Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1898, Page 14, Image 14

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* + * * * * * + * * * * + * + + + + * * * + * * 4N
The regular theatrical season la so marly
at Its last gasp that It Beenis an unneces
sary courtesy to watt until the final breath
IB out of Its body before laying It away
to rest and calling the wplsode closed. In
the couth , when the nun comes up smiling
every day , hot off the equatorial gridiron ,
the theaters nro already closed almost with
out exception , and will maintain an un
broken darkness until the cooler nlghU
como In the fall. They have not yet taken
up the Idea of slock companies to any great
extent In the largo cities of the Eouth , and
of course the northern traveling attractions
Btiun the whole region religiously except at
such times as yellow fever la least to bo
feared. It strikes one In Journeying south
of Mason and Ulxon's line that the stock
company Idea would bo a good one ; for
although New Orleans , Galvpston and Hous
ton arc unquestionably hot In the summer
there Is likewise some rather warm weather
In Omaha during that Beaten , and stock
companies hnvu been quite successful with
Us In uptto of that. *
A few possible benefit performances , a
week of school commencements and perhaps
one or two legitimate attractions working
their more or less weary way back from
the coast , and the regular season of 1897-8
will be o\er In Omaha. To It will succeed ,
however , n summer season of such magni
tude and such rich and \nrlccl attractions
that nc\cr In the city's history has there
been Its like. Both of the theaters which
at present constitute our visible supply will
run through without a break ; the other
manifold sources of entertainment have
already been enumerated In these columns ,
and their allurements arc apparent to e\cry
thinking mind. Without a doubt , what
with the exposition Itself and the multi
tudinous "shows" of varying degrees of le
gitimacy which will bo open continuously
down town , amusement lovers will ha\c n
lively time of It this summer , and arc likely
to havu even more cause than usual to
bo glad they are alive.
At this point In the your , midway between
the regular and the supplementary seasons ,
It may not bo amiss to consider briefly the
theatrical year Just closed , to compare It
with other similar periods , and to draw
hope. If possible , from any lesson It may
coiney. It has undoubtedly afforded mucli
good entertainment to many people , and II
has lasted about eight months ; In both ol
which particulars It closely resembles dozen ;
of Its predecessors. The points In whlcl :
It most radically differs from other seasom
are two In number , and both nearly con
cern the so-called syndicate that thrlftj
association of speculators who have cornered
the theatrical business In this country and
who have well nigh succeeded In reducing
a noble art to the level of a commercial
transaction. Mr. Harrison Grey Flake1 !
active fight against the Iniquity has beer
ono of the most significant events of UK
year , and Is certain to find a promlnonl
part In theatrical history. Whether It has
wholly succeeded In Its avoncd object o
crushing the trust may be doubted , In view
of the patent fact that the trust Is stll
doing and making ready to do business a
the same old stand ; but It has surely dom
good , as any struggle against oppression nm
wrong must do good , In awakening publlt
sentiment against the evil sought to b <
eradicated , however hopeless the effort maj
seem at the time and however bitter the scnsi
of failure. The Ilco has often expressed the
belief that such combinations for thi
degradation of art , as the alleged syndicate
cannot endure being founded on wroni
principles and so not deserving to exist
There Is no reason to change that oplnloi
now. Mr. Flske's fight , In which ho had thi
active sympathy of nearly every reputnbl
newspaper In the United States and of thi
vast majority of those theater-goers whi
could be Induced to pay attention to thi
subject , has been like John Brown's flgh
at Harper's Terry , In that It has town In
apparent defeat the seeds of certain vic
tory , which will assuredly burst forth Into
perfect flower In time to corao. There Is
ono prophecy for the future , and Omaha
playgoers should pray for Its fulfillment , for
whatever Bhorttomlugg and errors , both of
omission and commission , Imvo been ob-
scntd In the conduct of the present season ,
have been directly traceable to the syndicate ,
and to nothing and nobody.else.
The other remarkable thing about the
Bcason has been the phenomenal growth of
the stock company system , which has re
sulted In the establishing of permanent
companies In all the considerable cities of
the north , cast and west , and the sending
out of scores of others , perhaps less In
merit , but of a quality to furnish a certain
kind of theatrical entertainment to smaller
towns which otherwise would be com
pletely ovci looked. This beneficent con
dition of affairs has been primarily
brought about by the rapacious
greed of the syndicate and Is In the
nature of a reaction against It. Hence
the syndicate Is not congratulating Itself
unreservedly upon Its business'forethought ,
nor commending the unmistakable trend
of public sentiment toward the stock Idea
the syndicate having , In this case , however ,
deserved the thanks of the world for build
ing better than It knew.
In these two particulars may be found n
certain degree of hope for the future. The
syndicate snake Is scotched , not killed ns
} ct , and It Is not to be expected that the
stock companies will Immediately supply
the entire demand for theatrical entertain
ment. Indeed , at least half a hundred new
stun , are now threatening to rise above
the hoi lion next fall a threat which , In
the great majority of cases , will never b
carried out for obvious reasons. But the
wedge has been entered , and It Is of a kind
which , unlike most wedges , will penetrate
further and further of Its own weight , and
without other than casual assistance from
the outside.
It Is related of a certain prominent actor ,
who stars In a well known "pastoral Idyll , "
and who Is as partial at times to the flowing
bowl as ho Is at others to occupying liberal
pulpits , that he recently went on to play ,
being Just then In a condition of partial In
ebriety , and rapidly getting worse. Ills
wicked brother In the play desires to sell the
old farm and cut It up Into city lots ,
Mother's grave Is down on the p'lnt , am !
Uncle Nat objects to having that sold. Ht
remonstrates with the wicked brother , ani !
says to him , "You don't'rem'ber much ( hlc ]
'bout mother ? " To which the brother an
swers "No. " "You didn't know ( hlc ) mothoi
very well , anyhow , did jou ? " Daniel , miss
ing his cue , and marveling at the course o !
events , replies "No" again. "Well , " says
Uncle Nathaniel , " 'a too long a story tc
dwell on t'nlght. Mils' watt till some otbei
night. " Wherewith he makes a hasty , bul
circuitous exit , the curtain Is rung dowr
without loss of time and an understudy li
Uncle Nat for the rest of the evening. Ir
the manuscript of the play , however , thi
speech describing the pathetic situation o
mother waiting down on the p'tnt for thi
ship that never returned , though long. Is no
conslde'rcd too long. Neither Is It generally
"cut , " except In some extraordinary emer
gcncy HKc the ono Just hinted at.
CoilllllGT I ! 'iit * .
"O'Brien , the Contractor , " Is not only I
strong and extremely realistic play , but litho
the chaiacter of "O'Brien , " Mr. Daniel Sull ;
has added another character that will llvi
long In the minds of the theater-going pub
lie. Mr. Sully and his company will be seei
In "O'Brien , the Contractor" next Tucsda ;
evening. May 10 , at Boyd's and Wcdnesda :
afternoon and evening In Mr. Bully's lates
success , "Auld Lang Syne. "
"Tho Tarrytown Widow , " seen for thi
first time In thin city during two perform
ances next Bundsy at Boyd'i , Is said to bo
full of bright and witty dialogue , pretty
songs nnd dances , and to bo presented by a
company of well known and capable pee
The play for the coming week at the
Crelghton will bo a marked change from thti
week's bill , being the lively nnd entertaining
comedy , "What Happened to Smith. " The
first performance will take place-tomorrow
afternoon , with special attractions In the
j persons of Musical Dale , Clifford and Hutu
and Fannie Cresco.
For sixteen years Frederick Warde ha *
been recognized as ono of the foremost act
ors of the country ; ho has won the respect
nnd admiration of the public by his devo
tion to his profession and fidelity to the
Shakespearean and legitimate drama. Mr.
Wnrde will appear In a character that ho
has made peculiarly his own , "Vlrglnlus , "
In the grand old play of that name by James
Sheridan Knowles , on next Sunday night
and Ingomor on Monday night.
Merelr 1'lnjorn.
Blanche Walsh has Joined the Columbus
Theater Stock company.
Coquclln may appear In London this
bummer as Cyrano do Bergcrac.
Mabel Strlkland Is playing the Ingenue
ro6 ! In "Tho Tarrytown Widow. "
Ada Kehan recently purchased real estate
In Now York of the value of $11,800.
Mabel Amber has been engaged to sup
port James K. Hackett next season.
Fanny Davenport Is still In Chicago and
docs not expect to play again this season.
Buffalo Bill entertained 5,000 orphan
children at his Wild West show the other
Mansfield has not been well received In
"The First Vlolcn" cither In Boston or In
Now York.
Alice Nlelson has retired from the
Bostonlans because of a disagreement with
the management.
Mabel Eaton and her husband , William
Tainum , have Joined a stock company at
Halifax for the summer.
London has fifty-two theaters , In twenty-
four of which first class performers may bo
seen throughout the season.
Francis Wilson missed a train the other
day and disappointed an audlcnco for the
first time In seventeen years.
Do Wolf Hopper and Ben Stevens have
decided to dissolve their business relation
ship at the end of the season.
Wadsworth Harris has been engaged for
Joseph Haworth's spring tour , to play the
Ghost , friar Lawrence and Banquo.
Olga Netliersolo a iluy culled
"Yvolna , " which Coyne Fletcher wrote for
her from Incidents In the history of France ,
Julie Opp Is to return to London at the
close of the present season , and Is not likely
to be seen on the American stage for some
A posthumous drama by Victor Hugo , en
titled "Les Mtserables , " has recently beet
discovered , and will soon bo produced Ir
Nellie McHonry , who underwent a serious
surgical operation recently , Is recovering
and expects to be out of doors In a few
Ffolllott Pagct Is to play Mrs. Malapror
with Joseph Jefferson next season. Mrs
John Wood having decided not to undertake
that role.
Maude Adams will remain at the GarrlcV
In Now York until June , at which time she
will have appeared In "Tho Little Minister'
nearly 300 times.
Charles A. Cline , the librettist of "E
Capltan , " Is writing a musical comedy Ir
which J. K. Murray and Clara Lane wll
star next season.
McKee Kankln took the poor debtors' call
In Boston last week. Ten years ago he wdi
worth $150,000 , but has lost It all It
theatrical speculation.
As the result of a lively row betweer
Sadie Martlnot and Amelia Stone , thi
former has resigned from the cast of " /
Stranger In New York. "
A. M. Palmer Is still having trouble ovei
his divorced wife's alimony , and'has Jus
been ordered by a New "York Judge to pa ;
| 1,540 arrears or go 16 Jail. „
"Rip Van Winkle" Is estimated to havi
earned $5,000,000. "The Old Homestead , $4 , '
760,000 ; "Ermlnle , " "Robin Hood , " "Shon
Acres" and "The Silver King each $3,000-
Blood Disease
Can not be cured by every so-called blood remedy. In fact , there are
FOR few blood remedies that really cure any blood disease. Swift's Specific
( S. S. S. ) is absolutely the only one which can have any effect whatever
upon deep-seated , real blood diseases. There is not a disease of the
blood , it matters not how obstinate , which it does not promptly reach
and permanently cure. The' greatest claims for S. S. S.
are made by those whom it has cured.
Mr. H. Kuhn , of Marion , Kas. , writes : " A few years ago my
granddaughter , Bertha Whitwood , was thrown from a horse , sus
taining a contusion of the scalp , which resulted in blood poisoning.
For more than a year there were running sores on her head and
neck , which the constant treatment of the best physicians failed to
arrest. As a last resort S. S. S. was used , soon affording relief , and in a few
FOR months she was cured entirely. "
Mr. Chas. Glenn , 1563 Dudley St. , Cincinnati , writes : " From
childhood I was afflicted with a terrible itching skin disease , for
which I have been treated constantly for years. My entire body
was covered with blotches , and some of the best physicians in this
city have endeavored to cure me. S.S.S. is thc only remedy equal M"/-V # ' /
to the disease , however , for it has cured me completely , and I shall never cease prais-
( ( *
injj it *
Miss Ada Wainwright , of Alamo , Tenn. , says : "I have
suffered agonies with bone erysipelas ; one of my limbs became
so inflamed that it had to be lanced constantly. The best phy
sicians treated me for three years , and I was finally declared
FOR1 incurable. Some one suggested S. S. S. , and the first bottle
made an improvement. Six bottles effected a cure , leaving -
my skin clear and pure , without a sign of the dreadful disease.
Mr. H. L. Myers , 100 Mulberry Street , Newark , N. J. , writes-
14 For two years my body was covered with a mass of itching sores
caused by impure blood , which gave me incessant pain. J was
given various treatment , but got worse steadily , the best physicians
being unable to relieve me. A few bottles of S. S. S. cured me
completely , and I am sure it has no equal as a blood remedy. "
Swift's Specific is the only purely vegetable
Purely blood remedy , guaranteed to contain not
a particle of mercury , potash , arsenic , or
other harmful mineral ingredient. / / cures
Vegetable every blood disease. There Is Nothing Half OS
\ \ \
000 ; "Tho Two Orphan * . $2,000.000 , iind
"HaicI Klrke" and , "Shcnnmloah each $1-
000,000. * '
Arthur Sulllvnn's nw opera li called the
Ucauty Stone. " Ti0 ) | lcco Is described as
a combination of romantic play and musi
cal drama. The bock'lfr by Plnero and Carr.
Otis Skinner , \\lnrTomps of n family of
ministers , occupied n" Detroit pulpit ono
Sunday night rccenjtyrrnnd delivered an ad
dress on "The Drama. In Relation to the
World. "
Edward L. DlooW7 ( iyB magic Is dead.
The failure of Hernf nlp. Dlxey , who tried
starving under Ulootq's raanngcmcnt , may
have had'do with this severe
Another son of . "S'lJimnso Salvlnl , Gus
tavo , has been actfli ln St. Petersburg nil
the plays In the rrnrrlory of hli father , and
many others Inclinjltr rtbouie of the undent
Clock tragedies. n
Newton Chlsncll , 'wiio will be remembered
as the original Brassy Gall In "A Texas
Steer" nnd as the sheriff In "Pudd'nhcad
Wilson , " Is reported seriously 111 at his
homo In Brooklyn.
Not only has Snrah Bernhardt completely
recovered from the effects of the operation
which she recently underwent , but Parisian
rumor has It that during the last six weeks
she has positively grown fleshy.
Minnie Maddcrn Flsko's production of a
new dramatization of "Vanity Fair" will
be made next February In New York. Mrs.
Flsko will play Becky Sharp. The produc
tion will bo aery elaborate one.
Richard Golden ( Old Jed Prouty ) Is at
work upon a new play. He has secured the
assistance of William GUI , and Is writing
a companion piece to his former success.
It will be known as "Senator I'routy. "
A Paris manager with whom Anna Held
broke a contract" In order to star over here
has recovered | 5,000 damages from her for
breach of contract , which the beauteous
Anna will have to pay If she goes back.
On the stage they have had "The Prodigal
Son , " "The Prodigal Father , " "Tho Prodi
gal Daughter , " and various other examples
of family profligacy , but In England the
latest variation Is "The Prodigal Parson. "
Stuart Robson has two now plays under
consideration. Ono Is by Bronson Howard ,
the author of ' "Thti Henrietta , " and the
other Is the work of Augustus Thomas. If
either of these playwrights can create an
other Bertie , the Lamb , both the public and
Mr. Robson will have cause for congratula
Jo ft De Angclls has had no less than three
offers to play In London next season and
may accept one of them. The other mem
bers of the triple alliance arc likewise un
decided as to their course. Miss Russell
may star again on her own account , or may
Join Thomas Q. Seabrook. Miss Fox Is
likely to rejoin De Wolf Hopper.
Mny Option Caen Up to IU.TO | nnrt Clone *
Within Three Cfiitn of the
Tan Flunre.
CHICAGO , May 7. May wheat scored an
other sensational advance today , touching
$1.70 a bushel , and closing 17 cents higher
than yesterday. July fluctuated violently
and added C 3-8 cents to Its value. Today's
short session of the Board of Trade was
the most exciting In years. Professionals
have been putting out bhort lines in late
deliveries with great confidence. When
closing cables from Liverpool , which were
available at the opening of this market ,
showed advances of 3 2-3 cents for May and
G cents for July , thi bears were not so con
fident. July started'lttl % cents higher
at $1.02tt < 3'1.02 % . May opened U cent higher
at $1.60. Thcso wcr"o 't ie lowest quotatlone
of the day. July roije irregularly to $1.06 % ,
reacted some andOclds'cd worth $1.063-8.
May trade was , however , brisker than for
some days previous. With 35 cents be
tween sales It climbed to $1.70 , easing ofl
and closing at $167 ! old. Shorts did the
buying , and Letter brokers supplied the
May. They sold about 100,000 bushels on
each advance of B cents , checking what
would undoubtedly ) otherwise have been o
"runaway" market.
NEW YORK , May J.-rThrough the strong
Actions 'of Liverpool this > mornlng- local
wheat aborts in May and July were plunged
Into a ferment of excitement and wildly bid
the former up to $1.60 and the latter tc
$1.13Vi , representing 16V& cents and 4Vi
cents net rlso respectively. The price ol
No. 2 red winter wheat on this basis would
be nominally $1.62 , and bulls say $2 will
yet bo paid by unfortunate shorts in May
Anthorltlen nt Cadlc Arreiit a Subject
of Queen Victoria on Simpleton
anil Hold Him Yet.
CADIZ , May 7. A man said to bo an
Englishman , and giving the name of Otwin
Loyer , attempted to telegraph yesterday
evening details of the movements of tha
Spanish war ships. The clerks refused to
transmit his message without the authority
of the manager of the office. Boyer there
upon went away , but was followed and ar
rested. He was taken before the prefect
and , his explanation being unsatisfactory ,
ho was Imprisoned and handed over to the
military authorities , who , It Is said , strongly
suspect Boyer of being a spy.
Tender an IrUh llrlpade.
CHICAGO , May 7. An Irish brigade ol
three fully recruited regiments of Irishmen ,
It Is announced today , will be offered to tha
president early next week. The chief execu
tive will bo asked to appoint as the brlgadlov
general an Irish officer from the regular
army. The regiments are stationed In three
cities , Chicago , Boston and New York. Con
certed action has been effected through let
ters and telegrams among their command
ers. With favorable action at Washington ,
the Irish brigade of the United States army
will consist of the Clan-na-Qael Guards ol
this city , the Hibernian Rides of Boston
and the Irish Military Union of New York.
Electric can direct to expedition irounji.
. . . . .SAM HAUMAN. CnUr Clerk.
13th nnd Douglas Sts. , Omaha.
J. E. MAUKEL A SON , Prop * .
JBI/Ift 1313 * Douglas
PI 110 Fiurpliuicil. Room * .
PAX-TUN * mmoEsa
j ,
Munaifri. Tel. 1111.
Drlslt , ftnnpiiy nctlon clcnn cut dialogue.
eminently rollned throughout a con-
tlnuoUM latiKh IOIIKS nnd dances
mirth nnd mutlc.
Pretty Girls Jolly Comodlnns.
Prices Low er Door , $1 M-75c. Hal. 75c-50c.
Mntlneo Lower lloor , We. Unl. BOc-Kc.
America's Fmorlto Irlili Actor
nnd liU Matropnlltnn company In 2 great ulny-
'OBRIENtho Contractor"
Both productions elaborately stnpcd.
1'rlcpi. Lower lloor. 11,00 , 70c , balcony. 75c
6 < ) c. Mntlnce. 1/jwer lloor , C > 0c , llalcony
' .
* llnr c i
Man ser . Tel. 1ML
O. I ) . Woodward , AntUHCtiirnt Director.
TODAY , 'Jttltt. TOMOIIT AT 8l)0
Specialties Murlcnl Dale , Clifford ani
lluth , Futmle Cresco.
I. N. Quill , Prop and Manager.
SotitlicnM Cor. llltli and Utneiiport
Attractions week commencing Mny 9
Lynwood 3 Flamnie Sisters 3 Ada nnd
Ousslc In their original Turkish and Whirl
wind dances. Laic Frances Josephlm
riamme In songs nnd dances. Carroll am1
Bates. Sisters Dayton. Marie Standford
sones nnd dances. I'lamondon. Dally mati
nees except Monday.
Fremont Brewing Co's ,
Ladies' and Gent's Concert Hall ,
1 SIR Chicago Street.
South Side JclTorson Square.
Attractions tills week
Grand Concert Every Night
Assisted By
Miss Edna , Sorano.
Miss Edith , AItt
The Musical King : .
and many other first class ar
lists. Admission free.
A. NYBERGK Proprietoi
Under the au
spices of th <
_ _ _ _ _ . ; Women's Bean
Dramatic of thc rrans
. . Ex
. x - * Mississippi
For Furnishing the Girls' and
Boys' Building
Tuesday Evening , May 17 , 8 p. m
at thc German Theatre , next
the Crccho.
Admission $1.00.
First Congregational Church
Monday Evening , May Oth.
'Modern British Compobcrs. "
William Armstrong
assisted by Mr. and Mrs Martin Cahn
Miss Laura Van Kurun , Miss Holcni
Wyman and Mr. Homer Moore.
Tickets 50c , for sale at Chase's Bool
Store , Farnam St.
Illustrated by Stereoptlcon Vlens.
Thnrndny Evetilnif May Itftli , 1808 , a
rilKrlm'n ConKrcffatloiial Church ,
tint and DodKe Street * .
Admission , 25 cents.
Corucr 10th and Ilarney Street * .
Henry Llevcn. Prop.
15th anil Capitol Ave.
Matinees Wed. and Sat. 2:30. : Admission lOc
GAME : CALLED AT : iit :
Omaha ? Iuseum and Theatre Co
1815-1317 FAENAM STREET.
FROM 1 TO 10 P. M.
Popular Family Resort for Ladles and I Ladles' Reception Room Matron in ton
Children. slant attendance.
First Appearance In the West.
The California Nightingale
The Q real Danseuse. Aerial Juggler.
Reserved Seats , Cc and lOc , according to location ,
IO Cents Admits to All 10 Cent ?
AiltcrtlnrninHn for these eolnmim
Mill bo tnUt-ti until 1U in , for the
etcnlnir ntul until N p. m. fur the
imirnltiK nnil Suiulnr cilllloiiH.
Ailt crtUrrn , liy rrrtncNtlitK n mint-
liereil cheek , van lintr ntiMvcrn nil-
cuKoil tu n mimhcreil letter In cure
of The live. Anmrcrn KO ml < lreKeil
ivlll be UelUereil on iirciiciitiitluii of
the cheek only.
Kitten , 1 l-2e n mirtl flrnt liiNcrtliiui
Ic n wiiril thereafter , > othlii | ?
for leN thnn 'Me for the nmt Inoer-
tlon. TUVMP mU ertUeiuciiU uiunt lie
run i > oiiHocuttrlr.
CANVASSKK8 to tnko orders ; new line of
work ; no heavy KOO < ! S to tuny ; nulurj ut
commission. U. F. AilaiiiH Co. , 524 South
Sixteenth street. 11 WiJ
BAlis.MiN : to sell toilet soap to deutum ;
J100 per month Hiilury uiul evticniuHi i"t-
pcrlcncu unntcess.iry. Luula Krnst Co. ,
tit. Louis , Mo. U-iJi
WANTED At once , pants and vest miilcur.
Address II. Kusscu.iumVcst 1'olnt , Nob.
11 * Ift a
AQUNT8. J ? dally pelllni ; Specialty Honps ,
giving iiiHtomer.M double \ulue In liuiul-
Home presents ; oxcluxliii territory ;
lilp outllt free. I.e.ise Soup Co , Cincin
nati , O. 13 MKO 9'
"SCIIKMKS and Takes : " war time money
maker * ; is tents , Money refunded If nut
satisfactory. Monrou & . Co. , Uox Ml , 13m-
porlti , KnnsnM. 11 Ml&l IS *
MAN Oil LADY of good nddrcis to ttavel
anil appoint agents , $40 per month mid
expenses. 1' . W. Xleglcr Ae Co , 'UO Dear
born St. , Chicago. II aW'S"
"UNCL13 SAM" vvnntB men for wnr , he ulsu
reulrts ( | about 5,000 men ench > tur to 1111
the vnumUeH In the postolllce , custom
IIOUHO , InUrmil tevenue , railway mall de
partmental and other branches of the
government service. Many more MIL-
nnclcs will be made by enlistment * . Full
particulars free. National Correspond
ence Inst. , Dept. 13 , Washington , D. C.
' *
$60.00 A MONTH and expenses for earnest
worker to take rare of our Interests In
lesldent and nearby tovvim ; experience un-
nocebsaty. Kecler & . Kiikputilck , Phila
delphia , I'll. 1J-2GO-S *
WANTED Reliable persons In every sec
tion 16 distribute circulars , samples , and
taik Hlgns ; no canvassing ; cash paid.
Will A. Molten Co. , Cleveland , Ohio.
U-M2J1-10 *
SALESMEN' , $100 n month anil expense"
guaranteed Belling to merchants ami
families our machine for cooling le-
friKeratora ; KUarunteeil 75 per cent
cheaper than ICP. For full particulars , ad
dress Arctic Refrigerating Co , Cincin
nati , O. 15 230-8 *
A MAN experienced In repairing second
hand sto\es and furniture. G10 8. 21th St. ,
So. Omaha. Reasonable \VUKOS
U-M2T2-9 *
WANTED , 3 Ilrst class saddle makers.
Collins & Morrison. B M2TO 10
SALESMEN WANTED , who arc constantly
on the road , to carry a line of wool
hosiery on cornmlsBion. Address , \vltli
references. Kushford Knitting Mills
Ru-hford , Minn. H-273 S
WANTED. Coat and vest maker ut once ,
Address T. J. Broeker , North Plattc , Neb
15-271 b
WANTED. Reliable men to sell to the trade
easy selling goods ; small samples ; bin
money. C. It. Love , 527 2d A\o , North ,
Minneapolis , Minn. B 27. t >
WANTED , salesmen Interested in selling
Bpeclaltlfs to school boards , deulrlnc to
Increase their Income , should coirosoond
with the Diamond Lltho-Pub. Co , Minne
apolis , Minn , B 292 8 *
WANTED , men and women in every town
to work for us at their homes. No can
vassing. We bend you work Immediately.
Wo have so . 'oral lines of work to ctve
out , some of which requires no experience
whatever. If youdan't ' devote the whole
day to-our work , -you can earn $5 or $0 a
week by working an hour or two or an
evening. Enclose stamp. We will send
> ou full Instructions free of charge. Stan
dard Art Mfg Co , No 82 Standard bTflltl-
Ine , 142 West Twenty-third St. , New York.
A. SALESMEN to sell cigars to dealers ;
salary , $6000 to $20000 per month and ex
penses ; experience unnecessary ; per-
munent position. The De Mora Cigar Co ,
Springfield , O. B
WANTED , n good tailor : no other need
anplv. Carl llerr , C21 Broadway , Council
Bluffs. B-M32I 9
100 GIRLS for all kinds of work ; $3 to $1
week. Canadian Otllcc. 1522 Douglas
WANTED First class clrl for general
housework. Inquire 1309 South 2Cth St.
WANTED Girl for general housework ;
must be neat and capable and good cook ;
novashliiK. . 312S Chicago St.C
C 219-9 *
FREE , tea set , ladles send us your full
address plainly written , nnd wo will ex
press you 75 of our sweet und exquisite
Arabian Perfume packets ( In powdei
form , to scent gloves , handkerchiefs
clothing , etc. ) to sell among friends , at K
cents each. When sold , remit us the
money ( after deducting express charges ]
and we will send you for your trouble , 11
lovely decorated English tea set of 5 (
pieces ( full size for family use ) Each sel
Is artistically decorated In colors , tasteful -
ful leaf and flower pattern. The shape'
are of latest style , which every lady wll
appreciate ; order at once nnd name
nearest express ofllce. Address Arablur
Perfume Co , 15ridgewater , Conn.C2318
WANTED. Lady agents for skirt and shlrl
waist supporters , a ( food seller. L
Nitschelm , 312 Madison Ave. , Peorla. 111.
C 23J-8 *
WANTED , Girl for general housework Ir
small family. 3002 Mason St.CM2C9
C-M2C9 10
WANTED , apprentice girl dressmaker : cal
Monday. 1013 Douglas. C 307 8 *
WANTED , a competent girl for genera
housework ; family of two ; fnlr wases
Apply Tuesday morning 2014 North 19tl
street. C-2bS S *
WANTED , Experienced women carpet sewers
ers ; those who are familiar with runnlnp
nrussells carpet sewing machines pro-
ferred. N 67. Bee. C-275 8
WANTED , nurse girl to take euro of baby ,
3015 N. 21th St. C 291 10 *
WANTED , girl for general housework ;
good wages. 2719 Jackson St. C M313
FAT folks reduceil 15 Ibs. a month ; any one
can make remedy at home ; sample box ,
etc. , mailed free ; It costs > ou nothing to
try It. Hall Chemical Co , A 34 , St. Louis ,
Mo. C
LADIES , boys nnd elrls , earn U'jS blc > cle ,
gold watch or camera taking orders for
tea , codec , extracts , toilet soap : ) , etc. For
particulars address National Consolidated
Co , Chicago. C
WANTED , nurse for baby ; none but thor
oughly competent need applv. Apply Del-
lone hotel , 2 to 4 o'clock , Monday.
CHOICE houses and cottages all over city ]
$3 to $75. Fidelity , 1st floor , N. Y. Llfo.
D 8.E )
HOUSES. Benewa & . Co. , 10S N. 15th St.
HOUSES , stores. liemls , Paxton block.
D 811
MOVING household goods anil pianos
Om. Van & Storage Co. , 151114 Farnam
Tel. 1559. D-S43
PROPOSITIONS for the place , 3124 N. 2411 ;
t , Including house , burn and three acres
of irround. Apply to W. F. Holden , can
of Brcnnan-Love Co , 219 8. Hth St.
D M773
FOR Rent , ten-room modern house , wltr
large , well shaded grounds.
John W. Hobbln , 1802 Farnam. D-359
FURNITURE and leasehold of a 13-roorr
modern flat for vale at a bargain. Oooci
location , rent low , Bemln , I'axton blk.
Foil ui : > Tiioi' < is.
( CVnllnufd )
LAUCJE list. McCuguo , 15th uiul Dodge.
1HH Cant Oninlm taml Company have a \
few ileslrnblo cottages for rent. Apply I
L. B. Halites East Omaha. * -
to . , . D CM f
NEWLY furnished three-room modern flat
for Filler everything1 to keep hoimo with.
Mr. Dietrich , 1611 Lcnvenworth , n < l floor.
D M174 8
5-ROOM cottage. Inquire 2710 Pnrkrr st.
D-M161 10 * - 4f
Foil RENT *
C14 8. 29th. 9 rooms , modern , $3000.
ire 8. 2Stii. 9 rooms , model it , $30 00.
1M20 Hurdetto. C rooms , $1500.
FOR RENT , 8-room modern house , $ :0."v
ll-ioom .modern house , largo Imrn , $50.
12-room modern sUmihouse. . SC3.
Uronnan-Lovo Co. , 219 South luth St.
HAA 13 rented nil my houses , stores nndi
lints ; if jours Is uirant list with .1. H.
Pnrrottc , Douglas llk. ! D-277 8
6-HOOM ( OttaR ? fllrnlsheil iom | > li < t < > for
housekeeping , with pl.ino , 1912 Reward , J.
12. Van Glider , 20th and Nicholas : 'phone ,
1001. D-235 9
roil Itn.N'T Slx-roiim cottnco with b.\iu
on Washington a\e. . Couni.ll HlulTn. at
12. Inquire of W. 1' . Ofllcer , Wi H'w'v.
D-M193 S
roil HUNT 1'ully furnlslteil , to pilvnto
family , ( not for bonnlliiK house purposes ) ,
for four or llvo months or ono yi-ar from
June 1st , my house at "i" tieorgla aM-niic ;
ten rooms. C. 13. Sutuncr. D Ui7 S *
COTTAC313 of fi rooms ; city water ; so\\er.
220J N. 23th St. D-224-9 *
D-llOOMS , very nlpo. 1520 MntlNnnt > . A
M. Cowlo. 21J So. ISth St. D29
roil 1U3NT , ten room bihk house. 2214
I.tuition Couit , all modern Improvoinents ;
key 511 So. 24th , nc\t door west
MOOnilN home , 10 looms , near llansfom
park , J10 per month.
Verr iholrc Hat , all conveniences , newly
Wanted , owners to list IIOUSCH with us fof
4-room house , Jii 00.
U. S. Nat. Hank Uliljr.
D 2S | 3
roii ur.vr ruiiMsiir.n UOOMM
ROOMS liv the Cay or week at the Central
hotel , 15th and Doilgu Sts.
E-M321 M14
ROOM Transients. 170S Douglas St.
E M448 MIC
FURNISHED rooms. 524 S. 2Cth a\o.
E-M451 M29 *
MOST desirable , private famllv. 1919 DodKO.
E M351 M24 *
G-ROOM house , olose In , nnd furniture for Jf
sale , all new. G. L. Gieen , 2S Darker *
block. E 190
TIIANSICNTS , 25c per night. 1.112 Daven
port. 1J-1S1 S
PRIVATE family. 513 N. SSil.
E-M190 12 *
ROOMS opposite Shriller , 25SI llnrnov.
J3-M1M 12 *
PARLOR , nlrelv f mulshed : use of bath ;
breakfast If desired. Address N 51. Hoe1.
FURNISHED room nt SIS So Itth St
E-M203 9 *
NICELY furnished rooms , all conveniences ;
private family , board If dcslied 241)1 )
Mandcrbon. E-229-S *
NICELY furnished rooms for rent , prlvata
family , man anil wife or two Kontlomcn
with or without board. Address N 54 15ee.
E-237-S *
FOR RENT , handsomly furnished front
room with aleovo : bnth ; references re
quired. 409 South 25th 'A\e. E 21G-8 *
PLEASANT rooms with bath In nrlvato
family ; will board If desired. 1507 Soi'jsth
st. E-TO2 8 *
FRONT parlor , private entrance , privilege
light housekeeping. 114 N. 2Sth live
E 30S 8 *
LOVELY modern rooms , with privilege of
kitchen , for housekeeping ( no children ) .
514 N. 19th. E-293 8 *
ONE furnished room at 529 S. 27th st.E .
E 2Sj 3
FURNISHED room In private famllv ; no
other rooms on Park line. 814 S. llltli st ,
E-32T S *
I HOOMS AM ) 110 Mil ) .
Tlin Merrlam. flrst-clabs family hotel.
25th nnd Dodge Sts. 1"-S47
NICE rooms with board. 1S21 ninnoy.
rM' 9S 9
PLEASANT rooms , modern : slilctly flrst-
clais board. 522 N. 19th St.
F-M1C7 11'
NICELY furnished rooms , bnth , board
llrst-clnss ; Hanscom park car line ; best
neighborhood. 1323 South 27th. F-303 10
IN SMALL private famllv. largo wrll fur
nished alcove room , with board , for ona
or two gentlemen : location central ; rcf-
crcenecs exchanged. N 61 , BeeF
F 304 9 *
PLEASANT room with boird ; transients
accommodated. 1909 Capitol a\e
F M327 10 *
NEW ALBANY , 2116 Blimey ; elesant
rooms , llrst-class board ; terms reason
able ; transient trade solicited
T-M322 J7 *
FOR nr.vr iiM'im\ihini ) UOOMS.
FOR Rent , nice south front unfurnished
rooms , with bath : Wlthnell block F. W.
Carmlchacl , No. 6 , Wlthnell block.G .
G 818
FOR truckage , transferring and di sk room
apply to the A.iltman A * Tavlor Mathln-
cry Co. , N. E. corno 9th & Jackson 813 ,
FOR rent , the 4-story brick building at
910 Farnam St. This building has a lire-
proof cement basement , water on all
floors , gas , etc. Apply at the olllce of
The Ilee. 1-910
PART of first-class procorv store to
butcher ; good location , N. ICth N lulled.
FOR RENT , Part of a Millinery store for
Jewelry , Ladles' Furnishings or Inner
Novelties ; best location In Omaha N 49 ,
Bee. I-M19I 19
largo storeroom , U02 N 21th , corner
Hamilton ; sullablo for grocery , meat
market or restaurant. Apply 2518 Cam-
WANTED , agents to sell Acetylene gas
generators ; must bo men of ability nnd
some means. Acot > lene , the light of the
future for towns , cltlex , stores , churches ;
halls , factories , hotels and private resi
dences. Address Omaha Acetile-no Gas
Co , US and 120 N. 15th Ht. , Omaha , Neb.
INOERSOLL'S new lecture on "Liberty. "
also Thanksgiving lecture ; either mailed
free for 10 cents ; agents vvanted. P. N.
Marks , 221 6th a\e. . Ch'caBQ. ' J-151 10 *
AGENTS wanted Murat Halstead's Oreat
War Book. "Our Country In War. " All
about ArniUs , Na\les , Coast Defenses ,
Maine Disaster , Cuba. War with Spain ,
nnd relations with run-Inn Natlona.
Nearly 6uO paKc-n. All wrlltin since Malna
Disaster. MaBiilflcent colored Illustra
tions. Apents making $10 to $ " 59 per day.
No experience nccespary. Most liberal
terms guaranteed , 20 days' credit , price
low , freight paid , Handsome outtlt free.
Bend 9 two-rent stamps to pay postage.
Educational Union , 324 Dearborn Ht , Chi
cago. J M185June6 *
AGENTS wanted for "AmerUu s I5uttlo
for Cuba'H Freedom. " Contains all about
Spain , Cuba , armies , navies and war.
Graphic deucrlptlon of De-wey'u fumoiu
victory and his full blotfruphy ; biff book :
600 large pages ; tremendous demand ; only
$1.50 ; commission 60 per rent : bonanza for
agents ; 30 da > s' credit : freight paid ; out *
tit free : write quirk. The Dominion Coiru
pany , Dept. It , Chicago. J M203 I *