Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1898, Part III, Image 17

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tt I
The newest of new goods the choicest selections the prettiest patterns-the daintiest designs , most stylish colors -VISIT-
16th and Douglas Cope and Skirt and
Omaha. Waist Department for
all the latest novelties
. and prettiest styles.
New Black and Colored Colored and Black BARGAINS IN OUR SUNLIGHT
SILKS Keally the best way for you to get an idea -pf- all the beautiful things in our Millinery De BASEMENT
25 pieces 48 inches wide partment is to come and see for yourself. Our second iloor is
1,000 yards Silk Gloria crowded with beautifully trimmed hats.
BLACK TAPFETA SILK 11 brown changeable coin- LINENS- Largo
21 Inches wide , heavy quality ,
rich luster , positively worth Mnations , the § 1.00 For Monday's sale we will Fresh from our work rooms , 73-Inch CROCHETED
one dollar at mark down all of BLEACHED DOUBLE BED SPREADS ,
69c yard , quality , on special our 100 New , Choice * 50c
SATIN DAMASK value 75c
, Monday
ale while last
Extra heavy at 25c yard they $7.50 and $1O.OO made $1.00 In to Ireland Import and worth they go at SOc each
Trimmed Hats
Monday at TCc
, Brocaded Black Silks , 200 Full Nine-Yard yard 12 yard bolts of
large and small .HATS. VICTORIA
[ ) ress Patterns . . . . Our $1.50 extra heavy
patterns , 88c $ O5O LONG CLOTH
00 dress patterns of CHECKED WOOL. tlLEACHED SCOTCH
quality , on sale GOODS , EO stjllsh for skirts and \\alsts , and you can take your choice DOUI3LC SATIN DAMASK , go at 49c for entire-
TOWn and \\hlto checks , black and white Go on
at 39c yard checks , navy blue nnd white the greatest bargain wo bolt
sale at
checks , goods worth 25c a yard , over offered ,
Superb quality of . In 9 yard patterns on 502 Monday at 9Sc yard 2,000 yards
sale at OSo for the AT EXTKA HEAVY
Black Satin Duchesse , entire dress Leghorn Hats
positively 5c
500 new fresh imported BLEACHED. ALL LINEN worth 12Ac , at
worth $1.69 , 50c
$1,00 Dress Goods for All of our DAMASK 5c yard
Hats in low
on sale at Leghorn , high or
The largest assort TCc quality ,
98c yard ment of high class novelty 9cAll , and $15.00 crown , that milliners ask $2.50 Monday at GOc yard 60 pieces
vnol li'css and goods all , woolcither in pure silk plainer and for , on special sale at GOc each CS-lnch MARSEILLES
Poulard Silks or fancy weaves in mixture and day at SNOW WHITE AND PIQUE
in beautiful combinations , in olid pronndh , 48in.ido , at. DAMASK
as long as they
15c go
dark and light grounds 69c sells overy\\hcic at 25o
the Black Dress Goods. $6.98 yard Monday at 16c last at 5c yard
quality , An exceptional line of . yard
Bpechil price 6,000 yards FRENCH OROANDIES ,
Mohair Brilliantine , The now field Flowers , Including pop- Rubber stem , Lnrpe bouquet of domestic Flowers , 24-Inch LAWNS , DIMITIES , ETC.
49c yard small neat figures , 50c ple , daisies , blucttes , fuchlas , Ameri 49c Imported Klowers.l Roses , Dinettes , Carnations , Foliage , lOc BLEACHED SATIN these goods nro In all the
can beauties nnd In fact every Flower all varieties , , , 25C nil Flowers worth BOc , on sale at lOc latest patterns and worth
Silks quality , at 25c yard . . Imaginable , reduced from $1 and $1.50 at at - ' . < a bunch DAMASK NAPKINS up to 35o yard on
Liberty , ( ireat Sllle of Fine Sample' Having purchased'the entire sample line of three of the largest manufacturers In the $2.50 quality- sale Monday at
mi Handsome , fancy QTTKr A T l'T'Cl America samples that , were used only a very short tlmo by a traveling representative Monday at $1.5'J } ard
shades , weave Black Dress -all of them models of perfection new creations nnd on sale at Just half price. dozen
25cyard. . . . Goods that heretofore 500 checks , plaids and stripes in Fine Evening 22-Inch German Silver Bleached 200 ZEPHYR pieces
bold at SOc yd. , on bale at 50c. . LINEN
Chiffons and pure SILK WAISTS NAPKINS ALL worth $1.50 GINGHAM ,
Mousselin De Soie Pure Silk and Wool Fancy pureSILK and $1.98-go Monday worth up to 25c yd ,
SILK WAISTS at $1.25 and 98c
black and all Weave Dress Goods , Q Of tur.quolse pure sllk taffeta and In In watermelon fact all the colorings new dozen go at C c yard
colors very wide , all beautiful - V with high stock collars , on large shades , Including black , also plaids and 17x32 Ono case
checks , all of them made with full blouse PIQUOT
100 pieces ful new designs , bargain tables , choice $3.50 all effect , no two allko In this lot on sale at 'COTTON DAMASK' " ' , SHEETING
on pale at $1.59 sizes. 3k ; In 9-4 nnd 10-4 widths ,
Plaids and TOWELS , 15c
Large worth i7c ! an < J 30c yard go
for waists and trimmings tin Priestley's Extra Heavy $5.00 S7.50 Monday 3 c each. . as long as It lasts at
largest variety of high clasi Fancy Silk and Wool Gren 17x36
plaids ever shown in adines small and large 0 A QQ SI2.00 $15.00 BLEACHED TURKISH 1,000-yards
Omaha , the $2.50 qual designs , goods worth i1 Wu BATH TOWELS 40-INCH LAAVN- 5c
ity on sale at si. 09 and it $2.50 yd. , on special Bnfin I AlllFV Made of French Percale , Gingham , Madras Cloth , Chambray , etc. , etc. These are all 4Qc "Worth. Si. 00. double , \\nrp , worth regular 15c grade , go as
till new fresl1 Goods , every one made In the latest style , in plain colors , checks , plaids and _ - . , . , _ 12 0 Monday long as they last at 5c
the $1 quality on sale at sale at $1.39 yd , WAIolo strlpea go In two lots 49c for jl.OO Shirt "Waiatp " , and 98o for $2.60 Shirt Waists. HOC VYOrUl J./.OU. . at Cc each yard
To Our Customers and Tomorrow another of those Sensational Clothing Sales which have made Boston Store famous TELEGRAM
Friends , LiE of MEWS and BOYS' SUITS Received Through West. Union Tel. Co.
Wo are pleased to announce that ;
through of Men's this and most ' fortunate purchase Which for supreme bargains stands without equal or rival , and one invrllibh the bargains are absolutely impossible in any other house. Here's the Received at 212 S. 13th St. Omaha , Neb. .
Boys' Clothing we are Milwaukee , Wis , April 30 , 1898.
enabled not only to give you the great document to prove it here are the facts to prove itat our store is the Clotihttig to prove it. BOSTON STORE , Omaha , Neb.
est and grandest bargains ever offered
In the United States , but conscientious TEN THOUSAND MEN'S BOYS' SUITS Male Wo accept your offer o forty cenU
ly guarantee that they are made up In atty on the dollar , spot cash , for our entire
the latest styles and the workmanship
is of the highest standard. And sold by them to us at Forty Cents on the Dollar and on sale to you tomorrow at positively stock of men's and boys' suits and
J. L. BUANDEIS & SONS , pants and will ship pame Chicago , Mll-
Proprietors of the the Boston Store , waukoo St. Paul road today.
Omaha. Neb. BENEDICT & CO.
One Half Their Wholesale Cost to Manufacture
SPRING WOOL SUIT iMirn im 'HI * p "i ( Form All the Boys' All the Boys' All the Boys' $3.50 Your choice of the
In black or blue Cheviot and neat , small plaid , that $12.50 $ 415 Men sjness Suits $6,98 $ $2.00 § 2.50 Vestee and $4.00 Nobby prude finest and highest
Bold ut wholesale for $5.00. . , Knee Pants and Knee Vestee Suits Knee Pants Suits
Buys a Man's Fine These are the identical suits _ $ a& would1 sell for 218.80 and $15.00 Suits Pants Suits , and Suits Combination , with two of this purchase
ALL WOOL SUIT if bought in the regular way. They conw , in single and double breasted Sacks , Ages 4 to 14 years , 4 to 15 years , pair of pants , go at
straight and round cut , all thoroughtyiwal ) trimmed , well made and perfect fit-
18 dllTercnt styles to bcluct from , that sold at tine. The fabrics are smooth finished" Cassimeres , Fancy Worsteds and Solid
wholesale for $10.00. Black Clay Worsteds , and Fancy Mixed Cheviots. There are 60 different styles
in this lot- [ 1 98c I. $2.50
Buys the finest and highest grade . .
CASSIHEBE AND WORSTED SUITS Your Choice of Any-Suit in This Lot '
Including Prince Alberts , cutaways , frocks and .
sacks , that sold at wholesale for $17.50. All the new All the $3.50 Your choice of
All the
. men's line the finest black
the finest Silk nnd Sutin Lined ' $3.00 and fancy worsted
No finer goods MEN'S ' PANTS
gent gout
over turned out. Working
s Boys' and Young Men's Long Pant Suits. PANTS.
I ? ' For B..ys' ) Lonjr I'.mK 3-nicco $1.49 $1.75 .
FINE WOOL SUITS 5Oc . . Worth $5
In Errnys. blues , blacks , cheviots and ca'ssimores , that sold at
wholesale for S4.CO.
Boya' and Younp Men's MEN'S SPRING OVERCOATS.
AIL WOOL SUITS All the men's $5 All men's $7.50 All the men's All the Satin
In solid colors and fancy casslinerus nnd cheviots , acres 13 to 10 light and dark gray and tan $1 ( ) Clay Worsteds Lined , $15 cov
yoitrt , that sold at wholeaalo for $ ( i.OO. colored teds , black and ert cloth
For Fine gray
For boys from 15 to 20 years old , OVERCOATS OVERCOATS OVERCOATS OVERCOATS
that sola at wholesale for $7.50.
the finest and highest prado T81 Is the grandest bargain of anything
v Men's ' Imported and Worsted Suits over and offered convince In Ready yourself. to Wear Clothing $2.98 $3.98 $7.50
No nooblor suits over shown many bilk and satin lined. . .
Ladies' black and tan 300 pair ladies dogola shoes , FOR TOMORROW'S SALE
in button and lace , Wo show the greatest selection of men's black and tan shoos to bo seen in
shown in men's footwear that is correct in shape ,
townIt surpasses everything
Vesting Top Shoes all sizes , made to correct in style and correct in price. All of the now fancy vesting top shoes , all
retail for up to $8 , 1 Cfl the new shades of tan shoos and vici kid sheas , and in fact all the flno shoes that
600 pair ladies' fine Roches goat OliVU are now so popular , as well as the medium light weight and heavy weight box
ter make black and tan vesting calf shoes , which are now worn so much , _ _ _ _ _ _
top shoes in all the now fancy Men's ' $5 Tan Shoes at $3. $ Men's ' $5 Black Shoes $3. $
All the very latest shoes , calf , Har 1,200 pair men's flno calf , kangaroo
cuts , and in all the new styles 8,000 , pair ladies' oxford ties , vard calf and vici kid tan colored shoos , and vici kid shoes , with kid and cloth
of toes , made to retail at $8.50 , in black tan all extreme novelties , all nlzos and tops , also box calf shoos , made to retail
and wine
, , 15 different widths , made to retail for 95 , at 15 ,
in black
styles 4nd tan , kid
4 5
f , | and § G , go on sale at made to retail at $3 top and fancy ve tlBj ? top go on our nmln floor at go on our main floor at
* 2.252.503.00 , | 8.50and oxford ties' made to reUil
$3.75. pair , go at vliWll 1 Rfl at 13 end $3.50 , $2 $ 300 pair men's $2.50 calf 600 pair men's $4 black and Pair
75o , 98cand go at 12.25 and , , shoe at $1 > 59 tanehoes at $2.50 Eyery Warrantei