Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 23, 1898, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE OXAHA T > AILT MER 8ATTJXDAT , AMU , 23 , 1898.
Hayden Bros' begin Saturday , one of the greatest sales in point of valueever , at empted. Big spot cash purchases of Clothing , Cloaks and Suits , and
Furnishing Goods , enable "The Greatest of the Trans-Mississippi Stores" to givents patrons the very newest and most ff-shionable goods at fully 13 less than pre
vailing prices. Visit the great millinery department to keep in touch with the latest fashions. ( ! * * t t ms . ) Read Saturday Special Sale Prices.
There is no limit to the j
Clothing guarantee we give you
on the clothing we sell
" " A you. Every suit in the house i ? '
I J TllI- marked in plain figures. We do a
* * * J/ * " * STRICTLY one price business and
that price you will find the lowest |
between the two oceans. We not only carry the largest - i
est line of clothing in the west , but we also carry the' '
greatest variety of styles to select from. \
At . .
Ptantlal cult flt t wear w tbe larjc-t tine f PCRE
WORSTED > alt rrer e-3 IB
tvf hare them In
boy * yo lam. Urn * and ml t ami ra
II TT O | lt. Tbe be t e er fit anr
4d mt tbat price. r ibTw * tbe b t e KMl tt
, nd nicest ort-
be-t tailored
. % t * _ * and * Twe BOW
mnt of patterm to be fo n4
TVQ over SO different tj-Ie of | n j cltyv (
e " I ere , eberlot * a l fmJvey j S lioo palm f n Re lnz
war-xteil. ererj- thread Ttool. | jpa. > t t U7i-
In Boys' Long Pants Suits e show every
etyle on the market. We sell you a good strong suit' '
at § 2.75. In better goods , according to quality , Ts-e' '
have at $3.25 , $3.75 , $3-95. $4.50 , $5 , $6.50 ,
and up. At these prices you have almost an endless
line to select from. \
We are the Pioneers of Low Prices ini
Children's Clothing. We blazed the pathway and
the enormous sales in this department prove that the ]
mothers of this entire community trod well that way.
We commence at 95c a suit and go on at $1 25 ,
$1.35 , $1.50 , $1.75 , $1.95 , $2.25 , $2.50 ,
$2.75 and $3.95 buys you one of the best suits
you ever bought at that price.
Extra Value in Men's Furnishings
fine c4or d Siir s. with laosd red collars ami cuZ . . . .
tTaiasxhJtr ! Ss ts. with rMnforrrf bacJt asd treat , -worth. jc ac. Sc
af-n * Oo sr-d Shirts , of a2 tads worts = p t IL at 3 c
The oo t coznpw'te las of men's shirts ia Om i-i. all > ! * newest Tiatteraa
" are siowa brs.
ea si.-n s 2se sEka252 has.dlwr'-iu = fi. worii Cr > c at , , . . . . - - , - -c
btak. . brawa and fancy striped Ha6 * . 3 pairs for . . _ _ „ . . Sc
_ lee Ss5 > sders. * rth fSc at . . . - . . . . . . . .H--c
Bten's worldnr Satrts to dark asd Hit caters at
styles asd pa * erss at . . . . - , . . . . . . . . „ . „ .
Ladies' and Children's
Hosiery and Underwear
asd ton s * = : > * iew at i pairs for -
blacic as < ! as aa i at
ie Hose , d-ubi * se i JLsA tea ar-i ksea Is aH liscrs. 3
ts. norta lOc at , . . . . . . . . - _ . . 6c
5J ve > s Vesis.worth i e at - . . . . . . . - . „ . „ - . . . . . . . . . „ „ . . . ! < > ;
Sbort Sa - FVVe a. troni Sc , at . . _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ --IT-e
IA. ie Tsr ad Vasts , irorti < c. at . „ „ „ . . . _ _ . . . . „ . _ . . . . . . fie
Calorwl 5Uc V. a. w rti JL l at - „ . - Kte
F5 = Bcyp iin Cottrn Pasts , at - _ _ . . . . „ - . „ „ - rV :
5 = 3ni = er Cor ; > ts. wurth 30c. at . „ „ _ .
Ladiea" Sas2E = r Corsets , -worts. jc. at
OorsetJwortii H-Oa. a.t - - > - . - 35c
Men's Felt Hats
A. yrnto. sai ? ior Sararday cs Cse felt Hats at 4V , TSc. SSc , SLfC. C.4S isd
J1.35"r4civ Hat cairastetJwoni twice lie -noney-
N - M > re in Ocsaia cas loaejj tisseratacs. . Too caa Ssd tie Ttry se
ttjiea Is fas a-fl soft hats hers at wcodtrfsl eartssia poors.
Mscicos Let Loose n tie
Cnaia PsSBc.
Held 1 tie Baji < iet BOOM
I tbe
f Iatrrr t f r All
Probably ti * siost laeceaefal , certalsly the
aasC esjcyabla enaaseseesaest pies by tie
Osuuha Medical college was tiat of last eves-
isg. when t aty-ireii sjenobers cf tie ciasa
cf "SS were daly craiaated. Tie cosssiezce-
= ent was the aaspiciosai SOCKS * that U was
beoinse it wa * contacted ata-g Hsea ea-
tto-dy different fros those heretofore fol
lowed. The occasion was sot tie stereotyped
of nanerona addreaea fci a stafjy i
bat was a bamcaet siTea to tie l
apdaates by tie facaity asd tie alasisl of
tha college at tie Osvaba des.
Tie exercises were he-Id Is tie rasfrset
room of tia claX wtici was appropriately
decorated. Tie colors oi tha cc41e5E. parple
aad yellow , were sees ia tie ftowera , ia tie j
Tisixjcs , aa tie saes i cards asd Is tie IMS.
Over sertcty basqaeters were seated aboat j
tw0 Joss tabltJt. while Is- tie adjolsisg li
brary as orchestra diecon ed tso .ic-
Tie gradsatian exenses were brief. Har
old GiZord , 1L. IX. deas of the faralty , siade
latrodartory address , la tie r e cf
his resrark * he- told the ae-w doctors to e = -
deavor to sire tieir sy = iatiet5c ttiestJos ta
tie d of tieir patients , ta esdeavcr ta
ester jcta fall sjspathy with tieir casditian ,
ta a-roid coeAeasatloa ot beiss sardeatrd
asd ta onil tie di of a2 extraseous
caijecu la tie -su-k roosi or optratiss rocss.
The degrees ire cosferred by J. E. Saa-
jners , Jr M. DL , presidest of the board of
trastees. after which tie djptosssa were i
pased ta the gradaatea. Is tie presecta- ;
tioc of prires Harry B. L * Mere receiTed as i
operatia ? case of tarsical isatrasies-js far '
hartss obtaed the ii5n t stasdiag is the '
- i eaasdiatuoa. Hocarary sieatioa waa
grrea ta W J Packe-tos , "Erzttt JL. Wey- ]
asd Syros L. PasipeL Tie -osdta-- I '
eraiiiat * prize WMJ a pocket case , sires to
Frracs J. Ciah for the best aaatanh-il wark. i
Tlw list of gridaate * faiow ! Stsort Av ry
Caa befl. XeOie Laura Clark. Liboie L.
Fitch. ' W. Frask. H rry AJlred Fsllas ,
H&s89aa GClesple , Jess B. Joyce , Eabert * i
C Ksode. Harry Bisett L < Mere. Jets '
Staart LjTisjstca , Dana B , MrViVn. Hea-
bes a Mnilisa. REsseQ Joss Jtirdock. Flor-
e w XeaL X B. By-as Le Pasjpti. Frieda
tVaia PhLlip * . W. J. Piskertoa. Elmer Ray
Psrter George F. Pass , Harry Seyssoar
SditX Lee Bradley Vas. Casip. Ersest A- I
.Jrei vreyTnr.rlVr- Erertso. 'B'rissi. Carl
A. AcdersoQ , D Tid J SciltX C H. Boas.
George S. Betta.
After the da-cssios. of a disser of tna 1
ccsrrnes. IBG Ssri as tau'safeter rapped !
dace-d H. a. Lowry. X. DL , j
tcr the laundry gives tmiTersal I
Suits Capes Waists ibbotl Sale Saturday. j
SUITS A tr- = < . . seal D afl
Hke. Si = bteasefroca. . e = e aa tnaJs. e-ice zy fneis. e = e bean Saturday we will sell "Ribbons worth from oc to
. wwrid be
's. J ekeU all sJk : iseii : resaJir pricrs
We will niark : fc * = at lei taaa ioK prices. 51.75 j > er yard for | c to sl.OO.
maaafacrarer's price. tt fr- tsar pnc * Satartoy
* 3.ta &M3 actsrrr prtce. Jl - ; cnr price 5 < tar4ay. . . - . . . - - W-W Grand Fancy Sale
raJf. rforsils ? CTtrtwos. is bHrk. airy. a. iB tie teodfcs ei-des "
of tie seasaa sws-afarmrtr'e prt-e. JS : Ssteriay's prfce here 12J * Saturday all lea ana Xo.ncy
; Goods co at 75c , worth § 1.50.
ikt , la Slack aal ur. awl series ; siiker" *
csr price . - Grand Book Sale :
Saturday's Special Sale on Quo Vadis only i:3c. :
Jackets and Capes lurat Halstead's great book on Cuba on sale.
Loiies * ii rflk 5r asateriil oclT at * 100 elegant engraved Visiting Cards only $1.00 ,
se tilk capes , pteatei with plate
i k ct5a , pieitftl MtW. Jettrf. sB orer. cSk Used , Chicago Eecord Cook Book 59c.
c-eti r ribi B iad lar . irsrti IT 9 at . -
lies' capes , eslr * S = e ( TI KT or eOk. neiJr sific Si. . etaionl-elr trtauairf.
wcrti JS-60. at . - . a- * > Grand Handkerchief Sale.
Special Waist Bargains lOc , 15c and 25c Handkerchiefs only 5c each.
aH lie =
ci- . Ladies" Linen Collars oc.
wartb S3S , * t . . - - . . -
hirtaraists. . ti * rte&tsst setectlKi of paiterza jwi erer ei " . tees Furniture
M ee > zt Ira = . at . -
Ladles' Mark sateea = dntorti. it . .
La .lai' Trappera. is flark eoters. at . . . . - .
Exquisite Millinery on Special Sale Saturday * . liS S 5s
Asieeiat Ma oJ trtersed caflors. pisasisa , sbipt. ett , la s *
TarielT. et a3 prices Jra = i 45e ts . 5W J * Jlire * = E di. asd tie price rasz s
Hasireda J rewest stj > nctm = el ta.t We a = i = p.srorti trsci . e sp. raca. Ki.00 4 sr = to SiS. NOT aboat tsis b l we ba-re > ti t r rnr "I
A great ! Ie o = ciildrtc'i I seT SelcraTe bits at I5c ; latest his tenF , i car load C3) of cansbds uHex ares - : tooc tiey iave
A pnrfoston cfaosrers fa ill Tte aprrsTed * bidjs ard aateraJs. Fresci TiaetJ fcx * posss. ai S ! e TT brxw k3-bs. b-iasr aw
5c bosei. Knees 15e SwstS , tbe prtce Is Ci * TSSs to tia- first -j- * . that a size ieiry ) TM bid ! ? 3
On-1 for CJL We have
Ti tielieet creitioia is trfcirsei tats fra Paris rJHtosrs asJ ti < creit 5 beds at tM pnee we ara > ,
six styles of QBfeMier R.o ki
s at < rs. is oak and maiocasy ssfoi , at C. &
J-ro&es oT tie -east are c = iasplaj b re. Cae a ! tie laal s ParliUc ateo oak case art Rocker at H-OO aai e - aijo r f > > . c.
patters hats , worth K3-09 la U8 00. os taie. trsa Rock.r case seat. CJg _
Sitariar t Jt5 , JS ( VH 17 j as 1 UM. . hosdrel * of " Becker. SUGL
hate t JL35. S. i5B tsA .e9. * iave seecrsd ie. . sjrescy.f-r Rf i Cedar EsceJiter. " aaj wi-s
d ta stiaw JBC erery st : -srtater r otfcia ? yxi wt3rf tt better ti&a rani 1 aDs. Ce-iar !
i sr-t tJu * C dar ExreteSor freer : aa at He "a baa aad roa r - : at tt asA r carl -
Leading Dress Goods IIoas of th ; Wet l pets g. a r.orur ctocsicz. asd It iS be far better tvi anytime eiie Is tils
I A .Sew barsais * far Satariay 380 pieces cfrarrted ssreMes. worth
Hotel Furniture.
300 pieces ofill waol Frrseh serre. aH coters sd ila k _ i-arti 43c Iroo Beds ;
roe pieces of Hesrietla. aH esade. asd tebik. . at e . . - „ . . . „ . _ - Sic :
AJI ooi caT-rts. + 4 iscieii. iiki at Jl00 , cr I
Fresci etrsrens. sold at JU13. far _ , [
30 pieces of wooi rorritis tiat told at fraa vSc ta T5c. far Satarday osJy. Tab. * . T4i JUK )
Sic. Ccly ese patters to a ccstosjer. LfcCiair .
Priestley' * bls k coeds , ssld at flM. JL13 asd JLS. for Saturday ocly. . . Sc Hj > cker _ . j
Ocly or * patlera ta a c
Grand Carpet and Matting Sale.
! Saturday in Silk Department On Sale
TT a frets the I > ksas fire of L
j i c E ht weirit sCta. Is Beti caicra carpets ie Tsicsast tar = las
1 twa-tos-ed tiidisss tnr-seis. WBtoca. * tc. l
LINING SILKS Is - - r r Ir Prices Jee ttaa -rI-
I yisarri biack sBts , eiceCest Tialiry . . . . . . ceodi. Too = aj- uatic.-d tie thoomads of bale * f sia't
13 pteCt * piiis aiatk , 14 iscica. J-ipasese wah rift tH * strtvrt = traa < . The fact is nr. roocn ror th- = .
, Helia . - rr bacrat at j. ray dairs price 2rrpot cast aad tt "Bx-
, ilLK TAFFETAS. Is barst 3ra3tr cerise rcarlet. , creea. ia
re th-i"i nisd "how
thr rraaa
open ? ir Bee
1 wtte. at . . . . . . . . . .
See tie sew stripes , checks rc.d plaids Jast rece.Ted.
of I.rrcals. who responded ta tis tscst. Tiff
Dartar. " He related zaay aszasis ? is- '
edtcts of tie proteasics. bit sS. tie judges.
tie lawyers asd tie aerspaper sws zi gaoi ,
fashion , asd 3-sft tsr T - . - withost waii- '
iss ta tear the reiUs * . i
Erry B. Le Mere. M. IX. responded to i
tie tcast. The Gradsates of 1SSS. " He j
eaid ie was proad of tie dais becasse It |
was tie last of the classes that had taken |
tie three-year coarse is the eoaege. asd
becaaee Its sresibers haS staistaised * tigi
a-r-rage throashoct their periad of Isstrac-
tico. He1 that pride Jc ose's3 gjraj
JastiiaHe coaiisg isisiediatEly after lore of
4i = a rrtaTer asd lore of eoastry. AHadias ,
to tie lartrr he read * H * > y letter frosi r
CoTeraor Eilcosib. It wa * is response ta '
as ofer os- tie part of tie graduates ta j I
eatsr tie sj-cicai deparm-nt of tiearsiy j 1
asd sary. rf their aerrtces were seeded Is I I
the isipecdxi war. The garersar acksowij j \
edgBd tie cTer of To3oste rs , asd war = Iy >
eiM ! atTiiiyfj tie gr .dadtes cs tieir patriotic - 1 |
otic cirit.
George H. Bicksell , M. H , vapoke os Oar
Alarm Prraest asd Ahsest. ' * He cess d-
ere- ! tie iZirs'l as ciadres of ie * i *
T7-arr asd dlscipka of > tte faralty He said
the work et tie gradaatu had prsred that
the Osoaia Medical college IMS a prazJ iil
isstitaticc , zed called attestioa to tie ii = s
rask * o = e cf its ajsrisi had takes. As the
aldeat grad-aate haj teea bat s xttes years ,
"of expenesce. as * siore thas hall of the ,
grajraiites hod practiced l asftta h.ilf ;
assiber of years , ie tiocsht tie
the t ? - * were TH waa good ,
Prof. F. JC. Corrie cf Brckea Bowt N ,
a s > cst feUcitoca rtply ta tie toast , I
which was tera ; * ! a book wilci
dcc't read , * * He d ared
that asy ecsdy tiat tended ta sike a sias
broad znsded , to develop a si of ealtsr
asd reasKs-est wa good tor a dactar was
? 3od fcr * sy r- * . He said a coHega elc-
catioa was a antt desirable fonsdatios for
* siedical stadesc. He bsliered it t be 1s-
pcseib ! to add too craci to tie coJcare aa-i
rtfcesscnt of. the practicisg physicians , asd
h * wodd iseat cs a liberal focsdatiaa far
-lie tecssical stady of aH siedical ocadeca
His resiarks w-r rreeired with cossUerabJe
itrw of acyrobatios ,
TiSDK eioiroesl reI o e ta asy iaazt
of the eresiag was that cf Jadge W. T5T.
Keysor os "Trati. " He said * * * * it iad i
bees intisiated T1 ? tie toast sad bees
hisi beca3 e tie iar vis : rpposed ta be i
sjost firriHtr irtti tr = tX asJ ie ToaJd reply ;
by ssggegM" ; tht the piyiiciasj needed tie
trath abjct as = cci a * asy 'eliss. Tie ! '
speaker esiphisised tie sesd of trsth is tie j ;
prof essiass asd deprecated its lack a ssa ; i i
the people of today. He said as ie heard 1
day after day stec soles ily s-retr to tiisss !
directly opposite , both sides of vfci ! cocid )
oat poMibly be trse. ietrss pros * to be-i ;
Here there na sa trstS asioss tie siea of i
today. He * aid clie = tweaid deeelre their
U'lTrers aivl ties liaise the iaars < ywies
tie trath fine aat Is the cccrt. Tie ptast
-roaid esdearor to hide tie secret cxase. of j
kjj aassest frosi his physician s3 ti s d-
sscsce hisi far sot cans ? 'M-i. He saod
i trati was too rsaci a rirtse which people
! respected ; but did set practice. He added
that trath was cot ta be ecocasoized. Tier ?
! a tao = ci ef that , sacae ses beiss so
ecxraosucalwiti it * ? they do sst cse it
Irosi oce TeeV * = 4 la aaoiier He be-
liered is Its freqoest. persutest a e. - < 1
tir ; the ninwho cosst ± stly zird sse of it
jccld * cslere the creates ! seasare cf sac-
c ss. He arrrt the doctars. sitssilss sa
isach with tie jrahiic tiat tieir pa-srer fcr
coad is great , to ip nj > bnOd a sptnt of j I
trath for trati's fcite asioccst all p cie. '
la cendnsios is warsily cassratclate-d the
f acaity. tie gradsates asd tie calleffe epos
the as ic 5cs beeissic ; of a se-v order of
Is i.htlrc ta tie srilaate * the faltowiss
a sber of tie a = aty w-ere preset : Dn.
fxsn. Sascaerx G12ari Ercwa. MeClica-
has. BrvJKEi. XlUcao. 'Vr as. Moore. Mr-
Cra * , Cvrtj. Brows , Owes , Chrijue. Daria.
Ctsse. G& * . LTt d - aad Traysor.
Ti * faaaaiSit * Ja = si of th * O = ai * Med-
itl coSeee w < re also prewst. Drs. Talbat
ci Brokes 3aw. NtA. . F E. Beai of Spris-
= d. NVti T P Ltnc srm of P3aru = y ats.
G , Mosrtdffe cf Gleawoud. Ia _ X B.
ot Osrkvzs Xtt. , 51 J. C Sward
of Oak LBd. X a , MaBis * of Brckes Bo
Nea , H. B. Arsistrss * of Papffljos , NeJ >
H. C Ch Tsieoses of CoascS B7sZs.
J. Baker of C"s = ijcs , Nea. Ji ry
of Coasefl BlsSs. la . W H. Hastetter
Swoboda , IfcsseB. RHobiSi&as , Gilbert ,
Swassas and Ireland of this city asd Pat-j
p -n of Cousdl BtaSs.
At a neetiss of tie atassi of tie Oraaha
Medical coBece. prior to tie bastjaet. ti *
faOowisg etZeen , were eacses for tie es-
ssis g rear- Harry B. Le Mere , presid
P.-TSS E. Wrisht. Tice- president ; Dr. Tis.
tresaarer , asd Dr. Mo ndee. secretary.
A Good Xeuielne.
It wiH cot be a rsrprise ta asy who are at
iH lasiifcar witi tie coed qualities of Ciass-
beriais's Caagi ae = edy. ta ksar tiat people
ererywi-re taM ? l tsar is relat-sg tieir
experience ta tie use of tiat splendid = e3-
cise esd teitas of tie be = 3t they har * re-
ecired fro = r tt. of i CO"13 nas e ei. a"
tireatese-i attacks of psecstasa. Jt has
arertad tad cf * * ci2ir it ta * sareJ rroa
attack * of croap asd wioopass cseifc. It ia
t jrscd. saod sedicise asd h a siariled a3
tie praje U bas receired.
RpMilTf to Coiai = ia < wate tie TVntt
A wel-atteaded ! iseetlsg of tie South Side
taprorenect cJaS was ield last si t ta ex-
pr-ss is ssse sisser its appreestios of tie
extK = sias about to be pat ia operatios ca tie
Socti Tenth street -ear lise. It waa deter-
j stised ta ceSeirale iha occaiioa witi a tnl-
le - party cf coasvierail * croportiosa. so
tiat Souti Side csiiess = isht esjoy to-
' cHier thir first ride orec the raote. Til
exte = loa will reach to Testi asd Bancroft
1 su-eeta. asd Its a = craires : st wa larrely dae
ta tie effaru of tie clnb. Tie epesiss will
occar is abost -wek. . Tie co-rrirtee ap
pointed ta arrasffe for tie celebration con
sists of Dr. "W H. Baschett asd Mesan.
Scait. Zeflers asi Cnrsiss ,
Tie extension w21 sake passesgers aisast
ta tie gate of Sirer-view park , asd arrasB-
= ests have b en siade to prcride for the
park's expected Iscrease is popularly dar-
is ? the rosisjer. It ! s parposai to erect ,
a large arch at tie * * ' * entrance , wiich wSl
be removed ta. Testh i-nl Vaney streets asd
tn atatioa tie cages of asisiaJs is till vl-
ds3ty Tiis eoDectiaa sow ocssisis o nore
t'n-n 109 birds * ' ! beasti , sozie of tiesi
i = eEib 5 of rare species. A recest tcrasu-
noa is two btTaloes. wi eh were preated to
the Soath Side tapraresiest elai by Colasel
WiEiasa F- Cody
A coasJtlee was appoistrf ta cosier with
the Cfcsaia Street Railway casspasy tn the
esd of hiTiss the rails a EJereath stree-t.
fraa Periic ta Center. rKserei as it Is de-
sired to cos-vert thi * street ista a
Part teres cf The See's traTei series is
os Caha asd tie wrfck of th * Iture. Sii-
tes piCtsrES , isdcdnz arraal pictare of
lie wreck , irren at work os the wreck , tie
ofScera of iis bosrd of laxjairy , Morra
c&stleisd Harass. E ady at Tie Ba * < rf-
Sce Ctaaia , S < joti Qrn asd CaaseC
Test cests etch.
OP :
vn&andrTy Cnrc < ln a Two
t > mr ' P1m nt < > aluo.
Ti srasd cssrsiasdery of tie Ksigits
Tenplar cf Xeanska has bees rs sessios ia
Os ai * far two days. Tie first sieetis ? was
Tiarsday aftersoos at 4 o'clock la tie
c le = . e aad was is ciarre of Grasd
C = snasder W tsu = r at Hisasga asd Depety
Grisd Castsiasder WiBtasa of Tork. Os
TS-arsday siffit a Lis at-t wz * dvea by tie
Mocst Calrary co = sajidery. at which tie
crder of Malta was caaf frrftd is fall Qaate
as < iaiorate baronet waj serrea , a rasiber
of toasts were nsposdsd tn isd a tiorocsily
peed thnc wis ararded the Tiitass Masoss.
Ti * elerSoa , of sf2cers took place yester
day iai Depcty Gras4 Coes s < ler WUliasis
waa adra ced to tie oSfc of grasd cosi-
msder isd Captaa Gtseral Lisisjer of
Orr.i i win be tic depary grasd corrsasder
far tie esssisc T ir.
Tie cjae tias of Te = pard i atji * zpoai-
noa wa c3csM fe-d isd referred ta tis ccsa-
isasder asJ ill ctiff.
Tiirty-2T years stake a
5e how Inag Aialpi Fiaier cf ZiSocrine. a
ras > red fro = pliea. He wa cared ty etc ;
tirt bares cf EeTlrTs Wltci Hazel
5 sEt IHE SS a rrca = atuc i rzs zcrir
i ths Pact.
tie Onlr One oa the So
-dnl AevrraJ Sltip *
Thirty Daj to
Get Oat.
TTASHINrjTON , Apia Si. Tie
prodasiatim assouscisg a bJockaie of Cabas
ports -was ies-aed taday.
'Whereas. 3y a Joist resoistioc passed by
tie censr-M asd approved AprS 3. 123S. ar.d
eomiamslcated to tie jm < rraseat of Spals.
' Jt was demaardgd dat said e-oremnjent at
i asce relinquish its antiority aad povern-
si st in tk * Inland ef Oaba. asd withdraw
its .and and naval force * from Cuba ssd
| CcbiS. watfcrs. as8 tbe president of tie-
I rafted States was directed and esapowered
taoff the entire land and saral forces at
1 tse United States , asd to caH ista the acrsal
Sf-rrtce of tie Tslrtsd States the - * * * - or
tie severa. irate * ta sees * xttst as mislil
' be secesiiry to carry said resoianoc Isto
tSectasd. .
Wn reas. Is carryins ista effect said reso-
I tetSon the president of tie United States
' deems it cer-wyary to set cs foot a block
ade of tse north caast of Cuba , isetodss ?
! aj ports of * aid coejt betwe-es Cardenas
. and Bai ia Hocda. asd the port of Otsrue-
g-os , on tie soati < rsast of Cab * .
Now. therefore. L WiTiani 3 cS2nler.
president of tie United Sratea , fcj crd < r to
enforce the said resoiatioa , do a-ereby de
clare and prxaalsi tsat ti * United States
of Assenea. hare mstitotd and wiH maia-
taui a blockade of ti * sorts coast of Orba ,
lacladissports os said coast betwt-ts Car
denas and Basil Hocda asd the port of
CJesrassas on tie scats coast -at Ccba.
aforesaid , ta pcrsisanee of tie laws of the
UnatTd States , and Me , aws of natlona ap-
piicabie to sacs cases. As eScfent force
wiB be posted so as to prenst tse entrance
asd exit ol v s d3 trasa the p rts - aforesaid
said , Asy neutral -yesse * approaciisg said
p < rts , or attempting to i aTe the same
withoat notice or kaowleice of tie estaJ > -
Hanent of sacs biockadwi3 be duJy
warned By the comsaacd-r of tibk > ck-
adins f rces. who win end-trs * OQ its n-gfa-
ter tie fact , asd tie dm--e of saci warsuus.
asd where suet esdrse = ert was made , aswi
i if the sasie r isU snaS arais attempt to
> enter asy bteckad 1 port , itwet bap -
I nzred aad est ta xbe searrst oocrenient
! pert far such practtdiczs acamst Jt asd Jts
* cargo as prse. as r2af be d r = ed adjua-
b-e. . , .
Nentral Tesst-ls Kis r Is asy f said ports
at tie tfcae aT tlaf g5ti ) > rnraest of saeh
Weckade wSl be alfc-T d thirty days to ispse
thrrefmni. I
In w tne-s wserKft I hare hereanto set
; ay 'aaad aad eaosod the ieal of tse Csited
! > * at tis * ciiy oi TTaJhisigtas. this * A
day of April , A. D 7 1 aad of tie Ba-
p-edtBee of the . Unjted States tie ese
scsdred and tweBT-s e > 2xi.
iScs2 ! . > TTTT.TTIVT anaxLET.
Bytse Presaieni " "
Secretary f St
Get i siap of Caaa nd gt tie best asd
oocsalete. Tia Bee's casi&isataaa sup
I of Caia. tie fTzzt Jsdtes asJ cf tie vvriA.
| "arits a Bee = ap caapas as pi = e 14 eeats.
tt Bes r ire. O = aiSD ; = ti Ostaia sr Coas-
nl BlafU. By isaiiJ cests.
Uaul a sure Tfci B-
Jasies A. M Marrls was arrested yester
day tf'.erauos , cfcargedwSZa apentay a
] m.-hiae at Focrtatli isd Docsias strt-ts
tiatwas practically a rare thieg deviee.
Ciacs Bcss&srj kaj tried his tack la rail-
is ? balls istaisacest appearics pockets
aod sad parted with ta is ais esart ta
reacsa the jeal Tie baUs were diverted
frosa tbtir cjcrse br P r which K
abtraded themselres to tie path ia
sponse ttt a prt"ssore f the operator's foot.
Aa eodtaror waj mad * ta erode tve iaw
by .JfrriBJr FTMI artUs as raterectveil
as is tie cam cf aa jrimary slat la&caKMu
Jlcilorns is charjrtd. wito acttissr cp asd
operatisg a gambasg device.
real tie aristocratic perfasis for ti * treats ,
Acncal Hop M Brilllent Social
The forti 3r.-3nl iop of tie CaJet CrZ-
-cers' cla-b of tie Gigi school was grres.
last right at the StiOard hotel asd as 07
far tie nest rarrnsfsl party erer gi es iy
tilt -dab. More thas 100 oS-eers asd ex-
ofOcers , together witi tieir best girls. Trtre
Is The estJre secord ficorof
tia sotel was gives over ta tie CKSpisy.
fci additaac ta tie orchestra -chici fairisied
tie discs sscsic is tie disisg hajj. a raas-
deUs dab piayed a tie parlors , asd re-
fresi = : ests were served dansg tie eresiag
is tha cafe. T > * d wsr iaH was artistically '
craped 13 Siigs asl bastings asd pctifd
piasts asd eat sewers added tieir in htsess
to tie actse. The tiaasi rsii of dress
asiforsis. together with tie gray of the fa-
tirae iiccses asd the bright -criers of tie ,
ladles * rr ss slide a very pretty sight.
T the cosisiitiee mafe tp or Cattails
t PL. . BaSa.tas.Loals S. TUrk asd TTyB- ,
iJaissloa. asii Liectp asts Lawresce H.
' Usderword asd Siemas Ssiith is ae is a j
1 ; large Sieaiare tie recess of tie io ? . A I
I p-ojiraa of cagitses sasibers asd stveral ,
i extras was disced. Books re fargattes
I for ti * evmsg asd ie cadets m& tieir
frisadi left th * iaS witi tie wUi tiat tie !
sext year's party will be as esJoyioJe. i
BoeLleB * * Arnica siaz-re. '
THE BEST S.\.LVE is tie world for Cata. :
. Braises. SCTES. Ulcera. Salt Eieasx Fever
Sores , Tetr CiApped H ida. CiTblaist.
Coras and all lcj : Eraptlcss ; aad potitirely
ccrrt P es , * r so pay re aed. . It is gaarj j
actred to ve perfect 4ti ? ejUoa or cscsey j
refased. Price JS cesil per bos. Far sals j
by Ksss & Co. j
Rawc-llffe Find * Hi * Horve. ]
F P Rairc lffe. S4 Sxsoti Tiirty-sfth
street , recovered a iorje fiT.P. brrgy re- !
centiy wiici had b" j stolen frara Flfteesti
an.1 Howard stre-ts a fw weeks t-so. Ti *
- < n. i was found tied is tie rear of itv *
Koostze llesKrial csarch at Sixteenth and
Earcey strerts. - - was ia a dyiss cands-
ttoc. It nad evidently ores snbj-cted to
the sscst bratsi treatssest n-,1 bore the
raarks of 5fvre blows. Oa its back was a
deep tret. wi c ffl had evidently injtir-4 tbe j
spine. Tie aiiiiTH 1 wa * appareatiy sufferj j
, Isg- the grsat st aa = 7 iirii at tie advice ,
i of a ve-terieanas was 'aot. Tbe bur ? ! " was '
I also badrydasjaftd and wtacadrryo ex- i
' tensive repairs her are tt la ready TT as * .
Tb * * to4al dasra f an3'7nsted ta CMHi No '
rtew to tie -rpetratars f tie otrase ias
Fnnr l of Mr . Blackbam ,
late Mrs. T VT. Blick-
jy her snt3s r. Urs. |
3iary H. Prtcsard , asi hr three ocs ail
arrtv * r tie Kassai City. St. J s5 > i &
I Cocari Blcfls trxm at i 49 p. r = Samiay
Itr S Ack2 > urs * weT3t t * > Ea&sas OTy a- *
% rjO met th-e a. S usday n > rs s r. Tae
ftmesal services w > n J held MomtiT at -
9. ra. at : Ji reiid-ace of W. C. BUck-
l m Ie Kr afcr PUoe. Ticre win fc * a
, skArt , sicsplc Aervice > n. tvA intem > ent wiai
( tk pfa > e in Prr poct H1H canseMry. Dr
S. Wrt-rst Butler wts ffleaate.
OB ) UL T. P. .V.
Cteaha ta3ibrs cf the
ger Agests cf Asi rica wflJ siret this
fe-c at tie TraviScs1 Mea's c 5 > ha * . 5tt- I
teesth aa4 Harny KrttJ. t rffanise Posi
A of OcuLha. This i tbe ir t peat IB ti *
vtate. "WtTlTig : caecabers a-f tfc. Trwwffla r
Pa ? ! > ersrer Areats of . sjertea ar * invite *
aad aft echer trvveiers wast is tie
Arsald i Brasia Cwery cares healaciea
I5e. c aad SSc. AH drazgVta.
The fnawssarriagie Heess s were is-
cced j-esteriiy by the eoccty Jeda-e :
Ja - > ! 'Wai-lebrfc. Ozaia , 30
Eertsjt C Scsrader. Otaaia- . - . . . . . . . . . IS
Goitef Wss3 > * rs : Bart eeoaty. X b 36
Hannah M , Daviisan. CteaJaa. a
Frank BSeic. Sauti Ossaha a
Tocy Cisar. Soaci Otsaia . . . . . . M. . . .
Fell ImtBC Thlrvt * .
J. L. CaTiahin. aa ajrricairarist frssi
Or-Jha. fe0 iota the kaa4j ( if eer-
sotariaea ealared w mes of tie Talrd
ward yesterday and was rabbetl af W5. the
wsoie f his resacreea Ldtee D as was
later arrtst.d at one of tie thieves and was
ci.tried wits larcesy frera tie persos.
| 5w * < aaval sranres. dira , aalj ' . 4t
i Qtrt ess yte reaches es sale talj-
j Qiart eas jt&er-r taMe peaches. aly
\ | Barttett years far tiiie aw. 3-ib caas. ealy.
j : Partar znateie& . * * er 9kg 12 baxe * . . . . . . . .
j itaadard lacsiry * us. 13 bars fcr : Sc
| Larse bottle pcre tottce case ? only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . s
f Two rV * fice * abte salt , osly - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A. * * . . . . . * . . . . . . , . . . * . c
i Oaai : brand catLseal. larrv paekarvs . . . . . . . . . 5e
I Oae-pvQsd ran. Tore baklsg pawHer TVs
- c : ad * Java asd Macaa rcfee . . , . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tie
par poaads large fcsHas prcaea. . .
teseh dn-ese. only
Ci * ce dairy Tmttrr at
Extra cse table tatter at l e
Ftae Crwsaery at . „ Isa
FSaert separator creasery gatariiyl at ic
Jast received S.OOO doses fancy caps aa < I saeeers. as cg th a arz Ja as * *
Ciisa . ati fraa Sc so I1.W each tesiflrraw we pot then aH oa at Me aad
ISc eses.
ILM Japasexe tea pot. with palest trainer 2Sc
m Sn ar baw . cr-aaen batter dlsies asi saocs itders S'Sc ca
Caps asd saucers f r biariisg hoase use. . . 1-c e es
l Plates . . ' 2c
Big Meat Sale Saturday.
No. 1 Snmr Cured Hams 8s
Salt Pork 4c
Pickled Tripe 4c
PickledPi- Pork 6c
Roast Beef , per pound _ He
Bologna Saiisacre . " . 4ic
Fresh Dresse < l Youiig Chickens. . . I Sc |
13 pound cans Lard 17c
5 pound cans Lard 27c
110 pound cans Lard. 53c
! Best Summer "Wurst 14c
1 At tbe TrcasniississSppi Headqserters BttDEX BROS.
i Hardware , Stoves and House Furnishings
J AI5 Day Saturday Special Sale.
ia w2Jsw dxi- baskets . . . J -
Larje f ; t kati taij , j %
Ma. J ealvaatzed wash 5 IJer \ , o
JLC ires frasse wrtager , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . j , j
Cbw aas jers , . . . , . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .f 93
i screes dean . . . _ . . . „ . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . . . _ o
I Sl l3r ? . . -
, G 2eUae arrfi. Used
C'eel ris-je S-hele. waur frast. iigi ihtte , fc
? Is. S cook stove , caod s : e . . . . 7.53
I1 lT > hjus Tacilc of all kindcsiins and > sc ,
j Cr nd Watch Sae ! This Week.
, Asvrtean S = i Tnad and Set Watrs oo
i ct yoc
I Elsia or Wi. T'wt. i TTatcs nt ei wind aad et in SLT ri-w O QQ
Gests' Gal * FHltJ Open"f waicil"warraB ! "w-- r"i3 "
_ warraB f < 3 - - yiirs. 7 Q
Ladies' aad G-sts' > .J F'Ee' Hnnttasr C > - TTatea. iirrid
t wear 13 y ars , aaElriK , or VTaJ aia wnrt . rH-roljr > ri - T Or :
EfLOO . . . . . . . I ISO
I ufiies * aad G-r. * ' oid-S d Hun--ms' Oa * * TTatcb. wana-i ed
ta wear 2 * * y arn ie E Eor Watbasi works , r : raiar r > " - f / ft T
. „ „ _ iu yo
It 12 tie istesuaa of tie t..j espials to
hare the city pre ? ct ia coed xc mppearasce j
cj posstile dcris ? tis tjmreriad with tiii :
idea is Tirr Street Cozs Jsnoaer Ecsa S2J
bees lstracd ta siake a trip aU CTtr tia
dry asd report all MsJewalis is ceei of reI I
pairs. TT-.t repcrt SB to ie sasded ta tie |
mrTrrfl tt the ceit sieeus ; isd stepi win i |
ties be takes to repair tie : * WXJJLS. A pzrt t !
ucs of tie .pemisest walks lo d oa N street I !
list f C ire rapidly gcis ; ta pieces oa - ] i
osst of dtTectiTe work a d these wEl hive
ta be r-iiid. itasy of th-e piask wilks is | |
tie heart cf tie dry are 5s a dis eroc ? csa-
ii&KL asd seed tssediite atte tlea. TriUe
tiere ara sat rafSaeat fasdj Is the street
repair fasd to pay far aE cf tie cosiest- ,
piated repairs it is thcesit tiat sa-ne ar-j I i
rirgssesta wiH be siaie st tiat the work
m oe dot * witsia the E-n few weeks. ; r
CItr Oflelal * File Don. . . I
AH of tie city rffr-.ili , cs ti * eicep- 1
ties of the siaytsr * sd Ccascflsiaa FssfsrJtk
hare filed tieir beads. Tie s&dal bosds
of these two xnspti = ss are ready ,
bat thracsi as oversisht were not
filed wiii tie halasca.
Harry dishes has in tosd
by Patrick twyi * asd WiilianJ
while 3. E. TTilcos isd Dr RUlusj Berry
are tie sareties as tie bocd cf Coc-rilrnn
B Esett cf tie First -airs. Tie srsreties cs
J. J. TTear'a bcsd ir Asra BCsaray asd
Lawrsrce Wear dry5 Clerk Carpestfr C TCJ
TV" . LSch.ei asd Joia F. SciaJH u dare-
tiea T-rf tie foUowis - eU ksows nn-ree are
es U basd of Treaiarer Broad'eH B ,
Jetter. G. W. Ti my. Jczs F Scisla , P.
3. Ca ey , J. M. Glasjsw , Cos Caai , Tie
bond cf Police Jadg Eobccck was filtd a ,
day cr rwo ago. < j
Rnmorm ;
A rasicr 5s carreat to tie effect tiat a
great strike of tie Iiboris ; s s at tie
packis ? 30S66wi33 be isiaaratd oc May
X. It a Kit ! tiat tie w trkis ses are still
sare orer their defeat is liS4isd sow that
fcaoi = j iii s th boocs th y propoar ta riik.t
a desjasd for iicher waseeu laqairy at the
plaat of Swift asd Conpasy , where
tie teat cf tie trsaMe ap } > eirs
so tfe , elicits tia. isfarsiades fraca
tie nirsers tirft reisar.ibie waes
are : bei = * paid. Masaz-ers at the tether t
other piiais assart tiat they hare so ks0 < al- ]
edcg cf as ba eodis ? strike asd eeasfaier '
tin talk ne'e eaaaPMasy of tie te&tse&i
wio KiTe daily dealnci with tis eas-
of the packi = hacAes Jr t.iat there
wiH be labor treMcs before
3az ! r CItr Co Ip.
Ralph Keils ias resigsed iis jo.itlaa
D. S. Clark.
Atiersy Bes S. AtfaT.s ii qaite sick with
stalarial ferer.
J "W. Dscr at Dts lta s s was -rtauar
is tie city yrsterday.
Jastice. "STiite has siored his oSfe fcta tie
city > bnadiss.
Jois Pi-nflryi of VcPisl , Ia wu a best-
aess vaittar Sere -esteriay. j
AB of the tacks were closed yesterday oa ;
aeeoost of it betes Arbor 4ay.
Barsey M. Greer has Sled as application
far a posktea oa th-i potice force.
Tie tJtsrxtioai $ Btesi's haB lor tie se-v
atiietie d < ab are ahect e = Iu-i.
P. L. Halnead. Twesty-third aad C
streets , was rE ? rtd sraes cse yesterday
May r Ester's asscal a fsae TfiH be
real ta the city eoaal r it Taesday eres-
Magic Ctty ledse. Fratersal Caios of
Asaerica.wfii jire a easee at Werksies hall
tiii ereete
Brace MeCcBoch In aosie frae. Mastasa.
where ie went ta itresd tie aasiul netrtirg
of tie VoririTa eattieaex.
Dr. Ton KeHy's bora ? raa a-sray oo Twea-
tr-fecrth street yesterday , bet wai captsred
before asy dasia e ill bets deae.
P. Jabi as is the sase eiTea by i traap-
iah loocis ; feSow who is booked at polV e
i&a-iqeaners fa.- larceny It a cii tired thit
wi2e irasieriss about tie staik yarii Jeis-
BO saw the coat of c = e of tte
Jiarsiss oo a fesee as < i trriri itf d
Tie erdcsire inraefe of s H4.- ;
fcaircj asJ bctlacs at tie ri.tJdj iaj
tees g-asted ta Socti Ostalu pcrUis.
tupector Carrrll waj busy yererdiy i -
tifyir X strett prapeny ow e ; ta c > aaay
the zil Ts Is ti-e lesr of tieir presUses.
Geseral Masarer Keayao of tie stocfe
yards coapasry lercrsed yesarilay aliAr-ooa
frcsi a bcsisua cr-.p ta M2es City. Mont.
A. L. Bariorr. os * of Aratom'i hoe ; baT--
era. his retarsei Iron Ch'zso asd wEJ b
persiarcstly located here frosi this tlaie os.
A ceetios f tbe Socti O = aha tar - C1
t * heid tiis erettTE cr to pcrpose of zuk-
isgisal arrarsetsests Jar tie fuaeral of E.
C Lase
The local \ = eri a District Tejfsrapa
cas iasy iria EiarUy aoie is o casre cosi-
dodtons quarters is tie SchJti bciulss at
Twesty-se-reati asd Q streets.
Siaii Osaia lodje Xa. 65 , Asciest OrJer
cf Cslied TTorkss. wffl aett at 1 o'clock
iSosday TVcrfasaa > , ' ! ta .
lead tie faseral of E. C. Lar *
Jass-s McBride U Is JaS frr steaTag rj at
tosi tie Ccd-iiy Packis
? eosipasy Me-
Erid * called at tie plsat yesterday ta se *
friesj asd when he left i carried off eev-
eral jiecea of bacon , which he sold. Ti
trick appeared to be rocs a sfcspie oae that
KcSrjd * retarad aai tried to saeak a my
with a hazi. bat was caught wfi tie artiri *
Is hij possessioi
, Asriosy Karle wai arrestfd 1i ye .
; i teriay for teBlj ? srflk witioat a 15ees
asd his trial was et far sert TatJday art-
ersoos. Osly a few iiys aS3 KarJe vms
tried oc tie sasae charge asd gives a ss fl
fise by ti- police jaige. He ap > alei t3
, i ease aad kept ri ht oa e2iss .iv Karie
states tiat ie cossiierj the criisasce m =
ssjast ese is. tiat ie keeps oaiy twrtTi
cows asd is cccip Eed to pay as srcch of
tax A * the staswho seUa tie prodact of twc
do = ea cows. iward Urtach was also . .ar
rested ca tie sa = e charge , iis hearts * be-
! ss et for sext Mcsday
Blrycle IUt T Hort.
L. ? . Petr oa ree'ivtd a w-rere fan
tis UcyeU iut aiicst as he
tarsed ts * cor-
ser as Fifi resth. asJ Doorfas strteU. Tb-
frect wlset-i ? Spp J os t iar -
asJ Pewrsoaaaa tbroio.
t tie cars. He was tiV = a to a
< r ? - st re.whre a d < * rp dih cs h-a
-was atsad-i t. H-s iajcry was so"
s r cj a& ! bwas Utw ahte ta ST > ta iii
[ hose at Sit Csipj.o. T soe.
Frtrui th - Gravr.
Jrr.attas GarriMs. : sil Piaks-y St. OSM-
ha , wrfc.esI lure feees nek susce eari * '
las : pra > 5 asd sothiss tiat I oac.'d ' da ee = a-
t ta sJTe easy rei.ef I had a terrtM
paa acrats ay htjn. which wjd-d " _ riik
trji tsj back asi isia na - head , a terriii * ,
serere kead-Jcse mfcich kfpt ap sight aad
i rTie perspiratlas wanld S&airsaa ny
faee asd bt > iy astil tie bed etetiii ? wu
9eeapl * ely saJnrated. Ties I wedd ha-a
eac esore esjJSa natfl I tioasit I was pa-
isff to Ir i * tadests. . isd csy Jimfly asi
attsiiors tiacsit J as ESSSS tn d . I
also had epeiis sf Vea. ; Ttry dtrry asl
w Ud tare ta prasp ioM of s a
kee fr E3 falttas Ti * Hit dattar I
5ave EJ * lar e deses of < pslais * isi
site isjcctirs * of saoetltss
trytas ta rris e tie > ajc. Tits
? 3i = fml. asd the cdaee wrere li
eaKrd my bJeV oceas : * msaxed asJ
wsuM Scrr &KZ tie w d trid afl this
oat retlef. eseeyus = y liecd 14 sat aoe
qite s * bad I iai a hard 'sap a ay
staeiaei wate ? iTtce eessami yzis aal
I fete t TS-wasi I had eites ia = se-i 15 I
cscJd cat liista. I proecrM sacse of y ar
Dr KST' Resflrat-r tad it wtritej - a sie
like a = a i chars. Tie paia injre y
laft ar iead as4 buk. I aare it-f * i per.
rpra u tie tasp sr > l pa a iare d-asppesred
frata or statsaeh aed I fe4 Uk < -e'.az-
rrjbady Win Dr. Kay's Jlenavitar ias
dace far . I ail * *
ne. wi MI W wuhuit it
Tie Dr Kay's Renovator is Mli fey Iros-
ctiu at Sc aa l 11 , or < ix batiks far SI X !
ts 7 Aa st hjrr it. ia - ac tak asy
RU * far it ia * &a e nl. Se i pnee
to at a > i coo i wilt be saaS by retars .
prur ? rrpiid. Sesd far nloahi * baak.
free. Or. B , J. Kay iledieal Cr.