Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1898, Image 11

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"Wheat HM a Blight Reaction from the
Advance of Thursday ,
July Wlirnt AUo Decline * niut Alt the
Oilier .Market * Are Ilenrr nnd
I.on or , Kniicclnllr I'rovl < ilon ,
\Vlilch Arc XoKlcetcd.
CHICAGO , May C. May wheat today cov
ered u ranga of 10 cents , closing a lhado
lower. July covered n range of 2V4c , clos
ing ut I'.ic ' decline. Loiter sold 275,000 bu. ,
chiefly to millers. Other grains wcro heavy.
Corn declined V4fG-8c. ? Oats , unchanged.
Provisions wcro neglected. Pork closed 25c
lower ; lard and ribs , lOfllZVio lower re-
Foreign news available at today's opening
of the wheat market was all of a bullish
character. Liverpool recorded advances
of Oil for May down to 2d In the September
option. Paris rose the equivalent of 2 7-Sc ,
Antwerp , Hie. Mark Lane reported gain )
of 9c per bu , slnco Wednesday's market.
Chicago received 189 cars , against 12 cars a
year ago. Minneapolis and Duluth got 320
cars , compared with 301 cars last year. Ar-
Bontlno shipped 1,392,000 bu. , against 330,000
bu. last week and 24,090 bu. last year. Pri
mary receipts nt western markets were
061,000 bu. , against 333,000 bu. last year. The
opening tradei In July , regardless of foreign
ndvani'cs , wcro at $1.00ifl.OOV4 , a decline of
% c. May started at $ l,4t/Q1.47 , a drop of Sfj )
4u. Thcuo losses were entirely nttrlbutn-
blo to pit conditions. Scattering longs
wanted to realize and found a concession
necessary. But the market soon began to
give symptoms of recovery. Before the
end of an hour's trading early seller * were
on the run and July had sold up to $1.02
Domestic statistics were of no sliftilllcnnco
t'xcc-pt that primary receipts afforded little
indication of supply exhaustion nnd on-
touratffd short selling of distant futures.
Jlesltimcy tn this market apparently nf-
fc-clcd Iho foreigners and Liverpool cased
off until at the clo < e not- gains there were
limited to 2 3-Sd In July. Strong outside
markets kept the Chicago pit traders nerv
ous and fluctuations were- violent over a
narrow range. July made a top figure at
$1.02 ! ? , after which It dropped again to $1 ,
recovered to $1.01 % nnd was at 12 o'clock
quiet for awhllo around $1,0116 and $1.01 % .
September during the snmo time rose from
N3Va to Sic , back to 83 3-Sc , up to 83 nnd
down again to Sic. May , on light demand ,
reacted from $1.40 , where It hung listlessly
during thu first two hours , to $1.50. Lclter
nullified the demand at $1.50 and the closa
was nt $1.49 bid. July cased oft to $1.00 %
near the close , rallied to $1.01V1 , closing IHo
not lower nt $ lQljsullcrs. Lelter reported
Baleof 275,000 bur7"halt of It for export. For
eigners , he said , had not responded to the
advances demanded last night. Kngage-
ments were made by Lclter at the seaboard
for twenty-two steamers with a carrying
capacity of 4,000,000 bu. for May and Juno
Bailing * .
Corn opened weak nnd Ic lower , with
wheat , A good demand , both for options
nnd caul ! grain , developed nnd the market
quickly recovered. Chicago received 637
cars. Crop news today began to tnlco on an
unfavorable aspect. Frost reports wcro at
hand from points in Kansas and Nebraska
und planting operations were reported gen
erally delayed. Ono sale of 400,000 bu. was
made by cable. Seaboard clearances were
1.G7G.OOO bu. Near the close some realizing
caused n half cent reaction from the ton.
July opene.l 7-Sc lower nt 33 S-SfiSIOic. ,0l < l
up from 334c ! to 3IV&1T34 5-8u , doling ' ,4 < 05-Sc
net lower at 3lc.
Oats started lower with wheat , "but ral
lied and ruled llrm on largo export sales at
the seaboard. Clearances were 245,000 bu.
Chicago receipts. 331 cars. July oats opened
3-Sc higher at 28 3-8c , sold up from 2G l-8c
to 2714 c , closing unchanged for the day at
Provisions wcro dull , casing oft a.ftcr n
steady opening on packers' selling. Lard
at Liverpool win quoted at 3d lower ; bacon ,
dull and unchanged. The irado was nar
row and featureless. July pork sold be
tween $11.00 and $11.20. closing 23c not lower
nt $11.00 ; July lard. $5.8263.90 , closing lOc net
lower nt $5.82 ; July ribs. $5.52115.57 , closing
2'io net lower nt $5.52T5.53. !
Kstinmtcd receipts for tomorrow : Wheat ,
1G5 cars ; corn , C25 cars ; oats , 350 cars ; hogs ,
20.000 head.
Leading futures range as follows !
Articles. . I Open. | HUli. | Lour. | cTosa. j Ycaiy
May. . . . HIV , 1 SO 1 40 1 40H 1 60
July. . . 1 O'JW 1 00 1 ( II
Sept. . . 84 H6 85
.Dec. . bin Ul SIX
May . . . 33H
July. . . 3.11 * 34 34
Sept. . .
Miiy. . . am r.0'4 SOW
July. . . MH U7U
Ssp : . . . 23K JSM
May. . . in HO 11 0-2H
July. . . 11 07 H 11 20 11 OU u oo 11 V5
5 RO 5 00
July. . . . - 874 6 DO B Hl"-i A H'4 B 02K
Sept C 03 U 00 s > . > B U 0 O'iH
Mny. . . B47 5 B2H
July. . . n 55 5 674 B 32t B 67 H
Bopt B ( V 6 OS B U'ty B OSH 6 US
No. 2.
Cash quotations wcro as follows :
FLOUR In fair demand nnd steady
standard patents quoted at $6.75 ; ordlnar
patents. So.75fj6.00.
WHEAT-NO. 2 sprinp , ; NO.
spring , Sl.OSl31.25 : No. 2 red , Jl.46fll.47.
CORN No. 2 , 34 ( ff33c.
.OATS No. 2. 31H. f. o. b. ; No. 2 white
33H lc ; No. 3 white , 33Uc.
RYE-NO. 2. esc.
BARLEY No. 2 , 42f50c.
FLAXSEED-No. 1. $1.33fl.3S.
TIMOTHY SEED-l > rlme. $2.75.
PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. , $10.85
Lard , per 100 Ibs. , S5.S.OW3.82H. Short rib
eldes ( loose ) , $5.35ii 3.70. Dry salted should
era ( boxed ) , I.ST > 'j)5.00. ) Short clear side !
( boxed ) , $3.90516.00.
WHISKY Distillers' flnUhed Roods , pei
cat. . $1.20.
SUQARS-Cut loaf , $5.91 ; granulated , $5.31
On the Produce exchanRO today the but
ter market waa steady ; creameries , 13016c
dairy , 1215c , EKRS , steady , fresh , lOc
Cheese , unchanged.
Quotation * for the Day an Genera
NEW YORK , May C. FLOUR Receipts
J3.50I bbls. ; uxports , 6,468 bbs. | Market lieli
blcher , chetklnK demand. Mlnnespta pat
onta , Jd.COTJ7.00 ; Minnesota bakers' , $5.XXi (
CL60 ; winter patents , $5.75 26.25 ; white
BtraiKhts , J5.50ij5.G5 ; winter extras , $ .20i
4.75 ; winter low Rradea , $2.9033.00. Ry
flour , dull. J3.GOiN.00 ,
CORNMEAIQulot ; yellow western , 56c
BYli No , 2 western , 73(73Hc. (
, 1JARLEY Dull ; feeding , 42c.
WHEAT Receipts , 175,750 bu. ; exports
847J7tl bu. Spot No , 2 red , $1.43 , f. o. b.
atloat to arrive , nominal. Options oponei
easy In nnswer to disappointing cables am
suffered mnra or less all day from bear at
tackH on the idea that the market wa
overloaded. Speculation was quieter thai
yesterday. Foreign houses bought moder
ately both of futures -and spot wheat
May closed IVJo lower nnd other month
\ifl\lc off. No. 2 red , May , $1.40in.44 , close
at tiMVi ; July , $1.08 1.10. closed at $1.09.
CORN Receipts , 106,275 bu. : exports , 811 ,
C81 bu. Spot easy ; No. 2. 405-Sc. Option
opened easy with wheat nnd after a mid
day bulKo on big clearances , eased off tin
der realizing and closed V $ ? V c lower. Ex
port trade lighter and cable news weal
May , 3SM , f39 1-Sc. closed at 3S o ; July , 33 1-
CSg c , closed nt 3)3-bc.
OATS-Hocclpts , 120,000 bu. : exports , 200 ,
736 bu. Spot Bteady ; No. 2 , 35Ufl35Kc ; Nc
-white , 3714c. Optlons.atrotiRer on the nil
Tanco In cash oats and closed nominally 1
higher. May closed at 35c.
HAY IllKher ; shlpplnK , 30j33c | ; good t
HOPS Steadier ; state , common to cholci
1K95 crop. 4fi5c ; ! S9il crop , 7 lSc ; 1S97 oror
IWflCo ; Paclllc coast , 1S9 ! crop , 4Q5c ; IS'J
crop. 7 J8c : 1 ! > 97 crop. IStfiec.
lIinKSi-Qulct ; Clulvcston. 20 to 25 Ibs
Hc : Texas dry. 25 to 30 Ibs , 12Hc ; Call
fornla , 20 to 25 Ibs. , 17VMT1SC.
LEATHER Steady ; hemlock sole , Bucnc
Ayres. l9Hti'Ao. )
WOOL-qulet ; lleece , Ifr022c ; Texas
I'ROVISIONS-Reef. nrm ; family. $ ! ! . (
C12.00 ; extra mess. $10.00 : beer hums , $23 5 (
packet , $10.501111.50. Cut meats. stead >
ulckled bellies. $ 'J.231T7.00 ; pickled shoulderi
$3.00 ; plckloil haniH. J7.75iTS.00. Lun
firmer ; western steam closed at $6.15 ; n
fined , llrm. Pork , tlrm ; mess , J10.75till.0i
hort clear , Jll.OOU 13.00 ; family. J12.00 12&
Tallow , ilrm ; city , 35-Sc ; country , 39-16'
35-Sc. as to quality.
OILS Petroleum , dull. Rpsln. Btpadj
utralncd. common to rood , Jl.4itrl.-l
Turpentine. Jlrm nt 3iiJJ2Vtc. Cottonsec
oil. prime crude , 20o ; prlmo crudu. f , o. 1
till * , IftQUc ; prlino summer yellow , 24
_ 3 ! off numrnfT yoltow ; ItHmic , nominal ;
butter oil , ZGUZSoj prlmo winter yellow ,
MICR Strong ; fair to extra , 51-&f"U !
Jnoitn , G ; t | r.
MOLA8BK8 Steady ; New Orleans , open
ketllp , good to cholco , SSfitJc.
METALS-Chnngps In the metal market
have been unimportant today and business
largely of n hand to mouth character. At
thu close the Metal exchange called pip
iron warrants unchanged at 10.03 bid ,
nnd 6.U asked ; Inka copper , unchanged at
$12.10 bid , nnd $12.20 asked ; tin. quiet nt
11.50 bid , and $14.60 asked. Spelter tin-1
hanged at $1.10 bid , nnd $1.20 naked , nnd
cad rnther firmer nt $3.72',4 ' bid , and $3.77 %
isked. The llrm that Ilxes the settling
irlco for miners and smelters ( litotes lead
at $3.60.
BUTTnil-nccclpts , 3,50S pkgs. ; market
teady ; stoto dairy , llyiCVic ; state cream
ery. HVWil'c : western creamery , llJ&QUc ;
Klglns. Kc ; factory , 13IT14Hc.
CHEESE Receipts , 2,819 pkgs. ; market
qulet nnd steady ; light skims , G&i37c ; part
klm , S' flS'.ic ; full skims , 2Qu.
EGOS Receipt * , 1,517 pkgs. ; western , 1014
@llc ; southern , lOc.
Condition of Trnde nnd Quotation !
on Staple nnd Fancy Produce.
EGGS Good stock , c.
BUTTKU-Common to fair , 9011c ; sep
arator , 17c ; gathered creamery , 14S15C.
VEAL Cholco fat , SO to 120 Ib3. , quoted at
SQ9u ; largo and coarse , CQ7c ,
LIVE POULTRY-Chlekens , 70754 : old
roosters , SliflS' c ; young roosters , GftGVic.
PIGEONS Live , $1.1301.23 ; dead pigeons
not wanted.
HAY Upland , $7.00 ; midland , $0.00 ; low-
and , $3.50 ; rye straw , $1.00 ; color makes the
price on hay ; light bales sell the best ; only
top grades bring top price * .
ONIOXS-Per bu. . 00cfl.
I113ANS Hand-picked navy , per bu. , $1.23.
S\VEET POTATOES Kansas. 10-peck
jbls. , $ .1.50 ; seed sweet potatoes , $2.00.
CABBAGE Now , Florida , p-2r crate , $2.23.
POTATOES Homo grown , COB&Jc ; Colorado
rado Htoclc , 70c ; northern fancy early Ohio
seed potatoes , S3c.
TOMATOES-Por crate , $3.00 13.23.
NEW BBETS-Pcr doz. bunches. 4 > tt50c.
RADISHES Per doz. bunches , UUil35c.
LETTUCE 1'or doz. bunches , 331J 10u.
OHE13N ONIONS Per doz. , 12B15c.
WATERCRESS Per IG-qt. case , $1.GO.
CUCUMBEHS-Pcr doz. , $1.2531.50.
WAX BEANS-H-bu. box , $1.
PEAS Per bu. , fancy Mississippi , $1.25.
SPINACH Par basket , $1.
PIEPLANT Home giown , per lb. , 2c.
BTIlAWBEnuiES-Arkansaa , 21-qt. case ,
$3.50 3.75. .
APPLES Winter stock , $3.00-33.50.
CRANBERRIES Fancy Jersey , per bbl. ,
UltAPKS Molatrns. $3.00fifi.OO.
ORANOES-Cnllfornla navels , . $2.7333.00 ;
seedlings , $2.25.
LEMONS -Cnlfornla fancy , $3.00 ; cholco ,
$2.60T 2.75 ; fancy Messina , $3.00113.50.
BANANAS Choice , largo stock , per
bunch ! $2.0002.23 ; medium sized bunches ,
NUTS Almondt , per lb. , largo size , 12 ®
13c ; small , Ilo ; Brazils , per lb. , 9010c : Eng
lish walnuts , per lb. , fancy soft shell , 11 ®
He ; standards , Sf9c ; filberts , per lb. , lOu ;
pecans , polished , medium , 67c ; extra
large , sysc ; largo hickory nuts , $1.00 1.10
per bu. ; small , $1.25U1.3i per bu. ; cocoanuls ,
per. 100 , $1 ; peanuts , raw , 6t)5',4c ) ; roasted ,
MAPLE SYUUP-Flvc-gnl. can , each ,
$2.75 ; gal. cans , pure , per doz , , $12 ; half-gal.
cam. $0.25 ; quart cans , $3.50.
FIGS Imported , fancy , 3-crown. 14-lb.
boxes , lOc ; 5-crown , 44-lb. boxes , 13c ; 2-lb.
boxes. 22ft23c per box ; California , 10-lb.
HONEY Cholco white , 12c ; Colorado am
ber , IMCllc.
KRAUT Per bbl. , $3.50 ; per half bbl. ,
$2 25.
DATES Hallo > VCP , M ) to 70-lb. boxes ,
B',4c ; Salr , 6c ; Fnrd , 9-lb. boxes , So.
CIDER-Per half bbl. , $3 ; bbl. , $3.
HIDES No. 1 green hides , Gc ; No. 2 green
hides , 5c ; No. 1 salted hides , So ; No. 2 green
salted hides , 7c ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12 Ibs. ,
9c ; No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 Ibs. , 7c.
TALLOW , GREASE , ETC. Tallow , No.
1 , 3c ; tallow , No. 2 , 2M.c ; rough tallow , lV4c ;
\\hlto grease , 2'/402 c ; yellow nnd brown
grease , l'/Mj2Wc.
SHEEP "PELTS Green salted , each , \W
75c ; green salted shearings ( short wooled
early skins ) , each , 15c ; dry shearings , ( short
wooled early skins ) , No. 1 , each , 5c ; dry
flint , Kansas and , Nebraska butcher wool
pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 45c ;
dry flint , Kansas and Nebraska murrain
wool pelts-per lb. , actual weight , 3y4c ; dry
flint , Colorado butcher wool pelts , per lb. ,
actual weight , 4Jl5c ; dry flint , Colorado mur
rain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , S
FURS Bear ( black or brown ) . $5.0 fi20.00 ;
otlcr , $1.50Jf8.00 : mink , 15@GOc ; beaver , $1.00
( FiG.OO ; skunk. 15c. 25c , 50c ; muskrat. 3c , 5c ,
7c ; raccoon , ISfjSOc ; red fox , 23cii$1.25 ! ; gray
fox , 25ft50c ; wolf ( timber ) , 23cg$2.50 ; wolf
( prairie coyote ) , lOflioOc ; wildcat , 10 < If25c ;
badger , 5Q40c ; silver fox , $3.00575.00. *
DRESSED BEEF Good native steers , 7c
per lb. ; good forequarters steers , Be ; good
hindquarters steers , 9c ; western ulcers , 6 > lc ;
native heifers , G&c ; western heifers , G c ;
good foreqtinrters heifers , 5c ; good hind
quarters heifers , 8V4c ; native cows , 6Vac ;
western cows , GVic ; fair cows , Cc ; cow fore-
quarters. Be ; cow hindquarters , 8c ; back-
halves. CfflGVic : triangles , 4V4c.
BEEF CUTS Tenderloins , fresh , 18o ;
fiozen , 15c ; boneless strips , fresh , lOc ;
frozen , 9c ; strip loins , fresh , 8c ; frozen ,
GV4c ; rolls , boneless , frozen , 9c ; fresh , lOc ;
rolls. Spencer cuts , frozen , Sc ; fresh , lOc ;
sirloin butts , boneless , frozen , 9c ; fresh , lOc ;
shoulder clods , boneless. C'/ic ; rump butts ,
boneless , Sftc ; No. 1 chucks. 5Vic ; No. !
chucks , 4&c : No. 3 chucks. 4'/4c ; boneless
chucks , frozen , 4c ; fresh , DVic ; cow plates ,
SVic ; steer plutos , 4c ; flank steak , 7c ; loins ,
No. 1 , frozen. 12c ; fresh. 14c ; loins , No. 2 ,
frozen , lOc ; fresh , 12c ; loins , No. 3 , frozen ,
8c ; fresh , lOc ; short loins , market style , 2c
above loins : hotel style , 4c above loins ; cow
loin ends , Stfc ; steer loin ends , 9c ; hangIng -
Ing tenderloins , 4V4c ; ribs , No. 1. frozen ,
Oc ; fresh , 12c ; ribs. No. 2 , frozen , 8c ; fresh ,
lie ; ribs. No. 3 frozen. 6c : fresh , 8c ; No. 1
rounds , 7c ; No. 2 rounds. Gc ; No. 3.rounds ,
Glic ; beef rounds , shank off , 9ic additional ;
jeef rounds shank and rump off , H4c addl-
lonal ; trimmings. 4Ho ; beef shanks , 3c ;
brains , per doz. , 33c ; sweetbreads , per II ) . ,
"lozen. lOc ; fresh , 12Vic ; sweetbreads
calves ) , ' -per lb. , 40c ; kidneys , per doz. , 33c ;
ox tails , each. 3c ; livers , per lb. . 2 < 4c : hearts ,
per lb. . 2'/4c ; tongues , per It ) , , 12c ; calf livers ,
ach. 35c ; calves , whole carcass or sides ,
OV4c ; calf head and feet , scalded , per set ,
'Ec. '
MUTTON Fancy lambs , 9c per tb. ; regu-
nr lambs , 8c ; sheep , 7Vlc ; market racks
, 'lcnp ) , 9c ; hotel racks ( short ) , lie ; loins , 9c ;
saddles , 9c : legs , 9o ; lamb legs , lOc : breasU
and stews , 3t c ; tongues , each , 3c ; forequar-
lers , 5V4c.
PORK Dressed pigs. 6Vic per lb. ; dresscC
togs , Cc ; tenderloins. 15o ; Iplns , small , 6c\ \
arge , 6Uc ; snare ribs. 4Vic : ham sausage
butts , 5Hc ; Boston bujls , S c ; shoulders
rough , 404c ; shoulders , skinned , 5c ; trim'
mlnKS , 4Vic ; leaf lard , not rendered , 5Hc
heads , cleaned , 3c : snouts.and ears , 3c ;
fresh hams , 16 to 18 Ibs. , 7Vic ; fresh hams
short clears , S c ; cheek meats , 4c ; neck'
bones , 2c ; .pigs' tails , PC ; plucks , each , 5c
chitterlings. 6c ; hocks. 4c ; hearts , per doi.
25c ; stomacbs. each , 3c ; tongues , each , 7c
kidneys , per doz. . lOq ; brains , per doz. . 15c
pigs' feat , per doz. . 30c ; livers , each , 3c
: iog rinds , 3c ; blade bones , 6c.
St. I.oulu General Mnrketn.
ST. LOUIS , May G. FLOUR Firm am
higher ; putcnts , J3.DOtf3.75 ; straights , $5.01
Q5.25 ; clear$4.50S4.7S ; medium , $3.75(54.25. (
WHEAT Lower , closing weak with Maj
unchanged nnd July nnd September lo be
low yesterday. Spot , strong ; on call ; No. ;
red. cash , cldVdtor-r:23"track. : ; $1.25 ; May
$1.26H ; July. 91 l-8Q9IVic ; September , 82V4i
asked ; Decc nberlrv81lic'-bld ; No. 2 hard
cash. $1.15.
CORN Closed' ' easy for' futures , with Mnj
a lV4c , July io and September ? ic under yes
8 terdny. ' Spot , higher ; No'2. cash , 33n ; May
asked ; July , 3i5-8.y32c ; September
33Vic bid.
OATS Futures neglected , but unchanged
Spot , steady ; No. 2. cash , 31V4c ; track , 32'x
fi32Hc ; May , 32c bid : July , 26Vic bid ; Sep
tcmber. 24c ; Ko. 2 white3lc. .
CORN > IEAL Strorur at.$1.70gi.75.
BRAN Firm ; sacked , east track , salabl
"llAY-i'-Irm ; 'prKrrlb , $3.1i610.25 ; timothy
$5.EOTn,75 , . , , „ , ,
BUTTER QuIet ; creamery , 15Q17c
dairy. ll ( { 15c. ,
EGGS-Steady at Stic.
WHISKY $1.23.
METALS Lead , dull at J3.52V4. Speltci
nominally better at fS.OJ'iii.OO.
PROVISIONS Bacon ( boxed ) , shouldert
$5.25 ; .extra short clear. W.1SH ; ribs. $6.2S
shorts. JG.37Vi Dry salt meats ( boxed ;
shoulders. $4.75 ; extra short clear , $5,62H
ribs. $5.75 : shorts , $5.87Vt. *
RECEIPTS-Flour , 3,000 bbls. ; wheat , 22 ,
000 bu. : corn , 144.000 bu. ; oats , 41,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS-Flour. 4,000 bbls. ; wheal
4,000 bu. ; corn , S3.000 bu. ; oats , 13,000 bu.
New Orlrnim Market * .
UCTS Firm ; pork , standard mess. ' $11.7 !
Lard , retlned tierce , $ ; pure Ian
b. JG.25. Boxed meats , dry salt shoulder :
0 fS.0035.UH ; lde , fj.90iM.09.Bacon , clca
ribs Mo * . M.TMW.nH. Hams , efcolce auvar
cured. $ .751)9.75. )
COFFKR-fltwidy ; Wo , ordinary to fair ,
$ ' .4f9 S-SC.
RlCK Firmer ; ordinary to food , 45-83
6 3-Sc.
FLOim-Flmt ; extra , J5.30S5.M ; patcnto ,
J5.6T fl5.75.
IIKAN TfifiTkc.
HAY-Prlme , $1 .0X315.00 ( ; choice , $ I5.00B >
CORN-No. 2 mixed , sacked , 943c ; No.
2 whlto nnd yellow , 43314c.
OATS No. 2 western , sacked , 37039c.
Baltimore Market.
nnd higher ; western supcrllne. $3.6003.75 ;
western extra , $1.351/5.00 ; western family ,
$3.3.Vf(5.65 ( ; winter wheat patent. $3.75a .20 ;
spring , $8.23170.63 ; spring wheat straights ,
$ o.90ii .15 ; receipts , 10,769 bbls. ; exports ,
2,657 bbls.
WHEAT Strong ; spot and month , $ l.29fT
1.29W } July. J1.0WR1.W ; steamer No. 2 red ,
ll.aitfil.ZaX ; receipts , 66,277 bu. ; exports ,
4,000 bu. ; southern wheat by sample , J1.23W
1.30 ; southern wheat on grade , $1.2614tJ )
CORN Firm ; spot , 39 l-SP39Mc ; month.
33 7-SW39o ; July. 3Sc bid ; steamer mixed ,
38 l-8i38Hc } : receipts , 31G.20S bU.j exports ,
460,664 bu. ; southern whlto and yellow corn ,
OATS-FIrm ; No. 2 white , 331411390 : No. 2
mixed , 35c bid ; receipts , 32,611 bu. ; exports ,
00,000 bu.
RYE Strong ; No. 2 ncarbv , 69flG9t4c ; No.
2 western , 70J4c ; receipts , 36,751 bu , ; export ) ,
31,236 bu.
HAY Firm ; cholco timothy , $13.
GRAIN FREIOHTS-lncllned to be oay ;
demand not so active ; steam to Liverpool ,
per bu. , 5d June ; Cork for orders , per quar
ter , 4 < Cd , May ; 4s , June.
BUTTER Steady ; fancy creamery , ISc ;
fancy Imitation , IGWHc ; fancy ladle , 15c ;
good ladle , lie ; store packed , 13yHc.
. EGOS Firm ; fresh , He.
"CHEESE Steady : fancy New York ,
large , giifaOJic ; medium , 9iiflOc ! ; small , lOVi
Uverpool Mnrkrt.
nrm ; No. 1 California , s lid ; No. 1 red
northern , spring. 103 7d.
CORN Spot , quiet ; American mixed , new ,
4s 2d ; futures , quiet : Mny , 4s Id ; July , 3s
9',4d ; September , 3s 9d.
FLOUR St. Louis fancy winter , dull , 12s
HOPS At London ( Pacific coast ) , dull ,
2 lOsWJCS 10s.
PROVlSIONS-Becf. nrm ; extra India
mess , 76s 3d ; prime mess , 70s. . Pork , llrm ;
prlmo moss , line western , 6s ; prime mess ,
medium western , 52s 6d. Hams , short cut ,
38s. Bacon , dull ; middle nnd light clear ,
35 to 38 Ibs. , 35s Oil ; short clear , light , 15 to
16 Ibs. , 31s 6d ; long clear middle nnd heavy ,
40 to 45 Ibs. , 34s 6d ; clear bellies , SGs 6d ;
shoulders , square , 27s Cd. Lard , prlmo west
ern , llrm , 30s 6d. Tallow , prime city , llrm ,
20s 6d.
OILS Cottonseed oil , Liverpool refined ,
strong , 17s 3d. Ttirpentlno spirits , steady ,
26s G < 1. Rnsln , common , strong , 5s 6d.
CHEESE American finest white , 42s ;
American colored , 41s.
City ( irnlii ami Provlnlonn.
.TSGc higher ; soft. 2H'iflOc higher ; market ac
tive ; offerings , light ; Nd. 1 hard , $1.18 ; No.
2 , Jl.10fJl.18 ; No. 3. Jl.13ftl.16 : No. 1 red , $1.26 ;
No. 2 , Jl.24iffl.25 : No. 3 , $1.20 ; No. . 2 spring ,
J1.13 ; No. 3 , Jl.lOti'l.ll.
CORN Generally steady ; No. 2 mixed ,
OATS Neglected ; No. 2 white , Sic.
RYK-Steady ; No. 2 , G2c.
HAY Active , but steady ; cholco timothy ,
$11.25(7(11.50 ( ; choice prairie , $10.23ff 10.60.
BUl'TER Steady ; creamery , ISQICc ;
dairy , Il < fil4.
EGGS Unchanged ; fresh , 9c.
RECEIPTS Wheat , 33,400 bu. ; corn , 53,300
bu. ; oats , 18.000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Wheat , 38,400 bu. ; corn , 37-
000 bu. ; oats , 3,000 bu.
Cliicliiimtl Market.
fancy. $ S.105.35 ; family. $4.40'J14.fl5. !
WHEAT Unsteady ; No. 2 red , $1.18.
CORN Firm and higher ; No. 2 mixed ,
OATS-FIrm ; No. 2 mixed , ZZ
RYE Firm : No. 2. 70c.
PROVISIONS Lard , easier at $5.70. Bulh
moats , J5.G5. Bacon , easy at J6.37& .
WHISKY Active at $1'.22. '
BUTTER Dull : Elgin creamery , IS'/jc ;
Ohio , 12f16c : dairy. lOc.
SUGAR-Firm ; hard rcflned , $1.4706.16.
EGGS-Dull nt 9c.
CHEESE Dull and lower ; good to prlnu
Ohio Hat , StjSVic.
Grnlii ItPceliitM at Principal Mnrketn
CHICAGO , May C. Receipts today :
Wheat , 183 cars ; corn , 537 cars ; oats , 331
cars. Estimated car lots tomorrow ;
Wheat , 165 ; corn , 623 ; oats , 350.
MINNEAPOLIS , May 6. Receipts :
Wheat , 255 cars.
DULUTH. May C.-Recclpts : Wheat , 71
ST. LOUIS , May C. Receipts : Wheat , 3 (
Toledo Mnrkct.
TOLEDO , O. , May 6. WHEAT Lowei
and very active ; No. 2 , cash and May , $1.37
CORN Active nnd steady ; No. 2 mixed
OATS Dull nnd steady ; No. 2 mixed , 31c
RYE Quiet : No. 2 , cash , 67c.
CLOVERSEED-Easy ! prime , cash , $3.03 ,
OIL Higher ; North Lima , 5Sc ; Soutl
Lima and Indiana , 53c.
Detroit Market.
DETROIT , May 6. WHEAT No. 1 whlto ,
$1.18 ; No. 2 red , cash and May , $1.30.
CORN No. 2 mixed , .Vn.
OATS No. 2 v.-hlte , 32iflL - <
RYE No. 2 , 6Sct . „ „
Peorla 3Iiirkefi ,
PEORIA , May 6. CORN Firm , higher ;
No. 2 , 34c.
OATS Firm , higher ; No. 2 white. 32e.
WHISKY-HIgh proof spirits , $1.21Vi.
Philadelphia Produce.
Dull and He lower ; fancy western cream
cry , 12c. r
EGGS Dull ; fresh western , He.
'Sou FranoUea Wheat Market.
Weaker ; December. $1.663-8 ; May. $1.75.
BARLEY-Firm ; December , $1.31 % .
There Are I3ciitent of Strength , bui
the Market HhnwH a Lou * .
NEW YORK , May 6. There were strlkln ;
elements of strength In today's stock mar
ket , notwithstanding the fact that mos
of the day's changes are on the Vldo o
losses. The bull element had several sc
vere drawbacks to contend with and tin
selling pressure on the market wan at timei
heavy. The buying demand was sufllclen
to overcome all obstacles and to absorb n !
offerings , carrying prices upward on a largi
volume of business. It was not until tin
final hour that the market finally sue
cumbed to the burden of liquidation anc
yielded practically all earller gains and es
tabllshed losses ranging up to 2 per cent li
some of the specialties. American stock :
were heavy In London before the opentnt
hero In sympathy with a general depres
slotv In that market. Although prices-
international stocks had declined to nearl :
a point below last night's New York clos
Ing , there was sufficient demand hero n
the opening to overcome the greater par
of London's decline , lly establishing i
range of prices here above the London par
Ity arbitrage selling was " made prolltnbl
and Inviting. The selling" for London ac
count was heaviest for many weeks am
was estimated at 60,000 shares at least. Th
dragging tendency of this sailing was easll ;
perceptible in the International stocks dur
ing the morning. But the balance of th
list showed a disposition to forge aheai
on Its own account. Rock Island , Omaha
Northwestern , New York Central and th
southwestern stocks .were conspicuous ! ;
strong , the.latter on the excellent prospect
for the winter wheat crop , in the southwest
The International stocks themselves wer
pretty well absorbed , the foreign offering
being largely absorbed. Some of 'the spu
claltlcu wore conspicuously strong , notabl ;
Tobacco. The market showed a tendenc :
quite late In the day , nftcr the Lontlon-ol
ferlngs had been absorbed , to rally strong !
on a report that cable comimmltntlo
had been established with Manila and Com
modore Dewey. The capture of the steame
Lafayette under the French flag assume
growing Importance in the eyes of trader
during the last hour , and Induced selling t
realize , and dealing In shorts by bean
which carried prices to the lowest of th
day at the close , when the sellln movc
ment was still actively In force. The rt
sumption of the gold Import movcmer
has been cited as a bull argument , lit
the withdrawals of gold from London tin
Europe have resulted In a renewal of strlr
gent money conditions there. This in tun
however , weakened the speculative marke
and has Induced large selling of American
because of the good market for them ei
Istlng here , and more particularly the r <
llevlng of the demand for exchange. Tb
Indications were that the New York mai
ket would have successfully absorbed th
had it not been for the Lafayette eplsod
which caused timidity among dealer
There was selling for London account 1
some of the speculative Issues. Otherwlt
5. the tone was strong , and prices are get
5.i i I erally higher. Total sales. $2.450,000. Unite
States new 4s , registered , nnd the old 4
irj coupon , advanced Va per cent , and the ne
Total sales of stocks today 499.300 shares ,
Including : Atchlson preferred , 17,301 ; Bal
timore & Ohio , 9,450 ! Chesapcnko & Ohio ,
9,700 ; Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy. 21,227 ;
Louisville & Nashville. 11,510 : Manhattan ,
17,475 ; Metropolitan , 0,390 ; Reading pre
ferred , 16,335 ; Missouri Paclllc , 13,650 ; New
York Central , 7,050 ; Northern Pacific , 6.403 ;
Northern Pacific preferred , 18,278 ; Reading ,
7,270 ; Rock Island , 37,269 ; St. Paul. 40,650 ;
Southern preferred , 4,497 ; Union Pacific pre
ferred , 45,145 ; Wabash preferred , S.8S5 ; To
bacco , 43.532 ; Chicago Great Western , 12-
720 ; People's Gas , 6,735 ; Sugar , 65.3S1 ; Ten-
ncsseo Coal und Iron , 6,675.
New York Money Market.
Nominally at 2'fe'a3 per cent.
cent. i
actual business In t > ank * rx' bills at $4.810) )
4.8414 for demand , nnd $4.80Jfi4.81 for sixty
days ; posted rates. . $ l.MV4'ii4.S2 und $4.50 >
4.S5V4 ; commercial bllla , JI.80til.SOU.
4s , reg. , 121 ; coupon. 121'i * 4s , reg. , 10S0103Vi ;
coupon , IOS',4 ; 2s , 95 ; 5s , reg. nnd coupon ,
110 : Paclllc 6s of ' 99103.
Closing quotatlons-on bonds were ns fol
lows :
BAR SILVER-Quiot , 25 7-Sd per ounce
MONEY 3B3H percfcnt. The rate of dls
count In the open market for short bills
3O3 7-8 per cent. The rate of discount litho
the open market fpr'thrco months' bills '
3 .03 7-8 per cent. 'J\
Klnuiipial Xotca.
OMAHA , May C.-rTho. clearings for th
day were $853,466.30 ; balances , $53.077.0) . Th
clearings for 1K97 wetu$781,473.55 nnd th
balances $130,490.92. iJWFcase In clearing :
$71.'Ji 2.75.
CHICAGO. May G.r-Clearlngs , $13,361,400
balanses. $2.073,500. New York exclmng *
15c discount ; sterllnM posted , $4.b2 4.82W
actual. $ | 4J > 4v sixty days. JI.80frl.S3'-
Stocks , llrm , closing 'about ' unchanged 1
the face of heavy realizing. Biscuit. 2IV5
Biscuit preferred , S5Vi ; Diamond Matcl
134Vi : North Chicago. 203 ; West Chlcagi
33 1-8 : Strawboard. 25.
CINCINNATI. May 6. Money , 4 to C pe
cent. New York exchange , par. Clearing :
$ U96.400. '
ST. LOUIS. May a. Clearlngs , $4.927.711
balances , $422.028. Money , 5ft 8 per cen
New York exchange , 40c discount bid , 25
discount asked.
NEW ORLEANS , May G. Clearing !
J1.0S9.056. New York exchange , bank , $1 pt
$1.000 premium : commercial , par.
MEMPHIS. May 6 , Clearings , $117,22 !
balances. $57,974. New York exchange , $1.5
NEW YORK. May G.-ClcarlnBS , $156,114
073 : balance * . $8,973.218 ,
BOSTON. May 6. Clearings , $16,619,32
balances , J1.S30.233. .
PHILADELPHIA , . .May 8. Clearing
J10.166.4iJ : balances , $1,747,601.
BALTIMURF. . May 6. Clearings , $3,066
345 ; balances , $453,461.
EccclpU Talrly Liberal and Buyers in a
Decidedly Bearish Mood.
WenkitcN * lit the Oilier Mnrkc < nnd
SI it in it In Prorlnlonn Help the
Mutter AloiiK ami Seller *
FlnnllSubmit. .
SOUTH OMAHA , May G.-nccclpts for
the duys Indicated Were :
Cattle. Hops. Shoep. H'r's.
May C 2,902 7,551 4.93J 3
May C 7S3 4.3SS 1,479
May 4 S.192 7,94 3S52 7
May 3 4.C2G 9,256 5.8JO . . . .
May 2 2,9Sti 2,519 7,138 21
April 30 ' 1,693 5,900 1,323 61
April 29 2,093 6,2iS 6,813
April 23 l.&SS 8.753 8.G05
April 27 2,972 7,840 4.3S2 9
April 26 3.11S 8,033 , 3,900 75
April 25 1.301 4.257 3,330 31
April 23 1,375 8.257 7,170 . . . ' .
April 22. . . . 2,359 6.617 1.318 1
April 21 1,611 8,075 7,461 S
April 20 2,970 8,001 2,263
April 19 2,733 2,576 3,951 2
The olllclal number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
C. , M. & St , P. Ky . .
O. & St. L. Hy 2 S
Missouri ' 1'nclHc Hy . .
Union 1'aclllc System 44 28 19
] * . , K. & M. V. 11. U 33 25
C. , St. 1' . , M. & O. Ky 9 7
n. & M. u. u. u 3i 35
C. . U. & Q. Ky 4
C. , K. 1. & P. Ky. , W 6 JJ
Total receipts 135 109 19
The disposition of the day's receipts was
ns follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated :
Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 65 516 . . . .
The O. H. Hammond Co. 4St 1,415 474
Swift nnd Company 705 1,505 4s2
The Cudahy Packing Co. 711 3,145
P. D. Armour , Chicago , . " 7-i
J. L. Carey 10
W. I. Stephens 2S
Krcbbs & Co 30
Hill & Uuntzlngcr 33
Swift , from the country. . 3 . . . . 512
Hammond , K. C. & c'ntry 51 1S6 . . . .
Squires & Co 130
North P. & P. Co 151
Other buyers 131
Left over 400 3,400
Totals .21H89 7 511 ' 4,868
GHXKKAL The early arrivals of stock
numbered only 225 cars , but there was ono
heavy train reported back , which brought
It up to 2bO cars. Theru wcru more than
double yesterday's number jt cars hero
and It was a liberal run for n Friday. For
several weeks past the receipts of a Fri
day have barely rcnhcd 200 cars and fre
quently they have fallen considerably below
that point. Considering the condition that
country roads must bo It , It was quite sur
prising that receipts should be so largo
and It would look as If farmers and feed
ers wcro anxious und ready to sell.
OATTLK The early arrivals of cattle
wcro only 115 loads , but thu fact that there
wus one train back , and that thu total
receipts were unusually large for a Friday ,
Beomed to cuuso buyers to hesitate , and U
was late boforu the market really opened
or before anyone got down to business.
The Ilrst bids on fat cuttle weru mean
enough for anyone , nnd the talk early was
that thu market would be lower. As the
shippers began moving about there was an
Increased show of lite and desirable fat
and smooth cattle of light und medium
weights soon began Helling and at prices
not materially different from yesterday.
The most of the cattle thnt would answer
to that description changed hands In good
season. Heavy and coarse caltlo were
slow. That has been the rule so long that
It would hardly seem necessary to repeat
what might bu taken for grunted. Kvcn
If they sell at steady prices couise cattle nro
left to the last und discriminated uculint
to an extent that makesi the market seem
week or easier every day. One bunch ot
cholco white faces sold this morning nt
$1.85 , showing that good cattle arc wanted.
A cow that came In with thu same lot and
welched over l.COO sold at $4.25.
There was very little hero In the way of
butchers' stock , very few cows and heifers
being reported in the yards. As there was
a very fair demand , holders did not find It
nt'all ' dlfllculfto eftcct a clearance ut fully
steady , and In some cases strong prices.
Hulls , stags and calves sold at Just about
steady prices , und the demand was sulll-
clently largo to effect a reasonably early
Not enouzh stock cattle were on sale to
make any showing whatever. Values on
that kind of stock do not show any ma
terial clmnse and the trade was without
inow feature of Importance. Keprosent&tlvo
sales :
1..16SO 3 75
„ 1..1160 375 1. . 790 400 L. 990 4 00
1 K.1020 , 3 SO 1 , . 850 4 10 4. . 687 4 25
2. . 635 4 25 L. 480 4 23 18. . 917 4 371/
2. . 540 4 45
No. Pr.
0 1 cow nnd calf $150
0 HOGS About 108 cars of hogs were o :
sale today , as against sixty-one yeistcrda :
and ninety-two n wock ago. The quality
na usual , was good on an average am
buyers could Und .most anything the ;
Yesterday's provision market was weal
nnd today's receipts were of liberal pro
portions at all-market points , which seemc
to confirm buyers In their bearish vluwt
the feeling , among buyers being apparent !
that about the top had been reached. Thl
feeling was so strong that , although rathe
encouraging reports were received from th
east , it did not help matters much , buyer
In many cases giving it out that they Jnus
have a Sc reduction.
A few loads .however , sold early at abou
steady prices , but they were loads the
just happened to suit buyers' needs nn
might ba regarded as scratch sales. Aftc
the first few loads had changed hands !
became very dull. Buyers were holdln
out for n reduction , whllu salesmen wunte
steady or strong prices. Owing to the dli
fcrenco of opinion very little business WB
transacted before the middle of the fan
Later reports from other selling points it
dlcated that the strong opening had n <
been maintained and that the markets c
the country generally were lower. Tin
SHKKP Unrly receipts numbered thir
teen cars of Colorado lambs , which could
hardly bo said to have been offered on the
market , nnd the morning wore away with
out anything being accomplished , for the
lack of supplies to sell. Later trains
brought In a few more loads , which
brought up the total to nineteen cars , but
part of them wcro direct to packers nnd
were not offered for sale. Keprcsentatlve
sales :
No. Av. Pr.
220 western wethers , shorn 100 $1 00
227 western wethers , shorn 93 4 00
Tlivrv In it OOIM ! Demand for Ciittlt *
with I'rlc-i'M SU-iuly.
CHICAGO , May C. Theru was a good gen
eral demand for cattle today , prices ruled
steady , with cholco offerings scarce. Sales
were prlclpally at from $1 to $5 ; beef steers
at from $3.90 to $5.25 ; stockers nnd feeders
nt from $3.60 to $4.85 ; cows and heifers at
from $2.50 to $4.60 ; calves at from $5 to $6.
Prices of hogs ruled 2HC ; higher on good
demand from packers. Sales wcro at an
extreme range of from $1.90 to $4.25 , the
bulk going at from $4.05 to $1.20. Pigs sold
at from $3.50 to $1,05. Prime heavies
brought lOc over light weights.
Trade In sherp was slow , prices about
steady at from $3.25 to $1.25 , principally
above $1. Lambs , clipped , sold at from $4
to $4.65 ; wooletl at from $5.10 to $5.10.
Receipts : Cattle , 3,500 head ; hogs , 20,000
head ; sheep , 0,000 head.
St. Ioil IN Live Stoc-Ir.
ST. LOUIS , May 6.-CATTLE-Uccclpts.
1,000 head ; shipments , SUO head ; market
steady ; fair to fancy native shipping and
export steers , $4.35fio.25 ; bulk of sales , $4.50
5T5.10 ; dressed beef and butcher steers ,
$4.00Ml.5 ! : bulk of sales , $4.45'ff4.65 ' ; steers
under 1.000 1'js. , $3.90fi4.80 ; bulk of snlrs ,
$4.25'ji ' 1.50 ; fltockt-rs nnd feeders , $3.5M.75 ! ;
bulk of sales , $4.004.50 ; cowd and heifers.
$2.0014.45 ; Texas and Indian steers , $1.40If
4.10 ; bulk of rales , $1.20/Q4.55 ; cows ana
heifers. $3.25f(3.90. (
HOGS Kccelpts , 7,300 head ; shipments ,
3.SOO head : market 5c hlgner ; yorkers. $3.83
? f4.00 ; packers , $3.75'5'4.0o ' ; butchers , $ l.00'u >
"SH13EP Receipts , SOO head ; shipments ,
JOO head ; market strong ; native muttons ,
clipped , $4.001j'4.50 ; spring lambs , $5.25i)7.JO. (
InillniiniiollN Live Stoclc.
ceipts , 950 head ; shipments , fair. Market
steady. Good to prime Htecrs , $4.9005.25 ;
fair to medium steers , $1.6004.90 ; common to
good stackers , $3.50 4.25.
HOGS Receipts , 6,500 head ; shipments ,
3.009 head. Market active. Good to cholco
medium and heavy , $4.10R4.22 ( ; * mixed and
heavy , $4.0504.10 ; good to cholco lights ,
$4.0Kr4.10. (
SHEKP Receipts , 200 head ; shipments ,
fair. Market steady. Goad to choice
lambs , $5.25ft5.50 ; good to cholco sheep , $4.00
Knnxn * City Live Stock Market.
celpts , 4.000 head : market steady ; Texas
steers. $3.90T4.75 ; Texas cows , $3.00 4.20 ; nu-
tlvo steers , $ .375 4.95 ; native cows und helf-
ors , $2.00ff4.50 ; stackers and feeders , $3.003
5.15 ; bulls. $3.001(4.75. (
HOGS Receipts , 18,000 head ; market
opened strong , but closed weak ; bulk of
sales , $3.85 < 4.05 ; heavies , $3.8004.10 ; packers ,
$3.8004.00 ; mixed , $3.75 < ii.OO ; lights , $3.750 :
3.S5 : yorkers. $3.b6fi3.85 : pigs , $3.4083.80.
SHEKP Receipts , 2,000 head ; market
nrm : lambs , $4.5006.50 ; muttons , $3.7504.30.
KiiHt Liberty Live Stock.
Steady ; extra , $5.15Q'5.20 ; prime , $5.05iij5.10 ;
common , $3.9004.15.
HOGS Active nnd higher ; prime' mediums
to fair. $2.50(113.25. (
SHEEP Steady ; cholco clipped , $ UOfi >
4.20 ; common , $3.15fi3.K5 ; choice clipped
lambs , $4.7504.90 ; common to good , $ < .150 >
4.70 ; spring lambs. % $5.00S7.00.
CALVES Veal , $5.0005.50.
Ennt lluffalo Live Stork.
Ynrkers , good to cholco , $1.250)4.30 ) ; roughs ,
common to choice , $3.h504.10 ; pigs , fair to
choice. $3.75if4,75.
LAMBS Cholco to extra , $5.000-5.10 ; culls
and common , $4.1504.30.
SHEEP Choice to selected wPthers , $4.15
34.25 * ; culls to common , $3.2501.75.
Clurlmmtl I.lve Stack.
CINCINNATI , May 6.-IIOGS-Actlve al
CATTLE Active at $2.7504.75.
SHEKP Dull at $2.7504.00.
LAMBS-Weak nt $3.7504.75.
Stork In SlKlit.
Record of receipts of live Btnok at th <
four principal markets for Mnv 6 :
Cuttle. Hogs. Sheep
Omaha 2.902 7.551 4.9S
Chicago 3.500 25,000 6.00i
Kansas City : . . . 4,00018,000 2,001
St. Louis 1,000 7,300 SOI
Totals . 11,402 57,851 13,79 :
Yorlc II ry Uoodn Market.
NEW YORK , May C. The Interest In al
cotton goods markets centers In the prob
able action nf Fall River print mnnufartur
era under the spur of the new low recori
for regular cloths. Further Halca , either It
the Fall River market or In outsldo tradln ;
Centers of extras al 1 15-160 , nro 'not re
corded , but reports lire limited to this figure
uro nnd nro as yet without result. It Is re
ported that another Fall River mill wll
shut down on Saturday for nn Indefinlti
period nnd there nro rumors that severa
others will adopt like tactics. It Is bellevet
to be Imperative for all the mills to closi
at an early date. The Block Is heavier thai
ever before and the | is lower thai
ever before recorded. The print' cloth Hltua
tlon and the market for nil staple cotton
U still depressing. There are small sale
reported in nearly all departments.
Coflfcn MnrkctM.
steady at unchanged prices to 5 points nd
vnnce ; worked -within narrow range , whll
apot buyers wern inclined to withdraw
Closed steady , with prices unchanged to
points net higher ; sales , 8.500 bags , Includ
ing May nt $5.SO ; July. $5.70. Rpot. Rlc
steady ; No. 7 , Invoice , $6.75 ; No. 7. jobhlm
$7.25. Mild , steady ; Cordova , $8.50ftl5.5 (
sales business of jobbing character nt foi
mcr prices. Total warehouse deliveries froi
the United States , 19.039 bags. Includln
> - 17,135 from New York : Now York stock U
) t day. 318,944 bags : United States stock , 467
jf 7M bags ; afloat for the United States , 564
it 000 bags ; total visible for the United Btatci
nirntnftt TO4.M9 tu\M lut
nnd 3II.GM Imps In ISM.
SANTOS. May l-COKKRH-Qutctl KOO < t
nvcragB Bnnto * , 10,200 rein ; receipt n , 13,009
bag * ; Mock , 3J. > ,000 bngii.
Ul'fg lower : nt 3 : JO p. m. , net unchanged ;
| I > K , 8,000 bags.
HAV.UU. May 6.-COFFF.K-Opcned Uf
hlchar ; nt U tn. , unchanged ; at 3 p. m. ,
quiet and unchnnuvd.
Qulcti No. 7 Klo , P.72J rein ; exchange/
523'32d ; receipts , 11,000 bags ! cleared for th
United Btaten , 8,000 bags ; cleared for Ku
rope , 6,000 bags ; Mock , 112,000 bog ; * .
Price * Arc Illtilinr on Knvornble
NEW YORK. Mny 6.-Tho cotton market
opened steady , with prices 3 to 6 point *
higher on generally favorable Liverpool
news , small port receipts , better condition *
In financial circles nnd bullish account *
from southern xpot cotton markets. Liver *
pool and local shorts led Iho buying move *
tncnt which fallowed the ourly news. TradIng -
Ing was moderate during the forenoon , with ,
only a small percentage of now lines , llolli
bulls nnd boars wcro Inclined to go slow
until the Spanish-American situation la
cleared up and crop prospects nioro clearly
turcs , steady ; Bales. 13.000 bales : May , $5.7
bid ; Juno , $ ; July , $ ; Au
gust , $5.SMj5.J.9 ; September , $5.8905,90 ; Oc
tober , $5.9Wl5.92 ! November , $5.9305.91 ; Dtv
cptnbor , $5. 97(15 , 93 ; January , fO.001iG.01. Spot ,
Steady ; sales. 2,300 bales ; ordinary , 4 o ;
good ordinary ,4 7-So ; low middling , 6'ioj '
middling , 5 11-lGc ; good middling , 6 l-16o ;
middling fair , GV-lCc ; receipts , 1,033 bales ;
stock , 240.SS6 hales.
fair demand , prices higher ; American mid
dling , fair , 331-3.M ; good middling , 323-32d ;
American middling , 39-16d ; low middling ,
37-16d ; good ordinary , 39-32d ; ordinary ,
33-32d. The sales of the day wore 10,000
bales , of which l.tXW wore for speculation
and export nnd Included 1,500 American.
Futures opened llrm , with n fair demand ,
nnd closed quiet but steady ; American mid
dling , L. M. C. , May. 3 31-C4U3 3J-fld ( sellers ;
May and Juno , 33t-6lfr332-6ld sellers ; Juno
nnd July. 332-6U1 buyers ; July nnd August ,
332-640333-6U1 buyers ; August and Septem
ber , 332-6Hi3r,3-64d buyers ; September nnd
October , 332-6ld sellers ; October nnd No
vember , 3 31-6403 S2-61d sellers ; November
nnd December , 331-Gld sellers ; December
nnd January , 33.1-6ld sellers ; January and
February , 331-64d sellers ; February and
March , 331-0332-64d sellers.
Wool MnrkrlN.
LONDON. May 6. WOOIj The wool saloJ
were contluod today with n full attendance.
Offering. ! , 12,603 bales , Including much low"
class wool , which received little support
nnd was withdrawn. Good greasy merino *
\ > ere tnUon nt nbout the prices of thu last
sale. Foreigners competed strongly for
this wool. A good selection of scoured waa
also strongly competed for by the foreign ,
toprosentutlvos and the homo trade. The
latter secured a fair proportion nt harden
ing rates. Foll3Wlng am the sales In do-
tall : New South Wales , 4,700 bales ; scoured ,
! > d01s Bltd ! greasy , nvifilld. Queensland ,
( no bnlos ; scoured , IsTils 5d ; greasy , 7Vn >
9Vid. Victoria , 2.200 bales ; scoured , SVtdvp
Is 4d ; greasy , 5VC-d > iils Hd. South Australia ,
500 bales ; greasy , 6'i09V4d. West Australia ,
100 bales ; greasy , SliS'/'d. Tasmania , 3iAl
bales ; grea y , | iii4d. New Zealand , 6,00(1 (
bales ; greasy , 440S' , < .d. Capo of Good Ilnpo
and Natal , SOO bales ; scoured , Isifls Mid ;
greasy , 6Tj7U ( l.
BOSTON , May 6. The Boston Commer
cial Bulletin will say tomorrow of the wool
market : Tint onslng of money and the stir
In manufacturing circles , occasioned by
government demands , have had n reviving
Influence for the moment on thu languid
market. A % per cent reduction In rates
nnd a greater willingness on the part of
banks to place loans have together served
to relieve In a measure the high tension of
fooling. Government contracts from
sound debtor and forming practically th
only business of the season luivo proven
very tempting halt to manufnoturcis , nnrt
net them on the "qul vlve , " nnd their llg-
ures on bids , with an awakened InlorCHt In
stocks , herved this week to start n lively
trade In sample hags. Further than this
nn actual business developed In medium un
washed fleeces , one-half bloods , and better.
Under the semblance of activity vlmvH
have assumed an appreciable gain In llrm-
ne.MS , und prices have held very well. Thu
sales of the week are 745,500 Ibs. domestic
and 215,000 Ibs. foreign , ngalnst 410,000 HIM.
domestic nnd G77.0CO Ibs. foreign hist week ,
and 1,262,600 pounds domestic nnd
Ibs. foreign for the same week last year.
The sales to date show a decrease of 41-
931.000 Ibs. domestic and 62,021 IbH. foreign
from the sales to the Ha me date In Ib'.lT.
The receipts to date show a decrease of
41,652 bales domestic nnd 251,500 bales forr"
Oil MitrkotH.
OIL CITY , Mny 6 , Credit balances , EOa ;
certificates , all trades were of cash oil. 11
opened nt Sic bid ; Ilrst sales , S3c ; advanced
to Bales at 91c ; closed , sales at 85' , e ; sales
for the day : Two bbls. at ! > 3c , ono at fc3V4c ,
five at 85c , one nt SSVic. eleven at S6c , three
at 87c , two at S7'/4c , four at SSe. eighteen nt
89c , ono nt 89VjC , seventeen at 90c , ono at Die ,
total , 66,000 bbls. ; shipments , 67,038 bbls. ;
runs , 86.S54 bbls.
CHARLESTON , S. C. , May 6. OILS Tur
pentine , quiet ; quotations omitted. Kosln ,
steady nnd unchanged.
SAVANNAH , Ga. , May 6. OILS-Splrlts
of turpentine , llrm at 2Cc. Rosin , llrm und
Splrlts of turpentine , steady at 26026Vic.
Rosin , nothing doing. Crude turpentine ,
steady at $1.25 , $1.80 and $1.90 Tar , firm
at $1.05.
Fliiniiclal ,
LONDON , May 6. The market-far Amer
ican Bccurltlcs opened dull and sluggish ,
but was slightly better at the close. Oper
ators realized. The clojlmr tone was Bteady
and the demand generally light. Amount
of bullion gona into the Bank of England
on balance today , 153,000. Gold is quoted
at Buenos -Ayres at 162.40.
PARIS , May 6. Business was Inactive on
the bourse today , but the tendency was
toward firm prices. Spanish 4s wore unde
cided nnd closed easy. Rio tlntos recovered
smartly on the report thnt the export duty
on copper would bo moderate. Three per
cent rentes , 102f 92 c for the account.
BERLIN , May 6. There was a firm openIng -
Ing on the bourse today on encouraging re
ports from Now York nnd London , but
jirloeK oloned easier on realizations.
MADRID , May 6. Spanish 4s closed to
day at 52.20. Gold was quoted at 114.75.
SiiKnr Market * .
ket strong ; open kettle , 2)i04c ; centrifugal
granulated , 4 7-8c : whites , 4 ll-1604c ; v > > l-
lows , 4 3-1604 7-lGc : seconds. 204c. Mo
lasses. dull : centrifugal , 4013o.
NEW YORK , May 6. SUGAR Raw ,
strong ; held higher ; fair rcllnlng , 35-Sc ; cen-
tilfugal , 96 test , 43-lGc ; refined , strong ;
mold A , 5 11-lCc ; standard A , 55-lGc : con
fectioners' A , 55-lGc ; cut loaf , 55-16c ] ;
crushed , 5 15-lCc ; powdered. 5 ll-16c ; gran
ulated , 57-lCc ; cubes , 511-lbc.
Cnllfornln Drlpil Kriilti.
DRIED FRUlTS-Apples steady and othei
fruits firm. Evaporated apples , common ,
67c ; prime wire tray , 8V4fl c : wood dried ,
prime. Mi We ; choice , flc ; fancy , 9H&lCo.
Prunes ; 808M-C. Apricota , Royal ,
Moor Park , I0fil2c. Peaches , unpoclcd ,
8c ; peeled , 12ft He.
! ! nfTalo Market. ,
northern , $1.40 ; No. 2 winter , closed , $1127.
CORN No. 2 , 39l39'4c.
OATS No. 2 white , 3Cc. .
RY13 Firm ; No. 2 on track , 71c.
llanclirxter Textile Fabric * .
MANCHESTER. Mny 6.-Cloths nnij
yarns , steady , with a moderate demand.
ArK * iitlne Wheat Market.
BUENOS AYRES. May 6. Wheat has afl-
vanccd 10 per cent.
II. R. Penny A Co. ( unccciiior * tl
Christie-Street Com. Co. ) have reiuov
ed to room 4. New York Life
Telephone 1030. Omaha , Neb
Dlrft wire * to Chicago ana Ntw York.
Corroipondrntm John A.v mn A Co.