Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 08, 1898, Part I, Image 1

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    r : : : : : THE OMAHA UNDAY BEE.
Commodore 'Leaves Little in Manila Bay for
Spaniards to Use.
M 101
They Cannot Withstand the Iron Hail from
Our War Ships.
After the Battle the Petrel Captures a Store Ship at Manila with a Largo
Amount of Coal on Board , While Commodore Dewey Takes Pos
session of the Cavite Arsenal and Destroys All tha
duns and Blows TTp the Mines
and Magazines.
( Copyright , 1898 , by Press Publishing Company. ) _ _
HONG KONG , May 7. ( New York World Cablegram Special Telegram. )
Commodore Dewey's Asiatic squadron of six lighting ships on StuuUy morn
ing , May 1 , captured the naval arsenal and forts at ! Cavlte , Manila bay , and
annihilated the Spanish fleet at the Philippines. The American fleet sunk
seven cruisers , four gunboats , two transports and captured one transport , sev
eral 'tugs ' and small steamers.
The .Spaniards lost 300 killed nnd 400 wounded. Not one American was
killed. Every United States war ship was practically uninjured In the bard
fought battle. It lasted three and one halt liours. Control of the Philippines
was -wrested from the Spaniards. The American flag Is now flying over their
principal strongholds. The forts guarding the entrance to Manila bay at Cor
regidor Island have surrendered. Manila Is now under American guns and
absolutely at Commodore Dewoy's mercy.
The battle began at 5:30 : o'clock Sunday morning and the final surrender
was at 12:30 : o'clock. The Spanish Hag still flies at Manila , but the American
fleet Is powerful enough to reduce the city whenever Commodore Dewey de
sires. The fortifications are not able to repel our ships. The entire islands are
ours whenever we assert our claim.
CommodoreDewey's llojt of nine vessels ran the blockade past the forts
of Corregidor Island at midnight ot Saturday. The ships were painted gray ,
their lights showing only directly astern. The lighting ships passed unseen.
The McCulloch , Captain Hodgson , was discovered , however , and flred upon
by the , forts. The Boston replied with Its eight-Inch guns , followed by the
McCulloch's three-Inch guns. The forts flred four shots , then relapsed Into
The fleet steamed at four-knot speed up the bay , arriving off Manila at day
light. Then for the llret time tha Spanish discovered the presence of the
cruisers. Immediately the guns from Manila fort opened lire. Dewey re
fused to answer , as lie feared firing might kill some of the noncombatants In
the harbor. He formed the float in column line of battle , advancing upon
Cavlte , six miles south , where the heavy forts are located. At the same ; time
the Spanish fleet assembled. The firing by the Spaniards became general.
Commodore Dewey waited until within close range and when he hail approached
preached to within 2,500 yards of the fleet , turned west , passing directly In
front of the forts and the Spanish ships. Our fleet approached lu the follow
ing ender : Olympla , Baltimore , Petrel , Concord and Boston. As the ships
turned in range they Joined In the Olympia's bombardment. Terrific can
nonading was exchanged on both sUes. Our ships did great execution' from
the first. The laud batteries , which had heavier guns than the fleet , replied
without cessation.
We once more formed In column , when we saw their ships Imrnlng. The
I / other ships aided lu subduing the forts and firing on the ships not entirely
[ / disabled. Nothing could withstand , the accuracy ofi the American guns. The
Spanish flre grew less brisk until at 12:50 : the commandant put up a signal of
surrender. One fort still flew the Spanish flag , but the Boston at close range
kept on firing and so silenced It , nnd the Hag was pulled down. Our fleet
drew off , passing Manila , with 110 flrlng. A conference of commanders tils-
closed that none were killed nnd tliat there was no damage to the ships. The
accuracy of aim demanded terrible mortality on the Spanish vessels. The
Spanish rear admiral , Patrlclo Moutrjo y Parason's , flagship , Uclua Christina ,
made a stubborn resistance and came out boldly to meet the Olympla. Our
flre concentrated , striking eaveral times and cutting away part of the bridge
on which he stood. He coolly stepped to the other end , but was compelled to
retreat , and as the vessel turned an eight-inch Olympla shot struck the Chris
tina squarely astern , plowing almost through , causing an explosion of the
magazines. The admiral was compelled 'to ' abandon the ship. One hundred
nud thirty wore killed nnd ninety wounded on the Christina alone. The ad
miral transferred his Hag to the Castllla , which was also disabled with great
loss of life. The most exciting Incident of the morning was the Intended at
tack of two torpedo boats , which came out and were lying In wait for the
Olympla. They were discovered leaving the breakwater and the Olympia's
secondary battery was concentrated on them , but they remained until the
Olympla was within 500 yards. The lire was too severe and the torpedo boats
started to return , being shelled all the while. One shell struck astern with a
terrific explosion. The boat sunk with all on board , and the other was
beached and disabled.
In the afternoon the Petrel was cnt to the Inner harbor behind ths forti
fications and destroyed all the war ships not already flred by shots and cap
tured n storeshlp at Manila valued at $300.000. The cargo Includes 000,000
tons of coal. The Petrel also captured many small steamers. The troops at
Cavlte were allowed to depart with their arms to Manila. Commodore Dewey
took possession of the arsenal nnd forts , destroying all the guns and blowing
up the mines and magazines after the surrender.
, The fleet lay before Manila nud Commodore Dewey sent word to the gov-
crngr that ho would destroy the city lu the event the fleet was flred upon or n
'hostile dctnonswatlpn made. One warning was sufllclent. Monday morning a
tug , under a flag of truce , brought an offer of surrender from the com-
-maudnnt of Corregidor. The Baltimore and Kalelgh went to accept the sur
render nnd found the commandant alone , the men having deserted. All the
guns were blown up. Our fleet coasted around the 'bay ' , picking up all the
'Spanish vessels or destroying them. Monday Commodore Dewey notified the
governor he must be allowed use the cable or ho would cut It. The governor
refused and the cable was therefore cut
The harbor around Cavlte Is desolated by American shells. In the Inner
harbor He the submerged wrecks of the Helna Christina , Don Antonio , De Ulloa
and Castllla. These were all flred by American shells and left burning when
the Spaniards deserted them. Only the upper works and guns show. The In
side harbor contains the wrecks of eight war ships , all burned , though some
can be raised. Many of the guns are lu good condition and may IK taken oft
t the wrecks and put alward transports at Manila and shipped home. Further
hostilities seem Impossible unless Dewey bombards the town. The wounded
lu Cavlte hospitals have Insufllclent food , and at the surgeon's request are beIng -
Ing moved In a captured steamer to Manila.
I accompanied the first steamer. We were not allowed to land , the wounded
being taken off In launches. Pasig river , running through th < * city , we found
obstructed with moored barges. It was reported many mines were planted
there. The Inhabitants almost unanimously favor capitulation , so the Span-
ish officer Informed me. He said the city
was in danger from the Insurgents and also
from starvation.
Commodore Dewey Is not In communica
tion with the Insurgents , who arc reported
to have surrounded the city , stopping the
food suppllci , which are now running short.
The Spanish vessels destroyed , with the
commanding officers' names fololws :
Sunk Cruisers Ilelna Christina , Captain
Cadarso ; Castllla , Captain Martin de Ollvaj
Antonio de Ulloa , Commander Roblon.
Burned Cruisers Juan de Austria , Com
mander Concha ; Island de Luzon , Com
mander Barreto ; Island de Cuba , Command
er Regalado. Gunboats : Delduro , Commander
Morcns ; Lero , Commander Benaveste ; Ve
lasco , Commander Reboul ; El Corrco , Com
mander Escudero ; nnd transport Isla do
Captured Store ship Manila and numerous
Btnal steamers.
Commodore Dcewy commends the officers
and men for their courage and bravery and
says every ship was splendidly bandied.
The accuracy of flro of our ships was as
remarkable as the amount of metal thrown.
The Olympla's guns fired 1,500 shells , the
Baltimore 2,000. It Is estimated that more
than 100 tons of metal was thrown from our
The McCulloch was selected as a dispatch
boat to carry the commodore's report to
Hong Kong. I accompany the McCulloch
to file dispatches. The McCulloch will re
main at Hong Kong one day for orders from
Washington and will then return to Manila
and rejoin the squadron. Commodore
Dowey's future course depends on Washing
ton. All the ships In the bay arc ordered
out of the danger zone , so that action
against the city can bvgu ! In Iho event of
a hostile demonstration from the city.
During the entire engagement I was on
the McCulloch's decks seeing every shot
flred. We were never out of range of the
land fortifications. I was Impressed with
he magnificence of the spectacle and the
srcgard of danger shown by our com-
andera. A. C. HARDEN.
t Cnnicn Much Alarm In SpnnUh Ilo-
ll loiiH Circled.
Copyright , Ib98 , by Press Publishing Co. )
MADRID , May 6 ( Via the frontier ) .
New York World Cablegram Special Tele-
ram. ) America's successful Invasion of
le Philippine Islands has caused most
larm among the church and monastic or-
ers of Spain. Monks and Jesuits have been
Irtually for centuries more the rulers of
hcse distant possessions of Spain than the
ay authorities. The latter were practically
Isltors who never clashed with the clerical
ntcrest without being almost Immediately
hrown overboard by the Imperial govern
ment and colonial officers. Indeed , clerical
nfluences were so powerful In the Archl-
cllgocs as to constitute a Catholic thco-
racy at the close of the nlne-
centh century similar to what had
rcvalled In the American dominions of
pain In the sixteenth and eighteenth cen-
urles. It may hardly seem credible that
rlcsts and monks as late aa five years ago
revented the establishment of a British
Jlble society depot and agent at Manila. All
\merlcana can recollect how they Induced
tie Spanish authorities to treat both Amerl-
an Protestant missionaries and poor Pro-
estant natives In Peonapo Island and the
est of the Carollnas group. Captain Card-
slco of the flagship Maria Christina , who
vas killed at Manila , was the very
man who put down the rising of
'rotestant natives In Peonape against the
rlars. The powerful religious orders of the
Franciscans , Dominicans , Augustlncs , Car
melites nnd Jesuits have since the days of
he original discoveries and conquest , grad-
tally taken possession of these archlpellgos
ind exercise authority as parish rectors
possessing vast landed property , collecting
ents and contributions from the natives EO
everely that they have made themselvei
ery unpopular. In fact the principal
grievance of the natives , particularly
he better class , In the last Insurrection was
against the friars and Jesuits , whose ex
pulsion or limitation of power their chiefs
endeavored to demand from Spain when
Agulnaldo and others submitted lately. As
all these orders derive enormous Incomes
rom these archipelagos , they are frlght-
ully alarmed and will move every possible
nfluence In the European court govern
ments , above all In Catholic countries , to
ecure for Spain possession of the Philippine
slands when the time comes to make peace
Already they have applied to the Vatican
and offered the Spanish cabinet all their
> owcr and wealth for this war.
Ilnvnnn People Tired of Being
Penned Ui Like Cnttle.
Copyright. 1898 , by Press Publishing Co ,
KEY WEST. May 7. ( New York Worlc
Cablegram Special Telegram. ) Advice
from Havana say that the people there arc
becoming more and more Incensed agalns
the Spanish because they do not send tin
Capo Verde squadron over to break tin
blockade. General Blanco has forwardei
messages of the most urgent character ti
Madrid , but received unsatisfactory re
spouses. The Havancso hove been toll
dally for nearly two weeks that Spain vra
sending war ships to their relief and up tc
this tlrao they have believed It. But no\
the Inhabitants of the beleaguered city arc s
wrought up that a demonstration at th
capital was being planned when my In
formant left.
Thus far the people have been led t
believe by frequent proclamations from tb
palace that the United States squadron 1
afraid to attempt to enter tha harbor o
bombard tbo city and that when the Sjnn
Ish Heet arrives Admiral Sampsons boat
will be blown out of the water. But th
delay In the arrival of the Spanish boats
accompanied by the vague news from Manll
of the Spanish disaster there , has av.nleiie ;
the people to a knowledge of their ital dan
ger and an uprising may take place at an ;
The price of provisions continues to c
up. Eggs are $2 a dozen , milk 50 cents
bottle , prime beef J1.7G a pound , butte
| 2.25 a pound and canned goods and vege
tables from $1 to M a can. Blanco has
seized all the provisions bo can riet hla
hands on , not oven excepting the horses and
cattle used to work the plantations fn the
Immediate vicinity of the city. The rc-
couccntrados have been sent back to their
homes In the Interior of the Island to starve
to death there.
Except In the best Informed circles ( ho
belief Is prevalent that the guns of Morro
and those mounted In the shore batteries
can silence any attempt at bombardment by
the Americans. The Spanish ofllcers also
bcltcvo that the forces now In the held arc
fully adequate to cope with any army that
may land.
Cnb'.e Still Cut.
( Copyright , 1S8S , by Press Publishing Co. )
SINGAPORE , Straits Settlement , May 7.
( New York World Cablegram Special Tele
gram. ) Communication by cable by Manila
and Hong Kong Is still cut off , but the gen
eral manager of the cable company has Just
Informed me that an American war ship was
signaled as approaching Hoiig Kong at
13:30 : n. m. today.
Iopv Offer * Xo Advice.
ROME. May 7. Tbero U DO truth la the
statement that the coae has advised tha
queen regent to mediate.
_ 1 I
It Excites Great Acbfcate in British
American Commands-May Tet Hold His
Own Withont Beinforoemente.
Opinion in London thai Spain is Faitbg
Up a Bluff.
Inrtl nnM of the Decadcaf Monarchy
Are LonliiK Faith In It * In
tention to Make Any
Klndof MPIicht.
( Copyright , 1838 , by Press Publishing Co. )
LONDON , May 7. ( Now York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram. ) As further
details of Dowey's triumph are becoming
known admiration for the thoroughness with
which the American squadron did its ap
pointed work Is unstinted. The feeling
among experts here Is that Dewey's posi
tion Is exceedingly difficult and If occupied
by any less resourceful or able commander
the United States might well feel apprehen
sive whether ho could make his victory
effective. Efforts of the Navy department
to get forward supplies and landing a force
are watched with the keenest interest , ns
is thought Dewey will bo compelled to
ake a base for procuring supplies In three
r four weeks if succor -falla to reach him
cforc. The whole circumstances of his po
tion arc so entirely novel that develop
ments arc of absorbing Interest to experts ,
nd If he succeeds in maintaining his ad-
antago without ( ho military forces deemed
ssentlal to supplement a bombardment , he
111 offer a new demonstration of the value
f sea power in war hitherto unproved.
If the Spanish fleet were as effective In
ther respects as in keeping its movomeula
secret It would be a formidable opponent.
Mo news has yet been received of ILo Cape
/crde squadron's whereabouts , and H. W.
.Vilson , a noted expert , said today : "I don't
icllevo the story at all that the squadron
s going to Cadiz. I strongly'Incline to the
iclief that it has put in to 'the Canaries. "
SpnitlHh Navy Utiitrepnrcd.
Everything Is going to prove the accuracy
f early information concerning the unpre-
iarcdness of the Spanish navy. Lieutenant
Lcnolr of the French navy , who just re-
, urned from a tour of the Spanish arsenals
: nd dock' yards , states that the reserve
quadron at Cadiz will not be ready to tail
'or flvo weeks yet and give * a deplorable
Icturo of the disorganisation And unreadi
ness of the Spanish authorities. Even Sprin-
'sh partisans hero are' ' now > compelled to
admit that Spain ts mer MrplayinK'a game1
) f -bluff and they are JpslnlfjaUh In Us will-
ngness to face the Vcj'ei'f.-iu'fleet at all.
It is expected In diplomatic circles here
hat the publication- < that details ofSpan-
sh losses in the Philippines will be made
.ho occasion for a Spanish appeal by the
uecn regent.for Intervention by the powers ,
'ho crushing character of the American
Ictory , in conjunction with revelations in
.he Cortes of Spanish unpreparedness and
he imminent jeopardy < of ft republican rev-
lutlon are held to constitute a powerful In-
icntlve to Spain to appeal for mediation. The
ucstlon is much discussed among diplomats
whether America would insist on its right
o demand that Spain shallmake submission
direct to Washington , for a firm conviction
prevails among diplomats that Spain will
ieok to save its prldoj by proposing terms
trough the medium of friendly powers.
The Lafayette capture , cxclted much In-
: erest hero , as it was' fully expected France
would have protestc'd. Th/rapid conclusion
of the incident and the release of the La-
'ayette ' without interposition of the French
government is considered avery smart piece
of work , as it deprives the action of the
Washington executive of any nppearancc of
being adopted under diplomatic pressure.
Cxnert Vlniv.
Hon. Thomas Allnut ifraesey , editor of
Lord Drassey's Naval Annual , an acknowl
edged authority on naval" questions , has
iven his views of Spanish naval strategy
as follows : ,
"No one can predict , the naval strategy
probably to bo adopted by Spain , but the
following suggests itself as a possible course
of action. With the exception of the Pelayo
they have no ships capable of fighting an
action In moderate weather against the
Iowa or the three coastline battleships of
the Indiana type. On the other hand the
armored cruisers of the Infanta Maria
Teresa type and the Cristobal Colon would
constitute a powerful squadron of good
speed which should bo capable of holding .Us
own against any squadron of United States
ships that can catch It Should such a
squadron be sent to the West Indies and
Spain succeed In keeping a coaling base in
either Cuba or Porto Rico It would render a
blockade of Cuba very difficult if not abso
lutely ineffective. It could , do considerable
damage to the trade of > the'gulf and Atlantic
seaports. The American commander would
bo obliged to keep his ships concentrated or
run the risk of'their - being cut off in de
tail. "
SpnnlardN Hove Ko 4 K umlto I.nwt
Two SIonUiB.
( Copyright , 1S$8 , by Prea's IPubllshing Co. )
KEY WEST , May ,7. ( Nev York World :
Cablegram Special Tele nnn. ) We had
been hearing a good deal about Thrall for a
long time. Everybody vras aware of his Im
mensely precarious situation and everybody
heaved a sigh of relief vihea-he at last was
known to be safe on board one of the Ameri .
can war ships. Dressed In the universal
linen or duck and with a straw hat on the
back of his head , Thrall differs little from
a certain type of young 'AnwUcan manhood.
The striking thing' about 10m now is his
eyes. The expression ' i > f\Umn will doubt
less change as he'breather more of the
peace < jf tte ) American side , but at present
they are peculiarly wide open , as If strained
with watching. They two at you and lo
not seem to wink and at the corners the Is
arc wrinkled , as It from Jong'pain. This it
the Impress of his hawrdous situation , still
upon him.
As for his own ; deeds , he talks as little and
wants to talk as' mo t Intrepid men
Ask htm of the situation In Havana , how
ever , and ho Is eager at once. He sayg thai
the first day of the blockade brought tre
mendous confusion to Havana. Even In tb <
batteries everything woi pel1 mell. In th <
city white-faced people thronged the street :
crying : "Oh ! they are 'going to open flre
they are going to open flr . "
On the second day the populace wa :
calmed , mainly becaused they were sleepy
They had been up all the previous night
On the third day almot everybody who wen
Weather Forecast for Nebraska :
Fair ; Warmer ; Variable Winds.
1 Btorr of Detrey'a Grcnt Victory ,
newer' * Knme on All Tongue * .
Dewey In Control lit Manila.
2 Dewey Made an Admiral.
American Flag Salwted at Itarnna.
Thrllllntr Encnpo of it Ileporter.
3 Nebrankn , New * .
Vlnf tor Nebraska' * Tronim.
Dewey Hrenk * All Record * .
Trouble Feared In BIndrld.
4 LaM Week In Omaha Society.
MuHlcnl Review of the Week.
Uchocn of the Ante Koom.
R Sporting ; Event * of a Day.
O Council IIluIT Local Matter * .
town XIMV * niul Comment.
t General New * of the farther Weal.
8 Lntent New * of the Exposition.
10 "Anile * of Empire. "
11 Condition of Omnhn' * Trade.
Commercial nnd Financial New * .
12 Editorial nnd Comment.
lit Improving Omaha' * Street * .
llnr'M Tribute to the Dead.
14 In the Amnnement World.
1(1 Anthracite of the Attde * .
15 In the Domain of Woman.
1U Half a Million Club Women.
2O Snccen * n * a I'hynlclan.
Work of the Woman' * Clnb * .
21 Snritery on the Ilnttlefleld.
Modern Itnpld Fire Gun * ,
lia Sportlnnr Hevlew of the Week.
S3 With the Wheel * and Wheelmen ,
! t "Wonder Children. "
ItouRh Uldcr * for Cuba.
Tcmiiernturc nt Omnhnt
Hour. Deir. Hour. Dear.
B n. m -1U 1 p. in ll >
( I n. in -Id 2 p. m 71
7 n. m 4(1 U p. m 72
H n. in R1 4 ] i. m T.I
tt n. m (11 G p. m 7:1
1 ( > n. m ( ! R U n. m 72
It n. m (17 7 p. m 7U
12 m (18
up on the streets was rounded up and put
to work upon the fortifications. They were
paid $2 per day. As the days passed on and
no bombardment ensued , the spirit of the
populace changed. They decided the fleet
was afraid. When Thrall left they wer"
feeling very gay and content. It was also
reported In Havana that the Spanish ( loot
had whaled the life out of Admiral Dewey'u
squadron In the east.
Dlanco Is dally Issuing proclamations
about this thing and that thing. Ho Issued
ono calling upon the Insurgents to enlist
In the Spanish army under the command
of the traitor , chief tain , Juan Parra. Thrall
says that as far as ho knows no aspirants
for this distinction have appeared. As to
the engagement of the Marblehead and
Eagle with the defenses of Clcnfucgos , the
Spanish papers declare no shot reached
within four miles of the town.
Ocneral Arolas , commanding all Havana ,
has embarked a stock of provisions for the
rcconcontradocs sent In care of General Leo
from the United States and turned It over
to the commissary department of the army.
Both silver and paper money have simply
flunked , but In the way of provisions the
Spaniards are good for two months , as
everybody knows.
The 2d of May brings a great , patriotic
fete day among all Spaniards. Tbo people
In Havana were certain that the American
fleet would attack on that day and they
were leaking for It. They had a gambler/s /
confidence in winning any game If it was
played on their lucky day. Thrall's story
of the American ( Major W. D. Smith ) , who
was arrested as a spy in Havana , recently
will doubtless remain all that can be told of
ono of , the melancholy and mysterious chap
ters of the war. The man must bo dead by
this time. STEVE CRANE.
Dread ScourRe I * Brought Into the
Harbor by the Captured Span-
lull Ship Aritouixuta.
( Copyright , 1898 , by Press Publishing Co. )
KEY WEST ( via Tampa ) , May 7. ( New
York World Cablegram Special Telegram. )
Yellow jack has appeared in Key West
harbor. The dread disease has attacked four
men , among them two Americans. They
belong to the prize crew of the gunboat
Nashville , which , with the gunboat Marble-
head and Eagle , captured the Spanish
steamer Argonauta off Clenfucgos.
Ensign Kuenzll of the Nashville and eight
men were placed aboard the Argonauta and
brought It to port under the Marblehead's
convoy. Health officers visited the Argo
nauta promptly on Its arrival and all seemed
well , for the first symptoms only of the
dread disease manifested themselves. Two
, of the prize crew and two of the crow ol
tbo Argonauta showed decided > chills and
were put under surveillance.
The symptoms got worse and the horrible
black vomit developed in a day or two. The
belt medical skill of Key West has been al
work on the four cases and it Is believed
some headway has been made against the
disease. Unfortunately , however , most ol
the men sank Into a comatose condition
there will be a hard fight to save them.
The Argonauta has been stationed among
the fleet of tbo captured steamers to the
cast of the United States vessels. It is
most strictly quarantined , and it is said il
will be removed to Dry Tortugas. where the
quarantine would be strictly enforced.
A disagreeable feature of the case is the
fact that the ten Spanish officers and ten
privates , who were captured on the Argo
nauta were placed aboard the Nashville soon
after being captured. If they had germs
of disease they may have communicate !
them to the Nashville's men. Up to date
absolutely nobody Is sick aboard tbo Nash
Another disagreeable feature is the facf
that all the Spanish officers and men were
sent north on the passenger steamer City o
Key West on Thursday. It had a numbe
of passengers when It sailed for Miami , Fla.
and the Spaniards were under guard o
colored troops and wcro on their way to
Fort McPherson , Atlanta , Ga. As far as
known here none of the Spaniards showed
symptoms of the disease.
Navy surgeons here feel confident tha
they will master yellow jack. They are try
Ing a new scientific method which they fee
will prove a signal success.
The fact that yellow jack has made Its ap
pearance Is being kept quiet , as a panto 1 :
feared If It becomes generally known. Name
of prize crew ill cannot be obtained. In
addition to the Nashville's prize crew the
United States marshal bai placed ee feral o
his men on board.
Porto Illco In Ilerolt.
( Copyright , 1898 , by Press Publishing Co.
POUT AU PUINCE. H ytl , May 7. ( Now
York World Cablegram Special Telegram
Reports have reached here from an au
thentlc source that the towns of Cayey an
Rlcon , In Porto Rico , are to revolt agalns
Spain. It Is reported that the Insurgent
are in arms and that wealthy Spanish fam
Hies are leaving for ports of safety. ThI
news shows how widespread thn revolu
tlonary spirit in Porto Rico Is. Cayey is I
the southeastern part of the Island and Rlcon
Is in the extreme northwest. It Is close t
Lares , a town lu which rebellion agalnr
Spanish rule began long before the prcsen
Cuban revolution. Dctances , who was a
the head of the revolution , fled to Paris
. where he has been an active agent of tb
Cuban Insurgents.
American Admiral Sends His. Account of
His Own Glorious Victory.
Total Des on of the Enemy's Fleet of
Eleven Vessels ,
Spain Loses Over Six Hundred Men in the Engagement , While Not a Binglfr
American is Killed and Only Six Wounded Not One of the United
States Fleet Sustains Damage JJowoy is in Entire
Control of the Situation in the
( Copyright , 1898 , by Press Publishing Co. )
MANILA , May 7. ( New York Woild Cnbk'Kram-Spwilal T/eli'Rrain. ) The
result of the * battle between Commodore '
Dewey's llect and the Spanish forts
and vessels here was the destruction of the entire Spanish fleet , eleven vessels ,
belli } ; lost. The Spanish loss besides was : ! 00 killed and 400 Injured. On the
American side there were none killed and
only six slightly Injured. Not olio
of the American licet was damaged at all.
WASHINGTON , May 7. Two nlllclal dispatches were received from Com
modore Dewey this morning describing his attack oil Manila. The tlrst dis
patch read as follows :
"MANILA , May 1. The squadron arrived at Manila at daybreak this ,
morning. Immediately engaged the enemy and destroyed the Spanish war
vessels Ueiua Christina , Castllla , Ulloa , Isla do Cuba , General Laze , tho-
Dnero , Corrco , Mlnacano , Velasco , Mlndnnoa , transport , and the water bat
tery to Cavlte. Tlie .squadron is uninjured and only u few men were slightly
Injured. The only msiuis of telegraphing Is tothe - American consul at Ilotig.
Kong. I shall communtaitc with him. G. DRWEY. "
The other dispatch gives additional Information of the engagement and.
reads as follows :
"CAVITE , May 4. I have taken
possession of naval station at CavIIo on.
Philippine Islands. Have destroyed the fortifications at bay entrance , patrol
ling garrison. I control bay completely and can take cty at any time. Tho-
squadron Is In excellent health and spirits. Spanish loss not fully known , but
very heavy , 150 killed , including captain of Kelna Christina. I am assisting-
lu protecting Spanish sick and wourtdeJ. Two hundred , and fifty' sick and.
wounded In hospital within our lines.
Much cxcltemcnt t Manila. Will pro
tect foreign residents. DEWEY. "
MADRID , May 7. 8 p. m. An ofilcial dispatch from General Augusta
governor-general of the Philippine Islands , sent via Labayan , says :
"The enemy seized Cavlte and the arsenal , owing to the destruction of the-
Spanish squadron , and established a close blockade. It Is said that at the re
quest of the consuls the enemy will not bombard for the present , provided I
do not open fire upon the enemy's squadron , which Is out of range of our
guns. Therefore , I cannot flre until they come nearer.
"A thousand sailors arrived here yesterday evening from our destroyed
squadron , the losses of which * number CIS. "
Ofllclaln nnd Ncwupnper Men Crowd
the Qnnrter * of Secretnry I.oiiir
In Nnvy Dcpnrtiiient.
WASHINGTON , TUay 7. Notwithstanding
.ho fact that everybody for several days
past has been In momentary expectation of
cable advices from Commodore Dewey , the
town was thrown Into the wildest excite
ment at breakfast time this morning by the
Issue of extra papers , announcing the ar
rival of the McCulloch at Hong Kong with
dispatches for the government from Com
modore Dewey.
The publication of newspaper dispatches
telling of the terrible mortality among the
Spanish and tbo escape of the American
force * , the men and ships , from serious In
jury , added to the excitement and to the
Intense satisfaction with which tbo long
expected news was received. There was an
instant rush of newspaper men to the Navy
department to secure further Information
From official sources , and perhaps , dismayed
by the number and Impetuosity of the
newspaper contingent , tb officials of the
Navigation bureau , where cipher dispatches
are transcribed and translated , promptly
closed and locked their doors against In
One of the officers of the Navigation
bureau had been on duty every moment of
the twenty-four hours for several weeks
past , walling to receive cablegrams of Im
portance. A similar state of affairs has
prevailed at tbo State department , where
ono of the assistant secretaries and the
chief clerk bavo divided up the watches of
the night , sleeping on temporary cots set
up In the ante-room. The State department
has the honor of receiving the first news
It came in the shape of a cablegram ol
three words from United States Consul
Wlldman at Hong Kong and was aa fol
lows : i
"Hong Kong McCulloch. Wlldman' . "
That Is the usual form In which naval
movements are reported by cable. This
dispatch was received by Third Asslutant
Secretary Crldler , who was turned out of
bis cot by a messenger buj at 1.40 o'clock
this morning. The naval ofhclaH wcro
promptly notified and awlted with Intense
interest the dispatch which was expected to
surely follow from Commodore Dewey.
IlrlunK the Official UUpntch.
About 9:30 : Manager Marean , of the West
ern Union Telegraph company , appeared at
ttio department , bringing with him a sheet
comprising four lines of the mysterious
Jargon , which makes up tbo naval cipher.
He handed this directly to Secretary Long ,
who gazed at It for a moment and turned
It over to Lieutenant Whlttlesey , ono of the
cipher experts of the Navigation bureau ,
for translation Into English. Then the sec
retary made a pretense of sitting down at
his desk to transact other business , but It
was plain to be seen that In spirit he had
joined tbo anxious throng of newspaper men
who thronged the reception rooms waiting
for the news.
The naval cipher Is one of the most com
plex in the world. The messages come In |
words of strange , formation , taken from all '
languages. These words are turned by the '
translation clerks Into groups of figures , and
these In turn are resolved Into their equiva
lent words In English. All this takes time.
Meanwhile Secretary Alger , hearing of the
receipt of news , had come over from th
War department to see his colleague , but ha
was also obliged to wait patiently for the
translation. Senator Hoar , a member of the
foreign relations committee also joined Sec
retary Long and waited upon the cable ex
About 10 o'clock a prominent official gave
the newspaper men a brief abstract of the
cablegram as far as received. This )
only whetted the Interest of the
crowd in waiting. Half an hour
later Secretary Long appeared with a
translated copy In bis hand.
It was at once noticed that the cablegram
as officially promulgated , did not entirely
agree with the brief summary of Us points
which bad been previously given out and
the immediate presumption was that In the
short tlmo accorded for consideration , the
officials had concluded that It was publlo
policy to expurgate the dispatch. Thus , ag
made public , It contained no reference to
the cutting of the cable by Admiral Dowcy ,
or that bo lacked men to take possession o (
the place , and finally that be bad the entire
bay of Manila at his mercy.
It was also noted that the dispatch bore
date of May 1. The McCulloch could not
have occupied more than six days In making
the short run across to Hong Kong. Therefore - *
fore It was Immediately assumed that the
above dispatch was the first of two or more
that bad been brought over to Hong Kong
by the McCulloch. In other words , Comf
modore Dewey bad written Sunday night ,
stating In his message a brief account of tha
day's work. Instead of sending It Im
mediately by the McCulloch to Hong Kong ,
ha bad delayed that vessel for two or three
days at least , probably to use the McCul
loch In the subsequent bombardment of the
town and forts. The events of these last
few days without doubt were made the sub
ject of ono or more official dispatches which
are to follow the original message.
The department at 10 o'clock , after tha
first message was at hand , was still receiv
ing sheets of the cipher cede from the tele
graph company , while the cipher expert !
were still at work behind the heavy doors of
of tbo Navigation bureau.
Second DUpatch. '
Shortly before noon Secretary Long l ft
the Navy department for the White Hous
and an official confirmation was made that a
second dispatch from Commodore Dowty
had been received. The secretary carried
this with htm to the White House , and
pending the conference with the president
there was Intense eagerness among the
waiting crowd to learn the contents of tha
second dispatch. Senators who taw tha
president secured a brief Intimation that
Dewey's victory was overwhelming and that
he bad a large number of Spanish prisoner !
In his possession.
At 12:30 : p. m. Secretary Long came from
the president's private room carrying the
copy of the second message from llewey ,
but In order to give equal facilities to tba
great crowd of people waiting to gain In
formation he held It until be reached bla
private office. Then hla secretary , Mr.
. Plnney , brought the message to the larga
J reception room , where a hundred or morn
anxious newspaper correspondents and ourl
| ous observers took the dispatch as Mr. Pi
j ney read It.
Argentine Help * Spain.
BUENOS AYRES ( via Galveiton ) , May T.