10 THE OMAITA DAILY KKE : SUNDAY , APRIL 10 , 1898. ELI THE DOOM OF ZIMBABWE BY H. RIDER HAGGARD ( Copyright , 18My It. Illiler Haggard. ) CHAPTER XIV. TUB MARTYRDOM OF ISSACHAR. It was done , and from the mouths of the priests and priestesses rose a shrill cry of triumph , for had not their gods conquered ? Had not tills servant of the hated I/ord of Israel been caught by the bait of the beauty of a prlcstcs of L'oaltla , denying and reject ing Him ? Was not evil once moro triumph ant , and must not they , Its ministers , re joice ? Again the shadld raised his wand and they were silent , "You have Indeed done well and wisely , " he said , addrcwslng Azlcl. "Now , take to wife the divine lady who hns chosen you , " and ho pointed to Ellssa , who lay fainting " bo In her love , on the ground , "and happy nlttlng In my seat , which henceforth la ot'Kl and master yours , as ruler of the priests ter of their mysleilcs , forgetting the follies of jour former faith , and spitting on Its nltais. Hall to you , nhadlcl , lord of the Ilaal tls ami chojen of El. Take him , you prlcstii , and with him the dlvlno lady , his wife , bear- Ins them In triumph to their high house. " "What of the Lovlto ? " naked a voice. Tlio shadld glanced at Issaclmr , who all this whllo had stood like ono stricken to the Houl , woo stamped upon his face and a stare of horror In his e > cs. "Jew , " he said , "A had forgotten you ; but you also are on your trial , who dated against the law to hold Kecret meeting with the Lady Ilaaltls. Kor this aln the punishment Is death , nor would any woman name you hmiband to save you from It. Still , In this hour of joy wo will be merciful ; therefore do as your master did , cast Incense oil the altar , spying Uio ap pointed words , and go your way. " "Ilelore I make my altering on yonder nlUr according to your command , 1 have somu words to say , 0 , priest of 131 , " otMworod Issacliar , quietly , but In a voice that chilled the blood of those who heard It. "First , I addressed myself to you , Azlel , and to you , woman , " and he pointed to KUaia , who hail ildeii , and leaned trembling upon her father. "My dream Is fulfllleJ A/lel , you have iilnnul , Indeed , and must bear the appointed punlohiuunt of your sin , jet hear a message of mercy spoken through my lips. Hciauso you have slimed through love and pity , your offense Is not unto death , jet thall you sorrow row for It nil your life's dnjs , and in desola tion of heart and bltUc-iioa of noul Lhall en up back to the feet of Him you have for- ( .worn. Woman , your iplrlt Is noble and j'otir feet nri > uet In the way of righteous ness , yet through you has this offerui- come , ami llierefuio your love shall bear no fruit , cor ihall thn blasphemy of your beloved Bavo youi- Mesh from doom. Upon the earth there Is ntf hope for you , daughter of Sakon. Set your eyrs beyond It. for there Is hope. "Whoro In she who swore our lives away ? " and ho pointed to Mi-pa. "Woman , you plotted this that you might succeed to the throne of DaaltU : hear your fate : You Khali lUu to sweep the huts aud bear thu tabes of savages. You , priest. " 'and ho pointed to the shadld , "I read your heart ; you design to murder this man whom you greet or. your micccsaor , that you may usurp his place. I ehow you yours. It lies In the bellies of the jackals of the desert. You priests and priestesses of El and llaaltU , think of my words , and raUu your loud songs of triumph to your godri when you youieulves ore their offering , mid the red flame of the flro bums you up , all of you rave your s'.na ' , which arc Immortal. You citizens of an accursed city , look on the 'hilltop yonder and tell me. what do you sec ? * A sheen of spears , Is It not ? iThcy draw near to j-our hearts , citizens of cai accursed city , whereof the very name shall bo forgot ten , and the nakeil tow era but the source of wonder to men unborn. And now , priests , having tiald my ay , as you bid mo , I make my offering upon your altar. " Then , whllo they all stood fearful and amazed , Issachar the Lovlte sprang forward , .oud , seizing the ancient Imago of Baaltls , hi ) spat upon It and dashed the priceless thing ilovn , upon the altar , where It biokc Intn fragments and was burned with the flro. " . .My offering Is mnde , " ho ald ; "may Ho whom 1 servo accept It. Now , after offering fiiicrlllco , son Azlol , faro you well , " For a few momenta a silence of horror and dismay fell upon the assembly as they KiiztMl nt the shattered mid burning frag ments of the consecrated Image. Then , moved by a common Impulse , with curse- : . ) and yt-lls of fury , the priests and prleytcuses up runt ; from their seats mid hurled them- Si'lviti upon Ipsichar , who stood awaiting them with folilod arms. They nmoto him with their Ivory rods , they rent and tore him with their hand ? , worrying him as do 3 worry a fox of the hills , till the lite waa luMten out of him and ho lay dead. Tlui.i terrlblj" , bill yet by p-jch a death of mar tyrdom as ho would have chosen , perished Issachar Ihe Levlte. I'liarmed though ho was , Azlcl had sprung to his aid , but Metem and Sakon , knowing that hu would but bring about his own du- etriiutloii , Hung themselves upon him and lirld him buck. Whilst he was still .strug gling with them the end came , and Iiaachar row still forever. Then Azlcl'a ctrength left him , and presently ho slipped , to the ground eonselcsj , Tliermftpr H teemed to Azlcl that he was plunged In an emlli'tw and dreadful dream , und that through Its turmoil and nhlttlng -visions ho could continually see the dreadful death of If.sacOmr and hear hla ctcrn ac cents prophenylnK woe to him who renounced the God of his tori'fathers to bow thn knco to llaal. At length he awoke from that her ror-haunted Bleep to IInd himself lying In a titrango chamber. It was night and lamps burned In the chamber , and by their light ho saw K man wlioo face ho know mixing a draught In a glass vUl. So weak was lie that at first he could not remember the auau'u name ; then by slow degrees It came to him. "Metom , " ho raid , "where am 1 ? " The Phoenician looked up from his task , milled and ans.vereil : "Where you. should be. prince. In your own house , thu paluco of the shadld. But you not speak , for you have been til. Drink Oils and sleep. " Azlcl swallowed the draught , and was In stantly overcome by slumber. When ho awoke the un was shining brightly through thu window place , and Us rays fell upon the nhroud , kindly face of Metem , who was , seated on a stool watching htm , his chin resting on his hand , "Tell mo all that has befallen , friend , " said Azlcl , "since " and ho shuddered. "Since you wcro married after a new fashion , and that bigoted but most honorable fool. Issacbar , went to his reward. Well , I will when you have eaten , " answered Metcm , as ho gave him food. "Flrt't , " ho said presently , "you have lain hero for three days , raving In a fever , nursed by myself and visited by your wife , the Lady Daaltls , whenever she could i-scapo from her roll - ll 'lous duties 11 "Ellssa ! Has she been hero ? " "Calm yourself , prince. Certainly she has , and what la more , fine will be back soon. Secondly , Ithobal has been as good as hla word , and Invests the city with a vast army , cutting off all supplies and possibilities of CHcape. It Is believed that ho will try an assault within the next week , which many thli'U will bo successful. Thirdly , to ovolJ that risk. It Is rumored that the priests and priestesses , nt the Instance of the council , are dUcussliiR the wisdom of giving over to him the person of the daughter of Sakon , on the plea that her election aa the Lady Baal- tls was brought abJUt by bribery , and Is therefore void , as she was not chtscn by the unaided will of the goddess. " j "Hut , " said Azlel , "she Is my wife , nc- ] cordlrz to their religious law. How , then , . can Blio bo given In marrlago to another ? " | "Nay , prince , If she Is not the Lady Daal- , tls. your husbandshlp falls to the ground with the rest , for you are not the shadld , an cfllco which perchance you ran dispense with. 'Hut ' all this priestly juggling means little , "tho tiaith being that the , city In Ita terror will throw her as a sop to Ithobal , hoplns thereby to appease his rage. The Lady Kllssa knows her danger but here eho comes to speak for herself. " As ho spuke thn curtains at the end of the chnmbjr were drawn , and through them came j lOllssn. clad In her splendid robes of ofllce , und wearing liupon her brow the golden cres cent of the moou. "How goes It with the prince. Metcm ? " rlie asked In her eoft voice , glancing nnx- lously toward the couch , which was half hid den In the shadow of the wall. "Look for yourself , lady , " anewcred the Phoenician , bowing boOro hr-r. "Hllss-i , Ellesa ! " rled Azlel , raU-lng him self and opening hlo anna. She saw and heard , then with a low cry , and owlftly an a nwnllow awcoplng : o Its nest , she ran to him and was wrapped In his embrace , nnd thus they Htajed , mur muring words of love between their kisses. "In It your pleaouro that I ehunld luve you ? " asked Metcm , presently , "No ? Then , prince , I would have you remember that you are still weak and ehould not glvo way to violent emotions. " I I "Listen , Azlel , " said Hlssa , untwining Ms anne from about her neck. "Micro Is no tlmo for tenderness- ; moreover , you stoiiM sha\v none to ono who Is ft 111 the high prlci3tc6s of Uaaltls , although In truth bhc worships her no longer. It was noble of you Indeed to offer Incense upon yonder al tar that my llfo might be saved , but when I prayed you not , I epako from the heart , nnd bitterly , bitterly do I grieve that for my tuko you should have stained your soul with such a eln. Moreover. It will av.Ul nothing , for the doom of the dead prophet lies upon us and I cannot cseape from deuth , neither can you recapo remorse , und aa 1 think that wo.-at of all dealreu , the deslro for the dead. " "Can wo not still Heo the city ? " asked Azlel. "Metcm will tell you that It Is Impossi ble ; day and night I am watched und guarded ; also Itlicb.il holds 7.1mboo so firmly In his net that no rparrow could fly out of It und ho not know. And them la worse to tell ; Heloved , they purpose to give mo . up as a peace offering to Ithobal. Yes , even my father la In tno plot , for be thinks It hlu duty to sacrifice hU daughter to save the town. If , Indeed , It will uvall to save It. " "Hut you are the Daaltls und Inviolate. " "In tiucu a thu it the goddeso heMClt wo'lld ' Free Medical Treatment for Weak SVlen X Who Are Willing to Pay When Convinced of Cure. A scientific combined nicdlml nnd mechanical cure hai Jwn ilUcnvt-ml for "Wrakurta n ( Mn. . " It. nieces Imi Vccu an slnilllne that the proprietors nnwiimmunro that Mho * will send It on ttl.il rrmcdloj and nppllunco s * wlthont odrence raynent to nny Imiuvt man. ' lfnotallth.il U claimed -nil you wi.h > eud It tli.it cnili It | wiy nothing ! Nd Midi otTer was over made in goodfutth More ; woMlotono other rvntoilywnuU stand udia tit. . ThU tumblnvM t realm ; nt i-nivs quickly. Uiotouxlily and forcu-r all ellivt * of early evil luMu. later cs- cc o < , ouTuiirk , worry , vte. It creates bonlth , ttiviigthllallty , M-.si.illiliiK irn i und restore * weak mid mulc\copcU ! jinilouj to natural dloicu- klcmi ami function ] , Any wan wtltlOK In earnest , will receive dcjorin- \ \ imulfulars \ I IK ! reftrenrc In n plain tcuUM o u- vvloiv. I'rotVxIonai roiitljcuce. No decoMioa nor . . . . . , , . . . . . , ImpoiiUnn of any nature. A national wputaUoa b CkJ this Oflcr. ( Cut out and tcndthlt notice , or mvntlou paper. ) Address MEDICAL CO. , Buffalo , N. Y. not bo held Inviolate In Zltnboe , much lens i her priestess , 'Azlel. This very night they purpose to seize mo ; yes , Mesa and others have been chosen for the deed , and offer mo as a bribe to Hliobal , for ho will take no other price. " Azlcl groaned aloud. "It were better that wo t'hould die , " ho said. She nodded and answered : "It wcro bet ter that I should die. Hut hcnr mo , tor I have a plan and thera Is still hope , though I very little. Pcrclmnco as you drew near to Ktmboo by Ihci coast road you may have no ticed tltreu miles or moro from the gates of 1 the city a shoulder of the mountain almost overhanging the path on which you trav eled whcro the rock Is cut away , ( showing the narrow entrance to a cave cloacO. with a door of bronze. " "I caw It , " answered Azlel , "and was told that there was the meat sacred burying place of the city. " "It Is the tomb of the high priestesses of Baaltla , " went on Ellssa , and "and this day at sunset I must visit It to lay ntt offering upon the fihrinu of 'her who was the Baaltls before me , entering alone , and closing the pitc , for none may paps In there with mo. Now the plan la to lay Lands on me ns I go back from the tomb to the palace , but I shall not go back , Azlcl. I shall ft ay In liLISSA UNLOCKED THE GATE. the tomb nay , do not \.ent not dead. I have bidden food and water there , enough for many Oays , and there with the departed I thall live , till I am of their number. " MHut It BO , how can It help you , for they will break In the gates of the place and drag you away ? " "If eo , Azlcl , they will drag away a corpse , and that they will scarcely eire to present to Ithobal. See , In my breast I have hidden poison , and here at my girdle hangs a dagger ; are not the two of them enough to make an end of one frail life ? Should they dare to touch me , as I shall tell them through the bars , most certainly I fhall drink the bano. or ueo the knife , and when they know It they will leave mo unharmed , trusting to chance to spare mo. " "You are bold , " murmured Azlel , In ad miration , "but aelt-murder Is n oln. " "It Is a sin that I will dare , beloved , aa In past days I would have dared It for Jeea cause , rather than bo given living Into the hands of Ithobal , for to whatever cits ? I may bo false , to you through llfo and death I will be true. " Now Azlol groaned In hU doubt and bitter ness of heart , then , turning to Metem , asked : "Havo you aught to Gay , Metom ? " "Yea. prince , two things , " answered ttio Phoenician. "First that the I.udy KllEsi Is ratii Indeed to speak thus openly bcl'ore me , \MIO might carry her words to the council or the priests. " " .N'uy. Mctero , I am not rash , for I know that , although you love gold , you will not betray me , " "You are right , lady , I shall not , for gold would bo of little service to me In a city that Is about to bo taken by storm. Mao I hate Ithobul , who threatened my life as you did also , by the way and will do my best .to keep you from hla cluUbrn. Now for my second point. It Is that I can see little use In all this , because Ithobal , being dcfr.\udc < of jou , will attack , and then " "And then he may bo beaten , Metcm , for the citizens will flght for their lives , and the Prince Azlel here , who la a general skilled In war , will light also. If he has re covered his strength " "Fear iot. El butt. Give me two days and I will fight to the dratti , " put In Azlel. "At the least , " she went on , "thlii ixdemo Rives us breathing time , and who knows but that fortune will turn , or , If It docs not , I have no better. " " "No more have I , " said Metem , "for at length the oldest fox comes to his last double. I might escape from this city , or the prince might escape , or Lady Kllma even might escape , but I am sure that ttio three of us could not escape together , eyeing that within the walla we are watched , and without them the armlch of Ithobal await us. Oh , Prince Azlcl , I should have done well to go as I might have done when you and Issachar were taken after that mad meeting In the temple , from which I never looked for any thing but 111 , but I grow foolish In my old ago , and thought that I chould like to eee the last of ycu. Well , GO far we are all alive , except l : achar , who , although bigoted , was still the moot worthy of us , but how long wo fihall remain nllvo I cannot r ay. Now , our best chance la to defeat Ithobal It wo can , and afterward , In the confusion , to escape from Zlmboe and Join our servants , to whom I hive- beat weed to await us In a secret p'.aco beyond the first range of hills. Ifo cannot why , then we must go a llttlo Gconcr than we expected to IIml out who It M that really shapes the dnstlnlcs of men , anJ whether or no the sun and moon are the ch/ir.'otn of Kl and DaaltU. nut , prince , you turn pale. " "It la nothing , " said Azlel ; "bring mo come water , the fever etlll burns In me , " Metem went to seek for water , while Klifsa knelt by the couch and pressed her lover's hand. " 1 mudi stay no longer , " she whispered , % "and , Azlel , I know not how or when wo ahull ir.fet ar.aln , but my heart la heavy , for , alaa ! I think that doom draws near me. I have brought much rorrow on you , Azlel , and yet morn on myself , and I have given you nothing , except that most common of all thlngv , a woman's love. " "That mcst perfect of all things , " he an * swtrcd. "H > hlch I am glad to have lived to win. " "Yes. tout not at the price that you have j ld for It. I know well what It must have uoat > ou to cut that Incense on the flame , aud I pray to your GcJ , who baus become < n1y God , to visit the sin of It on my hcaJ ar.d to leave yours unharmed. Azlcl ! Azlcll woman or spirit , whllo I have life and me mory , I am youra , aud yours only ; clcan- J.afldoA I Joavo you , -and - If we m-iy meet again In thla or In any other world , clean and faithful I shall como to you again. Glad I am to have lived , because In my life I have known you and you have sworn to love me. Glad shall I bo to live again If agala I may know you and hear that oath If not , It la elccp I seek ; for llfo without you tome mo would be a hell. You grow weak and I must bo KOIIO. Farewell , and living or < > 3ad , forget mo not ; swear that you will not forget me. " "I swear H , " ho answered faintly , "and God grant that I may dlo for you , not you ton mo. " "That Is no prayer of mine. " she whis pered ; and , bending , she kissed him on the brow , for ho was too weak to lift his lips to hers. Then she was gone. CHAPTER XV. ELISSA TAKES SANCTUARY. T.wo hours had gone by and a procession of prlcstcs-ees might bo seen advancing slowly toward the holy tomb along the Tarrow road of rock cut In the mountain face. In front of the procession , wearing a black veil over her uroldcred robes , walked Ellssa with downcast cyca anil hair unbound In token of grief , while behind her came Mesa and other priestesses bearing the offer ings to the Ocad In bowls of alabaster , food and wine , and lamps of oil and vases filled with perfumey. Behind these jigalu marched the mourners , women who sang a funeral dirge and from tlmo to time broke Into a wall of simulated grief. Nor , In deed , was their wee 'as hollow as might bethought thought , slnco from that mountain path they could heo the- outposts of the ormy of Ithobal upon the plain , and 'note with a shudder of fear the spear heads of his countless thou sands shining In the gorges of the opposing heights. It was not for the dead Baaltls that they mourned that day , but for the fate that overshadowed them and their city of gold. "May the cureo of all the gods fall on her ! " muttered one of the prlestceses as fiho tolled fonvartV beneath her load of of ferings ; "because she la beautiful and pet- tlsih we must > eo put to the spear or be come the wives of Ravages , " and she pointed with her chin , , tOaiEUssa. who walked In front. Ion In her' ' own thoughts. "Have patieftce , " answered Mesa at her side ; "you Knon4tuo plan tonight that proud girl and false prU-stess shall sleep In the camp of Ithobal. ' ' ti "Will he btf .satisfied with that , " naked the woman , "ailfl leave the city In peace ? " "It seems so , " lanswered Mesa , with a laugh , "though Itla strange that a king should exchange , epljll and glory for a round- cvcd. thin-limbed tfivl who loves his rival. Well , let us thank stho gods that made man foolish tail gate ; \ia women wit to profit by Ihelr follyn'lr' ' he wants her , let him take her , for fw will be the poorer by her IMS. " a "You at leaJit Will be richer , " said the other woman , ' 'by , Ihe crown of Baaltls. Welt , I do not grudge It you. and aa for the daughter of-Sakon , she shall be Itbobal' If I tak'j her to'hlni limb by limb. " "Nay , friend , that Is not the bargain. Remember , ehe must be delivered to him without hurt or blemish , otherwise we shall to sacrilege In vain , lie silent , here le the cave. " % Having reached the platform In front of the tomb , the procession of mourners ranged themselves about It In a semi-circle. with the-lr backsto the edge of the cliff that rcflc sheer for sixty feet or more from the plain beneath , across which , but at a llttlo distance from Its foot , ran tbo road followed by the caravans of merchants In their journeys to end from ths coaot. Then , a hjmn having beta sung , Invoking the blcaslnga of the gods on the dead priestess ; ElUsa , as the Lady Baaltls , unlocked the gates of bronze with a golden key that hung at her girdle , and the bearers of the bowk of offerings pushed them Into the mouth of the tomb , whoso threshold they were not allowed to pass. Next , with bowed head and hands crossed , upca her breast , Ellasa en tered the tomb , and , locking the bronze gate behind her , took up two of the bowls and vanished with them Into Its gloomy depths. "Why did she lock the gate ? " asked a pvleis't'Es of Xloia. "It tj not customary. " "Doubtless bfcauso It waa hw pleasure HAVE NO PBMl. PRINCE ; LOOK ' ,1 YONDER. to do so. " nnswfWd Mesa sharply , though she also wcci < jered\ , why Ellssa had locked the gate. j When an hour. ' was gene by and' Ellsfa had not return , Uer wonder turned to fear ( and doubt. + / "Call to the Loily Baaltls , " she said , "for her prayers artf IcJig , and I fear lest she should have cdroq to barm. " So they called , netting their lips against the bars of tholgate , until presitiUy Kllssa came cod stood before them. "Why do you disturb me In the holy place ? " she aolfj L" ' " "Ivady , because. they set the night watch upon the walls,1 * answered Mcea , "and It Is tlico to return tb the temple , " "Return , then/ , ! * Kllssa , "and leave mo In peace. What , you cannot , Mesa ? Nay , nod shall I tell you why ? Because you have plotted to deliver me this night to those who should lead me as a peace offer ing to Ithobal , and when you come to them empty-handed they will greet you with hard words. Nay , trouble not to deny It , Mesa. I have taken ancillary In this holy place. " Now Mfsa pressed her thin llpa together and answered : "Those who dare to lay hands upon the person of the living Baaltls will not sbrl.lk from seeking her In the company of her dead sisters. " "I know it , Mesa , but the gates ere barred , and hero I have food and drink In plenty. " "Gates , however strong , can he broken , " aaawered the priestess. "So , lady , do not wait till you are dragged hence like come discovered slave. " "Ay , " replied Ellssa with a llttlo laugh , "but what If , rather than bo thus dishon ored , I should chooao to break another gate , that of my own lite ? Look , traltresi , here Is poUou and here is ste l , and 1 swear to you that , should any tar ft l" nJ upon me , by ono or other ot them I will dlo before their eycw. Then , If you will , bear these bones to Ithobal , nnJ take his thanks for them. Now , begone and glvo this mrsuqa to my father and all those who have plotted with him , that akice they cannot bribe Itho bal with my beauty , they will do well to bo men and to fight htm with their swordd , " and she turned and left them , vanishing Into the darkness of the tomb. Great Indeed was the dismay of the coun cillors of Zlmboo and the priests who had plottoJ with them when , on hour later. Mesa came , not to deliver Ellsaa Into their hands , but to repeat to them her threats and mes sage. In vain did they appeal to Sakon , who only nhook his head and answered : "Of thla I am sure , that what my daugh ter has threatened that she will certainty do If you force her to the choice. Uut II you will not beltevo me , go ask her ami satisfy yourselves. I know welt what she will answer you , and I hold that this Is a judgment upon us , who first made her DaaltU against her will , and now would dc sacrilege to her office and violence to her self. " So the leaders of them visited the "holj tomt ) and reasoaod with ElUsa through the bars , but got no comfort from her , for hc spoke with them with the vial of poison In her bosom and the naked dagger In hci hand , telling them what she had told Mesa that they had best give up their plot am ! flght Ithobal Ilka men , seeing that , even II she surrendered herself to them , when he grew weary of her the war must come al last. ' 'For ' a hundred years , " she added , "thl < storm has gathered , and now It must burst When It has rolled away It will 1xs known who Is master ot the lanJ , the ancient cltj of Zlmboe or Ithobal , king of the tribes. " So they went back as they had come , and next dayi at the dawn , wttln a bold face bul heavy hearts , received the messengers ol King Ithobal and told them their tale. Tfa < mcssengeis heard and laughed. "Wo are glad , " they answered , "since we who are not In love with the daughter ol Sakon dcelro war and not peace , holding ai wo do that the tlmo has come when yoi : upstart white men who have usurped the land should bo set beneath our heel. Not do wo think that the task will bo dlfllcult for surely we have llttlo to fear from a cltj wlioyo councillors cannot conquer the will of a. single maid. " < Then , although In their despair the elders offered other girls to Ithobal In marrlago as many as he would , and with them a grcal bribe In money , the envoys took their leave , saying that nothing would avail , slnco they preferred spear thrusts to gold , for whlcli they had llttlo use , and Ithobnl , their king , had fixed hla heart on one woman alone. So with a heavy and foreboding heart the city of Xlmboe prepared Itself to resKst at tack , for as they had guested , when ho learned all , the rage of Ithobal was great , nor would ho listen to any terms that they could offer , eave one which they had no po\\cr to grant that Ellscu should bo de livered unliarmc-il Into hla hands. Coum.Ha of war were held , and to theae , as soon aa ho was sulllclently recovered from his sick ness , the Prince Azlel was bidden , for he was known to be a skilled general ; there fore , though he had been the cause of nuii'li of their trouble , they sought his aid. Also , should the struggle bo prolonged , they hoped through him to win Israel , and perhaps Egypt , to their cause. Azlcl'a counsel was that they should sally out against the nrmy of Ithobal by night , since he expected to at tack and not to bo attacked , but to this ad- vlco they would not listen , for they trusted to their walls. Indeed , In this Metem sup ported them , and when the prince argued with him ho answered : "Your tactics would bo good enough , prince , lfyou had at your back the llona of Judah or the wild Arab horsemen of the desert. Cut here you must deal with men of my own breed , and wo Phoenicians are traders , not fighting men like rats , we fight only when there Is no other chance for our lives , nor do we stillto the first blow. It Is true that there are some good soldier ? In the city , but they are foreign merce- ' nartes , and as for the rest , half breeds and irced slaves , they belong an much to Itho bal as to'Sakon , and are not to .be truuted. No , no , let us stay behind our walls , for they were at least built when men were honest , and will not betray us. " Now In Zlmboe there were three lines of defense : first , ' that of a single wall built about the huts of the slaves upon the plain , then that of a double wall of stone with a ditch between thrown round the Phoenician city , and , lastly , the great fortress temple aiv ! the rooky heights above It , guarded by may farts within whoso circle the cattle were herded , which , as It was thought , could only bo taken with the sword -hunger. . On the third mormlng after Ellssa had barred herself within the tomb Ithobal attacked the native town. Uttering their wild battle crlea tens of thousands of his warriors , armed with great spears and shields of ox-hldo and wearing crests otplumes - upon their heads , charged down upon the outer wall. Twice they were driven back , but the work was In bad repair and too .long to defend , so that at the third rush they flowed over It like lines of marching ants , delving Its dcfondcrtJ before them to the Inner gates. In this battle some were killed , but the mcst of the slaves threw down their nrras and went over to Ithobal , who spared them , to gether wild their wives and children. Through all the night that followed the generals of Zlmboe made ready for the on slaught which must come. Everywhere within the circuit of the Inner wall troops went stationed , while the double southern gateway , where Prince Azlel was the cap tain In command , was built up with loose blocks ot Bto'io. A while before the dawn , jiir-t as the eastern sky grew gray , Azlel , watching from his post above the gate of the wall , heard the savage war song of the tribes swell suddenly from GO,000 throats and the measured tramp ot their Innumera ble feet. Then the day broke , and he saw them advancing In three armies toward the three points chosen for attack , the largest of the armies , headed by Ithobal , tho.klng , directing Its march upon the wall gate of uhlch lie was In command. It was a ucndrous and a fearful eight , that of these hordes of plumed savages , their broad spears flashing In the sunrise nnu1 their fierce faces alight with hereditary hate and the lust of slaughter. Never had he seen such a spectacle , nor could ho look upon It without dreading the Issue of the war for If they were favages. these foes were brave as the lions of their own plains and had sworn by the head of their king to drag down the sheltering walls of Zlmboe with their naked hands or dlo to the last man. Turning his head with a sigh of doubt , Azlol found Metem standing at bis side. "Have you scon her ? " he asked eagerly. "No. prince. How coulJ I see her at night when she alts In a tomb like a fox in hbj burrow ? But I have heard her. " "What did she say ? Quick , man , tell me. " "But llttlo , prince , for the tomb Is watched , und I dared not stay there long. She sent you her greetings , nnl would have you know that her heart will bo with -you In the battle , and her prayer beseech the throne ot heaven for your safety. Also , she said that she la well , though It Is lonesome there in the grave among the bodies of the dead prlestcsseo of Baaltla , whose spirits , as she vons , haunt her dreams , reviling her be cause she desecrates their sepulchre and has renounced their god. " "Lcmesome. Indeed,1' said Azlcl , with a shudder. "But tell me , Metem , bad eho no other word ? " "Yes , prince , but not of good omen , for now. as alwajs , she U sure that her doom U at hand , and that you two will meet no moro. Still , she bade mo tell you that all your life long her spirit shall companion you , thoush It be unseen , to reelve you at the last on the threshold of the under world. " Azlel turned bla head away , and said presently : "If that bo eo , may It receive me soon. " "Have no fear , prince , " answered Metem , with a grim laugh , "look yonder , " and ho painted to the advancing hosts. "These * walls are strong , and we shall teat them back , " answered Azlel. "Nay , prince , for strong walls do not avail without atrong hearts to guard them , and these ot the womanish citizens of Zlmboo and their hired soldiers are whlto with fear , I tell you that the phopheclca of Issacbar the Levltc , made yonder In the temple on the day of sacrifice , and In the hour of hla death , bavo taken hold of the people , and by eating out their valor fulfill themselves. Men hint at them , tbo women whisper them In closets , and the very children cry them In the ftrccta. More ono man last night pointed to the skits and shrieked that In them ho saw that fiery sword of doom of which the prophet spoke , hanging point downward above the city , whereon all pres ent vowed they saw It , too. Another tells how ho met the very eplrit ot Ituachar stalk- Her Royal Highness , The Princess of Wales & & -c" " . K f'U I "It is well known that the Prin cess of Wales received increased strength from Vin Mariani. " London Court Jotirna' , Jan. T2th % 1895. NEVER HAS ANYTHING BEEN SO HIGHLY and so Justly Praised ns MARIANI WINE , the Famous French Tonic for Body , Nerves and Brain FOR OVERWORKED MEN , DELICATE WOMEN , SICILYCHILDREI Vin Mariani is indorsed by the medical faculty all over the world. It is specially recommended for Nervous Troubles , Throat and Lung Diseases , Dyspepsia , Consumption , General Debility , Mala ria * Wasting Diseases and Ln. Grippe. Sold at all druggists. Refuse Substitutions VIN MARIANI GIVES STRENGTH SPECIAL OFFER To all who write mentioning The Oinahn Bee wo send a book continuing portraits and indorsements of Emperors , Empresses - presses , Princesses , Cardinals , Archbishops und other distinguished par sonages. sonages.MARIANI & CO. , 52 WEST 15TII STREET , NEW YORK. Paris 11 Boulevard Hnussmann ; London 83 Mortimer St. ; Montrcal-28-30 Hospital SU M * MANHOOD RESTORED This "CUPIDENE Kront Vegetable * . , . . - - . VluilliiT.thcprcscrlp- t I Inn nf A famous French pliyslclun , will quickly euro yon of nil nor. vons or diseases of tbo generative orpam , euch an Lost Uaiihood. Insomnia , 1'olns In the lluclc , Seminal Kmlssloni , Nervous Debility ! imr | cs , Unfllness to Marry , Eilmustlns Drains , Vnrleocele ni'i Constipation , It stopi n I lossei by dnr or nlgbt Prevents quick- EfS3of discharge , which If not checked leads toSp rmntorrlia > uanil I BEFORE AFTER 11 the horrors of Impotencr. CV"I1 > EWKcIe'ulsiaUaBUvcr ( , Ui JJ..r AND . . kidneys nnd the urinary orcans of . ! ! Impurities , CtTPIDKNK utrengthensona restores small weak 01 c TUo reason nuireren are not cured by Doctors In became ninety per cent ro tronblert with Proctntlll * . CUl'IUKNK l thn only known remrily to euro without mi operation. COOOIentlmonU 1s. A written guarantee elven anil money returned If six Ixixea docs not ciTcct u uorinaucutciua. jf 1.00 a box , Blx fur | 5.co , by mult. Bend for FJIKB circular nnd testimonials , Address DAVOb MEDICINE CO. , F. O. Box OTO , San Francisco , Cal Jbr Sate bit MYERS-DILLON DUUQ CO. . S. E. Cot. loth ami Farunm , Omaha Ing through the market place , and that peering Into the eyes of the wraith , as In a mirror , hcsaw a great flame wrapping the temple walls , and by the light of it his own dead iboily. "This was the priest who struck down the > holy man yonder In the place of judgment. Again , when the Lady Mesa did sacrifice last night on behalf of Uio Baaltls who has fled , thu child they oflcrod , an Infant ot six months , rose from the altar after It was dead and cried -with the voice ot a man that bcforo three suns had sot [ la blood should bo required at their hands. That Is the story , and if I do not believe It , this at leapt Is true , that the priestesses fled fast from the secret chamber of death , for I met them as they ran shrieking In their terror and tearing their rcibe . But what need Is there to dwell on omens , true or false , wihen cow ards man the walls and the spears of Ithobal shine yonder like all the stars of heaven ? Prince. I tell you that this ancient city la doomed , and In It , I fear , wo must end our wanderings upon earth. " "So bo It , if it must be , " answered Azlol , "at the least I will die fighting. " "And I also will dlo fighting , prince , not because I love It , but because It Is bettor than being butchered In cold blood fay a cavago with a epcar. Oh , why did you over chance to stumble upon the Lady Ellsaa making prayer to Ltaaltlo and lose your heart to her ? That was the beginning of the trouble , which , but for those eyes of hera , would have held off long enough to see us safe In Tyre , though doubtless soon or late it must have come. But see. yonder marches Ithobal at the head of hla guard. Olvo mo a ibow , the flight Is long , but perchance - chance I can reach his black heart with an arrow. " "Savo your strength , " answered Azlcl ; "tho range la too great , and presently you will have enough of tUootlng. " and ho turned 4o talk to the officers of the guard. ( To Bo Concluded Next Week. ) 1C RRIIU'C von EITHER HEX I > G Dnlln O This remedy lielns in. Jnetetl directly to the seat of those dlucnticB of the Gentto-IIrlnary Organs , requires no change or diet. Care goaraiitcrd la 1 to tt ; UnjH. Hranll plain pack * nee. by wall , 81.OO , Hold only by M > -cr * Dillon Oruir Co. , S. K. Corner Kith nuu f nriitini HI * . , Uiiinlin , .Veil. CURE YDURIlirf . CM Bit V lot nnnttcnl UcbirfM , latUmmttloaA. IrrilattOM or Olc rtUaM iBaooii aitmbrtM * . . * n < l not Mid * . oTiratu rAn * ooiom/r DOCTORS Searles & Searlea SPECIALISTS Owcrante * to care pcedlly and rdl * r ail Kcnvous , cimo.vio ASS FHIVATB dlitaie * of Men and Trnm . WEAK MEN SYPHILIS SEXUALLY. cured ( or life. Iflrht Emlnloni , Ix > it Manhood , Hjr Irooele , Verlcoccle. Gonorrhea , Qleet , Syph ilis , Stricture , Piles , FUtula ana Recttl Uteir * , Dtabotej. Bright' * Dlieaio curcO. Consultation Free- Stricture and Gleet by new method without pain or cutting , Calln or addrei * with tamp. Treatment ky own. ML HES 8 SEAM ' SAFE LADIES' REMEDY A safe nnd jxnvcrful remedy for functional troubles , delay , pain , nnd irrefjiilarities , Is ' -AP.1OL.INE 'CHAPOTEAO'T' ' ' I Succeiifully prescribed by th Mgheit Mrdl. . ISpccUlisli. rucefi.ooforiicipiulct. Solilby | lnicclm.or 1W ( tea. P , O , Wo * o8i , N. Y. Fin ! WEAK MEN IniUnt RfHef. Cure In U dun. Kern rctnrni I will sltillir irml to any luflrrrr In a plain ie lcd cnrelo pr erlptlon wltli full dlrec"