THE . 03IAIIA DAILY Mlffij , WEDNESDAY , APRIL. 0. 1898. SPECIAL NOTICES AdvcrtlM-nicnlM fur ( lipnc column * TTlll liu Inketi until i'J in. for Ilio rvenliiK nnil tinlll N i > HI. for Ilio mornlnir ntitl Hnnilit > - rilltloim. AiU-crllnerii , li > - rftiiif.tllnw it ntim- licrvit rlu-rk , cnn linrv niiN torn nil- ilrcKunl In n iinnillcri'il Irllirr In cure ( if The lice. AiiNTTPrn NO ndilrcniioil trill IIP ilellvrrcil on iircMcnliillon ol the 'lirok onlj. ItntPH , 1 l-lc ! n iron ! flmt Inncrllnni Ic n n-oril llii < renfir.olliliiwr ( iiUrn for IP * * ( linn 2i5c for be llmt Inncr- < lon. TliPdp nilvprflnciiirii < 8 ninxl be run 1VAXTKI1 SITUATION'S. BY AMKRICAN WIDOW. HOUSKKlIF.i'nn FOU widower , housekeeper or head chambtrniald Jn liotel ; ROW ! lefcrenccs. Mr . Pulner , Went Orange. N. J. A Mill AH * POSITION WANTED IN MtlKIC STOIIK : CAN piny seven Instruments ; thorough inuMclan ; good singer ; host references. It 43 , Ilc'u. _ A 91j 6 * BY YOUNG COLOIIKD MAN IX FAMILY OU bonnlhu : liouse n > good cook nml linufcmnn. I. 46 , IJeo , A-MS2I C WAXTKII MAtK IIKM' . CANVASSERS TO TAKI2 onHKRfi : NEW LINE of work ; no 1'cavy poods to carry : salary or commission. C. F. Ailums Co. , 321 So. Iflth HI. II-OM BALKHMAN FOR C1GARH. | 1I3 A MONTH AND expense * ; old Ilrni ; experience unnt > : ei > arx ; In ducements to customers. C. C. Bishop * Co. , St. Ij ul . D-CCO AGKNTS AND 11UANC1I MANAOEU3 ; SALARY and ( ummlcsion. Hunter Tailoring K Bhlrt Co. , Cincinnati , O. 11-M1D3 A1C WORK FOR UB AT VOUn HOME ; DAY Oil evening ; JO to 112 weekly ; no cum-asulng or experiences required : full particulars and vrnik mailed on application. Columbian MfK. I' " . , S03 N. Ctli HI. . 1'lill.idelphla , 1'a. B-M12S 7" 6AI.K8MKN TO BE Mi TOILET SOAP TO dealers ; JIOO per month salary and expenses ; experience unnecessary. LoUU Krnst Co. , St. Louis , Mo. H M172 WANTED , LtGIITNIN'J ; : oD SALESMAN. Address COI , Main street , Council IllulTs. II-MS AC BION AND I'lfcTOItlAI. rATNTF.HS KXIMJlVr , freehand workmen \vanU-d to travel on bulletin , wall , barn and fence sign iidvirtlslnrf ; to Tem perate , reliable mechanics , Reason uniasenieit : on contiact work or salary and expenses paid ! elate expectations , with small sketch , sample nf capability , tn MeKcnna , Hunt. , HotiM Sun Dis plays , 7 Park PI. , New York. 11 M833 ! > WANTED , AN ENERGETIC MAN TO Pl.ACK our line with tlore and mill trade ; must be one who has unquestioned faith In hit ability to Ki-curc business In the face of keen com petition ; no time to experiment with one w'.io merely hopes he can sell goods ; a Rood , payIng - Ing , permanent position for thn right man. Address Tliu Itrooks Oil , Co. , Cleveland. Ohu. . 1I-M911 0 ASALESMANACQUAINTED WITH THE crockery business. Address , with references , L 43 , Ileo. H M913 7 WANTED , TWO COATMAKERK AND ONU pantaloon mukcr. S. 1'rltch , Beatrice , Neb. B-916 6 WANTED , A. GOOD BUSINESS MAN WHO IP looking for n good pa > Ing nnd legitimate bu l- nesa to Invest a few hundred dollars at the Omaha f. M. Exposition , which will bo made a permanent one nil through fie western states. For furtlwr particulars address J. ( > . , Station v , Chicago. 111. n-Man 7 * MEN TO I.KAUN DAnilKU TRADE ; ONIA' elcbt weeks reiiulred ; positions Ktiirantced ; catalosue mailed free. Moler System Hnrber Schools , Chlcauo or Minneapolis. H-M92G ll WANTED. SOLICITOUS TO SOLICIT HATS for expert hatters. Ooad money to right party. Flicker Hrbs , , 118 S. ltli , II. 10. " J1-MS21 6 WANTED , SALESMEN IN EVEHY DISTHICT ; new season ; samples free ; salary or cwnmls- lon , wlfh expenses from start. < llros. Co. , ChlcaRo , 111. n-M03J G * HEUAI1I.E MEN TO .TACK UP ADVEIITIS- Inr sUna ; J13..r)0 weekly ; steady work ; send ] 0c for postaKe , sample , etc. Young Medicine. Co. , 2129 N. Colorado St. , Plilla. , Pa. 1J-M9I2 fi WAXTRB PKMAI.K IIKLI * . 10) omi-s ron AM < KINDS OP wonK ; 3 TO J7 week , Canadian Office , 10 ! Douglas.C C 601 WANTED , A NUnSE QIIII. : UEFEHENCE's required. Apply 3C20 Fainam St. C M72fi WANTED FIUST CLASS COOK ; FIVE A week. C17 South ISth St. C 7CI WANTED , TWENTY-FIVE LIVE , UP-TO- ilato lad/ agents to Irindlp a hlsh class toilet preparation. Article of merit ; cells for Me. Send stamp for particulars and terms. ] ! ! ; { commission and exclusive" territory to right parties. Address Itadlant JUn. CD. , llox l.'il , Bcymour , Indiana. C M923 7 * WANTED , LADY STENOaRApHEU AND cashier. Miller Hotel , Missouri Valley. Iowa. C M927 7 WANTED , HOUSEKEEPER ; TA K E FULL charge. Call Wednesday between 1 and 4 o'clock , 1124 Cnss St. C M923 6 WANTED , A COMPETENT OIHLi FOR dEN- 01 nl housework. Apply 3CCO Mason St.C . C M9H 7 FOH nio.\T _ CHOICE HOUSES AND COTTAGES ALL OVER city ; | 5 to { 73. Fidelity , 1st iloor N. Y. Life. D CC2 LARGE LIST. M'CAQUE , 15TH AND DODC1E. D-CCI HOUSES , FLATS. OARVIN BROS. . 1613 FAITM D CM HOUSES. J. H. SHERWOOD , 423 N. Y. LIFE D-CCO _ HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. THE O. F. Davis Company , 1503. Fnrnam. D C67 HOUSES , BENEWA & CO. . 108 N. 15TH ST. D MS _ HOUSES , STORES. HEMIS , PAXTON I1LOCK. D C69 _ DETACHED MODERN 1MIOOM. AT O 0-11OOM liouee ; keys at 2M8 Capitol Avo. Tel. 573. U. II. Itoluon. D 071 ' " MOVING HOUSEHOLD OOODS AND PIANo's" Om.Van & Storuge Co. , 131UJ Farnam. Tel. 1S59. D-C70 _ FOR RENT , AHOirr APRIL 15 , TO QOOD TEN- nt , 8-rcom house ; all conveniences ; 2M street , near California ; not for boarders or roomers ; 35. m N. Y. Life building. D MS.-.4 _ HOUSE NEAR FORTY-FIRST AVENUE AND Cass ; seven rooms , bath , barn. Inquire 314 First Nafl. Hank llulldlng. D-M930 8 iiAnr.E , FINT : HOUSE. KNTIRELY jionKiTNT 11 rooms ; barn ; one of tlw finest In Walnut Jllll ; will lease to good tenant for on * year at t3" psr month and put house In pol l re pair. Omaha Loan nnd Trust Co. . inth iind Douglas. D-M9IO 10 FOIl HKXT FUUXISIIKn HOOMS. 1 NICE ROOMS , HOUSEKEEPING. 1113 SOUTH llth St. E-M7CS _ DESIRARLE ROOiT M. F. HOYS. N. Y. L , Ildg. 'Phone 811. E Mill A17 IN PRIVATE FAMILY. 1919 DODOE. E-MIS9 AS > , S. FRONT ; MODERN. 2180 HARXEV Street. K M7M 7 NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR OENTI.K- man In private family ; references rcnuhvd. . S. W. Cor , 17lh and Capltnl ave. 15 M7I3 7 FOR RENT. LARGE FRONT ROOM WITH alcove , nicely furnished , closets , hut nnd cold water. 21S N. 19th St. E MS75 Il\ HOB FRONT ROOM , WITH A I/WE- cither ladles or gentleman. 20)7 Cas * street _ B-MMJ 6 nee > is A\D no.iitn. THE MERRIAM. FIRST CLASS FAMILY HO- tel. 25th und Dodge .Sta. F C72 KLONDKH HOTEL , s. E. COR. ISTH AND Webster Sts.j steam heat rooms , $ l.o per week and up. F C92 A3 _ ROOMS. WITH HOARD. 2101 CHICAGO BT. F IU7 A21 _ EXPOSITION , EXI-OSITION. EXPO.SiriON , The Saratoga Hoirl ; new house ; new furniture ; modern equipment ; experienced management , adjoins exposition ; boarders pollcted : rat - rea- tunable ; take Sherman Ave. cars to Zltl. un > l Ames Ave. John H. Pierce , proprietor : I ) . T , Tubbs , mnnager. F 439 AM NICE ROOMS WITH HOARD. U2I IIINNGY. F M8C7 1C' NICKLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM : pRt. vato family. 70S So. nth ft , F S1SG2 6 DraiRAIlLE BINOLE. ROOM , WITH IIOA1UV refeimcea. 03 N. ISth. r M 4s S * KOU uixreviHaMsiiii ! : ) FOR RENT. NICE SOUTH FRONT UNFUR- nl > hd rooms , with bath ; WUhnell block. F , W. Curmlchael. No. . Wlthnell block. G-aw rnit III.M : % _ TOHIM : A.M ) POIMIMNT , iiH : offlee , lire bu'Mlng1 ' ; ivnur , > team bent , rlectrl llRll and Jnnltor rervlc . Apply to furrln trndcnt , ltr < ) biilMlnu. I 197 11DR RENT-IN THE I1KI ! UUILHtNO ! One hirgo corner room , Id Iloor , with vault ntn private office , water , etc. One largo front room , Jd Iloor , divided Into twi rooms by partition ) water , rlc. One Urea corner room , 2 < 1 iloor , with vault water , etc. On front roam , divided by partition , 3J floor. On < > corner room , with \aull. 3d Hi < or. One largo rocm. 3d iloor , with partition dlvldlm It Into one Inrno room nnd two nmnller prlvnti rooms ; nltr , etc. Two Inigp grounj Iloor room * , fronting 17th St. with vault , Several small rooms on 4lli floor , vrtth vaults. All IhPfe rooms nro hpitril with steam , electrli llghtr , supplied with first closi janitor rcrvlcr elevators run day and nil night ; bulldlni rtrlctly fireproof. Apply to supcrlnundrnt room 101 , Dee building , t 13t Foil 4-STOin"llRICKIUjrt7r7rNC RENT. THE - at 918 Farnam St. This building has a llrrprco : cement baremcnt , water un nil floors , KU * > etc Apply at Iho ofllco of The Iljff , I S10 TRCKAGE TRANSFERRINO ANI : desk room , apply to the Aultman % TaylCi Machinery Co. . N , E. cor , Oth St , Iack on Sts STORE ON IISTH ST. . NEAR P. O , ! OREA'I chance. Address 1 , 44 , lite I-R1S h * AOKNTS WAXTRI1. IlEAUTIFL'I. LII E"OF FRANCES * E. Wll" Inrd , wrlttui by Anna A. Gordon , who was Miss Wlllard's private secretary for over ft years ; the only book authorized and endorsed by the W. C. T. U. ; over l,0 ) ,0i copies will be sold ; the greatest seller of the century : write for outfit- ; belt terms ; circular free : don't miss this chnnce ; net quick. Western Pub. Co. , N. Y. Llfo IJldB. , Omaha , Neb. .r-MJC9 WANTED , SALESMEN AND CREW MAN- on the WANTED , SALESMEN AND CREW MANA- fern to tnko charge of canvnssjrs on the r-wJ ! must have first-class references nnd furnish bond ; expenses advanced ; Illiernl mducemen1 ! ! to peed men , Kcin Picture Co. , 0 Washington street , Chicago , 111. J M'J37 6 * FRANCES K. WILLARD , HER DEAUllFft. life , complrti' ! olllclally authfilzed and en- il'ineil ; uuthi-ntlc nnd Tillable ; fully Illustrated ; honajiza for agents ; liberal terms ; wrltf today. P. W. Xleglcr i"i Co. , ' 321 D-arlwn street , Chl- J-M936 C aCNTS. WE WANT YOU TO VISIT STORES nnd sell machine lor printing slgnt on fence ? , bridges , rocks nny rough suifaec ; steady work nil Summer. Arc ? Co. , Racine , WKJM314 J-M314 6 WAXTKIJ TO IlKXT. WANTED-I'MRST CLASS HOARD FOH HU3- band and wife ; two Led rooms und clttlnij room required. Address L 2. Hoe. K M-M3 STOH'AfJK. ' PACIFIC STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE CO. , WS-010 Jones general storage nnd forwarding. M C75 OM , VAN & STORAGE , 1311V4 FAHN'M. TEL 1V,9 M-t > 74 KOil SALK I < -UII.\ITUItl3. HEDROOM SUITS , FOLDING REDS AND ALt" kinds of household go dc ; to quit business ; no reasonable offer refused. Neb. Furniture Co. , 710-13 N. ICtli St. O 7J3 A-8 FOI1 SALK HOHSUS , 1VAGOXS , ETC. A VERY FINE IMPORTED PERCHEItONNE Etalllon for sale or tiade. Address P. O. Im.t 247 , Holdrcite , Neb. 1' M712 7 * FOR SALE. A FINE FAMILY. HORSE. I'll A" . eton nnd Concord buckboard. Call I2 Far. nam street. P M733 FOR SAIiK MISCKI.I.AXEOUS. HOG AND POULTRY FENCE ; I1ETTER THAN wire netting. Fine eandust for flcois. Tel. 438. 001 Douslas. Q 673 HORSE CLIPPING MACHINES , KNIVES AND repairs , all standard makes en hand ; grinding razors , shears , clippers ; prompt ten-Ice. A. L. Undeland. Q C70 PURE PLYMOUTH ROCK EGns FOR SETtings - tings ; COc ; roosters , Jl.OO. 932 North 20th. Q-C77 A-16 SEED SWERT POTATOES. Jl.Sfl PER TIRU TluodoreVllftnma , 57th nnd Military Ave. , Omaha , Neb. Q M2SG May-7 * CHICKEN. HOO AND L\WN FENCES ; ALt wire ; Is best. Wtro Works , lllh and Hnrney. Q-C7S * FOR SALB-AROUT 40.000 SECOND HAND ST IxjulH lire brick and 33.WO bulldlns bilck ; also boilers , engine and brick machinery. Win. J. Welshuns , City Hall. 'Phone 237. Q C79 FOR SALE The ELEGANT HAH FIXTURES c.f Palmer house saloon. L. C. llrown , Grand Island. Neb. Q M7CS A-S HI ACKHEADS AND WARTS , HOW TO RE- movc , 23c. "Cyius Gray , P. O. box 94 , Ren- nett , Pa. Q M134 A-13 * ALASKA. CUI1A. NEBRASKA. ihreo fine cnlor l pocket nv p3 giving thp sild fields of the Klondike , Provinces of Cuba , with .enlarged map ; Havana Province nnd bay , showIng - Ing where battleship Maine was blown up. Railroad map of Nebraska , up to date. AH for 20 cents In stamps by mall. Buckstaff llros. .Mfg. CO. , Lincoln. Neb. Q-M39. ) 9 WHAT AM I OFFERED CASH OR TRADE for ? 100 equity In high grade piano ; balance easy terms. 2205 Farnam St. Q MES1 9 NO. 7 REMINGTON TYPEWRITER : REEN IN use only two months ; peed as new. Address 702 Georgia Ave. Q M829 7 * FOR SALE. MERRY-GO-ROUND , A 7lONEY maker. Address 112 K Ave. , Cedar Rapids , Iowa. Q M9I1 7 * MISCILI.VXIOUS. FOR RENT. A IJARN AT 1902 CJASS ST. R MCOO MASSAGE , IIATIIS , ETC. MME. SMITH. 118 N. 13TII ST. , STtSAM AND alcohol baths. T 917 ! ! MME. AMES , MASSAGE AND HATHS. 1C23V. Howard St. T 9ID 11 * " LAURA ELLISON , 119 N. 1CTH ( UPSTAIRS ) , room 12 , Turko-Russlan nnd plain batlis , mas- tago. T MHO A-19 MRH. DR. LEON , ELECTRIC MASSAGE HATH parlors ; restful nnd curative. 417 S. llth , up stairs. T M396 10 * I'HHSOXAI. . VIAVI FOR UTERINE TROUI1LES. 340-8 REE Illdg ; physician consultation or health book free U CSO CLOTHES CLEANED. PRESSED AND m paired ; day or night dress suits for hire. PantorlUm , N. E. Cor. llth and Farnam. Tel , 903 U-CS1 HATHS , MASSAGE. MME. POST , 319',4 S 13TH. U-3SJ HORSES CLIPPED FOR ONE DOLLAR ; ELEC- trio clippers. Tel. CO. McCormack & Haumley , llth nnd Howard. U 33) LADIES , OWING TO INCREASING"HUSINESS I have removed my Imlrdresslng parlors to Karbach block , rooms 312-313 ; i-ck'ntlllo treat ment of Uic scalp ; artistic nunlcurlng ; rur- plus hnlr iind frfclal blemishes removed with electricity , Tel. UC3. Mme. G. Payne. U MS47 All * HUSINESS CARDS NEATLY PIUNTED. R , O. Heartey , 1303 Farnani St. , 'Phone 20CO. U MSS3 9 MONEY TO LOAN IIUAI < ESTATE. MONEY TO I.OAN AT I/J\V RATES. THE O. F. Davis Co. , 1503 Furnam St. W CS2 WANTED. CHOICE FARM AND CITY R. C. Peters & Co. , U. S. Nat'l Hank RUg. W-6SI _ _ MONEY I-OANED ON IMPROVED REAL ES- tulo In Omaha , Council Rlufri & South Omaha. W. H. Thomas , Wl First Nat'l , I3ank , Omaha , W 683 _ r PER CENT CITY AND FARM LOANS. Garvln llrog , 1C1J Fnrnam St. W CS.1 JIOO.OOO.W SPECIAL FUND TO LOAN ON first class Improved Omiha property , or for building purposes. Fidelity Trust company. W 6S6 _ ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. , 313 N. Y. L7 ; quick money at low rates for choice farm lands In Iowa , Northern Missouri , Eastern Nebraska. W W LOAN ON IMPROVED K UNIMPROVED CITY property , W. Farnum Smith & Co. , 1320 Farnam , w ess _ _ MONEY TO I/JAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate , llrcnnan-Love Co. , Z19 S. 16th. W-CS9 _ 5U PER CENT MONEY. UEM1S , PAXTON RLK W C90 _ _ PRIVATE MONEY. WKAD , 16TH & DOUGU\S. W S30-A-9 HOTELS FOR RENT. RUILDINO. SUITARLU FOR HOTEL. M rooms ana large More room ; catral location , Bcnil * 1'axton lllk. 701 MOXEY TO MIA * CHATTELS. * I IDi TO ItO.flOi ) TO IX ) AN ON llorsEHOLD FfrtNITl'ltE AND PIANO ! HORSED , WAGONS AND rAlllttAORfl. WAREHOUSE RECEIITS. ETC. , nt lowest rales In Omaha. South Omaha nnd Council Illuffs. No removal of KcodX ttrlctly ronildrntlal ) yn cm pay the loan off nt nny time or In nn niruunts. OMAHA MORTGAOn I/JAN CO. . 506 Pnuth 16th St. THE OLDEST. LARGEST AND ONLY INCO11 PORATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. X 691 MONEY tXANED HALAIUtfl7l'EOPLE HOLt Ing permanent positions , nlth responsible cur cerns upon their own Humes , without security easy payments. Tolman , R. 70 , N , Y. L. bids 198-A-16 * " * IIUSIMCHS CIIAXCKS. Tf7olT lN OR OUT OF IUISINESS QO TO .1 J. Gibson , 511 First Nat'l Rank. T 693 LIVE "STOCK COMMISSION FIRM , SOVTI Omaha , wants man with Urge capital for part ner ! business thoroughly c'tabllshcd ; ref i cnces first class. llox 413 , Omaha. Y C93 RETTER THAN KLONDIKE ; PERSONS WITI small or large capital wishing 13 make Invest ments that promltc large returns rjould ml dres ; or vail on U W , Tullcys , Council Hlurff Iowa. Y M197 A16 FOR SALE , STOCK OF DRY GOODS , CLOTH Ing , boots and shoes , hats , caps , notions ; nls. farm Implements , If desired ; good lu'alliy I ock box 14S , Mcnlo , Iowa , ' Y--MS07 6 * M.OO. 04 CARDS , ENVELOPES. NOTEHEAD ! or circulars ( icatly printed. R. G. Heaney 1M3 Farmnam. 'Plione ! OM. Y MfSI ACTIVE PARTNER WANTED WITH $3CO 111 patentee of new nnd Imllipensablc nttnchmen for bicycle ? ; readily sold ; lirge proms. Ad dress for Interview , L39 , Hec. Y MS9I C * WANTED. PARTNER < SILENT OR ACTIVE mechanic preferred ) , with two hundred dollars butlncts established nnd will bear ImrstUi Hon. Address L 40. lice. Y M913 7 * FOR EXCHANGE. ICO ACRES IN WAYNE CO. , NER. ; WEL1 Improved ; large grove ; for stock of goods o cleir Omilm ptuperty. Address W. & It. , 02 S. 13th St. 2VJS 10 VARIOUS PIECES OF PROPERTY ANt farms In Nebraska to trade for merchandise Address I , 42. lice. / MSM FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. KOUNTZE PL\CE RAROA1NS , J2.COO. J3.730 TC ? 0,500. J. J. Gibson , C14 First Nnt'I. Hank Illdg RE-WI FOLIjOWINO DESIRAHLE PROPERTY ; RUSI ness lot corner , GOxIM ft , , In So. Omaha , paved Huslncss lot , 60x130 feet , improved , South Omaha street paxed. Tract (21 ( lot ? ) , ISCth St. Tract (20 ( lots ) , 30th St. For particulars npply 1012 Fnrnam St. . RE-69J NEW , MODERN C-ROOM COTTAGE , LAUGH lotJ300 cash , balance to suit. Address G 33 , Reg. ED Mm SNAPS-43XM FEET ON ISTH NEAR DODGt Ftreet , suitable for 2 brick houses , price J2.7CO fx52 ( ! ! feet with brick house. N. E. Corne : 20th and Cumlngs streets , price $0.000. J. N Frenzcr , opp. old I' , O. RE C ° S MAKE ME AN OFFER ON TWO LOTS I > Walnut Hill addition. Oscar Groohell , Sal Lake. Utah , \ RE M7CS-A9 * HOUSES , LOTS. FARMS , LANDS. LOANS also lire Insurance. Htmls , Pnxton block.REC97 RE-C97 FINE RESIDENCE. 33XD STREET. NEAI Hanscom Park ; owner-haa-goad ri-asors to sci nt once. F. D. Wead , 16th and Douglas. RU-013 31 SNAPS , STOP PAYING RENT : Several well-mado fnur-rooihed bouses In Root ; eaoh with large lot , barn , well , cltv tern , etc ; ; terms , < 2" 0 downImliince ; to b ? ild Iri monthly payments. Address 1 1C 'ee. ' RE M712 AC _ ARE YOU IXOKINO FOR NICE HOME Look nt this houfe nnd barn detached , shad trees , corner 2Sth nnd Rurdette ; very llttl money needed. Call Morand , 1310 Harney St RE-423-A-22 - - - FOR SALE. HANDSOME TEN-ROOM REST dence ; most desirably located. Address L 41 Hcc. " RE M907 11 * SHORTHAND .VXD .TYI'EAVRITIXG. A. C. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL OF SHORTHANI nnd Typewriting , 717 N. Y. Life , offers tlie fol lowing advantages : Individual Instructions b ; experienced teachers and skillful stenographers up-to-dato methods ; touch system of typewrit' Ing If preferred ; participation In actual woik for which students receive pay ; monthly pay ments. 60S AT OMAHA IIUS. COLLEGE , 1CTH & DOUOI..A ! 099 SHORT-HAND , UP-TO-DATE. TAUGHT HI court reporters. Royles' School , 403-3-7 Hee bldi -703 LOST. LOST LIGHT ; HAY HORSE. SMALL WIIITI spot In forehead , weight about 1,100. Rewan for return to Mlko Vlnclo , * Council niuffs , In Lost 733 7 * LOST. HEAVY GOLD RAND RING ( MASONIC emblem nnd "C. P. P. " engraved on same ) Reward for Its return to 32" Chamber of Com- tnerce. - L'JSt M932 6 LOST , LIVER ANT ) WHITE T01NTER DOG year old : one car slit , hole In one Bide , sami nt a. phot ; tn No. 40 on flog. 'Liberal rewin for return' of or Information leading to dls covcry of dog. 500 North 16th St. ' ' ' ' . Lost M928 fi LOST. A LARGE MOUSE-COLORED DOG. 2 : Inches high : weight 181 Ibs. ; suitable r W" ! foi return to 3818 Sherman nvcnuo Lost M.39 0 * Vouxn. TAKEN" ! ! ! ' . ONE STFRR. MAT1C.H 6 ; WEIOH'I about 1.200. Call nt Roberlsr'Purlnlen & R.- erts , Stock Exchange , South Omaha , and Iden tify same nnd pay cfliarges. Found-M938 6 * EDUCATIOXAIi. FOR PARIS EXPOSITION OF 1900. FRENCH language nnd literature , fysteni. Rcrlltz slm pllfled : private or class lesions , by Monsleui dc Tullly ; trial gratis ; to speak after 3 lessons exchange of French nnd English. Address I 37 Ree , or residence , 1919 Dodge St.M9I3 M9I3 10 * EXPOSITION FROXTAGES FOR REXT GROUND LEASES FRONTING EXPOSITION , s , Paxton Iflk. 703 STENOGRAPHERS. WE SOLICIT AND FURNISH POSITIONS FOR stenographers free. The SmIlh-Premler Tvpc writer Co. Telephone , 12S4. 701 HAT 'RENOVATING. WANTED , 5,000 OLD HATS TO HE MADI- over like new by expert hatters , direct" fron Knox and Stetson. Flicker Rros. , 11R S. 15th Iloom 10. M922 12 * FURNITURE PACKED. St. S. WALKIN , 2111 CUMINO. TEL , 1331. 703 EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. CITY EMPLOYMENT IJUHEAU. 1417 1'ARNAHl street. Roome 2 and 3. Tel. 1101. 700 PAlVNIIKOICERS. H. MAROWITX LOANS MONEY. 418 N. lnt. -701 SIDEWALKS. PERMANENT SIDEWALKS AND FANC1 driveways. G. Ruslmrt , 211 N. 16th ; 'phone 1193 MS0 M4 TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT tl.OT PER MONTH The Smith-Premier T > pewrlter Co. . 1625 Far nam St. ; Telephone 12S4. 707 FIXAXCIAL. LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES 11OUOHT FOH cash. Richard Herzfeld , 171 LaSalU Ht. jiU- caeo. Ml'i ' AlT As an Advertising Medium The Bee Is Unexcelled } Hates on application. GOVHIlinMT JHITIOKS. . Ml'TTUN. IIciulqtiartcM Dfpnrtment o Ilic Mlnsotirlj OHIce Chief CommlnMary o Subsistence. Omahn. Neb. . April B , 1SS ! Scaled proposal * , . In trlplloati1 , nccompanlei by written Riiarnntuo bond. " , In itiipllcntt' will bo rccciVftl nt tMs omc'e , until 1 O'clock n. m. , cj tml stnnilnnl time , Mir 0 , ISIS , nt ' .vhliJH ' 'time nnil nlnco they wtl be opened In , prrienco of bidders , for fur nlshlDK Btich quantities of frcs'ii beef ni mutton for Issue * , ns may be required b1 the SubsUtcncn Department , U. 8. Army Jnt ) mnhn , Nubrnskn , Fort Crook , Neb. UelTeran llarracks. it o. ; " Forts Leaven worth. Kansl ; irAgdn H , Itootpi. Ark. : N'lo brnrn , NC'J.J Jieno. O. T. ; Hilcy. Knns. Hoblnson , Neb , and Sill , O. T. , during tin period commencing' July i , 1S93 , nnd end inp December 31 , 1SOS. Proposals will alsi bo received until JO o'clock n. m. . mountuli standard time , nt the post of Fort Hobln son , nnd until 11 o'clock n. m. , centra standard time , nt Jefferson Unrrncks , Forti -Lcaveiuvorth , Lognn H , Roots , .Nlobrnra Ucno , Ulley nnd Sill nnd opened at tic posts by the respsctlvc post Commtssarlc ! of such posts , each commls nry receiving proposals for 'nls own peat only. I'ropojali will nlso be received Hinting- the price tv v.'hlcli the bidder will deliver fresh beef 01 mutton of the elmrncter stated In tht specifications nnd to bo delivered of tcm pernture not Rreater thnn f/0 degrees Fah renheit. Full Information furnished on ap plication 'nere or to commissary at nnj post authorized to open proposals. Govern ment reserves right to reject nny or ol proposals or any part of nny proposal Envelopes containing proposals should bi marked 'Troposnls for Fresh Ueet nm Mutton , " nnd addressed to umlerslened 01 Commissary nt post authorized to recclvi proposals. FHANK E. NY 13 , Major nnt C. S. A 5-G-7-8 May 3-4 PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUPPLIES AND TRANSPORTATION. Department o ! tinIntvrlor , Olllco of Indian Affairs. Wnwh. Ington , D. C. , .March .7) , 1SOS. Sealed pro posals will be received by the Commlsslonei of Indian Affairs , at 1C02 Stnto street , ongn. III. , Until 1 " o'clock p. in. , Wednesday , April 2T , 1FOS , far" furnishing for the Service beef , flour , bacon nnd ot'ner articles of subsistence ; iiKi'lcuUural implements wagons , harness , hardware , medical am ! other supplies ; nlso bids for the transporta tion of such of the articles , goods nnd sup plies ns may not be contracted for to In delivered nt the agencies. Sealed proposals will also be received nt Non. 77-70 Woostei street. New York City , until 1 o'clock p , m. , of Tuesday , May 17. 1S93 , for furnish ing for the Indian Service coffee , supnr , tea , rice , baking powder , soap , groceries , blankets , woolen nnd cotton goods , clothing , notions , hats nnd caps , boots nnd shoes , crockery and sc'riool books. I3lds must be made on Government blanks. Schedule ? plvlng nil necessary Information for bid ders will be furnished on application nt the Indian Olllce , Washington , D. C. ; Nos. 77- 79 Woostcr street. New York City ; No. IGO'J Stnte street , Chicago , 111 , ; the Commis saries of Subsistence , U. S. A. , at Cheyenne , Lcnvenworth , Omaha , St. Louis , St. Paul and San Francisco ; the postmasters at Sioux City. Yanltton , Arkansas City , Caldwell - well , Topekn , Wlc'ntta and Tucson. Hid ? will bo opened at the 'notir and days above stated , and bidders arc Invited to be present nt the opening. W. A. JONES. Commis sioner. A5 D19t IIAILUU.VUS. ' CHICAGO & NORTHWESTern - ern Hallway City Ticket Of fice , 1101 Farnnm Street , Tola. Phone 661. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone lS. Lsave- Arrived Spe- " " " 7 : < " am 11:53 : pit Missouri"VnYlcV. . Sioux City. St. 1-aul and Minneapolis . 5-40 am 10:45 : pir MlBwurl Valley , sioux " " * 'M Qm 0:03 : pir Dennlson"carroli."Vvnii Lake , fram Hrondwny , Council IJlulfs . . . ; . . . . . 3:00 : am 8 : nn ; Eastern Expies ; ? , i Des Mn'.nes. Mnr'liilltown , Coder Rapids , Chlpaaro. 10:30 : nm 4:35 : pn Atlantic Flyer. Chicago and Rnst . . ; . . , . .i . 4U3 nm 4:33 : pn Fast Mall , CJiIcaso tr > Omaha . . . , " . . . . . 3:10 : pn : Missouri Valley , Sioux City , St. Paul , Mlnne- apolia Limited . . ' . . 4:35 : pm S:55 : nrr Omaha-chlcaprA Special. . 6:45 : pm 8:30 : atr Doly. | ' Dally cxoept Sunday. CHICAGO. ST. PAUL , MINNE- opolis & Oinaha RalHvay- General oniccs. Nebrnfka 1) | . vision. Fifteenth nnd Webstei Streets , city Ticket Olllce , i , . - 11011''ar" ni Street. Telephone i . . Ff"e th and Webster Streets. Tele : . pnono iijo. Arrlvo. Slcux City Acccmmoaa , * 8:30 am 8:20 : pm Sioux City Accommodn. . 9:50 : am 80 : pn , Illnlr , Emerson , Sioux City , 1'onca. Hartine- ton and Itlooinlleld. . . . 1:00 : pm nm ShAix City , Mnr.kato , St. Paul , Minneapolis . . . . 5:3) pm SD : am nniertv ! ! ' . -.sieiiBer 5:10 pm 8:13 : am Dally. Dally , except , Sunday. Sunday ? nly < .l"Thll > . .lrilln.8tops at stations'Florence ' to South Illalr , Inclusive , Sundays oniy : on week days , Knuth Blair only. ULKHORN AND ssouri Valljy Hallway Gon. ernl Offices , United States Na tlonal Bank Uulldlng , South west Corner Twelfth and Far- nam Streets. Ticket Oiflce , 1401 Farnnm Street. Telephone 561. Depot , Fif teenth and Webster Kir > t . Telephone 1458. Leave. Arrive. Dlack Hills , Deadwood and Hot Springs 3:00 : pm ' 6:00 pm Wyom'ng ' , Caspar and Douelas . . . . . . " 3CO : pm .MM. B:00 : pm Hastings , York , DnvliJ City. Superior , Geneva Kxeter nnd Seward. . . . 3:00 : pm 6:00 : pm Norfolk , West Point and Fremont . 7:50 : am M10:23 : nm Lincoln , Wahoo and Fremont . " 7:50 : nm 10.25 nm Fremont Local . 7:50 : am Dolly. Dally except Sunday. Sunday only. Dally xcept Saturday. Dally exceot Monday' . _ SIOUX CITT A PACIFIC RAILroad - road llencral OlDccs , United States National Bank Ilulld- Ins. S. W. Corner Twelfth and Fnrnnm Streets. Ticket Oillce. r * _ T = ' - ' , . , M ° l Farnam Street. Telephone 561. Depot. 15th and Webster Sis. Telephone 45i aVe < ArrlVe > Sioux City. Mankato. St. Paul. Minnapull r:33 : pin 8:50 : an BURLINGTON & MISSOURI River Railroad "The nurllns. ton Routo" General Offlces , N. W. Cornir Tenth ml Fnrnnm Streets. Ticket Omce. 1502 Farnam Street. Telephone 230. Depot. Tenth nnd Meson Streets. Telephone 12S. Leave. Arrive. Lincoln , Hastings ana McCook 8:33 : am 8:33 : nm Lincoln , Demcr. Cole rado. Utah. California , Block HlllM. Montana ant Pugct Sound 4M : prj 4:03 : pm Lincoln Local 7:01 : pm 7:40 : pm Lincoln Fast Mall i'53 ; pm 11:40 : am Denver. Colorado , Utah. California and IMget Found 11:15 : nm 11 : K pin Dally. Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO. BURLINGTON & Railroad "The Burl- , . - . , Route" Ticket Oftlce , li 'Z Fnrnnm Street. Telephone VK ! . Depot , Tenth and 0011 Euett * . Telephone 12S. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' Leave. Arrive , Ch'cago Vestlbuled Ex. . 6:03 : pm S:10 : am " Chicago ExnrefS 9:48 : am * 4:15 : pm 8110'am 5jo : pm 11:30 : pm tfANSAH CITY , ST. JO5KPH & Council Bluffs Railroad Burlington "The Burllnuton Route" Ticket OHlce. 1502 Fanum Route Street. Telephone ! if > Depot. Tenth and Mason Streets. TelephJne 12 j. Leave. Arrive. Day Ex. . . 9:03 : am t:4C : Kansas City pra . , , . _ . . . . . . . - - city Nlcht I.-- JO:00 pm * 6:30a'n : Dally. UNION I'ACIKIC-'TPHK OVER , land Re ute" General Offices , N. B. Corner Ninth und Fnrnam Streets. City Ticket Ornce , 1:02 Farnara Street. Telephone S15. Depot. Tenth and Mason Streets , Telephone 128. * LaVe < Arllve > "Tlio Overland Limited" fur Denver , Salt Lake , weslern points : iO am 4:43 : pm Tha Colorado Special. ror Denver and all Colorado points ' 11:53 : pra 7:00 : am Fast mall train for Rait Lake. Paclfla coiit and all western points , Itsj pm 7.00 am Lincoln , Beatrice and Stromsburs Express . . 6:00 : pm 12 : W pm Fremont. Columbus , Norfolk , Grand Island - land ami Kearney . 4:33 PM Grand Island Kxprerg. . .1OU : pm 1IW : ) pm Daily. Dally except Sund r. Council Bluffs Local Leaves , a. m.j CM : . m. : 7:40 : a , in , ; 8:40 : a m. ; 10:30 : a , m : Zis : p. m. ; 4s : ; p. m. : 5:55 : p. m 8:20 : p. m. ; 10:03 p. m. Arrives. 6:20 : a. in. : T0 : a. m. : 8:25 : a. m : 11:20 : n , m. ; 3:10 : p. ra. ; 1:40 : p , rn. ; 6:30 : p. m ' ; 9:03 : p. m. ; 10:45 : p. m. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE 4 ST. Paul Hallway City Ticket Oirtcc. iy-4 Farnam Stttt-t. Telephone 211. Depot , Tunth and Mason Streets. Tele phone 129. _ Leave. Arrive. Chlcaco Limited Ex. . . . la pm * 8OS : cm Omaha and Chicago Ex * ll:0u : am 1:59 : era Dalir , MAiLIIOAns. ( Continued. ) CHICAGO. IIOCK ISLAND A 1'aclilo Itallrofld "The Qresl Itock ItlanJ Itoule" city Ticket Ofllc , 1K3 Fnnmm Street. Telephone 4JI. Dtpot , Tenth and Mason Streets 1SS. . tcnvt. . - v Arr\vt. \ ClilciKo ami St. Paul Vcstllmled F.xpreis . . 4 : 0 pm 1:43 : pm Lincoln , Colotndo Sp'Rs , Puueblo , Denver and west . , , . . I'M pm 43 : pm Chicago , Dvs Molnea A Ilock Island 7:00 : pm 8:11 nm Atlantlo Kxpren , for De Mnlncs in'l a t- era pr..ntR . 7:50 : Jim SSO : Colorado Flyer , . . . . 7:01 : run S-OI am Dally n | ly exceol Sunday. WAtlASH n.MLJtOAD TICKET . , ntHrim Famam Street. Ttli- ' \ \ phine 222. Depot. Tenth nnj t \ Slnson StreeM. Telcpone 123. L nve. Arrive. Sf. t/Mils "Cannon nail" ' fcxpresj 4:0pm : * 11:20 : nm Dally. MISSOURI PACIFIC IIAILIIOAD Qenernl Oillcef nnd Ticket OiUco. Merchants National Jl.inls Uullillnir. 1221 Farnam Stiret. Telephone 101. Depot. Flitecnth and Webster Streets. Telephone 9:30 : pm i:90 : : am 'Daliy' ' "DntlV'except Sunday. OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAILROAD P25I Omaha , Kmsaii City & knit * ern Kallroad "The Port ArtJUr ARTHUR Route" Ticket Oince , 1415 F.irnam Street. Telephone. S2. Depot , RSlJIi : Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele- ' L avtf. Arrive. St. Lulls Ctnnon Ball , n..n err , Express 4:3 : pm 11:50 : am Kansas City A Qulncy i - - . 7jto am 9:0pm INDIA'S IIOAItDHI ! WHAI.TII. -Million * OH Golil * llrlrlced Up In Secret VnnltH. During the first decade of my residence In India , relates a correspondent of the Spring field Republican , I was for some years as sociated with a wealthy tanker named Lalla Muttra Perahand , tlio Lahore agent of the great banking house known as "Tho Sfths of Muttra , " and from him I learned a great deal about the system of hoarding practiced In all ages by the wealthy classes of India. Ho died D.lndabun about 1867. It maybe bo explained that the title "Lalla" used by native bankers has no exact equivalent In English. If might with equal propriety bo translated macter , professor or banker. Both In ancient and modern times one of the stock objections of European natlona against trade , wlth India has been that that country absorbs a large amount of the prec- IOUB metals , which It never disgorges. It lias naturally been asked what becomes of these treasures , for wo do not find .In India that abundance of either gold or silver which might naturally bo expected ; and the reply hao always been that they are withdrawn from circulation as currency by being hoarded. Fa1 agra It has been a prevalent opinion In all eastern countries that there Is a vast amount of treasure hidden in the earth , which , unless found by accident , Is lost to man. man.When up country Iat year I heard that Chowringhee Lalla , manager to Lalla Muttra 1'crahaud , already mentioned , was In Gwallor on some temporary business , and I called on him , ay an old Mend , at a place in the Lashkar where ho was residing. Among other subjects we discussed the ac tion of the government In closing the mints , and I asked his opinion about the possibility of a gold standard , for India , and mentioned the fact thst certain members of the Cur rency association considered that 50,000,000 of gold would be sufficient to provide India with a currency. The lalla laughed the ideate to scorn , and assured me that 50,000,000 would not sulllce to replace the silver hoards of even ono state. "You know , " ho said , "how anxious the late Maharajah Sclndla was to get tack the fortress of Gwalior , but very few know the real cause prompting him. That was a concealed hoard of sixty crorcs ( 80,000,000) ) of rupees In certain vaults within the fortresa , ove1. ' which British sentinels had been walking for about thirty the wealth concealed- ye-ara , never suspecting below their feet. Long before the British government gave back the fortress every ono who knew the entrance Into the concealed hoard was dead , except one man , who was extremely old , and , although In good health , ho might have died any day. If that had happened the treasure might have been lost to the owner forever and the world for ages , because there was only ono entrance to the heard , which was. most cunningly concealed , arid , except that 'entrance , every other part waa surrounded by solid rock. "So the maharajah was In such a fix that ho must either get back his fortress or divulge the secret to the government and run the risk of'lcsliig the treasure forever. When the ifortresa was given back to the mahara jah , and b'e'fore the 'British troops had left Gwallor territory , masons were brought from Benares , sworn to secrecy In the temple of the-'Holy'Cow ' , before leaving ; and when they reached the Gwallor railway station they were put Into carriages , blindfolded ami driven to the place where they had to work. There thcjy were kept till they had opened out the entrance Into the secret vault , and , when the concealed hoard had been verified , and the hole built up again , they were once more blindfolded , put Into carriages ami taken back to the railway station and rebooked - booked for'Benares tinder a proper escort. " Chowrlnghee 'Lalla ' went on to' tell mo that for generations before the riseof the British power his ancestors had held the post of treasurer In the Gwallor state , and that , after the British had annexed territories around Delhi , ono of his great-grand uncles had re tired from the post of treasurer of Gwallor with a fortune of twenty crorea of rupees ( 20,000,000) ) . By great good fortune , all this money was quietly got Into British territory , ho declared ; and fifteen crorcs of It are at this 'day bricked up In a secret vault under a Hindu temple dedicated to the goddess of wealth in the holy city of Brlndabun. "Now , " said the Lalla , "If the treasurer could accu mulate so much , what were the accumula tions of the state likely to-be ? The treasures of Gwallor form but a very small amount compared with the total of th'e knowa con cealed wealth of India. All the silver would be brought out and replaced hy gold directly the government decreed a gold currency for India. "Five dundrcd mllllcis : of gold would' bo absorbed and concealed before n gold cur rency had been twelve months in circula tion. Europeans , even those who have been In the country for years , have no Idea of the hoarding propensities of even well-to-do natives , without counting the more wealthy bankers and traders. For example , my wife , " said the lalla , "has more than th.reo lakha of rupeeo hidden for fear of my dying before her , because I am much older than the la , and wo have IA son alive to Inherit my property. And I know nothing about the place' where this money Is concealed. " Cni this I aaked how natives men aged to accumulate so much wealth , and the lalla replied , "Natives don't spend like Euro . Take the house of peans. any well-to-do native merrtunt wllh an Income of , say , 1,000 rupees per month ; at the very outside 50 to 100 rupees would purchase the whole of the furniture In It , Beyond a few purdahs ( curtains ) tad beds , furniture In the Euro pean sense docs not exist. Even the very wealthy , although they may haw a carriage and horses , possess neither books nor pic tures , nor any expensive works of art , and when a feast l.i given to their friends a Dlece of a plantain leaf serves each guest for a dish , where Europeans opend hundreds of rupees In dinner and breakfast services of fragile , but moat expc-nslve , china and glassware. All .this the native savrs tid : hoards. The wealthy conceal their accumu lations of gold and silver ta secret vaulln , except the ornaments which are reserved for and worn by their women. " I had to admit the force of all this reasoning. The Cleveland Plain Dealer : She 'ha'.ted her cavalry squad on the brow of the hill. Raising her plnca nez uhe ran her keen Bray eye over the command. "At-ten-rfnlonl" shu shouted. > Her brow clouded. "Don't BlgKle. " she harshly cried. Then she briskly added ; "lints straight ! " Fifty pnuntleted hands arose In union , "Draw Jiat pins ! " . Fifty steel lances flashed In air ! "CSar-r-rge ! " the b'juad swept down the hill. A IIHUII.AXD 1'OIVrUH. rrom Punch. "Yos , sir , the .water's In grand ordo r , hut the fush nro no up yet. Noo.wnd 30 a flue tlino tno glo some o' yor London frlena a day or twa'a fishing ! " AUTISTIC SYMPATHY. From 1'uncli. Susan Lor , Miss Ella , I wonder you'vo the 'cart to play , and you Just in your blacks for your poor uncle. Miss Ella -Don't be silly , Susan ! Can't you see I'm only playing on th black notes ! 1'IIOOP OF DOUIILE DEALINGS. ' From FllOHcnile IJlnettor. Private Snlpps ( as he compares h Is half of a sausage given him' by hit fiancee with another piece ) Great Heavens ! I feared that my Katie waa untrue to me. Now I know It. These two pieces fit. TUB MOIUIIC. From Scraps. , Ethel finds the moujlk blouse most handy for shopping. TOSSING Til K PAXCAKK. From Scrnpa. Went up a tossed cancaka- . came down a pancake liat.