Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 23, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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B. HOSKWATKIt , Editor.
TKIIM3 01' StMlSClUl'TlOX !
Dally H ( Without Sunday ) , Ono Ycnr t M
D llx Ilo nn.l . Huntlny , On * Year i s m
Blx Months
Thr Months S"
HumUy Ui-c. On Y r * ? '
Katurdnjr live. One Yrnr. * f :
\VctMy Utv , One Year w
Omrhai The Ileo ItulMlnit. _ .
Bouth Oirnhal Blnger Illk. . Cor. N and Jlth Sts.
Council Illut ( : . 10 I'enrl Street.
Ch'cago Oinc * ! MI Chamber of Commerce.
Ni-w Yotkr TempliCourt. .
Washington ! Ml Fourteenth Street.
All ccmmunlentlons retatlnic to " nd , lto-
rlal matter ihouU I * addressed : To the I.ailor.
All tmslneii letters and remittances nhoiild b
addressed to The lice I'uMlshlns Compin > .
Omaha. Drafts , checks , express and postofllcs
money orders to bo made payable to the order or
th. company.
punM8NO | | COMPANY.
Btato of Nebrntkn , Douglas co\mty. n i
Ocorjro II. Tuchuck , secretary of Tli lice rub-
Hilling rompany , being 'luly ' iiworti. says in *
nctunl number of full nnd complete conies of n.e
Dally. Mnrnln * . i\enlng : and Kundny UceprlnlnJ
during the month of March , 1838 , was ns follows.
1 22.403 IT S-.JI.J
2 2.r.22
> 23.510
. . : o
4 2I.TSI
6 22,574 5i ; . . . , ,
t 21,511 J2 . 2J.R5S
7 22.279 2. ) . . 22.511 !
I ! VJ.M3 iil . ! 2.l't
22.MI X . 22.101
10 22.2S2 28 . 22. in
II 22.2M 37 . um
12 SJ.377 H . 23.011
13 21,818 n .
11 22.151
11 22.207 31
ti ss rcturnciJ and unsold copltn. . .
Net tolnt rntrn
Net daily average
averagenrouan : n.
Hworn to liofore mo ami uh crlli l ln..mY.I > re' *
encp tills 1st day of April. 1833. N. P. ' ' ' " j
( Pool. ) Notary Public.
KontticUy HL't-s a. new crop of colonels
In sight.
We arc coming , Katlier William , 100-
The Cuban war should be mailo short ,
slinrp niul tk'clslve.
It must be ri'incmbprotl that one of
the essentials of war Is that two play at
the game.
Missouri Is patriotic and all that , but
If the government wants mules It will
have to pay stiff prlc-crt for them.
The action of Senor I'olo in going to
Toronto iiwtcad of returning to Mad.-ld
Indicates that lie realizes the prospect of
quick ending of Hits suspense.
Uncle Ram In more tlian twice as big
as lie was the last time he put on his
war paint and lie had a bigger boy to
tight with then than he lias in Spain
In the work ot freeing Cuba the United
States may not have the aid of any other
nation , but It Is plain that the job will
ibc done with the consent of several of
Smith seems to be a name to conjure
with in cabinets. Hoke Smith was sec
retary of Interior under 0rover Clove-
.land and now Charles Binary Smith is
postmaster general.
I'he Florida "boomers" arc pointing
pioutlly to the fact that never In the his
tory of that state has there been such a
pronounced increase of population at
i tills season , of the year.
.Tnst to show that the Increase of the
police force lias nothing to do wih : the
case , the footpads and hoUl-ups lire
again getting in their work with their
former customary regularity.
General Sherman said that war Is a
cruelty that cannot be refilled. Now
that the country Is embarked in war , it
must spare no means to make It effect
ive In the shortest possible time.
It will be observed that the opposition
to the proposed war tax on butr does not
como from the people who drink the
beer , but from the manufacturers. They
know who will have to pay the tax.
If we are to loan any of our police
force to Uncle Sam to help whip the
Spanlsli , why not start with those who
will least Impair the effectiveness of
. the service , beginning with the chief ?
The commercial travelers who.attend
the T. P. ' A. convention at Omaha next
month and help open the exposition
ates will thenceforth be enlisted u *
advance agents of the greatest show on
earth. The more the bo t tor.
Robert 10. Lee Hcrdnmu may not bo In
contempt of court.littt Hut will nut
deprive him of the contempt of people
who are suffering fov want of polite
protection by reason of bU machinations
to make the police fore" a political ir.i- ;
Of course the yellow kid organs must
keep on prodding MeKlnloy , whatever
he may do. Their latest In that he is
going to drive Spain out of Cuba with
out bloodshed. The battle-scarred wai
rlors who shed red Ink on paper waut
blood and blood they must have.
A popocratlc newspaper at Ynnlston
predicts that there will be fusion ah
usual in South Dakota and that Lee will
be renumlnntod for governor , ICelley and
Knowlm for congress and CJrigsby foi
attorney general. These are all populists
and the democrats are Invited to select
the places on the ticket that are left.
Membeiw of the lire or police depart
ments of Omaha have the otlleial a * > 'iir
mitt ! of the police board that 'f they gc
to the front with the military foices ol
the nation they will tlnd their place ;
on the municipal pay roll waiting foi
them on their return. Now Just watcl
the whole police force rise up and fern
a company to enlist In a body.
If Governor Holcomb Is not wary tin
seat of war may be removed from Cub :
to Nebraska. The organ of the governor's
police commission asserts that 'I'HUI.u ' .
r > hort of an immediate extra session o
the legislature will serve to uullmbe
the warlike enthusiasm of Nebraska' )
people , while according to the governo
there Is no demand and no occasion fo
an extra session. A conflict of papo
wads ami blank cartridge * cuuuot b <
much longer avoided.
CVDAN ro/ms.
The proclamation of the president an-
loiinclng the blockade of Havana anil
ther Cuban ports with which there are
altroad connectloiw Is the Initial act of
var on the part of the United State * .
'hl government having rtccpicil the
tile laid down In the Declaration of
'arln , that blockades , In order to be
> lndlng , must be effective , will keep a
tilllclent force at the several "Cuban
lofts to comply with this rule. A block-
de Is effective when It really prevents
ccess to the coast of the enemy , but
ittliorltles on international law hold
hat Its legal effeotlveneris would not be
iMtroyctl by the slipping through a
onion of ships of a number of swift
> locknde runners.
When n port Is blockaded neutral ves-
els then In the port are allowed a rea-
enable time In which to leave It , carry-
ng such cargo as had been actually
bought ami shipped before the blockade
vas declared , the time unually allowed
elng fifteen days , but this government
HIM allowed neutral vessels In the block
tied Cuban ports thirty days In which
o Issue therefrom. Neutral merchant
essels are not allowed to enter a block-
tied port. Thpy are informed of the ex-
stence of the blockade , either by a iiotl-
Icatlon sent to their home porln or by
varnlng extended to them as 'hey ap-
roach the blockaded port. If any vcs.wl
ittcmpts to violate the blockade , either
ly sailing from a home port for the
blockaded port after having constructive
lotlco through the proclamation issued
o Its government , or by attempting to
nter after receiving actual warning , as
rovld'ed for In the president's proclama-
.Ion , It Is liable to bo conllscated to
gether with Its cargo. A merchant vcw-
el belonging to the enemy Is , of course ,
lot allowed to enter or leave a block
aded port.
The right of blockade Is universally
ocognlzed. Woolsey says : "The true
ground defending it is the same thct
vould make It dangerous to bring sup-
) lles to a besieged place In the Interior.
f I allow a neutral to aid my enemy
by provisions and military stores , I can
lever terminate a war. He assists his
rleml to. my Injury and this , If there be
any rights In war , I ought 1o have a
Ight to prevent. " The same authority
says that a blockade , being a fact , hists
nily so long as the vessels are on hand
o make it ueh , unless , indeed , a tern-
> orary storm drives them from their
ios s , to which they return as soon as
jossihle. Of course If driven off by the
iiemy the blockade ceases and Its re-
icwal requires the same formalities as
for Its commencement.
The supply of provisions In Havana Islet
lot large and as none can be obtained
n the interior an effective blockade
vould perhaps compel the surrender of
the city within a month. Consul Gen-
ral Lee told the senate foreign relations
committee that If blockaded so that no
nwlsions could get iiv Havana would
surrender in a short while. This Is
lotibtiess the case , but we have yet to
eckon with the Spanish licet before we
can know whether or not the blockade
can bo effectively maintained. That
formidable force will undoubtedly soon
jo In evidence in Cuban waters and the
greatest naval battle of modern times
will be fought there. If the American
navy * should be victorious and should
cry greatly cripple the enemy perhaps
lie siege of Havana would be short , but
otherwise It might have to be aban-
loucd. Conjecture , however , Is to no
nirposc. The next few days will doubt-
ess bring developments of a most stir
ring nature.
There should be no further delay by
this government In paying Great Brlt-
iln's claim for Bering sen seizures , the
justice of which has been acknowledged
jy our government and passed upon by
in International commission. It Is not
at all to the credit of the United States
hat this obligation was not settled long
ngo. Tlie agreement readied by Secre
tary Grcriham and the British ambassa-
lor , several years ago , was entirely fair ,
iho British claimants having made lib
ra 1 concessions and. congress would
have saved the government money If It
liud paid the claim then. It refused to
do so and the mattsr" was ( submitted to
n commission , with the result that the
case was decided against the Lilted
States. That decision our government
Is bound In honor to accept. The sum
of ? 47t,000 ; Is so small that there can be
no excuse for withholding payment. .
To pay this claim at once would be a
contribution to the good feeling between
Kngland and the United States. The
British people are manifesting In this
juncture a hearty and active sympathy
with the American people for which we
should show a proper sense of apprecia
tion. It Is a. valuable sympathy which
it Is desirable to cultivate , as future
events may demonstrate. Let us
promptly settle this claim , the Justice of
which is umiucstionnhlo.
Of the present area of the Unlftd
States more than three-fifths warf under
control of Spain less than a century ago.
If the Spaniards had been good coloniz
ers , knowing how to develop the latent
resources of the country , and If iho
Spanish government had pursued a lib
eral policy with regard to colonial pos
sessions a part of this territory wouh.
still bo uniU'r Spanish control. The
I'nlted States acquired thlii land In live
different lots , as follows : Louisiana , In
ISO. ! , 1,171IW square miles ; Klorlda , in
181 ! ) , o'.V-MS ' square miles ; Texas , In 1843 ,
: i"ii ( ; > : i square miles ; Mexican cession ol
ISIS..riiri,7S.'l square miles ; Catl.iilen pur
chase , In > , r > : ! . - > square miles. This
Includes all of th ? present area of the
I'lilted States except the Sl7Stt ! square
miles of the original nation and the
u77t90 : square miles of Alaska.
The only part of the Vnlted States pur
chased directly from Spain la Florida
for which $5,000,000 was paid. Louis !
ana was the cheapest land purchase
made by 'the United States and by Ions ,
odds the most valuable In every way
while the Gadsden purchase was mos
expensive. It Is true that Texas came Ir
by voluntary annexation , but the ac
quirtltlon of Texas was costly , Loulsl
aua was purchased from France , but Na
poleon had only had It ft few years nnd
It Is certain that If the Spaniards lind
hollered that the United States would BO
soon acquire the territory they would
not have o readily parted with It.
Although this vast territory , compris
ing more than 2,000,000 square miles ,
was formerly In possession of Spain the
few Spanish names of plaoes and objects
give evidence of the fact that the Span-
lards never made very j.ootl use of their
possessions. There are Spanish names
of rivers , lakes and towns In Florida ,
the state of Louisiana and In the south
western territories , a well as In Texas
and California , but they are few com
pared with the names ot English or
American origin. Spain might have re
tained some of this territory for coloniza
tion for many years , but happily the
Spanish rulers did not know ltd value
and the United States attained present
proportions by fighting only one war In
volving territorial rights.
The army bill which yesterday became
law Is a comprehensive measure gov
erning the entire national land defense
the regular army , the militia and the
volunteers. Although framed for the ex
igency , the now law received very thor-
ugh consideration In congress and there
s every reasou to expect that It will
e satisfactory In operation. Such legls-
atlon was absolutely necessary in order
o establish the status of militia and
olunteers and the now law recognizes
ho value of the militia organizations In
rovldlng for converting state mllltla
jodlly into volunteers lu'tlmo of war.
: u this way the nation will secure the
Id of the training , experience and or-
aulzatlou of the mllltla nnd complete
ontrol of them as part of the regular
orco of the United States.
It Is understood that the president will
oday Issue a call under the new law for
volunteers , probably to the lumber of
00,000. It Is needless to say that there
vlll be no difficulty In enlisting jjch a
orce. The quota of every stnto will UP.
loubtedly be tilled within a few days
nd It Is safe to say that the number of
neii who. will offer themselves for en-
stment will be far In excess of the call.
low large a force It is proposed to send
o Cuba probably will not be publicly
mown until the now force Is mobilized
nnd ready to depart. If. the call , how-
ver , Is for 100,000 men , It would eem
afe to assume that the Intention is to
end nearly that number Into Cuba. As
low understood , the force sent there will
o-operate with the Cuban army , repi'o-
ented to be now between oO.OiK ) and -10-
00. If the Spanish forces lu Cuba have
lot leeii very much underestimated an
army of 73,000 Americans and Cubans
ought to be millleieut , but our military
authorities may have decided to siMid a
oree there suflkient toi prosecute JIDS-
illtles with the utmost vigor and brtug
he contllct to an end as soon as pcfisl-
ble. It is desirable to begin operations
> romptly and to push them energetically
vlth a view to terminating the war , if
t can bo done , before the rainy season
It is presumable that the requisition
by the president upon the several states
for troops will bo mad'e upon the basis
of census population that governs con
gress in the apportionment of repre
sentation In the house of representatives.
According to the figures wired by the
Associated r.tss Nebraska's quota of
troops on a call for 100,000 volunteers
s 1,027. If these figures are correct
Nebraska will be called on for more
than Its due proportion of mllltla as
compared with states of equal or greater
Nebraska's census population Is 1,058-
910. With ft census population of
1,128,170 , and equal congressional repre
sentation , Arkansas' quota is given as
only 1,000. Louisiana , with a popula
tion of 1,118,587 , Is to furnish only 1,552
volunteers. The quota of Maryland ,
with a census population of 1,042,800 , Is
only 1,551 , while Alabama , with a cen
sus population of 1,51:5,017 : and nine
representatives In congress , will ho
asked to furnish 2,000 men.
The discrepancy between the ratio
applied to North Carolina and Nebraska
is still greater. The census population
of North Carolina Is 1,017,047 , it has
nine representatives In congress , and yet
UK quota is 2,007 , against Nebraska's
1,027. Hero Is an excess in population
of 550.0H7 and ft difference In quota of
only 140. On the basis of Nebraska , North
Carolina's quota should by rights bi >
about nCOO.
While Nebraska will promptly respond
o the requisition of the War di > paitmont ,
it Is Inexplicable why a uniform ratio
should not be adopted fairly proportioned
tioned to the population of the respective
states upon which Is based their repre
sentation In congress.
Some weeks ago the dealers In agri
cultural Implements made a formal pro
test before the exposition management
against a Chicago linn which had se
cured space on the exposition ground
for tlie erection of a building as a place
from which it proposers to distribute its
advertising literature. The objection en-
teied was that the Implement dealers
could not patronize an exposition that
would permit a so-called cat-house , or
house that sells goods by catalogue , to
operate on the grounds. The protest was
coupled with a threatened withdrawal
of exhibits by the dealers.
When attention was called to the fact
that the objectionable cat-house hud
leased ground and paid for It more than
n year ago and nearly completed its
building under conditions that prohibit
an exhibit ot merchandise , It became
obvious that the exposition could nol
rescind the contract or Interfere will
thu use of the building so long as the
conditions were compiled with. Will
this showing the agricultural Implement
men were pacified and the matter
And now It Is announced that reial
dealcro In other lines propose to make
an organized onslaught on the exposl
tlou with the same object In view. II
this program Is carried Into effect the
offensive cat-house will receive thou
sands of dollars' worth of frco advcrtls
lug and Increase ltd patronage at tin
expense of the very men who wage tha
'oollsh war.
The contraeyot thojiew Pennsylvania
apltol bulldflL ias at last boon let.
The old bulldjKa'Uvas ' burned more than
n year ago awU 4 legislature ordered n
tew one erixjydjj Immediately , but re-
trlctnd the cost to ? 550,000 , nnd as the
ommlsslon hi rchargc of the work
van ted to puUip a better building , or at
east a more fostjy one , the long delay
ollowed. The contract has IKMMI let for
5023,000. Itesjdents of states that have
apltol building * costing from $1,000,000
o $3,000,000 vdll Take pleasure lu watch-
ug this projeit for providing one of the
Idlest of the ijtntos with a good and
cheap oflico building.
The effot'ts of western congressmen to
irovtde for disposal of arid lands In a
naniicr to Insure their reclamaiton have
lot been abandoned. The subcommittee
of the public lands committee of the
louse Is considering a bill which gives
o each of the western states In the arid
eglon 1,000,000 aicrcs of land on contll-
loti that It shall bo reclaimed by Irriga-
Ion. The bill In Its present form does
lot provide for giving any land to the
errltorles and the proposed gifts are
icdged about by conditions which make
t certain the states will begin Irrigation
vorks and practically test the best recla-
natlon plans.
The building of the Siberian railroad
las opened a now market for American
lour and two steamships have recently
oft San Francisco laden with Hour for
Vladivostok. While Siberia Is destined
o be a great wheat country It Is doubt-
ul if milling will become common there
for many yeam and the Pacific
fehlps will carry much Hour to Russian
> orts.
The I'lnce for Them.
Indianapolis News.
Those men who are trying to corner the
oal and sell It to the government at high
figures should be drafted and scat to the
IIlntherHkltcn to the Hear.
New York Tribune.
Politicians on horseback arc not wanted
o command In war. They only mean bad
management and unnecessary slaughter of
he poor fellows put uader their orders.
MnrehlMK Tojrt'Micr.
Marching through Georgia la In faahlon
aga.'o. The boys In blue and the boys In
gray are moving together this time , and
v.lll . keep cnward after the sea Is reached
n behalf of American liberty and man
The lllKht I'linlNliiueiit.
U"ffalo Kxnrps ? .
The Hamilton trimcs says snecrlngly : "If
vnr should result , as now Poems probable ,
Canada's population will be Increased by a
ie lra of Unltdfl IStnteo patriots who are al-
oady developing a "great love for our beau
tiful Canadian landscape and bracing cll-
nvito. " Any Unlted''States ' citizen who pur
poses to flee to [ Canada for fear of Spain ,
should , by way pi punishment , bo sent over
thcro and compelled' to stay.
Amerlcn'ff\VI < lciilnK itlnrkct.
The market fjtoi American-made goods In
Australia Is ovl gentlytbroadenlng , and our
agricultural Intpleihents and machinery ,
latB. shoes andyjltjstruments "of > precision
flnd a ready salljia ) thta comparatively new
field. The sales'dfmabufacturcil [ goads and
commodities of yilntmeW production by the
United States to Australia exceeded $17,000-
000 last yeaiv-and this , pro.ltable traffic
should bo largely Increased by reason of
the Increasing ] antpo3eap [ conviction of the
superiority ofrtur wa'fes for
Cut Xn Ic-e \ > iili Them.
Minneapolis Journal.
Since the federal supreme court decided
: hat 'It la unlawful fcr men to combine In
business , even If they don't put up prices
> 0 tbo product they are Interested In , there
las been a perfect rush of capitalists to
organize trusts and combines. If the su-
iremo court had affirmed the legitimacy of
combines there couldn't have been greater
activity In organizing combine . One of the
recent combines In that of the kult goods
men , who have assembled $30,000,000 of
capital to promote their Interests. The antl.
trust law remains a very dead letter.
Mlnneipolla Tribune.
This country Is making more progress
Iban some people are aware of In the beet
sugar Industry. The beet sugar crop this
year promises to bo 180,000,000 pounds , or
double that of last year. The average crop
of sugar cane in the United States Is only
about three times this amount. The beet
root crop has grown from nothing In ten
vears to its present dimensions. It has
trebled In the last five years of great de
pression. If it keeps on at this rate In
twenty years we will bo growing enough
sugar for domestic consumption , with some
over for export.
A finlil llrlck Deal.
\Vn hnKton ! Star.
When this government succeeded In pur
chasing a torpedo boat from a German ship
yard , with the consent ot tlie German gov
ernment , there were many word. ? of ocn-
grutulatlon to be 'heard that hero at last
was substantial evidence Idat Germany \va
Inclined to bo friendly to the United Stairs.
In spite of tde San Jose scale , alleged cattle
( JL ; caeca and the traces ot zinc no the dried
applet ) imported from these shores. That
torpedo boat has been renamed , the Somers
and has suffered from a most discouraging
series of accidents , and lias developed sev
eral serious flaws. Indeed , there la now good
reason to bollevo 'that oomebody In tbe father
land has been unkind enough to sell Uncle
Sam a gold brick.
IMntovrney ami I'atrlutlHiii.
Boston Herald.
What's this ? A regiment of soldiers re
cruiting In Wall street ? Such announce
ments as this are calculated to take tbo wind
out of Jingo sails and make the vehement
diatribes directed against sordid plutocracy
out of date. Probably It ia cafe to ray
that. In the event of hostilities , the response
to the call for men , a well as fee1 the other
Mnow of war , will be quite as prompt In
'VI' street and State street , and as fiub-
' "nltal , r.s It wltj bo In tbe ranks ot Jfngo-
Um. In fact , Us ) not unlikely that It will
be even more M. Those who about loudest
f-r war are not always the bravest or the
readiest warrlorsjl The btfit fighters are those
\\tio put on the'- , Yo c paint only when It has
become actually opce'pary. '
IteiunrUnlileeiilof I'll trio IN IIuvlitR
Shliii to Sell.
N w York Herald.
Junlus said much observation had con
vinced him that .ufothlug would satisfy a
patriotic but a plaoc.
The conduct of Some of the corporations
and Individuals -who have been tendering
vessels and supplies and transportation tc
the government leads to the melancholy con
elusion that a good many patriots of tha
sort are In existence today :
In the rush to secure a vast quantity o
material In a very short time It li Impo sl
hie to exercise the usual deliberation ant
take the ordinary precautions to Insure the
government against overcharges * . Official
Intrusted with this Important duty by thol
commendable tact and business acumen Ir
dealing with traffickers and speculators hav
saved a vast amount of money for the pee
Dut what shall be said of patriotic cor
poratlons enjoying favors conferred by the
commonwealth and ot Individual patriot
Impelled by Impending war to offer thel
sftrvlccs or commodities to their country-
at double their market value ? Theirs I
the patriotism which Dr. Johnson describe
a * "tbe last refuge .of icouadrcU. "
A Con ell Thntmht.
St. Paul Qlob .
Thoeo ot us who have tried to tee alt
sides of the question , undrluded by the
sentimentalist ! ! that transflgurra the Cuban
Insurgents , and , on the other hand , have
fhared the general detestation ot Spain's
misrule. In Cuba , tan find satisfaction In the
thought that thv rule of Spain on this
hemisphere , cvory page of the record ot
which Is stained with cruelty , rapacity and
Incapacity , la drawing to an end , and that It
will bo the republic of the United State ? that
Is Instrumental In her final expluslon ,
TMO font-urn Open to Spain.
Chicago Inter Ocean.
One other course remains for Spain. She
can make a dash for some ot our northern
ports for bombardment , or she can carry on
guerrilla warfare. If fho mukcn a dash for
one of our ports , the same difficulty as re
gards coal confronts her. Our fleet by that
time will bo within capcall. . It will bo do
and die with Spain , not do or die. The
probabilities , therefore , are that she will
curry on guerrilla warfare on the seas. She
will pester us rather than 'fight us. It may
ciutro a long contest at sea to subdue her.
t la altogether Improbable that eho will
crlpplo us. To oruah her wo may have to
haao her from the seas. That will cost ships
and men mid money , but It will bo done. If
Spain wishes to retain any of her ahlps she
vould do well , then-fore , to keep them out
of American waters. Wo may ucc-d them in
a few weeks In our own navy. If they como
his way It Is likely that they will never go
Illucknile , Xot Iloiiihnrilinent.
1'hllndclphla Herord.
If the vessels of the United States should
blockade the ports of Cuba the Spanish array
vould bo compelled to capitulate for want of
irov slons. unless the Spanish fleet could
break the embargo. In the respective at-
empts to maintain nnd to break the blockade
he naval conflict would bo brought on , and
he victory would remain with the heaviest
vclght of metal. In rotlms.tlng the great
Ulsraiity of forces there cannot bo a mo-
nent s doubt of the ultimate result of the
onfllct In any American mind , even though
Spain should possibly gain a fortuitous * nd-
nntase or two In the beginning. Dut the
bombardment of Havana , while tending In
no degree to promote the success of the cam-
> algn , would bo a merely wanton act of bar
barism. It would bo a warfare upon women
and children at long range , and. therefore ,
doservlns of the reprobation of the civilized
Short , Sharp ana ileelnlvc.
Minneapolis Journal.
Maio It hot. That's the way war should
10 prosecuted If undertaken. A war with
Spain ought not to last more than six weeks
r It Is prosecuted vigorously. Spain has
apparent ! : ' withdrawn her naval forces al-
nest entirely from Cuban waters , concen-
ratlng her advanced spadron at Capo Verde ,
and leaving Havana almost entirely depend
ent upon her land defenses.
Cuba ought to be taken possession of with
the aid of the Insurgent forces within ten
uayp. and so should I'orto Ulco. AVth her
base of supplies In the weat entirely cut off ,
Spain would bo obliged to fight nt long range
and at a great disadvantage.
The United States Is not seeking conquest
n Spain , and while It might bo necessary to
neet a somewhat prolonged privateering
warfare on our commerce , the war , so far
as It relates to Cuba and our shores , could
hardly amount to very much.
If , 'however ' , our movements are dilatory
and undecisive , the contest may bo pro-
onged until climatic conditions make It 1m-
losslble to maintain an army of United
States soldiers In Cuba , nnd may add Indefi
nitely to the length of the contest in that
The \\'ny tu Do It.
Kansng City Star.
It has been said many times that 20,000
American regulars should be able to march
rom one end of Cu'ba ' to the other but
ho march can certainly be accomplished
vlth more certainty If the 20,000 regulars
are backed by at least 80,000 volunteers ,
or It Is to bo remembered that the country
s not onlyto be conquered , but for a time
occupied and held.
It Is to be- hoped that In this war there
vlll be oo .wasteful experimental battles or
klrmlshcs ; no "reconnolssanccs IM force , "
advances made with the Intention of falling
jack , but that our army will everywhere
appear In overwhelming force , beat down
all opposition and hold cnce for all every
position It occupies. It should be under
stood from the first that the w/ir Is to > be a
short one. Some of the most effective cam
paigns In military history have been begun
and ended In a few weeks. There should
io no long Intervals spent in reorganizing
ho army. Such lapses are proof that ao
army has been allowed to become demoral-
Unoonquereil anil ITiieoiiqneruhlo.
Louisville Courier-Journal.
It Is not for tbe Courier-Journal to pre
dict the course of events or to map out the
: ampalgn. We shall be surprised , however ,
f the 'war ' , so long In beginning , bo not soco
over. Wo doubt If tfpaln really Intends to
make much more thao a feint at fighting In
order to propitiate her belligerent domestic
elements , save the thrcoe from the revolu-
lonUts and turn loose Cuba with "honor. "
If the war should be protracted It will be
either because of serious reverses to our
lavy In Its first engagements , or because
ho Spaniards choose to pursue a policy of
avoiding direct conflict and devote their eo-
ergles to keeping out , of the way of our
war sblpa , harrying us by privateering de-
> redatlons , and scattering sallies wherever
their cruisers may flnd a weaker prey. This
policy Is not altogether .Improbable , unless
wo should make such quick work ot our
eviction of Spain from this hemisphere that
she may be brought to terms before she
fairly begins such a policy. Certainly we
do not expect hostilities to bo prolonged by
.he reverses or destruction of cur fleet. Say
what one will about Spain's navy grant ,
even that her ships are a match for ours
wo shall never believe that her seamen are
i match for ours until they have proved It
> y a trial of skill. We have never yet
met seamen who vanquished ours oa equal
: orms , and we have met and conquered sea
men of better fighting 'blood ' then any that
flows In latin veins. Tbe American navy ,
always unequal ki ships to Its antagonists ,
las always defeated its antagonists glor-
lousli' , and until it has been demonstrate !
that Its men have sadly degenerated or that
they are In no degree the masters of. seaman
ship as applied to the modern development
o ! the man-of-war that they were'as applied
to the man-of-war in Its less advanced
stages , we shall never believe that they can
not overcome a fleet even much superior to
their own manned .by the fire-eaters of Spain.
A Wlioleionie
Springfield Republican.
It Is a wholesome thing for the United
States senate to eel whipped once In a
while In a tussle with the house. That
body's easy victory over the other branch
when the Wilson-Gorman tariff bill became
a law , and some other successes , bad made
It too arrogant to live. For this timely
come down wo desire to thank Speaker
Thomas 13. Heed , the masterly chief of the
lirmso forces.
Tlie Royal Is the hlghoit grade baking powder
known. Actual tests ihow It goes one *
ttlfd Urther than any other brand.
Absolutely Pure
Ex-PrwJldont Crcspo of Venezuela dlcJ
with bin boots on flunllng thf revolution
now being led by Hernandez. Hla career
Illustrate * the political history ot the no-
called republics of South America. Guz
man .Ulanco had Crcapo "elected" presi
dent In 1SSI to keep the place warm for
himself , Just as Crcspo recently had An-
drado elected for n like purpocv. The con
stitution forbids a president to have two
terms In euccerjlon , with ttio result that
It Is the custom for the military boss after
hU first term In tie prev.'ldtncy to put In
a dummy who will b managed In the lei-
tcrest of hs ! cecond term. When Illanco ,
after his second term , was retired In 18SS
In the usual manner , by a revolution , Crm-
po reverted to his former obscurity. Hla
opportunity came lr > 1S92 , when he headcl
a rlsVig against President 1'alaclo nnd led
a regiment of cowbo > s. In October of that
year ho proclaimed himself "provlalonal
president , " 4nd confiscated the property of
tils political opponents. Having changed
the constitution to his taste In 1S03 , he Rot
his power prolcaged to February , 1S94 ,
when ho entered upon the four-year presidential
dential- term to which ho had "elected"
himself In the Venezuela manner. A felt-
made man , he began life poor , and , like
other Latin-American prenldcnts who hold
ofllco Ions , ended It very rich. Ills tasti-s
weio simple nnd coarse , hla methods cruet
and unscrupulous.
The completion of an engineering work
of which the commercial Importance may
prove In n few years to be second only to
the cutting of the Suez canal hao passed
almcut unnoticed amid the picvaratlom for
war lo this country nod the diplomatic en
tanglements In Europe. On March 1G , ac
cording to la Mouvcmcnt Oeographlque ,
the first locomotive arrived at Dele , on the
Stanley Pool. The Congo railroad la thus
finished , after eight years. The bulldlr , ?
of the 240 miles of track docs away with
the necessity of carrying everything from
the Interior to the cwst on mco'o backs
and throws open the 10,000 miles of navigable
waters and the 1,200.000 equaro miles of
territory In the Congo basin to the com
merce of the world. It becomes possible
to transport steamers of sulllclent I'ize to
the waters above the falls that have hllfierto
blocked' the river , anJ the prohibitive cost
of transportation Into central Africa Is dene
iway with. Before long Improvements will
bo mndo that will extend the ease of trans
portation to points clcso to the valley of
the Nlc. ! to Lake Tanganyika nnd to the
upper water * of the Zambesi. The break
Into the heart of Africa has been made.
It Is to Henry M. Stanley tbat the credit
for the railroad Is due. From the time he
emerged from Africa after his great discov
ery ho labored untiringly to convince the
world of the necessity of this short line for
the civilization of the African continent.
It Is gratifying that he should have seen
Its completion after twenty years of wait-
The nival authorities of the Auatro-Hun-
giirlan empire have been urging for nevoral
years the necessity ot a substantial addition
to the national fleet , If the1 government
wished to have any voice at all in maritime
affairs. Their representatives have found
consideration at last , and It has been de
cided to Increase Ule naval estimates by
$20,000,000 , although the expenditure of thit
flum Is to be spread over several years. The
scheme prepared by the naval department
will bo submitted to the next fiojslon of
the delegations. Last sunin-er there were
Indications of public uneasiness at the posi
tion of Austria-Hungary as the meat back
ward of all European states as regards the
elllclcocy ot ito naval forces. The proposed
addition of about $2.000,090 to the annual ex
penditure , which might have met with a
good deal of opposition at Ibe laat session ot
the delegations , has now a much better
chance of a favorable reception , owing to
recent events bold In the nccr and far VMI.
The widespread disappointment In Austria
at the enforced Inaction of the dual emplri"
in cost Asia nt a tlmo when her ally aii'l
commercial rival Germany had been succors-
fill In acquiring fftsh spheren of Influence
and , pc slbly , new markets will help to
make the passage ot a largo naval vote com
paratively easy.
i *
The correspondent of the London Times In
St. Petersburg quotes as an evidence of the
popular exultation over toe outcome of Rus
sian policy In China the fact that the occu
pation of Port Arthur anil Ta-llen-wan tias
oven become a subject for patriotic ccatory
In the Uusolan church a fact which Is all
Vho more remarkable In view of the Infrequency -
quoncy of sermons from the orthodox pulpit.
The other day , In the Catherine church ,
Father Polkan delivered an Impressive dis
course before a largo conpcegatlcn explain
ing the great political and military , as well
as the moral and spiritual , Importance of
Russia's new acquisition In eastern Asia.
Rucsia , ho said , was to be the pioneer of
Christian culture there under the banner o !
orthodoxy , with Its attractive principles of
mutual love , rlghtcoueness , equality and cc-
spcct for tbe personality and human rights
of the lowest native. But , In order to reap
all the fruits of this great historical advance ,
every effort should bo made socially , ma
terially and spiritually , to establish churches ,
schools and factories , and to Introduce pure
Russian trade and Industry In that region.
He concluded by eulogizing tbe "far-seeing
and firm policy of the Imperial leader of the
Russian people , " and appealed for subscrip
tions to build the firs't Russian church at
Port Artnur.
With regard to the concessions obtained
by England and Franco in Yun-nan , the
French would seem to have the better bar
gain. The topographical conditions are much
more favorable to the construction of a rail
way to Yun-nnn-fu through Tonquln than
from 'British ' Burmah. The French line from
Hanoi to Yun-nan-fu has the advantage that
It would run up tbe valley of the 6ong-ka
or Rod Tlver to within a very short distance
of that city : whllo across the tpuco between
Bhamo In British Burmah and Yun-nan-fu
are several high mountain ranges that op
pose formidable "obstacles to the early con
struction of a railway. In the Vang-tso val
ley , on tbe other hand , the British govern-
ment buying secured the right of navigation
on the river far up Into Siu-chu a , A railway -
way can bo rArrled from the terminal point
of navigation nlon * the river through Ssu
cluian Into Yurcnan from the north. That
would be the work of gome yrnrs yet , > that
thcro Is no Immediate likelihood of a clash of
French and llrltlrh interests In that "part " of
China , ccratlnly not while China has sufflo-
Icnt power of cohesion left to hold together.
India's war with the mountain tribes ot
her northwmt frontier has at length boon
definitely ended by the submission ot th
last trlbo of Afrlclls. The rebels have
tent In the guns and eash required ot them
by way of fine , so that no campaign against
them will take place this spring. The British
and Indian troops are being scattered to
their usual campa , having done very difficult
work , with Rirat .credit to themselves , A
striking result of the war Is the good teinpor
with which the Afrldlu talto their beating.
They admire the victors and are offering to
enlist In the British toglmente. England will
now control a wldo area In which HBO for
merly operated only by the sufTrnnco of th
Chlcntro Tribune : Tommy1 * .Mother-You
nnuihty boy ! You'vo Bent Sammy Snuck-
hnmtner bom ? crying !
Tommy Yc i bet ! We was , nnf
ho nuis the '
Washington Star : "So that olllclal Is going
bnck to Culm ? "
"Yes. pcnor. "
"U hu Kolni ? to run for oillcer *
"To tell the truth , t don't know which
ho'll be runnUiK for olllee. cr dv.ulife. . "
Cleveland Lender : "Wlienthat tberj
Isli general Kit * ready toe lend his army
acrost this country. " i uld Uncle Kzra. "of
lie takes the ml vice of a well-wisher , ho'll
plc'x out the norrlest part. "
Detroit Free Press : "How very devoted
Slumback Is to his Invalid wife. "
"Yew. Somebody told him that In case oj
war the widowers iTMould bare to KO llrst. "
Cleveland Plain Dealer : 'First ' Sea Serpent
Say. It looks an If we were ftolnt ; to Imvo
a pretty dull time along the coast tills tmm-
Second ditto ditto You may hive a dull
time , but I expect to scare moro peoilo ;
than ever.
"How are you going tonprk It ? "
"I'm olnir to lie a yellow Spanish flag to
the tip of my tall. "
Detroit Journal : "What's that queer-leok-
IIHR lift tacked on your hall doer ? "
"Those are the things that are not allowed
to como Into this house : Spanish mackerel ,
Spanish onion" . Spanish cream , Spanish
plckels , Spanish 'moss ' , Spanish Illcs and
Spanish flounces. "
Wnshlnpton Star : "Do you think our con-
RTossman would take , tin actlv : part In warfare -
faro ? " asked the voter. V
"Would he ? He's a regular fighter , he Is.
Ho ain't mls'ln * a micctln' of the house ot
now. "
lloMou ( ilobo.
Uncio : "Git ! "
Hairnstn : " .NIU"
And then they lit ,
And Spain quit.
When -we . erp two , by the. summer 'sea ,
Just one um'.irfll.i would do nh , me !
Now wo ire cn nnd when storms nre rough-
Evui two umbrcJlna are not enough.
WnpliltiKton Stnr.
Qtioth he. "Oh , I'esnsus. come forth ,
And show yotirfflf n sprinter.
Of 'violets' Im Fprlni ; I sigh ,
In bopoM lo win the cash to buy
A bunch of them next winter. "
PlilciEo Tribune.
"All nlsdom centers nbout me.
For theri'M bet you cannot deny
No men of Inters without me ! "
And thei alphabet winked Its I.
Dotrnlt .Inurnnl ,
"Open your mouth. " rrlesj tlm p'ayful child ,
"Open your mouth and shut your eyes , "
With n merry luiigh , "and I'll give you
SomeitlilnB1 to make you wise. "
The child will lenrn. ns Urns goes on ,
The tale llfc-'s trial lulls ,
"Open your eyes nnd shut your mouth ,
And your wise wltYout anything else. "
T1IB iCL\l"P.\lN'8 HOV.
S. n. KUer Ira C.evcland Leader.
My papa com homo yesterday nnd sail
to mamma lip
Had Just pot word to start nway nnd 'nelp
set Cuba free.
My mamma looked at him awhile nnd went
up to his side ,
And took his bands nnd tried to smile , "out
cotildn't-eo she cried. '
My papa's captain of the Blues they'ro
soldier boys , you know ,
And so we've been expecting news that ho
would have to co ,
And every night my mamma tried to show
she didn't care :
But through t'ne day she cried and cried ,
when papa wasn't there.
And so when papa saw how bad she felt ,
be kissed 'ner then ,
And told her not to bo so aad , for he'd
como back again ,
And then wo all sat there awhile , nnd papa
looked at me ,
I wlsht t'ney v/as some other style of setting
ting- people free.
"Why must you go away to fight ? " my
mamma said , at last ;
"I don't believe that war Is right the day
for that Is past !
Wny must they call on you , far oh what
wrong have you to battle for ?
Why don't they Just have people go who
got the country Into war ? "
"I haven't anything to say about tbe wrong
or right , "
My papa said , "I < so nway , when they tell
me to , and fight ;
I'm not supposed to think or know all I
have got to do
Is take up arms at once and go , wYien
otheis tell me to. "
My mamma covered up her face and had to
cry again ,
And everything alnut the place seemed kind
of solemn , then ,
And so we all sat there awYillo , nnd papa
looked at me.
And I wlsbt they was some other style of
setting people free.
6 6
Saturday Saturday
Spesials Specials Specials
Six windows on J5th strest show six special offerings in Men's
Window No. I , has a line of black and tan hosiery , summer
weight , seamless and fast color , I5c 2 pair for 25c.
Window No. 2 , contains suspenders. The bsst we have ever
shown for the money fine webbing , lisle ends and strong clasp
and buckles , a regular 50c suspender at 25c pair.
Window No. 3 , shows some high grade novelty neckwear-
special values at a special price of 50c each.
Window No. 4 , shows our assortment of the celebrated Elgin
colored bosom shirts the ideal shirt for stout men , perfectly fit
ting and fully developed price $1.00.
Window No. 5 , Bon-bon French balbriggan underwear fills
this window the regular 75c kind for 50ca garment.
Windows No. 6 and 7 , are occupied with one line , the famous
bargain that was put on sale yesterday Laundered Negligee
Shirts Garner's percale , fast colors , many patterns to choose
from , cut full and shaply , and only 45c each be sure and get one
or more before they are all gone.
S.W. _ Cor.JQth mnd Uouglam 8t % )