> " , ' * A-t THE OMAHA ; DAILY BEE. ESTABLISHED JUNE 10 , 1871. OMAHA , WEDNESDAY 3ttX L. t NING > APRIL 20 , 1898. SINGLE FIVE CENTS. . . /WEEKLY CROP BiMETlN General Conditions in Nebraska Very Favorable to Growing Oropi , WINTER WH-AT MAKES GOOD PROGRESS [ Warm Wealher nnd Plenty of Rain flead the Fnll Sown Cereal Along Xley Snrlnf Wheat , I and Oat l.'ii. United States Department of Agriculture ellmato anil crop bulletin ot the Weather bureau , Nebraska tcctlon , for the week end ing Monday , April 18 , 1898. Rainfall chart for week ending & a. m. , April II : The last week has been warm , with aibout the normal amount ol sunshine. The mean temperature averaged about 6 degrees abo\c the normal. The first dajs ot the week wcro the coldest , with minimum tempera tures about or slightly below 32 degrees. The last days of the week wcro very warm , with maximum temperatures above 80 de grees , and at many places above 85 degrees. Several -trcrts occurred oirly In the week , but vegetation was not sufficiently advanced to be Injured. Rain was general on the first and last daya of the week. The total rainfall waa de cidedly above the normal for the third week In April. The warm wc-ither following the general rain of the llth wvia exceptionally favorable for a rapid growth of all vegetation. Winter wheat Improved rapidly , and has about re covered from the effects ot the unfavorable weather In Martb and early In April ; It Is now ( generally in excellent condition. Rye has grown well , and Is largo enough for pasturage In the southern , counties. Spring 1 wheat Is coming up nicely. Oats Id about all * J owti ; the early-sown IB coming up , and Is much less damaged by the cold weather than was anticipated. Plowing for corn la general , and a little corn has- been , planted ID the southwestern counties. Fruit Cmds are swelling , and the general report la that they have not been Injured by the cold weather. In a tow places , tbe peach budo are reported considerably damaged. Apricot trees are In bloom In the southern counties. Report by counties : SOUTHEASTERN SECTION. Tlutler Spring grain coming up. Fall Wheat advancing rupldly. Cass Spring wheat up. Fall wheat peed stand nnd color. Oats coming up. Grass starting nicely. Considerable plowing for corn done. Clay Fall wheat In flne condition. Oats nnd spring w.itat coming up nicely. Pas- turcs becoming green , Potatoes being planted. Flllmore But few oata Injured by the late freeze. Fall and spring wheat growing nicely. Qatte Wheat In peed shapa. Outs In. Plowing for corn commenced. Hamilton All full grain looklnc fine. Seed ing' nearly done , and plowing for corn in progress. Jefferson Fall wheat In good condition. Oata coming up nicely. Plowing for corn has commenced. Johnson Spring -wheat and oats coming up. Fall wheat 'nas made good growth. Bo mi plowing for corn. Lancaster Oats about all In and some coming up. Wheat a good stand and look- n flne. Ncmaha Wheat In prime condition- a large acreage Oata corning up. Peach buds not injured. Nuckolis-Oats sown and coming nicely. Plowing for corn general. Fall wheat looks splendid. Ground full of moisture. Otoo Rye and fall wheat look WfJl and have recovered from backset In March. Oats are coming up. Fruit buds In good condl- . . Pawnee Wheat In the best of condition. Oats are coming up finely. Early potatoes planted. Apricot trees In full bloom. Fruit prospect excellent. Polk Oats and spring wheat coming up. Early sown thin. Fall wheat and rye look ing extra well. Richardson Fall wVieat looking flne. Oats up and growing well. Peach trees show bloom. Fruit uninjured. Ground In good condition. Sallnei First sown oats up ; some still be ing sown. Wheat In flne condition. Some plowing for corn. Potatoes being planted. Baundcrs Wheat and oats coming nicely. Grass growing fast. Plowing for corn In progress. Fall wheat fair. Some potatoes planted. Sewnrd Fall wheat looks well , except a few Jlelds , where stand Is thin. Oats and spring wneat coming up nicely. Tlmycr Fall wheat looks well. Rye and pastures good. Oat seeding about finished. Early potatoes planted. Boll thoroughly filled with moisture. York Fall wheat and rye starting nicely and in most places n good stand. Oats about all in and coming up nicely. NORTHEASTERN SECTION. Antelope Seeding about completed. Small rain Is growing nicely. Ground In good condition. Plowing for corn Is being rus'ned. Boyd Rye and fall wheat a good stand and starting well. Plowing for earn begun. Borne small grain blown out early In the .Hurt Sowing of small .grain about nil done. Wheat coming up some , but uneven. Pastures starting. Plowing for corn In progress. Cedan-nyc and fall wheat up and looking welt. Grass shooting up nicely. Ground dry and rain needed , plowing for corn in prog ress. Colfax Winter wheat growing rapidly. Spring wheat up and looks well. Oats all sown and some coming up. Early potatoes planted. . Cumlng Wheat coming up nicely. Oata all sown. Grass starting. Dakota Dry and windy. Not very much progress mn.de : Olxon Seeding nearly completed. Spring wvieat coming up. ' Plowing for corn com menced. Dodge Oats , barley and some early pota toes planted. Small grain growing rapidly. Planing for corn well under way. Douglas Considerable plowing for corn has been done. Holt Small grain about all sown and some coming up. Fall groin looks flne. Grass getting a good start. e.st Madison Spring wheat and oats just proutlng. Pastures not sreen. Platte Winter wheat in excellent condi tion. Spring wheat up. Oats coming 11p. . Plowing for corn general. Good pasturage on tame grass. cea Stanton Seeding about all done , with a large Increase In acreage. Corn land is now facing prepared. iwy. Thurstou Winter wheat coming up nicely. Oats about nil sown. Several frosts , but y.no damage to fruit. Plowing for corn in prog ress. 8n. Washington Small grain about all sown. Borne wheat fields quite green. Plowing n.n der good headway. CENTRAL SECTION. Boone Small grain all sawn and an In creased Acreage. Fall wheat and rye info eplrndld condition. Wheat coming up. No grass for stock. Buffalo Oat seeding about finished. Win ter groin looking ; ? plciQdld. Spring wheat coming upv Work well advanced. Ground In flno condition. Custer Small grain most all sown. Plow- ins for ccnv In progress. Some early p6ta- tocri planted. Qras tivrtlntr. DawBon Winter wheat damaged but lUtlc. by the frecxo In March. Sc-edln ? almost done } . Fruit bud * uninjured and beginning to swell. Qrteley Small grain nsnrly nil sown. Cai weather ha * retarded sprouting , but it Is coming on rapidly the last four days. Hall Small grain never looked better. Corn ground beingplowed. . Howard Rye and fall grain look flne. Spring- wheat and oats coming up. Blue Crass darting slowly. ilcrrick Many oata being- put In. Farm NK > rk ri.ll advanced. otir" cralB about * In- Ished. Wheat earning up. Acrcngo largely Increased. Sherman Sowing emalt grain about fin ished. Wheat earning up slowly. Fall groin looks fine. Grass not started much yet. Valley Early sown grain up. Pastures looking green. SOUTHWESTERN SECTION. Adams-rFall .wheat nnd ry have grown will , Spring wheat and oats coming up. grass four to six Inches long. Some pota toes planted- . Cha'c Oat , wheat nnd rye look , .well. Same corn and potatoes In. Dundy Soil In excellent condition. Wheat all In. Somo. . corn p'nntcd. Franklin All small grain growing finely. Plowing for corn making good progress. Frcn Isr Winter -wheat Brewing fast nml spring1 wheat coming up. Alfalfa doing well. Fnll ftrnln injured some by high winds. H.irlan Spring wheat coming up nicely. Small craln growing rapidly. Potatoes be ing planted- . Hltcho.ck Some - fallwheat blown out nnd winter killed. Spring wheat looks Bplendld. Corn being planted. Kearney Wlntrr wheat In exceptionally flnn condition. Grass advancing well. . Slight damage "to early sown oats by freeze In March. Lincoln Rye , wheat nmt alfalfa are look ing flne. Gras starting1. Perkins Small grain nnd grass growing rnsl. Ground In peed shape. Phelps Snmll gr.-Un doing well. Hye large enough for pasture. Rort Willow Some of the curly planted fall wh it was winter killed. Plowing for corn well advanced. We-bater Fnll wheat In flno condition. O.Us nnd spring wheat coming up nicely. Plowing for corn well under -way. WESTERN AND NORTHWESTERN SEC TIONS. Cherry Spring plowing nnd seeding just . Duuel Small grain plnnted. Plowing for corn In progress. High winds Injurious. Keith Wheat sown nnd coming up nicely. Winter wheat damaged quite badly. Hock Wheat coming up. Plowing for corn in progress. Some corn listed In. Grass is getting a good start. Sheridan Alfnlfa In good condition. Some plowing done and potatoes' ' planted. Stock in good condition. G. A. LOVELAND , Section Director , Lincoln , Neb. SATISFAQTOUY TO TUB CUIIlAXS. Stnnil T k cm liy Ci > iiKrc IMetn.vc * the IiiKiirtrfnt Force * . NEW YORK , April 19. The following statement on the congressional Cuban reso lutions was given out today at the office of tbo Cuban junta : The resolutions ns they stand are tanta mount to the recognition of the Cuban re public. The declaration Is that the people of Cuba nro free nnd Independent , while the Cuban peop-o acknowledge allegiance only to the Republic of Cuba , which they hive established ami maintained by force of arms. The only object of the Insurrec tion was the Independence * of the Cubans. This Is provided for by the resolutions. The Cubans asked for Intervention , and thereby recognition of Independence. This was rtlso provided ) for by the resolutions. Their de sire to run their government free from coer cion Is provided for by th ? fourth paragraph of the resolution. Under these clrcum- atunciM the demand made by the United States thnt Spain at once evacuate the Island , and the threat thru In the event of Its refusal the Innil nnd nnval forces of the United States will be used to compel evacua tion , certainly merits the deepest gratitude on the. part of the Cubans. Should force be necessary on the part of the United Stales there will bo the most complete co-operation by the Cuban govern ment and Its army. Coast pilots nnd practiced guides will bo placed Immediately at the service of the United States and In every practical way will the Cubans aid In expelling tne common enemy. To t'ne patriotism of the American people nnd the American press the Cubans owe a debt of deepest gratitude , and for the con- lldence which the American people have In them they 'hope ' to prove their worthiness. The steadfastness with whlo'i they 'nave pursued their Ideal for Independence and the organization which they have shown In their fight against Spain arc sulllclent proof that they will be able to maintain their Independence and t'nat peace will be their only object for the future. RUSSIA OHDEIIS AMERICAN SHIPS. Crnnip * Sroiire Coiitmct for Two Monntcr llnttlemhlp * . . WASHINGTON , April 19. The Russian government has placed orders for two 12,000- ton battleships In * the United States , accordIng - Ing to Information which baa reached the Navy department. The new vessels are equal to any afloat or designed In the world and are to be superior to anything In the fighting line heretofore produced In this country. They and all thelr equlpment will bo American In manufacture as well as ma- terlal. The Cramps will build the hulls and machinery and the Bethlehem Iron company tbo armor and the guns. IJEMAAD THAT AMEHIOAJVS LEAVE. Agitation Started l > r Spaniard * In Porto. Illeo. ST. THOMAS , W. I. , April 19. Advices received - ceived here from Porto Rico today show there la agitation there with the object ot forcing naturalized Americana to declare themselves and leave the Island. Further reports have also been received hero of excitement follow ing the departure ot the American consuls , and It Is eald that many people are ready to leave tbo Island at the first opportunity. Tbe SpanUb authorities have ordered 80.K ( > 0 rat leas for the troops at Porto Rico. The senatorial elections , which took place on April 10 , resulted , as pre-arranged , In a liberal victory. lAccliient to the Erlcnaon. KEY WEST , April 19. The United States torpedo boat Erlcr on met with an accident At 3 o'clock ibis morning. It was patrolling about ten miles oft Sand Key in the gulf , when it cojlided .with , the station pilot boat Hero. The latter had no lights displayed and the torpedo boat , which was going at a rapid rate , came upon it without warning. The bowsprit of the pilot boat aw opt the Ericsson amldohlps and knocked over tbe ventilators and upper works of the torpedo boat. Ensign L. A. Bostwlck was struck loHI the head and badly cut. The bowsprit HIOf the Hero was carried uway and it sustained damage on its port side. The Injury to the ErlciBon will not Interfere with IU usefulness in case of orders for actlvo service being received. Ita commander taya he is ready to sail at a moment's notice. European StocU Quotation * . es on the Stock exchange today opened dull and lower. After the opening prices steadied somewhat , but at 12:30 : o'clock the market ; again turned weak. Spanish fours opened at 38 % , nnd further declined to 38 , a net loss of 2H , aa compared with yesterday's closing. PARIS , April 19. Spanish fours are quoted on the Bourse today at 39 , a loss of 2 % from yesterday's final price. New Explosive Shell. PITTSBURO , April 19. A new explosive shell , the Invention of George W. a Chlcagoan , to being tested at the Twenty- ninth street works of the Carnegie Steel company , and the results may determine the duration of an encounter with Spank * men- of-war. It 10 asserted that they are of a more dangerous nature to the enemy than aay other projectile In the Navy department. Within the next week they will be forwarded to Sandy Hook teUloi grounds , where they will be put through the government's most rigid examination Krrp IM * e Open for Policemen. 6AN FRANCISCO , April 19. The police commissioners of thin city have adopted a resolution declaring , that in case of war police officers who enlist will not lone their places , which will be filled during their absence - senco by men whose appointment ehall ibbe merely temporary. Pnrch * Sevea Yacht * . WASHINGTON , April 19. The Navy department - partment today authorized the purchue of seven yacht * for the auxiliary navy. Most ot them are from person * living around New York and Botton. Tbe name * of the vesseli are Theipli , Retles , Eltawer , King , Ituna , HUwatba aad Au Revotr , COLONEL CARR'S ' PROMISES Chairman of the Booker State Commission Talks Enthnaiaatically , ILLINOIS TAKES A DEEP INTEREST nnllillnir Will tie a Pnlnce nn.l the ExhllilU Will IleThone of Which ' the Grent Slate Wilt lie Proud. Colonel Clark E. Carr of Galesburg , presi dent ot the Illinois Exposition commission , Is In the city In attendance at the meeting of the American Mulze propaganda , of which ho la also president. Ho visited the exposi tion grounds in company with Prof. Taylor , superintendent of the Horticulture bureau , and Inspected the progress being made on the Illinois building. Colonel Carr expressed great satisfaction at the brilliant prospect for a great cxpcsl- tton and woe pleased with the handsome appearance of the nearly completed Illinois building. "Wo have let a contract to Marshall Field of Chicago for decorating and furnishing the Illinois building , " eald Colonel Carr , "and expect to have It fitted up In excellent taste. We have beffn dlscucelng .Axminstcr carpets , with curtains and furnishings to match , so It can bo seen there will bo nothing mean about the building. "Our exhibits are going to be ott a largo scale. We at first considered ! the matter of making a large agricultural exhibit , but con cluded It would bo like 'carrying coals to Newcastle , ' aad we will not attempt to make a great exhibit of com and cereals , but wo will make a very largo exhibit of agricul tural machinery ot all kinds. We also con sidered the Idea of making a large exhibit of live stock , but the same conditions ob tained In that direction as In the case , of the agricultural display , we Intend , however , making a most excellent showing of flno blooded ' flock , of which wo have the finest herds'in the country. In horticulture .wo Intend ' ' making a strong showing. We know that wo have the first state in the union in tbe Una of horticultural products , and we Intend making an exhibit that will demon strate the truth ot that etatement. Thla exhibit will bo In charge ot H. M. Dunlap of Savoy , president of our State Horticultural society and a member of the state senate. He Is making preparations for a very flno exhibit and space has been re served for it In the Horticulture building. " In reply to a question as to how many people from Illinois will vlalt the exposi tion , Colonel Carr said : "The people of Illinois are put out at.tho high rates which have been adopted by the rullroado for points as far from Omaha as Illinois. The roada have been generous for short distances , but for ajl polntii in our state the rates are too high. If we can get fares low enough it la our Intention to have a Koox college day at the exposition , when we will : iibring > * our entire Institution , except the build ing , to the exposition. There are about 700 students In the college , besides the faculty and ofllcero , and tUcso will all come. In addition to these we bavo old students scattered all over the union , and especially In the west , andl we Intend to li - vlto them to come to Omaha on Knox col lege day and help swell the crowd. We be lieve a very largo attendance will result from this source. On Illinois day our gov ernor and hie staff , the mayor and city offi cials of Chicago , as 'well as the officials of all the principal cltlcu and towns In the state , will come to your exposition. I do not be lieve the expedition will have any reason to say that the people of Illinois have not shown an interest in tbe exposition and have not attended it in large numbers. " OMAHA SCHOOLS AT TUB FAIR. Will MnJie a Klmlertrnrten Living Kx- lillilt In Girl * ' anil li > ' IlalldlnK. The idea of a klnderganten exhibit 'by the Omaha schools in , the Boys' and Girls' buildIng - Ing at the exposition eeema likely to he carried out In spite of the objectionable Item of expense which , Inspired' ' eqmo oppo sition among members ot the Board of Ed ucation. Secretary Ford of' thb "Women's " Board of Managers has offered the board 500 feet of floor space In the building for $400 , and , although the board to not ready to spend that amount of money , the rater- prise la likely to succeed with the aid of support received from other sources. The Kindergarten Supply company , from watch ( bo supplies used in the local schools are purchased , has assured Secretary Glllan that it will bo glad to co-operate in the under taking by paying for a considerable amount of the space on condition that It Is given the privilege of including an exhibit of IW kindergarten specialties. Another big school supply house has also agreed to aealat Ira bearing the expense , and with thla as sistance It Is expected that the .exhibit will be undertaken. The entire matter Is la the bands of a special committee of the board , consisting ot Members Thomas , Grat- ton and Van Gilder , and a meeting ot the committee will probably be called this week. The proposed kindergarten exhibit te dis tinct from the regular educational exhibit and the plan is to Install a "living" ex hibit. This refers to a genuine reproduc tion of a kindergarten room , with the assist ance of some ot the pupils and teachero In that department of tbe local schools. The methods of kindergarten work will thus be practically Illustrated , and It is believed that this object Icefion would go a good ways towards increasing the public Interest in favor ot kindergarten Instruction. Superintendent Wlgman of the manual training department of the High school has drawn a rough sketch of the cpace that will bo required for the exhibit of that depart ment. He urges that actko .should be taken at once , as there Is short time re maining in nbich to prepare and install ole exhibit , and the special committee will probably bring la a recommendation at the next regular meeting of tbe toard. FJOTimiBS 'FOR CHILDREN'S BUILDING [ Aft I > nbll hcrM Donate. Same Hnnil- cotuc Til In IT * < d-4he < Women' * llonrdj. The women of the executive committee of the Bureau of Education are rejoicing over several donations of handsome pictures which have Just been received. There are twenty pictures in the entire lot. seventeen of them having been contributed by Prang , two by the Berlin Photograph company , and ono byElson of Boston. The Prang pictures are ot various sizes and constitute the group known as the "school series ; " they Include a number of most desirable works , some In black and In white and others In colors ; Eomo are architectural and others are copies of famous paintings. The two eent by the Berlin Photograph company are large photo graphs of well' known works of art and the work contributed by Elson Is a large sized copy in black and white of Stuart's portrait of Washington. Tbo particular occasion for the rejoicing on tbe part ot the women lies In the fact that a part of the scheme for raising funds for the construction of the Girls' and Hoys' building Included a promise on the part rs'of tbo Woman's board that the pictures with which the building Is decorated wilt be distributed among the icnopla contributing tbe largest amount per capita to the build ing. The building has coat more than was intended ( o be expended 'upon it and the women have been at a lois for a means ot acquiring the necessary pictures. The dona tions , however , supply tbe need ot tbe hour , although further contributions of the me kind will tlll be very thankfully received. .The pictures will bo handsomely framed and will be hung in the building a * * eon ai It is completed. The award * to tbe schools entitled to these picture * will be made immediately after the exposition opens , and a card ahowlug tbe ecbool to which It U awarded will be it- tached to each plctur * . A committw itof competent judges -wIll'M ckopen to make the awards and the bMt pictKVtVI11 ) be given to then school making t * .ttrgst contribution on a per capita basis. The ; other pictures will be awarded In thoVofder ot excellence to the schools "coming'riljxr on the Hat. Rural schools and thoe'lj cities and toWns will not bo brought\ln competition In this contest , but the picture * will be evenly divided , ono half being awarded to city schools and the othcf. half to the rural schools , each In the brdcr ot the amount contributed. i * AnivJA.VSAS' GIU3AT PHEPAltATIOXS. Socretnrr af" herr T lk ot Whnt He Bxpevtn tp Slum- . W. D. Mathewe of Little 'Rock ' , secretary of the Arkansas Expoiition commission , Is In the city for the purpose o < getting the work rtartcd on the Arkansas building. The con tract for thla building was let recently to .Halnes & Wllletts of Stuttgart , Ark. , and a member of the firm Is In the city ready to commence operations. "Tbo Arkansas building will bo conwr etructcd of lumber donated by the lumber firms of our state , " said Secretary Mathews , "and It will be a handsome structure. The bulldln < r will be a fac simile ot the Albert Plko mansion in Little Rock , ono of the fin est examples of the colonial style of archl- lecture In the country. The building will bo two stories in height Vlth a wide portico across the front , the massive columns ex- tcndlrs the full height ot the house. The outside will bo of staff and will be painted to resemble brick , of which the original Is I built. The Interior will be finished throughout - out in native woods and this material 's ' al ready collected. The contractor Is hero now and will commence work at once. "Exposition matters In our state are ( n excellent condition , " continued Mr. Mathews. "I have been devoting all my time to It and have been given every possible assistance by our newspapers , The columns of all ot our papers have been open for exposition news at all times and the people of the state have been kept well Informed regarding the mat ter. Wo have secured (2,500 frcm the rail roads and hope to get .more from sorso of the roads which have not yet given anything ; wo have been selling buttons to help raise funds for our building and exhibit and have raised enough money to make sure of hav ing a display which will astonish the people who arc not familiar with our state. "I tell our people that wb have the richest pocr state and the poorest rich state in the union , and that statement describes the con ditions that exist there. We are rich in UIM developed resources , and this exposition will afford us a most excellent opportunity to show the world what our state Is capable of doln . We will make a showing in agricul ture , horticulture , minerals , building stone , timber , etc. , that will bo-a fnarvel. Our prep arations are about completed and our people will be here In force. " | DOUGLAS COUNTY'S * JMVX D1SPUAY. ComnilKMloner * Sny It Will lie the Dent of-Alt at lie 1ximnIUoii. The county cc-mnilssloiJerB are- growing enthusiastic over the exposition and the ex hibit that Is proposed by Douglas county. They believe 'that ' the , county Is to out shine all others , both 'as' to quantity and quality. * * In speaking of the Douglas county exhibit Chairman Klerstead said'We ; d'qn't care what others may do. we Jiroposo .tp have au exhibit that wlll'be.th * envy of all and at the same time ono < that wfll'fcc a convincing argument that the solU of Douglas county Is more pnxfilttlvo- than theboaatcd valley of the Nile. It will tako-money to make this exhDblt , but we have4 the money trtil we propose 'to ' make our eihlbltTne toesT of any at the great shdw. We have ex perts at work now preparing- designs and they are making good progress.bvt are not , far enough , along so tbab 6ad can have a correct Idea of'Just , what ! Vill bo , accom plished. j . . * "We appointed R. S. Berlin as superln- tendent ot our general eihlbit and already he is getting the work well In hand. 'Berlin Is a great hustler amTwhlle bis.salary does dot begin until May 1 hela bard at work formulating the plans that he will pursue In order to make our' exBlbtt the most at tractive. We appointed Mr. Davidson superintendent of the lAplary exhibit and' from him we expect good'reMilts. ' Mr. Davld- eon was at the World's falr and It will be re membered that he took flr&t prize on honey and supplies Used by bee keeper * . J. J. Hess , who Is In charge of "the floral display , la an expert florist and : Is laying his plans to make eomo unuscdlly attractive displays in the Horticultural building. "So far aa the agricultural exhibits are concerned , I .can't say just what we will have , but it Is safe to venture the opinion that they will bo attractive and neat. We Intend to convince every ; person who at tends the exposition that corn Is king. " * IlllnoUniui Fnrmln.gr a. Club. Another meeting ot Illlnolsana vrbo reside la Omaha , for the purpose of'organizing a society , will he held at the Commercial club next iMonday'evening , In the meantime- committee of elx will draft a constitution and by-laws to bo adopted. Frederick J. Sackett Is chairman of thla committee. The original Intention was to limit the membership to only native Illlnoleans In the city , but It was found after a permanent or ganization was effected at a meeting just held that this debarred * eo many other Omahana who formerly claimed Illinois au ( ( jelr.homc , that It waa decided to admit all to membership who were residents of that state for at least five years prior to their removal to'Omabi , It was agreed that the officers who had been elected under the former rule should resign , and that a new organization should ! be effected under the substituted membership agreement. Fully seventy-five Omahans have signified their intention to join th'o club , and those who are organizing 'It think that with the new membership privilege tbo society will number at leaet 250 members. ' Tiattu ot the The Elcholtz Novelty/ company of Ida Orove , la. , has applied for" space ( or a har ness sewing machine , W. A. Smith of Ida Qrofe , la. , 'h.a secured the concesplon for selllng clgara and tobacco on the exposition ground * i * decree T. Williams , JmlyorV Ida Drove , la. , "the best town on earth , " as he terms it , Is in the city to Inspect t10'-exposition A woman glass blower his secured cpace In the Girls' and Boys' mil ding for the opera tion of a booth for tb&jmanufacture and cale of articles of blown John F. Longer of-yjlobrara , Neb , , la In the city endeavoring , teriecbra'an engagement by the exposition of Ufa bit.au band compceel of Indians of tbe Sanj'ee agency. The formal application jfrom the Canadian government for 4,000 square f et of trace in the International building ias.been received by the Exhibit * department. Thls'exblblt has been eeslgned space'In the northwest corner of the building , 'being the most con spicuous location in the , building. Manager Llndeay ot the'Ways and Meats department baa receivedfth * 'photograph of Mra. Amelia Savage-Relllv [ of Salem , one of Oregon's contribution * fo'tnegalaxy ' of beau ties of the tran ralesl < 3 lp'l states , The pho tograph has beea"'fQrarded to Mr. . Rockweed - wood ot New York , to be. Incorporated in the composite picture which will be placed on tbe exposition medal. t - Tyler Am4u t Tyiee. Pauline Tylee hag sutd'her husband , Au gustus Tylee. asking , tor a divorce and the restoration of her maiden name , Pauline Hyde. She alleges * marriage took place on June 1 , 1897. She says that-he 'na failed to furnish , the means of Support and that she has be n compcHed io acccpt the char ity of friends. 8ylT * tcr. Mrs. ' Sarah Sylvester of Chicago died at the home of her * Itcr , UT * . A. Roitnzwelg , yetrday morning. Mr * " . Sylrcter wa * here on a visit when taken 'cuddeoly aad serl- ouly III. Arranceau Uc for the funeral will be aanounoea later ; ON THE WAY TO COPPER RIVER Difficulties of an Early Spring Trip in Northern Waten. MARK A , POLACK WRITES OF HIS JOURNEY Terriflo Cnlo Successfully Weathered ( uuli Magnificent Scenery Encoun tered , nt Lnndlntr Prices for 8unpllc Very Itennonnblc. An Interesting letter has been receive ! from. Mark A. Polack , now In the Copper river region , Alaska , by his relatives In this city. Mr. Polack , who bas spent most of his llfo In Omaha , left for Alaska several weeks ago and when the first extract was written was on board the Valencia , 250 mllca from the coast ot Alaska , and north ot Sttka. The ship met very heavy weatber on the whole voyage , which , together with some trouble between miners and the tblp's offi cers , tnado the voyage quite a turbulent ones - ' In 1 speaking ot the condition of the weather Mi . Polack eays : "Tboeea Is rolling eo hcav- uy that I can hardly write and I am ell- . , ting on the floor to avoid falling oft. It la nccceeary to stay all day In the little cabin , as It la too rougb and wet to go on deck. After thirty-two hours of drifting and holding the nose of the boat to the wind the captain thougbt he would risk It and turned the Valencia once again on her course. Everything movable began to turn- bio about and the waves cleared the boat's decks every tlmo the keeled over. Still everyone ono Is happier , for wo are bound for port , 190 miles away. The isca la growing higher ( ban ever and for the eatety of the boat and Its 600 passengers all the horses : and cattle , numbering 150 , were shot and thrown overboard. The waves roll toward us llko blgh hills and the boat rises up and up until wo can look down and out over the horizon , and In another moment the eblp sinks downward as though It would dive to the bottom. Jerking and groaning with the strain until ono wonders how It can bear It longer without going to pieces. The wind Is blowing seventy miles an hour and the captain , who Is an old eeaman , told ran that only once before had he over weathered sucb a sea. Some of the steerage passen gers bavo threatened to take forcible pos session of the kitchen to Insure them better food and the captain has prepared to meet such an attempt with armed resistance. " MAGNIFICENT SCENERY. On the following day the snowy mountain peaks of Alaska came In sight and the ship anchored In Prlrwo William sound , about 1,000 ifcct from the itowta of Orca. "The town of Orca is a very small place , " the letter continues , "and the .principle . building Is the Salmon cannery , a long , low structure like a barn. The sceocrylsmagnificent ; jagged peaks , eternally blanketed with snow , reach high into tbe clouds. The aurora borealis is already beginning to shoot Its shafts ot light with a very beautiful effect. "March 1C ( one day later ) : The boat has left Orca and steamed up the sound toward Copper City , but we find /we cannot get up .to It en account of the Ice floes and the ship'has authored to .wait . until they pass by. The sea Is asplacid as a mirror and beyond , dazzling white mountains rise above the clouds , so bright that they hurt one's eyes. TV6 'havo seen .many Indians and ( Rsqulmaux'in their funny 'little ' skta kyaks , paddling rapidly over the water. They row up to the ship and catch pennies , crackers .and anything that Is thrown to them. "In the day tlmo the sun never seems to get very high and even at noon the light conies flown very slantingly. The weather Is very cool end clear and the thermometer registers about 40 degrees , which seems very mild for this ( far northern country. There is an excitement on board once more causcC toy the .1 miners who refused > to be landed six or ev u miles from the Valdex pass at the foot ot the glacier , where the compan > wanted to put them. We obtained a boat and rowed over to Copper 'City to examine the place for ourselves. There are a grea many tents scattered around and about 200 people are camped there now , .while 900 more are trudging 'over the glacier with their loads. TRiAlL , ON GOOD CONDITION. "It Is necessary to carry enough dry wood ifor fuel , as It Is twcnty-sevoa miles between timber lines. I bear that the trail is In fine shape and tbat a man can carry a load o 150 or 200 pounds on his sled nearly all th way over. There are a few places , however where bo must pack it , fifty pounds at a time , on his 'back. "The different outfits are left lying toy thi side of the trail aud nothing Is stolen. I Is law among the miners that if anyom Is caught stealing anything worth less than $100 'ho is given fifty lashes and run ou of the'countryTiwhlle'lf the value of th stolen property.Is more . .than $100 he is aho without further parley. "My frlcu'ds ' and I have been congratulating ourselves that we did not get any clothe lined with sheepskin , as they soon ge nearly useless up here. When they once ge ' damp if is' nearly impossible to dry them sufficient ) ) ' to make them comfortable Woolen macklnaw clothing or flno far gar meats are the best for winter wear. Th remarkable stories one hears in the state of the high prices one pays up here are largely a mistake. With the exception ot flour , which Is $10 a hundred 'weight , every thing is very reasonable. At Orca I bought cheese , herring and crackers for no more ithan 1 would 'have paid In San Francisco. The stock , however , Is very limited. " VAlTDEVrLLiIS ARTISTS IN TIIOUIJIE. . . ContortlonJal * Who Cannot Appear Without Their Coitumc * . Llllle Cerlta and her partner are a team ot contortionists known on the vaudeville stage as the Revere Sisters. They were engaged in St. Paul , Minn. , to present their act in this city at a music hall at Fourteenth street and Capitol avenue , and also at .ha. .ha similar place of amusement in South Omaha , both of which places are under tha man agement of Jaco , Edward and Nellie Wise * The girls arrived la tbe city last Saturday night and Immediately there was a ' Bt. agreemcnt over the terms of the contract. They refused to apppear , and going over t.to another music ball secured work. Then they sent to tbe other house for their trunku containing all the.tr wardrobe and other clothing , which they value at $400. Tbey aUege that the Wl > - people" refused to de liver the property. The slstera took out a writ of replevin in the court of A justice of the peace , -which a constable armed himself with and went to the music hall to take possession of tbe trunks. It Is charged that the Wises and tbe attaches ot their place refused to deliver them. Yesterday afternoon Mica Cerlta appeared In police court and filed an Information agaltnt the Wises ami also William Howard and a col ored man , who are working at the hall . , charging them all with larceny as bailee. Tne prisoner * were arrested and pleaded not guilty of the charge. The bond * were fixed at $500 each , which were furnished , and the case will be tried Thursday morci'ug. The Revere Sisters say that they are * with out money and that they have no way of getting support 'without their ccatumeo. Hnrtion fiet * an Appointment , Leonard Hartson , an Omaha stenographer , received a telegram yesterday Instructing itnt ing him to report at the Navy department at Washington next Friday morning. Hart- eon took the civil service examination last fall and was assigned a. few weeks ago ; , bolng given a position in one cf the Indian agencies In ( Montana , Hi refused to ac cept and now he Is assigned at Washington and with a much largex salary. Weir 1'lonr Company Aiwlun * . WONHOUTH , 111. . April 19. The Weir Plow company made an assignment thla i afternoon. The assignee It I * 8. Kinsman , manager ot tbe company. .MOTIIKFI I * JAIfc AMD CIIIMI DYING. i Cnnc Develop * In Connection with the Dlvordcrlr Klnc r * rm. A 6-year-old mulatto boy was brought to the city jail yesterday morn'ng by Tannle HI- llott , a negro residing at 2501 Spencer street. The child was apparently In a dying con- dltlou ami Elliott had carried It all the way from homo In his arms. Immediate atten tion was given to the case by Police Matron Ryan and at her request Dr. Ralph was summoned. He pronounced it a case of malignant diphtheria and went hurriedly at work to make -proper disposition ot the suf ferer. E-lllott erplalnM that the child belonged to Lulu Peoples , alias McHenry , who had been sent to the county Jail yesterday from police court in default ot a flno ot $5 and costs , which JuJgo Gordon as sessed against her for being an tnmnto ot a disorderly i house. She came to Omaha last Wednesday from Kansas City , bringing the boy with her. Taking it to Elliott's borne , she left It there to bo cared for. The child was then 111 , and upon leaving the mother promised to return In a few days and pay the family for looking after Its needs. The child's condition grow rapidly worse anij r/lllott did not know what to do. Ho had no money with which to eqiploy a phjvlclan , but when the mother did not re turn he finally determined to deliver the boy to the police , and It was for this pur pose tbat ho carried It to the city jail. Then the facts about the mother's Imprisonment vcro developed. Dr. Ralph administered antl-toxlno to the uffcrer , but the disease had taken such a old upon , the child that the doctor said It vna cnly n question , of a short time .when le-ath wouldi come. To prevent the disease rom spreading ho ordered the city jail to o thoroughly fumigated and then took steps o Isolate the patient. Mayor Moorca wan ppcaled to for a pardon of the mother tbat ho could care for the child , and then an lection booth In an obscure section of the ilty w fl ordered placed In shape to receive ho sick chlM , There the motbcr nd her > oy were Isolated and Dr. Ralph .will at- end > to the future of the case. Health sfllccra have also been ordered to make an examination of the neighborhood of the El- lott family for other caseo of diphtheria , Tbe following births and deaths were re ported at the bealth office during the twenty- our hours ending at nocn yesterday : Births Lewlfl Rasmuascn , 2616 North Thlr- eenth , boy ; Magnus Nystrom , 916 North Twenty-seventh , boy ; Peter Edman , 3013 Frcnklln , girl ; Leon Anguy , 1702 Vlnton , bay ; Harry W. Tyler , 616 South Twenty- ninth , girl. Deaths Jacob Van Rensselacr Brown , 63 , 1711 Moeon , Forest Lawn ; Patrick Burns , 55 , St. Jcscph's hospital , St. Mary's cemetery. TT10 IIIllllCFH 0111 llOllllN. There were t\vo bidders yesterday for the 169,500 4V4 per cent street Improvement bonds and $25,000 4 per cent Intersection bonds on which bids were opened by City Treasurer Edwards. Spltzcr & Co. of Toledo offered par flat on both Istoies , and W. J. Hayes & Sons of Chicago bid par on the Intersection bonda and a premium of $1,417 on the 1m- rrovement bonds. Both bids were referred to the city council , which will probably decide to reject them and offer the bonds to the contractors. Clerk Hn * a Xow Pusclc. Oily Clerk Hlgby hoe a new lot , of rouble , on hlo binds now. Tbe ordinance licensing ticket brokers wblch was recently paWd 'by , the cHy council provides that each broker shall bo provided with a badge. What eort of a decoration Is Intended Is not Indicated , and neither Is the city clerk familiar with what the brokers would llko to wear ou : their lapels. ExpotilUon HiilldliiHT Permit * . A permit has been Issued to Dunnevant & Thompson for two buildings at the exposition grounds. One will bo a pavilion 90x125 feet whlcb will coat $7,000 , and the other will be a raialler building for exhibitions , costing $1,300. The state commission of Georgia bas been granted a permit to put up a state building which will cost $3,500. Cosit ( lulnit Fifteen Dollnr * . Attorney Mercer S. Qulnn was tried In police court on a charge of assault and battery. Too complaining witness was Miss Minnie Jacobs , and Judge Gordon found the lawyer guilty of the offense. Qulnn paid a fine of $15 and costs , which was the court's penalty In the cose. PROPOSES PUS1IISCITE. Itnly Take * the Initiative In the Lat ent 'Proposal. ' LONDON , April 19. It Is reported tin' the Drlebundi , or Triple Alliance ( rfompoaoJ of Germany , Austria and Italy ) , acting upon the suggestion of Italy , bs proposed to the powero a plebiscite , under \\blch the popu lation of Cuba should b allowed to vote for tbe form of government under which they shall live. BERLIN , April 19. Tbe German foreign office declares that Dr. von Holleben , the ambassador ot Germany at Wacblngton , in stead ot joining In renewed representations to the United States , Is urging ambassadors .o stop their attempts at mediation , aa they are considered worse than uselers. < \EW MAIIKKT FOR XEIIRASKA CORJf. ! . . f.I California. iPurcniuilnir t-nrffc ftaantl tic * to Feed Cattle. SAN FRANCISCO , April 19. California at itOf present offers a good market for the corn of Nebraska , Iowa and Kansas. Largo shipments pIt. ments of this cereal are now coming west. The needs of the cattle In central or southern fare ern California , and particularly the failure of this year's barley crop , are the reasons for the increasing demand for corn. IJIVliS LOST I.V A MI.M2 FIRE. 12.Df Forty-On * Reported u.t the Number of the VIctluiH. LONDON. April 19. The Whltwlck col- tic llcry in Leicestershire is on fire. It Is be lieved that forty-one llvca have been lost. Huron 1'nxtur iTtHURON. . S. D. , April 19. ( Special. ) Sunday morning Rev , B , H. Burtt , for the past eeven ycaro paator of tbo First Cca- gregatlonal church here , tendered. hl resig nation , to tak-o effect aa early as the churcn shall elect , which will protably bo about June 1. Mr. Burtt will accept the pastorate of a Congregational church at Luddlngtou < , Mich. Confirm * \e n of Crciipo'N Deulh. WASHINGTON. April 19. The State de partment received word this afternoon from Minister Loomls at Caracas , Venezuela , that ex-President Crespo waa killed while bat- tllng with Insurgents. Corner In the Mule Market. KANSAS CITY ; April 19. The Times Is authority for the statement that n comblna- tlon has been formed among the mule trad ers of Kansas City and St. Louis to take advantage of the necessities of the govern ment by raising the prices of mules needed for the army. Prices have been advancd fully 25 per cent , and another advance Is planned. Tno 200 mules sold In Kansas City last week for $ $3.40 a head , and the 800 sold In St. Louis for $33 , are said to have cost > the dealero less than $10 a 'head. The gov ernment requires Immediately 1,800 more > mules , and for these a still higher price will be exacted by the men who have cornered the available supply. now Storm In Michigan. IRONWOOD , Mich. , April 19. Four Inche * of snow-fell here last night. Manltowoc , Dcpere and Plalnfield , aUto report a- heavy fall ot MOV. ECHO ; OF THE DROUTH YEAR South Omnha Busioen Ken Hear from Money Then Advanced. RELIEF FUNDS ARE NOT Y T RETURNED Poriy-Flve Per Cen1 of the Cn4 | Loaned in Cnatcir County Partner * I * Paid Hack I ICfforU to Collect. In February , 1895 , a committee , consisting of J , A. Harris , cashier of a bank at Broken Bow , and Frank Tlernoy , now deceased , called1 upon the buslnreM cncn of South Omaha with a petition asking them to ad vance money to bo loaned without Interest to the farmers of Custer county to enable them to buy eeed for planting. . It wa ar ranged that the notes tbould become duo In one year , but In case the farmers ebould have another crop failure they were to bs given more tlmo. The committee claimed to have the back'lng of Judge Sullhnn , Governor Holcomb , O. P. Porley and other prominent citizens of that section of tbo state. Con- Idcmblo money was collected In South Omaha. . About year ago the parties -Whs advanced the mcncy wcro paid back 4S per cant of the amounts advanced , whlcb It nan claimed wuri all that the fanners of tbo county had paid on their notes. Recently some Custer county parties have been at South Omaha * lth stock and bavo reported that tbe farmers repaid all the money that wna loaned to them and that It has been Ijlng In the bank at Broken Bow for some monttis vast. Those report * have aroused tbo parties who mode the original advances and they arc talking ot making eorno move to get their money back. It would appear , however , that the par ties who reported that the money bad been collected \\ero mistaken an to the facts. A ! repreoentatlve of The Dee writes from Ilrokon Bow : "A special effort was made by the relief committee to collect the money In the fall ot 1895 , but owing to a short crop and money being close few farmers were able to pay their notea that year. The next fill a collector was sent out and a sufficient amount was collected to pay the donors 15 per cent. Since tbo 1st of January the com mittee employed a special collector. Ho met with opposition nnd refusals In most casca and did not raise more than enough to pay his expenses. A number of farmers had moved anay , some could not pay and others could but would not. The general excuse offered by tho.-o who refused to pay was that they had been Informed that the money was donated and did not jiroposo fo pay it for the relief committee to use. The cctn- mltteo ( isa notes amount'ng to hundreds of dollars not collected and come of them can never be collected. Many who couldi pay , are execution proof and corsclenco ccavcd. Tbo committee tajs that the matter lias been very unsatto.'acl'ory to all who have been connected with It and will try other methods yet to collect where the partita ara able to pay. " COMMERCIIAI. CLUII OPI3RATIOXS. Will Try tit Got Con volition of tk National W. C. T. U. Another Invitation I'D to bo extended- the Womcn'o Christian Temperance' unloa to hold Its annual convention In this city. Such an Invitation was extended once before , but Los Angeles was selected In place of this city. It now develops that the latter city will not be able to take care of tha meeting , and as a consequence Omaha Is go ing after It once more. The matter was up before the executive com mil too of the Commercial club at'lta meet- log "yesterday. Mru Woodward of Llnco'nt and Mm Ford of this city prcronted the matter. Secretary Utt waa Instructed to at once get Into communication with tha officers of the union and present the claims of the city , in conjunction with the local union. A project to establish a flouring mill waa made public at the meeting. It Is proposed ) to put In such a plant with a capital ot $100,000. Capital to the amount of $40,000 has already been subscribed. The following committee was appointed to raise the re mainder : J. F. Utt , C. R. Orcutt , C. Bovla Oldfleld. Frank Murphy and Edgar Allen. The committee endorsed the plan of J. D. Badger to establish a manufactory ot a patented underfeed furnace In thla city. It Is desired tosecuro a capital of ' $10,000 , $4.000 of which has already been secured. The plant Is to employ 150 to 200 .people in the course of a cou lo o ! years. E. A. Benson , John T. Hopkins and George N. Hicks were appointed delegates to attend ] the annual convention ot the International Mlnlg cogress * , to bo. . held at Salt Lake , front July C to 9. A rrfi'onBo w s received from Senator Thureton , In answer to the rcsolutlcns of condllenco passed by the club over the death ) of his wife. W. W. Um&tcad was elected a member of the executive committee. * STRKET RAILWAY UXTEXSIOX9 , Conijinny Rend * KM 'ISnerirlra All o j the \orth. Side Jnut Xoiv. The eouthslders are still hammering away , to get the South Tenth street motor line extended to Valley street , but with slight prospects of success. Superintendent SmltU of the street railway company says the ex tension la out of the question this spring. The company has really interfered with tha more Important Improvements that worst necessary. In view ot the exposition , by ex tending tbe Tenth street line as far as Ban croft street , and that Is the most It can do at present. On June 1 , the opening day of the exposition , .the lines will very likely bo railed on to handle as many people as on any day of the exposition. Thla leaves only ; a llttlo over a month In which to complete the Improvements on the north sldo that ara absolutely needed. Aside from putting In at new track on Sherman avenue , where tha new pavement la to be laid , It will bo neces , sary to reconstruct the tracks on Cumin * street , from Twentieth to Twenty-fourlr ? streets , and on the greater part of Twenty- fourth trtrcet , between Cumlng and Like. A ! loop must also be built at Kmmett street to accommcdato surplus cars to carry exposi tion crowds , and this would keep the eomo pany hustling from now to June 1. Tha heavy rails will be substituted at all point * where the tracks are reconstructed , and aC other points tbe tracks must be strengthened ! In order to carry the heavy traffic of tha coming summer. . ) HAMMOND TAKEW TO ST. JOSKI'II , Fugitive from Jntlee Hunt Fnce * J MlKiourl Court. Edward Hammond , who was arrested hero as a fugitive from justice , waa taken back to St. Joseph , Mo. , this morning , where be will stand trial for highway robbery. Deputji Sheriff G. G. Stermes , of the latter city , cam * to Omaha after the prUoner without requisi tion papers immediately after the authorities of that place received word from Chief Gal lagher that tbe fugitive bad been appre hended , Hammond's first inclination was to refuse to return -without a requisition , but later on he waived this right. Deputy. Stermes tcld the police that In St. Josephs there is considerable speculation over the failure of tbe deputy sheriff from wnorn Hammond escaped while be was being brought back from Minneapolis to retura home. Ho disappeared khortly after Hammond mend leaped from the moving train , and ha * > not been beard of since , although exhaustive Inquiry has been made a * to his whereabout * . It la known that be went in pursuit of his prisoner after losing him , and that end * All clew * to bU subsequent movem nU.