.r./q THE OMAHA DAILY 31EE Is" UND AY , MAY 8 , 1898. AOK.VTS WA.1TKD. ( Cuntlnuril. ) IAOENT8 , everyone will buy tha Little Maine Cannon for the buttonhole ; great- cut war novelty out ; sample prepaid 10 cents ; BX for 40 cents ! twelve 60 cents : for street selling it's the thing. Standard Mfrf. Co. , Itaclne , WIs. J-261-8 * AGENTS WANTED , keep posted about our latest Jumbo Card Machines and our oxtraordlnary terms. The Leo Canda Co. , Cincinnati. O. J-262-8' .OFFICIAL war book by Oonzalo Do Qucsada , chairman Cuban Legation nt Washington , nil about war with Spain , the navy , all defenses , battleships ; splendid color typo premiums , tremendous seller , biggest money maker ever known ; most liberal terms guaranteed , agents making 17 to $28 per day ; credit Riven ; freight paid ; outfit free ; nend nix 2 cent Htamps for pontage. Monroe Co. , Dcpt. 1CS , 321 Dearborn St. , Chicago. J-239-8' AGENTS WANTED-Lady or Gentleman to ell our high grade perfumery on n new plan ; profits large , sales easy. Ad dress DCS Motnes Perfumery Co. . DCS Molnes. Iowa. J-M23S-U * LADIES. Important , something remarka ble ; something every woman needs and an absolute nec'-sslty ; Immense prollt ; anyone ono can sell It ; lady agents wanted. Write at once to Aluminum Mfg. Co. , Ilex 673 , La Crosse , AVIs. J-Z63 S' AGENTS , Sells at night ; nothing equal ; magnificent color typo portrait , uniform ; Major General Fltzhtigh Lee , American patriot and Cuba's friend , ' 923. heavy Pluto paper , ready for framing ; every body wants ono ; sample mailed , 23c , In cluding 10x14 Maine picture ; war pic tures : patriotic novelties. The Patriotic Art Co. . 67 a. Clark St. , Chicago.J . J 2G1 o AGENTS , money maker In hot weather. I have had for the past Jive years n pretty hard struggle to make n living , but n short time ago I began selling self- heating flntlrnns , nnd have made from $1.00 to $3.00 every day , which Is pretty good for an Inexperienced woman ; my 'brother Is now selling Irons nml mnkoa mnro money than 1 do , but ho has sold other things , nnd Is more experienced ; The Iron Is self-healing , no It Is the proper heat nil the time , nnd you Cm Iron In half the tlmo you commonly do , nnd have the clothes much nicer ; you can Iron out under a tree or In any cool place , which Is so nlco during this hot weather ; one cent's worth of oil will do nn ordinary Ironing , so you save the prlco of the Iron In fuel In ft few weeks ; It la guaranteed to be as represented , being non-explosive , thus making It perfectly unfe to hnndle. By addressing Balrd & Co. , Dopt. 100 , Plttsburg , Pa. , you cat ot full particulars , and I know thai nyone can do splendidly anywhere ; you nn make money selling this article nil ! lfl venr round : wo sell nt nlmost every Souse , nnd uvury woman that once Irons with a self-boating Iron wants one , ns It paves HO much labor and docs flner work than the old style. Mrs. M. B. J-2G5 8 * AGENTS WANTED. Men and women t handle our toilet gas heater and other specialties ; sell on night everywhere ; 100 per cent profit ; exclusive territory : write nt onci'Vhlttlng1iam , Dawcs & Braun , Dept. K. Loruln , Ohio. J-266 S * _ 'AGENTS to Hell glass pictures of the Maine. Gen. Lee and Commodore Dowey. Western Glass Adv. Co. , i07 Van Buren Bt. , Chicago. J-300 S * _ riVB WAY OOLOU MACHINE. NHW AND Improved ! Special larp' le. I'ay all In coin. Mid : ( > In check machine nine. Klegant deiilgn with hand carved ornamentation , Afent or operators lnve tlcate. Catalogue free. Hex Machine Worlis , L > ej > t. A. K. , Chicago , 111. ( FEW good ngents to sell rapid selling nr- tlclc. Inquire 113 N. 18th st. ; call after noons. J M2S9 9 * AGENTS Wanted We wnnt ono shrewd , cnreful man In every town to make n few thousand dollars for himself quietly at Homo nnd not work hard ; private Instruc tions nnd valuable outfit of new goods nent free. Address Immediately , P. O. box 6303 , Boston , Mass. J 296 8 * AGENTS Quick men to visit. , stores and Hell machine for printing signs on fences , bridges , rocks , etc. ; steady work all sum mer. Arc Co. , 77 Are St. , Racine , WU. ( WANTED now. agents to sell sash locks nml door holders : sample saah lock free for 2c stamp : Immense : better than I weights : burglar proof : $10 n dav ; write I quick. Adilreis Brohard & Co. , Dept. 53. I Philadelphia. Pa. J AGENTS make IS to $10 a day selling the cheapest and most perfect water niter ever Invented : retails at SI ; 200 per cent prollt. Seneca Filter Co. , Seneca , Mo.J . BRIGHT business women nnd girls who nro willing to canvass can make more money In a week selling Mme. Yale's celebrated toilet and health remedies than they can earn In three months on a palary. For terms address Madame Yale , 021 Wabash nvo. , Ludlngton bldg. , Chi- IlEXT. TIKSPECTAnLB younp man desires board nnd room In private family. References | exchanged. Price must be reasonable. I Address F. A. S. , Pec. K-211-8 * _ Jtt'ANTED , Board nnd suite for man nnd wife , must be first class nnd peed loca tion. References Al. Address N CO. Ileo. ' K 210-S * E TO 7-ROOM house or lint ; must have city water mid gas ; central preferred. N 64 , IVVANTED. furnished house until October ; no children ; no boarders or roomers taken ; best reference. Address N Cfi , Hee. K 312 8 * "WANTED , by yotiiiB man nnd wife , two rooms c-iiHiilto with board In private family. N C3 , Doe. K 291 8 _ SVANTEH , room nnd board In n private family by a single gentleman ; must bo good accommodations. Address NC7. _ nee. 1 31S 8 WANTED TO BECOND-IIAND books bought for cash at the Antiquarian book store , 1519 Farnam. N M775 M26 * CASH for 2nd-hand books. Crane. 207 N. ICth. N-M205 iVANTED , To buy two good second-hand roller top desks nnd one book case for olllce. Address Frank liurman , IC3 Far- nam st. N M1S7 S * A PAIR of well matched livery horses ; must bo cheap. N 50. Bco. N M193 12 * JWANT to buy small stock gen. mdse. or Krocerlei to movo. Write Box 152. Dunlitp , ftVANTED , Have ptirchnscr for from 15.00C to 18.000 ncres of land ; prefer It valley land , suitable for growing alfalfa : wh.il luxvo you to offer ? Farms.nnd other prop. t'rty to sell and exchange. Money to loan ' Henry C. Smith , Falls City , Neb. ' N M2T6 9 KvANTBD to buy a fresh Jersey cow. In- ciulro Phil Aarons , Boston Sloro. N M3M 10 STOIIAGE. .PACIFIC Storage nnd Warehouse Co. . 90S 910 Jones , general storage nnd forwarding I M > wO OM. Van & Storage , 1511 % Fnrn'm. Tcl. 1559 M SSI JJKST trackage and storage building Ir Omaha , U. B. gov. bonded ; househoU goods stored nnd cared for ; lowest rates two show rnnes for sale , eullablo for ex > roitlllon. 1013 and 1015 Leavcnworth. W M. Bushman. M-M5C5 31 FOII 'ANTIQUE oaK tvurOrobo In best condition l.ai-k of room reason for selling ; cost JJO will sell chtap. Call 2211 Locuit St. It uftcruoon. O 1T9 $ BKLI.ING out nt 131 South ! 5th street t houiehold furniture , carpets , ranges cooking stoves , gas stove , etc. May bi peen from 2 to 6 p. m. O 116 FOR SALE Furniture , by S. D. Casad C19 N. ICth at. One bed lounec. 2 oal dressers. 1 oak dining table , 6 dlnlni chairs , 4 rockers , 1 bookcase. O M195 9 ELEGANT furniture six-room flat for sal cheap. 2G05 Woolworth Ave. O M215 9 .FOH BAI.B HOnSES AND WAGO.VS. FINE carriage horse for sale , 4 ycnrs oli' ' at 321 N. 37th St. ; call after 6 o'clock p. n 10 * TON BALE , famllr horse nnrl liuiriry chrnr ( or Jodjr .to drive. 2310 Doucias. l'-315 & ron HAi.r nonsr.s AXD WAOOXS. ( Continued. ) ONE brown gelding , 1,100 Ibs. , safe for lady to drive. Ono bay Rcldlng , 1,030 Ibs. , safe for lady to rldo or drive. One pair bay geldings , 2,109 Ibs. , high lookers. Ono choice saddle horse , for lady or gentle man. Slnblo 12th nnd Nicholas. P-202-S FOR SALE A good Klmball made surrey nnd harness , Call nt JSM Seward St. , or Regent Shoo Store , 205 8. 15th St.P P 225-9 FOR SALE , carload of choice double and dingle cnrrlngo nnd driving horses ; also some snddlo horses ; these arc as fins n lot of horsps ns have been neon In this market : they are at Mitchell's stable , 1114-1116 Dodge St. P 329 8 KOIl SAI.Ii MISCF.M.AMJOCS. HOG and poultry fence : belter than wire netting. Fine sawdust for floors. Tel. 418. 901 Douglas. Q-S52 HORSE clipping machines , knives nnd rn- palm , all standard makes on hand : grind ing razors , shears , clippers ; prompt serv ice. A. L. TJndeland. Q-S53 CHICKEN , hog and lawn fences : all wlro ; Is best. Wlro Works , 14th and Hnrney. Q-8JIM10' FOU SALE-Ten R.I.P.A.N.S. for 5 cents at druggists ; ono gives relief. Q MiSO FOR SALE Three return Tubular boilers ; & 0-horse power each. Apply to the super intendent , 105 Bee building. Q-6S5 I WOULD llko to ell a few shares of min ing stock In a paying claim on Bonanza creek .In the Klondike district , Alaska. Full Investigation solicited. None but partlot meaning business need answer. Address N & 5 , Bee. Q-221-8 * FOR SALE A snap for exposition traffic ten good , serviceable flvo-glasi laundaus , secondhand , .worth W.OOO. The lot to cash buyer , J1.700. A hustler can make them pay for themselves in sixty days. Ad dress Pitts Carriage Co. , DCS Molnes , la. Q 222 8 AVAR SHIP Maine pictures. 10x20 , colored sample 15c , ono dozen , U.50. 100 for J9.BO , post paid. I. Lee , Omaha Bldg. , Chicago. Q 243-8 * FRESH COW for Bale cheap. 4123 Grant Street. Q-214-8 * FOR SALE , very good soda fountain at very low price ; must bo sold at once. N 62. Bee. Q-29S 8 LADY'S bicycle , guaranteed perfect condi tion ; cheap for cash. 230G Davenport Bt. Q-2 3 9 * NEW pianos , $143.00 : slightly used Instru ments at reduced prices ; Hardman piano makes our name famous. Mueller Piano & Organ Co. . 214 S. 18th st. Q-314 8 FOR SALE , four large hotel ranges cheap. People's Furniture & Carpet Co. Q 274 8 MISCELLANEOUS , ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co. , cleans j cesspools & privy vaults. 021 N. 16. Tel 1779. R 334 M16 * SHRUBBERY and trees at 1717 Douglas. F. B. Martin ; residence 4622 Boulevard ave. R-M431-M16 * NEW BRICK at Wlthnell Bros. & Smith's yard , 22d nnd Hickory. Telephone 425. U-M606 HOUSE PAINTING All Us branches so licited : practical painter ; will take coun try Jobs ; prices reasonable. John Howe , 3S31 Franklin St. R-114-9 * ANYONE seeking safe Investment of sav ings In sums of $100 and upward should 1 Investigate what we have to offer , which Is as good as government , state or mu nicipal bonds and pays 6 per'cent per an num In quarterly payments. THE COLUMBIAN INVESTMENT CO. , JOHN A. McSHANE. President. H. G. CANDEE , Secretary. Room 411 , First Nat'l Bunk Butldlnsr. R-M1C3 WANTED To buy thn letters O and W of Soda Mint Gum , Stnto price. . Address N 56 , Bee. R 217-S * CL.UHVOVAXTS. PROF. CHASE nnd Miss Zltka. clairvoy ants , mediums and paltrdits ; advice dally and Sunday on all affairs of life ; ladles , 25c : gentlemen , 50c ; full names given. 1702 Webster. S J25 8 MASSAGE , I1ATIIS , ETC. MISS MAYER-Chlropodlst , manicure scalp , facial , treatments ; wanted , stu dents. 400 Puxton Blk. T 312 M13 LAURA Ellison. 119 N. 16th ( upstairs ) room 12 , Turko-Russlnn and plain baths massago. T ai533 M19 * MRS. Dr. Leon , electric massage bath par lors : restful and curative. 417 S. llth , up stairs. T-M979 S * ORIENTAL Turkish baths for ladles and gents. 107 So. 14th. , tcl. 1894. Open nil nlcht. T M206 JG * MMB. Smith. US N. 15th St. , hot spring and . vapor baths. T 117 9 * MME. AMES , D07 So. 13th. Room 10. Massage sage baths. T 199 12 * PERSONAL. VIAVI for uterine troubles. 346-8 Bee bldg ; physician consultation or health book free. . U 835 BATHS , massago. Mmo. Post. 219 } $ S. 15th. U S56 THE Pantorlum , clothes cleaned , pressed and repaired , day or night ; special care given ladles' tailor made gowns : dress suits for hire. N. E. corner 14th nnd Farnam. Tel. 062. 857 SUPERFLUOUS hair , face blemishes re moved with electricity nt Mine. G. Payne's hnlrdresslng nnd manlcuro par lors , 312-313 Karbach block. . U-M542 M19 $30. RUPTURE cure for $30. No detention . from business ; 6 years in Omaha. Caller or write for circulars. Empire Rupture Cure , 932-933 Now York Llfo bldg. , Omaha , Neb. U-943 WHEN you take an outing don't forget to call at the now resort , Mclls , nt .Florence Lake. U-M997 9 * SEND lOc for latest war novelty. Uncle Sam bound for Cuba. Agents wanted. Jos. F. 11112. 322 So. 10th St. , Omaha , Neb. U-201-12 * WAR ATLAS IB pages of colored maps. Cuba nnd Havana Harbor , 21x14 Inches ; Philippine Islands and China. 21x14 Inches ; . West Indies 21x14 Inches : Spain nnd Port- usul , 21x14 Inches ; North America , 21x14 inchej ; United States , 11x11 Inches ; Europe , 21x14 Inches ; Flags of nil Na tions. 11x14 Inches ; population nnd other Information : the best maps published ; $4.00 worth for 23 cts. ; printed on calen dered paper : bound It , paper covers. Agents wanted. Phil N. Marks , 221 6th Ave. , Chicago. U M204 9 * "MARRY. " now plan ; no S3 foe ; members worth $300 to $50,000 ; private Hat lOc , senl sealed. R. L. Love , Denver , Coin.U2I6S U-2I6-S * ABSOLUTELY free to ladles , sealed parti' culars how to develop the "bust" from ' , to S inches In 2 weeks without medicine without appliances ; you can do U your self ; no Inconvenience ; sure , permanenl nnd the only safe method. Send nnmi with stamp to Mme. Jansdorf Co. . Cln clnnatl , Ohio. U-2I7- & * GENTLEMAN of Integrity and high socla standing , $20,000 Income , wUhis to spent his declining years In quietude with de voted , cental wife. "Elwood. " 33S W 32nd. N. V. U-M2I9-S * MATRIMONIAL agency , send 10 cents foi details , with method and dc : < cilptlon . largest In city ; many wealthy members , special attention to letter * . Addr aa Mrs D. J. Merrltt. 135 East C3th St. , Now York U M2IS-9' DISCREET young lady wishes to make thi acquaintance of jolly young man. Ad dress N 69. Bee. U 213-S * FREE , $2.00 worth of groceries from youi own grower ; write for particulars at once le Chicago Merchandise Co. . Box 401. Chicago cage , * U-K7 i * AM 50 , rich , jolly , good-natured , will ap Srcclato happy home and Ideal wife. Mr olinson , Sfl E. 51st St. , " N. Y. U-SS2 8 * m. THE Aetna Life Insurance company U pre pared to Issue life policies waiving th "war clause" during the continuation of PS the vrar with Spain. Apply to John Dal le : > : o N. Y. Life building. General Agent fo Nebraska. U-M2S1 U PERSONAL. ( CVntlnu J. ) NUDE IN ART-Taken from nature ; 16 beautiful colored pictures , nil nudes , 23o prepaid. French Art Co. , 52S Locust at. , 1'hlUdclphla. U- OENTLEMAN , 35 years old , wishes friend ship lady or widow ; object matrimony. Address O 1 , Bee. U-321 8 > MONEY TO LOAN REAI , ESTATE. WANTED , choice farm and city loans. R. C. Peters & Co. , U. 8. Nat'l Bank bldg. W 859 $100,000.00 special fund to loan on first-class Improved Omaha property , or for build ing purposes. Fidelity Trust company. - J100.00 , $100.00. JJM.OO-Prlvato money , on one , two , three or five years' time. w. L. Selby , 331 Board of Trade. V > CG3 ANTHONY Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N. Y. L. ; quick money at low rates for choice furm lands In Iowa , Northern Missouri. East ern Nebraska. w 861 LOAN on Improved & unimproved city city property. W. Farnam Smith & 9 ° " JP Farnnm. W-S62 6 PER cent city nnd farm loans. Garvln Bros. . 161J Fnrnara St. W-SC3 PER cent money. Bcmls , Paxton blk. \ eGo MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Lovo Co. , 219 S. ICth. W SG4 EASTERN money for western Invest ments ; send for circular. Investors Di rectory Co. , Now York. W 290 J7 * MONDV TO LOAK CHATTELS. JIO TO 110,000 TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIA NOS , HORSES , WAGONS AND CAR RIAGES , WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS , etc. , nt lowest rates In Omaha , South Omaha and Council Bluffs. No removal of goods ; strictly confidential ; you can pay the loan off at any time erIn In any amounts. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 300 South inth St. THE OLDEST. LARGEST AND ONLY IN CORPORATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. X SG5 MONEY loaned salaried poopfoholding permanent positions , with responsible concerns upon their own name , without security ; easy payments. Tolman , R. 700 , N. Y. L. bids. X-572 I1USINESS CIIANCUS. TO GET In or out of business go to J. J. Gibson , 514 First Nut'l bank. Y S67 FOR pale , a bargain , my entire drug stock , show cases , soda fountain and counters ; also will rent store at reason able rent ; located Union Depot hotel , one block from U. P. and Burlington depots. Ernest Stuht , proprietor. Y 479 ELEVATORS for sale , a line of six ele vators on the Republican Valley branch of the U. P. R. R. , extending south from Lincoln , Neb. , through an excellent grain producing region. Will be sold together or separately , as desired. In good repair and line working order. Will be sold on easy terms. Apply to Ed S. Miller. Rea- trlce. Neb. XZTMs4JM FOR sale or rent , a complete barber shop ; a good opening with an established trade ; for particulars write to Doutsrh & Lock- wood Co. , Rapid City , So. Dak. Y .MHO 10 * MEAT market ; cash trade ; will average MJ per day. Price J700 cash. J. J. Gibson , 514 First Nat'l Bank. Y 177-14 $10 REALIZES about $2 profit weekly : $100 makes $23 weekly ; this Is our average rec ord for 15.97 ; send for circular , llarrctt Bros. & Co. , 703 Washington Blv'd. Chicago cage , 111. Y 232 8 * $39S.OO WHY toll amid uncertainties to amass wealth ? There Is n field of rich harvest in which large or small amounts of your surplus dollars will yield .golden returns and Increase jour.capltal and ; In come ; take advantage of this' means t'o" accumulates wealth : others do why not you ? $393.00 realized In ono wor-kr < Write for particulars. Condon & Co. , Boon Block. Covlngton , Ky. Y 231-S * FOR SALE , A complete stock of paints , oil and wall paper , the only general stock In a city of 6,000 Inhabitants , situated on Puget Sound , Washington. Will give a bargain for cash ; no trade. Address A. M. Lord , Everett , Wash. Y 250-17 FOR SALE , If taken soon , first class restaurant and bakery doing a good busi ness. Address Box 72 , Glenwood. Iowa. , Y 212-S * FOR SALE , Restaurant In best location In city during exposition. Address N 58 , Bee. Y-2CS S , JOB PRINTING , quickest , best and clean- cut. Hearsey , the Printer , 1503 Farnam - 'phone. 20GO. Y M309 14 PARTNER wanted with $3.000.00 cash for great undertaking In TransmlsslsslppI Exhibition ; party must have highest rep utation and honor : advertiser Is conces sioner , man of the highest reputation ; can double your money ; no faker or sharper need answer. Apply N Co , Bee.Y . Y 311 S - hotel built the Presbyterian THE New CO-room by byterian people Is now under construc tion , ono block from main entrance to Exp. grounds. Wanted , n. good restaurant man to erect a restaurant In connection with the hotel rooming capacity around the name. 2,000. J. J. Gibson. 614 1st Nat'l Bk. Y-M2SO 9 $150 INVESTED actually earning 3 > per . cent weekly profits ; rnro chnnco ; no ntocK or Klondike scheme : safe enterprise ; con trol capital yourself. D. Sloane , 110 St. Paul St. , Baltimore , Md. Y WILL sell patent , state rights , to manu facture my new gas steve with broil syi- tem burning almost air ; revolution In the cooking trade : take real estate and part cash. 210 N. ICth St. , storr. Y SIC. 8 . $2,000 WITH or without service will net you $3.000 this season , double security ; will take man or woman as partner In first-class restaurant. Call 210 N. If.th st. , Y 317 S TO SPECULATORS Wo solicit the busi ness of present and protective speculp- tors In grain , provisions , stocks and cot ton. Our 25 years' active experience as commission merchants enable us to in sure careful and considerate management of Interests entrusted to our rare ; dally market letter jent If desired. For further Information address Lamaon Uro * . & Co. , No. C Board of Trade , Chicago. Y FOR VATUOUS pieces of property and farms In 'Nebraska to trade for merchandise. Ad dress L 42 , Bco. Z-MS6S 1W-ACRE clear farm near Snohomlsh , Washington , and $1000.00 In defaulted first mortgages on southwestern Kansas land , to exchange for Improved property In Omaha ; party will assume reasonable amount of Incumbranco. W. L. Snlby , 334 Board of Trade. X M727 VOCAL or Piano Lessons for sen Ing ma chine or ladles' wheel. 1512 Davenport. 55-M192 S FOR EXCHANGE , Good clear town farm for stock ceneral merchandise .Drawer R. . Knoxvllle , In. Z-23-S KOIl SALE HEAL ESTATE. OMAHA hus never had as many thlnzH contributing to her permanent prosperity us now ; still there has been no advance In real estnto. The advance in values la aure to come though , and thoxc who arc walling to buy homes until they can get them cheaper arc certain to .be disap pointed. FOUR BARGAINS. Beautiful cast front lot on best part ol . Georgia ave. with good 7-room IIOUHO ant ; barn. 14,000. . Largo east front lot on 23th street with nice fc-room house In splendid repair and tine shade trees , fruit and shrubbery ; II taken soon can bo had far $3,000 , on easy terms. $750 cash will buy a lot on 29th street wlthli one ir.llo of court house , on paved street . It would even bo a bargain ut Uvlcu till ; amount. Four lots on corner 29th and Burdottc streets , only $1,300 for all ; splendid lot ts ; to Improve. I am pushing the sale of real estate nm am making Bales , too , because I am fur nlahlng the people real bargains In all parti of the city. , JOHN W. ROBBINS , 1302 Farnam Street. RE-SB J Van SAIE-nAf ESTATE. ( Oontlmiod : ) I Onrvln Bros. ' LOTS EVEUA-WHERB. Good lot , Mth and Byrll' . . $ 750.00 West Farnnm , " Brlgg1 Place . 600.00 South Omaha , 26th arfdf < 1B" . 6.10.00 Ambler Place , near CflAttr st . 125.00 Near Sherman ave . 1.000.04 Near Hunseom Park , lisa 00 , $750.00 , $1,2UO.OO. IMPROVED. 5-room house , barn , lot * Jxl25 ft. , near 25th nnd Burdctto strectti ; TTLO.OO. 7-room house near Bhemmn nvo. and Lo cust at. , good condition , $ ICOO.OO. South Omaliii. 5-room house nnd lot , 15th nnd Missouri nve. , price $1,000.00. Near Hnnscom park , * modern house , S room,1 * , full lot , asphalt paved street , J3.500.00. If you fall to find what you want hero please call nnd examine our list of sev eral hundred properties. OARVIN BROS. , 1613 FARNAM ST. RE-237 8 IT Is cheaper to own your home than pay rent ; call nnd get prices on some great bargains. J. II. Pnrrotte , Douglas Block. RE-27S 8 7-ROOM house , with large barn , 50 ft. frontage , very near Hanscom park , for $2.200. Lombard Investment Co. first mortgage of $1.200 , secured on business property near llanscom park , for $225.00 cash , U taken at once. 50 ft. on Seward st. , near 40th , $400. 60 ft. on Porker St. , near 35th , $200. 60 ft. near Clifton Hill car line , $90. 4-room house , one acre ground , lots of fruit , easy payments , $900. R. C. PETERS & CO. , U. S. Nat. Bank Bldg. RE-2S3 8 KOUNTZE Place bargains , $2.500. $3,750 to $6.500. J. J. Gibson , 6H First Nat'l bank bldg. RE 869 FOLLOWING desirable property : Business lot corner , 60x150 ft. , In So. Omaha , paved. Business lot , C0xl50 ft. , Improved , South Omaha , street paved. Tract (24 ( lots ) . 36th St. Tract (20 ( lots ) , 30th St. For particulars apply 1012 Farnam St. _ RE 870 HOUSES , lots , farms , lands , loans , also fire Insurance. Bemla , Paxlon block.RE RE S71 IF YOU have real estate for sale nnd want It sold list It with mo and I will sell It ( If I can ) . If you wish to purchase and want a big bargain , look over my list. J. II. Sherwood , 422 New York Life. RE-MS72 GERMAN SAVINGS BANK PROPERTY. NOTHING FOR RENT IN OMAHA OR SOUTH OMAHA. NOW IS THE TIME TOBUY. Buy nnd rave rent. Never before In the history of Omaha have there been such opportunities offered to acquire lots or homes at your own prices. You make the prices. Receivers must sell. Depositors' demands must be pntlslled. I give out no lists. If you want to buy I will match any prices made by any one. Lots In South Omaha , lots In Omaha , lots everywhere , from $100 to $1,000. Houses nnd lots and ncrol tracts In Douglas county. - I Any reasonable oftcr.wlll be favorably con- sfdored. Tell we What you want and 1 will tell you what I will take. If you have a customer * ! will pay regular commissions. I have Ino agents. New 7 per cent loans , $1.000 to $1,500 , for sale on Improved property. THOS. II. MVCAGUE. Receiver. , . . 106 N. loth St. nE-M305 KARNAM St. , near 42dcSt. . lot 4Sxl2S ft , price $500.00. J. N. Frenzer ' , opp. old P. O . , RE-MHO i7i.o , ik.ui.r * o-i .vw.nj .WA . . . . . .N COTTAOIy very eholce location (3CI ( f40th ) , east front ; nice lawn and treesihe.ip ; nnd ea y terms Call and see it , or write ' 'Owner. " Soil Ilnrney . , RK-3SS " THESE are good , as-w ll as cheap : ' r,5'-tnlc4ji cottage , l > irn > o3'Moot ' lot , -paved street. . ' . * , ! ' , $2,000 C room-cottage , lfujl corner lot Shlnn's add. ' ' $1,500 l-room brick cottage , large lot , trees $3.600 house , 50-foot lot , > i mile west cour house. $ r > 50 Choice building I6ts near 24th and Ames. G. G. Wallace , J. J. Brown block. 16th am Douglas streets. , JtE-154 7 THE Columbian Investment company wll sell you n choice lot on monthly pay ments at low rata of Interest ; why no start n homo ? See sthcm nt room 411 First Nat. bk. bldg. RE-M162 THESE are good , as well as cheap : , $1.630 Cottage , barn. 30-foot lot , paved St 52.COO 0-room cottage , full cor. lot. Shlnn's S1.500 l-room brick cottace , largo lot , trees - $3.500 Brick. 50-foot lot.J mile west court ; J.V.O Choice building lots near 21th & Ames G. G .Wallace , J. J. Brown block. 16th and Douglas Directs. RE 151 7 FOR SALE Two cottages nnd 2-stor store building , with 26x170 feet of ground nt 635 S. 17th street ; rented today fo $46.50 per month ; clear , taxes paid : fn only $3,000 cash. A. P. Tukey , City Hal RE-19S S NEW seven-room house , furnace , gas porclaln bath tub ; strictly modern : bar oil finish : nice yard ; good neighborhood ; Walnut Hill. You 'can buy this o . monthly payments. A. M. Cowle. 211 S 18th St. Telephone 179. RE-227-8 50-FOOT lot. 45 nnd Farnam. $3.V > .00. S-room house nnd barn , large lot , Caplto Ave. near 2Sth St. . $2,10X00. 4-room house and < -foot lot. 2423 Burdet St. , $1,200.00. W. II. Gntcs , CIS N. Y. Life Phone 1234. RK-226-9 HOMES For pale snaps- Delightful homo. West Fnrnain. SJIx pleasant homes In Hnnscom Place ; see them. Fr.ur north rnrt of city. Only hun-uli.4 : advertised. M. J. Kennnrd .1 Sou , Sole Agents. 310 nn < 311 BI-OV.-U block. RE-216 HOUSE , acio ground , fruit ; every ron venlfiice ; In Cnlhoun , sulo or exchang for Omaha IIOUHO. & 73 27th Ave. , North. RE M236-10 * BE CAREFUL. Look over this list an come right down and buy a homo and b Independent. Lovely 8 room modern hous > fine uarn , full rust front , lot just nort of Hnnsrom park , cost about $ s,0)fl. fo $3,000. Nrnt rottage. full east front lot cost $3,200 , 51,75' ) . Ftlll lot. 8-r modcr IIOUHP , hran new. $2,750. House with large lots with large bearing fruit trees lox'ely home , $1,060. 4 room house , lot near 13th , at car linej f50. | 7-room. nil modern except furmieft , full lot east front , large shade treeu , jljV'iO. on very easy terms. Neat cottu * ; "homn southeast Hanscom park , $ > Ooit C ° acre farm near Omaha , $20.00 per iirrc. Good 160 n ar good town , HOPS nt jnc { < ' 0. Fine resident lot north near 21th fa.car ' , line , S03 ! ; cost $1,2CO. Ftill lot on JfrMlvemvorth at $131. Residence Ir.t r-S.OO. lJW" SiO1 to $1.000 to loan on good rvaF-PBlato Hccurltlcn. Lyman Waterman , 22 N. Y. Life Bldg. RK-M237-9 * - - DWELLING , n room' . 4 blorks south of main entrance to exposition ; oak finis. ! , stationary wash turn In laundry ; porce lain bath tub , etc : CTfiit st ha ran I n ever offered , $0,500. J , J. Gibson. 514 First Nat. ban'.r RE- BARGAINS this week. Cut this out and look them up. 5-room cottage and lot , only } 3"n. Nice fi-room cottage mul ' ° ' ' S1.4W. Nice lot. Fnrnnm nenf V11st. $030. Choice Int , SSth and Farnam. $1.200. Goad lot near lid nnd Dodge , $130. Handsome 7-room house near park. $3,730. Iot Cux2t ; . facing Hnnscom park. $2loo. ( 40 ncrcH adtolntng South Omaha , $ lbCO. 10 nrres adjoining Iho cltv. only 5 blorks from Dundee car line , $2,2jO. Cholco Investments , business property near union depot , rental $2.400 per annum , will pay 17 per cent on price. $14,000. Grout sacrifice , two cottages , largo lot , near Hanwom park , will pay 12 per cent on price , 1.750. Good N"li , farm. IfiO ncref. onlv $ ( W ) . HICKS REAL ESTATE COMPANY , 1602 Farnam St. . Omaha. RE 32G & JtrsTIOK OF1 THE I'KACE. D. B. IIOUCK , Justice of the peace. * 00 Karbach block. 90S HOUSE PASTURE. ALFALFA pasture , board foncoa. A. W. Phclps & Son. ya N. T. L. bide. Tel. 10GI. AD TVP l\VHITIXfl. A. C. VAN Snnt's School of Shorthand nml Typewriting. 717 N. Y. Llfo. offers , the following adVnntngcs : Individual In struction * by experienced trnchern nnd skillful methods stenographers ; up-to-date ods ; touch system of typewriting If pre ferred ; participation In nctuot work , for which etudonti receive pay ; monthly pay- ments. 874 * " ATOMAIIA Bus. College , 16th & "Douglas. 75 HORT-HAND. up-to-date , taught by court reporters. Boyles' School , 403-5-7 Bee bldg. Sii 'RIVATB Instructions given In shorthand. Legible system. Terms reasonable. Ad- drea N M. Bee. -220-14 * _ HOTELS. : OLONADE HOTEL , a four story brick building , 15th and Jackson Sts. . Omaha. J. E. Iszard , Prop. ; rates : European plan , $ J.OO per day. Two In n room If desired nt same rate. Parties wishing to cngago rooms In ndvnnco during the Transmlnslsslppl nnd International Ex position can secure name by sending $2.00 nnd specifying time , when and how long they will bo needed. Rooms must be taken at time specified , as they will not bo reserved nfter that date. Tin ; Colonade Is located ono block from street cars leading direct to Exposition grotfnd.s , nnd within two blocks of the principal theaters. 233 8 * VITIINELL Bro. & Smith , paving , sewer. building ; capacity 100,000 a day ; 22d and Hickory streets. Tel. 425. E20 ,000,000 new brick. Wlthnell Bros. & Smith's. M 607 LOST. L.OST , between 16th and Farnam and the Omaha Nat. bank , lady's gilt and green enamel link belt ; Under please return It to Omahn Nat. bank. Lost 319 8 * EXPOSITION KHO. > TAOKS 1 < OH IIEXT. GROUND leases fronting exposition. Bomls. Paxton block. bSl MUSIC , AIIT AM ) I.AMiUAUES. G. C. KNOPFEL , organist and musical conductor ; teacher of piano , organ. singIng - Ing , harmony and composition. Musical manuscripts revised nnd arranged. Resl dence 1912 Leaven worth St. 251-b * DIlESSMAKlMi. DRESSMAKING In families. 2301 Daven port. M310 J7 * PAWMmOKEItS. II. MAROWITZ loans money. 41S N. 16th. S7D Fim.VITfRE PACKED. M. S. WALKIN. 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 1331. 878 LOST. LOST OR STOLEN Anyone knowing the whereabouts of n small pug dog answerIng - Ing the name of Stumpy , address Mrs. Wm. Hulnes , 1809 Farnam , and receive reward. Lost M203 9 * MEDICAL. LADIES ! Chlchestor'R Enullsh Penny royal Pills ( Diamond brand ) are the best ; safe , reliable ; take no other ; send -Ic stamp for particulars , "Relief for Ladles , " In letter by return mail ; at drug gists. Chlchester Chemical Co. , Philadel phia , Pa. Mention BPO. TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS for rent. $1.00 par month. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1023 I'arnam St. ; Telephone 12S4. SSO JUMt HOUSES. ALPIRN , Omaha , Junk house , 111 So. 10th , paylnu.bcst price for all.kinds of Junk. STENOCUIAPIIEIIST" WE SOLICIT and furnish positions for stenographers free. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. Telephone , 12S4. 8S2 j tlon for ROO.I work Is better than I these : II. II. Ilahcock Co. . Watertown. I N. Y. ; Ruckeye Ilugsy Co. , Columbus , O. ; Folner * Drummond , Amesbury. I Mara. A look Mill convince you. 200 \chlrles I of the latest fashion to ee- 1 loot from. 1 Drummond Carriage Co. , IStlinn-J Harnsy. BALL BEARING DENSMORE Used exclu sively by the exposition. Wo sell every thing truly good In type writers niul supplies. U.WTGD TY > * E\V11ITI5R A SUPPLIES CO ItiVJ Fu.-niuii St , Oniiihn. IIAILHOAHS. CHICAOO & NORTHWiST- : ern Railway city Tlrkft Of- lice. 1401 Farnam Street. Tele phone Ml. Ie ; > ot. Tenth nnl 2daiun Streets. Telephone 111. - lyavo. Arrive Oayilsht Chlraso Spc- rlal 6:40 : am 11 : M pm Mlvtourl Vailey. Sioux City. St. IMul and Minneapolis 5:53 : am 10:15 : pm Ml * uurl Valley , Slous City 7:40 : am 9:03 pm Dennls-ii. Carroll. Wall Lake. Council Illuffs. SHO nm 9 15 am KaHern , Kxprefs. Des T llnl * , Murshalltown , C .lir Rapldf , Chicago 10:53 : nm 4H : pm Atlantl/ Flyer , Chicago and Hart . . . . 4:4J : pm 4:3.1 : pm Fast M.ill. Clilcago tu O.'ialn. . . . . 3:10 : pm Ml ! iirl Valley , Sioux ' " " ' I Cltr. St. Paul" . M'inne" I poll * Llmlte pm 8 to nm Hp'Clal. i pm 8:50 : nm Dally. Dally cxccot Sundiy. CHICAOO , ST. PAUL. 1IINNE- apGlls & Omaha Railway- General Ofllces , Nebid ka Ul- viilon. Fifteenth und Wc-litter Strerts. City Ticket OHIce , 1401 Farnam Street. Telephone Ml. Depot , Fifteenth und Webster Streets. Tete- I''una : u > . I eave. Arrive , Hloux City Accoinmodn. So : am 8i : ) pm Kloux Clt > " Accommoda , 9 W am 8tO : pm lilnlr , Emerton , Slaux City , Ponca , Ilarllnir- tori & lloo.milfld. ! . . . 1:00 : pm 11:15 : am " Sioux City. Munkota , St. Paul. Mliimnpollf , . . * ' 5 : " , pm (1:20 ( : am Emerfon PanenRer. . . . 5:10 : inn 8:13 : am Dally. * Dally except Sunday. Sunday only TliU train strp < at stations Florcnra ta South Riair. Incluilve , c'undsy * only ; on week . Scu'.h Ulnlr only. FREMONT ! ELKHOHN AND : il > suurl VoKcy Hallway G < n. eral Otllces , United States Na tional Hank Hulldliij. South- want Corner Twelfth und K.ir- . . _ nam Sin-eta. Ticket Oni"e , 111 Farnim Street , Telephone Ml. Depot. Fif teenth and Werutcr Stroets. Telephone u : * . * * * ' HlacU Hills. DeadcooJ un.l Hot Hprlucs. . ' . . 3(0 : pm J W pm Wynmlnr , fa per end DounUif . . . . . j0i ; ) pm ; ; co pm Haftlngs.i Yf.ru. pax Id City , Superior. Geneva Exeter unl SewarJ . . 3-M pm SM : pm Norfolk. We t Point nnd Fremo.it. . . , . . . . 7:30 am 10:3 : am Lincoln , Wuhoo snd Fremont.'J \ am ' 'lO am Fremont Local . 7:30 am Dally. " Dally except Sun lay. Sunjny only Daily except Saturday. Dally except Monday , S101TC CITV A PACIFIC HAIL- roid-C.nfral Olllces. tlnlied States National llarlc Itu'M- Ing , f. W. Corner T ltth an4 Farnam Streets. TIckit OmJ" , 1401 Farnara Stre-t. Telephont C61. Depot 15th and WcUtcr Sts. Telephone 14' . Leave. Arrive. BIoux City. Mnnkato , St. Paul. Mlnneapolli. [ 3 pm IM : am Dally , HAIInoAI ) < l. ( CuntlnueJ. ) \JNION PACIFIC-'TIIH OVER , land Route" Oeneral Om > e * . N. W. Corner Ninth and Farnmn Streets. Cltr Tkfcet Omce. l > il Farnam Street. Telephone tl . Depot. Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 1J . ' * * ' * ' Arrive. "The Overland Limited" for Denver. Bait IwiKe WMtern points 3M : am MiUpm The Colorado HpecUl. for Dnver and nil Colorado points , * llUpm : 6:10 : am Fast mall train fur Salt I-ike. Paclrta coast and all western pMnti : Mpm CIO ! am Lincoln , Beatrice nnd Stromsburg Impress . . S:0o : pm l.M pm Fremont. Colmubus * Norfolk. Onind Is land and Kearney. . . , . 4JS : pm ! ! : ! ) pm Grand IsHnd Kxpress. . 5:00 : pm ! : : nm l > " > A"J > lly ' * < ' < . ' " Sunday. South Omahn I.oonl Pass. Ieaovs , C:1S : a , m i 7m : a. m. : 9:15 : a. m. | J.10 p. in. Arlve , loW : a n.i : : & > p. m. : 6:00 : p. m. m. : 11:30 : a , m. : MO p. m.j S : 3 p. m. : o'l : p. m. ; 9:05 : p. m. ; 10:4S : p. m. CHICAGO. HOCK ISLAND A 1'aclllo Railroad "Th Great Reck Itl.in 1 Route" City Ticket rlHce. 1KJ Fa nnni flreet. Telephone 4TS. Dfpot , Tenth and Maton Slteeti. Telephone C29. Leave. Arrive. Hoclcy Mountain Mm- Ited , Mist " 1 : :0 am 1S5 : am Rucky Mountain "lYlnY- ited , west 5W : am CMS am Ch'cano and St. Paul Vestlbuled Impress. . . . D:00 : pm 1:53 : pm Lincoln. Colorado Sp'irs. Piieblo. Denver and 1"0 nm 4:25 : pm Chicago. Dei Molnes * Ruck Island 7:04 : pm ll ; am Atlantic Kxpres , for DCS Molnes and east ern points 7M : am 8:5i ) pm Colorado Flyer 7:00 pm * : ; ) um Dally. Da'lv pxcept Sunday. CIIICAOO. IIUUUNCJTON & Burlington Qulncy rUllroad-'Tlie llurl- Inston Haute" Tlcktt Olll . 1W2 Karnnin Strott. Telephone Route ISO. Depot , Tenth and Maion Street * . Telephone lis. Arrive. 8:10 : am 4:15 : inn 8:10 : am 5:40 : pm 2:50 : pin llJO : pm lltmi.INOTO.V , t MISSOURI Itlver llallroail "The Ilur- llngton Itoute" Clcneial Of fices N. W. Corner Tenth nnd Karnarn Street * . Ticket Of- lice , 1502 Knrnam Street. Tele , phone 250. Depot. Tenth nnd Mafon Streets. Telephone 12S. I.cav . Arrive. Lincoln , Hastings and MrCook * 8:35 : am 9:35 : am Lincoln , Denver. Colo- rado. Utah. California , lllack Hills .Montana and I'ucct Sound * 4:33 : pm l.i'J r.m Lincoln I.ocal 7CO : pm 7O : pm Lincoln Kast Mall 5:35 : pm 11:40 : am Denver , Colorado , Utah , 'California and Puget Sound . ' * 11S3 : pm * 11S3 : pm KANSAS C1TV , ST. JOSHI'II Burlington : Council Ilium Hallroad "The Ilurllngton Ilt-nto" Ticket Oftlce , 1502 Farnam Route Street. Telephone 250. Depot , Tenth and Meson Streets. Telephone 1 3. I.eav * . Arrive. Kansas City Day Kx. . 0:03 : am .1:40 pm Kansas City Nleht Kx. ' 10:00 : pm C:3 : am Dally MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILUOAI ) nemral Olllcea and Tlrkel Drllie , Merchants Nat onal II nk liulldlnK , 1"2 ( Karnani Street. Telephone 101. Dfpot , Fifteenth an.l WelMlcr Street. . Te > phon 1CS. , I eave. Arrive. Kansas and Nebrafks l.lm'.ted * S:03 : pm * li53 pm Kansas City and St. Iouls Kxpp'as 9:30 : pm C0) ; ) nm Nelirnskn Local 4W pni 0:43 : ar Dally. Du'ly except Sunday. CHICAOO. MILWAUKKTV .t ST n , , , , " , , , , , , l Paul Railway C ty Ticket Of imlLWAUKEEl nev. 1SC4 Farnam Htreet. Tele phone 581. Depr.t. Tenth nm Mason Streds. Tflephcns US. Leave. Arrive Chicago Llmltc.l Hx. . . . 6:15 : rm 8:05 : an Omaha and Cli'cago Bt. * 11W : am JDO : pn Dally. OMAIIA & ST. LOUIS PfiSI Omnlm , Kansas C'lty & Kast- ern llullroad "Th 1'crt Aiihur "noule Ticket Ofllco. 1)13 ) Far. nam Streets Telephone , Zll. De _ _ _ _ _ _ . pot. Tenth nnd : . : a'oi : Streets. I Telephone , 123. 1 Leave. Arrive 1 St. Louis Cannon Dall KxpreSs * 4:35pm : * 11:30 : am Kan as City' & 'Qulncy Loral * 7:40 : am 9:05 : pm Dally. WAIJASH nAIbnOAD-TICKP.T OtTlce. MIJ Farnam Street. Tele , phone 602. Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Telephone is. Laav * . Arrive. Canon nail" 11JO : pm 11:30 : am SKRVICHS. I1KTH KDKN CHURCH. ! 0 SOUTH TWHNTY- nlnth Avenue. Rev. C. II. Allen , Jr. , Pastor Prrvlces at 10JO : n. m. and S p. m. : t'unda ) school at noon : D. V. P. U. . Co : : : p. in. CALVARY CHURCH , TWUNTV-SIXTH AND Sewnrd Strecm. Rev. Thomas Anderson. Pastor Services at 10:20 a. m. end 7:30 : p. in. ; Sunji ) school nt noon. FIRST CHUHCH , THIRTY-FIFTH AND FAR nam Streets , Rev. T. I * Kctinan , Pastor Serv. Ices nt 10:30 : n. in. nnd 8 p. in. ; Sunday nchol at 11:4.1 : o. m. : Junior union , 3:30 : p. m. : It. Y. P. U. . 7 p. in. ; Mlialnn Sun lay schcol. Twenty- eighth iivemm nnd Fnrnam. 3il : p. in. GKRMAN CHURCH. TWKNTY-SIXTH AND Seward fitreets. llev. Austin Ualter , Pastor Services at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : v. m. ; Sunday fchool at 9:13 : n. in. ORACK CHURCH. TKNT1I AND ARBOR BUM-IK. Rev. J. O. Staples Minister Services nt 10:45 : n. in. nnd S p. m. : Sunday school at noon ; Kopol mtvHm ; * . \\fdnei > fl.iy evening ! Youns People's meetlnc , Filday evening ; reail- Ins ? room on * ri everv evenlmr. IMMANUIII. CHURCH. RINNHY AND TWCN- ty-fourlh Street * , pulpit supplied tijinporarlly ; sertlcei nt 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p , m. ; Sunday srhool at noon. MOUNT PISfSAH CHl'llCH. TWnNTY-SEV- null nnd Ca.i < Strewn , Ilnv. Robert January , I'.islor Hcrvli'f * at 11 a. in. und 70 n. in. ; Sun.l'iy school nt 1J:5" : p. in. : prayer me'tlns Wednesday cvenlns : Yuuns People's meetlni : Frldiv evcnlnir. OLIVHT CHURCH , C1RAND AVKNUH AND Thlrty-elRhMi Street. Rev. A. J. Fleming I'astcr Sirilccs at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. ; Sunday school rt noon. SWKDISH ClIl'RCH. Cl NORTH F.IOII- teenth Klreet , P.ev. P. Swartz. Pastor Services at 11 a. m. nnd 7W : p. m. ; Sunday school nt 9:30 : K.n. . ION CHURCH. 2213 ORANT STRKKT , RKV. T , T , Wurd , Pastor Services at 11 s. m. onil 7:30 : p. m. , Sunday school at 13:30 : p. in. ChriMlnn. FIRST ciruncn. coitNnn TWENTIETH Street nnd Capitol Axenue. IIcv. J. M. Var.'ter. Pa tor Services nt 10:30 : a , m. imd 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday school at 12 m. ; Youn People's Society of Christian Kndenvor at l'UO : p. in. ; prayer meeting Wednesday nt 7:30 p. in. GRANT STItKKT t'HUncH , TWENTY-SIXTH nnd Omnt Str t , Jlev. Chnr'.cs Taylar , Pastor Services nt lu:3' : ) a. m. nnd IU ) p. m. ; Sunday echcol st nccn. WAI.NPT HILL CIIUnCH. 4420 NICHOLAS Street R v. .lofeph Nichols , Pnitoi . Service * it jo- " i m. and 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday tcliool at 5 p CIIR1IRY HILL CHL'P.CH. Mil NOFITII FORTY- oecond Sir" " ! . Iti-v. L. S. Hand , Paat r Serv ices at 11 a. in. : Sunilay scli.iol at noon. FIUST CHURCH. NINKTKK.N'TH AND DAV- erport Streets , llev. Franke A Wauleld. l'a tor Str/lcts at 10M : a. m. and 7:15 : p. m. ; Sunday school at noon. HH.t.SIDK CHUnCH , TlHRTIKTIf AND OHIO Slreetn. Itev. Jacot , I-Tv.k. Pnntor Sorrlcpj at 10tfl : a. m. and 7:34 p. ni. ; Sunday school at no > n ; prayer servlee Wednesday lit 7'M p. m. PARK VAM : CHURCH. u CASTELLAU Street Pulpit supplied : ten-Ices t 10:50 : a. m. pill 7JO : p. m.i Himda/ heal at n on. IMI/IRIM CHUIICII. 102 NOttTH KORTY-FIRiT Street. IUv. Frank D. Jacliscn. I'urtur Services at 11 a. in. anl TIJ : p , m. ; Sunday school at noon. PLYMOUTH CHURCH. TWKNTIKTII AND Sp-l > eer Strfels Itev. Howard MiCAVfal. Pu tur . Services ut 10:3 : * ) n. in. and 8 p. m. ; Kn'teavor Boolety nt 7:11 : p. m. : prayer meotlnB WeJnea- , lay at 7M p. m. : Sunday school at noon. 3T. MARY'S AVKNUi : CHUI'.CH , TWf.NTY- < venth Street and St. Mar > ' ' Avenue. Rev. S. Wright Ilutler. D. ! > . , Pastor Servlr nt 10SO : a. m. nnd 7JO : p. m. : Sunday srhool at noun. MUATOOA CHURCH. TWIJNTY-FIFTH Street and Ames Avenue , Rev. U S. Hand. Pastor Sen-lei's at 10:30 n. m. and 7ts : p. in. ; Sunday school at 2:20 : p. m. _ . CHANUEL CHURCH. ' 2W2 MARCY STRHRT. llev. O , J. Strtlchtr , Pastor Sen-Ice * at 10:50 : u , m , and 7 : p. in. ; Sunday school at 11:30 : ? RKK'aniRcn. . TWELFTH AND nonc.\n Streets. Rev. I' . H. W. Ilmi-fhrrl. Pastor - Sendees at 10:30 a. m , and 7:30 : p. in. ; Sunday school at 2:1 * p. m. UWKDISH WIitHIO CHURCH. lUt DAVRN- pjrt tilreet , Rev. F. O. Hultman , Pastor ( IVntlnued. ) Hen Ices at I0:0 n. hi. ana 7:30 : p , m. | Sundtr whiwl at 9:4) : tf. in. rION ( JKHMAN CHUnOII. 2 < ii Sl'JtAOUB Slrret , llev. Krn < - t Mehl. P tor Perrlcei * l 10:30 : a. in , and 7 : > 0 p. In. : Sundnjr ichix ) ! at 11.W s. m. l.nthcrnn. DANISH CHURCH. ll > SOlfTH TWKNTY. second Street , 11-v 1. C. IViUlson , 1'sittir . HnMces at HM : a. m. nnd S p. in. , except lait Sunday In the m.inth. when there arc nu even * Inn services ; Suntlny school at 9:3) : A. in. KltMANUKI. HWKDISH CHt'UCH. NINK- teenth and Cat * Strati , Hev. P. J. fivsrd. pA tnr iervlce nt 10:15 : . m. and 7:4J : p. m. ; Sunday seh'vtl at noon. FIRST C1KRMAN CHURCH. 1X ( SOUTH Twentieth Street. Her. E J. I"Teie. ! Pastor Srr\lces nt 10:1S a , m. n < i T:3U : p. in. ) Sunday rchoul nt 2 p. m. KOPNTXK MP.MOniAL CHURCH , SIX- trentli nnd Harney Streets , nev. A. J Tinkle , Paftor Services nt 10JO : a. m. nnd 7:1) : p. m.t Siiml y school a : nc r. . UHACK f'Hl'RCH. TWIINTY-SINTH STIIEKT and Woolwnrth Avenue. it v. l.uther M. Kuhtui , 1'Hftor Sen Ices nt 11 n. m. and 7:39 p. in i Sunday school nt 12:15 p. m. NORWKtHAN AND DANISH OHU11C1I. 13U North Twent ) . sixth Street , llev. ,1. N. Ander * son. Pdsttr-tfervlcr * ut 11 u. m. nnd 7:30 : p. in. : Sunday school HI 11:1.1 : p. m PRl.LA DANISH CHURCH 22IJ NORTH Twenty-sixth Street Puluti su | < r' ! < l tem porarily ; service * nt It n. m. and 7:30 : | > , m. ! Sunday ictwol n't noon. ST. MARK'S CHURCH , TWKNTY-FIRST AND llurdettc Streets , Rev. L nnnrd Oroli. pastor Services nt 10:15 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. In. ; Sunday school at nnon. IT. MATTHEWS CHURCH. FOURTEENTH nnl Center Sttwts. Rev. A. J. Turkle. Pastor- sundry school nt 3 p. m. sST. PAUL'S OKRMAN CHURCH , 2725 PARKER Street. Itev. John F. S. Her. Pastor Service * at 10 a. m , and 7:30 : p. in. : Sunday rchool at I p. in. ; evening , second nnd fourth Sundsy In cadi month nt 7:30 p. m , SALEM EVANOEMCAI. SWEDISH CHURCH. 5JI3 South Tv.-enly.lhlnl Street. Rev. C. E. KlvlntIMstor Services at IO:3Ti : a. m. and 7N. : p. in. : Sunday sclu l at 'u-oi. ALL SAINTS' CHUHCH. TWENTY-SIXTH AND HalMlonunl Streets. Rev. Thoma * .1. MJckny lt"clcr 71uty roinnuinlnn every Sunday In tlw tnonlti. except thr drat , nt 7:3' : ' ) n. m. ; sermon nt U n. m. and 7:30 : p. m , ; Sunday scnool nt 94 : CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD , TWEN. tk'tli nnd Ohio Streets , Hev. tleonsn IMwaM Wnlk , M. A. . Rector Servlcoi nl S n , in. , U n. in. and 7"D : p. in. ; Sunday iwtmil at 9 45 n. m. ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH , CORNER CHAHt.lv.-4 and 1-Vriy-llrst Street" , Htv. C. II , Yniini ; , Prlpsl tnlcen at 7:30 : a. m. , 11 n. in. nn.l 7 : < 5 1 1. in. ; Sunday school nt 10 a , in , Friday * nt 7:45 : p. m , ST. AUI1USTIN1-/S CHUHCH. THIRTY-THIRD and Frnncls Streets , Priest In Chart , . Hi'V. W. S. Howard Services nt 4 p. in. ; Sunday sclxiol nt 3 p m. ST. 11ARNARAS' CHURCH , 519 NOHTH NINE- teenlh StieM. Rev. John Williams. Hcctnr Services nt 7:30 : n. m. , 11 a , m , nnd , :30 : p. m. ; RuM'Inv sMinM nt 9:3 : > n. m. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH , TWENTY-SIXTH AND Frnnkl n Struts , Rev. W. .S , llowaid , Priest Si\lcei : at 7:10 : nnd H a. in. and "M p. in. ; ' Sunday school nt 9tO : n. m : dally rervlcos nt fi : ' . " > nnd 7W : n. m. nnd 4:15 : p. in. ; Wedncs- dayi nt 7(1 : ( p. m. : Fridays at 7:3' : ' ) p. in. ST. MATHIASCIIUHCll. . 1I2.1 SOUTH TENTH Street. Rev. L. F. Potter , Priest In Charge Services at 7:30 : a. m. ; 11 n. in. and 7:3' : ' ) p. m.l Sunday school ut 10 n. in. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH. 5211 CALIFORNIA Street Pulpit supplied temporarily ; services nt 11 n. in , and 7:50 : p. in. ; Sunday school at 10 ' ST. PHILLIP THE DEACON CHUIICII. 1121 North Twentr-tim Street. Rev. John Albert Williams. Heotor S.'i-vle's nt 7'S : ' n. m. . II n. n. nnd S p. in. : Sunday school nt U n. m. ; dully morning prayer. 9 n.m. ; evcninif , a p. m. TRINITY CATHEDRAU CAPITOL AVENUK nnd Eluhtrenth Street , HI. Rev. n.-ortre . Wirth- In tnn. IlMioii ; Hev , Cnnipli * ! ! I'Tlr. Dean Services nt S:30 : n. in. , 11 n. in. and 7:45 : p. m. : Sundiy school at 10 n. in. nnd - P. m. AMI1LER PLACE CHURCIi. FORTY-SECOND nnd Mnrln.ln . Streets-Pulpit supplied tnni > potnrlly : services nt 10o : n. m. ; Sunitny school nt 11:30 : n. m. IIEDFOHD PLACE CHUHCH. 502 ? LALIC' ' Street , Rev. Kr.ox Ilou'lo. P.iyor | Services it 1U.W : H. m. ami 7:30 : p. in. ; Sunil.iy school at noon. CENTRAL UNITED CHURCH. TWENTY- fourth nnd I taiga Streets. Rev. Alexander Oil- chrUt. Pastor Services nt 10'20 a. m. nnd 7:3) : p. m. ; Sund.iv schocl nt nniui , CMITON HILL CHURCH. 4338 C.HANT Street , Hev. Jnm"s D. Kerr. PAstor Services 10SO a. in. nnd 7:20 : p. in. ; Sur. lay rchool nt FIRST CHVHCH , SEVENTEENTH AND Doiltte Streets ServlcCK nt PiJO n. in. mid 1 | i. m. : Sunday .ichnol lit nnou. FIRST GERMAN CHURCH , Slit NORTH EIGHT , eenlh Stii-et , Rtv. Daniel Otleder , I'.istor Services nt 10:30 : n. in. nnd 7:30 : p. in , ; Sunday school nt nonn. 'IHRT UNITED CHURCH , TWENTY-FIHST nnd Emmet Stre ifi. Hev. Frank Ry Fostrri Paf tor S'errlces .at 10ij : , a. in. nnd 7:30 : p. in. ; Sunday school nt noon : Christian union meet- aiiAc'r ; 'MISSION CHURCH , ror WILLIAM Street I'ulplt supplied temporarily : services nt ll > :30 : n. m. and 7:34 : p. m. ; Sundiy rchool nt KNOX CHURCII. NINETEENTH AND OHIO Streets. Hev. A. Christie Ilrown , Pastor Scn1- Ices nt lO/ : ) n. m. nnd 7:31 : p. ni. : Sunday school at noon ; Youns IVople'.i mcetlnff at LOWE AVENUE ciiuncn. FORTIETH AND Nicholas Streets , T. S. Ilawlcy , I'ntjor Serv ices at 10:4. * > n , in , and 7:45 : , p. in. SunJnv school nt 12 m. Younn People's Society nt Christian Endeavor. 0:4" : p. m. 1NTAHIO KTREP.T CHUHCH. 1 ' 7 ONTARIO Street 1'ulplt supplied temporarily ; services at 10:30 : n. m. nnd 7 : ) p.m , ; Sunday school at noon. PARK AVENUE CHURCH : PARK AVENUTl nn I Jsekson Street , Rev. Edgar : .Ia"Illl. Pastor Services nt 10:30 : n. m. end 7:20 : p. m. ; Fluidity school nt noon. SECOND CHURCH. TWENTY-FOURTH A Nil N' < " > ntns Streets. Rev. Samuel M. Ware , PnMir Service * at 10W : n. m. nnd 7:39 : p. m. ; Sundiy schnol nt no in. SOUTHWEST CHURCH , TWENTIETH AND I.ejivrnworth Flreets Sunday school ( it noon. WESTMINSTER CHURCH. TWKNTY-N'INTll nnd Mison Streets Services nt 10:30 : n. in. cnj 7:30 : p , in. ; Sunday school at .noon , Roman Cat tin He' . CHURCH OF THE HOLY FA MILT. EIOH- trenth nT ! Irard Streets , Hev , Juhn FlUpiitr'cK' , I'astor Sen'lccs at 7 , 8 and li:30 : a. in. and 7:3 : * n. in.S'undnv s-honi nt 20 p. m. CHURCH OF THE SACRED HEAP.T , Twenty , second nnd Dlnney lltreets , Hev , Pattlck J. JudK" . Pastor ; Hev. J. McNanyira , Asalitnnt Pastnr Services nt 7. SM. : ? : JO nnd 10:30 : n. m. ; Sund.iy school nt 2M : p. m. ; weel : day mass , 7 and S a. m , ST. CECELIA'S CHURCH. 4117 HAMILTON Street. Rev. Tlmnihy O'Callnlian , pastor Serv ices at 8 and 10:30 : a. in. ; Sunday school nt ST.njOHN'H CHURCH. TWBNTY-TIFTIl AND Callfarnla Streets. Hey Jowpii II. Meiiffol.1. S. J. , Pastsr SciV.Cf * nt 5. C , 7. 8:39. : 11:31 nnd 10:30 : n. m. ; Sundav school at Z'.V ) p. inv.'pi ; > ra t 3 p. hi. nnd 7:21 : * n. m. , ST. JOSEPH'S GERMAN CHURCII. SEVENteenth - ' teenth ch.l Cent-T Streets , Rw. Mauritius Iliulknt. : | IMstor Servlcru nl 1 nnd 10:3) : a. m. ; Sunday school tit 2:30 : p. in. ST. MARY MAGDALENE CHURCH. l < ilfl DouxlRx Street. Hev. Oe.irse J , OHuliir , PnMor Services nt S nnd 10:30 : n. m. ; vr nor * ut 3 p. in. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH , IIOI'CABTELLAR Street. Rev. John T. Smith , pjistor Scrvloej nt 8 and 10:20 : n. in. und 7:20 : p. m. ; Sunday school nt 2 p. in. ST. PETER'S CHURCH , TWENTY-EIGHTH nnd ] j'nvi nwortli Streets. Ro.v. John E. Ens- ll h. Patter ; Hev. W. M. MaNnmnra. Assist ant Pnstiir Services nt 7. 9 und 10:3) : n. m. ; vmpeia nt 7:30 : p. in. ; Sunday achool nt 5:00 : ST. PHII-OMENA'S CATHEDRAL. 'C4 SOUTH Klnth Street. Rt. R v. Hlch.ird Hcannell , Illnhcp : P.ev. J. H. McDeMtt. Paster ; Rev. William Keily. Assistant Pustnr Services at 0. 7 , 8 , 9 ntvd 10:30 : a. m. ; Sunday nj'ioolot 2i : p. m. ST. WENCESLAUS IIOHEMIAN CHURCH. 1413 South Fourteenth Street , Rev. John Vrnnek. Pustor Services nt B nnd 10 n. in. ; Sunday school nt 2 p. in : vesper * nt 2:30 : p , m. ; week day mas * r.i 6:30 : a. in. SlctltoilUf. FIRST CHURCH. TWENTIETH AND DAVES'- port Streets. Rev. John McCuold. D. D. . -l'Mor Services at 10:30 : a. in. and 7:30 : p. in. : Sunday school at noon. FIRST GERMAN CHURCH. ELEVENTH AND Center Streets. Rev. Otto E. Krlcge , Pastor forvlce nt 10:50 : u. m. and 73i ; p. m. ; Sunday school at noon. HANSCOM PARIC CHURCH , TWENTY-NINTH Street und Woolworlh Avenue , Rev. < F. M Sl fon. D.I ) , , Pastor Scn'lces at 1030 ; u. 'in. nnd 7:3n : p. m. : Sunday Bnanol at noon. MONMOUTH PARK CHURCH. THIRTY- fourth Street and Larlmor * Avenue. Rev. Frank W. Ilross. Pastor-Services a : i a. in. and 7 : * ) p. m. ; Sunday s lioo | ut mrtn. NORWEGIAN AND DANISH CHURCH. Hill North Twenty-slith Street. Hev. Hasmui WIN lielmsen. Pastor Services at 10.3C n. m. and 7:30 : p. m. : Sunday school at noon. BT. JOHN'S AFRICAN CHURCH. EIGHT- jcnth and Webster Streets , Rev. James C c. Owens , I aMor-Servlces at 10:43 : n. ni. and T.I' P. m. ; Sunday school at 1:15 : p. m. ; Epwnrth league every Sunday cvenlne one hour pr - i , B lireacnni | ; : prnyer metln evry Wednesday evening 7:30 : ; class mectlne every Friday nt 7:20 : p. m. fiEWARD STREET CHURCH. TWENTT-SEC- end and B wnrd Strc'ti. H v. John W. Robin son D , D. . Pastor Services at 10:10 : . m. and , :3I : p. in , ; Sunday -hool at noon. I30HTH TENTH STREET CHURCH TENTH nnd I'lcrro Streets. Hev. Oeore A. I.uee. Pl - tor Sprvlce < ut 11 ; n. in , and 7W : p. m. ; Sun day school nl noon ; Junior league. 4 u m , : Uu. worth lennii' . CM : n in. ' SOUTHWKST CIHIRCH. M21 7HCKOUT Street. llev. R. M. Henderson Pa lor Services t _ W:4 : , u. in. and 7:30 p. m. ; Sunday * uuwl : at ' SWEDISH CHURCH. 5H NOHTH KIGHT- nth Street , Rev. Carl O. Karlson. I'.iMor rvlces at Ha. m. and 7:50 : p. in. ; Sunday i : S ? - . ? ' . " ' . : : p > mat lh < rooms at 114 S-mth Thlrle nlli str ftl. ' WEST OMAHA CHURClf.nVRNTYaKV. . cnth nnl Marcy Slr ol . Hev. Jarne * HaVrin Pantor-Ktrvlce * t u a. m. end 1j sp pAm , : Sun-lay school at noon. TRINITY CHURCH. TWENTY-FIRST AffD Il'nncy ' Ctrrets. Rev. Fred H. Haiviersnn , D. D. . P jtor Services at 10:20 : a. m. ml7:39 p. m.t huicuiy chixj at uooti ; Epwortti L'ngu at 6:2) VV-AI.NUT HILU FORTY-FIRST AND Charles flre ts. Rev. C. N. Dawson. D. I ) . . 1'jstir nen-lcet at 10:20 a. m. nnd 7:30 p. m. Sunl y rchool nt noon. J. M. Glllan. superln- ten ntj Kpw.nth leijun at : l p. m. SOUTH OMAHA FIRST CHURCH. TWENTY- Ih-M n.1 N Ft eets. I'ev. J. A. Jchn rn. Psitnr AWUUOHT rtKV. J. Q. A. FLBHARTY , PH.D. ;