Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 07, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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111011 ME.vrioit.
Try Mocro's stock food.
Or. Roe , dentist , Merrlam block.
Early Ohio potatoes. Bartel & Miller.
Dr. Brown , dentist , room 301. Mcrrlam blk
Miss Gertrude Davenport has returned tc
chool In Northflcld , Minn.
, Girl wanted for general houiework. Mrs
Oscar Kecllne , 613 South 7th.
Wanted At once , first-claw preparcr foi
' millinery at MlM Sprlnk's , 21 South Mali
The regular meeting of the Exposition as
Boclatlon will bo held at the Grand hole
this evening.
Complete nets of the Ireland views cat
bo had at The Bee office , No. 10 Pearl. Cal
before April 10.
The Evans laundry Is the leader In fini
work both for color tnd finish. 520 Pear
treet. Phone 290.
Clinton P. Rlnker has removed his fantllj
from the Ogdcn hotel. They are now llvlni
at 137 Bcnton street.
Mr * . J. E. Scott of Detroit , Mich. , whc
has been visiting her daughter , "Mrs. liar ,
dell , has returned homo.
The women of the Second Presbytcr'lu
church will meet this afternoon with Mrs
Zyack , 380 Bcnton street.
Richard Stoelzer , a virtuoso on the viola
will play at the Dohany theater Saturdaj
evening and Sunday Afternoon.
Don't you think It must be a pretty goo <
laundry that can please BO many hundred :
of customers ? Well that's the "Eagle , " 72'
H. P. Butler and family and T. D. Butlei
and family IMVO returned from Divls City
III. , whcro they were called by the lllnes :
of a ulster.
Mr. Luther Leo Evans of this city nnc
Miss Clara Bcllo Dint man were marrlc *
yesterday at the home of the bride's sister
Mrs. J. A. Johnson , 2809 Capitol avenue
Alderman Brough , who was too ill to repor
for duty at the mooting of the council ot
, Monday , was still confined to his bed ycstcr
day. Ills physician feared that he wa :
threatened with pneumonia.
Charles lUirdoll , who was shot will ! ,
hunting near Big lake last fall and narrow ! ;
escaped losing n leg from the wound , ha' '
recovered sufficiently to bo able to rcturi
to his work. He will bo a cripple for life.
The Western Circuit Stock company wll
begin a four nights' engagement aj. the Do
hany theater , opening next Sunday nlgli
with "Tho Pay Twin , " a strong melodrama
in which some realistic railway scenes an
At the Second Presbyterian church on an
nlversary communion service will be hel <
this evening. Last evening the usual preparatory
paratory mcctlug had for Its subejct , "Mary1 ;
Anointing of the Savior. " Full prcparatloi
for Easter Is being made.
Mrs. C. G. Sumdcra Is In Delta , la. , when
he wont to attend the wedding of her sis
tcr. Miss Molllo Nowklrk , to Mr. Frank Ken
ilcll , at the residence of the bride's parents
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Nowklrk. The bride li
well known In this city , whcro she has fro
qucntly visited her s'ster.
Warrants were- Issued yesterday for th
arrest of the Ellsworth brothers , dalrymer
upon t'hc ' complaint of Christina Peterson
who charged them with Interfering with he
property rights by constructing a fence upo :
her property The men were not placed un
dcr arrest , but were ordered to appear he
fore Justice Vlcn this morning.
The city engineer has made two appoint
mcnts for his department. Ho selected P. B
Sullivan for the position of sewer Inspecto
and Charles Banther for the duties In thi
office that have been discharged by Frnnl
Sherrat. Both of the now men filled thel
positions yesterday. Mr. Etnyre was not a
the office during the day , being detained u
homo on account of sickness.
0. B. Vluva Co. , female remedy ; consults
tlon free. Office hours , 9 to 12 and 2 to C
Health book furnished. 326-327-3 8 Merrlan
Elegant cottage for sale. Klnne , Baldwin bll
N. T. numbing companr. Tel. 250.
Buy your groceries at J. Zoller & Co.
Fix Up the Trennnrcr'n Bond.
The special committee of the council ap
pointed for the purpose ot fixing up the bom
of Treasurer Reed spent a portion of the da ;
yesterday at the work and finally completes
t It to the satisfaction of all concerned. Thi
binding companies demurred to some of th
conditions , but finally accepted them. Th
only change that was effected prohibits th
treasurer from signing a check for paymen
of any of the bills until they have passe. .
through the council and the auditor's offic
and that officer has Issued his warrant fo
the amounts.
Poultry M/TO and garden seeds at J. Zolie
& Co.
Water mil * Now One.
Pay this week and save five per cent.
Jtidnon et IIU Judgment.
l . P. Judson yesterday applied to the dls
trlct court for an order directing the count'
treasurer to pay a Judgment which ho hold
against the town of Manawa. Manawa ceasei
to be a town several years ago and the Judg
ment was supposed to bo worthless. Judso/i
however , discovered that there was som
money belonging to the town In the hand
of the county treasurer , realized from th
collection of taxes. After some Inquiry h
learned that this amount was $44.06 , mor
than enough to pay his old Judgment , am
moved promptly to get It.
"Water IIIIU Now Due.
Pay this week and save five per cent.
Mllltla Election.
Pursuant to special orders No. 4 , headquai
ters Third regiment , an election will b
held at the armory on Thursday , April 1 <
1898 , between the hours of 8 and 11 o'cloc
p. m. , for the purpose of electing a firs
lieutenant to fill the existing vacancy. Al
members ) are hereby ordered to be presenl
By order of W. O. Pryor , Captain.
Poultry wlro and garden aeeds at J. Zollc
ft Co.
Dr. Roller , osteopath. Beno block.
Heal KutatcTraiiMfor * .
The following transfers are reported fror
the title and loan office of J. W. Squire , 10
Pearl street :
Sheriff to Tnomas C. Kcnedy , lot 4 ,
block 28 , Everett's addition , s. d. . $ S3
Claus Ehmko nnd wlfo to F. G.
Clark , south 3 feet lot 6 , block 4.
Noo's addition , wf d J
Kecclver of Council Bluffs Insurance
company to Gustavo C. Plummer ,
swtt swtt 21-74-43 , rcc. d sc
August Jor.eschelt to Knty Jonesaielt ,
part lot 1 , section 22 , nnd part lot
1. 27-74-44 , W. d OC
Uriah McLean , referee , to J , E. Frum.
wVi nwtt and nwtt s\\tt 16-77-40.
ref. d 55'
Sheriff to Bcnnlngton County Savings
bank , north 65 feet lota 5 and C ,
block 14 , Hall's addition , s. d 1,2 (
Six transfers , total $ sK
Of Orescent City are hero In Council DluC
and Ocnoha with tbelr fine line of fruit treei
grape vlore , etc. , and all kinds of fine ehad
treeei , flowering thrubs and rostn. Thel
ale grounds are located at 615 Eaat Broad
way , Council Bluffs , and on Farnam ctrce
one block west ot Twentieth ntrcet , Omahi
where you will be waited on at all time
with pleasure. We cell all goods very chea
and guarantee til goods flrit-cliea.
Onakahoa * , lUUUi Council Uluffi
Property Owners Object to the Eitensivi
Improvements Contemplated.
Advocate * of theCninpalirn Find I
Hard FlKht Ilefare- Them In the
City Council on Two
Street * .
A strong effort Is being made to proven
the opening of the paving campaign by th
property owners who will bo called upon t
meet the expenses of the work on the street Improved. In a number of Instance
the forces have been about equally divide
and the protests and petitions leave the mat
ter In a condition that will require the mem
ters of the council to exercise a great den
of discretion and some diplomacy It the In
tent Is to please all. The greatest numbe
of protects come from the property owner
on Fourth street , which has been orderc
rcpaved from Broadway to Worth streel
On this street Is located some ot the fines
residence property In the city and Its valu
has been greatly depreciated of late year
on account of the condition of the pavlnj
Naturally the owners of the best propert
are among the citizens most anxious to hav
the old blocks removed and they have a !
signed the petition askl-jg the council to or
der the otrcet repaved. A remonstrance In
mediately followed the petition and a larg
number of names was attached to It , bu
within the last few days several of the prop
erty owners have ordered their names re
moved from the and attache
them to the petition. Still the showing I
about even on both sides , with the odds , I
there arc any , slightly In favor of the pro
On Eighth street the objectors yesterda
asserted that they had a majority of th
property owners and street frontage or * thel
paper and claimed to bo abto to show th
council that there was no necessity for re
paving at the present time. The propert
owners on this street claim that the tlm
for ordering It rcpaved will not arrlvo unt
after a number ot other streets lying nearc
the center of the city have been repavec
They declare the council Is taking the wren
course and Instead of going several block
away from the newly paved streets nmd 01
dcrlng repavlng , the work should begin o
the streets adjoining Pearl and Main , In w
der to give a continuous line of new paving
They say when this Is done there will be n
objection to repaying their street. In th
present condition of the city finances the
bellevo there will be no encouragement 1
the. council of this plan. Some of the par
commissioners , however , assert that the
will vote to appropriate the amount neede
to pay for the paving and will pay cash f <
the work.
The general feeling among the propert
owners and the members of the council Is (
favor brick to the exclusion ot all othc
kinds ot material , but the demand for at
phalt In some localities U too strong to t
resisted , and It Is about certain that thcr
will bo some ot this kind of paving laid th
Poultry wire and garden seeds at J. Zollc
& Co.
A niinlne Clinnce.
I have one of the best locations In th
city of Council Bluffs for sale. Rcstaurar
and Ice cream parlors , fruit and confectlor
ery business. All now stock and fixture !
If token this week will sell at a tmrgali
Good reason for selling. Address F , Be
office , Council Bluffs.
Buy your meat at J Zoller & Co.
Dooril of Snpervl or Allow * Two
Tlilrdo on Account.
A largo number of township assessors hav
partially completed their work , and some c
them finished altogether , end all want som
part ot their compensation. Yesterday
largo number of these bills were presente
to the Board of County Supervisors and afte
some dlecusblon the board decided to orde
the auditor to pay two-thirds of the amour
due to all of the assessors.
The board spent a busy day yesterday an
finished the work of allowing the bills. Jamc
Dutcher was appointed janitor at the count
court house after the board had passed ,
resolution requiring htm to appear bcfor
J. C. Blxby for examination as to qualifier
tlons to take care of the heating plant. Th
order was compiled with during the day , bu
Blxby refused to give , the required certlf
cate. Dutcher employed an attorney an
went before the board on tbe merits of th
caee. Decision was withheld until today.
Some time was given to the conslderatlo
of the pauper problem , and several new rule
were made concerning the matter. It wa
ordered that hereafter all elck paupers wh
are sent to the hospitals as county charge
can only be admitted upon the order of tb
township trustees countersigned by the clt
physician. Another resolution was pa ° se
Instructing the overseer of the poor and a
township trustees to take notice of this ruli
All ot these officials were also instructed <
servo notices upon all paupers coming Inl
the county that they must leave and rctur
to their former places ot residence. Tti
county auditor was Instructed to furals
all of the township trustees with the propc
notification blanks. The object of this la1
Is to prevent any pauper not belonging bet
from gaining a residence hero , and the actlo
contemplated the service ot notices upo
them at regular periods.
Arslctant County Attorney Spencer Smlt
made his report of the criminal business the
had come under his control since his offic
was created by the board last year. 1
showed that 'for the last quarter there ba\
been eighty-six cases : Dismissals fourteet
convicted or held to the grand Jury fortj
cases outside of Kane township twenty-five
convictions fifteen. The total expense f <
this business was $677.55 , an average (
about $7.70 a case. Last year the averag
was $19 a case.
The board fixed the bonds for the as e <
sors at $1,600 for the city aee Bfior and $5 (
for each of the township assessors. Semi
tlmo'was ' spent In examining the bills for tt
rare of the Insane. A bill ot $40 presentc
by Shelby county for the temporary care <
Dan Murphy , an Insane person whoao hen-
was In this county and who attempted I
kill himself with an axe , was referred I
Supervisor Brandes with Instructions to aj
prove It If ho found It to be all right.
Thellent In Town.
Speaking of paints , there is one bran
that leads all others that's Harrison' )
Georzo S. Davis cells It.
Witter IllllH Now Due.
Pay this week and save five per cent.
Hoffmayr's fancy patent flour makes tt
best and moat bread , Ask your grocer for I
Mm. Keewan Auk * Illvorrr.
Fulvla Kecgan applied for a dlvorco yei
terdajr. . .from her husband , Patrick. The
were vtomrrjtd In this city on August 2
1891 , ah'd'htye. three children. The wife ask
$1,500 alimony and alleges that her husban
Is tbe owner of 120 acres ot farm land an
has personal property to the value ot bi
tween $3,000 and $4,000. She bases her su
on cruelty and Incompatibility of tempei
ment and asks for the custody ot the chili
prntb of John O'Donnrll.
Ywterday morning at 8 o'clock occurn
the death of John O'Donncll , one of tbe ole <
o t and most respected citizens ot Counc
Bluffa. Although be had been ailing for ovi
two wwka hi * dealt came M & curprlse '
his friends. The deceased waa 75 yeara cli
and was born In Ireland , coming to Amcrlc ;
In 1E40 add to Council Bluffs eight yean
later , where he continued to reside up , t <
tha time ot his death. Mr. O'Donnell slutc ,
ono of the first blacksmith shops In Councl
Bluffs , but retired from buslnem fourteet
years ago. * He leaves a wife and four chtl
drcn K'Hhcrlne , Margaret , Mary and Wll
Ham J. The funeral will take place frorr
the family residence , 322 Park avenue , Frl
day afternoon at 2:30. : Services at St
Francis at 3 p. m.
City Father * Tra linnet Onlte a Untcti
of lltiHlnemi.
It was supposed that the matter of the
surety bond offered by City Treasurer Reei
had been fixed up satisfactorily to the coun
ell by the special committee yesterday after.
noon , but when the matter was brought ui
at the special meeting of the council las
night there was a wldo difference of oplntor
among the members as to the advisability o
accepting It. The difficulty arose over thi
provision Inserted by the bonding companlei
that the temporary bond should continue li
force for a period of fifteen days and at thi
end of that time the companies would notlf ;
the city of their Intention to Issue the boiu
for the period of one year or decline to di
It at all. It was explained that this wa
the regular proceeding of the companies am
that their rules would not permit them ti
Issue a bond for a longer period. Aldermai
Casper Instated upon providing all posslbli
safeguards , but declared hlmrelf to b
heartily In favor of the surety bond Insteai
of the personal bonds heretofore given by thi
city treasurers. He thought that such i
bond was superior to any personal bond , am
called attention to the fact that the peopli
of Nebraska were having a good deal o
trouble In attempting to force the collectloi
of large personal bonds and were offerlni
to settle with the bondsmen at 40 cents 01
the dollar.
Mr. Reed was called for and declared tha
ho had , the word of the general agents of th
bonding .companies . that the full bonds wouli
bo here within six days and suggested tha
the matter go over until that time , provldci
it would not Jeopardize his title to the office
This was agreed to and the present clt ;
treasurer will continue to hold the office unti
April 13.
There were many citizens present to pro
test against the repaying of Fourth stree
when the matter waa brought up and severu
of them were permitted to state their objec
tlon. Emmet Tlnloy and John Llndt , as at
torneys for a number of them , spoke at som
length and made strong pleas against th
passage of the improvement ordinance. L
H. Mossier und W. A. Wood also spok
against the proposition and the matter wa
finally submitted to the committee ot th
whole , which will meet tonight and' devot
the entire evening to the discussion of th
The question of buying a street sweepe
was sprung upon the council by a rcsolutlo
Introduced by Alderman Casper , bearing th
names of Aldermen Saylcs and 'Metcalf. Th
resolution directed the committee on street
and alleys to notify the owners of strec
sweepers that It was the intention of th
city to purchase at least ono Immediately ante
to direct them to submit proposals to sol
machines. There was some objection ! to th
resolution , but It was carried and the com
nilttco was ordered to Investigate and repor
to the council at the next meeting.
.Owing to the failure of some of the mos
responsible bidders for printing and blanl
book supplies to transmit the required bon
with their bids , It was decided to reject al
of the bids for thla kind ot work and read
E. E. Hart and the Citizens' State ban.
were granted permission to construct a three
foot areaway on the east side of their ne\
bank building.
At 11 o'clock the council took up the mat
ter of electing a city physician. There wa
only ono candidate , Dr. T , B. Lacey , to b
voted for and ho rccelvodi a majority of th
The Grnnd Ilunli.
There will be a grand rush when the ex
position opens and Council Bluffs should bi
looking her best. Put your house In shapi
by giving it a fresh coat of paint. Selec
your colors and then come to us and ge
your paints and oils. The material you bu :
at our house Is the best to bo had. Oui
paints will last , so that you need not wasti
money every year or ao by repainting , ai
will be the case If you use poor material
We have the most extensive paint house li
the city and you are sure to be suited.
Council Bluffg Paint. Oil and Glass com
pany. Masonic block.
Superintendent Illney Will Leave.
Superintendent Hlsey announced ycstcr
day that he had accepted an offer to Introduce
troduco a system of teaching arithmetic. Hi
headquarters will bo in Chicago and he wll
remove there as soon as ho can close up hi
business here. It Is posalble that he will re
sign at once and "pcrrnlt Mr. iHayden to assume
sumo the full duties of the position to whlcl
ho was elected a few days ago. Some o
the members of the Board of Education ar
favorable to this plan , as It will save Su
pcrlntendent Hlsey's salary from the presen
time until the close of the school year
AugusC 1 , unless some arrangements ar
made by which ProT. Hayden.may draw It
Negotiations are now under way to settl
this point and when U Is settled Prof. Hlse
and 'Mrs. Hlsey will at ooce leave for the !
new home In Chicago.
Ileurlnnr 1'ontlioned.
The hearing of the arguments on the ar
plication for a temporary writ of injunctlo
t > 3 restrain E. E. Hart and the directors c
the Citizens' .bank from closing up the alle
In the rear of its new building on the cornc
ot Main street and Broadway was to hav
occurred before Judge Smith yesterday , bu
the hearing was postponed until next wee !
when the bank will appear In the pleading
as the real applicant and the matter of
permanent Injunction will bo presented t
the court.
Buy your meat at J Zoller & Co.
Doubt * tlm Return of the Oody.
RED OAK , la. , April 6. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The father of Lieutenant Darwl' '
Merrltt. who Isot his life by the explosloi
of the Maine , discredits the report th'at hi
son's remains are now on their way fror
Cuba to New York. Ho said to The Be
this morning : "It was only a few day
ago that I heard from. Secretary Long o
the navy regarding ray son's body. He sal
that Darwin's body had been located In th
wreck of the Maine , but It had not yet bee :
raised to the surface. Ho said that as BOO
as the body was raised and shipped he woul
notify me. "
IlimlnrMM Note * .
Harlan's Indebtedness at tbe present tlm
Is found to bo $23,273.
rrho Hartley water works will eoon b
finished and In operation.
Five hundred elm trees are to bo plante
along the boulevard In Keokuk.
The promoters have not yet given up hop
of a wagonette factory In Charles City.
Or the 891 creameries In tbe state of low
over 100 were erected during the last year.
The new roundhouse to bo erected at Val
ley Junction by tbe Rock Island road Is t
cost $25,000.
The Perry Telephone company has beei
granted a twenty-year franchise at Gutbrl
Center as a result ot the recent election.
A firm of DCS Molnes architects won 1
the contest over the new university bulldlni
to bo erected at Iowa City. The bulldlni
will cost $150,000. .
Lcmara has grown eo rapidly that mon
school room la needed. The attic of the nig
school building , lighted only rny dormer win
daws , has been used for a school room.
In Burlington articles of Incorporation o
tbe Burg Waged company were filed wltl
the county recorder with a capital stock o
$100,000 , all paid up. The company'wlll eooi
erect a large addition to Its present plant.
The Earllng hotel , at Spencer , wae cold a
eherlff'i ealo CD a second mortgage held b
the First National bank. U waa bid In b ;
the bank at $5,744.45. the amount ot tb
mortgage anil costs. The Sioux Fall * Build
Ing and Loan association held a first mort
gaga for about $7,000 , which will come up a
the May term el court. 4 | _
Assembles at Desi ; koines with All the
Members "Present ,
Postpone * the Ellctjon'of n Si-protarj
Until a. I-nl r' A.lnte llolil *
Conference , with Gov
ernor Slintr.
DEJ3 MOINES , April 6. ( Special Tote
gram. ) The now State Hoard of Control mei
today with all the members present and ef
fected an organization , with ex-Qovernoi
Larrabeo as chairman. The election of secretary
rotary and other officers was postponed untl
a later date. The board held a conference
with Governor Shaw and Senators Berry
Hcaly and Everall , who doslgneil the law
and dlrcusscd the situation.
The Iowa miprcmc court today afllrmed tin
decision of the Woodbury county 'llstrlc
court In sentencing William Young of Slow
City to a llfo term for the killing of Georg <
Elliott. The murder was committed In Slum
City two yeara ago and grew out of a quar
rel over a game of cards.
The court rendered a decision In the col
lateral Inheritance tax case , entitled Admin
Istrator of Thomas II. McQeo against Thi
State , which wes appealed from Pottaxsat
tamle county. The court holds that thi
property of an estate must bo appraised a
actual Instead of assessed value and that tb <
exemption In the law applies to the agsr *
gate estate , and not to the shares of indl
vldual heirs. The court handcj down twelvi
decisions In all.
Attempted Suicide niul it Scnniln ] .
ELDORA , la. , ( April 6. ( Special. ) A remarkable
markablo case Is reported from Union , It
this county. A Miss Valentino arrived li
town about noon , went to the homo of he :
sister , where she lott a satchel containing i
note. In which she stated that oho was' Ir
trouble and would be dead soon , and thei
she- went out Into the country four miles ti
the homo of David Hauler , for whom tin
had kept house until recently , crawled li
through the window and confronted thi
newly-married pair , telling Mrs. Mauser tha
Me. Hauser had promised to marry her am
now ehe was going to kill herself. Sin
then. In. their presence , took a quantity o
morphine. They hurried after doctors , whi
eoon got dor beyond danger so that she wai
able to be taken to her father's home.
Telephone Company Turned Down.
ATLANTIC , la. , April 6. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The Iowa Mutual Telephone compan ;
appeared before the city council last nigh
and asked for an exclusive franchise , * bu
was refund. Pat Boyle of Masscna alsi
came be-fore the council and verbally re
quested It to let him erect poles and ntrin.
wire In the city , stating that tie representei
a telephone company building a line Iron
Corning through to Atlantic to connect wit !
the mutual telephone company's exchange.
lie Illcil' In. AlaNkn.
CIIARITON , la. , April 5. ( Special. ) J. E
Dcntley of this city died In Alaska , at Ship'
camp , March 23 , Information to that cffcc
having Just been received In this city by li' <
relatives. It Is suppoiibd he was Injurei
while helping In transportation over thi
Chllcoot pace. He left Charlton wild older
February 2. His wife' and two daughter
live here.
1'hyKlolniiM1 Contention Clone * .
DUBUQUE , la. , j p.rll G.-iThe physician. ]
convention closed tonight after deciding ti
meet et Qulncy , III. , "next1 year. These offl
cers were elected : , President. C. E. Rutli
Keokuk ; vice presidents , J. H. Murphy , St
Louis and F. H. Martin , Chicago ; secretary
D. E. Fowler , Dubuque ; treasurer , D. S
Falrchlld , Clinton.
AfltrniH Inheritance Tax Dcclnlan.
DBS MOINES , April 6. The euprem
court , In the collateral Inheritance tax cas
from Scott county , affirms the decision of th
lower court , that exemption of $1,000 ne
value Is not to bo applicable to Indlvldua
heirs against the tax of 5 per cent on th
market value of the property of decedent
dying Intestate.
Dnrneil to Death in a Field.
LEMARS. la. , April 6. ( Special. ) The 6
year-old daughter of Fred Earle , a fame
of this county , was burned to death In i
field , where she and her brother were bum
Ing cornstalks. The brother tried to savi
her when her clothing caught fire by puttlni
his coat around her , but was unable to do eo
Pnntor Makes u > Change.
CRESTON , la. , April 0. ( Special. ) Rev
C. P. Lang , who for four yeara has beei
pastor of the Evangelical church , will leavi
next week for Story City , where he baa ac
cepted a pastorate. He will be succeeded b ;
Rev. F. H. Brookmuller , who cornea ( ron
Klngsloy , la.
Nnme New Chief.
SIOUX CITY. April 6. ( Special Telegram ,
The scramble for the office of chief o
police of Slo'ux City "was settled by Mayo :
Quick this morning naming Charles O'Shon
eeay for the office. The new chief was thi
former city marshal. This retires Jame
Take * ' IIU Own Life.
AUDUBON , la. , April 6. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Jena Peterson , son of a wealth ;
Danish farmer six miles west of Audubon
ommltted suicide by shooting. , The bed ;
was then burned In the house In which hi
lived. Disappointment In love was th
Snil Death Hit Walnut.
WALNUT , la. , April 0. ( Special. ) Th
funeral of Mrs. James Lawless was bo'.i
hero today. She leaves five children. Sh
was an old resident of the town and mucl
Fatal Cime of HleeonKhn.
CASCADE. la. , April 6. ( Special. ) Johl
Geary , a well known citizen , died here Sun
day as a result of a case of hiccoughs whlcl
could not be controlled. He was 57 year
old. °
lown niul tlie > 'Kxiioltlon.
The legislature eh'ontd have appropriate
"twice $25,000 , " rays the Odebolt Chronicle
"but the amount , If prudently expended , wll
make a creditable showing for the state. "
The Telegraph of .Atlantic Bays the low. .
commissioners should bet able to make i
creditable showing' ' tor the state. "Tha
amount of money , ' It adds , "proper ! ;
handled and applied , wfll Ko a good ways li
making a show of ocfV'products. "
Referring lo tie appropriation for the low.
exhibit at the exposition the Creston Gazett
says : "Iowa now hps ] $35,000 available tea
a building and an , exhibit. This la as 1
should be , though a , little larger approprla
tlon would not bAve hurt. Iowa wlshej
Omaha all kinds of success In Its exposition. '
Referring to theJowa fund for a stati
exhibit In Omaha the Cedar Rapids Repub
llcan saye that aa lt ; "will bo In the handi
of eome of the same men who made ei
much out of a little at the World's fair , al
may expect a creditable showing for thi
Hawkeye state at Omaha this summer. "
The Boone News fields that some peopli
are a little eore that Iowa's approprlatloi
to the Omaha exposition Is not larger
"While more money would have brough
more display , " saya the News , "this la cer
tain that It the committee uses good Judg
ment In this matter a very creditable dUpla ;
can be given Iowa for the amount of mono ;
that has been set aside- for this-purpose. "
The farmer , the mechanic and the blcycli
rider are liable to unexpected cute am
bruise * . DeWltfe Witch Hazel Salvo is th <
beat thing to keep on hand. It hcali quickly
acd U a well known cure lor pllea.
W. J , Rrrnn Will Ailitre * * the Con
vention Today.
INDIANAPOLIS , April 6. The convcntlor
of the League of lllmctalllc cluts ot thi
Ohio valley met In Tomllnson ball today
Kach of the 900 clubs of the organlratlor
was expected to acnd a delegate , but as ccv.
oral prominent congressmen could not be
present , the number of delegates dropped
below original estimates.
The convention will remain In session
until tomorrow night. W. J. Dryan .will bt
ono of the prominent speakers at the lasl
setalon. George Fred Williams of Mosachu -
setts la also scheduled for H speech. Dele-
gtacs declare that free silver Is losing none
of Its merits , aad that any apparent lack
of enthusiasm or falling oft In numbers al
thlo conference will bo due to the laterna-
tlonal political situation.
Tomorrow from 4 to 6 p. m. a reception
will be given In honor of the League ol
Illmetalllc clubs.
T. H. Ior e > - .
MORSE DLUFF , Neb. , April 0. ( Spccla
Telegram. ) J. E. Dorscy dle < l tcnlfiht at i
o'clock after an Illness of over a year ol
Brlght's disease. He hid an operation per
formed last Sunday , and It proved too mucl
for him In hla weak condition. Mr. Domes
wan president of the L. E. Dorsey Gralr
company , w-lth elevators here and at Cordova
Neb. Ho was also connected with the Mor
cur Mining company of Salt Lake , was t
Mrson and a member of the Workmen am
was -business man of high standing.
TlionuiM llraoeleii.
IHUMDOLDT. Neb. , April C. ( Speclal.- )
Thomas Oracelen , an old soldier , died qulU
suddenly of heart disease at his home It
this city Tuesday evening. Ho had been ail
ing for some time , but nothing serious wae
anticipated and the attack came so auddenlj
that he dleJ before a physician could reacl
him. The funeral will occur Thursday am
ho will be burled In the Catholic ccmeterj
at Danson.
Ilov. L. lleiidln.
PIBHOE , Nob. , April G. ( Special. ) Rev
L. Dendln , pastor of the- German Lutherai
church , cast of town , died 'Monday forcnooi
and was burled this afternoon. Ilev. J. I'
Mueller of Norfolk preached the funeral ser
Kiioeh J. .Mntliln.
GREENWOOD , Neb. , April G. ( Speclal.- )
Enoch J. Mathls , aped 81 years , died on hi ;
farm near town this morning. He formerlj
belcciKcd to the Iowa Graybeard regiment
Ho leaves a wife and three sons.
Lift * liiNtirniico Oflleer.
NEW YORK , April G. Archibald II
Welch , second vice president of the 'Nev
York Life Insurance company , died today a
his summer residence at Morrlstown , N. J.
aged GO.
Announcement IN . .Madent 1'arlx , liu
LnckH Confirmation.
LONDON , April 7 According to a special
from Paris the Gaulols announces that Mr
Gladstone Is dead. Nothing Is known here
that would Justify the statement , which Is
without doubt , a canard.
Service to EiiNterti Anln.
HAMBURG , April 6. The Hamburglscl
Docrscnhallo says tt learns that the Ham
burg-American steamship line , the Nortl
German < IVoyd Steamship company , the hous <
of Robert M. Sloman of Hamburg and thi
Indra line of Liverpool have formed a syr >
dlcate for a fortalghtly service from Nev
York to eastern Asia. The first steamer , thi
Indra Para , leaves , New York April 30.
NEW York , April 30. The dispatch re
celved In this city today regarding the for
matloa of a syndicate for a fortnight ) ;
freight service from New York to easterr
Asia Is confirmed by Gunch , Bdyc & Co.
the managing agents In this city.
Otlo'H Condition Not Serloni.
MUNICH , April G. An official bullctlc
Issued this afternoon with reference to tin
condition of the demented King Otto o
Bavaria , who yesterday was reported to bi
dying , saja : "Thex condition of the king li
not serious , but he Is suffering from , a sllgh
hemorrhage of the bladder. "
PerlHh In the lee FloeH.
ST. JOHNS. N. P. , April 6. The seallni
steamer Vanguard Is returning to port wltl
three of Its crew dead , the Leopard w < lt !
two and the Labrador with two. They per
tshed In the Ice floes on the night of Marcl
21. The Aurora , which arrived today , hat
twenty-five men frost-bitten.
Baron Fnvn. in CoinliiK Ilnck.
ROME , April 6. King Humbert received
In audience today Baron Fava , who will sal
for the United States next Tuesday to resum <
bis duties as Italian ambassador at Wash
Kate , ot the Indian. Dill.
WASHINGTON , April G. ( Special Tele
gram. ) It ls > Indefinite when the conferenc
committee on the Indian 'bill ' will meet , ow
Ing to the press of other matters which ar
considered of much greater Importance a
this time. This delay has caused ccnaldera
ble discussion among 'Uie members of thi
Nebraska delegation. The fate ot the In
dlan con grew bill Is subject to Influence :
thai may defeat' the amendment should th
delay continue longer. Senator Allen to
night addressed a letter to Senator Allison
chairman of the committee on appropriations
setting forth the reasons why an early con
elderatlon should bo given to the Indian ap
proprlatlon bill. The letter states that th
expedition Is but sixty days off and ask
that a conference be held at the earliest op
Contract * for Pullniaiin.
CHICAGO. April 6. The Union Paclfli
road has closed a fifteen years' contrac
with the Pullman Palace Car company fo ;
the operation of that company's * sleeper *
over that system. Considerable comment hai
been caused by the transaction. It wai
thought that the Veaderbllt Influence woul <
bo strong enough to secure for the Wagne ;
company the Union Pacific contract. It U
Intimated that Wagner cars may be usei
In. connection with the through Overlam
service to San Francisco , but for all othei
business Pullman cars will be uoed.
Clock Contract Awarded.
WASHINGTON , April 6. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Joseph Barborka was today awardei
the contract for placing the tower clock am
bell on tbo Omaha public building ot $2,760
PertnlnliiHT to I'ONtofllcm.
WASHINGTON. April C. ( Special Telo
gram. ) An order was Issued today cstab
Ilcttcr than Klondike Gold.
Mrs. D. A. McCoy , 711 South 27th St.
Omaha , writes ; "Your Dr. Kay'u Rcnovatoi
Is worth Its weight In gold. I am an ok
lady C7 years old. I have been troubled foi
the past 20 years with constipation , Indl
gcstlon and sleepless nights , but since tak
Ing Dr. Kay'B Renovator I can sleep like e
child and fcm not troubled In the least wltt
the above dlseasea. "
Wo know Dr. Kay's Renovator never hai
had an enual as a spring medicine or foi
dyspepsia or any stomach trouble , constipa
tion , liver or kidney diseases. Why not give
It ? Send address
us a chance to prove to you
dress for our 68-page book of recipes and
prescriptions. Several have said It In worth
live and ten dollars. Druggists sell Dr. Kay's
Renovator at 25 cents and $1 , or six for | 5
but It they do not have It , do not take an >
substitute they may say 1s "Just as good' '
for It has no equal. 11 they do not have It ,
you can get It from us by return mall. Dr ,
B. J. Kay Medical Co. , Omaha , Neb.
llshlng a rostofflcc substation on West Malr
street In Marehalltonn. la.
Samuel A. McCutchton AOS today ap <
pointed peiuaoter : at Ilurbink , Box llutte
couaty , Neb. , vice L. M. Kennedy , removed ,
and Wtnley Messier at I'nxton , Keith county ,
Ntb. , vice J. F. Roche , resigned.
Striking Cnriu-nlprn Win.
CHICAGO. April C. The carpenters' strike
which begun Monday came to n midden cml
today , when nil the larger contractors
signed the union carpenters' agreement.
Thin Is n victory for the strikers. Tne
strike caused fiOW union rnriiuntera to quit
work. The agreement sip neil Is prnctlcnlly
tiio snmc im the onn previously In force ,
except for the provision for n weekly pay
day , Saturday half holidays during the
summer months nml n more stringent en
forcement of the 3I tc un 'iiour wngo scale.
'Hurt ' \VenknenN fur .Machinery.
NEW UBDKOUU , Mass. , April G.-Tho re.
suit of the expert examination ot the books
of the Uennctt nnd Columbia mills nt the
time of the collapse of fiic corporation ,
nbout n year nf.o , wns made public today.
It appears that tile treasurer , the Into
1'Ynnk It. Hndley , miule , or caused to bo
inndc1 , entries of sundry payments purport
ing to be made to C. F. Hlley & Co. , for
machinery , iiBsreKntlnR $150.000 , which the
firm never received. Miner * Strike.
Ind , April G.-A11 the machine
miners niul Vielpcra In the No. 1 nnd No. S
mines of the Brazil Illock Coal company ,
cotiRlstlnR uf about iiOO men , went on n strike
today. The miners demand SS cents n ton
for iimmlnc mining and the operators nre
only willing to pay 29 cents. The matter Is
now In the hands of the miners' executive
committee of thla district , but there Is little
likelihood of mi early adjustment.
Mnkn \Krccint-nt nllh Strike .
MASS1V.LON . , O. , April C.-At n Joint con
ference of committees representing the coal
operators nnd miners of the Mnsslllon dis
trict held In this city tnls afternoon nn
nprcemciit reached nnd most of the
miners will resume work tomorrow at the
opeiators' terms.
llllili.May lie Head.
CHARLESTON , W. Vu. , April C.-In re.
fusing to grant n writ of mnndnmus to pro
hibit the rending of the rrotc.stniH bible In
t'no public schools the stnte supreme court
deemed today tiiat there wus no law to pro
hibit It.
One of tin" IIOHt KentnrcN of thv Mew
Pile Cure.
The Pyramid Pile Cure cures every form
of Pllea without one particle of pain. This
desirable point Is not obtained by the use
of Injurious opiates , \\hlch simply deaden
and paralyze the nerves of the parts and
make matters worse In the long run. But
It Is done solely by Its remarkable healing
and oolhlng effects.
And while It thus gives Immediate rellcff
at the same time the disease Is not merely
checked , but a radical cure Is rapidly ac
And the point no want to make clear Is
that all it his Is done without a purtlolo of
This- fact Is one reason for the great popu
larity of the Pyramid Pile Cure and consti
tutes ono very great difference between It
and almcst any other kind of treatment for
Every kind of surgical operation for piles
Is excruciatingly painful , besides endanger
ing the life of the patient , und In in Ml cases
Is not to be compared with the Pyramid
Cure , neither In making successful cures
without pain nor In cheapness and safety.
The Pyramid Pile Cure has been before
the public too long , and Its merits recog
nized by too many people to allow It to bo
clcssed with the many salves , suppositories ,
pills , etc. , and you run no risk In trying It ,
as Is often the case with now and untried
If you are ever troubled with any form of
piles or rectal disease do not forget the Pyr
amid Pile Cure. Prepared by the Pyramid
Drug Co. of Marshall , Mich. , and sold by
druggist ! ) at EO < ? ent8 per package.
Primary , Btcondanr or Ttrtlarr BI/XJD
POISON permanfntly
Cured in 15 to 35 Days.
Tou can * b * treated at bom * ( or am *
prloo und r cam * cuaranty. It you pratn
to om here we will contract to pay rail-
read ( are and hotel bllU , and no oluuje
tt we ( all to cure.
taken meroury. Iodide potanh aad Mil
fmye achti and pain * , Muooui Fatehea In
mouth. Bore Throat , Flmplti , Copptr Col.
rd Bppti , Ulccra on any vart of the
body , Hair or Kyabrotra falling out. It U
this Btcondtry
Wt Guanmtie to Curt
Wei eollclt the rncit obatlnate
challenge tbe world ( or a caie we cannot
cure. Thla dlaeaie hai always baffled the
kill ot tbe J o t eminent phyilelaiu.
ISOO.OOO capital behind our unconditional
guaranty. AbioluU prood nt aeajed
on application. 100 t t * book teat ( re * .
Addreea COOK REMEDY CO. , 1401
Maionlo Tempi * , Chicago , 111.
Potent 1 Powerful ! ! Positive ! ! !
Why natueeta , irritate and nptot tbo ctomaeh , and
derange tun boweli by loidlnir up the lyiUm with all
art * of dlutreuble and often Ineffectual In-
teriml raedlolnee when you have eo patent ,
powerful and punitive an external rem
' Porous
Benson's Plasters
which accornpllih aa raaeb nnd m nro than the former
without producing tnr of their tnd effects. The/are
la promptly relieve Nelnllrn , Neuralgia ,
Mnariilar IthcnmnllNin , I.IIIIK and Client
l > UcaiiriiAirrellniiiinftlie.InliitH , Kldnei > , to.
lakUtuyonaliUNNON. Ref use tutotltuun.
rrlc ! Uc nta.
Beabur & Johninu , M'f'c Cl > mlitr. KIT Tork.
etk. ftoewdWeek.
Never.rcti.rn ,
Bl ( It far uonatanl
ire * * , Inflammatlas *
IrritatlcBi or DlecralUal
t mnooia nuotraDa.
- ' ' .
not Mtrta.
A Dull Stupid 1'celiiiK , A Bad
Tnstu in the Mouth , A Loss of Ap-
petiU' , Sinking at the Pit of th
Stomach , Hciulaclic , Pains ill tha
Muscles and Joints , Feverl.shncss ,
can all bu avoided by the use of
this great whiskey.
Sold by all druggists and gruccrs *
Send for pamphlet.
Rochester , N. Y.
Mother * ! .Motlierult MutlierntM
Mrs. Window's BoothlnK S > rtin hna boon nrmt
for uvcr 50 jeuia by mlllluiiH uf mothers for ,
their children while teething wll'.i pviftct cue *
ccas. It 8oullics the child , dnftrns the BUM * .
nllnj.i nit pain curcn lnil colic ami la thu hoit
remedy Tor Dlarrhoen. Sold by druKglaM In
u\ci-y unit ot the woiKl. Do BUIO nnd n U ton ,
"Mrs. Wln lnw's BoothlnR rfyrup" untl take nai
other hind. 23 cents n bolllt.
Kcuclcr of DlMRnHCH of lucii and
> voiien.
World's Iturbul DIupciiRiiry of Mcdlclivh
I CUUK Cntntrh of Hcnd , Thront mid
LUUKS , Diseases of Kju niul Unr , Fits nnd
Apoplexy , Heart. I.lver niul Kidney Ulncases ,
Dmbctcs , IlrlKlit's Disease , HI. VltuH Dance ,
llheinnatlfin , t-erof'.ila. Dropsy cured without
IttppliiKi Tiinu Worm * rmmned , all chronla
Nervous uml Private Diseases.
In younjr nnd
LOST inliUllonK''dmen. '
Only 1'liyslcinn who can
without destroying teeth and bones. No inor
ouiy or poison mineral ueod. '
The only Physician who cnti tell what nil !
you without asking a question.
Those at a distance ucml for question
blank. No. 1 for men ; No. 2 for women. r ,
All coriosnondenco strictly coiitldontlah
Mcdlulno sent by express.
AfldrcpB all letters to
G. W. PANGLE , M. D. ,
055 Brouilwny , COUNCIL IU.UFFS , 14.
I33 8cnd S-ccnt stnmo for reolv.
OR. /
Private Diseases
Witt MM 1 UU rd.r f
SO YMI-IExperience. '
10 your * in Omaha.
Book Free. Oonanlt& <
tlon Free. Box 708 , ot
14th and Famim Bti *
Saturday XiKlit , April nsniiilny Aft
ernoon , April 1(1 KiiHter Miitliicc. .1
New York Production M
Jilts Marie ( Louise Gunener , 1'rlnm Dnnnd
Bonrano Mr. Marie lllodek , Viol da Qumtm.
Selected ( irocram latest mutlcnl novelties ,
Ilcrr Theodor Hocli , greatest cornetlct In thfl
PIUCKS Flrct floor , fide : balcony , S3o and COcl
nailery , Kc. Matinee prices , 2oo and Kc.
Seats now on tale. |
Pour MKlidi ComiiionclnK Similar.
April 10.
Realism Realized The Magnificent Melodrama
Masterpiece , j
The Pay Train.
Two Tons of Special Scenery and Masslvi ,
Mechanism Hparkllntr Specialties-
Clever Company.
PRICES 10c-:0o-30c. 1
Sale opens Thursday morning.
The liemt In the world. Deliv
ered to nuy pnrt of the city :
Telephone UUII. Mull order *
lOlil llItOAUWAY.
Runs between Council Bluffa and Omaha *
Now In effect. For prompt delivery , call on
\Vm. Welch. Bluffa 'phone. 123 ; Omaha
phone , 780. HATES LOW. For carriage or
express wagon , call at No. 8 North Mala
street or above telephones.
For sale , cheap , ten-aero trnct of lantT.
cor. Madison anil ncnnctt avenues. Council
Bluffs. C. 8. Lc-rferts. 03 Main street.
All surety bonds executed at my ofllco. '
JAS. N. CAS.UJY , Jit. ,
B.'JO Mil I n Street Cminell Hliiff .
land * for > al or Hat. Day * Hew , SK 1'carl
lion. H8 Main t. , Co. llluffn. la.
KTHt * land on eniy terinn , 2 nillea norlli
Keel's poutolllce. Henry Hltlitcn , 212 Harmony
5c-Charles Sumner Cigar-5c
Mnde ( or Trade COUNCIL
Who Dealer Appreciate * Supplied a l ) Gaud Smoke. John G. Woodward & Co , BLUFFS , IOWV ,