THE OMAHA DAILY BIBEt WEDNESDAY , APUIL 20 , 1808. I NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IQWA. f Bi ; COUNCIL BLUFFS- MIXOR MESTIOJT. Try Mocre'i itock food. Dr. Roe , dontlit , Merrlam block. Mutlcal people should hear Farland. Jersey Cream flour. Dartel & Miller. Dr. Drown , flmtlit. room 301. Merrlam blk. Mrs. Kato Madden haa gone to Spokane Fall * . Drs. Snydcr & Snydcr removed to 121 South ( Seventh street. Mr * . Davla of Omaha l vlaltlng her daugh ter , Mra. Theme , of Avenue D. Wanted Competent cook , good wages. Mrs. George A. Kccllnc , 129 Park avc. The Bvani laundry It the leader In flne work both for color tnd finish. 620 Pearl street. Phone 290. Mm. L. A. Lcettc Is confined to her homo M 027 Fourth avenue from the effects ot * fall on a slippery pavement. | Mr. and Mrs. It. II. Harris have returned from a visit with friends and relatives at Datavla , N. Y. , and Kalamazoo , Mich , Don't you think It must be a pretty good laundry that can please so many hundreds of customers ? Well that's the "Eagle , " 724 Broadway. The Woman's Christian Temperance union will meet this afternoon at 2:30 : o'clock at 721 Willow avenue. Important business will be considered and a full attendance Is de sired. Mrs. W. 8. Wright of Third avenue has returned from Kmmctsburg , la. , where she visited her daughter , Mrs. Scott Ormsby. She was accompanied homo by her niece. Miss Phoebe Rabbins , who will spend a few weeks with her. All music lovers should hear Miss Rita Ix > rton and Mrs. Katharine L. Flsk at the Dohany theater on Thursday evening. They will appear under the auspices of the ladles ot the Woman'R Christian Association hos pital and will give a brilliant program. William Sherman of this city , who has been attending school at Davenport , has gone to Brooklyn for the purpose of entering the navy. He enlisted ecvcral dajn ago and haa passed the nccorcury examination. He Is the eon of Marshall Shcrmaa of ttila city. Mfs ] Mattle Olbson , a graduate ot the Woman's Christian Association hospital In this city , was the first nurse In Iowa to offer to Governor f/iaw / her services aa a trained nurse In case of war. Her tender wan ac- compcnlcd by credentials of a hlgCi standard. A flro that broke out In the upper part of a sirall cottage at the extreme end of Ttilrd street yesterday Inflicted slight damage and called out the flro department. Tbe cottage was occupied by Mary Chandler , who had considerable clothing and bedding Injured by the heat cad smoke. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Pullen left yesterday for Colorado , where they will spend the summer prospecting In the mountains and looking for what Is believed to be a valuabe : pay streak that Mr. Pullen found and lost last year. Mrs. Pullen has had prepared a knlckcrbockcr suit of stout corduroy and Is fully prepared to enjoy all of the pleasures and hardships of a summer campaign among the mountains with her husband. Tomorrow evening the concert given under the auspices of the Woman's Christian Asso elation hospital will bo given at the Do hany theater. It Is an event In which the musical people of Council Bluffs have been deeply Interested over since Its first an nouncement. The appearance of Mme. Kath- arlno L. Flsk , contralto , and Miss Rita Lor- ton , soprano , at this entertainment will doubtless be the means of bringing out a large audience. C. B. Vlttva On. , female remedy ; consulta tion free. Office hours , 9 to 12 and 2 to o. Health book furnished. 326-327-3-8 Merrlam block. Money to loan on city property , Kino * . N. T. Plumbing company. Tel. 250. Hoffmeyr's fancy patent flour make * the best and most bread. Ask your grocer for It. Callv l Ilcforc the Cnlrialn , A magnificent audience greeted Clay Clem ent at the Dcbany last night , and evidenced * Its appreciation of his strong work as an actor and the two new one-act plays be pre- eented. Mrs. Richardson's -latest- dramatic creation , "The Musician's Sweetheart , " nat urally attracted a large share ot the atten- tlca. It proved to be even stronger than her friends hoped It 'would ' be , and beu the curtain went down the applauoe was bearty and continuous until she appeared ( before the curtain with Mr. Clement. Tbe oration that wae given her was very grati fying , and after the play was over and ehe appeared In the audience she was the recip ient of marked attention. Mr. Clement's new play that formed the second act ot the bill was also thoroughly appreciated , and met with such popular favor that he was called before the curtain a couple ot times. Tbe third and concluding act was a one- act play , "Napoleon's Guard. " I.Utlf Form. Linld to Urn * . Tbe funeral of little Oracle Maloney , the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Maloney , waa largely attended yesterday. Brief serv ices were held rt the residence ot Mr. Ma- loney'o mother , but more elaborate end ex pressive services were held at St. Francis' Catholic church. Tbe floral offerings were sufficient to entirely conceal the little white casket. The pallbearer * were six little foojo , of the same age and playmates of the little sleeper. They were Pressed In black , with white tics and white rorea. MnrrlaKf Llcraara. Marriage licenses were Issued yesterday to the following named persons : Name and residence. Ago. Jumps Booth , Omaha . 53 Jennie Clark , Omaha . , . . . 41 Thomas W. Hannan , Pottawattamlo co. . 27 Ellen Costello , Pottawattamla co . 21 Thp FI k-Ix > rton Concert. Tbe concert program which Mrs. Kath arine L. Flsk and Miss Rita Lorton will give at the Dohany on Thursday evening cannot fall to appeal to all tastes. It will Include a number of selections successfully given by these artists In Great Britain. The con cert is under the management of the ladles ot the W. C. A. hospital. Ilrnl Gvtat Tmn fer . The following transfers were flled yester day In the title and loan office of J. W. Squire. 101 Pearl street : Sheriff to J , W. Davis , lots 6. 7. 8 , 9 anil 10 , blcck 1 , Williams' add. to Han cock. s. d . I 530 Newton Nutt to Kate Nutt. lots 15 and 16. block 37. Beers' subdlv. , w. d. . . . 1,000 Receiver of Council Bluffs Insurance company to Charles Foote , seV4 se',4 32-76-44. receiver's d. , . KO Mary Foster and husband to Samuel Li. Morrison , lot 4. block 20 , Burns' add. , q. c. d . 1 Maggie Conley and husband to Thomas Owen , lots 13 and 14. block 4. Van- Brunt and Rice's add. , q. c. d . 700 Lulu B. George to John I. Ittdlck , lot 19 , block 9 , Potter & George com pany's add. , w. d . 1 Charles Turnbloom and wife to Laura Bheen. lot 4. Auditor's subdlv , ot out lot 2 , Carson , w. d . ISO Bcvcn transfers , total . $3,432 MENERAY BROS. NURSERYMEN , Of Orcicent City are here In Council Bluff * and Qaiaba with tfaelr flne line of fruit trees , rape vkie , etc. , and all kinds ot floe h de tree * , flowering ihrubi and rose * . Their iale grounds are located at 615 Eaat Broad way , Council Bluff * , and on Farnam itreet , one block west ot Twentieth atreet , Omaha , where you will be waited on at all time * with pleaaure , We aell all good * very cheap ind guarantee fcll gooda aril-cl CITY SEFTLES A MISTAKE Compromises Sniti that Have Given Much Apprehension Heretofore. STREETS' CLAIMS ARE NOW SATISFIED Blnnilcr Mnrtr In Opening Fifth Ave nue to FiUr mount Park Twelve Yearn AKO In Finally Adjusted. The city council , at a committee of the whole , mot yesterday afternoon for the pur pose of considering > the cases of Mrs. Mary B. Street and her husband , A. W , Street , which have bcsn pending against the city for the last ten years. The cases were set for hearing hi the district court at the openIng - Ing of the present term , 'but ' an agreement was arrived atby which a continuance was granted for ten days. The cases have given the city a great deal of concern and there has been a manifest desire on the part of | previous administrations to postpone the trial as long as possible. When City Attorney Wadsworth assumed charge of his new offlco ho found 'the cases fixed for trial. A cur sory examination showed him that the city would have great difficulty In securing evi dence. In fact , to secure any at all It was necessary 'to go Into the camp of the enemy ' sni use their own witnesses. This situation , " and the character of the suits rendered It aJvlsablo to give some attention to the prop ositions from the planltlffs to settle the claims by compromise. It was for the purpose of considering these propositions for a settle ment out of court that the council met yes terday afternoon. Attorney Wadeworth laid the matter care fully and fully ibciforc the members of the council. In 1886 the council. In auswer to numerous petitions , ordered Fifth avenue to < be extended and opened up to the west line of Falrmfunt park. The survey of thi. street led through a tract of property be longing to 'the Streets. Attempts to agree upcu a price to be paid to them for the right cf way failed , and the council ordered the property to be condemned In the usual mannsr. A sheriff's Jury was appointed and appraised the damages at J 1,500. Owing < to some strange oversight at the time the records were not consulted and the city simply assumed that A. W. Street was the ovraer of the property , and notices of the- condemnation 'were ' served upon him. At the time , however , the title to 'tho ' property was In 'Mrs. ' Street. The error was not dis covered. The amount of the condemnation iprlce was paH over to Ai W. Street and his receipt taken therefor. The amount was not satisfactory to the 'Streets ' and an ap peal was taken to the district court. The case was tried and a Judgment for $2,300 was entered against the city. This judg ment was not paid , and no particular atten tion was paid to It until a fciw years ago when Street Instituted mandamus proceed ings to ccmpel the city to pay the remain der of the Judgment. This difference would doubtless have been paid , but shortly after ward Mrs. Street began a suit against the city to qulc < t her title to the land In ques tion , alleging that she -was the owner at the time It 'was condemned , and * asserting that she toad never been officially notified ot the condemnation proceedings. ' The records were looked up and her claim was found to be a most substantial cne. This placed the city In the iway of Joslnj the $1,500 paid to her husband , for there was' nothing to show that ho bad any right to receive It and his receipt -was valuless so far as giving the city a claim upon the property. Later Mrs. Street began another milt against the city to force the cancellation of the special taxes that were assessed against her prop erty to pay for bringing the strest to grade. There was some chance of 'Winning ' this suit , but when the council came to consider the situation In others It was deemed advisable to accept the proposition to settle all three of them. The propositions forsettjfmeat Included the payment ot the remaining portion tion of the Judgment , $750 , and the can cellation of the special taxes In considera tion ot a quit claim deed from Mrs. Street. It was agreed to accept the compromise and the attorney ( or Mrs. Street was notified ot the action , which will be formally approved by the aldermen when they meet as a council on next .Monday evening. v Coupled with the propositions for settle ment the attorney tor the Streets had In cluded a suit brought against the city by the Chicago & ( Northwestern Railway com pany for the cancellation of about H.100 ot sptclal taxes assessed against several lots acquired by the company In the vicinity of Its Broadway depot. The city believes It has a good chance -winning this case and refuse. } tha offer to compromise , and the case will likely be tried at the next term of , the district court. Read premium offer * inside Domestic Soap wrappers. For Sale Open buggy , single harness , good caddie , cheap ; cash or time , at Bourlclus' Music House. 325 Broadway , where the organ stands on the building. Only One- Effort ait Burglary. Only one attempt made to commit burglary was reported yesterday morning. The resi dence of J. C. Rockwell , at 101 Bluff street , was the object of the attack. The burglar made the grievous mistake of attempting to break Into the house via a window of the room occupied by the hired girl. The noise awakened her , and tte aroused toe nelgh- borhoad with her screams. The burglar waa out ot eight before any ot tbe members of the household or tbe neighbors could get out to catch him. M. C. Vandovere , Mr. Rockwell's son-in-law , who lives In the same house , was among the first to respond to the servant girl's frantic screams for belp , and in making a quick run through the dining room came Into violent contact with the dining table , and received a number of pain ful brutsco. Lawn mowers and lawn hose at J. Zoller & Co. Save your Domestic Soap -wrappers. Mr * . F. C. < * ! Under ftnrtrnlnit. The condition ot 'Mrs. ' F. C. Reed , who has been Buffering from mental disorders for more than a year , became such that it was necessary yesterday to bring her before the Oommlfislonero for the Insane. An order was made sending her to Clarlnda for treat- men . After her return from Mlraourl last fall she was so greatly improved that her husband and friends were encouraged to be- llove that eho would be completely restored to health. She continued to Improve very greatly until within the last few months , when she began to show Indications of re turning Insanity. It was deemed best by her friends to send her to the state's hospital for treatment. < Domestic Soap makes and keeps clean friends. Domestic Soap Is the best for the laundry. "Pre literl n Alley" Onire. The entire day In tbe district court yes terday was spent In hearing the testimony la the application for a permanent Injunc tion to restrain E. E. Hart and the directors ot the Citizens' bank from permanently clos ing "Presbyterian alley. " Every old citizen In the city was called upon to give testimony and the day waa devoted to Interesting dls- cucslona ot eventa that transpired forty-odd years ago. The case la proving to be of greater proportions than waa anticipated and at least another oTay will bo consumed In the bearing. ChrUtluja Homci The donations received at the Christian Borne for the week ending yesterday , as re ported by the Home paper , ( bowed a grand total to the manager's tuna t $6.10 , being V , i $28.90 below the needs ot the week. De- ' flclency In this fund , M reported last week , $207.95 , Increasing deficiency to date to $230.85. Grand tots ) of rccclpti In the general fund amounts to $1,074.44 , being $874.44 above the estimated needa for current expenses of the week , reducing , amount needed In the Im provement and contingent fund from $84- 717.49 , s stated In last week's paper , to $83,843.06. nSGIVEKIl AI > AMS 8AVKS A TRAIN. Coolnr of OneMnn Prevent * n Ter rible Accident on tlie Hock Inland. Harry Adams , engineer ot train No. 6 on the Chicago , Rock Island ft Pacific railway , which ran Into a wathout near South Bend , Neb. , on Sunday , has been made the re cipient of a handsome testimonial by tbe pocsenzcra on the train , whose lives were saved by his coolness and courage. Mr. Adams lives In this city , aU721 Fifth ave nue. He returned to his home yesterday bearing a document that contained a strong testimonial from the passengers. The prompt action of Engineer.Adams undoubt edly saved the entire train from destruction , The train was running with Its customary speed along the banks of the Platte river. There had been considerable rain during the day , but the train crew had not been advised of any extraordinary floods. As .the train rounded a curve Adams saw the track ahead covered with water. Ho had but a second to rhut oft steam and set the air brakes with full force. This brought the train to a sudden step , but not until the engine rap out far enough on the weakened embank ment to cause It to give way. Adams and his firemen Jumped In time to save their llvca. The enclne went off the rails with sliding drivers , turned over and disappeared In the river. It was followed by the express car. but tbe remainder of the train re mained standing on the track. The express messengers escaped with difficulty , but were unhurt. The Shock of the sudden stopping of the train by the use of the brakes threw most of the passengers from , their seats , but ncne of them were hurt In the least. When they left the coaches and went to the head of the train they realized most forcibly the great danger they had escaped. When they discovered that no one was 'In jured they overwhelmed Engineer Adams with their congratulations. Their gratitude assumed a substantial form and a handsome "purso was raised and presented to the en gineer with the following , signed by all of the passengers on the train : We , the undersigned , desire to extend our hearty thanks to you for your cool untl Judicious action In the face of preat dunner , whereby the safety of all upon the train was secured. Will you please accept too accompanying slight testimonial of our high regard. There were the names and addresses of forty passengers attached to the testi monial. Among them wcro E. S. Averlll , superintendent of the United States Ex- presa company , Chicago ; Redman B. Ellison , Philadelphia ; John T. Whiting and Mrs. Whiting , Castlne , Me. ; Henry M. Corliss , Boston ; J. W. Morton , Brooklyn , and other prominent people. The women on the train wcro particularly desirous of expresalng their admiration for the bravo engineer. The engine that still lies In the mud and water U > one of the newest large passenger machines the Rock Island has put on for Its through western tralna Nearly all of the crew and the express and baggage agent ? are residents of this city. A map of Cuba , the West Indies and ot the world at the Council Bluffs office of The Bee for ten cents. Cordwood for sale cheap. Address W. F , , Bee office , Council Bluffs. U'entli In tinc ort. MISSOURI VALLEY , la. , April 19. ( Spe cial. ) Some time' last eummer George A , Cloud , a promising young lawyer ot this state , made up his mind to seek his fortune In the west , He left his Wife and young son with her parents , Dr. and Mrs. While of this place , and finally located In Sprlng- vlllc , Utah. ( Business probably did not meet hU expectations , for In October bis wife received a letter from aim that he Intended to leave Sprlngvllle for the mines across the desert In Arizona. Since this letter Mrs. Cloud has received no word from her hus band , and , growing anxious , she at last wrote to Sprlngvllle , making inquiries. Nothing was known about htm there except that he bad started across the dew-rt for the mines. A prees correspondent of the Salt Lake Her ald beard of the Inquiry , however , and men tloned It In a letter to his paper. Shortly after this tbe body ot a man was found in the desert between Springvlllo and King- man , Ariz. The man had been dead for come tlmo and had evidently died of thirst. Identification can only be made from his clothes and outfit , as wild animals have de stroyed the body and even carried away many ot the bones. The editor of the MoJave - Jave County Miner hao written to Mrs. Cloud and told her ot this discovery and ex pressed hid opinion that the body Is .that of her husband. The clothing , etc. , will be sent here and the Identification made , If possible. Stock Show n.nd the Exposlttoiik DE3 MOINES , ( April 19. ( Special. ) George S. Redhead ot Des Molnea , whose herd ot Herefords took tbe prizes at the World's fair and at the New York Fat Stock show , and Ben F. Elbert , another prominent stock raiser of this city , whose herds are noted all over the country , eay 'that ' unless the executive committee of the Transmlsslsslppl exposition changes Its mind and decide to give cash premiums there will be no national stock exhibit at tbe exposi tion and it Is likely that the big stock chow will be held elsewhere. There 4s consid erable talk of securing the state fair grounds for a week during the Senl Om SeJ carnival this fall and holding the big stock show here , and those Interested In tha mat ter are doing a great deal of hustling. Whether or not it Is simply a bluff to force the exposition committee to change its plans la not known. terra Evansellcnl Conference. AOKLEY , la. , April 19. ( Special. ) The thirty-eighth annual session of the Icwa conference ot the Evangelical association has Just closed 'here. iBlshop S. C. Breyfogel of Reading , Pa. , cpened the conference. The tlshop appointed Rev. A. L. Hauser of Cedar Falls , as secretary. The following presiding elders for Iowa were named : M. Oruener , Des Ololnes district ; E. 'Nolle , Du- touque district. Rev. C. C. ' Pfund of Flat Rock , O. . Rev. H. Mattll of Cleveland , O. , and Rev. F. Yerger of Des Molnes , were appointed as advisory members. Elope * vrlth u. Fnrm Hand. CnrAiRITCW , la. , April 19. ( Special Tele gram. ) Mrs. Ira .Noble , the wife of a wealthy ( farmer living .west of 'here , has created a sensation > by runolng away with a laborer employed In a local livery barn , She left a home of plenty and two small children. No clue ot her whereabouts can tie found. ' lown. IlnidneM Noten. f Davenport bankers report a largely In creased demand for money within < tbe last month. Postal receipts at Des Molnes for March show a gain over the same month last year of 7.8 per cent. Iowa beekeepers say that the past winter has been favorable tor their ( business and few have been lost. The Federation of Women's clubs at Fort Dodge has ( begun a campaign for cleaner streets for that cltr. The bank deposits In Des 'Molnes within a year have Increased 'to the extent ot $2- 500.000. the aggregate i w betag about $9,000,000. The Anthon Press declares that more than twenty families have failed < o find homes there in the last three months because they could not get houses to live In. The Home Telephone company of Sioux Cltr , I * arranging to extend Its lines from Movlllo to Plerson , Correctlonvllle , Washta , Rock Branch. Lucky Valley , Antbon , Ote and Smltbland. Six townships of Tama county have been beard from on tbe o w assessment plan and these show a decrease In valuation for tax ation purposes oX $39,287 as compared 11111 1897. At that rate the decrease In Tama county will to not far irom 1140,000. J nl PRIDE OF EpAR RAPIDS X'J ll Fine New Masonic % nyle Newly Eoady for Occnwuiojt UI.HH DEDICATION ONEVfjitfl FROM TOMORROW Handsome Strnc ort } Bretried by the 'ManonJe ' . a Co t of fl 3,000 Adda Greatly to City' * Attraction * . CEDAR RAPIDS , la. , April 19. ( Special. ) The arrangements have all been com pleted for the formal opening ot the Masonic temple of this city on the evening ot April 28. The program wlil 'consist ' of an ad dress of welcome .by. Hon. .John T. Hamil ton , together with a reception and ball. In vitations have been extended to all the Masons ot the ptato to attend and U Is ex pected that a largo number will respond , as the railroads entering Cedar Rapids have made excursion rates for the event. The 'Masonic temple , which Is located at the corner of First av'cnuo and First street , far exceeds any building In the city In point ot size , finish and cost , and will compare favorably with any In the state. The archi tectural otylo ot the building Is entirely modern and though plain Is ot a striking character. The corner stone was laid with Imposing ceremonies on St. John's day last year and was a memorable event In the Masonic hlatory of the state. The building has a frontage ot seventy-two feet on First street and 140 feet on First avenue. It Is elghty-tlx feet In height from the sidewalk to the top of the stone1 coping , five stories and basement. The nist floor contains an elegant and modern banking room and four store rooms. The second , third and fourth floors are divided up Into offlccs. The Occidental club also has quar ters on the third floar. The fifth floor la given up entirely to lodge rooms and a largo auditorium. The flret story of the structure Is of Cleve land sandstone and the rest of the building Is of hydraulic prcrced brick , with sand stone cap * and sills over all openings , with carved stone capitals on pilasters. The building Is topped out with heavy cornice , made of ornamental brick and cut stone. It cost , Inclusive of site , $125,000. IOTTII Tmvellnir Men. MA ON OITY , la. , April 19. ( Special. ) The following are 'the officers of the Iowa division of the Traveling 'Men's ' Protective association which met here : President , W. J. Relnke , Mason City ; first vice president , W. G. Haskell , Cedar Rapids ; seccnd vice president , J. H. 'Barney ' , Sioux City ; third vice president , J. H. iMcIntyre , ( Davenport ; secretary sud treasurer , William Belber , Mason CltV ; directors , H. C. Stearns and Ben iHestead of 'Mason ' City , and G. B. Al bert of iMarshalttowj } , Delegates 4o the na tional convention at.pinaha aext year are : Manley T. Brown , 'Davenport ' ; S. B. Schil ling , Mason City , and/ . > S. Clonrmcns , Cedar Rapids ; alternates , , tfThomas Davey , E. IS. Cxutt , W. P. Parllagand , W. J. Konvallnka. Convolution ofi liinn Turner * . HOLSTIEJIN. la. , .KAprll . 19. ( Special. ) About forty delegates attended the thirty- third annual convention of the Upper Mis- Isslppl Turn-Bezltlc'Yhe'rc ' and a successful meeting 'was held. ThB''conventlcn ' passed a resolution declaring. , that "The Turners of the Upper Mississippi Turn-Beztrk declare themselves as reaayf tnll as zealous to aid In upholdtagthe honor and dignity of our common country as netf were when In 1C60 and 1861 they ralrfed "the defense ofthe nation and the preservation of the union. " The annual address was dellvered'by Henry 'Vollmer . ot iDavenjipWf who congratulated the delegates upcn , , lhe work accomplished by the Bezlrk during 'the last year. a Flying Vinlt. SIOUX CITY. Aiprll 19. ( Special Tele gram. ) ( Hon. W. I. Buchanan , minister o the United States to the Argentine 'Repub ' lic , arrived In Sioux City 'today for a brlet visit with relatives and friends. Hls home Is Sioux ( City an ) it Tias ( been four years since he left for his post cf duty In tbe south. 'He will sail on Saturday , his wife and children remaining In Sioux City for the present. LMr. .Buchanan declines testate state the cause ot his hurried return , bu It Is probably on account of tbe present -war troubles. \CTT Telephone Eztenwlonjc. OUTHRIE OHNTBR , la. , April 19. ( Spe cial. ) The Perry Telephone company Is building a telephone lira Into this city from Panora and 'there Is a prospect ot the ex tension being continued on west to Audubcvi The Iowa Telephone company first came hero and obtained subscribers for an ex change , but did nothing until after the Perry company came In and secured a fran chise. Since then the proposition for a franchise to the Iowa company has been re jected by the votes of the people. Gemeral Store ' LIE MARS , la. . April 19. ( Special. ) The store at O'Leary , eleven miles south ot here , was destroyed by fire yesterday. The building Is a general country store and also contains the pcstoffice. The loss CM stock and building amounts to $3,000 , with very little Insurance. The origin of the fire Is unknown. A clerk was asleep in the upper portion of the building and had barely tlmo to get out. The store Is owned by Hoyt & Monroe , who do a large trade wKh the far mers In that section. ImpoiH'nmt ' Itmllrond Conference. SIOU.X CITY. 'April 19. ( Special Tele gram. ) 'An ' Important conference between Wayne county , Iowa , men and the officers of the Sioux City , Chicago and Baltimore road was held here today. The Wayne county men want the survey ot the road so changed thai It will take In some ot 'the towns of thai county. It Is represented it will not make much of a change In the original route. No actlou was taken. Gnuarht In. iennH ) Ivanln. 'BOONE ' , la. , April 19. ( Special Telegram. ) Sheriff Garner arrested 'Albert Smith li Pennsylvania yesterday. Smith was arrested last winter for bigamy and escaped from tbe officers. The sheriff will arrive here tomorrow with his prisoner. One hundred and flf p members of the Des Molnes Jobbers' association paid Boone a visit today. They wentlfrom here to Perry and west as far as Manilla. Old Mudd-K4 M | the ( line. SIOUX CITY , Afirti ; , ' 19 , ( Special Tele gram. ) The Missouri uSJver at Sioux City rose seven and one-half feet today , and the Indications are that ' $51WlU go some higher The Current Is very fapld at this point and it Is feared some darfHigej will be done before the water recedes. Inroads are already made on the banks on the l wa side of the stream \nd the government tjykeg do not seem to b' of much protection. , * , . j ? 'Ralwlntr ' a Company. OSDAlR RAPIDS. JAjl 19. ( Special Tel egram. ) Postmaster AlOK Charles this morn ing started to raise .JC'eimpany of 100 men. As soon as It has $ g p completed he will wire President McKlnUy offering their serv ices la case ofwar iwlth l-ipaln. It Is ex pected to fill the company 'before ' midnight. K llled by ai Tral n. RUS3EIUL , la. . April 19. ( Special Tele gram. ) ( Major -McCoy , an old and respectec citizen , -was ruu .ovef nd- killed by a C train Monday. He" ra standing co the depot platform too close to 'the track. The trait truck Mm , threw him forty feet and ctuie < almost immediate death. Killed \yiUU ? firrltcblnr * HAWARDBN , la' . , April 191 John Ward , a railroad man at Jewell Junction , yesterday while switching was thrown under a oar o coal and both legs were completely severed death ensuing almost Immediately. He leave * young brlde-.of tour months. MKITH niuxmn. I'armn * l < ti > lliron , NEW tOHK. April 10. Gcorfto Pmoni liithroo died today at KnMovelt hospital after a brlet Illness. Mr. Lsthrop wai rc- relred t the hosoltal Saturday suffering from a complication ot diseases. Lnst nUht tils case was not considered at all desecrate , but this mornlnn his tempera- .tiro rose suddenly and ho died before there was time to summon his wife or any ot bis relatives to his bed side. Mr. Lathroo was born In Honolulu In August. 1851. Ho was onlv 21 when the editor's chair ot trip Atlantic Monthly was offered him. After two voirn ho turned to editing a Boston Sunday newspaper. Ho married Rcoe Hawthorne , daughter ot the great nnvnllftt. Among the many volumes published by Mr. Lathroo the best known are "A Study of Hawthorne. " "Tho Masque of the Poets , " 'An Echo of Passion. " "Soanlrh Vistas , " 'Newport. " "Pomcbodv Else. " "Afterglow , " 'Would You Kill Him ? " and "In the Dis tance. " T. J. ClIcKlnner. FREMONT , Neb. , April 19. ( Special.A ) telegram was received hero this morning announcing the death at Dexter , Mich. , from heart disease ot T. J. McKlnney ot this city , aged B2 years. Mr. McKln- ncy came here from Michigan about fourteen years ago and entered the employ of ' the Union Pacific Railroad company as cashier at the freight depot. He was compelled to give up the position on account ot Ills health several months ago rod went to Michigan , thinking the change wou'.d benefit him. He was a member of the various lodges of the- Masonic order , of the Odd Fellowa and of the Red Men. Ho served In a Michigan regiment during the war and was a member of McPherson post , Grand Army of the Republic. Ho leaves a widow , a son , Earl McKlnney , a postal clerk employed here , ctul a daughter , Mrs. W. J. Biles 'of Hastings. Pioneer nt ColninlinH. COLUMBUS , Neb. , April 19. ( Special. ) Bernard Caffrey died this mortitag. He had lived In this city for over thirty years , and wao one of the pioneer trackmen of the Union Pacific railroad and was foreman at thl'j point until about ten yous ago , when , meeting with en accident , ho was unable to continue longer In the serviceHe serve 1 a number ot years In the war of the rebel lion and was a member of Baker post , No. 9 , Grand Army of the Republic , of this city. He leaves , btsldts his aged widow , a family of six grown-up children , three of whom reside In this city , ono In Omaha cad a sen and daughter In Sidney. Kuniernl of Auwiimt Kcnlln. WEST POINT , Neb. , April 19. ( Special. ) The funeral ot August Zeplln , the young man who wna kicked fatally by a'bon o on Friday last , was largely attended. The ex ercises were heCd In the German Lutheran church , of which the deceased was a mem ber. The West Point Llederkranz furnished music. Floral offerings were abundant. Deceased was 27 years old and leaves a widow end two children. SnnndcrN Co unity Pioneer. FREMONT , Neb. , April 19. ( Special. ) Chris Thompson , one of the pioneers of Sauntfers county , died at his residence south of ( tils city yesterday morning , aged 80 years. He was one of the first settlers In that vicinity and a successful farmer and business m > : n. Ho leaves ono sen , four daughters and several grandchildren and great grandchildren. Hccto'r ' 1J. ImK- . LOUISVILLE , Ky. , April 1 ? . A special to the Times from Nashville saya : Hector D. Lane , formerly commissioner of agriculture of Alabama and president of the American Cotton Growers' association , died at his home ImAthenti , Ala. , today from the effects of a stroke of paralysis. Early Settler nt Dnnbnr. DUNBAR , Neb. , April 19. ( Special. ) Talbot - bet Aehton , one of the early settlers here , died at his home , one mile east of town , lasi night of paralysis. Two sons and eight grandctilldren siirvlvt > 'him. _ EXPECT A.AUVli'HSli ' DECISION 'Railroad ' * Ireinr > for Demoralisation of Fr el will Ttiitcn. CHICAGO. April 19. The railroads have tbe opinion that the supreme court , will this week declare that the Joint Traffic associa tion Is an Illegal organization , and tbey are already proceeding to manage their affairs without any reference to It or Its orders. Instructions wtre quietly passed around among the railroads to contracting agents today that they need' ' pay no attention to the rules of the Joint Traffic association in securing their 'business ' , and the result was that there was a lively general scramble for business in which contracts were made for handling grata , between Chicago and the Atlantic seaboard as low as 10 cents. This demoralization appeared In the ab sence ot any authentic Information that a decision adverse to tbe Joint Traffic aesocla- tlon had > been rendered , and it Is expected that It will become worse If the decision should be cs much against the roads as to rnticlpated. The roais admit that tbey have no direct Information as to what the decision will be , but at the same time they eay that tbey bavo no doubt ttiat It will declare the asso ciation to be .Illegal. WHEN A MAX IS i'AST FORTY. The Greater Cnre He Should Take ot HI * I'hyricnl Well-Uctnsr. The Medical Record prints a synopsis of an Inteicetlng paper read by Dr. Henry F. Walker of New York ait tbe meeting ot the Practitioners' society. The subject that ho tcok for dlccuts'on. Is one that must oome home to all but these who die young. It was counsel to patients , especially In < the latter part of active life. line doctor said that there waa much trutl in itihe adaze that after 40 a man should be bis own physician. Experience should by that time teach htm what he can and can not do. The difficulty Is to understand him self. Says the paper : "When a youtlh , he condtders hlmsoll mature , while ethers were callow ; at a later doite he calls himself young , though tbe contemporaries ore old. The harden thing that ho Is compelled to realize Is tu < i < changes occur in himself ; that a thing which he has heretofore done with Impunity may In 'time become ( hazardous In repetition. The morn'.ng co'.d plunge , the going without an overcoat , the refusal of extra footwear any or all may become hazards to health. It Is often quite difficult to persuade an ogci person or bis friends that exercise In the open air Is not absolutely essential > to well belngror that the fireside la more invigorat ing than the cutting wind of a brilliant winter day. They quote experience against you. Having always done a thing with ad vantage , they can do It etlll , unmindful that the personal equation has changed , awl that an element nnce a friend to buffet may become a foe that kills. Of the elements the one mott harmful to the age ] Is cold. " Here Is something that tbe frceh air fiends will do well to read and ponder : "To the old as well cs to the very young , a mild hcait for the sleeping room la better than the ( haphazard temperature given by an open window. That he bos always slept with the window open , co matter whit the weather , IB boasted by a man who demands an overcoat and a fur cap In waking hours , without oeolng his Inconsistency. There Is a greatt deal of nonsense talked about the teed of frejb ( moaning open ) air In tbe sleeping rcora. You can constantly cherish a catarrh with It. Nansent in his & : epng ! bag , baa proved that ono can survive and thrive with a mcdtcum of It. " Dr. Walker eays that ttoe chief hazards of the man who has reached the time when he should be his own physician are Internal rather than extend. "The willing worker hai always enough to do for otihcre. Each year add * to re sponsibilities which he assumes through his own or others' necessities , or by choice through ambttloi. And each year gives him a body a little less in strength by which to carry them. The change jray be erllght , but It is actual. The consequence Is thai with Increased work and weakened body , ad ! which Is harmful is often toughit , Tbero ara two tiblnga which threaten such a roan's comfort : half or wholly recognized dimin ished physical strength to do Increasing work , and the inability to get abundant sleep or enough sleep for full refreshment. ' But the gist of the sermon 1 * found in th : paragraph , which ought to be read with dote attention ! "I Ihlnk that the great eat hazards to a man's character are likely to come after he 1,11 paiscU forty-fire years of age. He hts xronio moro lenient In his Judgment ot others , and Is likely to to moro Indulgent to ilmself. Tojppeak of things .wholly physical , 10 has then the temptation to both stlcnu- anti and narcotics ( or hypnotics ) In the highest degree. And those temptations como 'to him when he Is acting , chiefly , as his own physician. If a young fellow be comes a drunkard before he Is thirty you can usually find for him the pica ot hcrcd- ty. 'But there Is many a man who his > assfd thirty years and forty safely , -who In he next decade succumbs to alcohol because - cause bo needs a draco to help Mm trans act the business -which the cloie work ot ircvlous years has brought to htm. He akcs to alcohol not In the convivial' way , jut to help him over a dard place ; and ho takes It In Just the worst manner , without tccompinrlng food , and when food would Ikcly bo distasteful or even harmful , by icrvous preoccupation The afternoon drink to tide him over a weary day Jotis to Itself earlier potions rotien business presses , and the morning cocktail before It has begun. > And all this Is due to the overwork given to .he man whose established character has jrought him to 'tho front. If a man Basses In safety the time when strength declines without hts realizing the fact and reached the lime when he must acknowledge It , he Is all rlgtit. "If It too not alcohol alone that Is used It Is alcohol with a subtle stimulant rr.oro deadly , a cocoa or a kola , which o'j"ciir'"i the Immediate effect of the medium. . "Tho other hazard Is the use of hypnotic ? . Of course these are of various degrees of potency and harmlcssncss. But you will find that the man who consult ? you for insomnia knows the list and has tried them all before he has' applied to you. " In view of such conditions the doctor thinks that often the counsel given by the physician must bo rather that which tbo priest is supposed to give. The paper was freely discussed and In modification of what ho had said Dr. . Walker added that a man of 40 or over wea very apt to bo better for the use ot stimulants taken with bl8 meals , but It was the drinking be tween meals that did the harm. THEAT FOH A imoOKl/I'MTE. Irony ot It WaaWorm - , Coming from a llenr Itclnllve. "Well , people are queer. " It was Dodge Fenders of Flotbush , bor ough of Brooklyn , Greater New York , New > York , U. S. A. , who wao speaking , reports Harper's Bazar. "As Is well known the borough of Brook lyn , which contributed about 1,000,000 ot Greater New York's 3,500,000 Inhabitants Is crisscrossed with trolley lines. The firet thing I get Into In the morning Is a trolley car and I ride forty minutes with a fat man j standing on ono of my feet and a slim man stepping on the other at two-minute Inter vals. The last thing I get out of at night Is also a trolley car , and I have bad therein another forty minutes of trolley torture. "When I was at my old home In Blng- town last summer father said ho was going to give me a grand treat. I asked htm what the treat was. " 'Never mind ; It's something great , Dodge , ' ho said , enthusiastically. 'Come on , my boy , como on ; It'll be great ! ' " 'But what Is It , paw ? ' I insisted. " 'It's great , my boy ; out of sight , ' he cried , grasping me by the arm. 'Come on an' I'll give ye a Jimmy crackln * long ride , 'way up to Beeswlnger's Cornexp , on the new trolley car line ! ' " A Shield and ft protection against r cold and dangerous exhaus- ' ftion is a cup of beef tea made with1) ) Liebig COMPANY'S Extract of Beef Refreshing Nourishing Satisfying \v\ Gas and' < Gasoline Engines. 1 to 100 Horse Power. Call Ui or writ * for prlw and dfcrlrto ! % j DAVID HR'AOI.KY ' * CO. , Connell RlnlfBt Iowa * DOHANYTHJBATER. TllimSDAY KVKXIKO , Al'flll. 31 , GONGRRT To be Rlv n by MADAM XATltAlltNK L. VISK , C'ONTItAI/rO. C'ONTItAIrO.AND - ANDMISS ntTA l/nTON > ] HOl'llANO. j under the mifplce * of the l.iilles of thV Woman's Chrlntlnn Arroclntlon Hospital , ' t'IUfie-II.OO. 7o and W | boxes. } $ .M. Heals now on rale. As an Advertising Medium The Bee Is Unexcelled , Hates on application. SPECIAL NOTICES COUNCIL BLUFFS WANTS. ron SAM : AND roit UIXT nv LEONARD Everett. 1C 1'eiul { . , Council HlulTs. la. : For rent a smnll fnrni of 20 ncrcs. 2'j ' mllf-u from the clly. Very rcuBonnble rental. Good tiousa and stnblc. | | For rent a house nnd 6 ncrcs ot land , % of V mltc from the clly limits. Kcntn' , 13.00 P3H month. , Good land In central Kebrnvka for rent for elinrc of the crop. / , 40 acres of good land for lent near Honey Creek * Will rent on nhares. I Good liotiso of 10 rooma and one acre of Innd , fruit and garden , line Irec ? , beautiful location * near the city , knoun as "Cherry Hill , " foa rent for the summer very reasonable. -j Good 6-room house for lent at J7.00 per nuntlij near the motor line. I Good farm for sale , V4 mile of Underwood , IC1 ' ' acres , well Improved , splendid Vind. Onnhil or Council IllulTs property taken In part pay * ment , ' | A splendid bottom farm for sale near Monilamln. Tart payment taken In Omaha or Council muffs city property ; 11,300.00 will be taken In trade. I Good farms for rent for the season of UOJ at 9 low rental to responsible parties. ' 5 acres of land near the city for sale. Will tnk part payment In painting or carpenter worlc. , Gardens and farms for * ale In the best part of western Iowa. > Apply to Leonard Everett , Attorney-at-I ivr , If Pearl St. , Council niufTa , la. DWELLINGS , FIIUIT. "AHJ * AND OARIJRN land * for ial or rent. Day * Htm. n Pctrt ttrftt. FOR SALE. BOARDING HOUSn. MODERN conveniences , ROO < I location. Bond trade ; null on account of health. Address S , Bee. IS NOW COMPLETE OBTAIN THE flLL SET , PRICE $2.50. 400 Beautiful Pictures Of Scenes and Incidents in Ireland. Complete in 25 parts of 16 full page pictures , each arranged in Port folios UxJ 3 inches. Single Copies Ten Cents Each. The descriptive sketches accompanying these views were prepared by Hon. John F. Finnerty , of Chicago. These illustrations are not confined to any one locality in Ireland , but include every section ol the Emerald Isle from Lifford to Bantry and from Dublin to Galway. The Round Towers , Vine Covered Abbeys , Crumbling Monasteries , Shrines , Churches and Cemeteries , the Bat- ' tie Fields and Eviction Scenes are all faithfully portray ed in this great work. COMPLETE YOUR SETS If you have not all the numbers , you can get any num ber at ten cents per copy , or the complete set for $2.50. Sent to anypostoffice in the United States or Canada , without extra charge for postage. The Bee Publishing Co. , Omaha , Neb. JOHN G. WOODWARD & CO , , Council Bluffs , Iowa. WHOLESALE CANDY MANUFACTURERS Jobbers of CRACKERS , NUTS , CIGARS and FIRE WORKS. Selling Agents JPJBI/D CJfAS. too Cigar * . Oo C/frurtu