10 THE OMAHA DAILY BE rr TUESDAY , APRIL 12. 1808 , SPECIAL NOTICES Ailrrrtlsrmrnti for ttimc column * nlll ho Inkcn nnlll 12 m. for the eviMilnir unit until 8 p. tn. for the tornlnsr nnd Mnmlnr edition * . AilrrrlUrTii , l jrpiUP tlnR a nnm- licrcil check , enn hnvo nnnrrrr nil- < lrri > il til n nninhercil letter In cnre of The lire.nnHftm no nitdresaeil nlll IIP ilrllvprpd un iircnenlntlon of flip phppk onlr > Union , I 1-ao m TTorrt nmt ln ertlnn | So n tTiiril thprcnftpr. Nothing tnkpn for IPKH thnn 2fe for the flrnt Inner- linn. Their ndrertUcmpiiti maul be run poimprnllvply. WAJiTKn SITUATIOXS. BY AMniUCAN WIDOW , HOUSEKEEPEIl TOH widower , housekeeper or hea/1 chambermaid tn hotel ; good references. MM. Pulner. AVesj Oranne , N. J. A-Mlll A14- BET OP I100K8 TO KEEP EVENINOS JIY tint claM bookkeeper ; errors located ; book < oil' unci-cl. Address Ilex 13 , motion A , City. A-Mlfl-12' ur TWO TiEnNEO YOUNG LADIES , TO take core of exhibit * during exposition ; can give belt of reference ! . L CO , llee.A A 21J-11 * \VAN1 KO. POSITION AT DAIHV KAHM ; nmt cUt milker. 1. tl. Hee. A-J3M1 * \VAVmnMAM5 IIKM1. CANVASSERS TO TAKB ononns ; NEW MNB of work ; no heavy goods to carry ; salary or commission. C. F. Adams Co. , 621 So. ICth Bt. BALBSMAN F'OIl CIOAJIH , 1123 A MONTH AND cxp"nsesj old llrm ; experience unnecessary ; In ducements tit customers. C. C. Illthop * Co. , Ht. Louis. U CCO 'AGENTS AND QRANCH MANAGERS ; 8A7..AnY nnd commission. Hunter Tailoring & Shirt Co , Cincinnati , O. U-M43S A1C { SALESMENTO SELL Ton.rrr SOAP TO dealers ; MM | > cr month salary and expenses ; experience unnecessary. Louis Ernst Co. , St. Loula. .Mo. 11-M172 \VANTED. A MAimiED MAN ; KAHM WORK. Thco. Wllll.ima , llensun , Ncli. II-DS7 11 WANTED , COM1IINATION IlULEIl AND flnlBher. Write or apply W. C. Dcltch Co. . Hloux City , In. H-M2 1 12 WANTED , A GOOD WOOO.WOHKEn AND machine hand. Apply to Anchor l > ncp Co. , 20V207 N. Kill St. 11-237-11 WANTED. A OOD. IIELIAIILE. HUSTL1NO cama rr. Apply to Um.lha Anchor Fence Co. , 2)j-:07 ) N. 17lh St. n-23" " ; WANTED. cAiirENTEiis AT THE n. & M. new depot. Apply to Jolin Steel. 1I-MI5C 12 HALEMJEN FOII HISTOIW CLUII WANTED lit once. Megeath Stationery Co. H-M234 12 THIlii : OENTLEMEN AND TWO LADIES anted to a ! st In oreanlzlng our History Cluli. Moseath Stationery Co. IJ-M253 12 WANTED. A nitiaiiT YOUNG MAN WHO has hail experience In runnlni ; n foda fountain ; must slve Rood reference. Chas. II. HclViaefer , ICth nnd C.ilcago. 11 MiM 13 * A.-SA-LHSMEN TO SUM. CIOAIIS TO DEALers - ers ; salary , KOOO to 120900 per month and ex penses ; experience unnecessary ; permanent po sition. The De Mora Cigar CJ. , SprlnKll'ld. O. n-M2l < > 12 * WTKII FKMAI.E 1IEI.1' . i ) GIRLS ran ALL KINDS OP Avonii ; TO 17 week. Canadian Office , 1322 Douglas.C C 661 .WANTID. : A NUIISE OIIIL ; REFERENCES required. Apply 3C20 Farnam St. C M726 WANTED-OIltr. AT DORAN HOUSE : 422 S. 13th St. , one blosk south of court house.C072 C-072 WANTED. A OIHL von OENERAL IIOUSE- * ork. good piy for reliable party ; small family. 1311 S. 20th St. C 223-15' \VANTHD. EXPiiUKNCrt > SALrSI AnillS IN the Millinery Department , only those who have hail n Kreat deal of experience need apply. J , L , . DrandcU & Sons , lloaton Store.C C 220-11 , cnn TIHMMCIIS IN Millinery Department at Iloiton Store. Store.C C 227-12 WANTI'.D , A LADY OF MATt'HK YEAHS TO rnannuc nn olllce outside the city. AiWres * It 2 , lice. C 11249 13 onit. HOUSHWOUK. AI-- ply 71S S. 30th St. C-M2I2 n FOIl HUNT HOUSES. CHOICE HOtTSUS AND COTTAOCS AM. city ; J5 to $75. Fidelity , 1st iloor N. Y. Life D C62 LIST. M'CAOUC , 13TII AND DODOn. D-C6I HOUSES , FLATS. GAUVIN DUOS. , 1613 FAU'M D GOJ JIOUSKS IN AM. PAUTS OF THE CITY. THE O. F. Davln ComfMny , 1MJ Farnam. D 67 JIOUSEiS. IJKNEWA & CO. , 103 N. I5TII ST. HOUSES , STORES. DCMIS , PAXTON DLOCK. D-6a ( DETACHED MODERN 12-nOOM , ALSO O-IIOOM , house : Iteys at 25 8 Capitol Ave. Tel. En. V. II. Ilobson. D 071 MOVINO HOltSEHOLD OOODS AND PIANOS. Om.Van & Storaga Co , IClUi Farnam. Tel. l..r.a. D-C70 FOR KENT. AT10UT APRIL 15 , TO GOOD TEN- nnt , 8-room house ; all conveniences ; 2Jd street , near California ; not for boarders or roomers ; S35. 500 N. Y. Life building. D-M834 -n HOUSE. NEAR 2TTII AND PARKER : NICC place. 1DS1 ll FOR RENT COTTAQE. 6 ItOOMR. MODERN conveniences. 713 S. 17th Ave. Inquire at 714 8. 17th St. D-110 MY LATE RESIDENCE. 105 PARK AVE. . ca Illuffs , Is for rent. W. Runyan. D M202 FOII IIOOMS. I NICE ROOMS. IIOUSKKEEriNO. 1112 SOUTH llth St. E M7CJ DESIRAI1I.E ROOM. M. K. ROYS , N. Y. L. ndS. 'Phone 811. E-M211 A17 * nOOMS , S. FRONT ; MODERN. 23SO HARNEY street. E M9SO 14 IN PRIVATE FAMILY. 1013 DODQE. E MI04 13 PLEASANT IfURNISHED ROOMS. 218 NORTH Nineteenth st. E-1C3 FOR RENT. FURNISHED HOOM SIX BLOCKS from exposition grounds ; two blocks from car line. 2S13 North 20th. E-M17S 12 FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH OR" wiTHOUT board ; beautlfu ! location. 113G South 31 t. K-233-14 * FUIlMStllin HOOMS AND UOAHD. THE MERRIAM. FIRST CLASS FAMILY HO- tcl. 25th and DoJge Sts. F 672 IIOOMS , WITH BOARD. 2103 CHICAGO ST. F-407 A2l EXPOPITION. EXPOSITION. EXPOSITION. The SAintORti Hotel ; new hou c ; new furniture ; nirMl.TM ( iiulpment ; experienced in.uuiKOnioiu , adjoins exposition ; boarders sollcted ; rates ren- ixinablt * : take Shermun Ave. cars to 2411. un I Amrii Ave. John II. Pierce , proprietor : I ) . T. Tulilu. manni ; r. F < S3 A23 KICELY rURN'ISHED FRONT ROOM : I'RI- vate family. 702 So. 23th st. F M977 ! ! FURNISHED ROOMS. TRANSIENTS ACCOMmodated - modated ; cheap rates. S20 N. 10th. F MKJ 1C * FOR HiXTt\Kim\ISHKl ! ) HOOMS. FOR RENT. NICE SOUTH FRONT UNPUR- nUhed rooms , with bath : Wlthncll block. V. W. Carmlchael , No. 6 , Wlttincll block. CJ-WO TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR L1OIIT houtekeeplns to u couple without children. 913 N. 24lh St. Q-iQftn FIVE ROOMS. 1SOJ KARNAM. O-MIM-15 * S NICE MODERN IlOOMs ! 612 N. Z5TH. FOR HKXT STOnnS AXIJ OF1MCKS. FOR RENT. DKSK ROOM IN GROUND FLOOR oftico , Ite building ; water , tteam heat , electric llgl.t. and Janitor rvloc. Apply to Supertn * tendrnt , lire bulldlnx. 1 197 FOR RENT-IN THE BEE BUILDING : One In rue corner room , Id Hoar , with vault and private office , water , etc. On lance front room , M floor , divided Into two rooms by partition ; water , etc. One larno curucr room , 2J floor , with vault , water , etc. One front room. dlvlilM by partition , U floor. One corner room , with vault , 3d floor. One largo room , 3d Hoar , with partition dividing It Into one large room and two smaller prlvata rooms ; water. tc. Two large ground floor rooms , fronting 17th St. with vault. 8e\eral small rooms on 4th floor , nlth vaults. All these rooms are hMti-d with steam , electrlo Uclit * . lupplled with first class janitor nrvlce ; elevators run day and all nlcht : building strictly flrvproof. Apply to superintendent. 104. Bo * bullJlnj. l-m roll HKXT STOIUM AJ i OFFICt S. ( Continued. ) roll KENT , THIS 4-BTORT DRICK DUILDINO at 919 rnrnam St. This bulldlns ; hat a flrtproof cement tmxement , water on nil ( loot * , can , etc. Apply at the office of Thi Bte. FOR TRACKAGE. THAN8FKRRINO AND detk room , apply ( n the Aultman & Taylor Machinery Co. , N. K. cor. Slh & Jackson Sts. AOK.XTS WASTKIT. AOENT8 WANTED , MURAT HALSTEAD'S great w r book , "Our Country In War. " nnd our relations with foreign nations ; all about our army , nsvy , coast defenses , the Malnn disaster , Spain , her army nnd navy defence * ; nil about Cuba , her relations to the United States and her rtcfcntes ; all About the nrmlM nnd navies of all other nation * , and how they will net In our fight with Spain ; over MO panes ; magnificent Illustrations , photographs , etc. ; one > igFnt nold 83 In one day ; others lire mak * lnjr'12.00 to J39.00 per day ; most liberal terms guaranteed , 20 days' credit ; price low ; freight paid ; handsome outfit free ; semi 12 2-cent stamps to pay postage. Nat'l Educational Union , JJ Dearborn St. , Cnlcngo. J-MMI 14 * AOI-KIM W > NTI1P WK WANT ONE dlltJftWD cart-ful man In every town to make .1 fsw tliouaind dollars for lilmsnlf quietly nt hnmp and not work hard ! private InstructlMis and % alunbli > outnt of new goods gent fres. Allllr sJ Immediately P. O. box & 303 , Uorton. MUSH. J M2li 12 * WAXTliD TO HEXT. i " * WANTED-FITIST CLASS BOARD "FOR IIUS band nnd wife ; two bed rooms and ilttlnit room rcqulreil , Address L 2 , Bee. K M-603 WANTED , HOARD AND ROOMS IN PRIVATE family preferred , by e'ntlenmn nnrt wife ; refer ences oxclianRed. Address , with location nnd terms , 1.03 , Bsc. K Mill 12' A GENTLEMAN WANTS ROOM OR HOARD nnd room In prUatn family : muit bo flret-clnt nnd In good nclchlwrliood. Apply , Klxlng terms , L63 , Uec' . K Mill 13 * sToii.vnr. , PACIFIC STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE CO. . 90S-910 Jones general storage and forwarding , M-673 OM. VAN & STORAGE. 1S1HS FARN'M. TEL 1339 M-6I4 FOII SAI.K FUHMTUHK. AT PUI1LIC AUCTION. WEDNESDAY. APRIL II. at 10 a. in. , nt No. 207 South 21th St. , my entire 13-room house furnishings to the highest bld'ier , regardless of price ; cxerythlng must go ; furniture , carpets , bfdd'ns , china and silver ware , fine piano ! goods open for Inspection to everybody. 13. E. Athcrton. Auctioneer. O-M221 12 * KOR SALE , A FINE FOLDING BED WITH wardrobe ; also oak bedroom set , almo't new ; only those wanting llrst-class article need ap ply ; forenoon only. 2037 Dodge tt. O M223 BEDROOM SUITE. NEARLY NEW. APPI.V 2323 California Ht. O M247 12 * FOII SALi : IIOHSKS , WAGOXS , ETC. NICE FAMILY HOUSE , HARNESS & CAR- llage ; also light single harness. 1516 Howard. P-231-13 * 1 PAIR. BLACK MAHUrf. 2.100 LIS. ; 1 BLACK gelding. l.SXl lli. : a choice sunev or funtly horse. Stable , 12th nnd NWiolas. P M2U 12 * FOII SALIC MISCILLAMOUS. HOG AND POULTRY FENCE ; I1ETTER THAN wire netting. I'lne sawdust for floors. Tnl. 4S. 901 Douglas. Q S73 HORSE CLIPPING MACHINES , KNIVES AND repairs , nil standard makes on hand ; grinding rizor , shears , clippers ; prompt service. A. L. Undeland. Q-C76 PURE PLYMOUTH BOCK EGGS TOR SET- tlngs ; OOc ; roosters. Jl.OO. 932 North 2Cth. Q C77 A-1C CHICKEN. HOG AND LAWN FENTKS ; ALL wire ; [ s test. Wire Works , 14th and Harney. Q-C7S BLACKHEADS AND WARTS , HOW TO REmove - move , 23c. Cyius Gray , 1 * . O. box 94 , Ben nett , Pa. Q-M134 A-15 * ICE BOX. SUITAKLE FOR HOTEL OR restaurant : also n lot of 4-llght sash. .Tamca Whulan , 8th , and Grace. Q-9IS ll SEED SWEET POTATOES. SOLD OUT : WILL accept no more orders this spring. Thpo. Wil liams. Omaha , O. 3SH ll FOR SALK , 1 FINE LARGE SIGNI1OAR1) . ? TlC ft. , also 2 small signboards. Call nt onro 2)7 a. = lth st. Q-M2M 12' MISCP.LLAXHOt'S. FOR RENT. A BAIW AT 1902 CASS ST. R-M909 MVSHAOE , BATHS , KTC. MME. SMITH. 113 N. 13TH ST. , STEAM AND alcohol baths. T 917 11 MME. AMES , MASSAGE AND BATHS. 1621 > 4 Howard St. T 919 ! ! ' LAURA ELLISON. 119 N. 16TH ( UPSTAIRS ) , room 12 , Turko-Russlan and plain baths , mas sage. T M310 A-13 MRS. DR. LEON , ELECTRIC MASSAGE BATH parlors ; restful and curative. 417 S. llth , up- salrs. T M2J4 17 * MME. AMES , MASSAGE AND BATHS. 1623VA Howard St. T 22S-18 * I'KHSOXAL. VIAVI FOR UTERINE TROUBLES. 346-8 BEE Bldg ; physician consultation or health book free. U-6SO CLOTHES CLEANED , PRESSED AND HE- pnlrcd : day or nlRht dress suits for hire. Pantorlura , N. E. Cor. 14th and Farnam. Tel. 9C3 U81 BATHS , MASSAGE. MME. POST. ! 194 S. 15TH. U-3S3 HORSES CLIPPED FOR ONE DOLLAR : ELEC- trio clippers. Tel. 68. McCormack & Baumlry , 14th and Howard. U 333 MAGNETIC TREATAIENTS. CLAIRVOYANT , foitune telling. 9-11 , 1-6 , 8-10 , eve. Mme Ling , 1922 Cumlng. U M24S 16 > NOTICE IK ) NOT MISS THE IMPORTED china nnd silverware eale Wednesday. Anril IS , tn S. 24th st. U M2IO 1. " MONEY TO I.OAX KEAk ESTATE. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW HATES. THEO OF. . Davis Co. . 1303 Farnnm St. W Ci2 WANTED. CHOICE FARM AND CITY LOANS , n. C. Peters & Co. , U. S. Nat'l Hank Illdg. W-CSI MONEY LOANED ON IMPROVED HHAL EState - tate In Omsha , Council Bluffs & South Omaha. W. II. Thomas , 003 First Nat'l. Bank , Onuiha. W-6S3 C PEU CENT CITY AND FAI'.M LOANS. Rim In Bros , 1013 Farnam St. W CS3 1100.000.00 SPECIAL FUND TO LOAN ON first class Improved Omiha prcperty , or for building purposes Fidelity Trust company. W-CS6 ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. , 313 N. Y. U ; quick money nt low rules for choice farm lands In Iowa , Northern Missouri , Eastern Nebraska. W C87 LOAN ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property. W. Farnnm Smith & Co. , 1320 rnrnam. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Brennan-Lo\e Co. , 219 S. ICth. W-C 9 5V4 PER CENT MONEY. BEM1S. PAXTON BLK w coo TO I.OA.\CIIATTI3I.S. J10 TO 110.000 TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FI'RNITURE AND PIANOS , HOUSES. WAGONS AND CARRIAGES , WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS. ETC. , nt lowest rate * In Omaha , South Omaha ami Council Bluffs. No removal ru' good * : strictly confidential ; you can pay the loan off at any time or In any amaunti. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . S03 South 16th Pt. THH OLDEST. LARGEST AND ONLY INCOR PORATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. X-691 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE HOLD- Ins permanent positions , with respontlble con cerns upon their o\n names , \\llliout security ; easy payments. Tolinan. It. 706 , N. Y. L. bldg. 198-A-1C * HUSIXESS CHAXCKS. TO GET IN OR OUT OP BUSINESS GO TO J. J. Glluon , S14 First NatM Bank. Y 652 BETTER THAN KLONDIKE ; PERSONS WITH small or large capital wishing t3 make Inxett- mcnt that promise large returns should ad- rtress or call on U , W , Tulleys , Council Bluffs , Iowa. V M137 A16 DO YOU WANT TO BUY ANY BUflNESS ? \ \ lint * . Ug list place * for rate ; will atslit you with money to buy. Walsh & Co. , 119 N. 16th st. Y-M974 12 It inv > BUSINESS CARDS NEATLY PRINTED n. O , Heoraey , 1505 Farnam st. ; 'pi-one. I'M. Y M213 16 FOR BALK. THE ONLY IRON FOUNDRY IN South Omaha ; this Is a targatn and must be > old ; enough work In Snulh Omaha to ketp a planter this kind running full bl.utt. Inquire Sheriff's olllcp , Omaha. Y MW7 16 WANTED. GERMAN MERCHANT WHO CAN put In U.OOO stock general merclmndl < n to lo at ? In CUB of the bci * town * In south.intern Ne braska , Address W , J , Crnndall , Firth. Neb. X-M1S1 1J BV9IWHM CNASCK9. ( Continued. ) RESTAURANT ANU FRUIT BTORB FOfl allc. 219 N. 1 H St. Y-2M-I7 * _ _ JJ.600 , BEST PAYING RESTAURANT IN THC city. Wnlth & Co. . 119 N. 161H St. 550 noOMINO HOUSE : GOOD I/CATION ! tip bargain. Walih & Co. , 119 N. 16th Rt. fl.OOO. BAKERY AND CONPHCTIONERY ( tore , lOtli tit. Walsh , 11 } N. 16th St. 10 GOOD PAYING RESTAURANTS AND BOOMIng - Ing houses. Walsh A Co. , 119 N. 16th St. IP YOU WANT TO BUY A BUSINESS WE will nsilst you with money to buy. Wnlsh , lit N. 16th St. Y-M237 ll $150 INVESTED ACTUALLY EARNING 33 PER cent weekly profits. Bare chance. No stocker or Klondike scheme , Safe enterprlie. Contra ! capital your elf. D. Sloane , 110 St. Paul St. , Baltimore , Md. Y M252 12 * FOR VARIOUS PIECES OP PROPERTY AND farm * In Nebraska to trade ; for 'merclinndliio , Address L 42. Bf . 55-MSW 160 ACRES CLEAR 'LAND WESTERN KANSAS tn exchange for lioujp nnd lot ; will assume some Incuinbronce. Michael McGulre. 30914 N. Uth St. 7.-22S-13 FOH SALi : HEAL ESTATE. KOUNT7.E PLACE BABOA1NS. $2.500. $3,730 TO $0XKI. ! J , J , Gibson , C14 Flrit Nafl. Bank Bldg. RE9I FOLIX3WINO DESIRABLE PROPERTY ; BUSIness - ness lot corner. COxlUO ft. , In So. Omaha , paved. Business lot , 0xl30 feet , Improved , South Omaha , street pa\ed. Tract (21 ( lots ) , 36th St. Tract (20 ( lots ) , 30th St. t'or purtlculois npjdy 1012 Fnrnam St. RE-C95 NEW , MODERN B-ROOM COTTAGE , LARGE lot , $300 cn-ih , balance to suit. Address O V > , Bee. RE M103 HOUSES , LOTS , FARMS , LANDS. I/JANS , also fire Insurance , Demls , Paxton block , RE-C37 FINE RESIDENCE. 32ND STREET. NEAR Hanscom Park ; nwnir hai good riasors to soil at once. F. D. Wead , IGth nnd Douglrts ; . K1J-OI3 21 ARE YOU LOOKING FOR NICE HOME ? Look at this house nnd barn detached , phatlc treen , corner 2Sth nnd Burdetteery ; Ilttlo money needed. Call Morand , 1110 Hnrney St. RB I23-A-22 A BEAUTIFUL NEW SEVEN-BOOM COTTAGE , furnace , gas , bath , nlw yard ; located In Wal nut Hill , half block from car. Payment * to suft purchaser. A. M. Cowle , 211 Fnutli ISUi St , HE M170-13 8-ROOM HOUSE. BARN , 2419 8EWARD ST. . J1.S30.00. 5-room house , barn , lot C0xl27 ft. , ! 41S Hamilton 8t. . $1,600.00. S-room modern , nrst-clnss condition , 2CJ4 Cnuld well St. , $2COO.OO. 10-room modern house , good barn , 25 California St. , $3,00000. 6-room house , full lot , 1502 N. TSth tt. , $1,001.00. 5-room house , 3121 Hurt st. . $1,200 01. 3-roorn house , full lot ; north nart city , $ V < W. 3-room IIOUSP , lith nvp. . near lyicint st. , $ V.03. ) 7-room house , lot II , rK. ! 2 , Arbor Plnoff. Jiwi.no 41 feet on Leavenworlh st. . btwipn 27th nr.d 2Uh Bti. with onc-storv brick iHilldlng , icntlng for $ .W.CO per month , $ .1tO.CO. 3 laige lots on Spring st. , between 20th nnd 2ot ! BIB. , each J350W. T it In Potter's nildlllon , $430.00. Lot on Seward tt. . near 32J , on crnrtf , $210.00. Lot In Shremon avc. park , half block from 10th St. . $100.00 160 acres 11,4 miles southeast of Ashland , Ne'j. , $5COO 00. 120 acr/H l > miles south of Calhoun , Neb. , $1.200.00. 5 acres on 30th Bt. , neir South Ormhn. $7.V.oo. M acres on 36lh St. . near Houtli Omalii. 12 2V,0) . POTTER & GEORGE COMPANY 1C01 Farnam St. , Ona.1 . Nob. KE Ml&l J2 KOUNTZE PLACE COMES TO THE FRONT IN last week's salej. Three residences were bought by * parties who have looked the city o\er for bargains , and they decide on this elegant addition In preference to nny other. Fallowlnsr Is a. description of some of the bar gains left : $2,300 Is nn eight-room modern house , except Jtirnace , Georgia pine , hard oil finish. JIVOOO Is a 9-R. house , red oak flnlsli , modern in every respect. $4.SCO Is on nn nsphnlt paved street , oak finish , hot water heat ; cott to build. $7,000. J3.oOO Is a 14-R. duelling , oak finish , modern In every re pect : nn finer home In Omnhn. I have other properties , some larger nnd som" smaller nt bargains. If the reader do > > s not want to buy. I would bo elad to list homes , ranging in price fiom $1,300 up J. J. GIBSON , M ! First Natl. JUank Bldg. RE-201 12 BARGAINS : C-IIOOM HOUSE , 02 SOUTH 20TH St. . rental $ ISO.M per year ; price , $ U . 52x132 feet on Cumlng street , pays 7 per cent net on $2,500. 11 houses nnd 1 store , rental , JCIS.OO per year ; pr'oJ.SCO. . 41 feet front 3-story lirlfk building , near llth nnd Douglas , rental $2,100.00 per year ; price. $2J.5M. J. N. Frenzcr , Opp. oU P. O. TtE M214 SHOHTIIAXD AXD TYPfcVIUTIO. . A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND nnd Typowrltlng. 717 N. Y , Life , offers the fol lowing advantages : Individual Instructions by experienced teachers nnd skillful stenographers ; up-to-date methods ; touch system of tjpe\\ril ing If preferred ; participation In actual work , for which students receive pay ; monthly piv- ments. C9S AT OMAHA BUS. COLLEGE , 16TH & DOUGLAS 699 SHORT-HAND , ItP-TO-DATE. TAUOIIT BY court reporters. Boylcs1 School , 403-3-7 Dec hldg 700 STENOGRAPHERS. WE SOLICIT AND FURNISH POSITIONS FOH stenographers free. Th Smith-Premier TMIC- wrlter Co. Telephone , 12S4. 701 JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. D. B. HOITflK. JUSTICE OP THE PEACE. .101 Karbach block. 9CS FUHMTtmn PACKED. M. S. WALKIN , 2111 CUMLNG. TEU 1331. 703 HOTELS FOR REXT. BUILDING. SUITABLE FOR HOTEL. 70 roomn nnd larga atoro room ; central location. UomK Paxtnn Illk. 7C2 PAWXHROKEHS. H. MAROW1TZ LOANS MONEY. 41S N. liiTH. 701 SIDEWALKS. PERMANENT SIDEWALKS AND FANCV driveways. G. Rushart , 211 N. 16th : 'chone 1193. -MS 10 M4 TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT $1.0-1 I'ER MONTH The Smlth-Prumlcr T > pi > wrlter Co. , 1C23 Fnr- nam St. ; Tebphono 12S4. 707 FIXAXCIAL. LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES BOUGHT FOR cash. Richard Herzfeld , 171 LaS-ill Ht. . Chi cago. M210 A17 HAT HEXOVAT1XO. WANTED. 5.000 OLD HATS TO BE MADE o\or like new by expert Imttcrs , direct from Knox and Stetson. Flicker Bros. , IIS S. 13th , Room 10. M922 12 KXPOS1T10X FROXTAaUS FOR REXT. GROUND LEASES FRONTING EXPOSITION. Bemls. Paxton Illk. 702 MEDICAL. LADIESI CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PENNT- royal pills ( Diamond brand ) are the best. Safe , reliable. Take no other , Bend 4 ; etimps for paitlculars. "Relief for Ladles , " In letter by return malt. At druggists. Chtrhcster Chemlcil Co. , Philadelphia , 1'u. Mention Bee.M23 M23 : 12 * URESSHAKIXn. DRESSMAKING. FAMILIES. 1504 DAVP'T. M6 LOST. LOST. BED POCKhrrnOlIK CONTAINING $10.13 , between World-He-rjM olllce ani ! L > lh live , and Farnam. If found reu.rn to M < . : > , IIIK Karnam und rtcvlvu rewaid.Lost Lost M244 12 FOUXI ) . TAKEN UP. ONE OLD BAY MARE ; ONE EYE blind. J. Hod , UeUolt , Neb. round M2JI U * AKTICI.KS OF.JXCORPOHATIOBr. OR TNCOnPonATION OP ns' , lAVK 8TOCK COM MISSION COMPANY , Articles of 'Incorporfttlun made and adopted this 2Mb day of Fobrury , A. D. 1K9S. by nnd between Iho undersigned Incorporators - corporators , 1. Narno The. nhbie of this corporation ehnll bo "Shippers' LlVo Stock Commlislon Company. " 2. 1'laco of lluilnoss The principal place of business of th * , corporation ehalf bo South Omaha , Douglas county , Nebraska. 3. Nature of HusIiiPn. * The business to be transacted by this corporation Is thb rolling of llvo slock on commission for ship- pern of live ritoifc to * ho Union Stock ynrdi at South- Omaha , nnd elsewhere - where in the purtn/l States of America , The buytnp nnd soiling of llvo stock < ind lending money , arid the transacting of a general live stock commission business. 4. Amount of Capital Stock The nmounl of rapltal stock of this corporation Khali be fifteen thousand dollar * ( $ lf > ,000. ) E. The highest amount of Indebtedness that this corporation shall subject Itself to nt any one time shall bo flvo thousand ( $3COO ) dollars. C. The officers of thli corporation shall bo a president , vice president , secretary , treas urer and a. board of llvo directors. The president shall be ox-olliclo a member ol the board of directors. Said president nnd board of directors shall bo elected annually by the stockholders at their regular nn- nunl meeting. 7. The sharei of thin corporation shall be twentyflvo ( $23.00) ) dollars each , nnd ten per cent of the entire capital stock of this cor poration shall be subscribed nnd paid for before It slmlj commence business. 8. Any of the capital stock of this corpora tion not subscribed nnd paid for nt the time of commencing business shall be sold nt not less thnn Its face value , as the board of directors shnll deem advisable thereafter. 9. This corporation shall commence busi ness on the Ilrst day of April , A. D. ISO' , nnd shnll terminate on the Ilrst day of April , A. D. 1D5S. 10 The Incorporntors nnd stockholders of this corporation shall not be held personally liable for any Indebtedness of this corpora tion. 11 , The article * of Incorporation may bo amended nt nny annual medtliiR by a vote of two-thirds majority of the capital stock sold. sold.Witness Witness our hnnda nnd seals this 21th day of February , A. D. 1S3S.U . U COLTniN. H. A. TKMI'LETON. II. .7HOICK. J. PUIMANN , iloh 20-A-5-12-19-M OOVERXMEXT NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOII INDIAN SUPPLIES AND THAN8POHTATION. Department of the Interior. Olllce of Indian Affairs. Wnsli- iMKton , D. C. , March 30 , 1S9S. Sealed pro- posjls will bo received by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs , nt 100J State street , Chi cago. III. , until 1 o'clock p. m. , Wednesday , April 27 , 1S3S , for furnishing for the Indian Service beef , ( lour , bacon nnd ot'ner nrtlcles of subsistence ; ngrlcultural Implements , wagons , harness , hardware , medical nnd other supplies : also bids for the transporta tion of such of the articles , goods nnd sup plies ns may not bp contracted for to be delivered nt the agencies. Senled proposals will nlso be received , at Nos. 77-70 Wooster street. New York City , until 1 o'clock p. m. , of Tuesday , Muy 17 , ISM , for furnish ing for the Indian Service cort.ce , supnr , te.i , rice , baking powder , soap , groceries , blankets , woolen and cotton goods , clothing , notions , hats and caps , boots nnd shoes , crockery nnd school books. Bids must be made on Government blanks. Schedules Flying nil neccsniry Information for bid ders will be furnished on application at the Indian OJllce , Washington , D. C. ; Nos. 77- 79 Wooster street , New York City ; No. 1G02 State street , Chicago. III. ; the Commis saries of Subsistence ; U. S. A. , at Cheyenne , Leavcnworth , Omaha , St. Louis , St. Paul nnd San Francisco ; the postmasters nt Sioux City , Ynnkton , Arkansas City , Cnld- well , Topek.i , Wlu'ntta und Tucson. Illds will be opened nt tire Yiour nnd dnys nbove stated , and blddorn aVe Invited to be present at the opening ; W. A. JONKS. Commis sioner. A5 D19t TREASURY bBPiVRTMRNT. Olllce Su pervising Architect , , Washington , D. C. , April 8 , 1 ,9S.-SEAI < ED PROPOSALS will be received atr this. ofRcc- until 2 o'clock p. m. on Iho 6th day of May. 1S93 , nnd opened Immediately .thereafter , for nil the labor and materials required for furnishing plaster models "anl carving granite In nc- cordincc therewith,1' for the U. S. Court House. Custom.House nnd I'ostolllce build ing nt OMAHA. NEBRASKA , In accord ance with the drawings and specifications , copies of which , may bo had at this cilice or the olllco of the Superintendent at Omaha , Nebraska. James Knox Taylor , Supervising Architect. n2 < lCt-I3OD IMISTOKFICB XOTICK. ( Should bo read J > AILY by all Interested , as changes * may occur nt nny time. ) Korelgn malls for fna week ending April 10 , l&flS , will close ( promptly In aM cases ) at the general postotllce as follows : PARCELS POST MAILS cloe > one hour earlier than closing time shown below. Trillin-Atlantic Mnlla. TUESDAY At 7 n. m. for EUROPE , per s. s. Kaiser Wllhelm der Orosse * , via Ply mouth nnd Bremen. WEDNESDAY At 7 a. m. ( supplementary 9 a. m. ) for EUROPE , per s. s. Paris' , via Southampton : at a a. m. ( supplement , ary 10:30 : n. m. ) for EUROPE , per s. s. Hrltannlc * . via Quecnstown ; nt 10 a. m. for UELGIUM direct , per s. s. Frlesland , via Antwerp ( letters must be directed "ner Frlesland" ) . SATURDAY At 6:30 : a. m. for GERMANY , ner s. s. Saale * . via Bremen ( letters for other parts of Europe , via Cherbourg and Bremen , must bo directed "per Saalo" ) ; at ( i:30 : a. m. for FRANCE , SWITZER LAND , ITALY , SPAIN , PORTUGAL , TURKEY. EGYPT nnd BRITISH INDIA , per s. s. Ln Gascocne * . via. Havre ; nt 8:20 : u. m. for EUROPE , per s. s. Etrurla * . via Queenstown ( letters for Germany , Franco , Switzerland , Italy. . Spain. Portu gal , Turkey , Egypt and British India must do dr ! rtcd "per Btrurla" ) ; at 8 n. m. for NETHERLANDS direct , per s. s. Obdam. via Rotterdam ( letters must be directed "per Ohclnm" ) : at S a. m. for ITALY , per H. H. Aller , via Naples ( letters must be directed "per Alter" ) ; at 10 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct , per s. s. Efnlopia. via Glasgow ( letters must bo directed "per Ethiopia" ; ; nt 11 a , m. for NORWAY di rect , per s. s. Island ( letters must be di rected "per Island" ) . PniNTKIJ MATTEIt. irrc. German steamers Falling on Tuesdays take printed matter , etc. , for Germans' and appclallv nddresr" ! prlrud matter , etc. , for other parts of Europe. Amer ican nnd White Star 8tc.imer on Wnln'idiyj. German steamers on Thursday * anj Cuiur.l , Pionoli and German strainers on Saturdajs take printed matter , etc. . for nil onntrlea foil which they arc ndvertl-ed to carry mall. M ll fur South ; ami Central Amerlcn , Wi-Ht IntllcN , Kin. TUESDAY At 10 n. m. ( supplementary 10n. : . m. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND nnd HAITI , per s. s , Halsteln ; nt 12 m. ( sup plementary 1 p. m. ) for CENTRAL AMERICA ( evcept Costa Rica ) nnd SOUTH PACIFIC PORTS , per a. s. Fin ance , via Colon deters for Guatemala must be directed "per Finance" ) ; at * * 3 p. in. for COSTA RICA , per steamer from New Orleans ; at 8:30 : p. m. for NEW FOUNDLAND , per steamer from North Sydney ; nt 9 p. m , for PORT ANTONIO , pjr steamer from Boston. WEDNESDAY At 2:30 : a. m. for PORT ANTONIO , per hteumer from Philadel phia ; nt 1 p. m. for CUBA , per s. P. Lnm- pasau via Havana ( letters for Tamplco nnd Tuxpim must bq directed "per Lnm- papns" ) . THURSDAY At 12:30 : p. m. ( supplementary 1 p. m. ) for ST. THOMAS. ST. CROIX. LEEWARD nnd WINDWARD ISLANDS , also DEMmiARA , per s. H. Fontabelle ( letters for Grenadn , Trlnldnd nnd To bago must be directed "per Fontnbelle" ) . SATURDAY At 10 a.m. ( supplementary 10:30 : n. m. ) for FORTUNE ISLAND , JA MAICA , SAVANILLA and CARTHAGE- NA , per a. 3.t Allegheny ( letters for Csta Rlcn must bo directed "per Alleghany" ) ; nt 10:30 : a. m. for CAMPECHE , CHIAPAS , TABASCO nnd YUCATAN , per s. s. Olz. nbu ( letters for other parts of Mexico and for Cuba must be directed "per Orizaba" ) ; nt 11 a. m. for BRAZIL , per B. F. Taormlnai' via. Pernambuco and S.m- tos ( letters must be directed "per Taor- mlna" ) ; at 11 a. m. ( supplementary 11:30 : n. m. ) for VENEZUELA nnd CURACAO , nlso SAVANILLA und CARTHAGENA. via Curacao , per s , s. Venezuela ; at 11:30 : n. m. ( supplementary 12:00 : m. ) for NAS SAU. N. P. . nnd SANTIAGO 1)E CUBA , per b. a. Saratoga ; nt 8CO j > . m. for NEW FOUNDLAND , per atenmcr from North Sydney ; nt S:30 : p. m. for ST. PIERRE- SIIQUELON , per steamer from Halifax. Malta fur Ncnfuundland. liy rail to Halifax and thcnco hy BtfmiT. ec > > nt thU oilier dal ! > ' nt S:3J : | i. m Mails for -MltUtlon. | liy rail ti > Bre ton and thence 1 > y xt amer , cn | e at Ill's mil 'O dally at iJ : > p. m Mill * for ( .V.lin clnic nt th ! > ntllca dally at 7:00 : a m. . for forwarding \ > , Mrnmera HalllnK ( Monday * and Thurkda/s ) from Pert Tampa , n.i. Malls for Mexico City , ( HiTl.ti * . unlera ciwclnlly ail'lrvnu. I In dlepatch by steamer , close at this office daily at 2:30 : a. r.i. un.t : : > p. in. "ItegUtwd mill closed at CW ; p. m. previous dty. TriiiiK-Pni'lllc Mull * . Mails for China and Japan , per s. s. Olym- pU ( from Tacoma ) , clean here dally up to April " 101'n at C:30 p. m. Malls for NOTICE } . ( Continued. ) China And Japan ( op clnllj'T only ) , par s. 8. ftmpresii of Japan ( fron Vancouver ) close hem. dally up to Aprl llth nt 6:30 : p. m. Mails for Australia ( ox ccpt these for West Australia ) , which nn forwarded via Rurop s Now /.ealand , Ha Wnll.FIJI nml Siimoan Inlandsper s. s.Ala lndn ( from 8nn Frnnclseoj.closo here dallj tip to April 15fn at 7:0 : } a. m , , 11 n. m. nn ( G:3i : ) p. m. ( or on nrrlvnt nt Now York o p. s. Campania , with British mall.i for Am trnlla ) . Mnlls for China Japan nnd Hn wall , per s. t. City of nlo Janeiro ( fron San Francisco ) , close hero dally up t ( April 21 , At fi:30 : p. in. Mails foi the Society Islands , per s'nlp CItj of Papeltl ( from San Francisco ) close here rtnlly tin to April 24th at CJ : p , m. Malls for Hawaii , per o. s. Zea fandla ( from San Francisco ) , cloie her dalljl tip to April 2Sth at 6:30 : p , m. Mull for Australia ( except West Australia ) Now /.calami Hitwall nnd FIJI Islands per s. s. Wnrrlmoo ( from Vancouver ) close her * daily nfter April 15th and ui to April 2Sth at 6:30 : p. m. Tritns.Pocino mall 'ar < t forwarded to port of sail In ? daily and the schedule of closing \ nr ranged on the prnsumptlon of their unlnttr rupted overland transit. Registered mall closes M B p. m. previous day. conxnuus VAN COTT , Postmaster. Postolllcp. New Yf.rk. N. Y. . April 8. 1893 ItAILHOADS. OIIICAQO & NORTHWEST , ern Hallway city Ticket Of. nee , 1401 Rnrnam street Tele phone 6C1. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 123 Lea\e. Arrive Bpe. CHICAGO , ST. PAUL. MINNE- apolls & Omaha Rallwny- General OPlcei , Nebraska U | . vision , Fifteenth nnd Wrustoi Streets , city Ticket Omce , Eci tSZZt r-m ? i01 Knrnnm Street. Telephone JmoneUM. Flrtccnth ttnd Webster Streets. Tele. Lonvc Sioux City Accommoda. . 8:30 : am Sioux City Accommoda. . 0SO : am I0 : mi Illalr. Emerson , Sioux City , Ponca. Hartlng- ton nnd llloomneld. . . . 1:00 : pm 11-55 nm Slux ( City. Mpi.kato , St. Paul , Minneapolis . . . . " S:33 : pm 8:20 : am ' "iczn " MSpiiRer * 5:10 : pm 8:11 : nm Dally. Dally except Sunday. Sunday " ' sun"avs only : FHE.MONT , ELKHOHN AND Ml.soun Valley Hallway Gen. eral Offices , United states Na tional Hank Uulldlng. South west Corner Twelfth and Far- - , , . , „ - nam Streets. Ticket Olllce. 1401 Farnam Street. Telephone 5C1. Depot Fif teenth and Webster Htr i Telephone 143S. SaVe' Arrive. Black Hills , Dcailwood and Hot Springs 1:00 : pm C:00 : pm Wyom'ng. Caspar uni ! DoUEla 3:00 : pm S:00 : pm HnstlnK' . York , David City , Superior , Geneva E\cter nnd Howard. . . . 3:00 : pm 5-00 nm Norfolk. West Point and Fremont 7:50 : am "lOia am Lincoln , Wahoo and Fremont 7:31 : am " 10.23 am Fremont Local 7:50 : am Dally. * Dally except Sunday. Sunday only. * Dally xccpt Saturday. Dally exceot Mondai . SIOUX CITY A PACIFIC RAIL- road-Jeneral Olllces. United State * Notional Hank BuildIng - Ing , S. W. Corner Twelfth and Srtn.m ! ' eet. ! ; . . ? ' = ! ? 'Office. Sioux City ' , Monkato. Arrlve' Mlnnnpollt SdP.Ll.VQTON & MISSOURI River ' - ! Rallroad--The Hurling P iloute General onices N. Streets. Te"iephone"u12S. ' Leave. Arrive. Lincoln. Hastings and McCook i nm Lincoln , Denier. Cole :33 : am rado. Utah. California. Hlack Hills , Montana nnlPuget Sound Lincoln Local 4:35 : . Em 4:03 : pm Lincoln Fast Mall. . : ; " . : Sm " 7:40 : pm Denver. Colorado , Utah. 11:40 : am California and Puget Dally. " ' "rttliy ll:33pm : CHICAGO , HUH LING TON * Burlington QuJlicy Rallr0ud _ The Bur . " IJ.BWII Route"-Tlcket Ollice Route _ Leave. Arrive. Ch'cago ' Vcstlbuled Ex. . 0:05 : pm 8:10 : am Chicago Express 94S am 4lf : < pm Chicago & St. Louis Ex 7:43 : pm 8:10 : Pacific Junction Local. . " 11:50 : urn am Fast Mall 2:50 : pra Chicago Special 12-03 ' n'n 11:30 : pm Dally. Dally xceDt sundar. KANSAS CITT , ST. JOSEPH Burlington * ; Council Bluffs Rallroad- The. BuHlngton Route" J.01"1lce' ' 15M Fnrnam Street. Route Telephcne X * Depot Leave. Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex. . . 9:03 : am 5:40 : pm Konsas City Night Ex. . 10:00 : pm 0:30 : am Dally. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD General Ofrlces and Ticket Otilce. Merchants National Hank Bulldln ; . 1K4 Farnam StieeL Telephone 104. 'Depot , Fifteenth and Webster Streets. Telephone " ' 'rw- , Leave. Arrive. Kansas and Nebraska Llmlod . S:0 : pm 12:55 : pm Knsai City and S' . Louln Express . 9:30 : pm S:00 : am N'hraski Local . 4:30 : pro 9:15 : am Dally. Dallv except Sunuay. CHICAGO. ROCK ISLAND & Paclllo Railroad "The Crest Rock If lanfl Route" City Ticket Olllce. 1M3 Farnam Street. Telephone 428. Depot. Tenth and Macou Streets. Telephone US. _ Leave. Arrive. Chicago and St. Paul Vcstlbuled Express . . 4-0 : pm l:4j : pm Lincoln. Colorado Bp'B . . . . . M-Bp Chicago. Dei Mollies & Rock Island . ' 7:00 : pm 8:15 am Atlontlo Exprers , for De Molnes and east- ni points . " , :20f : < ra 8SO pm Colorado Flyer . 7-00 pm 9'05 am Dally r > < tlv exceot Sunna > . UNION PACIFIC "THE OVER- lund Route" General Ofllces , N. E. Corner Ninth und Farnam Streets. City Tlckrt Omce , 1302 Farnam Street. Telephone Si 5. Depot. Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 123.Leave. Leave. Arrive. The Overland Limited" for Denver. .Snlt Lake , " western points t"M : am 4:45 : pm The Colorado Special , for Denver and all Colorado points 11:35 : pm 7:00 : am Fast mall tram for Salt Lake. J'aclllc coist and all western points 4-3S pm 7.00 am Lincoln , Beatrice and Strrinsburg * Express . . 8:00 : pm " 12:20 : pm Fit-mom. Columbus , Norfolk , Orana I - land and Kearney. . . . . 4:33 : pn Grand IiHm , i : prc > s. . 3:00 : nm " 12:20 : Dm Dally. Dally 'except Sundar. in : 11:30 : a. m. ; 3:10 : p. ru. : 5:40 : p. m ; :30 : p m : :03 : D. m. : 10:45 : p. m. ' ' OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAILROAD PS3I Omaha. Kinsas City & East I ARTHUR ern Railroad "The Port Artaur Route" Ticket Omce. 1418 Farnam | ROUTED Street. Telephone , 32J. Depot Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele- phone lisT Lvave. Arrive. St. Ixiul * Cannon Bait Expnss 4:33 : pm 11:30 am Kansas City & Qulncy Local Daily. 7:40 : am 9:03 : pm CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & ST IViil Hallway - City Ticket Ortlcc. n t Farnam Stieit. Telephone 2S4. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone 12 J.Leave Leave , Arrive , Chicago Limited Ex. . . . i : pm ' 8:05 : am Omaha and CMcago Ex * ll:0uam : 1-iO pm WADASH nAILROAD-TICKhTT O"I'P. | lilt 1'amam Street , feie. phone ill. Depot. Tenth and Mniun Streets. Telepone 123. Leare. Arrlv * . St. I/nils "Cannon Ball" Kxpresi * 40 : pm ' 11:30 : am FOR THR KI/ONDIKD. From Scrap * . I scarce , Sandy otartod for the land where siller could bk fit b9 with yc , my lad , " s aia the son of the Emerald Islo. I > B &a Englishman joined , making up a party of throo. At th flMt ion they drank to the 1 and of their birth. And at all subaequent inns en route they repeated the toast. I When night came on , they were accommodated at the expense of tht wuntry , W > : .VCLVXU STAMJS WKLL ix CIIIXA. ItrKnrdciT n HitSnvlor otdii" I2ui- lilre'a UUiiieiiilierint-iit. PEKIN , April 11. The effect of Great kltaln'a action In Wei Hal Wcl Is already pparent here. The Chine-so thoroughly omprebend now tbe disinterestedness of England , and Its prestige la now higher than ver. The Chinese regard Great Brltaln'o ctlon as a step which bos saved the emplro rom ( llaracujbernient. No deflnlte arrangements have yet been nado regarding- the extent of territory to bo ccupled In connection with Wcl Hal Wei , > ut probably It will bo tbo same district aa s held by Japan , ten miles Inland , and urallel with tbo Indentations of tbe coait. Tbe opening ; oi Woo Suus will possibly , lu a alight degree , affect Shanghai , which , to few months , will bo connected by railway with Woo Sung. Numerous Instances uro reported of growing Chlncso distrust of ItuEala. Tills feeling Is nbown by the recent totally un precedented actlcn of the students now la I'ekln for their examination ! ) for admission to their final degrees. All are men of weight and standing. They have memorialized the Kiroiu' , urging vigorous action agalwu Itu - > elan aggression , and stating that all the Chinese are convinced of the enmity of ItUbala. while they recognize the frlendlU DttJi of England. Though thlo action Is not likely to have a special effect , It Is considered by old resi dent * ot China as a most striking teutlmoay to the awakening o ( the Chinese mind to the deceptlveaeus of Uutsla' promise * oC JL