' THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , APRIL 27 , 1898. SOCKED IT TO THE MILtERS Gas Schmoh's Aggregation Gets a Licking Where it Hurts , OMAH\ WINS A RATHIR RAGGED G\M ! nodi Mdri Off In Ilic General IM y < ut the IxicnU Get In Their Work Where It Count ! the Mont. The Babe * won the second from Ou Bchmelz's Ksqulmaux yesterday , but It gav one the ehlvers to sea how close It was an Manager Tlshcr was fitlll shaking like a espen leaf In an autumn bweze at nildnlgh last night. It would have been a mighty hard gam to lose , for at one time the score was S t 1 In our favor and It looked like a de-id cas one for us. Dut the Millers never gave u heart and kind o' hopped on Mr. Daub 1 the sixth and when Fisher went In the cert of stepped on him , too , In the nlntt But there Is no use trjlng to d < crlbe 1 tor one must have been there to felt th trembling , creeping shiver that traveled u one's spine anil did not van'ah until th last man was out In the ninth and we ha ten Juicy score- * hugged away to our bosoi and the northerners had only nine. Errors , rev en of them , gave the Babes th game , while hlta nearly snatched It awa from them. Daub was all right up to th sixth , when his arm gave out and Flshc went In. Holly retrieved hlrruelf. Itoat wo asleep half the time and the other half li was only half awake , and Grlffen was ale off color on account of a bad leg anJ an a tack of the blucn. The rest were up to anut but Mr. Ball and one or two of the oth ( Millers were 'way off their fec.1. Wo went out In one , two , three order I the. first and the Millers did nearly as mud although the mediaeval Count Campau mai a single. We started In to do our wor In the second , ho.vever. Captain LJOI stepped up to the plntl- and landed on It leather for a nice ( tingle. Then Eiuta ( lammed one Into McNelly's hands and looked like a double play , but Smith 1 : bored under the delusion that second ba < way In the middle of the field and he KCI the ball over to first without touching h t > ag.Kustacc | wet out , but Lyone perihijl c eccond bag like the bird of liberty. Catchi Mac got a ticket , but Holly knocked out hit and the captain waddled home and M ; came In behind htm. Hagcrman farct Holly out at second and a minute aftc ward was caught asleep at flr.it. CHANCE FOR THE NORTHERNERS. The Esquimaux had a big chance In tl second. Hlckey flew out to Eustace , but Pa rot made a hit. Daub slammed one In Smith's ribs and Ball made a hit , brtnglt Parrot In. Then Roat gave AIcNclly a II and the bases were full. Count Camp : came up to do or die and he did It fanm out. While he was doing It McNelly wi etudylng the skies and MeCauley caught hi off first , making a neat dDublc play. Oi run was getting out of It eatlly. It was a gooae egg apiece In the third .11 another for the Mlllcm In the fourth , b our end of the fourth It was somethli awful to contemplate. 'Ball ' plartcd the leather a-rolllng by gl Ing Roat a life on an easy one. Lye slammed one late the diamond and when was to3 xd to Hanna he could not hold That put Roat on third and Lyors on firs Eustace fanned the air , but Ball tried a other juggling act with MeCouloy'n ground and before he finished Roat was In and Mon - on first. Holly banged out his second h and If Lyono had not followed the coacher advlco and come plowing In like a can bout wo would have been scoring jet. Tl weighty first bateman was caught at horn however. Then Smith saw three ballb cor Ing from Hagerman's bat and before 1 picked out the right one Hag was tufe. Dai smashed out a ripper , scoring Holly , b was caught Immediately on Grlffen grounder. We did It again In the fifth. Burnett flew out , Roat made a hit , Lyoi got a Uaro on balls and Eustace rtruck o for the second time. With two men o end two on bases MeCauley made a nl single , t-corlng both runners. Ball fumbli Holly's and then Dlxon put an error to h credit by a fool act at home plate , lettli ( Mac come In. Hagcrman made a hit , b Daub died at first. It was very nearly the same In the next. Orlffcn emabhcd out a rip-snorter over thi bag and then 'Burnett comes up and cmcl out the first home run of the season , wi out Into left field , both scoring. Out of tl next four men three went out , althoui Lyons found an opportunity to land a t-I gle. HOW THE MILLERS SCORED. Way back In the fifth the Millers got the eccond run by Letcher'e single , a passed b : and another of Roat's errors. Then thi scared us In the sixth. Parrot made a tvv bagger and then Smith lammed out ono th should not have been more than a sing ] out niimt bo scored as a home run bccau the ball was lost In the grass. Ball fit out , but McNelly found the ball safely ate < to did Campau. Lyons fumbled around wl 'Lctcher's hit , but caught him out * 1th Daut assistance , 'McNelly coming In the pla Then Roat made another bcsstly error < XMxon's hit and the count wandered 1 Hlckey died , but four runs were In. U was a gooae egg for the Millers in tl eventh. but In the eighth Campau. who ht been given a base on balls , scored on Dlxor tilt. tilt.It It was the ninth , though , that seemed bo full of fate. Parrot came up and 1 eafely. Smith made one of the prettiest ti euckera ever hit , Parrot coming In on Ball sent one right ttralght up , which at one of the Inficlders should have caught , b none of them did , each relying on the othi The ball landed In the middle of the pltchei box. With nobody out and two men i bases things looked blue , but Just then M Nelly slammed ono down to Lyorw. Dem Picked It up neatly and fired It down Holllngaworth In time to double up Ba Count Campau slashed out a hit and broug In Smith. With one more score needed tie Letcher rolled an eaay one down to Lye nd the agony wus ovtr. Wo did nothing ln our last thr Innings. Score : OMAHA. < 0 10 11 0 1 27 13 MINNEAPOLIS. _ AU. R. in.SH.SB.PO A. Campau. rf . l tcner. If . Hanna , 3b . IJIxon , c , . lllckey , lb . 5 o 0 0 0 13 0 far-rot , cf . Smlt'n , 2b . . BS . WcNelly , p . " t Totals . 41 9 13 o 2 27 19 Omaha . 020332000- Mlnncapolls . 010014012- SUMMAUY. nuns earned : Omaha. 2 ; Minneapolis , Two-base hit : Parrot. Three-base h i' Smlln. Home runs ; Burnett , Smith. Deut plays : MeCauley to l.yoni ; Lyons to Hi flngsw-orth ; Ulxon to Smith. Uases on bal Hy Daub. 2 ; by Fisher. 2 ; by McNelly liases flven by hitting batter : lly Daub. 1'asRtd bill : MeCauley. Struck out1 1 Daub. 3 ; by Kisher , 1 ; by McNelly , 4. Nai of umpire : Cantlllon. Other ' \\Vntcrii I.entcuc tinmen. INDIANAPOLIS. April 26.-Tho Mllwn kecs vvcrci slaiiRhtored today by the 1 dLinn. Scott's pitching < nas ths feature. J tendance , WO. Score : Indianapolis . . 201024200- alUwaukoe . . . . 000000100- lla e hits : Indlanajx > 'ls. 12 ; Mllvvaukeo. Errors : Indana.polls ! , 0 ; Mllwnuk < eo. 5. ! ! terka : Indianapolis. Scott nnd Lynch : M watikee. Paioalau. Voliendorf , Speer. He fcr und Ilalh. KANSAS C1TV. April 26-The. men In t box declihxl todaj a game betiA n t Saints and the UlUEs , and Pardee's we wan superior to that of Denier. Scvre : Kansig City . 010020020 t. 'Paul ' . , . 100100001 Ba o hJU : Kansas City , 10 ; St. Paul , Errors : Kansas City , 5 ; St. Paul , i Bat teries : Kansas City , Pardjo and Hausan ; St. Paul. Dtnzer nnd Spies. COLUMBUS. O , April ai Dolan. who Is on the Columbus clnlm list , appeared In a Detroit uniform today and a fig lit will be made for 'nls services. Manager Loftus pro testing ngalnat his plavlng with Detroit. The homo team won easily. Score : Columbus 0 S 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 8 Detroit . . , . , 200010001 1 Base hits : Columbus , 11 ! Detroit. 11. Er rors : Columbus , 3 ; Detroit , 7. Batteries : Columbus Strait and Wright ; Detroit , Ir- wln and Twlneham. tinmen 1'onttinneil. WASHINGTON , April 26-The Wanning- ton-New iork game scheduled for today was postponed on account of wet grounds. UAI-.TI.MOHn , April M.-The Baltlmare- Ilrookljn panic was postponed on account of wet grounds. STANDING OF THH TEAMS. Played. Won. Lost. Per Ct. Oalumbus 100C Kansas City 10J.C Indianapolis S7.C Ht. Paul & 3 2 U ) ( Omaha , C 2 4 33' Milwaukee r 1 4 20 ( Minneapolis 20.C Detroit W.t Games today : Minneapolis at Omaha ; St , Paul at Kansas Cltv ; Milwaukee nt Indian apolis ; Detroit at Columbus. ( ! \MIS or Tifn S AT i o .N A i * IK\C.VK * I'lillnitclpliln llntn In the rirnt nm Then QiillM. PHILADELPHIA. April M. Boston ben the Plill'les this afternoon by better al around playing. The PhllUss hit Klobed.in ; hard In the llrst Inning , but after that the ; could do nothing with him. Sccre : ItOSTON. i 1'HILAIJBM'HIA. II.I1.0AE.1 H.ll.OAU Himllton , cf.i cooley , cf..l i i i > i Tenne > , lb..l 1 15 1 o Douclara , lb.0 1 12 1 i lymK , EH U 0 1 4 1 Ddehant > . Ifl 0 3 0 Duffy , If 2 230 0 I.a .lolc , 2b . .0 1 3 1 i ColllnK. Jb..l lick , rf 1 210 S'anl , rf 1 2 1 u o t'ro . , 68..1 1 1 S I we , 2li 2 2240 \Mjitlch , tb.O 102 : HcrKen. c.,1 2 1 0 0 Mclarl'nd , c 0 1 3 0 i Klobed'nz , p 0 1 0 6 0 Orlh , p 0 002 _ . _ . - _ _ DiiKBliby , p 0 0 1 3 Totali 9 12 n 17 ! Intnl 4 S JM2 no-ton 0 3 0 2 0 0 0 1 3-i 1'hllndvlphla 4 00000000 runs : Ho ton , 6 ; PhllnilclpliH , 2 SloUn Imxe : Duff > . T o-tr > ee hlt : ftihl , 2 Sicrlllce hits : Ixinff. Klolx-imnc Kim base el balls : Off Klobfilanz , 4 ! off UuBKlcb ) , 1. StrtKl nut : H > Klob ilnnz , 1 : by Orth , lib ; Duusbly 1. IVuwtil balls : McP-irlnnd , 2 I. ° fi on bntc * Iloston , g ; I'hllmlvlphln , 8. Time : Two riourc Umplrts : Smiler nml Ciirry. Attend met : 2Ua ! Splilcrn Will III the .Miitli. LOUISVILLD , Ky. , April 2fl The Colone' almo't wen a game toiay , having a lei of four runs until th * ninth Inning. KU i singles and two errors , netting five runs gave- the Stilil.rs the game In the ninth. At tendance , COO. Score : aj "Two out when \ > Inning run scored. \ Cleveland . I.oul > vlllc . KnrnoJ run : Iv > ulsIlle , 4 ; Cle\eland. ; Stolen \iaies \ ; Smith. Hltchej , McAleer. Tne e l > aft > hit : Nance. Three-base hits : Cllngnnr China Sacrifice hit : Smith , btruck out : II Mnhufry , 1 ; by Powell. D First base on bills Oft MahalT > , S : oft Ponell , C Double plaj Illtehor to hmlfi to WaxnerVIM pitch : Mn hiffy. Paired lnll : Wll on , O Connor. 1,51 on bifes : I oulFvllle , 10 , Cleveland , C Time T o louts and five minutes. Umpires : Swan wood rnd Wood. a t IMrntcM AVIn n Hnril One. ST. UOUIS , April -The Plttsburgs , afte oneof th - hnrd-st fouRht foittles of the en son , -succeeded In b utlnfr ths Brown' . Th IconlM , hdvevtr , outbutted and outpnyel th Pirates. Jack Taj lor pitched a tiylcndl 2 K.ime. and with anything UK n fair d t t Fhpuld huvs won. KIKen was bUUd v.r 3 ficely by the 13r-wns. Score : out a gumo In the ninth InnlnR todaj' . Hal o the Chlcasos' hits were scratches. AtUnO h ano ; , 2,3St > . Score : - CINCINNATI. I CHICAGO. IIH.O.TT.I RH O A.t Holllilay , cf. " o 5'0 0 Kllroy , rf..O 120 McHridc , K..O 1100 I.incc. cf..O 2 S 0 r Ileiklcy , lb..l 1 10 1 0 Dnhlen , * . .0133 t McPhee , nj..O 1020 Everett. lb..l 1 12 0 „ Miller , rf..U 0 0 0 man. If 1 200 ' Corroran , us.S 2080 M'Corm'k , 3bO 2 0 1 - Irwln. 3b. . > . .0 1222 VVooJa. 2b..O 002 t Pcltz , c. 0 3210 IJonohue , C..O 031 Havvley , ji..O 010 O.Orllllth. P..O 104 e Totula 3 92714 2 ! Totals 2 10 JJ 13 V * Ono out wlen vvlnnlnR run was made. Cincinnati 0 10100001- Cli'caco 0 00101000- Ilirneil runs : Cincinnati , 1 ; Chicago , 2 Twu base lilts : McPhco. Beckley , Hjan. GrllU Tliree-bnse hits : Corcoran. Double plajs : Orll nth to Dnhlen to i\rett Corcoran to MePV to Heckliy. Tlrat ba e on balls : lly Orlll'th. ' J Hit by pltuhed ball : lly Havvlej , 1. S'nuk cut H > Orllllth. 3 Time- One hour and fnrtj-.1v minutes. Umpires : O'Day and MrDonaUI. STANDING" OP THE TEAMS. Played. Won. Lost. Per Cl Baltlmcrc G 5 1 83 Cleveland S 6 2 75 it Chicago 7 B 2 71. Cincinnati 7 B 2 71. Philadelphia 7 4 3 57. Boston 8 4 4 GO Brooklyn G 3 3 50 PlttsburK ) . Wnslilniton 6 2 4 33 New York 7 2 5 28. ixjuisvllle 10 2 8 20 St. I-OUls 6 1 B 14 Games today : Pittsburjr nt St. Louis Cleveland at Louisville ; Chicago at Clncln nittl ; Boston at Philadelphia ; Brooklyn a Baltimore ; New York at Washington. ( illme ThlH Afternoon. A bis crowd will probably be , out to thi afternoon's game , as It will bo the las e ono to be seen for a couple of weeks an one of only five that will be played In th next month or more. At 5:45 : tonight th team goes to St. Paul. In order to five I time to do this the g.ime will be called at o'clock 'mrp. The Babes will be back o May S to play a series of four with Kansa City , and will then leave , not to return unt June 3. Pitcher Al Mauck , who has bee secured by Manager Fishtr. Is to be her this morning and If he arrives ho will d the twirlingIf not Fisher will be In th box. Sonler will d > the pitching for th Millers. The lineup Is as follows : Omaha. Positions. Minneapolis Lyons tlrst base Hlcke Holllngsworth..second base Smlt' Kustace third base Uunn Heat short stop Ua Burnett lift llcd ! Lctche Grlffen center field Parrc Hasermun right Held Cam pa MeCauley catcher Dlxo Muuck pitcher Sonic i or Fisher. Dvuvrs ox TIII : IIU.N.M.VG TIIACKI Iilelicr Karl \Vlnn the Handicap u 'Mempliiii. MEMPHIS , April 20. The Luehrmann Hi tel handicap , tor 3-jenr-o'ds , was run t fontffome y park today and was won in gallop by thei DerUj" vvlnnjr , Llebcr Kar , vho shouldere.J 125 pounds ; Isabey was sei end and Banished third. LIebr Karl wl t-o s ° nt to Louisville lmmr llately and I elven his Ilnal work for tbi Ktntuck Derby. Uesu'ts : rirst race , hulf rnll < \ 2-year-olds : Pfa Birnesi vvn , Ivattlo Gibbons second , Taun tlon third. Time : Second rac ? , llve-elsliths cf a mUselllni Ma Angelina won , iMongollan B.cond , Jl Lllse third. Time. ; 1:24H- Third nice , Lu hrrnnn handicap , ono mil Liebcr Karl Uon. Isabey B.'coml , Banlstu third. Time : l:4o. : Fourth race , nvc-elshths of a mile , st > : iln ( 2-yeur-od ! < : Bulgarian won , Cllmacus sei ond. Sir Blaze third. Tim ! : 1:04 : < 4. Fifth race , ml'e ami onrMjuamr , sfllln ; Paul Kauvar won. Traveler a.'concl , C. I Bush thlnl. Time : 2:10H. : Sixth race , five-eighths of n. mile , relllm UtopU won. Trombone second , Voyagi third. T.tm1 03 * , . CINCINNATI. April 26.3r < at Land aeon his llfth victory of the meeting today i Newport. He "won the fourth rac * on tl card la a drive frcun Ed Tipton. The trac was very heavy nrnl but one favorite was flr t past the post. Retsults : First race , ( jvcn furlong * , selling : Stanza won , Albert vale second , Hanlon third. Thnc : 133 4. Second rac ; . four furlong * : Hush won , Glad Hand tcconJ , Pansy H third. Time : 0.51V4. Thlnl race , onei mile , selling : Dr. Pitts won , Petrel second , Royal Dance third. Time : 1:47 : } * . iFourth race , four nnd one-half furlongs : Great Lnnd won , Ed Tipton seconJ , Ned Wick's third. Tlmw 057. Fifth race , selling , six nnd one-half fur longs : Sister Jamison , Judge Qulgley sec ond. Oxtiard third. T.nw : 1:24 J. Sixth race , sclllrvg one mllfi ! Faslg won , Llttlo Murlc second , Banquo II third. Time : 1:43 : 1:43LONDON. . April 26. At the flrst day's racing at Newmarket's flrst fprlng meeting today the Lcrlllard-B-ercsforil stabler colt Pascoln won the rrnlden plate , 600 sovereigns , addud to a f Kckstakes of 5 sovereigns for starters , for 2-yenr-o'd' . W111 Olive was sec- I end and Pen. Soup flnlshwl third. There ! vvrrp. fourtt-on start r ? over the last flve fur- i longs of n Dutch mllp. I Lan Ball won thj J-year-olds w'lltng stakc7 Sardine -ans second ami Allouette thlnl. I Th's rnca Is of J sovereigns ench for start ers for 2-year-olds , the wlnntr to be fold by auction 'for ' 300 'ovtrelgns. Ni\V YOIIK , April 2ff-It was cold at \cquecluct tsday , but the attendance was arpe. The class of horses engagvd was not "ilsh , but one or two good contests were seen. Summary : First race , live and one-half furlongs : \th irrms won , Harry Crawford second , Flax Tall third. Time : 1:12 : 1-3. Second race , four and one-half furlonis , elllng : King's Pride won. Bus'ncr second , The Diver third. Time : 0,17. Third race , about seven furlongs : Louise N won. Pink Chambray second , Isen third. Time : 1:23 : 4-3. Fourth race , four nnd one-half furlongs : Passe Partout won/Whiplash second , Chan- ler tnlrd. Time : 0 5S. Fifth race , one mile and forty yards , sell ing : Lonsdale won , Atlantic second , Nay Nay third. Time : 1M9 2-5. Sixth race .five furlongs , selling : Vlgenta won , Chirentus second , Maud Kills t'nlrd. Time : 1:1 : 01-5. SAN rilANCISCO. April 26-Results at Ingleslde : First race , six. ftirloncs : Joe Levy won , Rosa second , Gottlieb third. Time : 1:131. : Second race , selling , flve furlongs : Ach won , Santtllo second , Bonlbel third. Time : 1 02" , . Tnird race , selling , one nnd one-quarter miles : Lode Star won , Claudius second. Tu- lare third. Time : 2:12'4 Fourth race , one mile : Torslda won , Sar donic second , Glorl.in third. Time ; l:423i. : 1 Fifth race , one and one-half miles : Morel- llto won. Ostler Joe second , Grady t'nlrd. Time : 2.37U- M'cov COIM ; TO IIKCOMU A nocTott Ili'pInruH IIlN Iiitrntlnii to llntei Jlrillciil School. BUFFALO. N. Y. , April 26.-KU1 McCOj is solng lex live In Buffalo and Is going t ( study to b-come. a doctor. When seen In re Kard to the matter , McCoy said : "Yes I mean It. I mean to becomp a surgern nm I propose to enter University cf Buffalo It may be necespiry for me to taUe a > ears preliminary rtudy before entarlnp the unl vtrsJtv , but I nm prei'are.1 to do all th-it I necessary to po In for a four years' course I can't box forever and I want to Imvi a mi'thlng legitimate to sattle down to be fore I get to be an old rmn. " "Would jou fight while In the unl verslty ? " " 1 might hivenl fight or two a year If 1 came on , " said McCoy , "but fighting am llsht talk would be banished by me uurln ; my study hours. I nm sincere and I wan to bi so considered. " t \ \ IIIH tiio Cup. CHICAGO. April 26J. . A. R. Elliott ol Kansas City defeated Fred Gilbert of Splrll Lake , la. , 'nere today In a 100 bird match at live pigeons for ths Kansas Cltv Star cur and $100 by a score of SO to SS. Gllberl missed nine out of his second twenty-five , having drawn the hardest birds all through VotcM of the fin lite. LTwler will be tatcn on the trip to th ( north. Both Smith and Ball of the Millers haO the ague. McKlnney and McKlbbcn have finally beer given t'nelr walking papers. Daub was all right up to the sixth , enl > flve 'nits being made oft of him in the flvi Innings. Roat ran like a dray horse around the cir cuit and seemed to be % ery muc'n asleep al the while. Pitcher Munroe , whb has been released bj Indianapolis and has been taken by Mana ger Fisher , will r-eport In Minneapolis , You would not think that Ljons could out. run a bill knocked Into the diamond , bul he did it In the second inning- . The leathei was traveling very slowly , fnough. Grit's work was somewhat raw yester day. He misjudged two or three flics nnO was not as lively as he has shown up pre viously. He haa a bad leg , however , anc ] was not feelingwell. . Burnett had his eye on the ball yesterday His homer In the sixth was a beauty ant ] In the seventh he put one In t'ne same place but by t.ils time Parrot was onto him ant ! was under the leather. The Babes for t'ne first time played with signals jesterday , using them during thf flrst few Innings. Good results followed , n : the score will shw , but later got tanglei up on the signs and gave them lip. Second Baseman Smith was mad yesterdaj w'nen he was foiled In his attempt to per petrate a double play. With Ljons pn tlrs : Eustace sent one to Ball , who threw tt Smith. Smith was not within flve feet oi the bag , but fired the ball down to Hlckey Umpire Cantlllon had his eye on t'ne plaj and declared Lyons safe. In the third MeCauley and Holllngswortr played an old trick but did It very prettily Hanna was on third and Dlxon on first. The latter started to steal second and Mac threw as If to catch him. The Senatoi started to come In like a race horse , bul just before he reuc'ned the plate Hell > slammed the leather back to Mac and he was out. Daub had hard luck. Under ordinary cir cumstances Smith's homer would nevei have been more than a single , or at mosl a double , but t'ne ball was lost In the high grass. Again , In the sixth , If Grlffen hnC obejed Daub's motion to go further to th west ho would have caught Parrot's fly hit As It was CirlfTen could not get within reucYi of It and It developed Into a two-bagger. JUDGE DAY PHO.Ml'TI/y . CO\FIIUMED Hln Nomination IN Reported liy tin Committee Without n [ VlfetliJir. WASHINGTON. April 26. There was nc delay In the senate In confirming the nom ination of Judge Day to be secretary o- ; state. His nomination was favorably re- poted from the committee on foreign rela tions without the formality of a meeting the members expresses their concurrence through a poll made on the floor of the ser < ate by Senator Dav Is. When the executive session wis called Mr Dav la reported the action of the committee and the nomination was takfa up and coj- firmed without comment orlelay. . Senator White suggested the propriety ol similar act'on In the case of Prof , Moore nominated for assistant secretary , but Sen ator Davis said the committee prci'erred tc hive the nomination referred to It. Th < reference wus acco'dlngly trade. Fleet Mill nt St. Vincent. ( Copyright. 1S98. by Press I'ub'lshlns Company. ' ST. VINCENT. April 26. ( New Yorli World Cablegram Special Telegram. ) Thf departure of the Spanish fleet Is postponed and the vcea ° 's are still here. It la rumorcc today thst a part of the squadron will cal for the Canaries. The fleet Is busy buying up all the provision ? on shore and fron steamers coming In here. The battler-hlp < Vlrcaja and Oqueodo have painted theli funnels 'black ' since arriving here from Porn Rico. Kie transport Cludad de Cadiz hci been work'ag dally transhipping war mate rials and coal to the fleet. Nothing is knowi of Portuguese Interference. There la a grei deal of signalling among the equadroi nightly and sometimes electric searchlight : are used. The admiral dispatches one ot fhi destroyers every night on a cruise. Gathered In. Deputy Sheriff Don Lewis and severa other deputies made a raid on severa South Omaha salcons last night am gat'nered In a number of wagon loads o gambling devices and several men who wen going against the games. The places ralde. were those of Horace Ranch. Twenty-slxtl and N ; Blum & Sautter. Twenty-neventl and N : George Gutherdt. Twenty-fifth am N ; J. Jorgenson. Twenty- fourth and N Court saloon. Tvventy-fif 'n and N , kept b' August Popez. The saloon keepers were al charged with setting up and malntalnlm gambling devices and the other men vver charged with being found In gambling quar ters. Thour-ands ot jmfferers from grlppa hiv been reitore to health by One Minute Coug ! Cure. It quickly cure * cougbg , uu.ds , bron chills , pneumonia , grippe , asthma and al throat and lung dleeaaca. ATTORNEYS ASK A CHANGE Want a Present Stipfetne Court Rule Amended SbldcWhat , JUDGES' tirUlS ARE J GW INCONVENIENT Who HUT * One * to Preocnl TheyAr 'MlHil In Lin coln Unnecei ! nijllr Lome He fore IlelpK.llcnrd. LINCOLN , April 26.-Lfgpeclal. ) A number of attornejs who have , p/artlco before the supreme court are anxlpus that one Im portant change bo made In tbo rules of the court. During the sittings as now conducted the judges listen to the submission of cases In the forenoons and retire to the private room In the afternoons to work on the opin ions that arc to be handed down. T\U ! only gives three hours each day In which the attornejs can get their caste heird , and the last on the call are cornpelleJ to remain day after day waiting for their turn to be heard. The complaint Is that this waiting Is expensive In the matter of hotel bills and results In the los.1 of business at home. The wish expressed by the attornejs whs come from a distance to attend court h : hat submission of cases bo allowed , both forenoon aud afternoon , until all are heard , BO that those who hive cases In charge may get back home sooner. J. A. Abbott , head bookkeeper In the au- dltor's office , has resigned and Fred Jew- 311 has been appointed to the vacancy. Ab bott Is a sou of George A. Abbott , the can didate for congress from Auditor Cornell's home county. Jewell was ono of the ex > perls under the Mutz Investigating commll- tee , and since the using up of the state ap propriation has held a place under Cornell aa Insurance examiner. A large number ol popocrats have been asking for places undei the present state officials and have beer turned down In order that former office hold ers might be further provided for. Thcj have complained much about this matter sajlng that the state officers are pajlng too clcse attention to the scriptural iiijmic tlon , "To him that hath , more shall bi given. " In the new appointment of Jewel these disgruntled popocrata have fresh causi for complaint. They now say that It wll bo right In line for Secretary Silver o Wahoo to be given the place last vacated bi Jewell. LINCOLN LOCAL NOTES. The salary ordinance was brought up a the meeting of the city , council last nlsh ; and after being altered until the orlglnato could not Identify It , was passed with bit one dtfscntlns vet < > . The who'e matte : eeems to have been more smoke than lire The only reductions wo-thy of mention wen In the ofllceo of city attorney and city treas urer end both ot these being elective , thi present Incumbents are not affected. Oni assistant vvus taken from the city englnee and the office of slde.valk Inspector nsi abolished. The street commissioner wll now look after Bldewallw In addition to hli other duties. A barn used by C. F. Bowman In the out. sklrta of the city was burned to the groutu last night. Mr. Bowman did not own th < barn , but lest two horsbs , several sets o harncE. ' , a buggy and farm vvagca and some feed , besides household goods stored In tb < barn. The house which ( lie family occupies caught fire , but the tflre company arrived ! time to prevent much damage. The annual meeting of the Woman's clut was held jesterday. afternoon and the fol lowing officers elected for the coming jear President. Mrs. A. W. Field ; flrwt vice presi dent , Mrs. II. M. Bushnell ; second vice pres ident , Mrs. T. H. Lsavltt ; secretary , Mrs. T J. O'Coanell ; corresponding secretary , Mrs F. W. Bartruff ; treaurer , Mrs. O. M. Storvs braker ; auditor , Mrs. W. M. Morning ; dele gate to state federation , Mrs F. S. Sieln delegate to national federation , Mrs. Nelli ( Rlchardsen. The annual membershlo fee was raised to $1. All departments ga\ < gratifying reports of work done. The jeai Closed with a membership ot 575. Much interest is being manifested In th ( university girls' Indoor alhlotlc contest which will take place in the gjmnaslun Saturday afternoon. The glr'a arn taltlni hard practice and hope to break some of thi records made bv Smith college cad thi Northwestern university. The Indoor bani ball pame , which will open and close thi program , promises to be an exclt'ng one , thi base ball bojs having offered a flve-pouni box of chocolates to the winning team Tbe proceeds from admissions are to b < turned Into the cluder track fund. Ilontrlce City Council Meeting. BEATRICE , Neb , April 2G. ( Special Tele gram. ) The council chamber was crowdec tcnlght , special Interest being manifest' litho the probable action on th ? Issuance o saloon and druggMts licenses. Remonstrance1 were on Hie against the Paddock hotel , Ilenr ; Duntz and E. Schembeck , but all were with drawn during the evening. The signers ti a protest against Pie liotel company belni granted a license were represented by a com mltteo of women , who were given a hearing following which licenses wereorderel is sued to the eight appllc-an.s for salror licenses and to the applicants for drugglat : permits. The vote was S to 1. An ordlranci was enacted regulating the occupation o barbers In the city and the city clerk wai Instructed to advertise for bids for clt : printing. Gooil Crop Pronpect. WINSIDE. Neb , , April 26. ( Speclal.- ) There Is every prospect for a bountiful croj of wheat , as the stand of wheat Li excellent and our recent rains have given It a healths color. Farmers are almost through plough- Ing for corn p'anttag. All farm work Is much farther advanced than It was at thlt time In 1897. Wlrside council of Knights ot the Forest was organized here last week , the following officers having been elected : Commander John F. Cro/oy , lieutenant , A. L Mulrhead secretary. W. L. Smith ; treasurer , John C Bender ; chaplain , Rev. F. M. Wright ; herald W. M. Cue ; guard , E. W. Cullco. Tekonmli'M * eiv Clt > Council. TEKAMAH , Ts'eb , April 26. ( Speclal.- Thenew city council tcoW Its place last nlghi and passed au ordinance prohibiting th < running of billiard or pool tables In this city besides the major appointing committee ! and clly officers , with the exception of stree comm'ssloner and city marshal. It thcti ad journed until Wednesday evening. A harness thief namoi Busse was tried h the county court here yesterday and sen tenced to thirty daja In the county Jail , to bi placed on bread and water two days of eacl week. Bus30 formerly lived In this city. Cloct Olccm. EMERSON , Neb. , April 26. ( Speclal.- ) The following officers 9 ere elected at the meeting of ttae Northeast Nebraska Edl torlal association : Presldfnt , E. Cunning' ham , Wayne Republican1 vice president , Q M. Balrd , Hartlogton News ; secretary , J M , Mil's. ' Laurel AdvocAte ; treasurer. S. E Cobb , Emeroon Enterpriris ; executive com mlttee , M. W. Murray , Pender Times ; J. M Huntsberger , Pender Republic , W. H. Me Nell , Wajne Herald. Thi next meeting wll bo held at Wa > ne on- the secead Monday li November. > > ! rliL nt , Omuonil. OSMOND. Neb. AprjJ 26. ( Speclal.- ) Dlphtherla has agala broken out In the v II lage- . The daughter ol J hn Flatter Is nov very low with that dread , dlsea . Qua Kissinger , president of the Farmers State bank , will ship 'a ' epeslal train o thirty-four carloais of fat cattle to the Chicago cage market this week. I'roxt at > el on. NELSON , Neb , April 26. ( Special. ) , heavy fro t visited thla locality last nlghl Ice forming to a considerable degree 1 open vesse'e. While the best Us hoped foi It Is feared that fruit , which Is clready fa advanced , cannot but suffer materially froi the freeze. C > ty Cuuncll. HASTINGS , Neb. , Aprl | 26. ( Special.- ) Lact nlgtt the city council met In regula session. All the old officers read their an pual reports for 1807. They were referre to the proper cmmltteei. After the reguli Wild With Pain Tortures of Over-worked and Worn-out Nerves almost Unbearable. How they were Finally Cured by Dr. Miles' Nervine Nervous ik-Wltty nntl t1lsc'i : c nrNIng from dlMmluis mul tlernnjieiuentsi of the icivims f-\tcin . me much more inv.i - cut among women today than they over vA-ete bvforu ; which U probiilily iultt > largely due to the eivlvi' dt rand-4 that me lii'lng miiile upon Die T , ies of the aveiajje woman. HtMil- Kinnournlidn , rheumatism , Indigestion , i'ou > ) tlUtlon | , liver and kidney troubles , Hsordcis of her special organism. Im- nie blood , and lack of proper nutiltioii no anion ihe most common complaints that have their origin In nerve weak- Hl > v > 1. Tin' cutter part of the sufferlus and toituies eiidmed by weak and nervoun women could be lelleved , and they mlpht be Hindu well and -.trout : , full of vital oneijry " d attractive sweetness If they routine business had been gone through with the ma > or appointed E. C. AlbrUht water commlsloncr. C. A. Heartwell , city surveyor and O. D. Mjere day foreman at the water works. Oilil I-rlloH * ' Olrhrntlnn. DAVID CITY , Neb. , April 26. ( Special. ) Harmon- lodge , 31 , and Mar > s Hcbckah lodce. 18 , Independent Order of Odd Fel lows , celebrated the seventy-ninth an- nlversay of Odd Fellowship today. Grand Chaplain P. C. Johnson of Oh'owa de livered the principal address , followed by a short literary p'ogram. Odd Fellows from all parts of the county were present and a pleasant time was had. A banquet was held In the opera house aud the evening spent In social enjoyment. M lit Ilsetrr. EXETER , Neb. , April 26 { Special ) Thl morning when ths store of W. H. Taylor was opened , It was found tl-at one or more persons had been In during the night and had gotten away with somewhere between $75 and $100 worth of Jewelry and other goods. Attempted Iiici-mlllirlNli ) . SILVER CREEK , Neb , April 20 ( Spe cial. ) An unsuccessful attempt was made last night to burn the Omaha elevator at this place. Get a map of Cuba and get the best and most complete. The Bee's combination map of Cuba , the We't Indies and of the world. With a Bee map coupon , on page 2 , 10 ceuis , at Bee office , Omaha , South Omaha or Coun- sll Bluffs. By mall. 14 cents. KOY.VIj AUCVMFVI CllVM ) COUNCIL. \clirnskn Ilody Mrctx In Annual Sc- nl n In Omuliii. The grand council of the Royal Arcanum of Nebraska opened yesterday morning at 10 o'clock at the hall of Union Pacific council No. 10C9 , In The Bes building. The meet ing was presided over by Grand Resent rrnk Gregory of Omaha. Of the fifteen councils In the state all were represented at the meeting with one exception. Deputy Supreme Regent Robert VanSand of Chicago Is In attendance upon the meetings , and will Install the newly e'ected officers. Supreme Representative Trey nor of Iowa is alco a guest of the council. Most of Uia morning warj given to the receiving of reports from the state councl's , and all Indications show that the order In the state Is In a verj flourishing condition. Tne officers of the grand council of Ne braska are : Frank Gregory , grand regent , On aha ; E. L. Sargtnt , grand vice resent , Cedar Rapids ; R. H. Gerlng. grand orator , Platbmouth ; J. L. Martin , past grand regent , South Omaha ; A. P. Brink , grand secretary , Omaha ; T. G. Margrave , grand treasurer , Omaha ; T. J. Mackay , grand chaplain , Omaha ; J. C. E. Duval , gran ! guide , Omaha ; T. M. Howard , grand warden , Weeping Water ; C. M. Rich , grand sentry , Souta Omaha. The meeting was concluded last night by the election and Installation of new officers. Late In the afternoon the visitors were taken to the exposltbn grounds by Major Clarkcon and Dudley Smith and after tbe ceremonies were completed last night refreshments were served and every effort was made to render the delegates' short stay In the city pleceant one. The following officers ! were elected for tbo ensuing year : E. L. Eargcnt. Front'er council , No. 942 , grand regent ; T. G. Ma- grane , Pioneer council. No. 118. grand vice regent ; Alfred Connor , Union Pacific coun cil. No. 10C9 , grand orator ; A. P. Brink , Union Pacific council , No. 1069 , grand secre tary ; C. M. Rich , Knoxan council. No. 14C4. grand treasurer ; T. J. Mackay , Union Pa cific council. No. 1069 , grand chaplain ; C H. Linn. Arlington council. No. 1166 , grand guldo ; F. D. Burgess , Frontier council. No. )42 ) , grand warden ; J. M. Feegarden , Weep ing Water council. No. 638 , grand pentry ; J. B. Sheldon , Union Pacific council , No. 1039 , F. R. Straight , Pioneer council , No. 118 , and Henry Herald , Cass council , No. 1021 , grand trustees. The farmer , the mechanic and the bicycle rider are liable to unexpected cuts and bruises. DeWItt Witch Hazel Salve Is the beat thing to keep on bond. It heals quickly and Is a well known cure for pilcj. ODD F1SUI,0\VS 1101n A.VMVKKSHY. . Join Kntrrtnlnment Olven at the Loriire Hooni I.nM Mulit. The Odd Fellows lodges of Omaha , South Omaha and Florence gave an entertainment last night at the lodge rooms on the corner of Dodge and Fourteenth street In commem oration of the seventy-seventh anniversary of the founding of the order. The program was opened with an addrers by Hon. Ed P. Smith. Master StUit followed with a song. R. Llndbcrg plajed a piano solo and tbo Frlja quartet sang a number. Mlrs BJorkman and Miss Rlcker each gave a read ing and two very pretty tableaux , "Death of Mlnnehaha" and 'MJluebeard , " were pre sented. "Odd Felowshlp" was the subject of an addrces by L. Channel. After the program was completed canton Ezra Mlllard , Patriarchs Militant , went through a drill and ths remainder of the evening was given to dancing. The entertainment was given for tbe pur pose of raising funds to maintain an Information mation bureau for visiting Odd Fellows dur ing the exposition. It Is the Intention of Jhe lodges of the city to eiect a temporary building on Fourteenth street between Odd Fellows' hall association building and the building In which Omaha lodge. No. 2 , la located and to keep Colonel J. W. Nichols employed as secretary to give Information to all visiting members of tbe order. Mnrrluue Llcen r . The following- marriage licenses were Is sued yesterday by the county judge : Name and Address. Age , Carl F. Hofman , Oma'na Z Emma G , Ochs , Omaha 1 ! Edward F. Phllbrooke. Jr. . Omaha a Henrietta Wells. Council Bluffs , la Z August E. Proulx. Omaha 2i T Cora La Boute , Omaha , would take tliepiopor ipmedy. Dr. Allies' Nervine N the exact H'lnedy for lh.it law elas.s of IHMSOIW who aiv neive weakened mid debilitated , feeble , thin blooded , 11111 down In health , weak , tiled and oftt-ti h.v sterlcal. "About eijht years ape I bejian to expel lence nervoim puxtiatlou , " wilte * Sirs. L. J. Huike. St. Alb.um. Vt. "My easu was Indeed a etlons one , for It would seem impossible at times to eon tiol m.vself. I could not remain fn one position moie than a few moment * . My limbs would twitch aud Jeik , aud the slightest noise would staitle and im- neue me. My sleep wa * often broken by sudden awakening , and 1 would see all kinds of horrid slcht * . I never thought I would be well njaln , but two yeais a so 1 be an ushiR Dr. Miles' Hestor.Ulve now TO KIIP Tin : CITY ci.uvv WOIIIIMI'M Clllll CntlllUlttCl- YnrloiiN 1'liiiin. The city Improvement committee of the Woman's club met for the second time In the club parlors Monday afternocn. The committee had accepted an Invitation to meet with the political economy and social science department. The meeting opened with an interesting addresa by Mr. Thomas Kllpatrlck , who dwelt on Omaha's need of rlcancr streets , and told of the method he had recentlj seen In oper ation In Cleveland , of flushing the streets and the marked Improvement in the ap pearance of the city. He then made a brief comparison of rome European cities , espe cially Glasgow , with American cities. In re spect to cleanliness. In closing , Mr. Kll patrlck spoke of the Improvement of recent years In this coun'ry. auJ commended the work undertaken , saying the efforts of the committee , wisely directed , could not fall to bo beneficial. The addresa given by Mr. Charles Sher man was In a humorous vein , but full of practical suggestions as well. The committee was reerred to as a "mu nicipal housekeeping boslety. " As convinc ing proof ttiat Omaha nceii cleaner streets , an amusing list of thlngoactually seen In a half block'a walk on one of the principal business streets was given. After speaking encouraging ! ) of the Influence of the com mittee In arousing public sentiment. Mr. Sherman Euomltted as a panacea for exist ing Ills a unique pledge , whlcti he moJeat'o said was the composition of a friend. The numbers expressed their appreciation of the addrccscs by a rlMng vote of th2nk The bunlness of the day was fien taken up , Mrs. R. E. McKelvy1 In the chair. The mln- utc-s of the last meeting and icports of the committee on clt $ ordinances and the com mittee on weeds , were approved. The pi- troneBscs of the schools reported on the work accomplished by the pupils In then respective dhtrlcts. These repot ts chowcd that the ectnol chlldien were taking up the work enthusiastically and setting exam- pics worthy the emulation of older people. New committees were appointed as follows : Mesdames Damon , Ducnont and Tucker to confer with the proper authorities as to tne advisability of providing receptacles for re fuse on down town streets ; Meadames Mc- Kelvy , Belden , Warner , Caldwcll. Perrlne and Miss Stella Hamilton , to formulate plans for raising funds for the work. The committee adjourned to meet again In two vveeKs. Donrd of Kilucntloii Meeting. The Board of Education met In adjourned secelon last night to consider the real estate propositions that were submitted at the previous meeting , but after a thort disci's- slon It was decided to postpcne the matter another week. Three additional propcoltlons were on the secretarj's desk , and the post ponement was made on the . -suggestion o ! ono of the members that several additional proposals would probably follow. FOIIKOAST KOIl TOU 1VS W13AT1ICII. Fair nnilVnriner , .Acroiiuiniiletl by SonthiTCMtFrly AVlnilw. WASHINGTON , April 20. Forecast for Wednesday : For Nebraska and Kansas Fair ; warmer ; southwesterly winds. For South Dakota Partly cloudy weather with scattered showers ; cooler In western portion ; winds becoming westerly. For Iowa and Missouri Fair ; warmer ; southerly winds. For Wyoming Partly cloudy weather with scattered B'nowers ; cooler ; winds be coming northwesterly. I.oral Heconl. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER nUREAU , OMAHA , April 2C Omnha. record of tem perature and rainfall compared with the corresponding da > of the last three years ; ISM. 1897. 1896. 1S85. Maximum t < tTn.pprnture M 74 K2 " ' Minimum temperature 33 E6 55 51 Avfr.iee. temperature CO G5 63 CS Rainfall 05 .00 .36 .00 Hecord of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for tMs day and since March 1. 1S97 : Normal for the dny 57 Deficiency for the day 7 Accumulated exo .s elnce March 1 , 123 N'"rmal rainfall for th ; day 12 Inch Deficiency for the dny 0.12 Inch Total rainfall since March 1 351 Inches Deficiency since ( March 1 O.M Inch Excess ) for OCT. period , 1S37 1.67 Inch Excess for cor. period , 1896 0.44 Inch from Station * nt H p. m. bevent-fifth Meridian time. K ? vi SB. TATJON3 AND STATE Or VVEATlItUt. Omaha , clear .00 North 1'Iatte. pirtly cloudy .co bait Lake City , clear Cheyenne , cloudy Itaplil City , cloudy .00 Huron , cloudy , .00 Chlcapo. clear .00 Wllllston , partly cloudy .00 Rt. I ul , clear .00 St. Paul , clear e : ,00 Davenport , clear .00 Helena , partly cloudy . . . . .04 Kansas City , clear .00 Havre , cloudy .00oo lllsmarck , cloudy ! oo Ualveston , clear . . .00 T litdlcttei trace ot precipitation. U A. WELSH , -Local 1'orecait OfOclal. Much refreshment In little bulk. Liebig COMPANY'S Extract of Beef That's why you should take it In your traveling bag. Not vliu , nntl Its viTcct upon my v\a > wonderful. In n ftv vvock 1 vv.ia eiitlii'ly relieved of my nervous tioulile , and my lifaltli Imiitnred very i.ii ldly. I lake pleasuio In lecoiiimendln Dr. Miles' Neivlno to snlteieis ftom neivoua tioulile-s. " Yon inn no ilsk In RlvhiK Dr. Miles' Hcmedle.s n tHal. They have been be- foie tlu pulilk1 now for over tvvelvo jeais and their constantly Ineie.islnj : snle Is the very bt > st ovtd'Miee that they , poss.vs Mipcttor heallnj ; qualities. These In need of medical advice can have the sei vices of the best plij slclans , absolute ly flee of cIi.UKe. Valuable book on dls- eases of heart and neives .sent lm > on re- tiuest. Addtess , Dr. Miles Medical Co. , KIKhart , Ind. l .o OK REMEDY co. BLOOD POISON A SPECIALTY. Primary , Secondary or Tertiary BLOOD VO1SON permanently Cured in 15 to 35 Days. Tou can b treated at home ( or tarn * price und r tm guaranty. It you prefer to come here we will contract to pay rail- r afl ( are and hotel bli : . and no U we fall to cur * . IF YOU HAVE taken mercury , Iodide potuh and ( till hnve achra and paint , Mucoua Patches In mouth. Sore Throat , t'linplff. Copper Col. ? rrd Spots , Ulcer * on any part ot tbe body. Hair or Eyebrows falllnj out. It U fitu Secondary 51 We Guarantee to Cure W * tollclt the moat obitlnat * OUM and challenge the norM for a onus we cannot cure This disease haa Aluaa baffled the kill of the taott jnilnint phyttclani. JSOO.WO cap'tal brhlnd our unconditional uaranty. Absolute proofs * tnt sealed on application 100 page book tent free. Address COOK HUMUDY CO. , 1-1O1 Mnioulo Temple. Chicago , III , oTitmts PATM OOJMCI.T DOCTORS Searles & Searles SPECIALISTS Guarantee to cure 0cedllr end rndt cally all XEJIVOUS , CHUOXIO Ar PRIVATE dlieace * of Men and TfomtBJ WEAK MEN SYPHILIS SEXUALLY , cured for llf . s ItlCtit Emissions , Lost Manhood , Hr Irocele , Verlcocele , Gonorrhea. Olect , SyphJ lllSL Stricture , Piles , rislula and Rectal Uloin , Diabetes. Bright' * Dlseai * cured. ( Consultation Free- Stricture and Gleet by new method without pain or eutttnn Gallon or addrcw with stamp. Treatment hjr mall. mall.WM S SEMlEi Two Weeks' Treatment FREE _ To All TH BY * HIoin SPECIALISTS In tht trcatmiat of til v Cbioiic , Kervous and Private Diseases : ad all WEAKNESSES UEU nd UISORDKHS OP mCH CaUiTb , all Dluato ot the New , T.irost. Oh k tomtch , Uver. Blood , Skin and ICIdntr DlS UM. LMt Manhood. Hydroecle. VerTcoc * ! * . OonorrhM , Oleete , fayphlll . titrlcture PIUi , Fls > tula end Rtctal Ulcers Dlab ts Bilfhfi Dl * aM ourtd. Call on or uddreu with atamp tot rr * Book end New Method ! . Treatment by Hall , Cnuiultatlon tree , Ooalia Medical and Surgical Institute 11. unk North uui St. oiMka. NtW STRICTURE Causes obstruction to the lluvr of urine , partial cloelng of tlie paaiagc , proetatlc lirltatlon and vnlargcmcnt , beating dunn nnd Kialillnzof urine ami lo n ol jiouer. A SOLVENT FOUND quickly that ruros nnd permanently mid does ay vvltli thoSur KCOII'B Kulfo anil dilating Ini-triinientH. Sufferer * fioin Stricture , Enlargement ol Prostate Gland , Inflammation and Chronic Mucou * Dltcharge * , li ; tliU ucvr uclontlilc mtthoildin be radii ally CURED AT HOME. Write nt onro to the Empire Medical Co. , 205 Smith Building , lloiton , Matt. , for tliulrfrccliook called " .Sc/fn/-/4/reran . " It tells what the icniedy li inado of , nml how and why It in lift euro. If nflllctud , It will pay von tolnvc-fetlgnlc. DUMtad Brant. ENNYROYAL PILLS 1 McKlr17'niSEi1JlllUe' llH lor nitlMlir'i l' < j\uk Hit I XIM ualol lih kli rll > lMD. T lo s Jnoolbrr. Xl/utt dtngtrwu MbffifH * . JliIro liu.trirtJ4 * . fcM k/ all Locil lin-ijli For an up-to-date Western Newspaper Head The Omaha Bee