTS In black and colored sateen , double ruffle , corded , at 08 cents. * LADIES' WRAPPERS made of fancy Indigo and mourning , ruffle over shoul der , collar , front , back yoke and sleeve trimmed with braid , skirt 3Vi yards wide , at 75c. 75c.Ladles' Ladles' Wrappers , made of fine percale , 'yoke , back and front and collar trim med with , 4 o rows wide white braid Inside , best lining , bound arm holes , tight back sk"f 3Vi yards wide , in a variety of pretty colors , at 98c. Ladies' Dressing Sacqucs at 59c. Flannel Department. The prices on Flannels and Blankets have advanced and will bo considerably higher this coming season. If you have the ready cash there Is no better or safer Invest ment for you to make than to lay In your supply at once , fore are still selling at the old prices. Don't put off buying , but como at once and get your flannels , wool blank ets and woolen skirt patterns for the coming winter. The-next advance will be on cotton goods prices. Never were ao low as now. Wo nro selling Shaker Flannel , Cot ton Flannel and Outing Flannel nt 3c yard , but this prlco will not last much longer. Striped and Check Shirting at Cc , CV4c , S&c , lOc , 12V c and IGc. Ticking at Cc , lOc , 12Vic , ICc , 17c , 20c and 2Cc yard. White Bed Spreads. Hayden Bros , are headquarters on Spreads. Ask for what you will In this line and you will find It at the Big Store cither fringed or hemmed white or colored. Ask for tliCEO special numbers on sale Monday 3Gc , 4Gc , 7Gc , 9Gc , $1.25 , $2.00 , $2.48. New Line of Table Covers on Sale. Wo place on solo Monday for the first time a. now and handsome line of reversible Table Covers colors that are fast and will wash Imported cloths , 4-4 , at GOc to 76c ; 6-4 at $1.50 and $1.C5 each , and 8-4 at $2.25 and $2.75. Some delicate shades and very de- elrablo covers. See them. In center nlole of Flannel Department Monday morning wo place on sale 6,000 yards of Dotted and Figured Swisses. These are all perfect , short ends from 2 to 10 yards. A great many of same patterns that will match. .You can't go In any store and buy them from the piece for less than 25c yard. Our price on Mouday lOc yard. Fast col ors. ors.A lucky purchase and a phenomenal sale of men's fine all wool Spring Suits at Hayden Bros , At this price we At this price we give you unrestricted give you unre stricted choice of 730 Men's stricted choice of 493 Men's Stylishly All Wool Cassimere High Class Modern Tciilored and Cheviot Suits , all the lat Imported Fancy Worsted est and most exclusive pat Suits. Hand made collars and terns , beautifully tailored and button-holes , inside exquisite every essential necessary to ly lined and finished with care give lasting satisfaction. and thought to insure perfect satisfaction to the wearer. These Suits These Garments to the highest standard are equal cannot be bought elsewhere dard of merchant tailoring in for less than § 9.00. To turn every particular and cannot a quick deal and make new be bought elsewhere for less customers , we have $5 than $15 marked the lot at this sale price The main Point w that the goods are here and we propose to turn cur lucky put-chase into a mighty trade bringer. ' 75c Shirts for JSc Rverythlng new In Men's Furnishing Laundered Shirts with collars attached and colored shirts to wear white collars with , These shirts were made to sell at 7Bc and co at S5c. BOo Whlto Unlaundercd Shirts , 25c Ue- fancy and plain colors , extra well made , Inforced front and back , four-ply linen at 25c each. Men's fine Suspenders , largo assortment neck bands , extra value at 25c. bosom and of colors and buckles , all the newest , worth Men's Balbrlggan Shirts and Drawers , In COc. at 25c. Bargains in Men's Hats Sl.OO Hat for 48c (2.00 Hats for $1.48 $1.25 Hats for 75c $2.50 Hats for $1.98 $ l.r,0 Hats for 9Sc Hardware , Stoves , Housefurnish- Tlic war is on The prlcvs is off. Carload of Western Washers just re ceived Round Washer , like cut $2.29 Square Western Washer $2.19 Folding Ironing Board GDj. Grand Wringer , same style as cut , $1,19. 50 Ih Flour Cans G9o 0-foot Step Ladders . . . 45c All willow clothes , baskets .T3o Pacreen doors 49o Screen wire sq. ft lo Garden Ilose CJo Hose Hen ) , hardwood COc Hakes ICc Hoe , -15o Spade , solid steel , 43o Stoves Stoves The reliable cabinet Gasoline , Steve $18.05 ' Mason & Davis Steel Range , high shelf , largo square oven , with reservoir , regular water front , six-hole , large oven , regular $38.00 , $25.95. I46.00-J29.95. No. 8 Square Cook Stove , good site , $7.69. The Triumph Economy Steel Range , with 3-burner Gasoline Stoves , $2.69. ibclf , low warming closet , ilx-bele , Tin double lined Guollne Oven , 880 , A PAGE FULL DF BARGAINS The Big Store puts before you some new prices on desirable goods. The advantage of buying at Hayden Bros , waa never more evident than now , when prices are advancing on every side. The immense stocks we had bought and contracted for before the recent rise enables us to sell at dven less .than the old figures. Read the Special Sales in Each Dept. Agents for Buttcrick Patterns. Furniture. Some place to sleep will be the great question in the near future. There will be no ex cuse for you if you are found unprepared. "Why not get ready now and not rush in at the last minute and find every body busy , and buy at a dis advantage. You want extra beds ; why not buy a mantle bed. You can put it in any down stairs room. It looks well , is well finished , and you can put two people to sleep in one. They are furnished with good supported woven wire springs and the price ranges from $9.75 up to $20.00. Then you can make an extra bed by buying a Bed Lounge. We have them up holstered in Carpet , Plush , Velour and Corduroy at $7.50 , $8,50 , $10.00 , $11.50 , $12.50. If you need a new Mattress or an extra Mattress , remem ber we. are fixed so t lat you can get any kind you want and any size. Matresses at $1.50 > § 1.75 , $2.00 , § 2.85 and § 3.50. Gets and Springs , Chairs , Tables and Rockers for the bed-room of all kinds , at all prices. Trans-mississippi Cheese Dept. Omaha's Favorite. Cream Cheese , only.- Wisconsin Cream Cheese . lOc Fancy Full Cream . 12&c -rvimr-r County Full Cream. . 14c Red Cloud extra fine Cream. , . . 14o Young Americas , Colored . 9o Young Americas , fancy white. . . , . . lie Swiss Cheese , fine quality . 15c Ohio Swiss , finest made . 18c Imported Swiss , only . , . SOc Club House , fancy glass jar * . 28c Cdam Cheese , only . . . SOc Pineapple . EOc Sap Sago , only . ' . . . , . EC Neufchatel . . . . 3c Brick Cheese. 12 He , 14c and . ICc Llinberger , 12c and . 14c New Norway and Holland Herring. the west , and the only place where you can get every kind of Cheese made at low est prices. Fish Dept. In our Fish Department you will always find a good line of Imported and Domestic Fish at lowest prices. Nice Mackerel , each , 3Uc and 2c Family Whlto Fish , pound , only 3Vic Large New Herring , each , . . . 2c Alaska Salmon , pound , only 6c Nice White Codfish , pound Cc New Norway and Holland Herring. Holland Herring In kegs , only. . . . . . . . . SOc Big Flour Sale Monday. We will sell All the best fancy high patent brands of Flour , such as Cream Brand , XXXX Best Minnesota Super lative , Pure Food Brand , Val ley Lily , etc. , etc. , Monday at greatly reduced prices. Buy it now before it .goes higher. Pearl Tnploca , Sago , Hominy , Barley , Green Peas , Lima Beans , Fnrlna , etc. , per pound * . . . . , 5c 10-pound Backs best Corn Meal lOc 10-pound sacks best Griihnm 23c Fancy AVhlto Sugar Corn , lOc can 5c White Wax , Lima or String Beans , reg ular price 12V c per can , on silo for 4 cans for 25c 3-pound cans polld pack Tomatoes Sc 3-pound cans Golden Pumpkin Sc 3-pound cans * Baked Beans EC 3-pound cans California ,1'eaches for pics Sc 3-pound cans extra quality Tnblo PenchcB , Apricots or Pjums , regular price ISc , on sale Monday , 2 cans for 23o Blood Red Salmon , per can tc lOc packages Sliver ( Jlussi Starch 5c lOc packages Pure Corn Starch S'.fco lOc packages Oatmeal1 , < 5njy tic 12 bars Standard Laniidrj Boap for . . 23c Wool Soap , large bars J Co Ivory Soap , per bar i 3 > ic 1770 , Pcnrllne , Soap Dust , Jetc. , 3 for. . . . lOc Supolio , per bar 5c Salt , per sack . ' . 2V c Parlor Matches , 12 boxes for Sl-3p All kinds of Yeast , per package 2c New California P.caches , 'New Califor nia Pears , New California. Apricots , new California Prunes , worth 16c pound anywhere 3 pounds for 25e Largo Raisins . " 3 < 4e , 5c and 6c Largo New Prunes , .i . . /.Ec , Uc and'7'X.c Tea and Fancy Uncolorcd Japan Tea , worth GOc 25o Moyune Gunpowder Tea , ' cheap at GOc 25c Choice English Breakfast Tea . 25o Basket Fired Japan Tea , delicious drink 33c Fancy India Ceylon Tea , per pound . . 40c Whole Rio Coffee , only , t . lOc Choice New Santos ' Coftea..J . 12c Extra quality Santos Coffee . IGc Plantation Java and Moch'a . 23c Golden Java Blend . 2Gc High Grade Java and Mocha . 29c China Dept. Japanese Lanterns , thousands of dlffer- cntcnt kinds , slzee , colors and shapes , from 2c up to 35c each. * 100-ptcce Dinner Sets , Imported English goods , French shapes and decoration , $5.95. Decorated Toilet Set. 11.98. A few more ot those GOc and 75c fine Japanese Cups and Saucers , IGc. All sizes Tripoli Stone Water Filters. Decorated Cups and Saucers , 3c each. Crystal Creamers , Sugars , Spooners and Butter Dishes , 3V4e each , Fine decorated stippled. gold Lunch Sets , $2.49. Finest and largest line of Jardlneres you ever saw , from 45c up. Hand Lamp , 9c. Jewelry Dept. Gents' fine 17-Je'weled 'Elgin ' or Walthnm Watch , gold filled , cases , ) warranted to wear 20 years , $16.75 ; a regular $30.00 watch. Gents' gold filled Open. Face Watch , fine Elgin or Waltham works , $7.95 ; a regular $15.00 watch. Ladles' gold filled Hunting Case Watch , flno Elgin or Waltham Works , $7.95 ; a regular $15.00 walch. Ladles' and gents' gold filed Hunting Case "Watches , warranted to wear 20 years , flno Elgin or Waltham works , $10.95 , a regular $20.00 watch. Ladles' and gents' gold plated Hunting Case Watch. $2.98 , , Solid Gold Ring with 12. genuine diamond chips , ruby and emerald ; centcr , a regular $7.00 ring for $2.98. { Solid Gold Rings with five genuine opals , $1.48. Rogers' 12 dwt. Knives ! and Forks , $1.15 for set of six. ! Rogers' A 1 Tea Spoons , , E9c set of six. Quadruple Plated Tea , Pets , four pieces , $3.98 ; worth $10.00. ' ' " Nickel Alarm Clock , C5c each. , Toys. Toy Wheelbarrows , regular"prlco 15c. . Cc Toy Carts , two wheels- ' regular price 15c - . Co Rubber Foot Balls , with .key , regular price 75c i 37c Shoofly or Rocking Horsfc , nicely palut- ed , mottled sides , regular price (1. . 39c Garden Sets , steel spade , steel Hoe and malllable Iron Rake. Varnished ban dies , sold everywhere for 25c 17c Croquet Sets , regular price Jl.OO 39c Velocipedes , with steel jvhecls and adJustable - - Justable seats , regular price $1.50. . . 98c Express Wagons , steel body , 12x24 Inches , steel wheels , , sold everywhere for $1.75 73c Monday Specials. 75o Mexican drawn work Dollies only 23c 7c Wash Veils only 23c The new Ascot Ties only GOc Elegant New Iluchlngs only 13o Fine Laces on Sale. Beautiful Torchon Laces , worth 25c to BOc , all go at Gc and 9c a yard. Books. History of Cuba on sale. Quo Vadls , 13c. All the latest copyright books at cut price.- ! . Special Sales , 10-cent Corset Steel , per set Cc DO-cent Satin Delt Supporter 23c The new Ascot Tic COc 200 yards Machine Thread , spool . . . . 1 l-3c G-cent Velveteen Binding , per yard . . 2V c 25 cent Silk Elastic Supporters lOc 75-cent Wash Veils only 25c 2Jc and GOc Iluchlngs only IGc Big Carpst SptciaL Wo have just received n largo shipment of fine nil wool Ingrains , Including all the best patterns , for spot cash. These retail iteguliirly for 7Gc. As a special trade- brlnger we will put them on sale Monday at GOc per yard. A full line of Brussels on sale at cut prices. Big values In curtains and shades. Millinery. Mldsummenmllllnory receives greatest at tention here. You will find a most ele gant display of all the newest styles from Purls and the cast. Everything jthat U. desirable , rich and exquisite In ladles' hcadwear on sale at Hayden" Bros. " We made some special purchases that we can sell at fully one third less than the pervaillng price. Our great assortment as sures you a becoming hat. Drug Dept. Liquid Bread 14c Duffy's Malt SOc Plnkham's Compound 70c Pc-ru-na 70c Scott's Emulsion C8c Picrco's Prescription C2c Pierce's' Medical Discovery 62c Warner's Safe Cure 80c Ayer's Hair Vigor G8c Williams' Pink Pills 35c ' Warner's Ltthla Tablets . . . I8c Wail Papar , Paints , Brashes , and Room Mouldings , FOR MONDAY ONLY. Full line of Cc and Cc White Blanks on sale at 3c and 4c. 9-Inch Borders , lc and 2c. 18-luch Borders , 3c and 4c yard. Regular 9c , lOc , 12',4c Gilts go at 6c. 8c und lOc. with 9-Inch borders nt 3c and 4c yard. IS-lnch borders at 6c and 7c yard. Regular IGc , 17' c and 20c Gilts , In dark colors , go at 12V&C , , 15c and 17V4c , with one band shaded borders. Dark igroens , blues , reds , terra cottas , regular price 20c , 25c and 35c , go at 17'-jc , 20c and 25c. Heavy enamel finish Gilts and Embossed In 22-Inch stock , regular prlco 20c , 25c and 35c yard , go at IGc , 17' c and 20c. Ingrains at 12c In light colors , and dark shades at ICc and 17 ] , c , with figured bor ders and ceilings. New Grass Butter on Monday. Choice New Grass Butter at 12Vic and. 14c Our regular ISc Butter goes at ICc Our extra flno quality Creamery only. 18c The finest Separator Creamery there Is made , only 19c Strictly Fresh Egga ( warantcd ) only. . 9u One pound brick fine Creamery ISc Grand Sale of Meats and Lard Monday. No. 1 Sugar Cured Hams 8c Best German Summer Sausage 14c Roast Beef , per can lie No. 1 California Hams Cc Salt Pork , per pound Cc Fresh Fork Sausage 7Vic No. 1 Sugar Cured Bacon 8c 3-lb. cans best Lard , any brand 24c C--lb. cans best Lard , any brand 39c Pickled Pork C'/jC No. 1 Sugar Cured Cottage Ham 8Vic Pickled Tripe 4c Light Streak Lean Bacon lOc FOR MONDAY ONLY. HAYDENBROS. Wash Dress Goods Monday we put on sale in this department the biggest popular washable Dress and Shirt Waist Cloth of the season , viz. : Genuine Scotch Gingham in all the staple checks Fancy Corded Checks , Fancy Bour- ette or Loops and plain colors in the most popular colors. No cloth made will stand laundering as well as these goods. Fancy ombre checks and plaid madras , 87-in. wide. . . . 15c Finest assortment of real Irish printed dimities ftmwn it 25c French woven batiste in new checks and stripes (82-in ( ) 25c Oxford cheviots in novel stripe and plaid effects (152-in ( ) 25c Dainty small figured dimities , just in lOc Colored pique in red , navy , light blue , pink and black 15c To see the Very Latest Things in Wash Goods Visit This Department. All the best things in Domestic Ginghams for waists , etc.new checks and plaids lOc The Bargain of the Season. FOR MONDAY ONLY. 197 pieces of Lappette Mulls and Figured Grenadine , goods in light and dark grounds , worth 20c and SSc Op yard , go on sale at til/ Buy Your Silks at Hayden's. Our enormous Silk-business and great purchasing power enables us to handle Silks in such quantities that others would not dare to consider. Two great purchases of Black silks- Black Silk Bargains Take the Lead. Fine Plain Black Silk Extra in Black Taffeta On Monday wo will sell an extra line All silk plain black Tuffctn , 24 Inclic * quality of plain black Washable Silk , very wide , rich , glossy finish , made in Japan suitable for waists or entire dresses this Taffetas are now most popular. Our Special silk wo can guarantee In every particular. Sale Price Our Special Sale Prlco Black Brocade Gros Grains 27-inch Black Siik Grandest lot In finest quality wo have ever 25 pieces plain black India Silk , 27 Inches shown , all pure silk , In newest designs. wide , In flno firm quality , the Silk that Our Special Sale Prlco always wears well. Our Special Sale I'rlco 59c Remarkable in Plain Black Satins Dlack Brocade Satin All pure Silk Satin . , elegantly * ? finished and absolutely perfect , SPECIAL VALUE which 1 Now ' designs and new effects In n good wo guarantee to wear aa vell on any satin ahd'lastlng quality , pretty and stylish and made , and our Special Sale prlco only a bargain at our Special Sale Price s f\ ovc 69c Three Leading Numbers in Plain Black Dress Silks , Plain black Peau de Soio at 1.00 Plain black Gros Grain at I.OO Plain black Satin Duchesse at 1.00 ' Our plain hlaok Dress Silks at $1.00 per yard are positively the best $1.00 black silks in America , und wo warrant the wear of ovt-ry yard we sell. In Omaha's most active Silk Department you can buy new 81.00 24-ln. 75c Fuula'ds at Changeable Silk Serge Plaids and Checks Will not pull or tear wo strongly recom Plaids In bright , pretty colors , In both mend It for linings combinations are red light and dark shadlnns , checks one-fourth and green , red and black , pink and green , and one-half Inch In size. In all the new cadet and red , black and green and. ollvo color effects , silk will wear nicely and wash and red. Our Special Sale price nicely. Our Special Sale prlco only only49c White Brocades Fancy Colored Silks White Brocade Washable Silks , In new Ulg collection of Drocado Silks , checks , dash and dotted designs , a style that Is , stripes and plaids , also the Moire Silks In both stylish and SPMvlceablc---our special checks and dots , worth up to $1.50 , all la sale prlco one lot nt our Special Sale prlco fof\f- , Now Ombro Stripes , Now Block Checks , New Plaids , all in brightest and QQ/- prottlost shadlngs , 135 pieces to select from , at 7O V * Special attention to mall orders. Selections loft to us carefully made and silks may bo returned If not satlbfuctory. Leading Dress Goods House of the West.