Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 20, 1898, Page 12, Image 12

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Edonard Gronier's Notable Lines on Onr
Martyr Frcsldeut.
.Tribute In the Em nclintor A
! > ) the Forty lmninrtnlii I'lriit
Trnnnlntlon I'nlilUlivil iu
( he United State * ,
'Abraham Lincoln's great memory , which la
now annually honored by his countrymen ,
lias been the Inspiration of pacts abroad as
well as at home. Dy an unaccountable acci
dent , however , a most significant fact has
hitherto escaped American notice namely ,
that the death of Lincoln was the subject
assigned In the poetic competition ( concour )
of the Academy of France In 1867. The
subject of the epic awarded the prize In a
notable Now Ycrk newspaper contest in 1S9C ,
it may bo recalled , wai Abraham Lincoln.
Crolcc of subject In that contest was left
to the contestant. A thousand manuscripts
were submitted. Out of that number more
than 200 cboso Lincoln as the theme of their
eng , while fully two-thirds paid him more
than parsing tribute. This spontaneous
choice of the "rail splitter" as a poetic In
spiration on the pert of contestants rcpre-
ccntlnz all sections of our country was a
Ignidcant tribute to his hold upon the Im
agination of the present generation.
Curiosity as to the extent to which Lincoln
had been the Inspiration also of foreign poets
led the writer to search among the poets of
countries with republican aspirations.
In the "Poetical Tributes to the Memory
of Abraham Lincoln , " a ponderous volume
published shortly utter his death , England ,
France , Germany , Italy and South American
countries contributed fugitive verses. Many
poetic tributes arc in the Latin tongue.
Naturally the largest foreign contribution Is
from the homo of Lafayette. The Lorenzo
catalog , Llbralre Francalse. 1SG5-G7-75 , dis
closes no less 'than eleven volumes of pam
phlets and poems dedicated to Lincoln.
Many of the pamphlets are poems rejected
in the concour of 1SG7 , and published at the
author's own expense. Industrious Inquiry
at the Astor , Lenox' , Mercantile and Colum
bia college libraries , repeated search at
l-'rench book stores
and Interviews with sev
eral of our leading poets and scholars failed ,
however , not only to unearth a copy of the
poem crowned by the Academy of Franco In
1SG7 , but a single Individual who was cog
nizant that a poem entitled "La Mort du
President Lincoln , " had been written or
crowned , or even that there lived a poet of
the name ot Edouard Qrcnlcr.
Less than ten years ago both the poem
and the poet werei made knownjto the writer
at Paris In the cozy salon * of Mme.
Ulanc In Rue Burgoyne. At the time * I
thought , of course , that all America , liter
ary America at least , was familiar with the
poem and the poet then so unexpectedly and
delightfully revealed. How great was the
mistake Is not "another story , " but the story
which the thirty-fourth anniversary of the
death of Lincoln fittingly recalls ,
( Trunslatcil from the I rench by Mrs. Homer D.
Martin. )
To celebrate thy death by worthy words
Our times are too disturbed , our minds too
O. Lincoln , Whither shall he go who seeks
The llvlag phrase , the accents llrm where
To paint thy rugged , striking features ?
Our mother tongue , formed at the feet of
Whoso praise she hymns Incessantly , can
she ,
1/aylng aside "ner lofty courtesy ,
Kind yet a line robust and plain enough
To chiint the death song of n citizen ?
Mine be the search. Thy virtue will I
For model , and mayst tliou with worthy
Inspire me , and Inform my style wlt'n
Bavo grand simplicity , befjttlngthee. .
"T1s not a century since the Atlantic saw
The new America spring up and grow ,
A vast1 and fertile Held for all the race ,
Where Europe swarmed her peoples. There
As In a crucible where cold casts off
Its weight of dross , man became once more
In Nature's breast. Already In her flight ,
Her vigorous growth , the youthful nation
The other ocean , and her powerful weight
lirlngs Into equilibrium the northern mass
Whose tfnudow threatens and whose Icy feet
Press down three continents. And thus
God seems to say to despotism , Enough !
Ills Justice , rendering balance to the globe ,
Made flourish In the desert this young state
To show the elder world a people great
Retaining power Itself. And yet a seed
Of ruin in her greatness ) ny , her breast
A cancer gnawed. Her laws dishonored
By hideous slavery , a fllthy chain
Dishonoring two souls at once , whereby
The victim and the torturer wear alike
One fetter , gulling both , yet least the slave.
Needs must she shako it oft , for else the 111 ,
Growing with time , draws near Its fatal
Then , Ilka A hero , \vlth hand flrm and sure ,
America tore from her wound the sword.
And after washed her stain In blood. Alas ]
That by the Innocent and pure 'twas s'ncdl
When Lincoln was elect to take the helm ,
Like to these vessels which the waves dis
mast ,
America approached the foaming reefs.
Tne day of rending and of pain was come.
The wind of discord , whistling through her
sails ,
In tatters tore her starry flag. Unsure ,
Divided , the great vessel seemed
About to founder In the yawning gulf.
Then Lincoln came. Sad and alone , with
For only guide , his daring glance plcrceO
t'n rough edh
And sounded all these evils ; his rough
hand ,
Which labor had ennobled , without fear.
Without reproach , laid hold upon the 'nelm.
Four years , four years entire , athwart the
storm ,
Calm In success , and calm , too. In defeat ,
lie. let the rebels weary with long strain.
And now the pilot glimpsed at last the
rrt ;
discord's fires went out beneath her
keel ;
Tne waves subsided at MB voice supreme ;
The.slave delivered stretched tow'rd him
his arms ,
And pcaco and mercy hastened on his track .
Then , lamentable crime ! fanaticism.
Adding its victim to the heap of slain
To Klve new horrors to the play divine
Tnrew Lincoln bleedingat an assassin's
feet !
I t
Die. then ! but die. content , since e'er they
' '
Thlno'cy'ea of Justice have beheld ha
Blnce millions of th * oppressed , hearing thy
Have families and cities. y vi. and laws ; '
einoa tc. repair 4hci Injustice of the south ,
Tljy great soul gave thy life In sacrifice.
Qpd haa accepted It ; be. glad ! Thy name .
O honor of thy country ! leaves to u ,
People * grama , old , * ) Mon and a trpv
To utT4P < t our vnln mid trvwdry Mi own ,
A inodrl full of niornl betiuty fnirl
( ( "nllriiPiM. Juitlcc nml nlmp Iclty ,
The I'hrlKtlnn lierolun , o freedom' * son.
Our nKP 1.1 proud of tlice , dear honest
mini ,
Thou blnnchcBt not before the Iloman
Itero ! * ,
And pointing to tlitv , great Democracy
May ny with prldr , I Imvc my Cincinnati ) * !
Now , Lincoln , sleep In peace ! Thy
memory ,
Like manly counsel which consoles and
chcert" ,
Shall tvrnri fern a double aureole ,
Thou'll be the hero of thci worklnumcn ,
Of duty's soldiers , of th humble souv.
The cults of old , those ravages of states ,
Who crushed the children on the fathers
crushed ,
Will dwindle , thanks to tlicron hlst'ry's
P.IB\ * ,
While every day will sec thy fame ln-
creru-'t ? .
Sleep peacefully , kind hero , great pltbrinn ,
Sleep , for wo bless thecl Thci great vir
tuous man
Per nil rrun lives ; nnd nil cnrth when ho.
Become * his heir , and not his Innd nlone.
Humanity oA < Mtnco , th' enfranchised slaves
Thrones nit example of great trusts ful
filled ,
America her strength nnd pence , renewed ,
Kurope an Ideal of grjatnos * all unknown ,
And 'time to coma'will place thy fnco and
nnmo .
Above the. Caesars next to WashlngtonI
That so sympathetic and beautiful a
tribute , and eo significant a departure on the
part of the meet conservative Institution ot
France should be BO long Ignored by the na
tion whoso hero Inspired It can hardly fall
to surprise American readers of SI. Grcnler's
poem , which Is now unearthed for them
after thirty years of neglect. Let It not bo
forgotten , In perusing this tribute , that the
poet Is a product ot the aristocratic Faubourg
St. Germain.
"Tho great public doew not know me , but
my rnucu IMS brought mo great and charmP
ling frlfndahlrs , " said M. Grenler , modestly
dollnlng his place in the world of letters.
The friend and companies of Lamartlne ,
Victor Hugo and many of the choicest eplrlto
of the France of yore , Edouard Qrenler
Is the last French poet of the idealistic
"I had two motives In. writing the Lincoln
poem , " said the gentle old poet. "First to
pay a duo homage to an Illustrious Ameri
can , and thereby to play a trick ami give a
blow to the dcspotHn of Napoleon III , whom
I hated and despised. By gaining.the prize
I , of course , forced the Frtcch academy to
proclaim republican truths and words of
liberty amliJat the universal constrained
sllcnco and prostration In the Franco of
old. " "
A diplomat from his earliest yeart , M.
Grenler was appointed secretory of the le
gation by Lamartlne. He remained In
diplomatic serv.lco until the coup d'etat of
1 30. Suttrequeiitly , he refused to bo 0ub-
Ject to the orders of King Jerome.
"To remain faithful to my republican ccn-
vlctlons anJ to my friends who were pro
scribed , " eald M. Grenler , "I went to the
Orient and remained there until repub
licanism was rcotorcd. " After two years in
the Orient , In the capacity of eiscrctary to
Prince Ghyka , M. Grenler returned to Franco
to devote his life henceforth to poetry.
T lco his works have been crowned by the
In 1877 he received seven votes as candi
date for admls.'Icci to the Immortals. Per
sonally ho Is one of the most wlaaomo and
lovcablo cf men. Ills face bespeaks his
gcntlo soul. Devotion to hla mother has
kept him a bachelor. Ho is now 75 years
of age. A man of resource , ho mlgratca
between his Paris residence In the Fau
bourg St. Germain and hto country seat
at Doute , e\ cry where the center of the
highest culture , whoso choicest aroma hla
poems exhale.
THE 1.1 PU 01 ? A .mVXIJ'AIHX. '
It IH ItntliPT Slcnv and Monotonous to
Write mi \ < > 1lolt.H.
Most mandarins pass the whole of their
lives without tak'ni ; a single yard of exer
cise , relates the Cornhlll Magarlno. The
late Nanking Viceroy ( father of the Mnr-
quls Tseng ) was considered a. remarkable
character because he always walked "a thou
sand steps a day" In his private gard ° n.
darln ever seen on foot In hU own jurisdic
tion. Occasionally n popular Judge will try
to earn a reputation by going o'lt ' Incog
nito at night ; but even then ho takes o
strong guard with him , and ( as happened
when I was at Canton ) gets his bead
broken If he attempts to pry too closely Into
abuses. As the police and the thieves ore
usually co-partners1 In one .concern , It natu
rally Follows that caution must be used In
attacking gaming houses which have bribed
themselves Into quasl-legallty.
A mandarin's leisure , which may be .laid
to begin at 5 p. m. nnd continue until 9 ,
Is spent In one or other of the following
ways : Either he reads poetry by himself ,
or ho sends for his secretaries to drink
wine , crack melon seeds cud compose1 po
etry for him ; or bo may shoot off a few
arrows * at a target In his garden ; or ( nnd
this Is commonest ) he may Invite the rich
merchants to a "feed" In his yaraens , or
accept Invitations from them. But this Is
rather dangerous work , for there Is a sort
of unwritten law against mandarins leaving
their own yamens , except e i ofllclal busi
ness bent ; on the other hand , merchants of
high standing steer clear ot the local man
darin unless (49 ( happened when I was al
Kewklang ) ho happens to bo e compatriot
of theirs.
On his grandmother's , mother's and nlfe'a
birthday the mandarin receives congratula
tions and presents' of course on his own ,
too. On these festive occasions he may
give a play. In China , theatrical entertain
ments are commonly hired privately , though
as often as not the "man In the street" Is
admitted gratis. But even here caution la
required , for many days In the year are '
noMstl , on account of emperors having died
on iboso anniversaries , and It goes very hard
with a mandarin If be Is caught "bavins
mulsc" on a died non.
Chlncfio alwaje supposing 'they ere not
cplum smokers , Invalids , or debauchee *
retire to rest a. ? early as they rise. In most
Chinese towns evco'thlng ' Is quiet after sunset -
sot , and by 7 or 8 o'clock every oao Is cither
la bed or Is simply crooning away the tlmo
until sleep comes on. Notwithstanding the
recent IntroJuctlom of k rcseno lamps ( for
bidden In many largo towns ) , 4ibe mual light
Is the common dip or the rush. Even sup
posing1 the mandarin were studiously In-
ollnod. and not worn out with the faMgues
of the day , his eyesight would eoon give way
If toe attempted to read regularly by such
wretched lllumlnarits as these.
Dlnncra and feoats cannot 'take ' place every
< lay , tohat happens on nine evenings out
of tew Is this : When the correspondence of
the day has leen read , drafted , achieved ,
scaled , or d'epatchcdwhen ; the secretaries
Shave struck their balances and exhibited the
profits of the clay ; when the business of itho
Judgment seat Is at an end , the mandarin gets
out of his robes , hat , collar , boots , cdaplet ,
nnd feathers into on easy ccetumo In which
too Icoks Just like the ordinary frowsy , greasy
I'.racki-man , Ughta his pipe , and retires to the
harem. After performing the proper obols-
nces to his grandmother or mother , ho may
< ako ft Platonic cup of tea or gruel with his
wife , alter \Mhlch ha selects the
of one of hla concubines. Ho will even take
his ev-enlns meal In her room , smoke a few
pipes with her ( for all women smoke In
China ) , and perhaps play a game or two aft j
oarda. The etiquette of these apartments I
Is very strict , and there Is no chance of a
rival wife or mot/hsr / or a grandmother burstIng t.
Ing In at any unseemly hours.
Washington Star : There was a riot In fno
" "Don't you think. " exclaimed the sultan ,
"that because you are the favorite Just at
present you can talk behind my back with
Impunity. I am an are of the epithet you :
applied to me. "
'To what have you reference ? " rtie In
"To your unjust sarcasms. I desire to
have It understood that I will not stand It
to bo called a Spaniard. I only hold mas
sacres once In a while. "
A 1-Nllilv.
Detroit Journal : Once upon a time the
Horse fell Into a reminiscent mood.
"Yes , " he mused , "It Is quite true that my
hair turned " white in the space of a few
"From fright ? " asked the other beasts ,
much Interested.
"Well , " replied the Horse , "you ee the
girl who was driving me. got n/J-Jicuded all
of a sudden. "
Arnold's Brome Celery cure * headaches.
lOc. 2Sc and COe. All drug UU. ,
Return cf the Agent Bent Abroad bj tbo
Agricultural Department ,
Collocltnjr .N > tv , Itnrc nnil Vnlnnltlc
Sccilw for Amrrlcnn Fnrmrrn
fonrnr ) * In .StrntiKc I.nmlx
A SiiccexHfut Expedition.
Prof. Niels E. Hanson , professor ot horti
culture and forestry at the South Dakota
Agricultural College and Experiment sta
tion : , has Just returned from hla trip of
ten months In eastern Russia , tbo Caucasus ,
Russian , Turkestan , Bokhara , western China
and Siberia , whcro he , has bc-eri collecting
new and rare varieties of seeds for the
United States Department of Agriculture. An
account ot his tour and a synopses of the
results . . has been given the DCS Molnes Reg
ister. < Something like four car loads of
seeds liavo been secured , which arc now
being distributed all aver the United States
by the Agricultural department at Wash
ington. The Intention of Secretary Wilson
inne sending Trof. JIan cn on this long jour
ney : was to obtain seeds from tbe dry cold
and the dry hot regions ot extreme eastern
Europe and central AMa Tor trial In regions
ofbri similar climate In the United States. A
brief account of his Itinerary will be ot In
terest , as Prof. Hansen was formerly a Dc
Molnes , boy , having attended East Des
Molnes | tilgh school In 1S79-81 , afterwards
employed In Captain J. A. T. Hull's office
when secretary ot state , and later graduat
ing at the Iowa Agricultural College , with
which he was connected a an assistant pro
fessor for four years prior to his removal
to Dakota.
At St. Petersburg the Imperial depart
ment of agriculture furnished an expert
scientific guide Tor a six weeks' tour of In
vestigation of the agricultural experiment
stations and schools , the forestry planta
tions and model farms of the cist Volga
region. Since tbo famine year ot 1S92 the
Russian government has made strenuous ef
forts to discover the apparent Increase lh
the drouths and to find plants better
adapted to the climate. Largo areas are be
ing planted with timber , Irrigation experi
ments are being carried on and especially
tlie native plants of the Volga region are
being brought Into cultivation. ' .Trie-progress
of this work was studied by Prof. Hansen
and seeds obtained by him. In this region
a hardy kind of camel has ten t Introduced
from the Kirghiz steppes of southern Si
beria and northern Turkestan , and they have
proven superior to horses for heavy farm
work. They endure more severe heat and
can live on poorer food. Ono camel Is re
garded as equal to'two'librscS In "strength ,
although slower , and endures tbo severe
winters equally well.
A trip was next made to Kiev , the. "holy
city" or Jerusalem of Russia , to see a largo
agricultural fair , where all the products of
southern .Russian . agriculture were cm dln-
play. At Odessa a new guide was obtained
for the remainder of the Journey , and thp
Black sea was crossed to Transcaucasia , the
ancient kingdom of Georgia , which .Is now
In Russian hcr.ds. Some seeds were obtained
from the foot of the mountain where Noah
landed his ark. The Caucasus is an exir
trcmely interesting and somewhat exciting
country to travel In. A Germeri pr.ofcsaor
of philology , who has carefully studied the
subject , eajs that seventy languages are
spoken In Tlflls , the capital. In the mouii-
talcs of the Caucasus arc found the remnants
of many nationalities that have perished
elsewhere. They have been left behind dur
ing the period ot the great migration * of
people In prehistoric times. Hence it Is that
each valley Is almost a distinct nationality.
Remnants ot customs and habits are a'so
found here , which have become.extinct else
where. A valuable collection of fruits , cer
eals and plants was obtained here.
The Caspian sea was crossed to Kracno-
volsk Into Russian Turkestan , where the new
Transcasplan military railway -was taken
through the deserts and moving sands of
Russian Turkestan and Bokhara. Several
places were visited and a large quantity of
needs obtained. Especially Is mentioned the
alfalfa of central Asia , which Is superior In
drouth-resisting capacity to the European
alfalfa. Also the muskmelons , some ot which
run from twenty-five to thlrty-flvo pounds
In weight , snow white in flesh and quality
superior to any American melon. This Is a
part of the ancient kingdom of the great
Tamerlane , who was * the Napoleon of Asia
500 years ago and made himself , monarch of
one of the largest empires ever known. This
country was extremely- dangerous toenter
before the time of the Russian conquest a
few years ago. During the last tea years
only has access been possible without , the
greatest hardship. The natives are called
SarU and are Mohammedans. The language
It somewhat allied to Persian.
Bokhara has been called more oriental than
Constantinople , as It has been so little sub
jected to European Influencc.-'and- Isso far
out of the path ot travelers. The tomb ol
the great Tamerlane Is at Samarcand and
also the rules ot his magnificent palaces ,
mosques and schools. Thcae are in the Per
sian style of architecture , with the walls
covered with enamelled tiles ot blue , grceu
and "other bright colors In mosaic and other
designs. The effect Is extremely beautiful.
The colors are perfect after all these cen
turies , but the tooth of time has touched
them , and lost September an earthquake de
stroyed eiie of themf TheHueslan govern
ment Is doing its utmost to preserve these
'grand relics of a once glorious past and
keep them In e. state of/epalr. .But th ? won.
derful mosaic and the "colored tiling cannel
bo replaced , for their manufacture Is a loat
art. They form a striking contrast to the
present buildings , which are all ot eun-bakei
clay. The Sarts or Bokharlota have an eye
for color. The costume of the mrci consists
of a "khalat , " which is a dressing gown ,
mostly of silk , of the gaudiest colors Imag
inable. Some look like an "animated barber
polo" or perambulating rainbows. A street
scene In Turkestan Is a study in strange de
signs and startling colors In dresa.
Turkestan Is a sealed province to foreign
ers , u Is near to India , and Afghanistan
acts aa a buffer etate to India. The Russian
policy In central Asia Is CD admirable one
us the natives are much better off than un
der their old native leaders.
At Tashkent , the capital of Russian Turk
estan , the overland journey ot over 2,000
miles was begun Into northern Turkestan
western China rnd western Siberia. Thir
teen hundred miles in a wagon and 700 In a
sleigh , the northern route homeward being
chosen because tbo Siberian railway could be
reached by this means. From three to five
horses were employed , changes being made
at short Intervals eo that quick time wet
made. A large number of samples of oee <
were obtained In the overland journey , which
was exceedingly venturesome and was a tee
of the remarkable endurance of this young
The part of China visited Is known as
Chinese Turkestan , Kuldja being the leading
town. ' The people are moctly Dungann
( Chinese ( Mohammedans ) , but the officials
and a largo part of the population are the
true Chinese. Here , as elsewhere In Asia , 1
took two Interpreters to do business , the
local Interpreter translating from the na
tlvo ! Asiatic language Into Russian , and hla
own Interpreter from Russia Into German
which Prof. Hansen speaks fluently. At one
place another Interpreter was added ; th
first translating from Chinese Into Tar
tar ; the second from Tartar to Russian
and the third from Russian to German ,
professor himself translating Into English
notes- . The protection was furnished by the
Russian consul and the commander ol a
Russian Cossack fort. This part of Cblna
was held by Russia for ten years as surety
for the payment of tbo Chinese war deb
which was afterwards paid , and the tcr
rltory returned.
The new Siberian railway was reached a
Omsk and the return journey made by Mos
cow , Berlin , Bremen and New York.
Prof. Hansen had some narrow escape
from death by accidents in- the rough over
land Journey , and has material for a bool tml
were he Inclined to write one. The re
ults are very satisfactory , an many new FT
varieties ot plant * have been lecured tha
will be ot value for general trls.1 In th
United State * , especially the arid refloat
'ho p rs of A tA vlalled wilt never l > o
opular for traveler * , i nrt lourliti are not
ccommetided to Iry 4h& ovfflnnd Journey.
Tbo profresor apeak * ilh glowing term * ot
ho courtffllos extended it6 him by the Rui-
Inn nutliorlllco throi Khont the empire , nnd
( the warm and friendly faeltnga enter-
alncil throughout Asl * > for America and
AnnulM nf tlie ' . % nr4'l ' Xnllon Almniul
In lrnln of Itcrettntfl nji < l Chivalry.
llclng somewhat MniltUr with Lafucnto'u
Iberal and Impartial ( for a Spaniard ) , an
well na fascinating "History of Spain , " says
a writer In the Chicago Hccsrrt , I feel a
ow facts as to the better el do of Spain's
arly history will not come amiss. It eecm
unjust to the Spanish nation to have enl
'ho worst featureti of her national hlstor
'resented ' at this time. As a matter of fac
ho good and the bad go hand In hand In
he history of every nation , and taking the
nrly history of Spain as a whole , the good
md the bad are quite evenly proportioned
Beginning with the earliest times , even
jcforo 1)10 ) Christian era , we read with emo
Ion even now the thrilling story of the
'Slcgo of Numcntla , " and the heroic strug
gles to maintain their liberty from the Ho
nan yoke by the early Spaniards. Thej
ere a heroic people , their ancestry begin
ning far back In the twilight of the .world's
history. " During the period of Roman ascend
nc"y the people were constantly rebelling
gainst the hated bondage and Home's per
fidy. Three of Home's greatest emperors
vcrc Spaniards , or Spanish-Romans Adrian
Trajan and Thcodosluu.
During the long Gothic rule of several
icnturles the kings were on a par , as to
heir wisdom and morality , with the early
kings -of Prance. Many were wise and
udlclous rulers .and it was the long pcaco
nd prosperity , that , as In the case of the
Roman empire , finally wrought the destruc-
lon of this warrior race. At the Invitation
if the traitor , Count Julian , the Moors un-
er "Tarlc el Tuerto" ( the one-eyed ) , In-
aded Spain In 711. A. D. , finding It an easy
: onqucst. Then followed the most splendid
ml heroic struggle between a Christian and
n Infidel race Imaginable ; unique In the
> agc of history , and lasting SOO years. The
.loslem . hosts pushed their conquests even
nto Prance , but were checked there at the
attle of Tour by Charles Martel In 732. But
ho Moslem rule In Spain was not a scvcro
no ; on the contrary , the dynasty of the
Ommeldas ruled the conquered Spaniards
vlth mlldn ? . and vslsJom. Hut after ahllo
1th the dynasty of the Abbasldes there came
rouble and wars among -the ' .Moors them-
elvcs , weakening their power.
Then It was that one Pelayo , one of Spain's
mmorlal heroen , gathered his followers to-
etticr and Invaded the enemy's territory.
Vlth him begun tbo struggle , which , to the
inprejudlced mind , and Judging from the
Ipanlard'a point of view , was a war between
Wit and darkness , Ormudz and Ahrlrnan ,
drlsttanlty and Mohammedanism. The creed
nd the bamner went together ; the priest
nd the warrior fighting for their faith un-
caslngly , for eight centuries , till , at last ,
he same year tuat saw Columbus on the
borca of the new world , beheld the Infldpl
iloor driven from his last stronghold on
Granada by the victorious Christian atiny ot
'Isabella , the Catholic. "
Of course many unchristian deeds wore
010 In the name of religion during thoa1)
eng centuries , but no one can fall to admire
bo unquenchable aitior , the faith and the
"outage of the Spaniard , beginning , as ho did ,
0 recover his country In the far northwestern
corner of Spain , and steadily advancing till
he whole land was at fast reconquered to
iJJ faith. Fernando el Santo , whcpe cm-
ir xilmed , , , crowned and royalyy robed body Is
still displayed every year in Sevllla on the
anniversary of the taking of Sevllla from the
Uoors , compares favorably with the French
ting called In history "Saint Louts" ( Louis
IX ) ; . Alforso , "El Sablo" ( the wise ) , the
statesman , the lawgiver , whose "Sleto Tar-
Idas" | form the bases of many wlao laws , Is
Spain's Alfred the Great. John II vus the
latron of literature , and the "gae science"
or Frovenclal poetry.
The rule of the Emperor Charles the First
of , . Spain and V of Germany , marked the ze
nith of Spain's glory. Later begins her de-
: adcncc , which continues to this < day and
( tops ullvd the fanaticism and Intolerance
of the middle ages. However , hatred and fa
naticism are almost confined -to northern and
middle Spain. The happy , easy-gong Andalu-
slans rather like * the Americans than not ,
jecauao It Is that part of Spain which Is most
frequented by tourists , and there that their
money finds its way.
The general and complimentary epithet be
stowed on the American In Spain la > "plg. "
'The American pigs. " There Is scarce a
newspaper In Spain In which one does not
find himself ( If an American ) referred to as
pig. While In Spain I was told by a Span
iard how this came about. The etory la cur-
Rheumatism iCuro 1 * guaranteed to bo absolutely
harmlesi. and a strong tonic In building up tlie weak
and debilitated. 11 cures acute or mufculur rheuma
tism In from one to fire darn. Bhurn , Bhootlnir pains
In any part of the body slopped In a few closes. A
prompt , complete and permanent cure for Umcness.
soreness , stiff back and nil imlna In hips nnd loins.
Chronic rheunmtlsra , sclutlcu , lumbngo or pain In
the baric arts upecdlly cured. JtwMom falls to give
relief from one to two doses , and almost Invariably
curcabefure one bottle 1ms been used. ThoMunjon
Kcmedy Company propuro a separate cure for each
disease. At nil druntlsts-SS cents a vial. Ifynunccd
meidlcal Mvlce nrlte Prof. Munyon , lioj Arch
Street. Philadelphia. It Is absolutely free.
Primary , Secondary or Tertiary BLOOD
POISON permanently
Cured in 16 to 35 Days.
You can p * treated at bom * for MUM
He * und r sam * cuonnty. If you pr f *
U oomt hre w * will contract to pay rail-
ra4 far * and. hot * ! bill * , and no * hart *
H w * fall U > our * .
taken mercury , lodlo * potash and Mill
AAV * ache * and ptlnav Mucous Patches In
mouth , 8or * Throat , rlmplra , Copper Col.
rd Boots , Vlcers oa any part ( the
body , Hair or Eyebrows falling out , II U
this Secondary
Wt QHirtntte U Curt
W * solicit the mt ebsttnat * east * ana
cballtnr * tb * wort ! tar * , case w * cannot
cur * . Tbls dlssast'ha * always bafflsd tb *
kill of tb * ia * t * miMtit physicians.
ISOO.OOO capital btblatt our unconditional
uartjitr. > Absolit * iproofs sent * * altd
on applloatlon. 100 pst book ssnt tret.
Addrtsi COOK HUMEDY CO. . 14D1
Maionto Tempi * ; Cklomsio , 111.
To All ' '
In tb * tnarsuat ot all
CUoiic , MeiToos and Private Diseases.
add OI90MDBR8 O * CH
Catarrb. all Dlsasi ot th * N * , Ttmat Cbwt
tomacb. Uvcr. lood. Skin and JCIdoir Ol5
as * * . Lot Manhood. Hrdroo * ! * . Vwlco * * ) * ,
OonorrbM , Olt * , aypbllla. fltrlctur * . Plls , VI * .
* and R ctai-.Ulc rs Dlaktt * * Bil hf * Pts >
as * sund. Call on or addrtss with atasap ( at
* * Book and Niw.Msthods.
Trentmcnt br Matl , C m > nltattoa * > .
Oiaba Medial and Sirgical luUtnte
rent olniMt over itio entire country that *
arc A nation ot plR rataerti , tti < U being ; our
chief lnilu lry , anil that we have a fumoui
Invention , a machine In tthlili A pig la put
In alive ami comr * nut a ( mileage. This In
the best Joke ot the age , anil the Spaniard
never tires of It. Sumce It to ray that In all
the length and breadth ot our land never did
I sec alien countless numbcta of pigs as In
southern Spain ,
, fluid front IlirICtoiullkr. .
BHATThE , April lO.-Accordlnir to tlie
statement of M , U , Hall of Spokane , a
[ { tondlkor , who arrived on the steamer
Utopia from SUntrwny , he nnd his pirty of
four men , hrotmht out gold dust nnd drafts
amounting to 0,000.
Thousand * of suffcrcra from grippe have
been rrctorcd to health by One Mlmito Cough
Cure. It quickly cures coughs , colds , bron
chitis , pneumonia , grippe , asthma and all
broat and lung diseases.
My llttlo book , "Three Classes of Men. "
sent to men only It tells of my 30 years'
experience na a specialist In all nervous
disorders resulting from youthful Indlscre-
lens Lame Hack , etc , nnd tells why
cures With iny Invention , the Dr , S.indcn
Electric Belt , known nnd uwcd the world
over , I restored ; last year 5,000 mn , young
nnd old Beware of cheap Imitations Above
look explains nil ; sent sealed Write today ,
Dr. A , R. Snndeti ,
No. 1S3 S. Clark St. . Chicago. 111.
The Crooked
Little Island of Cuba
What do you know about It ? How large la ItT
Name the provinces. How farls Puerto Principe from
Havana ? What railroads are there nnd what points
do they connect ? How far Is Cuba from the Caps V-srde
Islands ?
These things we all ought to know In these troublous
times but moat of us don't. What you want Is
The Bee's Combination Map
A Map of Cuba ,
A Map of the West Indies
A Map of the World
The Map of Cuba and the Map of the West Indies
are each 14x21 Inches ; the Map of the World Is 21x29
inches , printed In colors from the latest maps of Rand ,
McNally & Company. They are accurate and complete.
The Bee Coupon PThTomahaTTec
and 10 cts. will get it Present ' this * coupon with
lOo for
Sent by Mail in tube , 14 cents. Map of Cuba.
Map of the West Indies.
Address Cuban Map Map of the World.
" mall 14 cents.
Bee Publishing Company , Omaha.
Parlin , Orendorff
ti Marten Co
Jobbers of Farm Machinery.
Wacom and Bucgle * - Cor. tth and Jone * .
Picture Moldings.
Mirrors , Frames , Backing and
Materials. '
Q merican Hand
J V Sewed Shoe Go
M'frs \ Jobbers of Foot Wear
The Joseph Banigau Rubber Oo.
H. Sprague IL Co. ,
Rubbers and Mackintoshes.
1107 Howard St. , OMAHA
F.P. Kirkendall & Co
Boots > Shoes and Rubbers
Baleiroomi 1102-11PM1M Harnejr Street.
7 T. Lindsey ,
X *
Owner of Chief Brand Mackintosh * *
\A/.V. \ Morse Co.
Boots , Shoes , Ritbbers ,
Offlce and Salesroom 1119-21-23 Howard St.
emis Omaha Bag Co
Importer * and Manufacturers
614-16-18 South nth Street
Farrell & Co. ,
Uclasnts , Sorghum , etc. . Preserves and Jellies.
Alto tin cans and Japanned ware.
Chicory Co.
Growers and manufacturers of all forms of
Chicory Omaha-Fremont-O'Nell.
HH , Bliss ,
Importer * > M , / * * '
Crockery. China , Glassware ,
Kvr Pitted Ware , Looking Qlasse * . Chu.
dllr * , Lamp * . Chimney * , Cutlery , Etc.
flip Sharpies Company
Creamery Machinery
and Supplies.
Boiler * Baffin * * . Ked Cooker * . Wood Puk
iey . Shafting , Belting.Butter Pack *
BYe * of all-kind. ,
MMM JonM BU j a _ j- .
H. E. Smith S Co.
Importer * and Jobber * of
Dry Goodst Furnishing Goods
ichardson Drug Co.
902-906 Jackson St.
J. O. niCHARDSON , Prest.
a F. WELLE R , V. Prest.
The Mercer
Ghemioel Co.
'rf 3 oi < IarJViannaonuteal rrefara-
( ton * . Kpteial Formulae Prepartd to
Order. Send for Catalogue.
lAboratorr. 1111 Howard 6t , OraahjL
.E. Bruce & Co.
Druggists and Stationers ,
"Quern Bee" Specialties ,
Clears , Wines and Brcndlef ,
Corner lOtb and llarntjr Btrta >
U/estcrn Electrical
Electrical Supplies.
Electric Mining Bells nnd Gas Lighting
O. W , JOHNSTON. MET. 1510 Howard St.
wolf Electrical
Supply Co
i UN Farnara 81.
Co ,
Commission Merchants.
S. W. Corner Uth and Howard 8U.
Members of the National
League of CommlK *
Ion Merchants of the United State * .
McCord-Brady Co.
13th and Lcuvcmvorth St
Staple and Fancy Groceries
eyer & Raapke ,
l'i ' | Teas , Bplces , Tobacctf an4 Clrara , *
F'I F' I MOS-1407 Harney Bireel.
Paxton Gallagher Co \
Ttlepbon * M.
J H.Haney&Co.
W '
Jobber * of Leather , Saddlery Hardware , JWo.
We solicit your order * . 1815 Howard El
P ctor t Wilh.lmy Go
Wholesale Hardware ,
L ee-Clark Andreesen
Hardware Go
Wholesale Hardware.
Blcyclei and Sporting Goods.
1210-3J-28 Uar-
ncy street.
Walter Moise & Co
Proprletcri of AA1EI1ICAN rMQAIt AND
: - . < -21S South 14th St.
'iiey ' Brothers ,
Liquors and Cigars *
1118 Paruara Street
Jlefs Eagle Gin
East India Bitters
Ooldtn Bbeaf Pur * Rr * * nd Bourbon Whisker-
Willow Springs Distillery. Her * O * . , llld
Harney Street. '
John Boekhoff ,
Wines , Liquors and Cigars.
tU-tU B. Uth BtrMl .
G hlcago Lumber Oo ,
DUMBER . , .
814 South 14th St.
Standard Oil Co.
J. A. Moffet. let Vice Free. L. J. Drake , den Mg >
Oatollne , Turpentine , Axle CIron e. Etc.
Omalm Branch and Agencies. John B. Huth Mgr.
Carpenter Paper
Printing Paper ,
Wrapping Paper , Stationery
Corner Uth and Howud streets.
rane Churchill Co.
1014-1016 Douglas Street.
Manufacturers and jobbers of Stenm , Oas an (
Water Supplies of All Kinds.
jTnited States
u Supply Co. . .
iioS-nio Harney St.
Steam Pumps , Engines and Bollcrfi. Plp h
Wind Mills , Steam and Plumblni
Material , Ueltlne. Uoa * , Etc.
r reat Western
° Type Foundry
Bnp 4r Copper Mixed Ty * to U * ktt or
U * market. '
1114 Howard Street.
Results TeJl ,
The Bee
Want AdsN
'Produce Results.