Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : } SATURDAY , MAY 7 , 1808.
Bfttniday'i Selling in Ladies' and Children's
Underwear and Hosiery ,
e i l Acent for Ilattcrlck Pattern *
Style * and Late I'ulill-
etlon Have Arrived and
Are Wow on Hale.
We have all the new and latest Ideas In
ladles' fancy parasols white , with chiffon
ruffles , plaldi. checks , stripes , at $1.60 , $2.00 ,
$2.70 , $3.00 lo $15.00. No trouble to show
them to our customers.
Ladles' Verona Gloria silk umbrella In
black , navy , wine , green , 2G-ln. , close roll
pretty handles silk cover nnd tassel these
re special for Saturday's sale only $1.75
Our stock of ladles' and children's hosiery
is the largest most complete and cheapest
In the city. . . ,
Ladles' fast black and tan hose double
ole heel and toe 23c quality Saturday's
ale , only ICc pair.
Ladles' fine fast black or tan cotton hose
high spliced heel and toe double sole
I5o quality Saturday's sale only 25c pair.
Ladles' superior quality lisle thread hose
fast black double sole heel and toe our
COo stock Saturday's sale , only 35c pair.
Ladles' silk finished lisle thread hose-
plaids fancy stripes 'Iron stitch lace
boots beautiful patterns. This entire lot
for Saturday's Fale only 50c pair.
Children's school hose fast black and tan
double knee nnd foot special quality for
hard wear all sizes 6 to 10 Saturday's
ale , only 15c pair.
Misses' extra fine quality flne ribbed hose
unbleached soles , or all black foot our
rcKUlar 33c quality all sizes to 5 to 8 %
for Saturday's sale only 25c pair.
Wo are Omaha agents for the celebrated
Munslng Union Suits for ladles and chil
dren superior In fit nnd finish to all others
and price just V& the actual value.
Ladles' "Munslng" union suits , high neck ,
long or short sleeves ankle or knee length
also low neck no sleeves knee length
Egyptian cotton flne ribbed all finished
eoams , white or ecru all sizes Saturday's
Bale only 50c suit.
Ladles' lisle thread "Munslng" union suits
silk finished , high neck , long or short sleeves ,
ankle or knee length also low neck , sleeve
less , knco length finished seams a regular
$1.50 quality , In any other make , white or
ecru all sizes Saturday's sale only $1.00
At $1.75 fine merino This Is a special
quality in unloiTsults for ladles who must
wear light weight wool for summer flno
white ribbed merino beautifully finished-
lone or short sleeves , ankle or knee length
regular $2.50 garment all sizes Satur
day's sale only $1.75 suit.
Wo have placed on our counter for Sat
urday's sale the cheapest line of ladies'
ribbed summer vests In the city none to
equal them nt 12Hc , 15c , 18c 3 for 50c , 25c
end 35c these are genuine bargains.
Wo have an cxcclont line of children's
ribbed vests nt 12V4c all sizes special for
Saturday's sale only 12c each.
Corner Farnnm and Fifteenth.
Haydcn Bros. ' nd on page 5 will Interest
the men.
Snnilny , May 8.
Via Burlington Route. Take 8:35 : a. m.
train. Returning , leave Lincoln at 6:00 : p.
in. or 10:35 : D. m.
Get tickets at 16Q2 Farnam or at Bur
lington depot. 10th and Mason sts. "
,111 ED.
VAN DEUSEN-Mrs. H. , aged 83 years ,
The funeral will tnko place on Saturday
lluy 7. HOS , at 2 o'clock p.m. , from hei
late resldene. No. 2223 South Eleventh St ,
Friends invited.
BUDKNBUHO- P. , aged 77 years
Funeral Sunday 1:30 : p. m. from Burket'i
undertaking rooms. Twenty-third aiu !
Cumins street , to Forest Lawn cemetery
Friends Invited. Oakland , Nub. , papers
please copy.
Some of the Inducements Wo Are Con
tinually Offering in
All the Late t NoTcltlcn nt the Vinal
Price * A > ked ( or Old and Out of
Dnte Goodn New Naveltlea
In tiHdlei' Neckwear.
Just receled , one case of men's' night
shirts , made of One , soft muslin , cspc-
cally desirable for summer wear , neatly
trimmed fronts ; also a fine llght-weght
cambric night shirt vrth no collars , cool
nnd comfortable for warm weather. These
are regular 85c shirts. They go on Bale
Saturday for 60c.
Fine qlualty ribbed balbrlggftn shirts and
drawers , for summer wear , extra well made ,
drawers double gussetted.
Supcror quality light weight balbrlggan
shirts and drawers made of Egyptian cot
ton , patent seama and nicely finished. Draw
ers made with double seat.
French balbrlggan shirts and drawers sum
mer weight , extra value , 7Cc.
Men's ribbed balbrlggau union suits M)0 ) ;
men's pure lisle union suits , $1.GO.
Men's all wool hand-made sweaters In
blue , tan and maroon , high roll neck , $1.50.
Men's extra fine quality all wool hand-made
sweater In navy , red , green and pearl grey ,
with laced front , $3.00. Boys' all wool
sweaters , navy , red and green with roll
collar , $1.00 ; with sailor collar and laced
front , $1.25.BICYCLE
Men's and ladles' legglns , fine all wool ,
COc , COc aqd $1.00.
Men's colored shirts , with soft fronts and
cuffs to match , In neat stripes and figures.
Boys' colored shirts with collars attached or
with no collars.
Soft shirts In dark and light colors , with
cuffs to match , regular $1.00 quality.
Monarch brand In fine Scotch cheviots and
madras , with cuff to match ; also fine percale
with two-turndown collars and cuffs to
Made nscots In white pique , extra long ,
25c. Washable stock ascots with white
pique stock and colored ascot , EOc.
Fine French gingham ties In fancy plaids ,
checks , stripes and plain colors.
I Cor. Farnam & Fifteenth.
Sunday , May Stli.
Via Rock Islnnd Route. Only $2.50 for the
round trip. Train will leave Omaha 0:10 :
a. m. . and Council Bluffs 6:30 : a. in. Ticket
office , 1323 FafKam street.
1'HlilloNotice. .
To Northwestern Line Daylight Special
now leaves the U. P. depot at G:40 : a. m. ;
arrives Chicago 8:45 same evening. No
chance In the other trains. The Overland
Limited 4:45 : p. m. and the Omaha Chicago
Special at C:45 : p. m. arrive at Chicago 7:45 :
and 9:30 : , respectively , next morning. The
most advanced vcstlbuled eleepers. diners end
free parlor , chair cars of course what else
would the "Northwestern" have ! t
1401 Farnam at.
Sam'l Burns /is selling' rcaluVlannn
china dinner set ? 100 pieces , $18.75.
See the IluyM In llluc.
$1.25 for tho''round trip to Lincoln Sun
day. May 8th via Burlington Route. Train
leaves Burlington depot at 8:35 : a. m. Re
turning , leave Lincoln at 6:00 : p. m. or
10:35 : p. m.
Get tickets at 1502 Farnam st. or at Bur
lington depot. 10th and Mason sts.
The Oity of Macon Enrouto from Hew Toik
to Havana , Loaded With Dry Goods ,
The Entire Canto Mlnpellaneoni Mer
chandise ThorouRhly Wetted , but
Saved by the Salvage Wrecking
Co. and Drought to New York.
News of the disaster of the steamer
Macon filled New York shippers with dis
may and was the cause of the greatest
disappointment to southern merchants , who
expected their summer goods by that boat.
The cargo consisted of hundreds and hun
dreds of cases of muslins , calicos , ginghams ,
tickings , sheetings , domestics , white goods ,
wash goods nnd printed cotton goods of
every description.
Ladles , men's and child's underwear.
Corsets , handkerchiefs , laces.
Embroideries , curtains.
Bedspreads , lace curtains.
Ladles' shirt waists.
Tidies , dress skirts.
Rugs , kid gloves , silks.
Men's shirts , collars ,
And black embroidered silk fringed cash
mere shawls.
In fact all such goods as are carried by
first-class houses In the south.
Owing to their wet condition these g.oods
were sold Immediately on their arrival In
New York by the Marine underwriters ,
was again the fortunate purchaser.
These goods are now arriving and being
nrranged for sale , and Tuesday , May 10 ,
will see the beginning of the
most sensational wet goods sale held.
Further particulars from day to day.
16th and Douglas.
No excuse for not having a new spring
suit. Read what Haydcn Bros , have to say
on page 5.
Sunday , May 8.
Via Burlington Route. Take 8:35 : a. m.
train. Returning , leave Lincoln at 6:00 : p.
m. or 10:35 : p. m.
Get tickets at 1502 Farnam or at Bur
lington depot , 10th and Mason sts.
Colorniln , Utan , Cnllformla
Reached quickest via
City ticket onice. No. 1302 Farnam street.
Sec the Hfiyn In Bine.
$1.25 for the round trip to Lincoln Sun
day , May 8th via Burlington Route.
Train leaves Burlington depot nt 8:35 a.
m. Returning , leave Lincoln at 6:00 : p. m.
or 10:35 : p. tn.
Get tickets at 1602 Farnam st. or at Bur
lington depot , 10th and Mason sts.
Coniornl Connnt Will DC Here to Ilc-
cclvs AppllcnutH nt the Ar
mory on Saturday.
Corporal Conant of the Omaha Guards
will bo at the armory on Harney street
today to receive applications from those
who wish to volunteer for service In the
volunteer army. The company Is to bo re
cruited to its full strength.
S. E. Parker , Sharon. Wls. , writes "I
have tried Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salve
for Itfhlng piles and It always stops them
In two minutes. I consider Do Witt's
Witch Hazel Salvo the greatest pile curd
on the market. "
If you are Interested In clothing , read
Hayden Bros. ' ad on page 5.
See The Boys In Blue ! .
* \ > www
Take the 8:35 : a. m. train , Omaha to Lincoln ,
coln , returning on special train leaving Lin V *
coln at 6 p. m. or regular train leaving at
10:35 : p. m.
Ticket Office , 1502 Farnam Street. Depot , 10th and Mason Streets
We Started Monday ! Proves to Bo a Grand
Cold Weather Can't Keep People from
Daylnor Snnimeri Shoe * at Bach
Cut Priced MM We Arc Now
Mnklnit 44M Shoe * fl.SO
Never In the history of Omaha shoe sell
ing have such low prices been made on new
and seasonable footwear. Whllo wo have
cut prices deep on some lines that we want
to close out , we have not spared the now
stock. Not a shoe tn the house but what
represents almost twice the value of our
asking price.
$4.60 LADIES' SHOES. $1.60. .
This Is the greatest shoo bargain ever
given. They're not new styles , but they're
shoes that have sold readily by us at $4.00
and $4.50 a pair , kid nnd cloth tops , flexible
soles , patent kid tips , If we've your size
you can save $2.50. '
All new this Bprlng , In Inns nnd blacks ,
all the new popular round toes , not bought
for a sale , but cut in price in this , our May
reduction sale , to only $2.40.
For $2.98 we sell Saturday a Indies' tan
or black shoe this spring's styles all the
new toes fancy vesting nnd kid tops a
shoe we bought to sell nt at $4.00 , Saturday
$4.00 MEN'S SHOES FOR $3.00.
This Is the greatest offering ever mndo
In a man's shoe bought by us to sell nt
$4 worth every cent of $4 in genuine Rus
sia calf nnd vlcl kid with kid. plain or
fancy vesting tops all the now bull dog toe ,
cut In this May reduction sale to $3.00.
A child's shoe In sizes C % to 8 , tan or
black , sold everywhere nt 90c , hero tomor
row 68c.
A misses shoe In tan or black all kid-
button , our regular $1.60 line , In this sale
at 08c.
Come In the forenoon nnd avoid the
crowd. T. B. NORRIS ,
1413 Douglas st.
Alay reduction shoe sale.
Snnilny , Slay 8.
Via Burlington Route. Take 8:35 a. m.
train. Returning , leave Lincoln at 6:00 : p.
m. or 10:35 : p. m.
Get tickets nt 1502 Farnam or at Bui -
lington deuot. 10th and Mason sts.
Iu Time * Like Thciic It Stnndn Su
perior to Any Form of
ItellirlouN Heller.
The claims of the state upon Its citizens
nnd those of the church upon Its adherents
were contrasted by Dr. Leo M. Franklin at
Temple Israel last night. The conclusion
was that patriotism Is a principle that
should take precedence to any religious be
lief. 'Dr. Franklin added that the Jews of
America were ready , & they had been In
history , to serve their country In time of
need without reference to creeds.
In commenting on the fact that popular
sentiment was not unanimous In Its choice
of country over church , Dr. Franklin said
that theology was more of a factor In the
science of government than was commonly
supposed. "When we think that there are
hundreds and thousands who look up to the
ruling of the church as Inviolate It makes
the question oven less certain of answer.
The alternative really resolves Itself Into
this , Shall our religious sentiments give
shape or be , shaped by our feeling toward our
country ? In my opinion the absolute separa
tion of church and state 'should , be luphcld.
Only when government broadens Into the
exponent of the widest humanltarianlsm will
It be well for the government to be actuated
by religious sentiment. Until that time the
church must adapt Itself to the spirit of the
"Not that I would advocate a Godless gov
ernment , for no state can exist unless It Is
based on religion In the form of concrete
morality. It Is not religion , but doctrinism ;
not belief , but denomlnatlonallsm ; not God ,
but theology , that I say dare play no part In
government. One Is an asscntial to good
government and the other Is an absolute
condition of the disintegration of the state.
"It is a fact that in such critical times as
these the Jewish teacher will put patriotism
before theology and bis actions In other
crises have proved equal to his words.
Statistics show that In the civil war the pro
portion of Jews who answered the call of
their country was greater than that of nny
other faith. Even In the crew of the Ill-
fated Maine seven of those lost were Jews.
A consistent Jew may bo a consistent Ger
man , Englishman or American , according to
where ho makes his home. H was nn ancient
observance of Jews to turn their faces to the
east at prayer In order to face Jerusalem ,
and now wo of a later and happier time turn
our faces also to the east ; not to Jerusalem ,
but to Washington , our nation's cnpltol. "
OR for the Klondike.
Yesterday a party bound for the Klondike
passed through the city. It consisted of Sol
Finks of Wyoming , 111. ; Frank D. Christ-
man of Wabash , Ind. ; J. M. Thomas , for
merly postmaster of Wyoming , 111. , nnd C.
V. Safford , a telegraph operator of St. Louis.
They came In from St. Louis in the morning ,
stayed over during the day to get some
supplies and in the evening left over the
Union Pacific for the coast.
The party are equipped with all sorts of
Instruments for thorough experimenting.
Safford , who is a mining engineer , Is in
charge of the party and will direct the stak
ing out of all claims.
See the IloyM In Illnc.
$1.25 for the round trip to Lincoln Sun
day. May 8th via Burlington Route. Train
leaves Burlington depot at 8:35 : a. m. Re
turning , leave Lincoln at C:00 : p. m. or
10:35 : p. m.
Get tickets at 1602 Farnara st. or at Bur
lington depot , 10th and Mason sts.
Only to Ile MolneM nnd Return ,
Vln Itock Inland Itonte , Sim-
dr.y , May Stli. .
Train will leave Omaha at C:10 a. m. ;
Council Bluffs nt 6:30 : a. m. For further
particulars call at city ticket offlce. 1321
Farnam street.
Trvo 'l raUiiH Dally
to Denver un < l > Colorado polnta
via Union Pa cine.
Only Una running
two tralBo dolly
to Wyoming Utah , California
and Pu ? t Stund points.
( Jail at City Ticket ) Ofllco. 1302 Farnam et ,
INSTRUMENTS ploc d on record Friday
May 6 , U9S :
Wr.rranty Deed * .
Philip Trottner to Cl. H. Mack , Jr. ,
lot 7. block 88 , South Omaha . J24,0X (
Julia O'Connor nndlhusbarid to N. P.
Trcnery , lot 19 , block 13. Saundcrs &
II.'s Highland Place . 15 (
City of Omaha to School Dlst. of
Omaha , lot 5. block "H , " Omaha. . 10.00K
E. H. Westcrfleld to It. A. Bham-
barkcr , lot 6 , block 3. Hotgs & II.'s
Second ndil . . . 3
Nells Olscn nnd wife to N. P. Peter
son , lot 8 , Iturdette Court Annex. . . I
Paul Nelson and wife tn D. C. Dodds ,
e 44 feet of lot 20 , Reed's Second
add . 6.CXX
I. F. Burrouchs et at to Eliza Roe
buck , lot 8 , block 129 , South Omaha 3 , < XK
Deed * .
W. W. Hcffelflnscr to H. C. Sharp ,
trustee , lots 0. 7 , and 8. block 6 ,
Wllcox's add . 1
C. M. Back und wife to L. M. Back ,
eV4 of lot 17 , block 4C9 , Gramlvlew. . . ]
H. N. Jones nnd wife to C. J. Hoflund ,
lot 3. block 4 , West CumlnB add. . . . 3 :
Total amount of transfers . $32OJ
On the Chiffonier of every faultless
dresser S. 4 H. "Violet * " the aristocratic
perfume for ill * breth. Five cents. All
Some Nw Price * .
$1.60 ladles' cloth capes , 7f > c ; $4.60 Indies' '
silk capes , $2.43 ; $6 ladles' silk skirts , $3.48
Indies' tailor made suits , worth $3.60 , $12.50 ,
$18.00 nnd $22.60 , t $4.98 , $7.60 , $10.00 And
$12.50 : $7.60 silk waists. $4.98 ! $1.00 ladles' '
wrappers * 69c ; $10 bicycle suits , $6.60.
Exquisite display of summer millinery
Although coffee , sugar , flour , rice , beans
and all other stnnles are much higher , you
can buy now nt the same low prices , while
our large stock Is now on hand.
10 pounds pure York state buckwheat ,
25c Java and Mocha coffee. 6 Ibs. , $1.00.
20c Golden Rio coffee. 6 Ibs. , $1.00.
16c Santos Blend coffee , 8 Ibs. , $1.00.
10 pounds fresh rolled oats , 26c.
10 pounds navy beans , 25c.
12 bars standard laundry soaps , 25c.
10 pounds granulated cornmenl , lOc.
3 packages matches. 36 boxes , for 25c.
Fine fresh dairy butler 12V4c and 14c.
Try our flno creamery at 17e. Finest sep
arator creamery made , onjy 19c. Creamery
In 1 Ib. bricks , only 18c. 3 dor. strictly
fresh eggs ( warranted ) , 23c.
No. 1 California hams , Co ; salt pork , 5c ;
choice pickled pork , CV4c ; pickled tripe , per
pound , 3c ; bologna sausage , 4Hc ; 3-lb , cans
best lard , any brand. 24c ; chipped beef , per
pound , 15c ; fresh dressed chickens , In stock
nil day Saturday nt the Trnnsmlsslssippl
Headquarters. HAYDEN BROS.
See clothing ad on page 5.
$2.00 LAmns KID oi.ovr.s , nnc.
Saturday tloxtoii Store Will Hold An
other of Their l < 'anioiiN
$1.00 , $1.50 AND $2.00 KID GLOVES , 59C
5,000 pair of ladies' high grade , Imported ,
real French kid gloves , every pair sound
and perfect , In all sizes and all the new
spring colors , butter color , creams , new
greens , tons , browns nnd black. Also ladles'
gauntlet bicycle gloves , made of the finest
quality leather and French kid , worth up
to $2.00 , all go at 69c pair.
16th and Douglas.
The IlurllnKtoii'a rtew Trains.
Railroad men who have had the privilege
of examining the four now trains which the
Burlington Route , on the 1st of May , placed
In service bet\\em Denver , Omaha and Chicago
cage , say they are an magnificently equipped
as any in the country that even the
famouii limited expresses between Chicago
and New York are not handsomer or more
luxurious. Every car Is wide vcstlbuled , ami
wna built especially for the Burlington
The four trains arc Identical In appearance
and arrangement. Each Is compoeed of a
buffet-fimoklng-llbrary car ( with bath and
barter shop ) , a palace sleeping car , a dining
car , and two reclining chair cars. The buf-
fet-smoklng-llbrary car lo something new
for a Denver-Chicago line. It la a veritable
clubhouse on wheels , where one m < iy read ,
write , smoke , talk , or play cards , while
traveling at the rate of fifty miles an hour.
It Is handsomely carpeted acid furnished with
settcca , cushioned eaay chairs , o lavatory ,
a writing desk , a compartment for card-
players , and a well stocked buffet. The cur
rent periodicals and newspapers arc on fllf ,
and a carefully selected library la provided
for the free uee of passengers. The sleeping
car Ja a gem , and the chair and dining cars
are In every nay worthy of the train oj
which they form an Important part.
These palatial trains leave Omaha ( Lilly
at 11:55 : p. in. for Denver and at 12:05 : a. ra.
Cor Chicago.
W. O. Shrum. charged with assaulting
Frank Soeakerman. was fined $1 and costs ,
Mrs. Ticdeman , police matron , has in hei
charge a blonde girl baby 3 weeks old foi
which she wishes to find a home.
Charles L. Davis was arrested last night
at 1214 Cass street , and Is charged with as
saulting a 14-year-old girl named May
William Watts , n colored man , who was
charged with assaulting Samuel J , Vander-
bllt , was released on motion of the county
Max Winslop , a Junk dealer at Twelfth
and Chicago streets , was arrested for pur
chasing lead pipe from other than a manu
facturer and not reporting the purchase tc
the police.
R.-J. Moore , who Is charged with stealing
watches from Grace Burnett and Cecil Gray ,
waived examination in police court , and
was bound over to district court undei
$1.200 bond.
In reply to a telegram sent to relatives
of Frank Coy In Randolph , N. Y. , Coroner
Swanson received directions from H. D.
Walter , n brother-in-law of the dead man ,
to ship the body to Randolph nt once.
While driving along Nicholas street H. A.
Flcshman was run Into by a brewery wagon ,
The tongue of the brewery wagon caught In
one of the wheels of Mr. Fleshman's con
veyance and caused the horse to run away
and throw Mr. Fleshman out , Injuring him
quite seriously. He was removed to his
home at 2837 Davenport street.
Two colored women , "Patsy Bolllvar" and
Ruby Smith , were under arrest charged
with stealing $35 from Oscar Johnson ol
South Omaha , but Johnson was not positive
that they were the women who stole the
money , and they were released. Ills money
disappeared while he was In the company
of five or six amazons. and ho Is unable to
tell which woman robbed him.
Read that ad on page 5.
F. Hastings of New York Is at the Mil-
E. V. Smallcy of St. Paul Is at the Mil-
H. J. Cole of Milwaukee Is registered at
the Mlllard.
Ex-Governor DeF. Richards of Wyoming
Is registered at the Miliard.
H. L. Splesman of Corry , Pa. ; D. B.
Campbell , George Ketterer and William
Kcselman of Butler , Pa. , are at the Mlllard.
Mrs. Belden of Denver , who , with her late
husband , D. D. Belden , was one of Omaha's
early residents. Is now visiting Mr. and
Mrs. C. C. Belden.
Prof. H. Mannassc , a prominent optician
of Chicago , Is the guest of relatives In the
city. Ho Is hero In the interest of some
Chicago exhibitors at the exposition.
Larlmoro Denlsc , an Omaha boy , at
present pastor of the First Congregational
church at Clay Center , Kan. , has been tn
the city visiting his parents for a few days.
Ho returned to Clay Center last evening.
Nebraskans nt hotels S. P. Delotour , Big
Springs ; L. B. Loeb , R. B. Mcsser , Hastings ;
Ed Bowman , Tckamah ; S. J. Dennis , O. H ,
Tweey , Wlllard E. Stewart , Lincoln ; T. L ,
Ackcrman , Stanton ; John Keith , Suther
land ; T. E. Williams , T. E. Valentine , Au
rora ; Mrs. F. H. Plummer , W. O. Brooks ,
Beatrice ; E. L. Burke , Genoa ; E. J. Hooper ,
Wahoo ; Edward Benard , Oakland ; F. H ,
Bailey , Nebraska City ; Bruce E. Smith , Fre
DR ;
Highest Honors , World's Pair
Gold Medal , Midwinter Fair
Dee C'6 > ' 9f.
Specials for
You will find mony saving opportunities hero Sat
urday that seldom occur anywhere and never outside
The Nebraska. AddeH to the great worsted suits
for men now on sale atG.50 , 7.00 , 7.50 , 9.00 and
10.00 , are several new lines of boys' and children ,
suits which go on sale Saturday for the first time.
Among these are some remarkably elegant Junior
suits for lads 4 to 8 years , at about half price. Some
nt 2.00 , some at 2.50 , some at 3.00 and none worth
less than 3.50 , while many five dollar values are in
the lot. In boys' suits from 7 to 15 years will be
some grand offerings at 3.00 and 3.50 , and a magnificent -
nificent line of line worsteds at 4.50. Taking it
altogether Saturday will be one of the red letter
days of the new store for bargains , and folks who
are posted will be on hand early to avoid the rush.
By the way , the rush is what you don't want tea
a voi d. The bargains are what make , the rush.
Wo shall present to the first 1,000 lady
customers at our store on next Saturday
1,000 pretty needle cases containing an ns-
nort ment of gold eyed needles 1,000 cases
for first 1,000 Indies.
Here tire Home drug prices for Saturday
lU-Kiilnr Price Our Prico.
2 > c Menen's Talcum Powder lie
Jl.OO Wine Cnrdtil G4c
25c Swan's Down Powder lie
2-qunrt Fountain Syringe 4'c
(1.00 ( Pinklmm's Vegetable Compound. . C9o
25c Tctlov/'s Gossamer Powder 14c
(1.00 ( Plorcc'H Favorite Prescription . . . . G2o
25c Kirk's Juvenile Soap lOo
JOc Stuurt'H Dyspepsia Tablets 32c
(1.00 ( Booth's "Hyomel" ( complete ) C4c
25c Woodbury'B Fuclal Soap ] 4c
(1.00 ( Malted Milk 75c
! ! Tic Allcock's Porous Plasters 9c
75c Mellln'H Food 69c
25c Cutlcurn Soap 13o
iOc Pozzonl's Powder 34c
Warranted 2-qunrt Hot Water Bug . . . . 60o
.15c fnntorla 14o
23c Packer's Tar Soap 14c
IOc Frog in Throat 5c
Sherman &McGonnell Drug Go ,
ir.HS Dodge Street. Mlilillc of lllock.
You may have a course of medical
treatment for
of all kinds at the
| Shepard Medical Institute
New York Life Bldg. , Omaha , Neb ,
CPCPIAI TICQ- Catarrh , Deaf-
Of CtilrtL I I C.Onusa and all
A Diseases of the LIHIRS , Stomach ,
Kidneys , Nerves nnd Blood. Rcfer-
ence , by permission , to 5,000 cured
patients. The largest medical offices
_ and practice in tlie west. The Omaha
Bee , leading dally , says : "Tho Shep-
aril Medical Institute la entirely rella-
a bio In a professional and business
way. Dr. Shepara und his associates
have gained and fully maintained n
leadlnic reputation In the treatment
A of chronic diseases. The public may
safely trubt them. "
WR1TF For testimonials from
TV III I L. ministers , teachers , busl-
npss men , farmersetc. . , telling how
they were cured at home through the
Mall System.
Rnnil "Tho New Treatment :
DVJUlX How It Cure * , " Is sent free
to all who write. It Is a clean medical
work for the whole family to read
. and Is of great value to all who eerk
w better health. Book and Consultation
Blanks sent free to all Inquirers.
Medicines sent everywhere. State
your case and send for opinion and
lowest terms. Charges low. Con-
tatlon free , personally or by letter.
Htnttan Thit I'aper , *
Cur Facia ! Blemish
WOODBURY in W. 42nd Street ,
New York.
' Wrappers 50o
and better.
Shirt Waists
SALE. 50c and better.
belts 60c nnd better Indies' collars IOc and ,
better Indies' cufta 15c nnd better ladles'
veils 25c nnd better ladles' tics 25c nnd bet
ter ladles black silk rurfu $1.25 and better
Indies' muHlln drawers 23c nnd better In
dies' night gowns 60o nnd better Indies'
cambric corset covers 23c and better ladles'
white skirts $1.00 and better ladles' black
petticoats $1.60 and better Indies' silk Bklrt
waists $4.00 and better ladles' dress skirts
$2.98 and better LADIUS * TAILORED
SUITS $10.00 nnd better
Wo try to please all who call.
1510 Douglas Street.
Today you can buy the best
wheel ever made for
1898 $
Rambler Bicycle Store
105 S. 15th ,
Opposite old Post Office.
We Furnish the Exposition With
nnil Decoration * . AVIiyot You ?
Alfgrs. of Tents , Awnings
und Flags. . . 1311 FarnumSt
TinMiir cry of toiliiy "Wlint IB
thunder tllil IJewey ilo "
Ought to In < lt < * InnKiiHKu of Cli I in in 11 > Knililcii ,
"Witt Mel like tint wilt Mel Mc f"
Be Fined I'.nt nhllo jou lire WiiHInK to liciir
nlint Ilcivey dlil , let im ffeil your
One Cigarette eiitlumlnMiii with mi extra offer of a
line of miltH lit 1 7.75.
For Keeping A bit of liitereMtlnK xliop IICMN In
The Yankee deed. 1O.OO
A Hue of ultM wordi from ?
Nation to 9122.00.
A unique rnrlety of colorN nnd pnt-
In Suspense teriiN III IIP , brown , Muck , Krny , Unlit ,
iilnlded or
ome | il" cheeked , Dome
Iilnlu dlniEOiuil or InvUllile nlnldn or
111,1 Ullile fitrlped , mi me eolor mottled ,
Nome hitrutoitliiK color * , Home In-
But While
terchnnireH of colorM , NOIIIO iiiodeHtly
You Wait liliiln , mime iillk mixed liber effects.
And there In , too , n variety of
For the Good fabric- " wanted , vleiina , cheviot ,
citHnlmerc , tricot , WeMterflcId , nnd ,
News , Let Us nuropoM , UN urn nil a line of milt * a
ever Braced the form of limn. Ton
Feed Your
\\lli nay no. too , when you * ee yonr-
Enthusiasm lf In front of the mirror.
The iirlce take your pick for nevea
nevenly-flve n ult anil auk no < iuir -
TlonM. We are not the kind of a ore
Hint linn wonderful tulea to relate *
A Splendid
about Nome remarkable purcbnuen.
Line of If propriety demand * an exulana *
tlon , why we dell null * worth flO.OO
$10.00 to $12.00 to V1U.OO for f7.7R. I < ct un whUpvr
to you that utranircr tlilnicn liuppea
Suits at In war time.
If any milt in tliU bunch Uu't worth
a 1O bill , then It uliuii't coat yon A
Want better prooff