Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 15, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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"THE OMAHA DAIEY BJIfc FRIDAY , APHtt , 1 . 1898. * . 11
Wwr Kew and Hearj Bales Boom the
, Wheat Market ,
klnlr CMnke' * n Shnrp nln , tint Lour *
M 'All Under Ilrnrr IleallalnK , Cloa
tatfD c rni nl Corn hr Hi
l'roTl lon Lower.
CHICAGO , April 14.-4May wheat closed at
fl.lltt , the highest point for fnat delivery
reached during the long Letter campaign ,
War nowi and enormous sales of cnsh
wheat caused a sharp advance In July also ,
but tills waa lost under heavy realizing , and
July closed unchanged. The Market was a
spasmodic ono. Corn' reft oft at Hfrtic ad
vance. Oats closed unchaaged. Provisions
showed declines of W12 ! c.
The wheat market wa In many respects
a peculiar one. Although , a tremendous bus
iness waa done , most of. ' the activity was
crowded Into the halt tiours Immediately
following fne opening and preceding the
close. Uut In those' brief periods enormous
lines of wheat changed hands. The opening
was strong nit around , May again being es
pecially prominent. The continued gravity
of.tho news from Washington was at all
times a factor. But traders were for the
most part Influenced by the sharp advanre
wYilch took place at Liverpool , futures In
that market showing ! V4S2d advances early ,
and Increasing them later In the day. This
was apparently duo to apprehension of hos
tilities between the United States and Spain.
Another result of this apprehension , nnd
one wVilch had a preat effect on trading
here , was the acceptance by foreigners of
everything -offered them. The heavy sales
of wheat for export yesterday by Ivlter
were outdone today , traders thinking they
had disposed of 1,000,000 over the nlgYit. Tha
effect on opening prices here was marked ,
fllav. which closed yesterday at J1.08V4.
otarted tndnv at from 11.10 to $1.10 < , and
the rush of huvlnir orders carried the price
almost Immediately to sr.ll. At these figures
Xelter suoolled nvprvhortv who wanted
wheat and fnn result was a reaction to
J1.10 , nnd later to $1.09 , but no Indication
of weakness was shown. The bulk of the
trading was done In July and great nervous
ness was Shown among traders In that de
livery. Opening prices ranged from 9c to
89-Hc , an advance of lMlc over yesterday ,
the Influences governing May being the fac
tors In July also. For half an hour trading
was extremely heavy , Snorts , frightened nt
the recent rapid advance and the character
of the news , taking everything In sight.
( But long wheat , which has been accumu
lating , came on fne market In immense
quantities , holders being satisfied with their
profits , nnd under this liquidation the price
was 'hammered down to SSVJc. It worked
fcack again under a gradually decreasing
trade to MHiflSWic. but there was evidently
plenty of wheat on tap at around 89c nnd
the price soon got under that llsure. For
nbout two hours fno price swung back and
forth , now above 89c , then below It , but
Avlth the tendency In the main toward a
lower level , as the short Interest became
eliminated. Short selling In expectation of
a good reaction finally started nnd half an
.liour from fne close the selling movement
had become general , many of the early buy
ers offering their lines. The result was a
decidedly weak market for a short space
of time , not only the early advance being
Jest , but a full cent besides. It looked as
If t'ho market would wind up with the ad
vantage with fne bears , but shortly before
the close Loiter brokers started to bull fne
Way price. They were eminently successful
nnd n new season's high mark J1.11& was
established. This strength In May was
quickly reflected In July. Liquidation
topped and shorts covered extensively
again. July , from S7'Jc. to whlc'n figure It
had declined , rallied to nnd closed steady
t STKc. May wound up nt $1.11&
Corn early was active nnd firm , the ad
vance In wheat and hlqher cables bringing
Sarge buying orders Into the market. Kx-
tenslvc and general selling ensued and the
market became comparatively weak , re
maining In that condition until late In the
< lay , v/hen fne large export business and
the final rally In wheat steadied the price.
Slay ranged from 30V4c to 30fr8'30yic and
closed % % c highly.
Oats followed closely the fluctuations ol
wheat and .corn. Early prices were sym
pathetically higher , wlfn good covering by
B'horts. Prices soon sagged under realizing
and rallied again with the late strength in
other grain markets. Business as a whole
was quite large. May ranged from 2CHQ1
CGc to 26c and closed unchanged at 2c. (
Provisions was the one really weak mar
ket on fne floor. Prices were lower from
the start nnd the market at no time showed
tiny strength. There was scarcely any de-
Jnaml and the opinion was expressed thai
packers were unwilling to permit a but
( narket now with the summer run of hogs
fust ahead.May pork closed 15c lower at
fo.97 % . May lard 5c lower at I5.12V4 , and May
Wbs 5c lower at $5.12 % . ,
Estimated receipts Friday : 'WYieat , 72
rars ; corn. 180 cars ; oats , 190 cars ; hogs ,
19,000 head. -
Leading futures ranged as follows :
article * . . ! Opan. I HUh. I Low. I Clos * . ! Ycsfy
May i im i on 1"u
July. . . SDH 87J.
Sept. . , HIK-lW KON 7HV , 70 7UM
Dec. , HUH 70H 70
May. . 30KQU SUM
July. . .11M-3V 32 31)4 ) 31 *
Sept. . 32 > l-33 33
May. . . 20K W 20
U July. . , 23H 23)4 )
May. . . n us 000 977 n _ . .
July. . . 10 10 10 10 U87M OOU 10 02.4
May. . . B 17K S 17 S 12 * 5 125- B 17 !
July. . . 623 523 5 20 5 2.1
Mny. . . 5 15 fi 17U S 10 C 12 > - S 17K
July. . . ft 36 5 23 5 17W B 'JO 025
No. t.
Cash quotation * 'trer * aa follows :
FLOUIt-FIrm : winter patents , .
VralKhts , I4.708S.OO ; spring specials. f4.40fr.S4
spring patents. J4.70OI.OO ; straights. } I.409I.CO
Iwkeis. t3.40ffl5.75.
WII HAT-No. a aprlng , 9ocC$1.0i ; No. 2 red
COUN-No. t WOSHc ; No. 2 yellow , SO (
OATS-NO , i , f. o. b. . sijfiic.
PUVXSI-U'D NO. i. M.S ; N\V ,
PnOVISIONS Mesa pork , per bbl. , t3.71fM.fO
lord , per ICO lb * . . Vi.liVi. Short rllM side
( loecx > ) . U.OSQS.JS ; dry salted shoulders tuoxcil )
4.a314 4.87'i ; . hort clear ( Idea Ihoxtd ) . 15.301
'WHISKY Distillers * finished goods , per gal.
SUOAllS-Cut loaf , ! ! . ; granulated , J5.UO
( .11.
JQuotsitlon * ) for tlir Day on Genera
Commodities ) .
NEW YORK. April 11. FLOUR-Recelpts. 19.
IC3 bbls. ; exports. 1S.943 bbls. ; dull but steud'l )
held wltll olj prices ; winter straights , ll.SCf
1.70 : Minnesota patents , S3.M03.S ) ; winter extras
H.SS84.10 ; Minnesota bakers' , SI.z5O4.4S ; winter
low grades , J2.9001-CO. Rye flour , dull at S :
gl.10. Iluckwhrat flour , S1.1001.SO.
CORN'MEAL Dull ; yellow western. 70o.
UL'CKWHEAT Nominal at 45c.
RYE Strong ; No. 2 western. ( We.
> IIARLEY Qu'et : fee',4nr. < 2c.
11ARLEY MAI.T-QuIet : western. K Ks.
WHEAT Receipts. 1C9.275 bu. ; exports , 1K.S49
bu. Spot , firm ; No. 2 red , SLID f. o. b. otloi
ipot. Options opened strong and active on bull-
sh cable * and war talk. The advance wa * me1
> y heavy realizing most of the day , demor.illz
ng prices on distant opt'ons. Jint at the close
here wa * a quick rally en reported recall of the
Ipanlsh minister. Final price * were * itf5c !
ilgher on near and Uo lower on far outl-.ns :
lay. SI.Vtt1.0 ( * : < rlos t at S1.07.
CORN Receipts. 25 , rM bu.t vxports , 142033
bu. S | > ot. steady ; No. 2. K\e. Options opened
Itrm with wheat , sold off un tr realizing , but
' ll'ed again on heavy export sale * and dated
ho higher ; May , 3415-160J3Uc ; closed at
OATS Receipts. 17I.COD bu. : exports , 157.T :
| > u. Spot , weak ; No , 2. JOVjc ; No. 2 white. 32Uc.
Options , quiet and weaker l absence of buyer * ,
closing Uc net lower ; May , ISTjOJOj ; clo a at
IIAY Quiet ; spring , JOfiMc ; gooj to choice , K
IIOPS-Qulet : 1S93 crop. 4 < 73c ; UW crop , Sf9o-
M 7 crop. IMlTo : Pacific coast. 1SK crop , 4Oc :
ISM crop , S4J1 c : 1197 crop. UlflTc. .
HIDES Steady ; Oalveston. liljc ; Txas do * .
t24ci California. 17H9UHC.
, ! : ATHER Steady ; hemlock sole. Iluenos
WOOL Quiet ; fleece , 17 Jc : Texas. l * ? 14c.
PHOVI8ION.S lleef. nrm : family. ( II.OOO11 73 :
xtra mess. J .oO > .75 ; U-rt hams , IX47M : packet ,
10.K.U11.0) . Cut meats , nrm : pickled belllpj.
IC.75ti-6. 10 ; pickled ihouUers. ll.W ; pickled hsms.
| T.M > tjT.7S. Lard , dull ; western steamed , 15.45 ;
Hay. M.M ; r flned. quiet. . Pork , aulet ; ineu.
> .7HJ10. ; abort clear , $1 . :4J1I.W ; family ,
ll. . Twllow , quiet : city , J-l 4jH ? ; pemntry ,
HWV. _ In quality. .
OMJf-Pelroleiini , Mill , Ho ln. * tw < lrt tr 1n > d ,
commwn to good. ll.4tH < ) l > O. Turpentine , itu1 t ,
OllWVkr. Cottunsxed , meadr tut quiet ; | .r1m
'rude ' , ' ,5ci prime crude f. o. b. niltif , 14HO
l\c ! prlm summer yellow , HtfJl'ic ; off sum-
nr yellow , 2Jc ; butter oil , tHIJfc ; prime winter
IlICK-Steady ; fair to extm , 4SOC > ; c ; Japan ,
MOLA. SIQulet : New Orleans , op.n kettle.
r o < 1 lo chu'cc , JKftMo ,
MI-TTALS Iron , tin and lead cjMb'Icd an
easier undertone today as a result ot rnor < < lib
eral offerings and general lack of support Lake
copper was firmer , wllh sellers scarce. At th
close the Metal exchange called pig Iron war
rants very quiet , wllh S4.M bid mil I4.U asked ;
ake coppr , flrm , with 112 bll and | 12.12 > i nsked :
tin , easy , with 114. JJH bid and a ked ;
* pelt r , firmer , wllh $4.23 bid nnd I4.S5 sked ;
lead , weak , with M.tTH bid nnd tt. H asked.
Ix ail | still quoted at 13. W by the nrm namlnic
the selling price for nestern miner * and smelt-
en" .
MUTTKn Receipts , 2,411 pkgs. : market ilcarty
ami unchangvl.
CIIIH ecelpts , 2. ll pkgs.j market firm
and unchanged.
Kaas Ilectlpts , 11,041 pkcs.i steady nnd un
Condition of Tmitv and < iaola lon on
fldipte CUM ! Putter Prodovp.
KOOS-aood slock , 9c.
T1UTTBH Common lo fair. 5llc : s"pnalor
creamery. SOc ; Ifathen-d creamery. Uiilso.
VRAI Cliolcc fat. M to 120 lb * . , quoUd at SO
Sc : IIUKC and coarseC07c. .
LIVE 1'OUI.THY-Chlckens , 6'.JP7s ; old roost-
ers. Sc ; young nxmlers. COd.ic ; ducks , 7c.
rJAMK-Mallardi , IZ.MW2.75 ; redheads , J2.2CO
teal , tl.1501. : ; ; brant ; , t2.00tt3.04 ; Canada
. SI.t4oe.Mi mixed duck * . Sl.oOflI.23.
1'fOKONS Uve , II. 1561. 2J ; tfcad pigeons
HAY-Uplnnd. S7.-0 ; mlulnnd. S .M ; lovland.
S * . ; rye straw , SI.OO ; color makes th * price en
hay ; light bales sell the best ; cnly top
bring top prices.
CELHRY-Good stock. Inrne. We ; smal !
ONIONS-Per bu. , 08 0c.
I1EANH Hand-picked navy , per bu. , S1.23.
SWEET POTATOns-Knn as. 10-peck bblj. ,
SJ.uO ; seed sweet potatoes , S2.00.
CAlIlUflE-Oood stock , per lb. . WOlf.
POTATOES Home grown , C ) lj'35c ; Cotornlo
stock , ; oo ; northern fancy early Ohio sted po
tatoes , Kc.
TOMATOES-Pcr crate , seven baskets , J3.M.
NEW HEISTS Per doz. bunches , & 30c.
RADISHES Per doz. bunches. 30g35e.
LETTL'CE Per doz. bunches. Soil Me.
OREEI.V ONIONS-Pcr doz. , 13c.
WATERORESS-Per If-qt. case. Sl.CO.
CUCUMHERS-Per doz. , SI. I.SO.
WAX I1EANS-H bu. box. S1.23.
PEAS-Per basket , SI.23.
STRAWDERRIES-I'er 24-plnt case , S2.K !
stock , S3.0033.50 ; boxe * , S1.23.
" ' * P6r M"
> "
GItAPE , . ; 'o6r.OO
DANANAH-CSiolce. largs stock , per bunch , r' 00
82.2 * ; medium sized bunches. Sl.75S2.Ov.
. .
NVT8rAImon f' P r lblarsc size. IJSISc ;
small , lie lrazll ) . per Ib. . Dflloc ; English wall
? " ' 'f , 1U' fanc > " sofl she11IO Uc : standards.
SOSc ; ( llbert. , per lb. , lOc : pecans , polished , me-
ilium , efticj ; extra large. 4S9s ; large hickory
nuts , S1.U081 lo per bu. ; small , SI.2581.1S per bu. :
'i m " ! Peanuts' raw' 5fl C !
FIG&l-Imported , fancy , 3-crown. 14-lb. boxes.
lOc ; o-crown. 4Mb. boxes , I3c ; 2-lb. boxes , 220
23c per- box ; California , 10-lb. box , SI.
HONEY Choice while , 12 < S ; Colorado amber , 10
KRAUT Per bbl. , 13.30 ; half bbl. S'23
MAPLE SYRUP-FIve-gal. can. each ? S2.73 ;
gal. cans. pure , per doz. . , S1J ; half-gal , cms.
S6.25 ; quart cans , S3.50.
DATES-Hallowee. CO to 7 < Mb. boxes , BVSc ;
Salr. Be ; Fard , Mb. boxes , Sc
CIDER Per half-bbl. , S3 ; bbl. , S3
h , o.Sg.raCfedhhJSe.6CSe , , ! ! ; o. * 2 llreen
Jeif'ca7 'S-.i ' W V ' " 1J " ' *
SHEEP PELTS-Grcen salted , each. 13
. ; 3c ;
5noh a't.ed'lleiirJnR ' * < "hort wooled early i-kln , ) .
lufno ! ° " 8tear"n ! < slort wooled early
jklns ) . No. I , each , Sc : dry flint Kansas and Ne
braska butcher wool pelts , per lb. . actual weight
4 ac ; dry ( lint , Kansas and Nebraska murrain
wool pelts per lb. . actual wellhff J 4 Sr ?
flint Colorado butcher wool pelts , per lb. . actual
welgat. 4B5c ; dry Hint Colorado murrain woo
pelts , per lb. . actual weight. e4c
t.n 11" ' GnSASE' KTC.-Tllow , No. 1. 3c :
tallow. No. 2. 2'4c ; roucli tallow tun * n-hi >
gresM , 2V4 2J4c : yellow and brown'K usc. 1J4 J
i' , \ - , * ' ' 5-OOSO.M ; otter ,
mink. l QCOc ; beaver , S1.00@6.00-
' ' \ : : muskrat. 3c , Cc. 7c ; racoon.
073 W Wc"adger , 5840c ; silver fox , S3.00
DRESSEO REEF-Good native steers , 7c per
hi J0 . " . ' . " . ' . tef"i. ; . WOS hlndquar-
cows. 6c ; cow forequarters.
. 6c ; cow hlndtiuarHrav
8c ; backhalve * . 69 c : triangles. 4yc. !
REEF Ctrra-Tenderlolns. fresh , isc ; frozen.
15e ; boneless strips , fresh. lOc ; frozen. 9c ; strip
loins , fresh. 8 c ; frozen. 6Vic ; rolls , boneless.
chuckc , frozen , 4Xc ; fresh , 6',4c ; cow plates ,
3l4c ; steer plates. 4c ; flank steak. 7c ; loins. No.
1 , frozen , 12c ; fresh. 14c : loins. No. 2. frozen , I0o :
fresh , IZc ; loins. No. 3 , frozen , 8c ; frt-sh , lOc-
short loins , market style , 2o above loins ; hotel
style , 4c above loins ; cow loin ends , 8Vic * steer
lo'n ends , 954c ; hanging tenderloins. 4V4c ; ribs.
No. 1 , frozen , 10c ; fresh , 12j ; ribs. No. 2 , frozen.
8c ; fresh. lOo ; ribs. No. 3 , frozen. 6c : fresh. So-
No. 1 rounds , 7c ; No. 2 rounds , Cfte ; No. 3
rounds , Hc ; beef roun'e. shank off. c addi
tional ; beef rounds , shank and rump off , lUc
additional ; trimmings , 4Hc ; bref shanks. 3c ;
brains , per dox. , S5c ; sweetbreads , per Ib.- frozen ,
lOc ; fresh , 12Hc ; sweetbreads ( calves ) , per Ib. ,
40c ; kidneys , per doz. . S3c ; ox tails , each , 3c ;
livers , pir Ib. , 2c ; hearts , psr Ib. , 24c ! : ungues ,
per Ib. , 12c ; calf livers , each. 35c : calves , who :
carcass or sides , lOHc ; calf bead and feet ,
scalded , per set , 75c.
MUTTON Fancy lambs. 9c per lb. ; rcsular
Iambs , Sc ; sheep , "ijc ; market racks ( long ) , fc ;
Motel racks ( short ) . He ; loins , 9c ; saMles. 9.- ;
legs , 9c ; lamb legs , lOc ; breasts and slews , 3Vic ;
tongues , each. Sc : forequarten , Kc.
PORK Dresed pigs. 6Uc per lb. : dressed hogs.
So ; tenderloins , 14 : : lo nr , small , 6c ; large ,
e'Vc : spare ribs , 4 Vic ; ham sausage butts , 5 > ic ;
Doston butts , 6Hc ; shoulders , rough , 4 ic ; shoul
ders. skinned , fc ; trimmings. 4Hc : leaf lird. not
rendered. SUc ; heads , cleaned. 3c ; snouts and
eirs , 3c ; fresh hams. It to 18 Ibs. . 7Ho ; fresh
hams , short clears , ( % c : cheek meats. 4c ; neck-
liones , 2c ; pigs' tolls , 3c ; plucks , each , 5c ; chit
terlings , 5c ; hocks , 4o ; hearts , per < 3cz. . 25c ;
stomachs , each , 3c ; tongues , eacl , , 7c : kidneys ,
p r doz. , 10c ; brains , per doz. . 15c : pigs' feet , per
doz. . Me : livers , each , 3c ; hog rinds , 3c ; blade
bones , Cc.
St. General Sliirketsj.
ST. LOUIS. April 14. FLOUR-Hlgher In sym
pathy with wheat ; patents. JI.75QI.83 ; straights ,
J4.3394.SO ; clears. J4.009I.25 ; medium. J3.509
WHEAT Irregular , closing with buyers of
July l-16o above the arklng price at yester
day' * close ; May % c higher and September H
lower ; spot steady : No. 2 red. cash. In elevator.
We ; on track. 11.02 ; April. TOVic ; May. J1.02K
asked ; July. slViOSl\c ; September , 77c ; No. 2
lurd. cash. 93i9c.
CORN Futures dull and neglected but flrm ;
spot higher ; No. 2 cash and April. 28c ; May ,
: iic : July. 29Uc bid ; September , ! QV ; bid.
OATS Futures easier , with more disposition
to sell , but not much demand : spot higher ;
No. 2 cash , 27o : on track , 27(492IHc ( : April. 27c ;
May , 27V4c ; July , 23 c ntked ; No. 2 white , 29 > , S
HYE-Flrm et E2c.
SEED Flavtieed. nominal at J1.20. Timothy
seed , prime. J2.75C2.90.
CORNMEAL J1.5001.S5.
RRAN Active and scarce ; sacked , east tradk ,
It * .
HAY Firm : prilrle. J7.SO ; timothy. J7.50S11.CO.
IIUTTER Steady ; crcamen * . ! < 62lc ; dairy , 9
I-ras-HI ? > ier at 8
IIAOaiNO 5\G V4c.
METAtS I ail. dull at J3.4214 , Spelter , JI.Oi.
PROVISIONS Pork , lower ; standard mess.
jobbing , 19.73 * . Lard , easy ; prime steam. J5 0) :
choice. J5.03. llaron. boie.l shoulders. J5.37H9
550 : extra short clear. J5.87K ; ribs. J6.00 ; shorts.
J6.12V4i. Dry rait meats , boxed shoulders. JI.73
H4.J7H : extra short clear , J3.25 ; ribs. J5.37H ;
shorts. J3.54.
RECEIITS-Flour. 2.CW bMs. ; wheat , 8.000
bu. : corn. &S.COO Im. : o ts. IJ.OOrt bu ,
HHIPMENTS Flour. C.O.X ) bbl . ; wheat , 2,0/0
bu. ; corn , 154 , CO ) bu. ; oats , 21 , COO bu.
Iliiltlmore Market.
RALTIMORE. April 14. FLOUR Higher
western superfine , J2.7U93.10 ; western extra , I * 41
94.00 : we "Mn family. M r4. ; winter wbont
patents. ) ; mrki * wheat patents. J5.239
5.W ; cprlng wheat straights , S3.10O3.25 ; rectlpts ,
1.S29 ! export * . 22.923 W4s.
WHEAT Stronsr. Spot and month , J1.03VQ
l.oa'/i : May. JI.03 191.C4 ! Julv. 9H.C asked ;
nteamer rol. No. 2. JI.101.10 > ; ; exports. 9.1.Q1
bu. : southern whrat. nr mmple , tl.OOOl.OI ;
Bullhorn , on grade. Jt.00fil.03 > i.
CORN String. SP.M and m"nth. * 'U ? 53 4 :
Mav. JSISOISIW ; .Time , S3 iO3Wc ; Julr. 3Jj ;
ii'eflmer mixed. 33933 : rccelnts , lt,02 ) $ bu , ;
exports. WV * t < southern white curn.S3'.ic ;
touthe-n vellow , SCe.
OATS-Flrmer : No. I whltj western. 24U933Xr ;
No. X mlxdl white western , 30VJc ; receipts , 7.C53
bii. : export * , none.
RYE Strrnssmt hlHier ; No. t neorbv.
M ic : N" . w nern , 5 , . receipts. S.f lu , :
exncrls. 8I.7W l i.
HAY firm r/w desirable trades ; choice
ORAIN FREIGHTS Firm. nn mucli doing ;
steam to IJver ool. per bu. . 3rt U.I. Mav.
P | w - ? creamery. 21822c ; fancjIml -
sh. l c.
. fmicy New York , larte. i {
fancy New YorV. medium , > UOliX : . fancy
New York , small.
Knn nv Cllr Grain tl ProTlalnna.
KANSAS CITY. April 14.-mfEAT-1.fJ , : 1
higher ; active ; Kg. 1 bard. Me ; No. J , '
N'n. t , * mc : Xo. 1 're , ) . McrXo. J.
No. X > Hr 4e : No. 2 rprlnav tOftJ2ci Nn. . 7
CORN-Hlxher ! attltp ; No. I mixed. JIHC.
OATS Klrm ; No. 2 white , n 9c.
nVE-llliihert No , 1 , Me. . . .
HAY Firm , nctlve ; choice timothy , .i1 !
Hff pralrl * . IM , .
HUTTEIl-Weak ! creamery , JIOISc ; dairy , 11
EGOS Firm , supply Insufficient ! frr h , 8c.
CliirlHMatI Mnrkct.
CINCINNATI , April l4.-FLOUR-Qulet ; finer ,
Sl.i3ni.43. fnmlly. S3.wes.90.
WHEAT-Illgher ; No. 2 red. COc.
CORN Firm ; No. 2 mixed. Mflmic.
OATS Higher ; No. 2 mixed. 2Stf2K.
RYE-Flrmer ; No. 2 , Kc.
PROVISIONS-Lard , steady at SS.OO. Hulk
meats , steady at S3.X3. llacon , steady at S .W-
WI11HKY S1.20.
HUTTER-SteAdy ; Elgin creamery , lie ; Ohio ,
I0l c ; dairy. I04jl2r.
SUOAR-Flrm : hard refined , 4.I303. 7.
EGGS-Dull at Sc.
CHEESE gukt ! good to prime Ohio flat , SH
G c.
drain HepHpln at Principal Market ! .
C1I1CAOO. April II. Receipt ! today ! Whest.
34 cars ; com. tst cars ; oats , 133 car * . Estimated
for tomorrow : Wheat , 123 cars ; corn , ISO cars ;
IM cars.
MINNEAPOLIS , April 14 Receipts : Wheat ,
13 2c r .
ST. LOUIS , April 14. Receipts : Wheat , 12
KANSAS CITY , April ll.-Recelplst Wheat ,
IS car * .
DULUTH , April 14.ReelpU ; Wheat , 2J cars.
Detroit Market.
DETROIT , April ll.-WHEAT-No. 1 while ,
Me ; No. 2 red. cash and May , 93 ; .
CORN No. 2 mixed , fc.
OATS No. 1 white , 31VIC.
RYE-NO. 2 , c.
flat * Prnnclsico Whent Market.
and stronger : December. 11.57 : May. ll.M'i.
I1ARLEY Firm and strong ; December. SL37U ;
May. SI.40.
"Liverpool Market.
LIVERPOOL , April 14.-CORN-Aprll. stwidy ,
3sSVd ; Mny , steady. 3s Hd ; Julr. steady. Ss SJ.I.
FLOUR-St. Louis fancy wlnlcr , firm. 10s.
I'eorln Slnrketn.
PEORIA. April ll.-CORN-Hlgher ; May , M : .
OATH Firm ; No. 3 white , 2He.
WIIlSKY-ltlgh proof spirits. Sl.19',4. '
IMillmlelphla Produce.
nnd He lower ; fancy western creamery , ! lc.
EGOS Steady ; fresh western. 17c.
Profexulonnl Ilnyltuc Given the Mar
ket n Firm Tone'
NEW YORK , April 14. There was profes
sional buying of stocks today , which gave the
market a nrm tone nil day. The extreme ad
vance from life low level at the opening was
at a point or over In most leading stocks , but
the gains were less than n. point except In a
few cases. The profesMorml buying was more
or less Influenced by the very ostentatious es
pousal of the bull side by a large and daring
operator In published utterances and by dis
tribution of buying1 orders. The following thus
made was able to operate In a narrow market.
The depression was reflected at the opon'ng here ,
but was soon overcome by the bull movement.
The bears seene3 to be very active on London
exchange , especially In SpanUli 4s , nnd the
fact that they were forced to cover helped the
bulls In New York In the later deallanjs. Tt.'j
bull movement Is based on the argument that
a protracted delay In the senate- over the Inter
vention resolution Is necessary , and If the ten-
nte resolution Is adopted there will be n fur
ther delay In conference. The president. Is cred
ited with expressing 'his preference for the house
resolution , and the bulls professed to believe
that If the senate resolution were sent to him
It would fall of his npprov.ll. All' these possi
ble complications are accepted ns furthering the
cltances of delay , nnd delay to th * minds of
the bull means additional chance for the peace
ful settlement. One of the possible plans or
settlement suggested by the bull party was the
sale of Cuba nfter the mfetlnif of the Spanleh
Cortes. A large part of the day's activity was
centered In Sugar. Un'on ' Pacific and Union Pa
cific preferred. Prices fell lowest In the lart
half hour on the report that the Spanish min
ister was preparing to leave Washington. The
keen borrowing demand for tr.c Sugar stock
Indicate ! acute d'stress en 'the ' part Of the shorts
In favor of whom the movement was designate ! .
Only S350.0O ) of gold wa * engaged 'for ' export.
The rise of London exchange in Paris and Her-
lln In response to the tlffenlng of the London
discount rate , was followed today liy lower
rates for continental exchange In New York , In
dicating the pressure for gold Is being shifted
from London to the continent. The dtmanll for
cash by Interior banks to strengthen their re-
st-rves against the contingency of war continue *
unabated , and the supply of legal tenders has
liecomo so depleted that New York banks are
likely lo offer gold to supply tr.e Intsrlor de
mand If It shall continue. Iluslnesi In the band
market was confined to n few speculat've Issues
and prices show neb declines. There was a fale
of n block ot 110.CCO of Union- Pacific 4s nt" 90.
the low point. Total sales. S1.930.1C4. "V.IUd
States 4s , registered , anj new 4s declined H per
cent In the hid price.
The Evening Post's London financial cable
gram soys : "The stock markets here opened
flat today on the war news from the United
States. Spanish 4s fell to 42at one time.
New York was said to have opened large engage
ments for the "putting" of stock on wh' h a
large profit has already been gained. I cannot
confirm this , but believe It to be true. Ameri
cans -were heavy at the opening.- but New York
absorbed stocks freely througll the arbitrage
dealer * , and closed above the worst. After two
hours' street trad'ng the recovery In Spanish
was to 44Vi. Americans were. also , better. . .Even
If war ultimately results many here Iwl'eve
that the date of Oelaratlon Is . * pme way off.
Foreign stocks were flat on heavy selling from
Paris. The Hank of England Was raised the
buying price of French coin to 76 * 6J. and a
small amount was bought today. Details of the
gold movement for the week show the expdrt
of 303.000 to New York and of 10,000 to Mon
treal , nnd the receipt of 2'0,00 from Egypt ,
of 9OCO from Portugal and of 11CO ) from
Australia. The London money market stands at
Following are the closing quotations of the
leading stocks on . New York market today ;
Atehlson . . . . . 11 SI. P. Ac uim.- . „ : . . OS
dopfd . 25 do pfd 140
H.iUunorn fc Ohio. . 1C. St.P. M-AM. 130
Canada Pncltlo . 7H So. Pacific 1' . '
Canada Southern. . 4i4 ) So. Railway J1X
Central Paolftc. . 11 do ptd 2.'U
Chra.&Otuo Texas * Pacific. . . . UM
Chicago * Alton. . . .154 Union Pacific pfd. . 014 *
C..H.&Q . . Ol U. P.O. to OH
. . 51 Wabanh ; 6
C.C. C. A 31. L do pfd. . . . . ln' <
dopfd . 781 * Wheel. A , L , E nj
Dul. * Hudson . HM * Wheel , i L. B. pfd RM
Del. U.i W . 143 Adam * Ex 1DO
Den.&RloO . 11U American Ex 120
dopM . 4'J4 United St&toaEx. . . ng
Erie ( now ) . 11H Wells Fanro Kx.,113K
Erlolstpfd . 32 Am. Cot. Oil HIM
Kt. Wavne . 10S A. Col. Oil pfd 07 H
GreatNorthnrnpf J.I 47 Am. Spirit *
flocKlni Vallov. . . . ( < H Am. Spirits pfd. . . . . . 20
IlUnolHCjntral. . . OSJ1 Am. Tooacco lltHf
LnkeKrlo * W. . . . . IttM do pfd 117
do pfd . 711 Peoplo'8 Gas nns {
Laku Shorn . 180 nun
Manhattan L tl3 j Col. F. ilrou Ill
Met. St. P.V. . . . 138 .10 Dfd ill )
Michigan Central..10.1 Gen. Electric : UM
Mlmt.&St. L 24 W IlllnolnSteel 4.1Vi
dnutpfd SO LaCIcdo Gas 30
Mo.Piiclfic 23M Lead 30.
Mobile.V Ohio SI ! un ptd 102
Mo. K. i T 10K Nat. Un. Oil 14
Mo.K. & T pfd 311 On > son Imp. Co 27 > i
Chi.,1ml. AL 6)4 Pacific Man 234
dopfd 23 Pu'man ! Pal 172
N. .T. Central 1)2 Silver Certificates. . Oil
N. Y.Contral 10 H' Stnnd.Uopo &T. . . . : iW
N. Y. Chi. A St. L. . 12 Sugar 110
dolstpfd CO do pfd 108
dolidpfd 29 T. C.A iron 10M
Norfolk A Woatoru 12V U. S , Leather ! > H
No. Amer. Co 8 > i do pfd 1 film
No.Pacific 22H U. A. Uul boor : 10
do Dfd do pfd Ut
Ontario * W . 14 ' ,4 WcaU-ni Union. . . . H5H &N.1V . 43)4 ) IU.iHlng ] Ht pfd. . . 3S i
Ore. Short Line . M Northwestern 11714
Plttaounr. . . . 108 do pfd , . . .172Vi
Riadnur . . 1Q ! ( SI.L.&S. W. . . . . . . . 4
Hoc It Island . 85 do pfd 8K
S. L.AS. F. . OH Rio Grande West . 23
clo 1st pfd . COde do pfd Bl
do "d pfU . 24 Chlcajro-Groat W. . 10k
St. Paul . 88 Hawaii C. C. 23
do pfd . 141K
The total sales of stocks todiy were 235,100
shares. Including : Chicago , llurllncton & Qulncy ,
23.111 ; Louisville & NahhUUe , 8,345 ; Manhattan ,
6.933 ; Metropolitan , 7.W3 ; New York Central ,
4.0S1 ; Northern Pacific preferred. 8,687 : Rock
Island. 6,031 ; St. Paul. 2VT13 ; Unlsn Pacific.
21.s ; Tobacco , 50,407 ; People's Gas , 3.3SO ; Sugar ,
Ilocton Stock Quotation * .
BOSTON. April 14. Call loans , 4frS pr cent ;
time loans , SfIG per cent. Closing prices
for sleek * , bonds and mining shares :
XCTT York MlnlDK QuotsitloMa.
NEW YORK. April ll.-The following are the
cloning mining quotations :
Chollar. 23 OnLtrio 250
Crowu Point. 10 OnQir. 55
Con-Cal. * Vs. . . . 70 PWmoutd 13
Daatlnroou 76 Qulckallrer. 1UJ
Gouldi Curry 13 Quicksilver ofj. . . 20)
HalaAKorcro * * . . 71) sierra .NorMx. . . 05
llouieitoau. . . . . . . 37SO Standard . . Ifll )
Iron Stiver. . . „ . . . 37 Union Con . ' ( )
Mexican 22 Yellow Jacket.5
PARIS , April 14. The bourse today was very
agltatol und gravely Impressed w h the over
whelming vote In the United States house of
representative- favor of Interveat'on In Cuba.
There were all around offerings and fpinlsh
4 * fell rapidly , dragglnr the whole list with
them. Rio Tlntoa were sharply attacked , owing
to feara of heavy export dues on copper In
Spain. At the close of the matket ll-cre was a
light wornr. AritP'RiP'eioM ot the bour *
rentes rot * from lost -MMr-to Wtt and Bran's *
4 run red from 4)U , MHvVfcrtiflf price , to 41 !
4rM up to H Ml Tmr-j > r cent rente * , lOtf
7 * c for lh * account ; itetVhiihfte Ml London , t *
l4Uc for checkIB , . "xi
LONDON , April l4.-JTn market lor American
wcurltlM , after K weak iiMhlng , Improve ) , wllh
' light fluctuation * , and. rioted steady , with th *
demand moderate. .Operators were Inactive.
After the closlnx if tl * txchante American
cutltle * Improved H a mint-on the street. Span.
l h 4 * sold at 4IH on tthe street. Anv tint ot
bullion gone Into the.ttink of England on bal
ance today , 19.000. UoWnlaquotrd at llueno *
Ayre at IS3.60. * < i
1IERL1N , April 14 , .Oftverat depression pre
vallel on the bourst lodny. owing to apprehen
sions that war txtween the. United Plate * and
Spain Is Inevitable. International securities were
weak , owing to roll.ip i > | oSpanish 4 < on west
ern bourses. American securities fluctuated ,
closing quieter. , ,
Jfewr York
Nomtnally , 4 per cent. ,
I-niMH MF.fuANTU.1 *
PAPER-3fH per < rnt.
8TKHL.I.NO EXCHANGE fltefldr. with n.-lunl
business In banker ! ' blllitat S4.UHtt4.l3ii for da-
ma nd. an. ! S4.go84.MH' for sixty day * : pc'1- !
rules. l. ! 'i 4.l and , I4.II04.S4H : commcrc'il '
bills. J4.7 I.7 14.
llAn HII.VKH-Wc.
GOVERNMENT DONDH Weak : new 4 * . Tttt.
And coupon , 120 ; 4a. n-g. lOSH ; coupon. 114 ; Js.
Sit 5s , ng. and coupon , 111V4 ; Pacific Cs ot ' * .
Closing quotations on bonds were as follows i
US.new4a. re . 130 N.O.4t . , . . .103
U.9.nvr4oau..l20 No. Pselila l ta. . .114
U.9.4 .re . JUS No. Pacific 3s SO
U.8. 4i.coup . ioa No. Pitclno 4a 02
M. 9. 9s , re ; , . . . . 04 N. Y.C. A St. L. 45. . 10IK
N. AW. OR 11H '
H. 9. SB. coup. . . 111k N. W. Consols 141K
Districts. Oil . 114 N.W. Dob. 8 * 1111
A la. , class A . 10SH Ore. Nar.lats IIS
Alfl..clinn 11. . . . . . . . 10J Orc.Nar. 4s . . . . P2K
A1a..rlass > G . 03 O. S. u. 0 . t. r..13U
Ala. Currency. . . . I > A O. S.L. 5s. t. r W7H
Atchinontft. . . . S'l * < O. Imo. Ista. L r. , , . 100
Atehiaonail. 4s. , . . S7 O. Imp. SH.I.T Sa <
Cannun3o.2mU. , . luu ' ' '
0.O. fls . Ro.idtn ? 4s . . , . . . . . HO
. . .104H R.O.Wcit Ists 80H
D.All. O. l s. . . .108 St. L. It 1. M. Con. H HS
D.AIl. 0. 4i . HI ) St. L. AS. F.Gen.0. 11A
. St. P. Contois 140
KrloOcn. 4a . 00 HUP. C. A P. l H. . . 117
P. W. & D. Is. t. r. 07 . .
'Jeii.EIec. ftt . 100 Southern Rv. 6 . . , . HSH
O.K. 43. A. fls . 11)3 S. R. AT. tin D4
( i.ll.AS. A. 'JUS. . .10:1 : notSd. . . 83
H.T.ent.5s ; . 112 T x. Pac. L. O. lats t < 0
H.AT.C.cnn Os. .103 Tox. Hff. yds. . 30H
town C. 1st * . 09 u. p. u.&o. istj. . ni :
La.NowCon.4s. . . . 1)3 ) WAD. IV. 59 10014
L , AN. Unl. s . H3 Wab. ads 7i M
MlBBOtirl Us . 10 ! ) West Shorn107
M. K.AT. 'Jda . CO Vs. Centuries 07
M. K. &T.4a . BOW Va. deferred 3
M. Y. C. lain . 114H Union I'uolrto Dfd. . C1K
N.J.C.6S . 111X Union Paclltc 4s. . . DO
N.C.O . . . . ISO
Snn Krnnelnci > Allnlnic Quotntloim.
SAN FRANCISCO , April 14.-Ofllclai croslmr
quotations on mining stocks today xvoie as fel
lows :
Altn 25 Kentucky Con 1
Aloha Con 4 Mexican 21
Anae * 1:1 : OcrlJotmlCon. . . . 2rJ-1
HestA IJelalior. . . . 35 Ophlr S7
Bullion. H Overman 0
Challeneo Con 1H Potosi .14
CholUr. KO Savaro in
Con.Cai. .V V.i. . . . 77 Sierra Na .i4i. . . . 7
Con. Imperial. . . . 1 Union Con ! 23
Crown i'oiiu 13 Utah Con 4
'louia&Rame. . : 1 ! TellowJacket Ill
Hale * MorcroBS. . 7.1 Slaiulanl HIO
Juaticp 15
Silver bars , 53Hc ; Mexican dollars , 45 < A91Cc ;
drafts , sight , 15c ; telegraph , 17Kc.
London Stock Qnotiitlonsj.
LONDON. April H.-4 p. m.-doslnj :
Consols , m'r 110U Y. Central.
Consols. ncct-.110 7-lu Pennsylvania. .
Can. Pacific. 82 Roadlni ; 8
Erie 12M Mox. On. new 4s. . Vol.
Erie 1st pfd 3.1 AtvhlHOtl 11H
III. Contra ! 10HJ ' - 4I H
WfMcnn ordinary. 1HH Grand Trunk 7)4 )
SLPaul common. . . OOij
RAR SILVER-Dulfit 3313-lCd per m.
MONEY 2103 per c nh
The rate of discount in the open market for
three months' bills Is yjj jfer cent.
Klnnni'lulotea. .
OMAHA , April 14. The cloarlnps for the diy
were 190l.M9.Hir bularTces , 4124.3U1.72. In 18S7
the clearings wore S7f3.Coi.2l nnd the1 bal-inccs
1123.928.23. Increase lit ClenrlnKS , * < ltT . rtt . ni .
CHICAGO , April 14. Cr > arlnKs , JHUS4.G91. New
York exchaiiKC , 30c discount , Posted rates , 34.81
and 41. SS. North Chlc fTO l-eak on liquidation ;
other stocks steady. Quotations : Illscult , 2314 ;
Illscult preferred. 80 ; DJamojid Match , 130 ; Lake
Street L , UK : North Chicago , 2144 ; titrawboard ,
24 > 4 ; VCett Chicago. C01J. f
ST. LOUIS. April .11. Clearlnfes , 1313S9.300 ;
balances , $ S77"W , 'Money , " 5iS8'"pcr cent. New
York exchange , 40c discount , bid , 20c discount
asked. ,
NEW ORLEANS , Aprlj 14.-ClearlnKs. J1.375-
500. New York exchange , .bank par ; commer
cial , tl per $1.000 dtscounto , .
.MEMPHIS. April 14. Clearings. 1354.092 : bal
ances. 3109.195. New York exchange , 11.50 pre
mium. x ' '
PHILADELPHIA. April 14. Clearings , $10-
75322 ; balances , tl.S02.449.
BALTIMORE. April 14r-Clearlngs , J2.812.881 ;
balances , } CC9.Cie. v f < - * .77-
v Nn\V YORK. .April . Ift-Clearlngs , $99.043,733 ;
balances. 13.521.726.
ItOSTON. April -Clearings. . S1G.249.2S ; bal
ances , il.U3.931.
CINCINNATI. April 14. Clearings. J2.5W.C50.
New York exchange , 35Q50c discount. Money ,
per cent.
Hmik of Knttlniid Statement.
LONDON , April 14. The weekly statement of
the Bank of England shows the following
changes , as compared With the previous nccour.r :
Total reserve. Increase , 830. M ; circulation , de
crease. 681,000 ; bullion , decrease. 9S,4SI ; ether
securities , decrease , l.S24,0other : deposits
decrmw , 556,0f : public deposits , decrease ,
C38OiM ; notes reserve. Increase. 143.000 : covern-
ment securities , unchanged. The proportion of
the Hank of HnKl.ind's reserve to liability Is SS 1
per cent , as compared with 37.25 per cent Inrt
week. The n.inlc of England's rate of discount
remains unchanged nt 4 per cent.
nnnk of Frnncp Stntrmcnt.
PARIS , April 14. The wtekly statement of the
Rank of France shows the following changer ,
as compart * ! with the previous account : Notes
In circulation , < ? ccre e , (50.000 fnncs ; treasury
accounts current , Incrcare. MS73.0o : francs ; gold
in hand , decrease , 3.6H.OCO francs ; bills dis
counted. Increase. "O.SCKJ.fW francs ; silver In
hand , decrease , 1,925,000 francs.
Price * ) ne-cover on , v Rns > It of Shorts )
to Carer.
NBW YORK. April 14.-The decline yeittrday
In cotton wan recovered tolay. with a I'.xht
undertone In Liverpool bidding , an ! n snail
rush of shorts to cover , ' The 'Iwtter feeling re
sulted from belter cnblon from the Uveipwl
market than had been expected , and the i port
from southern markets -wen ? hardening oil In
creased demand of exporters. Therv was u slight
reaction Immediately after the opening of the
stock market , and after a-further decline 1 : > the
prlco of Bpnnlp * ! 4s. en London exchanKt. llow-
e\-er. during the afternoon the market nc-ila
steadied on Inlying orders. Spot , vtendv ; i.ilJ-
dllnff. 63-lSc : net receipts , none ; gross , 409 balcn :
extwrts to the continent , 3)2 bile * : "ales , 1.531
bolea ; spinners. 33 bale- ] ; stock , 1S3.S78 baP3. |
Total today : Net ro elptii. e.147 bales ; ex | > orta
to Great Britain. 51.348 bales : to Trance. 3,358
bales ; to the continent. 41,931 bales. Total since
September 1 : Net receipts. S.033.777 bale * ; ex
ports to Great Ilrltaln. 3OI7.23 > xUt : to France ,
748.959 hales : to the continent , 2.415.270 balcj.
NEW OHLIi\NS. April , 14.-COTTON Futures
niilet : sxlej. 12.9no bales ; April. K.S6 bid : May ,
4'Xc ; goo.t ordinary , 4 c : low middling , i c ; m'U-
dllng , 6Hc : gooil middling. Ik- : middling fair.
55ic , nominal ; receipts , 3,134 bales ; toclt , 2S3.32-J
LIVBRPOOL , April 14. COTTON-Wp-jt. fair
demand , prices Meady : American middling fair.
32-Tai ; American middling. 27-lfd : low mid
dling. 35-lCd ; good ordlnao' . 35-3M : ordinary.
231-3M : sa es today. ! 31.r > bales. Including lO.SvO
hales AmTlcan : receipts. j2 JV bales. Inclndlii-
2S > X ) bales American. ilfuUlrM open"l quiet ,
with a rmxlerate demand nnd rVowil barely
steady : American middling U M. C April.
32t-6ld , Bcllern ; Mav and June. 3 21 64 f3 23-SI. ' . ,
sellers ; June nnd .lulv , 3 2I-C483 2.84d. . vnhi ? :
July and August. 3 2I-R4 1 r.4d. . buyers ; Aumtut
and September. 3 24-f4tt1 KWild. sellers : September
and October. 3 23-C4O3 21-W.l , buvers ; October ami
November. 3 23 < 4 ai-tw. . H-Ifrs | ; November
and December. 3 2IMrt3l'4 < 1. p-llers ; letfiib. r
and Januan- 22-6in3 - MHers ; Januan'
and February , 3 22e4iJ3CM , sellers.
NEW YORK. Ap.-ll M.f-COFFF.n-Optlons
tpened flrm for rear bio'nths , steady for far
months , with April 30 points higher. May 20
points higher nnd other months unchanged to
10 points higher on su < Jd.ii [ demand from local
spot firms and shorn who were driven In by
further talk of war tamarket : Irregular dur
ing the greater part of the s * lon ; buyers made
several attempts to fores' reaction anl met with
moderate success : closedbarelv steady with
near months 1585) rwlnfnet .higher and oftier
months unchanged to 5- plants net lower ; rales.
El.SCO bags. Including > ArrtI. J4.1iMK.15 ; May ,
M.SOetOfl : September. lii flM ! : October , JS9) ;
December. S.C3 5.93 ; Marth. * . < V ) . Foot crffee.
Rio. firm : No. 7. Invoice. JS.r. : No. 7. Jobblnjj.
J7.3 > . Mild , flrm : Cordova. JS.25 1S.M. Total
warrhoure deliveries from the 1'nlte.J States.
21.W1 lags. Including ? 2,4 bcs from New
York ; New York rtock tmtay , M1.0 7 ba s ; I'nlle.l
States stock. 7 .SW tag * ) afloat f > r the I'nl'e-1
States. 324.000 * a s ; total visible for the I'nlted
States. 1.034.357 bugs , against 704.841 bag * last
yeir and 414.57S bags In tine.
SANTOS. April 14. COFFEE-Qulet : rno.1 sv-
erage Santos. 9.000 rels ; receipts. 9.00 bags ;
stock. KM.fflO bags.
HAMIIURQ , April II. COFFEE Opened un
changed : at 2 : n. m. ; unchanged to ! ptt.
net lower * sal < * s. ! .C < M baes .
RIO DB JANRino. Anrll 44.-COFFEF
Went ; No. 7. 1.573 rtls ; exchange. CM : receipts.
9.000 bogs ; cleared for the United States. | 1 < VM
hags ; clearvtl for Europe. J.COO bags ; jtck-k , ! J2-
C4bags. .
Onllfornln Irle > < ! Vrnlfsi.
FRUITS Steady evsporattd arp'ei. common , to
\ia per Ib. ; prime wire tra > v fc ; wooil dried ,
prime. 8V c : chnlc * . Uc ; fanrv. < } 9Vi' ' . Prune ,
3U-B7VC. Arr'cots , Royal. 5V4 7c ; Moor 1'arlr.
Ptachrs. unpeOd. 643tc ; pe | d , HO
Break in Prices Soon Followed by a Falling
Off la Arrivals.
Ltirtit Offering * Go nt Alionl Mrndr
t'rlrrft Hnsr * M , LittletUither , but
Buyer * Arc Slotr to
SOUTH' ' OMAHA , April H.-Itcccipts for
the daya Indicated were :
. . . Cattle , lloga. Sheen. Hor's.
April 14 1.411 5.77S 11,727
April 13 2,47i 5,472 1.896 . . . .
April 12. . . , , G.333 C.S4S 3.000
April 11 1,597 2.730 6,791 2
April 9 . . . < . . , . . -M 3.16 ! 924 X
April 8 1,811 4.211 1,892
April 7. . . 1.GOT 5,483 14.XM
April 6. . 3,543 8.Z18 7.303 2
April 5..i.n. . . , 2.519 G.OJ3 3.G.VS 64
April 4 1.22T 1.139 0.4M . . . .
April 2 sno 3,150 3.127 . . . .
April 1 1,741 6,112 3.SW . . . .
March 31. . . . , 2.835 6,137 11.0)9 ) 2t
March 30 3.GS.1 7.394 10,001 21
March 29 4,973 4.A53 4,541 . . . .
The official number of car * of stock
brought In today by each road was :
Cattle , llogc. Sheep.
O. . M. & St. P. ny 3 1
Missouri Pacific Hy 4 4 i.
Union Pnclttc System . . . . 13 19 40
C. & N. W. Hy , . , , 4
P. . B. & M. V. It. n. . . . 9 17
C. , St. P. , M. & O. Hy. . 10 3
13. & M. R. tl. II 15 1-9 4
C. , B. & Q. Ry 1
1C. C. & St. J 1
C. , U..1. & P. Ry. , cast. . . . 1
C. , R. I. & i > . Ry. , west. . 2
Total receipts 61 73 CO
The disposition ot the day's receipts was
as follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated :
Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 1,161
O. H. Hammond Co 221 671 2S1
Swift nnd Company . . . . 231 90S 1.GS7
Cudahy Packing Co 414 1,913 3.0SS
Vnnsant & Co 31
Bcnton & Underwood , . 40
Krebbs & Co 31
Hill & Huntzlnger 9
Livingston & Schaler . . . . 093
Swift , from country - 42 . . . . 403
Cudahy P. Co. . K. C 494 . . . .
Plankliitorf P. Co. , Mil 131
Chi. P. & P. Co. , Neb. C 439
Other' buyers . . . .T. 80 . . . . 409
Left over L 4.COO
Totals _ . . , . . . „ „ . . , , , . . . J.3CO 5.S11 10,444
It Is first a feast and then a famine , but
the feast lasted two dayn and It remains to
be seen whether the famine will endure for
a longer ocrlod. Today's receipts numbered
all told only about liO car. , as against 210
yesterday , U > 1 on Tuesday and 12S en Mon--
day. The > falling off wn largely In cattle ,
the run ot both hops and sheep b'lng of
liberal proportion ? . The markets as a gen
eral thing were In satisfactory condition ,
values being nt least steady , and In some
cases stronger
CATTLK Today's offerings of cattle
looked small , only about < < ixty loads being
offered , after the'big run of yesterday and
the.-d < ic-l > forr4AhHi double that number , or
even more , were reported In the yards. Bc-
Hldcs beinglew In number , thei average
quality was nothing to be proud of , so there
was little to arouse much enthusiasm among
The heavy break In values of th two
days past waa evidently the > most potent
cause of the heavy decrease In receipts and
light arrivals for today had \ > > en anticipated gnmt run Is looked for during the
balance of the week.
Cattlemenwere explaining that the dull
ness so plainly In evidence In the cattle
trade was-therceult'of the' war scare , -which
must be destroying the public appetite for
beef.At the same time the day's Improve
ment In the hog market was explained by
some as the result of-a prospective Increased
demand contingent upon war breaking out.
As to valu , there iwns very little change ,
the market on beef 'cattle being just about
steady. While the markt was far from
active , there were so few here that an early
clearance was effected. In Rome casss sell
ers claimed that tidy light cattle sold. If
anything , a little stronger than yesterday ,
but as a rule salesmen could se no quotab.c
Butchers' rtock nos In-good demand and
desirable cows and heifers sold at good
strong prlct . The movement was reason
ably active , especially the better kinds , and
the offerings were all taken In good season.
Storkers and feeders were In the usual
supply and the amount of business trans
acted In that division of the yards was
necessarily smalh The offerings cold at
Just about steady prices. Representative
sales :
No. Av. Pr. NIV Av. IT. No. Av. Pr.
7..12SS (4 4- > 19..121 } | 4 35 21..1034 II
20..17.0 4 IS. . .11M..13J' ' ) 4 13 2I..10ID X
4..1M7 4 40 2D..1414 4 3i 2..1l'5 4 K
U..15M 4 9) 2).ISM ) 4 * ) M..l'-n ' ) 4 3i
9..iilf 4 yr 9..1S17 4 i.i' ' > i 4 t-i
4..1C * ; 44 * > \\Vf ) 4 45 4..1ISI t 43
S..1281 4 4 > 1..1I6) 4' < n 4..K13 < i-i
S..m > 430 3..KKI 4 3- > 1. . . HDD 4V )
2..1175 ' 4.JO 1..11IO 4 25 17..W. 423
; i..mi 4 3 > ) 43. . . . 975 4 1 ( > 1. . . V > t 00 4 SO G..11H 4 40 13..1247 I 4 >
41..1248 4 CO 1..11M 4 f 5..10. 4 43
22..16 > , 4 3 > . . 2.1125 4 23 2).1192 4 K
23..12W 413 t. . . . 853 3 TO 20.1 < H9 443
2J..1M7 4 43 25. . , . 8M 380
t. . . . 6S7 3 SO 2. . . . 679 2 00 1. . . . MO 2 CO
6..1073 3 W 2..101 3 13 1. . , , 9S 3 If.
1..1060 400 6..1033 373 2..1115 i g"
1..10TO S 7S 1.-.15M 3 J. . . . 89) 3 S )
1. . . . SCO 3 K 3..1143 SO 1..1W ) 3 13
1..117) 3 40 . . ! . . . . ) 345 2..111. ) 323
1..11CO 325 1..K9' ' ) 313 1. . . . SiM 230
1. . . . 960 360 1. , . . 850 2M Z..li330
1. . . . 920 3 60 4..1207 3 I'l ' 2..1IVO t 00
1. . . . 970 27J 1..1200 390 1..UKO 323
4..1277 3 7.1..1UO ' 3 S ) 2..1J44 3 PI
1. . . . 9 373 9..1073 373 2. . . . 920 3ft )
1..133) 4 00 2)1M7 3 6) 9..1183 3 73
1. . . . 970 36 > > 1..U70 4 GO 5. . . . 9T1 413
5..IIK2 SCO 2..ilC 3 340 ] . . . . 870 323
2..11SO 325 S..1260 380 1..1000 600
2. . . . 973 3 & ) J..110) 3M K..1U1 3" )
1..1070 3 tO 1. . . . 857 385 1I..1H'1 ' 323
1. . . . 8.0 200 1..1160 30) 2..10U 330
2..1:03 400 2.11CO ; 40) 1..1020 4 no
2..1090 3 85 2..1095 3 W 1. . . . 920 3 M
1..1170 4 15 1..107I ) 3 40 1..UOO 4 CO
3..ISM 390 1..1034 373 1. . . . 910 30) )
1. . . . 7X ! > 3 2 > 2. . . . 900 2 0 7..1073 3 V )
3. . . . 9 3 10
6..1102 4 50 7. . . . 901 4 40 ' 17. . . . 93" 4 15
1. . . . 90 4 10 10. . . . 851 4 CO 2. . . . 6M 3 73
3. . . . 783 363 1. . . . 320 3 Ol 2..1560 405
2..1033 3M
69. . . . ! M 4 80 4..1150 4 JO
! . . . . ! ) 333 1..1240 215 1..13M 330
1..1570 323 I..1330 30) 1. . . . 91290
1..1I90 3 CO 1..11I ) 4 33 1..1300 3 50
1..H70 3 33 2..1870 3 40 1. . . . 844 3 65
1..1MO 3 CO 1..1770 3 M 1..15J ) 3 25
1. . . . 880 2 25 2..1490 2 25 2..1C ) 3 15
1. . . . 110 COO 1. . . . 120 ttft ) 1. . . . 130 600
1. . . . 170 COO 1. . . . 190 5 J3 1. . . . 3M 5 00
3. . . . 410 475 3. . . . 143 COO 2. . . . 200 GW
2. . . . 110 525 1. . . . 24) 500 1. . . . 120 COO
1. . . . SCO G 00
1..1740 373 8..1290 373
21. . . . 937 330
7. . . . 521 4 75 8. . . . 511 4 73 23. . . . X& 4 70
9. . . . 441 420 1. . . . 730 423 1. . . . 750 425
13..117S 4 ; 0 1. . . . 890 4 25 2. . . . ICO 4 CO
: . . . .10 < T 4 20 16. . . , 423 4 30 IS. . . . 9M 4 30
10. . . . 517 4 90 13. . . . 830 4 30 1. . . . Wo 3 C' )
21. . . . 522 4 65 1. . . . COO 3 ( ) 17..1340 4 45
10. . . . 833 4 30 1. . . . 930 4 10 1..10IW 4 30
2. . . . 905 4 2. > 5..1242 4 40 1. . . . 4(0 4 50
7. . . . 961 4 40 2. . . . 335 5 10 2. . . . 413 4 73
1. . . . 590 400 2..770 350 6. . . . 40) SM
HOGS About feventy-llve fresh loads of licea
of very fair average quality were offered for
tale this morning and met with ready taken.
Sellers seemed to have the advantage this morn-
Ine. as advice * from all tellng points were
favorable , while there was a good local con
suming demand.
As a. result of the bull Influences the market
opened a shade higher and the yards were soon
cleared on that bails. Toward the close the
trade slowed up a little , but largely because
of the desire of holders to secure even stronger
prices than were paid at the opening.
The hogs which fold at 13.C5 yesterday gen
erally brought J3.C7H today , but there were a
few sales under that price of very rough and
trathy stuff. Mixed loads running more to
heavy and butcher weights sold largely at il.70 ,
the same kind having brought W.67i ! yesterday ,
while good heavy and butcher weights sold at
Today's advance was not quite large enough
to wipe out the decline of yesterday , but It
leaves the market about whore It was at the
opening of tie week , and only a shaue lower
than It was on Thursday of lart week.
So far this month the hoc market has shown
very little chanxe. There have been fluctua
tions a plenty , values hardly remaining station
ary fo rtwo days In succession , but the fluctua
tions have bem confined to a very narrowlliult.
The month opened at what has proven to b
the low point so far. the hoes selling on April
t at an average price of 13.83. The extreme
high point was touched very soon after , that Is
on April 5 , when the average was ti.79. Asliln
from that one bulge the highest point was 13.75
an dtl.e market has ree-sawed bock and forth
between that price and (3.65 all the month.
Representative sales :
No. Av. Ph. IT. No. Av. 8h. Pr.
82 211 I6)S3t > 10 205 . . . 13 f
it nt . . . sc : 32 ni : c ( ,
SO..218 80 361
29 2J7 . . . sea
M 197 . . . 3 3
75 247 15) 3 7'J
tS 226 4) 34TZU
17 KS . . . 3 C7H
M 232 ) S 7Vi
w . n > i t ( TH I * . > u i ! > a 7-i
IT . Mo iw let , 11 . rti . , , a 7 < i
* . . , . . „ . MO t r w. . „ , , i.n * . . . Jit
w. . . , i. . , 51 i ntf
< u.i.i..x-o . . . > ; > ,
41 . .Mi fo ; dt >
. . , , .
72 . ! 2..0 3 7H II. . , . . , , .fit . . . I < 7i |
U.X W 37 31 . K ) , ito
7- . 241 . . . 370 TV. . . . . .SJt lit S } < >
T . 2U 41 3 70 77 . MIS ) 37 ?
W . 4773 (0 3 TO 4' > 37 $
, . . , , , . . . . . M 73..I..J73 .1. 1 7
: . . . . . . . , . ) 17) , i . 2 , . , 170
W..i.\J71 M S 70 Bt..m 40 J 79
M..M7 44170 (91 . r * 49.170
1 . . . .2 . . . 70 10 . .K3 . . . 179
H.v . SI 40 3 7. . ) . 293 . . . .t M
43 . 2S1 40 379 M . JO . . . 37)
W . I 3 . . . 370 74. . . . . . . .XJ M 370
rt . MI . . . s 70 7 . . . . ! 7 n a f
CO . 211 ICO 370 57 . 2(9 i 1 70
. 317 ) 370 * ) . , . J17 f S7i )
f . IW . . . 37. ) 7 ! . 225 . . . 371
to . 223. . . 3 7i ) 75 . 27' ) . . . S 79
C3 . n . . . 370 M . : rn leo 170
CI . ! 4 to 370 0 . 31. . ) 31) 37.1
M . 2T4 .1. 4 70 K ) . * n l t 170
JJ . J5 40 3M (7 . , .rs ! > 37
71 . . . .J-17 . . . 9 70 it . ,10 * . . . 3 70
BT . 27 * . . . STJtf 10 ilS 3 H
. 37J Wl 3 7214 74. . . . . . .287 40 3 7114
75 . 290 SO 372ii 41 . JOO . . . 1 7S
M . 2 * ) . . . 373 74 . 27 | . . . ITS
U . 277 . . . 375 70 . 30 , 'g , , n
53 . 2s i s- ' . . . . . . . : : . ? . ill
. . JK 10 . Ill . . . JIT.
J * B . 3W . .i 1M
. 3W 7 . 111. . . . JO )
. 3K e . sis . . . 3tt
f. . J * 2S 4 . "l'Vl 3 3
1 . 1M " . 3 5 8 . 240 40 J
5' ' " . ? ' J < . H 160 SM
. 173 . . . 3V 2 . IIS . . . 3 ( s
I . ! . " 3 S . us . .I J 3
. . . . . . . . . . . 3 : r , . ii4 3
. 't . . . 67H C . ! ( i ) . . . j m
t . SCO . . . 370 . l , . . . s 70
; . . .278 . . . 370 8 . 241 . . . , 3 70
. 311 . . . 370 7 . 30 . . . 370
. 2I . . . 370
SIlKEP-Hecelpts of sheep , though not so very
I'tKv for this market , were n M > rthtlevi th
heaviest of the wek to d te. thirty-four loads
being counte.1 In.
The ifcelpts were well illvldM between iheep
and Unili * . to that there won n variety from
w.ilch buyer * could mske selection ? . The mar
ket as a whole wns In a very fatltfnctory i-on-
dltlon. vnlue < bflnc Ju t shout ftencly un.1 the
movement fnlrly active. The ofrerliiRn for the
most pnrt ctunncil h.inds early In the tnornlne.
Repi-esentntlvc sales :
N'o- Av. IV. '
144 Mexican wether . , . 103 | l 73
172 Mcxlrnn yenrllns ( . ss 4 90
31 < wv.iteril wethers . 100 4 SO
105 wentern wethers . . ' . . . .ICG 4 )
33 Mexican wethers . & 7 4 73
1 l" < ck . , . 5) ) 473
407 mixed westerns . S7 4 W
173estern wethers , shorn . 1VJ ( 4 10
831 western ewes nnd wether * . 103 4 C3
2 < o Mexican lams . 71 5 2.1
2S1 Mexican lambs . . ( ! 9 G 2. >
214 western l mts . St 325
lambs , shorn . 73 4 82J !
ruckcm l\rv Active lliij-erx of IIo
nnil I'rlcrx .Are HlRlirr.
CHICAGO , April 14. 1'rlces for cattle llrmed
up a little under the Influence ot a fairly ac
tive demand. There was no general advance.
however , nnd sales were largely made ut re
ductions of from 13c to 23c from the closing
prices of last week , lleef steers sold ot from
J4 to } t.2S for common , up to from" $1.73 to JJ
for good choice , with scattering sales of urfmo
shlpplnc cattle at from 13.03 to | 5'.25. ' "Sales
wcro largely nt from U.41) to ll.W. Fed we. t-
rns sold mostly at from 11.15 to 14.80. The
utocker nnd feeder trade was fairly active at
from | 4 to J3 , the cull being chleily' fur nice
lightweight yearlings , stags jold frwly nt from
13.23 to 11 and oxen brought from $ t.M to J1 70
Hulls told nt from 12.73 to | 4 und cmnlluf cows
sold mostly at from 12.DO to. | 3 , while prime
heifers sold up to 14.73.
In hogs packers took hold actively nt an ad
vance of from 2'.ic to 5c. th * Improvement be-
ins 2'4o In a majority of cases. As usual the
demand was largely for choice heavy hoes.
which held at a premium of 12Jo ! over the b it
lIchtnelRhts. HOKS sold ut an extreme range of
from 13.75 to ll.OJij. largely at from U.S7V4 to
14 , and the bulk of the pis tales occurred nt
from 13.40 to 13.SO. the heavier pigs fetching
from 13.63 to 13.75.
Trade In sheep and lambs was not particularly
brljk and prices were not o\erly strong for
theep , sales ranging at from 14 to 1.73 for
shorn flocks , which comprised most of the of
ferings. Wooled sheep sold at from 14.40 t3
14.75 and some prlmn yearlings brought 5.10.
Lnmbs sold at from 14.13 to 15 for' shorn , few
going- below 14.50. while wooled lambs brought
from 15.10 to 15.65.
Receipts : Cattle , 7.000 head ; hogs , 33,000 head ;
sheep , 13.000 held.
St. Loiilsi Lire Stock.
ST. LOUIS. April 11. CATTLE Receipts. 2,4M
head. Including 900 head Texans ; shipments , 700
head ; market steady ; fair to fancy native ship
ping nnd export steers , 14.30ff5.60 ; bulk of sales.
t4.50Q5.30 ; dressed beef nnd butcher steers , 14.00
CS.Oj. bulk of pales , l4.2094.Cii ; steers under
1.000 Ibs. . $3.759I.K ; 'bulk of sales. 14.00 4.50 ;
stockers and feeders. 13.5004.SO ; hulk of sales ,
tl.2.'i4.C5 ; cows und heifers. 12.23IM.85 ; Texas
and Indian steers , l3.o064.CO : bulk of sales ,
13.9 > > { i4.55 : cows and heifers , 12.Wf3.50.
HO S Receipts , 4,400 head : shipments , 2.000
head ; market strong to 5c higher ; Yorkers. 13. CO
03.70 ; packers. 13.70H3.fO ; butchers. 13.SOfi3. ) .
KHEEI'-Recelpts. l.ECO held , Incladlng 1CO
head Texans ; shipments , none ; market steady ;
native muttons. 14.2504.75 ; lamb * , I5.C095.75 ,
with springs up to 18.03.
LouUrllle Live Stock.
LOUISVILLE. April 14.-CATTLE-Mnrket dull
and fully 10915c lower ; extra good export steers.
I4.509I.S5 ; choice butcher steers. 11.2594.50 ; fair
to Rood butcher steers. 13.75Q4.23 ; common to
medium butcher steer * . J3.M03.7J ; choice heifers.
I3.C09I.15 ; fair to choice butcher cows. 12.00 ®
3.05 ; medium to ROCK ! feeders , | 3.CQ4.15.
HOGS Tops. 11.65 ; mediums , 13.COfl3.63 ; light
shippers. t3.4033.CO ; pigs , 12.50(23.30.
SHEEP AND LAMDS-Market steady and un
changed ; good to extra shipping sheep. (3.509
3.75 ; fair to Rood sheep. t3.OJ93.25 ; common to
medium , 12.0092.50 ; extra1 shipping lambs , 11.734 ?
5.00 ; fair to good lambs. 14.2584.75 ; best butch
ers , I1.C034.30 ; fair to good butchers , 13.3091.00 ,
Intllnnniiollst Live Stock.
700 head ; shipments , fair ; market steady ; Rood
to prime steers. 14.8393.25 ; fair to medium
steers. 14.5094.75 ; common to good stackers ,
HOGS Receipts , 5,000 head ; shipments , l.COO
head ; market dull and Sc lower ; good to chMce
medium and heavy , (3.7393.80 ; mixed and heavy ,
3.ftVff3.75 ; Rood to choice llshtv I3.C303.73.
SHEEP Receipts , light ; shipments , none ; no
quouble change In prices ; food , to choice lambs ,
13.2395.50 ; common to medium lambs , 14.0094.05 ;
COM to choice sheep , 14.0094.25.
Knnonn City Lire Stock Hnrkct.
KANSAS CITY. April 1 1. CATTLE HecelpU ,
4.00i ) head ; market steady to strong : Texas tKeera.
13.2W4.45 ; Txa cent * . 12.0091.25 ; native - ; c n- .
13.4095.19 ; native cows ami heifers. SJ.fMlM.U ;
Rtockent nnd feeders. 13.2395.50 ; bulls , t.1.004.9) .
HOGS Receipts. 11,000 ht-nd : market Btron ? to
EC higher ; hulk of nalnr. 13.CO&i.8 < > : lioavlcfl. S3.C5
93.90 ; packers. tl.C093.8 > ) ; mixed. 13.,93.7iU :
lights , 33.50&3.63 ; Yorkers , * 3.60t3. 5 ; pigs , 2350
SHEEP Receipt * . 3.COO heail ; market flrm ;
lambs. 13.50 ; muttons. .23g4.55.
York Live Stock.
NFW YORK , April ll.-UEEVES-RecelpIs. 31.1
head ; none for sale ; cables weak ; exports- today ,
7S7 head cattle ; tomorrow , none.
CALVES-Recclpts. 237 head ; slow at JI.fOyC.13 ,
all sold.
SHEEP AND JAMIJS Receipt * . ! . ! > henl :
low. lower , exceut for light weights ; prlirm
wonleil Bhevp. S10 : clipped lambs , > 4.2o01.374 * ;
wonleil lamia , S6.00R6.2) ; clipped. SI.S7V4SJ.l5 ;
spring lamb * , nominal nt S1WSJ3.00 each.
HOGS Receipts , 2.0C3 head ; market .lull. S3.40
Eitut llntTalo Live Stock.
Stcady ; coare and rough steer * . S3.8' e4.23 : light ,
S4.20O4.40 ; choice fat helfers/St.23g4.r.O : mixed ,
butcher stock. S3.C3O4.10 ; fat cows. S3.7033M.
HOGS Yorkers , good to choice. S3.83 3.90.
LAMUS Culls to common , S3.0003.SO ; clipped
lambs. S4.23ft4.90.
SHEEP-Cholce ta selected wethers , S4.SO@4.33 ;
clipped , S4.13O4.33.
Clnrlnnntl Live Nloek.
riNCINNATI , April 14. HOGS-Stcady at SJ-10
. .
CATTLE Fleady at li.75 4.75.
SHEBI'-Steady at ! 2.7 fl4.70. ,
L.\M11S Steady at (4.0C95.M.
Stock In
- . . - . of receipts of live stnck at the four
principal market * April 14 :
Clllle. Ilpss. Bhwn.
Omnli.l 1.4" ) l.ttt 7.1
Chicago 7.W ) 23.1" ) 13.MO
Kansas City 4.wn ( ) s.iinii
St. LoulJ 2.400 4.4M l.i
TotaU . .1I.&M 4 .S 23.W
nOSTON. April 14. WOOL-FollowIng are the
prices quoted for the leadlne descriptions :
Ohio and Pennsylvania fleeces X and nbnve.
2CO27c : XX. 2 c : XX. above Me ; delaine , zn ®
3lc ; No. 1 comhln ? , 20c ; No. 2 combine. Sic.
Michigan. WI ? onfln. etc. X Michigan. 24c ; No.
1 Mlchlean comblnir. 2 < 959 ; No. 1 Illinois comb
ing. 2SS2V : No. Z MlchUnn combine. 2 r29c ;
No. 2 Illinois ccmblnir. 2SO29 : ; X Kew York.
Vew Hampshire and Vermont , IlrtHc ; No. 1
J ew York. New Hamoihlre nnd Vermont. 27c ;
il'lalne. Mlchlran. 2Sc. Unwashed medium-
Kentucky and Indlnna auarler Mrxxl comblnic.
2Jc ; three-eUhths blood. 2jmc ; Missouri qusrter
blond combing. 22 ; ; threv-eUMns blocd. 22 % ? ;
) -rald cnmMnr , fOc. Like and Oeortla. 2V.
Texas wools nrlnit medium ( I ? mrnths ) . 16
lie ; secured , 4JOI5c ; spring fine (12 month * ) ,
Hfrl9e ; courert , SO ; . Terrlinry wool * Montana
fine mwllum nd flne. IcaiSc : rcoured. 40948o ;
staple. 6ftc ; Wyoming , etc. , fine mellum anl
flne. 13917o ; scoured. 45Q47r : staple. fO ; . Aus
tralian , scoured bast * , combine , good , KliOr. :
romblnr , superfine , T0)72c ; comblnir , avtrage , (2
QC3c ; Queensland , combing. Kc.
ST. ini'IS. Anrll 14. AVOOIE ler ; m--
rtlum. 15819c : light rne. 13O16c ; heavy fine. SO
Iktub ; washed. 2292 He.
OIL CITY. Pa. . Anrll 14. Credit balances. 7J ;
c tlflc les cpenM 75 l > ld for fmtl'r oil : rat's.
S.Ort ) bl.U. remila.r ft T3o : cln e.l 74Ho bid f--
ca' t hlnm n' . 7.321 bbls. ; ninx. 90.-M bM .
CHARI.BSTOV. 8. r > . . April M.OIITur -
penthie. flrm. JC'4c. Rco'n. tlrm , unchince/1.
HAVANNAH. C.1. . April 14. OILS Spirits tur-
peln . n'faAv JJUe , R > ln. flrm , nnchnncoil ,
WILMINGTON , N. C. , April 14.-OILS-riplrU
' lunw-nllne , clmdr , tv. , , u. . ,
ll.Wfll.lo. Crude tirpntln , nil t ,
NBW OUt.KANH. Ahrll H.-SttaAn-tlull !
op n kettle , IHttJKc ; crnnu1 ted , 4Jlc ! whiten ,
4 T.Kct yellow , 40 BFII > V | i > rv"iniij , 'raw * 10'lVvt
Molasses , dull ; eentrlfugnl , 48Ho.
NEW YORKi Ami HUt1Alt-R w. flimi
fair refining. iHc ; centrifugal , M ten. 4He : re *
nned , nrm : mould A , t 7 l c ; sUndsnl A , J l-I6c ;
oonfeclloner' A , & l-llej cut loaf. 5 tlieet
cru hM , t IMMl powdered , s 7-te > c | granulated ,
S 3-ieo ; cube * . { 7-iec.
* r York Dry Oootlit Mnrket ,
NEW YORK , April 14 TtxXf In no ch nri In
the'dry goods situation. Continued lax buylni
on the | * rl of operator * In lh market * n,1 qiilel
mall order * render the market unlntcTc Ui
Print * quoted nt tc.
1NSTIIUMBNTS placed on reconl Thuw
tiny. April u , IS ? * :
Otto Hnnsen to M. 8. Hancon , lot 1 $ ,
block 6 , llennlnston f I
H. n. WMdron to A , K. and Mnry
Bnydor , lot H , Mock 2 , samo. . . . I
Hnmo to K O. WaUlron , u' M feet lot
9. name i. . > . . , . . . , . 1
Peter llunm to Kllme Dunz , 1 ncrc on
11. L , . Hopper to K , A , Hutchlnnon , lot
H block 1 , Ames I'locc 4M
8nm to J , 8 , lilnkoway , lot 21 , * ame , . OS
Nettle Jonpn nnd liusbnnil to U. N.
Dtiwgon. n feet of a RT fret lolH 13
and 14. block C , Ore-hard Hilt 1
C. K. Elvlntt and wife to J. K. Krlpk-
son. a tract at Vlnton and Twenty-
third utrcctn TS3
J. A. McKcntlc nnd wife to C. H. An
derson , lot 7 , block 6 , AllirlRht'B an
nex GOO
John DoneRrrn nnd wife to K. A.
French , lot 10 , block 1 , First ndd. to
South Omnhn 100
P. 1' . Freeman and wife to Maggie
Wilson , lot ! > , Freeman's ndd. to
Souf.i Omaha 900
Peter Uunz nnd wife to Henry Hunx ,
1 ncro onv Hide neU nwU 14-1C-11. . 1
Same to Qtistav Hunx , 1 ncro In ne
corner , same . . , . . . , , 1
Dora Hartley to I. W. Hobblns , lot 7 ,
block 1 , Summit Dace 1,000
Conco'dl.-x Loan and Trust Co. of Knn.
KH3 , trustee , to Concordla Loan und
Trust Co. of Missouri , trustee , lot 11.
block 3 , Kountzc's 3d mid 1
L. M. IMyne to H. O. StrelKht. lot 12.
block 14 , Hanscom 1'lnco 1
Thomas Hortor , administrator , to
Samuel Haltrush , lot 2 , block 3 , Vnl-
ley tirovt ! , id
Sheriff to A. M. I-Vrrl . n 40 feet lot S ,
block M > . Omnhn 10.GOO
S.imc to Mnry O'Hourko , und. H lot *
5 to S. Forbes' sub 1,400
Special Master to M. C. Ilrndley , cU
of n 43 feet lot 26. llurr Oak 300
Sheriff to Kdlth Glfford. e 10S feet lots
3 nnd 4 , block 6 , Wilcox's ndd i
Total amount of transfers J1C.W5
Prtnurr , Becondirr or Tertiary BLOOD
PO1BON penuaninti ) *
Cured in 15 to 35 Days.
Tou can b * treated tit horn * for um
Brio * undur am * guaranty. If you pnfcr
to oome h r * we will contract to pay rail
road fare and hotel bills , and no oharie
It we fall to cure.
taken mercury. Iodide potash and Mill
have achtf and pain * . Mucou * Patchee In
mouth. Sore Throat. Ptmplri , Copptr CON
ored Spots , Vlcen on any pan of th *
body , ilalr or Eyebrows falling ; out. It I *
Iht * Secon ary
Wt Quarantie to Curt
W * eollclt the mest obstinate ea * ana
ehall nre the world for a case w * cannot
cure. This dlsea e ha * always baffled th *
fklll of th * n st eminent pnriletana ,
IEOO.OOO oaplul behind our unconditional
uaranty. Abtolate proof * sent cealed
on application. ICO par * book sent frew.
AddraM COOK REMEDY CO * 14 1
Moioalo Tempi * , Cfaloatro , III.
Two Weeks'
Treatraen t
To All
In the treatment of all
Cbroiic , Kervous and Privale Diseases
CaUrrh , all Dlstasti ot th No * * , Throat. Choi
ttoraaeh. Liver. Hlood. Skin and Klttonr Off
aiM. Lost Manhood , Hydrocil * . Verlco la ,
Oonorrhea , Oleote , Syphilis. Btrlcture , Pllta. Fta.
tola and Rectal Ulcers DlabtUa Btlfht't Dl >
aa * eund. Call on or address with stamp lot
FTM Book and N w Methods.
Treatment by Hull. Consultation free.
Ornfta Medical and Sirglcal Institute
North lltb St.
Steel | Pennyrojal Treatment
ia the oricinul and only VRENCH ,
eatoand relioblo euro on the mar.
ket. Price. (1.00 ; tent bjr mait
Qeonlne eoJ-1 only by
3frr Dillon Drnv Co. , S. K. Corner
Kith nnd Fnrnnm Sts ) . , Ouinbn , JTcb.
11O Board of Trade Bldg. , Omaha , Neb
Branch Offlc * . 1C3S N St. . L'.oocln. Nob.
Telephone 1030. Omahu , Neb
Dlrt'l wire * to Chicago and New York.
Comspondtnlai Joha A. Warrtn 4s Os > _ ,