Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 24, 1898, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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L ocal Company Gets Ready to Go to War nt
iA lJii < nn < Gc-iirrnl llj-or Orilcm Cnv-
tnln I'rjor ( it Ort HIM Coninmnil
In Condition for Cnll at
Short Notice.
The crowd * around the Do.lge Mght Guards
armory were no great throughout the entire
day yesterday aa to almojt Interfere with the
work of preparation going on for travel.
Thousands of people hung around the Ma
sonic temple and filled the largo armory of
Uio guards. In the crovd cro many women ,
mothers , sisters and sweethearts of the
young men , who took a fe > crlsh Interest In
the work. Early In the ( lay the following
letter was received from Adjutant General
W. II. HycM , from DCS Moloto :
Captain W. O. Pryor : lie prpare.l to
come to DeMolnes on receipt of Informa
tion by winHrlnj ? ( with you nil of the
Dtntc's property nml camp equipment ntnl
full drtsM uniform ? , parked separately nml
well marked. Hrlng only th > su . .vliodoslrt ;
to o to the front nn l who can i > asa tht >
medical examination , llrlnt ? no m-w recruits
unless well drilled. Kxpedlto Hies ; urrange-
tntntx us much as possible.
This order was promptly complied with.
Dr. Daratow , ( tie company's surgeon , wto
held at the armory all day examining the
young soldiers already members of the com
pany , and the numerous new men who ap
plied to be taken In. The examination was
rigid. Nearly a dozen of the old guard were
dropped out. and many of the rww recruits
were refused the necessary certificate of phy
sical ability to res'at ' the hardships that are
expected to be borne by the notdlers In Cuba.
The eagerness to enlist was the feature of
the day. Many of ( dose who were rejected
could not restrain tliclr feelings and gave
way to voleut ( Hij of crying. It was ex
plained to each member of the company that
enlistment was not compulsory , and any of
the old members who desired to could leave
the ranks. Not a man left. If they had
been needed and could have been received
not less than 1,000 new men would have en
rolled themselves under the flag for any
service the nation may have for them.
Tlio boys were fully prepireJ to leave the
armory at any moment after the middle of
the day and BO great was their anxiety to
get away that a number of them stayed
around the telegraph oiHce ready to carry
at double-quick the exected message that
would call them to DCS Molnes. Ho\cs were
packed , strapped and labeled before noon ,
after every bit of accoutrement w-ia put Into
the best possible condition. When the time
came for the departure of the evening trains
for DCS Motncs without bringing the expected
order , the mcmbew of the company were
visibly disappointed. All of the arrange
ments for camp llfo were completed and two
colored men were enlisted as cooks.
Following Is the complete roster of the
company , showing Its present full fighting
Etren.gth :
Captain , W. 0. Pryor ; first lieutenant ,
John L. 'Moore ; first ocrgeant , M. A. Tlnloy ;
sergeants , K. E , Cook. P. I. Von Ouder , J.
Q. Anderson , r. ; Charles Mlllsap ; corporals ,
P. J. nodes , W. A. Holln , J. H. Wlndle , S.
R. Anderson ; musicians , G. L. Judson , C
P. Jameson ; privates , Ueaoorc , Culton ,
W. Dalley , II. Dalley , Dslaney. Fleharty ,
Fuller , Grail , Gcfs , Grout , Green , Hall , Hoist ,
Halllday , Harkneea. Jarvls , Johnson , Klrk-
1-Jnd , Morgan , McMackan , Mottoz , McCoy ,
McQrcw , Mcacham , Nlmo , Peterson , Patter-
eon , Pcttlt , T. Rutherford , n. Hutherford ,
Rurfcorn , Kuss , Sackett , Stoldmlstcr , Saw
yer , Vorle , Williams , Weaver , Young , KIs-
sell. Tucker , Bvans , Mather , Lots , Cattcr-
land , Flammont , cooks , Nealey , Tracer.
It was considered scarcely probable that
the order to move would come before morn
Ing , but the Guards remained at their ar
mory all night and enforced military dis
The company Is composed of a fine body
of representative young men of Ibc city.
Lot * Kennedy Out.
Fred Wroth and George Kennedy were
given a hearing by Justice Vlen yesterday
Everett , 1C 1'eail it. , Council niulTs , la. :
For rent a small farm of 30 acres , 2 < i miles from
the city. Very reasonable rental. GooJ houj
anil stable.
For rent a house anil 6 acres of land , % of a
mlle from the clly limits. Renta1. 15.00 ptr
Good land In central Nebraska for rent for a
hnrc of the crop.
40 acres of good laml for rent near Honey Crtek.
Will rent on shares.
Good house of 10 rooms and one aero of land.
( rult and garden , fine trees , beautiful location ,
near the city , known as "Cherry Hill. " for
rent for the summer very reasonable.
Good 6-room housa for rent at J7.00 per month ,
near the motor line.
Good farm for sale , M mile of Underwood , 161
acres , well Improved , splendid l.ind. Omoha
or Council Bluffs property taken In part payment -
A splendid bottom farm for sale near Mondamln.
Tart payment taken In Omaha or Council
Illuffs city property ; tl.iOO.OO will be taken In
Good farms for rent for the season of 1SOJ at a
low rental to responsible parties.
( acres of land near the city for sale. Will take
part payment In painting or carpenter work.
Gardens and farms for sale In the best part of
western Icwa.
Apply to Leonard Cverett.
Attorney-at-I-aw , 10
Pear ! St. . Council HlufTs , la.
Und for ! or r ni. D y * lies * , n Pearl
convenience * . Rood location , peed trade ; quit
on account of health. Address S. Dee.
Good Shoes that
means shoes , will
wear , shoes that
look well , shoes
that are made by
reliable factories.
That's why our
motto is
Sargent's '
upon a charge of stealing A wogonload of
hides from McDaneld & Co.'e warcliouflo on
the night of March 15. The evidence was
conclusive against Wrath , and ho was held
to the grand Jury. The tcotlmony showed
that the only connection that Kennedy had
with the deal was to loan a wagon to Wrotti
which w e used In liaulliig auay the ntolcn
property. Ho was discharged.
Money to loan on city property , Klnne.
N. Y , Plumbing companr. Tel. 250.
Domestic Soap la the bent for the laundry.
Tlir .Mmiimotii Store.
Have you visited the mammoth utore of
Peterson & Sclioenlng since their removal
to the ilerrlam block , on South Main street ?
Their store Is now the largest one of Us
kind In the city. It combines both hard
ware and furniture. You can fit jour house
up In fine ttiapo without leaving the build
ing. Their goods arc all new and they allow
no one to undersell them. They have on
display one of the neatest lines of baby
carriages ever displayed In Council Bluffs ,
and a complete line of Iron bedsteads that
will suit any one's fancy. The women of
Council Uluffs and vicinity arc especially
Invited to call and Inspect their goods. Do
not forget Hie new location and hereafter
look for Peterson & Schoctilng In the Mer-
riatn block , occupying four big rooms.
Hoffmayr's fancj patent flour makes the
best and moot bread. Ask your grocer for It.
For Fale Opcti buggy , single harness , good
saddle , cheap ; cash or time , at nourlclus'
Music House. 325 Uroadway , where the organ
utanils on the bjilldlng.
Head premium offers inside Domestic Soap
.lilnniN SnvfN HIM
George W. Adams , a Wabash hostler , had
to put up a strong fight yesterday to retain
his dinner pall and the lunch It contained.
There is al
ways a
chance that
Boine partic-
uliu1 shoo may
not civo entire
batisfaction ,
but if it docs
not , return It ;
wo make every
pair coed.
Ho was on his wax to his work In the round
house and at the llurllnKtcfl crossing he was
met by a couple of tramps. One wag a negro
and the other a white man. The negro asked
Adams to share his lunch with them and
when thin was refused both men made a
dash to secure It by force. Adams attempted
to escape , but had cny ) ran a short distance
until be found a stone that was of the proper
dimensions. He hurled It and struck the
negro on the head , knocking him down. The
white man then abandoned the attack and
Adams caved his dinner.
Dance at K. V. hall Saturday night.
The- Urn nd Ittmli.
There will be a grand rush when the ex
position opens and Council 1) ) luff a should be
looking her beat. Put your house In nhapo
by giving Jt a frcah coat of paint. Select
your colors and then come to us and get
your paints and oils. The material you buy
at our house Is the boot to be had. Our
paints will last , so that you need not waste
money every year or so by repainting , aa
will bo the wee If you ueo poor material.
Wo have the most extensive paint house In
the city and you arc euro to be suited.
Council Bluffs Paint , Oil and Glass com
pany , Masonic block.
Marriage licenses were Issued yesterday
to the following mimed persons :
Nnmo nnil residence. Age.
Rdwnril W. Hedlson , Council Uluffs . 2,1
Malic I.awpon , Stansberry , Mo . 20
Michael Mclvln. Council Bluffs . 31
Maggie Shea , Council Bluffs . K2
Cord wood for sale cheap. Address W. P. ,
Dee ofTlce , Couocll Bluffs.
A map of Cuba , the West Indies and of
the world at the- Council Bluffs odlco.of
The IJco for ten cents.
I'n n \ypMwnrh'n I | I'lillniilliropy.
Paul Aylesworth saved the life of an In
toxicated stranger yesterday afternoon and
came near losing his own. Ho was crossing
Broadway near the Pearl street Junction Just
as one of the Omatu trains was pulling out.
The stranser attempted to climb on the car
( Continued on Seventh Page. )
Commencing Sunday , flpril 24 , One Week.
In High Class Comedy ,
New specialties and the wonderful
Kaleidascopic Dance
Change of bill nightly
Popular prices lOc , 20c , .
3Cc. Scats now on' sale.
Reckless and
That was the sentiment of our competitors
when we opened our carpet store
, but we did a good
business from the start and it has kept increasing
every day. &
We entered the field determined to forge to
the front by giving the people of Council Bluffs
and vicinity the best values in
Carpets , Mattings , Linoleums , Rugs , Window- . -
Shades , Curtains , Etc. they ever secured for
their money.
Our stock is new , right from the factory , and
you will find no shelf-worn goods at our place. 4361
Remember another thing and that is that we llf
allow no other carpet house in this city or Omaha v&
to undersell us. jAt
205 and 207 West Broadway.
Are You Going to Plant
Trees and Shrubbery ?
If you are , we hnvo everything In the
tree and shrub line from the smallest
sprout to the full grown hardy tree
Very choice large Snow Halls and Lilacs ,
shade , ornamental and fruit trcos. We
have a complete stock at
18th and Douglas Sts. ,
where you can make your own selection' '
and see what you're buying.
Telephone 170. Orders promptly de
llvered. Now Is the time to plant.
A pair of
shoes that
yon buy at
Sargent's is
just a.s clerk
them. My
clerks know
whut they arc
talking about
_ A special sale for one week
Drfess Goods and Silks
BOSTON &TORB , Council Bluffs.
sgiiiititig Monday a special marked down price on every yard of
wool dress goods this sale to continue for one week A magnificent collection of the
choicest new spring fabrics in black and colors , to which we' specially direct the attention
of economical buvers.
A new price on
every yard of dress Igoods
We quote a few bargains inoro at the store
Half wool Beige Suitings , lOc value , at 4ic a yard
Big lot of fancy dress goods , actually worth 25c , during
; his sale at 17c a yard.
Novelty dress goods also plain Henriettas at 21c yard.
Fancy checked suitings in silk and wool , worth 50c , at
32ic a yard.
Big assortment of novelty dress goods , camel hair serges ,
coverts , bayadere , etc , worth up to 75c , at-47c a yard.
Extra fancy two-toned twilled covert cloths , value 75c , re
duced price GOc a yard.
Big lot of § 1.25 Novelties reduced to 80c yard.
All our fine imported coverts and whip cords the new
shades were $1.25 and $1.50 , reduced to $1.10 and $1.15.
A sale in black dress fabrics.
It's an event for those who buy black goods for the entire
stock goes down in the price scale for one week , in order that
you may buy cheaply , and we sell an extraordinary quantity.
40-inch fancy mohair brocades , reduced to 25c yard.
50c quality fancy figured black goods at 35c yard.
Big assortment of fancy brocades , some extra heavy , some
extra wide , all reduced to 47c a yard.
Fine brocaded and figured novelties , yard and half wide ;
worth § 1.25 , reduced to 80c a yard.
90c quality all wool canvas cloth , reduced to 65c.
All wool grenadines were 75c , reduced to 55c a yard.
Fancv wool grenadines at 85c , 90c and $1.10 a yard.
A Silk Event
See Show Window
WG have just receiver/ and \vill place
on sale tomorrow morning two hundred
and fifty (2oO ( ) exclusive style \vaifsts pat
terns , no two alilte , This lot includes all
the latest styles in check , broken checks
plaids , stripes , etc. ' , etc.
In addition to this lot wo have made some special prices
on our regular stock.
Fancy striped and checked wash silks at 35c ! and 30c yard.
Printed China and Japanese Silk , regular 50c quality at
39c yard.
Printed Foulard Silks , extra quality at 50c and 09c yard.
24-inch Black China Silk , fiOc.
Another of the heavy brocaded gros grain silk , regular 75o
quality , while they last at 59c a yard.
20. inch black Peau de Soie , warranted to wear , a beautiful
skirting , only 75c.
27-inch extra heavy black satin , for skirts , only $1.00 yard ,
. niCK fe WAX , JOS/ ? , Council Bluffs.
j ; 1
j Do Not Forget
To ask for PREMIUM S2\AJVf JPS as they save you money. Thousands of dollars
lars have been saved by the people of Council Bluffs through the agency of these stamps. There is scarcely
a home in the city that does not contain one or more of our Premiums. If you are one of the few , who are not
collecting stamps , don't lose any more time.
These are the Stores where PREMIUM STAMPS are giv&n. Buy here , collect Premium
Stamps and secure handsome premiums FREE.
[ Art Studio.
Harry Schmidt , 406 Brsadway. ( Stampa
k given only when cash deposit la made. )
t Art Needle Work.
Mesdames Stork & Crisp. 311 Uroadw.iy.
nivby Cnrrinaci.
B. B. Keller , 311 , 313 , 313 Broadway.
C. Wldmaler , 823 Uroadway.
Bnnjoi , Gnltar * , ( Mnndollni , Etc.
ECFUriclus Music House , 325 Broadway.
Illcycle * .
3. T. PIndley. S37 Broadway.
Cola & Cole. 41 Main Street.
Council Bluffs Cyclery , 337 Broadway.
Iliorcle Sundries and Repair * .
Council Bluffs Cyclery , 337 Broadway.
Oook .nd Stationery.
D. W. Bushnell , 22 Main street. ( Give
itamps when asked Tor at the tlmo goods
are bought and paid for , except on school
books. )
Boot * and Shoe * .
8. A. Fierce & Co. , 100 Main Street. ,
China and Gla > * vrnre.
M. Wollmnn , 4C9 Broadway.
Conl and Wood.
R. II. Williams , ISO Broadway.
Dr. L. E. Roe , room 322 Merrlam Block.
Dr. A. O. Kludge , 319 Broadway.
M. Wollman , 409 Broadway.
DrnRi and Drmnrlnts' Sundries.
Dell Q Morgan & Co. , 742 Broadway.
Merrlam B'ock Pharmacy , cor. Main
Street and Willow Avenue.
Brown & Wesner. 817 Main Street.
Morgan & Co. , 140 Broadway.
L. Massenberg , C30 Broadway ,
Dye Work.
Schoedsack's Twin City Dye Works , cor.
Avenue A and Twenty-sixth street.
Flour and Feed.
J.IC. Nielsen & Co. , 307 South Eighteenth
Charles Krlngel , Broadway and Oik.
6tre t.
A-W. Barrett , 912 Avanuo F.
R.jJ. ' Hancock. COS North-.3th Street
B."S.3 Keller , 311 , 313 , 315 Broadway.
, Grille Work.
S. a/Keller , 311. 313. 315 Broadway.
Bartcl & Miller , 100 West Broadway.
Phone 359.
John Olsen , 739 Broadway.
C. A. Lacy , 381 HarrUon Street.
J. C. Nielsen & Co. , 307 South Eighteenth
Hanson & Myrtue , 330 Broadway.
13vuna & Kissel. 642 Broadway.
A. W. Barrett , 912 Avenue F.
R. J. Hancock , C05 NorthlSth Street.
Charles Krlngel. Broad -VRV and Oak.
C. L. Carntensen , 314 Broadway.
Cole & Cole. 41 Main Street.
Charles SAalne , 340'Broadnay.
Harness und Suilcllery.
Walters Bros. , 14S Broadway.
M. Wollman , 409 Broadway.
Eagle Laundry Co. , 724 Broadway.
I-nce .
( Battengberg and Honlton. )
Mesdames Stork & Crisp , 3U'Broadway. '
Meat Markets.
J. H. Pace , 73S Broadway.
C. H. Huber & Bro. , 112 Eai t Broadway.
C. O. D Market. C H. Orvls , Prop. , 537
Wolker Meat Co. . 221 South Main St.
A. W. Barrett. 912 Avenue P.
Merchant Tallorlnff.
Simon Johnson & Co. , 543 Broadway.
Miss L. A. Wollman , 339 Broadway.
B. S. Keller , 311 , 313 , 315 Druhvay.
Musical .Merchandise.
Bourlclus Music House , 323 Broadway.
News and Periodicals.
D. W. Bushnell. 22 Main street. ( Give
stampi when asked for at the time goods
are bought and paid for , except on school
books. )
Omaha Dally Bee , 10 Pearl Street.
Optical Goods.
at. Wollman , 409 Broadway. ( Eyes tested
free. )
riintournphlc Work.
Harry Schmidt. 40fl Broadway , i ( Stampa
given only when cosh deposit Is made. )
Pnlntn , Oils and Glaus.
Dell O. Morgan & Co. , 742 Broadway.
Merrlam Block Pharmacy , Cor. Main
Street and Willow Avenue ,
Brown. & Wesner , 617 Main Street.
Morgan & Co. , 140 Broadway.
I'lanos and Orarans.
Bourlclus Music House , 323 Broadway.
Room Moulding.
J. B. Long , 31 Main Street.
Sewlnir Machines.
J. T. Flndley , 337 Broadway.
Sheet Manic.
Bourlclus Music House , 323 Broadway.
B. A. Pierce & Co. . 100 Main Street.
J. B. Long , 31 Main Street.
M. Wollman , 409 Broadway.
Mesdamea Stork & Crisp , 341 Broadway.
Stores and Ilnnires.
Cole & Cole. 41 Main Street.
Charles Swalno , 310 ( Broadway.
Silk * .
( Hemlnway and Bralnerd f.Armstrong. . )
Mesdames Stork & Crisp , 341 Broadway.
Simon Johnson & Co. , 513 Broadway.
Cole & Cole , 41 Main Strfct.
Charles Swalne , ' 340 Broadway.
John Olpon , 73 Broadway ,
n. 'J. Hancock , C03 North 8th Street.
Turf Goods.
Walters Bros. , 14S Broadway.
B. S. Keller , 311. 313 , 315 Broadway.
AVnll Paper.
J. B. Long. 31 Main Street.
Watches and Blocks.
M. Wollman , 409 Broadway.
Wlsard ConKh Elixir.
Brown & Wesner , 617 Main Street.
C. A. Licy. SSI Harrison Street.
R. H. Williams , 150 Broadway.
A. W. Bnrrett , 912 Avenuct F '
II. J. Hancock. COS * Cnrh fifh flfrnAf
Bear' in mind that It costs you nothing to get our Premiums. The Premium Stamps , get them FREE. Our office Is always
open and you arc cordially invited to cull and bring your friends. If you Imvc been overlooked In the distribution of our Stomp
Books , kindly notify us and we will take in .
pleasure supplying you. They arc free to all. Yours very respectfully.
The Co-Operative Premium Association ,
OFUCE , ri'&uRS : 9 A. M. TO s p. M.
The wear of a
shoe depends
greatly on the
care you give it.
We take care of
our customers'
bhccs , shlno them
free every day , and
are glad to do so.
Of Crescent City are here In Council Dluffa
and Omaha with ttielr fine line Of ( rult trees ,
grape vices , etc. , and all kinds of fine ehade
trees , flowering shrubs and rosed. Their
sale grouDdo are located at 61S East Broad
way , Council Uluffs , and on Farnam street ,
cne block of Twentieth street , Omaha ,
where you will be waited on at all times
with pleasure. We sell all goods very cheap
and guarantee til goods flrst-claco.
Uiunlin 'plicae , lUUUj Cuuucil UlufTi ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Jobbers of
Selling Agents
lOo Clunra , tto ClffnrH ,