Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 14, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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Critical War Situation Causes * Broad
Option 'A I no CHnkea an Advance
anil t'orn , data nnd Provision *
r Are Illjiher In flyBipatby
( with Wheat.
I *
CiriCAOO , April 13.-May wheat today
aold at tl.OOH , the highest point yet reacYied
for1 that delivery , while June made an ad-
y nce of V&c. The critical state ot affair *
between the itnlted States and Spain and
enormous sales of cash wheat by Letter
caused one of the broadest markets seen
hero In a long. time , rfrorts of all kinds beIng -
Ing driven to cover. May closed lo hlg'.ier
and July JVitfr2-c higher. Corn and oats ad
vanced In sympathy. Corn closed He higher
nnd' oats % c higher and provisions- < tfUV4c
Everything In wheat was strong at the
opening. Even May , which has been almost
nominal of late , exhibited a great deal ot
Activity and In fact was the feature of the
early trading. The most prominent factor
in t'nc strength was undoubtedly the grav
ity ot the news from Washington. Another
factor was the knowledge which leaked out
before trading commenced that Letter had
received acceptances from abroad of all the
wheat he 'nad offered the previous after
noon at prices based on yesterday's ad
vance. This quantity was put by Loiter at
a1 > out 700.WO bu. and this proof of the de
termination of foreigners to get nil the
wheat possible ahead of actual hostilities
created ccnulne anxiety among shorts , big
and little , nnd started them to covering as
noon as trading commenced. May started
at $1.03 , an advance of Ic , nnd advanced at
once to S1.09& t'ne highest point yet
reached on that optbn. Very little was of
fered at Jlrst. but Lelter soon took advan
tage of the bulge and disposed of largo
quantities through brokers , satisfying for n
time the short demand and the price cased
off to tl.OS. The big trading was done in
July , That option opened at from ifOic to
SGVic , compared with S > Vt'itSjc. All classes
of buyers came Into t'tie market , but offerIngs -
Ings were decidedly limited until the price
sot un to 8G44C. This was above call figures
nnd free scllltiR by holders of those privi
leges , with ( txtentilvn realizing by longs ,
rnuspil n little softenlnit of prices , July get-
tlnir back to 86c. For n time after that
there was a little cessation In the buying
fever and prices did not change much. Cut
about 11:30 : the Influence of'l'ne Washington
news was augmented by moro sensational
news regarding the California crop. The
condition In that state was said to bo the
worst since 1S56 and predictions of not more
than a third of a crop were made unless
rain comes soon. Before 12 o'clock the buyIng -
Ing had become larger t'nan before and as
the session wore on It became practically
a scramble among tfnorts to cover. Ordl-
ncry news of the day cut little figure ,
everything else being overshadowed by the
war news and Leltcr's big cash sales. Con
tinental markets were llrm and higher. '
Northwest receipts were small , 142 cars ,
nirnlnst 233 cars last week and 293 cars a
year ajo. Chicago receipts were 71 cars.
The addition to contract stocks today
.1 mounted to about 118,000 bu. Clearances
weru rat'ner lleht. teller Hold large stocks
of Mav and July right up to the close , but
even his offerltiRs were not satisfactory to
the demand nnd a few minutes from the
pud of the session July was bid up to SSc.
The market then reacted to 87c , which
was t'ne clnslnir nrlrp. Alnv closed nt tl.OStf.
Loiter brokers lodnv called a 10 per cent
tnarclnon everybody on May trades.
Corn was rather drnggy at llrst. Re
ceiving houses sold a good deal , which ,
with the favorable weather , had a tendency
to keep prices back. After noon the mar
ket brgan to respond to the Jump in w".icat
and became very strong , with a broader
trading , liny went from 30V e to 29&c and
closed nt SOV&c.
Oats was active and strong , the llrmness
being due principally to the wheat advance.
Shorts were seed buyers all day. Crop
reports were not altogether favorable , re
cent frosts having done damage In some
aectlons. Shippers and commission houses
bou&it. Way ranged from 2G c to 254@
25c nnd closed % c higher at 26c.
Provisions early were easy on a break in
hog prices and the market dragged until
cnon. Packers were sellers of ribs. In the
last hour the market turned strong with
.Brain nnd on the war news , shorts covering
freely. May pork closed 17cYilgher at
J9.82H. May'lard about unchanged nt R.17H
and-Mayrlbs 2V4c higher at I5.W4.
EstlmntejmecelptB for Thursday : Wheat ,
72 ; U190 cars ; oats , 200"cars ; hogs ,
28,030 head.-'r
Leading futures ranged as follows ;
Articles. . ! Opan.'l High. I LeI I Close. | Yosfy
' ' 1 OOU 1 074 1 07
Sli'S'.A BSM B7M
Sept. . . 70H 77H 7DM HlgQ
Dee , . 78
Corn- %
fe - Mny.t. SOW SOU
July. . , U1U SI SOH-31
Sept. . . 32U0
May. . , 235 * < W saw
.July. . . - ay * 23 H
May. 0 7S o oc. . 0 724 0 U2M 9 7S
Lard ' ! * U 1002h 10 02 > J 9 B3
May. 5B S 1TM 5 12 * S 17ft 5 17 > i
July. . . B S ! 523 5 17H 920 5 23
tblHlb *
May , 5 15 617H R 12ti 5 17M 6 15
Jluly. a us 523 S 20 fi 25 O * > < 17l
No ? I.
Cash quotation * wera a * follows :
FLOL'R-FIrm ; winter patenls. ft.C5ffl.Mi
straights , J4.70SS.OO ; spring specials , J4.40W6.60
spring patents. J4.7 Cri.OO ; atralghts , J4.40tfl.tO
bukeis. J3.40W5.75.
WHEAT No. 3 spring. Mctftl.Ol ; No. I red
OORN-No. 2 , 30'.i830Kc ; No. ! yellow , 3 K
OATS-No. t , My r2CHo f. o. b.j No. 3 wh'le
BARI.EY-No. 3 , W ? 17Hc f. 0. b.
FI.AXSEED No. 1. 1I.23U.
TIMOTHY SEED-Prlme , $2.50.
PROVISlONS-Mess pork , per bbl. , | 9.90iff9. 5
iJird , per 10) Ibs. , S1.17V4. I Short ribs side
( loose ) . J1.03C3.S3. Dry salted rhouider * ( boxe * )
SI. Viei.S7H. Short clear sides ( boxed ) , $ o.U (
'WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per ral.
HtTOAllS-Cut loaf. $3.C9 ; granulated. $5.I3j
B.31. "
On the Produce exchange today the butter mat
ket wan steady ; cre m"rles , I51 19c ; dairies , IK
18cCheese , steady. igg , flrm ; fresh , e. LU
poultry , steady ; turkeys , SJflOc ; thickens , SflS'ic '
ducks , ( c.
Ouotntluu * for the liny on Genera
NEW YORK , April n.-FI/UR-Recelpts. 17 ,
CO ) bbls. ; exports , 7,000 bhli. ; dull bul sleadll
held' with old prices ; n Inter Etrnlghls , JI.55 !
4.C5 ; Minnesota patents , JJ.litf3.60 : winter exlrai
I3.(5ff4.10 ; Minnesota bakers' , tl.2504.45 ; wlnte
low grades , J2.90O3.00. Rye flour , dull at St. '
03.20. Uuckwhrat flour. J1.35S1.W.
CORNMiAL-Dull ; yellow weslcrn , 70c.
11UCKWHEAT Nominal at 4&c.
RYE Strong ; No. I uentcrn. We ,
11ARLKY Qu'el ; fw.lng , < ! c.
1IARLUY MALT Quiet : wentern , UOCSc.
WHEAT Receipts. O..OOO bu. ; spot strung ; Ni
1 red , Jt.OSOl.08H f , o. b. , afloat ; spot optlor
wcie trong all day , attended most of the tin
by active cohering based on strong cables , wi
newa and big exp > rt demand. Iteallxlng produce
a slight clodng setback , but flnal prices wei
1H ! % 0 net higher ; No. S red Muy , J1.0Ti !
l.OJW : cloied. J1.03U.
CORN Receipts. 31I.MO bu. : exports , ITWO bu
spot firm ; No. 2. 36Sc. Options opened stead
nd advanced moderately during the. day on fa
export buying and the jump In wheat , cloilx
Kc net higher ; May. 34h t3 MCc ; closed. J5c.
OATS Receipt * , JOJ.WO bti , ; exports , 4M.OCO bu
spot dull : No. S. 30 > > c : No. s w'.itta , 31Hc. O |
tlona moderately active and , strong with can
closing lie net htfher ; Way , HU i c ; close ,
30Ue.HAY Quirt ; iprlng , 3o < J3Cc ; ' good to choice , I
Iiors-Qulet : ISM crop , 4f5c | ; 1 crop. SIW ,
1W7 crop , 15O17o : 1'aclflo roast. 1193 crop , 4B&
ISS6 crop. * 69 : 1J97 crop. 15O1TC.
Hints-steady ; Oalveston. J5ic ; Texas dr
I5'Jc ; California. 17Ht > 18Sc.-
I.KATHKIl Steady : hemloik sole , Pucm
Ayrea , IXHIWHc.
WOOL Quiet : fleece , 17OUc ; Teias. l O14c.
PROVISIONS-Ilef , flrm ; family. tlt.CO ll.r
xlra mm. J .00 .T5 ; be f bams , JJniii ; packe
tlo.t54lll.00. Cut miats , flrm ; pickled belllr
J5.75W ; pickled houlders , ll.Mj .plckti
hams , J7.5CO7.73. Lard , dull ; western ateame '
J5.4IV4 ; M > ' - tl. ! tt ; reflned , quiet. Pork , qulc
met * . l 75010.00 ; short clear. llOaWllO : fai
Ily. Jll.OOflll.W. Tallow , quiet : city , S 9-U&3S
country , 1H&3V , aa to quality.
, OILS-Pelroleum. dull. Rosin , steady ; itralne
common la good. J1.HHCI.4 * . Tvrpcnlln * . quit
U Jl 4c. Cottonired , Heady but quiet ; prlr.
cmd , itHe ; prim * crude f. o. b. mills , II *
UVc ; prime summer y llow. MNtKc : < dC suatai >
i < rOaw. Hct butler oil. JMTflc ; prime wilt
' JMllow , I7H03lc. ' . . i-L/L .
'iS & l'3sr > M-m * * * + *
exhibited derided rtrength , others were weak
Hnd neglected. At the clou * the metil exchange
Mlled pig Iron warrants unchanged with ts.
> ld and W.K asked ; lake .toprw Unchanged and
Irm , with buyers nt 111 ; tin dull , with 114.15
ild and 111.41 asked ; spelttr unchanged and
flrm st 14.2 } Mil and 143 ! asked ; lead weak at
3.W hid- and U.62V4 aiked. No change was made
n the price of lend by the nrm fixing the set.
; Mng price for miners and smelters in the we t ,
Sx.CO being ttlll the quotation.
RICK-flteady ; fair lo extra , 4HfW c | Japan ,
MOLAiSEfl-Qul t : New Orleans , open kettle ,
fnod lo cho'oe , iietlo.
HUTTER-Kecelpts , .tW pkus. ; market weak ;
wtwtcm creamery , UCZlc ; KlglM , He ; factory ,
CHEESE Receipts , 4SS pkgs. ; market sttady ;
September. 7',4Oc ; part sklmr , 40Cc ; full
iklms , { 0lc ,
EOOS Receipts , t.Ml pkgs. ; market steady ;
western , lOVic ; rouUicm ,
Conilllloni of Trade an l Quotation * on
Staple nn4t Fancy l'rodnce >
KOClS-Oood stock. 8 < 4c"
11UTTKH Common to fair , CO lie ; pitator
creamery , 20o ; gathmd cieamery , IS&lSc.
VBAL-Cholce fal , SO to 120 Ibs. , quoted at SO
Kc : large and coarse , C 7c.
LIVB POULTRYChlckens , C'jt 7c ; old roost-
ers. 3c ; joung rooster * . CflC'Ao ; ducks , 7c.
OAME Mallards. I2KOM2.7J : teal. H.lCt ? ! Hi
brant * , J2.0'0M.01 ; Canndi B- < , M.oOJfB.U ) ; mixed
ducks. Jl.00tfl.25.
PIOEONS Live , 11,1581.15 ; dead pigeons nit
HAY Upland , 17.60 ; midland , JS.OO ; tor-land ,
JVM : rye straw , 11.00 ; color makes the price on
hay ; light balw sell the best ; only top trrndits
bring top prices.
cnLBRY flood stock , Inrge , 50e ; email , 25230c.
ONlONS-I'er bu. . 75OS5c.
1IEANS Hand-picked navy , per bu. . $ l.t5frl.3.
8WKET PCTATOis-Kan ns. 10-peck bbl . .
J3.50 ; seed sweet potatoes , J2.00.
CAllHAaE-Good stock , per lb. . . . .
POTATOES Home grown , WjJOSc ; Colornlo
stuck. 70c.
TOMATOES Per crate , seven baskets. J3.53.
NEW llEETS-Per doz. bunches , < fj
RADISHES Per doz. bunches , 2530c.
LIJTTUCIJ Per do * , bunches. 306S5C ,
O It REN ONIONH Per doz. , 15c.
WATHRCRUSS l cr 16-qt. case , Jl CO.
CUCUMIIERS Per do * . . J1.2501.CO.
STRAWRBRRlKS-Per 21-plnt case ,
21-qt. care , W.COftS.OO.
APPLES-WInter stock , J3.00&3.50 ; boxes , t'.2 :
. . _ .
Jersey , per bbl. , 10. < .
ORANGES California n vels , 32.75 < 6'3.0a ' ; fancy
seedlings. | 2233.W ; choice , $200.
LKMONS Cnllforhla fancy , 33.00 ; choice , ; . . -0
fancy Messina. 43.non3.M.
HANANAH-cSAfc * . la-ga stock , per bunch , POO
O2.2J ; medium , hlr.ed bunches , Jl. " 02.00.
NViTS,7Almon < if1 Per ' ' ' ' "M * ' e e
small , lie ; llrazfls , p.r | b. , 910c ; Engllth wol
"Jts , per lb. , fnHcy s3t | shell. lOftllc ; BtandardK
SS9c ; tllberts , pir lb. , lOo ; pecans , potlthed , me
dlum , CT7c ; extra large , 80 c ; large hlckor )
nuts. ll.KKfl.lo per bu. : imall , $1.2381.35 per bu.
cooanuts , iicr 100 , $4 ; peanuts , raw , Be5V c
roosted , Cl6i4c.
FIQS Imported , fancy , 3-crown , 14-lb. boxes
lOc ; B-crown , 44-Ib. boxes. 13c ; 2-lb. boxes , 221
23o per box : California , 10-lb. box , $1.
HONEY Choice white , 12c ; Colorado amber , 1
KRAUT-Pcr bbl.- $3.60 ; half bbl. , $2.23.
MAPLE SYRUP Five-gal , can. ench , $2.7S ;
sal. cans , pure , per doz. . , $12 ; halt-gal , csnn ,
$6.23 ; quart cans , $3.50.
DATES Hullowee. CO to 70-lb hexes , BWc ;
Salr. Be ; Fnrd , Mb. boxes , ik "
CIDER Per half-bbl. , $3 ; bbl. , $3.
SHEEP PKLTS-Oroen salted , each. 15 75c ;
Bicen raited shearings ( snarl wooled early skins )
each , loc ; dry hearings ( short wooled early
fklns ) . No. I , each , Sc ; dry Mint Kansas itnU Ne
braska bulchcr wool pelt ! , per lb. , actual weight.
40-c ; dry flint. Kansas nnd Nebraski murrain
wool pelts , per lb. . actual welsht. MTIe ; dry
fllnl Colorado butcher wool peltn. per lb. . actual 4flY ; ; dry flint Colorado murrain wool
pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 38Hc ,
. TA1' 0 ' ' ORl-ASi : , ETC.-Tallow , No. 1 , 3c :
1 ' , ° . , ? ; 2W ° : toush 'a" " * . IVic ; white
? u * 2H02c ; yellow nnd bronn grease , 1'40 >
. .1CHHsT'Dcar ' " 'ack ' or brown ) , J3.00020.00 ; oiler.
Ji.5088.00 ; mink. IsgCOc ; beaver , * Jl.OOQC.W
f-k Sk > 15c ! T30' 50c : muskrat. 3c. Cc. 7c ; racoon ,
Io090c : red fox , 23cSJ1.25 ; gray fox. 25@50c ; wolf ,
( timber ) , 2oC J2.50 ; wolf ( prairie coyote ) , lOffJOc ;
" " ' ' ' ' " " '
" "
badger. 5 400 ; sllter fox , J5.00
DRESSED DEHF-aood native slefrs , 7e per
Ib. ; good forequarlers stcera. Cc : gooil hlndnutr-
tern steers , 9e ; western steers , C4c ; native heif
ers , ec : western heifers , Cljc ; good forequar
ters hdfcrs , SJJc ; good hindquarters heifers ,
S',4c : native cows , CVic ; western COWF. S'.je ; fa'r
cows. Ce ; cOw forequarters. 6c ; eow hlndquarterm ,
Sc : backhalvu. ea6'4c : triangles. 4V4c.
_ HEKtClTTOTenderlolris , fresh , ISc ; frozen.
15c ; boneless strips , fresh , 10c ; frozen , 9c ; strip
loins , fresh. Xlic ; frozen , 6Hc ; rolls , boneless ,
frozen , 8c ; fresh , Ite ; rolls. Spencer cuts , frozen ,
c ; fresh , We ; slrlotn. butt ; , benders , frozen ,
9c ; fresh , lOc ; shoulder clods , boneless , 6Vic ;
rump butts , boneless.&Kc ; 'No. 1 chucks , CVic ;
'No..2 chucks , 4WC ; Ndas cllucks. 4 > 4 = ; banelesj
chucks , frozen , 4Kc ; fresh , 5 > , ic ; cow plates ,
3V < c ; tteer plates , , < csflank ; steak. 7c ; loins , No.
1 , frozen. 12o ; fresh. J o ; loins. No. 2 , frozen , lOc ;
fresh , 12c ; loins. No. 3 , frozen , Sc ; frcth , lOc ;
short loins , market " | ylc , .20. above. , loins ; hotel
style , 4o abe > e loins ; cow loin ends , 8Hc ; steei
lo'n ends , 9Hc ; hanging tenderloins. 4Hc ; rlbi ,
No. 1 , frozen , lOc ; fresh , lie ) rib ? , No. 2 , frozen ,
' 8c ; ftfJh. 103 ; ribs. No. 3. ffozen , 6c ; fresh. 8c
No. 1 rounds , 7c ; No. 2 rounds , C-c ; No. i
i rounds , 6Hc ; beef rounls , shank off , % c addi
tional ; beet rounds , shank and rump off , IVic
additional ; trimmings , 4'ic ; "beef shanks , 3c
brains , per doz. , 5c ; sweetbreads , per lb. , froz n
lOc ; fresh , 12 < / c ; , s\veetbreAds ( oilves ) , per lb.
40c ; kidneys , per doz. , Me ; ox tails , each , Jc
livers , pJrJn. , 2Uc ; hParti"j > Sr"lb. , 2Vic ; tingues
per lb. , 12p ; calf liters , each , 35c ; calves , who' <
carcass or lldesfi lOVic ; calf head and feet
scalded , .per et,75c.
MUTTON Foncj.lambs , Jo per lb. ; regulai
Iambi , KcJ sheep 7Vic : market racks ( long ) , fc
Hotel ra < ; ks ( shcrt ) . He ; loins , 9c ; saddles , 9V :
legs , 9c : lambvjegs , ,10c ; br asts'and stews , 3',4c
tongues , each' 3c ; forequarters. 6Uc.
KOUK Drfsol plga , SVJo.per lb. ; dressed hogs
So ; tenderloins , 15s ; lo'ns , small , 6c ; large
6'Vc ; rparo ribs , 4V4c ; ham sausage butts , G',4c
IViston butts. . " .He : shoulders , rough , 4ic ; shout
ders. skinned , tc ; trimmings , 4Uc ; leaf lard , no
rendered , 6Hc : heads , cleaned , 3c ; snouts one
cars , 3c ; fresh hams , 16 to 18 Ibs. , 7'irc ; frcsl
; hams , short clears , 6c ; chtek meals. 4c ; neck
; bones , Zc : pigs' tails.3c ; plucks , each , 6c ; chit
terllngs , 6c ; hocks , 4c ; hearts , per dox , 25e
stomachs , cafh. fci tongues , each' , 7e : kidneys
per do * . , lOc ; brain * , per doz. , 15o ; pigs' feel , pe
doz. . 30c ; liters , each , 3c ; hog rinds , 3c ; bladi
bones , 5c.
St. Lonlm General Markets.
ST. LOUIS. April 13. KIUR Slow an
easier ; patents. JI.70B4.80 : siralghts ,
clear. J4.0J94.25 ; medium. J3.IO 3.75.
WHEAT Higher , cloning < Ac for May. 1H
: for July and H4 J for September abovu jcsterdny
BK > 1 higher ; No. 2 red. cajh , In cle\ator , JJ
on track , JI.OOH01.0H4 : April. We ; May. JI.O
asked ; July , SJ'iu asked ; September , ill/tc , No.
hard , cash , 94c.
CORN Futures strong and fractions alxne jvs
tcrday ; sMt Htrong ; No. 2 cash. Wo bid ; April
28e ; May. SV4e asked ; July , SOVle.
OATS Irreinilar , May and September bom
fractions higher , with July caster ; spot higher
No. 2 cash , 28c ; on track , 27'io : April , 27c
May. . 27Uc asked ; July , U\a bid ; No. 2 wh'.lt
RYE-Steady at Sfc.
PLAXBICRU Nominal at J1.20.
TIMOTHY SEKD-ITlme. J2.5)g3.0 .
IIUAN rinn ; fncked/east track , GOc- .
IIAY-rirm : prairieS6.5i ) : timothy , J7.0ft1MI > .
IIUTTKU-Steady ; cix-amery , ICiiJlc ; elalty ,
18c. .
KOaS Pcarce and higher at Hie.
- . . .
MBTAI.S I.eud. steady st $3.45. Ppcller , JIT
Inul ut SI.03.
rnOVISIONS fork , higher ; standard r"-- :
jobbing , fJRIliml. . llrm ; prime steam , SS.o :
cbolce , $5.10. Dacon , boxed shauldeiB. $5 * 7'nl
G M ; extra short clear , S5.S7U' rib ? , JO.OO ; n > iorli
JG.12V1. Dry salt meats , boxetl shoulders , SI.75I
4 87H ; extra short clear , SJ.S3 ; ribs , $5.37
shorts. $5.50.
HKCKIITS Flcur , 3,000 bbls. ; wheat. 9,000 bn ,
corn. SS.OOO bu. ; oats. 13.000 b < i.
SHIPMENTS-Flour. 2.000 bbls. : wleat , 6.0 <
bu. ; corn , 18,000 bu. ; oats , ll.Ouu bu.
i '
Daltlmortr 3I rkct.
nAUTIMOUK , April 13 , FLOUU-Dull ; wes
eni supcrtlne , S2.70-8S.10 : western extra , $3.33 !
4 .CO ; western family , I4.2WI.W ; winter whea
S4.MO5.10 ; spring wheat Btruluht. $5.004i5.1S ; n
celpts. 13,000 bbls. ; exports , 11,000 bbls. : salei
1,100 bbls.
WHEAT Strong : spot and month. SI.Cl'.JI
l. U4 ; May , Sl.OlUOl.01Ui Jaly , 87Vlc bid
strainer No. 2 red , * S 9SVc ; receipts , 35,100 bu ,
exports , 1C0.300 bu. ; etork , 1,049,700 bu. ; rain
11000 bu. ; southern wheat , by sample. OScUJl.CI
southern wheat , on grade , MUc6$1.01K.
COHN Strong ; spot , month snd May. 3
rteamer mixed , 34V fe3 < % c : receipts. US.200 tu
exports. 423.300 bu. ; stock. 1.C7I.MO bu. ; snloi
jo.ouo bu. ; southern white corn. 36e34Uc ; eoutl
em yellow , 35 > ic.
OATS-FIrm : No. I white. S3033Hc : No.
mixed , SOSSO'.ic : receipts , 20,300 bu. ; export )
none : stock , 1S9.MO bu.
HYK-Strong ; No. 1. nearby. 7C37Kc ; No.
western , 58Ke : rrrelpti , 10,000 bu. ; export * , 34,9
bu. ; stock , 223,900 bu.
HAY Stea V ; choice timothy , $ I2.COA13.00.
GRAIN FRKKIHTS Qu'ct ; steam to IJverpoc
per bu. , 3Ud May : Cork , ' or orders , per quarte
Of 3s 4Ud April : 3a 3d May. .
UtJTTKR Fancy creamcty , JlCSIc ; fancy Im
tatlon. 17 ! Br. . . -
nans Firm ; freak. l v
CHBlWE-Stfady : fancy New York , large. I
eSHc : fancy New York ! medium , IH010c ; fane
'd. New York , small.
'd.ft .
m- ; , Liverpool Market.
LIVERPOOL. April 13. WHEAT Spot No.
red western winter , flrm at 7s led : spot No.
red northern spring , firm at Is id.
CORN-Aprll , steady at Sa flid ; May. iteai
at Js 14 ; July , sttady at fa 4Ud.
er Market
In S. April ll.-HOO
letr rib tides , 5.KB .Mi. ! llanm , choice sugar
ureJ , $ . < i.Mfr .tO.
COFFEE-gulet but Heady ; ordinary to fair ,
IlICIC Steady ! ordinary to good. 8Stt V.
FIXUR-qulet ; extra fanvy , $4.COfi4.iO ; patents ,
4.MR5 00.
nilAN 7lc.
HAY-rrlme , $1I.OO 712.M : .cholse. . 111 OCO1I .
COIIN No. i mixed , SSo ; white and yellow ,
OATS No. 1 lacked western ,
Knnsa * City tiraln nnd ProrUlous.
KANSAS CITY. April IJ.-WIIEAT-Irregularly
higher , active ; No. 1 hard , tie ; No. t , W ] 92c ;
No. 3. 9oa9lc ; No. 1 red , K9t ) : : No. ! , 949f5c ;
No. 3 , 91993CJ No. 2 spring. 87ffJ9Hc ; No. 3.
CORN-Acllve. higher ; Nj. 1 mixed , z7ttB27c.
OATS-Actlve. hlghfr ; No. t while , f7KWZSc.
RYE-Hlgher ; No. i , 49c.
HAY Active , flrm ; choice timothy , W.60 ; chocle
prairie , J7.60. . .
RUTTER-Actlve ; supplies Hint : creamery , 18
Ol e ; dairy. IJftlSc. '
EOQS Active ; fresh. c.
RECEIITS-Wheal , 10.20) ) bu. : convlMW l i , ;
oals. bu.
SHIPMENTS-Wheat. 21.000 bu.t corn. 3I.7C9
bu , ; oats , none.
Cturlunntt Mnrket ,
/7 C1 NATIl.April iJ.-FLOL'H-Qulot ; fancy.
family , J3.C003.W.
WHUAT-Plrmer ; No. 2 roi. SSe.
CORN-Qulet ; N . mixed. 31Hc. '
OATS Steady : No. 2 mixed. 2SQ Kc.
UYK-Qulet ; No. Z. 62c.
PROVISIONS Lard , steady at 15.05. Hulk
meats , steady at 35.2.1. Bacon , steady at JS.
WHISKY-Stca.V at 11.20. '
IIUTTEH-Steaily : Elgin creamery , l ci Ohio ,
13OlSc ; dairy. I0 12c.
HUOAR-FIrm : hard reflncd , fl.3595.J7.
naa nun at sc.
CHEHSE Qu'et ; good to prime Ohio flat , 8 %
Grain Heerlits nt 1'rlncliinlMnrkets ,
CHICAGO , April 13. Receipts today : 'Wheat ,
71 cars ; corn , 130 cars ; oats , 126 cars. Estimated
car lots tomorrow : Wheat , 272 ; corn , 175 ; oats ,
MINNEAPOLIS , April 13. r.ecclpts : Wheat ,
103 cars.
ST. LOUIS , April 13. Receipts : Wheat , 13
cars.nUIAJTH. . April 13. Receipts : Wheat. 39 cars.
KANSAS CITY , April 13.-llccclpts , Wheat , 21
Detroit Market.
DETROIT. April 13. WIMJAT No. 1 white ,
SSVzC ! No. 2 red , cash nnd May , JiVic.
CORN No. 2 mixed , 32c.
OATS-NO. 2 white , 3iv c.
IlYE No. 2 , 62 c.
I'eorln 'Mnrketx.
I'EORIA , April 13.-CORN-Flrm. higher ; No.
2 , 29'Jc.
OATS-FIrm. higher ; No. 2 white. 27'/4c.
WHISKY High proof spirits. J1.19V. .
Sni Frnnclsco 'VVbcnt Mnrket ,
SAN FRANriSCO. April 13.-WHEAT-Eaay ;
December , Sl.MTt : May , n.57 bid.
BARLEY Easy ; December , J1.3S.
Operntom 'Almndon Their Hopen for a
Pfiici'ful Settlement.
NEW YORK , April 13. Net losses ranging from
2 to E points In the active leaders of speculation ,
an animated cloe to the day's trading at al
most the , bottom level of the day and heavy
clocks of securities offering for sale were the
features ct today's market , and showed cleany
: hat recent optlm'stlc ' predictions that the Cubin
Imbroglio would be settled wltlVut rscrt to
aims have been abandoned by operators In se
curities. The point of order In the renate which
sent the consideration of the Cuban revolution
over a day rallied the market slightly , Ind'cat-
Ing that the re.-ent firmness In prices was based
on the chance that delayed action by congress
might still give opportunity for n peaceful a.-
Justmcnt of the trouble , but nil leports received
from Washington were taken to mean that ,
though there mlgllt be Cclay , there was I ttie
doubt that the ultimate- net on ot congress would
be such that would necessarily constitute a
casus belli. Reflections of the same conviction
came not only from Washington , but from ull
the foreign stock exchanges. The Spanish 4 per
cent bonds were without support at any of the
European centers , and the heavy tone In Ameri
cans reflected the belief In war. The early
weakness on the. local exchange was due In
great part to 1'quldallon of foreign account In
Amcrtom securities. Sales of nil tl.e lnt > a-
tlonol stocks for London account were more
urgent than at any time since the Cuban ques
tion lies been an Issuev There was not much
adJed pressure of local liquidation In the early
trading , local operators still cling ng apparently .
eswouW bwic.
. . . .
market's condition in UOHUUH. * = uiv.
ket rote for call money there has been raised
to about the bank rate of 4 percent. . Berlin
dlfcounl has also risen lo S < A cenls , mpared
wllh the bank rate of 4 per cent , and mjney
hardened appreclibly in Paris today. With call
money responding to a rise to 4 per cent there
U no diminution In the pressure In forelsn cen
ters for gold to ship to New York. The expecta
tion In Wall street Is thai the Bank : of England
will raise Its rate of discount to per cent
should war be declared between the United
States and Spain. With larse Hacks of exchange
in New York sllll lo be drawn upon. Ihls con-
dlllon of affilrs mlKht , < ; ) 1SI1a"f2
for selling of London recurltles In order to
ameliorate the London exchange condition. To
day's movement of prices compelled a revision
of the opinion held by some observers that
market had already amply < Jlfcou"U'1..t fhe
, .
, to sell with the
of war. the Increasing pressure ;
news developments of the day showing thai a
large volume of llquldallon Is sllll to be com-
pleted. There were some very heavy holdings
Ihrown over In the final dealings and no confi
dent support was manifest anywhere In the Hit.
The bond market displayed an Increasing prer-
sure of liquidation as the day progressed , and
especially In the speculative lists ; and the losrei
are general throughout Total' sites. $1.375,000 ;
United States 2s declined Z per cent. Ihe new
s IVl and Ihe old 4s. registered , and the 5s , y
> er cent In the hid price.
The Evening Pott's London financial cable
gram fays : The stock markets here remained
lagnant today , being disorganised by the war
rumors. The settlement was a small affair and
was soon arranged , but cantangoes were higher
pccaiue of dearer money , those on .American"
lelng 5 lo BH per cent. Americans appeared
teady and continued so. There was a fall In
Spanish 4s. Americans ga e way Jn sympathy
and all the markets became dull , closing only
a fraction above the lowest. There were wild
rumors at the close. Including a report that the
cable between Havana and Key Wft had beer
ut. Console nnd other gilt-edged stocks con-
Inue to fall on dearer money. There Is no like ,
hood of a further rise of the Rank of England
rate tomorrow unless war should be declared ,
or New York should engage a very heavy ac
count of gold. At the present the deimildfoi
gold Is at 77s Ed. The bank hod raised the buy-
ng price of German coin to 76s Cd. The Parti
nurse was demoralized by the fall In SpanUlj
t. The Berlin market was quiet. It Is believed
gold may go from Berlin to London In connec.
Ion with the payment of Installmenl on th <
lew Chinese loans. . . .
Following are the closing quotations of th <
leading stocks en the New York market today ;
IX > NIX > N. April 13.-The market ( or America
ay securities was depressed all day , 'owing'.to f.
lltical coaipllcatloaa. Bullion to Ihe amount c
10.000 was withdrawn from tha Hank or Kns !
laud - today far I'tlpp" ' " ! to UoiiUruil. "to-li
council bltts atlatua today , at Is S3 KKd..04 < l
t -mmil at .BMMM * . Ayrea today at Itl W. -
PAtUH , April tt. "Kin * per cent rtataJMlft
( fav < M tka aa t > iKxckang * on - - - -
l3Hc for checks. After th * dosing of thr > Knirs *
I | > er cent rente * e. rd off to Siitf 7ic. Uu ln iJ
on Ihe bourse waa undecided and henry during
lh grmlrr part ot the day. Although Ix-llef
n n pcnceful solution nf the Oiban crlM * pti
vailed , operatort ) were apprehensive tit the alti
tude nf the United Stales. Spanlth 4v nt the
nst hour were sharply attacked on thj newii
thsl It was prubable consiew would pMtl r.
Joint resolution 6f a wirllke nature m.d th <
whole llsl weakened. Afler business hours I'.ie
fall In prices continued ; Rpanlsh 4s fluctuated
quickly from 454 to 4U nnd then lo 4iU
1IRRL1N , April lS. ( iuslness on Ihe bourse
today continued dull , . .twlng weighted b ) ' llio
uncertainty ot the situation , nnd Jurlng -
course of the ilny prllc * wrnktfnKI wini to
the decline In the pr.c * ot Spanish 4s un the
western bourse * . Industrial cccurlllta vcic flrm
and ncthe.
MADRID , April 13.-JSpanah ! U closed today
nt C8.73.
The total sales of tnlocttr today were on,4rt >
shares. Including. Ataltlfjuntlpreferretl , ? . ' 1' ; Chicago
cage , llurllnglon A Qolffcra 40,151 : LoulnMlIc A
Nnshvlllo. 12,510 ; Mnnbatun , 17.810 ; MclnitMli-
tnn. 9.9 M ; New York ) , Central , S , : > 0 ; North-in
Ilvclflc. 4,755 : Norfhcrn/l'aclflc pirferrpd , ,4 < tt ;
Reading. 3,770 : llocld Inland , 7.795 ; St. I'aiil ,
3 ,33r ) ; Ifnlon I'aclrla tpr fonre < l , 37.W5 : Tobacco ,
2a , ) ; People's Oaa. MS4 mugar. 71.6M.
Now York Moarr Market.
Komlnally 3 per centM- tnt
- per rent.
STKRLINO KXCII NTlK'-qulet , with actual
business In bankers- Us nVt4 S3VIC4.S3V4 for de
mand , and II.SOfM.EOyt-'for slxly days ; potted
rales , t4.SOiJoi.Ri ; arrfi tM I.SIV4 : commercial
hills , I4.7 H.
Closing quotations tWbuWdi were as follows : . PJlfe Os 122U
U.S.new4 cou..l21V . , .49 102
U.S. 4s. Ton . tUOW1 rft'pftoitio ists. . .11:1 :
U.S. 49. coup . 111' ' ? 'b. ' Paelflo 3s 60
U.S. as. raff . PI ( ' NojPaclflo 4x UH
U.S. ? . 112 * ! N. Y. C 4 St. L. 4s. . 101
II. 8. CH. coup. . . . N. AW. Us 112
Ulstrlct.l.OJs. . . . . 114 N. W. Consols 143
Ala. . class A N. W. Dob. 88 110
Aln..cias-H Oro.Nav.lBts US
Ore. Nav. 4s . . . . VI
A tit. Currency , . . . OS o. s. u. rs. t. r. lee
Atchmotiti 8714 O. 8.L fi9. t. r On
Atchtsonaul. 4s. . . . 07 > 4 0. line , tftls , t. r. , , , 105
CnimaaSo.Snds. . . 100 O. Imp. 09. t. r. . . . . . 54
ChicagoTor'l Os. . . HIM Paainobs of'00. . , lot :
O..VO. ns 118 Ke.idlnir 49 80
' ' ' R.O.Woit IBIS 8 ! ) .
I > . * 'll. O. Ists. . , ! l08 St. L. U I. M. Coil. 3 87
D.AR. O.4s 8I > SI.L.\S.F.Gen.0.m
KaRtTJin. lBt9..1 ( > 3 St. P. Consols 140
ErleOen. 4s 00 SUP. O..Ic P. UU..117
i K. W. & D. ts. t. r. 08 St. P. O. & P. fti 11 J
Oeii.Klec. bii 100M Southern Ry. % . . . . 80
S. KJcT. Os B3
' ' ' ' '
dill'.Art' A' . 'Jd's.lO ! ! Tonn.ncw 80t)9. : ) . . 00
II.AT.Cont.S3 112 Tex. Pao. L. G. latB 1)9
H.T. O. con Us. .10.1 Tex. Pac. Kg. 2d * . . 81
Iowa O. lat * . . . . . . tin U. P. IVO. Ists. . 0414 ;
La.NowCon.4s. , . . U7M Wab. IstSs 107
L.4N. Unl. 43 811 Wan. 2dB 70 > <
Missouri Us ilOil West Shore 49 107
M.K.AT.21S ODl < Va.-Cetiturlos 07 ! <
M. K.&T.4S wm Va. dofarrart 3
N. Y. C. IBM 110 Union Pacific ptd. . dlH
N.J.aiis , Union Paclllo4g. . . DOW
Iloxton Stock QuotntlonH.
BOSTON , April 13. Call loans. 3'403 per cent ;
time loans , 536 per cent. Closing prices
for ( locks , bonds and mining shares :
\CMV Vark JlliiliiR Qnotntlonn.
NH\V YORK , April 13. The following are the
closing mining quotations :
Chollar. SO Ontirio 'JAO
Crown Point. 20 Otiliir. ( JO
Con.Ca ! . A V.i. . . . K' ' ) Plvmoutn 13
De.idwoou 75 Quicksilver 10 J
Goiild&Cnrrv 1'J Uuloksilror DM. . . 20D
Hula&Morrross. . KU Slcrr.iNer.l1a. . . . HO
HomesUKO 3700 Standard KIA
Iron Sliver :14 : union Con 35
Mexican 'M Yullow Jacket . . . . > 0
Ijoniloii Stuck QnotntloiiH.
I/JNUON' , April 13. 4 p. m. Closing :
Consols. m'.v N. Y. Central , 114M
Consols , acct.,1 10 l.f-10 Pennsylvania 5hU
Can. Paclnc . H''H Ku.ldlnr HJ
Krte . ! - ' Mcx. Ceil , now 4s. . ( ISM
ErloUds Atchlson llh
III. Uuiiiral L. .VN CO
Mp.Mcan oramarv. 10- Clrand Trunk 7i
St. Paul common. . . 014 !
1JAH SILVEIl-Steady at 26d per or.
MONKY-2X per.ceptM { o
The rate ofr.JlsTOuptrln the opea. JiyirUet fr.r
short bills Is 3i per , otntufci | > : tnrfe moiih * ' .
bills , 3 % per cent. ' '
* t\
_ _ _ _
flnnneliil Notes.
OMAHA , April 13. The clearings fdr the 'day
were t953.823.C4 ; balances , J211.S39.75. In 1837 the
clearings were J679,56SM ( ) And the balances , $161-
232.04. Increare In cleVrlrrgs. I27C.25A84.
CHICAGO , April 13. Clcartngs , r..C16,51l. Nev
York exchange , 35c dlU'ount. lasted rateh. II. '
and 34.85. Stocks 'wenk. Uuotatlona ; Alley It ,
61 bid ; IHscult , 22'niwult preferred , 785 :
Diamond Match. KO bltt I13K asked : Lake Street
U 1'.4 ' ; North CSilc'igp/ild ; StJBBboard , 25 askeJ ;
West Chicago , 90 % . l"1 !
ST. LOUIS. April WJiCianrlngs. $5,870.366 ; bal
ances , 3950,132. MoneyL'Sjzi per cent. New Yo.k
exchange. GOo dlscounf.
NU\V OKL.EANS. A4 > rlljj.-Clearings , (1,233.-
36(1 ( , New Yrrk exchange , 'liar.k par ; commercial ,
Tl per 11.K ) } discount-,3
MICMPHIS. Anrll 13H7)carlngs ) , S2M.578 ; bal
ances , 386,501 , New > prk exchange , 11,59 pi"
mlum. i IM
1'HILAIDnt.PIJIA. AprJIrlS. Clearings , * in.57rt.-
803 ! balances. 31.514.931
ItOSTON. .April UXCldarlngs , 116,916,416 ; bal
ances. Sl.oS4.192. BOI | |
NB\V YORK. April -Clearlngs i , 1108osfOOi
balances , $5,6a3.4 U I
. CINCINNATI. April ill. New YorH.excJiangn ,
40JJ50O discount. Money , ! 3V4JT8 per cent. Clear-
Ings. S3.27S.200.
1IAI.TIMOI1K. April 13. Clearings , S2.9fl3,41l ,
balances , S518.638. Money , 3 68 per cent.
'Dear ' Crowd 1 Avirreimlve nnd Prlcei
4 DeclineFonr Point * .
NEW YORK. April " 13. In Hie market foi
r cotton futures a fairly steady feeling prevail ? '
around the opening. In sympathy with favorable
accounts from the English market and on light
foreign buying. Weakius ? developed later In. Ih ,
forenoon , however , bnA by midday a net de
ollne. of 506 points 'w4 In otldence. The b m
crowd waa aggressive and succeeded In dlcloJf ,
Ing several lines of old cotton. Speculation fcl
off lo nn exceptional degree in the oflcrnooi
and attention was given o\er almost entire ! ]
to the dolnga of congress. The close was qulc
at about a net loss of 4 points. Spot , quiet
middling , 63-lCc ; net receipts , 2.12 bales ; Krox ,
receipts , 8,400 bales ; exports to Great llrltaln
2,000 bales ; to France , 2KS bales ; to the contl
nent , S50 bales ; forwarded , 2,200 bales ; siles
1OM bales ; spinners , 900 bales ; slock , 1S1.K
bales. Total loday : Nel recclpls , 15,700 boles
exports to Great Urltaln. 18,700 bales ; lo France
2.100 bales ; to the continent. 6,100 bales ; stock
7:2,900 bales. Consolidated : Net repelpts , 52,50
bales ; exports to Great Britain , SO.fcOO bales
to France , 5,400 bales ; to the continent , 39,50
'NEW ORLEANS , April 13. COTTON Future
quiet ; sales. 12,700 bales ; April , J5.54 bid : May
J5.67if5 58 ; June , J3.69S5.61 ; July , J5 6i5.e5 ; Au
gust , J5 C45.65 ; September , J5.67 ? 5.CS ; Oclober
3,350 bale ; ordinary , 4 9-16c ; 'good ordinary
415-lCci'low middling , 5Vc : middling , 69-16 ?
good middling , r 15-lc : middling , fair , 65-lCc
receipts , 2,611 bales ; stock , 2S0.364 bales.
Wool TIIorketM.
UOSTON , April 13.-WOCM Followlng are thi
prK-es quoted for the leading descriptions :
Ohio and Pennsylvania fleeces X anil above
2 ( . 27c : XX , 29o ; XX.'above 30cJ delaine , S0 {
31c ; No. 1 combing , 30c ; No. 2 combing , 30c
Michigan , Wlttoniln , etc. X Michigan. 24c ; Nc
1 Michigan combing , 2Dr29c ; No. 1 Illinois comb
Ing , 28U2 c ; No. t Michigan combing , 2S29c
No. 2 Illinois combing 28@29 ; X New York
New Hampshire and Vermont , U3 ! e ; No.
New York , New Hampitilre and Vermont. 27c
delaine. Michigan. 28c.'Unwashed medlum-
Kenluckv and Indiana quarler blood combing
23c ; three.eighth" blood , 23Vic : 'Missouri quarto
blood combing , 2c ; three-eighths blood , Z2V4c
braid combing. 20c. Like and Oeorgla. 23c
Texas wools-tiprlng medium (12 months ) , 1
lie ; scoured , 43OI5c ; spring flne ( IS montrA )
18O19c ; scoured , COc. Territory wools Montan
flne medium and flne , 16818c : scoured , 40@4Sc
staple. ( Oo ; Wyoming , etc. , tins , meJIum an
flne. 15O17c ; scoured , 490 < 7c ; staple , COc. Aui
trallan , scoured basis , combing , good , 65fC8c
combing , superflno , 7 87Jc ; combing , average , f
Ct5o ; Queensland , combing , C.c ,
Th American Wool and Cotlon Tleportcr wl
say tomorrow of the .wool market : The IYO <
market-has. during the last week , come i
near reaching a condition of complete Inanlmii
tlon as waa possible , ; without getting there I
the moat literal senatupli the word. It ran 1 :
truly raid that practically no one has sold nn
wool. The war scare la the chief factor. Ino
dentally It may be remarked that Borne of II ,
largeet mills In. the rtanlry have begun to la
oft some of their hand'and ' to stop a part '
th-lr machinery , a fart which , of rours , mil
totes against largo 'JraniuuHtons In the wo.
market. The sltuatlonHs. however , not wlthm
some distinctly encounutQig features. Some <
the large manufacturers Mn\ been In Ihe ma :
, Vet , Inrt their offrra lint * been refused. Trtc <
re purely nominal. lUuIUers are on the whn
an Indifferent as evcMStnut selling. The ul (
of tlie e k amount ttrM3,000 Iba. domestic nr
213.0X ) Ibs. foreign , making a total uf JW. &
Ibs. , acalnrt a total of 41I.O > ] Ibs. for the prcv
ous week. , , . -v
ST. LOUIS. April lU.r-WOOL-Easler ; mi
dlum , litfltc ; tight flne. 13616 : ; 7ieavy flne , 8
l c ; tub washed. tI6WH r
" ' '
s- Cnllforala'i'iUtlei ) Pralts.
FRUITS Apples BtertiHi'C other Irults '
evaporated apples , cofaMon. 7Hc jyr' HJ
prime wire tray. lcr" * * d-4W tr ai . - MC <
I oanlc , S e ; ocy
- -
OD'.J ' Moderate Supply But No Strength
Bhowa Anywhere.
Jlnmly 9 rrr Holrl Kalrly Strndr ,
bnt lleavlrn Are Slotr and
.Lower IIOK * Ho Aboat a
Nickel OK.
SOUTH OMAHA , April 13-Ilecelpts for
the daya.liWIfcrited were :
Cattle. Hogs , Sheep , liar's.
April 13 2,472 5.172 1.896
April 12 6,33.1 S.MS 8.060
April 11 1. . . . , 1,597 2.739 6,791 2
April 9 716 3,101 921 23
April 8 1,821 4.231 1.S9S
April 7 , 1,006 B.482 14,320
April G 3.W5 8.21S 7,303 2
April G 2,619 G.O.VJ 3.G58 61
April 4. . . . . , . . . . , , . . 1,226 1,139 9.4-iS
April 2 Sno 3,150 3,127
April 1 1,741 6.112 3,880
March 31 Z.885 6,137 11,069 21
March 30 3,633 7,394 10,001 21
March 89. , 4,97 $ 4,652 4,541
March 23 1,300 1,359 4,036
The official number of ears of stock
brought lii today by each road was :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
C. , M. & St. .P. Ry . .
O. & St. 1.1. Ily . .
Missouri Pacific Ry 1 . .
Union Pacific System 29 It ; 4
P. , E. & M. V. R. U. . . . . . 2(5 ( 25
C , , St. P. , M. & O. Ily. . . . 22 7
It. & M. U. n. It 23 23 4
C. , li. & Q. Ry 1 . .
K. C. & St. J . .
C. , R. I. & P. Ry. , east. . . .
Total receipts m 84 8
The disposition ot the day's receipts was
as follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated :
Buyers. Cattle. HORS. Sheep.
Omaha Packlnt ; Co . . . . SO 1.10S . . . .
The O. H. Hammond Co 392 1,112
Swift and Company . . . . C35 9M MO
The Cutlahy Packing Co 6S 1,913 819
R. Becker and Dcgan . . . 2S
J. L , . Carey 10
Lobman & Rothsc'nllds. . 242
L. P. IIusz 17
Livingston & Schaler . . 11
H. Hamilton 14
Cudahy P. Co. , K. C. . . . 230
Chicago P. Co. , Neb. City . . . . 747
Other buyers 313
Totals . > 2,577 5,870 1,850
In spite of the fact that yesterday was n
rainy day all over the stat the receipts
of Block were fairly largethougYi , ns a
matter of course , not up to the record
of the day before. In round numbers 210
cars of all kinds of Block were reported In
the yards , but that was snort of the num
ber received a week ugo by about 100 cars ,
and about ninety cars short of two weeks
ago. As was the' case yesterday me mar
kets had an easier tendency In some cases
and the trade was generally slow , owing In
large part to IVic reluctance of sellers In
accept the prices offered.
CATTLE There were less than half ns
many cattle today as yesterday , and still
thrre were 118 cars on sale. At t'no same
time there were a good many cattle In
Hleht at other Helling points and telegraphic
mlvloes were * bv no means encouraging to
the selling Interests.
There noocared to be a very good demand
on the part of local dressed beef men for
handy llg'nt and medium weight cattle and
all such met with quite ready Bale at just
about stcndv prices. The offerings for the
most part changed hands In good season
and holders were as u rule ( airly well
nleased wlt'n the market.
When It came to the heavy corn-fed
steers , especially thosu that were both
heavy and coarse , me situation was en
tirely different. In t'ne first place the de
mand for that kind was of limited extent ,
apparently , , and the buyers who did have
use for such cattle wanted them at even
lower prices than yesterday. The resuil
was a very slow and dragging market , am !
frier" were still quite a- good many heavy
catttle left after everything else in the
yards had been sold.
Butchers' stock was again in good de
mand and the offerings sold freely at yes
terday's prices. Good cows and heifers arj
extremely good sellers , and the supply
.Seems to be. considerably less than t'nc demand -
mand on most days , so that the movement
Is active and prices very firm In comparison
with the way other kinds of cattle arc
Only a few loads of stockers were In
the yards , and they Bold at former strong
prices. Tne conditions In this department
remain practically unchanged , that Is , the
demand continues fair and considerably Ir
excess of the receipts , so that prices are
maintained at a high point. Representative
sales :
No. Av. Pr. Ho. Av. IT. Kn. Av. Pr.
I..1035 14 00 ITi..1141 14 43 ! 0. . . . 994 | 4 35
19..1601 4 61 25..1226 4 33 15..10o4 4 30
18..HIS 4 34 II..1056 4 03 13..1141 4 33
K..1156 4 S3 27..1042 4 15 4. . . . 970 4 30
21..1893 't 25 1..15M 4 15 24..106S 4 15
1..1400 4 37ft 20..1115 4 30 27..1118 4 30
28. . . . 901 4 25 3..1130 4 25 7. . . . 037 4 20
10. . . . 110 ? 410 1. . . . ( SO 275 1..1050 430
19.1041 4 10 19..1321 4 K 10. . . . 980 4 10
26..1118 4 35 67..1069 4 33 3D..1298 4 DO
19..1461 4 30 64..1247 4 CO 10..1021 4 K
8S..12M 4-6. , ' & 8..12T7 4 60 1. . . . 930 4 00
21..1210 437(4 18..1258 440 ! . . . . 1018 41711
21..10S8 43) 1.-SIO 400 19..1543 440
2..1540 4 40 23..1434 4 30 S3. . . . Mi 4 03
S3..1151 4 30 13. . . . S74 4 15 a..1198 4 CO
E..1174 4 20 20..1362 4 DO 12..116 ] 4 15
3..1073 1 CO 28..1370 4 75 .18..1118 4 40
15..1217 165 1..KO 413 2..1310 435
S3..1036 410
1..1370 300 1..11)70 ) 3 GO 2 . . .1010 370
C8..1013 3 75 1. . . . MO 3 65 2..1100 3 CO
2..1110 360 19 , , . . 993 385 2. . . . 940 310
1. . . . 810 2 85 ! . . . . ( J73 3 10 1..11W 3 25
1..15M 3 30 3. . . . 8 3 25 8..1171 3 43
G0..10oS 3 70 2.1. . 855 3 30 1..1510 3 83
2..1260 325 2..1115 3 IS 1. . . . 870 3 00
1..1050 300 1. . . . COO 273 1. . . . F40 31,0
1..1230 330 1..1130 350 2..1250 375
1..1030 310 7..1192 375 1..1070 385
1..1070 340 1..187D 3 SO 1. . . . 930 265
1..15CO 375 i..ioio sco . . . . : : 3 co
1..1050 360 1. . . . 900 300 3..1133 375
33..1035 375 4..1037 3 S3 2. , , . 880 300
1..10UO 370 1. . . . 950 415 L. . . 920 370
2. . . . 715 315 L. . . E90 315 I. . . . 980 380
2..1320 3 00 3..1090 3 44 1. . . . 73) 3 50
1. , . . 910 3 2..1000 365 2..1050 365
17..1088 4 03 S..1010 2 75 I..1200 3 75
1..12tli ) 4 00 2..1040 3 V , ] . . , . E50 2 CO
4..1257 375 1. . . . 870 275 1. . . . 9W S DJ
1. . , . 970 2 CO 3..1183 3 75 2. . . . 80 } 2 83
8. . . .IKS 3 SO
13. . . . 905 4 23 11. . . . C71 4 43 1. , . . 840 3 25
1. . . . &SO 440 2. . . . CSO 363 . . , . 69) SCO
5. . , . SSO 4 23 2. . . , 420 4 73 1. . . . 440 4 M
2. . . . 935 4 CO 1..10TO 415 2. , . . 870 410
: i. . . . SCO 4 20 . 1. . . . 870 4 20 2 , . . . S25 3 oj
1. . . . 700 390 S , . , , 40 425 1. . . . 770 400
2. , . . 6SO 3 CO 2. . . . 445 3 RO 1. . . . 770 4 5i )
1. . . . 980 4 13 2. . . . < W > S" 3. . . . 8SC 4 21
19. . . . 72ii 4 10 3. . . . 621 1
B.,1014 4 15 2. . . .1280 4 30 2. . . .1245 3 M
7.'W3 4 13
9. . . .IOCS 4 23 9. . . .1037 4 23 7. . . . C57 4 CO
21. . . . 8C5 4 65
S. . . . 75 4 SO
HOGS Omaha had eighty-four cars of hogs o
sale and the receipts at Kansas City and Chicago
cage were large. , the total offerings at ull th
markets making liberal showing. The earl :
advices at other markets all Indicated a brea
In values and the buyers hero followed alon ,
The trade ope'ned radically Cc lower , that I
with the buyers offering J3.65 for the rank an
file , such as brought 3.7fl yesterday. On trash
Bluff Ihe uiual .bid was Ja.60. while now an
then an offer of 1X70 would be made on somethln
nretty good In th * way ° ' butcher weight loadi
Home extra chores loads of heavy hogs , as goo
as were ever made , brought 11.75 on the openln
„ „ were a little slow to part with th l
holdings , but ureter the circumstances , large r.
celpu and .lower .prices at other points , wit
a lower provision market , there was no ute I
contending 'against Ihe Inevitable , and Ihe
finally cut loose al tha morning bids.tje
once under way there was a fs'rly acme mov <
ment and the pens nere cleared In good reasoi
Today's decline carrle the market to tr ,
lowest point touched since Aprtl 1 , when til
hots told at about the * ame prices as tods
on an a\erage. A year ago at this time tti
market wan Me per 100 hither than It Is nof
Rpre entstlve salei :
No. Av. Bh. Pr. No. Av. Sli. Pr ,
S. " .tS WtJM m KO 80J3C4
5 . . ' , I4 M S 6.1 7 ! 239 ICO S 61
r > / 2 t 10 S 3 7J W ) 240 361
MI . . 26 . 1M3 5 J48 SO SM
* * ? ! ? 'tti -
73 . 217 10 I U 60 . 172 44 3 M
71 . t23 . . . IK C7.n7 IM 3 Ci
4) . ? 3 , . , tto , 7 . , . 248 M 1 5
(1 . 24 * , , . 3 M 7ft . 2.H M J ( J
63 , . , . 2M . . . 3 65 n . t.V ) ISO 1 (5
M. . . . S31 . . . 3U 70. , . . . . . .774 4) 3 Co
71. . , . . . . .347 tn icr n . SM . . . iw
77 . . . .342 43 11 . M . . . 1 5
69 . 341 200 3M 79 . J69 120 3 ( S
14 . 109 120 SRT. 7J . ; j ; JCO 1 6.1
63 . 265 40 1C. ' , t . : (4 , , , 363
U . 27 M 3 77. . , . . , , .229 . . . IM
72 . 264 100 SC7H 1 . 230 . . . 3 67U
& . 376 120 3 67H 63 . 267 ICO S (94
72 . 211 40 3 fii'i ft ) . > 2 1J , ) J $714
M . 253 40 3 7U 83 . 214 1 1 3 7 > 4
B . 7 . . . S ? i ; 74. . . . 273 W 1 7t
. 3IS . . . Sf7H 64 . 292 . . . 1 67'i
. 282 . . . S 7W 7 . . . 290 IM S 67H
. J" SO 3C7H K . 292 . . . 367(4 (
. 37 . . . 374 M . 251 40 387H
. 213 10 367H 61 . SM . . . S ? 2
. 271 . . . 167V4 M. . . 278 . . . 3 $
. ? J 7J4 SO . 2 IM IS7H
K4 80 3 7W (3 ( . 313 80 367H
" 80 387 75 . , . .2M RO 3 7H
TO M . : 3 40 370
170 fj . 7 . . . STO
"i S7 ° . S 370
370 S2 . 284 40 370
' . n l S I 79 68 . 237 SO 370
l..nm * ! l . . . 375 fiT . 301 . . . 175
: : : : ; : : : , : : : Jg " . -
WAQON Hoas-Tiinow otn-s.
J . 5J2 ' IS 4 . 5 * <
' .
, } . 291 120 SCO
. * " H . 213 . . . J
365 B , . . JM . . . 370
U has.l > * 'n oulle '
il5IIE5i ; , . & long time g'nof
melpta of
sheep were ns light as tolav
* 1 Mn *
° f lhcm wcr ' Pln | l" < < > llr ct
. .i ftni1 werp not of'Td for sale. Then-
} hc.U8Unl "f"1 " Demand for mutton shfep
na intnhs. and the orrrrlnR * met with ready
lf , at steady rices. There were a few ( .prlnir
Inmbu In. which * od ! at 17.00.
I.rerythlnir wn Mold nn weltlbd up nt nn
fnrly hour. Kcpronentnthe sales !
JCO. y pp
41 Colorado lamtn . , . . . . M } 5 is
8) sprlnit Inmbn . . . . . 67 700
S3 ewes nnd yearlings . J 4 43
400 western wethers . 91 4 61
4 < Iambs , rhorn . 51 4 43
453 woitorn. . wctlicrs , shorn . 107 4 20
I.lbcrnl Snipl > - of Cnttle nnd rrlccn
LVrc > Lower.
CHICAGO , April 13. The liberal supply of
cattle today caurcd buyer * to. take a very Inde
pendent stand nnd trade 'was ' .unusually Inte In
netting fairly started. Prices averaged about lOo
lower except for prime fat cattle and sellers
called the market 15e lower than at the close
of la" week. Ilecf steers nold larsely nt 14.40 ®
5.10. common kinds Rolns for J. 94.25 , and
strictly choice shippingbeee ore scarce and
nrm at 15.23fiP3.50. There were plenty of fed
westerns , sales of which were largely at 14.23 ®
4.75 , but cattle from Tcxa werc again scarce.
The stocker and feeder trade'ViMS fairly active
at I4.00ff4.63 , selected Btc M relllnx for 14.76O
5.00 and light weight stock heifers bringing 1.75.
Canning rows cold cMerty at 12.50P3 00 nnd sales
were made of fat COH' ' ( 'W'SOIH.OO and fat
he fers at J4.Mtf4.75. Hulls were steady , while
calves sold ut yesterday's decline , 15,00tt6.09
being the popular prices.
r4' Lc' . * ot Iloltl ! nBBln declined , sales averaging
5B100 lower. Trade was slow at S3 6.-.J/3.75 for
the poorest consignments to $3. 0 < jf3.97H for the
best lots , prime heavy hosi selling 714o above
'S1" ' , we'Khts. ' 8ale were largely at
, ' " . for ' 'J88 ! ttnA at * ' - * > 83.75 for pigs ,
w'l its P " e lower lhan " 10BO ot heavier
Trade In sheep nnd lambs was fairly active
at yesterday's decline In prices. Sheep sold nt
| 4.Cog4.CO for piorn : Hocks nnd nt I4.40O4 SO for
wooled consignments. I ambs sold at 4. 2303.00
for shorn and at J4.7r > tf5.G3 for wooled , wooled
Colorado Iambi fetching J3.33ff3.63. Shorn cheep
nnaS1Vs ' ! r. ° ] < i ' ' 'cldedly the most readily.
HKCEll'TS-Cattle. 1C.GOO head ; hogs , 30.000
head ; theep , 15,000 head.
York l.lvc Stock.
. 'JU15 ' ' YOIIK. April 13. UnEVES-Jloocip's
2.100 head : slow ; steers , ceiOo lower : built ind
cqws ttenily ; steers. i > or to choice , f4.40il. > 40'
oxen nnd Htaw , tJ.C.-iO4.M ; bulls , H.S5yr.7o
po . 2.00 3.SI9. Cables Mrmer ; ll\e cattle 3HW
lOlio and live tJicei > m 10"io , dressed wrlslit ;
refrigerator beef. 7 a8'4c per ll > . ; exports tn-
, .3l,8.ltUIU'ten' | ot beef ; tonorrow , r.10 nttle.
UM.ES liecelptn , 5,700 lirad ; slov ; prime
grades steady ; others 2jo lower ; v H , poor
to prime , 3.738fl.23 ; oxtrn lot , $ H.OfrS GO.
SHEKlAN1 > I AMllS-ltecelpts , 7,90. ) head :
sow ; wooled stock lOc lower : cllppwl barel-
iV'JjJy ' ! 'Prlnic lambs lower ; wooled sheep. Jl.w
JT4.W ; clipped , lower at .75 4.23 ; unshorn
Iambs , 16.00 ; clipped lamba , I4.73fl3.30 : muiheni
tV l ! - 'jSmbs ' > W.uoe-l.75 each ; otnte taring lambs ,
. . .
J-.lXXf ti.OO.
HOOS-Rreclpts. 6.COO head ; dull ; plgi 10t13c ?
vi hole range. .65ff 4.20 ; western pigr ,
St. Lniiln Lire Stock.
ST. LOUIS. April 13.-CATTLE-Recelptr , 4,000
head , Including 900 bend Texan * : shipments. 100
head ; market a shade easier for natives- < xnn
bareljBlrady ; fair to fancy native shipping nnd
export steers Jl 35S3.60 ; bulk nf salw. ? 4 5M0
ft.JO , ureraed beef and butcher steels , J4.2uR50V
$ ? , P1- .W M.H ; steers under 1.000Tibs ' .
J3.7oO4.5 * : bulk of sales , Jl.20jtf4.40 ; stock D nnd
feeders. J3.2o04.G5 ; bulk of rnles , JI.OOtN 55 ; co K
? ndnSLfers' ' \ * 30S4.85. ; with some helfris nt
f : .i " ? . ilSL1. J"dlan teer . J3.75itf4.C.j , bulk
BO * 4.00@4.50 ; cows and belters , J2.10C ?
HOas-Recelpts , 8,000 head ; shipments , Sftf
ead ; market 60 lower ; Yorkers. J3COi37u-
ackers. J3.50S-3.53 ; butcher * . J3.75M3.81.
mirLIE1 ? > , Re * iptl > ' 2 w head : "hlpmjnts. "one ;
larKci BiPAUy ! nuttvc tnuttuns i. ! . > fji ) .d ,
ambs. I5.00 5.75.
Louisville Live Stock.
13.-CATTLE-Mai ket -
. * * * * . " - * ttifvii i
nd fully 'fti"- - - - - -
. i" * ? ' ! ' 1wer ! exlra K ° ° d P < wt stfSrV
I.COfi > 4. ( choice
; butcher steers. J4.15O4.50 ; fair
nO/14itv o good . > butcher butcher steer.Vl3.5 steer * W.75474,25 J : . . common . _ to
. . T75-eUlce ; heifer ; .
.1j ; fair to cho'ce butcher COWH , JS.000
? kJSLdlum to K ° ° l tee > r . t3.63O4.15.
HOaS-Tops , $ J. OO .7a ; mediums. M.CO3.63 ;
ght shippers , | 3.40i-3.CO ; pigs. $3.50fl3. < 0.
BHEEP A D IWVMIlS-Market steady and un
hanged ; good to extra shipping sheep , tl.WO
.75 : fair to good heep. s.o s3.23 : common tu
nedlum. I3.00@3.SD ; extra shipping lambs , H,1M
M ; fair to good Iambi , t4.2JO4.7i : best buchera ,
4.0084.50 ; fair to good butchers.
City Live. Stock Market.
KANSAS CITY. April 13.-CATTLE-Recelpts.
.000 held : market weak to lOc tower ; Texas
leers , tl.M-a4.60 ; Texas cow * , JJ.S004.30 ; native
tecrs , t3.2SQ3.IO ) nathe cow * and heifers , ) ! .15O
.71 : stockera and feeders , $3.2565.35 ; bulls , 13.75
ikobs Receipts. 14.000 head ; market steady ;
> ulk of sales , JJ.Dltf3.70 ; heavies , J3.60O1 80 ;
mixed and packers. $3.EoQ3.7S ; lights. t3.CO@3.C2K ;
Yorkers. I3.C093.C2H ; pigs , l3.25H3.i7V > .
8HEEP Receipts , 2.000 bead ; market steady ;
ambB. 14.3565.40 ; . muttonJ3.0085.00. .
Rnut nnfTnlo MVP Slock.
Steady ; coarsc > and rough steers. t3.85f4.23 ; light.
I.20O4.40 ; choice fat heifers , tl.I30-4.DO : mixed
> utcher stock. J3. ® 4.10 ; fat vows , J3.70f 3.90.
HOQS Yorkers , good to choice , J3.SJ < i3.M ;
oughs , common to choice , 13. 5003 , CO ; pigs , geode
o choice. J3.4.1O3.60.
LAMI > 9-Cholce to extra. J1.91 C.OO ; culls to
ommon , Jj.WS5.55 ; cl'ppe Jnmba , 15.4085.45.
Clnclnnntl LlTcTocU. (
CINCINNATI. Apr'l I . - JJQqWeak at I3.H
© 3.85.
CATTLB-Steady at J2.73S4.75.
BlinUI' Wenk at J2.75W4.M.1
LAMBS Dull at tl.W5.SO ( ;
Stork la Sldlit.
Record of receipts of live -lock nt the foul
.rlnclpal . marketa April 13 :
Cattle. HOBS. Sheep
Omahn . 2.472 r,472 1.S9
ctllcnco . IWO M.OOrt r .fiOi
Kansaa City . 6ow 14.000 2.M
St. Ix > uli4 . 4.Q-Q C.OM IM
Totals . . 28.071 C3.472 21.33
Coffpr MarUeln ,
NEW YORK , April 13. COFFKK-Optlom
opened st-ady , unehnngeil to 5 points h'tsher. became
came flrm and steadily ndvanced all day or
locil covering and malerate buying for nccoun
of spot coffee firms startel by warlike newi
Tram Washington nnd the feverish condition o
the other markets ; closed steady , with prices H
to 13 points net hKher ; rales , 12,500 bags. Includ
Ing May at J5.COiJ5.S3. Spit coffee , Rio , flrm
No 7. Invoice , JG.SO ; Nc. 7 , Jobbing , J7 , Mild
firm ; Cordova. I8.250I5.00 ; sales , 900 bag. Mara
calbo , p. t. ; ttO bags SaNanlla , p. t , ; 100 bap
Uexlcan , p. t. Total warehou e delher'es fron
the United Htateii.JI.WS bags. Including 24.43
from New York ; New York Mock today , CM.oO
bags : United States stock. 774.C.28 bags ; afloa
for the United States , 303.000 bags ; total vlslbli
for the United Slates. l,0-,7S2S bans , against C9 > ,
287 bags last year am 419.075 bags In J8S .
SANTOS. April 13.-COFFEE-Sleady ; good av
erage Hnntos , ,2CO rels ; receipts , 15,000 bags
tnck & 52.000 bags.
IIAMHURa , April . -COFFBB-Opened U <
lower ; at 2:30 : p. m. , ttpfg lower ; sales
E ) JANKIRO , April 13.-COFFEB-Pull
11O Board of Trade Bldg. , Omaha , Nel
Branch O o , 1CM N Bi. . L'.occln.
PrealdenU Vic * Frtslden
Inn lh Christie-Street Commission Co
Capital , JSO.000.00. Fully Pitta.
Ill Board ot Trade UnlldlBir.
Telephone 1039' . Omaha , Ne !
No. T , S.tTJ rels ; exchanRP , 5 5-l .lrfCtl : U. , . ( * )
V t I clfarnl for the United SlntCT14.0M' b 'I
tot iuro : ; * , l.WO bans ; Mock , lU.OOq baa
Nrtr YoVu tU'hcnl Mnrkrt.
NDW YORK. April 13.-The stronjt hold vn
whent prices which Ihe bulls secured this morn
ing wns not shaken ot nil day. price * inaklMT
n clear jraln ot 3c on July and cloning. attiT
a sllRht wHImck In th * last trn mlntilet. nt
IHfriSc nel ndvonce , July showing the irreatcv
amount of strength. The principal feitlur * * at *
lendlni ; the rl < n tmlny wen- strung and butt
rablen. an nlaindnttce nt war talk hrnl export
trnruwellMis rvachlng U loads nt all sralxMUtl
twlntn. There wna nls < i further talk of or p
damage In California , July ranged from Mio !
In SULic , closing at 9 1 lie. The flnal price ut
Tue dy wiu
HiiRnr .Market * . , t
NKW Ollt.KANS , April U.UO All-Dull i
open kettle. 3KV > KCi granulateil. 4r ; whites ,
4 7.1 c : yellow , 404 R-lfei seconds. ! H 3' IJ-Kc.
. dull ; centrifugal , ! > ni4c.
NHW YORK. April 11 SUUAH-Raw. flrmj
fair refining. SSc : centrifugal , * 6 teM , 4Hci re *
nned , flrm ; mould A , T-l c ; Mani1nt A , S l-ieo ;
confectioner1 A , B 1-lCo ; rut loaf , G IMIc ;
crushed , S ll-IGc ; powdered , 6 T-lCc ; iranUlated ,
S 3-160 : cubes , S 7-16c. .
The V. B.
want ! tconff men In Its
sorTlco. W h on
cord the Army n Na
endorse HAH-IIKN M
the greatest k n o wn
Btrengthoner , lnvlgor t-
or nd rostornllvo. It
creates solid llcnh. raus-
ole Riid ttrength , oloara
tha brain , strengthen *
the norvcs and causes
the gonorntlvo organ * to
qulcklyrcgaln thclrnor-
inal power * For ncrv '
ous prostration , over- ;
work. Impaired vitality'
In either BOX , or exccsilvo o of opium , liquor
or tobscoo , It positively cannot bo cxcoucd.
Ono box will worlt npndors. Six will euro.
1IAU-1IKN is for mlo by nil druggists , BO tub-
lets , 8O cent . Ono to two months' treatment.
Fill out and mall us the diagnosis shoot In oacU
box , and wo will Blvo your CMC "P ! * ? .11"0"-
tlon without extra chariro. IIAR-IIEN U pre.
pared by lllalmer a Uensnn , 1'h.D. . 11. & , di
rest from the formula of K. K. Harton. At tt.
Cloveland's most eminent HpcclalUt Mailed
In elo < io < l package on receipt of prlco.
oi llar-Uon Ulock , Cleveland , ( X
For sale by Kuhn /I Co. , 15th nnd Doug-
Ins ; J. A. Fuller & Co. , 1402 Douglas St. ,
nml Graham Uruu Co. , 15lh nml Fiirnutn ;
Klnff Pharmacy , 27th nnd Ijeavenworth ;
Peyton's 1'harmncy. tth and Lenvcnworth :
1C. J. S ykora. South Omnha , nnd nil other
druggists in Omaha , South Omahn , Council
Bluffs and vicinity.
JU.rfftrtwt JMjMueFalllBa Bern-
orI m potency , HlMpleMness , eta , c u a
by Abuse or oltior KXCCSSM sod Indls-
crstlonn. 'fntv < 7 lnA-l/ and turtlu
nston Lort Vitality In oldorjouni.auU
fltamaaforstudr , bostnm or narrlago.
. _ , . . _ l'r T nt Infinity and Consumption If
takeainumB. Their nno shows ItDmodlato fmprore-
rnent and ( Beats a : U11E nhero all other fall In-
eltt open hnTlng ths cennlno Alnx Tablets. Thty
haTecarsdthouundisndnlllcnnrou. Wsclroapec.
Him nrtttan guitranUa to eflset o euro CnpTC In
eacheassor rotund the moner. Frloo OW VI Oi pr
pnckacei or six rsns ( fall treatment ) for PiW. Ilr
' - ' "
JAX mrDYCO.0/---1 / "
For sale In Omaha , Neb. , by Ja. Foisyth ,
N. 16th ; Kuhn & Co. . IGth and Douglas : and
In Council HlulT.i by O. H. Drown , UrujglaH.
ami vmrnmri
Us * BlgV for unnstotll
dlicnsrget. InflannistloBt.
IrritatloBs or ulnratloM
t tnoaoas ruenibriots ,
PtUltM , and not i
Id by
r unt to Ula wrsr
r axirt , ( repaid , tot
.00. or t bklllw , U.IX
' r * sM MtMA
Home Industries
Ily PurclinsltiK Roods Mndc nt the Fol.
lotvlniccbrnNkit Fiictorlem
( Successors Omaha Tent and Awning Co. )
Manufacturers tents , awnings ; Jobbers ladles'
and gents' MacklntoAhcs. Tents for rent. 1311
Farnam St. , Omaha.
Carload shipments made In our own refrig
erator carr. Blue Ribbon. Elite Export. Vienna ,
Export and Family Export delivered to all parts
of the city.
JOHN It. I.OWHKV , I'rop.
Hollers , Tanks and Sheet 'ton Work. Special
facilities for doing repairs , etc. Tel. 1339 ,
Manufacturer of Galvanized Iron Cornices , Gal
vanized Iron Skylights. Tin , Iron and Slate
Roofing. Agent for Klnnear's Steel Celling.
10S-10-12 North Eleventh street.
WORKS , 1H21 Fnrnnm St.
Dylnir and cleanlnR of Karments and R03ds of
every description. Cleaning of flne garments a
.S. F. ft
Flour , Meal , Feed , Ilran , J01S-15-17 Nnrth 17th
Street , Omnha , N'J. C. R. Hlack , Manager.
Telephone M2.
Iron miili IlriiHw Foinuleri.
Manufactuirrs and Joblirrs of Machinery. General -
oral repairing a specialty. UOI , U03 nnd 1MJ
Jackson street , Omaha , Neb.
Manufacturers old proccrs rniv Itnieed all , ket
tle boiled Unseed oil , old process ground Unseed
cakes , ground and screened flaxvred. far drug.
Bills. OMAHA , NKU.
Manufacturers of lillh grade Mattrcsfeg , 1111
Harney Street , Omaha ,
Mfrs. Clothing. Pnts. Shirts , Overalls ,
J. II. KVA.\S ,
Cxcluilve euttom shirt tailors. 1315 Farnsm.
Manufacturers of Vln ar , Pickles , Catsups ,
Mn t rd . r 1 rv ami Worcestershire Bauco ,
For a good , rubitantlal vehicle of any descrip
tion , for repalntlnR nr rubber tires on new or old.
Wheels the best place Is S7th and Lcavcnworth
Cheap , medium priced and" tony carriages.
Any thin * you want , second hand or new. Head ,
quarters for ratter tires , warranted , ttth and
Hainty , opposite Court Hojise.
. Lsa lo
elri ni ! 8l ,
m BtfMt.