1315 : THE OMAHA DAILY PER E. noaBlVATBU. Editor. 1'UDUBHEP EVEKY MOUNINO. TKIIMS OP BUUSCRtlTION. Dally no ( Without Bumlny ) , One Yenr. 6.00 Bully Ucn and Sunday , Ono Year § 00 Blx Months , * { Three Month * < JX Hutidnv lice , Ono Yrnr J-1' Baturu.ty Hoc. Onn Year ' ! Weekly lice , Ono Year * O1TICKS. Ornnhn : The IJeo Hulldlnc. , Houth Omaha : Singer Illock , Corner N nd 21th Btrerts. , _ . . Cniincll muffs : 10 Pearl Street. Chlcazo Olllce : 602 Chamber of Com merce , Now York : Tcmplo Court. Wnshlneton : 601 Fourteenth Street. COIUtKSI'ONDKNCn. All rnmmunlcntlons relating to news and editorial matter Hhuuld bo addressed : To the Editor. Editor.BUSINESS LETTERS. All Imslncis letters nnd remittances hould bo addressed to The Hoc Publishing Company , Omaha. Drafts , checks , express nnd iiostofllco money orders to bo madg paynliln to the order of the company. TUB IJEE PUHMSHINO COMPANY. STATEMENT OP CIRCULATION . State of Nebraska , Douglas county , as. : George II. Tzgchuck , secretary of The Bee Publishing company , being duly sworn , says tlmt the actual number of full and complete coplea of 1510 Dally , Morning , Evening nnd Sunday Dec , printed during the month of April , 1893 , was on followu : l ai.ar.H is ns'.1.1H ' " " " " ' 3 . . . ! ! ! ! , - 4 . y.-i.r.Mii 10 Brr.ro c . at.rin : 20 a.1,01- . . . , . ui.ins 21 BR.B7U 7 . aioni : 23 9 . i ! 1,01)0 ) 21 10 . s-1,007 23 as , os 11 . : ioir o 20 UH.I. a . aNs i > 27 2I > , ( 17 13 . S4yt7 23 Sil,541 ) 14 . Sf , ll 20 B ,4-tl is . so BUuta : Total 7s .rnn returns and unsold copies 17-1-fl Not total sales 7 < 1I,1 T Not dally average 25,639 GDORaE 11. TZSCHUCK , Sworn to before mo and nubaerlbcd In my presence this 30th day of April , 1S9S. ( Seal. ) N. P. FEIL. Notary Public. A nuiiilii'i1 of rnnp'cs.tmen h.ive teen rciioiiilnated within the last two weeks. That Is tlie popular tiling at the present .time. The newly appointed congressman major generals are lljjnrliiK how to hold two federal joks at the same time. It is the same old problem. Ily the way , what has become of Hint political farce , "The Curse of Gold , " put on the htiiKG some time atfo by pollti- clans for popocratlc purposes only ? Tt seems that Commodore Dewcy has been dolnx n little promoting on liln own account If he now sports the title of military governor of the Philippines. Minister Polo , It Is reported , will soon leave Canada. Toronto Is found to be "In the enemyVi country" and Polo de sires nothing more than his personal safety. And while the American navy is seiz ing islands In far oft parts of the earth , Hawaii can hardly wait to be seized. lint this is not a war for territorial ac quisition. The Marine band can help the war more by firing partlotlsm with Inspiring music at tlw Transmisslsslppi Exposi tion than by doing nothing at the na tional capital. Secretary Long should look at It In this light. New Orleans people furnish convinc ing proof of loyalty by changing the name of Spain street to Dcwey street. Will tlie names of the towns of Manilla , Madrid , De Soto and Leon , In Iowa , all have to undergo a change on account of the war ? There is such a thing as overshooting the mark. So far as the great mass of the public is concerned , that Is what the popocratlc conspirators have done who are trying to put a man In the mayor's olllce who dd ! not receive a elngle vote at the election. If the bogus reform police board rep resented the public Instead of acting as special protectors of the dlvekecpers nnd gamblers the Hoard of Education would not have to go Into court to as- egrt the rights of the school children to 1he revenue belonging to them under > the law. The Iowa supreme court Insists upon holding fast tothe rule that attorneys shall not be permitted to sign bonds for clientrf In the course of legal procedure. It ought to be a welcome decision to the attorneys themselves by relieving them from business that docis not belong to the profession. No great International exposition has fver been successfully/held without a director general at the head of all ac tive operations on the grounds. Why then should the Transmlsslsslppl Expo sition be Imperilled by longer continuing a six-headed experiment tlmt has al ready proved too costly ? A popocratlc magazine published in Chicago declares that "the war is the l > est tiling that has yet happened for the reform movement. " The t > tat im > nt will not bo questioned. Nothing ever hap pened to the "reform movement" nsi en gineered by the popocratlc basses that could be called good. Politics makes strange bedfellows. The domocratswho _ are aiding and abetting " " ting the gaug""m its efforts to neat in the mayor's chair a man who did not receive n vote for the place are the same democrats who held up tliclr hands In horror when an attempt was made to deprive ( Sovernor IJoyd of an olllce to Avhvh ! ho was elected In favor of a man who was not even a candidate. Now that the Initial movement has been taken for the organization of a woman's relief corps , the work should iiot IMS allowed to lag. The women of Omaha and Nebraska are certainly as patriotic and s.'lf-savrltlclng as were the women of 1801. The cause In which they are enlisted merits their most ardu ous exertions , and with the assurance of popular sympathy they can count on lib eral support from all classes of cltlJfcus. THK CVJ1AN CAHPAtOX. It appears that General Blanco Is very active la preparing to defend Havana against nn American army of invasion and also In fortifying other vital points. Accordlug to reports the Spanish army will bo concentrated art much as pos sible , so that the Invading army will probably not have to fight Its way to Havana , but will be confronted there by nearly the entire Spanish force. The plan of Itlanco seems to be much like tlmt of General Lee In the defense of Itichmond and If such should prove to bo the vase it Is quite possible that our soldiers will encounter some stubborn lighting. Of course they will have the powerful assistance of the American licet , still It Ifl to bo expected that the Invaders will have to do hard and hot lighting before the American flag Is un furled over Havana. Tha departure of a part of Admiral Sampson's licet will necessarily delay the Invasion of Cuba , which It had been expected would be begun this week. Meanwhile the work of mobilizing the military goes actively on and when the time comes for sending the army to Cuba there will be a force well pre pared for the purpose. IIow largo a force will constitute the army of inva sion \a \ u matter known only to the mili tary authorities , but it may safely ba assumed that It will be sulilclent to vigorously push hostilities and speedily strike a decisive blow. The opinion has been expressed that the volunteers may not be needed for service In Cuba , that the regular army , co-operating with the Insurgents , will be an ample force. Those who take this view doubtless underrate the lighting qualities of the Spanish army. They think that the Spanish , confronted by a properly equipped adversary , will prove as hol low a sham as the Chinese forces turned out to bo In tlie war with Japan. It Would be extremely unwise for the gov ernment to act upon this theory. It may happen that the Spanish soldiers will not be very formidable In battle. They are said to be poorly disciplined and their treatment has not been of a kind to stimulate martial spirit. lint tlw more JtuliclojH view Is that they will meet an invading force with cour age and will do hard lighting. He- sldiw , they would be far more likely to yield without much lighting to an over whelming force than to one whose numbers permitted them a hope of de feating It. Assuming the Insurgent forces , to number JiO.OOO effective sol diers the United States should send to Cuba an army of not less than r > 0,000 and with these forces operating together hostilities in Cuba could not hist long. To send to the Island , however , an army of a few thousand would probably pro tract the war and cost more lives than would be lost If au ample Invading force to crush the enemy with a few blows Is sent at the outset. We give no credence to reports of an Intention to postpone tlie real invasion of Cuba until autumn , sending there meanwhile only a small force to co operate with tlie insurgents. It Is not conceivable that the government will keep the ll-oet Inactive before Havana for several months and during the hur ricane season , In order to avoid the un favorable climatic "conditions in Cuba during the rainy season. WHAT KDITOUS WILL GKT. At the editorial .banquet In Omaha Tues day Manager Rosownter's plans for reward ing the generosity of the press were made public , having been adopted by the execu tive committee. The rule provides for giv ing weekly papers In the transmlsslsslppl states , who have favored the exposition , a pass for the publisher and his wife good until Juno 30 , and makes the following liberal apportionment to dally papers such as the Press : "Dallies In cities of less than 50,000 , pass for editor and wife , good for ten days at any period during the exposi tion. " Yo Gods ! How can such generosity be ac counted for. Just think of It , a pass good for ten days to pay for probably $500 worth of advertising space. Gall ! Well , wo say yes , and Intend headIng - Ing the list of publishers who will refuse such a liberal gift aud should we desire to bo roped In by the Rosewatcr exposition , wo will pay 50 cents for that privilege. Is this great exposition to exceed that of the World's fair at Chicago In 1893 ? Wo think not , and the management of that , the greatest of expositions In the world's his tory , paid for their advertising space and did not want the earth. All publishers were treated alike. Nebraska City Press. , This is a. sample brick of the missiles thrown at the exposition at the Instiga tion of tile Omaha World-Herald. Had the editor of the Nebraska City Press been present at the banquet to which he refers ho would not have made such a flagrant mlsstatement. The rules adopted by the exposition management for press privileges were not made pub lic at that gathering , but were given out In a distorted and garbled form through tlie local yellow kid fakcry , which Is ex erting Itself to tlie utmost to create a feeling of hostility to the exposition in every possible way. In order that further misrepresenta tion shall cease The Hoc presents tlie correct version of the rules governing the is.suc of editorial passed to Ne braska papers. 1. Each weekly paper that has fa vored tlu exposition with advertising will be furnished with one pass for the publisher or editor and another for his wife or accompanying lady , good dur ing the month of .lune , and , If not used during that month , exchangeable for term passes during the period when the editor and lil.s lady may be In attend ance upon the exposition. 2. The eilitor of every Nebraska dally that lias advertised the exposition will bo furnished with a pass for him self and wife , good during tlie entire exposition. The same rules will apply to editors in the states of Iowa , Kansas , Colorado , South Dakota , Wyoming , Southern Min nesota nnd Northern Missouri. E.lltors of papers in cities under 50,000 popula tion outside of tlio territory named will receive passes good for ten Mays at any time during the exposition , and those In cities of 50,000 and ovr will be on tlie same plane as those of Nebraska , with tlie addition of passes for their mana ging editors. This is the most liberal treatment the press lias ever received at the hands of aiv > great exposition and nobody has taken exceptions to It except those who are seeking a pretext for Uniting the exposition. The eaudbaggera , However , mny rest assured that Ilio oxposlllon has reached the stage and magnitude that places It out of the reach of harm from tlinir paper pellets. Inchlontnlljr and for the bom-lit of the disgruntled The Hec most emphatically contradict * the assertion that all pub lishers nnd editors were treated alike at the World's fair , or that the World's fair paid newspaper publishers for ad- Tcrtl.slug space. It Is notorious that the weeklies , even of Illinois , failed to revolve recognition at the World's fair and tlie smaller dailies had to content them selves with trip passes secured after laborious Importuning. The same Is true- in great measure of the expositions at San Francisco , Atlanta and Nashville. Editors of the transmlsslsslppl region may , therefore , rest assured that they will get at Omaha more than they have ever gotten anywhere else. THE AUTONOMIST COXURESS. The congress elected In pursuance of the policy of autonomy in Cuba is in session , but n less Interesting body of legislators docs not atlywhere exist. Tlie opening of tlie congress was marked by a great demonstration nnd General Blanco took occasion to say BOOIR severe things about the Utiifrd States. He declared that the policy of autonomy had not failed nnd that Cuba was approaching preaching a reconciliation and the end ing of the war when tlie United States Intervened. From the tone of Itl.inco's speech It Is to be Inferred that he really expects Spain will hold on to Cuba and yet put Into general effect there the policy of autonomy. In the territory under Spanish control the policy was of course a success , but as a means of pacifying tlie island It was a complete failure. The Insurgents denounced , it and all efforts to induce the leaders to consider or discus ? the policy were futile. A few people who had been in sympathy with the Insur gents accepted It , but Mi- number or such was Insignificant. In tlie election of the congress tlie vatu was small , many Spnnlands refraining from voting because of their opposition to tlie policy. The autonomist congress c.in hardly find much to do of a practical nature. It can do nothing to give relief from the conditions which everv day grow more severe. Still It appears that the people of Havana are rather cheerful and even conlldent GKIIMAN NEUTRALITY. The declaration of Emperor William that tlie German government will fulllll tlin duties involved In Its neutral posi tion Is entirely satisfactory. Although Germany was less prompt than other countries In announcing a neutral atti tude , there was at no time any good reason to doubt tlie intention of the gov ernment to observe neutrality , because Its interests imperatively required that this be done. Whatever unfriendliness there may be toward this country of a commercial nature and however strongly the German government may deprecate American policy In respect to the inde pendent states of the western hemi sphere , it cannot afford to take a posi tion which tlie United States might fairly regard as hostile. What the emperor said In. regard to protecting German navigation nnd com merce was undoubtedly hitendtal for Spain father than for the United States. The -policy announced by our govern ment in regard to neutral vessels is as liberal as could be asked. They arc not to be Interfered with "except on the clearest grounds of suspicion of a viola tion of law in respect of contraband or blockade. " Spain , however , has given no su'L'h ' assurance In regard to the treat ment of neutral vessels. Under the presi dent's proclamation In relation to the right of search German vessels will be In no danger of molestation by our war ships. ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ AS TO LIVK STOCK PHK3IIUMS. The live stock commission men nnd packers of South Omaha are urging tha exposition managers to appropriate $35,000 for cash premiums to live stock exhibitors. There Is no doubt that the managers would cheerfully comply with this request If they could see their way clear to set apart such a large sum as prizes for exhibitors of high bred live stock. It must be bomc In mind , however , that a great exposition like that which is to open In Omaha June 1 involves an enormous outlay for tin-rent expenses which at the lowest estimate will be $2,000 a day , or § 300,000 during tlie period of tlie exposition. The time set for the live stock show covers only the month of October , and to appropriate $ : ; 5,000 for tills feature would add more than $1,100 per day , or fully 50 per cent , to the current expenses. To com pensate the exposition for this extra ordinary , drain on Its treasury would require over 70,000 extra admissions , a flgurc which the most enthusiastic stock breeder would not venture to guarantee. Manifestly the exposition Innnagement is not warranted in Incurring so heavy an obligation In the face of demands much more Imperative. The Heo would , therefore , suggest that the Soutli Omaha commission men and packers raise at least one-half of the money they desire to have offered as prizes for stock exhibits at tlie exposi tion. If ? : in,000 Is to bo the minimum they should 'contribute at least $17,500. If , upon reflection , the prize money ag gregate can bo reduced below $ ; ! 5,000 , they might reduce their share of It pro portionately. Willie The Dee has no authority to speak for the exposition , It lias reason to believe that such a propo sition would be accorded favorable con sideration. If It Is true that a special agent of the Canadian government is In Washington for the purpose of securing an agree ment to submit all differences between thu Dominion and the United States to aibltratlon for flnal settlement , ho .should receive courteous treatment. The people of tlie United States never before felt so friendly to their British nelgn- bora on the north. According to the popocratlc organ that referee's report has grown to bo an ar raignment not only of the republican district judges , but also of the repub lican county commissioners , and all the republican county oUlcers who refused to follow Hroatch nnd Kedlleld Into tlu ITerdmaii'IIowelMlaiisom camp and Join tlie gnux'IUi Its warfare upon the republican parjy If any proof were needed to show that the whole plot I * this product 6f 5ao wily popocratk con spiracy tlie q&ijjilnnt outbursts of Ihe conspirators' organ would suttlce. Not contcntMtki trying to stir up op position to tha-expositlon In the country press and cnd ivyrlug to block the plan of tlie ways { ndhnipnns department to raise money .b.f .Jlio. advance sale of commutation ttl | kcts , tlie exposition sandbagger Is also doing his best to arouse dissatisfaction among the live stock hrccders" > and commission men by trying to innkp tthem believe that they have been abused by the Exhibits de partment. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Don't llorrow Trouble. Kansas City Star. The first thing to do Is to occupy the Philippines. There will bo plenty of tlmo to decide , afterward , what the country will do with them. A I'ri'iimturo Illnc. Globe-Democrat. The war with Spalu Is raising the price of brimstone. Uut , though Spain Is In a bad way , the provision for Its early demlso may be premature. Titlco TlieliMcitlclna I.IUu Men. riittudcluhla llecord. Lot us no longer disparage Spanish valor. The Spanish may not htwo the American audacity and skill , but they stand up and take their medicine like men ; and they meet death like Turks. AValt for tile It IK CJuim. ChlctiRO Itcconl. Meanwhile , It should bo remembered that no American battleship has yet fired a gun In the Spanish war. Cruisers and gunboats won the great victory at Manila. A cruiser , a monitor and n gunboat silenced the bat teries at Malanzns. If you want to see real execution watch the first battle In which olther the Iowa , the Indiana , the Massachu setts , the Oregon or the Texas takes a hand. Crcnt Gallic to HUB. Philadelphia llecord. It Is quite po5Hltlo that the Spanish gov ernment la willing to venture all on one Grand coup , and fcr thnc purpose Inlands to throw the united naval forces of Spain upon our licet In Cuban vntcrs. The Spanish notion seems to bo that In this supreme ef fort of the navy of Castile the squadron of Hear Admiral Sinatra might bti crushed. But what : i .Inn bag of IUUIQ ; the Span'sh fleet would maki : ! Duty mill 1'ntrloHnm. Detroit Free Press. Governor Hastings has counseled the Pennsylvania militiamen In much the same strain as Governor 1'lngreo'a parting advlco to the National Guard of this state at the hour of their departure for Island Lake. If there was among their number any man having those atuhoino who would suffer by his enlistment , Governor Hastings declared It was that man's patriotic duty to remain at homo and care for them. No Time for Over-Confidence. Sprlnslield [ ( Mass. ) Republican. While the American people nay Justly take great satisfaction In the little episode of Sunday In the Philippines , they should beware of overcoufldunco at this stage of the contest. Wo should remember that our first blow was struck whcro Spain was wcakcbt In a naval and military sense and that the real Spanish navy , containing many ships of far more formidable , power than these de stroyed at Manila , e HI rjdcs the seas. Storon otJJCo u lu Kelirnnliii. ' 4 ,1 * < srff Bolt. „ . . . , A journey tfcpiuljli Nebns'ca shows cer tain facts that ara indisputable , slnco they are apparent evcn.frJtn n car window. First , there is nn < mmu.nHD store of the corn of 1897 In cribs. The Binnll to\vna are , co to speak , full of corn , and the cribs full of it are visible wherever llio farm buildings lie clone enough to the line to bo seen. Thin corn arm lies far out toward the Colorado line. In postern Nebraska and In Iowa the iiupply of everything , growing nnd In cribs , lit , of course , Immense. It is useless to ox * patlato upon the present supply nnd lha Immediate - mediate prospects of those uncqualkd Agri cultural regions. L'rrnn Stock Chlcnco Tribune. Ilrynn stok Is rapidly falling In the polit ical market. Some fifty or more populist county newspapers In Kansas , which have hitherto kept his name at the head of their columns for president In 1900 , IIAVC dropped It. The Charlotte Observer , one of the most Influential papers In North Carolina , warns him that "ho Is not Increasing his popularity by hanging In with the basest nnd most treacherous of the two elements of the popu list party In this state , nnd seeking to In duce the democrats to fu6o with It. " From other localities come similar Indications. Drynn's career as a peripatetic politician Is rapidly coming to a close. Ho should enlist before It Is too late. I'OI.ITICAI. imtl'T. Dill Turnlpsecd Is n candidate for the leg islature In Arkansas. Schuylcr Col fax , the republican nominee for the mayoralty of South Bend , Inil. , Is the only son of the late Vice President Schuylcr Colfax. Hev. Dr. Lorimcr of Boston , pastor of Trcmont temple , Is credited with n willing ness to run for governor of Massachusetts , provided the churches agree to support him. When tha doctor Inserted the latter condi tion ho- blew himself out of the race. The statistical experts report that New York City's debt exceeds the constitutional limit by $50,000,000. A mighty spasm of economy Is now threatened. But a little thing like the constitution will not bo per mitted to estrange friends and taxes will bo boosted ocveral notches to keep the ma chine moving. The last rf the counties of New York state to hold spring elections this year was Al bany , which returned twenty-five republic ans and thirteen democrats , making the total number of supervisors elected this spring 1,002 , and giving the republicans a lead of exactly 300 , there being C51 republicans nnd 351 democratic supervisors. The April elections In , the cities of New Jersey have been generally favorable to the democrats this year , and as there is a gov ernor to bo elected In the Cranberry state , democratic hopes have been much raised thereby. The present governor , filling the vacancy caused , by the resignation of John W. Grlggs , Is n republican. No governor of Now Jersey has filled the ofllco for two terms consecutively since 1850. The Mobile Register , democratic , quotes a correspondent who says of Congressman Halley : "Ho Is a weak , vain young man , governed by personal prldo rather than sound judgment , nnd often sacrifices the advantages of his side to exhibit his talent for oratory. Ho is selfish and inconsid erate , and wants to do it all himself. Ho never allows any of his colleagues to have a show , nnd If Mr. McMlllln , who Is much better qualified for leadership than Mr. Bailey , or any other prominent democrat , at tempts to do anything , Mr. Bnlley shows a jealousy which Is mean and unmanly. Ho was selected as leader by a narrow ma jority in the first place and will bo de posed as soon as nn opportunity offers. " An illustration nnd a very timely one , ot the extent to which the control of political power has , during recent years , moved west Is to bo found in the fact that while for many years the foreign relations of the United States government were very largely In the control ot residents of the Atlantic seaboard , such is the case no longer , for the chairman of the senate committee on foreign relations Is Cushman K. Davis of Minnesota , nnd the chairman of the corre > spending committee In the house of repre sentatives Is Robert R. Hltt of Illinois. Mr. Davis Is n resident of St. Paul ; Mr. Hltt Is a resident of Mount Morris. Mr. Hltt is also an Ohio man by birth , and no geographical changes In the United States seem seriously to affcct'or Imperil the prom inence of Ohio men in public affairs. I/AKD * THAW nuns. According to the latest reports from Crete , the Christian Inhabitants arc manifesting considerable capacity for Bclf-govcrntncnt. It the mat of the Island Is anarchic , the center nnd west arc In fairly good order. Each eparchy has a local administration , both central nnd communal , with n paid gendarmerie , n system of taxation , and an organization of mllltla. There Is n national assembly , summoned from tlmo to time , generally to PInkourcs , In Akrotlrl , where It : nn keep in touch with the admirals In Sudn bay , nnd delegate administrative functions to a small body of officials , presided over by n Cretan who Is said to bo able M. Sphn- klannkls. Peace nnd order reign outside the cordons , as well as within , nnd It Is long slnco central and western Crete have known such public security as nt this mo ment. This happy state of things , however , will not last long. K the crops fall nnd the people feel again the pangs of hunger. For tunately , the coming harvest bids fair to bo ono of the best for ninny years past. The crops within the Candla cordon , which , by the forethought of Sir Herbert Cherm- slde , wcro sown by co-oporntlvo. labor last winter , are excellent , and olives and vines look well wherever they have been spared. But the phylloxera will make short work of the vineyards , If for the second year In succession the villagers of the Interior are deprived of suillclcnt sulphur to dust the plants. Great exertion ! ) arc being mndo by the leaders to avert this calamity. An English correspondent upon the spot says that the speedy establishment of the autono mous government Is a matter of urgent necessity. In adopting the gold standard nnd securing - curing a revision of the treaties Japan hai opened n way for the Influx of foreign capital In the form of Investments nnd loans. But that has not come speedily enough to meet her requirements. Moreover , she has been compelled by Russian nnd German aggres sions to proceed with her costly military nnd naval work. The Inevitable result Is stringency In the money market. The flnnnco minister found on examination of his books that the budget was likely to show a deficit of nearly $12,000,000. That was awkward , and It would ibe still more awkward to re sort to n foreign loan to meet It. He did not want , either , to Increase the taxes. So ho 'simply put Into force n system of rigid economy , cutting down expenses wherever possible. The result is that ho has provided for the deficit , nnd will bo able to mnko his books balance. That done , a foreign loan may be negotiated , as It undoubtedly can be , for cheap capital for carrying on the great schemes to which the govern ment Is committed. There Is no cause to fear any lasting financial embarrassment in that shrewd and enterprising nation. * * * A correspondent of the London Times fur nishes some remarkable testimony concern ing the result of the prohibitory liquor laws which wcro adopted in Norway some tlmo ago. The people long ago became alarmed at the spread of spirit-drinking , nnd , after trying the Gothenburg system , which puri fied the pot-houses , eighteen towns resolved to prohibit tha sale of spirits altogether. They did prohibit It , closing ovcry spirit- shop , with the result that drunkenness Im mediately and decidedly Increased. Not only was a strong kind of port wine drunk In quantities , but Illicit stills were set up In most back kitchens , nnd the people drank the raw fresh spirits with lamentable re sults. Even the children were found Intoxi cated , and the arrests for drunkenness In creased from 30 to 80 per cent. Prohibi tion , In fact , totally failed , ns it might have been expected to fall In the circumstances. The only community In which prohibition can be enforced successfully Is a community In which nobody wants to drink liquor. The j Norwegians , or a good many of them , do want to drink , and will do so , In spite of ' the law , if they cannot nianago it law ' fully. - The government of India is congratulat ing itself on Russia's coming down to the sea In far off Manchuria , nt Port Arthur and Tallenwan , where it will bo accessible. In dia Is now less likely to be attacked by Russia. The preparation for war with Rus- ela linn been nt Immcnuo cost to Indln , but the pressure lit now lightened. It was harit In send British tronps through Afghanistan to fight Runsla In front ot Herat , owing to the distance nnd want of roads. Out now that It has coma within reach of the fleet In eastern China It can bo attacked and kept busy there nt less cot than In India. Russian troops employed In Manchuria wilt bo taken from the force hitherto threatening from the direction of Mcrvo nnd the Pa mirs. Port Arthur nnd Tnllcnvvnn , with the railway connecting with them , are so many hostages , In this view , for the good behavior of Russia hereafter on tUo Indian frontier and elsewhere. The coal miners' strike in Wales affects 140.000 men nnd paralyzes nn Industry of world-wide Importance. Welsh coal Is commonly - , monly considered the best In the world for steamers , Its rival being the West Virginia coal of certain mines. The strike makes great opening for American coal. It make * nn opening , in fact , for other coals also , slnco n Welsh shortage of 30,000,000 tons a year puts up prices nnd makes a market for Inferior kinds. There Is every promise that the Welsh strike will be a long one , BIIC ! employers nnd employes differ about other things besides wages. < U'Aicin ' < ; uxs. Cleveland Plain Dealer : "George , was nil thai Inlk you pot nil In your sleep last nlHhl strictly diplomatic ? " "I 1 suppo'to 10. What did I sav ? " "Oh. a lot ot silly gibberish. All I'remein- her Is that you seemed to place a great deal of stro. ! i on u queen full. " ' hli ? Oh. yes ; tlml was In reference to sotno Idle rumor from Madrid. " Chicago Tribune : Undo Sam bent again ° vor thu chart of the Atlantic ocean ana studied It closely. "I'uzzlo picture , " he mnttwd. "Find the Spanish licet. " Chicago Record : "Maud \ so patriotic. " "Is " she ? "Yes : she's going to make n Hag pillow nnd stuff it with nun cotton. " Indianapolis Journal : "Papa , the paper this morning. In speaklnp or the battery at Cardemui , says : 'She. mailo no response to the Nuw York's lira ? ' Hnitcry Isn't femin ine , N It ? " "No , my boy , you can sllenco a lmtlcry."v Cleveland Plain Dealer i "What Is the charge airaliut the accused , sergeant ? " "foiiHplrliiK to aid the enemy. " "Whut Is the > eeltlcntlon7" "Ho was dctoetL'd in the act of registering n letter to Cadiz containing a lump of hard coal. " , Wnshlneton Slur : "Do you mean to say X tlmt yon haven't resolved upon n plnn of cninpulgn ? " said ono olllcliil In Himln'a : navy. "Nono whatever. " replied the other. "Don't you think you hud buttur begin to think nbout It ? " "No , sir. There's where my strntctry conies In. So Ions ns widon't mnko up our mlnd.i the enemy can't tlnd out what \vo nro going to do next. " Capital. O Dewcy V.'IIH the mornlns Upon Ihe llMt of May : Anil Dower W.IM the Admiral Down In Manila Imv : Anil Dewy worn Urn HeRonl's eyes , Thi'in orbs of Roj'nl blue ; And Duwey fool discouraged ? I Dow not think wo Dow. THK HHAVi : AT 1IUMH. Thomns nuelmn.in The mnld who binds her warrior's Rash I With smile that well her pain dl.ssumblcs , .Tliti while beneath her drooping lash I Ono slurry tear-drop hun s uiid trembles , iThotiKh heaven alonu records the tear , 1 And Fnmo shall never know her story , Her heart has shod n drop ns dear l As o'er bedewed the Held of glory ! The wife who girds her husband's sword , i JHd llttlo ones who weep or wonder , And bravely speaks the chqcrltitf word , What though her heart bo rent asunder , Doomed nightly In her dreams to hear I The bolts of ( loath nround him rnttlo , .Hath Bhed ns sacred blood ns o'er Was poured upon the Held of bnttlol Thfl mother who conceals nor grief While to her brt > n.st her son she presses , Then breathes a fmv bravo words unil brief , Kissing the palrlot brow she blea.ses , With no ono but her secret God To know the pain that weighs upon her Sheds holy blood mi o'er the sod Received on Freedom's Held of honor ! A CARD Business man any man men In consequence of the recent death of can be lilted here Mr. Henry W. King of the firm of or professional Browning , King & Co. , nnd In order to and in promptly determine and adjust the Interest men or workingmen perfectly of his estate In the firm , wo will at once undertake a general reduction of our stock men can find just five minutes the in each of our retail stores and to that tailor takes two end wo have marked our spring goods at what they want prices that wo trust will serve to move weeks. Our them No quickly. account of cost or of profit will en here at a very low ter into this sale , which , It Is Intended , clothes are made shall dispose of our spring weight suits figure. The best nnd overcoats In the quickest possible tlmo. to fit tall Our friends and customers are Invivtcd to for the price of or take advantage ot this opportunity ot buy ing clothing at such prices as wo have never the . short fat lean. " . poorest. or before had occasion to" offer. BROWNING. KING & CO. $7.50 a Suit and up. $7.50 a Suit and up. Special Reduction Sale T ast Monday we commmenced to reduce our mammoth lines of Men's , Boys' and Child- * ' ren's Ready Made Clothing. The above , card gives you the reason why and it must be done and at once Damp , cold weather has interfered somewhat in'the last week with those wishing to purchase spring and summer cloth ing , but now that old Sol has put in his appearance and fine weather is promised , we are going to call your attention once more to this opportunity sale an opportunity for anyone to get some of the finest and best made clothing in the world for almost half its real value. We are not going out of business we only want to reduce our big stock so that an early settlement of tlie estate of Henry W. King can be made and to do so we will furnish you some bargains .that you can't duplicate cc t or profit cuts no figure the goods inust be sold. Our window will give you an idea but to get the full benefit of what we are really doing you must come in and look around. These Are a Tew of the Many Bargains You can Find Here : Every garment warranted to wear and to fit and to be the best ever sold for tlie money , or your money back. i , Men's Suits Men's Suits Men's Suits Men's Suits Men's Suits Men's Suits Fancy dlieyiqt - > Fine black and blue Blue Serge Cheviots , worsteds Cheviot and worsted Eng. clay worsted Sack Suits Cheviots Sack Suits and cassimoros Sack Suits Sack Suits satin Cutaway Suits , Sack Suits square and round corner lined satin lined , $7.5O $8.00 $9.00 $10.00 $11 * nd $12 $15.00 Worth $1 00 Worth $12.50 Worth § 15.00 Worth $18.00 Worth § 20.00 Worth $28.00 i-Men's - Suits Children's Suits Children's Suits Boys' Suits Knee Pants Eng. n clay worsted Junior and 2-Piece Two Long PantSuits Boys' Knee Pants , from G to 16 Prince Albert Suits Suits Pieces Suits years , all kinds , $15.00 $2.50 $3.50 $5.00 50c Worth § 25.00 Worth $5.00 Worth $7.50 Worth 810.00 Worth $1.00 BROWNING , KING & CO.