Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 20, 1898, Page 5, Image 5

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Exditomwt of the Past Pew Weeki Lwes
Membsn Weary.
fTtn of thi > rN-moemi Co ml wet a. Pout
Mortem Kvntnlnnllon of the
1 the
WASHINGTON , April 1J. Comparatively
little business WM transacted by the senate
today , all of ( be senator * being fttlgueJ
on account of their long vigil lost night
over the Cuban resolutions.
Consideration of the eundry civil appro
priation bill wan resumed and the wide latl-
< udo of debate permitted under the rules oi
the enate afforded opportunity for some ex
planation * to be made concerning the action
of the senate upon the Cuban question.
Mr. Cockrcll ( Mo. ) and Mr. Bacon ( Ga. )
Vxplilned the action of the democrats In voting
ing against the conference report lo the
early hours of thla morning and the col
loquies that ensued between them and some
of tde republican acnatora were spicy and
A running fire of debate was precipitated ,
nwlikd waa participated In by Mr. Mantle
( Mont. ) , Mr. Cannon ( Utah ) , Mr. Halo ( Me. ) ,
Mr. Spooncr ( Win. ) , and others , the dlscua-
lon lasting about tliree hours.
I At the opening ot the session the excit
ing and mcmcntous occnta ot the last week
bid given nay to a dull and somber routine.
'Attendance ' on the floor and in the galleries
wad small.
At 12:27 p. m. a message "was received fcom
tbo house announcing the signature of the
speaker to the Cuban resolutions.
Right minute * afterward tpo vice presi
dent announced his signature to the resolu
In accordance with 'his announcement made
yesterday illat lie proposed to Insist on the
recognition ot the Cuban republic , Mr. Allen
( Neb. ) offered the following resolution , which
i a referred to the committee on foreign
relations. .
That > th ? political Indepfnrtenoe of the re
public of Cuba , the cupltnl ot which is lo
cated ftt Oubltoa , Is hereby recognized by
illici Unltnl States of America n3 the lawful
Rovernmrnt ot the trVaml of Cuba ! that the
lUnlted Stntcn hercl/y ipUtljres to the Bald
republic Its friendly otllces In the adjust
ment of its .financial nffnlrs i1th the king
dom of Spnln , .r the tiolftra of Spanish
bond1 * , or Indebtedness Issued UKiilnst or
jiinde clinrRCvab't" to Cuba that EO fnr as thj
Jr.niK.ncn of the UnlUO States nvxy properly
Vo exerclit'd It will Insist thnt * ald r.-publlc
shall not be charged with the bondwl or
othur lmU > btedn' c.'f ' Sp.iln , contracted dur-
, Jng or prior to hostilities between the re-
tprc'lve KOveTnnN.r.t8 of Cuba and Spain.
Mr. Stewart ( Ncv. ) said the resolution re
minded him of the very ancient and sapient
echemo of locking the door after the horse
is stolen.
Mr. Allen declared that he was quite satis
fied that under the present arrangement the
Island of Cuba would pass Into the hands
of "financial cormorants and financial buz-
tirds" unless the United States should at
once take measures to protect the Island and
Its people.
The senate then resumed .consideration of
the sundry civil bill.
Mr. Pettus ( Ala. ) offered an amendment
providing for the coaling of shifts of war and
itholr bargea at the wharves of Mobile , Ala. ,
and providing for an appropriation of $200,000
lo be expended by the secretary of war as he
may decide.
Mr. Pettua urged that this Tvas a war
Bieaaure and ought to bo adopted.
Mr. Gorman ( Md. ) urged Mr. Pettus to
withdraw the amendment. Other senators ,
Jio said , withheld similar amendments which
they had been urged to press because it was
not desirable that the sundry civil bill should
tie a river and harbor measure.
Mr. Pettus then withdrew the amendment.
In the course of a dry routine dlrcusslon
of a minor amendment to the pending bill
Mr. Cockrell ( Mo. ) Injected sonte life Into
the debate by throwing down the gauntlet
to Mr. Hale for some utterances the latter
had made during the Cuban debate.
He expressed the , desire that Mr. 'Hale
would uce his great Influence , to get the re-
publlcana In line on the pending amendment
Mr. Halo expressed the hope that all re
ipubllcans would be In ) solid phalanx In sup
port of their president and their party. "I
may be pardoned , too , tor expressing the
hope. " said Mr. Hale , tauntingly , "that all
democrats add all members of other parties
hall be found supporting not the president
Icaie , but the country , la all patriotic mat
ter * . "
"I , .too , sball welcome the day when men
of all parties may Join with the president
In support of patriotic policies , " declared
Mr. Coekrell. "but If the president of the
United States expects me to be a tall to
JiU kite and to swing along to bio ccat
talla he will find himself greatly mistaken. "
Mr. Cockrell then launched Into on ex
tended speech In Wh'lch he oharply attacked
the administration and congress for their
action on the Cuban question.
iMr. Cockrell reverted to the purpose of
the resolution psjwed early this morning , in
timating that It would enable thoao so ln-
cllncO to take advantags ot the Cuban pa
When he referred to the action ot the
enote and of congteei * -yesterday Mr.
Halo Interrupted him > to Inquire why It wax
, th t tha democrato ot the senate practically
a a body voted against the action for which
they had been clamoring for months. "I
can understand , " lie eald , "the senator from
iMlcsotul may have become a trifle sensitive
over night. "
"Not at all , " declared Mr. Cockrell ,
mover was moro glad ot any vote that I
ever cant than that I cast la the early
liours ot thU morning. The vote * we cost
were a manifestation of devotion to principle ,
to the principles long upheld by the Cuban
patriots. "
'Mr. ' Hale then called attention to the fore
cast ho had made last Saturday night , which
was In effect that the democrats were op
posed to any action. He did not expect hla
forecast so soon substantiated.
i.Mr. Cockrell replied that when the ques
tion finally came before .the senate It was
on the particular matter 04 to whether the
recognition of Independence should be In
corporated In the resolution. That amend
ment. Mr. Cockrell contended , was the only
point In Issue on the final vote.
"As a matter of fact. " interjected M .
Spooner , "this wbolo business waa a party
play and a democratic party play and they
cannot put men on this side in a hole by
any exhibition of a 'boiler than thou * policy
on that point. "
Mr. Bacon ( aa. ) continued the discussion
of the position of the democrats , taking the
came pcsttlon he took last night , that as
the democrats had voted time and again in
support of their position , eo they voted to
sustain It by opposing the conference report
which atruck out tfco provttloo for recogni
tion of Independence.
He contended that as matters of differ
ence only go Into the conference , the vote
of the senate on the conference report waa
only en the Turple amendment for the recog
nition ot the Insurgents , and that consequently
quently thee who had voted against the
conference report had only again recorded
themselves In favor of the Turple amend-
, sBeiit.
i Mr. I ) a ecu and Mr. Spooner fell Into a
technical dbcusslon as to wliat woo Implied
in a vote for a conference report , In which
tuany senators participated.
Mr. Uacon declared that tha resolutions
would bave become a law If the Turple
amendment bad prevailed , tb only differ
ent being that In that event the Insurgent
government would tvive been recognized *
To thla proposition many republicans
shouted "No , " "No , " In unkton , but ncoe at
that time attempted to explain the reiooai
( or their distent.
All this had trecrft In ( ( IB way ot Interrup
tion during Mr. Cockrell's speech. He re
sumed at thU point hla discussion * of tha
preildeni's policy , which , ho contended , from
the president's own language , meant Inter
vention la the shape of "hostile constraint'
upas , botfc parties to U * Cubaa war , upoa
the Cubans as much i upon the Spaniards.
II contended tfat this policy only looked
o a pacification ot the taUnd of Cuba , not
to the expulsion , of the Spaniards , or tha
eatabllshme-nt of a republic In Cuba.
Without concluding his speech , Mr. Cock-
rflt yielded for an executive sivilon at 3:40. :
D. m.
At 4:05 : p. m. the senate adjourned.
IIOU9R HAS A * t/x /
Sprnkrr nepil Annonnpc * HU
tttrr to Cntxut llcKitltttlotiM.
WASHINGTON , April 19. The house pre
sented a most desolate appearance when It
convened at noon after the weary all-night
While the journal was being read Mr.
\itzer \ ( rep. , la. ) , chairman ot the commit
tee on enrolled bills , brought In the Cuban
resolutions , which had been enrolled under
his personal direction.
The speaker Immediately signed them and
as soon as the reading of the Journal was
concluded , at 12:16 : p. m. , he announced his
signature. There was no demonstration.
The enrolling clerk at hli side seized the
resolutions and hurried with them across the
Mr. Orosvenor then , ai o question ot
pprsonal privilege , had read * t the clerk's
desk an editorial tii a New York paper
commenting on his statement In the
bouse on April 7. that "this nor will bo
fought under the banner of the republican
administration of this government or It
will not bo foueht at all. "
Mr.Grosvenor explained the circum
stances under which the statement waa
made. Ho had been delighted with the
record the democratic party had made and
in the statement ho had only meant that
as the present administration had tbrce
years to run that the war which was upon
us must bo fought during Its llfo or not
at all. Ho had meant no reflection and
had appealed to both sides of the house to
stand by the executive , who had been as
"In tills connection , " concluded Mr.
Grosvenor. "I desire to ray this war will
be energetically uaced , both in a military
sense and In the legislation necessary to
carry It en , and I believe the response to
the call to arms will be unanimous. There
will be no political dlvlHon. U will come
from democrats and populists , as well as
from republicans , and especially do I be
lieve the reiponso of patriotism will come
from every southern state , and that the
whole union will share the triumphant
echo of loyalty. " ( Great applause. )
Mr. Dlngley said that In view ot the
fact that the house had been sitting all
night and that the members were weary
he would move to adjourn. Accordingly ,
at 12:32 : p , m. , the house adjourned.
B.vniviiMKX\ > isini : : TO BXI.IST.
Offer Thrilliorvlir * nt Our BmbOHXy
lit Ixnuloiv
N , April 19. There have been many
applications at 'the Unltrd States embassy
and at the United States consulate here this
week for enlistment in the United States
arm ) ' and navy. iMost of the applicants were
Zrrgllshmen. Including several officers and
former ofllcers ot the British arms , of lieu
tenant's grade.
i.V ounJier ot engineers also applied and
applications were received from iwomen who
are desirous of serving as nurses In the field.
"A majority of those who applied for enlist
ment expert to 'be ' sent to the United States
at the government's expense. They were
all told that the United States officials 'here '
had ao authority to enlist.
Lieutenant 81ms , the United States naval
cttacho at Paris , and Colonel Alfred E.
Bates , the United States military attache
here , have purchased during the weeJc sev
eral large lots of ammunition , Including gun
cottcn. The latter , It Is 'presumed. ' Is 'to be
used < for mines.
All the officials concerned maintain secrecy
as to the ships which arc to carry the war
munitions to the United 'States. '
Two VlrfftnJnn iMny Unite Their Tol-
iiintcrr Porei-ii.
CHARLESTON. W. Va. , April 19. The fol-
lowlng , tclegrattis Lpaesed ( between Governors'
Atklnan and Tyler today :
CHARLESTON. W. Va. . April 19.-Qov-
ernor J. Hogft Tyler , Richmond , Va. : I sug-
sest. If possible to accomplish it , that the
volunteers of the two Virginias be con
solidated into a brigade , and that we ask
the president to appoint FltzAugh Lee as
the brigade commander.
G. W. ATKINSON , Governor.
RICHMOND , Va. , April 19.-Hon. O. W.
Atkinson , Governor of Wfst Virginia : The
sentiments expressed in your telegram are
appreciated. Virginia would be Klad to
unite Its forces with Its sister state , and
surely none more suitable to command
could be found than Fltzhugh Le. ,
" " J J
N > TT tor the 'Army.
WASHINGTON , April 19. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Major John W. Pullmafl , quarter
master , has been ordered to Mobile , Ala. ,
for duty as quartermaster at 'that place ,
First Lieutenant Robert O. Paxton , Tenth
cavalry , having surrendered the unexplred
portion of his leave of absence , has been
ordered to Chlokamauga. park , where he will
join his proper command.
Lieutenant Colonel Frank Q. Smith. Sixth
artillery , In addition to his duties as mem
ber and secretary of the Chlckamauga and
Chattanooga National Park commission , will
report to the commanding general of the
Department of the Gulf for assignment to
duty tie 'Inspector ' of artillery ot that de
partment , with elation 'at Atlanta. Oa.
Aa army retiring board with Major George
< B. Rodney , Fourth artillery , as president
has been ordered to meet at Baltimore , Aid. ,
for examination of auch officers as may be
ordered before It. First Lieutenant J. Y.
Mosonblunt , Third cavalry , is ordered before
the board for examination. Captain John
W. Summerhays. assistant quartermaster ,
baa been ordered to New York City and
will report to Lieutenant Colonel Amos S.
Klmball , deputy quartermaster general , as
department quartermaster for temporary
duty under his direction. First Lieutenant
William M. Wright , Second Infantry , la re
lieved from duty at Massachusetts Agri
cultural college , Amherst , Mass. , and will
join hla regiment at Aloblle , Ala.
Captain Theodore E. True , assistant quar
termaster , now awaiting orders at Vancou
ver barracks , Wash.has been ordered to
report to the qtrartermerter general of the
army In this city for further orders.
The following named officers are tempo-
ran lly relieved from their present duties and
will veport to the major general command
ing the army for duty : Lieutenant Colonel
William Ludiow , corps of engineers ; Lieu
tenant Colonel Charles J. Humphrey , dep
uty quartermaster general ; Major Henry B.
Osgood , commissary.
The following transfers are made , to take
effect this date : First Lieutenant Hollls C.
Clark , from Tenth infantry to Twenty-fifth
Infantry , company F ; First Lieutenant
Qeorgo C. Saffarrons. from Twenty-fifth In
fantry to Tenth Infantry , company A.
Leave * of absence : Post Chaplain I. New
ton Rltncr. U. S. A. , extended six months ;
( Major Junlua W. ( MacMurray , Fifth artillery
extended two months.
Henry Kehl , clerk , and. IA. w. Stay , rrie1-
seoger , have been assigned to duty with the
Department of the Missouri at Omaha , Neb.
> Iu pr t Artillery.
WASHINGTON. April 19. Lieutenant
Colonel Frtnk O. Smith. Sixth artillery , In
addition to his dulties as a member and
secretary of the Chlckamauga Park commis
sion , has been ordered
to repsrt to the com
manding general , Department of the Gulf ,
tor assignment to duty as Inspector ot artil
lery ot that department , with station at At
lanta , Ga.
Atrocities Ctiarned to Insurgents.
HAVANA , April 19. According to state
ments by Spaniard * hero , the Insurgents re
cently captured In this province a sergeant
of volunteers , whom they killed and meat
terribly mutilated , cutting out his tongue ,
eyea and other parts of hU body.
Order 'Mllltarr Attaches Hone.
BERLIN , April 19. The United State *
military attache at Vienna , Lieutenant J. L.
Chamberlain , and the United States military
attache at St. Petersburg , Lieutenant George
L. Anderson , have been called home.
Cruiser Toprka Sail * .
KALMOUTH , England , April 19. The Topeka -
peka sailed tonight , after shipping freeb.
supplies of provisions and coal.
Side Light ! on the Movement of Troopi
Show Some Humor ,
Ponr-Foo'teil Dewe-rter Who Delayed
the Start of the Twenty-Hrooml
InfnnJry Sleeping Citrn nnil
Cars to Sit l'i > In.
There are many humorous as well as pa
thetic Incident ! connected with the moving
of the government troops. Those who wont
to Port Crook on Monday atternoon to say
good-bye to the Twenty-second rww quite 3 *
many things that atruck them as funny as
they did those quieter affairs that moved
them to sympathy. One of the most laugh
able of the former kind waa the search In
the darkness of the night for an obstreper
ous mule that positively refused to go to
war and seized the Orst opportunity to de
It was well along toward 9 o'closk and the
work of loading the train that was to carry
the property of the Twenty-second was pro
ceeding slowly enough. Several hones and
more mules had balked o.i reaching the
gangplank leading up lo the freight oar ? ,
but this particular mule was the first that
could not be ultimately landed for the ex
pedition. After a few unsuccessful at
tempts .had been made to get him Into the
car ho was allowed a few minutes' rest at
the bottom of the gangplank for another
round. Mr. Mule knew a good thing when
ho saw It. and not being much of a jingo ,
he just gave a leap , took a 'running Rt.trt ,
knocked over a pair of hostl ra and wai
away Inward the paralo grounds before ti.o
auartormaftter was * Informed of the deser
tion. The report of hU departure wis
dulv made and nassed on un to the high
est officers. A hastily asssmh'cfl ' court
declared that Mr. mule shouU not be wit
was not free and Independent. A requlirt-
tlon was Issued for his ointuro aivJ return
to the car. Mr. Mule did not agree with
the flndlnir of the court. While .ho train
was kept waiting .ill the other animals
and property being parke.l , and while the
Omahans were curikie tne mule that Indi
rectly -caused the delay of the train on
which they were 'to return home , three
privates wore se-archlne all over 'ho brMd
narade eroundp and In othw parts of ! hu
post for the missing mule. They mljlit as
well have/ used their lanterns to hunt for
an honest man. for no trace of the mule
rould ba found. Thoueh ho was fannied
tram Cuba to Harlem , Mr. Mule had the
unique honor of be'ng the only deserter
from the Twentv-second whose'ubsentiitlon
could can to .1 delay of an hour and a' half
In the departure of the specUl train.
Another ludicrous matfer Uiat did not
escape attention waa to watch' Charles Mason
Talcott , the affable- assistant superintendent
of the Pullman Palace Car company , making
up berths In the eleepers and Instructing
some brand now porters In their multi
tudinous duties lo and about ttie caw. The
present movement of troops U the greatest
of this kind since the war and It la also
the blggfat movement of travel that western
reads have been called upon to handle since
the Christian Endeavorers Journeyed across
the continent laet summer. The result Is a
discrepancy between the supply and the de-
mead of sleeping care , botti flrst-clnss and
second-elate , or standard and tourist. The
award ol transportation of the Twenty-second
to the Missouri Pacific came ao quickly on
Sunday night that there were not enough
Bleeping cars on hind and there was also
a shortage In linen and porters. Some sleep
ers not In use were hurried up from Kanaat
City , Mo. , and Mr. Talcott went down from
hero with a aupply of linen for tbj > cars and
some young colored men he had hastily
drafted Into the service. He had a merry
time of It In breaking In his ebony under- ,
studlrs , and " hey had , an equal Interesting ,
time In 'thelr first wrestle with a Piillmah
berth. Ao the train that was to leave In the
afternoon did not got away until late at night
the new porters had plenty of time to prac
tice on making the berths , and one of them
made and unmade ono bed no less than eev-
cnteen times for practice during that Interval.
The average soldier in the army wants a
bed when he travels and as a rule his com- ,
mandlng officer agrees with him. The mem
ory of times when soldiers had to travel In
clock cars does not help the ordinary pri
vate to rest more comfortably In u high-
back coach or a chair car. Standard sleep
ers are always furnished the officer ? , but
tourist Bleeping cars cannot always be bad
for the prhates and Uncle Sam could not
think of affording flrst-clau sleepers for all
his soldier * . The -railroad - companies do not
keep a supply of tourist sleepers on hand.
The oars belong to the sleeping car com
panies and most of those for use on western
roads are kept In Chicago and Buffalo. Con
sequently there la a delay in getting them
out to points for service when they are
wanted. This fact explains why chair cars
and coaches wore mostly need In the move
ment of the army. The army could not
wait until the tourist cars were obtained
from the distant yards of > th sleeping car
The troops at Fort Crook , except the offi
cers , were moved In comfortable high-back
coaches , but the eoldlers would have much
preferred the tourist sleeping cars , which
would have allowed them to lie down and
Bleep during the night time. But the tour
ist deepens were not to .bo obtained without
a wait of several days and the Twenty-nee-
end had Instructions to move on to Mobile
' at once. The commandant of ono of the
'posts in Indian Territory telegraphed here
yesterday that he would not move his
soldiers unless tourist sleepera were fur
nished them. Of court * he did not mean
what he wrote , but the Incident shows that
there Is a manifest opposition to making the
privates getting their sleep enroute while
sitting up In a straightbackcoach or chair
Chief QowrtemtHMite * ' 'Asked to Skip
Ilia Supply by Exitrr * .
Captain Samuel R. Jones , acting . ' chief
quartermaster of the Department of the Mis
souri , .last evening received a telegram from
the War department Indicating quickened
preparation throughout the army. Some
tlmo ago the department received word to
ship by freight all the available pack tralno
that could be obtained la the department
to St. Louis. Last night a telegram was
received ordering Captain Joneu to get all
pack trains available at once and to for
ward the same by expreea to St. Lou la.
A prominent army officer of the Depart
ment of the- Missouri last evening eald :
"There Is no truth In the report that there
have been a large number of desertions from
the Twenty-second before or after leaving
Fort Crook , or during the departure. Til ere
are always a few men skip out whenever a
regiment leaves a post , sad there were four
or five during the last fortnight at For :
Crook. That Is all there Is to report. "
Incidentally , It has coat the government
la round figures JS2.618 to move the troops
from the west. Not all got started no
promptly as did the garrlton of Forts Crook
and Leaveaworth. All will ( be on the move
before night , however.
The Rock IC'land sent equipment to El
Reno and Rush Springs , I. T. , yesterday
for the movement of the government troops
stationed at Forts Reno and Sill , the In
fantry to Mobile and tbo cavalry to
The movement wl'.l start from both forts
some time today. From each post then- will
be four special trains run , and the equip
ment will go through to the deotlnatlooj
From Fort Reno to Chlckumauga there
will ba moved two troops of the First
cavalry , -comprising six officers , 120 men ,
228 animal * , seven wagons and 40,000 pound *
of property. From Fort Reno to
Mobile there- will b moved four companies
of the Tenth Infantry , Including alt-
teen officers , 260 men , six wagons ,
sixty animals and 40,000 pounds of prop
erty. From Fort Sill to Mobile there will be
transported four companies of the First In
fantry , consisting of eighteen officers , 260
raea , eight wagons , fifty animals and 40,000
pounds of property. There will also ba
moved from Fort Sill to Chlckamauga tw
troopi of the Klrtt jkntfry. comprising o
officer * , 120 men , l.Mo. animate , fifty wagcos
and 40,000 pounds or property.
The troops from Fort" ' D. A. Runsell at
Cheyenne , Wyo.i will A * ( Moved from thereon
Wednesday morning vlrlhc Burlington route.
There will be about 550'rnen and from thir
teen to fifteen cars ofTPftrnerital property .to
movo. The troo4 Infill not como via
Onuha , but will na s , through Lincoln , and
fcom there directly to St. ' Louis and then on
to New Orlccn * . - * WJ
The troops fromHiForts Nldbrara and
Robinson , Nob. , wll | | not come through
Omaha. Th.ey are to bb handled via the
E'lkhorn and the Northwestern railroads via
Chicago. The troapw.ifrom Nlobrara will go
through Missouri Valley on Wednesday
morning and those from Fort Robinson will
pass through that jirruHftn point some time
on Wednesday afternocn , A number of
Omahans , tacludlng several army officers
from department headquarters. will go from
here to Mlsiourl "Valley to see the Ne
braska eo'dlcra on their way to the front
The Union Pactflc during the after
noon announced that the troops at
Fort RHey , Kin.t were getting their
equipment on the special tralna of
that road In waiting for them there. The
loading of the trains Is proceeding
expeditious ! } ' , and the Indications were that
the troopi ? Isft there sometime last evening.
Department of the Mlminiirl Get * It *
Men Off Knrlj.
Nearly all the troops In the Djpartment
ot the Missouri have now started on their
Journey to Chlckamauga and Mobile. With
regard to expeditious movement , from the
time the general orders to move were re
ceived until the troops were traveling on
the road , It Is conceded by railroad men
that this department la far ahead of all
the others. The credit for the handling of
the trocps In thla department la largely
due to Captain Samuel R. JonoJ of thU city ,
who Is assistant to. Chief Quartermaster
Pond of th's department , and who of late
has been acting ' as chief quar
termaster. Captain Jones has been
ably asalstei In this work by T. P.
Mahoney , master ot traa-pa'tatlon , whoso
long experience with the Union Pacific has
groitiy aide ! him In solving the railroad
problems as tbey have come up. Captain
Jones will remain at'department headquar
ters In 'this city , and It Is probable that
he will have direct supervision of < thc trcrts-
portatlon of all the mllltla and volunteers
that may te called out by the president
from this department. Master of Transpor
tation Ma-honey will leave for Mciblle on
Wednesday morning and will reoia'n with
General Copplnscr until the Department ot
the Missouri Is ordered home.
ADVICU TO < , UAK/I > SMi\ .
IInltli Till rt for Mm In Scrvlcv In
tlit > Tronic * .
Anticipating service In the cause of Cuban
liberty the commander of the Seventy-first
rcclment New York National guards , sup-
n'.oments his orders with "medical advice
for Ironical climate" as follows :
I. Do not drink water unless It has been
boiled. If In the least doubtful.
. Dt > not bathe In water unless It has
bprn bollej.
3. Coak voup food thoroughly.
4. Avoid the use of alcohol Internally.
C. Avoid belne out In the nUht air or
( lows : IV thla r.idnot be avoided , wrap up
csiefully. coverhiK faqe well.
f . Avoid damncpsaiOlttBll times. Change
voiir clothes tha mom'citt they are wet or
damp when practlaabie.
7. Bo moderate In i bating ; do not cat when tlredciohiovcrhojted.
5. At the end of a inarch bathe the feM
In bolted water drv w Jl nml powder thnm
with compound talcum" opwder or some foot
powder. a jtt
9. Never put en stoeldnKS that are damp.
or stocklncs at anvitltne. .when the feet ore
thotxntclilv drv. it Hi
10. Do .not cat fnulliot any kind miles *
perfectly rlne. and -do not cu tit at all In
thn rummer. ' . JI.K' ' !
II. Before BolnK qutjln the morning take
three or five Eralnsjdf , quinine aud a cup of
hotr coffee. This Is Imperative.
, 12 , Alwavs , wcar.5"fU ; iuel band over .the
" " " "
abdomen. - . n" i
13. Chanse all yoitfj clothes every day
practicable. especUH Btocklugs and draw-
M-R. ,
14. Avoid excesses' of all kinds.
Ifi. Avoid exnosuro.o . un when possible ,
and if exposed 'kpW a wnl hnmlkcrchief In
vour hat all thr while w > exnosed.
Ifi. Re vaccinated. ,
17. If possible carry a lemon nnd sip when
Senmitor Hmnui'n'M Unuprlilcrs.
Speaking of Senator Hanna's daughters ,
tOe Chicago Chronrclo says : "Senator Mark
Hanna's etern old heart goes out to bis two
daughters , Mabel and Ruth , the pride of the
Hanna household , ttabel. the elder , greatly
resembles , in n feminine way , her father ,
and possesses manyof his characteristics.
She la slender and of medium height , and
has brown hair and dark gray eyes. Her
attire Is always farhlonable. She has a
great fcndnesa for both society and the
theater. id Is seen at cncst of the Important
social functions both In Cleveland and Wash
"Ruth , the younger , U still In school at
FarmhiRton. Conn. , but will probably make
her debut In Washington society next win
ter. She 1 a graceful and beautiful girl , a
decided brunette , and Inherits her mother's
social tact. She Is much taller than her
sister , and has brown eyes and a pale , clear.
complexion. Both girls are good whips , and
take great pleasure In driving a high-stepping
steed to a wefl-appolnted cart In fine weather.
Miss Mabel Htnna Is especially fond of dog .
It Is said that the well known Ohio politician
hopee that both glris' will make marriages
more to hto taste than Tils son , who was re
cently Involved In divorce proceedings.
Wimilncite. Wnitnon for Consrwrwii.
IBROOKVILLE , Ind. . April tt.-The repub
licans of the SIx'.K district today ncrolnntPd
James B. Watson for congress. Ho U "the
man who beat Holman. "
A Soldier Totally Disabled by Chronic
Nervousness and Constipation.
Restored by
Dr. Miles' Nervine/
The trr-iuprulous strain of a soldier's
life upon tlin nervous organism Is
enough to break down thu health of
nn ordinary man In n few years , hut
for the soldier whose health Is already
Impaired by wlckncss or disease ; of any
kind , the future holds out n scanty hope
unless he build up and strengthen his
nervous system.
When the nerves are stroujj the heart
Is KtrotiK , the lungs arc strong and the
brain Is strong. The liver and kidneys
cleanse the bloml of Its Impurities , while
the stomach and dlntMtlvo orjanlm !
transform the food Into new , 4lch , red
blood full of health and strength nnd
life. Dr. Miles' Nervine Is the
nerve food and tonic ever offered to a
suffering people. It soother the Irrl
tatetl , strengthens the. weak and
Problem Which the War Department isj
Dealing with Now.
I'mvlnloiin for n Oren < nrIlo ly of Men
'I'liniL llni * lleon fall oil Out
Kiiwlly He StMMircd on
Short .VtMlce.
In view of the mobilization of United
States troops In the southeast and a prospec
tive campaign In Cuba , the provisioning of
euch a bady of troops becomes one of the
most Important questions with willed tfao
routine or the Army department has to deal ,
Orders have already been seal out tor the
purchase of supplies in large quantities , and
Omaha , by virtue of Its prominence as a
packing center. Is likely to profit to a con
siderable extent. The Cudihy Packing com
pany lias already sold a big consignment of
biK to the government end Swifts and
Hammonds are also expecting to assist In
providing some of the rations for Uncle Sim's
soldiers. Information was received here yes
terday that sixty refrigerator ears were on
their way to Omaha to be used In conveying
packing house products to Uio army. TXil/J
Intelligence Is confirmed at the local trelgbt
offices , but at army headquarters nothing Is
know'uof the matter. The array officials eay
that'auch ' an order would undoubtedly como
from outsldo of this department and that It
is very probable that bids bave been called
for on alxty cars of beef. They say , however ,
that not raore than one or two cars would be
shipped from Oratha at a time , ae one car of
beef would bo enough to feed the 5,000 troops
that will be at Chlckamauga for flve days.
The troops that will be mobilized in the
south will be provided with thirty cJiyn'
rations. Theao will be In the shape of the
regular Belt ) rations and It Is stated that
It would be .no unusual tax on the sourcea
of supply to provide these rations for an
army of 200,000 men or ten times as many
as are being mobilized at Chlckamuuga ,
Tampa , Mobile and New Orleans. The pya-
tcm of purchase , transportation and dlstrlbu-
tlon hao all been .carefully Worked out and
It is believed that It will bo sufficient to
meet any emergency without confusion. The
expense ot furnU'hlng ' supplies will not be
much greater than In times ot peace and the
resources of this country are DO limitless
that nothing less than putting 1,000,000 men
In the field would bo likely to materially
affect the marketn.
The field rations which will bo made up
and shipped to the mobilized troop. ! In the
aouth consist of the following articles , the
net weight of each per thousand ratloni be
ing as follows : Bacon , 750 pounds ; bard
bread , a species of cracker , 1,000 pounds ;
baked beans. 150 pounds ; potatoea , 1,000
pounds ; coffee , roasted , SO pounds ; sugar , 150
pounds ; vinegar , SO pounds ; candles , IS
pounds ; soap , 40 pounds ; eilt , 40 pounds ;
black pepper , 2V , pounds ; a total of 3,307ft
pounds net , or 3.63S pounds grots.
It Is estimated that It will take 50,000
pounds of the field ration for each regiment.
Thla ration will be augmented later on by
purchases In the various localities by sub
sistence officers , who are authorized to pur
chase delicacies of the season and other at
tractive diet which add greatly to the mces.
The emergency ration will not be furnished
While we are resolving that We arc
and ought to be Drex IShooman
wants to add an , amendment Of course
Its about shoes Hnnan & Son's ahoes
the kind for solid comfort that can't bo
beat This shoe has 'tho reputation of
being the only fihoe that doesn't need
breaking In-Just the shoe for tender
feet A regular foot form shoe that fits
from the etart that looks well wears
well and Is always" satisfactory If you
want a perfect shoe Jin tan patent leath
er or French calf yau can llnd It In this
Hanau shoe at $5that'fl our price on
them. : * *
) . 'i ' 0
I " 3 H .
Drexel Shoe Co. ,
Omnlia'i U Shoe Home.
it 0
Add more to the ( attractiveness of a
"room than any otlieV ono thing They
give It nn air ofe'j { > gauce and comfort
that nothing else can give They are not
expensive here We have a line of them
unequalled In style and quality but
large nnd judicious buylug enables us
to quote you prices much lower than you
would expect to pay or find them.
Omaha Carpet Co
Omaha's Exclusive Carpet House ,
1515 Dodge St
sweet rest and sleep lo the wornotit
nnd exhausted.
It Is not necessary to be a soldier lo
appreciate thn good qualities of Dr.
Mlle.s' Nervine. All miffererrt from weaker
or tired nerves will Hud In It a help
and strength In the time of need.
Mr. James Teelmn Is a soldier. He be
longs to Co. V , 17th Inft. , IT. S. army ,
and Is stationed at Columbia , Olilo.
Mr. Teehan writes : "I suffered for sev
eral years with chronic constipation ,
and after I enlisted In the army my
trouble beeunic worse. I took nearly
every advertised remedy In the market ,
but everything I tried seemed to go
against me , until finally my Ixnveln
were In a very bad condition. My heart
became greatly weakened and my
nerves were completely unstrung. It
the soldlcrn even while In Cuba except on
occasions arising In active operations when
the use of the regularly established ration
I may be Impracticable. General Miles has
, directed that although the nutritive qualities
. of the emergency ration permit Its usa on
i half allowance. It will net bo so used except
In casea of necessity and never for a longer
j period than ten days , and that not more than
five days' emergency rations will bo carried
on the person at one time.
I The secretary o ! war has directed the oub-
fllstcr < : e department to provide paraftlnc pa
per fcr wrapp'cig the bacon and to furnish
hard bread In grease-proof packcges , the
pea meal in cylindrical packages , and the
other artlc-Us of the ration In suitable cov
erings. The component partJ of th ! > 3 ration
are as follows : Bacon , ten ounces ; hard
bread , edxteen ouncrs ; pea meal , four oucices ,
j or an equivalent In approved material for
making soup : coffes , roasted and ground , two
ouncM , or tea , dalf an ounce ; saccharine ,
four gra'ns ; salt , .Cl ounce ; pepper , .01
ounce ; tobacco , half an ounce. The board
which dovloed this ration , the head of which
. was Surgeeci Charlta Smart of the army , win
f ' liberal enough to recognize tcliarco as a nec-
cesalty for the eoldhr In the field and the
War department lias been considerate enough
to lot It remain. The ranfi'oi , whlcfi form
a part of the field ratlen , It may be pertinent
to add , form an article nhlch Is carried on
tbit ratlco as a means of providing and ac.
counting for thU primitive means cf Illu
mination , as oil for Illuminating purpo'cs
oirnot be used In the field.
IlevoliitlcKtlnTy I'"v 'iiim Arc Cclflirntt'il
lit Iliv ton n nil MjirlTinnm. .
BOSTON. April 19. Patriots' day was ob
served todav In the usual way In this city
and In the nearby places which flguro In
the history of Aorjl ID. J775 , The old Norjh
. church on Salem street decorated nlth
( lacs on the outside , and Its Interior \ \ - a
draoel with the national colors and plant-1
from the cltv's Greenhouses added to the
adornment. The lanterns were hung from
the bclfrv tout nleht an nn the mcmorih'c
occasion when they cove the signal to Paul
Durlnir the a'fternoon ' the Daughters of
the Revolution hold services In the churches
romnvmcriitlve of Paul Revere's femoua
The city's observance of the day Included
the ringing of belle at sunrUe , noon ami
sunset , the displaying of the stsca and ctrlpca
over the municipal buildings and the cloning
' of public ofllces. Various patriotic organiza
tions held memorial meetings , among them
being that of the Ala euc'tusetts wclcty of
the Sor.a of the Revolution In the Qrucary
burial ground , at which a memorial tablet to
Samuel Adams was unveiled.
The principal attractions outside of Beaten
were at Lexington and Concord.
Ohio .Mllltlcii.
COLUMBU3 , O. , April 19. Governor Bush-
ncll today ordered the Ohio National Guard
to bo recruited to Its maximum strength ,
Take Laxative Brome Quinine Tableta. All
druggists refund the money It it falls ta cure.
25c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet.
MovrmrnitH of Ofi-nn Vfwxelx , 'April ID.
At Rotterdam ! Arrived Rotterdam , from
JTcw. York.
At Liverpool Arrived Catalonia , from
At GlaFgow Arrived Furnessli , from New
At Ktw York-Salled-Cevlc , for Liverpool -
pool ; Lnhn , for llrfmen.
At Antwerp Arrived Noordland , from
New York.
At iMovlll" Arrived Steamer Furneesla ,
from New York for Glasgow.
Likely to Eecoruo Chief Quartormastir
General in Time.
iiaU- Over Illni > i > olii1ment Clone *
the ( SiMifral Oiiintitiiiiilliiir the
Army Tri > i > | m l.envu the
\nillonul Capital.
WASHINGTON , April 19. ( Special Tele
gram. ) There was a warlike appearance
throughout Washington this morning , duo to
the departure of four companies of cavalry
of the Sixth for Chlckamauga , where all
cavalry , In addition to nil light batteries , are
ordered to mobilize. Colonel C. F.
Humphrey , who been appointed chlet
quartermaster In the field on General Mlloa'
staff , said tonight that he would probably
leave with the major general In command of
the army Friday or Saturday for the couth.
U ia the Intention of General Mllcc to In
spect tour points ot rsnilezvoua before select
ing his headquarters , although olQc.als are
preparing to transfer the headquarters la tba
fluid whenever thu order to move Is issued.
Colonel Humphrey Is elated over his selec
tion fa chief quartermaster and his frlenii
LeMeic that the opportunity afford d f.r dU-
tln ulshed serv cc should war follow will
make Humphrey , quartermaster general of
the army long before he readies the age of
The contract of carrying the mall between
Eennottvlllo and Zwlngle bJs Leon awarded
to James Kcnton at $233 a year.
Nebiasksns are numerous oa the streets of
Washington Iheae drs. Jamca Mien and
Charles W. Pearsall , deputies unli'r Marshal
Tbummcl , having artlvcd early this week.
C. A. Potter , court rcrsrter with Judje
SI'vaugh , arrived in the clt ; yesterday.
Frank Bacon of Gothenburg U In the city
en route from Maine to his Nebraska home.
Judge Harvey of Lincoln Is In the city.
Ceorno T. Liiiclcll of Pomeroy , la. , and
William Waltc of Battle Creek , la. , were to
day appointed clerks In the railway mall
The land cfflco exttblt at the Transmla-
slcsippl Exposition Is nearly completed and
will bo t'hlppeJ ' the latter part of the month.
PcatmEs'.crs appointed : Iowa E. S. Speck ,
Butler , Koakuk county ; Joseph Merrill ,
Pierce. Decatur county , and William Llsk ,
Tloca. Mahaska county.
Own II rm eil by tlw
WASHINGTON , April 19. The senate t
day confirmed these nominations :
Edwin T. Durham , marshal for the west
ern district of i.ML.30url.
Henry J. Lendrlnk , Iowa , secretary of tk
legation at Santiago , 'Chill. ' .
Fred Butler , receiver of public moneys.
Leadvlllc , Colo.
Patrick H. Itourke , to bo district attorney
for the district of North Dakota.
Edwin H. Stewart , to bo paymaster general
and chief ot the bureau of supplies and ac
counts in the navy.
'Major ' Henry H. Llpplncott , deputy sur
geon general , with rank of lieutenant cole >
Pally Tr w > ury
WASHINGTON , rtnrll 19. Today's i'at ' !
ment of the condition of the treasury show * ;
Available cash balance , $219,593,643 ; gold
reserve , $176,281,736.
All this week we have n clearance
of mandolins Having secured the agen
cy of some very flue and standard makes
like the Burton Waahburn Bay State
Maurer etc and are. now receiving a
big' sltock of all their new styles wo
must make room In our dhow cases and
therefore will sell out tnc older fityleit
and odd makes at a great reductiou--
Nollce our window dlslplay We will bo
pleased to have you call nnd give us
an opportunity of showing the e.
Music and Art. 1513 Douglas
We arc the only house In the west
that manufacture a full line of Deform
ity Braces , Trusses , etc. This depart
ment is In charge of a thoroughly com
petent person , who makes them lit any ,
case In hand our stock of the manufac
tured goods it ) complete and comprises
clastic stockings , trusses , supporters ,
batteries , atomizers , crutches , bed pans ,
air pillows , rubber goofo , surgical In
struments , medical supplies , etc. Send
to us for catalogue or any Information
desired. Wo build what la needed la
this Hue from actual mcuburemeut.
Deformltr Brae * Mooufaotarer * .
14M Farnam Street.
Oppocltt Faxton Hottl