Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 20, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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svkr A YT A iTT trtivcn. . iirar\-fn > iarL L tr * TIT TT nntono
Foreign Prices and War Theories Rnlo the
Board of Trado.
nnil July Option * Knch Ilrcord
an Ailsiuicc nnil Corn , Unix nnd
J ro luloim Alxo iHliotr nn
rut i-iiicii < In I'rlcc.
CHICAOO , April 19. Foreign prices nnd
War theories ruled speculation on the Hoard
of Trade today. % Vneat was helped by
Jieavy export Bales , gaining lo for July and
Jic for May delivery. July corn ndvanred
? 49Uc , oats 140 and provisions 2V407c , t'ne
latter In pork.
The. action of congress appearing to trad
ers In wheat as making war with Spain In
evitable , the price for July delivery opened
tit an advance of from Hie to lc over tile
closing figures of tlie day before , Liverpool
jraln ; men took the same view of the situa
tion and sent higher quotations. The
Btrcngth of thin mnrket appeared to luvc
etlll further stimulated fne buyers abroad ,
Liverpool closing with gains In futures of
from. % d to lJd. ! A cargo of American
iv heat sold In London today at $1.20 a
bushel. Minneapolis and Ouluth reported
053 carloads , ngalnst 1S1 a week ago and 00
Jast year. Chicago-received ICG cars , against
n. year ago. The stock of contract wheat
In Chicago elevators was reduced 741,000 bu.
last week and now nmounts to 4,000,000 bu.
In private warehouses the stocks of wheat
of all kinds weio returned as C20.000 bu.
Liverpool reported a large consumptive
business being done , millers having a large
Bale for their Hour and continental buyers
outbidding the Unlttd Kingdom for Indian
wheat. News of this character created nn
extremely nervous temper In the pit. July
Dirokc % c on realizing Immediately after the
opening , but slowly recovered from Mo to
Js7lic , where It held for some time. A sud
den bulge from S7o to 87c followed the
iinnouncement by Lelter that ho had sold
: : uO.OOO bu. for export. New York reports
{ followed with salei of 000,000 bu. July de
clined to 87'fcc on scalpers' realizing , but
i allied to n close nt 87 0) ) n not gain of le.
September gained % fl\c.OIny was held be
tween Jl.OSVii and $1.09V4 , closing at $1.09Vi.
Corn ruled tlrm , but the advancing tend
ency was checked through free selling by
receivers. Liverpool was strong at % d ad
vance. Cable acceptances of last nUht'a
offers amounted to 1.000,000 bu. New York
exporters worked a like amount. Cnlcago
receipts were 43S cirs. Chlcnso contract
stocks are now 12,000,000 bu. Klovator people
ple were the chief sellers against country
purchases nnd checked the advance. July
opened \ < Tic higher at C./jf/j:58c , declined
to 32V4c , recovered to 32Q.GV4c , a net gain
Oats 'were nrm nnd higher on export sales
of COO.OOO bu , and the wet , unfavorable
weather. Ilecelpts at Chicago were 617 cars.
July opened Uu higher at 23c. declined to
2'JVfiC on Loiter selling and recovered to
23c , a net gain of He.
Provisions started strong on war news ,
tout slid off rnpldly on realizing. Koutlne
news was disregarded. July pork opened
rlOc hlzher al $10. hold at $1002. dfcllhcd to
$09" , closing 7c Yilgher nt $397. July lard
nnd ribs pained 2V--C each , closing at Jo 23
und $ j > 2a/'j2'j ) , respectively.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat ,
3CT earn ; corn , 320 cars ; oats , 243 cars ; hogs ,
rs 20,000 head.
Leading futures ranged as follows :
ArtleTeB . | Onou. | High. | Low. I Close. | S.n'y.
Kay. . 1 0' ) 1 Otm 1 OOH 1 00
Julv. . . HllW H7M
" 7HT 7IH1 70
ivc. ; 7UJ 70M 71) )
May. . . am .UK .uaM
.Julv. , . 3JH a2' <
Sept. . . JW JJh
May. . . SUM Ed * 20M
July. . . ran JJ 2JH
May. , . n no n oo 0 80 11 fi'JK 0 77M
July. . . 10 uo 10 OJM U 03 0 H7M 9 UU
May. . . B 20 S 20 6 17H C 17 G IS
July. . . fi ' . ' 7M 5 UO B 25 5 vr
5 .15 0 35 D 3-'H
May. . . fi ' . ' 0 B an fi 15 D 16 5 15
July. . . * * tJ3 B 'J7W fi 'J'JV fi 25 IS 221
Sept 0 JJH fi JO n i'tl/ 6 30
No. 2.
-CaHh limitations were as follow E :
1-LOL'R-Sleady. JiOWI50 : spring finals.
15 CKT | > f,0 ; spring pilcnls , ( I OOifu.lOj slialghls ,
| l40fi4C < ) : 1m kern. H 5"iTI ( M
WHEAT No. 3 spring , WffOOJ ! No. 2 red , J1.C8
t LOSVi.
CXJR.V-No. I , 31031\c.
OATH No. 2 , Sfi'ic f. o. b. ; No. 2 wh'te , ) Hc :
Ko. n vvhlte , I3fl2JKc.
RYE No. 2 , Me.
1IARLEY No. 2 , 37G4GC.
FLAXSEElNo. . 1. $1.2 < VfJI.2 ' 4.
TIMOTHY SEED-Prlme. J2.00.
I'llOVISlONH Mess pork , pjr bbl. , $9.89.8S. :
Kard , per ICO Ibs , t5.17 < 4. Short ribs sides
< lee e ) , 3.00a3.3' . 15ry salted shoulders ( boxed ) ,
4.62V4ff4.87V5. Short clear sides ( boxed ) , | 3.W
' "SKY Distillers' finished goods , per cat.-
KnuARS Cut loaf , $3.00 ; tmnulatcd. Jo ISC
( liintntlon * fur tlu > Day oil General
mr\v Yonic. April ID. TI.OUII itewipis , K.-
423 bbls. ; exports , 11,223 bblh. ; winter patent- * ,
Jl 8303.23 ; winter sttalghta. St G.J1M.70 ; Jllnne-
eota patents , JI2303C3 ; w Inter extras , J-i.ri J
4.10 ; Mlnmsota baker * , JI23O4.43J winter low
grades. J2W)30) ) . Use Hour , Ilrm at * i l > 3tf ( 3 30.
4XmNMUAI.-ririiij jellowwestern. . 71c ; city ,
HYE Market tinner ; No. 2 w .lcrn , CIO
HA1U.EY Steady ; feeding , 42e.
U\UUV MAI/r Quiet : western. 64i ) V.
W1IUAT HccollitH. 147.073 bu. : exports , 1M.677
bu. Spot. Btcuil ) : No , 2 r l. Jl nu > , , f. o. D ,
alloat. Option * had n utrong , active opening
on crltkivl war prospects ani a .lump in r *
pool cables 1'art of the advances was lost
during the day , however , under nallzUig s-\ltv ,
line crop iiccounts , dlsippolnllng Trench cabin
In Ihc face of big export trade. Closed steady
ut il % ? net advance. No. 2 red May , 1 U3'
( jl u : clotKHl , Jl.OTJi.
OO11N Hecolpls , b33,700 bu ; exports , 129,77 IJ
1m. SK | > 1 , Ilrm ; No. 2 , 37c. Options , strong
nnd active nil diy , giiverned b ) bullish rablii
und tt4i enormous expert Inijulrv. Closed , sc
net higher. Mn > . 3 { fCii3-lC ; rlnsvd. 3l ' , c.
OATb Hecelpls , 17o.4fX ) bu. : exports. 49.GSO bu.
filiot , ( ) ulet ; No. 2 , 30-Uc ; No. : whllis 32V&C.
OptlniiH shoutd Mtt > idlnesi without activity ai.d
aiosed Uo net hlKher. May closet .it 30jU.
Tiii : > Tlrm : bran , 7ajjJDc ; middlings , 80OS3C ;
r > e f ed. 6iV.ljC3o.
HAY Quiet ; uhlpplng , 30fMc ; good to choice ,
63 r70o
HOPS Quiet ; state- , common to choice. If95
crop. 4 5o ; US vrop. 7afco ; 1S97 crop , 3bu.
l"acltlc coast. lbl > 3 crop , 4UCc ; 1S96 crop. 74JSo :
Jk > 7 ciop. 15KKC. '
HIIi:3 Steady ; Galveston , 13Hc ; Texas dry ,
12Wc ; falirnrnln. 174il c.
l.UATlIiu : Steady ; hemlock sole. liuenos
A > re" . 19V.WJOC.
WOOI Qulet ; fleece. i ; 22c ; Texas. i : fl4e.
1'HUVISIONS lleef , Ilrm , family. J11.OOS11.7S-
extra iiu-si. J9.00ff9.75 ; beef hams , J22013 ; packet t.
JIO 23(111 CO. flit meals , iiulet. plckird bellleH.
13 C7'i6 | 30 : pickled shoulders , Jl 3) ; pUkl I
tiama. J7.50O7 73. Lard , steady ; vvvxtem ( teamed
closed nt JJ.t'b. Pork , Meadk ; inti , ii.73itl < > pn ;
iihort oear , JI023W1SCO , fam'ly , Jll 00&11.CO.
Tullow , easier ; city , J'ic ; countrj , 3Uj > 3 7 , as
to qiltlllt ) .
Oll S IVtroIeuin. dull llo'ln , easy ; strained.
common to good. Jl.42M71.43. Tuipentlne , steady ;
jyVjtiSX ; rmtonseisl oil , stead > ; prime cride ,
J9VoOc : prime crude , f. o. b. mills. MHtfllHc :
prim * summer yellow , 22Hc : off summer
> ellow. 22ii22i c : butter oil , 23V27c ; prime win.
ter } elh > . ZH ! r2SVSe
KKKinilTS TO l.lVintPOOl Strong ; cotton
by strain. 10:00 : grain by itenm. 3'ic.
UICB Stead } , fair lo exlra. 4 i06 ? o ; Japan ,
MOIjASSES Quiet : New Orleans , open kettle ,
food lo cho'cv ZJpllc.
MIJTAIA Sevenil changen In the lxnl m r-
ket ar nol.-d t lay , but business fal B to lr > -
piuve nppreclabiy. At the ctwo the Mela ! 01-
: hangt > calleil pig Iron warrants easy with ( SCO
bid and J8 70 askiM : lake copper , Ilrm v1'-
i:00 bid nnd li\i u ke > l ; with
JI1 33 bid nnd J14 3 > nskl ; spelti-r , uul t wltli
J43) bid and JIM uked ; lend , easy with J3 ti
bid and J ] < f > a.'ke-l Ttie firm flxlnv thn Fettling
lirlcc for Ifn. Unit minm * and Bmeilen * en.
tinue * It ) quole Ifml nt J3.SO.
IIUTTBII Itweliiu. 13,04i ) pUg * . ; firm : west-
urn crvamerj. 15 ! l cj Elgin * . Ho ; factory ,
160 17c.
I'HKK-iK-Ilecelplf. 2.171 pkgt ; steady : large
rholce , 7ijW7ic. imull , choice , 7 US\lc ; light
iklms. ! > , ; 'ii , part kUms. CffCc ; full ( klm . : ro.
i : ( lS Ilecelpls , 2.415 pkgs , ; firmer ; western.
southern ,
Urnilmtrc-rl'j * Vl llilt >
NB\V YOItK. April 19.-Ppcial cable and tele.
rraphlo dlnpatches to llradstrret'a , covering the
rtnclrtal polnu of accumulation. Indicate the
chanjc * In available supply lut Sat'
urdiy , s roinpntfJ with the pr cellng flnlur5I
d r !
WHEAT Unite Hlnlm ntul Canivln , cnst of
the Rooky tncnntnlni , dfinsnc , 1,410,000 liU.j
l.lverpiiol Corn Trndi- News , jilont for nnd In
Europe , drcrenri * . l.foO.OO bu ; wuld's faitpply ,
toltl ilecrrnre , t3tt,000 bu.
CORN-I'nlled Claim nnd Canada. cast of Hie
Kockr mountii'tw , decrease , 411.VOO bll ,
OAT8 t'ntUd Htntfn nnd Cnnndii , rntt of the
Rocky mountain * , decrenre , 1.31.3 CO ) bu
Anionc the more Important reactions , n g.vfn
by lira xlreefs not reported In the oinclal vlnl-
ble supply statement , nre do-r.-aiiM of 4CO.VO bu
nt Manitoba storageDalnlf , J-irtOcO bu at mirth *
western Interior rlevutois and .go ) bu at Port-
Und , Me.
The Important calm tiol otherwise reported
nre the Increase of ICOOro bu m New Otleans ,
77.0UO bu at I'levelanil , CJ(00 bu. \\lnnl.ieg
end 41,009 bu , ench at Akron nnd Oalventon.
OMAHI rnI > iTrri , > T\iiKKTS.
Cnnillllnn nf Trnilc unit ( lilotntloiin nn
Stntile niHl I'nnoy Produce.
EOClS-Oood stock. Sc.
1IUTTER Common to fair. SiJllc ; pirnlor
ISc ; gatheredrreimery , 13(7lOc.
VEAICholce fal. SO lo 1:0 liu. , quolid nt S { |
Sc ; largo nnd coarse , tKc.
LIVE POULTRY Ch'ckens , CU < ? 7c ; old roost
ers , 3'4flS > 4e : > oung rjosters , Ctf ! 4c.
CJAME Weather too warm for game.
PIOKONS Live , Jl.lilil.JJ , ilMd pigeons nit
* HAY Upland. J7.60 ; mlJltind , ISM ; lot-land.
li M ; rje sttnw , I110 ; color mak < n the prlnon
ha > ; light bales sell the best ; cnly top nr-id > -
bring top prices.
prices.VEOETARLHS. .
CELERY ( lood stock , lire * , Jvc ! small , KflJOc.
ONIONS-Per bu , ) > 0fl90c.
IlEANS-llHtid-plckud navy , per bu , 1.2i.
SWEET POTAlOLH-Kanwis. 10-peck bb'.s. ,
13 50 , need sweet potatoes , } i W.
CAUIIAHE-Oood stock , per Ib , njfj2c.
POTATOiS Hornu grown , Mi < "ic : Cnloralo
Hock , 7oc ; northern fancy early Ohio seed po-
Iflloos. Vo
TOMATOES-Per crate , seven baikets. J3.33.
NEW 1IEETS I'or do .
* bundle * . 45ffWc.
RADISHEh-Per doz. bunches , 30ff33c.
LETTt'fE Per iloz bunches 3 ; 40c.
OREEN ONIONS-1'or dolie. .
WATERCRESS-Por If ( it. case. Jl CO.
CVCUMHER1 * 1'er doJl.r.Wl.CO. .
WAX I1EANS 1,5 , bu. box , J1.25.
PIJAS Per basket. Jl 23.
SPINACTt Per ba'knt , It.
PIEPLANT-Pcr M-lb. box , J .
STllAWHEIiniES-Pcr 24-plnt case , 223 ; 14
It , case , Jl 30.
APPLES Winter stock , J3 OOfll 50 ; boxe , J1.23.
CIUNni.'IIIlHSi Tancv Jersey , per bbl. , JIO u-1.
QltAPHri-Malagis. J3 ( HffC 00.
OUANO1 California nnvols , JS.73&3 00 ; fancy
scedllngK. J2 23 ; choice , J2 00.
MJ.MONS-Callfornla fancy , J3.M ; cliolcc , t2 30'
fancy Me - > lnn , J3 OOffl 30.
IIANANAS choice , latg- stock , per bunch , J'CI
532 J5 ; medium slze.1 bunches. J1.73Q2 W.
NnViTSi7A1R""lf' per " ' larijc | z ° - "BiJe ;
small , lie : Urazlls , per lu. , Sfflitc ! Ensllsh wal
' ! b ' fn"ey soft shell , ICTfllc ; ft-indard" .
8V9C ! " 'bert" ' ' P"ib > 10o ; pecans , polished , me.
dlu' ' " ' ? % ' " ! ' = '
, , ; . . a'S - : Hrgp hickory
nut' , Jl OOB1.10 per bu. : rmiill. J1.235I1.35 per by.-
S' m' Hi I)0anuta > raw > l
KRAUT-Per bbl , 3 M ; half bbl. , $2 23.
MAPLE can , each , $2.73 ;
? ? ' . cani1' l > uri - P" do . , | 12 ; lialf-gal. cans ,
JdS.i ! quart cans , } 3 SO.
DATES HjlloHoe , CO to 70-lb. boxes , Me-
Salr , Do ; 1'ard-Mb. boxes , Jo.
CIOER-Pff half-bhl. , f3. bbl , 3.
HIDES No 1 green hides "
, Cc : No.
hide. . Cc : No 1 salted hides , sNo 2 SecS
salted hides , 7c : No 1 veal
calf , s lo 12 Ibs , Be-
No 2 vrai calf , 12 lo 13 Ibs. 7o. '
SHEEP PELTS Oreen i-nlted , each , 131I75e-
green silted shearings ( short ooled early skin ? ) '
each , loc ; dry the irlngs ( shjrt wooled e.irly
fklns ) . No 1 , each , tc ; dry fllnl Kansas nnd No-
bniFlta butcher wool pelts , per 11. , nctual weight.
4Buc ; dry Hint , Kansas nnd Nebraski murrain
S,00.1 , PSUsi"er " ' / a 'ua' ' weight. 3 1c ; dry
fllnl Colorado bulcher wool pell' , per Ib . aclual 483C ; dry Hint Colorado murrain wool
_ aciual _ vvelght , Jl
TAI UnV. OHEASi . : . T.TC.-Tallon , No 1. 3c-
InllDw. No 2 51/40. rousll tallow.
/ . iyc ; white
grease , 2i/jg2 ic ; jellow and brown grease , l < a < $
DRESSnD REEr-Oood nallve steer * . 7c
Ib. ; good forequarters steers , ( , c : gooi hlndqunr-
tcr steers , 9c
; vvcncrn steers , Cftc ; nallve heif
ers , Cc : western heifers , C14c ; pcod forequar-
lers heifers , G',5c ; good hindquarters heifers
S'ic ; nallve cons , G',4c ' ; western cowc c ; fa'r
cows. 6c : cow forequartcrs , Cc ; cow hlndquart r ,
Sc : backhalves. 6' f 4c : Irlangles , 4i.t- .
IIEEP COTsJ-Tenduiloins , fresh , 18c ; frozen
13c ; boneless strips , fresh , lOct frozen , Cc : strlii
loin ? , fresh. S < Jc : frozen , CV4c ; rolls , bonclfnii
frozen , tc ; fresh. l o : rolls. Spencer cuts , fro/en
e ; fresh. 10q : sirloin bulls , boncle s , froren !
8c ; fresh , 10a ' ; shoulder . . . ciods . . . , . bonele.s 6 crump -
rump butts , boneless , CHc ; No. 1 chucks , & % , < : .
No. 2 chucks , 44e ; No 3 clmcksIHe ; boneKs !
chuckc. frozen , 4jic ; fresh , 5Uc ; con- plates ,
31ic : steer plates , 4c ; Hank steak , 7c ; loins , No
1 , fro/en , 12e ; fresh , 14c ; loins. No. 2 , fro/en , lOe1
fresh , 12c ; loins , No. 3 , frozen , 8c ; fren-h , 10c ;
shoit loins , market Jlyle , 2c above loins ; hotel
style , 4o above loins ; cow loin ends , SVJc : sleer
Ion ends , Oijc ; lunging tenderloins , 4V-c ; ilbs ,
No. 1 , frozen , lOc : fresh , IJj ; ribs , No. 2 , frozen
kc ; fresh , 103 ; ribs , No , 3. frozen. 6c ; fresh , 8c-
No. 1 rounds , 7c ; No. 2 rounds , 6 c : No. 3
rounds , C4c ; beef roun's , shank off , ? , c addi
tional ; beef rounds , shank and rump off , lUc
adiltlonnl ; trimmings , 4ic ! ; beef shanks , Jc ;
brains . . , per doz , J5c ; sneelbreads , per Ib. , frozen ,
JOc ; fresh , 12Vic ; sweetbreads ( calves ) , per Ib ,
40c ; kldnejs , per doz. , 33c : ox tails , each , 3c-
livers , per Ib , 2Hc ; hearts , pr Ib. , 2Hc ; tongues ,
per Ib , lie ; calf livers , each. 3Sc : calves , whole
carcass or sides , lOlic ; calf head and feet ,
scalded , per set. Tic.
MUTTON Fancy lambs. Do per Ib. : regular
Iambi , So ; sheep , 7'4c ; market racks ( long ) , Sc ;
itotel racks ( ihcrl ) , lie ; loins , 9c : iaiidles , : ;
leg , 9c ; lamb legs , lOc ; breasts and alcns , 3Vic ;
longuea , each , 3c ; forequarlers , GHc.
PORK Dresed pigs , DVSc p r Ib ; dressed hogs ,
5 : tenderloins , IS- ; lo'nsmall , 6\c ; lame ,
C'i-c : rparo ribs , 4Hc | ham pausaKe bulls , 5Hc ;
Roston butts , CHc ; shoulders , rough , 4ic ; shoul-
iler.s. skinned , Cc : trimmings , 4Vic ; leaf lard , not
rendered , SVic ; heads , cleaned , 3c ; snouts and
eir * . 3c ; freh hams , 16 to 18 Ibs , 7Vic ; fresh
hams , short clears , C ic ; chrck meats , 4c ; neck-
bones , Cc ; pigs' tails , 3c ; plucks , each , Cc ; chit
terlings , 5c ; hocks , 4c ; hearts , per doz. 23c ;
stomachs , ench , 3c ; tongues , cnclf , 7c ; k'dnejs ,
per doz. , lOe : brains , per doz. , 13c ; pigs' feet , per
doz , 30c ; livers , each , 3c ; hoe rinds , 3c ; blade
bones , Cc.
St. I.onln-.General Mnrkrtn.
ST. LOUIS , April 13 FLOUR Higher , In sym-
pithy vvllli vvhen.t ; pitenls. J4.7 ; ? 4. ; Klralghls ,
Jl 3WI.GO : cleats , $4.0094.23 ; medium. )3.3K3.73. ( |
WHEAT-rlllBher , clos'nR * c for Mny , le for
July and Tc for September above > estenlny.
Spot , ) o er : No. 2 red , cash , elevator , Jl.CO'i ;
track , J1.02 ! April , H.OOiJ ; May , 1.024 : July ,
8i > o nsked : September , 77ic asked ; No. 2 hard ,
cash , 9Cc.
CORN Futures , firm and fractlonallj' hlitlur ;
Spol , higher : No. 2. cash , 25Vc ; April , 23tic :
May , 23/4 * bid ; July , 305 c asked ; Sepiembcr ,
31c askeil.
OATS I'utures higher , but trading was slight.
Spot , Bteady : No. 2. ca/h , 27e ; track , 27CIic ;
April , ZTe ; May , 27V4c nsked ; July , 2Jc bid ;
SepIemlH-r. 2i"4o b'i I ; No. 5 white , 2r
RYE Higher at Clc.
SEEDS mxseed. higher at 11.23. Prime tim
othy seed , J.C3 2.75.
CORNAIEAL-rirm nt J1.C301.6) ) .
IIRAN Dull and strong ; east track. Backed ,
HAY Strong ; prairie. IS.flOfiJ.fO.
RUTTDlf Lower ; creamery , lSG18',5c ; dairy ,
EOflV rirm nl9c. _
It VC.aiNO Unchanged nt S6 < Kc.
MirTALS-Lead , dull at J3.40. bpelter , lower
nt M.03.
PItOVISIONS Pork , higher ; slandard mess ,
J1.S71S. IAFflrmi > r ; prime , Ji ; choice , $3.10.
llacon , boxed shoulders , S3.C ff5.i : < > : exlra short
clenr. S.75 ; rlb . W.87H : shorts , > DO' salt
meals ( boxed ) , shoulders. SI.SOW I C2H : exlra
short clear. $3.23 ; rib' . Jj.37'5 ; charts , (3.CO.
JRECE1ITS Kinur. 8.00 bids ; wheat , 13.CO )
bu. : corn. M 000 bu. ; oats. 43.0X ) bu.
SHIPMENTS-riour. t.W-O - bids. ; wheat. K.OW
bu , ; corn , 1(7,000 bu. ; oats , 18.0CO bu.
Ilnltlmore Market.
RALTIMORE. April 19 KLOUR-Dull ; west
ern superfine. j.7M3.1' ' ) : western extra , $3 40
( ? ) i ; western family , $440itC3 ; winter wheal
patent , $4 S363.10 ; spring wheat patent , J3 230
-SO ; rprlng wheat straight , $3100323 ; receipts ,
16.111 bids ; exports , none.
WHEAT Strong ; spot nnd month. $1 G2 * ; I1 03 ;
May , $1.03O103W ; steamer. No. 2 red. 99(46"Vie ( ;
receipts. 27,333 bu : exports , none ; routhern wheat
by sample , $1.003103 ; southern wheat on grade ,
CJ7$1 03.
< X > HN Strong ; spot nnd month. 36U 36Hc ;
May. S < HfJ'iJ > c ; steamer mixed. 33VHi33\c ; re
ceipt * , 243,793 bu. : exporls , 107.1CS bu. ; foutliern
white corn , 37&37hc ; southern } ellovv corn , 37
tT3 c.
OATS Vlrm : No S white , lltjc : No. 2 mixed ,
31ff32c ; receipts , K.70J bu. ; exports , M.OOO bu.
RVE Strong ; No 2 nearby , S9Mf39tc ; No. 2
western. 61'ie ; recelpls , W.70S bu. ; exporls , none ,
HAY-Sleady : e-ioico timothy , 113 W 13 00 .
ailAIN KREIOHTS Firmer ; butlness ncllve ;
steim to Llterpool , per bu . 3Vjd. May ; Cork , for
orders , per quarter. 4 * . April : 3a W. May.
Ilt'TTER Firm ; fancy creamery , 2)o : faney
Imitation. 17O1S-- ; fancy ladle , 13c ; good Udle ,
13itl4c ; nore packed , 10 1 ' .
EdnS-TIrm ; fresh. lOVic.
' Steady : fancy New- York large. 91J
i9"c ; fitnry New York me Hum , 9U810C ; fancy
New Yofk. small. 10V4010'ie
nrnln ItecrtptB nt rrlnelpal Market * .
OHICAOO. April 19 Rlpts tolay : Whmt ,
16S care : corn. 4U cars ; oats. S17 cir .
MINNBAI-OLIS , April 19.-Rs lpts : Wheat.
103 ears.
KANSAS CITY , April 19. Receipts : Wheat ,
C6 cars.
nULUTH. April 19 Receipts : Wheat. CO can.
April 19 AVHB.VT Spot , film ;
No 3 r l , western , Ss Hd ; No. 1. ted. northern
spring , t * 3'jd ,
CORN S | t , flrm ; American mixed , new , 3s
S\.d : Anhl. I * fiU'l ' : May , V > d.
KIUI | St. Ixiul * fancy wlnler , nrm ; 10s.
PHOVISIONS lli f , firm ; extra India mejs ,
Bs 9J. Pork , flrm ; prim * mesj , flne w extern.
5I prim * m < > . In M him weMcrn , 4t M
' Ilnms. short cut , firm , K . llncnn , ilrm. tl 6-1 ,
hort ribs , 11 * M lone clear middles , light , 51' ;
Knit ; clour ml , Idles , hrivy , ton lid , short rlexr
Imtl.f. Ms rlntr In-llles , Un , thoutdrn , iiunre ,
SUs Ixvnl. tirlme wrstrm , dull. J7s
HOIrfAt London ( IMcine vnnst ) , dull , 2 ! '
4 104
CIIEIHK American , flnect while nnJ rolorrd ,
firm , 2M.
OIIJ4 cv > tlon wl , LUrrpool reflnrd , Mendy ,
Ils M. Tun > entlne spirits , steady , 21 * 0.1. Itntln ,
common , stead ) , 4n 4Vid
4'lty ( Jrnln unit PriivUlnnx.
KANSAS CITY , April -WHEAT-Strong. .
higher , No 1 hard , 94e ; No , ! , 92Ho ; No. 3 ,
t > 04flK'4c ! No. 1 red , S7c , No. 2. BIO'Kc No. 3 ,
3c ; Nn J fprlng , f9J7tKc ; No 3. 8HIJ7C.
COItN Higher. No J mixed. :
OATH-FIrm : No. 2 white. 23c ,
RYE-TIrm ; No ; , We
HAY AclUe. flrm , unchinged ,
llt'TTER-Sttady ! ereameo , HOl'c ! dairy ,
KOaa-rirm ; ficsh , S'ic.
IH-X'EIPTrt Wheat , J3.6UO bu ; corn , 51,800 bu. ;
cult , 8.000 bu.
HIIIPMENTS-Wheal , 21,000 bu. ; corn , 39.0M
bu. ; oats , none ,
Cliirlnnntl Mnrkrt.
fancv. J430 4S3 : family , t3.70ftt.04.
WHEAT- Firm ; No. 2 red. 83i- .
TORN Firm : No. e mixed. 3JUc.
OATrt Tlrm ! No. 2 mixed , 29c.
RYE-KInn : No. 2 , Me.
PROVIIlONS-Iwird , Ilrm , J3 07is. Hulk meats ,
steidy , J * > 2i. llacon , In fair demand , JC 00.
WHISKY Tlrm , II 2) .
IIUTTUR Lower : Elgin creamery , 19c : Ohio ,
12OlCc ; dairy , lopllo.
Ht'clAR Tlrm : hard refined. 51 3303.97.
EflOS Firm and higher nt 9c.
CHEESE Stead > ; good In prime Ohio flat ,
Tolfiln llnrket.
TOLEDO , April 19 WHEAT Higher , steady ;
No I cash , Jiojij : May , 11.0214.
CORN Active , stead ) ; No 2 mixed , 32c.
OATS Dull , fteadi ; No. 2 mixed , 2Sc.
RYi : Dull , flrm : No. 2 cash. Ble bid.
CLOVERSEED Acllve , higher ; prime ca h ,
J3 03.
Plillnili-lplilii I'
'alrlc lower ; fancy western creamery. Ib c ;
fancy prints , 20c.
1X5OS Tlrm and ViC higher ; fr sh ncnrby nnd
fresh western. He ; frenh po-jlhern , lOe ,
Detroit Market.
DETROIT , April 11 WHE VT N1 while.
97'5c : No. 2 red , mull nnd Miy , 991JC.
< XRN No. 2 mlx'-d , 54p.
OATS No. 3 white , SlHc.
RYE No. 2. o'ic.
Sun Prniiplnpo IVIipnt MnrltPt.
SAN FRANCISCO. April 19 WHEAT Stead > ;
December , Jl CS ; May. Jl.COiJ
IIARLEYeak ; December , Jl.31',5 ; May ,
I'eorln Market.
PEORIA , April-19 CORN I'lrni , higher ; No.
'OATS I'lrm : No 3 white , 27ijc.
WHISKY High proof fplrlts. tl.lW. .
Oiitlnilxtlp Siirriilnilorii Coiitlnno-
Ilu > - iSrcnirltlpn < vn VT Doc 11 IIP.
1W NEW 1 \ORIC. April 1 < ) There are men In
Will street still who believe that not n
gun will be flred In n war helween
thfir United States and Sp.iln , It Is dllllcult to
find what they bic this assumption on , but
they hold It with sulllJlcnt tenncllj lo decline
lobu sell oul Ihclr holdings In securlllc vnnd they
buy securities at any material de
cline. The e bujera were In tlio imrkel at the
opening today nnd they sustained prices nbovc
the London parity , thu Inviting rales far nibl-
Irage , nccounl of many Ihousand shares < if tne
International Murltles which had been boughl
In London at thd lowcrt price * ruling Ihere The
early declines in London seemed lo Indicate
a practical abandonment of Ihc hopes of peitc
and Spanish 4s , both In London and Paris ,
dropped 1V& per cent. This vveaknc's of SpnnUh
securities was especially demoralising on Ihe
P t bourse. The tendency continued
In I ondon even after the clo e of the exchange
In tradlrpr on Ihe slreet. It was n tendency
thai give color lo Ihe belief in certain clr'les
Init Wall slrecl that Spiln Is prepared to relin
quish Cuba as n last resort. The selling heie
for Ixindon account was nevertheless euinckni
lo effect declines nil through the list. . The In-
lernallonil slocks led In the trading and nearly
all showed declines of n point or upnard. The
bear triders were to some extent causing a
slight rally from the lowest. There was nt no
time any heivy pressure of liquidation. DealIngs -
Ings were sllshlly larger lhan jesterday nnd
were much belter distributed , but tha imrket
was still very nanovv and there WTS no bis
movements In prices. Operations In the money
imrkel continued very much restricted , though
there Is no apparent lack of money for call
loans on the Stock , exchange , loans being made
ntw 2 per cent. The tone of the exchange market
was rather firmer and there were no Important
cmcagemenls of gold for Iniporl. Holdeia of
money nre inclined lo await iho decl'lon of the
government < ns to n bond Issue , The. demand
from the interior for money continues. Th *
high rntet at which time loans and commercial
paper ' nre ruling nre hnvlni * their effect In re-
Mrlcllng1 business opernlions outside of tpc-ula-
tlve circles. The dullne-s of 'peculation in se-
curlllea Is doublle-s due nlso In parl to the
diversion of active speculation Into the wheat
and cotton markets. The market for railroad
bonds conllnues peml-slagnint nnd prices gen
erally declined. Tolnl sales , J C3 MO. United
State * new4s declined U and the Es U pec rent
In the bid price today. Others were unchanged.
The Evening Post's London financialcab'e -
gram sajs : The city Is relinquishing all hopes
of peacel l > elweeen the United States nnd Spiln
nnd considers that war can only be averled by
n miracle. Conrctiuently there was n heavy tone
In nil the Block markels today , especially for
all Paris- specialties , the bourse there being de
moralized by the continued fill In SpinlJh 4s.
which clored nl Ihe lowesl , 37. Wonder Is ex-
presiod here that Americans hnld Ihelr own C10
well. Many were restrained from felling too
freely by the rmnner In which New York was
absorbing stock. The clotc was comparatively
steady. The view Is held In come quarters lhal
Ihe outbreak of war will slop gold shipments lo
New York , because of the high Insurance pie-
mlum. Some well Informed people think other
wise , having regard to the fact thai shlpmenls
could be made via Canada. Gold was In
stronger demand for New York today. The ar
rivals of German coin were larpe and more Is
coming ! as fie re ult of the Hank of England's
policy , outlined In the i > dhpatches jesterday.
Following are the closing quotatlono of the
lending stocks on Ue New York market today ;
Atchlflon . 11H SI.P..V On . tS
dor.fd . i t do pM . HO
Haltlmoroi Ohio. , in St. P.M. AM . 130
Canada Pacific . 77Ki So. Pnelflo . 1'JH
Canada soumerii. . . 4ilh 50. Rnllvray
ConlralPacltle . 11H do pfd
Chra.&Omo . 18 Texas * Pacific. . . . 0' (
Chicago & Alton. . . .134 Union Paclllo pfd. . BOU
C..II.4Q . " < U. P. common . I'
. . U.P.D.4.Q . y
C.C.C.A SU L . 27 Wnbash .
clopfd . 781 rte pfd . IS
Del , v Unison . 1U3M Wheel. A L. 13 . \
Del. L. & W . 145 Win-el. . L. E. pfd S
Icn..VKloO . 10K Ad.imi Kx . inn
do pfil . 41 American Ex . 12(1 (
Krlnnow ( ) . 11H United States Ex. . . 17
Erlolatpfd . 31 Ex. . . . 115
Ft , W.ivno . 10H Am. Cot. Oil . 1(1 (
RreotNorlhnrn pfd. 1 17 A. Cot. Oil pfd . 11 *
HoeKlmr Vallov. . . . 6' Am. Splriti . 8U
IlllnolitCdntril. . . . nt Am. Spirits pfd . 20
Am. Toooceo . IDS1 /
do pfd . till do pfd . ll'J
Lak Shor . 17T. Pi'oplo's Uaa . KS' '
Loiusvlllo Is Naih. 47 Cons. .1H 174 > ,
Manhattan L . 04 Com. Ca'ilo Co 150
Mot. St. Uy . ISO Col. F. Alrou 17H
Michigan CnntraL.lUlK do plR . 00
Mlnu.ASt. L . 24 Ocn. Elcctno . 31
dolalDfd . 70 Illinois Stool . 45Vi
Mo.l'nclHc . 25H LaClcdo . 40
MobtloAOhlo . 25 Lead . ys ,
Mo. 1C. AT . 10 uo pfd . , . 11)1
Mo.K. Ji T pfd . 31 Nat. lAn. OIL. . 11
Cbl.Itid. 4.L . 7 Oregon Imp. Co . 27
cloiifd . 21 ! Paellia M.vll . -j
K. . I. Control . tU Puilninn Pal . 170
N. Y.Contral . 10 > ii ) Silver Certlllcaloa. . CU
N. Y. Chi. & SL L. . UN Stand. Hope A. T. . . .
do 1st pfd . UU Sugar .
dolidpfd . 'J8 do pfd . lull
Norfolk A Western l- T. C. A iron . 10H
No. Amcr. Co . CM U.S. Leather . J >
No-Pac-lUc . 22U do pfd . 6il
doufd . fl'JH U.S. Rubber : . L'
Ontario W . 14)i do pM . Urt
Ore. K .VN.-vv . 4.1 Western Union. , . . 8SV
On- . Short Line . ' . ' 8 Norlhwrslem . 110U
Plttnburir . 108 do pfd . 172
U .idinfc- . 16 Rio urando West . 2J
Hock Island . 8J1I do pfd . BJ
S. L.AS > . V . Uk Chlcairp-Groat . . 10'j
Oo Ibtpfd . 63 51. L. AS. W . 4
St. Paul . 8UH do pfd . H
do pfd . KU Uuadlni ; lnt pfd. . . 37)4
Hnvvjll C. C. . 19
Total sales of stocks today , 1SI.SOO shares. In
cluding Il.SOO Chicago , Ilurllpgton K : Qulncy ,
S.SOLoulcvlllo - S. Nashv Ille , 5.200 Manhallan.
4.SOO Metropolitan , 3,600 New York General , 3,00 (
Northern Pacltlc. 11,600 Northern Pacing pre
ferred , 5.CCO Rock. Island , 20,478 St. Paul , 13,247
Union Pacific preferred , 10,000 Union Pacific ,
Denver & . Gulf , 3C:00 Tobacco , 1C.ill Sugar ,
Snn Krnnclxro Mlnlnir Quotation ! .
SAN FRANC1BCO , April 19 Olllclal closing
quotations on mining stock * today were a *
lows :
Alia . 20 Jimllce i ; |
AlphaCou . j4 Kentucky Con. . . j
Anne * . i3 Mexican 19
Belcher . - tlS incidental Con. . . . 275
llestA Oelcher. . . . S Ophlr 50
liulllon . 03 ) vcrinan 4
Caledomt . r.l i'utosl 40
ChallentroCon . s.ivairtf is
Cbollir. . 20 Sierra Naraaa. . . . H4
Cou. Cat. A Va. . . . 77 Uulun Con us
Crown Point. . ri Ut ih Con H
CiuulQACurrle. . : 23 Yellow Jacket. . . . 13
Ral * * Norcrusa. . 114 Standard 105
Sliver bars , KHc ; Mexican dollars ,
drafts , slsht. 15e ; telegraph. 17 ! c.
LONDON. April 19 Tlie > market for American
necurltlei were sliRh ly b tter near the cloie , leav
Ing off steady , with the demand generally light
Trading was mostly professional On the uree
American necurltlri Improved. pant > h 4s were
weaker. 37 being vleadlly offered throughout the
day. The amount of bullion gonp Into the lunk
of England on balance loday , 316,000 American
eagles amounting to 53.000 were withdrawn from
the Rank of England loday. Hold Is quoted a
A ) re * today at ICC SO.
PARIS , April 19 Prices on the biurre toda
were weak , fpinlsh 4 * leading the do line. Th
joint action of the United btatiit congress u cnn
ildered a * eic'udlng a chance for peace. Th
whole ieiilon w W uglialed and all kecurltle * 1
ron Stiver HS Union Coil -0
Muxican 13 Yellow Jaakot . . . . > 0
Loniloii Slock Uiiotntloiift.
LONDON , April 19 I p. m Co lnjs :
: onolfl. iii'v. . . , ! ! ! ) 11-111 N I' . Centnii 11-JX
. nocl..llO C-1U IVnnsvhanla 3M
Can. I'acino Uonilln ; HH
! - ' Mcx ( , cii. HOW i > . . Ii3
Atch'Kon 11H
II. . ltm ( L , . A.N 4SVJ
trMcauonlmarv. 1HH Onnd Trunk 7)i
t. I'.iul common. . . S'.IH
IIAIt SII.Viil-Qulet. 25 13-lbJ per ounce.
MO HV 2i , pel cent. 'Ihe rate of discount
n the open imrket for s'inrt bills , 3 13-1C per
ent ; the rate of discount In the open market
on three months' bill * , 3 > per cent.
rinHiit-iiii j-----
AHA. April 11 The Ueirlnss for the diy
vere $ M2,3C7 CJ : balances , Jl3S.3l3.lO. The clinr-
ngs for 1817 were $ C-f,7 ! i ) n nnd the balances
2l,4tOC Increase In clearing- , wr.,577.51.
CHICAGO. April 19-CleirliiKs , $16,670.000. liil-
nee ? , $1.4C2.2CO. New Yolk exchange. 33-c dls-
otint. Sterling exchange , po tcd rales , $ I.S1SJ )
, S4Vi. r.clual , Jl.SOift4.S3for : slxly day * .
I.79O4.S2 * , . htockH , Jull anl lower ; Sti.iwboard ,
.T4 ; clly rnlhva > , 223 ; Diamond Mnlch , lid ;
s'orth Chicago. 2C8 ; West Chicago , S3V4 ; lllscult ,
2 ? , : lllsctilt prefeiivd , 7 * '
ST. LOUIS. April la.-Clearlngs. tl , < 09,432 , til-
.noes. . { WS.177. Mcnty , CliS per cent , New York
\clmnge , 2ic d'pcount bid , pir nsked ,
NEW ORLEANS , April 19 Crnrlngs , $1E3I-
( M : New York oc.innKP , bank , par ; lommer-
! lal. $1 per il.WO dlscftunt.i
MEMPHIS. April lU.-Clearlngs. $32SOS7 ; bil-
ances , $ S3,81S. New York exchange. Jl.CO pre
mium. J i
PHILADELPHIA. April 19.-CtJarln ; ? , $11,8:8-
38 : balances , $ l,401S > 0. ,
YORK. April 19.-Clcarlngs , $126.134:59 ;
HALTI.MORE , April .J9.-Clearlnss , $2.588.978.
tj i lances. $455.021. "
CINCINNATI. April' -iNew York exchange ,
5ifCOc [ d'reount ' , Monej-4 4Q6 per cent. Clear-
ng , $1,949C30
nt Llvx-iriiool In nrfleeted
Ifere In Ill lifr Prleen.
NEW YOUK , Aprlfl9.rientlnient | ! In the col
on market this morninir favored the bull side ,
lue more to the continued strencth of the Kns-
Isii market nnd support nt this point from Llv-
rpool firms than to any * concerted action on the
art of local bulls.
After a decline of 1 point
n resPOIIFO to the disappointing
turn of
our inar-
iet jestcrday afternoon , the Liverpool market
his morning turned a sharp corner , advanced
ill polntil nnd closed nrm al a net gain of 2
21 , polnls. In sympathy with the boiler feeling
nbroad our market cpened nt an advance of CfK
lolnts and ruled
active throughoul Ihe forenoon ,
vlth Liverpool representatives Ihe
crs. helling was about evenly divided between
AVall tirtri and Hie smaller bulls. The markel
: losed steady nt n net advance of C@7 points
feiwt , steady ; middling , Cijc ; net receipts , none ;
gross , 2,243 bales ; exports to Greal llrltaln , 6,458
mles ; lo rrance , : oo biles : lo Ihe continent , 1,775
bales ; forwarded , 812 bales ; * aes. ! SCO bales ;
stock , 153.7M bales. Total loday : Net receipts ,
16,303 bales ; exports to Great Rrltnln , ,4Xi ! bales ;
to France , 4,300 bales ; is the conllnent. 1,775
bales ; stock , 70S.417 biles. Consolidated : Net re-
cclpts , 44,414 bales : exports to Great lirltnln.
IS.I..S bales ; lo Trance
, C.3CO bales ; to the con-
llnenl , O.G81 bales. Tolal since September 1 : Net
receipts. 8,091S07 bales ; exports lo Greal Ilril-
aln , 3,003,031 bales ; lo Trance , 734,409 biles ; to
thu conllnent , 2 620,003 bales.
NEW OIILKANS , April 13 COTTON Futures ,
, v u-j yw uv i uHiiutiij , a v'lutrt OUl lit til i J UICV ,
3.COO bales ; ordinary , 4 9-16c ; good ordinary ,
4 15-16c ; low middling , 5 C-16c ; middling , 5 11-lbc ;
good mldrillnR , 6 1-lCc ; mlddllniT fair , 6 7-lCc : re-
celplft 4.615 bales ; slock , 2 0 w bales.
LIVUItrOOL , April 19. COTTON bpot , ncllve ;
demand good ; prlcci nrm ; American mlddllns.
3'id. The sales of Ihe day were 13,000 bales , of
w.iicli 1,000 bales were for epeculallon and ex
port nnd Included 14,200 bales American ; re-
ccipls , 40.000 bale * . Including 34.SOO bales Ameri
can. Tutures clo ed Ilrm : American middling.
1. m. c , April. 3 29-64fr3 W-C4d , value ; April and
Mny. 3 2D-64B3 30-C4d , value ; May and June.
3 29-04473 S0-64d , buyers ) June nnd July , 1 29-C4IJ )
3 30 ld. value ; July nnd August , 3 30-CI.1 , sell-
fn ; August nnd Septcrrther. 3 29-6lff3 ; 0-C4d , sell-
crs ; September and October : 3 29-G4i 3 30-64d , bu > -
ers ; October and November , 3 2S-C4d , buyers ;
November nnd December , 3 27-64j3 ! 2S-6M , value ;
December nnd January , 3 27-Clfi3 S-6ld , value ;
January and Tebruary , 3 27-64S3 2JC4d , liujers.
Wool 3IitrKcti.
BOSTON , April 19 WOOIThe wool market
liero continues dull and. the nclual business has
been the leairf ; of any week jet reported. The
fact of the matter Is that with war looking-
jrobabln there la lei dUpe ltlnn on Ihe part of
the manufacturers to buy wool than since the
trouble first began. Dealers as n rule are ac
cepting the situation as It U , nnd vvherc they
BCD no one desiring to buy wool they are noi
trylnij to force buflne s , although a bujer wllh
ca h could probably get concessions from present
prices quoted on nearly all kinds of < lometU
wool. The fcllovvlng are the price * quoted 'for
the leading descriptions ;
Ohio and Tenmrlvanla ( ieeees X nnd above.
2Sffi37e : XX , 29u ; XX. above 30c ; delaine , SOU
31c ; No. 1 combing , 30c. Michigan. Wisconsin.
etc X Michigan , 2ic ; No. 1 Michigan comb
ing , 2S@29c ; No. 1 Illinois combing , 2S328C ;
No. 2 Michigan combing , 28&29c ; No. 2
Illinois combing , CS29c ; X New York ,
New Hampshire and Vermont , 23i4e ! :
delaine , Michigan , 28c , , Unwashed medium-
Kentucky nnd Indiana , quarter blood combing ,
23o ; three-eighths bloqd , 3c ; Missouri quarter
blood combing. 22/2Jc ; three-eighths blood , 2JB >
23c ; braid combing , 79 ; ; Luke and Georgia , ? ; c.
Texas wools Spring medium (12 ( months ) , 18f )
18c ; scoured , 4Ji3c ; spring fine (1 ( ! montt i ) ,
18919c ; B-oured , SOc. Territory wools Moniana
fine medium and line. I&ftlSc ; gcound.
staple , COo ; Wjomlng , ete , fine me Hum anl
line , 15ffl7c : scoured , 447c ; staple , CO.Aus
tralian wool Scoured bittli. combing , njpcrllne ,
70 72c ; combing , good ; CT-nrac ; combing , average ,
C2fiC3c ; Queenalind , romblm ; . Clc.
ST. I/Jl'Irt , April' lP.4WOOIEasler ; m -
dtum , lofllSc ; light Htif * . iO6c ; ; heavy fine , 8
l c ; tub washed , r2fiJ4e. .
Coflct' Jljirki-t .
NRW YOIIK. April 19. COKTRR-Optlnna
opened steady , w'th prices unchanged to G poln's
tower , ruled dull and fealurelevi , with tendency
downward under lack of' speculative FUptwrt :
trading entirely of professional character and
chiefly for cloilng out of accounts , owing to
warlike political news. ' < * lo > ed Mcudx. vvllh
price * 10 points h'gher trt 10 points lower ; sales ,
14,000 bags , IncludingVrll at J3.S04j3.f5 ; May ,
J3.7G > 3.(0. Spot coffee. " lllo , dull ; No. 7 , In-
volcr , J6.75 ; No 7. jobbing. 17.23 , Mild , quiet ;
Cordova , Jt.23fJ13.00. Total warehouse deliver
ies from Ihe Vn't d males , 33.C93 bags. Includ
ing 36.S70 from New York ; New York stock to
day. 49S.C2S barn ; United States ( lock , CJO.TOI
hags ; afloat for Ihe 1'nlted Slate } , 40000 baxs ;
total visible for the United States , 1,0.3.704 bass
against 6C1.C01 last year end 333,4:0 In 1835.
SANTOS. April 19.-COKFKK-Flrm ; good average -
erage Santo * . 9 2A > rets ; receipts. iCuO bags ( two
davs ) ; ( lock , 463.0M bugs.
IIAUIIUnn. April 19 COFFKE-Opined ijpfg
loner ; at 2.30 p. m , Upfg h'gher to ' .jpfg loner ;
sa'ea. 16.W ) bags.
IUO DKJANKinO. April . -COI nn-Klrm ;
No. 7 nio. 9,40) rels ; exchange. 6d : receipts.
1JCCO bags ( t o da > s ) ; cleared for the United
Slates. 29.000 linn ; tlejireil for Kurope , 3WO >
bairs ; Mock , 112,000 bacs.
HAVUK. April 19-COFKEE-Closed Kf net
lower ; sales , 5,00 } bags ,
California Dried Frail * .
KRUITrt Steady ; evaporated apples , common ,
prime wire tray , < 8c ; wood dried , prime.
" choice. 8c ; fancy. m\te Prunes. SVf
"He. Aprlroti , Iloyal. 5H 7c ; Moor Park. 8VJO
lOc. Teaches , unpeeled , tfJSc ; peeled , lie He.
Hotter Tone Underlies Business , but Sonio
Uncertainty Eemains.
Deiuniiil for Klllem IMi
on tlip Tidy licetm , but
Still llrnir
llettcr All Ariiiiiul.
SOUTH OMAHA , April ID.-Ilecclpts for
the days Indicated were :
Cattle. Hons. Sheep. Hof 8.
April 1D..V 2,733 5.276 3.951
April IS 1,47.1 1,824 1,503
April 16 lo.H. CWJ 7.725 21
April 15 2,20V 6,049 1U.J76 .
April 14 1.411 5,778 11.727
2,512 u.172 1.S90
April 12 . u55 2.000
April 11 1,587 2.7JO 0,7'Jl
April 9 7M 3ICC 921
April X 1,8-M 4.2J1 1.S9S
April 7 l.tXXi 5,482 14,3.0
April fi 3,545 8.21 $ 7 , 03 2
April 5 2,619 C.052 3o5t ! C4
April 4 LIMJ 1.133 9,43 $
April 2 hno 3.110 3,127
April 1 1,741 6,112 3XM !
The ofllclal number of cars of stock
brought lu today by each road wus :
Cattle. Hogg. Sheep.
C. , M. & St. P. ny s
O. Sc St. L. Ily 2
Missouri Pacific Ity . .
Union 1'nclllc Sjstem 46 27 6
O. it N.V. . Uy 1 . . - . .
F. . 13. & M. V. 11. 18 15 26 C
S. C. & 1' . Ky 1
C. , St. P. . M. Ac O. Ily . .
B. & M. H. 11. 11 29 19 C
C. , 11. & Q. Ily 2
C. , H. I. & P. Ity. , west 7 1
Total receipts 119 37 IS
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated :
Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omnhn Packing Co 119 S25 . . . .
O. II. Hammond Co 07S 7CJ
Swift und Company151 9J1 1,402
Cuduhy Packing Co OIJ 1,724
P. D. Armour , Chicago. . 177 . . . .
J. L. C.itey 19 . . . .
Krebbs & Co 39 v. . . .
Hill & Huntzlnger 10 . . . .
L. r. Husz 40 . . . .
Livingston & Schaler. . . . 7S
Swift , from country 370
Plnnklnton , Milwaukee S > 3
C. P. & 1' . Co. , Xeb. City . . . . 975
Other buyers ' 143
Left over 150 . . . . l,7.'iO
Totals 2.449 5,370 3.7J1
Today's receipts of live stock vvcro of
moderate proportions for a Tuesday , there
being u falling off as compared with a
week ago of ovtr JW cars. It was , however ,
n very fair run considering that jestcrday'it
rain woqultis general and extended over
a considerable portion of the state , thus
interfering with shipping operations.
CATTfjIi A few over lu ) cars of cattle
vveru ri-ported In the yards this mornlns.
the most of them killing cattle , with a
sprinkling of stockers tintl feeders. Tne
maiket as a whole was In fair condition
and an eutly clruinnce was effected.
The buyers seemed to bu In need of beef
steers und handy little cattle were .it least
strong , some would s.iy stronger than jes
terday. The offerings of suirh were free
sellers and supplies vvi-tu soon exhausted.
Heavy cattle were not such good sellers ,
the demand being a little slow as usual , bu :
the good kinds could be called steady.
Hough , Yieavy cattle were. In the language
of the yards , "mwin , " but It has been a
long time nlnce any other word could bo
used In connection with theai and it was
a question If they were any meaner thai
yesterday or at the close of last week , stll
it would hardly bo safe to quote them any
more than barely steady.
Good cons and heifers sold pretty well
but buyers seemed to feel that there was a
Stoat plenty here nnd were consequent ! } take their time , so that the
market was not very snappy. The offerings
however , were for the most part sold In
good season. Medium grades -of cows , sucli
ns nre selling nt about $3.4003.0) , were In
clined to ha a little slow nnd weak.
The offerings of stockers and feeders In
first hands were not large , but there are
qiilto a good many cnttle In the hnnds o
tegular jard operators. Pilces were about
steady at the decline of last week , but UIL
market was slow. It Is said that the farm
ers are all busy In the fields and that they
do not have time to visit the market to buj
cattle , while , at the same time , the break
In the beef markat has acted as a stll
further hlnderonce. Itc.ular opjrators a
the jnrds are llgurln ? that after the rusl
of spring farm work Is over with there wll
be a renewed demand for stock cattle from
the country , nnd that Increased buying wll
send prices upagain. . That remains to b
seen. Kepresentatlvo sales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. pr.
22..1324 $1 CO J6..1333 $1 51 11..1570 $4 53
20..11f6 4 40 31..1250 4 40 38..1138 4 33
13..1103 423 1..1670 400 1..10SD 430
3..1170 4 25 44..11S4 4 15 2I..129- 25
2..1010 4 00 1. , . . 910 4 00 26..1140 4 10
20..1163 4 30 6..1390 4 40 1C..1308 4 15
2..1330 451 6. . . . WO 420 7..1137 420
SO.,1267 413 26.1354 411 C3..1323 4 W
2..1160 4 33 1..1J70 4 00 L. . . 911 4 15
4 . . . .104i 435 33..1087 4 2J 20..112-3 370
23..1400 4 40 1..1190 4 3' ' ) L. . . 820 4 20
71..1333 450 18.1010 433 G..1181 4 3)
11. . . . 911 4 00 37..1371 4 23 14..1517 4 40
20..117K 4 K 3.93G 4 20 L. . . 730 3 73
22..1210 4 53 1..1330 4 55 19..12.VJ 4 20
2J..1136 4 30 41..1181 4 30 19..1076 4 10
L. . . 780 350 G..1002 413 13..1161 425
13..S4.W 4 50 19..1142 4 34 8..1031 4 15
26..1273 4 4' II..149 , 4 30 22..1142 4 2.1
L. . . 714 33' t..HK 4 G3 1..13SO 425
17..1451 4 SO 15..1003 4 50
1..1420 3 90 1..I270 3 90 7..1142 3 95
1..1120 1 340 I. . . . 9TO 300 1..10W 3 0
1. . . . 930 273 2. . . . 930 273 L. . . 920 275
1..1200 3 GO 1..1I49 3 40 1..1C90 S 70
C3..10IO 3 M - 8..1090 3 80 1..1110 4-10
1..13CO 1 300 I. . . . 963 2 SO 3. . . . iS'J 375
L. 1 . . SCO 333 1..110. ) 335 1..1330 36)
1..1170 1 3 23 L. . . 7SO 3 W 40..1035 3 80
1..1240 385 1..12CO 360 1..1HO 3(0
2. . . . 910 3 70 L. . . 940 2 8' L. . . W3 40
3. . . . 930 300 16..1166 3 CO J. . , . SSO 285
21. . . . 914 3 5 > 3. . . . 933 304 36..1103 365
L. . . 730 SCO 1..1214 37 , 1..13-0 3M
1..1400 410 1..1220 381 2..1123 3(0
2. . . . 700 3 34 41..112S 3 93 25..10)7 3 J5
3..10SO 3 00 6..1016 3 71 L. . . ! S > 3 2"
I..1ICO 3 65 L. . . 970 3 M 1..1240 4 00
1..1200 373 1. . . . 970 361 L. . . 510 373
L. . . S94 3 CO L. . . 830 SCO I..134J 310
6. . , . 853 295 1. . . . 960 311 IS..10.11 3 4S
1. . . . 930 J 80 3. . . . 953 3 00 21..1030 3 K
L. . . 730 300 17..1079 363 2..1153 3 SO
1..1090 3 65 20..1017 SCO 1..1120 4 OJ
5. . . . 846 3 CO 43. . . . 62.1 3 43
1. . . . 450 3 50 18..1X,6 ( 3 8' 1. . . . 970 3 73
1. . . . 830 3 70 2. . . . D03 4 00 2. . . . 9)3 4 00
1 , . . . CV ) 3 SO 1. . . . SSO 3 73
3. . . . 1373 3 5.1
23. . . .1410 4 23
I..KCO 3 40 1..17W 3 GO 1..2010 3 50
i..uo 3 oo i..i3io s S3 r.isio 3 40
1..1120 335 1..1490 310 1..15GO 340
1..1010 3 S3 1..1430 300 1..11CO 350
l..iW 335 1. . . .14,10 350 1..1370 340
l..U'\l ' 344 1..1C40 340 2..1 ) 330
1..1WO 3 20
1..S10 300 1. . . . 140 600 1. . , . ISO 600
2. . . . 230 6 S3 1. . . . 360 5 00
1..124" 3 25 4..160- CO : . . . .17CO 4 00
1..1770 3 73 1..10CO 3 33
19. . . .1045 4 40 1. . . . 7EO 4 40 1. . . . CT > 4
5. . . . 63S 4 25 9. . . . K't 4 33 10..10T.7 4 40
1. . . . 560 420 1. . . . 540 425 9. . . . 541 4 15
10. . . . 5C1 4 90 3. . . . 883 4 10 10. . . . C77 4
38. . . . 818 4 DO 1. . . . 8SO 4 SO
HOOS About flshty rar of hogs were on
sale today , or about fifteen les tlmn a week ago.
ThB market ho\ved Brent Improvement over
yesterday as regards the general feeling. The
buyers Ewmed to want the hos toda > , both
packers and ihlpperc , arM they were out early
looking for them , whllo yesterday It teemed as
It they would lianVy talio them as a gift. The
result wan a good. t idy and actlio market ,
closing a little Rtronxer.
The hogs old at about the rame prtceg as on
Saturday , that I" , largely at 13 CO , with a Kprlnk.
ling at J3 62H and ( J C5 , while as hlEli as (370
wan paid for omo choice Lutqher vtelEhts. "ica-
terday the average of all the s.iles was a frac
tion ui > ' r (30) , and today It waa a little above
that mark.
The movement wai active at the prevailing
prices and every thing In the j arils waa Bold
and weighed up at an early hour.
The hogs rold to Jay Jutt lOc lower than one
week aero and 17V o lower than two wetks ago ,
which was the high point of the month to date.
Ilepiesentatlve tales ;
No. Av. Trice. No. Av. Price.
7S . 2. ? IM H 55 S3 . * W 200 Jl 57tf
71 . 237 . . . 3 57H 61 . 2l IM 3 57 > 4
M . 249 . . . ice ci . rrs . . . 3 w
7S . 263 KO 3 CO CO . 203 . . . 3 CO
CO . 2M . . . 360 120 . 23 ! 243W
7J . Z37 120 1 60 63 . 2JJ 160 3 W
CS . 2ST SO 3 60 77 . 7 . . . SCO
. 2C7 . . . 3 60 63 . 167 120 3 CO.
72 . 24t . . . SOT O ! . 216 40 3 CO
38 . 213 80 3 CO CO . 314 21S U
56 . 34S 160 S O ) 70 . 278 160 S 60
63 . 2S2 160 3 CO CO . 27 : . . . 1 CO
61 . 2SI 80 3 60 76 . 227 . . . S 60
23 . 373 . . . 3 Ci ) 61 . 2S2 W 3 60
53 . 374 80 1 60 67 . 244 . . . S 4S1
k5 . 245 120 S 60 78 . 23J 130 3 W
G ! . Vf ! M 3 CO 61 . S > } 160 3 CO
71 . Z66 SO 3 CO 73 . 25S 0 3 00
23 . 230 . . . 3 b ) 79 . 2tt 80 S 60
84 . ! 14 4S 6) 7 ! . 233 SI 3 CO
19 . ; * ) too 3 CO C6 . 265 129 3 CO
72 . 14 84 SCO C3 . 211 S ) 3 W
u . . jii M a M 47 . . . : < o M j eo
M . . . jsj m a w . . .an 44 > i
569 . . . a 0 11 . . . K1 V m
: , , :3i . . a MH M. : i so s u
M . . : ; * ID a BJH 74 : " > . a fi' {
70. . . . :3i . . . a nvt M . . . aw : < o a CJH
61 . . J47 w a s i 74 ire a CJH
j . . . , : c so a 014 , 21 tr. a w , \
. . . . jn n ) a cj i 3 , . . . ra 4) 104
j. . . . r 7 < o a RIJ M . 3-j . a < i
. . . .570 SCO a H 50. , . Ill 10 a f m |
' " ' * ' " * '
! "MI o a M ( ! . . . . ) . a 5
. ,3C . . a K 11. . 3 : " 4) 3 fS
. .sat . . . a a ; u. . 2c . ' , a 65
. , .217 . . . aM 65. . . . . 211 . , 3fil
t :3i . . . a M 71 wo iw 3 5
0 . , . J . . . 3 M. . . ! 97 M .1 M
i J'.J . . . a 65 77 1 SO 3 70
: ; r . . 3 74 ci ii ; . . . a nu
L..IM . . . SW 1 ! " . . . 300
1 200 . . . 2:0 1 4 0 . . . 313
1 m 40 343 2 Ill . . . 3 CO
I M . . . a ro s.f > ; . . . a to
1 ni . . . 355 1 157 . . . 3 65
e jos . . . 3 sn ; 2 uo . . . anvt
. . . . . . . . . . . . 3 00 6 . , KS . . . a 64
6 281 . . . 36) S 27 . . . a CO
i 213 . . . a co
HHi : ! : ! ' The market was slow nnJ dull. In
iddltlon to belnic loner. Itepresentnllve tales :
N'o. Av. Pr.
16 nilxeil ewes niul vvcthers si $1 33
19 Mexican lambs M 6 M
16.1 Mexican lambs , . , M 523
3 spring lamb * 4 < 6 M
W7 western limbs , , b3 4 SO
; illC.UU > LIV13 STOCK 91.UIKUT.
In llotri l'Active nt Stronn
April 10Trndo In rattle tnfuy
was dull at nbcut ) enterd.i8 prlos. N'o cholc4
were oTennl , the ucelpO nveruglnK
ptorly In qiinlHj. btovkon nnd fcedcri mjld
nt 173triC3 : tnill . 2.SOt3.90 ! ; rows nnd Itclfi-r * .
Cahos vvwre active but b trlRj
IOITIT. choice Mllng nt t' WH-3 M
Tmdp In ltog was eollve nt stroni ; pi'ivs ' ,
li-s iwlng ut } 3631i92'4 ! ' for common to iilmu
u'Ks. hik-s were Ur rly nt f3.5i > ff3.Kj ! ) | ! : , >
llKht H'llliiK loc under Ihc lat. . 1'i a jld
lirgi-ly ' nt W1SJI3IO and at } 3 4Mf3 M ) fur heavy
welm'its. Prime llpht plgi fold nt $37' ' .
' '
SIHJBl' 1'nlilv nctlve at uncliingid prices.
riidejt weic m.ide nt 13 50O4 63. \t ullngA .ind
iwoj'1 ' . tt < M1' At IISJt4M | a"a 1-"ls Al
lliCiii'TM-CAttlc. : 1\0 ( hcn < l : calves. " 50J
headj hogs , 21,000 bend , shceii , 7W ) head.
ST. LOUIS. April 19.-CATTLi :
Hccetpt * . 1 9X )
licaj. Including to ) Texani ; shipment * , uoo'heiul :
market ) ; fnlr to fancy native shipping
nmt - " > export blicr" , $4.aiuS.a > . bulk of sales , JI.'iO
( li-twa tecf nnil but lur btccr3. . O
' '
. . . , -1W4 50 ; bulk'of sale'-i , $ l.20 4.40 , sto'ck-
eri and feeder , JS.Wftl.1 * ) ; bulk of silo * , 13.635 *
4.W ' ; cows and heifers , ti.fOtfl.tu , Texii and In-
'lan srs. | JS.Uip-I.W : bulk of sales , 14 ICW4.3J :
cowsi and heifers , $2.lOfr3.l , ) .
IIOO ltecelp | , 7fW ( ; shipment" , 2 CW
heail , .
n.nrkrt Sc lo er ; joiker
, $3 C35T3 T3
packers , $3.ifll3.fO ; butchers , J3.73jJ3.S- , . ;
head - - . . ! ' . i . " 5' ' ! ' . * " ' . iw ll ( .ni1 ! nil I IIIIll ItlF . 2CO
ttead > ; tiallve mutton * . $ l.0)sji
4.75 ; lambs , $4.23ff5. & ) .
IiiiIliinnpollH LUr Sdu-k.
1NDIANAIOL1H. April -CATTU-llccelpt .
-A he-id ; shlpmtnt * . Huhl ; market iiulet ; Rood
to prime steers , $4 7Stf ; 00 , fall to medium slicis ,
14 40JII 05 ; common tj sootl sio kers , S3 . ' 3S4 00
IIOUM IterelptJ , 6,50o head , uhlpnunts , 3f04
head , market slow and lower , KOOI ! lo choice
medium nnd heavy , $373Q32ii. ! mixed and
heavy pncklnc , $37oir37' > ; * oed to choice
vvclKhK $3 70H3 73 ; common llsht * . J3 fOB3.70
HHGip Ileielpts. ID" ) html , thlpment * . llRlit.
market quiet al quolibb unchanRi-d | ) rki-s ; good
ID choice Iambi , $3 25 " > M , BOW.I lo medium.
$1008403 ; Rood lo c lolce sheep , $1000421 ,
common sheep , $2.753 40
IH City Live .stuck Mirli < - ( .
KANSAS CITY. April 19 CA'ITLi : UeroipK
Gi < VO liead. Market Heady to Mroim , Ti xas
steeri , $ T. ) ( ? 4 43 , Icxni cuws , } 3fKifJC5 , native
steers , $3 70U3 00. native cows nnd lieir.r" , $201(0 (
341 ; stockers und feeders , $2 5i > if3.I3 , buIK $2 Mil1
Ilbas Ilecelpts , 13.0CO he-id Market weak to
r.o lowir. bulk ofale ! , $3 5H3 ? 73. iipivlen , $3 if
3 0. " pi kcrs , $330 < f373. mKi'il. J3 33f1 | 73. llKht" ,
$3 'til 61 ; Yorkers , $30)if163 ) : plBf , $1 353 CS
8lliiP : Itecclpls , 3.COO head Market steady ,
lambs , $3 2.V07.40 , muttons , $4008473
N MV York l.lviStock. .
NmYOUK , April IJ HlinVI S-Rece'i ' ts ,
CI head : no trading I'liroponn cables quot"
American sleors nt 9mjlO'5c ' Orcrwl vvclrnt ,
B-'ioep , 91 1310)40 , rcfrlRt-niior beef , 8lihHr V.v-
l ) itn tculav , tu-l Iwevcs , 1,018 fh"cji nnd 2.&W
qu triers of lx-ef.
O\LVnS-ltecelpts. , 19 he.i-ij steady all
around VonK $ lOOt171 ?
SIIiii > AMD LAMII-4 UivclptR , 937 head ,
Uull _ , jilUioUKh ptleet VVLIV f tead\
" > < xlp-s , 1,921 head ; teidy nt
4 13.
inxt : HnlTnlo I.tviSlock. .
1'rlme to extra -choice ( InUhcd export ftccrs
JIOC1S Yorkers , ccoJ to choice , J3 03ff4.00
piss. J3 6003.70.
lo extra , Jl,6034,63 ; culli to
common , $3.t004.25.
SIIKUP Clio'co ' to selected wethers , $1.131
Clnclniiiitl LIic Stuck.
CINCINNATI , April -IIOClS-Actlve , strong ,
$3.10S3 81.
SHttllP Steidy , t2 73W4 TO
LAMUS Steady. 51 Wff3 M.
Stork in
Pecnrd of re-elpls of live stock at the four
prirclpil marketa for AprilOittle.
Oittle. HOKI Sheep.
Ormha 2.733 1.J71 31.1
Chicago 4000 21000 7,0V
ICuisii Clly C.liy ) ll.ono
- '
Totals ISni ,078 34 431
XOTT York llrv C.OOIH
NRW .YOIIIC , April lO.-Thcro N no
In the market for dry gcodi Tha ilemntiri Is
slow In nil divisions of the rtton goods m-ir-
ket , as vve-11 ns in vviwl n KCX ! The uncei-
tnlnty of buyers Is mor ? math'd thin i > ver
War talk Is frequent nnd takes the place of trad
ing. The demrnd for nil gradaa of ntaplc cot-
tore 1 of such a cinncler sellers hnvc no
diniculty In handling II. Thre niv n few ca'ls
for guod to bo delivered
quickly. L.r ; > nn
Roods arc slightly more general In miuost
Print cloths nro ptill mioted al J cents , biii
trailing Is very dull. I'rints are still very yule
and weak.
Oil 'MnrkotM. '
OIL CITY. Pa . April -Credit bilances
75c ; ccrtlllcitc' , 74l4cblil , cash ; no salts ; shin
ments. 51.117 bbls. ; runs , I"if30 bbls.
CIIAHLKhTON. S. C. . April 19. OILS Tur
pentine , film. 25'4c. Ito ln , Ilrm
SAVANNAH , Oa , April -OILS-Splrlts tur-
penllne. ilrm. 23Hc. liosln , Ilrm
WILMINGTON , S. C. April -OILR-Fplrlla
lurpenllne. sleady , 2326i5e. ItoMn , ftcidy. $1CO
to $1 01 Crude turpenllnc. quiet , $1.2 ; 1 SO and
$ ! . . Tar , nrm , 93c.
Siiitar Mnrkpto.
Nn\v OULTANS. April i9-suoAn-oUiet ;
open kettle. 2\J3Vic ; rentrlfiiRal BtanulitcJ ,
4 c ; white , 4716jcllow ; , 4ff4 fl-ino ; reconds ,
2 ? > n3 13-inc. MohiFses. dull : rentr'fuiral , 4jfl3c.
, Ni\V YOUK. April 19-falKlAll-IUvv , quiet ;
fall1 refining , l c ; cenlrltu al , 16 leu , 4 l-16c ;
refined , qu'el ' : mould A. 17-16c ; standirl A ,
S 1-16C- ; confectioners' A , 61-16c : cut loaf , 511-16 } ;
crunhel , r. ll-16c : powdered , 67-lCi- ; granulated ,
C 3-lCc ; cubes , 5 7-Kc.
ip < tc-r TcxtlU-
SIANriII > ! Tnn , April U.-Cloths and jams
firm with a fair demand.
H. R , PENNEY & CO ,
11O Board of Trade Bldg- . , Omaha , Neb
Branch OUtre. ICiS N 91. . LInccls. Neb.
Telephone 1039. Oinnlia , Neb
Dlre t wlre to Chicago and New York.
Correspondents ! John A. Warren A Co
. . . .
{ Imliult lloiiHf > c Stniiil.
" nim M , ( lotlnril.
f. O. Sii-rr | > .
" < irr tcr A. 1'rltvllo.
Harvard Unlver lt > - Library.
nrorrn llotrl > cTr. Slntid.
lUiulltnn .t Keiulrlok , 1MH1-1M2 ITth it
Ucl.nln , l > ltt A Co. . BUS Klxtrpnth St.
i'rntt Mercantile Co. , 1517 Lnrlmcr It.
rite Stationer Co. , lath nnil Lurrreno * '
rccl ,
WlniUor Hotel ficvtm Stnnd.
DEsTviblNES ,
INCB Jnrulu , Itock Inlniid Depot ,
Y. M. C. A. lt > > n llii IKioni.
Pnbllo I.llirnry.
ViMHlonip llotrl.
lenten I'rt-Kn Cluli , 1-1 llo TTortli St.
licilCdCc llolcl .Venn
CHjNCTIH Dciio ) , Cur. Mnln nnil Ilro A
J. A. LORIIII. aiuVc t lUth St.
Chocnuc Club.
Anilllnrliitn lliilrl % PS > M Stnntl ,
\iiilKiirliini Annex > ovrx Mil ml.
rircat > rli ! < > rii Hotel > OT > H Stuuiil.
I'nlnipr lloimr Norm Ndiiul.
ostnlllocu btnnil , No. U17 Dear *
linrii ( it reel.
ANKiiflnti-il Ailvertlm-r' Club , I'nliut *
Criitul I'nc-lllr Hold > onn nlniiil.
\VediIrIl Holm. ; .
lite llolli-iiilpii.
Cn in nilre I n I Trnvelers' Acioclntloa ,
.Miinonlc Tcuiplc.
llrlooiii * llroi. , > . : io Suutli Tejon St.
I'rliilcr.M' lliiiue.
II. > ) . A. Heading Itiiiiiu.
, ARK ,
O. 1C. AVeioor A : Co.
\V. A. Moore , nth nsviinc und Mnln mt
Uelenn I'ulillc Library.
Aobert Ilt-liI , 11) ) > luUcc * t.
Coiiten House "VCITB .Stunil.
V. M. C. A. itc-iulliiR Ituom , S1O AVynn *
dotte M ( .
tllmiourl Itciiilillcan Club , OO3 Ilnltl *
more A\o.
Pul.HiLibrary. .
ItlckHookt-r C' Co. , Otli nnd Wiilnnf
uiiponlle 1 * . O.
Frank II. Wtioilliinil , nUt'nt , nlh
I'rniik llii Ti-ll Clnrar Co. , lO'JO U St.
A. W. Hull , : il < > South Spl-lnu St.
( JcorHre .loji-i' , IS-IO SirliiK * '
Cliurlci A. "illlife- . j\o. O Minimi.
I'ulillc Library.
\Ve t Hotel NenH Stand.
Cooper Vutuii Llbrnry.
rifth Adeline Hotel MIMTB Slnnd.
I-'lftli Avcnne llotrl HcadliiK Itoani *
Urnonin Street Llbrnry.
Iliilluiitl llouno IteudliiB Room.
lluffmnu House.
Imperial llotrlOTTII Slnnd.
llcclinnlrn * A Tradern' Free Library ,
Ko. IN Knut Sixteenth Street.
I'rcn * Club , 12U .Nn nu St.
WcntniliiBtcr Hotel nendlnnr Itoom.
Wludiior Hotel Henilliitr Ilooni.
V. M. C. A. , Hilt ! Street nnd 4tb
VV. Webb , 2105 WR lilnirtan Ave.
McCnvtucy & Co. , 3IIU UStk 81.
Vow York Ilcrnld Ileuillnit Itoom , 41
Ave. dc I'Oiicra. . '
V. C. Hociler , Wc t Confer ft.
VV. 1 Joiicn , UI > 1 Alder St.
Portland Hotel .Veivn Stand.
Ucrcantlle Library.
Publlo Lllirury.
Pnbllu Library.
t , . F. llniuuicl , L > ooum Tlicatcr.
tialt Lnlic Nevr * Co.
I'nblla Library.
C. O. Oy t n , I'nntoK-i't * ACVTH DcpoC
llolol Sculflion * Stniiil.
Gi-orKi- . Wiird.
Onrrett on Hotel IVeir * Stand.
Moiuluiulu Hotel .Nciv Stand.
Hotel Vi'iiiloniectv 8tauil
I'abllu laUrary.
John W. Graham , 72.1-735 Itircnld.
Avenue.ST. . JOSEPH
Mrnmlovv'neiv Stand , 721 Bdmond
Juiu-lliin NOTI-H tltnnd , RO1 KiliuonU St.
I'retiM Club.
WlmUor Hotel.
E. J. Jett , 80(1 Olive ft.
I'liintem' Hotel Nevr Sttind ,
Publlo I.llirnry , Oil Lei < u t St.
Wlllnrd'a Hotel ftfnu Slnud ,
ArlliiKton lintel.
CoiiKrriilnnal Llbrnry.
ItlRic * HUUIIO.
AHrrlaalturnl Ilcpiirtnient Llbrnry.
Sc-iuilr Itrndliiir Ituoni.
Treu ur > - l > fiiirliiient l.lbriiry ,
Iteuubllcau .Nut'l. Coiuuilttee