Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 23, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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    THE OMAHA DAIX.Y . JJEE : SATUBDAY , APRIL 23 , 1898. 11
Liquidation and fliort Selling C5s3t Forego
C rn nnd Onln Ant'lirlianurd , litit
1'riM InloilH I.IIXP Soiuv < lf Tliplr
(2itli > K. I'livli of the I.lncn
CHICAGO. April 22.-Llqulclatl3n and
ehort selling on t'nc Hoard of Trade today
larsely offset heavy foreign buying nnd ad
vancing quotations abroad. May wheat ,
{ however , was Independently strong and
closed nt nn advance of 2',4c. Corn und oat *
clised practically unchanged. July pork
and short ribs declined IS'.ie each , and lard
lost 3c.
An excited Liverpool wYieat markrt. with
the May future there up ciiual to about
4Vic a bushel , started this market today on
u momentary rampage. The actual In
auguration of warlike measures looking to
the reduction of Havana was the Impelling
cause of t'nc excitement nt Liverpool , and
the opening burst of enthusiasm here. The
elements of an excited bulge In Chicago
were lacking , however , for the 'neavy local
ehort sellers liad covered on the previous
day's advance , nnd on the opening advance
of ' .iflTsC In July they were ready to put
out fresh shorts. The first < trndes In July
were over a range of from ss c to We , most
of the trade at the loxvcr figures , nnd only
n lew succeeded In getting to OOc. The de
cline t'nut folloxved carried prices dawn to
8H\c , but that proved the rallying point fern
n fresh advance. New York reported all
otters cabled the other side t'ne night he-
lore accepted. The demand from country
millers for No. 1 northern spring xvheat was
urgi nt nt 2c over the price paid here yes
terday , but Letter's broker In t'ne sample
market said he lud refused nil bids. Chi-
caryreceived 132 cars , of xxhlch 92 cars xvere
cotitrubt. Minneapolis nnd Duluth got 210
cars , against SOS last Friday and 323 a year
n.o. Atlantic port clearances were 3.10,0.0
liu. In- wheat nnd Hour. The total clear-
cures for the weell from the Atlantic sea
board have been 3.WX > ,000 bu. ngnlnst 2.WO-
40 bu. the week before. Argentine wheat
shipments for the week were 1,112,000 bu. ,
against l.GW.OCO bu. the previous week.
Spot xvlicat ut Liverpool cbsed 2d higher
for California nnd lir Ud higher for fu
tures. Hut Cudn'ny brokers xvure persistent
sellers of September and December , pre-
Btimab'.y on line .crop prospects , and on the
mlvance In ocean rate1 * the crowd began to
liclleve that war was bound t > affect grain
prices on this side ndverselv. They accord
ingly sold July , which declined to W. < c.
laliled to F9c , but dropped back to ! y5',4r
near t'ne close , rallying finally to &S5 <
SS' c. May opened Ic Holier at $1.13 , ad
vanced to and closed at tl,14'- .
An active business xvas done In earn.
3'lrmncss at Ltvcrporl and largo export
( sales held the market for a. time , but the
advance was lost near the end. Receipts
xvpre 4G3 cars. Argentine shipped 6-1,000 bu ,
Exports for fne day from Atlantic ports
were 308,000 bu. The xxvnkness of xvbeai
Jieur the close caused a corresponding feel
ing In corn. July , which closed yesterday
xvcrtli S'-lfiSSiic. closed at that today , aftei
Belling up to 33Hc.
Oats covered a nnrroxv rinse , but held
flrm. Seaboard clearances xxere 193,000 bu
Jterelpts amounted to 410 cars. There was
t ome llitildatlon ] , shorts taking the offer.
Ings. Juy ! opened steady at 2HJC , sold al
2lc and closed unchanged at 2IHC.
Provisions acted similarly to the gralr
markets. The great ndvancc In prices al
ILIven 3l xvas probably anticipated by those
w'r.o bought the day before , and on thf
.stimulus tlven by the actual rise aliroai !
yestcrd.ty buyers had their purchases foi
s.r.e. Iteallzlng sales hera had the cffecl
of closing everything at about the bottom
of the day's range. Opening prices wen
the highest of the day , at n slight ndvancf
on yesterday's closing price. The Una
prices tday xvcre nt t'no Jolloxvlng loss
compared with those the day before : Julj
pork , ISc ! lard , 5c , and ribs. lj' c. Julj
pork sold betxvecn $11.JO nnd Jll.lo. closltu
nt 511.1Lard sold at 13.70 and $ i.W. clo.i
Ing nt the lower figure. IJIbs ranged frorr
J.1) to $3.CO , closing at 5-3.5Cfio.2.
Intimated receipts for tomorpsw : Wheat
10i : cars ; corn , J30 cars ; oats , 373 cars ; hois
1S.OW ) head.
l. aclinK futures ranged as folloxx-s :
Articles. . I Opan. | HUM. | Low. | Ulosa. j Veat'y
May. . . 1 11 1 141 , 1 12
July . . riOM-flO ao HI ) . . s-'V. HI 83
BIH Ml >
Way . . . sa
July. . . 33H 3 > -
am 3-1
Miiy. . . 27 ? < 27 27M3V4
Jiili- . . .
May. , n 10 11 30 10 00 10 OS 11 071
11 40 11 CO 11 10 u OSiy 11 27 }
tard- .
May. . . 0 00.'i 5 00 n BO C 53 5 C5
Jitlv. . . S 115 5 ns B 05 5(15 5 05
Si'pt ' 5 7'i > i 5 7'.H 6 70 & 70 57i
May. . . r. 55' 5 40 5 43 5 B7i
July. . . 5 < i'2'r ' r H7) n r n ft 421 0 07 >
Sept B 75 6 77 > o oo 5 OU B 75
No. 2.
Cafh quotations were as fol'owr :
FLOl'H Steady at 14 4004 9) : spring spojlal
S5.TOW5.W ; spring patents. iS.10f : . :0 ; stra'ght !
WHEAT No , Z spring. | .e : No. S sprlni
SS ill.3 ' | No. I red. fl.1301.UVi.
COHN NO. t , :2Htrasc.
OATS-No. 2 ( ZTHC. f. o. b. ; No. I white. JO
Sic : No. 3 while. 29t83 ! < nic.
IlYE-No. 2. S7c.
BAIH.KY J5 > . 42fiSnc.
KL.AXSI7EIi-No. I , fl.29Ol.:0.
TIMOTHY fcEnn-l > rIroe. 2.95.
PKOVISlOXS-I'ork. mtM , per bbl. . 10 $ :
11,04. Innl. | Kr 100 Ihs , JVM. Short rlbi 'd
loose ) . J.2.Xt5.fO ; dry rolled shoulders ( boxed
4.75 rSfOr shmt clear fides ( boxed ) , R.fOfTi. "
\WUKKY Distillers' nn'ahed gcodf , per gal
loaf , I5.C3 ; granulated , f.13
marki-t ns utejdy : creameries , usji'c ; dslr.e
12mp4 Egg * , ntcudy ; fresh , lO'Je. cheese , clu
nndliarhnneed. Llxr > poultry , market stcud )
turn * ) ! * , 910c ; chlckenn. Sc ; ducks ,
< > notntIinM fur llu > DIIJon Gfucr :
NEW YORK , Aivrll :2. FI/UR-Recepts | , 11
335 bbls , ! exports , SO.SS4 bb's ; Jtrons and lilgh <
or. n fair JoI'Mnff trade ; Minnesota bikerr , fl
< f4.C5 ; xvlnter patents. t4.90ifl.40 ; xvlnti
straights. $4 TOfil.W : winter extras , T3.75SI.1
v Inter low Krodei , | 2.W03OiR > e Hour Ilri
nt JJ.J5&3.:0.
CORNMEAI Firm ; > clloxv western , 71c ; cilj
IlYE Firmer ; No. 2 xvestern , 4c.
1IARI.EY Firm ; feeding. 4Jc ,
IIMll.EY MALT Steady : xvc-stern , S4fj65c '
WHEAT Receipts. lej.tOO bu. : exports. 177
777 bu. ; * | > ot , market llrm ; No. J red. il.13" ,
o. b. alloiit. Optl.ns ( o | > ened strong and aclli
nn continued war talk and rcrraitlonilly high
l.lx rpaol cables. Subsequent dexrlopments x > e
U'arlsh , particularly on late months , w.ilcli we
old on tine i-rop news , and c'o'ed Ho tn IV
Inwer , A squeeze In May shorts left that optli
tln.illy lxc net higher ; Nu. : rel , May.'llCJ
Ul lli. close. ! fl HVt.
CORN-R celpt , 4VC3 ! bu.t exports. 1S3.1
bu . spat. tei < ly : No. ! . 3i\i- . Options shoui
< > arly ftrepgth im cables coxerlng. Inn aftt
uarJa cn > ed off under lealltlng and clured en
xo net iilxhcr ; May , 376 > 7 ! > c , closed 37c.
OATS RelpU. . 242.&M bu. ; exports. 4S.197 hi :
* pot , stronger ; No. i , 3l\e ; No. 2 xchlte , 31
Option * were -fairly actlv nil ilj > - , but rath
a y with corn , cliulng \ c net hlher.
FEEl > -Flrm : bran. 7 fKmiddlings. ; . S > O
Tje fee , ! . C2WOBe.
HAY Quiet ; shipping , fl3Jc ; good to cholc
Ulr0t <
HOPS Quiet : state , common to choice. Jl
rup. 4JJ5c ; ISM crop. "Pfc ; 1J97 cruj . I5OH
I'acltlc coast , KK crop. 4 ic ; 1M crop , 7O (
1 7 crop.
HIIJEd-Steady ; Oalve ton. 15V5c ; Texas dr
12Sc ; California. 17Htf c
lUCATHER-Steady ; hemlock sole. Baen
Aiirs. 11\UXf.
WOOL-Qul t ; fleece , 17822C ; Texas. 12fTI4c.
PROVISIONS Heef , rtrm. family. 511.00311 1
extra mess. J3.wy9.7J ; beef hams. f2292J ; pack <
. . dit meats , quiet. plckU-,1 belllf
U.75OC.M : pickled shouldrrs , I4.M ; pickl
: iamt , f7.SOO77i. I.irJ , quiet ; \te > tem ttramr
$3.f ; renned. llrmer : closed at f.47H. jvii
tlrady ; mess. tlO.ZittlO.S ) ; family. lll.W ; fli ,
c'ear. ftO.20iil2.75 ; family. 11.7J. Tallow , qul
city. 3Hr : country , 31idt\c , as to quality. .
O1IJ * Petroleum , dull Rosin , ! > ; stralnr
rommnn to eooO , fl.42Vitil.45. Turpentine , stead
SS t 3'le. Oottonse < > d oil. stead ) ; prim * cruil
m JOc : prime crude , f. n. I. , mills. UHHim
prims sommtr yellow. HO i ! : off tumn
yellow. S2922Hr : butler oil. 250 27c ; prime wl
ter yellow. s7i , He.
ritKiaiira TO iavEni'DOL-stmng ; cott
by stMim. K02 < > c ; cniln by steam. 3 So.
niCK-Stf dr ; fair lo extra , 4K8Co : J pa
UOLASSEfl-Qutet : N w OrUaot. OJKq kett
no. ! 1Q rho' r. ttffBo.
M TAL3-Ttie tc neral tendency cvf th * to *
market Is toward a hlcher le\el of v lu i oi
to4ay repaHtaa- ) > tlT r-'s s i |
on Inrreaned demand. At th" closi the 1I' ! ! '
ex hang * cubed pig Iron warrants very dull
with tt.(0 bid and 1C.70 asked , lake COJ > | T. firm
with J12.00 bid nnil 11J.2J atked : tin. higher for
pit anil quiet for futures with 114 'Jl bid and
H. > ske > l spelter , quiet with fl 1 * bid and
I 2 > Hrked. lei'1 , wit.i JJ.'i ; bid nnl
3.G2'4 nsktlsi \ \ was quoted at II V ) by the
Irm naming the settling price for x estern miners
and m lttr > .
IlUTTEIl-Itecelpt * . J.ffl pkgs ; market steady ;
wcrttrn creamery , liQISe , Elzln ; , Ifc ; factur ) ' ,
CHEESE Receipts , 97J pkts. ; msrket nrm ;
arge crnl.-e. 7if c ! tmall choice , 8flS > - " ; lljht ,
rklnii , SXffte ; full rklms , 2 < (3c.
EOtJS-Recelpts , 11 pk-g : matlttt steady ;
western , ll'.yil'ic. s-mthcrn , lOtflOVic.
Cnnillllnn nf Trmlr nnil a "lntlonti nn
Stnplr nml Fniiey 1'roduce.
KOGF-Oood .stock. 9e.
IIUTTER Cominin to fair. 9Cllc ; s p talor
15 , ; : gathered creamery. ISQlCc.
VEAL-Cholce fat S9 to 1W Ibs. , quoted at SO
9e ; large and coirw , < Kf7c ,
LIVE POULTRY Ch-ckens. ei4 < f7c ; old rooil-
ers. J'.ifti'ic ; young roosters , CffCHiC.
OAMII Weather too watm for gams.
PIOEONS Live , Jl.llUl.zi ; pigeons nit
HAY Upland. J7.CO ; mluland. W.Oi ; Invland.
JS.D3 ; rje straxv , f I 00 ; culur makes the price on
hay ; light bales sell the best ; enly top era1 *
bring top prices.VEQETAULES.
ONIONS-Per bu. , WcOfl.
I1EANS Hand-picked rnx-y , per bu. , 11.23.
SWEET POTATOES-Kansns. 10-peck bb'.J , ,
tS.M ; seed sweet jiotatoes , f2.W.
CAHIlAOi : New-Flnrlda. per crate , 1225.
POTATOES * Home grown , MBS5iColora ; \ < i
lock , 70 ? : northern fancy early Ohio seed po-
tntops. R5 < ,
TOMATOES-Per crnte , J3 005 3.25.
NEW HKETS Per doc. bundle * . 4WrWo !
RADISHES-Per doz. bunches , 30835C.
LETTl'Ci : Per doz. bunches. r. Wc.
OHFEN ONIONS per doz , 12fflSc.
. fl.W.
WATERCREyS-Pcr If-qt. case.
ra'Cl'MIlKR * Per doz. . tl.JXJl.W.
WAX IlEANS-H bu. box. tl.
PEAS Per bu. , fancy Mississippi , $1.25.
8"INAm-P r batkft. tl.
PIEPLANT Home grown , per Ib. , 2c.
BTRAWBERRIES-Per 21-plnt case. t2.K ; 21-
qt. cn r , 14 M.
APPLES Winter stock , 13 M03.M.
i HANHERRIES Fancy J ! i > y , per bbl. , tlO.W.
GRAPErf-Malagas. 3.of ) ? .M.
ORANGES California navels , 12.7583.0' ) ; reed-
llng . (2 23.
LEMONS California fancy , t3 0) ; choice , KV >
8275 : fancy Merilnn , SJCTMlSW.
I1ANANAS Cholcu , larg' stock , per bwrch. t 00
62. 3 ; medium slze < l l < unches , n.7502.0 } .
NUTS Aimonur , per 11 < , lare size , 12313c ;
small , lie. lirazll- . per ID. , SJjloc : Knsllrh wal
nuts , p - Ib , soft shell. Wile ; Btanjards ,
Sfl9c ; tllliert , p f 11. , IDs : pecans , polished , me
dium. 6ffiu ; ; . . ! large , f-tSH" large hickory
nuts. tl.tiObl 10 per bu : rmtill , Jl.25fri.55 per bu ;
coconnuts. per 100 , SI : peanuts , raw , SO'llic :
roasted , S4J6kc.
I'lOS Imported , fancy , 3-crown , 14-lb. boxe .
IOc : 5-craxvn , 41-lb. boxes , J3c ; 2-lb. boxes , 229
23e per box : California , 10-lb. box. II.
1IONUY Choice xxlilte , 12e : Colorado amber , 10
KIIAUT Per bbl. . S3.M ; h lf bbl. , S2.23.
MAI'LK SYHUI'-Flxe-gal. can. each. S2.75 ;
nl. cans , pure , per doz. . , 112 ; half-gal , cans ,
" 23 ; qu irt cans , 13.50.
UATis Halloxxee , GO to 70-lb. boxes , 5'ic ;
air , DC ; rard , Mb. boxes , Jic.
CIDKR-I'er half-bbl. . 13 : bbl. . S3.
HIDES No. 1 green hlJes , Cc : No. 2 green
IJes , uc ; No. 1 raited hide * , k ? ; No. 2 green
altcd hides , 7c : No. 1 xcnl calf. 8 to 12 Ibs. , 9c ;
o 2 x ftl calf. 12 to IS lb < . . 70.
SHKKI' I'ELTS Green failed , each , 15O75 :
reen salted shearings ( short xxooled early skin- ) ,
ach , ISc ; dry shearings ( snort xxooled early
kins ) . No. 1 , each , 5c : dry flint Kantns nnd Ne-
rurka butcher xxonl pells , per Ib. , actual uelcht.
f/5c ; dry Hint. Kansas and Nebraska murrain
vool pelts , per Ib. actual weight. 35lc ; dry
Int Oolorailo butcher xxool p lts , per Ib. , actual
lelght. 40 : dry Hint Colorado murrain xxool
ielti , per Hi. , actual xxclqht , 2jI4c.
TAL1W , ORKASK KTC.-Tallow. No. 1 , Sc ;
allaxxNo 2. 2ic : rougn talloxv , l'4c ; xxhlte
reise , 2 Q2c ; > ellow- and broxvn grease , im ?
H'rtS Hear ( black or broxxn ) , 15.00020 CO ; otter ,
1.SOJJ8.00 : mink. iSfiGC ? ; beaver. JI.WS6.00 ;
kunk , 13c , 2 > c , Wo ; mukrat , 3c , Jc , 7c : racoon ,
5t lc : rod fox. 2" cOJ1.2Ji gray fox , 25fMc : xxolf ,
timber ) , 23cft2.50 : xxolf ( prulrle cojote ) , lOftMc ;
xllilrat , lOOilc ; badger , SQIOc ; sllx-cr fox , J3.CO
DRESSED BEHF-Good nat'v * steers. 7c per
b.j good for quarlers steers , Cc ; geol hlndquar-
ers Htfers , Sc ; xxeftirn sfers. C ic : natlxe helf-
: rs , Clc : xxestern heifers , fi c : good forequar-
irs heifers , 5'jc ; good hindquarters heifers ,
.Pic : native cows , isi c : xxe'tem COWF , 6 c : fa'r
co s , Cc : cow forequarteis , to ; cow hindquarters ) ,
'c : backlialvc * . CBSWc : tilangles. IVic.
lliKK Ct'Tf-Tenderlolr.s. frejh , 1'c : frozen.
.5c ; boneless strlpn , fresh , IOc : frozen , fc ; Ftrlp
olns. fresh St c : frozen. 61ic ; rolls , boneless ,
rozer. . i'c : fresh. 10 > : rolls. Spencer ruts , fro/'n ,
ij ; fresh. IOc : sirloin butts , bonele's. frozen ,
c ; fresh , 10c ; shoultfer clods , boncleis , 6Vic ;
mmp bulls , boneless. ; ? ic : No. J chucks , "
resh , 12c ; loins. No. 3. frozen. Se ; ireph , IOc :
tbort lrlns. maritet ttyle. 2c aboxe loins ; hotel
style , 4e above loins : row loin nds , 8Vic : steer
o n end ? , S is : barging tenderloins. 4'ic : rlb- .
No. 1 , frozen , IOc : frenh , 12 ? : rlbn. No. 2 , frozen ,
< e. fre h. 10o ; ribs , No. J. frozen. 6c : froh. 8e :
No 1 rounds , 7c : No. 2 rounds , 6ir : No. 3
rounds , C c ; beef roun-ifB. shank off , -ic addl-
lonal ; beef rounds , shank and rump off , IHc
additional : trimmings. 4Hc : beef shanks , c ;
aralns. p-r doz. , tS : ; sviecthreadi ' , per Ib. , frozn ,
iOci fresh , 12'/jc : sxreelbrea'as ( calxes ) , per Ib ,
; oc- kidneys , per doz , , Me : ox tails , each , Ic ;
Ivers , per Ib. , J'ic ; heart * , per Ib. , 2Hc ; t'nue .
rier Ib. . 12c : calf livers , 'each. c : calx-es , whole
carcass or sides , 10H = : calf head and feel ,
scalded , per set , 75c.
MUTTON Fancy Iambs , ? c per Ib. : resulat
limbs , fc : sheep , "Uc : market mcks ( Ions ) , fc ;
iwtel racks ( short ) , lie ; loins. 9c : sa'tllci. 9r ;
IfR9c - lamb lets , IOc : bremts and stans , * 4c ;
tnncues. each. c : foreaiiarter . Vic.
POIIK Dreseil tilgs. 6Ue l'-r Ib. : dressed hos ,
rv tenderloins. 15s : lo'n ? . small , 6c ; large ,
6'ic : spare ribs , 4 c : ham sausage butts. " ' -
luston butts , CHc : shoMWers. rough. 4J.c : >
erllngs , 'sc ; hocks. 4c ; hearts , per < Soz . X < c
tomach , . eathv : c : tQngnes. eacr/ / . 7e : k'dneys
p- do . . lOo ; brains , per doz. , 15c piss . ' "ti'S
pAOT. . . 30c ; mers. eatfli. So ; Log. rinds. Ic ;
bones , 5c. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
St. T.oulK penernl Mnrkct.
I/HTIS. April 22. FLOUR-Hlcher ; pat
tn jfKtjVffl ; str iKht * . f .COa4.70 ; c : i !
S4 1W4 35 : medium , } 3.5Cf4 ( V ) .
WHBAT-Irregular. with May Ic hlshrr : July
and September IHo lower ire
He- lower corny
with yesterday's eViro : Bpot. hlijher : No. 1 T < -
eiXHI. fiexmui . J1.04V ? : truck. . _ , „ (1 ; , OJ81.0J "ir- ; , . . April \v ,
n.01'4 : May , n.M : July. S3Jie c : teptembei
7V No. 2 red cash , fur.
( XmN'-Kiituies. easy but fractlonilly hlebet
snot hlRhcr : No. 2 cash. 2 c ; track. .SUc
u April. 2Se" Julv. 2li'c b'd : S.-ptember. 2i : bid
II No. ' . white. .
- at fl.M ; Prim
timothy reed , fi 6S8I ! 75.
y : east track , sac.e.
'lIAY Scarce and fctrons ; prairie , 17. "
timothy. JS.OHI11.M.
* I1UTTEH rirm ! crramery.
KGOS Firm at
llAaOlNO-0 lC'4 < - .
MIITAI.S I ad , quiet at Jl. 7'i
"Vl'OVISIOVS TV-rV. low r : mess. Jobblns
113 * 7'i Uml. dteady : prlmf nleam. 13.3' !
choice. K 4'X Ikxcon. lioxc.l rhouliler J1.2T. : n
tm Bhort clear. S612M : ' , rlb . $5.K : * hort . JC fW
IV- mil nvnt ( lnx < - l ) . shoulders. S ( 7J : extr
eVMt cl ir. K < " 2s : rll * . tj.lshorts : , J.-1.871 * .
nErIMITP Klour , * , o04 l.bls : xxbcat , IS.Of
Ini com. 37 ( 'M bu ; nnt * . 2 > .001 bu.
RUirJIRNTS Flour , S.0 bhls. ; uhcat , C,0 <
bu , ; corn , 43.000 bu. : oats. tOO1 bu.
Ilnltlinorr Mnrkrt
11ALTIMORI5. Arrll 2J.-FI/5Un-Hk'hei
xxestern supenlne , | 2.U.23 ; we tern cxtrai
i3.KW4.13 : western family , II.5W4.73 : x lnt <
ivheit patentf. t5.WfiS.2i : tprini ? xxheat patent
S > .lrV * > . * 0 : rprlng xt'ieat straights , Si.2MJS.4l
terehi'a. f.MI bids. ; exports. 16 bbls.
WHEAT Strone : spot r.d month. } 1.CV <
1 faV , ' My , Jl.O iOl.O'fSsi steamer No * . 2 ret
Sl.OlTnOI.C ! ; recelpU , W.045 bu : exports , non <
pouthern xxheat , b fample , $ l.05Ol.O S ; soutl
crn wheat , on gra.le. Jl.WHOl.Ofi. i. . _ _ . .
PORN Ptrong ; fpot and month. 57H5H7S'
Mis' . S7 f37iic : steamer mixed. SMJfWKc : r
celpts , 2JlfW bu , ; exports , I41.M7 bu ; souther
xrhlte corn 5 > couthern ; xellow corn , SSc ,
OATS-rirm : No 2 xxhlte. SflWie ; No.
mixed. 3I'iO3Jc : r , 11.0S4 bu. : export
- ' : Stronjt nd higher : No. 2 nearby. MH
; No ! _ 2 western. C2 c ; receipts. 2.121 bu
- choice timothy. 112.Wii : 00.
OHAIN rHEiailTS-Stronr and hlsher : , te i
to Llxerpool. P r bu- * J- June ; CorW f <
orders , rir quarter , 4s 3.1. May ; Ss M. June.
lirTTKH-Flrni ; fancy rreainery. 20c : Jam
Imitation. 170Uc : fancy ldl . 15c ; good ladl
1J014 : iture packet. 1CO12C.
moFirm : fresh. He
CIIFFRF Steady * fancy New York , large.
York , medium. DHOW ; nc
t ! New York , small.
r < l Clurliinntl 3l rkc .
it.k. . CINTlKXATI. April 2S.-FIX > lin-Flrm ar
irt higher : fancy. S4.4Sfl4.70 ; family. SS.8OS4.10.
: t ; WIIRAT-FIrtn ; No. 2 red. Sl.00ai.02.
(1ORN STonic and hUrher ; No , 2 mixed , Jlc.
a.r . OATS-nrniJ No. mixed. SUUESlio.
r ; IIVB Firm : No. 2. U" .
I'ROVISIONS I inl. easier at SS.5ff&.49.W
mentx. teady at SS. 5. Itacon. uteady at S .Si.
WHISKY Firm owl bleher Rt S1.21.
IHITTEIl Lo r : iiirtn cr 4raer > ' . lc ; Otil
120lc : dairy , Wtrllc.
V UOAH Firm ; hard refined. S4.2S0S W.
lXGH-Klrm anj higher at ) c.
jTl VJbSK HtiuJy ; tool to prime Ohio Ba
--Firm ami h'W ; > ta dard mM pork , ft
Lnnl , refined tierce , II.MM 124 ; pure lard ,
13.Wif" nH. Iloied meats , dry lallfd boul
der * . U.OOtr .12H. slJ . Si. > { M.C . lUcon , rides , !
clesr _ , ribs , 16.j. Hams , choice tutrir lUrf-J ,
Pi'n'KKB Steady ; Illo , orJInary to good , tS.O )
lili'K Firm : ord'nary to good , 4Jo.
ri/JUIt Extra fancy , Sl.7164.7 : . patents , S3.0)
HAY-1'rlme , mMQUM , *
COUN No. 2 red , xxhlte , mixed ana yellow ,
OATS-NO. 2 rd.
City ( irnln nnil I'rnvliilnn * .
very actUe ; hard Ic higher , rlo. Ing strong : red
steady t > higher ; No. 1 hard. 97c ; No. 2 , SIH (
! < c ; No. 3 , 92HO 4c : No. 1 red , Jl.Ol ; No. 1. WU
ll.dO ; No. 3 , Die ; No. 2 ( prlng , Ht/fic : No. 3 ,
CORN Market active and higher ; No. t
mixed. 23'i 23c.
OATS Market fairly ncthe and generally
higher ; No 2 white. iSHc.
HYK Market higher ; No. 2. U'io.
HAY Market active * nd higher ; choice tim
othy , t9 75 ; choice prairie , } S.OO.
UUTTER-Market rteady ; creamery , 14817c ;
dairy , 12Uie.
K aS-Matket nrm ; fresh. 9f.
RBC'EII T8 Wheat , 16,500 bu. ; corn , 2G.GOO bu.J
oats , 9. < W bu.
8HIPMKNTS Wheat , 11 , 4M bu. ; com , 19,20 }
bu. ; oats , 3,000 bu.
Liverpool . . - ,
ftra India mrvt. firm nt 73s 9 > t ; prime mess , 67s
( J. 1'ork , prime mefs , line xxestern. Hnn at Ms
9.1 ; prime mess , fine medium , nrra at Ms 3d.
Haras , short cut , strong at 2V. Ilacon , Cumber
land cut , stron ? at ! 6s ; short ribs , strong at
S4s ; clear bellies , nrm at IGs ; shoulders , tquire ,
strong nt 27s. ,
OILS Cottonseed oil. Liverpool refined , firm
at ICs. Turpentine spirits , nrm at 23s 6J.
WHEAT . pot , Noo. 2 red , western , xxInter ,
firm at f 5d.
CO/IN Ppot. American mixed , new , firm at
Ss 9VjU : April , quiet at 3s 9iiJ ; May , quiet at
3s M : July , quiet at 3s P4d.
n Ol'It St. I/juls fancy xx Inter , nrm nt 10s
M. Note Flour quotations cox-crlns Liverpool
charges. The proxlous quolatlons xxere on a
c. I. f. basis. . .
Grnln IlrrrllitM nt Prlnrlpnl Mnrketsi.
ST. LOUIS , April 22. Receipts : Wheat. U
' CHICAGO. April K.-Itccelpta today : ,
132 cars ; rorn , 4GJ cars : onts. 41) cars. I-1- '
mated tomorrow : Wheat , 103 cars ; corn , 4jO
cars : oats , 375 cars. , , . ,
MINNEAI-OLIS , April K. Receipts : lieat.
KANSAS CITY , April 22. Receipts ! "Wheat ,
I , April 22. Receipts : When.1 , 47 curb
ToU-ilo Mnrlirt.
TOLEDO , April 22. WHEAT Ujner and ac
me : No. 2. cosh and May. f 1.1514.
CORN Actlxe and higher : Nb. 2 mixed , 33c.
OATS Dull nnd higher ; No. 2 mixed , 2 ! > c.
RYE Dull and unriiaiged ; No. 2 , cash , DC-c !
bid.CLOVERSEED Active end steady ; prime , casti
and April. J3.15.
Otl Lower : North Lima , 51c ; South Lima and
Indiana , 49c.
Poorln . liirkcto.
riXJRIA. April 22. CORN Market flrm and
hlcher : No. 7 , 31 ic.
OATS Market llrm ; No. 3 white. 2StS02SHc.
IlYE Market tlrm and higher ; No. 2 , Me.
WHISKY Hlgli proof spirits , J1.20J4.
Detroit MnrK-rt.
DETROIT , April 22. WHEAT No. 1 white.
JI.02 ; No. 2 red , J1.04 ! No. 3 red , tl.W : May ,
Jl.Ol : July. ECUc.
I'lillnilolpliln I'roiluro.
fancy western creamery , IS c.
EGGS Firm ; fresh western , ll'.ic ,
Snn KntiiplNcn AVht-nt Mnrkrt.
December , 11 WH : May , | 1.7C' .
11ARLEY Steady ; December , $1.354.
I'rli-cn Tnlic nil Vpiiurd Shoot on
NlrenKtli In London.
NEW YORK , April 22. When New York oper
ators In tccurltlcs got down to Wall street thl
morning they found cabled reports from London
Indicating a somewhat f\erl h activity In the
epeculatlon In Americans , with a tendency to
rebsund from jesterday's deprenslon. Cabled
Inquiries' from the other jldo Indicated an eager
anxiety there to know what tacX Wall street
would take. This was sutllclcnt to admonish
the bears who sold In jesterday ofternoon's
slump to coxer yesterday's contracts. The coxer-
Ing of yesterday was folloxxed by same buying
for London account. The result xvas sharp nd-
xonces all around. Thli adxance was almort
lost at one lima durlnn the mornlrg. but In the
late afternoon the buying x\as rcnexxed , carr > lns
prices to the highest of the day , xvith only &
slight reaction at the close. The remit shows
more than half of yesterday' * lostes retrlexed.
The faxorlte stocks were the highly volatile spe
cialties , such ns Tobacco , which was exceed
ingly erratic all day and xery actlx-e , an ! Sugar.
In th" railroad list Internationals led la the
trading. A raid In People's Clas , which brought
that stock down 4 points. wj tin : Impelling
cause of the morning's reaction. Stock * recovered
before the close. The world's money market
showed a snllent effect on the market. The
money market's action was the decreased demand
from banks In the Interior of the United States
for funds. Chicago exchange en New York rising
to par. This had the effect of relaxing the New
York demand on London for demand , and as n
consequence no gold was engaged for Import
today. Although rates for time money and com
mercial paper remained arm , call money xvas to
be had nt 2 per cent. The cDvernment made
heaxy payments on account of the navy , result
ing In n debt balmce nt the clearing house ol
fl.56.5C4. Part of thU doubtless went Into the
exchange market nnd helped to maintain Its llrni
tone deyplte the buying by London of jecurltles
The resulting relief of the London maiket from
the pressure for gold , accompanied by a rise In
Berlin exchange on 'London , caxe promise ol
easier money and relieved the situation In Paris
as well. The result was n cessation of the heav )
liquidation for Part * account. The selling o
American securities , which had been large foi
both Paris nnd london account , xvas checked
These Improx'ed conditions were reflected baden
on New York nnd helped the recovery. Ther <
were be ldes sanguine expectations that the \ra
xxould be short or that the pope would Mill pre
vail on Spain to abandon Cuba. There was t
curious story current In Wall street that torn
of the operator * In American stocks had beei
bu > lng Spanish bonds as a hedge on the theon
that If Americans went doxvn the Spanlrh bond
would GO up , at In the case of a Spanish v | ?
tory. In the expected exent of early Amerlrni
success the proflt on Americans. It wj nrguej
would more than wipe out the lots on the Span
l h bondr. The bond market xxar. not as nctlx
as that for stocks and prices held only abou
steady. Total rales , ( S25.COO. Vnlted States 4s
reglitered , declined H per cent : t'nlled State
4r , coupon. ' , i per cent , nnd the old 4 , registered
U per cent In the bid price- Others were un
The Evening Pest's London financial cab'egrar
says : "The ato-k markets here openel flat c
war conditions anil r ox-ered on coxerln * nnd ;
certain amount of renulne buy'ng here an
from Paris. Fpnnlsh 4s and Americans Ird 1
ihe recoxery , but lx > lh clo * J unler fe bfsl
As Indicated In prevlou * dispatches the c nrll
tlon of London markets fax'ors stagnation rathe
than hfnxy gelling as a result of the war. but c ;
the olh'.r hand no Immellate recover } ' ! c
peeled , but Ins'eid a gradual dn-lnjllng r
nrlces. Geld Is In lets demand for New York o
77 10jd. but eagies left the Hank of Eng'an
today. The Piiris boutse xras distinctly tttts
on the London lead , but the finan Ul on ; lee
there Is gloomy. Whether Franc ? xvlll arsli
Spi'n financially Is much dlscursel.
Following arr the closing quotations of tin
leading stccki en tie New Ycrk market today :
Tutsi sales of stacks today wer : :7,5M share
Inolu.Hns S1.C7S Chlcaeo. Uurllnxton & Qulnc ;
S.1U Louisville & Nasbx-llle. 7.150 Manhattai
4.610 Metropolitan. 4.120 New York Central. J.I
Northrrn ' 7UO Northern 1'sclno
I'acine. , vrrferri *
LU Hock Island. ilMJ at. I'Jul. 17. < i ) Unlc
1'aclftr preferred , JU7&J Tobacco , 9.K2 IVople
am , 31.W Sogr ,
LONDON. April 22. There wu all round to
rtlag on tti * titock eicclun * * today , after tl
dcpress:6n CAUMJ by tbe news of the sailing *
the United Mutes fleet to Havana. There Is
belltf that the r * . * * t1 | not U * tear , and It
even asserted that It may yet bs averted. Spin-
Ish 4s , though they recovered. w e so-newhal
weak. It Is predicted that they will reach 2) .
On the ttre-t. after the clef of the msrtet ,
Amoilcan stKtirlt es were M' lower and Spa-ilih
4s xierf quoted at 154. fpinlsh 4s clnjej < n the
Hto-k exchange at S2H. a net Rain ot S. Atruunt
of bullion gone Into the Hank of England on
lalan-e to lay. * 3W ) . American eagles am unl-
Inj ! to C9OCO were withdrawn from the Hank
of England today ( loll Is quoted at linen-a
Aym today at U7. 0 ; at LlFbin , 72 , at ,
P'ARIS , April 22.-Hus"nee was hesitating at
lhi > opining of the Ixwrsn to-lay , but afterxrarJ
there wa n decide ! lniproxem nt until the clow.
Transactions were limited. After the relapse
Snanlsh 4s steadily lecovered. Italian and Rut-
a'an n-curllUs wer * firmer and F.rAilllans were
weaker , Itlo tlntcs sharply ndx-aneed. After the
close of the bourse rcnten were quoted at leif
70c and Spanish 4s werc o.uotr.1 at 33H. Spanish
4s closed on the bourse at 32 12-16. a net k > s of
. Three psr cent rvptptolOlf 72c for the ac
count ,
HERL1N , April 22.i-Plijcount Is hardtn'ng.
and prices npened weak , Jiwlng to yesterdiys
news from Wall street' ' Afterward there was a
general recoxery , on ? * * . < r ft In the price of
Span'sh 4s on the westr-rn Vmn-ea.
xv York Mane * Marker.
Nominally 2OJ per cent.
STERLING EXCHANGE Market steady , with
actual builness In bankers' blll at t4.S34t
4.S374 for demand and Jl T .yt.M for sixty days ;
posted rates , J4.SO 4J4. } | ard S4 S4fH.84V > ; com
mercial bills , J471W4.7 ! " } *
GOVERNMENT lJOXD3 Market weak : new
res. , 116 ; coupon , J : ,4s. , rei ? . . 107 : coupon ,
OS ; ti , res ; . , 95 ; Ss. rr , r 103H ; coupon , llOVi ;
aclfie Cs of ' 99. IWi. .
Closing quotations on l ends were as follows :
BAR SILVER-Lltlle 'Inqulr ) ' at 23T4d pet
ounce. ui ( i
MONEY 282'i per cent , .
The- rate of dlscount lndrn open market foi
short bills , 3 1J-K < < 74 per oest ; three months' bills ,
3 15-lGg > per cent. ,
Flnnnclul Notes.
CHICAGO. April 22. Clearings. $ I5.SOI,300 : bal
ances. S1.01S.200. New York exchange. IOc dls
count ; sterling exchange , posted rates. ll.Slf
4.S4Vi : actual rates , II.S01J.83X : sixty dus
J1.7 l.fvi. Local slucks declined steadily untl
near the close , -when a goo ! diniind for shorti
csureil reactions of 1 to 2 points ; closing : Alle1
L. M ; Illreult. sy ; Ulsailt preferred , 79 ; tla
mend Match , 1218 ; North Chlcagx ) , 202 ; West Chicago
cage , SSVi.
ST. LOUIS. April 22. Olearlrci , SIC1 > .2.D ) ; bal
inces , HS3.C1C. Money. SOS p'r cent. New Yorl
ex'hang * . < X > : dlrcsunt 111 , Me d'ccunt uskcd.
PHILADELPHIA. April 22.-CIrarlngs. S12.K2.
34 ; . ba'an ii. Jl.7GS.S7i.
IIALTIMORE. April 22. Clearings , S3.0:4,2SO
balances , S47S.72I.
NEW ORLEANS. April 22. Clearings. S1.C4I ,
552. New Yoik exchange , bank , par ; commer
clal , SI ptr S1.0dltcount. .
NEW YORK. April 22. Clearings , S102.747'B1
balances , S5.94S.-i71.
I1OSTON. April 22. Clcsr'ngs , $15,37,001 ; bjl
ances. Jl.782,410. ,
MKMPHIR. April 21. Clearing ? , S"J.f98 ; bal
anc * . J54.K5. New Yo-k exchange , JI.50 ,
CINCINNATI. April 22. Nexv York exchange
15JJ23C dis-ount. Money , 4H06 PIT cent. Clejr
lns , S1.802.tW.
Cntlre MnrkrtM.
NEW YORK. April 22.-COrKDE Opton !
openej steady , xvlth prices unctunvcd to 1
I intJ loxxer ; ruled quiet and unchanged rtur n
the greater part of the sf lnn , w'th liu lnes
Btlll of the profeislonal order and xery > cat
tered for news xxas r. ca-dd with lnrtffere-c ! ;
xxnr nixvs has effectua'ly vhetkfd outside tpecu
latlx-e Interent. Cl'sed rteaily , with i rlcej uii
changed to S po'nti lower : calef. 2,10) ) bags , in
eluding April al JJ.SO ; May. S3.70. Spot Rlo
quiet : No. 7 , Invoice , J .STVj : No. 7 , Jobb'n ?
I7.374. MI1J , steady : Cordova , S3.2 : } 15.00. To
tal xxsr'licufe del veil a frrm the t'n'ted ' States
27.078 ba s. Including tl.r * from New Yoik
New York stock todny , < S2S2 bags ; I'nlte
.Stales stock , 807.C03 Imrs ; alloat for the 1'nlttc
States , 402.0-10 bags ; total x-'slbW for the 1'nltd
Stain , 1,059.603 l > ag , agilrxt 631,315 bags las
> ear and 372.C91 baza In li'J1 ! .
SANTOS. April SJ.-POFKEi : Holiday.
HAMI1URG. Aprl 22. OTrKEE Opened un
l > fcnired ; nt 2CO : p. m. , net unchanged toJpf |
hlcher : sales. 12.(0) ( bar * .
RIO DB JANEIRO , April 25. COFrEE-Holl
day : receipts , 1,080 bags.
HAVRE. April 22. COFFEE ClcseJ Uc ne
lower ; sales , 9.0CO bags.
Oil llnrketn.
OIL CITY. April 22. Oredlt balances. 72. Cer
tlflcates opened with pale * of cash oil at 71Uc
During the day aales were as fol'ows ; Cas'h de
livery. 2.000 bbls. at 7Ulc ; 1S.(00 t > bl . at 71' < ic
ii.000 bhlH at 71'Jc. ghlpjnentr. 63.165 bbls. ; luns
87.079 bbls.
CHARLESTON , Apr1 ! 22. OIUS-Turpfnllne
firm at 25i c. Rosin , firm nd unchinced.
SAVANNAH. Oa. , April 22-OlUt-Sprlts ! : o
turpentine , firm at 251f , . Hoiln , llrm and un
changed. .
WILMINGTON. N. C- . April 22 OILS Srlr
Its of turpentine , steady at 23' & 2G * . Ror |
steady at Cntd * turpcnt'ne , : ead
at 1.:5B1.SO and Sl.tH ) . Tar , firm at Kc.
VorU Ulry uood * Market.
NEW YOHK. April JT-Thtre Is Hill a qule
market In cotton iroe-ls. though a tendenc
toward tlrmr.Mi Is maUng.ltfelf felt In all de
partments. Returns from eastern markets ar
to the effect that manufacturers are making ,
ctn/nger stand than lierrofore ( , though Ira.lln
U somewhat limited , la' woolen goo < ls llttl
busir.ew Is passlnr. Xn staple cottons outud
of fractional changes Ifl .Ihe market , made o
small salej , there Is nothing of note to be r
corded. Print cloths nre. qul t. IllJilIng fc
extras at 2c U cxtenilve , ( jut manufacturers ar
refttlng to rcll to any large extent. Odd goat
are quiet and some h , t , firmer In quotation
than rezula . f
Suitar Murkrtsj.
open kettle , : t % c ; centrifugal cranulito
4 < ic : white , 4 I-l c ; yellow , 484Hc ; secondi
2SC115-lCc. Molasses. IHftl : rentrjfutal. 41111
NHW YORK , Apr'l JjliKUOAll-Raw. nule
fair refining. Z ll-\ti crntrlfuxvl , (6 test. 4 3-16
refined strong ; No. , CtJ-Hc ; No. 7 , 4Vc ; N
I. 4Sc : No. . 416c ; UiiuM A , ( He ; ct&ndai
A , ( > * : confectloneraV ? V , t',4 : ; cut loaf , lli1
cubes , iHc , j.
ManrbrwtVr "Trartte"FafcHpi. .
UANCHE TCIt. April H. Cloth * and jr "
ttront ; and actlv * . < .
War Scare Has a Direct Efffot on tbo Local
Mnkr lltmlnrsm Slorr n ( n Ten-
Co lit Ilrrlliir HOK" Tnkc AII-
otlur Dime on niul
SOUTH OMAHA , April 22.-IUcclpts for
the days Indicated were :
Cattle. Hop * . Sheen. Hor's.
April 23 2,3.-,3 6,617 1.3IS 1
April 21 1.611 $ .073 7.4G1 S
April 20 2,970 8001 2.2SJ
April 19 2.7&1 5,27 3,951 2
April IS 1,473 1,924 1.503
April 16 1,031 D.W9 7,725
April 15 2,209 ( i,049 10,376
April 14 1.411 5.77S 11.727
April 13 2,242 5.47 * 1.SW
April 12 5.419 6.555 3.MO
April 11 1,597 2,730 6,791 2
April 9 7W 3,150 924 23
April 8 1.S14 4,2.11 1.S12 . . . .
April 7 l.CO-i 6.4S2 14.KM
April A 3,545 821S 7,303 2
April 5 2,619 G.OJ2 3.63J 64
The ofllclal number of cars ot stock
brought In today by each road waa :
Cattle. HOBS. Sheep. H'r's.
C. , M. & St. P. Ry. . . . 1 2 . . . .
O. & St. I , . Ily 1
.Missouri Pacific Ily. . 4 6
Union Pacific System IS 13 4
C. & N.V. . Hy 3
R , E. & M. V. 11. U. . 20 23
S. C. & P. Hy 3 1 . . 1
C. , St. P. . M. & O. Ily 11 3
U. & M. R. R. R 33 19 2
K. C. & St. J 1
C. , R. I. & P. , cast. . . 1 2
. , R. I. & P.west. . . . 3 1
Total receipts . . . . 9 $ SI C 1
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated :
Huycrs. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omnha Packing Co f > S 499 . . . .
: J. H. Hammond Co S'H Si ) 25)
Swift and Company 3.V5 1,107 . . . .
Cudahy PncklnK Co 'Jll 1'JGl 1,070
t. Uecker and Degan , . . . . "
Vansant & Co 57
.obman & Hothic/nllds. . . SI
Huston & Co IS
Krebb * & Co 13J
, . P. Husz 45
l.lvlnpston & Schaler . . . 2-J
North P. & P. Co 2.-.0
Cudnhy , from K. C 92 KJ ! . . . .
C. P. & P. Co. , Neb. City . . . . 7S2 . . . .
Other buyers IS )
Totals 2,327 O.CI7 1.320
Today's receipts of stock numbered ISO
cars or about forty cars less than a week
ago. The falling off was In shee ; . , the
arrivals of cattle and hoc ? 'je.ntr prac-
tlcaplly the same ns t.xeek ajo. As to the
markets sheep nnd hogs were in active
demand and higher , but Cattle were slow
nnd lower.
CATTL.1J There were Jmt about the
same number of cattle here as a week
age , that Is , between ninety nnd 100 loads.
The most of tno cattle In the yards were
of inferior kinds , and really desirable lots
were ccarce. The market ns a. whole was
very unsatisfactory , to the selling Interests.
It uas late before buyers would open their
mouths nt all , nnd when they were at last
ready to talk business their bids on beef
steers were generally ull of lOo loner , some
sellers would say more than that. Even
the light cattle , which on most days have
been good sellers , \\ero lower today , as well
ns heavy cattle. While buyers did not ap
pear to carp much whether they got any
cattle or not , sellers were backwaui about
accepting the bids , so that the trade was
extremely slow and dull from start to llnlsh.
The buyers started out to buy butchers'
stock 5fi lOo. lower , nnd In mst cases cows
nod heifers sold on that basis , choice little
heifers fe llnjr the decline least because of
being In ihe best demand. The supply was
rather limited , nnd in some cases buyers
were forced to ral o their hands so that
the close was , If anything , a little better
than the opening.
Only a very few stackers and feeders were
In the yards , and not enoush to cut any
material figure In thu day's trade. In fact ,
there were hardly enough to really estab
lish quotations , but It would be safe to eay
that * uch rattlC"os there were sold at about
pteady prices.
It Is claimed that war Is responsible for
the weak cattle market just as much as for
the strong tiog market. Speculators ap
pear lo have llgured It out that while the
placing of troops In the field will Increase
the demand for hos products It will cause
a corresponding falling off In the demand
for dressed beef. The uncertainty regarding
the future of the export trade may also
have some bearing upon the situation ,
Representative sales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. T > r.
M 2.1 15. . . . 1125 14 31) 1 ! . . .IKS S4 ! 5
23..1181 430 1..11M 371 17..11GS
17..1679 393 6. . . . 533 363 2. . . . 940
1. . . . 94 375 M..1061 43) 1. . . . 7G9
& 9..13.-.2 4 10 12..1175 4 Si 7. . . . 994
10..19 435 11. . . . DiS 410 18..1103
6. . . . WO 4 10 19..10 ? 3 95 13..107.8
21).1554 4 35 ZJ..10M 4 31 25..12S2
16. . . . f < 3 420 57..1249 435 12..ICC !
21..10S5 439 31..I.101D 4 S3 47. . . . 810
19..1311 4 30 2J..i:51 4 20 22..1J7S
40. . . .1347 4 40 2 * > . . . .i:63 4 40 3. . , .1100
9. . . . 976 4 13 13..11E3 4 15 23..1026
J9..1014 4 15 3. . , . 953 3 50 IS. . . .
i. . . , sco 3 : a v > . . . . \yf 4 K i. . . . CM
1S..1K5 4 40 3..102 4 4 ! ) 3. . . . 913
1. . . . S10 3 73 18. . . .1213 4 25
8) . . . . 770 4 00
4. . . .1030 335 1..10W 309 2. . . .1190 3 55
1..1220 30) 1..1I40 345 J. . . . 970 275
1. . . . 830 30) 11. . . .1055 370 ] . . . . < > 2 S3
1. . . . 410 3M 4. . . .1031) 375 1..1100 300
4. . . .1240 3 SI,0 385 15. . . .1130 3 CO
1..11M 3 ! ) 1. . . . 930 t 63 1..104S 3 40
2. . . . 9 * ) 300 1..11W 3 S5 I. . . . 970 3 CO
1..1050 373 1..10W 340 ! . , , . 640 375
2. . . .1140 3 25 4..10S5 3 M 2..13CO 3 60
4. . . .1045 t W 3. . , . 77 260 3..1CS6 3 CO
1. . . . 670 2 75 1..1KX ) S 40 I. . . . 910 3 15
1. . , . 870 3 SO l.i. . 690 225 1. . . . 740 283
2. . . . CV ) 360 S..1160 3:0 10. . . .1062 3 M
1..101) 355 1..1SW 325 S. . . . 915 340
: . . . . ! ! > : 3 K 1..1150 385 3..irJ 3 CO
1..1050 350 1..1370 400 2. . . .110) 330
3. . . .1450 300 1. . , . 390 30) C..1135 370
1,1169 3 35 ' . . . . 655 S 25 1. . . . 910 3 35
2..10V ) 2 SS 1..1300 3 73 1. . . . 9" ) 3 00
1. . . . MO ? SO 1. . , . 00 3 0) 15. . . .1051 3 S5
1..1AT1 3 3. . . .1136 3 M 2. . . . MO 3 SO
1..11S ) 4 03 9. . . .1242 3 20 1..11JO 3 70
Z. . . . 9S3 " 9. . . . 153 4 C- > 2. . . . 7SO 3
1. . . . 8M 303 2 ! . . . . 993 355 2..11CO 300
2..11.13 370 1..1110 370 1..11V ) 375
2..i'8) 425 3. , . . 31ft 3M ) . . . . M ) 33"
1. . . . 700 3 35 3 ] . . . . M ) 4 05 S3. . . . C21 4 25
! . . . . &W 3M 4. . , . P < 4 5i ' . > . . . . 7M a ill
1. . . . 46) 3 23 1. . , . 70) 4 f 0 R . . . SI2 4 IS )
2 , . . . 5S3 373 JO. . . . 307 5 C5 1. . . . 610 3 6j
1 . . . . Wrt 3 ' , ' . 1 . .1M 3 ) - , 3 . . . 410 t ' /I
31. . . . 774 413 IS. . . . tl 3 ) 1. . . . S * ) 305
1. . . . 940 4" ) 1. . . . M8 3M 1 . . . < wO 3 & )
10. . . . Ml 4 05
15. . . .1578 3 3)
K. , . . C93 3 SOHULLS
4. . . . 4J7 140
1..17M 3 2D 1..1471 3 I..t5li ) 3 M
. . . . # > 315 J. , ,119) 310 1..12J ) 3" .
. . . . ] ( > SOI 1..12M 3ft ) ] . . .1 > M J i-
l..10 275 2. . . . 875 375 1. , 7il 373
1..140) 34) 1..UKI SO ) 1..1771 . ' SO
1..1O ) 3 CO l..ia > ) O'TJ l.tkUi : I 30
1..14 3 10 1..15 340 1. . 7J1 2 Jl
1 . . .14" ) 335 1..1519 333 1..1ZO 30)
14 , . . .1017 S M 1..15M S 15 1..160) 3 4i
CAi.vr. "
1. . . . 110 C 25 3. . . , 314 5 23 J. . . . ) XI ( . *
1..340 425 1. . . . U ) 6 CO ! . . . . 5 f l
2. . . . 41) 465 1 , . . . 110 65i ) S. . . . 115 SCO
1..15W 3 FS 1..1010 2 K
7. . . . 92' 4 23 17. . , .114 4 f ) 1. . , . 610 4 75
1. . . . 870 4 70 3. . , . 70i ) 4 65 . . . . 595 4 25
14. . . .1021 4S . . . . 7S7 4 2 > ) 5 , , . . 654 4(5
5. , . . 430 310 34 , . . . 3M 3 SO 26. . . . 77J 411
1 , . . . 7S3 4 JO 1. . . . S40 350 2. . . , S63 4 ! )
1 , . . 74) 4 25 1 , . . . CSH 4 15 1. . . . "SO 4 40
I..SJ- . 4 U ) 1. . . . 910 37S 1. . . . 420 4 M
4' , . . . 2 4 4 M i , . . . 250 } 73 15. . . . 582 4 S3
5. . . . 663 4 SO
HOOS The excellent ca ' - > demand for ho
products jefterday and the expected call t
fupplr Hi * army nd navy Influenced pmi
lalnrs on the Chlcaxo Hoard of Trade to Inid u
with pork , lard and chort rltis. The re ult wa
( mother rharp advance In prices , vrhlch wa
rcflecti'd In today's ho * marKet
l.llieral receipt" of hoe * were repjrtM at * !
felllnfc polnta this morning , but the iharp ai !
\anceln provUlonc > ? sterdny and the dabefor
mad * hu > eri all hungr ) ' for tuppllei , to thi
t : r Vttn none too many In night. The buyer
nt thl < point Mere out early , although th
shippers only took ten or a dozen load * . rvT
hog In the yarJi was sold by S:3) : o'clock an
by 9 o'clock they were all wolfhed up an
th deal as over with for the day.
The prices paid were 10 ? hUther than yenlei
day. 20c higher than on Wilne day and MVJ
higher than the flr t of the \teck. In otht
words , the hosr * rold today at IJ 8)0390. tl
llcht and mixed liads rirlncrpally at JJ.60. tl :
better loads at tl 83HS5 U and choice heuvy an
butcher uelglits nt tl S5&3 W.
On an average hops sold today at the hlthei
point touched itnce the flrst week In Mtrch r
In practically the name notch ns a jear ago , bi
lOo per UundrfJ hither than two years ago ,
The sudden nnl sharp ajvance In hog produc
and consrouently In live hoes has < routed stror
hnpe * In the mlmU of sellers that the war wl
occasion fill further advances , but It may 1
well for shippers to know that som * of the
best Informed regarding the markets ore vei
fkeptlral as to the permanency of any preMi
advance n omenUtlte sales ;
No. Av. Stt. FT. No. Ar. Bh. Pr.
14. . . , . , . .19 . . . U75 . , . . , . . . 1 tt 71
17 . . . .2V7 . . . 3M M 221 . . . 3 $
3V. . ,2O . . . 2M 71 217 . , , W
70 2 4 8" ) t W 44 ill ZW S
45 . .193 ( t ) 3 M M 131 . J SO
27. . . .S3 fO 3 M 7J 232 1J ) iW
7 . . . .24) .t ) 24) i ) . 271 . . 3M
n : 4i > j > si : -i iw JM
42 . . 2S2 W 3 M fcJ 254 49 S W
72 . . . . 2V. . . . 3 SI SO 5C SI .1 M
82. , .S3 . . . 3 Sf > 7J 2H 120 8 i )
If * 3 M S ( l ) 2JI 4) J SllJ
S2 . . . . .31 . . . 3 < l M . .til ( > 3 k2S
KI as so 3 HI , f.i 2 5) s * < if
TO.ill ! ! ! ' . : * * 0) SKI , . ! ! ! ; ! ' i&t j n
Rt. 271 40 S SV , (1 213 120 i VJI ,
s : . rsr. 16) w < t M 2H 40 : MI *
77 r.l 1 > 3 HS 61 2H . . . 2 R. ' ,
R2 2.M W 3 & 2'4 271 . . . 3 Kti
74 2 9 1 > 3M 70 871 1W IV
76 2K3 1W S M M 30C * l 2 M
tn 2M . . . 3 81 71. 2S9 4) 3 Si
f.3 504 . . . 3H f2 2S7 . . . S S3
f. < 3)6 1W 3 S3 69 2M M S 83
Cs. 271 FO 3 K. M 323 . . . S K
M 272 M 3 U B7 273 IN 1 M
t9 262 1M S 273 . . JM
41 . .Sno 4) 3 SS fl 307 200 3
70 2W W 3 S3 tt 821 . . . 3 M
tfi ST. JW 3 K 49 214 12) 3 K
2f2 80 3 S3 S 271 SO 3H
250 . . . S M 9 2 1 M S B
14 tvt . . . 313 71 < 120 3 S3
(3 2JI . . . J W IB 24 . . . 3 SS
f,9 2 . . . 3 S3 20 . . .2M . . . 3 K
70 2 < 4 M S S3 77 239 4 3 SS
Ji9 SO 3 S7H 49 24 . . . S 87H
. 3tl 80 3 M 77 2 . . . 3874
C4 314 . . . S M l 2 < ! 1 . . . 391
67 273 W 3 ) CS 255 . . . 3W
t ; io . . . 2 M 1 410 . . . 2 75
3 3 < HI . . . S W 2 IP ) . . . 3 70
, . . . . . . . : . . . 3 7 > S 156 . . . 371
9 253 . . . 377H 6 2(3 ( . . . 3 S2'i
1 2S ) . . . S S2 i C. 243 . . . 3824
7 21. . . . 3 824 f. Ill . . . 2 S3
2 423 . . . 3 < S 9 DM . . . 3 M
SHEEP There xxrre only sexen loads of sheep
nnd lambs In the yards this morning , us ntalnst
forty-txxo a xxeek ago. As the demand xxes
good , buyers xxere not iMig In picking up exery-
talng und the pens xxcrc cleired at an early
Sheen-that Is. desirable xx ethers sold SOlOc
higher than jciterday nnd the supply did not
wem equal to the demand. I .ambs xxere , to fay
th ? leatt , strong and the buyers seemed to hnx-e
use for all that th re xxere here. Repreientatlxe
No. Av. Pr.
243 mixed xxpsterrw , part shorn S ) Jl _ 2 >
2(3 mixed xxcttcrns. shorn 73 4 0)
Trnde In lloun Coiitliuiom Active niul
J'rlcmila niii-c.
'CHICAGO , April 22. The demand for caltle
today xx as only fair anil prices held barely
tteady. Extra choice steers brought S5.23U3.40 ;
choice steers , SI.JOg3.20 ; fair to medium steers ,
J4.15 4n5 ; etockers , 13.635T4.75 ; coxxi and heif
ers. SS.OnflJ.90 : calves , J3.75 j .W.
Trade In hogs xx'as active nnd offerings xxere
dlfponed of at nn advance of DC. Sales ranged
? 4.00 ; plg'/'sold at tS.4Mfi.W. ' Packers' pur
chases cleaned up the market.
Trnde In sheep wnn dull , jhiin lambs felling
nt S4.00S4.S5 ; xxooled at J5.0CW5.50 : fherp brought
S3.f > OiM.25 , a few choice nt } 4.M4. 0.
Rtcelpts : Cattle. 2.50) held ; hogs , 25,000 head ;
sheep , S.WO head.
St. Lotiln Live StocU.
ST. LOriS. April :2.-CApLE-RtClpts
1W ) head : shipments , none ; market steady ; fair
to fancy native shlpp'nK and export otters. S4.30
O-3 33 ; bulk of naloM. JI.-O33.2) ) : dre-sM beef nnd
butcher E ( TS , } 3.70 t3.10 ; bulk of sal-a , S 3" *
pound- , . . . -
460 ; Rteere under 1,000 SJ.-W
4 Wbulk of sales. $ I.10B4.5 ; Etocl-
< .rs and fwdera. S3 7534 o ) : hulk of
sales , } 39084f.O . : coxxs and helffro. J2.XiTJ.4j. ( )
Texas nnd Indian stoe-s , 17..fl4 f.O ; bu k of
mlos. S10W420 ; coxxs ami h lfer . X.rra3M.
HOGS Receipts , 8.1W brad : shipments. . .iO
bead ; market strong to Sc higher ; > orker'3.i °
fiSfO ! pickers , t3. X > ST3.73 : butchers , JJtngt.O. . .
HIIEEP-Rorelpts , 1,2 ) bend , nhUmeiitf ,
none ; market steady ; natlxe muttons , fl.UG1
4.63 ; lambs , J4.75jt5 00.
liidllli llioll" l.lvr > Stork.
INDIANAPOLIS. April : e.-CATTIn-HecMpts.
l/H'hcail ; shlpmontn. light ; mnrKct fairly nrtlx-c ;
KO-xl to prime steers. J4.S5G-5.15 ; fair to m-lliiM
rteem , H W9I SO ; medium U ) good steers , Jl.-vf5
HOGS R cdpts. f..WO head ; shipments , . .Ono
head ; market nctlx-o ; good to choice medium and
hM\-y , t4rof)12 : mlT d nnd heavy. i3.9'4. ) > > ;
ommon lights. J3 SOtTS.M.
SHEEP Rocvtnts , 101 head ; shipments , none ;
rrnrket wa.s active : goo < l to choice lambs. 15.25(1
; m dlum to choice , SI OOffl.05 ; common
leep , J2.73.
Kiinnnn City l.lvp Stoo.U Mnrkft.
KANSAS CITY. April 22. CATTLE Receipts ,
.004 held ; market steady to strong ; Texas
teerf , S3.90JJ4 tO ; Texas coxxs. S3 OOW4 25 ; natlxe
leers , 13.7304 l > 0 ; nntlxe coxxand holfers , It C5
f4 DO ; ttockcrs nnd feeder ? , S3 0585.00 ; bulls ,
2.40fi5 ft ) . N
HOGS Receipts. 13.500 head : market nctlx-e.
f 3 70.
SHEEP Receipt's , 2.000 head : maiktt ttcady ;
ambs , } 4 595.30 ; muttons , J3 5094. L5.
iRnnt I.IIierly l.lvc StocVc. _
EAST L.H1CRTY. Pa , , April :2.-rATTI > E
Jteady : extra. J5.1W.15 ; prime , 3.00j.lO ; com
mon. 3.90 4.20.
HOOS Actlxe and higher ; prime medium * .
4.2004.25 ; best heavy yorkers. I4.15fl4.20 : Kood
iKht yorkers. I4.00ffl.10 ; heavy boss. I4.10B4.20 ;
pics. J3.70iT3.90 : roughs. J2.50 3.73.
SHEEP Steady ; choice flipped. J4.2034.2o :
common , J3.15Sr3.G5 : choice clipped lambf , 4. < S
J4.75 : spring lamb . J3,00fl7.00.
CALVES Veal cal\e . JI.75Ba.2j.
En t llnfTnlo Live Stock.
EAST nUFKALO. N. Y. . April Z2.-HOQS-
forkers. Rood to choice. t4.24Q4.25 ; rough , com-
mo-t tn choice , J3.60SJ > 3.83 ; pigs , fair to choice.
l.AMIIS-47holce to extra , J4.0XJ3.03 ; culls to
common , J4.004J4.05.
SHEEP Choice to selected -wethers , } 4.2504..C.
Clurliinntl Live' Stock.
CINCINNATI , April 22. IIpUS-Aetlvo an !
igher at J3 Sofff 05.
CATTLE Weak at 12.73(34 S3.
SHBEP Dull nnd lower at J2.KJ7I.W.
LiAMBS Ix > er nt J4 COgj 65.
Stork In Sight.
Record of receipts of lle stock at the four
principal markets for April 22 :
Cattle. JIo s. Sheep.
Omaha . 2,359 6.617 1.34K
Chicago . 5. SCO 25.010 g.OOO
Kansas City . 4.000 1J.TOO 2.0M (
St. Loul . 1,660 8.10) 1,200
Total . 10.4:0 : 13,217 12,543
Wool Markvt * .
nOSTON , April 22. WQOI The followlnir are
the price * quoted for the leading description ! :
. , .
nff , 2S02 : No. 1 Illinois combing , 2SG2 e :
Jo. 2 Mlfhlgin comblns. 28e29c ; No. 2
Illnols comblns , as 'c ; X New Ynrk ,
New Hampshire and Vermont , 23ff24c ;
delaine , Michigan , 2Sc. Unwashed medium
\entnckv and Indiana quarter blood combing ,
So' three-clKhthn blool , 21 : ; Missouri quarter
ilood combing. 22323c ; three-elithlhs blood , 22(7
ac ; braid combine. 20 ; ; Lake and Geirsla , 22c
Texas wools Spring medium (12 months ) , 163
ISc ; scoured , 4S@45c ; rprlng fine (12 mtmtl. * ) ,
O9c ; scoured , DOc. Tetrltcry wool Montana
flne merttum and line. UaiSc : s cured. 460HC ;
rtaple. We ; Wyoming etc. , fin ? medium anl
ne , ISCl'c : scoured , 45O47c ; staple , tO ; . Aus-
rallin wool Scoured basis , combine , superfine ,
70a7e ; combing , good , Cfi68c ; combing , a\crage.
)2ffl ) < 5c. Oiieenslnnd. rnmblnB' . Clf
PT I/tIIS. April 2 ! . WOOI I wer ; medium.
14fJ17H : 1'Kht ' tine , nolle ; hcny fine , tOllc ;
tub washed. 20(5 ! ( < i
Ciillfnriiln Urlpd FrnM * .
PnUII'5 Apples svndy and other fnilts flrm.
Cvaiioraled apples , common. MJ7'4c per Ib. ; iirlnia
wire tray , 8c ; wood dried , prime , SUc ; choice ,
8 < io ; fancy , MiSHc. Piunc. . 3Vfi74C. Apricots ,
lo > nl , 6V ff7c ; Moor Park , 6'SOIOc. ' Pciches , uii-
pwled , 6 8c ; peeled. ifl4c.
Claxslrx of the llpfnrinetl Ch II roll ,
YANK.TOX. April 22. ( Special. ) A meet
ing ot the South Dakota claeslce o [ the Re
form church In America Is -sfufllon here
Ihli week. A large number of delegitro are
In attendance. The meeting la for Uie
purpwc of receiving communications from
ths different churches reipectlng Important
buslncfd , and electing officers for the cn-
aulag year.
Letters * * . *
. . . .
The U. S.
wants irong men In Its
services With ono txc-
kcord the Army nnd Nary
'cudorso llAK-llEN n
the crcatcst known
Btrcnirthoner. InvlRorut-
or nnd tfstoratlvo. It
create * solid flesh. raus
rlo nnd Ktrcnetli , clears
the brain , strength ns
tbo norvcs anil causes
the trcncrntho orcans to
quickly regain their nor
mal power * . Tor ncrv-
out prostration , overi i
vorlc. Impnlrcil vitality *
In cither to * , or oxccstlvo u < o of opium , liquor
or tobacco. It pasltlicly cannot Lo cxceil'd.
Ono box will work wonders. SIT will euro.
nAIl-llKN Is for ialo by nil druffRlsts , * ' < ' "h-
let * . CO cent . Ono to two months' treatment.
I'lll out nna mall u the diagnosis sheet 1 each
box , and wo will Blvo your cio special nlten-
tlon without extra charga JtAU-IJKN U prepared -
pared by Hlalmcr O. Ucn nn , 1'h 1) , 11 B. , di
rect from the formula of B. K. linnon , M. U.
Cleveland's most eminent Kpeclnllst Mailed
In closed pick-ISO on receipt of price.
I 01 llar-Uon lllcclt. ( lovcl&nd. O.
For sain by Kuhn .V Co , l.'itn and UOUR *
las : J. A. Kuller & Co. , UOi nouslos St. .
nnd Or.iluim DniR Co , 15th ami Knrnain ;
Kin ; ; riinnnicy , 27th < tml l.cavrnnorth ;
J'ovton's 1'lmrm.icy. 24th niul I.eavenwortli ;
K. J. S'jkora. South Omaha , and nil oltitr
In Omaha , South Omahn , Council
frinurr , BFConaary or Ttrtlarr BLOOD
PO1BON prrnuncntly
Cured in 15 to 35 Days.
You can b treated ut hem * for sum
pHc und r same guaranty. If jou pruftr
to come here w will contract to p y rail-
fare and hotel bills , and tie cbtxfe
tf we fall to cure.
taken mtrcuiy. lodlie potuh and ( till
hnve aches and pains. Mucous Pttchee In
mouth. Sore Throat , I'lmpln , Cupper Col.
rtd Spots , Ulcers' on any part of the
body. Hair or Eyebrows fulllne out. It I *
this B conC.air
Wt Guarantee to Cure
We solicit the mtit obstinate CUM and
challrnRe the world for a case we cannot
cure. This dlonte hai always bsdled the
kill of the uoit eminent pnrsielans.
UOO.OOO brLlnd our unconditional
( utrantr. Abiolult proofs rent staled
on application. ICO page book sent frtv.
Address COOK HKMI2DY CO * 14O1
Maioulo Tcuivlo , CUlcuiio , III ,
Iseoldumior positive Vrltten Ouarnntea ,
by anthorirod ngenta only , to curnVonk Memory ,
UizzinnsB. Wakofulnotn , Fits , Hysteria , Quick-
n 9B , Micht Louee , llvil Dreams , LacU of Confi
dence , NorruuHiioBd , Lnosltado , nil Drains. Vonth-
fnl Errora , or Eircesivo Ufo of Tobacco , Opium ,
or Linnnr , whlrh loads to Misery , Consumption ,
Insanity and Death. At ( tore or by mail , $1 a
box ; nix for f5 ; with written ninrantee to
euro or refunrt money. Hcmple pack *
Bffe. containing five dcya'trpattnont , xvith fall
inatructtons , S cents. Ono coimilo only sold to
each poreon. At store or by mail.
Label Special.
Extra Strength.
For Impotency , Lou ot
Power. Ix > Bt _ Manhood ,
Hwrility or Harronne .
Jl n box ; eix for $3 , with.
written gnarmBtee !
to cure in 30 Uaje. At ( tore * - -
" 'byinill. /rl
Mycrsi Dillon Drnur Co. . S. E. Cornel
Itltli and Kuril a in SU. , Omnun.Jfeb. .
Causes obstruction to the flow of urine ,
partial closlnguf the pass.iKO , proatatlr
Irritation nnd enlargement , bcnrlng down
nnd pcaldlneof urlnu nnd loll of power.
on i UCUT cniiun tint | cures
A oULVtNl rUUNU quickly and
periiiauentljr and does a ay wltn the Sur
gcou's Kulfo and dllnllnp ; luf > trmncnU.
SuKcrcrs from Stricture , EnUrfttntnt ot
Prostate Qltod , laflammalonad Chronic
Macoa * DlKhmrrt * , bv this nc\r Scientific
method rnn be radically
Write nt nnro tn the Empire Medlctl Co. ,
20S Smith Building , notion , Hat * . , for
their free liook vMrA" Solvent-Alterant. "
It tells what thu lemedy \ nindo of , and
how and why It mn t cure. If afflicted ,
It will pay vou to Investigate.
WHO is Jiir
lie Is one of the most
skillful of Chinese doc-
torn , because of liU
preut knowledge nnd
cures. Hnvlnp been
elsht years In tne nlfd-
leal collCKO of China ,
he understands t'nc Im
mediate nctlon of over
5.000 remedies. With
eighteen years of rox-
perlence and over eight
years of that time In
5 Omaha lias given him
* > ' a reputation backed up
by thousands of tes
timonials In curing KVUHY CHAHACTKH
nf dlReaae. whet'ncr CHHONIC OU OTIIBH-
WISH. lr. C. OenV'o Kiiartmttes a euro
In every case or the money will be refund
ed. Consultation five. Kcnu two-cent
fltamp for book und question blanlis.
Dr. { ' . doe Wo. 519 N. ICth St. , Omaha. Neb.
Ci Big 4V tor uopttur * !
-ItcnarfM. InBsminatloa *
Irritations or alc rtlloM
if u eons uenbraot * .
PaillMS , and uoi ulrtft *
iint "r poisonous.
Id by DrsmUtls , '
or ssat ID fltln wfaptjr ,
W xprMf. > ris d , M
IJ.OB. r It lls s7t2.tir
CLrrsU-ar SM > ( tstMssk
a .I.Kmout MHtiaft-t < AUna M a-
prrIrapotenc7.ljle Fle n , to. c _ . v
bj AUus * or ott r KIOMMS anil Injti-
croUoas. 3 * t ; ouicMw an4 surslu
. LMt . . , . . , *
rMtora * VltalUr la old or IOUB . aau
k nt a man for stadr ( onsmAss or rairrlac * .
' JM'rcTdnt launltr and Cmsauiptloa If
taEen'ia t IBM. Tbelr one Loirs ImratdUto IciprM * .
nsnt and - SteU CUKE n ro all other f lf
I th ccnnln * AJ l Tthleti. Tb r
b TOccr l thousandrcnJVuToiuiirour Wi'glTo sTpoV .
Itlre xrrltum cmaniDUe to elect a euro Kfl pYQ In
cjcbcasoor rttaadtto moa r. rrlosOUblOiMr
rub&ni or six Ike. , ( full trrstmmtl for WJO. l5
psil , la plain XTrspwr. iinnr. rocslpt of l rlno. ( trraiw
. . r 'JiT1
For salt In Omaha , N b. , by Jj. Koriyth , 2 < -
K. ICth ; Kuhn & Co. , 16th and Duurlaa : nud
In Council IllufT * by O. II. Drown.
11O Board of Trade Bldg. , Omaha , Neb
Offlr * . IMS N Bi. . Lioccls. Neb.
Telephone 1039. Omihn , Neb
Direct vtrt * to Ohlc co ted Ntw Toik. .
CorreuwndfAtat Jeha A. W rr * Csk '