Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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Try Moore's stock food.
Dr. Roc , dentist , Mcrrlnm block.
Dr. Green , office 612 Fourth street.
Dr. Brown , dentist , room 301 Merrlam blk.
Dr. "A. 0. Mudge , the dentist , removed
from 319 to 338 Broadway.
Cook wanted at Metropolitan hotel.
Call at The Dee office for Cuban maps.
Dorn-To Mr. and Mrs. William Hewitt
of Garner township , a son.
Two cars of cherries , the first of the sca-
con , arrived nt the transfer yesterday.
C. M. Harl and James McCabe went to
Chicago yesterday evening on legal busi
The Evans laundry Is the leader In fine
work both for color nnd finish. 520 Pearl
street. Phone 290.
Dr. V. L. Treynor of this city has been
appointed surgeon for the Union Pacific
i-tillwny at this point.
Sam Payne , the foreman of the yard force
nt the Union Pacific freight yards , Is the
proud father of a baby girl.
Fotntcen cnrs of fruit from California
were transferred to the Northwestern yes
terday evening nt the transfer yards.
A mnrrlnge license was Issued yesterday
to J. S. Rlmcl nnd Mnry II. Rogers , both
nsed 39 years nnd both from Emerson , Neb.
George Treynor has returned home from
Tort Madison , having resigned his position
ns one of the guards at the state peniten
Don't you think It must be a pretty good
laundry that can please so many hundreds
of customers ? Well that's the "Eagle , "
721 Broadway.
From letters received here the soldier boys
nt Camp McKlnley are not over well satis
fied with the army shoes that have been
buppltcd them.
Mrs. P. C. DeVol will act as chairman of
the commissary committee of the Women's
Christian Association hospital , which Is to
be reorganized.
A. W. Turner nnd son Fred , charged with
malicious trespass by E. S. Boal , had a trial
before a Jury In Justice Vlcn's court ycu-
tcrcViy and were acquitted.
Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Head of 401 South
Twenty-fourth street , this city , have a son
ftho Is on board the cruiser Boston , which
Is ono of Admiral Dewcy's fleet.
Mrs. Reeves of Cleveland. O. , arrived In
the city yesterday nnd will mnke nn ex
tended visit with her daughters , Mcsdamcs
C. E. H. Campbell and F. M. Loomls.
Sorcn Sorcnscn , living at Sixteenth street
nnd Twenty-fifth avenue , was ordered com
mitted to the asylum at Clarlnda yesterday
afternoon by the Insanity commissioners.
This morning Judge Smith will hear the
application for the appointment of a re
ceiver In the case of F. M. Hunter of Ot-
tumwa against J. M. Campbell of this city.
W. J. Burke , formerly cashier of the Vnl-
ley bank of Missouri Valley , will next Mon
day open a bank at that place the State
Savings bank. Ho has many friends In
Council Bluffs.
The final report of Judge Carson as
guardian of Arthur Carson , the minor heir
of the late Mrs. Nancy M. Carson , was ap
proved by Judge Smith In the district court
yesterday and Judge Carson discharged.
' S. J. Swanson secured n building permit
yesterday to erect n two-story frame dwell-
ItiK on lot 1 , block 1 , Glemlale addition. Mr.
ownnson Intends building n residence for
himself on the property , which Is on Glen
, The case ngnlnst Edward Richardson , who
with his brother Robert was charged with
breaking Into Mrs. Christina Weeberg's
house during the night tlmo and stealing
some wine , was dismissed yesterday in
Justice Burke's court.
The new uniforms for the police force ar
rived yesterday afternoon and the patrol
men were busy last evening1 trying the
suits on. The uniform Is a very neat one
of dark blue with silver buttons. The hel
mets have not arrived yet.
In response to the appeal sent out by
the national committee patriotic services
will be held at the First Presbyterian
church Sunday morning for the Marino Me
morial Statue fund. The special music will
be under the direction of Mrs. Wadsworth.
The transfer of the telephone apparatus
nnd other paraphernalia from the city Jail
to the former headquarters over the patrol
house was completed yesterday. The dep
uty city marshals will occupy the office lu
the Jail formerly used by the chief of police.
The verdict of $108 secured by G. F.
Boardraan against L. Douglas In the district
court Thursday also carried with It the
cancellation of the promissory note for $700
that the plaintiff nnd his wife had given to
Douglas when trading for the Holt county
( Nebraska ) farm.
The charge against George Montgomery
of attempting to break Into n dwelling dur
ing the night tlmo was withdrawn In Jus-
tlco Burko's court yesterday on motion of
the assistant county attorney. In its place
ono of vagrancy was filed and Montgomery
was sentenced to flvo days la the county
City Ticket Agent Elwell of the Rock
Island , In addition to the excursion to Des
Molnes tomorrow , has arranged for ono to
Lincoln where the Nebraska soldier boys
arc encamped. The train for Lincoln will
leave the local depot at 8 a. m. and a mere
nominal fare has been arranged for the
round trip.
President Graham of the Exposition asso
ciation has received n letter from Mrs. Hal-
llday of Hancock , la. . In which she says
iho has a quilt pieced to represent the state
of Iowa with all railroads , rivers , bound
aries , towns nnd cities shown on It which
he desires to display In the Pottawattamle
wigwam. She will bo given space on the
vail to show It.
C. B. Vlavl Co. , female remedy ; consulta-
U ° nirKet' Pfflco hoursto 12 nnl ( 2 to 5.
book furnished.
320-327-328 Merriam -
riam block.
Money to loan on city property. Klnne.
N. V. Plumbing company. Tel. 250.
North Maln
Silver teaspoons utlll go with Domestic
FOR SALE Good second-hand bicycle at
* ' Ca" at ThB De ° ° mce > Coune11
If you want to buy a baby carriage go
to Peterson & Schoenlng's , in the Merrlam
Fnnernl at Jam en Miitlier.
The funeral of the late James Mather
will bo held this afternoon at 2:30 : o'clock
from the family residence
, 1205 Fourth nve-
nuc. Hev. L. P. McDonald , rector of St
Paul's church , will conduct the services , nnd
Interment will bo In Walnut Hill cemetery.
for the laundry gives universal
Uolhrril Alulbmll Uutlirrilll
Urf. Wloilow'i Soothing Syrup has be n tired
for over (0 years by million * of mothers foi
thtlr children whll * te thnc with perfect rue *
CMS. It soothes th child , softens thr gliTts ,
allays all pain cures wind colic and U the Kit
rtmtdy for Diarrhoea. Bold by drucglaM la
\ ry part of the world. lie iur and ask for
"Mr * . JWInslnw'i Booihlng lyrup" aud lake no
kind. oQU * LolU * .
Eoad Fund Matter Reaches the Court on the
City's Application ,
Petition of the Council Filed Ycnter-
dnr nnd nn Order Jtlnilc br
Hmllh lletiirnnulo
In Tcii Inr * .
The Board of County Supervisors having
failed to comply with the demand of the ;
city that the portion of the county road
fund raised by taxation upon property within
the city be expended under direction and
supervision of the city council , the matter
has been taken Into ( he courts to determine ,
City Attorney Wadsworth yesterday afternoon -
noon filed a petition asking for a writ of
mandamus to compel the supervisors to turn
over to the city treasurer all moneys re-
cclvcd as taxes fiom the levy from and after
October 1 , 1697 , when the now law went Into
effect , to be expended by * he city council
upon the streets of the city or highways
adjacent thereto nnd to compel the Doard
of County Supervisors to expend the money
rerclvcd as taxes from the 1 mill road fund
levy upon the property within the city
limits from nnd nfter October 1 , 1897 , only
under the direction of the city council. Judge
Smith ordered that nn alternntlve writ of
mandamus Issue , commanding the super
visors to turn over to the city treasurer all
the funds referred to In the petition or np-
pcnr on Wednesday , Mny 18 , nt 9:30 : n. m.
and show cause why the relief prayed for
should not be granted.
Following the usual preamble the petition
filed by the city sets forth that the assessed
valuation of the property within the city
limits Is $4,039,350 , nnd that the 1 mill road
fund levy would yield $4,659.35 , of which
nmount already moro than one-half has
been paid to the county treasurer. The
petition then cites the portion of the now
code conferring on the city the right to
direct the expenditure of the portion of the
road fund raised within the city , and that
formal demand had been made by the city
on the Doard of Supervisors , nnd sets forth
"that notwithstanding the provisions of the
statute the said Donrd of Supervisors Is at
tempting to unlawfully and fraudulently
misappropriate the funds arising from said 1
mill road fund levy within said city and re
fuses to comply with the requirements of the
statute and refuses to expend said fund
arising from the property within said city
limits under the direction of the city council
as provided by law ; that said refusal Is con
trary to law and equity and will work great
and Irreparable Injury nnd damage to the
city of Council Bluffs.
"That said Board of Supervisors at Its ad
journed meeting In April. 1898 , attempted to
misappropriate said funds by passing the
following resolution , to wit :
Resolved , That the expenditure of the
county road fund tax collected from the city
of Council Bluffs and Kane township shall
bo controlled by Supervisor Dnker for use
lu his district and that the county road tax
paid by the balance of the county shall
bo equally divided between the other four
supervisors , the limit of the nmount to be
expended In the four other districts to bo
J2.400. This resolution to apply to expendi
tures to Juno 1. 1898. and that the auditor
Is authorized to issue , .warrants according
to the order of distribution.
Supervisor Baker's district referred to In
the resolution comprises Council Bluffs ,
Kane township outside the city and the
townships of Crescent , Garner nnd Lewis.
Council Bluffs comprises almost the entire
territory Included In Kane township. The
road fund arising from taxation of prop
erty In Lewis , Garner and Crescent town
ships amounts to $1,085.33. The petition
continues :
That by said resolution said board of su
pervisors is attempting to misappropriate
the money received from Crescent , Garner
and Lswls townships and expend It On the
roads In other parts of the county and is
attempting to misappropriate the money re
ceived from the road fund levied upon the
property in Council Bluffs and to expend
said money In the Improvement of the
highways In said Crescent , Garner and
Lewis townships , thereby injuriously dis
criminating against the city of Council
That attempting to oblige the citizens of
Council Bluffs to pay out of the 1-mlll road
fund levy for the Improvement of the roads
In the townships of Crescent , Garner and
Lewis is unjust , unlawful and inequitable.
The petition sets forth that thcro are 270
miles of streets besides about 270 miles of
alloys connecting with the streets in- the
city , .and they are In such condition that It
Is absolutely necessary to spend all the
money received from the road fund levied
within the city on them to repair , Improve
and make them passable , and concludes.
That the board of supervisors has ex
pended no money received from said 1-mlll
levy In the Improvement of tho' streets
within the city , although often requested
to do so. nnd that unless commanded to so
do by order of court It will expend all of
the fund derived from the levy upon the ,
property within the city upon the roada
outside of the city limits.
The demand of the city to control the ex
penditure of the road fund for this year Is
resisted by the supervisors on the grounds
that they claim that the new law docs uot
apply to moneys levied before the code went
Into effect. The tax was levied In August ,
1897 , while the new code did not go into
effect until October 1 of last year.
The other day a man paid a boy 60 cents
to catch enough bait so ho could go fishing.
If the man had gone to Sullivan's , 343
Broadway , ho cought have bought a nice
mess of fish for that money and saved
himself the worry and disappointment that
Peterson & Schoenlng , In the Merrlam
clock , have the biggest combined store of
furniture and hardware In Council Bluffs ,
when buying go to their store where you
nave the largest line to select from and
wiioro prices are marked to the lowest
Hoffmayr's fancy patent Hour makes the
best nnd most bread. Ask your grocer for it.
Domestic Soap makes and keeps clean
Rcnl E ( itti > Trnnnfersj.
The following transfers have been flled
In the title abstract nnd loan offlco of J W
Squire , 101 Pearl street :
. ? Evnns nnd wife to Map-
block 37. Brown's'subd ' * '
, , w.d 'l ECO
William J. White and wife to M"P. !
Perlcy. lot B. block 6 , Beers' add. ,
Executors of ilor'aco "Eve'r'e'tt "to "A'ti- '
' " " " T' '
' 'ipplnsr , B i swVi 167Cw. . d. 2 B90
S. Davln " and wife to B. J.
- - -t al , part of sec
27-75-42 ? d
Hwi'1 nVis'K' ' ° 'Nathan "lv."b'odVe ! *
no > 4 , >
BjyVi ne 4 FoVi , nwU sol ! c
cV4 nwU nett 12-74-44. and I ne& 18-74 :
* Q. c. a , , , , . * AA
neu'nrt'AN fr * * X."toi"i"ln
JSV ? in7' , nnd Iot 2' ' BeU neU 32.
nnd lot J. In nwtf nwVi 33-75-43 A"
- - , B. . 1,214
Seven transfers , totnl . . $0 355
Save your Domestic Boap wrappem.
Ucnth of John W. HcCor <
John W. McCoy died yesterday morning
at the residence of his son , William McCoy ,
128 Pierce itrwt , from heart trouble , aged
CS years. The funeral will be held tomor
row afternoon at 2:30 : o'clock from de
ceased's late residence , 720 Washington
avenue , the services being conducted by
Rnv. Mr. Caudle of tbo Central Christian
church. Interment will be In Walnut Hill
Friday and Saturday May opening at
Itoiirlclun' , 325 Broadway. Grand display of
nencst styles of Instruments and the latest
music. Prof. Muster's orchestra both even
ings , Everybody Invited.
Read premium offers Inside Domestic Soap
No , Johnnie , that Isn't a shark. It's only
ono of those big pike going to Sullivan's
store at 343 Broadway.
Suit of FrntiU Crawford ! Called In
Ulntrlct Court.
The trial of the suit of Frank Crawford
.against the Athletic Association of the Unl-
[ vcrslty of Nebraska was commenced yester
day In the district court. Crawford at
tached the university's share of the gate
receipts at the Iowa-Nebraska foot ball
game played nt the Field Club pnrk here Inst
i Thanksgiving day , claiming that the Ne
| braska University Athletic nssoclntlon wns
| ; Indebted to him In the sum of $225 for past
'services ' as coach.
| The suit of Mrs. Jennie Kasslng of Ncoln
against the Chicago , Rock Island & Pacific
Railway , In which she seeks to recover
$10,000 damages for Injuries alleged to have
been received on November 22 of last year
while getting off n train nt Neoln , was con
tinued by agreement until next week.
In the superior court yesterday R. Holt
Easloy , trustee , commenced proceedings
against J. N. Casady and others to recover
on two promissory notes amounting to
$159.02 , nnd to foreclose mortgage on lot 3 ,
section 2 , township 70 , range 41 , containing
forty-five acres.
Robert D. Russel , receiver of the Security
Savings nnd Loan association , began suit
ngnlnst Charles Jensen and wife to fore
close n loan of $440 on lot 8 , block 3 , In
Babbit Place addl.tlon.
The cnso against Isaac Dlckerson , charged
with fraudulent banking In connection with
the failure of the Cass County bank at At
lantic , will very probably never bo tried
again. The trial had been set for this terra
of district court , but Judge Smith yester
day sustained a motion of Dickerson'a nt-
tornoys nnd continued the case Indefinitely.
A few Sterling-silver spoons and novelties
left. They must bo sold. Will close them
out May 6 and 7 at No. 9 North Main st.
A. A. Hart.
Children's May party , Chambers' academy ,
Saturday evening , May 7. Admission 25
Domestic Soap Is the best for the laundry.
Good flour , $1.35. Bartel & Miller.
The finest line of-furniture In Council
Bluffs at Peterson & Schoenlng's , In the
Merrlam block.
The latest novelties In Iron bedsteads nt
Peterson & Schoenlng's.
Cordwood for sale cheap. Address W. F. ,
Dee office , Council Bluffs.
It would be a useless waste of time to
enumerate the different kinds of fish nt
Sullivan's. Ho keeps nearly every species
of the finny tribe that swims In the water.
Of course you will attend the opening of
Bourlclus' music house , 325 Broadway , to
day and tomorrow. Elegant pianos , largo
stock of sheet music. Orchestra each even
ing. Premium stamps and stars.
Storage , Wlnn & Konlgmncher , 336 Broad
Hull Hey * Convicted.
GLENWOOD , la. , May 6. ( Special. ) El
mer Johnson and Frank Study have been
convicted In the district court of assault
with Intent to do great bodily harm and
will be sentenced tomorrow. They threw a
rock through n buggy top in which a young
man nnd his companion were riding while
going home from a Christmas entertainment
out In the county. Johnson has been In Jail
'three times nnd Study four times previously
and both arc depraved young men.
Novak Innnrniicc Cane.
VINTON , la. , May 6. ( Special. ) The case
of Novak & Jllek against Hartford Insur
ance Company , was called In district court
here , but was settled before action was
taken. This Is a claim for Insurance on
contents of building burned at the time of
Edward Murray's death. The case was set
tled by defendant paying $1,000 and costs.
at Work.
BOONE , la. , May 6. ( Special Telegram. )
The posioffice at Ogden was entered by
.burglars at 3 o'clock this morning and the
safe blown up. The charge was not sufficient
to blow the door off and nothing was se
cured from It. It was evidently the work
of professionals.
Failure at Clnrliida.
CLARINDA , la. , May 6. ( Special. ) H. H.
Crooks , dealer in general merchandise , has
assigned. Liabilities , $2.300 ; assets , esti
mated at $3,500.
lotvn. Military NotcH.
Eighteen young men have gone from Har-
lan to Des Molnes to enlist.
Des Molncs pcoplo gave a chicken din
ner to the soldiers of Camp McKlnley.
Orders have been received at Camp Mc
Klnley that all the volunteers from Iowa
must bo held to the army standard and
must enlist for two years.
Colonel John C. Leper of the Third regi
ment , has considered the question of re
signing because he has had no actual ex
perience In war , but the men of tbo regi
ment have protested loudly and he will
The Ministerial association of Des Motncs
will present every member of the Iowa Na
tional Guard who does not possess a Bible
with a small pocket edition. More fhan
one soldier's life has been saved by carry
ing a Bible In his pocket.
The Muscatlne camp of Modern Wood
men of America has adopted a resolution
agreeing to pay all dues and assessments
for Ha members , and keep their certificates
in force , who so gallantly volunteered their
services and departed with the local com
Tbo district conference of Methodist Epis
copal churches of the Marshalltown dis
trict of Iowa held a two-days' meeting at
Ackley. A number of prominent divines of
central Iowa were present. Resolutions en
dorsing the attitude of the United States
In her war with Spain were unanimously
lotvn 1'rcHM Comment.
Keokuk Gate City : Another whole day
has passed and still the gentleman who
once proposed to swim In blood up to his
horse's bridle hasn't killed and eaten a
single Spaniard.
DCS Motncs Leader : It may surprise some
of the boys at Camp McKlnley to learn it ,
yet It Is a fact that their parade ground
was once owned by Spain , and It wasn't
100 years ago , either.
Des Molnes Register : Iowa National
Guard boys arc going to receive a good
deal of attention during their stay in this
city. We hope that cities like Cedar RapIds -
Ids and Sioux City , where tbo papers have
done a great deal of loud kicking , will do
as much for the Guard as Des Molnes
will do.
Sioux City Journal : The offer of Presi
dent Dole to transfer the Hawaiian Islands
to the United States for war purposes and
to supply American vessels with 'coal and
ammunition was of more Importance In Its
relation to this war when It was made
than when It was received. The victory
at Manila has made clear sailing to the
Pacific for this country.
Examining Board at' ' beji Moinca Oanrsos a
TrcmendouBl'ensation ,
i t
GnnrilHincn GrtontrjronKht Up Ilc-
cnime Their OHMcril Arc
on n Merc Technicality by the
ItcRulnr Army OHlccr.
DES MOINEa , May 6. ( Special. ) The
trouble In Camp McKlnley on account of
the physical examination of the men who
have applied for enlistment Into the volun
teer army of the United States Is much
more serious than any ono can understand
except the men In the Iowa National Guard.
The examining board Is composed of Lieu
tenant Negardon of the United States army ,
Dr. T. J. Priestley of this city nnd Dr. A. L.
Wright of Carroll , and the complaint of the
members of the guard Is that the regular
army surgeon Is entirely too severe In his
requirements. The members of the guard
became greatly wrought up over the exam
ination when It became known that nine
( I officers of the guard had failed to pass the
examination , the following being the un
successful ones : Lieutenant Colonel Andrew
C. Bergen , surgeon of the Second brigade ,
Sioux City ; Major Wllllnm J. Duggan of the
Third regiment , Crcston ; Major James A.
Sherman , surgeon of the Fourth regiment ,
Cherokee ; Captain W. H. Keating , company
F , Third regiment , Oskaloosa ; Captain Van
Buren Knott , additional assistant surgeon
of Fourth regiment , Sioux City ; Lieutenant
Park Flndley , assistant surgeon , Third regi
ment , Des Molnes ; Lieutenant C. A. Tracy ,
signal service corps of the First battalion
of the Third regiment ; Lieutenant Franco
C. Roberts , additional assistant surgeon
Second regiment , Fort Madison ; Captain E.
C. Pealrs company K , Third regiment , Corn-
Of about twenty-five men examined the
above failed to reach the requirements , al
though most of them were thrown out after
a rigid examination because of weight. The
officers are preparing a petition nnd will
appeal to Adjutant General Byers , and will
ask him to appeal to the War department
In their behalf. The Iowa delegation In
congress will be asked to work on the matter -
tor nnd the men may yet be able to hold
their positions. Just what pressure can bo
used In Washington to give the men nn op
portunity of holding their places Is not
known. The officers who failed to pass are
known to bo competent officers nnd they
think the mattur of weight should not shut
them out.
The men In the camp are much excited
over the results and many of them think
the examinations were made unnecessarily
severe In order to secure the rejection of
certain officers. The men are again making
the threats made when' It seemed probable
that but three regiments' would bo sent to
the front nnd when It.was proposed to com
mission all officers of volunteers according
to military knowledge , nnd skill , that they
will go home and refuse < to volunteer unless
they can have their own * officers.
Lo < of Ilreiii Weeded.
Three thousand loaves , of bread are re
quired each day to feed the men In Camp
McKlnloy. Each of''these costs 1 cents.
The reason of the hlfiUtijrlco Is the rise In
the price of flour all over the country nnd
n combine of Des , tolncs bakers. WhcN
they first put In thelr'blde at Adjutant Gen
eral Byers' office , theprices varied , and ac
cording lo theni 'the jtrcad could have been
furnished to the men In camp1 nt 3Vi cents
n loaf. But the next day nfter the bids
were In every ono of the bakers withdrew
them and put In bld3 at 4 cents a loaf. The
contract for supplying the men was given to
one establishment.
Had the two Iowa batteries of light ar
tillery been left to the state of Iowa they
would have been heard from In case they
wore given an opportunity to do anything.
They would have been the pride of the state ,
for the very best kind of men were apply
ing for places in the service , and John R.
Prlmo would have been placed at tbo bend
of ono and General Lincoln at the head ol
the other , in case the latter should not be
appointed brigadier general. But It seems
to be assured that General Lincoln is going
to got his deserved promotion nnd that Gen
eral Prime will nlso be given a good place ,
where his superior military training nnd
qualities will be made the best use of.
The work of fitting out the 3,000 mem
bers of the national guard nt Camp Mc
Klnley with now shoes has progressed well
toward completion. The array shoes can
not be secured yet and a contract was made
for footgear of solid structure and with
broad toes for Immediate use. General By
ers has no Intention of permitting the sol
diers to develop corns and sore feet by drillIng -
Ing In the narrow-toed shoes which mnny of
them wore from home. Camp life and long
marches are hard on shoes and many pairs
were wearing out. The shoes were Issued
by Colonel King and his assistants. The
men were marched Into the quartermaster's
building by companies , seated In squads of
twelve and told to flt themselves with shoes
from the convenient piles. The fitting was
done on the largest foot , and when a soldier
had equipped himself with
ono shoo It was
assumed that the other would flt and he
was marched back to quarters wearing one
now nnd ono old shoe nnd carrying the
same assortment. New blankets have been
Issued to men who were unprovided.
I.oat I'nrunn Fonncl.
COIN , In. , May 6. ( Special. ) Several
years ago T. J. Kennedy , president of Amity
college of College Springs , la. , nnd a promi
nent minister of the United Presbyterian de
nomination , mysteriously disappeared. The
people of College Springs , by whom Dr.
Kennedy wns held In high esteem , ralbed a
considerable sura of money , which was used
In searching for the lost man. Detectives
wore employed , circulars wore scattered
broadcast and everything1 possible was done
to locate the mlsslng-'Cbllcgo president. At
last the search .was Abandoned. .He could
bo traced no fartherl'fftm Oma'ha. His
property was turned'into ' money or deeded
to his wife. Hi's fafh'llf did not seem to
be much worried , so the detectives came to
the conclusion that the reverend gentleman
left home to stay , lyO UiG public would not
believe It. They1 mqitrild for him as ono
who was dead. Now comes the Plttsburg
Commercial Gazette jtth a report from Dr.
Kennedy's old home in Ohio , saying ho Is
allvo and well in Australia and conducting
„ ,
U the most economical , because U
dissolve * perfectly without sodl-
Went , berauso it is pure , without
added talt or adafteiatloni , be
cause It li the mo t condensed.
A k tot IJeblg Company' *
* * 1 *
of Beef
a prosperous business. Having lived for
ycnra with the woman of hlg cholco the
doctor and hla wife agreed to disagree. Ho
went to Australia. She stayed In College
liner Dlvorcr Cnnr.
MAnSHALLTOWN , In. , Mny G. ( Special. )
Judge Caswell of the district court Is lis
tening to the evidence In a very racy dl-
vorco caeo In which Mrs. Ollvo J. Hussell
asks separation from her husband , Charles
Russell. The parties arc well known resi
dents of Danger township , this county , where
they have resided for n number of years
and have raised a family of flve boys , the
eldest of whom Is 25 and the youngest 12
years of age. Doth principals have reached
the ago of gray hnlrs.
In her petition the wife charges that her
husband Is brutal , has threatened to kill her
on moro than one occasion , has knocked her
down and threatened to burn the house and
her with It and many other startling things.
The husband denies all this and charges
that It Is the wtfo who has threatened to
burn and kill , that she has compelled htm
to deed to her the greater part of 200 acres
of land , that she has secured real estate
from him valued at $3GOO and has sold per
sonal property to the amount of $3,000 and
appropriated the money therefrom ; that sbo
had him arrested for Insanity and taken be
fore the commlpsloncrs for the sole purpose
of securing the remainder of his properly ,
that she attacked htm at various times with
deadly weapons and has done other things
to threaten his safety and happiness.
Four IIMVH InoorrlirllileN.
OSKALOOSA , In. , Mny 6. ( Special. )
Judge Hynn sent four Oskaloosa boys to
the Industrial school at Eldorn today. They
are Charles Coffin , James Colwell , Doc Hnr-
graves and Raymond draft. They are not
yet IB and are sons of comparatively well-
to-do families. The boys pleaded guilty to
the burglary of. n store last week and to
breaking Into a bnrn and stealing property
on two different occasions.
Slmw HfliM\M ( he Trciopn.
DBS M01NKS , la. , May 6. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Governor Shaw and his staff re
viewed the four regiments of Iowa troops
mobilized nt Camp McKlnley this afternoon.
Thousands of pcoplo witnessed the review
and were greatly Impressed. At the con-
elusion of the review Governor Shaw said :
"They are the finest body of soldiers I ever
saw and I will match them against any four
regiments In the world. "
Work of n MlNcrnitit.
MALVEUN , la. , May C. ( Special. ) The
report comes from Hastings that last night
some miscreant deliberately undertook to see
how much property ho could destroy In one
night. Window lights were broken nil over
the town , one house having nearly every
pane of glass smashed by brickbats , and
several awnings were cut and slashed almost
bejoud repair.
lit Work.
MALVERN , la. , May C. ( Special. )
Durglars entered the dwelling of M. Cun
ningham last night and succeeded In re
lieving him of a very fine gold watch and
some other less valuable Jewelry.
The human machine starts but once and
stops but once. You con keep It going
longest and most regularly by using
DeWltt's Little Early Risers , the famous
little pills for constipation and all stomach
and liver troubles.
Ulir Six-Story HlocU.
CLEVELAND , O. , May 6. The big six-
story brick block at the southwest corner of
Dank and Lake streets was destroyed by
fire early today. The northern half of the
building was owned by the Dradley estate
and tbo southern part by the Hoot & Mc-
Drldn Co. , wholesale dry goods. The fire
was confined to the former , but the stock
of the Root & McDrtdc company was de
stroyed by water and smoke. The total loss
will amount to about $125,000 , fairly well
covered by Insurance. The flre resulted from
an explosion of chemicals In Deinan's chewIng -
Ing gum factory , on the fifth floor of the
Dradley end of the building. Nearly a dozen
manufacturing concerns , occupying the sev
eral floors , suffered losses ranging from
$5,000 to $25,000.
Grand Inland Store Dniiinired.
GRAND ISLAND , Neb. , May 6. ( Special. )
Plre broke out In the large storeroom of
H. H. Glover Company last night at 3 o'clock
and before the flames wcro extinguished a
great loss was occasioned , through smoke
and water principally. It Is supposed that
the fire originated In the waste paper box In
the basement. The latter , however , con
tained only the sweepings of yesterday.
Three of the employes slept In the store nntf
one of them right above the location of the
fire. The stock was groceries and general
merchandise and all of It Is half a loss at
the very least , while some of It Is a total
loss. The stock was covered by $18,000 In-
Cnee Will Talk to Stndcntn.
WASHINGTON , May 6. Secretary Gage
has gone to Syracuse and Ithaca , N. Y. He
will address the students of Cornell uni
versity tomorrow.
ItelRlmln * Will Fornlnlly Cln c III
Rrnloit Till * Mornlnv.
BERLIN , May 0. In the RclchsUff
Daron von Thlclmnnn , secretary of the Im
perial treasury , replying to nn Interpella
tion , declared the government had no In
tention of asking the Dundesrath to sus
pend the duties on grain. Ho added that
tbo fears of n blockade of American ports
wcro exaggerated , that thcro was no likeli
hood of such a blockade , and concluded with
the remark that , In any case , the Canadian
route would remain open.
Continuing , Dnron von Thlclmann said n
temporary change In the duties will nol
cheapen bread , but It would severely Injure
the agriculturists. The dealers , ho added
would be the only persons to benefit by the
change. Dut. he said In conclusion , If the
situation niters essentially the governmcn
will reconsider the question.
Count Tosadowsky , minister for the In
terior and representative of the chancellor
then announced that the ceremony of clos
ing the session would take place In the
hall of the Whlto castle at 10 o'clock to
The proceeding closed with cheers for the
\nnirn of Miinlcrnl MlniiloiinrlcM.
LONDON , May C. The colonial ofllcc to
day received the names of the American
missionaries who were murdered during the
rebellion nt Ratlfunk , Sierra Leone , wes
const of Africa , as announced on Wednesday
last. They arc : Mr. and Mrs. Calne am
the Misses Archer , Hatficld and Sohonck
The other missionaries , Mr. nnd Mrs
Dtirtner , Mr. nnd Mrs. Mlnshnll nnd the
Misses Mullen nnd Ward , are safe nt Free
Knllnu Ilrc-ad Itlotn Continue.
ROME , May 0. There were rcni'Wct
bread riots at 1'avU yesterday evening. Tlii.
rioters stretched chains across the streets
to prevent cavalry chaw * . Several sol
diers nnd civilians wcru Injured.
A riotous mob surrounded a dctachmtn
of troops nt Scsyo Florentine nnd the sol
diers fired a volley , killing three of tholr
assailants and wounding four olhen.
Thcro were fresh disorder * nt 1'rnto , ten
miles northwest of Florence , today.
Prince Ilrnry Iti-arlic * Kino Chon.
HONG KONG , Mny C. I'rlnce Henry o
Prussia arrived nt Kino Chou yesterday.
Kiifftrt'liiK Ilurlior lU'RitlntloiiM.
NEW YORK , May 6. One of those cap
tains who have been recklessly disregarding
the new harbor regulations for this port , foi
passes to avoid the mine fields , received a
rude shock to his nerves during the night
when a blank shot was fired at his schoonei
from the battery at Sandy Hook , as the
vessel was passing over the mine field In
that neighborhood. The shot was a warning
that the authorities Intend to compel obedi
ence to the regulations hereafter.
I'rolMihllltlcN Are Hint It AVIII lie Knlr
mill 'Wiiriner Ttnlay , with Ijlfflit
IIIK ! ViirlnlileVlmlx. .
WASHINGTON , May 6. Forecast for
Saturday :
For Nebraska , Iowa , Missouri and Kan
sas Fair nnd warmer ; light vntlablo winds
For South Dakota Fair weather ; west
erly , shifting to southerly , winds.
For Wyoming Fair nnd warmer ; south
erly winds.
lifienl Ilfroril.
OMAHA , Mny U. Omaha record of temper-
nturo nnd rainfall compared with the cor
responding day of the last three yearn :
1838. 1S97. 1S % . 1S93
Maximum tcmiicrature . . C2 82 fcS S
Minimum temperature . . 3'J BG C7 D'J
Average temperature . . . . BO C9 78 72
Rainfall T .00 .00 .36
.Record of temperature arid precipitation a
Omaha for this day nnd since March 1 , 1S97
Normal for the dny C (
Deficiency for the day 10
Accumulated excess since March 1 80
Normal rainfall for the day 13 Incl
Deficiency for the day 13 inch
Total rainfall since March 1 4.C6 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 75 Inch
Excess for cor. period , 1897 1.43 inch
Excess for cor. period , 1S9C 43 Inch
Ilrporti from Stntloni nt 8 p. nt.
Seventy-fifth Meridian time.
WEATHER. * 3 : g , f
, Si'
Omaha L , partly cloudy 66 | 62
North Platte , clear i BSi CO .00
Salt Lake City , clear. GSI GS .00
Cheyenne , clear .00
Rapid City , clear .00
Huron , clear .00
Chicago , cloudy .00
Wllllston , clear .00
St. Louis , partly cloudy . . . .01
St. Paul , clear .00
Davenport , cloudy .00
Helena , cloudy .00
Kansas City , clear .CO
Havre , clear . * . . .00
Bismarck , clear .00
Galvcston , clear .00
T Indicates trace of precipitation.
Local Forecast Olllclal.
ou <
, FREE ADVICE 1-yonr - Physician nmla FREE SAMPLE , ,
of our medicine and a ( M-pngo I rco Hook trcntlng all ( Usi'ascs with 50 excellent
icclpcs nrc some of the icasons why you should write u * .
Dr , Kay's ' Renovator
Cutcf Iho very woi'et niuuaof Drppcnsln , ConptlpnUon , Itcadaclic , Liver and
Kidney illi-eubCS. Send for proof of It. AVe ( iuurantco It.Viltc us nbuut
all ot vuur symptoms. Dr. Kay'a Ilenovntnr lx gold by drugglstx , or scut
by lunll on receipt of price , 2fl cents nnd 81.00
Address Dr. B. J. KAY MEDICAL CO. , ( Wo.tern Office ) Omaha.jNob p
MMM ? ri
MANHOOD RESTORED VHallzer.tneprescrip- This ercat Vegetable
tlonof a > fatuous French physician , will quickly euro you of all nor.
vena or diseases of tlic generative organs , euch us Lost Manhood.
Insomnia , 1'alna In the Duck , Seminal Emissions , Nervous Debility.
Pimples , Undines ! to Marry , Ezhaiutliig Drains , Varlcocelo at' < {
Constipation. It stops nil losses by day or right Prevents quick-
cess of discharge , which If not checked lead ! ) to Spermatorrhoea and
HI-TfcH all the borrow of Impotencr. CPs'IOKWEcleoiiiCsUicllver , the
kidncyaand Uionrlnary organgof alllmpurlUefc
CVFIDKNK Ktrengthensond restores small weak organs.
The reason suflerpra are not cured by Doctors Is becnuso ninety per rent arc troubled with
Proclaim * . CUPIDKNK ls the only known remedy to euro without uu operation. WOO IcMlmonl-
els. A written fruaranire given and money returned If six bnxra does not effect u permanent cure
f 1.00 a box , elx for (5.00 , by mall. Bend for niKE circular and tcitimonlaU.
Address DA VOL , MEDICINE CO. , P. O. Box 3370 , Son Francisco , Cat. fur Bale bu
JIYEUS-DILLOX DRUG CO. . g. E. Coi , 10h ( and Piirunm , Omnlia.
"SAY AYE * NOf AND YE'LL NE'Eft "fcfe
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Jobbers of
Selling Agents
lOa Clyarm. tie Olgnra ,
is due not only to the originality and
simplicity of the combinnUon , but also
to the care nntl skin wih | which it is
nmnufnclurcil by bciontiflo processes
known to the OAt.iroiixiA Fie SVKUP
Co. only , anil wo wish to linprosH upon
all the importance of purchasing the
true anil original remedy. As the
genuine Syrup of Figs Is immufnctured
by the CAMFOUXIA Fin SvuuiCo. .
only , a knowledge of Unit fact will ono in avoiding the worthless
imitations manufactured by other pur-
ties. The high standing of the CAM-
FOH.NIA Fin Hviiui' Co. with the medi
cal profession , and the witihftiction
which the genuine Syrup of Figs has
given to millions of families , makes
the name of the Company a guaranty
of the excellence of Us remedy. It Is
far in advance of all other laxatives ,
as it acts on the kidneys , liver and
bowels without irritating or weaken
ing them , and it does not gripe nor
nauseate. In order to get its beneficial
oiTocts , please remember the name of
the Company
- v MKW roitir , N.T.
The ( J. S.
wants strong men In Its
service. With ono ac
cord the Army nnd Navy
endorse UAK-llKN 03
tlio greatest known
Btrcngthoucr , Invlirorat-
or and restorative. It
creates solid llcsh. mus
cle and strength , clears
the brain , strcnRthcns
the nerves uul : causes
the Rencr.uh o organs to
quickly reRalu nor-
raal powers. For nerv
ous urostratlon , over
work , impaired vitality
in either scz , or execs il\o use of opium , llnuor
or tobacco , It p slttvcly ruinot bo excelled.
Ono box will work wonders. Six will cure.
1IAK-IIKN Is for Halo by all dru ? lsts , no tab
lets BO crnl * . Ono to two months' treatment.
Fill out and mall us the diagnosis sheet In each
box , and wo lll glvo your case special atten
tion without extra ehareo. 1IAU-IIEN It pre
pared byHjalmcr O. IJcnson , 1'h I ) . , II. S. , di
rect from the formula , of E. K. Harton , M. H ,
Cleveland's most otnlient specialist. Mailed
in closed p ick IKO on rocelpt of price.
L 01 liar-lion Block , t leveland , a
For salts by Kuhn & Co , 15tn and Douglas -
las ; J. A. Fuller & Co. , HW Douglas St. .
and Graham Drug Co. , 13tli nnd Farnam ;
King Pharmacy , 27lh nl Leavcnworth ;
Peyton's Pharmacy , 21th mid Leavcnworth :
K. J. S'ykorn , Sr : th Omaha , and all othcV
druggists In Omaha. South Omaha , Council
Keader of DlaeaseB of tuen and
World's llerbal Ul pcninry of McdlcllVK
I CUKE Catarrh of Head , Throat and
Lungs , DlfiCHsea of llyo and Car , Fits and
Apoplexy , Heart , Liver nnd Kidney Dlseusei ,
Diabetes , Itrlght'e DlecaBc , St. Vltus Dunce.
Ulieutmitlsm , Scrofula , Dropsy cured without
tapping , Tnpo Worn removed , ull clironlo
Nervous and Private Diseases.
CVDUII IG _ Only Physician who enn
3 1 rniLIOi properly euro HYl'HIMH
without destroying teeth and bones. No tuer-
cm J' or poison mineral UBrd.
The only Physician who can tell what all *
you without asking a question.
Those at a distance tend for question
blank. Mo. 1 for men ; No. 2 lor women.
All oorrcHpondcnco strictly confidential.
Medicine sent by express.
Addrctm ull letters to
G. W. PANGLE , M. D. ,
855 Bronilwuy , COUNCIL HLUFF8 , IA
t BIHIDD for rculv.
Everett , 10 Pearl it. . Council muffs , la. :
'or rent a small farm at CO nir < i , 2'1 ' mllr * from
the city. Very rcasonnblc rental. Good IIGUI *
anil stable.
For rent a house anil 6 acres of land , K of
mile from the city limit * . Rental , 15.00 pst
rjood land In central Nebraska for rent for
share of the crop.
0 acre * of good land for rent near Honey Creek *
Will rent on shares.
3ood house of 10 rooms nnd one acre of land.
fruit and garden , fine tree ? , beautiful location ,
near the city , known fa "Cherry Hill , " fo
rent for the summer % cry rcasonalle.
food 6-rooni house for rent at (7,00 per month ,
near the motor line.
3ood farm for sale , jj mile of Underwood , IH
acres , well Improtetl , sj'lencllj lind. Omaha
or Council Illuffs property taken In part pay *
splendid bottom farm for site near MonJamln.
Part payment tnken In Omaha or Council
Illuffs city propel ty ; .300.00 will U taken la
trade ,
laod farms for rent for the season of 1S31 at
low rental tc reiponslble parties.
acres of land near the city for sale. Will take
part payment In ralntlRK or carpenter work ,
lardens and farms for cala In the best part of
western Icwu.
Ipply to I eonard Everett , Attorney-at-taw. II
Pearl it. , Council lUuRs , la.
land * for Ml * or Not. DaA Uta * . tt ftu\