tl , THE OMAHA DAILY BEEt TUESDAY , APltlL 10 , 1896. RECRUITING FOR THE GUARD P lebrwka Boys Job lh Militia In \ Expectation of War , COMPANIES ARE FILLING UP RAPIDLY "tremrtli of the State's Army ! Jllmmtt Attalnril and Arrnnite- Bents far TnklnK the Field Are ( loin * Ahead. LINCOLN , April 18. ( Special. ) The belief _ ! now general that the Nebraska National Guard will be called upon to form part of the army for the Invasion of Cuba-and very preparation Is being made , both at the headquarter * and by the Individuals who make up the guard. The Indications are that there will be no shirking when the call ccmes. Instead ot there bslng any applica tion * for discharges there Is a Hood of en listment papers coming In , being sent by companies that are recruiting to their full vstrenrth , About 200 new mcmberg of the guard have been enrolled In the last ten days. In one Instance , that of the Light In- fantrir of Lincoln , the terms of a number ot tty * members will expire within the next mont * , and 'so far as. can be learned all of them will apply fcr rc-cnllstmcnt. The new clothing and equipment for the guard will all b ? here Jn a few days , the caps and some other articles having already been re ceived. The Second regiment band , which was mustered Into the service hero at Lincoln In 1895 , has become disorganized , only about a dozen of the members being hero at the present time , and no effort being made to keep up an active organization. On thta ac count It Is probable that during th's week the members will be furnished their dis charges , and the Hastings band will be mustered In as the regimental band. It Is epld tbat the Hastings band Is a strong or ganization , and that tta members arc anx ious to get mustered In In time to go south with the regiment. This Is also the desire of the officers of the department , at they want to have a good band of music with the Nebraska troops. GATHERING STATISTICS. The labor bureau has furnished blanks to the precinct assessors all over the niite , upon which ore to be returned the agri cultural and Industrial eatlstlcs. Tbe In structions are that a blank be filled out by etch taxpayer , showing the amount ot grain raised , yield per acre , number ot acres planted thla year , number of bands employed and average wages paid. In the cities and towns complete reports are to bo made on all manufacturing enterprises , Including product turned out , number ot bands em ployed and wages paid. Thla will double the work of the asacc orn and much complaint Is j being made. It Is found that , ln the rural districts the taxpayers have kept no account of their farming operations for the last year end each visit of the assessor will necessitate a long delay , wblle the farmer figures over hi * affaire and tries to remember how much v > fieat he raised , the total wages paid to the hired man and the kinds ot grain sowed and number of acres to be cultivated during the present season. The areessora get no pay for this extra work and many of them are ' orry they were elected. Some of them have figured out that rather than spend eo much time wllti each person It will be cheaper to have extra blanks printed and mall them to the taxpayers In ad\once ot the visit , eo tbat the statistics ir.ay be made up and ready when the officer comes to list the property. In such eases , however , the assecsors have to pay the expense ot the extra printing and postage. The Information to be gathered will be of great value to the public and If the aEeecsors do their wbolo duty tbe state will receive much benefit from the work. GOSSIP FROM THE STATE HOUSE. The Decatur Creamery company Incorpor ated today with * capital ot $3,400. The " stockholders are Henry D. Byram , C. H. W. Busse. B. A. Searx. A. K. Searx , E. D. * Beck. F. J. Griffin. James McAllister , James L. Knoltta and Matthew Guerlng. The state superintendent Is already re ceiving packages containing exhibits for the educational department of the exposi tion , and 'the ' Interest among tbe schools all over the state Is unabated. An Investi gation ot the alze ot the exhibit * to be made shows that the Nebraska schools will have e larger showing than the combined ex hibit of all the other states In this depart ment. Prof. Jackson Is this week maillon letters to the teachers requesting that they make a separate exhibit In tbe history de- pxrtment , adopting ; the "source" method which la now- coming Into general use In the schools ot the stateU li expected tbat tlilr history exhibit will attract great attention li among visitors from other states. Omaha people at the hotels : At the Lin- dell : < Edyth Woatherrell , C. L. Boufller , 1 $ Joe Kelly. H. C. Rountree. At the Link - k coin F. W. Bodle , George E. Prltchett. Rain la GENEVA , Neb. , April 18. ( Speclal.- Raln commenced falling at noon yesterday and continued the rest of tbe day. It Is still cloudy and threatening. The preclpltatloc amounts to half an Inch. MINDEN , Neb. , April 18.-Specal.-Thli ( ! ) county was visited by a nice rain Sundaj and Sunday night. Small grain Is In fine condition anil the ground I * In fine condition for corn. DUNCAN , Neb. , April 18. ( Special. ) A steady drlxzllng rain set In here early yes terday morning , following an extremelj warm day Saturday , and rained steadllj more or less ever since. Not very tnuct water has fallen , but It U doing wonderi Xor small grain and grass. FREMONT. Neb. , April 18. ( SpeclaU- Tbore was a fine shower hero last night , thi total precipitation being over one Inch. Thli brings the rainfall thuo far this year nearl ; up to the average and will be a good thlni Cor crops of all kinds. NEBRASKA CITV. April 18. ( Speclal.- ) Raln fell all last night and part of today giving the ground a thorough soaking. Oooc progress Is being made with farm work. Al oats are In the ground and many fields ar coming up nicely. \ WVMORB , Neb. , April 18. ( Speclal.- ) Ralo fell bere at frequent Intervals yester day and last evening a steady , bard rain sc In which lasted until morning. It was thi hardest rain tbat has visited this coramunlt ; this season end aim-ret two Inches of wate fell. fell.HUMBOLDT , Neb. , April 18. ( Speclal.- ) A bountiful ralu visited this section las eight and will be of great beneflt to all kind of vegetation ; Wbeat Is looking fine , as ar also gardens. OMAFTON , Neb.April 18 , ( Sfleclal.- ) The late rains have put a new face co th country and hope of a goad crop year fill very teart. _ % Work on Irrlretloa Plaat. COLUMBUS , Neb.r April 18. ( Speclal.- ) The Nebraska Central Irrigation compan have three largo gangti of nren at work o the Columbus lateral of the Great Easter canal , and are some distance this side c Oconee. and say that they will have th water here on schedule time. If it shoul prove ; to be . dry year It will prove of tnucJ beneflt to the farmers In this valley. Thoi who hTO been through the country the pat week say that the wheat and rye neve looked better at thla time of year befon 'All ' Indication * now point toward a larg crop this -year. ISl et OIHeenr. HUMBOLDT. Neb. , April 18. ( Speclal.- ) The Huraboldt Flre company has elected ne oncers , as follows : Secretary , W. J. Davit treasurer. E. L. Crane ; steward.J. . W. Bos ! trustees , O. 'A. Cooper. T. W. Samuelson. J H. Feller * . For chief R. 8. Unland was rei ommended to the mayor. ' Her * * ) 8iulra ait Fremoat. rRHMONT. Neb. . April 18. ( Special. ) Di Tl4 KocWo fea < Ua horie alolen Saturdi Blxaf fremi near tke Conyrefatloaal cburc ! Th kw o to * frail * Shetland. S year * olt welghf about 8 e pound * . Preparlav K e tlo * l KxhlbM. \VYMORB , Neb. , April 18. { Special. ) Tl HIB acfcool puplta of .U > U city an BOW d < % * otlD | a'treat-deal ot tlaw IB preparing tae chool work fcr exhibition at the cxpotltlon. Meat every llniT of ichool work will have a creditable exhibit , The \Vymore eehoola ie- cured pane prlita at the World's fair anJ they will endeavor to be a * aucccottul In their efforts thla year. fttotvn Ooortu Recovered. FKEMONT , Neb. , April IB. ( Spochl. ) The goods which were utolen from H. Dlumen- thal Friday night bavo been discovered In a vacant building on Fourth street. They were packed In grips and boxce ready to be moved. The amount taken nil ! reach f400. There Is no clue to the thieves. flenthVnii AccMrnt. MINDEN. Neb. , April 18. ( Special. ) An Inquest was held over the remains of ChrU Anderson , who was kilted by a D. & M. pni- senger train at a ? rosslng In this city , on Saturday morning , tbe Jury finding tbat death was accHcn1 1 M ) Maine was n'- tscbcd to any person. In Jnll nt Geneva. GENEVA , Neb. , AprH 18. ( Special. ) Officers brought Charles McMannus here from Ohlowa yesterday and placrd htm In J-ill. . He Is charged with .breaking Into a saloon Saturday night. nacktcn'o Arnlcn Sime. THE BEST SALVE In the world for CuU. Bruises , Borce , Ulcer.i , Salt Rhoutn , Fevef Bores , Tetter , Chapped Hloda , Chilblain * . Corns and all Skin Eruptions , and positively cure ? Piles , or no pay required. It Is guar anteed to give perfect satlofactlon or cnoney refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Kuhn & Co. MEKTI.Vd OP TUB WOMAVS CIL'n. DcleB-ntrn Cliourn to the niciinlnl Icetlncr ttt ten\cr. At the Woman's club yesterday afternoon Mrs. Townc presented resolutions ot ihanln to Mrs , Squires and her assistants of tlic * house and home committee , to Mrs. Llnclsoy , who bad arranged the program , and to the management of the Mlllard hotel , which passed unanimously. A motion looking toward some arrangement of detail In the matter of the congress for which the club will stand sponsor during the summer dH not fare so well , being amended twlco end then tabled. The selection of delegates to the biennial meeting of the General Federa tion of clubs at Denver In June was made by acc'amatlon , aud the president , Mrs. liar- ford , and Mrs. Draper Smith will represent the club. The president requested that auy who could attend the National Congress of Mothers which will convene In Washington In May would apprise her ot the fact , thnt she might give them ofllclal appointment as delegates. Announcement was ramie of the change of day and hour for the next musl- oale to Thursday , May 6 , at 8 o'clock p. m. Upon Its program will appear Miss Anne Motcalf of Now York City , who has recently returned to this country from study with Vcnnlnl of Florence and Randcgger of Lon don. don.After After recers Mrs. Crelgh of the depart ment of English literature took the chair. Miss McHugh's topic waa "Tbe Merchant of Venice , " hi which she declared Portia and not Shylock , to bo the central figure. She , however , presented a thoughtful portrayal trayal of the Jew's character , emphasizing the majestic conception with which Henry Irving Invents It. To Ellen Terry she ga\c the credit of placing Portia In proper rela tion to the play , as well aa In the rightful place In the realm of the drama. Portia , not didactic , formal , oratorical , but Portia a normal woman , buoyant and gay , In the management of her suitors , Insisting on her right of choice , that she might more ration ally make tier eelf-flurrender full of woman's Instinct : and finally , divine In bur love and powerful In her purpose , not to save Antcnlo , but to save Shylock , The music of the afternoon wa furnished by Miss L/mra VanKuran , who sang Cowen's "Tho Swallows. " Price of TobitceM. ST. LOUIS , April 18. The tobacco manufacturing facturing- firms of Liggett & Meyers and DrummonO sent out general circulars today notifying1 the trade that a new schedule of prices had been Issued , effective April 18 , today's date. The price list shows an aver age advance of VA cents per pound on all brands of plug tobacco manufactured by the companies named. PBHSOY.VL 'PARAGRAPHS. ' Herman Kountze left yeaterday for New York. A. D. Voorbeea of St. Joseph ta'ot tbe Barker. + . Samuel T. Smith ot Philadelphia Is at tbe Mlllard. Felix Rottujehtld ot 'Chicago to registered at the Mlllard. H. Burnett of Loukxvlll , Ky ; , Is a guest at the Barker Mr. HarrlSon Savlr ot New York la stop ping at the Mlllard. Joe E. Schall ot Cincinnati , O. , can be found at tbo Parker. Mrs. Z. T. Llmtaey started yesterday after noon for Blloxl , Mlsa. C. L. Kcwnard has returned from a visit with friends to Lincoln. Robert W. Patrick returned from Wash ington yesterday morning. Deputy United States Marshal Homan re turned last night , from Sioux Falls. Frank Trumbull , receiver for the Quit road , waa In Omaha yesterday. I. J. Wlrrlng * , a traveling man- from Ben- tco Harbor , Mich. , Is at ho Barker. Clerk Hlllte of the United States court la In Heatings , where court opened yester day. day.Judge Judge Keyeor. Judge Gregory end J. J , O'Connor went to Papllllon yesterday morn- ng. ng.Joe Joe E. IMckarde , advance agent of "Tbe Poas'on Play" company , ! stopping at the Barker. Mrs. Charles F. Manderson , Mrs. J. N. H. Patrick and Mrs. Lake went to Chicago yesterday. R. C. Hoyt returned yesterday morning from Beatrice , where he spent Sunday with Ills parents. John RIcgKng of Chicago , one of tbe pro- prictors of Rlngllng BrUhers' circus , la a < the MlUard. Miss Louise Dohcrty la home for the Easter holidays from St. Catherine's school Davenport , " la. Mloa Edith Jackson and Mica Jay no re turned yesterday morning from Lincoln , where they spent Sunday. J. S. Bessler , general superintendent ol the "Q , " was In Omaha for two hours yes terday on hla way to Denver. Milton Powell'the present manager of the Mlllard , will assume the management of the now Her Grand hotel this week. P. J. Nichols , general superintendent ol the Nebraska dlvlslca ot the Union Pacific went west yesterday morning on the pa ) train. LJ > yd Scruggs , a prominent young socttt ; man of St. Louis , Is al the Millard for a fev days. Mr. Serugg * Is Juut star-ting upon hi nifa trip around the world. Mrs. Jamta M. Flower u-f Chicago , prom I nently Identified with to many education * aud charlitab'o Interete ot r.toat city. Is tfo guest for a few days of Mrs. Judge Wakelej E. W. Carter , Lincoln ; Lem L. Gagbigec Lincoln ; John Lohnard and C. W. Karhofl Yutco ; A. A. Pope , Red Cloud , and J. F Banger c4 Niobium are state arrivals slot ping at itho Barker. Nebraskana at hotels : H. M. Boydrton Nebraska City ; C. C. Strahorn. North Platte Thomas O. Pratt , F. D. Kellogg , Lincoln John Keith. Sutherland ; E. W. Peterson , Te kairjah ; J , W. Cheney , Auburn ; dene Bergen Fullerton. LOCAL BREVITIES. i The Principals' club will meet in th Board ot Education rooms In the city ha la's afternoon at 4:30 : o'clock. Tbe subjcx tor dlscufsloa is "Ailthmrtlc" and U is f. te opened by Miss LaRue , who -will be to ! lowed by Mkm Lrttlefield and Mlas Levtaon. Quito a disturbance wts created on Capltc avenue , near FourUceth street. Saturda night about 11 o'clock by the sbrleks of woman , who had been felled to the pave ment by * blow from her male companlor A small crowd quickly fathered. Efforts t find , a policeman failed and the partlea t ibe asaault BMuto their escape without dli closing the caws * of the fracas. GOVERNOR ON HIS DIGNITY Ha Make * K Special Retponte to ibe Writ of MtncUmnj. DENIES SUPREME COURT'S ' JURISDICTION Executive Maintain * III * Prlvlletreo a Co-O rill tint o llrnnch of the SlHte , Uovrrntiivn < anil Snj-w lie Cannot De Coerced. LINCOLN , April 18. ( Special. ) Governor IHolcomb has made aa answer to the sum jnons of the supreme coiyt of Nebraska , dc- > nylng Its authority to mandamus the gpvj crnor. An alternative writ of mandamus was Issued on the petition of Victor Ildse- watcr that the governor be required to pro ceed as directed by law and hear the testi mony In support of charges filed , Impeaching certain members of the Omaha Board of Fire end Police Commlssloaera. The gov ernor sets up that being a co-ordinate branch of the state government the court has no authority over' him. His response to the .writ Is as follows : Now comes Siloa A. Holcomb , as governor of the state of Nebraska , but without In any way admitting that the law Impose ) on him any obligation whatever to do so , and moved thereto solely by that ripped which Is due from one co-ordinate depart ment of the government to another , begs t6 Inform the court that ho denies Its power to coeros him as governor In the abovO en titled case or In any other matter or thing for ith > 2 following reasons : 1. The constitution dec ares that "tho pow ers of tlie government of this state are divided Into three , distinct departments the IcRlHlatlvc , executive and Judlc'al ' nnd no person or collection of persons being one of thcss departments t > hall exercise any power properly belonging to tl her of the others , except "as hereinafter expressly dl reeled or permitted : " ( n ) Thu Is the entire powers of the gov- rnmcnt divided Into three dittlnct depart ments , ouch Independent of tlie other. ( b ) Thus arc the members of each one of hcso departments forbidden to exrclso nny > f the powers belonging to the other de > - artmcntR. 2. By your order Issued In the above en- ltle < l casn you s > ek rte direct how the BOV- : rnor shall exercise , one of the powers bf- onKln ? to the executive department. The ov\cr to direct how a thing shall be dons H cqulv.i'cnt to th ? pouer to A3 the thing. he power la exercised by the mind that ommands and not by the one. that obeys. Under the constitution you are forbidden , o exeirclio any of the powers of the ex- cutlve , therefore you > are forbidden to say low or when or where ths executive power hall b ? exercUed. 3. The judicial when measured > y the order In which It Is named In the onstltutlon IB third and last In rank It icrtalnly Is not made by the constitution npjrlor to the other two departments ; yet y your honors' command to me ns BOV- rnor you asaumo a position not of equality mt of super'orlry ' ; for a. command never issues properly from an equal to an equal , ut always from a superior to an Inferior , 'ho judicial department Is not superior to , nit co-ordinate and equal with the execu- Ive department and hence under the constl- utlon. It has no power to command the xccutlve. 4. This thought ! Is fortified by the statute , which provides that the -writ of mnndamu-J may Issue only to Inferior tribunals , cor- > oratlon > > , boards , or persons ( Code , sec- Ion G45) ) . The governor Is not an Inferior rlbunal , corporal-ion , board or person. NOT UNDEtt COURT'S ORDERS. 6. While the constitution gives you orlg- nal jurisdiction In mandamus cases , the ttatute flx a the subjects over which yu may exerclso jurisdiction. These subjects , as we have , seen , are limited to Inferiors. The executive , not being your Inferior. Is not subject under either the constitution or the statute to your command. 6. The governor Is not above the law , t > ut a subject to It. If , 'nowever , he violates : he law ho Is responsible only to a court of Impeachment or the people , and to no other power : In this respect he Is In Iden tically the same position as the members of the judicial department. If they or any of them violate the law they are not re sponsible to the executive , but to a court of Imncachment or the people , and to no other nowpr whatever. 7. The governor has 'not refused to In vestigate the charges preferred by Mr. Victor Rosewater aralnst the flre and police commissioners of Omaha "upon t'ne testi mony to be produced before him. " but he has refused to go to Omaha to hear said testlmony-and thus abandon all other public business for perhaps a "week at a time -when matters of great state and national Impor tance were constantly demanding his pres ence athis ofMco In the capltol. Desirous , however , that full justice should be done to all parties to. the controversy , he directed that said testimony be taken before a per son learned In the law , reduced to writing and then produced before him for his ex amination and determination. By your honor's command you seek to overturn the governor's decision In t'nat respect , for you have directed that he shall personally hear the testimony In some other way not de fined In your command. The method adopted by him Is. In his judgment , a compliance with the law requiring Vilm to Investigate the charges upon the testimony produced before him. If your honors may contto ! his judgment In this matter then you may do so In nny other matter. He respectfully denies that you may control his discretion cll'ner In this matter or any other. 8. By the constitution It Is made the solemn duty of the governor "to take care that the laws be faithfully executed" ( sec tion 6 , article v ) . No sucYi command Is by the constitution laid upon the judiciary , ycl your honors , by your alternative writ ol mandamus , have assumed to exerclso that power whlc'n Is not given to you but which Is given to the governor. With more show of authority and far less violation of the constitution might the executive Issue his mandate to your1 honors whenever. In his opinion , you have failed to enforce t'ne laws as written upon the statute books , but such a mandate would be Intolerable and sub versive of our constitution. 9. Ab o'.ut ? Independence of each other ol each department of our government I ? , In the governor's cplnlon , esE.ntIad to out form of government and hence to our liber- tin * : this Independence , was ono of tlv ; chic ; thoughts cf there who formed both out state and national -constitutions and was the dominant motive which Impelled Prenl- dent Jefferson to refuse obedience to a sub poena Of the supreme court of theUnltec States , and that which finally led that grea tribunal to deny Its own power to man damus President Johnson. 10. This Is not a personal matter : It does not Involve merely < the form In which the testimony officrcd with retpect to th < charges against the ! Omaha Fire and Police Commission shall be taken wlwn the gov crnor In obedience to law shall InvestlgaU zald charges upon such testimony. Na ; I rises far above these things. It Involves the quca'tcn whether the executive shall sub mlt to what tvi believes to bo a vlolatlor of the cor.utltutlon or whether he shall , ai hlH oath requires , defend that conptltutloi against such violation. It Is , ho firmly be lleves , the duty f each department to re train from usurping the powers of th other departments and It Is equally th ; dutj of each department to repel the Invasloi of Its powers by either of the others. He Bjtectfulty1 submitted.SILAS SILAS A. HOIvCOMD , C. J. SMYTH , Governor. Attorney General. Keiv * ( or thrArray. . WASHINGTON , April 18. ( Special Tele gram. ) The following named officers -will re port as eoon as practicable to Major Genera John R. Brooke , U. S. A. , at Cblckamauri National park for duty with field 'batterle. ' ordered to that point : Lieutenant Colone Wallace , Port Randolph , Third artillery Major James 01. Lancaster , Fourth artillery Major John W. Dlllesbtck , Second artillery The following tranafera have teen made li the Seventeenth Infantry : .First Lleuteoau Robert W. Dowdy , from company K to com pany B ; Flr&t Lieutenant Edward I. Grumbly from company B to company K ; Post Chap lain Henry Swift , U. S. A , , baa 'been ' relieve * from duty At Fort Logan , Colo. , and ordore to Fort D. A. RuMcll. Wyo , , for duty at ths point ; Post Chaplain John B. Mc-Cleory. V 8. A. , has been relieved tfrom duty at For Mclntosh , Tex. , and ordered to Fort Logan Col. , tor duty. Colonel William H. Nash assistant commleaary general , | a relieve' from his present duties at St. Louis , Mo. and ordered to this cHy for duty In the offic of the commlaaary general. First Lleutenan Jame * K. Thompson. Twenty-third Infantrj ha * been relieved from duty at 6t. John military achool t Manllua. N. Y. , and wl report In person to Brigadier General Job Copplnger mt Mobile , Alia. , for special dutj Second Lieutenants 8. Robert Sewell an Nathan K. Avcrill , Seventh cavalry , will pro cecd to Chlckamu a park and report I person to Major General John R. Brooki U. 8. A. , for sslcnmrnt to duty with a reg ! meat In need of their servlcra. Captain Daniel Q. Reardoo , Second cv airy , It rellovrd from duty at trm Pennsyl vania State college , Center county , I'enn. , and will join his troop fTfflckamauga Na- tlontl park. Second LleulenAnt John U. Gilmore - more , jr. , Fourth artlllctyTTXi been ordered from Washington ban-iikM District of Columbia , to Chlckamiusj tlonal Park and will report to Major Jainc * M. Lancaster , Fourth artillery , for duty -with the field artillery battalion. Major James W. Pope , quartermaster , tL S. Ajqn , leave In thU city , hen been relieved from duty In conncc * tlon with Fort Yellowstone. Wyo. , trans ferring his responsibilities to the quarter master at that place , and ordered to Tampa , Fla. , Tor duty an quartertaailar at thit place. The leive of abrcnce en 'surgeon's ' certifi cate of disability granted Major Charles D. Ilslcy , Ninth cavalry , Is extended three months. ' ' " PLAXS OF TITO 3i > , ti\mi FI.KHT. erlonnly llnmpereil liy Short Supply of Coil. NEW YORK , April 18. A dispatch to the [ erald from Washington rays : In view of paln'e efforts to collect coal at Havana and an Jucci , no doubt exists In political circles lot the naval plan tor the Spanish govern ment contemplates the dispatch of the fleet o western waters. It Is ofllclally ad- nltted that Ibis government hail determined iot to permit American coal to be taken to he Cape Verde Islands 'on board the British ramp steamship Hampctcad and that negotlat : ona are under way for'the sale of that eeael and Ita cargo to the United States. Tbo Hampatead , although It was to have ailed Saturday , hoe not gone and Its pur- hase will probably ba announced. Officials dmlt they are trying to meet trick with rick. There Is but a email amount of coal t St. Vincent and It would be necessary for he Spanish fleet to go to some other point ir fuel within a short time , as the supply at Tape Verde cannot lott any length of time , t was to help the fleet now gathered at that lolnt that the Hampstead WBS ordered to iroccsd to Cape Verde after purchasing a upply at Lambert's Point. This country Is n need of colliers , eapcclally one already oaded with ccal , and It would , therefore , be nly too'glad to take from Spain the vessel and Its cargo and use It for offensive pur- oece against Its first employer" . Official Information received by the au- horltlca aleo'Indicates ltat there Is but a mall quantity of coal at the Canary Islands. A desperate effort la being made by Spa'n to hip cupplleo to that point nd also to Cape Verde , which Is evidently to bo the anchor- ige of the fleet until war breaks out. It la mpocslble for Spain to procure coal In Eng- and , because of Ibe strike now In progress n the coal mines , and alee because the Enp- Ish coal dealers refuse to receive promises o pay , and will nnl" eell to the Madrid government for cash. OAl'TAIV PHILIP IS IXDIO\A.\T. ChnTRe * 'Miu1 ' < - AwnJnnt the Crerv of the Texn * . OLD POINT COMFORT , Va. , April 18. Captain Philip of the battleship Texas la angry over a newspaper publication that the men of tbe > Texas took the Spanish flag or use as a dressing to one of the com- mnlon ways of the ship , eo tbat It would * > walked over In go'ag down. The fact of the matter Is that because some dU- Ingulshed guests nero coming aboard the men were ordered to dreso a companion nay , which they did by putting up a few signal flaps as covers to- the otepa. Captala hlllp said today : , -j "The etory la outrageous. We are men of a Ht'.lo common senge and are not doing ridiculous and nonssnalcah things. It war wao declared tomorrow -wtifwouM not offer such Insult to the Spanish , flag. " The Minneapolis of Itbesquadron has a break In Its steering gear- but It will bo repalrei by night. All of the ships of the squadron had calls to I quarters th's morn' ing and cleared their decks for action. The tremendously he vy workxiof/ clearing the decka and preparing for firing wcs done co quickly as to surprise even Commodore Schley. All the shlpa reported clear end ready to flre In fifteen1-minutes. ClearIDI Includes the removal of .everything that Is destructible , or In theiwajri of. the guns , and the cloa'cg In of atK'compartmentB. in going to sea Ibis would ; toe don before start- "ng. ' , 'i Jo Commodore Setter > ald < today that be loped to have the New Orleans and San Francisco attached the fleet , but ka jet had received no notification , from the Navy department of such n alignment. RESPECT TUB 8PAXISII CITIZEKS. People of Tamp * Deny Report * that Are Circulated. JACKSONVILLE , Fla. . April 18. A spe cial to the Times-Union from Tampa , Fla. , The reported hostility toward the Spanish resident * In this city has absolutely no Foundation. The people In this city have been more than ordinarily friendly toward the Spanish residents during the continuance ot the strained relational They have as sured the Spanish colony that whatever U eatd by the press or tbe people Is In no way Intended for them ao Individuals , but Is di rected against the policy of ths Spanish gov ernment solely. Some time ago the city council met and pacaed resolutions In which were set forth assurances of protection for their live * and property. TENDER SERVICES TO SP1AMSII. Oflcers from Oilier 'Countries ' Ready to Enter tb'e Army , LONDON , April 18. A dispatch from Madrid says that General Morcelo do Atcarra , the former minister ot war end prime minister , baa arrived at the Spanish capital to attend the meeting of the Cortes He I * quoted as declaring that war IsIn evitable. The dispatch adds tbat many Swedish , Brazilian and other foreign officers are offering their servlcee-to Spain. The next meeting of the Spanish , cabinet , the dispatch further say * , will discuss tbe question of privateering. Leaflets Inciting a popular demonstration have been seized at Madrid. Hnrvnnl and YaleRemembered. . WASHINGTON , April 18. The new cruis ers New York and Paris have been re- chrlstcned Harvard and Yale , respectively. Rock Inland Withdraw * It * Notice. CHICAGO , April 18. Official notice wat filed today by the Rock Island Toad cancelIng - Ing its former notice of Its Intention to re store the rate on packing bouse products from the Missouri river to Mississippi rivet crossings and Chicago , April 20. This notice makes it Impossible for any advance on thti class of freight to go into effect until aftei ten days' additional notice has been given A meeting of the interested lines will b < held In St. Louis Thursday to see If semi agreement cannot be reached to have all cui rates on this commodity" Withdrawn. Should that conference fall , tne" anta Fe will re duce all rates to the i4 aV basis as the ratt on packing house procrac k. Engineer Ilery"InJ i ect . Chief IBnglneer Berrj 'bf ' , the Union Pa cific has gone out for , 4lfr'P ' ° ' Inspectlor ID a private car. In addition to looklcg over tae lines In Nebraska and Kansai he will stop at severaliitiglntB , where it h contemplated by the Renji. management t ( erect new passenger lafjons and frelgh depots. The work of ijfbviUdlng the roadbec between Grand Islandpaqd North Platte li proceeding rapUly anJ ( 'twere Is a stead ] string of cars loaded iwjtb , Sherman grave out of the Sherman bill , travel pits In Wyo mlng for use In tie be rments along thi line. This work of Improvement along tbi "Overland Route" will be actively pushei 'throughout the spring and summer months Santa. Fe ! CHICAGO , April 18. Since the beglnnlni of the present fiscal year the Santa Fe roai has relald Its main tracks between Cblcagi and Kansas City , except 115 mile * betweei Fort Madison , and Marcellne , with seventy five pound steel rail * , which cost $275,000 This was paid out of earning * and chargei to operating expenses , Notwithstanding this and other heavy ex peodlture * of the same nature , the read ha earned In the ten months of ibe year al rikdy passed enough to pay the full year * Interest on Its general mortgage 4 per cen bond * nd 4. per cent of its adjuitmen bond * . IS LIKELY TO BE VtTOED Eitontire May Hot Approve Be-o'.ntions of tha fenatei CABINET DI-CU5SES THE SITUATION Impremilon Ohtnlnn thnt President Will Anaert HU PrernRnllie In the MiUtcr of Rec- Cnlm. WASHINGTON , April 18. Attorney Gen eral Grlggs , Secretary Long , Secretary Sher man and Ass I tta nt Secretary Day had an hour's conference with the president thla morning- The purpose of the meeting was not disclosed , but It Is believed that It had special reference to the Cubaa resolutions now pending before cocgrces. Mcmbtru of the cabinet decline to dlscunswhat will be the Itaal action upon the report of the conference1 committee , or what course the president -will pursue Jn the event that the clause recognizing th'e Independence of the Cuban republic , aa It appears In the senate resolution. Is retained. From other sources , however , it Is learned that In all probability the president will retura the resolution without his approval. This , It Is said , he nrlll .be compelled to do In order to main tain the prerogative which he holds Is clearly his Under the constitution. Up to this time nothing has been done In the -way of formulating an ultimatum to Spain , nor has anythlog been received from ( Minister Woodford or the other sources which may In any way change the situa tion. No one In ofllclal circles doubts that a hostile resolution will bo passed by con gress within the next day or two anJ war Imost certainly will follow. MORE KHJHTI.NU IX PI\AR DHL. RIO. Ilnvo the , Hotter at the Conflict. HAVANA , April 18. News of further flght- ng between the Insurgents and Spanish roops In the province of Plnar del Rio cached hero today. It appears that a force f Insurgents , under Lores Agutlar Rlzo , made n attack , two days ago , upon tbe Spanish ort at Eapujarcsa , Pluar del Rto. and had ho best of the flgbtlng , even according to the panli b account of tbo affair. The official eport of the fight says the fort was a small ne , garrisoned by volunteers , who made a 'heroic defense , lasting three hours. " In he meantime , however , It Is ofllclally ad- nltted , the Insurgents entered the town and ilundered and burned a tobacco warehouse , he Spanish report adds that the garrlsan est four men killed and nine men wounded. Movement * of Nu\nl Veo el . NEW YORK , April 18. Two vessels of he mcsqulto fleet were In the lower bay his morning. The Eagle , formerly the Qcht Almy , whkb had down from the iavy yard yesterday , probably will sail dur- ng the day. The steamer Hawk , formerly he yacht Hermlone , at 9:07 : a. m. passed out of the Hook to sea. The stoimcr Hornet , ormerly the yacht Allssa , "left the navy ard this morning and passed Quarantine at i:23 : a. m. , bound out. The Eagle passed Sandy Hook at 9:45 : a. m. and the Hornet fifteen minutes later. Outside they Jo'ned the Hawk , aod all three iroceedcd under full steam to the south- . ward. Trro Conflicting Stories. PROVINCETOWN. MOEB. , April 18. Cap- aln Webb of the barkentlne Morales , who reached this port from Ponce , Porto Rico , to day , reports that on April G , the day before e sailed from Pence , elgbt Spanish torpedo > oats arrived at Ibat port from the Canaries. Two Spanish men-of-war were already there. A Spanish cruiser also was sighted In Mona pascage as the vessel sailed. NEW YORK , April 18. Dispatches from St. Vincent , Cape Verde islands , of April 14 , stated that the tfyo flotilla , ! of Spanish tor pedo boats' and torpedo boat destroyers and he cruisers Cristobal Colon and Santa Maria Thercea were there at that port. Don Carlo * Watehlnjr HI * Chance. LONDON. April 18. The supporters In England of Don Carlos , -the Spanish pre tender , headed by the eatlrof Asfcburnham , are actively preparing tot an emergency. Jvery detail has 'been ' arranged to seize the propitious moment for action. The local ; arllsts are convinced that the present Span- sh dynasty Is doomed and tbat Spain .will be forced to chocse between republicanism and Don Carlos. They add that.the only chance of the present dynasty Is a succcss- ul war against the United State * , the .possl- > lllty of which 1 * scouted. Headache for Three Year * . Mary Svabek , 1235 So. 14th street , Omaha , wrltea : "I have been sick for tbree years with headache , pain In the stomach , dizziness and no appetite. I tried three doctors an > l all kinds of medicines , all of which failed , ill a nelgbbcr gave me some of your Dr. Kay'a Renovator tablets to try , wblch re- levcd me. I have since used two 25c boxes of the Renovator and am glad to say that I have no more headache , good appetite and stomach la good order , and my whole sys tem Is In good order. I heartily recommend rev ? Renovator to all that are troubled with .he above ailments. " Dr. Kay's Renovator la sold by druggists at 25c and 1. or six bottles for $5. If they do not have It , do not take any substitute. .or It hes noequal. Send price direct to us and goods will be sent by return mall , post age prepaid. Send for valuable book. Free. Dr. B. J. Kay Medical C ) . , Omaha , Neb. Two Weeks' Treatment FREE To All THEY AHiS OLD SPECIALISTS ID th trtatmtnt of all Cbroiic , KeiYons and Private Diseases. d all WEAKNESSES UCU and DISORDERS OH SEN CaUrrb. all Dlttaiti of th * Nos * . T-woat , Oh s * tOBWCh , Liver. Blood. Skin and Kldatr Dl asM , Ix t Manhood. Hydrootl * . V reoc l , OonorrbM , Qlt * . Byphllli. Stricture. PIlM. Fis tula and fttctal Ulctri Dlab ts Biliht's Dlt- SM cured. Call on or uddrcis with stamp foi rrt * Book and N w Methods. Treatment by Mall , Consultation free. Oialia Medical and Surgical Institute V mil North nth 8k. DUFFY'S PURE MALT WHISKEY ALL DRUGGISTS. OK. McCREW IB THS ONLY PKOIALIS'I Wao TBKATI ALL Private Disease ! Wwkaw al Mwt * * MEN ONLY V ) Year * Experience tOYaarainOmaha. Book Krce. Connlta tloaFiM. BoxTM.o lith and Ftnut Bttv OMAHA. ntTtuitiui FO KC.T run TonAV'S WKATIIKrt. Kalr aiul Cnlilrr , Arriiiintnnlrd by Xnrthrrly U'lniU , WASHINGTON , April 18.-Korccat for Tuesdays For Ncbra kn nnd Kansas Fair ; colder In western portion ; northerly wind * . For South Unkotn-tPurtly cloudy wenthcr ; winds becoming northwesterly. For town Fnlr ) cooler In nouthpnnt portion tion ; northerly winds. For Missouri-Fair nn < l colder ; northerly winds. for Wyoming Fair ; northerly winds. l.ornl Record. OFFICE OF THU WlUTHHIt nmn.VU. OMAJIA , April IS. Omaha record of tem perature and rainfall compared with the corresponding day of the loot three wars : . . . 1SSS. 1S97. ISM. 1S93. Maximum temperature . . . 4S 78 GS 07 Minimum temperature . . . 41 41 40 43 Average temperature . . . . . 41 f.S 49 51 Ilalnfall , . , So .00 .19 .00 llecord of temperature and precipitation al Omaha for thla day And since March 1 , 1S97 : Normal for the day , . M Deficiency for the day , n Accumulated excess since March 1 IIS Normal rulnfall for the dny..t 11 Inch Excess for the day 74 Inch Total rainfall since March 1 3 30 Inches ' .xcess since March 1 09 Inch JeOclenry for cor. period. 1S97..1 1.05 Inches BXCCRS for cor. period , 1S96 .87 Inu'n Ilciiortu from Station * nt M | i , m. 8e cnty-ntth McrlJlan time. KINGSFORD'S OSWEGO CORN STARCH For Puddings , Custards , Cakes and Blanc-Mange. FALLING HAIR RESTORED Boon after I was taken 111 my hair com- tncnceil to fall , so that each ilay more cams out than I thought I had In my head. 1 was turning gray rapidly. Finally I became afraid to have It combed , but the nuno saltl thak \rottldirt do , and used vaseline to keep U In , then used beef's marrow , then qulnlna tonic , anrif.na11yCUTiccnA ( ointment ) , which helped It Immediately. Tbo nnno said the nibbed up a flno white dust from the icalp where she could sco nothing before com * mending , and the scalp looked healthier and tnoro n < tural every day. Now I haven't M many gray hairs as when I commenced using CtmctmA.amll ha\o a crop of flno brown hair all over my head about an Inch and a > half In length , 1 only lese a few hairs when combing every day , and always more gray than brown. My nnno U delighted because the new hairs are brown. I never had very luxuriant btttr , oven In my joutu. It Is a * thick ol my head today as It ever was , and CirricuilA did it. Mrs. J. M. LAW8ON , March 5,1898. 302 HamII ton St. , Albany , N. Y. LUXURIANflUSfROUS HAIR with a clean , \vholeiomo icalp , frro from Irritat ing nd deftly eruptions , li produced by warm hmnpooB with Utrricuiu fckur , followed by light drctilngs with Crrictiiu , pnrcit of emol lient tkln enrol , the mott rffectUo ikln purifier * and bcautlflcts In the world. They clear the Rcn'p ' and hair of crusts , > calci , nnd dandruff , dcntroy microscopic Insects trml feed on the hair , nootho Irritated , ItchliiR surfaces , BtlmulMo ths bait lolllclcs , and supply the root * with energy and nourishment. _ _ _ _ _ _ Bolil thmnthont Hit world. Poms Dioo A D Cam. ComHnU I'mp * . Motion. . . . . Cf"Uowto rrodun Lnxnrliat tUlr , " milled fr * * > DR. C. GEE WO. WHO IS JIKf Ho Is one of the most skillful of Chinese ( loo- torn. bcciu'cv ; of bin prent knowledge and cures. Havlnc been 'lRht years In the mcd- Icnl college of China , he understands t'no Im mediate action of over 6.000 remedies. With eighteen years of ex perience and over eight years of that time In Omaha has given him tt reputation backed up bv thousands of tes timonials In curing EVERY CHARACTER of difense. whefncr CHRONIC OR OTHER WISE. Dr. C. Oee Wo guarantees a euro In every case or the money will be refund ed. Consultation fife. Send a two-cent stamp for book and question blanks. Dr. C. dee Wo , BID N. 10th St. , Omaha , Neb. We want you to get acquaint- d with our method of doing business. We want you to ftnow that our tailoring on a moderate priced plan on a strictly cash basis is above the ordinary sort. Our large business did not ome to us by accident. It's the result of many years school ing in tailoring many years of practical experience. That you will find here the largest and best assortment the most tempting prices the most accurate styles and su perior workmanship is understood. Gentlemen wearing our garments are our best advertisers. They come back and bring their friends. You'll find our windows very interesting this week. Note the new and rich shading the handsome Scotch materials , etc. , etc. All garments made in Omaha , by Omaha tailors. TROUSERS , $4 to $12. SUITS , $15 to $50 SPRING OVERCOATS , $15 to $40. 209 and 211 S. 15th St - - - Kartmch Block The Crooked Little Island of Cuba What do you know about It ? How largo is It ? Name the provinces. How far is Puerto Principe from Havana ? What railroads are there and what points do they connect ? How far is Cuba from the Capa Vjrde Islands ? These things we all ought to know In these troublous times but most of us don't. What you want Is The Bee's Combination Map * A Map of Cuba , i A Map of the West Indies A Map of the World - , t The Map of Cuba and the Map of th * W st Indies are each 14x21 inches ; the Map of the World Is 21x29 Inches , printed in colors from the latest maps of Rand , McNally & Company. They are accurate and complete. The Bee Coupon The Omaha Bee and 10 cts. will get it Map if Cuba Coupon Present this coupon N. B. Baclgae 3 ceMta forpoataf * with lOo fop a If It I * to ba loat by Mall. Mnp of Cuba. * j Map of the We t Indict Address Cuban Map Mup of the World. ' Department Bee Publishim Company , Omaha.