Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1898, Page 3, Image 3

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A TT . t % A TT nv TYTT C ! fA " \T \.T A T / TT OOrtO
Goternor Not Willing to Listen to the
Impeachment Trial ,
on the Chnruon Afirnlnut the
Police nnnrit to He llnd In
Omaliut nt'Aonte' ' Fntnre
LINCOLN , March 30. ( Spcclal.-Gov- )
trnor Holcomb today gave out the following :
With relation to the charges preferred
rnlnst MeiHrs. Gregory , 1'eabody and
Herdman , members of the Board of Fire
nd Police Commission of Omaha , by Mr.
Victor Itoscwater , n hearing will be directed
In order to ascertain the truth or falsity
This hearing will be ordered before n. ref
eree , who will lt In Omulia for the pur
pose of mnklt'g nn .Investigation Into the
natter , as my official duties will not per
mit of my leaving the olllce for the time
probably required for u hearing of this
Each of the parties to the controversy
be required to bear the expenses of
presenting their testimony In the case , In
asmuch as no other means are available for
this purpose.
I hope to make the appointment ot a ref
eree Immediately and direct the hearing
for nn early day , and to have the whole
matter promptly and finally disposed of
at the earllst practicable moment , and
whatever may bo the result , bring to an
end the controversy which has been going
on for some time regarding the police matters -
-ters In Omaha , much , no doubt , to the
detriment of the efficiency and discipline of
that department.
The secretary ot the State Banking board
has just Issued the printed report for the
year ending November 30 , 1897. After giving
omc Information regarding the number of
banks and their comparative condition the
secretary In his opening statement soya :
The resources of the banks have Improved
materially In character with the return of
bountiful crops nnd with n cessation of the
vicious and unca'.lcd for attacks upon
, credits In this state , made for political
purposes , which have characterized the last
two years.
The political speech In this statement Is
shorter ithan If usual In the department re
ports under the present popocrattc rule. The
secretory follows It up with the real rca-
lens why the banks are In a good condition :
Loans are being mnde by the banks with
a degree of conservatism heretofore un-
hnown. It Is also observable that while
extreme caution Is used by the banks In
extending credit that the borrower Is
equally cautious In assuming' new liabil
A process of liquidation has been going
f on for Homo time that has given the banks
n opportunity to recover from recent crop
irllures and other depressing Influences ,
/I those fortunate enough to weather
> U BtormH arc now Retting upon a solid
d enduring basis. Uoth bank and bank
rustomer have learned from the experience
, at the last few years that financial safety
requires an u mined credit reserve. The
practice that obtained with both bank nnd
people In the past to keep In active use ,
not only nil available cash reserve , but nil
credit that could be commanded , Is now
recognized as a practice full of danger.
The above conditions nnd the recognition
of the nliove facts strengthens the banks
and makes them , nt this time , more worthy
of the confidence of the people than at any
previous time In the history of the state.
The present banking law , while In the
main proving- satisfactory nnd a valuable
protection to depositors , needs amending ,
especially looking to larger powers of the
State Uanklng board.
The most Apparent weakness being the
want or provision for supervision by this
department over the affair. * of banks that
ore placed In the hands of receivers. As
the 'law new Is the department Is abruptly
topped from nil knowledge or supervision
of. a bank the moment n receiver takes
charge and the creditor of such bank has
So recourse from the acts of the receiver
.except to the court whose creature the re
ceiver Is. Thla U a palpable wrong' .
, iT .Governor Holcomb today Itsued a requisi
tion for , the return of Edward Texcl , yfjo Is
p * nted In Butler , county to answer the
i charge ot forgery. Toxcl has been quite
prominent In the business circles of hlo own
county , but since the forgery was committed
his whereabouts was not known until re-
'centlv discovered at Red Wood Falls , Miun.
.Sheriff L. C. Rcu of Butler county Is made
the agent of the r..ote and will go after the
State Superintendent Jackson returned last
evening from Weeping Water , where he was
attending a meeting ot the Cass county
teachers. He goes tonight to Kearney , where
the Central Nebraska Teachers' association
will bo In session tomorrow. Assistant Su
perintendent Beck went to Norfolk today ,
where ho will take part In the program of
the Northeast Nebraska Teachers' associa
tion. Both officials will do a great deal of
work for the educational department of the
exposition on theoe trips. They report that
ot late there has been an Increased Interest
hi the exposition among the school people ,
partly stimulated by the news ot an exten
sion of time In which to prepare the exhibits.
The following notaries have Just beta ccm-
mtoslcited : T. R. Work , Aurora ; V. M. Mc
Donald , Atkinson ; Charles Mouse ! , Cam
bridge ; E. C. Erfllng. Omaha ; A. R. Talbot ,
taacoln : C. W. Smith , North Bend ; George
(1 ( Young. Stanton ; Edward Royce. Broken Bow ;
'Arthur Truesdell , Fremont ; W. M. Oilier ,
v Omaha.
.Two more creamery companies filed arti
cles ; of Incorporation today , ono from Oxford
with $1,575 capital stock , and one from Re
publican City with $2,000. The Lltchficld
Telephone company , organized to put In a
local telephone system , filed articles today
with a capital stock of $500 , a number of
tnulnees men of tbo town ot Lltchfleld being
the Incorporators.
General J. J. Gage of the Grand Army of
" the Republic started for Washington yester-
"dav In response to a general requcot to a'l '
the departments to attcud a meeting at the
national capital and consult on military
matters In which the Grand Army expects
to take a part. It Is said that the meot.'ng
IIM some connection with the new Volunteer
Reserve organization.
City politics are waxing hot and nightly
meetings are now being held. Yesterday J.
I * . Teeter * , chairman ot the free silver re
publican city central committee , filed a pro
test against allowing the name of I. L. Ly-
man of the Seventh ward to go on the ticket
s candidate for councilman from that ward.
Mr. Lyman was defeated at the republican
primaries by Henry Meyer , but a petition
was afterward circulated by some unau
thorized person , asking that hla namebe
placed on the ticket. Since that time Mr.
jLyman has positively declined to run , but
the question arises as to whether his name ) "
an now bs left off the ticket , the election
law fixing the limit of declination at ten
daya before election. The petition pur
ported to be lu tbe name ot the citizen * '
party and the protest. Is on the ground that
It waa filed by no regularly organized party" '
kaa BO emblem anil J was not signed by
twenty persons as required by law.
Mr. and Mrs. W.
Mowan of this city have
luet celebrated their golden wedding. reA
large number of friends gathered to assist'
la making the ocqaslon a happy one and left
, Uo ' worthy couple several substantial tokens
f'tbelr catcem. A number ot valuable
presents also came from
friends and rela
tives at a distance.
The East Lincoln Woman's Christian Tem
perance union celebrate the tenth annlvcr-
Mry of Ita organization this week. Officers
_ , a report.of the work accomplished and
iao'rt nietfcbes" were made by several of the '
tate officers'of the organization.
Omaha people at the hotels : At tbe Lin-
dell Isaac Adams , A. S. Churchill. At the
Lincoln J. L. Harvey , 8. S. Caldwell , J. A.
Whaloo , A. 8t Crump , C. L. Chatfee.
CBM Conner IniMltnte.
WEEPING WATER. Neb. , March 30.
( Special. ) The Cars County Institute , under
the management ot County Superintendent
George L. Parley. Is moving along smoothly
ad the second day howi an enrollment of
145 teachers.
Tueadamcrnlng the work commenced ate
t o'clock. Rev. Hsnford conducted devo
tional wcteei. After roll- ' call Superin
tendent Skinner took up the subject of nura-
tom. and a'class ot little folk * was Intro
duced with which to show the work in obe
practical manner , and then he took up be
work -with tbe ( eachen and many es
* ere brought out of Intereat to them. esMl
frnw "W. Ktaf toUowrt vU * i talk m
"Physical Culture. " He explained how they
should read and recited several pieces that
proved Instructive. Prof. Skinner then took
up the reading and told how to Interest the
little folks.
The principals held a round table talk at
1:30 : p. m. At 3 o'clock the exercises were
opened by a violin solo by Miss Lllljan
Kauble , followed by a ladles' quartet. Dr.
King then discoursed- an hour on ' 'The
Science of Reading. " At 4 o'clock Captain
Ell. an old whaler and seaman , gave a lec
ture and exhibited many specimens of sea
In the evening a reception was held. All
the teachers were fitted out with badges of
ribbon advertising the dates of the Trans-
mlsslsslnpl Exposition and the educational
meeting's' Omaha and Washington.
Mrbrnxkn Town * Contrlbnlc for the
Itellrf of tlUtrm * .
TRENTO.V , Neb. , March 30. ( Special. )
The entertainment for the relief of Cuban
sufferers was a success , as about $20 was
realized from the same. The citizens of the
lonn and surrounding country responded lib
erally and arc very enthusiastic over the
nlans for helping ( tie unfortunate. About
140 has been pent from this place all told.
TABLE ROCK. Neb. , March 30. ( Special. )
A mass meeting of the citizens of Table
Rock was held at the opera house last even
Ing for the benefit of Cuban sufferers. Ex-Gov
ernor Thayer and Hon. H. C. Russell of Llo-
coln were the speakers. A soliciting com
mittee composed of leading citizens of the
vlclnltv was appointed and the wcrk of
rala'ng funds If ) being pushed. About $25
In cash was raised last night.
CULBERTSON. Neb. , March 30. ( Special. )
Culbcrtzon has sent $29 and a box of cloth
ing to Hie Cubacs.
FREMONT , Neb. , March 30. ( Special. )
The women or the Relief corps , Grand
Army of the Republic , gave an entertainment
In Love's opera hcuse last evening , the pro *
ceeds of which are to bo devoted to the
relief of the Cubans. An excellent program ,
consisting of music , recitations , on original
poem by Rev. W. II. Dues and addresses
by Rev. N. Chestnur of tde Presbyterian
church and others , was rendered. The
building was well filled and the audience
an enthusiastic one. The net proceed3
amounted to $61.78 and wcro tunned over
to the relief fund being raised here , which
makes the total fund $380. all but about
$30 of which was given by Fremont people.
The amount raised here was obtained
through tbo efforts of the Tribune nnd Ar.
Uiur Truesdcll , Me. Trucsdell receiving the
Wrut Point IIPIIH.
WEST POINT. Neb. . March 30. ( Special. )
District court adjourned today until May
23. During the session no business of pub
lic Interest waa transacted , the attention of
the court being occupied solely with equity
The English Knights of Pythias lodge of
ilil.j . place will hold a banquet at the Na-
tlcnol hotel Thursday evening In honor of
the state officers ot the order. Grand Chan
cellor Boydston of Nebraska City and Grand
Vice Chancellor Young of Stanton will be
here : also Rev. Phillies , H. L. Kecfe and
W. S. Collet of Bancroft will waist I the
team work.
The Hawaiian clause objection In the Oxnard -
nard contracts has been removed , and the
farmers will plant beets as heretofore.
Ono of the largest eagles ever seen In this
section of the country was shot Friday by
John Schulzkamp , a son ot Herman Schulz-
kamp. living seven miles southeast of West
Point on Cumlng creek. When first seen the
eagle was engaged In a fierce fight with two
wolves. The young man , who happened to
be out gunn'ng at the time , put an end to
the fight by ending the life of the eagle. He
brought the bird to this city and employed
Fred Lcffcrt , the taxidermist , to mount thf
eagle. The wings measured eight feet from
tip to tip ; the talons were two Inches long ;
the measurement from beak to tall woo four
feet and Its weight was sixteen pounds.
VctcrnnH Have n PineTime. .
FALLS CITY , Neb. , March 30. ( Special. )
The tenth annual district convention of the
Grand Army of the Republic and Woman's
Relief Corps , embracing ten counties In the
southeastern section of this state , was held'
In , this city Tuesday afternoon and evening.
Delegates from the entire district were
present. In the
evening a supper was
served at the Grand Army of the Republic
ball , after which a program was rendered ,
consisting of music and recitations. At the
cloro ot the program the newly elected of-
ceo ot the Grand Army of the Republic
were Installed as follows : W. H. Keeling ,
C. ; J. A. Hill. S. V. C. ; B. Slmanton , J. !
V. C. ; John Hutchlngs , Q. ; J. D. McCann ,
O. of D. , all from Falls City. The Woman's
Relief Corps then Installed Its officers : Mrs.
O. W. Schock. P. , Falls City ; Mrs. 8.Q. .
Slmanton , S. V. P. , Falls City ; Mrs. Fuller ,
J. V. C. , Pawnee City ; Mrs. King , T. , Shu-
bert , and an executive committee of five ,
consisting of Mrs. William Code , Falls
City ; Mrs. W. S. Korner , Falls City ; Mrs.
Olive Ballard , Dlller ; Mrs. Frederick , Paw
nee City , and IMrs. John Parller , Falls
City. Short speeches were made by Com
mander Keeling and Comrade Isaacs and
Mrs. Fuller and Mrs. Hill. It was decided
to hold the next district reunion at Falls
City eome time during the summer , the date
to be fixed later.
Calamlin * Ciilllnun.
COLUMBUS. Neb. , March 30. ( Special. )
H. M. Wluslow. one of the heaviest otock
feeders ot this county , has lost nearly 200
bead of hogs recently by a disease which Is
said by some to be cholera and by others to
be something else. Whatever It L * It ns
to answer the same purpose of cholera and
Is just about as fatal and severe. Mr. Winslow -
low said today ttat ho believed he now had
It checked and would lose no more at pres
The Vollertz boy , who placed obstructions
nn the track at Humphrey last week , had his
hearing before Judge Roblacn ycoterday.
County Attorney O'Brien withdrew the com
plaint charging a felony and substituted one
of misdemeanor. In view of the boy's tender
ago the court after an examination dis
charged him , as It was evident that he had
no evil design and no damage of any con
sequence waa Incurred. He Is only 14 yeais
The funeral ot the late John Wise was held >
todov at the MethodUt church , Rev. A. L.
Mlckel officiates. It was held under the
ausolces of Baker post No. 9 , Grand Army
of the Heuubllc , and the remains were laid
to reot In the Columbus cemetery.
SouOiennUTii I'rcit Amoelntlnn.
'FALLS CITY , Neb. , March 30. ( Special. )
The business session of the Southeastern :
Press association was called to order In hem
parlors ot the National hotel at 9 o'clock
Tuesday ' morning , with the following mem-
"b'era present : Ed Eaton , Vevdon Vldette : ;
W. H. Stowell. Auburn Post ; Mrs. Cheney ,
Stella Press ; F. E ? . Martin. Falls City Journal
nal ; O. W. Davis , Salem Index ; J. L. Dai-
bey , Shubert Citizen ; L. A , Varnen , Sterling
Sun ; Fred Haesler , Pawnee City Press , and
M. H. Marble of Table Rock. After an id-
dress by President W. H. Stowell the idol
lowing papers were read : "Old-Timers olIn
Nowsniperdom , " J. L. 'Dalbey ; "Advertising
for the TransmlsBlsBlppl Exposition. " Fred
Hosslcr ; "How to Dun Delinquents , " 0. edW.
Davis ; "Free Advertising. " Mrs. Mildred
Cheney ; "Senuitlonal Headlines , " F. E. Mar
tin ; "The Printing Office Waste 'Basket. ' "
Ed Eaton. W. C. McComaa of the Falls
City Populist and Allan D. f > y of the Fallu
City Journal wtro admltteii-'to membership.
The meeting then adjourned'and by courtesy
of George A. Abbott the editors were taken ;
for f & ride about the city. Most ot the edi
tors departed on tbo afternoon trains.
DriulMnii ItleutlHrtl.
FREMONT. Neb. , Mjrch 30. ( Special. )
Coroner Martin held an inquest this morning
on the body of the mab who dropped dead
yeitcrday morning at Captain French's
ranch , eight miles northwest of thlo city ,
The Jury brought In a vefdlct of death from
heart disease. The m u , bad been In the
employ of Mr. Bachelor l the ranch for thea
week and went by the name ot Amos Larkln ,
but from papeis founl In hla possession hla
real name Is tbough't .to be Amos H. Sobers
end he Is thought to have relatives living In
northwectern Missouri. He bad formerly
lived In QreeUy county , tbla Mate. He told
his employer that be served four , yean In tbo
army during tbe civil war and was a mem
ber of the Grand Army of the Republic. mHe
was evidently about 55 years of axe , of ne-
dium height , with ' gray hair and abort gray
wbUkera. Ilk' remain * will be beld hire a
hort Urn * awaiting wjr orders Iron bte rel
atlvce. Among his letter. ? was ctie from ex-
Congreesman Mclklejoha In regard to a
pension claim for partial deafness.
nnmlnm nt Illnlr.
BLAIR , Neb. , March 30. ( Special. ) Be
tween midnight tad 5 o'clock this morning
the barber shops ot J. F. Klnney , II. S.
Kelly and J. M" Dlxon and the saloon of
Alex Flndleyeen were burglarized. Kelly's
Ion was two pairs of scissors , seven razors ,
two pair of straps and one pair of clippers.
Dlxon's loss was twelve to fifteen razors ,
three pairs ol clippers and two hones. Kn- !
n'y's loss ! s two pat's ot clIppTs , three hones ,
ono set of strap * and about $5 worth of
cigars. The robbers also went through the
laundry basket In Mr. Klnaey's shop. Sev
eral suspicious characters were aeen about
town last night , but there I * no clew up to
the present time.
I.nlil to
DAVID CITY , Neb. , March 30. ( Special. )
The funeral of Mrs. E. W. Curry took
place today at the Methodist Episcopal
church , Rev. Schwlmby , pastor of the Con
gregational church , preaching the seraicn.
Deceased was the wife of Ellsha W. Cwry ,
who with one son and two daughters sur
vive her. She has boon a resident ot But
ler county for twenty yeare , a member of
the Woman's Relief corps and the Degree ot
| Honor , which societies attended tbe funeral
In , a body. She had been a sufferer from
paraljsls of the right side since January 15 ,
I'roxpprltj- Trenton.
TRENTON. Neb. , March 30. ( Special. )
Things are looking decidedly better In all
branches of trade. Large Invoices of all
kinds of merchandise ore being received
dally , crops are looking fne and farmers
are generally encouraged. Notwithstanding
a poor crop last year and only a partial crop
this year the county records show that
eighty-two real estate mortgages were re
leased last year while only thirty wore filed.
Since the beginning of this year thirty-two
releases have been filed and about one-half
dozen new mortgages recorded.
KlkH Elect * Olllccm.
HASTINGS , Neb. , March 30. ( Special. )
Hastings . lodge , No. 159 , Benevolent Protec
tive ' Order of Elks , held Its annual election
of officers last night. The officers were
elected na follows : Exalted ruler , 0. C.
Zliin ; leading knight , S. S. Snyder ; loyal
knight , , Harry C. Haverly ; lecturing knight ,
Henry Spoils ; lyler , Adam Breed ; Irtislee ,
John Plckens ; secretary , Ernest Hoeppner ;
treasurer , Charles G. Lane. Immediately
after ( the electlcci of officers a stag social
was held.
DAKOTA CITY , Neb. . March 30.
The vagrant , William Smith , who was ar
rested < on March 20 , charged with burglariz
ing the hardware store of Krendle , Bruck-
steln & Bahl of Emerson the night previous ,
had his preliminary examination before
County Judge Ryan and was discharged.
No clue has yet been obtained to the par
ties who brake Into the store of D. C. Stln-
son and the poatofflce and the depot on the
night of March 28 , although $75 reward Is
Trlcil ( or Liquor SclllliR.
NEBRASKA CITY. March 30. ( Special
Telegram. ) Mrs. Nellie Lattu was tried In
the county court today upon the charge of
the unlawful sale of liquor. Mrs. Latta until
recently conducted a drug store In Unadllla
and the complaint against her was fllsd by
the Prohibition league of that place. She
was bound over to await the action of the
district court. Ball was fixed at $500.
ProNitrrlt } ' nt .Yxlilund.
ASHLAND , Neb. , March 30. ( Special. )
Proiperlty In this vicinity Is plainly appar
ent by the number of new buildings that
are being erected by the farmers. In West
Ashland , Silas L. Will la building a Deu
ba rn and John Pollard a residence. In the
region about Memphis the boom Is en and
many new buildings have been erected In
the last ttireo months.
Olil SofiUer * In Line.
BANCROFT , Neb. , March 30. ( Special. )
At a meeting of the old ooldlere of this vl-
clnltv on Tuesday It was unanimously voted
that In case the regulars should be called
out to quell the Impending struggle between
Spain and the United States , that then the
old soldiers ot Bancroft should offer themselves -
selves to the government to be Installed In
nUe place of said regulars.
_ : r .
iiaTyrmrH nt OHCeolfl *
OSOEOLA , Neb. , March 30. ( Special. )
The restaurant of G. W. Murburgar was en
tered by a thief , who broke in and pried
the money drawer open with a six-Inch
splko and got $5 In silver and a few odd
SnfTera from a Broken'
CULBEUTSON , Neb. , March 30. ( Special. )
While Clinton Sldell of the Culbertson Era
force was riding a broncho on Main street
last night he was thrown by the hor&e fallIng -
Ing and suffereda , broken leg.
Attend MeetlnNT of Governor' * Gnnrdii.
ARCHER , Neb. . March 29. { Special. )
Colonel E. Hanson ot the governor's staff
left here this morning to attend the meeting
of the National Guard at Lincoln.
Iluuklen'H Arutcn Snlvo.
THE BEST SALVE In the world for CuU.
Bruises , Soren , Ulcers , Salt Rheum , Fever
Sores , Totter , Chapped Hands , Chilblains ,
Corns and all Skin Eruptions , and positively
cure * Plies , or no pay required. It Is guar
anteed to give perfect satisfaction or money
refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale
by Kuhn & Co.
Two I ri * fir lit Triiiln * Collide.
CHATTANOOGA , Tenn. . March 30.-Two
heavy freight trains on the Western & At
lantic collided today near Adalrsvtllc , Ga.
Engineer E. 8. Elliott was Instantly killed
and Engineer John McAdo was fatally In
jured. The two locomotives were com-
p'etely demolished and A score of cars
were smashed Into kindling1 wood. Several
brakemen were badly Injured.
Arnold's Brome Celery cures headaches.
lOc , 25c and 50c. All druggists.
Fair nnd Warmer , -Accompanied ! > > '
S ntlierl > - Wlndn.
WASHINGTON. March 30.-Forecast for
Thursday :
For Nebraska and Kansas Fair ; warmer
In western portions ; southerly winds.
For South Dakota Gcnera'.Iy ' fair ; vari
able winds.
For Missouri Fair ; variable winds.
For Wyoming Fair ; variable winds.
For Iowa Fair ; slowly rising tempera
ture ; variable winds , becomingsoutherly. .
Lnonl Ilecord.
OMAHA , March 30. Omaha record of tcm-
peraturo and rainfall compared with the
corresponding day of the last three years :
1S3S. 1897. 189 . 1S83.
Maximum temperature . . . 45 Co CS 53.GS
Minimum temperature . . . 25 48 39 GSC3
Avernge temperature 35 66 54 60
Itnlnfall 00 .04 .CO 60nt
Record of temperature and precipitation nt
Omaha for this day and since March 1 , 1897 :
Normal for the flay 42
Deficiency for the day 7
Accumulated excess since March 1 119
Normal rainfall for the day. 07 Inch
Deficiency for the day 07 Inch
Total rainfall since March 1 1.15 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 2S Inch
Deficiency corresp'g period 1S97. , . . , ,5S Inch
Deficiency corresp'g period 1S96 OS Inch
Itcporti from Station * at M p. BI.
. .00T
. (0
T luAlcitt * trace of precipitation.
U A. WgLSU , boctl Fonctst OScUL.
Two Armored Cruiser * ajli Torpedo Boat
Destroyer * M
Ul tor
! avr Department Kviftcff Much Inter.
eat In the tAotlwft and Will
Watch the MofcntcnU
of the Fleet.
. - In
i i
WASHINGTON , Marchi 301 The Navy de
partment has received a dispatch saying
that several Spanish war slilpo have left
Carthagcna , Spain. The destination has not
been learned as yet. The newe excited great
Interest at the Navy department.
It has been learned later that the ships
which left Carthegena are the armored
cruisers Infanta Maria and Cristobal Colon
and the torpedo boat destroyer Destructor.
The Information of the sailing ot the
Spanish fleet was contained In a dispatch to
the State department from United States
Minister . Wood ford at Madrid. The elilpa
sailed from Carthagcna , a Spanish naval
station on the Mediterranean , and according
to the minister's dispatch they are headed
"westward. " This , it Utcald , Is undoubtedly
the most formidable array of vessels that
has departed from Spain In this direction
during tbo present crisis and the
presumption generally held by the
Navy department officials Is that they are
headed ultimately for Havana , and will be
first heard of at the Canaries. The fleet Is
composed ] of two armored crullers ot the
second-class In the convoy of a formidable
torpedo boat destroyer. The names of th *
cruisers arc the Infanta Maria Teresa , a slater
tci ship to the Vlzcaya , which visited Now
Ycrk preliminary to Its trip to Havana ,
where It now Is. and the Cristobal Colon.
The former Is 364 feet over all and Is ot
C.900 tens displacement with a mean draft
of 21.6. Its speed Is put down as ollghtly
over twenty knots an hour. The Cristobal
Colon Is 328 feet long and 59.8 beam. It la
ot 6,840 teas displacement and bus a speed
of twenty knots. Both cruisers are heavily
armored. The ccnvoy of the veswrfs , the
Destructor. Is a formidable ship of 400 tons
displacement , and capable of excellent serv
Lint of the Sjinntfili Crnft Xow lleniH'd
Thin AVny.
LONDON , March 30. According to the Ma
drid Liberal of March 14 the vessels com- *
pcslng the Spanish torpedo flotilla 'are aa
follows :
Torpedo catcher Furror , of 408 tons , Com-
mnnder D. Carllcr , has a crew of seven ty-
Torpedo catcher Pluton , of 430 tons , Com
mander P. Vnsquoz , has a crew of seventy-
two.Tcrpedo catcher Tfrror. of 40(1 ( tons , Com
mander V. dp la Rochn , has a crew of sev
Torpedo boat Tlayo. of 120 tons. Com
mander Senor Illzo , has a craw of seventy-
Torpedo boat Azor. of 120 tons. Com
mander n. da Eggulno. has a crew oft
fiity-slx. . , ,
Torpedo boat Azlete. . of " 120 tons. Com
mander M. Somosa , had a Brew of twenty-
According to the Madrid Heraldo of March
20 the distribution of the Spanish war ships
In th ? Philippine archipelago at that tlmo
was as follows : , . ,
In Manila and Its arsenals are the
cruisers Itelna , Christina , qnsillla. Velasco ,
Don Juan , ds Austria , Ulloa , El Cano , Lozo
and Marques del Duero ; the transports
Atnva , Manila and CebU , 'find the gunboat
Paragua. y o
Between Jolo , nio Mindanao. Mlsmais and
Illana bay , forming the southern division ,
are the gunboats Samar , Mlrrtveles , "Mlndoro ,
Mandtlono , Pampnnga , , Arayet and Paray ,
and the launches Urdarota.'Vasco and Oar-
doqul. ' '
In th ? Lanao lagoon aw.the launches
General Blanco , Lanno/t Corcuero and. Al-
monto. *
Accordtng to the latest advices the gun
boats Albany and Callao patrol the Paragua
Isle and the gunboat Calamlens Is at Bal-
The gunboat Bulusan Is at Sublc ; the
Loyte in the Taal lagoon and the Otalora
ir the Bay lagoon.
irbi Finally Ilo Ho , Cebua , Ponape , Yap and
both groups of the Caroline islands are
guarded by the protected cruisers Isla de
Cuba , Isla du Luzon , , and the gunboats
Quires and Ruy Lope de Vlllaobos.
War DOVK \ecennnrllr Keep Coti-
nt Work.
WASHINGTON , March 30. There has been
considerable discussion of the length of the
session of congress In the event of war , It
being the prevailing Idea that a declaration
of war would Involve the prolongation of the
sessions of congress. The sessions of con
gress , beginning with the war of 1861-65 , are
given below with the sessions following ,
showing that In war times congress did not
consume as much time as Is usual In times
of peace : Thirty-seventh congress , 18C1-C3 ,
three sessions , 365 days ; Thirty-eighth con
gress , 1863-65 , two sessions , 299 days ; Thirty-
ninth congress , 1865-67 , three sessions , 339
days ; Fortieth congress , 1867-69 , three ses
sions , 382 days ; Forty-first congress , 1869-
71 , three sessions , 341 days ; Forty-second
congress , 1871-73 , three sessions , 228 days ;
Forty-third congress , 1873-75 , two sessions ,
291 days ; Forty-fourth congress , 1875-77 ,
two sessions , 344 days ; Forty-fifth congress ,
1877-79 , three sessions , 342 days ; Forty- I
sixth congress , 1879-81 , three sessions , 393 "
days ; Forty-seventh congress , 1881-83 , two
sessions , 337 days ; Forty-eighth congress ,
1883-85 , two sessions , 311 days ; 'Forty-ninth '
congress , 1885-87 , two sesslcos , 330 days ;
Fiftieth congress , 1887-89 , two sessions , 412
days ; Fltty-flut congress , 18S9-91 , two ses
sions , 397 days ; Fifty -second congress , 1891-
93 , two sessions , 340 days ; Fifty-third con
gress , 1893-95 , three sessions , 347 days ; Fifty-
fourth congress , 1895-97 , two sessions , 230
Commodore Scliley Adopt" nn Enrr-
Ketlc Course.
FORT MONROE. Va. . March 30. Monday
end yesterday everything about the flying
squadron bad a peaceful air , because of the
pacific news from Washington. This itorn-
Ine found a great deal of suppressed ex
citement noticeable , particularly In the or
ders to men working on 'tbe vessels to
hurry their labors to ( jonyiletlon. Some
workmen from the shipbuilding yard , em
ploved In making someminor changes on
the Frooklyn. were told-.cmphatlcally that
all work must be finished ) by tonight and
that the men on board -woliil not be sur
prised to find the fleet moving within a few
days. The hurry was It tbe main duo to
the uncertainty of tbe situation In Washing
ton aa detailed by the Associated Press dls-
Whether Itching , burning , bleeding ; , icaly ,
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peedlljr cured by warm baths with Ctrricooi
BOAP , eentlo anointing ! wtbCtmcpAolnt- !
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r m Pt * Ciu.
BaAK UtlBIAM * F lU i Hlr u4 lukf aim.
MvC > ItfcM ' Mnt Itf CVTWVU * *
patches and the similar situation In Key
West. V i
The Brooklyn la A flrst-cUss armored and
protected cruiser , one of the best equipped
fighting vceecla In the world. The Maisn-
chusctts Is a first-class battleship , throwIng -
Ing more tons of iron than any vessel
afloat. f
Commodore Schley has almost fully or-
bis working force , finding It not
a difficult matter , as many of the officers
of the fleet are old shipmates and have
worked with him before , notably on the
the Baltimore at Valparaiso , Chill , when the
International episode occurred and where
do displayed diplomacy that won for him
the confidence of the country.
Spanish PnpeTB' Vlpwn of the Cnlinn
MADRID , March 30. The general tone of
the press today foreshadows tfcaco. An ex-
ceptlon Is the Pats ( tepubllcan ) , which , re
ferring to the conference yesterday between
the United States minister , General Stewart
" . Woodford , and Senor Sagasta , the premier ,
iccior Qullon , the minister for foreign affairs ,
ind Senor Morct , the minister for tbo
lolonles. sees therein that the United States
"gaining time and awaiting the rainy
eason so as to take Spain at a disadvantage
n Cuba. " The Pals also expresses the
belief that the Spanish government Is prepared -
pared to make further concessions to the'
United States and fcara the upshot mny mean I
'loss of Cuba , money and dignity. " H
Further states that all the questions pending
between Gpaln and the United States were
discussed yesterday , but that nothing further
is known.
The Liberal ( moderate republican ) , says
nothing has leaked out beyond the official
note , adding : "Wo respect this eecrecy ,
provided It does not hide a definite decision
prior to the opening of the Cortes. The na
tion must be consulted as well as the queen I
regent and the ministers. " '
According to the Imparclal ( Independent ) ,
Senor Sagasta will have an Interview with
the queen regent today respecting the con
ference of yesterday.
The Olobo ( liberal ) , heads Its editorial
article : "Reserve , Serenity , Confidence , "
declining to lift a corner of tbo veil of
ministerial secrecy.
The Imparclal opens a long article by
exclaiming : "There Is patriotism. That Is
what Is heard everywhere In connection
with the generous offers arriving from all
the provinces. It Is a national spirit like
this which accomplishes what riches can
not. The great mass of the people , " the
Imparclal adds , "respond to the call to lend
help In the defense of the ho > .ior and In
tegrity of the fatherland , which Is wrapped
up In the honor and dignity of the nation.
Nothing will so decisively prevent the gov
ernment In Washington , on humanitarian
pretexts , from Interfering In the Internal
affairs of Cuba. Charity , as the Americans
understand It , Is not charity ; It Is an out
rage to the pious , Christian sentiment exist
ing In Spain. In the minds of other peoples
Spain's consent to allow United States
officials to succor Cubans constitutes true
Ignominy. It Is the moral Integrity neces
sary to the honor of the natlovi , as well as
the material Integrity. It Is the former the
United States Is trying to wound. With the
sums collected and collecting by subscrip
tions In Havana by theatrical performances
and other means In Spain and South America ,
the government at Madrid ought to say to
the government at Washington that ( Spain Is
In no need of Its Indigent subjects being
succored by the charity of another state , this
constituting the most humiliating Interven
tion , and that It desires to depend upon Its
own resources voluntarily given and not
extracted like your half a million dollars
from congress. The moral effect and
diplomatic result of such a pronouncement
" 77" Proved
a Cure for Grip and Colds.
Now try Dr. Humphreys' Specifics
( or Dyspepsia , Indigestion and Weak
Stomach ; for Rheumatism and Lum
bago ; Infant and Female Complaints.
Specific Manual to bo found at
Druggists , or ecot free , tell * all.
Humphreys' Medicine Company , New York.
would be Incalculably greater than that of
any war ship which could be purchased. "
sfilp Iionit of I'rovlnlon * for Cnhn.
NEW YORK , March 30. Stephen Barton
of the Central Cuban Relief commission
said today that a ship would be chartered
to carry supplies to tbo rcconcontrados. The
verac ! will sail between the 15th and 20th
of April , and will visit the ports ot Santiago
do Cuba , Guatanamo , Manzanlllo , Clcnfucgos
and other places where food IB needed. It Is
estimated that It will take about ono month
to make the round trip and that In the
meantime provisions will bo accumulating
and enough will bo ready on the vessel's re
turn to make another cargo and It will sail
again Immediately. *
CIcTctnnilem flrttlnir Impntlrnt.
CLEVELAND , O. , March 30. A mass meet
ing has been called for tonight to demand
of President MoKMley that the freedom ot
Cuba be Immediately recognized and that
the butchery In Cuba be stopped , even though
It may result In war. The meeting Is called
by the Amcrlcus club , tbo leading repub
lican organization of the West Side.
Patriotic speeches will be made and the
president urged to take Immediate action.
for Armnrnl Cruiser.
I3ERLIN , March 30. Lieutenant Com
mander Nlblack , naval attache here , Is con-
tlnulng his negotiations with the Oermsula
yard for a 3.000-ton armored cruiser , which
Is 1 being built there for Brazil , but wtilch
will not bo finished for a long time.
It oil Croon l'li > nlclnti ituturn.
NEW YORK , March SO. Dr. A. Menlo
Lessor , surgeon-ln-chlcf , and Sister Hettlna ,
head nurse of the United States Red Cross
Goclcty. who went to Cuba to assist Miss
Clara Barton In establishing hospitals there ,
arrived hero today.
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