' 20 'TJtE OMJkHA , DAILY J1E1W STJUfBAY , MAT 8 , IS98. SUCCESS AS A PHYSICIAN Dr. Gcorgo F , Shrady Points Out the Way for Young Doctoral SPECIAL QUALIFICATIONS REQUIRED antid ClMMMlrnl Kdnontlon nn K-ncit- tlnl Poiinrtntlon Then Itnmiltnl Experience nnrt ! ! l Ilendr tor Prnrtlcc. "Tho way to succeed In mcdlclno Is , briefly , to look upon your profession as the noblest In the world , and to follow It as such , with courage and onthuslanm , " said Dr. Ocorgo F. Shrady , the distinguished physician of presidents , and veteran editor at the Medical Record. "But let us begin at the beginning" con tinued Dr. Shrady. "Let us take the would- 'bo medical student standing on the thres hold of hla career. The question you ask me Is , 'How Is this young man going to succeed as a practitioner ot the science of medicine ? ' "In the first place , your typical ro'ing ' man must consider whether or not he Is ultcd for the medical profession at nil. Docs he experience a vocation , nn nbso- lute call toward the life of a physician ? Does ho loolt upon medicine ai Bonr ! > hln3 far more than a mere money-maklm ? pur suit ? Is he content to devote lilt whola mind to the study of medical science and Its development , to study morning , noon and night , and to continue unceasingly to Innxlouity InnulrcA regarding her offiprlnni' A cold sweat broke out on the physician's face. Already ho saw himself disgraced , hulmlllntcd by lack of knowledge. To gain time ho Btnmmerlngly told the woman that the child was suffering from conjunctivitis , I. * „ from a running nt the eyes. " 'Ah. then , doctor , dcnr , ' remarked hla patient's mother , rather discontentedly , 'you needn't bo putting me off wld your Jonfl lintln names. Sure. I know what measles looks like , as well as you do. ' The word came Just In time. A case of measles It was and a very ordinary one ; but my friend would not have recognized tha symptoms but for the mother's lucky Intervention You can wager that ho never mode a mis take about measles again. A Tnrn In Europe. "If there Is enough of his capital left after the post-gradualo course has undcd , your young doctor ought to study awhile In Eu rope , and at the same time Increase his knowledge of modern languages. In this great cosmopolitan country every physician should bo a linguist. "Equipped thus thoroughly for a practical start In life , let Dr. Young Man lay not aside his books. Until death beckons him away he must rend and study. All the new books , all the medical periodicals , all the latest In struments and contrivances must bo fa miliar to him. Ho must keep fully abreast of the rapid tide of medical Improvement , or else drop hopelessly and almost uselessly behind. From the day that I graduated 1 have never ceased to study , and I shall never cease to study until the end. If your young trtnn does not like the prospect of lifelong labor , let him not hope to become a successful physician. "Tho first question Dr. Young Jinn f s,3 | DR. OKORGB F. SHUADY. .Study until death shall summon him to his reward ? Unless your young man can an swer these questions In the nfllrmathe , he had better glvo up all thoughts of be coming a doctor , and look out for somu moro suitable walk In life. "Supposing , however , that a strom ; tist- ural Inclination toward mcdlclno actuates him , and that ho la enable of grasping the true scope of that grand profession , jour typical student will appreciate a. frank talk on the subject of 'getting on. ' First of all , ho must not dream of beginning his medi cal studies until ho has acquired a sc > : .id , classical ( and , If possible , college ) educa tion. There Is no such thing as Insptiatlon In medicine. Hard work and knowledge , to gether with the Inborn vocation hitherto dwelt upon , are tbo physician's stock in trade. Therefore , to the would-bo student , I say : 'Go flrst to a college and build the foundation of your career. ' A college educa tion , or ut least an education under a flrst- class private tutor , is Indispensable. "You may ask me : 'If this bo so , what Is the poor boy to do ? What Is to become of America's pride , the proverbial penniless lad who cannot afford college , and yet wants to bo a successful physician ? ' It may sound cruel , but my advice to that boy. It ho wants to bo happy. Is to give up all thoughts of mzdlclnc. Of course one such lad In a thousand has the real grit In him , cal culated to overcome nil obstacles. If ho really wanta to bo a doctor , he will do It in the long run ; but take my word for It , he will go through college flrst , If he has to work hU way. Such a boy reminds one of Wendell Holmes' simile ot the horse with a ctar In his forehead. The other horses make all the running at the outset ot the race ; hut look out for the horse with the star on his forehead he Is going to pass the winning post flrst. In the long run. Stnily nt Medicine. "When your student has taken his degree in arts ( and In science , too , If possible ) ho Is ready to take up medicine but not bcforo. No roan who jumps out of a high school straight Into a medical college can hope to amount to much. It Is just aa well to frankly admit right hero that some capi tal Is necessary to study properly. Medi cine Is the most absorbing of professions , and no medical neophyte can afford to be hampe'red by pecuniary considerations. Ho should bo able to remain In college until ho Is 20 or 21 , nnd then give up his whole working time to his four or flve years of medical preparation. Let lilra not think of cklng out his subsUtance by writing or other forms of outside labor. Even should ho obtain a degree under such conditions , ho cannot bo n competent doctor. Medicine Is a jealous sweetheart It allows of no rival. "Here , then , wa have Sir. Typical Young Sinn , bachelor of tirts , well grounded In classics and science , conversant with French and German ( this Is n great desideratum ) , nnd about to enter upon mcdlclno ppper. His flrst step must b < i to join a good medi cal college. He ran get ns good nn educa tion here In America as ho can In Buropc , Indeed the clinical advantages are actually better In New York , Chicago , Philadelphia and Boston than they are anywhere else in the world. The details of the four years' course may bo picked up In any college catalogue ; and such n course , under the costly conditions now obtaining , will cou ( exclusive of personal expenses ) from $400 to $450 per year. The degree of SI. D. thus fairly won , a year or moro spent by way of post graduate course , and In the hospitals , must follow. Kvery conscientious physician procures a hospital diploma be fore going out Into the world ; nnd ho learns moro In that last year than ho has done In all bis previous term of study. The con tagious diseases hospitals , too , nuiBt be familiar ground to htm. Let mo give you an anecdote , Illustrating the grave difficulty under which | a young physician , who has not regularly attended the contagious wards , lutut Inl > or. A doctor of my acquaintance. lrjt well known , but then Just graduated , WM lustily tummonrd to attend a sick child ) u city tenement. He could not diagnose tb * | IMJ uffervr'i c * o , aa they did not t4wU M * iUifloui dUeaies to bis hospital. Tfc * tJM' toother , M houcit Irishwoman , himself IB very often this : 'Shall I devote myself to general practice , or start to win fame as a specialist ? ' By all means bo a general practitioner. Dr. Young Man ! You will novcr amount to much aa a specialist unless you do. Going out of college Into n special branch of medicine Is like beginning to build a pyramid at the apex. The doctor of the future is going to bo an 'all-around' physician ; and you can take my v.-ord for 11 that the very best specialists are those thai are forced by circumstances into their par ticular line of work. No surgeon can suc ceed unless ho has practiced as a general practitioner. Suppose n disease of the eye depends , as Is frequently the cast * , upon an other disease which has its seat In the Kid neys. When your oculist , who is merely an oculist , la called In , how can ho euro the disease without being familiar with Kidney troubles ? Or , how can a surgeon operate on the stomach thoroughly unless ho Is con versant with the general laws of the stomach ach ? It will bo time enough for Dr. Young Man to think of becoming a specialist when ho has built up a good general practice. "Now , ns to the field of labor to bo chosen. Largo cities arc poor places to start in , ua- less the young doctor has sufficient funds to keep him going during the years of dreary watting which must bo his. . Go to a country town or small city , Dr. Young Man that Is my honest advice. There you will have a chance of getting noticed. Emergency cases are possible there. In big cities tbo hospital ambulance takes such cases from you , while the huge army of other practitioners pre vent you from coming to the front. The Ufa of a doctor In a country town is , to my mind most enviable. Ho grows old with the old folk ; ho sees the young folk grow up around him. If he Is the right sort ot man every body esteems and respects him. Of course practice In a country town has Us limita tions. Fame docs not often come In the country doctor's way , nor does his yearly Income rlso beyond a certain limit. But he Is , or ought to be , very happy , the country doctor. llrniu-liliiK Oat. "When you have practiced and made some money In the country , one can follow the trend of one's ambition , and set up a metro politan office. But It is just as well to be prepared for failure fiat , miserable , heart breaking failure. I knew a doctor who was making $17,000 per annum In a New Jersey town. Ho was discontented , and yearned foe farao nnd n city reputation. Accordingly he came to New York. In three years ho had lost all his money , and now ho Is back In New Jersey , trying to recover his old prac tice. On the other hand , I have known o country doctors , nnd even of young grad uates , who started In Now York , and ac quired fame and fortune. But let mo frankly confess that there Is n great deal of thu chnnco clement In metropolitan reputations "Tho young doctor should go away from homo \\hen ho begins to practice. 'No mai Is a prophet In his own country , ' says the old maxim. I knew of a splendidly equlppei young physician who set up In his native village , hoping that family Influence would help him along. Quite the contrary oc curred. People would say : 'Why , I once boxed his cars for stealing my apples. You don't catch mo going to a mere boy HUe bin for advice , ' Within twelve months my young confrere found out his mistake packed his trunk and opened another otllce 200 miles away. Now ho Is doing famously "Your typical young doctor Is doubtle * desirous for advlco regarding the sort o office he should select. Some people thlnl that what is termed 'bluff' goes a long way in young physicians ; but there never wa such a mistake as this. The days of 'Sawyc late Nockemorf are over for good. Peopl are not going to be taken In by gaudy ofilccs stylish turnouts and the pretense ot a big 'practice. They know that young doctors or not rushed to death by business , and sucl display Is wasted on them. Let your ofllc and surroundings be what your means wll allow , Dr. Young Man ! Do not overate that limit. Debt Is the shoal upon whlc many a youthful physician's ship Is lost , an debt Is unavoidable wbea one lives bcyoni ono'a means. "Dr. Young Man should work -on th legitimate Hues ot bis profession alone Tolltlci or public llfo belong not to hl ' province : When doctor becomes n : politician , ha' ceases to bo n conscientious physician , With ut the motto Is , or ought , to bo , 'No sutor ultra cropIdnmP 'ahoe- makcr , stick to your last. ' Contributing la I literature on medical or scientific subject * I I regard , however , ns wholly within the doc- | I tor's province. Indeed , by that means ho keeps up tslth the onnard march til thu ! better. Stmlr o * Current Sclrncr. I "That reminds mo that too much stress | cannot be laid on the study of current science. Electricity , mathematics , chemis try all the exact sciences , In fact , arj usc- I ful , perhaps Indispensable. One novcr ' news | what now discovery In any ono ot thcso highways or byways of learning may change the whole course of our belief. Also ono never knows what discoveries It may be our own happy let to light upon. Accidental finds have led to most of the great revolu tions In medical knowledge. The circula tion of the blood , the theory of vaccination , the Roentgen ray they wore all discovered by accident. But you may be curtain that ho men who discovered these things were ound scientists , who kept their eyes wide > en , and know how to grasp an opportu- ity. ity.'I cannot too much emphasize the need f health In n young doctor. 'Physician , aep thyself healthy , ' ought to bo the rovcrb for us. A well-dloted , healthy octor , who takes his flve-mllo walk dally , cod not fear Infection very much. 'All ork nnd no play makes Jack a dull doctor ; ' ut , then , Jack ought not to run to the pposlte extreme of all play nnd no work , ther. Business ability , natural or acquired , s necessary , If the physician would make good Income. Let him avoid giving credit , his patient Is too poor to pay , charity nd the maxim of Hypocrates should make Im lend his skill gratuitously. But steer lear of the trust nystcra ns far aa possible , r. Young Man. Business habits should bo ultlvatcd , too. Once acquire a reputation or getting up at 6 a. m. , and you can sleep ntll noon If.you wish to. Don't bo too nxlous about getting your vacation. Re- nnln In town during the summer , even If 10 heat annoys you and visions of the sea- ide nnd the country como to tempt you. cmomber that during the summer the suc- essful physicians are nearly all away. That s your chance. In the abscnco of the blg- Igs you may be called In , nnd , once called n , bo sure to make a good Impression. "Absolute honesty Is a sine qua non , nnd Iscretlon ought to be spelled with a capital In the doctor's dictionary. It is perilously asy for a young physician to be Indiscreet. V boyish desire to brag , foolish confidence n some unworthy friend or n thoughtless leldlng to the wiles of the 'pumper , ' may cad Dr. Young Man Into unwise admissions. Ind the results of a single Indiscretion are ftcn Incalculably bad ! A physician is ntrusted with more secrets than even a onfcasor. Ho should learn to appreciate lie great trus Imposed in htm nnd piove himself deserving of such extraordinary rlvlleges. rlvlleges.Don't Don't Hurry to Get Hiuli. "Your typical young man should not eu- er the -medical profession with a view of getting rich. Should he do so ho will not nly show himself unworthy , but ho will also oxperlence bitter disappointment. A good doctor is always sure of a competence ; a great doctor may make a large Income ; but no doctor need hope to amass u fortune hrough the pursuit ot modlclue alone. In vestments nnd the like may swell his cof- ers ; but buolncss carea take hla mind from his work , nnd that is not as it should be. 'amo is a more legitimate rabltion , but Dr. Young Man will learn by the time that he gets to be Dr. Old Man the true emptiness of the chase after fame. Let mi- Illustrate this by mentioning a certain chronicle annually published by the alumni of n medical college. Thlq chronicle has yearly reports from doctors all over the globe. It Is Interesting to read the letters of the younger men ambitious , restless , dissatisfied , yearning for fame and crying out against restraining environment. But when one turns to the reports sent la by old doctors , physicians of long standing and experience , there Is a remarkable change. A placid content pervades these brief epis tles. The writers are fairly well off , and eminently satisfied with their work. Day by day they save life and relieve sufferlntf. Tholr sons are going to college , and by and by will follow their fathers' footsteps. One or two of these old men have achieved real famo. But the majority , whllo not fa mous , are apparently quite happy. "Tho perfect doctor , wo nro told , must have 'an eagle's eye , a lady's hand , and a lion's heart. ' But the 'lion's heart' sig nifies courngo only. The physician must bo much more than courageous. His must be a nerve of Iron , with the quickness and recourse of a general. No emergency should find him wanting. Every doctor gets his opportunity , sooner or later ; but to row , Indeed , is given n second chance. There fore , ho that would prosper must kcop his lamp trimmed , and hold himaelf e\cr in readiness. "Such , " concluded Dr. " Shrady. "is the rule of life , which I would lay down for the guidance of him who desires to succeed In medicine. Ours Is a very crowded pro fession ( there Is a physician , I believe to every fifty persons In this country ) , but among doctors , as among all sorts * nil con ditions of men , the fittest are bound to our- vlvo. Your young phy iclan should never forget to emulate the Baying of Cicero , Hint those who heal the Ills of their fellow-ien , are next to the gods. ' " SOME LATE INVE.VTIOXS. The ( handle of a new shaving brush Is hollow and contains a stick of soap , which Is fo/rced / Into the bristles by a spring til discharge a small quantity when the brush Is dipped in hot water. Outdoor chairs and benches for parks are provided with hinged backs , which can bo closed over the seat to protect It from the weather and keep It dry when It rains. Ribbons and fabrics can bo easily meas ured by n new device consisting of a grad uated strip of paper , which Is rolled in the fabric before It leaves the factory , being unwound nnd torn off as the cloth Is sold. A recently patented punching bag frame has the bag hung on a rigid rod , with n universal Joint at the top nnd a pneumatic ring around the framn to form a cushion for the rod to strike against. When a newly designed fountain pen falls to work 'an auxiliary pen can bo pushed down to take its place by operating a ( Hiding ring on the holder , the second pen being Intended for use with an Ink bottle. To excavate dirt from cellars or river beds a new machine has an endless chain revolving on wheels on opposite sides of the 'excavation ' , with buckets or scrapers , to bo attached to the chain and scrape the dirt up to a place where It can bo carted away. Bicycles can bo fitted with n now pave ment cleaning device to keep the wheel from getting muddy , which Is made of a cylinder brush held In n frame ahead of the front nheel and geared to tha uxlo to revolve - volvo and sweep the street as'tho wheel man rides along. Dead centers on bicycle cranks are elim inated by n now sprocket wheel , which haa a curved slot cut on ono sldo of the center. In which a lug on the movable crank fits , nnd Is held In place by a rubber pad , which throws the crank out of line when pressure of the foot Is released. A Michigan man has designed an Identi fication tag which cannot bo destroyed by fro or water , the outer casing being made of metal and carrying an asbestos tablet , In which the name Is stamped. The tablet Is covered by a metal cup and the tag can be attached to tbo body l < y an asbestos strap. A now vehicle tire Is composed of an In flatable tube , on the running surface of which is placed a V-shaped shoo of cork , toughened by immersion In a heated liquid , composed of alcohol , camphor and glycer ine , the sole protecting the tube from uuucturo , i WORK OF M WOMEN'S ' CTOBS Organisations m Forty-Seven Towns intho State. THREE THOUSAND MEMBERS ARE ENROLLED from Officer * Slmvr tlmt Much Work U'nWlnu Done to Hu- eourrtun ( lie Htutly of Art. uu' A neat and fjtailrchcnslvo year book has boon recently Icsu'cd by the State Federation of Women's Clubs , giving a review of the work donn during the year ns shown In the reports of various committees and of the librarian. It also contains a number of rec ommendations for the consideration ot each club , together with a , llst of the sevonty- thrco clubs comprising the organization , with the officers and the lines ofoil ; lu'xcn up during thu year. The list shows u total number of 3,500 uieinbcis , representing forty-savcn towns. Among the tccommondatlons mnclo to each club it IB suggested that u committee bu appointed to co-operate with teachers In duvlalng ways of procuring good pictures for school rooms and to encourage the study of art and art history. . It Is also thought de- slrnblo that the clubs throughout the state dototo a portion of their attention to town and vlllaga Improvements , to the end of promoting the beauty and cleanliness of the streets , etc. Another suggestion la made In the direction of establishing rest roonia In the market touns for the comfort and en tertainment of the wives and children of farmers. Finally , the clubs are Invited to co-opernto in the work undertaken by the Federation and thu opinion [ a expressed that as each individual has something character istic to contribute to her club so each club has something to contribute to the fedura- Uon. Uon.Tho The offer Is made on behalf of the Art department of the Omaha Woman's club that its collection of photographs of the old masters , numbering about 300 pictures , Is at the service of the federation library. They will bo sent to clubs in various portions tions of the state on application. The report of the librarian states that two years ago tha Nebraska federation took up the matter of n traveling library. The project was started on a fund of $200 and during the first year sixty books were pur chased and aunt out to eight different cluba. From this small start the work hns grown to quite extensive proportions. Thu year book contains a list of the books available In this library. The officers ot the federation for the cur rent year are as follows : Mrs. B. M. Stout- cnborougli , I'laUsmoulh , president ; Mrs. E. M. Cobb , , York , vlco president ; Mrs. Henri etta Smith , Omaha , secretary ; Mrs. M. V. Nichols , Beatrice , treasurer ; Mrs. Ella 3. harsh , Nebraska City , auditor ; SIra. G. M. Lambertson , Lincoln , librarian ; Mrs. Z. T. Llndsoy , Omaha , chairman state correspondence - once ; Mrs. Harriet II. Heller , Omaha , Mrs. Matilda U. McConncll , Lincoln , Mrs. Ellen M. Austin , Stnntans committee on educa tion , i 1 The following , ls , the list of clubs In the Nebraska federation , with location and nnino of the club , names ot president and secretary , membership , and study topics for the last year's work : Albion The "ttistery and Art club ; Mrs. Mabel C. Howell. president ; Miss Millie F. Mayer , socretam 3oplc , history ; member ship , 17. l - I Alma Self-Culture club ; Mrs. C. M. Mil ler , president ; "Miss Lovle L. Graham , sec retary ; toples.rjcurrent events , history , lit erature and parliamentary laws ; member ship , 34. 'IL' ' 5 " Ashland Woman s club ; Mrs. S. S. Falos , president ; Mrs. Hugo Wlggenhorn , secre tary ; topics , art , current events , literature and child study ; membership , 39. Auburn Mental Culture club ; Mrs. John Frelchcs , president ; Mrs. W. H. Stowell , secretary ; topics , history and literature ; membership , 17. , Aurora Nineteenth Century club ; Mrs. E , W. Hurlburt , president ; Mra. F. A. Hyde , secretary ; topics , literature and current events ; membership , 23. Woman's Culture club ; Sirs. Jennie A , Glpver , presl'dent ; Mrs. N. J. Torln , secre tary ; topics , history , American authors anc current events ; membership , IS. Beatrice Woman's club ; Mrs. S. S Dcutsch , president ; Miss Belle Wyntt , sec retary ; topics , art , history , literature and current events ; membership , 32. Cedar Bluffs Woman's club ; Mrs. Nellie Staats , president ; Mrs. Myrtle Wulrath , sec retary ; topics , art , history , lltcraturn ; mem bership , 28.Clulm Clulm mill More Cliibx. Columbus Woman's club : Mrs. C. A Brindley , president ; Mrs. M. F. Becker secretary ; topics , art , current events , house hold economics , literature , mualc ; member ship , sixty. Crete Columbian club : Mrs. J. W. Rhine president ; Mrs. Maud Moore , secretary topics , history and literature ; membership eleven. Mutual Improvement Club Mrs. M E. Halght , president ; Mrs. J. P. Vance secretary ; topics , literature and parliamen tary law ; membership , fourteen. Round Table Club Mrs. C. W. Doano president ; Mrs. F. E. Norrls , secretary ; top ics , literature , parliamentary law and soda * economics ; membership , 15. Social and Literary Club Mrs. M. E. Jill- son , president ; Mrs. A. A. Reed , secretary topics , art , literature , parliamentary law ; membership , 18. Sorosis Mrs. Cclla Drake , president ; Mlsi Marie L. Willson , secretary ; topics , child study , parliamentary law , history , curren' events ; membership , 17. David City Inglesldo club , Mrs. T. J Ayers , president ; Mrs. Hortenso Snow , sec retary ; topic , history ; membership , 23. Falls City Weekly Research club , Mrs. C F. Rccvis , president ; Mrs. A. G. Wanner secretary ; topics , history and current topics membership , 10. Falrbury Woman's club , Mrs. A. H. Let ton , president ; Mrs. E. M. Hole , secretary 'household economics , cur topics , history , tent literature ; membership , 59. Fremont Woman's club. Miss Daisy Spl' caid , president ; 'Mls's M. V. Johnson , secre tary ; topics , history , literature , curren events ; memberB'iilp. 180. Fullerton Mary' 'Barnes Literary club Mrs. E. M. LaGrbng. president ; Mrs. F. M La Grange , secretary ; topics , history , lltcra current events ture , parllamentaVyMaw and membership , 42. ' . Coring Woman's 'Library ' club ; Mrs. E. J Wright , president ; ' Miss Lilian B. Welt secretary ; topics , ' , literature and curren events ; membership , thirty-nine. Grand Island---Woman's Progressive club Mrsv George Bell , "president ; Mrs. Carrie Ashton , secretary ; topic , history ; member ship , fifty. ' Grceloy Center Our Own Benefit club Mrs. Phoebe P. Morgan , president ; Mrs. S E. Howard , secretary ; topic , literature membership , sixteen. Holdrege Vlolel club ; Miss Mella Erlck son , president ; Miss Mabel A. Johnson , secretary rotary ; membership , eight. Hooper Woman's club ; Miss Ella Hills president ; Mrs. Anna M. Denslow , secretary membership , twenty-ono. And Tliore Are Other * . Huuiboldt Harmonious companlo ; Sirs. Belle G. Stemlcr , president ; Sirs. Delia Shirley , secretary ; membership , fifteen. Research and Progress club ; Sirs. J. W. Dlnsmore , president ; Mrs. R. B. Watzke , stcrotary ; topic , history. Lincoln Century club ; Sirs. Henry Hartley , president ; M . W. E. Kerker , BCC- Orchard $ ttlilbeltn liujrajn CarpetSj- No where else In the west can bo soon such n collection of really flno Ingrains here ran bo found the lat i - Carpet Company est productions from the best manufac turers of the world nothing really i good hns escaped our buying power V our prices on Ingrains la always the lowest for the quality There Is ns Draperies Bed Lounges- much difference between two makes of so-called Ingrain carpet as there Is In Japanese Some special values In conches this the different grades ot bniRsoIs wo Bamboo and "Tvcok. have all kinds yet when you buy from Bond Per- A solid lounge with latest attach us jou'ro sure to know the kind you tlcros , In ments for closing nnd opiinlng Rococo1 get. unique and frnmo oak or mahogany finish $11.75 Our C5o line Is the best line over oriental da- and $12.50. gathered together nt this prlc wo signs , so cool Folding Sofa Bed Lounge $18.00. have Ingrains at 23c , 35c nnd GCc. Extra heavy Ingrains nt 75c. itnd tittrno- Folding Couch making full sized bed , tlvo for sum $15.00' 3-ply best wool Ingrains , 0c. mer drap- ' Wo have prepared n line for this iiitfs- sale that usually sell nt $22 Rococo Lamps 82,0083.75 * frame striped velour filled with towo nnd 84.75. and moss tempered steel springs Don't over warranted not to break down n couch look the 30-Inch wide Sv\ln3 muslins In har that can't bo described , but must he lumps they ness spots stripes and alt over pat seen , this week $15.00. llfjht up and terns will wash perfectly 50 pieces of Wo nro making to order n gcnutna beautify your n first-class quality at 12c . - ! * per yard. leather couch tufted upholstering a homo A A large line of Tambour Swiss Muslins ' gontclnmn's modern couch that jou house bo lins In nil widths at 125 c , 2 c , 28c , 30c , can't duplcnto for $30 special price to 35o and 40c yard. $37.50. properly Special Brussels Lace real thread furnished 60 Inches wide 3' ' < 4 ynnls long at the ' should hn\o Ladies' Desks- unheard-of prices of $4.00 a pair. - a lamp in each room to S Linoleums- A small , hnrmunuo dainty with the Onulmi cork and all Linoleum wo Writinsr furnishings sell n fair quality nt 15 cents n yard Dc-sU art is- they I'.tc thu best to be had at that wo have price. tienily fin thorn in the Other grades nt correspondingly low ished in now beautiful prices. oithcf onk or ful greens ' iron and Brass Beds birds'-oyo reds and delicate drcsdcn effects wo nwplo no have light lamps dark lamps low drawers lumps high lamps largo lamps small The liner hns pigeon lamps all kinds of lamps- brass holes Lamps at $2.00. trimmed special offering at J5.00. Special Values at $0.00 , $7.50 , $12.50 , White $18.00 and $23.00. An elegant desk with drawers nnd Opal Lamp mulched decorated bowl Ktiiunol pigeon boles French legs either oak and globe , $2.75. Uc-ds are or birch , $5.50. HandBomo decorated bowl nnd glebe talcing the A mahogany Inlaid desk elegantly . . heavy brass slandard , $5.50. plueu of the carved legs 2 largo drawers heavy brass trimmings a handsome gift to more expensive Carpet Sweepers pensive all any lady , only $24.00. brass kinds The Blssell carpet sweeper this Window Shades so easy to ro-onamel when they be week only , $1.83. come scratched many of the new Plenty of these now for nil who call. styles nro very ofTuctlvo the patent Opaque water color window shades The Blssi-1 Improved gold mcdnl car sldo rail which makes a perfectly rigid full six feet long , complete ready to pet sweeper sent on trial If desired bed when set up Is ono of the latest hang , 20c. to our regular customers price $0.00. Improvements these beds como with solid cast brass trimmings and brass tubing at head and foot. Prices $15.00 , $20.00 and $21.00. ORCHARD & WILHELM Now high sleigh shaped foot brass rod head and foot , $ C.T5. Full extension bow foot , $5.50. CARPET COMPANY ? r Other styles $4.75 , $3.00 and $2.50. We show the largest line ff thcso beds 1414-1416-1418 DOUOLAS. rotary ; topics , history and literature ; mcm- ) crshlp , twenty. Fortnightly Club Mrs. W. J. Lamb , presi dent ; Mrs. A. W. Field , secretary ; topic , ilstory ; membership , sixteen. Lotus Club Mrs. M. R. McConncll , presi dent ; Mrs. J. S. Dales , secretary ; topics , Itcraturo , library work , aborlculture ; mem bership , twelve. Matlneo Muslcale Mrs. A. W. Janscn , president ; Mrs. Grace G. Brown , secretary ; topic , music ; membership , eighty-seven. Now Brook Review Club Mrs. R. H. Rehlncnder , president ; Mrs. Levl Munson , secretary ; topic , literature ; membership , fifteen ; Sorosis , topics of general Interest ; membership , twenty-seven. Sorosis , Jr. Mrs. W. T. Stevens , presi dent ; Mrs. C. R. Richards , secretary ; mem bership , twenty-five. University of Nebraska Faculty Club- Mrs. C. B. Besaey ; president ; Mrs. E. H. Barbour , secretary ; membership , fifty-three. Woman's Club Mrs. A. Scott , president ; Mra. F. W. Bartruff , scorotnry ; topics , child's study , art , parliamentary practice , civics , history. , literature , current events , do mestic economics , science , physical educa tion ; membership , 570. University Place Woman's Club Ella A. Knapp , president ; Clara B. Bowles , secre tary ; topics , literature , child study , kenslng- ton , physical culture ; membership , 26. Sorosis Mary A. Smith , president ; mem bership , 20. Loup City Woman's Unity club ; Mrs. C. C. Converse , president ; Miss Ella Long , secretary ; topics , literature , physical geogra phy , child study ; membership , 15. Mllford Gnosls ; Mrs. Margaret Chad- dock , president ; Mrs. J. M. Lamson , secre tary ; topics , history , literature , current topics ; membership , 10. Ami Still They Grow. Nebraska City Woman's club ; Mrs. Ella Larsh , president ; Mrs. Emma Shuman , sec retary ; topics , art , current topics , house hold economics , music , parliamentary law ; membership , 40. Norfolk Woman's club ; Mrs. Nora T. Pratt , president ; Mrs. Harriett Warrlck , secretary ; topic , history ; membership , 48. North Bend Woman's club ; Mrs. Alary B. Dowley , president ; Lois Conor , secretary ; topics , history , household economics , cur rent topics , literature , child study ; member ship. 52. Omaha Mu Sigma ; Mrs. H. D. Necly , president ; Mrs. E. H. Van Horn , secretary ; topic , history ; membership , 40. Dundee Woman's club ; Mrs. D. L. John son , president ; Mrs. Fanny H. Perry , sec retary ; topic , American authors ; member ship , 2S. Woman's Club Mrs. Lillian R. Harford , president ; Mrs. Anna SI. Herring , secretary ; topics , art , current topics , education , his tory , houshold economics , literature , music , parliamentary law , social economics , oratory , philosophy , ethics. Osceola Woman's Literary club , Mrs. E. M. Henderson , president ; Miss Hattto Hen derson , secretary ; topics , literature and cur rent topics ; membership , 17. Plattsmouth Mozart club , Miss Marlsta Cagney , president ; Miss Bculah Elson , sec retary ; topic , music ; membership , 18. Woman's Club Mrs. Kate W. Davis , pres ident ; Miss Myrtle Porter , secretary ; topics , art , current topics , literature , household economics , parliamentary law , child study , travel ; membership , 48. Schuyler Woman's club , Mrs. Mary W. Burkct , president ; Anna E. Grlmlson , secre tary ; topics , history , literature , current top ics ; membership , 20. Sfotla Ladles' Reading club , Mrs. May Wright , president ; Mrs. L. W. Tolbert , sec retary ; topic , literature ; membership , 13. Seward Fin de Slecle club , Miss Alice Sexton , president ; Miss Styrtlo Brooks , secretary - rotary ; topics , history , literature ; member ship , 20. History and Art club , Mrs. S. C. Lang- worthy , president ; Miss Bertha Schlck , sec retary ; topics , art and history ; member ship. 20. Nineteenth Century club Mrs. R. P. An derson , president ; Mrs. B. C. Blgg , secre tary ; topics , literature , social economics , current topics , phtlosoplfy ; membership , 13. Shelton Nineteenth Century club , Mrs. R. Auction Sale Extraordinary The entire stock of China , Crockery , Glassware , and Housefurnishing Goods of Mrs. C. E. Moody , Ho. j 210 North 16th Street , Commencing Saturday , May 7th , at 2:30 : and 7:30 : p. m. and continue daily at same hours until the entire stock is sold. The stock consists of everything usually kept in a store of this kind , which is favorably known to our citizens. This will be a great chance for hotels , boarding houses , restaurants and all others to get this class of goods at their own price as it certainly will be a straight a'uction. Show cases , store fixtures and office furniture will be sold Ladies particularly invited to attend sales. , J. R.MAXCY & CO. , Auctioneers , Off ice 416 Karbach Blk. C. Bcntloy , president ; Mrs. Charles Lucas , secretary ; topic , travel ; membership , 18. Stanton Sorosis club , Mrs. A. L. Nixon , president ; Mrs. J. A. Bhrhardt , secretary ; topics of general interest ; membership , 16. Woman's Literary ' Club Mrs. W. W. Young , president ; Sirs. Jennie SI. Kearney , secretary ; topics , literature , current topics , parliamentary law , child study ; member ship , 13. Strouisburg Woman's club , Mrs. N. S. Clark , president ; Sirs. J. A. Frawley , sec retary ; topics , history , literature ; member ship , 30. St. Paul Self-Culture club , Mrs. Slary J. Paul , president ; Mrs. M. J. Stevens , secre tary ; topics , art , history , household econom ics , literature ; membership , 24. Sutton Ladles' Literary club , Sirs. Wil liam Bonekemper , president ; Mrs. Blvira Birkncr , secretary ; topics , history , parlia mentary law , child study , applied econom ics , current topics ; membership , 26. Syracuse Woman's club , Sirs. Bmma Page , president ; Miss Bertha Bloomlngdale , secretary ; topics , history , literature , current topics ; membership , 28. Tecumsch Cozy club , Sirs. Stnzcna Stc- Lnnahan , president ; Sirs. Kate M. True , sec retary ; topics , literature , child study ; mem bership , 17. Friends In Council Mrs. Althen Bennett , president ; Mrs. Fltzslmmons , secretary ; top ics , llteratuie , parliamentary law , current topics ; .membership , 14. Wallace The Wullaceans , Sirs. Eva C. Gavin , secretary. Wayne Acme club. Sirs. J. G. Mines , pres ident ; Sirs. H. T. Wilson , secretary ; mem bership , 16. Sfonday Club Sirs. Ida F. Northrop , pres ident ; Sirs. J. B. Cunningham , secretary ; membership , 19. Weeping Water Zetctlc club. Sirs. Ida P. Ingersoll , president ; Sirs. Nellie Sackctt , secretary ; topics , current events , history , child study. Wymore Fin do Slecle club. Sirs. n. C. Plrlc , president ; Sirs. Sarah D. Reullng , sec retary ; topics , current events , literature ; membership , 8. York Amateur Sluslcal club , Sirs. Jcnnlo Sedgwlck , president ; Miss Slablo Cobb , secretary - rotary ; membership , 31. Avon club , Mrs. SI. R. Cowan , president ; Sirs. Sadie Campbell , secretary ; topics , his tory , literature ; membership. 20. Review and Art Club Mrs. K. L. Sic- Conaughy. president ; Sirs. Callle L. Daggy , secretary ; topics , art , literature ; member ship , 2L Woman's Club Sirs. W. D. Sleado , presi dent ; Miss Grace Moore , secretary ; toplca of general interest ; membership , 60. IMIMKTIKS. "Slararaa , our minister's awfully hleh church , Isn't he ? " "Why so , Johnny ? " "Why , I noticed that every tlmo ho yawned ho bowed his bead. " Jones Funny about Deacon Pratt. Awfully absent-minded , you know. Brown What's ho been doing now ? Jones At the prayer meeting last evenIng - Ing Elder Geode asked him to lead In prayer nnd before ho knew what ho was saying the deacon replied , "It isn't my lead. I dealt "cm. " It was evident that hla mind was still on the little game ho bad the night before. It was n preacher who had that "fatal fluency" for whom nn acquaintance laid a trap , says Harper's. Ho had a way of promis ing to preach , and on beginning would say something llko "I have been too busy to pre pare a sermon , but If some ono will kindly j glvo me a text I'll preach from It. " One de termined to euro him. Ho therefore asked him to preach. The Invitation was accepted. The tlmo came , and the visitor began hla usual Introduction : "Brethren , I have been go pushed for time today as to have been finite unable to prepare a sermon. But If Koine ot you glvo mo a text I'll preach from It. Perhaps my brother here , " turning to the plotter near him , "will suggest a text. " "Yes , brother , " came the ready response ; "your text Is the last part ot the ninth verse of the first chapter of Ezra , end Its words ao 'nlne-nnd-twenty knives. ' " There was a "S pause , an ominous pause , as tbo preacher found his text. Ho read It out , 'Nlno-and- twcnty knives , " and began at once : "Notlca the number of these knives Just exactly nlne-and-twenty ; not thirty , not elght-and- twenty. There was no moro and no less * than nlno-and-twenty knives. " A pause a * long pause. Then , slowly and emphatically , "Nlno-and-twcnty knives. " A longer pause. Then , meditatively , "Nlne-and-twenty knives. " Again ho rested. "Nlno-and-tweuty knives and If there were 920 knives I could not say another word. "