Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 03, 1898, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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    6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : 3&NDAY , APRIL 3 , 1898.
Try Mocre'i itock food.
Dr. Roc , dentist , Merrlam block.
Geo. S. Davis , Frcecrlptlon Druggist.
Early Ohio potatoes. Dartcl & Miller.
Photos Platlno or Arlsto. Shcrraden.
Dr. Drown , dentist , room 301. Merrlam blk.
Footer-Schneider Prescriptions at Davis' .
White Rose Rebckah lodge has arranged
for a May polo dance on May 3.
Wanted Competent cook. None other need
apply. George A. Kccllno , 129 Park Avc.
Complete nets of the Ireland views can
bo had at The Bee office , No. 10 Pearl. Call
before April 10.
The Evans laundry Is the leader In flno
work both for color tnd finish. E20 Pearl
street. Phone 290.
Good paint Is always the best and cheap
est In the long run. It's Harrison's paint
wo sell. Oco. S. Davis , 200 < B'way.
A special meeting of the Unity guild mem
bers will bo held tomorrow afternoon at the
residence of Mrs. Addle Brooks on Vine
Don't you think It must be a pretty good
laundry that can please so many hundreds
of customers ? Well-thafs the "Eagle , " 724
On Monday afternoon at 2:30 : the Woman's
Christian association will hold Its regular
meeting In the parlors of the Grand hotel.
The buslncea to be discussed IB of such a
nature that each member la asked to bo
Spring term of Western Iowa college opens
Monday , April 4. This will be your last op
portunity to commence a business or eteno-
graphlc course at the unusually low tuition
of ono dollar per week. All students , In
these departments , receive Individual In
Flnley Burke returned yesterday from DCS
Molncs , where he has been engaged all
week In defending a $10,000 damage suit
against the Hammond Packing company of
South Omaha. The twit was brought by a
butcher named Winter , living at Valley
Forge , and grew out of some transactions
connected with the business. The case was
taken from the jury and a judgment ren
dered for the. defendant.
C. B. Vtuva Co. , female remedy ; consulta
tion free. Office hours , 0 to 12 and 2 to 6.
Health book furnlobcd. 326-327-318 Merrlam
_ _ _ _ _
Elegant cottage for sale. Klnnc , Baldwin blk
N , Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250.
Water Illllw Now Dne.
Pay this week and save five per cent.
Buy your groceries at J. Zoller & Co.
Dr. Roller , osteopath , Beno block.
Where the. Wheel Wn Stolen.
The surmlso that William Cooper , the
tramp picked up with a new blcyclo In his
possession which ho was endeavoring to sell ,
had broken Into a freight car and stolen
the whcol from a cnslgnmcnt , proved to be
correct. Late Friday night a car of mer
chandise wao delivered by the Northwestern
at the transfer with the seals broken and
bearing undoubted evidence that It had been
robbed. The waybill etiowcd that ono bl
cycle was missing. Special Detective Rile ;
of the company was wired to Investigate , and
reached the city yesterday morning. He
had read the dcscrlptlcn of the stolen wheel
In Ttio Bee and wan greatly pleased to find
both the wheel and the thief In the city Jail
Cooper acknowledged the theft after a few
questions and told how ho bad stolen It. He
eald ho broke Into the car at Carroll , and
epcnt his time whllo the train waa running
to Missouri Valley In setting up the wheel
and getting It In order to ride. At Missouri
Valley ho watched tils chance and left the
car with the wheel without attracting at
tention , and then slowly made ( its way U
this city , riding the greater part of the dis
tance In D farmer's wagon. Ho was arrcstec
within twenty minutes after reaching town
Ho will bo prosecuted for burglary.
r\Vntcr Illll * Now Dne- .
Pay this week and save five per cent.
The elaborate display of fine Easter mlllln
ry goods and fancy needle work at Mes
dames Stork & Crisp's store , 341 Broadway
yesterday was highly complimented by thosi
who saw It. Everything was artistically ar
ranged and the excellent taste for the sea
son In the millinery line was ono that CM
hardly be excelled In the city. It Is to tin
advantage of every lady contemplating buy
ing a hat or bonnet to call at the Parlalai
millinery store and ee the- fine line of good
displayed there.
Poultry wire and garden seeds at J. Zolle :
* Co.
Injunction , to Save the Alley.
The threatened Injunction to restrain th
Citizens' bank and E. E. Hart from per
tnanently closing the alley between Pear
and Main streets Just eouth ot Broadway , am
familiarly known as "Presbyterian alloy,1
was applied for yesterday In the dlatrlc
court. N. P. Dodge and S. C. Dodge , owner
of a portion of the property adjoining th
alley , are the plaintiffs. They allege tha
the alley was laid out by agreement of th
property owners In 1855 , ana was used con
tlnuously thereafter for a period of ten year
without objection. Under the law then ex
Jstlng this continuous use gave the publl
right to claim title. Since then , the petltloi
vers , the alley has been used continuous !
with tbo knowledge and consent ot the hold
ers of abutting property. They allege tha
the closing of It will Inflict great damag
to all of the otter lots by shutting up bac
entrances , 'and ask for a permanent Injunc
tlon No , time has been set for hearing th
arguments , but It la expected that all of th
parties Interested will prced for an earl
Are You Golngr to Pnlntt
Everybody Is thinking about painting thl
time of year and that being the case w
want to Inform you of two things which an
Get good paints and get them at the lowei
figures consistent with the quality ot tb
material. There la only one place whei
you can bo suited. That Is the Paint , O
and Glass Co. , Masonic block.
Grand Jury Adjourn * .
The grand jury made Us report ycsterda
morning and adjourned till May 16. Onl
two Indictments were returned agalni
prisoners already under arrest. Charli
Gcrber , the old German who got Into troubl
on account of his disposition to Issue wort !
less drafts , waa Indicted on two charge ;
lie la now In the county Jail.
Fred Stone , tlio negro who attempted to us
a razor on John Llnder and some of the en
ploycs ot Ltnder's wholesale liquor stor
was Indicted for assault with Intent to c
great bodily Injury. Stone had a dearie
In Justice VIen'a court and his cane we
continued and he waa permitted to go c
bis own recognizance. Ilia case was colic
a few days ago. but ho failed to appear , ar
a further continuance was granted. Th
led to the matter being placed before tt
grand Jury , and an Indictment was quick !
returned upon the facts presented.
Several cases were Ignored.
Mrs. Pfelffer'i millinery display yesterd *
was conceded to bo the most eucoesaf
affair ot th kind held for many years.
Poultry wire and garden needs at J. Zoll <
A Co.
Ot Crescent City are here In Council Dlul
and Omaha with their fine line of fruit tree
grape vkice , etc. , and all klnda ot One ahai
trece , flowering shrubs and rosca. The
ale grounds are located at 615 East Ilroa
way , Council Bluffs , and on Farnam stre <
one block west ot Twentieth street , Omah
where you will be waited on at all tlm
With pleasure. We ell all goods very cbe ,
and guarantee All goods Orst-claea.
Outsthk koB , 1 < U < 1 | CuBHcIl Illafl
\ \
Laying Oat Plans for Their Show at
Transmississlppl Eipos'tion.
Superintendent of the llortlcnltnrnl
Kxhllilt Interest * the Mpiuhera
Greatly in III * Idea for o >
Great Ulsplar.
There was a large attendance at the meet
ing of the grape grow era In Farm
er's hall yesterday afternoon , and the deep
est Interest was taktn In the work ot pre
paring for the fruit exhibit to bo made
at the exposition. Prof. Taylor of the Ne
braska State Horticultural ooclety and the
superintendent of the department In the ex
position , was present and devoted an hour
or more to the discussion of the fruit ex
hibits to be made. He explained that ca'ch
exhibitor or association will have credit for
separate exhibits and receive full benefit
from the advertising of grapca and other
fruits on the special dajs. Ho thought It
would be best for the Council Bluff * fruit
growers to unite upco a grape exhibit and
make the special "grapo day" ono of the
features of the exposition. There was no
reluctance on the part of any of the mem
bers to take hold of the matter , and when
a resolution to that effect was presented It
received the approval of every member pres
ent. The resolution Instructed the chairman
to appoint a committee to act with him ,
whoso duty It shall bo to press forward the
work of preparing such an exhibit. The
resolution pledged each member of the aceo-
clatlon to take an active part In furnish
ing a supply a grapes to be given away on
"grape day. "
President Graham of the Transmlssisslppl
association wao present , and laid before the
members the necessity for pushing forward
the enterpriser upon which the committee
had been working so long. All of the fruit
men evinced a lively Interest In the build
ing of the wigwam , and a promise of sub
stantial assistance was given. Mr. Bonham
thought the grape cxubtt | would be one
of the enticing features connected with the
wigwam. He recalled the fact that enly
thirty-four years ago he and Mr. Graham
were the only persons In this part of the
country who had growing grape vines , and
now there are over 200 magnificent vine
yards around the city.
The remainder of the session was devoted
to the discussion of flcances and business
of the association , nrvj accepting the resig
nation of Treasurer Konlgmacher.
Two Important Event * .
There will soon bo an opening of the wai
between Uncle Sara and the Dors , accordIng -
Ing to latest diplomatic reports. The grano
opening of the 'Bourlclus Music house will
also soon take place. In the meantime II
Is their desire to Impress upon your minds
the location of their new store at 325 Broad
way , where the organ stands on top of th <
building. Their music Is the latest : theli
strings are new ; their planoo are the beat ol
modern times ; their organs have the sweet
est tona. All their mandolins , guitars , violins
lins , etc. , harmonize with the rest.
Bruce Baughn requests all persons having
claims against him to call at the Ogdcn hotel
within four days.
Buy your meat at J Zoller & CX ( >
Millinery Opening- .
Grand Easter display of hots and bonneU
at Mies Sprlnk's Friday and Saturday , April
1 and 2 , 21 Main St.
Pronbytertnnn EnRneo- nn , InterestIng -
Ing : Oclintcf on ; the Topic.
The question of Individual communlor
cups has been brought up In several of th (
local churches and has reached almost ai
acute etage In the First Presbyterian congre
gallon , where about an equal number o
members favor and oppose It. The regulai
communion service there will be held oni
week from today and the decision has almoa
been reached to begin the Innovation at tha
time provided the Individual cups can bi
secured from the makers In time and on sat
lafactory terms. Before the matter has beei
definitely eettlcd a congregational meetlni
will be held and all of the advocates am
opponents will be given an opportunity ti
express their Ideas. The opponents of thi
plan are preparing for the meeting and wll
lay before the congregation some optnlom
from high authority. A letter has been re
celvod from Prof. George T. Purvess , professor
ser of Greek In the Princeton Theologlca
seminary , which will be laid before the meet
ing. "In the Institution ot the Lord's sup
per , " says Prof. Purvcsa , "tho natural Im
prcsslon-from the records Is that the Savlo
used but one cup , which was passed arouni
the table , from which each disciple drank
There Is certainly nothing in the Qreel
which implies that more than ono cup wai
used on that occasion. The natural Impllca
tlon of the language Is that only one cuj
waa used. Tbo passing around ot ono cuj
was , ot course , Intended to symbolize tha
all of the disciples together participated li
the benefits ot Christ's sacrifice , so that the :
communed with Him and with ono anothei
Hence. I Judge our observance ot the sacra
rnent should symbolically represent th
same Idea. This does not require , Indeed
that the whole congregation should drlnl
out ot one cup. The Idea Is sufficiently rep
resented if a large number of the congrega
tlon should drink out of one cup. The whol
Idea Is that the Idea symbolized In the sup
per should be adequately represented , an
It would seem to mo to be a foolish idea c
the symbolism to insist that one cup shoul
bo used for the entire congregation , no mat
ter how large the latter might be. Bu
when we consider the modern Individual cu
observance , it seems to me. that in It th
representation ot the communion ot the dli
clples with each other Is reduced to a mlr
Imum. I will not say that the symbollai
is absolutely destroyed , for the cups are cot
talned In a common carrier , and the comrm
nlcants , sitting side by side , may still bo re
minded ot their relation to ono another e
well as to the Lord. But the symbolism 1
reduced to a minimum ; It Is not emphasize *
and the latter Idea ot separation bctwec
the communicants Is also visibly introduce !
Hence I do not like the Individual cup fc
observance , although I am no stickler f (
forms and would bo willing to admit an
reasonable modification of the form provide
It did not destroy symbolism , and provide
that a sufficient reason can bo shown. Tt
only reasons for individual cups are sai
itary , and I confess these do not appear '
bo sufficient. I think they are duo I
morbid sentiment , and that no more physic ,
dancer Is Incurred by using the same cu
with others than using the same street ca
Hence , I am opposed to individual cups ,
should not. Indeed , bo in favor ot absolute !
prohibiting them , but I would throw my li
fluence against them. I would feel that n
communion had received a rude shock if
were compelled to observe It otherwise tbi
by symbolical recognition ot the communli
of the saints. "
The other churches where the subject
up are watching the progress In the Presb ;
terlan congregation with much interest.
Finest oranges In the city at Klein's , 1
Smoke the Iron Chancellor , the leadli
five-cent cigar.
Poultry wire and garden eccds at J. Zoll
& Co. _ _ .
Dodirtuir n Footpiid.
Gus Lotz , a barber who works at the phi
of Ed Shlckctanr on Lower Main street , h <
an Interesting time endeavoring to avoid
footpad on Friday night. Ho encounter
the fellow on Upper Broadway while retur
Ing home after 11 o'clock. The fellc
topped him and begged for assistance
get something to cat. Lotz took him to i
all night lunch house nearby and paid f
a light meal tot him. la doing to tie w
ibllgcd to show several umill bills. The f clew "
ow followed him and attempted to hold him
ip Jiuit as ho reached his boarding place on
South First street. Ho beat out the thug
n the footrace acd got Into the door when
he fellow reached the front gate. Halt an
lour later the fellow attempted to break
into the house , but was frightened away.
riionifton-ltauck Nuptial * Attract 'At '
tention Personal Mention.
Ono of the weddings that attracted at >
tention during the week was that ot Mr. '
launders Thomson and Miss Bertha L.
ttanck , which occurred at the residence of
the parents of the bride , Mr ? and Mrs. A. C.
llanck , on Oak terrace , Wednesday evening.
The ceremony wan witnessed by a largo
number of friends ot the family , who testi
fied their appreciation ot the young people
by a most generous number of gifts , more
than forty of them responding la this man
ner. Miss Ranck Is one ot the most popular
society young women ot the city and Mr-
Thomson is a successful young business man
of Craig , Mo. Tbo young people will bo at
homoat Craig after today.
The Alaskan sociable held at the resl-
drnco of J. W. Squlro last FrtQay evening
was largely attended and was voted a suc
cess by all present. One ot the' features 'of
the evening was the dlosertatton upon
palmistry by Dr. Tessa Thomas.
An "April Fool" surprise party was suc
cessfully planned and executed on Thursday
evening by the friends of Mr. and Mrs. John
Daughcrty of 922 Avenue D. Remarkable
costumes and negro masks made special fea
tures. A very pleasant evening was enjoyed
by all those who attended.
Mr. and Mrs. J. I * Faulkton of Norfolk ,
Neb. , arc the guests of W. L. Farrlngton , on
Lincoln avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Barr of Philadelphia have
located In this city and are at present boardIng -
Ing at the Ogdcn.
Miss Carrie Rohrcr gave a masquerade
party to the N. M. girls at her elegant
homo on Vine street Friday afternoon. Ttio
costumes were all very unique and dis
played a great deal of originality. The atter-
nocn was spent with music and dancing.
Dainty refreshments were served.
Miss Bell of Ashland , Neb. , and Mrs. Bos-
ten of Malvcrn , la. , have been studying
painting under Miss Cook the last week.
Mrs. C. E. H. Campbell has been spend
ing the last week la Chicago.
Miss Caroline Dodge has returned from
Mrs. T. J. Mackay of Omaha spent Tues
day calling on old friends In the Bluffs.
J. A. B. cigar leads 'cm all.
Sullivan , the grocer , still continues to
lead all competitors In the fish market. This
Is conceded and there are good reasons for
It. When It Is taken into consideration that
you will find all kinds of epecles of the
finny trlbo at his store explanations are
unnecessary. Leave your order with Sulli
van when you want fish.
Hoffmayr's fancy patent flour makes the
best and most bread. Ask your grocer for it.
Pictures of Ireland numbers should betaken
taken to Morehouse & Co. for binding.
WaterIIlllM - Now Due.
Pay this week and save five per cent.
Meets for the ( Purpose of Winding Up
The city council 'held a meeting last night
for the purpose of finishing house cleaning
preparatory to moving out to make way for
the now council that will assume charge ot
things next Monday night. The chief busi
ness on hand was the reading and allowance
of the regular bllla for the morith , which
would have come up under ordinary circum
stances at the regular meeting Monday night.
The bills approximate a total of between
$5,000 and $0,000 , and In accordance with
tbo resolution adopted Gome time ago these
bills will bo paid In cash from the proceeds
of the police fund for the current month.
The receipts in this fund will leave but o
small deficit to bo provided by issuing war-
ants. All of the election expenses were
paid. The special policemen Were allowed
$2.60 each for their day's work , and the
members ot the election boards $5 each , with
ho exception of these in East Omaha , who
were given $2 extra. The compensation ol
ho registrars was fixed at $2.50 for the full
period of their service. Some ot them put
n hills of double that amount.
The mo to rcompany notified the council
that It waa prepared to settle all ot the back
tax claims and pay its taxes In full for the
years 1894 , 1895 and 1896. The city attornej
waa directed to confer with the county at
torney and the members of the Board of Su
pervisors &nd assist -in ascertaining th <
amount the company should pay. By resolu
tlon the finance committee of the council wai
also added.
Alderman Shubert , chairman of the spe
clal committee to which was referred thi
matter of ascertaining how many of thi
Nebraska Telephone company's poles wen
being used by the Long Distance Telephom
company end subject to the $1 a year taj
provided bythe charter , reported that he hat
been unable to secure sufficient informatloi
to make a report and asked for further time
The council adjourned until Monday even
Jng , when a , few minutes preliminary sessloi
will be necessary to get out of the way to :
the new council.
" " ' "
Buy your meat at J Zoller & Co.
Chnrch Service * .
The services connected With the'rededlca-
tion ot tbo Christian tabernacle will be heli
today. The church has been finished and ha ; .
a debt of $1,500 hanging over It , which It 'li
hoped will bo removed today at the conclu
slon of the dedicatory services.
Central Christian Church , Broadway am
It Pearl Street.
IG5.M per month 18 Pearl street , store room.
$4000 per month 4 Pearl street , next to Pere
goy's clear store.
J23.00 per month Cherry Hill , 10-room house an
1 acre , fruit and garden.
$15.00 per month 1CU Broadway , store room.
$800 per month 1323 Pleasant street , slx-roor
$8 00 per month-UO nidge street , large slx-roor
$8.00 per month-Avenue B & 15th street , tw
13.00 per rnonth-21st at. , near Broadway , thr
$4.00 per month-815 Avenue II. three-root
houbo. ,
S34 acres fenced bottom land ; will build nei
house and barn for responsible tenant ; } Z. !
per acre.
107 acres southeast of Woodbine , Harriao
county ; good Improvements ; K.50.
JO-acre farm near Council Bluffs , J120.00 p <
5-acre carden tract , close In , 1100.00 per year.
Good farms for sale or trade cheap ; will tali
farms , city propert or live itock tn pai
payment. Write for list * or apply to
Over 18 Pearl Street.
land * for saU or rant. Day 4s H s . iy Ptti
tine. A. B. Howe. Council Bluffs.
Hon. 519 Main St. . Co. Bluffs , la ,
KTOM land on easy termi , 3 mile * norl
Reel1 , postofllce. Henry RUhton , 212 Harmon
Instructions. Albln Iluiter , stuji
VIOLIN US Broadw y. German mttbo
ot Dresden Conservatory.
ark Avenue , Elder 1. It. Caudlo , Pastor
'reaching at 11 o'clock a.un. ftnd 8 p. m.i
ilble school , 10 a. fll" Young People's So-
ilcty ot Christian Knllavor , 7 p. m. Music
n charge ot 'W. ' 1. wTUori. Everybody In-
St. John's English Lutheran Church , WIN
ow Avenue and Seventh Street , Itev. d. W.
Snydcr , Pastor Services at 10:30 : a. m. and
r:30 : p. m. ; morning aukject , "The Reign ot
csua ; " evening , "ffie Ileturn ; " Sunday
ichool at 12 m.
Broadway iMcthodls .Eplscopal Church , H.
enscny , Pastor QuarWIy meeting scrvlcra
vlll bo held In the raqtplng ; quarterly love
'east at 0:30 : a , m. ; preaching at 10:30 : a. m.
jy the Rev. Dr. D. C. Franklta. Elder sacra-
nental service will be held after preaching.
Sunday school , 12 m.\J\mIor league , 4 p. m. ;
3pworth league , 6:30 : p. m. : preaching at 7:30 :
x m. by the pastor. A cordial Invitation cx-
xmJed to all. „ ,
The ono leading topic yesterday discussed
imong the women ot Council Blufts was the
nagntflcent display of Ea'ster hats and bon
nets at the millinery store ot the 'Misses
Read & Miller , 317 Uroadway. If you did
not visit their store be sure and do so before
making your purchase.
Fire Chief Toiufilcton' Heport.
Chief Tcmpleton of the fire department
completed his report Hat evening and will
submit 1C to the council tomorrow night.
The report shows that between the periods
ot March 15 , 1S97. and April 1 , 189S , moiV )
than ono year , the total losses from Ore In
the city amounted to only $9,855. The
amount of Insurance Involved In these fires
was $136,075. During this period the de
partment worked while extinguishing these
fires 209U hours , traveled 453'-4 miles , laid
23.500 feet of hose , raised 759 ladders and
responded to 79 fire alarms.
Died nt Cleveland.
Word was received last evening that N. S.
Herrlngton , who formerly lived In this city ,
died at Cleevland , O. Ho left hero Ave years
ago , but still bad considerable property here.
Buy your meat at J Zoller & Co.
One-Half Cent
with every ID-cent purchase. That's.what
our premium checks arc , nd you can get
anything yoa- rant for them , from a tin
trumpet to an organ or a piano , providing
jou get enough checks. Our PREMIUM
cfiocka arc worth the cash and OUR MEATS
arc the best and as cheap as any place In
the city. Try the
Blue Front Market ,
130 W. Broadway , 'Phone ' , 382.
The bent in the world. Deliv
ered to nay imrt of the city.
Telephone 301) . Mall order *
filled. i
For sale , cheap , ten-ncrc tract of land ,
cor. Madison anil Bennett avenue. " . Council
Bluffs. C. S. Leffcrts , 20G Main street.
SURETY 11ONDS Lowest ItntcH.
All gurety bonda executed at my ofllce.
230 Malu Street , .Council niufl * .
Don't Lower the Flag
That is the sentiment of every American
citizen , It is also our sentiment , and we will
never lower our flag to any competitor for the
finest line of wall paper in Council Bluffs at
prices ranging from TWO and a HALF
Cents a roll upwards ,
If you contemplate having your rooms pa
pered , painted and decorated , come and see
us before you let the contract.
Mite's ' Wall Paper Store ,
108 South Main Street ,
Dealers Mislead !
You when tlioy claim that they can soil you a wlieo }
Just as Good aa the . . . . . . . . . .
for $35.00 , or $40.00 , or $50.00. 1
THEY CANNOT DO IT. Neither can we.
The price is the Banio to all
Models 33 and 34 - - - $50.00
Models 350 , 35 and 36 - $75.00
All (898 ( goods. Wo can show yon wheels , however ,
guaranteed wheels , 1898 wheels , ranging in price from
$2250 tO $4F > .OO-Gnocl Wheels for the Money.
MONEY TALKS ! ! and the money makes the wheels go.
Drop in and see how 'tis.
A full line of Sundries at reduced prices. Bicycle Li.vcry and
Repair Shop in connection.
Premium stamps given on all cash purchases.
The Council Bluffs Cyelery ,
No. 337 Broadway ,
Telephone 205. Exclusive Bicycle Dealers , * -
Are You Going to Plant
Trees and Shrubbery ?
If you arc , wo Imvc everything In the
true nnd nhnib line from the flnmllcst
sprout to the full grown linnly tree.
Very choice largo Snow Hulls and Lilacs ,
shade , ornanicntiil and fruit trees. Wo
have ti complete stock at
18th and Douglas Sts. ,
Oi aha
where you can make your own selection *
and see what you're buying.
Telephone 179. Orders promptly de
livered. Now Is the time to plant.
I1 "We have made that term a household word during the two years we have been in business in this city.
i | I We started in on a business basis and we have the confidence of the merchants of the city. Do not be imposed
i on by imitators , who cannot show you the goods you are to receive. "We have a STOKE OF OUR OWN , in
which we exhibit our full line'of PREMIUMS , given in exchange for STAMPS.
i i These are the Stores where PREMIUM STAMPS are given. Buy here , collect Premium
i Stamps and secure handsome premiums FREE-
Harry Schmidt , 08 Broadway. ( Statnp *
given only when cash deposit Is made. )
Art Needle Work.
IMesdomes Stork & Crisp. 311 Broadway , '
Baby Carrlarei.
8. S. Keller. 111. S13 , 315 Broadway.
Skry. ' ' I
C. WldmaJer , 823 Broadway.
' Dnnjoi , Guitar * , ( Mandolins , Etc *
IBourlcJus Muslo House , 326 Broadway.
J. T. FIndley , 337 Broadway.
Cole & Cole. 41 Main Street. ,
Council Bluffs Cyelery , 337 Broadway. '
Ttlcroje Sundries and Repair * .
Council Bluffs Cyelery , 337 Broadway.
Book * ) .nd Stationary.
D. W. Bushnell , 22 Main street. ( Olva
tamps when asked Tor at the time goods
are b6ught and paid ( or , except on school
books. )
Boot * and Shoe * .
S. A. Pierce & Co. , 100 Main Street. ,
China nnd Gu * -nfe. . . , '
H. Wollman , 409 Broadway.
Con ! nnd Wood.
R. H. Williams , 160 Broadway
Dr. L. E. Roe , room 322 Merrlam Bloclt
Dr. A. o. Mudge , 319 Broadway.
Diamond * .
M. Wollman , 406 Broadway.
Drnsrn and Drusrffliiti' Snn lrle .
DelVO Morgan & Co. , 742 Broadway.
WerrUrn Block Pharmacy , cor. Main
Street , aritt Willow Avenue.
Brown te Wesner. 67 Afaln Street *
Rlortaruv A Co. , 140 Broadway.
L. jdasfenberg' , 630 Broadway ,
" 3 I Ore Work.
Bchoeas'ick'e Twin Olty Dye Works , cor.
'Avenue iA and Twenty-sixth street.
rtl ' Plonr nnrt Feed.
J./C ? ' > MMsen ft Co. , 30t South Eighteenth
Btreeti" "
. Charles Krlngel , Broadway and. Oak.
> A. W. Barrett , 912 Avenue P. i ,
n R. J. , Hancock , 605 North th Street. |
- Fnrnltvre. i
B. S ktlUr , 311. 318. 315 Broadway. I
Grille Work.
& BV'Kje'ller. 811 , ftS. 815 Broadway. ,
jtiji'rj In mind that it costs you nothing to get our Premiums. The Premium Stamps , get them FREE. Our office is always
open aqdyou are cordially invltod to call and bring your friends. If you have been overlooked in the distribution of our Stamp
Books ; kindly notify us and we will take pleasure in supplying you. They are free to all. Yours very respectfully ,
The Co-Operative Premium Association ,
* S < * ffiiJtf.iSS
nuns between Council niuffa and Omaha.
Now In effect. For prompt delivery , call on
Wm. WeJch. Bluffa 'phone , 128 ; Omaha
phone , 780. HATE3 LOW. For carriage or
express \vngnn , call at No. 8 , North Main
treet or above telephone * .
' ' Groceries ) . - * '
Bartel & Miller , 100 West Broadway.
Phone S69.
John Olson , 739 Broadway.
C. A. Laoy , J81 Harrison Street.
J. C. Nielsen & Co. , 307 South Eighteenth
Btre t.
Hansen & Myrtuo , 330 Broadway.
Evans ft Kissel , 642 Broadway.
A. W. Barrett , 912 Avenue F.
R. J. Hancock. COS NorthjSth Street.
Charles Krlngel , Broatrvay and Oak.
Cole & Cole , 41 Main Street.
Charlca Snlne , 340 IBroadway ,
IInrnc > and Snddlerjr.
( Walters Bros. , 118 Broadway.
M , Wollman , 409 Broadway.
Bagle Laundry Co. , 724 Broadway. .
LBCC * .
( Battengberg and Honlton. )
Mesdamea Stork & Crisp , 341 : Broadway.
Meat 'Market * .
J. H. Pace , 738 Broadway.
C. H. Huber & Bro. , 112 East Broadway.
C. O. D Market. , C H. Orvls , Prop. , 637
Welker Meat Co. . 221 South Main BU
A. W. Barrett , 912 Avenue F.
Merchant Tailoring.
Simon Johnson & Co. , 543 Broadway.
Jllsa L.A. / . Wollman , 339 Broadway.
Mirror * .
B. S. Keller , 311 , 313 , 215 Br > alway.
Muclcal Mercunndlne.
Bourlclus Music House , 32o Broadway.
-\CTT and Periodical ! ! .
D. W. Bushnell. 22 Main street. ( dlvo
tampi when naked for at the time goods
are bought and paid for , except on school
bocks. )
Omaha Dally Bee , 10 Pearl Street.
Option ! Good * .
( M. Wollman , 400 Broadway. ( Eyes tested
. tree. )
Photographic Work.
Harry Schmidt , 408 Broadway , i ( Stamps ]
Given only when cash deposit Is made. )
Paint * , Oils and G1nv. '
Dell O. Morgan & Co. , 742 Broadway. .
Merrlam Block Pharmacy , Cor. Mala
Street and Willow Avenue ,
Brown & Wesner , 617 Main Street.
( Morgan & Co. , 140 Broadway.
Piano * and Orrani.
JJourlclua Music House , 323 Broadway. ,
r lloom Moulding.
J. B. Long , ' 31 'Main Street. I
Serrlnw Machine * .
J. T. FIndley , 337 Broadway. '
Sheet Mnilc.
Bourlclus Music House , 325 Broadway. .
Shop * .
B. A. Pierce & Co. , 100 Main Street *
J. B. Long. 31 Main Street.
M. Wollman , 409 Broadway. '
Mosdameg Stork & Crlap , 341 Broadway. '
Sloven and nanaen.
Cole & Cole , 41 Main Street.
Charles Swalnc , 340 ( Broadway.
Silk * .
( Hemlnway nnd Bralnerd ft Armstrong. )
Mcsdames Stork & Crlss , 341 Broadway.
Simon Johnson & Co. , 543 Broadway.
Cole & ColP. 41 Mnln Street.
Charles fiwnlnc , 1.110 Broadway.
John Olson. 719 Broadway.
II.J. . Hancock , C03 North 8th Street. *
Tnrf Rood * .
Walters Bros. , 14S Broadway.
B. S. Keller , 311 , 313 , 315 Broadway.
Will I Paper.
J. B. Long , 31 Main Street.
Watohe * and
M. Wollman , 409 Brondway.
WUarl CoiiBh Kllxlr. i
Brown & Wesner , 617 Main Street.
C. A. Lncv , SSI Harrison Street.
n. H. Williams , 150 Broadway.
A. W. Barratt , 912 Avenue F
R. J. Hancock , 603 North 8th Street.
5c-Charles Sumner Cigar-5c
Made Who Appreciate for Trade a Good Smoke. John G. Woodward & Co , COUNCIL
Dealers ) H applied tig BLUFFS , IOWy