10 TY THE OMATIA DAILY TIEK : .SATURDAY , MAY 7 , 1808 , SPECIAL NOTICES ArtrcrtUcmrntM for llicnc coliiinim will be nl < rn nntll 12 m. for the rrvnlnir nit * until 8 p. m. tor tk MnrnlnK nnd Snndny edition * ) . AdvcrtlHpr * . br ea t l" r " " - bcrrd check , cnn linvo nnimer * nd- * reNncd io a. nnnilierrd letter In rnrc of Tlic Hep. Aii wor no nddrc ed yrlll l e Delltercil OB presentation of the check on- . Rate * , 1 l-2e a iruril nut Innertlotil So wont thereafter. Xothlnw taken for It * * than 1W < J for the flmt Iimor- tloiu Th p ndvertUementM muni he rtm WANTKD MALI1 HELP. CANVABSHHS to tnko orders ; now line of work ; no heavy goods to carry ; gainrj pt commission. U. if. Adama Co. . 524 South Sixteenth street. _ " S3y BAMiSMCN to sell toilet soap to dealers ; tUO i > r month salary nnd expense ; ex- iitrlcnto unnecessary. Louis Emit up , bt. Louis , Mo. li-A.17 , WANTBD-At once , pnnts nnd maker. Address 11. Knssebaum , West U A1013 .WANTHD-Hollcltors oT Booil addrcsH , . cither SOT. to Bell CnllfoinU KOSCH , rare. hardy , ornamentals ) , etc. Town and cltiej only. Will pay salary weekly ; lie qulLic , stutu HKO. The How land Nursery Com pany , Los Angeles. Cal. _ U 93i i * WANTED. exporlenred dry goodsiles - nrnn ; only llrHt-class salesmen need ap ply. J. L. Hrandois & Sons , IJoston Store , Omaha. il ± ± _ _ _ _ _ AGENTS. $7 dally selllns Spec ! ilty Sonpj , Klvlng customers double value In Imnil- uomu presents ; extltislvo territory ; Biim- plu outllt free. Lease Soap -Jr/l.'gV1" / ' SALESMEN and collectors wanted for the roml ; cxpenscH advanced. Call niter la. m. tomorrow nt the Mlllard hotel , air. Il-li8-0 * Clifford. _ "SCHEMES and KnkeH ; " war tlmo money makcra : 23 cents , Money refunded It not satlffactory. Munroo tt. Co , Hex Ml , Em- poila , Kun < .nu. _ It M18t ! . ! WANTED , For fall trade , a good salesman to neil our specialties In dry goods on the road on commission. Schuvlklll Mills , llox 11B2 , Philadelphia. _ U M2tl 7 * MAN or Lady of good address to travel and appoint ngents. $10 per month and expenses. 1' . W. Zicgler . Co . 3-0 Dear born St. . Chicago. B-M.JU i * _ WANTED. Salesmen In every district ; new Bcason ; samples free ; salary or comtnls- nlon , vlth expenses from start. Luke llros. Co , Chicago , 111. B-M210 7' AVA.VriJII riJMALE Iini.l' . 100 GIRLS for all kinds of work ; JT to $7 week. Canadian OfHce. 1522 Douglas. C S3S \VANTin : Klrst class t'lrl for general housework. Inquire 1309 South 20th St. C OSS WANTI3D , a component girl for general housework. 1131 S. 30th mo. C 117 C "WAN'THD , joting nurse girl nt No 3123 C-M157 7' Chicago 3t. - WANTED , experienced cook ; good refer ences required ; good wages. Apply to Mrs. Arthur C. Smith , 1203 Park ave. C-M173 7 \VANTED-Qlrl to assist In housework. 4100 Lafayette Avo. C-183-7 * "WANTED , girl for general housework in sm.ill family. 213 S. 3Cth St. C 143 6 * GIHL for general housework. Call be tween noon and 1 o'clock. Mrs. E. S. Dlrooek. Roberts block , 21th and J Sts. , South Omaha. C 200 7 WANTHD , first class woman meat cook for good Iowa town. Reference required. See J. A. Hull , 2406 N St. , So. Omaha. 0 p. m. Monday. C M207 8 * von HKVi CHOIC12 houses and cottages nil over city ; $5 to $75. Fidelity , 1st lloor , N. Y. Life. I > -b39 HOUSES. Bencwu & Co , 103 N. 15th St. D 840 HOUSES , stores. Bemls , Paxton block. D-41 MOVING household goods nnd pianos. Om. Van & Storage Co. , 1511V4 Fnrnnin. Tel. 1559. D-813 PROPOSITIONS for the place. 3124 N. 24th Ht. , Including house , barn and three acres of ground. Apply to W. P. Holdcn , care of Urennan-Lovo Co. , 21D S. 10th St. D-M773 YOn Rent , ten-room modern house , with largo , well shaded grounds. John W. Robblns , 1S02 Farnam. D 350 LARGE list. McCugue , 15th and Dodge. D14 J'UIINITURU nnd leasehold of n 13-room modern Hat for enlc nt n bargain. Good ! location , rent low. Bemls , Paxton blk. D-M511 7HE .East Omaha Land Company hnvo a few dohlrablo cottages for rent. Apply to L. S. Hatnes , East Omalm. D I.M 7-ROOM cottage , furnished or unfurnished. S02 B. 30th. D-M132 10' FOR RUNT , ten-room house. No. COG South 21st avenue ; largo yard nnd barn. In quire Mrs. Preaton , 256S St. Mary's ave. D-150 G' NEWLY furnished three-room modern flat for sale ; everything to keep house with. Mr. Dietrich. 1011 Lcavenworth. 3d floor. D-M174 8 5-nOOM cottage. Inquire 2710 Pnrker at. D-M161 10 * FOR RHNT Six-room cottage with barn on Washington ave. . Council muffs , nt 112. Inquire of W. P. Officer , BOO B'w'y. D-M19G 8 FOR RENT Fully furnished , to private , family , ( not for boarding house purposes ) , for four or five months- ono year from Juna 1st , my house nt 709 Georgia avenue ; ten rooms. C. E. Sumner. D 187 8 * FOR mvr FtJHNismnj HOOMS BCOM9 by the Cay or week at the Central hotel , 15th and Dodge 8ts.EM323 E-M323 M14 BCOM Transients. 1708 Douglna St. E M446 M16 FURNISHED room . 624 8. 26th nvo. IJ-M451 M23 MOST desirable , private family. 1919 Dodge. E-M351 M24' NICELY furnished rooms ; modern con veniences. Ibl7 Leavvnworth St , Hat C. E-M9C3 7 N1CHLY furnished rooms for gentlemen , in private family ; references required. S. W. corner 17th and Capitol nvotuie. E-M933 7 t-ROOM house , close In , nnd furniture for ealo , all now. a. L. Green , 2S Darker . block E-990 TRANSIENTS , 25c per night. 1515 Davcn- port. n-m & PRIVATE family. 51J N. 23d.E E M190 12 ROOMS opposite Shrtncr , 25S4 llarney. 'PARLOR , nicely furnished ; use of t ath ; t breakfast If desired. Address N 51. Bee. K M218 9 FURNISHED room at 848 So. 19th St. K M203 9 * FUIIMSIIKI ) ROOMS AND I1OA1U ) . fHE Ucrrlam , flrat-class family hotel , 25th and Dodge Bts. F-S17 NICE room * with board. 1S24 Blnnoj1. PLEASANT rooms , modern : itrlctly first- claia board. 623 N. 19th - _ , . . JTOR RUK'l'-UNFIJKKIHiiED ROOMS. .FOR Rent , nice south front unfurnished rooms , with bath ; WUhnell block. P. W , Carmlchael , No. , WiUmell roit iuKTxToniM AIR uvrtrttt. [ 'OR trnoknRo , IrnnnforrlnK and dunk morn npply to the Aultmin A Taylor Mnehlu- iry Co. , N , K. inrno 9th ft Jackson Bla. I-SI3 FOU rent , the 4-xlnry brick building nt 918 Fnrnam 81 , Tlila building has n lire- proof cement basement. , w.ttci' on nil Moors , gns , etc. Apply nt the office of The Ico. 1-910 PART of llrnt-clni * isractiy store tr butcher ; { rood locution , N. IStfa. X IS. Hce. I 127 S roil RENT. Part of n Mllllnory store for Jewelry , Ladles' Furnishings or Fnncr Novvltloa ; best location In Omaha N 49 , B < - . I MIDI 13 AttKSTS WANTHD. WANTED , agents to sell Acetylene gas generatora ; must be men of nullity nnd Homa means. Acetylene , the llgnt of the future for towns , cltlex , stores , churrhes , halls , factories , hotels nnd private resi dences. Address Omaha Acetylene Ons- Co. , IIS nnd 120 N. 15th St. , Om ilm , Neb. J-MUGMll INnmtSOLL'S now lecture on "LIlM-rty. " also Thanksgiving lecture ; elthei mall d free for 10 cents ; anenls wanted. P. N. Marks , 221 Bth ave. , Chicago. J 151 10 * WANTED , Bcnornl agent for the latest wnr novelty ; send your nddiess ; mill mall voti samples and terms free. New Era , Novelty Co , 401 Now Era Hid * , Chicago. J-M159 5' AVANTI3IJ Agpul to represent stnndaid ac cident Insurance Co. on C. R. I. & P. R. U. west of the river ; mint have uood .nc- nualntaneo or bo 8ticre sful Insurance m.in. W. A. Caitcr , Mans. Agt. , First National Bank HUlg. , Omnhi. J 17ff 7 AGENTS wanted. Murnt Ilntstcnd'i Great War Book. "Our Country In War. " All about Armli'1 , Navies , Const Defense * , Mulne Disaster , Cuba , War with Spain , nnd relations with Foreign Nations. Nearly COO pages. All written slni-o Malno Disaster. Magnificent colored Illustra tions Agents making $10 to $1J per d.iv. No experience necessary. Most llbctnl terms guaranteed , 20 days' credit , pilco low , freight paid. Hnndsomo outllt free. Pond 9 two-cent slamps to pay postage. Educational Union , 3J1 Dearborn St. , Chl- J MIS'i June 5 * O1TR goods sell on merit nt Bight to every liotspinun nml to sub-agents for ovet 203 per cent ptollt. Big spring demand. For general agency write S. Hunter Co , Ru- clne. Wls. J M211 7 * AGENTS wanted for "America's Battle for Cuba's Freedom. " Contains nil about Spain , Cuba , nimlca , navies and war. Graphic dpscilptlon of Dcwcy's famnui victory and his full biography ; big book ; COO largo pages ; tremendous demand : only $1 50 ; commission 50 per cent ; bonanza for ngunts ; 30 days' credit ; freight paid ; out- lit free : \\rlto qutik. The Dominion Com pany , Dept. 14 , Chicago. J M201 9' w.wrnu TO UU > T. WANTED , to r < nt modern 5 , 0 or 7-room house about June 1st. Address M 44 Boo. K MJM WANTED , furnished room nnd use of bath room , without boanl. Address , stating terms , N 44 , Bee olHcc. K-M13I 7 * , WAvrnn TO IJIIY. SECOND-ITAND books bought for cash nt the Antiquarian book store , 1519 Farnim. N-M775 M20 * CASH for 2nd-hnnd books. Crane. 207 N. IGth. N M205 WANTED , To buy two good second-hand i oiler top desks and one book case for olllce. Address Frank Burmau. 1B23 Far nam St. N M1S7 S A PAIR of well matched livery horses ; must bo cheap. N 50. Bee. N M193 12 * WANT to buy small stock gen. mdse or groceries to move. Write Box 112. Dunl.ip , la. N M209 9' PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co , 908- 910 Jones , general storage and forwarding. 1I-S50 OM. Van Storage , r.UVg Farn'm. Tel. 1559. BKST trackage nnd storage building In Omaha , U. S gov. bonded ; household goods stored and cared for ; lowest rates ; two show tases for sale , suitable for e\- nosltlon. 1013 and 1013 Lcu\enworth. W. M. Bushman. M-M9C5 31 FOIl SU.E FUR.MTIJHE. FOR sale , folding bed , wardrobe and desk combined , 1546 South 23th street. Call afternoons except Friday. E. N. Black- man. O 153 ANTIQUE oak wardrobe In best condition. Lack of room reason for selling ; cost J30 ; will sell cheap. Call 2211 Locust St. in afternoon. O 179 S * SELLING out nt 131 South 25th street , household furniture , carpets , ranges , cooking stoves , gas sto\e , etc. May bo Heen from 2 to b p. m. O 110 FOR SALE Furniture , by S. D. Casad. 519 N. 16th st. Ono bed lounsc , 2 onk dressers. 1 onk dlnlm ; table , G dining chairs , 4 rockers , 1 bookcase. O M193 9 ELEGANT furniture six-room flat for sale cheap. 2005 Woolworth Ave. O M215 9 * FOR SALE HORSES AM ) WAGONS. ONE brown gelding , 1,100 Ibs , safe for lady to drive. One bay gelding , 1,030 Iba. , safe for lady to rldo or drive. Ono pair bay geldings , 2,100 Ibs , high looker * . One choice saddle , horse , for lady or gentle man. Stable 12th and Nicholas. P 202 S FOR SALE MISCr.I.LANK HOG and poultry fence ; better than wire netting. Fine bawdust for Iloors. Tel. 458. 901 Douglas. Q S52 HORSE clipping machines , knives and re pairs , all standard makes on hand ; grindIng - Ing razors , shears , clippers ; prompt serv ice. A. L. Undoland. Q Sol CHICKEN , hog nnd lawn fences ; all wire ; Is best. Wire Works , 14th and Hnrnoy , < i-S54MlG FOR SALE Ten R.I.P.A.N.8. for 5 cents at druggists ; ono gives relief. Q M780 FOR SALE Three return Tubular boilers ; 80-horse power each. Apply to the super intendent , 105 Bee building. Q SS5 GROCERY STOCK , with or without flx- turcs ; cheap ; must vacate , having sold lease. Apply N 46 , Bee. Q M141 7 1S9S BICYCLES down to $500 Now 1898 model Ladles' and Gents" Bicycles are now being sold on easy conditions ns low as J500 ; others outright at $1393 and high grade at $19 93 and $23 50. to be paid for nfter received. If you will cut thli notice out nnd send to Sears , Roebuck & Co. Chlcngo , they will send > ou their 1S08 Bicycle Catalogue nnd full particu lars. Q M21J 7 ANTI-MONOPOLY Onrbnee Co. cleans cesspools & privy vaults. 6.J1 N. 1G Tel 1779 R-351-M15' SHRUBBERY and trees nt 1717 Douglns. P , B. M.irtlnj residence 4G2J Boulevard avo. R M4JI M1G NEW BRICK at Wlthnoll Bros. & Smith's yard , 2Jd and Hickory. Telephone 425 It MC05 HOUSE PA1NTING-A11 Its branches so- lliltcd ; practical painter ; will take coun try jobs ; prices reasonable. John Howe , 3 ! > 31 Franklin St. R 114 9 ANYONE see'Une safe Investment of B.IV- Inca in tmma of $100 and upward tthoulil Inveitlgatu v\hat we hnvo to offer , which Is as good us government , state or mu nicipal bonds and pays G per cent per an num In quarterly payments. Thu Colum bian Iirvetitment Co , John A. McSlmnc President. H. G. Candee. secretary. Room 411 First Nat. Bk. lllug. II-M1G3 ANYONE seeking afo Investment of sav ings In sums of $100 and upwaid should Investigate what we have to offer , which Is IIH good as government , stnto or mu nicipal bonds and pays 6 per cent per an num In quarterly luiymenti. THE COLUMBIAN INVESTMENT CO. . JOHN AMcBHANB. . Presldcn II. G. CANDEE. Secretary. Room 411 , First Nat'l Bank Building. R-M1KS JUMIC HOUSES. AL1MRN , Omaha. Junlc house , ll'l So. 10th , paying beat price for all kinds of junk. S19 M2S < M.lSftAUU. 11ATU < 4. KTC. MIKH MAYrcit-l'hlropodlftt , manicure. H nIp , facial , tmatmentn ; nnntivl , Htti- dent * . 400 Pnxton Blk. T-4I2-1H1 LAt'RA Elllun" | N7 lfith " ( uist"afntl ) room 12 , Turko-Ruoslan nnd plain baths , masjqgo. TM5.J3 MID' MRS Dr. Leon , otoctrlti mniango bath par lors , restful and curative. 417 8. Utli , tip * stairs. T-MJ7S S * OJUHNTAL Turkish bnlhs for Indies and ( -ontn. 107 So. HIM. , tel. ISO I Open nil nlrht. T-MJM JG MISSVOE , H\THX , ETC. ( OrUlnueil ) MME. Smith. 113 N. 15th St. , hot spring nnd vapor biths. T 117 9 * MME. AMES , 607 So. 13th. Room 10. Mns- sage buths. T 190 ! ! VIAVI for uterine troubles. 3IS-S Ben bldg ; physician consultation or health book free. U 855 BATHS , massage. Sltne. Post , 21914 8. 15th. U-S3G T1IE Pnntorlum. clothes cleaned , pressed and repaired , dav or nUht ; sptclal euro Riven Indies' tailor made gowns : dress nulls for hlie. N. E. corner 14th nnd Fnrnum. Tel. 902. S57 SUPE RFLUOUS hair , face blemishes re- tnoved with electricity nt Mmo. O. Payne's lialrdresslng nnd manicure par lors , 312-313 Katbach block. block.U M5I2M13 * $ ! ' ) RUPTURE cure for $ TO. No detention , fiom business ; G jears In Omaha. Caller or write for circulars Empire Rupture Cure , W2-93J New York Life bldg. , Omaha , Neb. U 911 WHEN jott take nn outing don't forget to call ut the new resort , Mella , nt Florence Lake. U M907 9 * SEND lOc for IP test war novelty , Undo 8am bound for Cuba. Agents wanted. Jos. F. Bllz 32 > So. IGth St. , Omaha , Neb. U 201 12' WAR ATLAS IB pages of colored mips. Cuba nnd Havana Hnibor , 21x11 Inches ; Philippine Islands and China , 21x11 Inches ; West Indies 21.\ll Inches ; Spain nnd Port ugal , L'lxll Inches ; North America. 21\ll Inches ; United States , ll\14 Inches ; Europe , 21x11 Inches ; Flags of all Na tions , 11x14 Inches ; population nnd other Information ; thi > best maps published ; $1 00 worth for 25 cts. ; printed on calen dered paper ; bound It , paper covers. Aconf ) wanted. Phil N. Marks , 221 5th Ave , Chicago. U MMl 9 * MONEY TO LOAN UEAIj ESTATE. WANTED , choice lnfm nmt city loans. R. C. Peters & Co , U. S. Nat'l Bank bldg. W-M9 $100,00)00 special fund to loan on Ilist-clnss Improved Omaha property , or foi hulld- Inu purposes. Fidelity Trust company. W &UI ) _ J10DOO , $20000 , $350 00-Prlvnto money , on one , two , thrco or five j ears' time. W. L. Selby , 331 Board of Trade. W Cb9 ANTHONY Loan & Trust Co , 31 ? N. Y. L. ; quick money nt low rates for choice farm lands In low a. Northern Mlusourl. East- em Nebraska. W SGI LOAN on Improved & unimproved city cltv property. W. Farnam Smith & Co , 13JO Farnam. W Sb.3 0 PER cent i Ity nnd fnrm loans. Garvln Bros , 1G13 Fnrnam St. W bG ! 5ii PER rent money. Bemls , Paxton blk. W-S05 MONEY to loan on Improved Omnhn real estute. Brennan-Love Co. , 219 S. 3Gth. W-SG1 BIOXEY TO IA. % CHATTELS. $10 TO $10,000 TO L6AN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIA NOS , HORSES , WAGONS AND CAR RIAGES , WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS. etc. , at lowest rates In Omaha , South Omaha nnd Council Bluffs. No icmoval of goods ; strictly confldent'nl ; ' you can pay the loan off at any time 01- In any amounts i OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 30G South IGth St. THE OLDEST , LARGEST AND ONLY IN CORPORATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. X SG5 MONEY loaned salaYled people holding permanent positions , with responsible- concerns upon their own name , without security ; easy paymentsTolmnn , R. 700 , N. Y. L. bldg. X 572 CHANCES. TO GET In or out of business go to J. J. Gibson , 511 First Nat'l bank. Y SGT FOR sale , n bargain , my entlfo drug stock , show cases , noda fountain and counters ; nlso will rent store nt reason able rent ; located Union Depot hotel , one block from U. P. nnd Burlington depots. Ernest Stuht , proprietor. Y 179 ELEVATORS for sale , a line of six ele vators on the Republican Valley branch of the U. P. R. R. . extending south from Lincoln. N.eb. through an excellent grain producing region. Will bo sold together or separately , as desired. In good repair nnd line working order. Will be sold on easy terms. Apply to Ed S. Miller. Bea trice , Neb. Y MS24J30 JOB printing Quickest , best and cleanest. Hearsey , the Printer , 1503 Farnam ; 'phone ; 20CO. Y-M956 7 . FOR Bain or rent , a complete barber shop ; a good opening with an established trade ; for particulars write to Deutsch & Lock- wood Co , Rapid City. So. Dak. Y-M110 10 * WANTED , Physician with $1,000 cash to make first payment on nice residence property woith $2,600 ; practice exclusively country : very large , unopposed : no rail way. Box 43 , Oolitic , Ind. Y 113 6 * MEAT market : cash trade ; will average J13 per day. Price $700 cash. J. J. Gibson , 614 First Nat'I Bank. Y 177 14 FOR EXCHANGE. VARIOUS pieces of property and farms In Nebraska to trade for merchandise. Ad dress L 42 , Bee. Z M8G3 100-ACRE clear farm near Snohomlsh , Washington , and $3,000 00 in defaulted first mortgage * on southwestern Kansas land , to exchange for improved property In Omaha : party will assume reasonable amount of Incumbrance. , W. L. Selby , 334 Board of Trade. Z M727 VOCAL or Piano Lessons for sewing ma chine or ladles' wheel. 1512 Davenport. Z M192 8 * FOR \LU-HKAI , KSTATK. KOUNT/E Place bargains , $2,500. $3,750 to $6.500. J. J. Gibson , 514 First Nat'l bank bldg. RE 869 FOLLOWING desirable property : Buslnoca lot corner , 00x150 ft. . In So. Omaha , paved. Business lot , 60x150 ft. , improved , South Omaha , street paved. Tract (24 ( lots ) . 30th St. Tract (20 ( lots ) , 30th St. For particulars apply 1013 Farnam St. RE-870 HOU8E8 , lots , farms , lands , loans , also fire insuiunce. Bemls , Paxton block. block.RE RE 871 IF YOU have real estate for sale and want it sold list It with mo and I will sell It ( If I can ) . If you wish to purchaae and want a big bargain , look over my list. J. H. Sherwood , 422 New York Life. RB-MS72 GERMAN SAVINGS BANK PROPERTY. NOTHING FOR RENT IN OMAHA OR SOUTH OMAHA. NOW I8.T1IK TIME TO BUY. Buy and savn rent. Never before In the history of Omaha have there been such opportunltlen offered to acquire lots or homes nt your own prices. You make the prices. Receivers must sell. Depositors' demands must bo xntlsned. I give out no ll.st.s. If you want to buy I will match any prices made by any one. Lota In South Omaha , lots In Omaha , lots everywhere , from $100 to $4,000. Houses nnd lots nnd acre tracts in Douglas county. An > reasonable offer will bo favorably con sidered. Tell w what you want nnd I will tell you what ! will take. If you have a customer I will pay regular commissions. I have no agents. New 7 per cent loans , $1,000 to $1,500 , for sale on Improved property. THOS. H. M'CAGUE. Receiver. 106 N. 15th St. RE-M50S FARNAM St. , near 4Id St. lot 4Sxl S ft , price $800.00. J. N. Frenier , opp. old P. O. JUS-MHO I-'CR .HAIt-RtAI , KSTATB. FOR unle , 2) ncnnn under cultivation , near Florcuro ; 300 fDultMrcoi ; prlcu low ; term * f sy. The O. T , Dnvls Co , RE-SSO 6 t > K m.\ntK S.IWOM.I MonnttN COTTAOK. very rhoLro location (161 N. 40th ) . rnit front ; nice Inwn nnJ tnjfuj chrup an I rn r frm ; Cull nnd i - It , or iHa "Owner. " ttll llarm-y. . nrc wi THESE are goojl , rifi well nn chenp : II.KM nlco rottngt ? , barn , 30-foot lot , paved street. , ' $2oniv-R room-cottage , full corner lot , Shlnn's add. r . $1,500 4-room tirlrtk ttngo , largo lot , troes. $1600 house , 60-fiol Jot , < A mile west cpurt ' ' hOUHO. , 'f $ ri50-Cholco bulldlnrf lots near 24th nnd Ames. , , . O. O. Wnllacc. J. J. ' Brown block. Ifilh nnd Douglas streets. RE 154 7 THE Columbian Investment company will sell you a choice lot on monthly pay ments nt low rnto of Interest ; why not start n home ? Bee them nt roam 411 , First Nat. bk. btdjf. RE-M1G2 THESE are good , ns well as cheap : n.fTiO-Cottage , barn. 30-foot Hot , paved St. 82.000 C-room cottage , full cor. lot. Shlnn's. $1.600 4-ioom brick cottage , largo lot , trcea. $1.500 Brick. CO-foot lot. Vi mile nest court. $ nr > 0 Choice building Intfl tienr 21th & Ames. O. G .Wallace , J. J , Brown block , 16th nnd Douglns streets , RE 151 7 FOR SALE Two cottnces and 2-story store building , vv'lth 20x170 feet of ground , nt S33 S. 17th street ; rented todav for $1650 per month ; clear , tnxes paid : for only $3OOJ cash. A. P. Tukcy , City Hnll. RE-193 8 SHORTHAND AND TYIM5W HITING. A. C. VAN Snnl's School of Shorthand nnd Typewriting , 717 N. Y. Life , offers the following advantages : Individual In structions by cxneilcnced teachers nnd skillful stenographers ; up-to-dato meth ods : touch sjstem of typewriting If pre ferred ; participation In actual woik , for which students receive pay ; monthly pay ments. S7I AT OMAHA Bus. College , 16th & Douglas. 875 SHORT-HAND taught by court - , up-to-dato , reporters. Boyles' School , 403-5-7 Bee bldg. S7G 1IHICK. WITHNELL Bro. & Smith , paving , sewer , building ; capacity 100,000 n day ; 22d nnd Hickory streets. Tel. 423. 620 1,000.010 new brick. Wlthnell Bros. & Smith's. M C07 JUSTICE OF THE I'HACC. D. B. HOUPK. Justice of the peace , 300 ' Karbach block. 938 HOUSE PASTURE. ALFALFA pasture , board fences. A. W. Phelps & Son , 207 N. Y. L bldg. Tel. 1051. CIS J2. ! * EXPOSITION PRO > TAGE ! KOR REST. GROUND leases fronting exposition. IJeinls , Paxton blotk. ' &S1 I'AW.MIHOKERS. H. MAROWlTZ'loahs ' money. 41S N. IGth. f ' 879 FUH.VjITCI E PACKED. M. S. WALICIN , 21U Cumlng. Tel. 1331. 878 LOST. ' -4- LOST OR oijui.iinyunu knowing the whereabouts oti ' , * tn-ill pug dog nnsvv er ne the nrimA ofj Stumpy , address Mrs. wnv. Hal ) ia , ,3 > wr'IXrjAni. nnd rocelvo reward. , , > Lost-M203 9 STENOGRAPHERS. WE SOLICIT "Sandr * furnish positions for stenographers free. The Smith-Premier .Typewriter Co" Telephone. 12S4. 8S2 TYPEWRITERS for rent ; $4 00 par month. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1G23 I'arnam St. ; Telephone 12S4. SSO r.nnssMKIO , DRESSMAKING. Families. 2301 Davenport. M9C2 M6 BALL BEARING DENSMORE Used exclu- alvely by the exposition. Wo soil every thing truly _ _ good in type writers nnd supplies' . IIMTED TYPEWRITER A SUPPLIES CO Fariiuni Ut , Omnhn. NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUPPLIES Department of the Interior , Office of Indian Affairs , Washlnglon.iD. p. , Marqh 30. 1S9S Sealed proposals will b > received by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs at Nos. 77- 79 Wooster street. New York City , until 1 o'clock p. m. 6f Tuesday , liny l" . IS'JS , for fur nishing for the Indian Service , coffee , suiar , tea , rice , baking ptwder , soap , groceries. blankets , woolen and cotton goods , clothing , notions , hats and caps , boots and shoes , crockery nnd school books. Bids must bo made on government blanks. Sch3dues ! giv ing all necessary Information for bldderu will bo furnished , on mpplloatlon nt thf In dian Olllce , Washington. D. C. , Nos. 77-79 Wooster street. New York City ; N . 1CC2 State street , ChlcaxoJ 111. ; Commissaries of Sub lstejice , U. S. A. at Cheyenne. Leav. cr. worth , Omaha , St. Louis , St. Paul and Ban Francisco ; Mho postmasters at Sioux City. Yankton. AJk.mias City. Calinell , To- pka , Wichita and Tucson. Bids will be opened at the hour und days above stated. and bidders are Invited to be present at the opening. opening.W. W. A , JONES , Commissioner. A-27-May-13 rOSTOFFICK NOTICE. ( Should be read DAILY by all Interested , aa changes may occur at any time. ) Foreign mnll3 for the week ending May 7. 1S98 , will close ( PROMPTLY In alt caiea ) at the General Pastotllco us follows : PAR CELS POST MAILS class one hour earlier than closing tlmo shown below : Trnnn-Atlnutla JIalli. * 8ATURDAY-A1 7 a. m. for FRANCE , SWITZERLAND , 3 ! ITALY. TURKEY , EGYPT and BRITISH INDIA , per s. a. La HourioKne-v.La Havre ( Utters for other parts of Kurorts ( except Spain ) must be directed "perr'tAi nourjogne" ) ; at 8 a.m. for NETHEihUASjDS direct , per B. s Werkondam , ivliv Ratterdam ( letters must be directed "per Werkendam" ) ; at 8 a. m. for ITALY , ip < T . s. Fulda , via Naples ( letters must , iff--directed "per FuWla" ) ; at 11 a. m. ( supplementary 12:30 : p. in ) for EUROPE , pef 4. , s. Lucanla , via Queens- town. > 11 r , t'i After the i/icwIOH ) of , ths supplementary trans atlantic malla iminid above , additional aulo. ) mentary mails are oixned ott the plern of IhJ American. KntUlih , Franch and Oermnn ftparr era ami remain ftpenuntil within un mhuf of the hour of aiUlBe of sUnmt- . HolU lor South > amil Central America , We" I'lntUea ' , Utf. SATURDAY-XTZ:30 : a. m. for NEW FOUNDLAND , per s , B. Turanian from Philadelphia ; at 9:3) : a. m. ( supplementary 10 a. m. ) for ST. THOMAS. ST. CROIX. LBEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS , per a. a. MaJIana ( letters for Grenada , Trinidad and Tobago must be directed "per Madlana" ) ; at 10 a. m. ( supplemen tary W.OO a. m. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. BAVANILLA and CARTHAi GENA. per s. s. Adirondack ( letters for Ccsta Illod must he directed "per Adiron dack" ) ; at 8:30 : p. rn. for NEWFOUND LAND , per steamer from North Sydney. Malls fur Newfoundland , by rail to Halifax ami' thenoo bv ateamer , cUre &t this nlllcs ilal'.y ftt 8:30 : p. m Malta ( or Utqueion. by rail to tVi - ton and thence by sl-Hlutr clo e nt Ill's dMKo dally at 8.3) p. tt . Mali * for Mexico City , overland , up lew tpcc'illr mlrlrvniu I I'r dlepntch by steamer , close at tills office dally at S.34 a. m. and : . > p. m. "It gUtered mill closes at S.M p. 'm. previous Uiy. TrauH-ruellln SUIU. Malls for China nnd Jnpin ( specially ad dressed only ) , per a. s. Empress of China ( trom Vancouver ) eloie here dally ur > to May 2 it 8.30 n. m. Mulls for Chin * . Japan nnd Hawaii p r r. s. Oltoilt ! ( front 8nn Pranolicu ) . clone hero dallv tip to May 4 nt 6:30 : n. m. Malls for China nnd Japan. p r n. m Columbia ( from Tiipomn ) , c'.tKo here dally up to May "S nt 0:10 : p in. MnIM for Australia ( except the o for West Australia , whlon nro forwarded via l-urope ) . New Zealand , Havvall , FIJI ami Bornrun Islands per . a. Martpwa ( from ann I rinclsco ) . close hen > diillv tip to May " 13 at In. m. . 11 a. m. nnd G:30 : p. in. ( or on arrival at New York of s. 3. Cnm- Pjinli with Hrlilsh malU for Australia ) . JIalli for the Society Iilands , per ship . Galilee ( from San Francisco ) , clone here dally tip to May 25 ot 0:30 : p. ni. Mulls for Hawaii , per i. s. Zcalandla ( frofli San Francisco ) , close hero dally up to May 2S At 6-30 p. m. Mnlls for Australia ( except " V1 Auatrnlln ) . New Zealand , Hawaii ana FIJI Islands , per s. e. Aorangl ( from Vancouver ) , close here dally after May 13 and up to May 26 at CJO p. m. . " ' . V1" ; "i"11" ! i" ' I' " f Mil- In * itjlly find fie schi-dul * of clmlnit N Mr- " rnnceil on the preruinpiluti nr tlielr uplnt > i niptM merinrd trinnit. "lien itemi i'i I cloi < > n t ii. pi prvliux dny. ' ' Poslonice. New York , N Y. . Aprl O. ! . RAIl.ItOAII > . . * NOIIT1IWK8T- ern IUIhvnClty Ticket Of. flee. 1491 rarnatn Street. Telephone - I phone 5BI. Depot. Tenth an I Mason airepu. Telephone cinr.--- ; : ; . . : G 40 am 11:30 pm Mlsfourl Vniley. Slnux My. Ht. I'aul nnd ! Minneapolis ' 5G5nm : 10:15pm : Mlfsouil Vnllcy , Sluux _ clt > 7:10 : am 9.03 pm Dennliun , Carroll , Wnll Lake , Council ( Huffs. SM nm 3 15 urn Eastern Kxpres. . Dea Molne . Mirslinlltimn , OeJir llapldf , Chlcaso 10.30 nm 4:2o : pm Atlantic Tljer. Chicago nnd Hast 4r. : pm 4.33 pm Tnut Mall , ChlcnRO to Omalii 3:10 : pmS Missouri Vallpy , lloiix Clt > . St. I'aul , .Minne apolis Utnltcjd 4 ; pm S M nm Omaha-ChlcnKn Ppecial. 6 43 pm 8.-SO am Dally. Uilly except Sunday. J CHICAGO. ST. PAUL. MIXNU- npolls A. Omahn Hallway neneral Onices , Ncbracka U | . vision. Fifteenth and Wet ter Streets. City Ticket Olllcp. ; - " 01 rarnim htrect. Telenhune EC1. Depot , riftecnth and Wel)8ter fatreati ! Tel" ! Irfrt VC Sioux City Accommoda. 8SO : am s "S nni Sioux city Accommoda. 9 50 am 8:10 : pm lllnlr , Umcrson , Sioux City , 1'onca , Hartlng- ton & llloomfleld. . . . 1:00 pm 11:55 : nm Sluux CItl , Mankota. St. I'aul , Minneapolis. . . 6:55 : pm S Mam l mer on l'atspnier. . . . SIO : pm 8-43 am Uilly. Dally except hunday. Sumlay . , " " .Tills train stops at stations riorenco to South Blair , Inclusive , undays enl > : on week dnvs. South Itlnlr only. rilDMONT. KI.KHORN AND Missouri Valiej Ilall aa n. eral Ollice. . United btate Na tional Hank DullillnK , Soutii- v\c t Cornei Twelfth and r r- . . . . lmm Streets. Ticket onice 1401 l-nrnam Street Telephone Ml Depot l-fl | teenth and Webster Streets. Teleph6ne IKS. LVe Arrlve UHck Hills. Dendwooa < und Hot Springs. . . . ' 3.00 pm 5 00 pm Wyonilnc , Cacpcr nnd DouRlas . < ' 3.00 pm 5.00 pm HastlncorK. . David City , faupcrlor , Geneva i\etcr and Sennrd . . 3.00 pm 5.0) pm Norfolk. West Point and 1'reinont. . . . . . . . " 730 am 10:23 : am Lincoln , Wnhoo and Fremont. . . . . " .Mam " 10:3 : am rromont I ocil . 7-00 am Dally. Dally except Sunday. Sunday only. Dally except Saturday. Daily except Monday. SIOUX CITV . PACIFIC RAILroad - road Qeneril Oillces. United States National llnnk lluMd- Inff , S. W. Corner Twelfth and 1 ormrn Streets Ticket Office , i.1. 15th ArrUe' Sioux City. Manknto. ' Mlnneapolls < s.M am JNION PACIFIC--THI3 OVERland - land Iloute"-0enernl Ofllce . N ' - - nnd MV | Lav > . Arrive. "The Overland Limited" for Denver , Halt Lake western points 8 30 am The Colorado Special , for Dsmtr and alt " Colorado points 11:33 : pm tM am I"ast mall train for Salt Like. Paclllo coast and all western paints 4:33 : nm 6MO Lincoln , Iteatrlce and nm Stromsbursr Kxpress . . 5 00 pm li'.M fremont. pm . Colmubvu- Norfolk. Grand Is land and - . Kearney nm " 12 2) Orand Island Expresi. . 5 00 nm " 12.20 pm * 1)a l > i "Dally except Sunday pm Rallioad "The Greai Island Hmue"cuy nince 13S3 Fa- Lea\ . Arrive. Ch'caco and St. Paul Vestlbuled Express. . . . 4.53 pm 1:43 : Lincoln. Colorado Sp'gs. pm Pueblo , Denver and west lKpra : 4:21 : pm Chicago , Det Molnes nock Islann ' 7:00 : 1 8:15 : am Atlantic ixpres , for Des Molnes and east ern points 7:20 am : "iO pm ' " ' Colorado Klyer 7JOO pm 5'os km Daily. Da'Iv xcept Sunday. CHICAGO. BURLINGTON & Burlington Qulncy nullroadThe nurj. ' "K'0" "oute"-TIcket Om - . l * Pfrnam Street. Telephone Dcpotl Tenth an < l W m Streets. Telephone 123. Leave , Arrive Vestibuled Hx. 5:03 : pm g-io am 4:15 : pm 8:10 : am 5.10 pm 2SO pm 11.50 pm HUnHNGTON & MISSOURI IlUer Railroad "The Uur- llnctan noute"-Gneral Of- flc s N. W. Corner Tenth nnd ? arna.,1J. Sheets Ticket Of. ttce. 1502 I'arnam Street. Tele phone 250 , Depot. Temli and Mason Fillets. Telephone 128 Leave. * Arrive . Lincoln. Hiwtlnea and MeCook . 8:33 : nm 9:33 : am Lincoln , Denver. Colo- railo. Utah. Cullfornli , Black Hills .Montana and Pucet Sound . * 4:35pm : 4 < vt Dm Lincoln Irfcal . 7.CO pm 7:40 pro Lincoln Fast Mall . 2.55 pra "UM : am Denver , Colorado , Utah. California and Puget Sound . 11:5 : ! pm * llD3 : pm KANSAS CITY. ST. JOSEPH Burlington * Council muffs Railroad- "TJO Burlington Houte" Ticket Olllce. 1503 Farnam Route Street. Telephone JM. Uepat , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone Its. I avB. Arrive. Kansas City ' * , * M am 5HO pm Kansas City Night Kx. 10.-M pm 6.30 am Dally. MISSOUni PACIFIC UAILROAD General Offices and Ticket Offlfe. Merchants National Dank Ilulldlnr. 12 I'arnam Street Telephone 104. Depot , Fifteenth ami Webster Streets. Telephone 1453. , . , Leave. Arrive. Kansas and Nebraska Ltm'teJ 3.05pm K:53 : pm Kansas City and St. , Louis Uxprrss . , . . , , , . 9.50 pm 6.0) ) am Nebraska Local 4S pm * 9:43 : am Pally , Da'ly ' except faundoy. CIIICAOO. MILWAUKKR & ST J'aul Hallway-C.ty Ticket Of- fire , 1104 Tarnam Street. Tele , phone SSI , Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone US Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited Ex. . . . Bits pm 8:05 am Omaha and Cli'cago Ex. * 11OJ : amM pm Dally. OMAHA k BT. LOUIS HAILROAD Omaha. Kansas City St. East ern Ilallroad "The I'crt Arthur "Houte Ticket Office , 1411 Far- nam Streets Telephone , Kt. lie- pot , Tenth and Maion Streets. 'lelrphone , m. Leave. Arrive. 81 Lnuls Cannon pall Eipre 4 M pm 11:50 : am Kamas City & Qulncy Un-al 7:4 an 1.06 pa Dally. \VAIIAS1I nVlMtOAO TICKKT once , un rnrnnm Hirer ! Tele- (91 ICHI | | . Ttnlli nnd Strrp | rclrplionr in. L nv , Arrive. St l < inl "C'vnon tlvlt" express . , , . , . 4 ; pm Dilly. [ COOK REMEDY'CO BLOOD POISON A SPECIALTY. Friratr , e conJ rjr or TtrttMr BLOOD pcrmintntijr Cured in 15 to 35 Days. Tou. can b * tnitiii at horn * for prtc * un r umt u rantr. If you prfr M come hcrt w will contract Io par rail * toad tar * end hout bl.la. and BO bare * If wa fall to cur * . IF YOU HAVE taken mtrcurjr , lodld * potuh and Mill hav acliea and palna. Uuooua Patch * * In mouth. Sort Throat , rtntpltf , Copytr Col. rd SpoU , Uletr * on any part of th bedr. Htlr or Kysbrowi faltlny out. It I * thin Secondary Wf Guar&niac to Cure W tollclt the me t obttlnat * MM * and ehallenxe the crl > l ( or a cue w cannot cun This > llMaa > haj alwayi baffled the kill ot the inott eminent phrttolarie. tMOCCO c iilt.il behind our unconditional uaranty. Abiolut * proof * lent aeled on application. ICO cace book lent frw. Addreai COOK RGMEDV OOM 1401 Mnnonlc Temple , ChloORO , 111. OTRima PAfM COItmVtTf DOCTORS Searles & Searles SPECIALISTS Gnnrantee to cnr ( speedily nnd rodl enlly all KCHVOUS , CIIRONIO AIO PRIVATE dUcanca of Men and women. WEAK MEN SYPHILIS SEXUALLY. cured for life. Wfcht Emission * , Ixxt Manhood , By * irocele , Verlcocele , Gonorrhea , Qleet , Syph- Ilia , Stricture , Pile * . Fistula and Rectal UlQirs , Dlabatei. Hrlght's Dlieai * cured. Consultation Free. Stricture andGleefcdttt br n w method without pain or outtlnr. Gallon or addriu with stamp. Treatment fy mall. m mm s suitui Two Weeks' Treatment FREE _ To All IIIY OLD SPECIALISTS In the treatmeat of all Cbroiic , Nervous and Private Diseases. and alt WEAKNESSES UCU and UISOHDimS OF MEN Catanli , all Djea | e of the Not. . Tnroat. Che\ tomach. LJver , Blood , Skin and Kidney DIs- aaaei. Loet Manhood. Mydrooele , Verlcoeel * , Gonorrhea. Oleete. Syphtlli , Stricture. Pllee. rif tula and Rectal Ulcera Dlabetea Diliht'e Dla- aa * cured. Call on or addrtie with atamp foi Free Book and New Hethodi. Treatment br Hall , Consultation free. Omaii Medical and Surgical Institute i V Ulli North i tli at. DR. C.GEE WO. WHO is IIH ; He Is one of the most skillful of Chinese doc tors , because of his great knowledge and cures. Hnvlni ; been eight years In the med ical college of China , he understands t'ne Im mediate action of over 6.000 remedies. With eighteen yeura of ex perience and over eight years of that time In ; Omaha has given him a reputation backed up by thousands of tes timonials In curing EVERY CHARACTER nf disease , whefner CHRONIC OR OTHER WISE. Dr. C. Gee Wo guarantees a cure In every case or the money will be refund ed. Consultation frtre. Bend a two-cent stamp for book and question blanks. Dr. C. Gee Wo , 619 N. 16th St. . Omaha. Neb. STRICTURE Causes obstruction to the flow of urine , partial cloalug of the passage , pie tatlo Irritation and enUrguincnt , ln-nrlng down nnd mxildliiirnr uHnn iind lo iof power. cm vein * cniiun hnt cures A oULVtnl rUUNU quj uy nmi pornitiurntly and doc * anny vvlt.i the bur Ecou'a Knlfo ami illUtliiR ln tiiimcntii. Sulferen from Stricture , Ealtrgtmtnt of PnatatfOlmaa , In flatamitloatud Chronic Macau * Discharges , by this new scientific method can bo radically CURED AT HOME. \Vrltoatonro to the Empire Medical Co. , 20S Smith RulUlns , Botloo , Ma * * . , fur tlielr free ( took \"SolYCOt'Alleraoi. \ . " It tclli what the remedy l rondo of , anil bow and why It moat cure. If afflicted. U will pay ) ou to Investigate. Relieves Kidney J & Bladder ; troubles at once , i Cure e In 48Hcurcaii ; URINARY DISCHARGES ; r ch Can- tulebeaNlhc fMlnYl rametSr ilUUlJ Bewam of U UM ennnterfriu. r.iTiiru HFX. U re dr bclnB ! a directly to tbo t of those dlneasra of the Oealto Urluary ll l0r - aB"'orreaFeItfe-n ° 06 ilchn-ai oVaiVtrCu Wl-SS. Vlnarantced In 1 to 8 ' * ? * . H a llpI Uapaek. , -ge. by mall , l.OO. I Mold only by Mycr * lllllun Drnsr Co. , S. B. Corner lOtU and farunm Sin. . Ouiulin , Nvli. on. McGREW IB TDK ONLT PECIAUI8T WHO TBBATB Alii Private Disease f MiiMt Uf I Wwr4 f * r MEN ONLY to YeariExperleoea lOYearainOmaba. Book Free. Consnlta * tlonVrea. BozTM.oi Hth and Ftraasi Bt * USB. WRECK ON THE BURLINGTON Enstbouutl Flyer Collides with a Freight Train Over la Iowa. TRAMP WAS 1HE ONLY PERSON KILLED r.iiKtnrrr on ( he Pnnflenitpr linn Tilt 1'oot Hurt , but > o Our- nine on < hc Trnln Injnrril fifteen Cum llnrned. CltnSTON , In. . May 6. ( SpcclM Tele gram. ) The lUirlliiRton's Donvcr-Chl- cngo II ) er hail ix hcud-cnd col lision this morning Just east of Lucas , colliding with a freight. Engineer Walker nml Klremnu Davvson of the pnsson- gcr nnd Pullman Porter Hawkins suntnlucil sprained limbs and backs. Knglneer Wulkcr had his right foot badly mashed. CharlcB Ramsey , a tramp , had both ftct crushed nnd may die from the result of amputation. Uotb engines and thirteen freight cars are de molished. No passengers worn Injured. The flyer was nn hour late and was running at a high rate of speed. CIIAKITON. la. , May G. A serious v\recU occurred today on Whltebrcast hill. flvo 'miles ' vvoat of this place , ou the .Chicago . , nmllngtou & Qulnry. As far west ns Whltebreast siding thcro Is double track. West of then ; the road ha only ono track. Freight train No. 91. th , conductor of which failed carefully to check ( up the register nt Whltebroast sldluK , met castbound passenger No. 0 on Whltebrcast hill west of the Biding. j Fifteen cars vvero derailed and wer destroyed by ( Ire. A tramp , who \\ns Bteal- Ing a ride on the freight train , was dangor- [ ottsly Injuu'd , nnd Is expected to die. Tha engineer on the passenger lialn sustained ft soilous Injury to one of hli feet. No other persons received serious Injuries. EARLY BREAOJP ON YUKON Output for the Sriixon Pluccil UtD.UIIO.DIMI li > n 1,11(0 Arrival. SKAGWAY , Alaska. May 2. ( Via Vic toria , U. C. , May G. ) One more YuKnncr , II. H. Miller , formerly of Escnnabn , Mich. , has succeeded In coming from Dawsou over the trail. Ho left DauEoii on March .11 , arriving hcic on April 27. It la Ills opinion that navigation will open bcbvccn there and St. Michael about June 1 , or tuo v\eolia earlier than usual , owing to the warm weather that prevails on the Yukon. He looka for a general breakup of the Ice this side ot DaBOII bcforo the middle ot May. May.Miller Miller says the steamers Bella and Wcaro w 111 be likely to take the first consignment of gold this year to St. Michael. They are now with the Victoria and St. Michael In the Ice near Circle City. The Holla ami Wearo will go to Tort Unmlln for piovl- slons , taking out the cold on their return from Daw son. The Victoria and St. Michael will steam to Talya , waiting there to take the prospecting parties to the Stew art river and other recently exploited terri tories. Tully J20.000.000 In gold will leave Daw son this summer , according to Miller's statements. No new strikes have been reported near Dauson , but Miller sajs that recent developments show that Sulphur and Dominion creeks are each fully as rich as Bonanza. Ho confirms the story of bis discoveries on Monte Crlsto Island. QUARREL INJJUTRO FAMILY C'UNtoily of IVrnoii of A nod Million. nlrr the IIiiHln of ( lie Uut- liri-nU of HoNtllltlos. SAN FRANCISCO , May C A struggle for the custody of the person of Adolph Sutro , millionaire and ex-mayor of San Francisco , took place at Sutro Heights. Dr. Emma Merrltt , the lecal guardian of the person nnd the estate of her father , removed him in an ambulance from the family home stead to her new home on the corner ot Van Ness avcnuo and Sutler street. She was fiercely resisted by Miss Clara Sutro , her sister , v\ho created a wild scene at the home. Miss Sutro asserts that Dr. Merrltt kidnapped her father , who In his present feeble strength Is unable to make any re sistance. Dr. Merrltt replies that she hna simply acted for the best Interests of her father and that as his legal guardian she Is entitled to the custody of his person. Her reason for removing him from the old homsteud was that she might have him at her homo , vvhero he would receive more careful treatment , and with her ho would bo under her constant supervision. PLOT TO KILL A GOVERNOR Chief Hxprutlve of California Warned of the Allotted CoiiNtlrney , but IN Not Worried. SAN FRANCISCO , May 6. Goveinor Budd has been warned of what Is alleged to be a plot against his life by Spaniards. The story of the conspiracy against the gov ernor's life came from a Southern Tactile railroad brakeman. Ho said that as the train was passing Benecla last Friday ho noticed thrco Spaniards In close conversation In nn end of n car. The men seemed greatly wrought up over Governor nudd's activity In organizing the volunteers to fight Spain and ono of the conspirators dropped tha slgntllcant remark : "If wo cannot get away with the governor , we ought to get someone ono to do It for us. " The brakeman fol lowed the Spaniards to this city and tha governor and police were notified of his suspicions. The governor saw the light sldo of the matter , but his friends are disposed to regard it as serious. MANIA FOR JRAINWRECKING Huron Younir Sin a II o 11 nit Over for III * Third Atfiii | > t lit thilt 1 1 in- . HURON , S. D. , May G. ( Special. ) Gcorgo Coughlln , arrested hero for attempting to wreck a passenger train on the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway , near Alpona , was before Judge Kemp , waived examina tion nnd vvaa committed to jail. Ho la a jounK man and Is said to have a weakness for tralnvv recking , this being his third at tempt. It Is thought that ho Is not sound mentally and practically admits his gull ! In this Instance. When asked If he placed a railroad tie across the track ho replied that ho would not say that ho did or did not and seems to bo quite IndllToront to the seriousness of the charge for which he la held. narkllii'n Arnica Hnlvv. THE BEST SALVE In the world for Cute , nrulf-es , Sorc , Ulcera , Salt Rheum , Fovtr Sorea , Tetter , Chapped Hinda , Chllblalrui , Corns and all Skin Eruptions , and positively curot Piles , or no pay required. It U guar- intoed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sal a % T Kuhn ft Co. Nrcrro HhoutN THO I'oltfi-iui-n. NEW ORLEANS. May C. Corporal Anthony Cleary was shot and killed today by Dennis IlurreJI , a negro , whom ho had arrested for robbery. Tremendous excite ment followed. Tbo police and a mob phased the murderer and finally surrounded htm. Io the attempt to capture the negro ho shot and killed Officer Tramp. Tbo murderer was finally caught und his body riddled with bullets. rcnimylvuiilu Limited In tinDllcn , PHILADELPHIA. May 0. The west bound Chlcaco limited train on the Penn sylvania railroad lumped the track at Hrls- tol. Pa. , twenty-three miles north of this city , at 11:45 : o'clock today. The nglao aa4 four coaches were derailed. The engineer and fireman vsero Injured , but not seriously. No passengers were hurt.