_ GREAT _ _ SPE ! VALUE SALE litl m A BIG TUMBLE . IN PRICES 91 ! ! $50,000 of Men's and Boys' Suits at Less Than They Cost tfcs Makers. Sale Begins Saturday Morning at 8 O'clock. tie Stirring times in Men's Suit Department Economy prices on Boys' Suits and a perfect deluge of big values in our Hats and Furnishing Goods. Good Things In Men's ( El f\C\ Suits at. . . . qOVJVf Lots of them in all wool Cheviots and Cassimeres most of them light and me dium shades ought not to be sold at this price. 5 They Show a Loss Every one wo sell at $5.00 is a loss to us , but a big gain to the purchaser. Don't go shabby when you can look decent for $5.00. Small sizes , big value large sizes , larger value because there is more cloth , but all sizes are $5.00 for Saturday. Young men's sizes , 33 , 34 and 35 breast measure , included'in this lot. Frock Suits $8.75 In fancy worsteds and cheviots -some $15 and $18 values in this line not all sizes of every mixture but there are a great many styles to select from. About 50c on the Dollar Is the average price on this lot of suits at this sale. Don't try to beat them you can't do it. Remember the Continental is the place Saturday the time cor ner 15th and Douglas St. district twenty-one good pics and send bill to me. W. L. STARK. WASHINGTON , May 6. Present to coin- panics and band from Fifth district , Ne braska , with compliments of Mrs. Suther land and m > self piopcr number of plea and send bill to me. R. D. SUTHERLAND. The program for the flag presentation to morrow afternoon Is well arrange. ! and It Is expected that there will bo u big crowd In the city. The troops will leave the camp at 2 o'clock In the afternoon and inarch to the capltol building , whore the presentation of the flags will take place. Then will fol low a parade through the city avd a lelurn to camp. Harry Oury was fleeted captain of the Fullerton company today , to succeed Cap tain Adams , who resisne > l a few days at o. Oury Is a university boy who had had much prominence In cadet and athletic circles. Firut RcKliucut Notes. Editor D. M. Amsberry and Rev. Teagarden - garden of Broken Bow are visiting with company M. J. H. Galley and A. Macher of Columbus were callers at company K headquarters this afternoon. Attorney F. W. Stone , C. E. Hyde un > l J. D. Hamilton of Geneva have bceu hero visiting company G. T. E. Wheeler and O. A. Mollln came down from Bennett today to visit company 9. the Bennett compauy. Louis Schrleber of company K received a box of cakes and other provisions from his parents at Columbus today. Lieutenant A. Van Valln , company H , went to Nelson Wednesday and returned to day with seventeen new recruits for this company. O. H. Glllesplo of the Allen Rifles has a flno Cuban flag out on his tent. This flag was cheered at every station from Madison to Lincoln. The Fullerton band now numbers twenty- two men , having received flvo additional men lust night , two of whom came from company a. Sudani G. S. Hlggcnbothnm of company G was promoted to bo regimental sergeant niaior today. Private John Holdrcge of the same company Is detailed as regimental color guard. Cluudo Taylor of Geneva came 'ilown to day for the purpose of enlisting In his homo co.upuny. Finding that It had Its full nu.u- . Le ? be ccncludcd to wait until some vn- cuncle. ) were made by the examining board rather than to enlist In some other com pany. Isaac Wolf and Frank Webb of company F. known aa the "Allen Rifles , " were havIng - . Ing n , pretty worm .boxing match this after noon , lighting out tbo war between Spain and America. America caino out abead. The boys \vcro very much interested as the rounds proceeded. Company M was presented with a beauti ful silk flag yesterday by the ladles of Broken Bow , who came down In a delega tion yesterday. It Is beautifully finished and mounted and bears the following Inscrip tion : "Holcomb Guards , Company M , First Regiment , Nebraska National Guards. " It cost the ladles $ S7. It will bo taken to Omaha land sent homo If the company is taken , out of the state. A committee has already been appointed to receive It and take charge of It , consisting of James Stockham , Major Joseph Skclton and Glenn Johnson of Broken Bow , Heeond Ilevlnient Note * . Henry Llndblage of company M Is laid up from having stuck a rusty nail through his foot. foot.Charles Charles Scott , court reporter of the Twelfth district , visited with company A today. The Catling gun section of the Omaha Guards gave Its second exhibition drill this morning. L. H. Slrlgel and General Dllworth of Hastings called on the company H boys this afternoon. Mrs. Cameron , Mrs. George Klnney and Fred Adams were among the Omaha people who called on the company G boys today. James Burnett. Henry Strelght , Ed John- con and Mrs. Joseph Johnson , all of Platti- moutb , were visiting with company H to day. day.The The Chadron company claims to have a female bugler In the person of Mrs. Mar guerite Raymond , a muelc teacher from .75 Some of the very choicest things in Scotch Cheviots ever shown in Omaha go at $10.75 , worth $15 and $18. A Great Saving Opportunity This sale of high grade Suits is something unusual so early in the season the lines are unbroken and the styles the best. Be on hand Saturday early at our $10.75 Suit Counter. Chadronho has gone to Omaha to await tbo final mustering In of the company. On account of the number of university bo ; s enlisted company M from Grand Island Is having a large number of visitors from the university. Corporal Conant of the Omaha Guards wont to Omaha this afternoon to secure now recruits to bring the company up 'to its full strength. County Treasurer Thompson , Rov. E. F. Jordan and James Cleary came down from Grand Island to see the company M boya this afternoon. Company .L received a present of 100 pounds of creamery butter from Norfolk to day and the boys are very happy over the welcome addition to their larder. Two of the company M boys strayed down to the city without leave this morning and wore brought back under arrest by a ser geant , who had been detailed to go after them. The women of Chadron presented com pany H with a handsome flag yesterday. On the flag Is Inscribed In gilt letters : "Com pany H , Second Regiment , Chadron , Ne braska. " KANSAS WINS JOINT DKIIATE. DefentH Uiilvemity of Nc-brnnka In the LntterH Home Town. LINCOLN , Neb. , May 6. ( Special Tele gram. ) The fourth annual debate between the Universities of Kansas and Nebraska took place at the Funke Opera house to night. Kansas , through Us representatives , J. B. Cheadle , W. A. Layton and Pearl Decker , produced an argument on the af firmative of the question , "Resolved , That the English cabinet system Is superior to the American congressional system of govern ment. " Nebraska's champions were : E. F. Warner , C. E. Matson and E. B. Perry , who took the negative side of the question. The judges , Jacob Sims , J. C. Hlsey and Victor E. Bender , all prominent citizens of Council Bluffs , gave a unanimous decision In favor of the affirmative. The number of points stood 801 to 6S6. Kansas has now won three qf the four debates with the University ot Nebraska. I'UIVATE HAUI-mi AIJLY HURT. GanrdHinan Ret * a Iloaty Fall from a Moving : Train. LINCOLN , May 6. ( Special Telegram. ) Calvin W. Harper of Bloomlngton , a private In company I , Second regiment , Nebraska National Guard , was badly hurt today. Ho fell from a moving train at DeWItt and re ceived Injuries about the head that may prove fatal. Harper enlisted on April 27 at Tccumseh and canib hero with the com pany. Ho has tried to secure leave of ab sence , but failed to secure one. Ho left camp Thursday morning without leave and was not heard from again unlll ho was brought back this evening and placed In the hospital. He Is 29 years old. More Itnlu In Nebraska. OSCEOLA , Neb. , May C. ( Special. ) It has been raining here nearly every day for a week. Everything Is In good shape for the crops. Some farmers have begun planting their corn. FAIRMONT , Neb. , May . ( Special. ) For the last flvo days It has been cold , cloudy and rainy. Last night It cleared up and this morning there was a very heavy frost and considerable Ice. The top of the ground was frozen. Some fear Is felt for the fruit and early vegetables. COLUMBUS , Neb. , May 6. ( Special. ) After six days of cold , drizzling rain , the weather broke yesterday afternoon and by 8 In the evening the sky was perfectly clear. There was a sharp frost last night , but the extent ot the damage cannot bo ascertained at present. It Is thought , however , that gardens will suffer the most. ELWOOD. Neb. . May C. ( Special. ) For the last five da > s the sun has failed to show Iti face and the rain ladened clouds have emptied their contents upon Gospf r comity. It commenced raining at noon May 1 aud has kept U up until noon today. About three Inches ot water have fallen in that $7.75 Men's Sack Suits In brown and me dium shade cheviots , all marked to sell at $12 to $15. You won't buy them for any less in July this year as no greater reduction in price can possibly be made later in the season. Browns , grays , mixtures , medium and dark colors the biggest values ever sold may be found jii 'our Suit Department Saturday morn ing at the Continental. r I Big Tumble Big Tumble Big Tumble i i in Prices in Prices in Prices START IN ON THE GUARDS Physical Examination of the Militia is Very Strict. TWENTY-FIVE PER CENT ARE REJECTED Rentilt Cnime Snrprlnc to Many of the Men Camp llaiildly DrytiiK Up and Dccomlnir More IMcanaiit. LINCOLN , May 6. ( Special Telegram. ) This forenoon the weather has been the tnost favorable the soldier boys have ex perienced since Camp Stuimlers was laid out. .Tho sun Is shining bright and warm and tbo mud In the roads Is fast drying up. The parade ground is In the best condition. Orders have been Issued to have all the tent flaps raised so that the quarters will be thoroughly aired out. The bedding has all been hung out on the tents and the camp presents a variety of colors. The physical examination of the men wan taken up this morning. Com pany 0 , the Omaha Guards , being the first taken up. The entire forenoon was spent In the examination of this company , and not all of the men had been reached at noon. The examination is o rigid that some men who have heretofore appeared as the pink of physical perfection , uro rejected , and this is causing great anxiety throughout the camp. One of the old members of the militia said today that fully 25 per cent would fall to pass. Dr. F. C. Wiser of Falls City has been appointed by the governor as first assistant Burgeon of the Second regiment , to fill the Vacancy caused by the failure ot Dr. Grothan to pass the physical examination. In the afternoon the regimental and bat talion drills went ahead as usual and tbo "awkward squads" wcro taken through their paces during the Intervals. Tonight tbo grounds are In almost as good condition as they were _ before the rain , and the day , on * the whole , has been a very pleasant one. Siiriceana Ilimy All Day. The examining surgeons were busy all day lit the Art ball of the fair grounds. The Omaha Guards sent In sixty-two men for examination and of these eighteen wcro re jected. The examination of this company was completed shortly after noon and twelve of the rejected men were sent back to Omaha on the S o'clock train. The other tlx will try for a second examination. The requirements ot the board are very severe nnd a number of the boys got knocked out on some slight defect in the hearing or cyo- Blght. Company L , Second regiment , , from Nor folk , followed the Omaha Guards and fared DO better at the hands ot the board. TV enty Norfolk men were rejected out ot a total of sixty-five. The third company up was F of the Second , known as the Ltncola Light Infantry. This company took soventy-ntiio men Into tbo building. Thirteen were re jected. Late In the afternoon the Thureton Junes were taken In hand by the board. Out ot the eighty men examined twenty ( ailed to pass because of slight defects. At the rate ot thrco companies per day | t will take the board eight days to exam ine those now present in camp and the ivcw recruits that each company must have will occupy two or three days more. Today Is known as "Pie Day" on account of the various presents of pastry received fcy the boys. Two Nebraska congressmen contributed pics to the guardsmen , General Carry having received the following tele grams this forenoon : WASHINGTON , Mar . --Present with my compliment * to each company from Fourth time and it has all gone , into the gri-ur.d. A great wheat crop fqr 'IS'JS is promised , GERING , Neb. , May 6. ( Special. ) An ex ceedingly damp snow has been falling In- cessantly for three days , and no Indications yet that it Is soon to clear away. The ground Is In fine condition as a result and the pros pects are for better range than for several years. FREMONT , Neb. , May 6. ( Special. ) The heavy rains of the last few days have made the Platte considerable higher than it has been at any tlmo this spring. It Is far below the danger line and no serious damage from it is apprehended at this point. WAUSA , Neb. , May 6. ( Special. ) Thin section was visited by a great downpourlng of rain the last two days. All kinds of small grain bavo made splendid growth. Wheat and oats bid fair to cxcell that of any pre vious year. MINDEN , Neb. , May 6. ( Special. ) This county is being visited with one of the heaviest rains in many years. It has rained bard since Sunday and Is still raining , with no Indications ot let up. SCHUYLER , Neb. , May . ( Special. ) It ceased raining here this forenoon , rain having - ing been falling almost incessantly since the afternoon of the 3d. The. ground is now j thoroughly saturated. j DECATUR , Neb. , May 6. ( Special. ) The sun has not been seen here for a week. The last thrco days have been three days of 1rain. . The farmers are jubilant over the wet g weather. It Insures them ono of the finest nnd one of the largest wheat crops that was ever raised in this country. Corn planting begins next week. I WYMORE , Neb. , May G. ( Special. ) A. thlrty-slx'hours' rain came to a close last night , and the clear , cold weather during a night resulted In a heavy frost , and Ice was formed In many places. L. M , Russel , one of the most prominent peach growers of tbo 1 west , says the peach crop Is not damaged and that the Indications now point to one ot ' the largest crops Nebraska has had for years. ChrUtlnn Church Convention. GERINO , Neb. , May 6. ( Special. ) The first convention of the Christian churches of the tenth district of Nebraska Is In session here. The attendance Is not as largo as it would have been ulth better weather , but j an organization has been effected with the following officers : George Lenvltt , Mitchell , president ; A. D. Wood , Gerlng , vice presi dent ; J. C. Hawkins , Alliance , , recording sec retary ; J. M. Eads , Goring corresponding secretary ; W. 0. Sollcnbcrgcr , Alliance , treasurer. The series mcetlngs held by the local church , with Miller- and Glvcns In charge , closed with the convention , the re sults of the meeting beiirgiorer seventy ac cessions to the church. , ' M The petition of land jowMcrs under tbo Castle Rock canal for thporganlzatiim of an irrigation district Is "being heard be'oro the county board. There is a strenuous op position being made to the formation ot a district. i\ Ilow Anioiiue'frjlnip ( . GRAND ISLAND , Nebi'Mjfy 6. ( Special. ) During a row between i7tojnbeT of tramps yesterday afternoon Jamoat Uuga'u was that In the back , the bullet ung out of hia breast. The man was afonce taken to the St. Francis hospital and will recover. The tramps had been around begging In tin morning and in the afternoon consumed two kegs of beer. The entlro gang wai later arrested , though two of the men bad to be severely clubbed before they became obedi ent enough to submit. Officer Gorman , in bringing four of the men. to the station , was attacked by three of them , but landed all his men safely. DecntnV * Creamery. DECATUR. Neb. , May 6. ( Special. ) The unlimited success.of . the Decatur creamery plant so far has gone hejonil Iho extent rf those who were conceded to have exag gerated the figures. The plant has been Furnishing Goods Values Half Hose . 5c Dress Shirts _ 50c Underwear . 25c Balbriggan Shirts undDruwcis Suspenders . 18c Linen Collars. ' . . 5c Linen Cuffs . 8c Wool Sweaters , 98c Fancy Shirts _ 50c Band Bows . 25c Teck Scarfs 25c Waiters' Jackets 75c Gloves ) 50c 75c Gloves j $1.00 j running a month now , and the average [ i amount of milk received per week is 12,000 pounds. The patronage of the creamery Is Increasing. The average amount of butter t made per week Is about 400 pounds. The ( quality Is fine and goes on the eastern mar kets as "extras. " On Hoard the Oregon. YOUK , Neb. , May 6. ( Special. ) The whereabouts and movements of the battle ship Oregon excite more than usual Interest among the people of York county. Luther Overstreet , a graduate of the Annapolis Naval academy and a lieutenant on board I I ! this ship. Is from Arborvllle. Of late his , parents and -friends have been somewhat ] 1 solicitous regarding the welfare of the big i ' , vessel , but assurances from Washington have'eased their anxiety. Doilire County MortKnure Record. FREMONT , Neb. , May B. ( Special. ) The following Is the mortgage Indebtedness rec- jord I ' of Dodge county for the month of April : Far mortgages filed , 19 , amounting to | ! 2- ! I ' 150.50 ; released , 28 , amounting to MS.SSO.TO ; town and city mortgages filed , 13 , amounting | j to $17,634 ; released , 23 , amounting to $31- j 1508.09 ; chattel mortgages filed , 73 , amountIng - , Ing to $28,805.21 ; released , 34 , amounting to J20.492.80. YorU'ii New City OIHcem. YORK , Neb. , May 0. ( Special. ) The newly-elected city officers took their chairs test night. The regime now comprises as nayor , Bernard King ; councilman , N. A. Dean , D. Hutchison , George R. Reed , J. II. Frlckey , B. Stache , M. Sovereign , N. M. Fer guson and D. Y. Helslar. W. W. Wyckoft ! has been appointed city attorney and the other city officers will bo reappolnted. Hoard OrKnnlcen. OSCEOLA , Neb. , May 6. ( Special. ) Os- ccola's Doard of Village Trustees has just organized , with V. II. Clark as president of the board. The other members are George R. McCoy , S. A. Snider , C. G. Gyl- llng and Alt Qlerhart. They appointed S. A. Snider treasurer , Elijah Cole marshal and L. B. Pltzer clerk. Hnrt in n Ilunnvray. WEEPING WATER , Neb. , May 6. ( Spe cial. ) Sheriff of Cass County William Wheeler , whllo driving In from the country with a livery team from here , was unable to control them , and they ran , tipped over the buggy and threw Mr. Wheeler out , stunning him and cutting deep gashes In his aoso and above the left eye. GunrdN 1'nnn ThroiiRh Wayne. WAYNE , Neb. , May 6. ( Special Tele gram. ) A special train of six coachloads of the South Dakota National Guard pawl through hero this afternoon , enrouta for Sioux Falls. They were given a rousing e- ceptlon at the depot by the Wayne Corn Palnco band and almost the entlro tlou of the city. Prrxrut of a 811k COLUMBUS , Neb. , May 6. ( Special. ) Mayor Fltzpatrlck today sent to Captain Klllnn of company K , In camp at Lincoln , a beautiful largo silk flag. Adorning the flag was a largo gilt eagle , carrying In his beak a largo letter K. Villon 1'nelllc Will Come In. CHICAGO , May * 6. Tbo meeting of the executive committee of the Western Pas senger association was continued today. The relations of the Union Pacific to the emi grant clearing house were gone over In de tail and It Is believed that there will be no more trouble between tbo road and the association. At a late hour U was said that In the near future the road will be come a member of the clearing house , when some matters are adjusted to Its liking. Content Will He at Lincoln. BELOIT. WIs. , May 0. The Interstate Oratorical Collegiate association today de cided to bold the next contest at Lincoln , Neb. Boys' Suits $2.OO The Continental never sells trashy Suits at any price and no such values as we otter at this sale have ever been offered in Omaha. Hundreds of boys' all wool cheviot 2-pieco Suits at $2 ° ° $2 50 $3 ° ° and $3 50 Boys' Long Trouser Suits $5,00 , $5.75 and $6.50 All ready for the sale Saturday. HUSTLE FOR MARINE BAND Nebraska Delegation Wants the Musicians for Exposition Opening. CARRY UP AN APPEAL TO THE PRESIDENT Chief Executive Maiden an Appoint ment to Meet Them Thin Fore noon to Talk * the Matter Over. WASHINGTON , May 6. ( Special Tele gram. ) Concerted efforts are being made to have the Navy department rescind its action as to the Marino band going to Omaha to open the exposition. After talking with J the president Secretary Long informed Assistant - sistant Secretary Mclklcjohn of the War department that the former permission given the band to go west had been countermanded in view of existing conditions , the president believing It was not tbo proper thing to allow the band to leave Washington during the continuance of war. In view of the interdiction placed on the band in accepting the contract .to go to Omaha , flvo of the eight members of the Nebraska delegation held a confer ence with Assistant Secretary Roosevelt velt of the Navy department this morning in relation to the matter. There were present at this conference Sen ator Thurston and Representatives Mercer , Strode , Stark and Sutherland. Roosevelt < now nothing ot the prohibition placed on : ho band and gave as his opinion that the Musical union of Washington may have had something to do with the change in ar rangements. Ho suggested that as the president bad taken a stand in the mat ter he thought it proper to go to the head of the nation and secure his permission , If possible. Owing to this being cabinet day It was decided to postpone the visit of the delegation to the White House until the president had been consulted as to what time would bo most convenient for him to see the delegation. Senator Thurston accordingly wired the president as follows this afternoon : "Omaha and Nebraska people made a contract with the Marine band to open the exposition and fill an engagement. They now understand that orders are changed prohibiting tbo band from going. Our pcoplo are greatly exercised. Will entail much loss on the exposition. The band has been extensively advertised and the matter is urgent. The entlro Nebraska delegation asks that the band bo permitted to go. Wo wish to wait on you , if necessary , at your earliest con venience. Will you plcaso designate a time ? " To this message President McKlnley re plied about 5 o'clock , stating that ho would sea the delegation tomorrow at 11 o'clock and at once notices were sent out calling the members together , when they will en deavor to change the mind of the president as to the propriety of allowing the band to leave Washington at this tlmn. Uiilnlon by Mercer. "Congress has finished work upon all the appropriation bills , " said Congressman Mer cer today , "and by June 1 would , under ordinary circumstances , bo ready to adjourn , but these are extraordinary times , aud , In my opinion , Instead of adjourning wo will take short recesses of fifteen or twenty days each. During a wur any contingency might arise , and I think the wisest policy would be to remain In session until hostilities cease. " It was stated by the officers of the supreme court today that in all probability the peti tion for a rehearing In tho" maximum freight rate cases filed by Attorney General Smyth yesterday v.ould be denied. The petition Save Money Men's Black § 1.75 Tourist Hats. . . . Men's Brown fSLf Tourist Hats. . . . Z/tJw' Men's ' Pearl 1.38 Tourist § 3 Hats. . Great Half Price Sale of Men's Derbys I'rices- $2.00 1f \ Hats l'\J\J § 2.50 Hats 1.25 § 3.00 1.50 Hats . Browns and Blacks. All new blocks over 200 cases of this season's derbys in this sale. asks for n rehearing on the ground that the court erred In affirming that part of the decree of the court below wherein It piohtblts railway companies from reducing their rates below what they were at the time the decree of the lower court was signed , In December , 1S94. While men now enlisting at Lincoln may not smell powder nor be called upon to ac tively proceed against the enemy , It Is al most certain that they will be moved east , , possibly to Washington , It being Secretary Alger's intention to mobilize all troops east of the Rocky mountains along the Atlantic coast. Should it be found necessary to send a largo body of troops to the relief of Com modore Dewcy at Manila they will bo taken from California , Washington and Oregon. The scheme of mobilizing the troops from Montana , Colorado , Wyoming , Utah , Idaho and the two Dakotas at Omaha has not been given up by any means , Senator Thurston mvlng seen Secretary Alger today In re- atlon to the matter , and it Is believed the secretary looks with fa\or upon the scheme , providing thotroops are not brought east. % D. A. Footeof Omaha is at the St. James. riirce Absent from Cabinet Mcctlnir. WASHINGTON , May e. There were thrco absentees from today's'cabinet meeting , At- orney General Grlggs and Secretaries Gage and Day. The matter under discussion in- olvcd war preparations almost entirely , but lathing concerning them was raado p.'bile. Nothing has yet been heard directly or indl- ectly from Commodore Dcwoy , and no Intt- natlon Is given as to when his report may i i looked for , as the president hltuscU Is cn- Irely Ignorant of the reasons for Us ton * arrival. | IN for Decoration Work. WASHINGTON , May G. ( Special Tele gram. ) Supervising Architect Taylor today opened proposals for the planter modelti ot decorative work and giuulto carving in the Omaha postofllce building. Ton bids wcro submitted , each containing twelve Items. The lowest bidder cannjt be rlatormlucJ un til these are abstracted , piobobly not for two or three da ) 3. There were no local bld < dcrs. I'ertnlnliiK to 1'ontofllceN. WASHINGTON , May 0. ( Special Tclo- gram. ) Postmasters appolutol : Nebraska Jacob H. Culvers , at Mllford , Seward county , vice A. R. Allen , removed. South Dakota W. F. Morris , at Dakota City , Pennlngtoa county , and E. C. Calkins , at Hollblrd , Ilydo county. Dr. M. J. Gllkerson was today appointed to a position on the board of examining eur- gcons nt Tekamah , Neb. Confirmed by the Senate. WASHINGTON , May C. The senate today confirmed thcuo nominations : Colonel Charles P. nagan , assistant com missary general , to bo brisaJIcr general. Postmasters Iowa , W. H. Price , Pralria City. Dully Trenmiry Statement. WASHINGTON , May 6. Today's state ment of the condition of the treasury shows : Available cash balance , $213,399,590 ; gold reserve , $180,339,897. Cnuirlit by HHO | In Wheat. KANSAS CITY , May C. The C. S. Le Grain Commission company assigned today , caught by tbo sudden rlso In wheat. The company was formed in 1S9C with a capital of $20,000. $20,000.CASTORIA CASTORIA For ZnfanU and Children.