Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1898, Part I, Page 8, Image 8

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Chicago Man HOB Many Good Words for the
Building * and Grounds.
World' * Fnlr Expert Pnr Hl Flr t
Vlult ( a ( lie Trnn mliinlmilp | > l and
Admit * Ilia Hnrfirlne and l'leo -
nre at the Experience.
All the membem of the Illinois commla-
Blon who were In Omaha yesterday had seen
the exposition , with the exception of Ferd
inand W. Peck and H. Hall McCormlck of
Chicago and tbcso two men expressed great
surprise at Its size and beauty. As vlco
president of the Columbian exposition and
a member of the Illinois commission of the
Atlanta and Nashville expositions , Mr. Peck
has perhaps had more , experience with ex
positions than any man In America. Of the
Transmlsslsslppl he said : "When I stood In
the main court I Imagined I was In the
Court of Honor again. All that was different
was the Government building where the
Peristyle belonged. The effect la magnifi
cent and the buildings arc as beautiful as
those In.Chicago and arc far more nearly
completed than our buildings were this long
before the opening. Until I saw the build
ings and grounds I had no adequate con
ception of the grand scale the exposition
was being made on. I supposed It would bo
something llko the Atlanta or Nashville ex
positions and was amazed to see how much
larger It Is. "
In speaking of the Illnols commission Mr.
Peck said that all the members were de
lighted with the exposition and particularly
with the Illinois building and Its admirable
location. "Wo expect to do all In our power
to advertise tbo exposition 'and assist the
management , " said Mr. Peck.
A feature of the exposition which pleased
Mr. Peck particularly waa Its accessibility
to the main portion of the city , being not
more than fifteen minutes' ride from down
town. He also remarked about the com
pactness of the main buildings and the ease
with which they may be visited.
Mr. McCormick said of the Illinois build
ing : "I stood on the rear portico of the
building and Imagined I was looking out
over the Garden of Eden. The location of
the building U magnificent , overlooking as
It docs the river and surrounding country
on ono side and adjoining the Grand Plaza.
It was fortunate that members of the com
mission were on the ground early and se
lected such a desirable spot. "
The "Midway , " In Mr. Peck's opinion , will
1)0 a great drawing card and he says It Is the
first thing that Chicago pcoplo Inquire about.
Ho further says that ho thinks It Is unwise
to try to glvo any other name to the amuse
ment section than "Midway , ' 'because the
name has come to bo synonymous with what
people arc anxious to see in the amusement
line.Both Mr. Peck and Mr. McCormlck think
that the pictures of the exposition which
have been sent out arc entirely Inadequate
to show Its beauty and In fact do not think
any lithograph can do It Justice. Mr. Peck
says ( hat the Columbian management found
that photographs advertised the Chicago ex
position in a better manner than any other
kind of picture , and suggests that the Trans
mlsslsslppl directors have photographs of the
main buildings and grounds placed In prom
inent places In largo cities.
Select nn IllliioU Day *
The Illinois building was thoroughly In
spected and accepted from the contractor.
Arrangements were made for certain details
in the Interior furnishing of the building.
The members expressed themselves as
greatly pleased with the handsome appear
ance of the building.
After returning down town a conference
was held between the Illinois commissioners
and representatives of the exposition and
the date for "Illinois day" was decided upon ,
This was the first of the state days to be
definitely fixed , and June 21 was the date
selected. The visitors wcro enthusiastic
over the unquestioned success of the expo
sition and Insisted on a day for Illinois be
ing fixed early In the season. They solemnly
promised that on "Illinois day" every resi
dent of Illinois will be brought to Omaha
and the entire vicinity of Omab.a will be
colored a deep vermllllon hue. The com
missioners said that the Interest In the ex
position throughout Illinois Is nothing short
of tremendous and they predict with great
confidence that the crowds which will visit
Omaha on Illinois day will be Immense.
Son * of New Enijlnnd.
The Society of Now Englanders will hold
its first regular meeting next Monday even
ing In the Board of Park Commission rooms ,
city hall. All persons of New England birth
and their near relatives ore Invited to be
The roll of membership of the Society ol
New Englandcrs contains the names ol
many of Omaha's most prominent citizens
whoso birthplace was back In New England ,
At the preliminary meetings the constitu
tion and general laws were adopted ; the
officers and executive committee were also
elected as follows : President , W. H. Alex
ander ; vice president , A. P. Tukeyj secre
tary , Frank H. Chatflcld ; treasurer , George
W. Holbrook. The executive committee is :
Maine Frederic Dncon , F. Flint , E. J. Far-
nara. Now Hampshire Champion S. Chase ,
W. a. Whltmorc , Frank Crawford. Ver
mont Charles It. Sherman , George A. Jos-
lyn , John M , Thurston. Massachusetts J ,
L. Daker , Charles S. Hayward , H. C. Loud ,
Khodo Island William Baxter , W. O. Tay
lor. Connecticut F. F. Willis , W. J ,
Uroatch , C. McLaln.
Every member of the executive committee
is requested to attend the meeting tomor
row night , when the selection of a day , tc
be designated New England day , nt the ex
position , will have to bo decided upon. Alsc
other Important business will necessitate
the presence of every member of the com
mittee at the executive meeting to be hole1
the same evening. The admission fee'hat
been placed at 60 cents. All New Englanders -
ors , whether residents of Omaha or not , ar
from Omaha to Chicago Is the Burling
ton's Chicago Special.
Leaves Omaha 12:05 : midnight.
Arrive * Cnlcago 215 ; p. m.
Duffet-smoklng-llbr&ry curs. Dining
cam. Chair cars. The entire train U
new from end to end and li as magnifi
cently caulDced as'&nr in the country.
flftlfftl flffiOB F4KN4M
ItCKfllUTflCe , OMAHA.
d. . HBYNOL08 A T.
invited to call at the office of the secretary ,
Frank H. Chatfleld , room 5 , Arlington block ,
and register their names.
of Pnbllc Comfort Or nl etl
nnil In Working order.
An arrangement has been made between
the exposition management and the Bureau
of Information whereby the latter Is to be
the official representative of the exposition
In the matter of providing accommodations
for visitors to Omaha during the exposition ,
and tbo Bureau of Public Comfort has been
abolished ,
According to the terms of the contract
which was consummated yesterday between
the exposition and the Bureau of Informa
tion , and for the performance of which a
bond of $5,000 waa filed , with Dalton Rlsley
and H. H. Baldrlge as sureties , the cxposl-
lon agrees to abandon the Bureau of Public
Comfort forthwith and the Bureau of In
formation becomes the official medium
through which visitors to Omaha will be
supplied with rooms or lodging without ex
pense to them , and n place will be provided
for the handling of baggage , the checking
of parcels , etc. , a moderate charge to be
made for the latter service.
By the terms of the contract the Bureau
of Information agrees to maintain a head
quarters at 1319 Farnam street and to keep
on file there all the Information obtainable
regarding rooms In all parts of the city ,
with rates and such other information as
may bo desirable. Information regarding
these matters will be furnished to visitors
without cost and they will bo given full In
formation how to reach the place selected.
The revenue of the bureau will be derived
from a charge paid by the persons having
rooms to rent or mcajs to furnish. This
charge will be 25 cents for each lodger re
maining one night or CO cents per lodger
for any period extending over ono night.
The bureau will endeavor to have all
charges for rooms as moderate as possible.
Kegardlng storage for parcels or baggage ,
the bureau will charge 10 cents for parcels
or baggage for each twenty-four hours or
fraction thereof and will allow any express
company or Individual to deliver or remove
the same.
The Bureau of Information also agrees to
keep a complete list of all first-class hotels
and boarding houses at Its headquarters for
Inspection. It will also maintain a uni
formed agent nt each railway depot at the
time of arrival of trains to glvo Information
to strangers and patrons of the exposition.
An office of the bureau will be'malntalncd
on the exposition grounds nt a place to be
supplied by the exposition management.
The accounts of the Bureau of Informa
tion are to bo open at all times to the In
spection of the
management , and
it Is agreed that the bureau will not attempt
to Interfere In any way with the Transporta
tion department In arranging for the accom
modation of excursion parties.
National ConRrcflN of Mo thorn COIHCH
to EiiioNltlotl City.
Mrs. Harriet Heller , the Omaha delegate
to the National Congress of Mothers at
Washington , has written to the congress
committee of the Woman's Board of Mana
gers to the effect that the invitation to the
congress to hold a special session at Omaha
during the exposition met with favorable re
sponse and a successful meeting of the con
gress hero Is assured. The national con
gress always moots In Washington , but the
mission of Mrs. Heller
was to Induce the con
gress to realize that a meeting must be held
In the west if It Is expected that the organi
zation spread In this section.
The members of the executive committee
and the congress committee are In high
feather over this latest success , as the con
gress of mothers Is regarded as one of the
leading organizations of women In this coun
try. Subjects of Interest to women , pertain
ing to the homo , the Instruction of children ,
hygienics , etc. , constitute the matters con- *
sldered by the mecotlngs and the organiza
tion , now a young one , Is said to bo In
creasing at a very rapid rate.
The Omaha meeting will be held sometime
In October , the exact date not having been
Force DellnmieiitH to Pay.
Manager Llndsey of the Ways and Means
department has taken active steps to force
the collection of tbo subscriptions to expo
sition stock which have not been paid In
full. Duo warning was given some tlmo ago
to all delinquent subscribers that legal steps
would bo taken to force the payment of
these subscriptions and a large number paid
In the balance due , but there arc many
others who have simply Ignored the notices
and warnings. At the April meeting of the
Board of Directors Mr. Llndsey was in
structed to take action at once to forces
the payment of all dellnquncles and the
tlmo slnco that date has been occupied in
getting ready and issuing final notices.
The last day of grace has now passed and
all subscriptions of $50 or over which re
main unpaid have been placed In the hands
of Attorney Matthew A. Hall , who will at
once take alt necessary steps. to compel the
payment of the full subscriptions.
InvltliiK the Uluiiltnrte * .
The executive department is busy mailing
official Invitations to attend the exercises in
celebration of the opening of the exposition.
These Invitations have been handsomely
lithographed , and are being sent to the ex
position commissioners of each state , the
governors of every state and territory in the
union , all the members of both houses of
congress , the officials of previous exposi
tions and the mayors of all the cities In the
neighborhood of Omaha.
On tlic Ofienlnir Day.
The 'opening day of the exposition , Juno 1 ,
will end In a grand blaze of fireworks. This
is In accordance with the decision of tbo ex
ecutive committee. The contract for the
fireworks during the exposition was let some
tlmo ago , but It was determined yesterday
to celebrate the opening of the great fair
with appropriate ceremonies at night as
well as by daylight.
Public \ollcc.
The Northwestern Line Daylight Special
now leaves the U. P. depot at 6:40 : a. m. ;
arrives Chicago 8:45 : same evening. No
chance In the other trains. The Overland
Limited 4:45 : p. m. and the Omaha Chicago
Special at 6:45 : p. m. arrive at Chicago 7:45
and 9:30 : , respectively , next morning. The
most advanced vestlbuled eleepera. diners end
free parlor chair cars of course what else
would the "Northwestern" have !
1401 Farnam st.
Sunday , May 8.
$1.25 for the round trip. Train will leave
Council Bluffs 8 a. ui , Omaha 8:30 : a. m. ,
Albright 8:45 : a. ro. Returning leave Lin
coln about D p. m.
City ticket office , 1323 Farnam street
Send The Weekly Bee to eastern friends
during tbo exposition ; six months for 35
centd. Begin with the Exposition number
this week.
All .women Interested la the Thurstou'
Rlfies arc requested to meet at the armory ,
corno- Seventeenth and Douglas , tomorrow
evening , - ,
4 ' ,
Seud The Weekly Bee to eastern friends
during ; the exposition ; six months for 35
cents. Begin with the Exposition number
this week.
Colorado , Utah , CnllforBIM
Reached quickest via
City ticket office. No. 1302 Faroam itmt
A. I. Root , artlatlebook binder , U0 Howard ,
Ireland In Picture ! bound 07 A. I. Root ,
printer , IfO ) llowwd itre U
Active Work Commenced on Arrange
ment of Booth * for the nliplnr.
Active work has been commenced on the
booths for the Nebraska educational exhibit
and the manner In which the work la laid
out gives assurance that In setting and ex
tent , at least , the Nebraska exhibit will be
a memorable one. The exhibit will occupy ,
all the north and east sides of the allcry
of the big Manufactures building and the
cast half of the south gallery. The gallery
Is thirty feet In width all around and this
cpaco will bo divided In such a way that a
long series of rooms will extend through
the middle of the portion to be occupied by
this exhibit. This long room will bo eigh
teen feet In width and an aisle six feet In
width will extend along the sides of the
room. The long space thus enclosed will be
subdivided Into rooms sixteen feet In width
by short walls extending out from either
side , these short walls forming a passage
way ten feet In width entirely through the
The walls forming this series of
small rooms will be thirteen
feet In height and on these will be displayed
the cardboards to which will , be attached
the specimens of school work. The wall
next to the gallery railing will bo elabo
rately decorated with flags and bunting
above a point seven feet from the floor. The
section of the exhibit booth directly op
posite the main entrance to the building
will bo in tbo form of a series of arches
rising above the height of the other portions
of the wall ° , ml on these arches will bo thn
name of the exhibit.
The central portion of the east gallery will
be devoted to the exhibit to bo made by the
University of Nebraska and this Is marked
by a scries of arches similar to those hereto
fore referred to , but on a more modified
The erection of these booths Is In charge
of Prof. C. W. Stuart , assistant to State Su
perintendent Jackson. Ho has four men em
ployed and every effort Is being made to
push the work to completion before the ex
hibits begin to arrive in largo num
bers. The exhibit of the Lincoln
Normal university was the first to arrive ,
having been received early in the week ,
but the great bulk of the material is not
wanted before the 10th Inst. , by which time
It is expected that the booths will bo ready
'or mounting the exhibits.
I'repnrc to Conic to the Exiioxltloii
11 nU Go Into Ciiiuu.
"Veteran Soldiers' Week" will bo one of
the epochs In connection with the exposi
tion. A Joint meeting of committees ap
pointed by the exposition and the state de
partment of the Grand Army of the Repub
lic has decided that a week shall bo set
aside when the old soldiers of both armies
shall bo given the right of way. The com
mittees which have had this matter In
iharco are these : For the Grand Army of
he Republic. B. R. Ball , S. K. Spaldlng and
John H. Butler ; for the exposition , Captain
II. E. Palmer , C. E. Adams of Superior and
Major T. S. Clarkson.
The exact date for this gathering of the
heroes of the late unpleasantness has not
been determined. It having been decided to
fix a date when President McKlnley will be
In Omaha. When this date Is learned the
whole of that week will bo designated as
Old Soldiers' week and It is expected that
thousands of the veterans will come to
Omaha to visit the exposition and parti
cipate In the campfires and gatherings char
acteristic of the veterans. Reports have al
ready been received from distant points o (
whole families who Intend to drive to Omaha
and camp In the neighborhood of the exposi
tion In order to save railroad fare and hotel
bills. .
The only free accommodations which will
be provided In connection with the coming
of the old soldiers will bo a piece of ground
suitable for camping , where those who drive
to town can pitch their tents and enjoy
themselves to their hearts' content.
Another Hand Would Come.
George C. Sellner of Omaha , special com
missioner for the exposition to Honolulu ,
writes to the Department of Exhibits that
a flno opportunity offers for an engagement
for the royal band of the Island. Ho saye
this band Is supported by the government
and Is under the charge of a former band
master of the Austrian army. Mr. Sellner
speaks In terms of high praise for the
efficiency of the band , the extent of Its re
pertoire and the excellence of its playing.
In addition to playing brass instruments'the
members also play orchestral instruments
with equal facility and the leader has also
drilled them as a male chorus. They sing
the native songs of the island and are aug
mented by two girls with excellent
voices. Mr. Sellner says this aggregation of
talent has been given authority by the gov
ernment to make a trip of one month to
Omaha and a proposition is made to spend
the full month at the exposition , playing
every day as much as may be desired , the
only consideration being the traveling exist
ence of the members of the organization and
their subsistence while away from home ,
This proposition will bo laid before tbo exec
utive committee.
AiTfirillna : More ConcemlonM.
Up to this tlmo considerable alarm has
been felt In certain quarters that one feature
of the exposition was being neglected. No
arrangements bad been made for a beauty
show and It was the consensus of opinion
that the affair could not be a success with
this feature omitted. The breach has been
filled , however , and a concession has been
lot for this attraction , which will occupy a
prominent place on the Midway. The con
cession was let yesterday afternoon to the
Columbian Amusement company , composed
of A. C. Redlck and Seth Drake of Omaha ,
They promise to produce a beauty show
which will eclipse anything of the kind evei
before attempted.
The executive committee also let a con
cession to B. B. Manchester for four auto
matic machines , consisting of a fire engine ,
steamship , locomotive and electric light
A concession was also let to A , Santa
Maria & Co. , to sell cameos , cameo shells ,
Byzantine Jewelry and corals in tbo Inter
national building.
More Spnce for MUanurl.
Prof. J. W. Darnel of Jefferson City , Mo' . ,
member of the Missouri Exposition commis
sion and chairman of the committee on the
educational and Industrial exhibits of the
negroes of the state , Is In the city toda >
to secure additional space and make final
arrangement for Installing exhibits. H <
says that there la no doubt that his com
mittee and the whole commission will be
fcblo to make a creditable showing for Im
perial Missouri in the exposition.
Marine Hand Come * to Omaha.
Late yesterday afternoon President Wat
tles ot _ the exposition received a telegram
from Congressman Mercer , In which he
stated that he bad had a conference wltt
President McKlnley ; who had granted per
mission for the Marine band to visit Omaha
during the early daya of the exposition. Con
gressman Mercer stated that It was certalc
that the baud would bfi ia tUfi cltj but thai
Ita atay might be for only a few days.
Krokuk Tribe. No. 86 , Improved Ordei
of Red Men , Attention.
You are hereby notified to meet at oui
wigwam thin afternoon nt 1 o'clock to at
tend the funeral of Brother Allen Houston
Funeral services to be held at the residence
2208 Grand avenue , at ! p. m. Interment a
Forest Lawn cemetery. All members of thi
Improved Order of Red Men and council ;
of Daughters of Pocahontai are earneitl ;
rtcjueitrt to attend , T , Z. MAQO.&RBLL ,
Next ( Mfcr ihe Date.
The ioda founUla it becoming a valuable
adjunct to warm wiMfter charitable enter
prises and the teMBct that dott not rally
under Ita canopy 'talanfortunate ' Indeed.
Next Saturday , MayII. the fount Women's
Christian * aasoclatloMrBl be donated the en
tire proceeds from UMtountaln of Sherman
ft McConnell Drug Mm * ny , and to aee that
no ono U neglect * Mhe following ladles
will lend their assttMB to the affair : Pa-
troneases Mcsdamof. SUger , Keysor , Mont
gomery , Dlctz , MetfjlRabertson , Baker , Bid-
well , F. F. Ford , fclridhey , Tllden , Belden ,
Ferguson , HoaBlanttD mon , Morris , Willis ,
Kllpatrlck , Wllb'clnOK oi. Chase. Chsper-
ones Mesdamca O. H. Ford , Davli , A. E.
Bryson , WoodwortkJ Hess , Strelght , J. L.
Dickey , Keiiler , E. E.iBryton , Conrad , God
frey , Strawn , M. O. Maul , Thomas , Dumont ,
Peters , H. V. BurkUy , E. V. Lewlt , Van
'Court. ' Young ladle * In waiting Misses
Mattte Stone , Branch , .Bessie- Dumont , Devol ,
Towne , Helene Wyman , Annie McDonnell ,
Gertrude Macomber , Maud Macomber , the
Misses Wellcr , Florence Lewis , Keitlcr ,
Saulsbury , Curtis and Mrs. Blanche
Schneider. The whole affair will be under
the active management of Mrs. Julia C.
Hooblcr and Mrs. Draper Smith.
A Ilveit Cnt In Piano * .
The following are a few of the many bar
gains we are offering to immediate pur
chasers : New Chlckerlng upright , $266.00 ;
another Chlckerlng , $78.00 ; new scale Kimball -
ball , $98.00 ; Hardman ebony case , $75.00 ;
square pianos from $25.00 upward ; organs ,
$15.00 and Upward. IVERS & POND ,
VOSE & EMERSON PIANOS at a liberal
Schmoller & Mueller , 1313 Farnam St.
Medicated steam and hot air baths can be
taken by means of a new bath gown , which
Is composed of flexible material and pro
vided with gathering strings to close the
gown at the reck and wrists , the bottom
portion being closed and large enough to
receive the chair on which the bather sits.
Send The Weekly Bee to eastern friends
during the exposition ; six months for 31
cent ? . Cegln with the Exposition number
this week.
Consumers Ice Co. , dealers In Pure North
ern Ice. Your patronage solllted. Thonci
1249 and 1980.
Send The Weekly Bee to eastern friends
during the exposition ; six months for 35
cents. Iicgln with the Exposition number
this week.
Two carlloads of "Stylish" Columbus traps
Just received with and without rubber tire
the latest. Just the thing in which to take
your friends to the Exposition. Come early
and get first choice. LININGER & MET-
CALF COMPANY. Wholesale Warehouje ,
Sixth and Pacific streets , ono block from the
east end of tb Harnev otreet car line.
B. Haas , florist , 1813 Vlnton street , telephone -
phone 776. Cut flowers , floral designs , bo-
quets , decorations and bedding plants , espec
ially roses , extra fine pansy , verbena , geran-
lum , coleus , altennantera , ccntaurea , petun
ias , agerathum , fuchia , heliotrope , alllsslum
hanglug baskets , etc.
Send The Weekly Bee to eastern friends
during the exposition ; six months for 35
cents. 1'cgln with the Exposition number
thM week" .
The safest and best ctxcrmlnator for
roaches , bedbugs , moths , etc. , Is Peerless
BUR Killer. Non-poisonous. Cheap and
efficient. 25c at all druggists and grocers ,
Mfrs. Geo. H. Lee Company , city. Tel. 838 ,
Two Train * Daily
to Denver * nd Colorado point !
via Union Pacific.
Only .line running
two trains dally
to Wyoming. Utah , California
and Puget Sound point * ,
ll at City Ticket Office. 1302 Farnam et ,
Exposition booths and railings. Haralltor
Brothers' planing mill , 28th and Davenport
Tel. 1179.
A. D. T ; Co. ; messengers furnished ; bag ,
gage delivered ,1302 DoUg'as'St , Tel. 177.
There semes no limit to the progress t\
this Kreat footwear section. Undenlablj
the largest store ; undeniably the larger
trude , and undeniably the flncst goodi
Practical price proofs of our position wltt
the public.
Crooks Bros. ' fine black and tan kid am
vesting top Lace Shoes , newest too , A te
K , marked down from $4.00 O HO
to 9 < 1
Monre-Shufer's make of ladles fine tan kit
and vesting top lace. A to E , n 4 a
marked down from $3.50 to .41 ]
Ladles' flno dongola patent tip lace nnt
button new coin toe Shoes , murkI QQ
ed down from $2.50 to I.9IJ
Misses' fine VtelJCld Shoes , 'silk vesting top
tan , 11 % to 2 , marked down from I 1C
$1.75 to | . 9
Youths' flno Shoes , vlcl kid , black or tan
S'A to 10'A. n > w coin toe , marked I OC
town from $2.00 to l.fty
Selling Good Shoes Cheap.
MAIL oitDEtts
Cures dandruff nnd keeps the scalp In
a henltliy condition. It Is especial ! }
guaranteed to force a luxurious growtli
of hair as 'thick ' and rigorous as it cvci
was In from'CO to DO days.
Treatments witMDnnderine at the
Dnnderliic I'nrlors MMl Karbach block
00 cents. By coiling , at the Boston
Store Drug Department Monday yoi
will receive FltKli'coupou entitling yoi
to one treatment 'with Dauderlho at the
Dauderlne Parlors. ?
Boston Store
Drug Dept.
Grass time
Is here
and wo can help you take care of It.
Wo have T
Stearns1 Ball tearing
Imperial "WHITE FLYER.1"
Hose at all prices full' guarantee
3-ply , 6-ply and 7-ply.
all kinds. Got our prices ,
Matter ! la Connection with the
DoaKlai Conotr IM pl r t the
Efttioiltlon Receive Attention.
The regular weekly meeting of the Hoard
of County Commliiloners was devoted
Inrcelr to consideration of matters In con
nection with the TransmlRslsalppl and later-
national Exposition.
By a unanimous vote it was decided to
employ a stenographer at n salary of $10
per week to look after the exposition cor
O. C. Bchwarin and D. D. Sullivan wcro
employed at a salary of $50 per month each
to assist In preparing the county display for
Commissioners Harte , Ostrom and Hofeldt
were appointed a special committee to super
vise and look after the Douglas county ex
hibit at the exposition.
George W : Heston was allowed the sum
of $26 to be expended in gathering war
Numerous requests of parties to bo placed
on the exposition pay roll Wcro received and
referred to committee.
A request to cancel the county tax on the
grounds occupied by the exposition was re
ceived and referred.
Isaac Hascnll was notified that ho must
surrender all right and tltla to the lots that
ho bought in Douglas addition and accept
his warrant that Is now In the hands of
the clerk of the district court.
Mare Fortunate One * Welt rivaled
irtth Mr. Knhn'n Saavenlr * .
Yesterday even exceeded last Saturday's
business at the famous soda fountain of
Kuhn A Co.'s. corner of Fifteenth and
Dci'.jtlas hundreds were unable to even
gain admittance to the store. Fourteen
hundred and forty beautiful silver souvenir
spoons , with the Manufactures building In
a gold bowl , were given away to these who
could get within reach and partonlzc the
so'U fountain. The remarkable excellence
of the drinks dispensed by the experts In
charge is enough In themselves to fill the
stotc Saturday afternoons , but the giving
away of these souvenirs swell the crowd
until without question Mr. Kuhn has the
Urgent soda business west of Chicago. The
Saturday concerts as given last year will
bo continued as the leading feature again
th's ' slimmer. It Is now over nineteen years
slnco Mr. Kuhn opened his drug store on
this corner , Since that time the business
hits grown until now It requires a large
force of clerks to watt upon nil of the cus
tomers. Mr. Kuhn Is the only graduate
pharmacist owning a downtown drug store ,
which no doubt accounts In a great measure
to bis large prescription business. No matter -
tor how dlfllcult the prescription , It will
be accurately and promptly compounded by
competent prescription clerks when brought
to the Corner drug store.
Send The Weekly Ileo to eastern friends
during the exposition ; six months for 35
ceuti. Begin with the Exposition number
this week.
Dr. Mart Strowe. 2423 Wlrt St. Tel. 2104.
Our prices will always bo found the lowest and our goods
new and genuine. TEUMS CASH.
Regular Our Regular. Our
Price. Price. Price. Price.
25c Packer's Tnr Soap 14c COc SchllTman's Asthma Cure .lie
$1.00 Pnlne's Celery Compound 65c 75c Sozodont Ko )
25c I MHO'3 Consumption Cure lOc COc St. Jacob's Oil 39c
23c Pnyson'8 Indelible InK 19o 50c Tarrant's Seltzer Aperient 33c
25c Plerce's Pleasant Purgative Pel 25c Traak Magnetic Ointment 19c
lets 14c lOc Uncle Sum's Tar Soap f > c
$1.00 Pierce's Golden Medical Discov 20c Vaseline Camphor Ice lOc
ery G2c lOc VaKcllne , plain , 2-ounco bottle. . . Cc
COc Pozzonl's Powder , llcsh , white We Williams' Pink Pills 3lc
nnd brunette 3-lc 25c Wlnslow'n ( Mrs. ) Soothing Syrup 19o
50c Kadway'a Heady Ucllef 39c J1.25 Warncr'p Safe Cure Me
15c Rough on IlutH 10c $1.00\Vlno of Curdul ( McICIrcc's ) C4c
25c Rough on Rats 19c 33c Warner'H Llthla Tablets 19c
25c Rcchilns'R Russian Salve 19c 2ic Witch Hazel Salvo 19c
$1.00 Sulphur Hitters 75o 60c Witch Hazel Pile Cure BOc
23c Shellleld'H Dentifrice He Hc Woodbury's Facial Soap 14c
$1.00 Stearnes' Wine of Cod Liver Oil. 74c 15c Williams' Tar Soap 9c
$1.00 Swift's Syphilitic Specific 74c $1.00 Wyeth's Reef , Iron and Wlno 74o
50c Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets 32c $1.00 Yale ( Madame ) Hair Tonic and
25o Sherman's Cold Tablets 25c other $1.00 preparations , per pkg. . COc
$1.00 Scott's Emulsion Cod Liver Oil. . C7c
This Is a concentrated extract of the good. 25c Chamberlain's Cough Cure 14o
old roots , twigs uml bark each Ho bottle ) 25o Horax Tar Soap c
makes flvo gallons of delicious and health 25o Fnrlnn ColoRno
ful drink. Easy to make directions on Me Pyramid Pile Cure 3lc
each bottle. 60c Syrup of FIRS 31c !
(1.00 Plnkham's Compound C9u
Easter Violet Perfume , per box 25c $1.00 IIood'B Sarsupartlla G4c
25o Laxative Brnzno Quinine He 2Fc Carter's Liver Pills 12c
25o Wright's Myrrh Tooth Soap 14c line CaBtorla 22c
25c Ballcnttne's Remedies He Good 2-quart Fountain SyrlnRO 4c ! )
Send for Catalogue. inia DODGE STUKUT , OMAHA , NRII.
Sporting Goods
i _ . . - .
Sale Monday.
Every article in this sale is of standard make and value.
Spaldlng's Trade Mark Bat the lOc kind at < < c
Spaldlng Trade Mark Bat. tie 25c kind at lOc
Practice Base Ball , the lOc kind at , fc
Horse Hide Covered Base Ball , worth 2Cc , at ' . - lOu
The Whltely Exerciser , the original , worth $2.00 , at . ISo
Hammocks , with pillow and spreads , full size , fancy colored , worth } " , at 98 :
Boys' Iron Express Wagon , brst made , at JTc
Hard Maple Croquet Sits , the set CHr
Garden Tools , all steel blades , lOc to 48c
Children's Sail Boats , models of large ships just now all the boys want
one So to ! Pc
Agents for Crescent Hlcycliss-fVO to $50.00
We're Breaking All Records
In our low prices on House Furnishing Goods In our Economy Basement.
1519 and 1521 Douglas Street
' 'I was sick for years' with stomach
trouble and could get 110 relief by the treat
ment of many doctors. I took Dr. Gee
Loy's medicines for two weeks in April and
I am now well. " MRS. J. WINFIELD
1218 Davenport Street.
Dr. Gee Loy guarantees an absolute
cure for the following chronic diseases : * .
Reeumatism , Female Weakness , Lost Man
hood , Kidney Trouble , Catarrh , Stomach Trouble , Asthma ,
FitS anc * maQy diseases.
Many people have boon pormanantly curcu in the past two months by Dr. G
Loy. Office over Hubcrmnii's Jewelry Store , 13th and Douglas. Exam-
nations Free.
Won't ' Deny It ,
Wo have been accused of selling Pianos
at $60 to $70 less than the wholesale prlco
to other dealers. We won't deny that wo
do. ( We don't know what others pay for
their pianos.Ve don't suppose you even
( are to know why we can sell pianos so
chrao. All you care about U how much a
Kcod piano will cost YOU. We will tell
you this , however. We pay spot cash and
buy in large quantities , having contracted
for over 1.200 pianos , consisting of 23 dif
ferent makes , to bo delivered during the
y + ir 1S9S as required. Our policy ha ]
always been to buy and sell pianos at what
they -are worth , which enables us to sell
good pianos at $100 to $200 less than other
dealers , who are not satisfied with a fair
and legitimate profit. Wo sell all the
standard makes and are the only house In
Omaha where you can buy cither of the
three greatest leading pianos the Chlckcr-
ing , Stelnway or Fischer. Beautiful new
pianos such as other dealers sell for $17C
wo sell for $88. Other pianos , same kind
and make which others offer for $350 to
$400 we sell for $175 to $205. And so on
up to the Chlckerlng and Stelnway , which
arc ; of course , the highest priced. Every
piano eold Is guaranteed from flvo to ten
years. We guarantee our pianos to be
satisfactory to purchaser or money refunded.
New pianos to rent. 1'lauoa void on easy
Hayden Bros
SUDENHURO-John P. , aired T7 year * .
Funeral Sunday 1:30 : p. m. from IltirkeTft
undertaking- room * , Twenty-third and
Cuinlng street , to Forest Lawn cemetery.
Friends Invited. Oakland , Neb. , pupora
pi ease copy.
If you wUh to sec a beautiful lawn , which
was produced In eight dayi , go to th ex *
pee It Ion ( round on the bluff tract. Tb
ettl wai bought of tbe Nebraska Seed Co. ,
1309 fVirmm St.
A stool pigeon la fel
a nilJdle-ln-tho-rond
low. In the drug business It means a Pet
a fellow who pays n percentage to a Plug-
ger to get bis trade that's what a itool
pigeon is.Vo'c nho\\n our colors by .pub
lishing an affidavit that wo don't pay thCKo
I'luggcrs. Will the big stores In the mid
dle of the block , the grand ruler and the
balance of these fellows do likewise ?
Uooth's Hyomlo C5a
Pyramid Pile Cure 30o
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets 29c
Warner's Sato Cure. 80o
Duffy Malt Whiskey 80a
Uncle Sam's Tobacco Cure & 0o
Dandcrlne 85ct
Coke'o Dandruff Cure COo
1 dozen 3-graln Quinine Capsules. . . . 7o
1 dozen 3-grnln Quinine Capsules. , . . lOa
1 dozen 3-graln Quinine Capsules , . . . 15c
Pc-ru-na 75o
Ulrney's Catarrhal Powder 35a
lUth and Ctilonao Sin.
$2.50 SHOE
Has been so great that
wo have parsuadcil our factory
to make us a spcdul line to re
tail for S2.50. They come In all
the late styles blnuk and tan
anc wo warrant every pair. Our
Is the best shoo made for the
monoy. You can take your
choice of any ntylo In stock for
the ono prlco $3.50. Calf , kid ,
vlcl kid , kangaroo , enamel , patent -
ont leather nnd every shade of
tan. The price never changes.
C Regent Shoe Co
M 20n South 15th.
\ Mail Ordsrs filled , KARBACH BtOCK.
A Word to Smokers
The heat brands of ciirars to bo
found in the city , can bo obtained
hero , and they are Kept ripht. You
wont find them dry and brittle , with ,
wrappers broke. They are always
In good condition.
is the best cigar mndo for the money
its the equal of many lOc cigars.
Paxton Block uigar Store ,
16th nnd FAKNAM.
Jewel Gasolene Stoves
Are unlike all other stoves In that
they are of uniform quality. The one
wo sell for $3.50 Is Just as eooA and
just as safe as the fourteen dollar
one. It's smaller , that's nil. And
that fourteen dollar stove that's the
best ever. Two burncm on top and
double burner on step and steel ovtn
and has the
Jewel Blue Lighter
Lights perfectly blue no smoke
whatever and Is the onlv single con-
1 crater steve so mado. Then we huvo
cheaper stoves as low as $2.10 for a
24O7 Cuming St.
"If you buy It of Hufsle U'B right. "
For a first class vehicle at a reasonable
For any kind of an honejt made vehicle.
For bicycles go to
IREY & CO. ,
Op n evenings. 15th and Dodg * .
We Furnish the Exposition With
nud Decoration * . Whr Xot YOB ?
Mfgi-8. of Tcnt , Awnings
and FlHgg. . , 1311