THE OMAHA DATTA * BEEtlSTJNDAT , APRIL 10 , 1808. .fO SUCCEED AS A MINISTER i fiev , Dr , Jobn Hall Points Out ths One Trno Way. SPIRITUAL RESULTS THE REAL MEASURE "Prrnrh Notlilnw font Clirlut In Uic I'll lp It" Tlir Vclcrnn Xctv York Divine- ' * Strong Advice to Clcrirrntcn. ( CopyrlRM , 1HI. the S. B. McClure Co. ) 'What Is miniBtcrlal success ? Not the at traction of a crowd , nor tho" awakening of admiration for an "elegant preacher , " a brilliant speaker , " a "splendid orator. " What Is a minister ? An Dtnbnssador of Christ , beseeching men to bo reconciled to God through him. The success Is to be measured by the extent to which this recon ciliation Is promoted. Suppcse that the Span- leh government sent an ambassador to Cuba to beseech the rebels to be at peace with ' Spain , and the ambassador was described ns "eloquent , " "brilliant , " "very Interesting , " in his address to the rebels , and by them , yet they held on In their rebellion could ho be described as successful ? This article , as I understand It , la not to -fleal with the choice of the ministry as profession. The young men to whom It Is addressed are supposed to have settled that momentous question In the affirmative. They deslro now only the few suggestions that ex perience can give to Inexperience as a guide in 'their ' Ilfo work. A minister's duties divide themselves under two heads his work as a preacher end as a pastor. Neither ono should be em phasized to the neglect of the other. Some men succeed. In the former field and fall In the latter , or vice versa , but to make his cflorta effective for the promotion of God's truth the. minister should labor assiduously In both. As a preacher the minister Is called upon to prepare and deliver sermons to his congregation. In this , the first thing to le- termlne. Is his range of subjects. On this pblnt Christ has explicitly directed us , "Whatsoever I have commanded you. " To the appreciative student of the bible this Is Biifllclently definite , and rules out many themes that have found their way Into the Christian pulpit. THE CONSTANT THEME. The central figure of all bible teaching , the most effective that the preacher can present , the one ho Is especially enjoined to herald Is the Christ. This should be his constant theme. He la to lift up Christ , to set forth hit ) saving work as finished on the crocs , and to show that whllo he Is Prophet , to bo our teacher and King to rule over its , It la by his atoning death that wo have life through believing In him. This Is glorying In the cross. This presentation of Christ Implies the setting forth of God's attributes ao holy , just , merciful and faithful , man's Infill condition , and It Implies obligation on inon , when they believe In and love the 6avlor. to keep his commandments. And so true evangelical preaching Is the divinely- given means for producing good ethical re- ults for promoting morality. This exhibition of Christ's saving work Is to bo presented In reliance on the Holy Spirit , not lei one's genius , purauaslvenees or earnestness ; and then , when oouls are saved and brought to confess Christ , the glory Is given to him who opens tdo eyes , creates anew In Christ , and Is , In the Ilfo of a be liever , the spirit of holiness. It may be objected that thin preaching of 1 Christ puts away variety from the pulpit end produces a dull sameness la the ecr- monei. If hearers we simply looking for entertainment , for "sensational" talk of ' 'tho times , " they will sympathize- with the crltl- Isrn , but It they attend church to worship God and be taught of Cnrlst they will find variety l.l the teaching , for In the history of the race from the opening chapter o Genesis through the Mocalc economy the history of the Hebrews , the wcrks of the jirorhets nod all the New Testament , Christ Jtho Savior , and the godliness that comes through faith In him , arocnoro or ICES clearly i set forth , and tbat In beautifully varlei ' aspects. There ore many useful points about the preparation and presentation of pulpit dls- coufflcs , but most of these the young man Will hear fully discussed In the course of his special preparation. No ( scientific knowledge , no classic , no learning , no human truth comeo amiss to the preacher , yet tbero have been many men with "llttlo Latin and IMS Greek" who have mightily Influenced- lives and aspirations of Ihelr follows toward the kingdom of God. The best cardinal rule I can think of Is to know your bible ( the Daglloh version ) thoroughly. Know It so well that you can draw readily on It for apt quota tion to enforce and emphasize your points. When It comes to uttering a grand truth or voicing an eternal warning the language of the book Is more fcTclblo , more convincing , sticks more firmly In the mind of the hearer , than any you can command. ( POSITIVE , NOT ARGUMENTATIVE. The tone of the preacher In his pulpit , In my opinion , should bo positive , not argu mentative. Wo are not philosophers find ing out things , via arq expositors of a reve lation that fettles things. When Jesus said , "I am the way , the truth , the life ; no man cometh to the father but by me , " he spoke positive truth , which It Is our business to echo. Let authors , poets and philosophers have the field of speculation and amaglna- tlon. We , my brethren , give ourselves to another task ; we are to direct human pil grims , according to settled and fixed corn- mandmcnta from tbo Lord , Into the way that leads through the gate Into the city. That part of his duties comprised In his work as a pastor the young man needs to be especially reminded of. It Is the side of his work that ho Is likely to hear and to think least of during his period of preparation. To fill the requirements of his place In BABY'S AWFUL Eighteen Mouths Old Baby Had Itusli on Shoulder for Two Years Causing Intense Suf fering. Would Scab Over , Break Open and Bo Haw. Several Doctors and Rcme. , dies Tried. Efforts Fruitless. Cured by CUTICUKA. My sister had this rash como on her shoulder When she was about eighteen months old. It was there abouttwo years causing her Intcnso uttering. Wo lad several different doctors , tiled everything that wo could think of , and that every one could suggest without effect ing a euro. In spite of all we did it kept upreadlng. One day it would scab over and then crack open and a watery matter ooze from it anil the scabs would all fall off. It would bo raw for a time , then scab over again , Bomo one recommended CUTICUKA nr.Mi-uira. Wa immediately procured a box of CUTICURA ( ointment ) , a cake of Cimcuiu SOAP , then tried tbo CUTICUOA RESOLVR.NT , and before tba bottle teal half gone tee law a marled thange , and by the time It was gone , she was tntlrtly carol without a tear being lt. . Bbo is now twelve years old , and has not had a pimple or sign of blood trouble since. f b. 18 , 98. MISS LILI.IE CHASE , Drif tel , Vt. ToiTCimo. Dunociixo Ec m , ri trery ip Ic Sf tuhinc. buralo * , Ktcrtutid. \ . * c4 pirnikla ) ted Mlp dlMUU. llb iry , thin , nd UlUng hiliImtuttly Mtttnd u4 p dilj curtd bjr vwra b thi vlth CVTI- VSA Soir.ftotl * noinllii with Crriccii , pumtof IT , f rtiMt f tumor can * , stem ill * ) M fail * . rortti Die * l o CUK. e r ( ea e Q e p e aja * p "Je r MAMMOTH SPRING SPECIAL SALE fE will hold this week the largest and greatest7 SPECIAL SALE ever held in Omaha You'll be amazed at the prices and won- ber how it can bo done. We will make tins week , a new price record for all America. Enormous stocks back of those marvellous otters , and prices which permit you to select from the choicest , newest and most stylish goods of this year's mako. This sale does not mean a few pieces hero and there , but our entire stock goes on one Grind Special Salt that Eclipses all others , Beginning Monday Morning Thinking Folks-Lis tcnl Hero Is a long list of good stnnlo furniture offered at a tremendous reduction right at the approach of the Truns-Mlsslppl Exposition. If you arc wlbo you will talco advantage of this op portunity. Houker well upholstered -pretly Of.MBti worlh $ U'.uO , 4,90 Center Table folld oak nicely finished-worth J3.GO 125 Hocker canrj seat worth $3.00 175 Uabv Cat rlage Hey wood make- worth tlT.DO 975 China Cln et piano polished oak- 1250 worth J22.W High Chair worth JL'.OO 125 Nursorv Chair north (1.50 98c Dictionary Holders very handy- worth JJ.lK ) 298 I'lano Stools worth J3.5J 148 Hall Trees very pretty- 675 worth tll.i'O llu'lc Cabinet polished oak 550 worth $10.00 Go Carts very stylish 325 wotth lo.OO Hall Spttees- \voilli $7.59 450 Jllrrors ' worth liCc 48c Iroti Hpd i worth JS..A ) 490 Morris Reclining Chair handsome cushion * worth $20.00 1050 Leather Couch very elegant- worth $00.00 3500 Drft > eihlto enameled worth $ ! $ . 975 lied Lounge big value worth $14.50. 950 Couch-elegantly tufted velour worth $17.00 925 Dressing Table mahogany 1750 worth $33.00 Divans-mahogany frames worth $16.00 950 Uook Cnso- and Writing Desk com bined , solid oak , French plute mir ror , worth $21.00 1475 Book Case hand polished- worth $17.5 } 950 Odd Parlor Chairs- worth $7.fiO 375 Parlor Suit , upholstered In fine tupc-iitry , solid ouk frame , worth $5u.OO 3250 Antique Cano Seat Chairs- worth $1.2. > 74c Kitchen Chairs- worth 50u 30c Extension Table highly polished- worth $9.uO 575 Wire Cots- worth V-.30 135 Heavy Wlto Springs i north $2.50 148 Child's Folding1 Beds- worth $10.00 525 Mantel Folding JJeds worth $2'.W (450 ( Wall Pockets- worth $1.00 49c Ton el Kings fancy- lOc worth 2."c Clock Shelf- 25c worth Me fl Blacking Case oak - wbrtn { 1.75 98c Medicine Cabinet- 124 worth $150 : In building former/ ! occupied by the Morse Dry Goods Company , the congregation the minister must know his people. How Is ho to know them ? Ob viously the beat way to make their acqualnt- anco Is to go to their homes , to see the family where the family lives , and conveise with them In the freedom of their own homes. He may direct this part 51 his work as his special situation makes , It seem best , but ho should go among his people as much and ao often as he can. Any ordinary mln- bter who Is to do spiritual good to his people ple must love them. Ordinary men found their affectionate Interest on acquaintance. It Is not love In general and In the obstruct that make * ) a channel to the human spirit , but love to Individuals , Into whose faces. .REV. DR. JOHN HALL , ( From his latest portrait. ) nun lu ame degree into wnoso nearig you have locked. All this will make tbe pastor a better preacher. A man tells you of his life , his sorrows , perhaps ) his sins ; his lip quivers and his eyea overflow In the recital. If you hjxe the flrU elcnitiit of a minister's na ture In you , you must feel and speak to that man over more with some Influential memory of tno Interview. It , may bo added that tbe life of a preacher Is to be In harmony with the truth that la taught. He must enow by hla walk and conversation that tbe meisage be carries la true to himself , firmly believed , and sin cerely acted upon. Let It bo raid In conclusion , that minis terial uccee | la not to be measure ! by tbe audience , tlit crowd , tbe popularity of tbe preacher , th * lartlonable , wealthy and at- \ TTtTMrfflrmTfl JL FUIIMTUIIK ( Continued. ) ' Wardrobe antique fi QA north $14.00 D 3ll Solid Oak Sideboard A 1C. noith nc,00 9 19 Mahogany finished Chamber Stilts \vltli largo chcval mirror , worth 41 CA $37.50 tOU India Stools worth $2.50 Unby Jumpers I 4Q worth $3.50 L1O Tabourettes QQn worth $2,50 9Q\t \ Shamholder& worth $1.00 , Chiffonier solid oak 5 drawers C worth $12.00 , Ladles' Desk mahogany finish C AA or oak worth $12.00 Hair Mattresses A 1C. worth { 15.00 9 13 Hat Uackfi- worth 2Cc . Roll Top Otllco Desk Q SO worth $1750 Oak Towel Racks-- IRfi worth 33c Furniture Polish 9Qf * the 'vei'y ' best worth BOc fc lto And hundreds of other Items too numerous to mention. Carpets and Rugs It will pay you to imestigato the bargains in this department these prices do not fully show what big in ducements wo are offering the goods will have to bo seen to bo appreciated. Fur RuR 7-ltncd extra large size A | JA Sakal Rugs Oriental effects Q AA Cx9-worth $15.00 0 9U Sakal Rugs Oriental effects' I " 1C worth $4.50 I 13 Chenille Rugs IQn worth 5Cc ' I9u Ingrain Art Squares 2-1 2x3 A AC worth $7.00 O 0 Jute Art Squares 6x9 , I 1M worth $4.50 , for I IF Smyrna Rugs large size slightly I An soiled-worth $3.00 I SO Moquctto and Body Brussclls AOn Rugs-worth $3.50 IOu 2,000 Brussflls Rugs elegantly I A J fringed worth $3.50 I 4 Misfit Bruisells Carpet f CA I 9(1 Misfit Ingrain Carpet IS 9R worth $12.30 Q 0 Hemp Carpet very durable I On worth Soc IOu Brussells Cnrpet beautiful pat terns north $1.00 Velvet Carpets--hlgh grade QQn worth $1.40 Deb Moquctte Carpet high grade QQn worth $1.50 9Ou 1,500 yards Axmlnster Carpet high giade slightly soiled worth J1.60. Stair Carpet extra heavy- worth 40c 2,500 yarda Matting- worth 40c Body Brussels Remnants CQo worth $1,25 O3G 1,500 yards Linoleum VIC A worth $1.00 49C 2.000 yards Oil Cloth vtorth 3oc Ingrain Carpet Samples 1 yard | A t long worth 0c . IUC Rng Carpet Remnants worth GOc Hassocks ' M Q _ worth $1.00 40C trdctlvo congregation , but by the spiritual results as Been by the Chief Shepherd and Blahop of Souls , in strangers to the Lord brought Into bis family , and In members of his family fed wth the sincere milk of the word. JOHN HALL. HI2L.IGIOUS. Rev. Mrs. Coates , who died ID Denver the other day. was the only woman pastor In Colorado. There are about 130,000 ministers of the gospel In the United States , 180,000 churches and about 25,000,000 communicants. Henry M. Stanley reports that last year Uganda had twenty-three English Protes tant clergymen , 699 native teachers. 6,903 baptized Christians , 2,691 communicant * . 57.380 readers , 372 churches and a cathedrbl which can bold 3,000 worshipers. Last year the Society for the Propagation of Christian knowledge ( connected with tiie Church of England ) Issued 145,205 Bibles. 22.995 Testaments. 824,426 Books of Common Prayer am 8,688,902 other books , nearly 3,500,000 tracts , the total amounting to more than 12,000,000. BUhoo Anter/ the celebrated Catholic prel ate of northern China , who has been hon ored by the Chinese , government on numer ous occa lotu. la in San Prancl.sco ai the gueit of the Franciscan order of that city. Dean Stanley ? upon his return from this country to England , , was aiked It t bad Stoves Sole Agents for the Quick Meal Gnsolliio Stove the perfection of gasoline stoves also Ponnisulnr stoves Star Estate Steel Ranges ull go on special sale. Large Steel Hnnge heavy steel AC CA plates very fine worth $37.50 9 vU Range elegantly trimmed Al CA worth $32.50 fcl 911 Cook Stove with reservoir 1 CA worth $29.50 I I 9U Cook Stove good baker Q CA worth $14.50 Quick Meal Gasoline Stove C AA worth $10.00 Gasoline Stoves n AC worth $5.00 Gasoline Ovens I IA worth $2.00 Blue Flame Oil _ Stoves Quick It Meal-worth $12.50 Laundry Stoves A AC worth $ G.50 Oil Heating Stoves A AA worth $5.00- , Qur Easy Terms On a bill of 910.00 l.OO iicr rrocli or 9-I.OO per month On a bill of 92O.OO $1.25 per week or ( f'.OO per month On a bill of lf.10.OO 91.5O per week or ffO.OO per month On a bill of $ . > 0.00 9 .00 per week or 98.00 per moiitli On a bill of 975.OO 9S.25 per week or 90.00 per moiitli On a bill of 91OO.OO 92.5O per Tieek or 91O.OO per mouth On. a bill of 9 00.000 94.OO per week or 915.OO per month .Redding . Very Complete - pleto department note these prices Full size ) Comforts ' QRp worth $1.75 9wu Full Ize White Cotton Comforts- Just the thing for summer I OK worth $2.50 li 9 10-4 Fleecy Cotton Blankets per pair worth $1.50 Pillows , per pair * worth $2.00 Pequot 'Muslin Sheets full size- each -worth 75o Pequot Muslin Pillow Slips each worth' 25c White .Bed Spreads I AC worth $2.50 i 109 Extra large Nottingham Lace Bed Sets ( spread and ehams ) worth $3.GO been surprised at anything. Ho replied : "Chltifly by my own Ignorance. " Whereupca the Ccagregatlonallst eays : "Dean Stanley seems .to have been even a greater and wiser man than wo thought. " The Society for the Propagation , of the Faith of New York City was recently In corporated , the object of the society being to perform missionary work for the Catholic church. Ttie trusteed are Archbishop Corrl- san. Bishop John Farley , Very Uev. Joseph F. Mooney and other noted Catholic divines. Prince Oscar Bernadotte , who on his mar riage renounced his succession to the throne of Sweden , , made bis appearance at Copen hagen recently as a mission preacher In connection with the Young Men's Christian association of Stockholm. Father Tuohy of St. Louis , whom Arch bishop Kaln Is attempting by law to put out of bis church , St. Patrick's , has applied for a change of venue. The case was to have been up before Judge Hennessey , a Cath olic , and the priest wants a Protestant Jus tice , who will not be Influenced by his loy alty to hls-church. Rev. Sherman Coolldge , who Is presenting the cause of Indian mlslsona In various Epis copal churches In the east , Is a full-blooded Arapahoe Indian. He wai graduated from the Hobart college , Geneva , N. Y. , and after his ordination to the priesthood he took up missionary work among tbe members of hla tribe In Wyoming. Today , Rev. Dr. Henry M. Field , editor of the New York Evangelist , and Rev. Dr. Edward Everett Halo of Boston , will be come "veterans of " 76 , " for they will cele brate their seventy-sixth birthday. Dr. Field continues to perform as usual all his editorial duties. He Is vigorous and alert ! a both mind and body , and Is good for trany more years of active worti. Pope Leo was able to show deference to an older man than himself at ( tie celebcatlcn of his coronation. Cardinal Mcrtcl , who is 92 years of age and > the senior cardinal In length of service , having been cardinal deacon for forty years , had 'himself carried to the Vatican , but was .unable , after the pope's address , to join In ttie. . defile , past the Uircae. The pope , noticing this , stepped down from his throne and , walking to Cardinal Mertel , wished him many more years of life. Rev. Dr. WllllamlQrlflln. who has Just died at Troy , N. Y. , was'for many years one of the beat known Methodlotimlnsters ! In New York state. He was president of the Round Lake association for fifteen years , and waa once president of the Saratoglan Printing com pany of Saratoga. iHe was an ardent friend of education. Ho-endowed the chair or phi losophy at Wesleyan university at Middle- town , Conn. , and the chair of blstory and political science at tbe Syracuseuniversity. . Cazcnovla seminary , tiere Mrs. Grilfln had been both pupil nnd teacher , received from him $25,000 to endow the chair once occupied by him , and to perpetuate ( bo memory of the place which had ben eo cloaely Identified with himself and his wife. Ho was a gcncr- out contributor to other educational Institu tions , botb of a public and a private nature. A ItiMimrknblo Ili'Hcue. Mrs. Michael Curtain , Plalnflcld , 111 , , makes the statement that she caught cold , nblch settled on her lungs ; she waa treated for a month by her family physician , but grow worse. Ho told her she was a hopeless vic tim of consumption and tbat no medicine could cure ber. Her druggUt suggested Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption ; she bought a bottle and to her delight found her self bencfitted from first dose. She continued It * use and after taking six bottles found herself sound and well ; now does ber own housework and Is a well as one ever was. Free trial bottles of thl * Great Discovery at Kuhn & Co.'a drug store. Largo bottles CO centa and $1.00. Crockery , Glassware mid Lamps. Wo tire mooting with tremendous HMUCCHS In this unltirgod department - partmont otionnous ussortmont ( if do mestic , EngllHh , Aimtrinn und Fronoh quetMiswaro nnd Uohomliiu yltiBHWiiro those goods never sold before at mich prices : C.ilna After Dinner Cups nnd 19A Saucers worth We each I U China Ten , Cups nnd Saucers Ifip worth 35o China Cream Pitchers- worth 20o 9c China Individual Sugar nnd QQn Creams worth 50c 0u China Pie Plates | ln worth 25c each | | U China Olive Dishes fft. worth 20o IUG Chlnn. SaUce Dishes IAn worth 2'c fl Itu China Nut Plates An worth 2-Jo iC China - . . Mug-- i | worth ! ! 5c IIU China Sugar and Creams Cobalt blue , beautiful decoration , gold trimmed , very fine worth $1.50. . . . China Cream Pitcher gold trim A/In med worth COc * JU Oat Meal Set nicely decorated , gold lined worth 80o Cordial Set nicely decorated on t\l\n glass worth $2.00 UUu Water Set satin finish , complete I IA with embossed tray worth $2.00. . . I IU 4-plece Glass- worth $1.00 100-pleco English Dinner Set , deco. Q CA ration underglazed worth $15.00. . . O 9U Toilet Set brown or pink decoraI AA tlon-worth $3.50 I 3U Glass Tumblers nicely engraved worth 40c per set of C Vlnogar Cruet tMn worth 3Jc lru Glass Cake Plate | | n worth 2oo lib China Tea Set choice of 3 decora tions worth $10.00 Jardlncre worth $1.50 Banquet Lamp and Globe No. 2 Q CA Rochester burnernor > th $7.00. . . . , w OU Imported Night Lamp t MC. worth $2.73 I 40 Moorish Lamp Q QC worth $1.00 9 Globe beautiful decoration 10-lnc'n worth $3.00 f.65 Olive Dish-gold finish worth 2oc Glas sNapple iworth COc Sjuce Dishes per set of six A O worth 43c . 0 Four Pleca Glass Set worth S5c . Wine Glasses per set of six worth 50o Custard Cups per set of elx worth 60c Water Bottle worth 73c Salt nnd Pepper Shakers worth 13a © © © ® / " > \ © © © © I XERXES. ! AN EASTER SKETCH. i © © © © \ _ J © © © © Xerxes was tired. Xerxes was hungry. Stopping for a moment to rest , he sat down on the lower step of a brownstone front. It was a bright Easter morning and Xerxes , desplto his shabby attire , looked about him with keen appreciation. Who _ was he ? A "vag , " a "hobo , " a "dead beat" you might have called him ; but , ac cording to his own etory , a "gentleman of limited income and uncertain locality. " Only a poor devil , who , during his youth , had known the finer things of life , but for whom , from the glass of Fate , had been poured only disappointment and misfortune. The old story of an Indulgent father and a reckless , Improvident son ; of business reverses and heavy losses , which worried the old man Into his grave ; of the son , now grown , blase and profligate , having no vocation to call hla own. no experiences In his life save those of a youth with wealth at his command and Bohemia his favorlto stamping ground. Not muc'h ' upon which to base the foundation for a practical livelihood. For years he had drifted aimlessly around , till falling to find his niche In life , ho had , as he expressed It , "tried to fill the next easiest one , " and here , on tbo loner step of a prosperous looking man sion , a fashionable church on the corner op posite with the glorious sunlight of the per fect Easter morning lighting up with unplty- Ing accuracy every detail of his shabby at tire , we find Xerxes , a gentleman of leisure otherwise , a tramp. Down the steps of the house next door , overwhelming him with their daintiness and their fresh , young womanhoood , came two girls , clad In all Clio fluttering laces and ribbons bens that go to make up the fin do sleclo damo'selle. ' They were talking too earnestly to notice Xerxes , who drew humbly back that their perfumed skirts might not brush his soiled garments ; and llttlo did they realize that to the half-starved soul of the poor fel low on the lower step , the sight of them was like a burst of spring , filling bis heart with radiant warmth and the memory of happier days so long ago. "Look , Nell , " said one , blushing and holdIng - Ing out a tiny hand for Inspection. "Ah. liow lovely , " and Nell bent over a glUtcnlng Jewel on the llttlo linger "from Jack ? " A shy nod gave asrcnt , and as they passed on , their eager young voices came back to him , like sweet music. "And I once had a sweetheart , " ho mused , with a elgB , "and I gave her a ring , too , I remember that I kissed her little hand when I placed It on , that night. Ah , that night the sweetness of It ! Where Is vho little ring now , I wonder , and where Is she ? "A woman's voice floated out to him from an open window , softly humming the refrain from that old serenade "Good night , ladlcit. We're going to leave you now. " "So long ago , " be murmured , staring with eyes that eaw not , at the pavement beneath his feet "so long ago. * I sang that beneath her window once. " * The sweet strains of the closing anthem floated across to him like a benediction , In voluntarily , be bowed bis bead. The ushers threw open the doors of the church and tbo worshipers poured Into tbe street. At tb y Cutlery , Silverware and Clockd Our stocks In these thrco ( lopnrtmentB are Htorcs In llioinsolves anil our enormous business enables us to buy and neil In such quantities as to per mit thcso very low prices. Bread Knives- worth $1.25 Kitchen Knlvco worth 3)c ) Carving Set 3 pieces | CA worth $3.00 I OU Cnke HnMfotB plated 1 TT worth $ ; > .50 | 9 Water Pitchers , plated J CA \vorth $0.00 4 OU Berry Bowls plated J AC worth $3.50 4 | 0 Cake Stands plnted A 1 r ? worth $0.50 | 9 Spoon Holders plated A CA worth $ c.EO O OU Syrup Mugs plated A TTC worth $ o.OO 4 | 9 Butter Knives-plated AC worth 50o tub Knives and Forks heavy plated I AO worth $3.60 i yy Tea Spoons heavy plated QCn worth 73c per set wwu ' Nickel Alarm Clocks ICn worth $1.50 f OU Clock very handsome * V CA worth $13.00 I 9U Draperies The choice v. of the markets of the world nil the newest patterns anil colorincrs Lace , Tapestry , Chunlllo and Silk draperies ull go on ealo at thcso low prices Silk Curtnlns-vcry elegant- 1250 worth $2J.fO Tapestry Curtain' Rood quality nicely fringed woilh $4.00 225 Chenille Portieres choice patterns 248 worth $3.00 Ruffled Muslin Curtains very 168 pretty worth $3.59 Brussells Net T < ace Curtains very 498 handsome worth $9.00 Itlfah Point LJCB Curtains- worth $3.00 248 Nottingham Lace Curtains 174 woith ? u'.i5 Nottingham I.nce Curtains \\uith $1.50 98c Genuine Japanese Bamboo 1'or- tlcies worth $4.00 175 Iiopt 1'ortleres \Noith $3.50 275 ( M Chenille Tahle Covers- 98c worth $1.W prjpery Fringe lOc worth u5c Head Ilpsis 38c worth 75c Couch Covers . worth $ S.50 425 hurried past , they glancel at Xerxes , some with curiosity , ocmo with pity , some dis dainfully. "All sorts and comlltiors of men , " ho mused , as they went by old men , young men , self-important youths and earnest students ; mischievous boys and grandslres 1n their "dotage " ; matrons , maids and spinsters , all giving a glance , but rarely one of kind ness , to the shabby figure on the lower step. * * * * * * * * A deacon With unsmiling face and saatl- monlous mien went gravely on hlu reverend way , benignly lettllag fall on our tattered friend a superior glance , which prompted him Ironically to quote. "Verily , Lord ! I thank thee that I am not as other men ! " Then a rotund llttlo business man , whcse faultless broadcloth and prompous air be spoke 'the successful financier , stopped be fore Xerxes and patronizingly Inquired : "Why don't you go .where you belong , my good man ? " . * "Because , " tranquilly , "I'm trying to bo a better man and knew I could profit by the example of a good , charitable , kind hearted Christian llko you ! " * * A gentle voice made him turn nnd a sweet- faced old woman , with silver hair , pressed a coin Into his hand as she saU : "You are In need , my poor fellow. Will you take t'als with the hope that you may do better ? " "Heaven bless you , lady , " no said , as ho stood before her and bared his head , "Heaven bless you always , for a kindly word to a poor ne're-do-well and for recalling the face of his dear mother. " There was a misty smile In his eye an3' a thrill of happiness In his heart , long aftei she 'had gone. "Bless her , " ho said , "If there were more llko her , the now woman would never have been born , " * * , * * * * * * "Hello , there ! Is you tired ? " And a radiant llttlo vlslcu with the bluest of eyes and the sunniest tangle of flying curls , a world of mischief In the roguish laugh and a .wealth of love for everybody In the sweet , llttlo face , came flying toward him. Xerxes almost held his breath as the llttlo flguro came u and held out 'to ' him a flower no fairer than herself. How many years was It since he had been so near to such a dainty , well-carsd-for bit of humanity ? "Thank , you , llttlo one , " was all he said , but his volco was very gentle and the child , looking up Into his eyes , read with 'the Instinct which , alas wo all outgrow so soon , the sweetness and patience of a soul that knew not much Joy , * * * * * * * * "Didn't I tell you not to talk to strange men ? " and an Irate mamma swooped down on the little 'woman , and gave her a vigorous shake. "Aro you never going to mind me , miss ? " The blue eyes filled with tears , but she bravely noJded farewell and tripped away. "Oh , " sighed Xerxes , with a pang In bU heart , "tho Christ of whom you have Just been learning would never have said that. Ho who called the little ones unto film , who said : "You must become like them , " would never 'have wounded a childish heart when it had done no wrong , " and the fragrant flower from the tiny hand , with the silver coin from the withered ono were long chcrlsho ) , recalling the "ono touch of Nature" tbat makes us all akin. * * * A Thepplan of the old school crossed tbo street and sauntered down the avenue. His well-worn I'rlnco Albert with shiny scanm was buttoned tightly up to bla chin. His silk hat was of antiquated pattern and showed the traces of many brushlngs. He were no cuffs , but swung a cane In one hand while the other was thrust between the- top buttons of hla coat. About bis eyea were traces of mako-up and hla whole bearing bcspoko tbo actor , long In tbo profession , but unsuccessful. "Life Is but play , altar all , " mused Xerxes , " 'but how we all scram , bio for the leading parts , forgetting that the low comedy and eccentric characters must ba played by someone. How wo fall to learn our lines and neglect to take up our cues , and hlndeii hotter actors from playing thelrj parts successfully ; and when the curtain , < falls ) on the last act , how bitter comes thq A realization that our part In the drama of * . llfo has marred what might have been a perfect performance ; that the play would have been better had wo never been east. Well , como now Xerxes ! down't rail at Fatel This Isn't your cue to make a oceno ! " * * * "Morln' Hurald , Jurn'l an' Tribune/ ! sounded a cheery voice , and little Tad , a newsboy , his nigged cap on the back of hls\ \ head and a few unsold papers under hla arm , stepped jauntily around the corner. Hl clothes were poor and his hands were grimy ; but his face waa blKhe and his laugh the essence of happy good nature. -W'y , hello , Xcrxle old boy ! Wet you doln' hero ? Watchln' the swell peoples go homo from church ? Say ! wet d'you tlnkk I met a rich bloke down do street wet glmma' two tickets to a charity dinner down on do. tout' side ! Wet d'you tlnk of him ? Wasn't , ho all right ? Can you boat ' 1m ? Come oa and wo won't do a ting to de spread oh , nolj Just de-mollsh It , that's all ! If wo eat thera today dey'll have to feed do rest of the push tomorrow. HUvo a lgarc'tto ' ? Nit ? Say , * wot'a do matter wld you today , Xerxlot Ain't you square wld do world ? " "Yes , Tad , " replied Xerxes quietly , putting \ ting his arm about the boy's shoulders , an. they stroUed off together toward "do soutv side , " and the promised dinner. "I gucra. I'm square enough with the world for I ; wouldn't change places with any man In It today. Yes , I'll take dinner with you. Tad ; but next tlmo It will be youri turn because you see I'm getting tired of being utterly worthless and tomorrow well , to morrow I'm going to look for work ! " Tad looked up , lily eyes round with as tonlshment. "dee1 " ho wld. 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