Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 09, 1898, Page 8, Image 8

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Special Easter Offerings in Parasol * , Kii
Glores , New Jackets , Waists and Suits.
I > n < 1lm' Hoiilery i n I Unilerwen
In th Jiew Hprlnw Ooo.U nt Greatly
llotluccit' ' Priced Spcclnl Agent *
tor nntlerlck Pattern * ,
The new American U auty , Drlvcwaj
Charmolre , Galnsborrougb , Including plal
Bilk , checks , changeable taffetas , Roma
Btrlpcd , alee heavily trimmed uewIng all
veiling or chiffon. All choice novelties , i
wonderfully low prices $1.50 to $10.00.
Ladles' colored silk umbrellas , reguu
silk serge , navy , wlni
price $3.25 ; pure
brown , green , 26-Inch , tight roll , 'Englls
handle , Saturday only $2.25.
Ladles' llcmlsdorf black cotton hosi
special heel and tee , double solo , full rcgula
made , a 23c quality Saturday only 18c ,
tor DOc.
Ladles' fast black cotton hose , extra nn
Kauze- ribbed top , double sole , heel and toi
regular 35c quality , Saturday only 25c a pal
Ladles' fast colors In black and tan hos <
best llslo thread , our new drop stitch patten
our 50c quality , Saturday only 39c a pair.
Ladles' ellk plaited hcsc , fast black , doubl
sole , heel and toe , special bargains , Saturda
only 60c a pair.
ribbed cotton school n
Aliases and boys ,
fast colors , In black and tan , double km
and foot , all sizes , G to 9 4. only 15c a pair.
Ladles , ribbed vests , low neck , no sleeve
laeo trimmed , extra value , SaturJay. 12 %
Ladles' fine ribbed vests , beautifully trln
med , high ne k , short sleeves , low neck r
Blecves , bought to sell at 25c , Saturday enl
18c , 3 for 50e. . , , . . .
Ladles' lisle thread vests , rlchlleu rlbbe
low neck , sleeveless or short sleeves , -be :
flnlsh ecru or white , worth 35c , Saturda
23c each. ' ,
Ladles' ellk ftolshed lisle thread vests , lo
neck , long or short sleeves , white or ecn
pants to match , regular 50c quality. Saturds
only 35c , 3 for $1.00.
Ladles' pure silk vests , ribbed , crcar
pink nnl blue .very prettily trimmed , Satu
day only 65c each.
Misses' flno ribbed union suits , twl
tiDodlo scam , high neck , long elcevta <
low neck , no sleeves ; nicely finished. A
sizes , only 50o eult.
Wo b/wo an odd line of sizes In boys 31
and 50o underwear , ribbed balbrlgRan , cloi
Ing out for Saturday , only 25c each.
White , cream and ecru , new appllqi
point do gene and point d'eeprlt laces , ft
Klcevcs , Jabota , etc. , at 15c , 20c , 25c , 35c at ;
DOc a yard.
Latest novelties In white , cream ar
black lace border veils , at 35c , 50c , 60c , 71
and $1.00 each.
Novelty Tuxedo velllngre , 25c , 30c , 35c ar
COc a yard.
Scolloped and H. S. embroidered balls
end sheer linen handkerchiefs , latest style
inc. 25c. 30c and COc each.
New fancy ribbon tics , with bind knotu
fringe ends , at 25c. C5c , 75c and $1.25 each.
Rich plaid nnd striped cashes , har
knotted fringed ends , $1.40 , $1.75 , $2.25 , $3.1
and $3.75 each.
May etylcs have arrived.
Corner Farnam and Fifteenth.
It's worth reading the Dig Store's ad c
page 5.
Schlltz Buck beer can not be equalled.
THST TUP. SKIM. OF Til 14 li.UllIBIt
Mcmbcrn of ( lie KxauiltiliiR Ilnni
Hold 11 SoHxImi.
Practical tests of tonsorlal skill wcro ma (
yesterday afternoon at 103 South Slxtccnl
street by the Barbers' Board of Examiner
The beard met at 3 o'clock and Chalrim
Grant Williams conducted the proceeding
Secretary L. M. Plckctt and W. U. Gamb
were also present.
The candidates for examination wcro c
hand at the appointed hour and took the
places at chairs In the shop to begin wor
But the subjects came not that Is to sa
nobody with whiskers that needed the a
tcntion of a barber entered the place , at
the examiners were about to give up the ji
as a bad one when Plckctt said that 1
would go out and bring the clinics In. Ac
ing upon his own proposition , ho went ou
sldo and stationed himself where he cou
BCO the Grizzly chins as they flitted by-
somehow the chins got onto him.
Numerous ones dodged his scrutinizing c ;
until In his desperation , Plckctt selzi
blindly upon one man and arrested him.
"Won't you have a free shave ? " ho oske
The victim reeled and almost fell In
faint. But he recovered his composure eufl
clently to ask what it all meant. PIckc
explained 'the situation In a few words ai
as he did eo ho reminded the victim that 1
needed a shave by gently passing lils hai
over the stubby beard that adorned h'a fac
The victim grasped the situation and wl
a gasp ho said :
"I renlg ! " But Pickett was not to be ou
done ; he stuck to his post like an old warier
rior and finally after much solicitation ai
moro entreaty ho secured a subject for eai
chair and they were hard ones at that.
The candidates went after their vlctln
end the members of the examining board s
off at cno end of the shop and watched tl
A meeting has been arranged for Tuesdi
night of next week , when the examiners w
meet to pass upon the 245 applications f
license ! which arc before It ,
Read it over twice. The big store's ad <
page 5.
AH members of Vesta chapter No. 6 , Ord
ol Eastern Star , are earnestly requested
attend the funeral services of our late slstc
Lulu B. Livingston , Sunday , April 10 , at
p. m. . &t her late residence , 843 3. 19th
By order of W. M.
Time l Mnney ,
"Tho Overland "
nd Limited"
time to the Paclfln coast than any other Hi
For full Information call or address '
City Ticket Ofllcc. 1.102 Farnatu street.
Sam'l Burns Is offering for three da
WLIbbeys' cut glass Easter vases , 10-lnc
$3.75 : 12-Inch , $4.75 ; worth $6.00 and $7. (
Offer only good for this week.
Leave Omaha
at 5:05 : p. m.
And you reach Chicago at 8:20 : a. m
tomorrow. Thro' chair , imokln
and dining care. Vestlbuled an
gas lighted from cad to em
A * wlft , eate , luxurious train M goo
as uy In the coUntdy the best betwee
Omaha and the cast.
Another good train for Chicago leave
Omaha 12:05 : midnight. Arrives Chi
catjo 2:15 : p. m.
rickets and bertha at
[ Q the Hen's Furnishings Department We
Make Special Saturday Offerings.
New Jfnreltle * In JJeekrrenr , Glove * ,
Fnnex 'Hone ' , etc Xe r nnd Nobby
Pattern * In Colored Shirt * for
nnd Summer Wear.
Bows and string tics In the latest silk
novelties , stripes end fancy plaids ; also plait
reds , blues , black and white. Regular price
50c , Easter sale price 25c.
An Immense assortment of the newest pro
ductions in men's neckwear. The new semi'
Imperial four-ln-hand and made tie In all
the latest coloring , } and designs. Novelties
for Easter.
Men's kid gloves In all the new spring
shades. The celebrated Adler make. Rcga
lar prlco $1.25. our Easter sale price $1,00. ,
Men's fae Imported kid 'gloves. Perrln'i
make and other equally good makes. Th <
latest spring shades for Easter , . English ton *
and browns.
Men's flno quality hose In Scotch plaldi
and fancy stripes , also tad , blue and black
with white dots.
Men's superior quality llslo hose In fane ]
Roman stripes and bright plaids.
Men's and boys' sott shirts to be wort
with \\dlte collars , made ot extra durabli
percale , In neat otrlpes and checks.
Men's soft shirts la dark and light colon
with cuffs to match. Regular $1.00 quality
Our special price T5c.
'Monarch ' brand In flno Scotch cheviots am
madras with cuffs to match. Abe flifo percale
calo with two turndown collars and cuffs ti
match. *
Men's all-wool , hand made , sweaters , li
blue , tan and maroon , $150 ; boy's all-wool
hand made , sweaters , navy , red and green
with roll collars , $1.00 ; with sailor colors
A complete line of men's and ladles' leg
gins In all colors to match sweaters , 50c am
Men's tan color merino , medium weight
shirts and drawers fop spring wear.
Corner Farnam and Fifteenth.
Hayden Bros. ' ad Is on page 6.
Drink Schlltz Buck 'beer ' today.
Iloiitlnc HiiMliiexH Attended to liy tli
MemlierM .Mwlit.
The State Flrti commission held It
monthly meeting at the Schlltz hotel las
ulght and transacted a considerable amoun
of routine business. The meeting was nt
tended by President Robert S. Obcrfclde
of Sidney , Vice President W. L. May of th !
city and Secretary J. S. Klrkpatrlck of Liu
The only matter of public Interest that oc
curred was the passage of Instructions t
Superintendent O'Brien of the state hatch
cries to go to Bay City , Mich. , and sccur
no.000,000 pike eggs. The eggs will b
transferred to the hatcheries at South Ben
and after they , are hatched the fish will b
distributed through the state.
Don't lay this paper aside till you've rca
Hayden Bros , ' ad on page 5.
Schlltz Buck beer on draught today.
Dr. iFranklyn ( R. Carpenter -Deailwoot
who Is Interested In the DeatUvood & Dels
ware smelter , which recently Buffered
heavy fire lora , spent yesterday In Omali ;
Dr. Carpenter eays that the blasting work
of the smelter were entirely destroyed an
that they are being replaced as rapidly a
possible. The Ironworkers are under ccr
tract to complete their contract In forty-flv
days cod Mr. Carpenter thinks the ottu
work can bo finished and the machinery Ir
stalled and In running order In ninety dayi
Meantime the works have to be kept sht
down , as the rcat of the plant Is depender
upon the destroyed portion. The Deadwoa
& Delaware smelter is the largest smoltc
of Its kind in the -world and hundreds c
men were thrown o'Jt of employment by th
recent fire. The mines dependent upon tbl
smelter have not operated since the fire an
the resumption of work is of vital interci
to Dcadwood.
Pomonnl PnriiRrnitli * .
Sam B. Duck la at the Mlllard.
D. Block of New York Is at the Mlllard.
George W. Gage , Chicago , la at the Mlllan
Hon. J. S. Klrkpatrlck of Lincoln was 1
the city yesterday.
H. J , Strand. < of Albert Lea. Minn. , Is
guest at 'tho Barker. '
United States Commissioner Sloan i
Fender IB In the city.
Mr. W. T. Oaldwell of Chicago IB at tl
Mlllard for & few days.
Charles P. Howe , a Chicago traveling mai
Is registered at Iho Barker.
S. B. Sohuyler and Eg 'Merrlara ' , copltallsl
of St. Louis , are at the Mlllard.
Prank Sawyer and Albert Nelson of Kans ;
City are registered at the Barker.
W. Q. McParland and L. n. Mulllner i
Fremont are guests at the Barker.
P. J. Campbell of the Weare Commlsslc
company Is In Chicago on buslncts and
expected back Monday.
George W. Gallagher , advance represent !
live of Charles H. Yale'a Devil's Audio
company , la at the Barker.
Robert S. Oberfeldcr , president of the N (
braska Flah commission , Is In the city , a
tending a meeting of the commission.
Walt Morrow of Gibbon , J. K , Sherman (
North Platte , Harry Reagan of Seward an
Jack Corbett of Schuyler are state arrlva
at the Barker.
John T. Clarke has returned from Waal
Ington. He says that the Impending Cuba
controversy has produced moro excltcmci
in tbe capital city than has been wltucnsc
since the civil war. It Is lu evidence ever ;
where and the belief that hostilities wi
evcotuate Is prevalent.
The class of seniors studying civil goi
ernmen ! at the High school listened to a
address yesterday afternoon by Dr. Vleti
Roaewater on "Some Recent Tendencies 1
Municipal Charter-Making. "
Saturday at the noon hour there will be
meeting of all former Ohloans at the Con
merclal club rooms , Sixteenth and Kama
streets , for the purpose of perfecting tl
Ohio club. Lunch will be served free.
The market place at Tenth and Howai
streets Is now open , but so far very litt
business Is being done. A few loads of p
tators , with some early vegetables , like ra
tabes and lettuce , contsltute the stock on cal
There will be a game of cricket on tb
grounds of the Omaha Cricket club on Sa
urday afternoon , commencing nt 2:30 : o'clocl
The competing teams will bo captained b
John Francis and Vice Captain Lawrlc , r
The street railway company has a lari
force ot men at work preparing to run li
new line along Lake street , from Twentlet
to Twenty-fourth. The Ircn Is on the groun
for the curve at Twenty-fourth street , ar
will be In place In o short time.
Krcnk Sevclk , charged with ihootlng ;
Jameo G. NIcklen with lutent to killv ;
arraigned In police court yesterday afte
noon. He pleaded not guilty and his pr
llmlnary hearing was continued. The 0
fendant KAVO a bcnil of $700 for his appca
ance at the trial.
Schlltz Buck beer Schllti Buck beer toda
With ETCTJ $2 Purchase of New and Up *
to-Date Footwear.
Iiuiy New nnd Nobby Style * Sliovrn
( or theKlmt TlmeKMer
Shoe * ( or Everybody nt
I'oitulnr 1'rlcc * .
We are now showing our complete line ot
prlng foot wear , and our assortment was
never as complete and well selected as right
now.A pretty and useful souvenir given with
very $2.00 purchase .Saturday. .
Ladles' vesting top tan shoes , $2.50.
A verv handsome tan shoe , for the ladles ,
cloth stay , worked eyelets , very latest style ,
a very swell Easter shoe , only $3.00.
In black we show the handsomest coin toe
vcstlrtz lop shoe that was ever put on the
market ; equal to any $4.00 shoe , only $3 ,
Souvenir free with every $2.00 purchase.
Wo arc going to show you a great line
of children's shoes tomorrow la blacks and
ans at only DOc.
We have added anothtr line to our bar
gain counter of misses' shoes at 93c , 'black
ar l tan. the greatest bargains yet. Shoe *
that sold tor $1.25 and $1.50 , only 98c.
Ladles' be euro and visit our sale Satur
day before you buy the children's rtrett
shoes. Wo are showing the greatest line
of these ever brought to Omaha at remark ,
ably cheap prices and a souvenir with ever ;
12.00 purchase.
A nice neat coin toe man's shoo , in blacb
only , at $1.50 and $2.00 , great value.
A tan Russia calf coin toe man's shoe al
13.00 , the most dressy shoe in Omaha.
We put in this Saturday sale an eleganl
f-'llk vesting top tan Uioo that others will
ask you $4.00 for , la the very latest style ,
greatest value ever offered , at $3.00 ,
Wo have Just opened up a silk vesting
op shoe in the popular brown tan , and black
vlcl kid , In the new toes , that Is the nobbi
est shoo ever offered. They are decldedlj
lew and you should not mis. ? seeing them ,
1413 Douglas St.
Workmen In the employ of the asphalt par
ng contractors commenced yesterday to re
pair the pavement of Twenty-fourth street
The big 'holes and cracks on the west sldi
of the street are being cleaned out and placed
In a condition for the laying of asphalt. Th <
street is In a very bad condition and the re-
jalra will occupy considerable time. Cltj
Engineer Beat favsra the tearing up of al
ot the pavement on the west side ot Twenty
tourth from A to J street , and relaying It
In caao the paving company refuses to d <
thta , every little hole or crack will have ti
bo repaired and the street placed in flrst-clas !
condition hefore the city releases the coin
pany from its guarantee. This pavement wa :
laid with only five Inches of concrete am
ono Inch of asphalt , which i * conBl''erabl ;
below the standard. Engineers say that ti
make a durable road eight inches of concreti
and two Inches of asphalt are necessary
Considerable of this pavement was laid 01
freshly graded ground and the base was no
of sufficient depth 'to 'Withstand the licav :
traffic. It Is further asserted by engineer
that the asphalt which was laid on the wcs
sldo of the street was not properly preparcc
and for that reason It has not worn nearly a
well as the east elde of the street. For till' '
reason It la desired that the west half o ( th
street bo torn up and relald. The pavlni
company's .guirantee expires on Septcmhr
9 , of this year , and the city holds $15,000 li
bonds belonging to the company as a forfcl
In case the street IB not kept in good repal
up to that date.
< n Coiniiiiiiy Taken Action.
At an adjourned meeting of the stockhold
ere of the Citizens' Gas company held Thurs
day night , the following officers were elected
John Plynn. president ; .P. A. Crcssey , vlci
president ; W. B. Wyman , secretary ; A. II
Noyes , treasurer. A board of directors com
pcsed of the officers and C. C. Koyes , Thoma
Kelly and W. A. Schrel was alto choaen
This company la incorporated for $150,000
each share to bo worth $100. Of the capita
stock , $125,000 Is to bo paid In and $25,00
will bo held a ? treasury stock. A locatloi
for the plant has not been decided upon a
yet , but the officers have two or three gooi
locations In view , -which can be cbtalned a
any time. Secretary Wyman ssld ycaterda :
that ho expected the new company woul
bo ready to furnish gas hero In about fou
months. Arrangements are being made fo
the floating of bonds and as roan as th
money Is on hand men will bo put to worl
laying mains and erecting the gas holders
While the company will furnish Illuminutln
gas , a special feature will bo the oupplylni
of gas for fuel. The rate to be chargei
will be $1 per thousand cu.Mc feet and th
company has pledges now from a large num
ber of residents who will use this gas for fue
and lighting.
The Omaha Gas compiny has not starte
to lay Its mains yet and It Is thought hen
that nothing will bo done by this compan :
until the franchise granted last summer Is re
vised and passed again.
Arrested nit SniuiectN.
Two burglaries were committed Thursda
night and the police have six susplclou
characters In Jail awaltlpg an Investigation
The residence of Thomas J. O'Nell , Twenty
flfth and P streets , was entered and $15 I
motiev. besides a gold watch belonging I
Mrs. O'Nell. carried away. So quietly dl
the burglars do their work that the famll
was not awakened and the loss was no
discovered until about breakfast time.
Tlio other burglary was at the saloon c
Mary Wawrznkrewlez , Thirty-third and ]
streets. Sometime after midnight this plac
was entered and $50 in money taken , aldn
with a quantity of liquor and cigars. Al
of the six suspicious characters arrested ar
well known to the police , The prisoner
are William Brodrick , John Genlss. Charlf
Rlchter. Dan Caldwcll , John Loewe an
John Mahoney.
More AVnter for tlu > Ynriln.
Yesterdav the Omaha Water Works con"
pany commenced the laying of a new all
teen-Inch main tbrough the stock yards t
the Cudahy and Omaha packing house.
This main starts from the exchange build
Ing and runs north to the big standplpi
thence to Cudahy'a and en to the Omali
plant. Connections will bo made with th
thirty-Inch main on Q street and with th
same size mala at Twenty-seventh and !
streets. This additional main Is needed t
supply the extensions now being built b
Iho stock yards company on the hill and ali
for protection to the new buildings crecte
br the Cudahy and Omaha people. FItt
men are employed ou tbo work.
Mngla City tioHNlii.
M. T. Davi.j ot Tabor , la. , was a vlaltc
here yesterday.
Prof. McClelland of Sioux Kalis , S. D. , I
In the city , the guest ot A. N , Hagan.
A meeting of the republican city centn
commltteo will bo held tonight at Ur. Glac
gow'e office.
Deputy Treasurer A. M. Gallagher Is pai
tlally disabled on account of an Injury t
one of hla legs , caused by a fall.
Denna Allbery baa been elected represent !
tlvo to tbo erand lodge by Kaoxall councl
Royal Arcanum. Tbo grand lodge meets I
Omaha , April 2G.
The following births were reported' at tt
clerk's office ymterday : Mr. and Mrs. J. I
DIcgman , Twenty-alxth and K streets , a BOI
Mr. ted Mrs. George Bailey , Thirty-eight
ac.J L streets , a daughter ; Mr. and Mr
Carl Weber. Albright , a son ; Mr. and Mr
A. Woolcy , Twentieth and S streets , a son ,
A continuance bcs been granted In th
case of Anthony Karle , the Sarpy count
farmer who was nrrectcd a few days af
by Inspector Carroll for cellingmilk will
out a license. The bearing Is non * set ft
Thursday , April 14 , before'Judge Babcocl
Karl wcs arrested- for violating the ell
ordinance , which provides that each veod <
of milk shall procure a licence. A test wl
be made ot the ordinance and In caie Kari
U found guilty a number of other mllkmc
who hive been defying the authority of tt
IniDCCtor will Le arrested.
Saturday's Easter Sifeand Display of Mi !
linery Will Be Long Remembered.
Ve llnv SpnreJlVlther Time No
Trouble to > .HJ < e ThU a tial *
, Day In MllUneryOn Our
Sccattdl floor.
The thousands of beautiful bate on ou :
ablcs and In our
Parisian art room prove that our milliner ;
Display ranks with the flneet of Now York
The beautiful creations which wo ourselves
solves Imported , together with the match
ess work of our own artists
Are absolutely the finest that arc to b
seen this season ,
Wo arc everywhere acknowledged to b
eaders In styles and in prices ,
And every new foreign fashion la showi
by uo at the same time it Is Introduced 1
the fashion centers abroad.
For tomorrow we show for the first time.
Which came by express especially for th <
See our display advertisement on page 9.
. 16th and Douglas.
Read It carefully , the ad of Haydcn Bros ,
on page 5.
Did you try Schlltz Buck beer ?
Vrrented While 'Prowling1 ' Aliout tli
PrcmlHCM of Another.
A burglar was captured about 11 o'cloc
ast night at the residence of Mrs. Collsti
1433 South Sixteenth street. The family wa
absent during the evening and the house wo
surrounded by neighbors who heard the rot
> er at his work.
Mrs. Collsto lives in the rear apartment
of a flat and has neighbors on the other sld
of a partition wall. The family In the fror
part of the building knew that Mrs. Collst
was not at home and were rather suspicion
vhen they heard some one moving about I
ler rooms. They could see over a transoi
that a dim light .was moving about , bi
shortly afterward there was a crash of glas
followed by Jarkneas.
No further effort was madeto light tli
amp , but the prowler could be heard wall
ng and moving furniture. The clrcumstam
was so suspicious that other 'neighbors wci
called In and after a consultation the hou :
was surrounded and word was telephoned I
: he police station. The patrol wagon we :
: o the location and arrived before the burgli
! iad left the house. The. .doors of the apar
mcnts were locked , but Captain Haze to
lowed the burglar's plan and got In throiiK
a window. He found the robber lying co tt
bed apparently asleep , and the captain shoo
! ilm vigorously before lie was aroused. II
made no resistance to arrest and gave no c :
planation of his presence in ; the house. :
was found that he had struck the Ian ;
against the door and broken the chimney.
At the station tilesupposoJ burglar ga\
the i.iame of M. /Forrrstcr.and said he .wi
a" printer. He wa recoRnlzeiUas , such . t
several wh'oi were acquainted 'with him ar
who said that he had been employed In
number of Vac printing offices In this clt ;
He declined to make any statement and we
entered on the ledger opposite a 'charge <
Police Cntclt Chnrle * lie Graft , Wit
IN Heli ! for Robbery.
A complaint has been filed in police coui
against Charles de Graft , colored , ctiargln
tilm with burglary. He Is a prisoner at tl
city Jail and the police are now trying 1
locate Prcd Miller and George Anderson , wh
are alleged to have also been Implicated 1
the crime of which De Graft Is accused.
The burglary occurred yesterday raorr
Ing at the home of Mrs. Jackson , 31
South Thirteenth street. The robbers brol
Into the house durins the absence of tt
inmates , and carried a 'trunk Into the you
In the rear ot the premises , where they brol *
It open and carried off the contents , value
at about $50.
When Clarence Jackson , a son of tt
woman whoso house was robbed , add Han
Rosa , a border there , learned of the burglar ;
they Investigated end discovered that aboi
the time the crime was committed De Gra
and bis partners were seen to leave tr
premises. The young men began a searc
for the thieves , finally locating De Graft I
a notorious saloon In the neighborhood , whei
they overpowered him .and took him to tl
city Jail. Some of the property that w ;
stolen from the trunk was found in his po <
session , although he denied having had an :
thins -to do with the burglary. It was learnt
afterwards by the police that Miller ar
Anderson had started In the direction i
South.Omaha , and the authorities there wei
requested to be on the lookout for ther
Neither has as < yet been apprehended.
Stolen b- Sneak * .
Charles M. Fells runs a ebootlng gallcr
at 719 North Sixteenth street , bi
ho ! stock of rifles la ono shov
The missing rifle was stolen fro :
under his very eyes while ho was waiting o
two men who were testing their skill b
shooting at a "swinging target. " It ha
been lyinc on the "rest" at his elbow , an
after his customers got through shooting 1 :
discovered that It was missing. None but tt
proprietor and the two men were In the ga
lery to their knowledge , and the only c ;
planation for the disappearance of the rlfl
is that while the proprietor was loading tt
rifles in use and the marksmen were or
grossed with their contest , a thief crept inl
the place and carried off -the rifle. The the
has been reported to the police.
uV sneak thief broke into the power hous
of the Booth Packing company's plant an
stripped the engine of lt wbtatle and brasse
Sontb Oiiinlm Home Ilnliled.
Durslaro made araid on the residence. <
Thotrus J. O'Nell , a real estate dealer I
South Omaha , who dives In that city at 25 ]
F street , and the > Omaha authorities lm\
been requested to bo on the lookout for it
thieves. The burglary was committed son :
time Thursday night-but was not discovert
until the family rose-for the day. The who
house bad been ransacked and conslderab
valuable property stolen. Among the latti
wore a fine gold watch and chain , the pro ]
erty of Mrs. O'Nell , aud a ring eot wit
opals and diamonds.
"YothliiK I.Ike lift In theWorld. . "
The above is an ciperlcnced traveler's con
ment on the New Pennsylvania Llmlti
which leaves Chicago d4lly at 5:30 : p. m. ovi
the Pennsylvania Route for Plttsburg ar
tbo east. For particulars apply to II. 1
Dcrlns. A. G. P. Agt. , 248 South Clark SI
Only Trr.ln to Denver
For full Information call or addrcea
City Ticket Office , No. I5S2 Fsrnam Strei
ArrcHtetl on t'linrKr nt Larceny.
It. Dolan caused the arrest last night
M. A. Durroch , whs Yias bcorri working und
his employ na agent , on the charge of lu
ceny as bailee. Durroch la said to have sea
a set of Rldpath's history which was e
trusted to Vila cure and to have expended tl
money In unworthy channels.
Charles Hrundage , who lives at 2100 Don
las street , was arrested last nltht on t
charge of grand larceny , HP Is said
have robbed Robert Neoley of $00 while t'
latter was enjoying blnuelt in t'ne Tuxei
saloon. ,
THAT finAXIl C.tlll'RT SALE.
April 11 ComnieneeH ( he Grnnilr *
Snip of CnriiFlH Hint Kver llnpnentil.
These * roktho choice of the 12,000 rolls o
carpet saved from the fire at the warehous
ot Jotn and James Dobson the finest carpc
manufacturers In America.
Tlicse carpets were sold by the Insurant
salvage company. Most of them wo bu
very slightly damaged , and a goodly num
her are absolutely perfect.
The Immcnue quantities of these carpet !
including almost every known variety , mak
t a great chance for Transmlsstsslppl board
ng houses , hotels and private houses t
urolsh their floors at a very email cost.
Remember the great carpet sale begin
Tuesday , April 11 , at
Ask for Schlltz Buck beer today.
w * svs/vs ss vk . xs/v srs v >
Robert Mantcll , who Is playing a shot
engagement at Lloyd's , presented "A Sccrc
Warrant last night to a fair-gland tad en
huelastlc-audlcn'oe. The play was seen her
ast season and was well liked by Mr. Mar
ell's admirers. "A Secret Warrant" wl
bo repeated tonight and "Monbalb" at th
There will bo two performances of "Sher
andoah" today at the Crelghtnn afternoo
and evening. Large audiences have cnjoyc
his flno play throughout the week. Ne *
veek "ASocial Hlgmvayman , " for the flu
time in Omaha.
' "Black Pattl" ( Mrs. Slssleretta Jonca ) an
; er company will open a halt week's en
gagement at BoyJ's Sunday evening.
Head of the Pnclllo Esiirenn Cuiniiaii
Korninlly Itotlrex.
President E. M. Morsman of the Paclfl
3xprcss cctfnrany handed his resignation <
the dlrectora yesterday , It was accepted.
No reason ( or the resignation Is given b
any of the parties concerned. Mr. 3Iorsma
declined to ray anything , as did Audltc
Young. President Burt of the Union Paclfl
Railroad company , to whom all inquirers wci
referred , went east yesterday afternoon. H !
destination Is unknown.
Co ml EiioiiKli to TnUc.
The finest quality of loaf sugar Is' used I
the manufacture of Chamberlain's Cong
Remedy and the roots used In Its prcparatlo
; lve It a flavor similar to maple syrup , malt
Ing It very pleasant to take. As a mcdlcln
'or the cure of coughs , colds , Influenza , crou
and whooping cough , It Is far superior t
any other. It always cures , and cure
J. II. Hill.
FREMONT. Neb. , April S. ( Special. )
H. Hill , father-in-law of L. D. Richard
died at the Richards rcaldepce on Flfl
street last night , aged 89 yeara. Mr. Hill wi
u native of Springfield , Masp. Hla early edi
cation was obtained under great dliUcuil'i *
At an early age he was apprenticed to E
Whitney , the Inventor of the cotton gl
and remained in his employ for several year
Later ho learned the trade of an engravi
and became an expert at the business. Ii
\ \ s a very artistic and skillful workma
and oven In hla later years \VH ablp to exc
the work ot expert Jewelry engmvors. li
had resided In Nebraska with t
son-in-law , Mr. Rlchardf , for aboi
fifteen years. Ho leaves four daughter
Mrs. Richards , Qlre. T. W. Lyman of Hoopi
and two unmarried daughters , one resldlr
In Fremont and one in Hooper. His drut
was caused by a general breaking down i
his system.
RICHMOND , Va. , April 'S. Jews Is n
celved here of the- death at his home I
Front Royal , Warren county , of cx-Cor
gressman S. S. Turner. He was elected I
congress In 1893 to fill the vacancy cause
by the election of O'Farrell to the gube
natorial chair. Ho declined to stand for n
election , because , while still adhering to tr
lomocratlc party , lie was not In harmony wit
tt on the currency question. He was a ga
lant confederate soldier.
Mm. Tliereni ! .A. 'Wood.
CDDAR RAPIDS , April 8. ( Special Teli
grcxn. ) Mrs. Theresa A. Wood , a resldci
of Cedar Rapids for half a century , and or
of the best known women In this vlclnlt'
died this evening at the ago of 77.
P. W. Heeder.
CEDAR RAPIDS , April 8. ( Special Teli
gram , ) P. W. Rcedcr , ono of the plone (
residents of Cedar Rapids , died this cvcnln
at the age of 73 years. He was en extcnsh
traveler and writer.
Remember Schlltz Buck beer Is on draugh
Sent Free to Toucher * nnd Tonrlnti
H contains special Information about place
of Interest , also complete and comprehensiv
map of the national capital , time of throug
trains froni Chicago to Washington vl
Pennsylvania Short Lines , and reduced rate
over that route for the National Educations
association meeting In July. Just the thin
for teachers and any one going to Washing
ton. Address H. R. Derlng , A. G. P. lAgl
218 South Clark St. , Chicago , enclosing 5
cent stamp. The Guide Is worth much mori
. \nilnh Seet I.ookx forX MV Ilonien.
MOUNT EATON , O. , April 8. The Amis
pecple , n strange religious sect which coi
stltutes a large portion of the farming po ;
ulatlon of Wayne and ] Holmes counties , ai
planning an exodiiH Into Michigan. Ten i
the leading men of the sect art * now looklr
for n suitable location In the peninsula i
Michigan and If thflr report Is favorah
the entire colony will migrate , there. Tl
Amtah arc bitter In their denunclo/lon i
compulsory education and the school ta
do not send their children to school and' n :
very conservative.
\VltlnlriMvn UN SteiinierM.
NEW YORK. April 8.-R. A. C. Smith <
the Ward line Steamship company returnt
from Washington today. To a reporter 1
said that all t'ne Ward line steamers wei
withdrawn from service today.
IlllCI ) .
BURNICK Martin S. , son of Mr. and Mr
William Burnlck , died Thursday at 11 :
n. m. , nged 19 years. Funeral Monday i
9:30 a. m. from residence of Murtl
Hughes , 950 N. Twenty-seventh street , I
St. John's churcYi , Twenty-fifth nnd Cal
fornla streets.
SPRAOUE Dr. C. D. , April 7 , 1E9S. at h
residence. H14 North Twenty-fourth strce
aged 4S years , 8 months and 19 days , i
Hrlsht's disease. Funeral notice later.
SLOBODISKY-Rebtcra M. . Friday. Api
8. Funeral from residence , 2J22 Wlrt S
Sunday , April 10 , at 2 p. m. Friends I
HlftMrt Honors W < wld >
QoM Medal , Midwinter Fair.
A Nn Grip * Crttm ! TfirUr Pew * *
Ilr M ' .
Saster Suits.
One of the oldest schemes in business is the odd penny
scheme. When you go into a store nnd see nn article
marked nt nn odd figure like 1.87 or 1.00 or 1.93 you cnn
ninko up your mind in nine cnses out of ten thnt it pays
n bigger profit thnn nn article thnt is nmrked nt n strnight
price. The man who invented the odd price trick did so
to nmke money. He made it. Ho died jienrly twenty f
yenrs ngo worth four million dollnrs , nnd some stores con
tinue to chnrge heavy roynlties for the use of his patent
ever since. Wo don't use the odd-penny scheme. Wo
don't like schemes. Wo want all of your time nnd your ,
attention for the quality of the goods we sell you instead
of botherhig you to figure out how much you save on a
1.50 suit when you get it for 1.89. Today wo open up
for Easter a new lot of fancy little Junior suits at 1.00 ,
1.25 , 1.50 , 1.76 and so on by quarters up to 3.75. That's
as high as they go. You cnn find stores where they will
nllow you to pay 4.67 or 4.98 for the same suits. Unlesa'
you have some decided objection to saving money on your
Easter purchases for the boys you will come and see the
grand suits at 2.00 and 2.50 and the exquisite suits at
3.00 , 3.50 and 4.00. These last are new arrivals in
Serges , Tricots and fancy Worsteds nnd they nre better
than any we have ever shown for the same prices. Better
said b-e-t-t-e-r.
we - - - - -
You may have a course of medical
treatment for
of all kinds at the
jShepard Medical Institute
New York Life Bldg. , Omaha , Neb.
CDCPIAI TICC- Catarrh , Dcaf-
OrL.l IML I I U0 ne B und all
Diseases of the Lungs , Stomach ,
Kidneys , NerveH and Blood. Reference -
ence , by permission , to 5,005 cured
patients. The larireat medical olllces
_ and practice In the west. The Omaha
Uec , leading dally , nays ) : "Tho Shepard -
ard Medical Institute la entirely rrlla-
0 bio In a. professional and business
way. Dr. Shepard and his associates
have gained and fully maintained a
leading- reputation In the treatment
of chronic diseases. The public may
safely trust them. "
* \A/RITF For testimonials from
VV II I I L. ministers , teachers , bual-
ness men , farmers , etc. , tolling how
they were cured at homo'through the
Mall System.
RMfW"Tho New Treatment :
DVJUlX How It Cures , " Is sent free
to all who write. It Is a clean medical
work for the whole family to read
. and Is of creat value lo all who Book
m better health. Book and Consultation
Blanks sent free to all Inquirers.
Medicine * sent everywhere. Stnto
your case and send for opinion and
lowest terms. Charges low. Con-
tatlon frc , personally or by letter.
Pretty Souvenir HOXCN of Euttter
Violet , cnch
25c M. & I * Florldn Water we sell 19c
75c XI. & L. Florida \S'ntcr we sell We
3e Violet \ Vntcre cell 10
DOc Florida Wnti-r we cell He
$1.00 iMnaud'a Ulne Toilet Water wo tell. . . . 41lo
$1.00 I'lnaud's Wood Violet Toilet Water we
pell 49C
$1.00 rinnucl'8 Anemone Toilet Water < 3o
' 5c Sozodnnt ! tfc
: "c llrown's Cnmpliornteil Dentifrice 19c
25o Calder'B Tooth 1'owilcr 19e
Zfio Myrrh' Toothsoap ! ! -
2oc Pasteurlne Tooth Paste 19c
Ranter Violet Perfume , liox 25o
Sherman& McDonnell DrugCo.
aiotlicml .MntlirrHll MiithiT It !
Mr ? . Wlnslow's SooihlnK Syrup tins kern nrcil
for over SO years by millions of mothers for
their children while teething wllh perfect cue-
era * . It goothes the child , tottena the gums ,
nllnya all pain cures wind colic anil IB the best
remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold by dniKgls' * l
every tart of the world. lie lure and nsl < far
"Mra. Wlnslmv'g Soothlne Syrup" and tnka na
other kind. 23 cents a bottle.
Malingers. Tel. lilt.
TODAY iliitO. TO.VUillT Hlir .
Romantic Actor , ,
and uM > lcct company under the muimgutiicut
Saturday Mntlncc , -
Saturday E . -R WARRANT * !
Prices Lower floor , Jl.OO , 7.V. Hal. 7Cc , 50o
Matlncu Lowur lloor , Mo. Hal. t > LV , ' 'Oc.
Sumlay Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Jlnt < 111 *
JLIIB Mnnnscrs. Tel. 1511.
O. U. Woodward , Aimmoini'iit Director.
Specialtlos-Ua'.dwln & Daly , Smith O'Brien.
Sunday "A Niit'lnl IllKliivayiiiiiii. "
SPECIALTIES The MMgli-ys , Ilarncy J.'asnn
and Henrietta llyrnn.
j _ I-AXTON & nuncnss ,
- Mutineers. Tel. 191S.
Co in in e nc I ii K Sinuluy , April 1O.
1'rlces Ixiwcr > door , < 1.00 , 73c ; balcony 75b. 50c.
Mntlncc Lower lloor , DOc ; balcony , Mr , 21c.
( ; oiM/s COXCIOHT
Southeast corner ICth nnd Davenport. Commenc
ing April 4. Music by Nonllne's Orclietttn.
Program Paul L. Klelst , Musical Klnit , In nr-
tlstlo nnd comlcnl clever musical not. John
Richards nnil 1'niillne 1'nrker , eccentric comcily
fhelclu. artist ? , In their new nnd original act ,
entitled "The Itnln-Mnker. " McCarthy and
liclnn. In tlielr plantation tkotch , entitled "Coon-
vllle Courtship , " Introducing Tumbllns uml
lluck Unnclnt ? . Overture , orchestra. Flowers &
Camlcon , uiito-dati : rones. MIB May Dayton ,
In cons nnd dances nnd also liuck ilnnclnn. MUa
Myrtle Itclnn , coon medlcyp. Doom open nt
7:30 : p. m. Performance bejjlns at 8:00. : Matlnca
Tuesday. Thursday nnd Saturday. _
13th and Douglas Sts. , Oinnhn.
J. K. MAIUCICL , A SOX. Proii.
Clectrlc cars direct to exposition ( -rounds.
i-'UANU UAUK12H. Cashier
SAM UAUMAN. Chief Clerk.
For Enster nnd bccnuso
Gentleman Is selling 3 doz.
EKKH for 23c ; 3 pkgs. Corn
Starch for lOc ; largo sack
Corn Meal for 5o ; Califor
nia Figs , So ; 2 qts. Green
Peas for 23c ; Fresh Country
Butter , J2V4o ; 3 pkgs. Carpet
Tacks , lie. Now Garden Seed
and u ful line of Fresh Veg.
ctables and Groceries.
VlU'lf Sll III 111-I'M YVrlltlu'T KIK'KMCr of
Easter Omiilui , U , .S. A. , iirvdlclH nKiinny mul
billiii > - ICiiMcr Suiiiliiy. Ameiil
Offerings. A reminder. Look to your
Hprlnif unit.
Iluy n new ono here. lOlHcwherc , If
All Wool you prefer. MuttrrH not ) Ju t HO you
nppenr Hprlnu-y uml delimit.
Suits If we cnii pleiiHc your luxte , you
will buy here , IhoiiKh. There IN a
$4.5O. KIIVIIK of n dollar tvo tliri-e on a
xiilt , beeiuiHe nlmply hccnufte our
renlH nnd Kcnvrnl cxpciidlturcN are
Hiiinll , lllur rentH force. bl profllx.
All Wool Several Ht > le of Hprlntr iiitln nell
here lit IRI.KO. We cheerfully Hiibmlt
Clay to n fair coinpnrlHOii. You will llnil
them nil wool well tailored , made for
Worsted Kervlee. Will content every point
with n Hiilt Hold lit dollar or trVo
Suits blither.
A pretty llwlit bron'u plnlded unit
$5.75 , for If. | another ( rude defyer Htrlclly
nil wool , Hiiperlor In iiunllly nnil
workmniiHblp. eoinpnrcil to niiy IIIIIII'N
wonileroiiM liitrKiilu milt mild nt ) fr.,0l ) .
An Exquisite
All wool Muck elny woriiled milt *
( round or Hiimre cut ) , Jf..7r. | Hiibiult-
teil ulthout iirKiiinent. Vou nre fu-
inllliir nllh elny worsted.
Of Fancy
Some beautiful fancy womteil of
Worsted blue or brown plnldlnuN at
Finer OUCH If you like. The fluent U
Suits you Illte.Ve nre fiill-flrdKrd clolh-
ler , even If don't Hpurf tin expcimlve
$7.50. lore room ou the molt prominent