THE OMAHA DAILY BE TUESDAY , APRIL 10 , 1898 , 11 C01UERCIAL AND FINANCIAL r Torable Crop Eoports Depress the Wheat Market. COARSER GRAIN MARKETS ARE STRONG Wlitti < Clone * Lower , Corn anil O < H'Kach ' .MnUe n Good Ailrnncr , bat Provision * Are Unit ml VnchiMKcd. CHICAGO , April 18.-.Wheat today felt the heavy liquidation of hut week. The elimination of a largo part of the short In terest and generally favorable crop reports had a sutllclcntlyxleprogBlng Influence on the znarkct to causa a closing decline In July of ' ,4c. Tno coarser grain markets were Btrong , especially corn , which advanced % c. Oats closed % c higher. Provisions were alagruirrt and closed at practically un changed prices. A rather easy feeling was noticeable at the opening In wheat. With the exception of California , almost the entire country re ported crop prospects aa bright , with t'ne weather perfect for farming operation ! ) . Prospective buyers were also held In check for the time being from the fact that Liver pool , although opening at n good advance , had lost about all of It before trading com menced here. But the Incipient weakness etivo way to strength almost before the market got under way. Tlie bis bull factor of last week , the foreign dcm.uid for Ameri can grain , was again very much In evidence , it being stated that everything ottered ot wheat , corn , rye and oats was accepted In the continental markets ut peed prices. This evidence of determination on thu part ot the foreigners to get all the grain possible be fore the outbreak of expected hostilities re sulted In u very general buying movement , In w'nlch St. Louis shorts were quite promi nent , and which continued for a good halt Jiotir. As offerings were small and In scattered lots prices advanced easily. July opened at SGftjjWiaC. or n shade under Sat urday's closing price. Before selling be came heavy enough to cause a turn the market had advanced to H7-lc. That proved to ba the high price of file day. Realizing on the advance became quite heavy , even before top prices were reached. The liquida tion was augmented by the tlgures of the world's shipments , 8SM,000 bu. These Jlgures showed that Europe was getting fno bulk of Its wheat from other countries be sides America. The early buying pressure soon dropped oft In a mntitsctl degree , and it became evident that the heavy liquidation of last week had almost eliminated the short Interest. This In Itself encouraged a { rood deal of selling , and thong' , ! the market received support from scalpers at times Jarso enough to cause fair reactions the tendency of the market In the main was downward for the rest of the session. After the advance to 87o a decline to 8G-ic fol- Jnwcd. and for a time the market was held nt a slight advance over that price. .Before 31:30 : July had dropped to S&TJsfiV&e. NortYi- west receipts were light. 'Minneapolis ' and iDuluth reported 231 cars , against 271 last fc , week ] nnd DOS a year ago. Chicago receipts wore K ) cars. The addition to contract Blocks today amounted to about C0.3CO bu. Seaboard clearances ot wheat and Hour amounted to 323,000 bu. The latter end of the session was marked by a good deal of nervousness , though prices kept within n comparatively narrow range. The price of July at one time fell as low as S4-yc. From there It recovered to 86o nnd fell again to ffic. It was bringing SGic at fno close. Trading was for the most part contlncd to July. Very little was done In Slay or the more deferred futures. Corn was strong early In sympathy with wheat , but after that acted Independently of the leading grain market. There was a larirn visible decrease. 8.1S3.C01) bu. , the result of last week's heavy export business. For- olgn demand was still heavy. Big nnd little shorts bought freely and t'no demand nt times was general and heavy. The mar- Icet was strong to the close. July ranged from 32l,4e to 32&c and closed % c higher. Outs followed corn to some extent , ruling firm nnd closing higher. Liquidation of long lines was very Yicavy , but larte clearances and visible supply decrease caused a good demand , nnd all offerings were absorbed" The best prices wore ruling at the close. July ranged from 235&C to 23M < Q23o and closed -c higher at 23c. Provisions were exceptionally dull and prices during the most of thfi session were practically at a standstill. Only a narrow xcalplng trade was done. Packers took very little interest and outside orders were al most entirely lacking. At the cjoso July pork won unchanged at $0.1)0 ) , July lard 2ic lower at $ o.22'/j ' and July ribs 2&C higher ut $5.22 % . Estimated receipts for Tuesday : Wheat , 115 cars ; corn , 475 cars ; oats , 510 cars ; hogs , 23,000 head. Ie.idlng futures ranged n follows : Articles. ' . ! Opan. | High. | Low. | Closo. | Safy , Wheat- May. . . 1 10H l on 1 00 1 00 July. . . 87H 85W Sept. . . 7HU-7D 70U 7H > i Deo. . 78M 70 7DU Corn- May. . . SIM July. . . < (4 j HIM 32 3IH Sept. . . 33 33H 8 Date- May. . . 20 20J < 25W July. . . 23H 23 Porlt May. . . 077M 077K 0 72H 0 77M 077W July. . . U UU U ttiW" 0 81 IW 0 01) Lard- May. . . fi 15 B IS 5 IS D 13 B 17 * July. . . G 22W 5 22 > ! fi 21) 0 22H S 25 blhlbx em S 3U 0 30 3 32M Way. . . 0 I''M C 1.1 S 124 fi 15 C 12M July. . . B I'O 0 ! ' „ > H 0 21) , fl 22V G 20 Sept 0 30 0 bO 0 27 > t G 3D S 27X No. 2. Cnah quotations were a > follows : KIXJUK-Steady , JI.W81.50 : xprlng upeclals , W.WW.GO ; Bprlnnr patents , Jt.00ft3.10 ; tralghls , I4.4W4.CO : bakers S.K < ? I.OO. t \VHBAT-No. 3' spring , 92093 * ; No. S red , I1.07WW1.08. COHN-No. 2 , SHMIV4S&C. OATS-No. I. Vft&S. o. h. ; No. I whltei } 5O Me : No. 3 white. 2iilr:0c. . 11YK No , . 2. 63HOS4C. * HARLEY No. 0. f. o. b. , 3S J4Sc. FL-AXSEKD No. 1 , 1.23B1.24. TIMOTHY SEEI 1'rlme. $2.83. THOVISIONS-Mess pork , per bbl. . M.TS J.SO. I ird. per 100 Ibs.15.15. . Short rlbf , tides ( loose ) , IS.OOftj.35. Dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) , S4.62KMI 14 87K. Short clear sides ( boxed ) , J5.iofrJ.CO. WHISKY Distillers' llnlshcd goods , per gal. . . . KUGAKS-Cut louf , J3.C3 ; jrmnulatcd. BU\V YOIUC GIOXKUAI , 3IAHKETS. notation * for the liny on General CpiiimoilUlc * . NEW TOnK. April IS. FUJl'Il-Recelpts , 15- O3 bbls. ; export ! , 16,188 bbls. ; winter patents 4.S3 : . :5 ; winter Btralghlii , ll.Ua4.70 ; Ulnne- ota patent * . < f5.CO ; vr'ntir extrat , $3.t3O 4110 ; Minnesota bakern , $4.J84,45 ; winter low trades , I2.SOO3.09. Rye Hour , flrm at $ : J5S33 COllNMKAI-Flrm ; yellow western , 70c. ItYl'J Market firmer ; No. 2 western , COVii Vic. HAniiKY Steady ; feeding , 4c. 11AKL.KV MAI.T Quiet : western. WHKAT Recelpti. 1C0.150 bu. ; exports , 2U45 TMI. ; sot | flrm ; No. 2 red , M.OS , r. o. I > . afloat. Op tlona opened stcn y nnd had a fharp lulge on rumoi-rd largj m-cqt nce ; It wns { ollowed by wenkno.w , however , baieil on lint crop pro * pecta. disappointing cablea nnd tmnll vlilble upply decrease ; just at the clb. e a rudden hurt ncare caurcd a ee.'onil advance and prices left oft Uc hlRher on May and Kc lower en late montlia ; No. 2 red. May , ll.06OI.07Kc. cloa ; t tl.W. OOHN 'Receipts , CW,6:3 tiu. ; exports. B7,4t3 bu. ; iK > t flrm ; No. 2 , 37tc. Otlnns Rencrally flrm all t iy en tlrm cabUa nnd the enoimcu visible Bupply decrex cclojtnir H6a ne higher : May , nvifrtt c , closed nt 2JHe. OATri-ltecelpta , 169.S70. bu. : e > prts , 153.19 ttu. : ctiot dull ; No. i. < > , ' e : No. 2 white. S2Hc Option * quiet but uteadler on export buying nd the jump In corn ; closed Kc net hlil. r ; May , SOUc. l. KUU-KIrm ; bran. 750 0c ; mlddllnss. swssc ; ? } feed , CJUffC.'k' . HAY Quiet ; shipping , MOUc ; ooi to choice , HiftOo. HOI'S Quiet : state1 , common to choice. If95 crop. 4a5c : 16S6 vrop , 7CSc : INI crop , 15 JlSc ; Paclfto coast , IS9J crop , 4Uic ; IS56 crop. 1ftic : Vffl crop. 15 l c. HIDES Steady ; Galveiton. UVie ; Texas dry. V4c ; California. 17HOI c. IJ3ATHER Steady ; hemlock role. Ruenoi JLyres. l H c. WOOtQulet ; fleece , 17OJio : Texas. lR4e. 1'ROVISIONS Iteef , llrm ; family. Ill.Ooan 75. xtra mess. J9.00O .7S ; beet hami. JSiBIJ ; packet. SlO.iiCH.OO. Cut meats , quiet ; pick ? i | bellies. S.t'Uev.V ) : pIcklMl ihouMrn , II.M ; p'cklxl bam * . IT.MC7.7J. Lurd , Btcaly ; werteni ttramrd clorej at J3.4S. I'ork. steady ; M. * , t.7Ol.C < ) ; hort clear. JIO.KO1J-W ; fam'ly. lll.comuo. Tallow. e ler ; city , JHe ; country. Jije-SHr , as to quality. OI1.8 Petroleum. Dull. Roitn , easy ; utralned. common to coed , tl.41Hni.4i. Turpentine , steady ; . Cottonseed oil. Heady ; prlm crude , I prim * crud , f. o. b. mills , " , prime summer yellow , 2JWc ; off siimmtt jfllow , utg-u e : butter oil , ii , c ; prime winter - ter yellow , IlhWUVic. _ niKIOHTH TO ! . .lVERI'OOtStroni ; : pulton by strnni , itgtoc } grain by iteam. 3ie ! . ItK'lv Steady ) fair to extra , 4rritHc ; Japan. MOLABSE Qulet : N w Orleans , open kettle , gto.1 to cho'o. , 21flle. ! MirTALS-The week openeil wllh the tnclnl market In an Indirrerrnt condition , both as if- gards the tendency of prices and the volume of business. At the close today the Metal ex change culled pig Iron warrants caty with J6.W bid and | < iS5 atknl ; lake copper , unchanged at 112.00 ; tin , quiet but nrm with S14.3) bid nnd SM.iO arktd ; rpelter , unchnnged with bid and ll.r. nsked ; Ifn i > dull with 13.10 bid and 3.C > nsked. Lead was called dull at 11.54 by Ib nrm ilxlng the Milling prl.-e for miners and smelters In the west. DUTTER-Recelpts , 9,401 pkxs. ; western crtnm- cry , IHflSc ; Klglns. lie ; factory , ) : 15Mc. L'HEESE-Hecelpts , 1S4 pKgs. ; tinner. KdOS-llecelpts. 10,077 pKgs. : western and" Pcnmylvanla , lOVic ; southern , OMAWA UUNURAL MAKKKTS. Conillllon of Tmilr nml Quotation * on Stnitle anrt Fnticr Produce. ECllSano < l ( lock. ic. J1UTTKR Common to fair , teilc : sinralcr fninrry , 20e ; gnthvrt l ctt.imery , lidlio. VKAIOholce fat , SO to 1W Ibs. , quou-d at S ) c : large nnd rnnrse , 4f7c. LIVE IKJULTRY Ch'ckens.-ei47c ; old roost ers , 3HtfSV4cJ young roosters , 6& Wc. UAMlMRllards , $ : .WJI.7J ( ! redheads , | 2.2o0 2.M ; teal , tl.l.Wl.23 ; brantn. U.WiH.iw : Canada eere. | 4.M < l .Oo ; mixed ducks , Sl.0001.2 ; . PIOEONS IJve , J1.1J81.15 ; d xd pigeon * not \vnntwl. HAY Upland. $7.00 ; mlitlund. JG.OO ; lovland. ( J.M { rye straw , | 4X ( ) ; color makes th * prkc on hay ; light hales sell the best ; cnly top bring top prices. CELERY Good stock , large , Me ; small , ONIONS Per bu. , fOSWc. IlEANS-Hnnd-plckcd navy , per bu. , JS. SWEET POTATOES Kanwr. 10-pcck bbls. , 13. 50 ! reed sweet polaloos , > 2.00. CAIII1AOE Good stock , per lb. . WHlc. POTATOES Homo grown , UOSTn : ; Culorn-lo itock , 70c ; northern fancy early Ohio seed po- TOMATOEH Per crate , seven baskets , { 3.50. NEW IIEBTS Per dor. , bunches. WrSQe. RADIHHES-Per dor. , bunches , 30B33c. I.ETTUCE-Per do . bunches , 33 c. GREEN ONIONS-Per doz. , Itlc. WATERCRESS Per IC-qt. case , ll.CO. tTUCUMIIERS Per doz. . J1.2301.CO. WAX I1EANS i bu. box , J1.2J. PEAS Per basket. $1.13. SPINACH Per bntkft , tl. PIEPL.VNT-1'er 50-Ib. box , 2.23. FRUITS. STRAWnERRIES-Per 24-plnt case , 12.23 : 21- qt. cafe , J4.M. APPLES Winter stock , J3.00B3.50 ; boxes , J1.25. CUANFlERRIES-Fnncy Jprssy , per bbl. , 10. < R GRAPES Malagas. J3.l ff .00. TROPICAI. KRU1TS. ORANaKS-Callfornln nn"els. . 2.7jfAOO ; fancy seedllnRs. 12.2'i : choice , J2.00. LEMONS Cullfornla f.incy , 3.0choice ; , | ! .50' fanry Mpsslna. W.00 3.50. I1ANANAS Choice , large stock , per bunch , f OT & 2.Z5 ; medium sized bunches. tl.75Q-2.00. NUTS Almonds , per lb. , larse size , izgi3c ; small , lie ; lirnzlls , per lb. , MflOc : English wnl- nuts , per lb. , fancy soft shfll , lOWllc ; standard * , 8K9c ; lilherts , per lb. , 100 | pecana , polished , me- dlum , 6f7c ; extra large , ISJX : large hickory nuts. 11.00 ® 1.10 per bu. ; small. $1.2331.33 per bu. ; coconnuts , per 100 , 14 ; peanuts , raw , Se3Hc ; roasted , &ff6Hc. t'loa Imported , fancy , S-crown. 14-lh. boxen , lOc ; 3-crown , 44-lh. boxes , 13c ; 2-lb. boxes , 224J 23o per box ; California , 10-lb. box , Jl. sIIONEY choice white , 12c ; Colorado amber , 10 KUAUT-Per bbl. , $3.50 ; half bbl. , J2.23. MAl'I.K SVIIU1' Five-gal , can. each , J2.73 ; Kill , cans , pure , per doz. . , | 12 ; half-gal , cans , JC.11 ; iiunrt cans , J3.CO. DATES Unllowee , CO to 70-lb. boxes , die ; Salr , Co : Kard , 9-lb. boxes. Sc. CIOEIt Per half-bbl , , $3) ) bbl. , 5. HIDES. TALLOW. KTC. HIDES No. 1 green hides , Cc ; No. 2 green hides. Be ; No. 1 sailed hides , 8e ; No. 2 green salted hides , 7e ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12 IbsT , Sc ; No. 2 veal calf. IZ to 13 IM. , 7e. 8HKEP PELTS Green failed , each , 13973C- green salted shearings ( short wooled early sklna ) ! each , ISc ; dry shearings ( short wooled enrly slclns ) . No. 1 , each , Co ; dry Hint Kansas nnd Ne- brn-ka butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 4fjc ; dry flint , Kansas nnd Nebraska murrain wool pclt , per lb. , actual weight , 3Slc ; dry flint Colorado butcher wool pslt * , per lb. , actual 4JSc ; dry flint Colorado murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual welitht , S 4c. TALLOW , ORKASE. KTC.-T llow. No. 1. 3c ; tallow. No. 2. 2'io ; rougn tallow , IMc ; white Krease , 242)4o ; yellow and brown grease , 1H0 o , , or "rown ) . J3.00@20.00 ; otter , S1.E08il.00 ; mink. 15S60e ; beaver , SI 0006.00- skunk , 15c. 23c , COc ; muskrnt , 3c , Gc , 7c ; racoon. 130SOO ; red fox. 250SJ1.23 ; Brny fox. 235fMc : wolf. ( timber ) , 2.icg ( 2.50 ; wolf ( prnlrle coyote ) , lOjjC-Oc ; wildcat , lOifJjc ; badger , Cif40c ; silver fox , 3.o4 VSt-I.W. FRESH MEATS. DRESSED DEEF-Oood native steers , 7c per lb. ; gooj forcquarters steers. Cc : gooi hindquar ters steers , Do ; western steers , Cftc ; native helf- ern , Be : western ' heifers , C'ic : good forequar- tcrn heifers , CyS'c ; good hindquarters heifers SWc ; nntlve cows , C c ; western cows , 6'/c ; fa'r cows. 60 ; cow forcquarterB , 6c ; cow hlndnuarlers. 8c : backhalves. 6ff Ho : triangles , 4Vic. HEEF CUTS-Tcndcrlolns. fresh , ISc ; frozen 15u ; boneless strips , fresh , 10c ; frozen , 9ostriii loins , fresh. SU ? ; frozen , CHc ; rolls , boneless , frozen , cj fresh. 10j ; rolls. Spencer cuts , frozen 9c ; fresh , lOc ; sirloin butts , benders , frozen ! Sc ; fresh , lOc ; shoulder clods , boneleys fllic- rump butts , boneless. 5Kc ; No. 1 chucks , EUc' No. 2 chucks , 4Xc ; No. 3 cl.'uckx , 4J4s ; boneics ! chtirkr , frozen , 45ic ; fresh. GUc ; cow platcj , 3J4c ; steer plates , 4c ; flank stcau , 7o ; loins , Nj. 1 , frozen. 12c : fresh , 14c : loins. No. 2 , frozen , 10c ; fresh , ISc ; loins , No. 3 , frozen. 8c ; fresh , 10c ; short loins , market style , 2e above loins ; hotel style , 4o above loins ; cow loin ends , 8Hc ; steer lo'n ends , 9H ° : hanging tenderloins. 4c ; libs , No. 1 , frozen , lOc : fresh , II j ; ribs. No. 2 , frozen , Sc : frc h. 10 : ; ribs. No. 3 , froxen. Gc : fresh , 8c ; No. 1 rounds. 7c ; No. 2 rounds , Cc ; No. 3 rounds , ( He ; , beer roun.'s , shank off , % a addi tional ; beef rounds , shunk and rump off , lUc additional ; trimmings , 4Hc ; beef shanks , 3c ; brains , per doz. , C5c ; sweetbreads , per lb. , frozen , lOc ; fresh , 12Ho ; sweetbreads ( calves ) , per lb. , 40c ; kidneys , per doz. , 3Jc ; ox tails , each. 3c ; livers , pjr lb. , 2i4o ; hearts , per lb. , 2Vtc ; tongues , per lb. , 12c ; calf livers , each. 3 Jo ; calves , whole carcass or sides , lOVio ; calf head and feet , scalded , per set , 75c. MUTTON Fancy Iambs , Do per Ib. ; regular lambs , Sc ; sheep. "IJc ; market racks ( long ) , Sc ; IJotcI racks ( short ) , lie ; loins , 5c ; sa 'idles , 9j ; legs. 9c ; lamb legs , lOc ; breasts and stews , 3Vic ; tonxues. each , 3c ; forequarters , GVic. PORK Dresed pigs , G&o per lb. : dressed hogs , So ; tenderloins , ISc ; lo'ni , small , 6c : large , die : spare ribs , 4Vic ; ham sausage butts. 5 tic ; lioston butts , SUc ; shoulders , rough , 4 lie ; shoul ders , skinned , Gc ; trimmings , 4Vic : leaf lard , not rendered , EUc ; heads , cleaned , 3c ; snouts and can , 3o ; frcli hams. 1G to IS Ibs , , 7&c ; fresh hnms , short clears , EHc ; cheek meats , 4c ; neck- bones , 2c : pigs' tails , ,3c ; plucks , each , EC ; chit terlings , EC ; hocks , 4c ; hearts , per Cot. , 2. > c ; stomachs , each , 3c ; tongues , eacl7c / : k'.dncys , per doz. , lOc ; brains , per doz. , 13c ; pigs' feet , per doz. ; 30c ; livers , each , lo ; hog rinds , 3c ; blade bones , Gc. St. Lonlsi General Markets ] . ST.- LOUIS , April M.-FLOUR-Hlgher. In sym pathy with wheat ; patents. J4.7W4.SJ ; straights , J4.35 4.CO : clears , $4.0034.23 ; medium , J3.SO&3.73. WHEAT Nervous , unsettled , closing ? Jc for May , % Olio for July and > , ic for September lower than Saturday's flnal figures. Spot , higher ; No. 2 red , cash , elevator , Jl.OHi ; track , $1.01 W1.01H : April , Jl.COH ; May , ll.oiK : July. 81H ® 81c : September , 76y c ; No. 2 bird , cash , 83v ! bid. CORN Futures flrm and fractionally higher than Saturday ; spot , strong and higher ; No. 2 cash , rs > ; c ; April. 29o ; May , 2 > < ic ; July , 30Hc bid ; September , 3lc bid. OATS Futures dull and Irregular ; spot , dull , steady : No. 2 cash , 27c ; track , 27V ? ; April. 27c ; May. S7o bid : July , 23V4c ; Sciitember , 2Jc ; No. 2 white. 2962t > ' , ic. HYIl > ull. tea. 8KEDS Flaxsee , nominal , SUtO. Ttmothr ert , prime. j : . 2.75. CORNMBAL Firm. II.G51.80. lilt AN Steady to tlrm ; sacked east track , SCc bid. bid.HAY HAY Firm for top grades ; prairie , JS.OOC7.E3 : timothy. $8.GOOW.EO/ ' UUTfER-Qulct ; creamery , lC820c ; dairy , Ends-Steady. c. WHISKY J1.20. COTTONTIES 70c. METALS , dull. $3.40 bid. Spelter , strong , PROVISIONS Pork , quiet ; standard mem. jab bing. $9.73. Lanl , steady ; prime steam , $3. CO : choice , ti.07M. Bacon , boxed shoulders , S3 00 < > S.12'/5 : extra shart clear , $5.75 : rlb , SW7H ; shirts. tfi.Ou. Dry rait meats , boxed shouliers , t4.50U4.UVi : extra short clear , $3.23 ; ribs. S5.37H ; shnrlH. J5.GO. nnCEHTS Flour. 7W ) bbls. ; wheat , 22,000 bu. : corn. liC.COO Im. : oats. GO.OO Obu. SHIPMENTS Flour , 3.000 bhls. : wheat , 2.0X ) bu. ; corn , lel.COJ bu. : oats , 73,00i ) bu. Ilr * riool Market. UVRRPOOU April 18.-WHEAT-Spot. flrm ; No. 2 rel , western , 8s IHd ; No. 1 red , northern spring , 8 * IVjd. CORN Spot , flrm ; American "mixed , new , 3s S d ; April , 3s 5 d ; May. ? CHd. FLOUR St. Louis fan-r winter , flrm ; 1M. ( HOPS At Indon ( Pacific coast ) , dull , 2 10j JC4 111 * . PROVISIONS Reef , nrm ; extra India mess , Ks 9d. Pork , flrm ; prime men * , flne wentern , Els 3d : prime meir , medium western , 48s 91. Hams , short cut. flrm. 33s ( d , Itacon , flrm , 33s M ; shrt ribs , 31s fid ; long clear middles , , 31s ; lonu clear middles , heavy. 20s M : short cleir backs. SOa ; clear bellies , 33s.shnulders , square , 3Ga. I-trd. prime western , dull , 27 * . CHEESE American , finest white and colored , flrm. :5I. OII rottnn eel , Liverpool refined , steady 15 * W. Turpentine spirits , steady , 24s U. Rosin. common , iteady , 4s 4-d. ! Cincinnati Martcet. CINCINNATI. . Aprl U.-PLOUR-Bteady fancy. S4.0 > 4.U : fum'ly. ' I3.7M ( 4.CO. WHFAT Fair ; No. S n > d , E9c. CORN Hlntur ; No. 2 mixed , S2 > ir. OATS-Ftrmer ! No. J mixed , IIVK Firm ! Nn. 2 , E3c. I. steady at S3.0J. Diltk meat * , quiet t J3.25. llnccn , steady at M.tO. WHISKY Flrni t $1.20. innTTER nrn : Elgin creamery. ICc ; Ohio , 13 1 * : dalrv. lVpic. ( PtrOAR-Flrra : hanl refined. S4.33O3.97 , FSUlB-Flnn and h'ciir at fc CHKHSR-Sleady ; good to prime Ohio flat \ MV Orleans 3lnrket. NEW ORLBAKB. Aorll I'-HDO PRODUCTS Dull- mess pork. stan"a'J. St".1" . lard. re. flned tUrce , SHOJXc ; pure lard , GV.CTSHc. Bo meU , dry salt nhoutder * . 4te ; aldei , tc. lacon , clear rib side * , 9MCS"c. llatns , cho'cd lUitar cured , COFFKK-Firnwrt ordinary to f.ilr. tn > ria. Illl'E-Sleady ; ordinary tn good. jfittl'Ac. extra fancy , S4.COU4.70 ; pot- nls , SI.900S.OO. IIRAN 71c. HAY-Prlme. S11.OMH2.00 ; chole * . SH.OOOU.S5. CORN No. 2 racked , mixed , e. OATS-No , Z sacked , western , 31'is. flnttlmore Mnrket , HAt-TlMORE , April IS.-ri/JI'R-P-ll : ern suptrflnv , J2.iOlr3.10 ; western extra , J3.40 O4.00 : western family , il.401tl.U ; winter wheat Mtcnt , J4.tXf .l' > : nprlnx whnt patent. J. 2.3 i.W ; * prtng whmt straight , JJ.IM/5.M ; reeolpti , 7,811 bbls. ; exporu , 2S bbls. WHEiAT-Slrons ) * pH nit < l the month. ll.MU P1.02-H , ; May , Jl.oi'KtPt.WH : ttramer. No. 7 rr < t. 9fi'JOmc ; rerelpts , 41.705 bu. ; export * , none ; southern wheat by cample , JUOOfN.ClHj couth- ern en grade. 4I.Oi > ? I.OJ. CORN Strong ; spot nnd the month , SUtfSUle ! Uay , 2iT4jf )5c : ptfn.Tier mlxetl , 3C ( &Uc ; re' celpU , 188,612 tni. ; exports , 67,1W bu , ; southern white corn , J7c ; i outh rn yellow. S-t'iC. OATS FITOVT : No. 2 wMte , 34He : No. ? mixed , .WHWJlc ; receipts. 21,173 bu.i e perU , none. " 11YE Strong nnd higher : No. 2 nearby. SOc ! No. 2 western , 0)c ; receipts , 7.8rt5 bu.j export * , none. HAY Firm : choice timothy , I12.31 U.M. GRAIN FREIOH7H Very flrm. pot muih do ing : steam to IJverpool per bunhel , 3Hd liny ; Cork for orders , per quarter , 3s 7MffJ. M ; April , 3s fd(73A ! 7 } d May. llUTTBIl Firm ; fnncy creamery , 2fe : fancy Imitation , 17 18c ; fancy ladle , lie ; ooJ ladle. L3 llc : Htnre packed. 10012c. KOOS-FIrm ; fresh. lOHc. C1IEKSE Steady ; fancy New York Inrno. 9J ! < MV4c : fancy New York medium , SttOlOc ; funcy New York small , lOUOlO'iC. KnnmiH City Ornln nnd I'rovUlonn. KANSAS CITY , April IS. WHEAT Irregular ; No. 1 harl. 9lc No ! 2 , 92 03e ; No 3 , WiiSMlo ; fo 1 red. 9CHc : No. ? . 9J095c : No. 3 , 92394c ; No. 2 spring. 89391C ! No. 3. ' S7c. CORN Irregular ; No. ! mixed. 27 ? SJJS\c. OATS Firm , active ; No. 2 white , Sitf27Vic. RYE-FIrm ; No. 2. Me. HAY Active , nrm ; choice timothy , I9.M ; choice prnlrle. $7.50. . . _ . . . , 1IUTTKR Fancy creamery , lower , L > 01.ic ; dairy. 1213c. KOOS-Steady : fresh , Slje. . , . . , , RKCKIPTH Wheat , SI.OOO bu. ; corn , 14ZOO bu. ; " " "siilPMENTS-Wheat. 5.GOO bu. ; corn , 13.000 lju. ; oats , none , Vlxlhlc 4rnln Supply. NEW YOIIK , April 18. The statement of tWc visible supply nf grain. In stoic nnd afloat , Sat urday. April 1C , as compiled by the New lork Produce exchange. Is 08 follows : WHEAT-29.1M.OCO bu. : deeiease. 9.U.JOO bu. CORN 31.917.000 bu. ; decrease , C.1S3 000 bu. OATS 12.74fi.00) ) bu. : decrease. 14,000 bu. RYE 3.307.0M bu. ; decrease. 433,000 bu , DARLEY 1,000,000 bu. ; decrees ; , 42,0:0 : bu. Grnln HccelpU nt 1'rlnclpal Mnrkctn. MINNEAPOLIS. April IS. Receipts : Wheat , CHICAGO. Apr'l IS.-ReceluM today : Wheat. C9 cars ; corn , 203 cars ; oats , 316 cars. Estimated cars tomorrow : Wheat. Ill ; corn. 475 ; oats , S10. DULUTH. April IS. Receipts : Wheat , M car' . KANSAS CITY , April IS. Receipts : Wheat , if cars. Toledo Mnrket. TOLDDO , April IS. WHEAT Higher , steady ; No. 2 cosh. J1.C3 ; May , J1.01. CORN' Firm ; No. 2 mixed. 32c. OATS Dull , steady ; No. 2 mixed , 27 c. RYE Dull , unchanged : No. 2 cash , Glc. CI.OVER3EED Dull , higher ; prime cash and April. J3.02',4 bid. Detroit Market. DETROIT , April 18. WHEAT No. 1 white , 97c ; No. 2 red. 9U : ; Moy. 93ic. CORN No. 2 mixed , JJ iO , OATS No. 2 white 31Ke. RYE-NO. 2 , cntc. I'corln 'Mnrkolw. PEORIA , April 18. CORN Firm ; No. 2 , OATS-FIrm : No. 2 white , Me. WHISKY High prost M'lrlts , J1.1DW- Snn. Frnnelnco Wlu-nt Mnrket. SAN FRANCISCO. April 18.-WHEAT-Kasy ; December. tl..1S % ; May. Sl.rou. UARLEY Steadier ; December , n.3C' . IMillnileliililn I'roducc. PHILADELPHIA , April U.-11UTTER Dull at Uc lower. EGGS Firm ; fresh western , 10Vc. STOCKS tAMJ IIOXDS. t In9ln'en Trnmnne-tcd In the Illnlory of the KxclimiRe. NEW YORK. April J8. There wns buying of stocks by professionals In the first hour this morning , which raised the prices of most of the limited number of stocks traded In a point or over. After midday traders sold again , wiping out the early advances. The day's change j are Insignificant and are mixed between gains and losses. The nmount of buslnepii done was al most the smallest in the history of the exchange and a large proportion of the small total was made up of Tobacco. This stock continued tj reflect the conlest between Insiders and shorts , and the Indications nil went to Plicnv that the shorts were In distress. After falling off more than n point the stoclt mounted In an eccentric way 6 points ard closed a point below the best. The buying of the morning , which had advanced general Il > t , wa apparently bated on the pre- Eump'.lon that the differences at Washington on the Cuban question added to the chances of a peaceful solution by delaying war. There were slight advancus In tlie price of Americans In London before the opening hour , which helped In the rice. The selling was due to the action of the house ot representatives In receding from Its resolution and concurring In the senate reso lution after eliminating the recognition of the Cuban republic , llie feature of the market was the supply of stocks. This makes an Ideal mar ket for profctslonal operators , on account of the ease In the price movements. It Is evident that the present market Is buttressed with buylne orders lower down. It Is selling to realize that produces tha nlmott unyield'ner steadiness ot the market. A 1-polnt turn seems to be about the utmost that the professional room traders are able to accom plish. The gold rec l\td by Saturday's atcam- era still further fortlflta the cash reserves of the bonks ami engagements announced for tc-day were over Jl,000,001 , beside * Jt.COO.CO ) engaged lateen on Saturday. The money markc-t. however , showed little dbpcsltlon to yield , although call money wan loaned on the Stock exchange at 2 per cent. Hanks nnd trust companies gentr- ally hold for 4 per cent for call money and G per cent for time money. It la rejarded aa significant that outside banks are beginning to loan money here. The ejfroctatlcn of a govern ment loan no Cbubt Influences the banks to hold their resents and maiked weaknes ) tf government bonds today Indicated the Issue of a new bond strits. The market for railroad bondu was almost absolutely stagnant today and there wera n > changes at ilgn'flcance In price * . Total sales , JISO.WO. United States n.3w 4s de clined 1H per cent , the olj 4 , registered , 1 % per cent , the ell 4 , co\-pn , 1 per cent nnd the Si U per cent en the hid price. The Evening Pest's London financial cable rram nys : "The tt'ck markets here remained stagnant today , awaiting political developments , and were dull on the absence of a propsect of a relief of the present tens'on for oma time. Spanish 4s gave way und clcgey flat at 4m. Tlw > decline was due to fcrced sales of nearly fl.OCO.OCO of the stock from Lyons , where a bl ? house Is tn dlfft iiHlc . There wa a further fall In Brazils. I learn from an undoubted source of Important devtlopments In the Hank of England' * policy to attract gold. Advances nre being made on th usual necurty. : but cb- colutely free of Interest. In Ibis connection 100.000 was paid tonight , received from Ger many. It will be offlclnliy announced tomorrow. Telfgrams from Huenc * Ayres report that thw principal farmers and merchant * Intent to offer - fer their government to take an Informal 6 per cent loan for JJO.COO.WO at 9 per cent and that one-third has alrtody been sub crlbed. " Following arr the closing quotations of the leading tock on tt New York , market today ; Atchtaon . . ' . . Ilk Hawaii C. C. 20 dopfd 24M St. P. A Um t)8 ) llalttmoreA Ohio. . 1U do pfd 140 CanadaPaoino. . . . . 70 SUP. M. AM 130 Canada Soutnarn. . < UH So. Pacific I'-'H CentralPaolnc im So. Railway 7K Chos. i Onto IBM do pfd 2 3 Chlcaro i Altos ) . . . . 1 III Texas A Pacific. . . . DM a , 11. AQ 01 Union Pacific pfd. . 61M C.&K.1 41) ) U. P. common . . . . . . ION it * II. P. D. & G . . . . 0 dopld - . . . . . 78H Wabitub. . . Del. A Hudson 103I { do pfd Del. L. * W 144 Wheel. & U B Den.&RloO 10H Whcol.A L. K. pfd HI dopfd 42H Adamd Ex 100 Erie ( now ) 12 American Kx 120 Erlolstpfa H' . > Ex. . . Xft Ft. Wnvne 10M WellHFariro Ex. . . . 115 GrentNorthernpfd. 147 Am. Cot. Oil. flocklmr Vallov , , . . Mi A. Cot. Oil pfd 07 . . 09 Am. Splnin 8H LakoKrlo&W 1.1K Ain.Siilrltspfd 21 do pfd GO Am. Tooaceo 104 Lakotihora 170 do pfd 113 Louisville A Nash. 4S4 People's Gaa U ( > N Manhattan L 05 ! < Cons , tian 17i ) Met. at. IIv. . . . 137'4 Coot. Calls Co ICO Mlclilrao Central..101 * CoUV. A .Iron 10 Minn. Jc St. L 74 doom. . DO dolntPfd 70 Gen. Klectno 31Vj Mo. Pact tic , . . , . VMM IlllnoUSte * ! 45 Mobile A Ohio 37 LaClodo Oa.v 40 Mo. K. & T HIM Lead 28 Mo.K. * T lifd 31U uo pfd 10-J Chl.In < l. AL 7 Nat. Uu. OH 14 dopfd LM Orcron Imp. Co. . . . . 'JTW N. J. Contra ) Ill PacinoWall U3tJ N. Y.Central ,10'JH Pullman Pal 170 N.Y.CljLiauL. . lit Silver Certldeataa. . fid dolat pfd 61) Stand.Rope AT. . . . U dO2dpfU , , . n Sugar . , . . . . . 1101 Norfolk * Weautra 14 < to Pfd 107H No.Amer.Co J 4 T. C.ilroa 1'JH No , Poatflc.L ' " U. 3. Leather donfd . . . . . . . . . . 0014 to ptd DIJVJ Ontario * W 14i ! U. 4. Rubber : 15H ANav 431 * do pfd UUli dopfd 17 Woaturn Union. . . . HJV , Oro. Short UuJit NortUwnsloru 117 Plttaburtr 1MH do pfd 172 R.'iidiitf Ill Bio O ran Jo West . 2:1 : KockUland S4U da pfd 0,1 8.L.AS. F. U'4 ' Chicago-Great W . . 10H aolatpfd. 55V St. L.A3. W 4 SL Faul 87 ? ' do pfd H do pfd HI Reading 1st pfd. . . 3J Tutal sales of slocks today , 1SO.CCO shnrtu. Inrludlns Chicago , llurMnxton & Qulncy , 7li ; Northern Paclllc preferred , 3.420 ; St. I aul. i.3) ) ; Union Pacific preferred , D.U1 ; Union 1'JcIflc. Denver & Quit , 4,430 : Tobacco , i7M ; Sugin Kliianrlul Nulesj. OM-AHA. April II. The clearings for the day ere 11.103,8:0.51 : ; balances , $151,9T5.CO. The clear- ' I-I I Inn I for 1(07 ( were I8J4.M3.SI. nJ the balnncet J7l.090.ll. 1 intreane ip rlrarinir * , I42t , n. . CHICAGO , April ; ; 0earlngs , . New York exchange , vOn ill * otint , Posted rntpK , JI.H and | 4.84 < 4. Work * practically nominal. Quotations : Alley LV'51 ; , lllitjult. 22 ? , ; lll eult prefmi-d. "OH ; Dinmenii Match. 130 ; Lake 8tr < et U I0i : North rhlcagw313 ; i trawboird , 24 bid. 2 aiked ; West ChK-a i , 8014 , BT. LOUIS , Aprl llA-Cesrlngt. | ; ,9:4.M3 ; bil- nnces , J713.047 , Montjrfn6lS per cent. New York excUmgp , tf-c dlKount bV , par nsVed. NEW O 111. BAN ? . AprlU U. Clearings. JlClt , New York exchange.ibahk par ; commercial , Jl per II.OCO discount. 7. . . MEMPHIS. April 'likcienrlnirs. ' IKUOI ; bal ances. J3I.HO. Nc\V 'fan. exchange , II.W pre mium. * MJ „ PHILADELPHIA. Ai ll lS.-Clenrln | , 119.4 : ! , . US ; balances , JllW,3i / NEW YORK , April IS CIearlngs. 151,157,902 ; balance * . J6.3I5.SW. > f I1O8TON. April lS-C < earlnit . tUe9,123 ; bal ance ? , JI.IH.IO. . . . CINCINNATI. April 'll-Clearlns. : ,17,7S ) . ew York exchange , "lMic discount. Money , 4 J6 per cent. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ STetr York Money .Mnrket. NEW YORK. April U.-MONBY ON CALL- Nomlnally. 2W3 | * -cent , PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-SHITS per "sTERIJNCl KXCHANQE-itealy. with actual business In bankers' bills at J4.S2140483H for de mand , nnd J4.79HC4.W for sixty days ; posted rates. Jl.MH4Ct.Sl. and l4.8t3 > I.UH : commercial bills. JI.TS34.W4. BILVKR CERT. 1IAR SILVER-Stc. MEX1PAN DOLLAR8-45Jc. nOVBRNMENT I1OND3 Weak : new 4s , reg. . 17H , coupon , 117 ! Ss , Kg. , Kci Pacific tt of 'W , 103. Closing quotations on bonds were aa follows t U S.nnw4fl.roz , , . .11M N. C.Us 120 [ I.S.MDW 4S COU..110 C.N.4S ina U.9.4s.raj U'S ' No. Paclfla Ists. . .114 U.S.4t.coup 10S ! No. Pacific 3s. . . . 60 " No. Pacltle 4 U'JHi U.3. 5s. for 110. , N. Y. C. ASt. L.4l..lOH < U.S.OH.COUU. , , HIM N. AW. Us 11H Districts. 05S 114 N.W.Consols 141M A In. , class A 1US N. W. Deb. 8s 114 AI.1..CI333 II 103 Oro.Nav.lKla 113 Ala. . Mass C OS Dro.N.iv. 4s . . . . UJK Ala.Currency. . . . f-1 O. a. u. Oil. t.r. 11HH Atchmoii4.i H7 O.S.I * r > .4. t. r ! > 74 ! Atchmonaal.4s. . . . f < ! H O. Imu. Ists. t.r..l05 CanantiSo.'jtuH. . . 104 O. Imp. u.i. t. r. . . . . . r,3 O. &N. P. t.r. 5 . . Hl I'nclQebi of'OS , . .1(1.1 ( O.AO.ila Ro.tdln11 70H R. O.Wost lats HO I ) . , VII. O. lats. . . .I St. U A I. M. CJ1. .1 8UH . . . . St. L.A3. F.Oaa.a. 115 EastTonn. lat3..H > 7 St. P. Consols 140 ErloOen. 49 . Ull St. P.O.AP. Ists. . . Ill ) ' . \V. AD. li. t. r. 1174 St. P. C. A P. tit 114 Jcii.Kluc. o * . 100 Southern Rv. 5s. . . . 8H4 ! O.II. > xS. A.fls . 103 S. U. AT. Us 03 O.H.AS. A. L Ja..lOl : fief.ia , . . S3 H.T.Cont. . > < l . Ill ) Tex. P.IO. L. O. Ista 110 H.iT. C.cot : 1)3. .Ill ) TflX.lMc.Uff.2ds. . : IO Iow.nC.lst3 . Ui > U. P. D.AO. lats. . Ct : La.NowCon.ts. . . . US . Wab. 1st 3s. . 10m * L.&N. Unt 4s . Ut Wnb.Jds 7UU Missouri 11 . 10. ) West Slioro 49 HHIH M.K.AT. 2il . OS Vu. Ceil turlos 01 ! K M.K.T.4a . Ki1 V.-k dofnrrod 3 N. Y.C. Ists . IMH Union I'.icWc pM. . OU { N.J. O. OS . Ill ) Union Pacltlc 4 . . . HI ) Iloston Stock Quotntlntin , nOSTON , April IS. Call loans , 3V4P ! per cent ; tlnio loans , GTftf per cent. Closing prices for sleeks , bonds and mining slinroa : A.T.AA U W. Eire , pfd American fl HUM Win. Con Am.Sugar uM. . . . 1U74 Huston L Bav state Gn . , . E. E. I mo Bell rolepheno. . . Ucn. Eloc. pfd 60 DoHtonA Alb mv. AtchlHon pfd UostonA Miimo. . . 101 AlclilBon 4a 8.1 . C..1I.A Q 0\H New England Us. . . 111) PltchDuiv O.S IVis. Cent Us General Eibctno. . 31 Alloiiftz Mining UJ Illinoln Stnal 4K Atlantlo Mcxtuau Central. . 4K4K lioston A Montani N. Y.A N. E 87 UuttoA Io3tcn. ) . . . Old Colony 188 Calumet A HcoU. . 6i0 ! O.S. L J8 Centennial 12W UutiDcr 10 Oaceola lill Dillon I'.iclfic Oiilucy 1(11 ( ! WcntEun Tunarr\cK 4 } W. Eloo Pnrroti Snu Frnnclpic-o SAN FRANCISCO , April I'-OHIclal closlns quotations on niinlliKalocks tuday v > cic as fv , ! ' lows : All.l - ' - > , lUHlICl- 13 Aluli.iCon 4 lipiitucky Cou 1 Andes 13 Mexican 17 Belcher 11 Occidental Con. . . . 27S Ue l& UoloUcr. . . . Oulilr. 55 Bullion Overman n CluillcncoCon Potosi 41 Chollar. Sav.iro in Cou. Cat. A Va. . . . Sierra Nevada. . . . 77 Con. Impsrbil. . . . Union Con 'ji : Crown Pomu UlahCon _ 7 Could AOurne. . : YcllowJacket 12 Halo _ * _ _ _ _ Norcros _ * . . i t Standard 1(10 ( Silver bars , K > W. lWeTcan | dollars , 45iloi6e ; drafts , slsht. 15c ; tekgroph. > > iv Yorli M.lnlrip ; anotntlonii. NEW YORK , Aprlt tS.- The following ar the closlni ; mining < iuotatlins : Cliollnr. . 31) ) Ontario JT5 Crown Point. Ounir. SO Con.Cal. i Va. . : Plyrnotun , 14 neadwoou , . 75" , Qulcksllrer 100 Oouldfc Carry . 1'J OlilcSsilver ofd. . SOD . 05 sierra N a rada. . . . 70 IIOlllCKt.lKO. . . . . 3700 Standard 105 Iron Silver . 40 Union Con 20 M - < ican . 17 Yellow Jacks : . . . 20u London Stock Qnotntlon . LONDON , April 18. 4 p. m. Closing : CoiinolH. m'.v..llO U-10 N , Y. Central Consols , ncct 1 } H Pcnnsvlvauta . Can. Puclhc. HI ? Hradlnc . B > l Erie I2 Mcx. Con. now 4s. , d.1W Krlo''da 3U AtchlHon . 11U III. central 102 Mraican ordinary. II ) Grand Trunk . 7ji SuVaul common. . . 0114 HAR SlLVER-SteadyJ 23 15-lCd per ounce MONEY 214 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills , S 13-16 per cent ; the rate of discount In the open market for three months' bills. 3jj per cent. ForelKn 'Financial. LONDON , April 18. The market for American iccurltlea ndvanceu ! at tfio opening and remained steady all day , closing ) steady with no demand. Trading was mostly professional. Gold Is quoted at Huenos Ayres nt 157.40. Amount of bullion gone into the Bank"of England on balance to day , 150,000. PARIS , April 18. Holiness opened weak on the bourse today , soon becoming stronger , sup ported by London purchaser ) , reacted later and closed dull. Spanish 4sled the decline through out. Three per cent rentes. 102f 25c for the arcounl. Exchange on London , 23f 31'io for checks. Dunk of Germ-any Statement. BEIILIN , April IS.-The weekly statement of the Imperial Hank of Germany shows the fol lowing changes cs compared with the previous account : Cash In hand. Increased ll,2MXH ( marks ; treasury notes. Increased I,900CO > marks ; other securities , decreazeil 52:20C00 mirks ; notes In circulation , decreased , 75,040,000 marks. COTTOSf SIAUKET. Strong- Liverpool Cable * nenalt In a Temporary .Advance. NEW TOIIK , April IS.-Strong Liverpool ca bles were directly responsible for a further ad vance In the cotton market today nnd for a time the bull crowd had things Its own way. For a time , there were liberal buying orders from Liverpool and Ihe continent an ! our market openc.j flrm at 101J' points higher , at one tlire showing a net gain ot 465 points. Shorts were made nervous by rumors that southern epot markets were again much h'gher. ny midday prices were back to the Ilnal litres of Satur day under profit taking by both Liverpool and the longn. While steady tlJt market In the afternoon wa quiet , with quotations ranirlnz within a fiw points of the noon prices. The market closed steadyiat n net leas of 1 point boot , qu'et : middling , e c ; net ttcelpti , cr bales ; grots receipts. 3,3ti bales ; exporU to Great Ijrltaln. 10 bales ; to the continent , 1.2)2 ) bale * ; forwarded , 5.924 bales ; sales , 217 bales rplnners ; stock , M2.933 bales. Total today : Net receipt ? , 16.17 * bales ; exports to Great Hrttain 2sSL. ? . , to lho continent , 2,2) ! bales ; stock , ,0rf02 balea. Consolt'ateil : Net refe'ptu , 27,211 bales ; exports to Great Ilrltaln. I2Ss bales ; to Trance. 6,000 balta ; to the continent , 4.000 bates Total since September 3 : Net rtce'pti , 8t75.MD bales ; exports to Great Britain 534.359 , . bales : to France. 2.1(3,230 bales. LIVEHI > OOL , April lI.-iCOTTON Good busi ness done ; prices higher * American middling. In fair demand at 3.13-12d ; good middling. 3 2-32d ; American m'tldllng. 3 . 23-32J. Tin sjles of the day wtrp 13.COO' bale * , of which 1,600 baits J S f01" " "latlon'.nhd'export , nnj. Included ' 1J.COO bales American ; tewlp'ts , 15.0CO bile . In cluding 9.MO bales Ajnrrlfan. Futures orescd steady with a moderate 'demand and clojoil S'ii . Amrlcan , middling. L. M. C. , April. 3 28-C41. tellers ; Aprllfand May , 3 2-C4d , rellcis- May and June. 32S-Gld. tellers ; June un-1 July. 3 IS-WJ , rellers ; July and 'Aumist , 3 23-6ld. eelU PIS ; August and Septen > > > ar , 3 27-64O3 S5-e4d. K era ; teptember and October. 3 2N64d. Mllek. . October and November. 3e4d. . buyers : Novemi ber and Decemb-r , S 2 > C63 ; 21-C4d. relleis ; De- cemtar and JanusrJ K. t lf . ld , tellers ; January and February .1 3-4 i-ei111- f , buy ere. NEW ORLBANS , April IS. COTTON Future- J5.70ff3.72 : j'une' . J5.74ff3.73 * ; July. ? S.77S-57S ! ; Au- - , fujtrl3.77 5.78 ; September. J3.78O5.8. ) ; Octob-r. Jo.79W * . 0 ; November. Ki.MSf5.S3 ; December. Jo 81 ? 5.Ja.n"a- ; ! : . . - bM-T SP ' . < fady ; sales. 7,000 bales ; ordinary , i 3-1 Co ; rflnary ' " " 4 15-lto : low middling1. . S.f-ICe . : middling , 5 il-16 ; ; Kood middling , l-Kc : fhr.ldlllng. fair , 7-lCc ; rccolpta , 7,423 hn'A . wtAMl > IO.C3I bales. CuHec NKW YOIIIC , April IS. COFFEB-Optlins opened steady with April IS point * lower : ether month * unchanged to i-points lower : ruled quiet nnd featureless , wllh a njRglng tendency , unJer lak of fpctulatlve support ; near the dote It turned weak under bear hammering : clored easy , with prlcts S to 40 points lower ; sales , 5,711 bags. Including April. 6.05e . ! tO : Hay , 15.90. Spot cof fee , Hlo , steady ; Ns. 7 Invoice. 6T4c : No. 7 Job bing. 7 ie. Mild. Cordova. SUOlSe. Total ware house deliveries from United States. 28.5CO bags. Including 2 ,31S bans from N w York : New York stock today. C04.4I4 bags ; United StiU-a stock. 6K.311 bags ; afloat for the United State * , 44UfiO bags ; total visible for the Unlte.1 Btetei , lM , . 711. bags , agalnit GS4,4 < 7 bags laK year and , 414- 73i ba In 1M . SANTOS , April . COFFEE Firm : oood aver- nee Santos , 9,000 rels ; receipts. 1Z.COO bans ; stock , 4GJ.COJ baxs. HAMIIUUG. April 11. COFFKE-Opened unchanged - changed ; at 1:30. : p. m. . U pfg. higher to Vi pf ( . n t lower ; sales. U.OO * loan. JUO UK JANEIRO. April U.-COFFEE-ll'n , quiet ; No. 7 Illi. 9.KD rel < : exchange i 15-1W : receipts , 7.WO l gs ; cleared for the United States , 2XODO bags ; cleared for Europe , none ; Hock. 1C3.000 bags. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET . Week Opens with Slack Him and a Verj - General Depression. UNCERTAINTY IN CATTLE SITUATION Btrrnirth Shown Hrre Kntlrely Dne to Unli4 IleerlpU , III * Trade < 1 on er nil r llpilnR lit find Con dition Everywhere. SOUTH OMAHA , April lS.-Uecelpts for the days Indicated were : . , . Cattle. Hos * . Shrep. Hor's , April IS . 1.173 1.9M 1.603 April 1C . 1.031 6,603 7,725 11 April 15 . 2.2UU li.wa 1U.376 April 14 . 1,411 5.77S 11,727 April 13 . 2.543 5.472 1.KH5 April 12 . & .41 ! ) tf,555 3,000 April 11 . 1.SS7 2.730 6,731 2 April 9 . , uS 3,160 924 25 April 8. . . . . 1.M4 4.231 1.S91 April 7 . 1,601 ! 5,483 14.XM April fi . 3,515 8,213 7,303 2 April C . 2,61'J 6,053 3,05 $ 04 April 4 . 1.226 1,133 9.453 April 2 . . . . . S J 3,150 3,127 April 1 . 1,741 6,112 3 , ! ) > iti March 31 . 2.SS5 6,137 11,003 21 Thu official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was : _ Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. C. , M. & St. P. Ry . , , . . . C O. & St. L. lly . 2 Union Pacific System . 12 4 C. & N. W. Hy . i . P. , K. & Jl. V. H. H . 2 12 C. , St. I' . , M. & O. Hy . 14 1 B. & M. It. H. U . IS 11 7 C. . B. & Q. Hy . 1 C. , H. 1. & I' . Hy. , cast . G Total receipts . .7 : . . . . CO 29-7 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows , each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated : Huyers. Cattle. Hogs. Shfiep. G. H. Hammond Co . 1S3 371 71 Swift and Company. . . . . . llil 514 Cudahy 1'acklng Co . -142 1,139 P. D. Armour , Chicago. . 07 . . . . TiS H. Becker and Degan. . . . 185 . Vansant & Co . ui . J. L. Carey . M . Lobman & Hothschllds. . 1 . Krebbs & Co . SI . Hill & Huntzlnger . 1 . Livingston & Schalcr. . . . 1 . Other 'buyers . 101 . . . . 33 Left over . 150 C70 Totals . l.src 2,174 1,501 All told there were hardly 100 cars of live stock In the yards this morning , as against 127 a week ago , so that It was really a light run for a Monday. The markets as a whale were devoid of especial Interest , though fnere were some variations In prices , as there was not enough of any one kind of stock on sale to awaken very much enthusiasm. All the morning there was a steady fall of rain , so that everyone who could remained In doors and the yards Vuil a decidedly lonesome appearance. CATTLli-Tho stock yards bulletin showed sixty loads of cattle of all kinds In the yards , which was only about seven cirs short of the supply of a week ngo. Advices from C'nliuso and other Belling points Indicated steady markets , while at the same tlmu there seemed to be a little better local demand than a week ago. This , coupled with the moderate offerings , gave sellers a little the best of It , nnd they were enabled to get fully steady prices for most any kind or cattle , while tidy little beef steers were , If anything , u little stronger. At tne same time there were salesmen who were calling the market lower , but they were the fortunate ones who happened to have good selling cattle1 last week , so that they did not feel the full strength of the decline , and 'nonce the market today looked lower than they expected to find It. The movement today was fairly active , and as there were not many cattle here sellers were enabled for the most part to "dispose of their holdings in good season. Every thing was soldnnd welched up and the yards deserted at an early 'nour. Shippers would do well not to deceive themselves us to the steer market. It Is no easy matter to show on paper the full ex tent of the decline on beef cattle , and this Is a time when caution will stand shippers m good hand. The packers do not act very Hungry for cattle , and It would undoubt edly be a good thing for the market If the receipts nt all selling points could be kept down for a few days until the market had an opportunity to recover. Cows and heifers today sold fairly well at Just about steady prices , the market showing little or no change so far as values were concerned. It must be borne In mind , nowever , that prices are nt least lOiUSc lower than the high time last week. Stockers nnd feeders were very slow sell ers today. That Is very apt to be the case on a Monday , but there Is apparently still another reason for the market being dull and slow. The country seems tohave be come afraid of stock cattle at present pr.lces , and tnere is a noticeable falling oft In the demand. Values on an average are STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av Pr 40..1I95J135 37..110I 25 22. . . . XI H 125 20. . . .1170 4 15 18..H52 4 II 16 .1 03 30 IS. . . .1507 4 SO 21. . . .1084 4 ID 43.I..1JM 15 12..115S 42D 3..I8 450 9..1MS SO 6. . . .1570 4 30 43. . . ,1104 4 40 3d. . . . C58 75 18. . . .1189 4 25 1..1MO 3 V > l JWO 40 7. . . .1022 4 50 W..13J7 4 W > 22 937 10 1..1170 425 17.-1273 420 H. . 617 8 ? 74. . . .1157 4 55 1..1210 3 W 22 , . . .1216 15 ,1\\1S \ \ , ? 5 ? U7 415 2U50 : : W < > * 4 15 ! < * 4. . . . 522 375 21. . . .1040 3 SO 20. . . . 663 370 10. . . . 831 SCO 1. " . 740 350 1. . . . 9M 309 6. . . . 563 3 M 2a..liu 3 > I. . . .765350 2..10M 325 fl . MS 3 33 1..1110 333 9. . . .1068 365 2..1UO 3 25 6. . . . SO 33.5 Z..1270 350 1. . . . 970 390 2. . . .ICOO 375 5. . . .1184 36S 1. . . . 860 2 SO 1..1110 2 59 1. . . . 740 3 M 1. . . . 730 4 00 2. . . .1125 2 1. . . . 810 29 2. . . . 900 225 4. . . . 997 3 87 11. . . .1019 3 50 1..1040 3 3 2. . . . 813 3 33 3. . . . 778 3 33 3 , . . .1090 3 90 1..11DO 3 S3 1..1MO 3 75 HEIFEK8. f"S 4 23 1" " cw 4 2I 6. . . .1202 4 63 1. . . .1360 4 05 . . . . 903 4 05 2. . . . 445 3 63 11. . . . 723 4 M 2. . . . 8:5 4 20 1. . . . 6.JO 4 23 19. . . . 838 4 03 2. . . . 5C3 4 25 1..1110 3 80 1..1350 3 30 I..HJO 3 35 1..U90 4 30 1..1MO 4 30 1..HW 3 15 l" 8M 3 4ft J" " ; X ! IS 1"0 J 15 1-.1910 3 15 J..I.IU 3 Zj CALVES ' 1. . . . 290 500 I. . . . 403 4'50 1. . . . 270 309 STAGS. 1..1210 403 1..1310 375 t..1310 3 SO STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 1. . . . C70 4 40 31. . . . MS 4 50 1. . . , 70 a 4) G. . . . 7GJ 4 30 1. . . . 729 4 13 12. . . . MG 4 60 ! ? $ ' 1. . . . HDS2S 16. . . CCO 475 .11. . . . 7J3 425 4. . . . C3S 433 3. . " 412 4 ID 8. . . . 423 515 47. . . . 43 4 S5 HOGS-Thero wore only twcnty-elght londa of ! n.i ya JhU mornltB- ) which was c-ven smaller than a week ago by seven car . With nf > few loads on sale there was very llttli of Interest In the market. The prices paid v , o a Binds lower than tlioje .which prevailed on Saturday. The bis string went at the prlc ns at Uie cloze of last week , that Is S3 ( a but there were no .loads at M.70 today , and the proportion of sales above J3.CO was much pmaller. so that the average of all the sales was lower. Hogs sold today at the lowest point of the rronth to date , nnd the lowest of nny day since the month of January , excepting only March 2S , when the average price was JJ.57. One year ngo the nv.uket was 30o higher than It wan Ui- day. two yearn ago 17V5o lower , three years agi Jl.OO higher , four years ngo JL50 higher and Il ° e years ngo J3.3 * higher. I'artles who have kept themselves vre'l In formed and nre In a. position to Unow nil that can be known ln a < lvance predict a continued low market for hogs , the expectation bclnc thjt thy will s ll rleht around n.50 for sums Httlo time to come. The oasis for this prelllnn | Is apparently the supposition that there nre a good many hogs In tlia country , and that the markets will be well eupptled right n'ong dur ing- the summer season. Representative gales : No. Av. PrtM. No. Av. Prlfe 60 274 209 3 K 112 2. 2M Ju M7 12) 357W 61 2.SS gj 3 n % M OT 13) 3 : ,7Vj 77 2M W J 6T , 73 r j . . . see c ? n * to : co 87 2SS M 3 60 51 275 3-O A M ee su m 3 w 57 231 . . . a en W 217 80 a 60 CO 107 . . 3 CO 79 2IS ICO 3 CO 70 279 JJ | 3 54 181 . . . 3 CO W ) m Si X * l 71 2SJ . . . 360 M : M ) S ( > M 292 . . . 36) 0 Ml . 3 I * 77 Ml .8) 3MVi 'S ! 50 S 04 S 237 JO ) 363 9) 272 . . . SW WAGON HOCT5 THROW OUTU 1 . 230 3 ft 2 . * * ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 2V ) 5j ! . . . ! ! . . ' ) . . . 3 K t'/.m ! . ! s js 2 . 3C3 . . . 3fO SIIEBP There were only tevin rar of sheep In the yards this morning a ) against twenty-s x can n week ago. 'The market waj extremely slow nnd dull. The buyers dhl not have any orders In the mornlne an at the same lime Chlcaco reported a break of lOS'lSir ' , so that ttje whole dilution was dlicjuragfrgs nnl against the telling Inttrests. llerc ntatlve calea ; 8IIEBP. 35 ewes , stoclters , . , . , . ( X SI 25 74 mliel westerns . t < 4 9) Xerv York Live Stuck , NEW VOHK. April IS.-nEKVEa-ItecHpts. 3,751 head ; openel dull onJ xveak ; closed llrm on Chicago advices ; etrers , II.40SJ.10 ; tops , J3.9) ; osen and stagi. JJ.W-U.JO ; built. ! 2.7if4.2 > ; cows , r.l3&3.75 ; cables flrmer ; American tUrrf. 9ViO lO'.i'l , drersed weight ; live theep. 9ViOKd , dre ed weight : refrigerator bef , S8Sd ; PX. ports todiy , 154 head cattle : tomorrow , M ) head cattle , 1,101 head sheep and 2. MO quarters of S. l head ; market ic lower : veal * , common to prime , 14.0005.71) ) choir * , js.&i. 8ltiii : > AND TAMnS-ttecelptn. II.7C7 head : sheep , ifl5o lower ; lsmbs , tire lower ) unshorn sheep , l3.7iQI.73i tllpimt sheep , J.ttOfd.JJ ; un- shnrn Iiiinli' . . J3. 3U5.73 : clipped tnmb.-i , J4.12HO 4.73 ; fprlng iambs , J.Mft4.73 each. IIOOS-Recelhts. 1I.2W head ; 19. ' lower ! common - mon to prime hogs , J3.VCOI.13 ; western pigs , J3.GO tfl.73 , cincAco LIVE STOCK MAHKUT. Tnule In Cnllle i * Anltuateil with 1'rlera Mtronjtrr. CHlCAnO April 1S.-A. small supply nt rattle toilay made buyers more ready to Uko hold and trade was quite animated at stronger prices from the stnrt , desirable offerings selling lOGISc higher limn at the close Init week. The greater pm of the U'tf steers sold at IUWI.W , the common lots selling around 14,00 , while extra choke shipping cattle were scarce mid pretty much nominal at J3.2.MK.50. The ilojker nnd feeder trade was moderate at last week's prices , sales' being mainly at JI.MU4.73 , with light weight yearlings chiefly wanted , Canners old mostly nt J3.5uU3.00 and fat cows and heifers were about n dime higher , with n good demand. Itulla were In the u uul demand t ruling prices and so were c.ilvcs. There was u fairly active demand for hogs , but prices were generally ZHCSc lower than thoM ruling lift week. Western shippers were again | KOr buyers nnd local buyers were there fore In n position to dictate terms. Hogs sold nt an extreme range of J3.65Q3.t4li , largely nt J3.SOjf3.90 , prime light weights selling 10 : under prime heavy. Little pigs gold largely nt J3.25tt > 3.40 and heavy pigs mid chlclly nt J3.4StM.75. Trade In ihevp nnd Iambs was very dull , all classes of buyers taklnit hold rparlnuly and prices were largely lOc lower. Clipped fheep fold at J3.7r.yi.25 for ewes nnd nt JI.25U4.40 for weth ers , clipped yearling wethers being tillable nt J4.40fi4.Gv. Clipped lambs cold slowly nt JI.S5O 4.75 nnd wooled Mexican lambs were dull ut J-5.OLfo.fA n few prime Innibt being held for ? 5.W. Choice wooled cheep weru nurd to tell at fl.CWH.70 nnd fair tn Rood western woolej lumbs were dull at J5.00ffj.40. RECEIPTrf-Cattlc , 13.1UO head ; hogs , 37.C04 head ; sheep , : oCW > head. St. I.otijN Live Stork. ST.LOUIS. . April is. CATTM : Receipts , S.OAJ head , Including 1WO hend Texnns ; Ehlpmrnt' , 2vO head ; mnrkct steady to strong ; fair tn fnncy native shipping nnd export steers , JI.D5IiC.35 ; bulk of r > .ic. ! , $ ; drrsird beif nnd butcher steers , J3.W5.10 : bulk of n\\e \ > . I4.40W 4.73 ; ttecrs under 1,001 Ibs. , JJ.SOfM.M ; bulk of sales , JI.WSl.M ; cows nnJ heifers , jJ.l fl.63 ; Texas nnd Indian rtccr * , | 3.85J4.G5 ; bulk of sales , J4.20iffl.50 : cows nnd heifers , | 3WT3.10. HOOS Itfelpts. 3.7CO head ; shipments , 1.9W head : market tteady to n flinde lower ; york- cr > . J.7 ff.1.tO ; | iackere , t3.W93..0 ( ; butchers , J3.SO JT3.SO. SHEEI'-Rccclpts. 3.COO hend ; rhlpmenls , none ; market ntcady ; nutlVR muttons , I.OIi.T5 ; limbs , | 1.2Jtf5.C ( ) , with spring lambs up to JS.50. I.oiiNvlllc Live Slock. LOUISVILLE , April IS. CATTLK-Mnrket dull nnd fully lffl."r > ! lower : extin gcod export s'tvrs , t4.WW.t5 ( ; chrlce butcher Htects. Jl 25lf l.:0 : ; fa rte to Roof butclur ttrers , J3.7.Htl.I.1 ; common to medium butcher sleets , M.u0 3."i ; cliol-e heifers , J3.00O4.U : fair to choice butcher < ows. J2.COO 3.0.1 ; medium to good feeders" , J3.TiU4.1. ( > . 11OOS Tops. J3.70 ; mediums , Jl.My3.70 ; light shli psrs , 13.4093.60 ; p'gs. J2.D003.IO. S1IE1U' ANIJ LAM1IS Market xlejdy and tin changed ; good In extra f hlpp n , ; IJ ep , JJ.tOl 3.75 ; fair to good sheep , 93 WfJ-23 : common ti > medium , } 2.0d5I2.fO ; extra stilpplng lambs , JKT..jf 5.0) ! fair to good l.nnhs , t4.23ti4.73 ; te-t but'hcrf , J4XUQ4.CO ; fair to pooil butchers. J3.50S7I.OV. InilluiiitliolU I.lve Slock. INDIANAPOLIS , April 18. CATTLE-Recclptf , light ; shipments , -fall- : market itendy ; good to prime steers , 14.7303,15 ; fair to medium lec rs , jl.-IOfi'I.C3 : common to good Etockcrs , t3.Sriff4.CO. .HOaS Receipts , 1,010 head : shipments , CCO hend ; market fnlrly active ; nil ro'.d nt n KCII- cral decline of 2'.c ' : Rood to choice mcd um nnd heavy , I3.7i3.s2 > ,4 : mixed nnd heavy. 13.70 (13.75 ; good to choice lights , J3.70if3.75 ; common IlKhtK , J3.WJ3.70. BHKEP Receipt ? , llsht ; shipments , none ; market stendy ; gixit to choice lambs , jr > . ; . "iffj.0 ; KOC.J to medium lambs , JI.OOCT1.W : good tn choice sheep , J4.000 > l.23 ; common Ehecp , JJ.75W 3.40. Knot IliilTnIo Live Stock. KAST lltJFFA't.O , N. Y. , April 13.-CATTJ.E- Cholce fat stecriJ4.50ff4.CO ; light , J4.23t.3 > ; choice fat heifers. JI.2.WI.50 ; mixed bulchers' stock. J3.fiOWI.23 ; fat cows , J3.CO 3.60. 1IOC1S Good to choice yoikers , J3.9jfft.CO ; Hunt > orkcrs , J3.SOS3.W ; mixed packers' grades , J4.C084.03 ; inedliini weights , 14.05 ; heavy , S3.S54P 4.10 : rouuhs. J3.40g3.53 : pigs , S3.aiK3.CO. LAMI1S Choice In extra. J4.COff4.70 ; fair tn good. Jl.3jQl.50 ; culls , J3.C084.23 ; yearlings , $1.00 SHEEP Choice to telc'cted wethers. J4.155.25 ; good to choice mixed. J3.73Q4.10 ; common to fair , J3.50S3.C3 ; culls , J3.COif3.40. City Live Stook Market. KANSAS CITY. April IS. CATTLE Receipts , 8.00) head , Market Mendy to strong nnd active ; Texas steers , JS.7oiffl.30 : Texas cows , J3.SCff4.Mj native rteers , J.l.75frJ.OO ; native cows nnd heif ers. I1.75S-I.50 - : stackers nnd feeder * . J3.CCO3.20 ; bulls. J2.755J3.73. HOGS Receipts , 5,000 head. Market weak to So lower ; bulk of Miles , J3.5W3.75 ; licivler , J3.700 3.SO : pn'ckers ' , 13.0010-3.75 : mixed , 53.53713.75 ; lights , l3.GOir3.67ti ; Yorlct-ri" , J3.COB3.C7 ; pig' , J3.25 3. 0. SHEEP Recelpls , 3,000 head. Market steady ; lambs , Jl.W35.3o ; muttons , J3.COiT5.00. Cliieliinntl Live Slock. CINCINNATI , April 18. HOGS-ActlvO at J3.10 @ 3.S2',4. CATTLK-Flrmcr nt J2.85O3.8,5. SHBKl'-Dull nt J2.755f4.50. U\MUS Weak 'at J4.0 > ) g5.50. Stock In Sight. Record of receipts of live stock at the .four principal markets April 18 : Cuttle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha , 1.473 1,924 1.505 Chlcacj 13,500 37,00) 50.0CO Kansas City S.COO 6,000 3,000 St. Louis CODO 3.700 3,000 Totals 24,973 47.624 28,003 Wool P.OSTON. April ! . WOOIrollowIng are the prices quoted for the leading descriptions : Ohio and Pennsylvania fleeres X nnd above. 26027c ; XX , 29c ; XX. above 30c ; delaine. 300 3lc : No , 1 camblns , 30c ; No. 2 combing , ! 0c. Michigan , Wisconsin , etc. X Michigan , 24c ; No. 1 Michigan combing. 2029c ; No. 1 Illinois comb- Ing. 2SO29o ; No. 2 Michigan combing , 2S@29c ; No. 2 Illinois combing , 2S ® : ? ; X New York , New Hampshire and Vermont , Zl&Zl ? ; No. i New York. New Hampshire nnd Vermont , 27c ; delaine , Michigan , 2Se. Unwashed medium- Kentucky nnd Indiana quarter blaod combing , 23c ; three-clshths blood , 23Wc ; Missouri quarter hlood combing , 22e ; three-eighths blootl , 2214C ; braid combine. 20e. l > ike and Georjtn. 23c. Texas wools Spring medium ( I2 mtnths ) , 169 ISc ; scoured , 43045c ; rprlng fine (12 ( months ) , 18019c ; scoured , Me. Territory wools Montana fine me liim | nnd fine , IGiflSc : rcoured , 4094Se ; staple , COc ; Wyoming , etc. , fine medium arrl fine , 1517c ; scoured , 4347c : staple , CO : . Aus tralian , scoured basin , combing , good , 65RCSc ; combing , superfine. 70Jr72c ; combing , average , 2 065c- ; Queensland , fomhlnK. Kc. ST. LOUIS , April IS. WOOL -Easler : me dium. U19c ; light line. 13O1& : ; heavy line , l < c ; tub washed , 225854c. Oil Qlnrketn. OIL , CITY. Pa. , April 18. Credit balances , 75c ; certincates. opened nt 74V4c bid for cash ; xnles , 12.0CO bbls. cash at 741ic ; 1,0)0 ) bbls. reg ular at 75V c : clcsei3 at 73c bid for regular oil ; ehlpmcnti < . 152,8oO bbls. : runs , 9S.22S bhs. ! CHAItLKSTON. B. C. , Apr'l IS.-OILS-Tur- pentlne , llrm and unchanged. SAVANNAH. April 18. OILS-Splrlts turpen tine , firm nt 23We. Hosin. flrrn : quotations : A , It. C , U , $1.25 ; 11 , Jt.40 ; I , $1.45 ; K. Jl.tO ; M , tl.te ; N , J1.C3 ; window class , J1.73 ; water white , N. C. . April 18.-OILS-S-lrlts turpentine , stei < Iy at 23 > ift3lc. Itosln , dull nt Jl.05fil.10. Crude turpentine , qu'et at J1.50 , J1.S3 and Jl.fO. Tar , flrm at Kc. York Dry Go oil * Market. NEW YOTIK. April IS. Dry goods t-penwl with poor trading1 on all 'I'vljmnn r-f 111 * mir- kct. Duyerii were not 'lunvroiM In the local ( leld , nnd they refused to ppeculatc to nny degree. Nevertheless one or two jibbing firms rportKl n fair result In plain pivxls bv rn'l ' orders twlay. An a rule ImslneEi Is r-jnnt > l to special snlesif ! ln. . > which are offprr , ; io clean up stock. While reiluctlr.nn for IIOs pur pose ore not radical , they arj nn object to buyers , and are tp.lctn ndvnntagi of , t5'aiil cotton. Is quiet. Print cloths show no change for the bcUcr. Prints nre again q-il t. Suitnr MnrkclM. NRW ORLKANS. April 18. SUQAn-Oulet ; on < n kettle. 2M03So : ccntrlfiiBnl grnnulitp iiict white , 4 7-lOe ; yellow , 4O4 B-lfic ; cecnnds , 2KQ3 15-H < o. Molns.vs , dull : rcn'rlflltrnl , 4O13n. NEW YORK. Apr'l ' IS.-SUOAR-llaw , nulct ; fair refining , 3Hc ; centrifugal. t lest , 4 I-l s ; rrflned , quiet : mould A , 3 7-ICo ; standard A , 51-162 ; confjctlcntrs' A , Bl-16o : cut loaf , 5 ll-K : ; ru heJ , 5 ll-16c : powdered , 5 7-lCc ; granulated , 63-ltc ; cube , 5 7-lfc. _ Cnllfornln nrleil Frultii. NKW YORK. April 18.-CALIKOIINIA DRIED KJIUITS Apples , nrm : other fruits steady : evaporated apples , common. Ifl7'ic ; prime wire tmy , 80 : woo l dried , nrlme. 8Vc ; choice. 4c : fancy , JJJ9',5e. I'runes. 3Wff7c. Apricot * . Rovnl. 5U7c : Mo r Park. 8V40ICO. Peaches , unpccled. COSc ; peeled , 11O14 : . JAMES E BOYD & GO , , Telephone 1039. Omaha , Neb COMMISSION , GRAIN , PROVISIONS und STOCKS BOARD OP TRADE. Dlrer-t wlre to Chicago nd New York. Correspondents ! John A. Warren A Co. TEI.EJ'HO NB 1953. H. R. PENNEY & CO , 110 Board of Trade Bldg. , Omaha , Neb GRAIN , PROVISIONS , STOCKS Drincb Offlr * . UJ8 N Bu. Unccls. Nob. The U. 8. GOVERNMENT wants Wong men tn Its ncnrlcfl. With one o- icord the Army nnd Nnty endorse DAlt-UKN at the Rrcstut known tronitihonor , Invlgoral- or nnd rentorotlvo. It create * solid , muscle - clo nnd. stroQKth , clears the brain , strengthens the ncrTcs nnd causes the eoncratlvo organ * to quickly regain their nor mal powers. Kor norr- ous prostration , overwork - j work , Impaired vitality' In either cox. or cxccstlro uvs of opium , llo'ior or tobacco , it positively cannot bo excelled. Ono box will work Bonders. Six will cure. 11AII-11KN Is for sale by all druggists , 00 l b- lets , BO crntt. Ono to two months' treatment Fill out nnd mall tn the diagnosis shoot In each box , nnd wo will g'vo ' your case special atten tion without extra charga 1IAH-I1KN I * pro- pirod by Hlnlmer O. llonson , 1'h.D. , 1L S. , M- rest from the formula of E. K. llnrton , M , H , Clovelnnd's most eminent Bl > oclalljt. MalleA In closed package on rerolpt of prlf o. BUS. UAHTON AN1J HEN ON , 01 liar-lon ) Ulocli. Cleveland , O. For snlo by Kttlm & Co. . 13lh ami Dong as ; J. A. Fuller A Co. , 1402 DotiBlaa St. . nml Gmhitm UniB Co. , 15th nml Furnnmi Clnjr IMinnnacy , 27th nml Lenvenworth ; "oyton's I'hiirtnncy , 21th nml lcavenworth : i J. Sykorn , South Omahn , ami nil ottver rtiR-Rltits In Omahn. South Omaha , Council Huffs nml vicinity. Health is Wealtii DR. C. C. WEST'S NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT > THE ORIGINAL , ALL OTHERS IMITATIONS , Is pnldunder posiliro Written ( Dnarnutee. byantliorizml ngpnU only , to cum Weak Memory , UizzintWB , Wakotulnena , l-'its , Hrstorin. ( JuicK- ns ! > , Niaht LOSJM , Kvil Dreams , Ijock of ConU- dci'.co , Norvousnoje , LnFslttido , nil Urolno , Youth- fill Errors , or Excessive Uro of Tobncuo , Opium , or Liquor , which loads to Misery , Consumption , Insanity nnd Uonth. At utoro or by mnll , $1 o box ; oix for $5 ; with written sunratiteo to euro or refund money. Sample uncltv ago , contnhiiiiB jivotilnya * < > ntment.\vjui full inetruclions , 25 cents. Ono cnimito oulj ) sold to osch porgon. Atstoroorbyiuail. 5 "Rcd Label Special , ' Extra Strength. I 'For Impotency , jjona otl 1'owor , Jjoct Manhood , Klerility or DnrremioRs. , ? 1 n Imi ; eiz for ? .1 , with jwrlttcu zuarantocS tacnroin30uatB. Atetoro Myorn Dlllnii Druir Co. , S. K , Corne * Kith mill Kiiriiniii Sin. , Omiilin , Xi-b. Irclnnins ; . FlntVeek. . UVctk. WEAK HEN IinMiint Relief. Cnro In 15daj-s. Never rettmn. i I will Kladl/Bcnd to nny pnffrrcr In n plain seiilcd , aenvclopo I'nKK n iirfscrlptlnn wllh full ellrcc-1 ] tlfini for a quick , prlvnto cnrn for Lost Hantmcil. iNlRht Losses , Nervous T > i > tillUv. Pmnll Wr U lr risVarlcncclo.ite. n , | | . \VrUlii. Music rnirr. Um l.VtB. Mnrthnll. Midi. Patronize Home Industries Ily I'nrcliiiHlnur UooilH Mnile at tin- lotvlnu 'A'clirankn FnctorlcM ° t AWNINOS AND TENTS. OMAHA TH.VI * AMI ItlllllllJIl CO. ( Successors Omaha Tent nnd Av/nlng Co. ) Manufacturers tents , nwnlngs ; jobbers ladles' and gents' Macklnloihcs. Tents tor rent. 1311 Farnam St. , Omnhu. UltEWEHIES. OMAII.V MIIISWI.VG ASSOCIATION. Carload shipments made In our own refrig erator cars , lilue Illbbni. Elite Export , Vienna Export nnd Family Export delivered to all parts of the city. BOILEHS. OMAHA. HOIMHl AVOIIKS , JOIIX It. LOWIIBY , Prop. rtollcrs , Tanks nnrl Sheet Tron Work. Special facilities for doing repairs , etc. Tfl. 1350 . COnNICE WORKS. G. T. EPEXKTBH , KAGLK COHM1CR WORKS. Manufacturer of Oslvnnlzed Iron Cornices , Ga1. vanlzed Iron Skylluhts. Tin , Iron snd Slate Roofing. Agent for Klnneara Steel Celling. 108-10-12 North Eleventh street. CRA'.TCBIl FACTORIES. AMIHICAinsciriT AXD MF-U. co. Wholeruio Crocker Manufacturers , OMAHA , NEII. DYE WORKS. SCIIOKHSACK'S TWI.V CITV IJYB AVOIIKS , 15 1 Fnniniii St. Dying nnd cleaning of garments nnd goads of every description. Cleaning of line garments a Bpectalty. FLQUR MILLS. S. K. OILMAN. Flour , Meal , Feei. nran , 1013-15-17 North nth- Street. Omaha , Net ) . C. K. lllack , Manieer. Telephone 5 2. IRON WORKS. DAVIS & COW'OILL , IHOX WOItlU. Iron niiill IlrniiM Fonii < lrr > . Manufacturers and Jobbers of Machinery. Gen eral repairing a specialty. U01. 1J03 and 1M5 Jackson street , Omaha , Neb. LINSEED OH * WOODMAX II\SIF.I > on , woiuc.s. Manufacturers old process raw llnicej oil , ket tle boiled linseed oil , old proe ground llnreeil cakes , ground and screened llaxseed for drug gists. OMAHA , NEII. MATTRESSES. OMAII.V IlICniUXG CO. Manufacturers of high grade Mattres.e > , 1113 Hamey Street. Omaha. OVERAL.L AND 8IHHT FACTORIES. KAT/-XEVEJJS COMPANY. Mfrs. Clothing , Pantr , Shirts , Overalls. OMAHA. NED. SHIRT FACTORIES. t J. II. BV.VXS , XRIIHASKA SHIRT COMPANY. ITxcluttve custom uhlrt tailors. 1511 Farnam. VINEC1AR AND PICKLES. IIAAItMA.V.X VIXKGAll CO. stanufncturfrs of Vinegar , Pickles , Catsups , Mu lar.U. . fl rv and Woitesterahlre Haure. WAGONS AND CARRIAGES. WILLIAM PFUIKFKII. For a good , subttantlal vehicle of nny descrip tion , for repainting or rubber tires on new or oM wheels the best place Is 27th and Lravenwortll Streets. mUTMMONU CAIIIIIAGK CU. Cheap , medium priced and tony carriages. Any thing you want , second hand or new. Head quarters for rubber tires , warranted18th and Hainey , opposite Court House. CIQAIl MANUFACTURERS. HUM : A co. Largest factory In the west. Lfidlng jobber * of Omaha , Kama * Cltv. Lincoln nd HI , Joiepk handle our goods , 1006 Farnara Street.