Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 23, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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Twelve Months of Energetic Operation and
Results Accomplished.
Lnrlnsr of the Cornerstone of he
Uront Bxposltloii Followed br
" Transformation Almost Uc-
'Arbor day Is the anniversary of the be
ginning of active work on the exposition
grounds. Just one year ago the cornerstone
of the Arch of States wao laid with Imposing
ceremonies and the work of construction was
formally Inaugurated. .At that tlmo no work
had been done on the ground with the excep
tion of putting up the high fence which now
eurrounds the entire grounds. A portion of
the fence was completed at that time , but
the only other work which had been ac
complished up to that time was on .paper. .
The grounds had been taken possession of
Just ono month before and In the meantime
the general plan of operations had been de
termined and the preliminary arrangements
wcro being completed as fast as the Irn-
portanco and magnitude of the work would
Military and civic societies , state and
municipal dlgnltarleu. exposition onicliln and
prlvuto citizens Joined In theleremonlcs Inci
dent to the Inauguration of an event
fraught with such great Importance to the
people of the entire west. The cornerstone
wa laid with due signs and ceremonies by
the grand lodge of Frecmatons of Nebraska
and the great exposition was formally
When this event transpired the Kountze
tracS. now the.main court , was a flat piece
of ground , surrounded by a wire fence.
Nothing was grown on It except the wild
grass and weeds. The bluff ; tract was u bare
jilcco of ground , on which a "good crdp of corn'
( : ad been raised the previous year. The
north tract was another flat piece of ground
devoted partly to cultivation. About one-
thlr.1 of It was Included In the fence of the
old fair grounds , and on this were a number
of old buildings , which had long outlived
their usefulness.
The year which has passed slneo the
mighty throne wended Its way along Twentieth
tieth street'to the point destined to be Ihc
main entrance to the grounds , has been a
year of great change. The three pieces of
land constituting the exposition grounds
1mvo been transformed as though by magic
and a more beautiful spot It would be dlfll-
cult to find.
Thj Kountze tract Is now known as the
main court , and tero 1s centered the archi
tectural beauty of the exposition. Every ef
fect la produced by strict ndhcrcnco to ths
dictates cf the strictly cal. Every but dInt -
Int ; In this portion of the grounds Is a mag-
nlllccnt Illustration of classical architecture ,
moil Hied by a touch of the Renaissance sufll-
clcnt to produce a result magnificent in
elaborate decoration. Grouped about a canal
extending the full length of the tract and
connected with covered colonnades giving
the effect of false perspective , an archi
tectural effect Is attained , which has never
been accomplished at any former exposition
and places the Transmlsslsslppl and Inter-
notional Exposition at the front In the line
of Bupcrloilty In architecture. Only the
finishing touches are necessary to make this
portion of the grounds complete.
The treatment of the bluff tract has been
In etronc contrast'to thaj of the Kountze
traci. and the erstwhile 'cornfield has been
transformed Into the most beautiful parks
within the limits of Omaha. Huge
trees have reared their lofty heads where
formerly the tassels of the waving corn
nodded In the trcoio and wln'lag walks cov
ered with gravel have displaced tie straight
an 1 narrow furrows made by the cultivator
Numerous state buildings to bo used as
headquarters for the visitors from neighborIng -
Ing states have been erected or arc In course
nf construction , and the beautiful Horticul
ture building stands In the mUdlo of the
tract ns the center of attraction. The up
per portion of the tract Is assigned to the
amusement portion of the exposition and an
army of workmen Is engaged In pushing
the construction of the numerous buildings
which will bo peopled by the natives oi
other climes , who will furnish amusement
for these attending the exposition.
The treatment of the north tract , from so
architectural standpoint , Is radically different
from that of the other two tracts , and here ,
too , great changes have been wrought In
thn appeararce of the grounds. This per
tion of the grounds Is devoted to the display
of agriculture and kindred Industries and
to traospDrtatlon. It Is very appropriate ,
therefore , that the buildings should con
form , architecturally , to the usca for which :
they "are designed. The style of architec
ture prevailing In the mountain districts
of Switzerland has been adopited for these
buildings , ani rn armi ; of wcrkmcn Is en
gaged In rearl'jg the structures which will
houic the many exhibits which will be dis
played here. The huge .building devoted sto
agricultural Implements and transportation
appliances will occupy the center of this part
of the ground , and It Is far advance * . ! . The
Dairy end Apiary buildings ate also In tiew
advanced stage. A good portion of this
tract will bo devoted to Irrigation exhibits (
for which no buildings art. . required , and for
this reason the west portion of this tract ,
has undergone but little change. The south
part of thla tract Is devoted to a section thof
the Midway , and the erection of the mtny .
"villages" and pavilions makes this part of -
the grounds ono of the busiest scenes In
connection with the entire exposition. Nu
merous substantial > bulldlags have taken the
place of the ramshackle structures which
formerly occupied the grounds and the old >
r C9 track has disappeared forever.
Wool Moil to K.\lillilt.
II. F. Mclntcsh of OmalM , special com-
mti'slccer of the wool section of the De
partment of Exhibits , la In correspondence
with sheep growers and wool men In all
ecctloma of the west and with people In the
cast Interested In the wool business. HP
has received encouraging roplleo from the
sheep raisers of the west an ! has assur
ances that a fine showing will be made In I
the wool section. The Montana wool grow
ers have taken an Interest In the matter and
It Is the Intention to erect the Devil's Tower ,
a noted peak In. Wyoming , using wool as the
material. Other states are making prepara
tions In tde same direction and a good show
ing asoms assured.
Mr. Mclntosh his received a letter from
A. W. Llghtbourn , recrctary of the Wool
exchange , Now York City , stating that the
Gets You
There Quick.
Lcavo Omaha nt 5:03 : this afternoon or.
the Burlington's Vestlbuled Flyer and
> -ou're In Chicago at 8:30 : tomorrow
Leave Oinaha at 12:05 : mldnlgfit to
night on the liurllngton's Chicago Spe
cial and you're In Cnlcago at 2:15 : to
morrow afternoon.
( Both trains have flrrplnz , dining ,
ilmlr nnd enroklng care. *
Uertha and tickets at
nffiro ' 1502 FARNAM ST. ,
, \ OMAHA.
. RRYNOL08 , PA. . ' . A.T.
cxchango will furnteh * collection of stand
ard typco of wool on which quotations are
fliiporlnlrndrnt llnnck TnlUn About
the Fnll Ilrcorntlonn.
The county commissioners are considering
the question of Illuminating and dccorattag
the court house during the exposition. Whl'e
they have not adopted any plan , they have
several that nro partially formtitateJ ,
During the Ak-Sar-Den festivities ot last
year and the year before , the commissioners
decorated the court house and did some
thing In the way of Illuminating , but they
were never entirely satisfied with the effect
produced , although they felt upon both oc
casions that the county building was the
moU attractive In the city and that It was
the most admlreJ , not only by strangers , but
by residents. Houck of the court house
has been requested to furnish and submit
to the I3oard of County Commissioners a
plan for decorating and Illuminating. In
speaking of the matter , ho said ; "The
county building occupying a prominent po
sition upoi ono of the main ctreets ot the
city can bo made most attractive If money
Is appropriated to pay for doing the work.
Last year wo had some special electrical
Illuminations In the way of a flag , a shield
and a star. They wcro very pretty , but I
don't think that they quite filled the bill.
If the county commissioners dccUo to Il
luminate this year and If they leave the
preparation of the designs to me , I think I
can work out something that will be at
tractive nnd ot the same time not to very
expensive. The court house Is well adapted
for making a magnificent display In an elec
trical way. For Instance , take the north
side of the building. Wo could work a
farm or hunting scene In under the coping
and have a fine effect. It could be a paint
Ing If necessary. This would show off to
goad advantage during the daytime and If
Illuminated , It would bo very attractive at
night. On the east and west sides of the
building , up tindcc the battlement , I think
that we should have some figures. They
are not expensive and If properly placed ,
they would add much to the general ap-
pcaranco of tho/bulldlng. /
"Last year wo placed a torch In the hand
of the flguro of Justice that surmounta the
dome. That was satisfactory and could not
be Improved upon , but the dressing of this
flguro could be materially Improved upon.
Instead of having rows of Incandescent
llghte running down the folds of her drem
I think that It would be a good plan to
have powerful lights placed at each ot the
four comers of ( do pedestals upon which
she stands. This would not only brln ; out
the figure , but at the same time it would
light up the upper portion ot the building.
' 'The flag decoration of last year wao not
up to my Idea , but It was the best that
could bo done under the circumstances.
Those streamers extending from the dome to
the four corners of the building gave the
structure the appearance of a back yard on
wash day when ( bo colored clothes were
out on the line to dry. Stored away In
the building we have the flago and pennants
of all the civilized nations and if these
were placed upon standards anj grouped or
arranged about the roof of the building I
think that wo could produce an effect of
whlrh wo would bo proud. "
Whatever the commissioners do In the way
of Illuminating and decorating will be done
very soon , as they have all expressed tde
opinion that if the court house la to be
made attractive It should bo done thai It
may put Ita best foot to the front on the
opening day of the exposition. "
inAn < iu.vnTiu.s : FOU THE : PRKSS.
I'liinx for the N paper
'Art ' * 1'rt'tmrrd.
Preliminary drawings and floor plans for
a Preee building have been prepared by
Fisher & Lawrle under the direction of Man
ager Rosewatcr of the Department of ,
Publicity and Promotion Thla building la
designed for the use 'ofj 'reiprcieritatlves of1
the press and will be fitted ' with the
paraphernalia neccaiary for the successful }
conduct of the business of the occupants.
The building IE > GOxGO feet on the ground and
forty feet , ln height. . ' The general style U
Italian Renaissance of tlie Sixteenth ien.tury
and the structure Is a most attractive one.
The Interior U' arranged In a manner which
will afford execcllcnt accommodations for the
people who are to use It. The center will
bo a large room 31x35 feet In size , having
a celling twenty-one feet In height. Tlie
room will be thoroughly lighted by windows
In the clear stcry. On tlwee sldco of the
room will bo arranged small rooms , fourteen
In number , each provided with table ? , chahe.
etc. , and each having a door. In these the
representatives of the press of the country
may work In quiet and peace.
A small room at each of the front corners
of the building will be occupied b'y the two
telegraph companies and dispatches may bo
tent direct from the building.
\clirtiNkn-llorii lo Unite.
Prof. F. W.
Taylor , president of the so-
doty of Nebraska-born persons , known as the
Sons and Daughters of Nebraska , has re
ceived a letter from Rev. S. P. Merrill of
Rochester. N. Y. , stating that lie will en
deavor to attend the rally of Nebraska-born
people , which will be held In Omaha during
the exposition : Mr. Merrill Is credited with
being the first white person born on what Is
now the soil ot Nebraska. He was born In
the vicinity of what Is now Bellevue , July
13 , 1835 , his father being a missionary among
thaIndlans , at that time.
A meeting of the executive committee of
the society will be held In the near future
to complete arrangements for the rally pro
posed to bo held. This committee consists
of Prof. F. W. Taylor , chairman ; Rcscoe
Pound. Lincoln , and H. R. Estcrbrook , Ablng.
don. 111.
Government IlrprcNciitntlveN Arrive.
Representatives of the various depart
ments of the government which will hove
exhibits In the Government building are ar-
riving in the city in order to bo on hand
when the exhibits arrive. S. I. Slack and
W. O. Dro'wnlow of the Postofiice depart
ment , C. M. Beckwlth of the Treasury de ! .
partment and K. J. Clark of the AgrlcuV
tural department are In the city and will
loaok after their several exhibits when they
The canes , tables , etc. , for' the Agricul
tural department exhibit have been here
for some time and are stored In'ono corner
of the Government building. The Postofllco
materials uro hero and ore being unloaded
at the grounds. Portions of the War depart -
mcnt exhibit have arrived and these are
piled In a heap on the floor ot the building.
llnrrej"of llulliH.
The C us Inn an Gladiolus company df
EuoMd , O. , has shipped , to the Bureau of
Horticulture a barrel ccabilnVig 350 pounds
of gladioli , to bo planted on the bluft tract
In bedo as the exhibit of this company. In
thla shipment are 1,000 bulbs of the May ,
1,000 bulbs of the Mabel
ar > l the balance
la said to be cotnpcoil of the finest variety
of named sort * . As sosn as received these !
bulbo will be planted on the bluff tract and
will contribute to the brilliant decoratlcci ndof
this portion of the grounds.
Seleet Their Klo e"r lledN.
Hess & Swotola and the Nebraska Seed
company have selected the flower beds on
the bluff tract which they will fill with
flowers and keep In order during the ex
position as exhibits. The beds telexed rxby
both flolsts are north of the Horticulture
building. HOBS & Swoboda will have bes
of American Il.xauty and Drldo roses and the
Nebraska Seed company will have beds of
verbenas , panslcs and canaa.
Jlrx. Shute IN .SntlHlleil.
Mrs. M. A. Shute , Colorado' ? commissioner
of horticulture , writes to the Exhibits de
partment that the la convinced Colorado
will have a good exhibit In mining and ! ve
stock , as well as In horticulture. The : nt
mcettnr of the commission , she says , its
the best meeting since the organlzatlcn of
the commission , and her report of the condi
tions In Omaha scmeU to have a most salu
tary effect.
Hoiiilqiinrterx fur > ew Yorker * .
Secretary A. M , Wheeler of the New York
Exposition commission , writes to Prof , F. W.
Tarlor. nn old friend , that the New York
commission expects to have a state bulld-
Irr en the exposition ground. He says the
build rz will be a plain , rather email ttruc-
lure , but will be sufficient to servo ai a
meeting place for New Yorkers and a& head
quarters for the commission.
Government llnllillnjr 'Almost '
for HIP Housing of Exhibit * .
The beautiful building In which will "be
displayed the exhibits of the government at
the Tranrmlulfslppl and International Ex
position Is about completed and a few days
will BCD the magnificent structure turned
over to the representatives of the various
governmental departments who will Install
within Its waits the extenolvo exhibits de
signed to Illustrate the functions ot the gov
This building la conceded to bo the hand
somest on the grounds and no palna seem
to have been stared to make It magnificent
In every detail. H Is larger In cvcvy way
than any of the other beautiful structures In
thla portion of the ground. Occupying the
place of honor at the weft end of the main
court ; facing the bread Mirror , the lagoon
anil the gland court formed by the inuln
buildings of the exposition , the Government
building Is the most conspicuous object on
the grounds. The architecture is Italian
Renaissance In style and of the Corinthian
ordci. ' . The embellishment Is masalvo and
elaborate , every detail being carefully worked
out. From the bread steps leading to the
Interior to the crown surmounting the coloo-
Ml flguro of "Liberty Enlightening , the
World , " which overlooks the city from Its
lofty pinnacle 1TG feet above the ground , the
work Is as carefully done as though the
building was Intended to stand for hundreds
of years Instead of being merely a temporary
covering for the exhibits of the government.
The building Is covered with staff , no
plaster being used , even on the plain
sutfacea. On jho contrary the latter arc cov
ered with great slaba of the .white , niarblc-
llko staff , carefully fitted together and
"pointed" and the ornamental portions are of
the same rr.ate'-lal. the entire , building hav
ing the appearance of a marble palace.
Messrs. Alexander & Son , the staff con
tractors , are putting the finishing touches
on the bulldltvs by Installing the huge groupa
of t'tatuary whltti
surmount the square pa
vilions at either side of the main entrance.
The contract for the building requires It to
bo completed by May 1 , but It will have been
.finished and tunned over to the government
fully a week before that time.
The building Is already the center of ad
miration , all visitors to the grounds remarkIng -
Ing upon Its great beauty and substantial
appearance , and the dazzling whiteness of ho
waHs. Attached of the various govern
mental1 departments connected with the ex
hibits to be made In the building , declare
most positively that at no previous exposi
tion has the government erected a build
ing so artistic and beautiful.
Sons of Xew Kfiirluiid
The Society of New Englanders was or
ganized at a meeting held In the office of A.
P. Tukey , at the city hall , yesterday after-
nocn. The objects of the society , as stated
'n ' the constitution , are to unite New Englanders -
landers In an organization for the purpose
of making a New England day In connection
with the exposition , preparing for Its appro
priate observance and providing sama , general
headquarters during the exposition * at which
the people from the New England states will
bo made welcome during their stay In the
city. The ofilce-W elected were : W. II. Alex
ander , president ; A. P. Tukey , vice president ;
Frank II. Cbatfleld- , secretary , and George II.
Holbrook , treasurer. The executive commit
tee will consist of eighteen members , three
to represent each of the New England states
and Mr. Tukey , Colonel C. S. Chaae cad Dr.
Fredrelck Bacon were designated as a com
mittee to select the members of the execu
tive committee anl report at the next meet-
ST. LOUIS , April 22. C. E. Llewellyn of
Omaha , a representative of the Department
of Publicity and Promotion of the Trans-
Mississippi and International Exposition , met
today with the Missouri commission In an
endeavor to arrange for an exhibit from this
state. II "was finally decided -that a cred
itable exhibit of the state's exhibit would bo
made. For that purpose $17,000 has already
been raided and more will bo added.
AdilroNs to luwn Teachers.
Superintendent Peareo of the public schools
addressed the meeting of the Northwestern
Iowa Teachers' association at Sioux City latt
night In regard to the Transmlsslsslppl
Educational congress. The subject was also
corslJered by other speakers and the in
terest In the entoiprlso wao general.
\otex of the Exposition.
Thirteen carpenters have arrived In Omaha
from Arkansas to commence work on the
Arkansas building.
Tto Burkley Printing company has made
final arrangements for 600 square feet of
floor space for an exhibit.
The ClioUiof the . jun.OOO DainnKcd
Carpet Sjock of Henry Xoeo & Co.
The stock of brusaels , velvet and Ingrains
carpets , mattlnga , rugs , etc , although foU
to us by the Fire Insurance underwriters , Is
almost In perfect .condition , only a vary
small portion of It being damaged. In fact
It Is In the beat condition of any carpet stock
wo ever bought from the fife insurance
The stock consists prlnlpally of brutsella.
velyets , moquetto and Ingrain carpets , made
up carpets , ruga and thousands of remnants
andehort , ends of carpets suitable for small
looms and floor rugs.
Alto an elegant line of mattings of every
This grand sale will begin Tuesday mornIng -
Ing , April 2Gth.
I'reslileitt Itcll'H Explanation.
- OMAHA , . April 21. To the ; Editor of The
Dee : As the. business representative of
the Painters' nnd '
Decorators' local union I
ir"wish to enter a disclaimer to t'ho ' article
appearing In this ' '
morning's Hoe 'Under the
caption "Carpsntfrs Will Not Help , " rjla-
nttlvo to the alleged con Umpired strike for
higher wages by the local painters' union.
\Ve have a contract of agreement with the
employing painters of thi * ' city , nnd. . In
conjunction with other organizations-a'lke |
agreement with the key.
exposition directory ,
both of whlcft will be faithfully kept There
la not , however , anything in cur lai.vs thnf
will prevent any Individual member''from
asking for higher pay , and It Is without
our province to compel" him to work"5 ! * held
doesn't get his price.WILLIAM
- the Ohio Cliih.
Another mec.tlng of the OhluiiH will be held !
at the Commercial club rooms -Saturday * at
I2t0 : o'clock. At .
thla time the. organization
of the club will be completed and the olll-
csrs elected. All Ohio pseple- are urged 'to '
attend. Women may \i > f come numbers of
the club and they are e.specl.illy Invited to
take part In Ita formatlcn. Lunch will be
served free *
School rroprrty v the Clty'M.
The formal exchange of deed * which c-ir-
rlil Into effect the transfer of the Do'go
school property from the
Hoard of Educa
tion to the city has been uccompllshed. who
council * nlll at once take steps to have hens
school building prepared for occupancy ns
a jail.
KUI.M3Y , srifiKH Jt CO.
TremvniloiiH Cut In .Veir Hprlnif
Ciooiln IMIc , ) < , Ullo.
THE $1.00 , S1.25 * TO .40 QUALITIES
ALLAT 69c.
SELL AT 49c. .vtfQ
ALL OUR < 0c and 60o NEW SPRING
NOW AT 29c.
Corner Karnam and Fifteenth.
Part even of The Bee's travel serlco Is
on Cuba and the wreck of the Maine. Six
teen pictures , including actual picture Ixof
tlie wreck , dlvera at work on the wreck , here
oQIccrs of the boarJ of Inquiry , Morro
C tle and Havana. Ready at The Doe of
fice. Oraafca , South Qmttia and Council
Bluff * . Ten cents each.
Get a map of Cuba end get the best
most complete. The Bee's combination map
of Cuba , the West Indies and of the world.
With a Bee map coupon , on page 2 , 10 cents ,
at Bee offlre. Omaha , South Omaha or Coun
cil Bluffs. By matt , 14 cents.
KELtErtTKltSlt * CO.
Spprlnt Sntnrilni * tMrerlnim In Men'a
Colored Shlrt .UVlMlorweiir , Hone.
Men's colored ehlrta. with eoft frcota , In
new strlpta and. . ckecto * . to bo worn with
whtto collars. Boj * ' colored shirts , with
collars attached orwith no collars , soft
Soft shirts In darte oeJ light colora , wl'.fl
cuffs to match ; regtVir Jl.OO quality.
Monarch brand in fine. Scotch cheviots
End madras , with cuito to match. Also fine
percale shirts In da k and light colors , with
two tumdown collar * , nd cuffs to match.
Flno quality light weight ribbed balbrlg-
gan shirts and' ' drawers , extra well made ;
dtawcrs double gussctted.
Superior quality light weight balbrlggan
ohlrts ami drawers' , made of pure Egyptian
cotton , patent noams and nicely finished ,
Drawers ni-ide wild double seat.
French balbrlggan shirts and drawers ,
summer weight , extra fine quality.
Men'a ribbed b.ilbrlggon union suits , $1.00 ;
men's fine lisle ribbed union eiilts , | 1.60.
Just recelccd , an Immense assortment of
the latest novelties In men's four-in-hands ,
puffa and made ties. The colorings and de-
slgnu are all now.
The n3w washable stock ascot , with whlto
plquo stock and colored ascot. White pique
puff with slock , * colored silk puff , extra
"Black " and tan seamless hose , double heels
and toes , extra scrvlcable.
Flno quality hose In Scotch ptalda and
stripes , tan , blue and black , with white dots.
Plain black and tan , with double soles and
blgh-spllccd heels. Black and white SO'.CH.
Men's all wool hand-made sweater in blue ,
tan and marrdon , $1.50. Uoje' all wool
hand-made sweater , navy , red and green ,
with rolj collar , $1.00 , with sailor collar ,
A complete assortment of men's and la
dles legglns In all colors to match sweaters ,
50c and fl.OO.
I Corner Farnam and Fifteenth.
Part seven of The Bee's travel gerieo Is
on Cuba and the 'wreck ' of the Maine. Six
teen pictures , Including actual picture of
tlio wreck , divers at work on the wreck , the
ofllcere of the board of Inquiry , Morro
castle and Havana , Heady at The Bee of
fice , Omaha , South Omaha and Council
Bluffs. Ten cents each.
O in aim Man IHeutcil 1'renldcnt of n
Ilutte Hunk.
The following from the Butte Miner will
bo of Interest In Omaha :
A meeting of the board of directors of the
State Saving's bank took place yesterday , at
which John A. Crelghton was chosen presi
dent , to succeed the late Patrick A. Largey ,
and George W. Stapleton was elected vice
president , succeeding C. H. Palmer , re
Mr. Crelghton , the nsw president of the
bank , Is one of thcvtaoalthy men of Omaha ,
Neb. , where he Is vice president of the First
National bank of that city. JIr > Crelghton
was a close personal friend nnrt business
associate of 'Sir. Largcy in his lifetime.
The Sure Ln tirlppe Cure.
Thcro Is no use suffering from this dread
ful malady , If you will only get the right
remedy. You are having pains all through
your body , your liver te out of order , have
no apetlte , no life or ambition , have a bad
cold , In fact are completely used up. Elec-
trls Hitters Is the only remedy that will
glvo you prompt and sure relief. They act
directly on your liver , stomach and kidneys ,
tone up the whole system and make you feel
llko a new being. 'They are guaranteed to
cnro or price 'refunded. For pale at Kuhn > &
Co.'s drug store , only-50 cents'per bottle.
Cnrter UneM n Itoek on
An Information was nicdi Iri police court
yesterday by Ida King , a mulatto wo
man who resides In the Third ward ,
against William Carter , also colored , charg
ing him with assault with Intent to do great
bodily 111 ill TV . Carter and the Kins woman
quarreled , the woman accusing Carter of
stealing $7 from her. He resented the
charjo by strlklnp her between the eyes
with a JarRO rock , which knocked her
senseless. The force of the blow split the
woman's forehead , nnd her now open ,
leaving nn ugly Wound which necessitated
the attention of a surgeon. Carter claims
that ho used the rock ifor self-protection
and that when he struck her with It she
was coming at him , with a hatchet. The
man Is in Jail.
A little boy aukcd fcr a bottle of "get up
In the morning as fast as you can , " the
drueetst recognized a household name for
"DeWltt's Little Early nii-irs. " and gave
him a bottle of those famous little pills for
constipation , sick hcaJachc , liver and stomach
ach troubles.
aim. WlBKlnN Gcfh Her Mnti.
Mrs. Martha Wlfglnswho came from
Johnson City , Tenn. , to Omaha In search
of a youthful husband , encountered her
husband on Sixteenth street yesterday , and
when last seen was with him. Mrs. Wig
gins Is 48 years old nnd the man of her
choice is only 24 , and has proven faithless
to his aged partner.
Watch the ' .Movi'iiic-iild of Our \iivy
Everyone wants to watch the movements
of our war ships , anil , It there Is an engage
ment , know where It takss place. The .Dee
has a combination map that ebon's the
Island of Cuba , 14x21 Inches , the West Indies
14x21 Indies , and on the reverse aide a map
of the world ; 21x29 Inches. It Is the latcs
and meat complete oat of maps pu'ollsho <
by Hand , McXally & Co. Cut out a coupon
page 2 , cad present It with 10 cents at Thi
ttee office. By mall 14 cents.
The Society Trnln to New York.
On account of dally carrying persona o
-high social standln ? , the New Pennsylvania
Limited Is known as the society train from
Chicago to New York. The preference to
this train Is easily understood when thi
luxury enjoyed on It Is considers ; ! . H. R
Derlng. A. Q. P. Agt. , 24S South Clarl
street , Chicago , for further Information.
Two TrulMM Dully
to Denver and Colorado points
via Union Paolflt.
Only line running
two trains dally
to Wyoming , Utah , California
and Puget Sound points.
Call at City Ticket ) Office , 1302 Farnam st
LARIMER Dr. Jarcralah P. , April 21 , 1S98
at 9 a. m. , nge &Z.
funeral service * tat All Saints' enure
Saturday morning , < April 23 , at 10 o'clock , t
which frlemln of the family arc Invited
Interment private.
PIA'NN Mrs. Mapslev aged 41 years nnd
months. Funeral Saturday morning
April 23rd. nt 9:39.a. : m. , from family resl
denco. ' 1DOS North ISth st. to Holy Pamll
church. 18th nndllzard sts. Intermen
Holy Scpulcher cemetery.
Highest Honors , World's Pair
Gold MedaJ , Midwinter Fair
nnd Children' * I'nrnnoU , lion-
Icrr. W dcTTv'rlliitterlek 1'nttern * .
V.'o haVe an exclusive line of high class
French styles In ladles' paranoia , from $1.50
to $15.00 Including all silk heavily trimmed
with chiffon or silk veiling plaid silk para
sols fine taffetas Iloman stripe borders
two-toned parasols at the lowtat prices.
ISr. 3 for 50c , for ladles' 25c fast black
licse high spliced heel and toe ; double sole ,
full regular made extra flno gauge only
18c ; 3 for 50c.
25c ladles' regular 35c grade fast blacker
or tan ; aim fancy boot pattern ; double solo
heel and toe. These are genuine values , Bat-
urday , only 25o rilr.
39o We .have placed on an counter for
Saturday a beautiful line of ladles' hose In
drop stitch black or tan llslo thread reg
ular SOc stock fast colors Saturday , only
39c pair.
Plaited silk , EOc Ladles' fast black plaited
sk ! hose , double sole , heel and toe regular
66d quallty-rSaturday , only SOc pair.
15c Misses' and boys' fast black cotton-
ribbed hose , double knee and foot all sizes , C
to 10 only IGc.
At 2Gc iMIsses * very fine quality ribbed
hcac > . black or tan , Hermsdorf dye double
knco and feet size , 5 to 9 cnly 25c pair.
12Hc Ladles' rlchcllcu ribbed vests , nicely
trlmraoJ ; extra value ; low neck , sleeveless
whlto or ecru Saturday , 1214c each.
At 25c Wo have a complete line of ladles'
lisle vests at 25c ; regular 35c stock high
neck , long or short sleeves , low neck , sleeve-
Icfs or short sleeves silk trimmed knee
pants to match ecru or white only 25c each.
Ladles' combination suits , high neck , long
or short sleeves low. neck , sleeveless , ankle
or knco length ; all finished seams white or
ocrue special bargain Saturday , 50c suit.
Boys' balbrlggan underwear high neck ,
lonr or short sleeves , shirts , ankle or knco
length drawers best finish all sizes , 24 to
34 Saturday , only 26c each.
Corner Farnam and Fifteenth. .
Colorado , L't li , California
Benched quickest via
Ity ticketoffice , , No. 1302 Farnam street.
New At Scofields
Belts COc anil better.
Tics 25c ntid bettor.
Silk Boas $1.50 and $3.00.
Collars lOc big variety.
CulTs 15e popular shapes
day Shirt Waists-SOc and bet
Silk Waists all now.
Suits Jackets - Capes.
Dress Skirts $2.98 and
Petticoats sateen silk.
Look Wrapper Sale
at5Cc 75c and $1.00.
1510 Douglas Struct.
You may have a course of medical
treatment for
of all kinds at the
jShepard Medical Institute |
New York Life Bldg. , Omaha , Neb.
CDCPI A I Tl CQ. Catarrh , Deaf-
Of tl IAL I I to- ness and all -
Diseases of the Lungs , Stomach ,
Kidneys , Nerves and Hlood. liefer-
cnce , ' by permission , to D.MK ) cured c
patients. The largest medical otllces
_ and practice In the west. The Omaha
Uce , loading dally , says : "Tho Shepard -
ard Medical Institute Is entirely rella-
bio In 'a professional and business
way. Dr. Sheparcl mid his associates "
have sained nnd fully maintained a
leading- reputation In the treatment A
of chronic diseases. The public may
safely trust them. "
\/WQITC / For testimonials from
VV n I It ministers , teachers , busi
ness men , farmers , etc. , telling how
they were cured at homo through the
Mail System.
Qnni"Tho New Treatment ;
DUUtX How It Cures , " Is sent free
to till who write. It Is a clean medical
work for the ivhole family to read
and Is of great value to all who seek
better health. Hook nnd Consultation
Blanks sent free to all Inquirers.
Medicines sent everywhere. State
your cose and send for opinion and
lowest terms. Charges low. Con-
tatlon frco , personally or by letter.
Hi Ttii'UIKT. . *
See our
Reliable and
Quick Meal
Gasoline ! Oil Stoves
Safest , Simplest and Host.
A Good 2-Burner
1898 Gasoline Stove S2.QO
The Alaska , Yukon
and Chilkoot.
Made of hardwood 8 walls to
preserve the ice moveable
Hues and drain pipe perfect
circulation pure dry cold air
The finest line in the city
and our prices are the lowest.
All sizes and styles from $4.75
14th and Farnam Sts.
Bco 4-23-'OJ
Our advertisement of yesterday mndo it appear that
the prices on the special suits now on sale were $9.00
and $12.00 a suit. This was a mistake. The prices
are nine dollars for the Backs and eleven dollars for
the frocks. The frook suits are diflorout from the
sacks and better quality that's why they are two dollars
lars higher. There are three different lots and thrcu
different patterns and only 300 suits in all. If you
are fortunate enough to got one of these special suits
you will have cause to thank The Nebraska for saving
you a good dollars and for
many giving you as good a
suit as you usually buy for fifteen dollars or more ?
Remember that the suits are made from a fine quality
of pure worsted woven by the Globe woolen Mills and
are made up by the same firm who make our very finest
suits. They are new , styligh elegant patterns in
1 fancy pin check and invisible ovorplaid effects and your
' friends can't tell them from a good many twenty dollar
suits that are being sold around town. You will find
them on sale all day today.
UFDIftlTFD Nothing so Invigorating
If you are tired or ncr-
CEI Cll T vans-nothing- good
wCH wNb I for skin troubles ns u
bath In which has been
dissolved some MEDICATED SKA SALT
we sell a 10 Ib sack for 2oc Helow flnd our
CASH P1UCES for drugs-
Hire's Hoot llecr ] 4e
. '
I.orliiK'H Inhnler ? uc
Thompson's Cherry Pliocplinte ] 4o
Pyramid Pile Cure sic
Stuart's Dyrpcpila Taliletfl 322
Palne'a Celery Compound ( So
Hood's Bnrsnpnrlll.i Me
Mennen's Tulcurn Powder He
Plerce's Fnvorlte Prescription f2c
Chlehcstcr's Pennyroyal P11U (1.49
Miles' Preparations 7le
Klectrlc Hitters - . 3)0
Malted Milk 3Se. 75 ? ; ? 3. < X >
Duffy Malt WhltUy Mo
Dlrney'B Cntnrrh Powder 35c
nnllentlne'a Heine.lies . 14c
Laxative Ilromo Quinine lie
Acer's Cherry Pectoral 7. > c
Tnrrnnt'a Hclzcr Aperient T.'c
. ' . .
l.imbcrt's I.lsterlne 6.V ;
Mme. Yale's llnlr Tonic COc
Sherman &McGonnell DrugCo.
Cheaper -Than Ever-
Always leaders it style ,
duribility and easy run
ning qualities
1898 Models
G. & J. Tires on all Ramblers
$45.00 BUYS AN 1897 MODEL
The Rambler
Bicycle Store
JOB So. 15th St.
Opposite Old Pobtolllco.
We Furnish the Exposition With
nnil Di'C'oriitlonN. Why .Vot You7
Alfgrs. of Tents , Awnings
and Plugs . . . 1311 Farna in St
. . .
Base Ball
Today 3:30 : p. m.
25th and Ames Avc.
Ladies' Day Every Friday.
O. n. VMWihvurd , Amust'iiu-nt Director
Today , ai1.-ToiilKlit , NtOO.
I'rcicntliia :
Uus" '
Sunday "MOTHS. "
Maude S | > fclnltlc Mclntjrc. .le * lo Coutlioul , the Sa Van * .
S. K. Cor. Kith and Davenport SI * .
\Vcek of April ISth : Ida Donnctln. serio
comic ; Norrls & King , ladles' sketch team :
Habe Livingston , dancer ; Glllllmn &
Dclmore , champion cake walkr'is ; Jlay Cam
eron , pleasing HuubreUo : lleeson & LaUean"
up-to-date performers ; Krr. Slmoncon , rings
the bell. Jlatlneei Tuesdays , Thursdays
and Saturday each wwk.
13th and Douglas Sts. , Omaha.
J. E. MAUICKI , .t SO.V , Prt > i .
ll.VTHS Vl.BO AM > ljUi.00 PKIl OAY ,
Electric cars direct to exposition grounds.
FIIANK BAllKUIt. Cn.hler
SAM IIAUMAN" . Cnlcf Clerk.
13W Douglas.
I'I no KiiriilNhril KUOIIIN.
Private Disease ?
n > uki < Ml Ubtrdtr < ifs
80 Yrara Experience.
10 Years in Omahn.
Book Free , Onneulta *
tlonFrea. BoxTC4o |
14th and Farnam Eti ,
C-'ures FnclnJ niemlib
WOODBURY 127 W. 4nd Street ,
New York.
AVIilc-h Hlilc Mill lire tlio llrxt Kiuif
MatttTH Illllc iiluiiK Hie l\rnt \ , It In
flit : litNt ifiui tlutt uoiuilH. llavniiii T > III
STRATEGY lie liilifii from the r nr , wlifii Hii' I'liK-
llt iriiiiM nre iiuwt-rlt-Mn to rc | iiiinl
IN HAVANA llrtWo iT er n hull at jiopriii-n
< hnt Uiii-lo Sinn T lll HHtc lltlle i n ' -
1 T In lliivniia liiirlinr.
HARBOR - "lie nu-n-niHIle
Strn < r 0In r ,
ImUlfN rt > iiilrt > ki > forcMlBht. Mlle * -
lle KIIIIM will lH ro > - lilK KUHM , If
Havana .
To liiinillc nil nrtlole rif nicroliniiillii *
Will BeTaken ( lint t IH ri-ndt-r Horvloe lo tin' con-
11 u in r r , rouulroii fortNlKht.Vt nl -
Taken MiiliitclliiNiire the Kooil iv Mir of
* | IOCH hy ri > | ilnclnir olil hurt OIU-H for
From the Kooil iiiuOUCH. . ll > - tlint n-c ilfHtroy
the lil if KUHM , ivKU hut little' iiuiiuu-
Rear. nltlon.
Ami you don't i ny n iiremliliu for
the Kunruiitee either. Wf Nell HI < IC- ,
likely eheiiper thnu the nliii-Joli | kind
The Battle handled In the iimjiirlly of Mtoreii.
You nlrendknoiv uhout our nil-
Will Be
leather HhoeN , iniide In nil HtyleM nnrt
and toeii lit ! ) . " . . 3lont of ) ii nlmi teted
Short Telling
! roiiKh Meiir , our fl.U5 line. IIMV
ninny of you reiniirked thut It IN the
Niiiue. other iilueeM Kft up to fU.UU
Our Spring for.And
And there IN our eelehrnted fl.ISO
Catalogue hoe of tun , ehoeolnte , eolTee , or
lilnek of either Nt > le ou new toe lu
Tells All voKiie.
if 1. 75.d < > Thr Gooilieur tvelt nil
About Strategy cii If nt % - . - ' ' _ The Ijt no line or liuiid
Belted tii:73 | , ipi. : o , ,
IN SHOE nnd . -
Olit lietler eonie In nnd let UN NIOTV
SELLING. you the Kiiodn. I'rleeN lu print , don't
. make vulni'K.