" : ' ' "V * „ : < , ; „ J ' * ' " IJ BEBT THtmSDAY. MAKCII 81. 1898. BfHh SIKMC JCoostor Powder Magaiinet in ths Solitudes of Hew Jersey Mountains , E RESERVATION FOR WAR STORES fttotr the Government Guard * K * Iin- Bienie Stock of Bxplnxlvci of Sapiillen fur New York' * Defence. Scattered about here and thcro In a long , narrow valley which Is perched high up In the mountain region near Plccatlnny , N. J. , even great giants are sleeping. If they were roused to tury and all the pent-up villainy within them let loose and the tiniest spark would do It a goodly portion of north Jersey would toe torn out by the rootstand scattered In dust and chaotic fragments to tbo four winds of heaven. The very mountains that girdle the valley all about would fairly reel in their rock-ribbed foundations and even New York , nearly fifty miles away , would quiver under the terrific Jar. Vor the bowels of these seven sleepers are Bllcd with thousands upon thousands of toni of gunpowder and guncotton which for years tack the United States government hts been quietly and unobtrusively storing away tbcro In the event ot there suddenly arlolng some uch history-making crisis In the nation's life as Is now upon ui. Just how many thousand tons ot concentrated havoc are at this moment stored away in this Plccatlny government powder depot there Is no means of knowing. The officers In charge are never very communicative on the subject and Just now they are more than ever silent. All that ! can be said Is that this magazine Is the largest In the country and that the govern ment always has kept there its heaviest reserves of ammunition. There are in all seven great powder warehouses five for the army and two for the navy. Each storehouse Is a building having a floor area of 203 feet In length by sixty In breadth. The height of the room thus formed Is forty feet. Now powder , as It comes from the factory , ! s delivered In boxes that are a shade larger than the ordinary soap box so familiar In the country store , and each box contains 150 pounds ot the explosive. It will bo under stood very readily that a roam 200 feet long by sixty feet wide and forty feet high will hold a great number of the ordinary soap boxes of commerce , and when It Is said that each ono of these magazine rooms Is piled high up with layer after layer ot these 100-pound , soap-box size powder boxes , It will be scon that the statement that there are hundreds ot thousands ot tons of powder In storage la well within conservative bounds. And this , too , Is exclusive of the tons of guncotton which ore stored away In thta re mote mountain recess. RESERVATION OP 1.8CO ACRES. There a'ro 1,860 acres In the tract of land the government owns there , and the bulk of this area to In a long , narrow valley about three and a quarter miles trom end 'to end , nnd varying from a quarter of a mlle to a milo In width. It lo a beautiful spot , d s- tlnctly suggestive ot West Point , with its placid stretch of level ground sur.ounded on all stdca by great rugged mountains which crowd up to Us edges and peer down over each other's shoulders at It from all di rections. There is na Hudson , to bo sure , but n noisy , fussy llttlo mountain stream winds through It and is spanned at various places by Irlm whlto iron bridges. A gov ernment road leads from the main high way , about a mile away , to the handsome Iron and etono gateway at the entrance. But for the fact that the gate pests are made In the form of upright cannon and 'that ' the iron of the gates themselves Is wrought Into material designs , the first Im pression would bo that some millionaire recluse - cluso had made .hlmsclt . a private park away oK In the wilderness. AVatchful guards ore everywhere as you enter the grounds. There la no restriction to visitors entering , even la these critical times , but you are always conscious that watchful eyes are upon you. THE GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS. There is a flno driveway stretching nearly * mlle straight before you cs you enter. p > It leads to the Administration building and to another wide avenue running at right nn.les to the entrance drive. At the In tsL tersection ol these avenues Is a very Im portant structure the flro engine house. It la a handsome , large brick structure , and through Us windows you catch tbe glint ot tbe polished nickel and brass mountings of flro apparatus. OR to the left Is a group ot buildings and a handsome dwelling house iwltt trees and shrubbery about it. Hero the superintendent or head watchman lives With his family. Scattered here and there at wide Inter vals apart , and apparently In no regular or der , are the seven silent sleepers for whoso benefit all this wide expanse and profound solitude- have been secured. Very quiet and harmless they look dull , lead-colored brick bulldlns _ with red-tiled roofs and red Iron shutters and doors doors and shutters par tially thrown open in fair dry weather that the air may get through the buildings where tha encased explosives are stored. Water as well as fire has to be guarded against In the storage ot powder , and dampness Is water. Ono reason the high mountain region was selected was to get away from the Cloister air ot a lower level. The navy powder is stored away and apart from that of the army , and the buildings are all painted tbo dirty muddy yellow which for some reason Is traditional with the navy. They are In a set-off tract of 340 acres and on a mountain side above the .valley proper. A branch of the Morris County railway runs Into the reservation. Cars are boused up to tbo magazines at various 'points. Two hours after ammuni tion Is put aboard them It may bo In Now York It thcro Is need of so great a rush. They are filling shells now In the navy maga zine , and carload after carload of them ift. * * hoivo been sent away slnco the war scare began. J It Is Major Bufllngton , the Inventor ot the disappearing gun carriage , which has worked uch a revolution In coast defenses , who Is now In charge ot the Plccatlnny powder depot. He has been at tlte peat about a year. Comparatively few people know there Is uch an establishment as this removable am munition depository In existence. Lying right at the very gates of New York , not ono New Yorker in thousands knows ot Its existence. As for the country people who ilvo In the vicinity the fact of the powder magazine's existence has so long been an old story wlUj them that they had practically lost all Interest In It until the recent war excitement came on. But now the humblest mountaineer to bo found within a radius of en miles visibly swcK's with patriotic prldo at the mcro mention of the great government depot. They obviously feel that the tem ple of Janus Is right at their doors , and that they have a sort of personal responsibility for the safe keeping of the keya. SUSPICIOUS OP SPANISH SPIES. , , _ l * . , malt r ° / conviction among them , Jil , Prcscnt , moment , that the woods > * ro rilled with Spanish , miscreants loaded wim explosive designs on the magazines. * 8.ranBer ' glarei1 at _ . wlth " > e ° t ! pfcnd _ 'V8"tho ' roa < 1 to the BO - t reservation Is to open the door to cross-examination. " * ' * te" you no road to no reservation aero else , " was the greeting a photo. * m",1' Jle-fa < * < ! dim llttlo man Rot from a nathl v , out In a mountain road T ' er ay. "I won't tell a gol-darned Spanish If IS ? ° > u II never git out of Ft * ou can bet your n " "commonly { , „ ] . iicoso citiznn KM. . . . % $ * tin will not tell wh t I- * ' I d * < lmlnllltr-tl ° n H SSS SS _ f 'VUn-glBlb prJAer.c * . There tent nt jioemnJtjr ! , _ bout It. It mc-ni 9 much , It Is so particularly Important _ ; ta roittflJooM Jjuehfj and motionless " " " sovcn steeper * . 7 , , a .WAR'S Il.iri'V EXD. The CIonlttK Ror < ? nt Appomntlojt . Court Ilouni * . General George A. Forsylh , U. S. A. , re lates Id Harper's Magazine his recollections of the famous meeting between General Grant and General Lc. He was a member ot General Sheridan's staff at the time and witnessed the historic scenes. "I took my Drat and last look at the great confederate chieftain , " he writes. "This Is what I saw : A finely formed man appar ently about CO years ot ago , well above the average height , .with a clear , ruddy com plexion just then suffused by a deep crim son flush , that rising from his neck over spread hlo face and even slightly tinged his brood forehead , which , bronzed where It had been exposed to the weather , was clear and beautifully white where It had been shielded by ha ! hat deep brown eyes , a flrra but well -shaped Roman nose , abundant gray hair , silky and flne In texture , with a full gray beard and mustache , neatly trimmed and not overlong , but which nevertheless almost completely concealed hla mouth. A splendid uniform ot confederate gray cloth , that had evlcititly ! seen but llttlo service , which waa closely buttoned about him , and fitted him to perfection. An exquisitely mounted sword , attached to a gold-embroid ered nusala leather belt , trailed loosely on the floor at his side , and In his right band ho carried a broad-brimmed soft gray felt hat. encircled by n golden cord , while In his left ho held a pair of buckskin gauntlets. Booted and spurred , still vigorous and erect , he stood bareheaded looking out of the open doorway , sad-Meed and weary ; a soldier and a gentleman , bearing himself In defeat with 0 dignity that sat well upon ' ? the dlre tlon from which the , , , shot came. I found myself .wlthlr , long pistol ? , ? i ° ° f ? "ectlon of a * ttery of light fnl e.7'i " W0S ' " P08lllon ncar a > ! ry road that came out from another piece of woods about 200 yards In Its rear , and was * ? i"apld flrD lnto the woo < 3s fro , , which t I had Just emerged.8 I tat on my horse quietly watching It from behind a rail fence , the lieutenant commanding the pieces saw me. and riding out for 100 yards or moro towards where I was. proceeded to cover me with his revolver. We fired to- gcther a miss on both sides. The second shot was uncomfortably close , so far as I was concerned , but as I took deliberate aim ror the third shot I became aWare that In some way his pistol was disabled ; for using both hands and all his strength I saw that ho could not cock It. 1 had him covered , and had ho turned I think I should have fired. He did nothing of the sort. Apparently accepting his fate , he laid his revolver across the pommel of his saddle , fronted mo quietly and coolly , and looked mo steadily In the face. The whole thing had been something In the nature of a duel , and I felt that to fire under the circumstances savored too much of murder. Besides , I knew that at a word from him the guns would have been trained on me where I sat. Me , too , seemed to appreciate the fact that It was an In dividual fight , and manfully and gallantly forbore to call for aid ; so , lowering and un cocking my pistol , I replaced It In my holster , shook my Cat at him , which action he cordially reciprocated , and then , turning away , I rode back Into the woods. "About this tlmo the enemy's artillery ceased firing , and I again rode rapidly to the cdgo of the woods , Just In tlmo to sco the guns limber up and retire down the wood road from which they had come. The lieutenant In command saw mo and stopped. We simultaneously uncovered , waved our hats to each olher , and bowed. I have always thought he was ono of the bravest men I ever faced. " CHAMI'IO.X Hi : Ell IJIU.MCRU. St. LonlH Mnn CnnniinivM KIS Glnxxe * in On IJnyVII1ioiit Trouble. St. Louis has Just given a new cham pion to tlie world , relates the Republic. His uame Is Nelson Knutsen and the feat in which ho excels probably any other man In the- world is ability to dflnk beer. This ho demonstrated , the other day to the com plete satisfaction , of a man with whom he had made a bet that he could drink 120 glasses of the foaming fluid during the course of tbe day. Compared to the per formance of this man , the efforts ot Colonel Slunsky pale Into Inslgnlflccuco. Knutsen la a hovse and cattle dealer and lives at 929 Ann avenue. The other even ing , with several companions , he waa sit ting In Schnelker's saloon , 1022 Ann avenue. The. conversation turned oa the question ot how many glasses of beer a man could drink In a day. One of the party told ot a man In Germany who , drank 160 gla&sea in 4 day , and Knutsen said that he could get away with moro then that. This led tea a die cues Ion and finally Knutaen offered to wager 140 that ho could concume ' 120 glasses of beer In one day. The bet was taken by Jchn Boehler ot 919 Ann avenue , and It was stipulated that the loser should pay for the beer. The money was put up and a day set for the trial. ' Knutsen did not show up at the sa loon until after 9 o'clock , and the others thought that he had weakened. This was not the case , however , and ho announced hlmeelf ready for the effort. Ho nat at ( be table and drank fifteen glasses at one sitting. Then after a rest of a few minutes he started again. At noon he bad gotten away with sixty-five glasses and was still sober. Ho had buslaess uptown , and left to attend to this , returning at 2 o'clock , ready for ' < omo moro beer. During the trip uptown he drank eight or ten glasses ot beer , but this did not count on the wager. Close count was kept , and at 4 o'clock In the afternoon ho had completed his task and was still as sober as the proverbial Judge. Ho did not appear to think that do had performed such a wccderful feat , for ho offered to make another wager ot $100 to $50 that ho could repeat the perform ance beforp 12 o'clock. There were no tak ers , so Knutsen continued to drink Just to par * away the time. At 10 o'clock a Republic reporter called at the salcun and found Knutsen sitting at a table with a glass of beer In front ot him. Ho accepted an Invitation to drink , and after finishing the glass oa the table walked over to the bar as straight as It ho had never taken a drink. Ho stated that alto gether ho had consumed ICO glasses of the amber fluid aud did. not feel tny tbo worse. Before the reporter left Knutscn bad finished hts IGSth glass and seemed ready for more. Ho said that he would drink only eight or ten more before he retired tor the night. The new champion Is about 40 years of ago and , stremge to say , Is not a regular beer drinker , Ho eajs fbat for days bo never touches tbo beverage , rudhen he does drink It U only flvo or six glasses each day. Ho said , ho did not fesl the effect ot the many beers any more than a fullneoj such as he would have It ho bad eateu a blvd dinner. , Sl'AlVS CUOWX JKWKLS. IlrooKlit ( o America by Secretary ot JoHvpli Ilounparte , Punitive Klnir. "In 1817 Joseph Bonaparte's secretary , Malllard. left Philadelphia armed with let ters which represented him to bo a traveling aecnt for Girard'a commercial house and vlsltlns Glrard's correspondents In Holland and Switzerland , " William Perrlne writes In the April Ladles' Homo Journal. "His real destination was the Swiss chateau at Pranglns , from which the king had fled two years before , and his real object to secure the treasure which had been burled In the ground of the estate on the eve of his flight. Malllard { ound the burled packets , and with them he would also have brought to Phila delphia Queen Julio If her physicians had not compelled her to renounce the project ot Jolnlnc her husband. "The Jewels , which were valued at $1,000- 000 , were stuffed < lnto a belt , -which Malllard wore on bis person when returning across tbe Atlantic , and with which ho was gladly received by his master In the Lansdowne house , near Philadelphia. It was about this time that wild rumors began to circulate In Philadelphia concerning the ex-klng'a riches and of the hoards of specie which he had de posited In the vault of Stephen Gtrard'i Phll- adelphlan bank. Mysterious heavy boxes , sealed with wax. were believed by Glrard's clcri to contain the crown Jewels of Spain and Naples. One or two old men In recent who werethen those clerks yean * were - amonr , have told how Joseph would ilt In the bank talking with U m affably wbU waiting ( or tht great bankw. " NELL tARLETONC | tow the Bahy Was Saved In the Midst iff SNt aN Shell , Uy R. FRANKLIN DUNN. un. noney , run I Heah come de Yan kees ! " Such was the cry which roused Nell Tarleton from her bed that summer oven- Inz when General Butler , at the head of the federal troops , swooped down upon City Point , Va. , and blocked the road to Peters burg. Nell Tarleton dwelt with her mother and baby brother In their old-fashioned home on the James river. The father of the family was away on the Potomac , fighting the bat tles of the confederacy , and only a few faith ful negroes remained to guard Mra. Tarle ton and her children. As Nell sprang from her bed she heard the rattle of musketry up the river. A shell tore , screaming , over the house , fol lowed by another 'and another. Then there burst forth from the stables a lurid glare ; and she heard her mother's distracted voice shrieking that the negro quarters were afire. afire.Nell's Nell's fingers trembled violently , but she managed to don her frock and shoes before old Aunt Drusllla came lumbering up the A \ W "HOLD HARD THERE , " CRIED A VOFCE. stairs and drove the child , shoes In band , from the room. "Doan mln' yo * shore , till yo' glta out o' nah ! " exclaimed Aunt' Drusllla , reso lutely ; and so , barefooted and halt-clad , Nell hurried through the confusion of the hall Into the lawn before the house. Thcro she found her mother hysterical and helpless ; and there , too , was the baby , snugly wrapped up , and carried by bis nurse , the mulatto Phoebe. Some valuables hastily put tosether lay In bundles on the grass plainly revealed In the ruddy light from the blazing huts. Nobody seemed to Unow what to do till Aunt Drusllla swept u on the scene. Then movement took the place ot Inaction. "Heah , yo' fool nlggahs , " cried the old colored woman , "what ft > ' yo' etarln' en Join' nuffln ? Want do Yankees to cotch yo' , huh ? Grab dem bundles an' run for de woods ! An' yo' , too. Mis an' yo' , honey ; run , I tell yo' . Phoebe .mln' dat ar chile , or I warm yo' . Everybody got to run. " And everybody ran even fat Aunt Dru sllla herself. Down the dewy lawn , with the federal bullets whistling among the trco tops hard by , and the flames spread ing to the barns and stables , they fled. For In the night attack no one -was safe. Neither north nor south warred against women and children , but under cover of darkness the gravest danger threatened all within tbr/ area of attack. At lest they reached the dense woods , and the sound of firing came but faintly to their ears , though the glow ot the. distant fire still showed Its grim reflection upon the sky. "Dls Jar "nough , " grunted Aunt Druellla , who , desplto her age and corpulence , had kept well In front ot tbe race ; "wo can real now. Put dem bundles down yo' boys , an' 0 ! my Lawd ! Whar's .Phoebe ? " . . Poor Mra. Tarleton turned at the old women's frightened cry turned to eeo that the young mulatto woo Indeed missing , to gether with her precious charge , the baby ! The unfortunate lady's brain reeled at this last terrible calamity , and elio fell fainting upon the path. Kneeling by her aide and chafng her hands , Aunt Drusllla' cried frantically to 'the negro boys , who stood around , to search the woods. "Go back de way we come , " she shouted. "Fnoebe mus' bo captured or shot. Go back THERE SHE FOUND HER MOTHER HYSTERICAL AND HELPLESS. an * ( etch young nmrso " , 'tore de Yankees git him. " | But the negroca bung their beads sheepishly. "Wo'ee 'frald Aynt Drmllla. 'Deed we'se drettul ' ( raid , " they moaned. Wrathfully the old -woman rose to her feet. feet."An "An * yo call yo'selvea meat" eho ex claimed. "Yo's nuffln' but a pack o' cow ardly possums. I'll go back mahself. Yaa- eurl Ol' Aunt Drusllla ain't scared o' Yankee guns when young Marse Hal's lei' behin' . " True to ber word , tbe stout-hearted Dru ellla turned In the direction ot tbe burning outbuilding ! and rJiuffled dowu the pathway as fast as she coud ! go. Uut another pair of feet were lighter than hers. A little girl In a flimsy' ( rock , with her shoes clutched la her bands , sped past the old Degrees. It waa Nell Tarleton , trembling no longer , but wild with eagerness to save ber baby brother. "Come back , honey ! Fo' de Lawd'a sake , coma back ! " gasped Aunt Drusllla , as she snatched unavall'ugly ' at tbe small figure which rucbed so swiftly by. But Nell only hook her bead and ran the ( aster , Further and ( urther behind dropped poor Druellla , until at last she lost , sight ot Nell alto gether. Tba sh ithtew up her bands and sack despairingly upon a log. "Dat ends It all , " hosobbed ; "boy an * gal boto gone nowi W.hat'll Marso Tahleton say when ho cornea back ? An' poor Mis' ! Boun * to kill her dald wden she hear dat Nell's gone , too. " On through the woods ran Nell her mother'a agonized face ever betoro her , and the determination to save little Hal etrong within her. A jagged stooo cut her bare foot , but could not etay her even ( or an Instant. Now eho eaw the roots ot her father's house , Illuminated by the spreadIng - Ing fire , and now again the shells went whistling over ber head. Rabbits end squirrels scurried madly past ber , escaping from the advancing troops , do heard tbe round of many footsteps cad the sharp banging of the federal rlflee. On the rising ground before the house black figures bur * rledto and ( ro the van of Butler's army. But she did not stop. What were the enemy to her when Hal waa missing wounded by a chance bullet perhaps and dying in tbo fields. With a roar the house caught fire and a shower of sparks soared Into the air and serious strain. Sbo could run no longer , but limping -was still possible , so onward she limpet ! . At last the lawn was reached and Nell toll among the trees. A bullet pinged not a foot away from Nell , but she heard It not. not."Hal "Hal ! Brother Hal ! " -was the eong her heart eang , and she heeded no other pound. A branch , shorn oft' from its parent tree , crashed down upon tbo heroic child and bora her to earth. Sbo crawled from be- lt h r. feeulder bruised and torn , tad with sharp palas. In her ankle that told ot a felt a heavy ban * descend upon her aching ehoulder. "Hold hard there , " crlod Tolcc. "What In heaven's name are you doing hero ? " The tblld looked up Into a rough , bearded face , begrimed with powder , yet not un kindly , f "The baby , " she whispered , hoarsely ; "I've como back for baby Hal. " ' The bearded man let the sword which be carried fall back Into Its sheath. "O , you've como back for the baby ? Comeback back through the- shells and bullets , eh ? My girl , you're a regular Joan of Arc ! " "No , sir , I'm a confederate. And please , won't you help mo to flrxl baby ? " The big soldier caught Nell up In his arms. "Why , your poor little foot's cut , " ho cried ; "and your shoulder's bleeding , too : This Is awful. " "Don't mind my shoulder , Mr. Yankee. Let mo find baby.1' The federal officer put his spare hand to his mouth , by way of a speaking trumpet , aiW shouted In stentorian tones : 'Mlas any man found a baby ? " From the right came an answering hall , and a soldier came running out of the dark ness. "Wo found a colored girl and a baby over there , sir , " he eald. "The girl had been knocked down by some burning timbers from the barn. " Two minutes later iBaby Hal was cooing , just as It nothing had happened , upon Nell's lacerated shoulder. Poor Phoebe , badly , though not dangerously hurt , told how In flying blindly from the federals she had been struck and disabled by a falling beam. And as the story spread among the federal soldiers they gathered around Nell , cheerIng - Ing her so loudly that Aunt Drusllla , sitting disconsolately 'upon her stump In the woods , jicard the uproar and wondered what It meant. Not long had the honest old ncgress to 'wotfder ' ; for presently there marched through the woods a guard of honor surrounding the federal officer , who carried bcth Nell and the baby In hts strong arms. "O , chile ! chllel" cried Aunt Druallla as she gave Nell her very heartiest hug "yo' done give me a pow'ful scare. But It's alt right naw , brces dc Land ; an' dem dar Yankees ain't so bad after all. " All who arc exposed to the weather should keep Dr. Bull's cough syrup handy. II01V AVlillilM Help. Detroit Fred Press : "You haven't nn Ide-a , " snld the young fellow with u saw In his hand , "how much money I make on people who change their mind nbout thlnps. 11 may seem incredible , but men nro re.illy more flckio nnd whimsical , in many ways , than women. Hall my income , in fact , comes from this very characteristic. I work for a man who Is a chicken fancier , and two or three times n year he has me como and tear clown all his eMcken houses nnd fences and put them up again , some where else In his yard , or some other way. His wife would get a divorce It she knew how much , money he spends In that way , everlastingly changing hli mind and having the work done some- other way. Whenex'er I do a job for him , I BO homo feeling easy , for I know that In two or three days ho will send for tnc and want It all done over again. This Is solid talk I'm giving you ; you just watch the chicken men you know , nnd know It. " Thlrty-flvo years make a generation. That Is how long Adolph Fisher of Zancsvllle , O. . suffered from piles. He was cured by using three boxes of DeWltt's Witch Hazel Salvo. > ut Xfoexsnr > - . Chicago Post : He laughed loud and long ns he put aside the piper. "What's the matter ? nsked the man who was sitting at the next -window of this cluii. "Here's ar > article ) about training- UOF , " replied the man who had been reading- the paper. "It fays the first thing to do Is to attach the dog to you. " Thereupon the man laURhed some more. "Well , whit of it ? " peislsted the man at the next window. " \Viiy , hang It all ! " exclaimed the man who was so amused , "It seems so absurd , you know. My experience Is that a doir will attach himself to you If you give him any provocation. " "REV. J , WESLEY MILLER , Cured of a BAD COUGH. ( > Ho writes on May II , 1807 : "I have been troubled for years with n cough In the winter season AND this last winter bad a severe attack of bronchitis which IcttmS worse If possible , than before , but after taking three 25o Loxcs of Dr. Kny's iMng Balm have .been completely cured. Mv wife has been troubled with CONSTIPATION FOR 10 OR 12 YEARS and at times has gonoaslong as eight days without thonowels moving arm has had to toke medicine constantly but has never found anytbtng that has done her so much good as Dr. Kay's Renovator Imp Dr. Kay's remedies to those who ore afflicted. " J. WCSLEY MILLER , Pastor M K. Church. Grandvlew , ill. Dr. Kay's Renovator has cured so many of the worst cases of DYSPEPSIA ttat we consider it a spccllic for this disease nnd for proof wo refer all to the testimonials of wonderful cures reported in our book It has cured many bad cases of HEADACHE , and when caused by constipation or dyspep sia it Is sure to euro every case , In fact , we believe It has no equil for headache from whatever cause. Italwayscures BILIOUSNESS and all forms of liver and klnde complaints , nervousness , neuralgia , Impure blood , scrofula , skin diseases , ptmplos , bolls , blotches , glandular enlargements , dropsv , RHEUMATISM and piles. It is Bold by druggists or sent by mall at S5o ana II. Send stamp for lr. D. J. Kay'8 "Home Treatment and Valuable Recipes , " a 68 page book treating nil dis eases. Address Dr. B. J , Kay Medical Co. , Western Ofllce , Omaha , Nebraska. OLD BY DRUGGISTS Magnificent Aggregation of Rewards Protected by the Copyright Z w of the United Bttttei. $70,000 ° ° IM GRAND PRIZES TO IN TO BE $100,000 ° ° DISTRIBUTED ! A Builneii Propoiltloa A New Co.OpcratlT PI inA Great Pnbllihlna Home Will Dlitrlbota Thonitndi of Dollar * Pleuut and Profitable Ptrtnenhlp For Intelligent Men , Women and Children Fortune May Kaoek at four Door Nothing Ventured , Nothing Uilned. WX OUABAHTES EVXIT KBMH A FU3X who follow ! our plain I nitructtoni. Government dtore the mm m 4feMiMiBBBm * Out o ( buitncu. 1 he I' . O. Department li if t r the LOTTERY "indlcn. They muit KO. We pmtat tn honutsUn. ccllpiing and lurptuinK > HT > nd crcrr nulhod'frer _ _ _ _ _ PBWB * I I ! ! I devucd'/or an equitable dUlrlbutlnn fthouiandi ot dollar , of pronta. IIa yon a chM thai abhor. Trading f Here li a eh.nee lo create an Intcrnl that will make that child itudenl , and ha or aht may win a prlie that .hall b the .tepping- tone to fortune. Have you a friend afflicted with melan. cho'.ia I Intern ! them In thli grandcontett of brain * tor dolUn and a cura will rc.ult , Ma\e your own leltur * time UlllNQ XOU.LAKCIB IU.TURN8. " * iMA { RMUmn mitatM [ , „ , „ , CREAM. Price , 1U . year. It la OUR OBJECT ! e w"'dulfSi good . foricJTVdVenVu . ansdole . ! wit ; poetry , hUtory , religion fathlona , florlcultur tniu.te ; te. . gleaned from the leading . periodical , ot the world. No otlitr magailne like " . SECOND , we wl h toe.tablUh CHGAM a.apernunent number ol tha family in every home where It enter n7.cacn"ontli. periodical aver did , prove ttirn that ourm. iine I. read clear throufh , . . FOnRTri ; when we have dcnunitrale letyEnyHlallHATESfrornlarse.reh.Weadv andweliaveaOOlDMINE. ' following tilt of qioutiona. * E ch quotation contain , the lornun. ol > ome we'fi General. Thcleueranietito.nellthenamelneachauoUilonarera ON READ : arranz Let it. U''walcavatk7mtfor toiolve.'N ah iicafaxd.'captl "Th locu. endlcatedeTeryiplreof rt n. " VII. " Down the Ions ilreet they marched to the lounil of i. ' .u. i.V. . " Tho'maiteroVtReiltuatioD , yet hi. courage failed. " 0 lop ol the bank i eagerly upou tht Tr. ! T.aB.y . J rfyWlndlnlhln " SheYoVe' . ? th. ° e''r'i , y.t her manner her lime nor opportnnily to March Mitory forthenimr. of American General ! , w . , . . „ JIM.In which aw.r. > ery name In above quotation. i-GarlleWMcCUUanMilM. „ Cuter ! Thomaa , Oareald. . HcKcraci , Lonptnet , Lee ,1'lckett , llarly , lltnki. Anypennn undlnz u. rot leu tr.n Bra name , of American General , from TO DO FIRST tht. lut llh the number of thequolatlon.ln hlch name. opar | , with 15 WHAT : cent , for S month. ' trial .ubpcriptlon to CRI1AU , will be entitled to compete for the Hit of OBKD Pains t . be twtf SACK MOXIll DC HI SO III * TIME Of THIia lUBSCBIrTIOK. We Want ioteiii-enL'teidln/t people for .nbMribert The Alt namat lITiiCTlir. Or for 40 cent , for roonlli. ' telal .ubKrlptlon > v > Vi T.ll SiVivo Ev Tclura mall the lautt I'.rtilin rove ty , a Heavy Weight , Beautiful y Wrourlit. Solid HilverTh mble , wUh Heav7oenul Wfinln : ln4WW "qold U.ndVwnd i/wit yrderJ.an gleKan SohSl dold FUIed ScirfJHa. - * - - - " - - - - - - - Sl-J Inche. loni Wni. V _ ? ne"maVailn./or * 'nionth. . ch.nceto win orana rrua perr M nu > and a orana ; einf.lned below. Jfpo.ut.UMndl'.O.Ord.rl Hnpteend .llverDrlio..ramii. . . . . . nh ! ! chn inCUQ nO QVETPUCQ To thoif ofTJUraryTute who wrlle the be.t poem VKI/EB rllfl rUEInO UK OlVCIUrlCO. e .y or.kctche ming oneof thequol.tlon.e.ch month , la a ! ublicw\n l Vart ONE TIIOU8ANO TWO HUNDnEUVAJ-UAllLrywuZES. many ol whieli will be CASH MilnDro lontotheeicillenceorrnerltof _ . _ . . _ . the work. Wemaketlil.olferto diicovcr n tal n foroae of the trading 81 WUL EXOAOED JIT till XD OriUB tl * MUMAlliKItY $1 cnnOB ill lni n AS GRAND TERMINAL PRIZES vliDOlK IN UULU ' mw ffi $ ffl $ { m& rtirmnationeandaeewonatrefaiuewe wa.aKii uuwiuui * C U HT. I. i .j uisu. . * . . . . . .i. . .j , - , , ww M * WtD. ThSi will berr aleonte t of popular liurary opinion and will determine lh i kind ot ' " 'I'J CUE AM will coni.la nih. future. II'TO ' ! can till a xood Vtory "hen yea read It , here I. yourch.nce to win a ClItANtt 1'IIIZE IN GOLD. OheM ? iton-ei ? m < 5Ttoea t * true , but remember.the ; creat puUkhlng hou . make Mituoijs. and w . , ; i rnVrll ( l iMMAadO OOO OO worth ot advertuinc. We thall certainly have an amount th.t will make our Grand JPriiM Vorto bavllST'Waahlnoo , In every particular , jurr Al wi Aoaic. You take no chaneca whatever. HOW TO GET A PRIZE EACH MONTH : pli em.aKedotai4vertialnrorMmewber < la CREAM each month , and among the penon.wbo find the e f dd WMi ratt 'BEFORI- ' YOU WIN THEM , gsass .aarjsi .TiA r.ji JT _ . . _ . _ , .j _ i. M.AH.V A wwilli.- Ino itl tb. prlw.tlj.ywla In lha monthly awarda. CUCAM. " VlllXt.VJ ke under the tupmtiloa of an Ii-Mayor , Ex-Qty ICanhal , nrltalltf . f ITIt OoiMl ComDKU wur i , .avim iti < > nwlllb , < Mnte.ah tuUcriberfullyeii.lalnTng every point , " - * ' . . 'ffi l Z &JlS&tttiW &fc - - - ttrCREA lunL COMPANY I . DairAiT. MAim , V. B. A . Jat a , 1P& Inllr atrtlfr that tkt Officera and Dlrecton of the CHCAM MIllLlsllINO CO. of fmaSctallV , thorooehly eltabl , honorable gentlemen , andtnaithey art rnponUble icily are perionally known to a aoa uaiwcy uu.usimu/ I Jauly. Jth.wnnd.Lctef theeommunlty. nlra.e , , . LWI1 A. K owtto.r. Prea People. National Uant (01Sned ) VaM fc IU tliia .U. 8. Colll of r.i.tom. . JiKH I'ATTM. Tre.a. CiUM Wfaat _ gAMUiL ADilaV. 6rif. Grand K p. to Sovereiin Grand Lo > le , 1. O. O. t. ORKAIi.PU LI HINQCO. , BELFAST. MAINE , MAIN _ 6TREET. NO. J28 AIBOTT LOHINQ'S QERM-KILLER INHALANT AND ANTI-GERM INHALER CURE Cold , Cough-Catarrh , Catarrhal Deafness , Grip and Incipient Consumption ; and Prevent Pneumonia. A Never Failing Cure for all Forms of Throat Chest and Lung Diseases. Read the oroof. Writing- from her home on Thirtieth ( xvc- nue , Mrs. Kmma. Huntley Wntrous says : OMAHA , Neb. , March 15. U93. Lorlng & Co. , New York , Chicago and Boston. Gentlemen. I -wish every sufferer from catarrh and catnrrhal denfnoss know what Abbott Lor- Ing's Anti-Germ Vaporizing inhaler and aerm-Klller Ilemedy for Inhalation would defer for 'them ' If they would use It. Ina to bad from catarrh for rcvcrol years that 1 suf fered terribly , had constant soreness nnd dis charge nnd nearly lost my henrlng. When your great discovery wig Inttoduced here I ptocurcd a sample nnd Inter n complete homo treatment nnd have been practically cured. I do not sneezes cough nnd spit ns formerly , nnj my hearing- restored. Ab bott Lorlng's Germ-Killer for Inhalation Is an honest , effective remedy. Your. * truly , EMMA. HUNTLKY WATHOUS. COMPLKT1J HOMH TREATMENT. This treatment , consisting of Lorlng'a derm-Killer for Inhalation nnd Abbott Lor- Inu's Antl-Uorm Vaporizing Inhaler , 11.00. For some chronic and spasmoillc diseases which require special treatment , special medicines have been prepared liy our phy sicians and chcmi'ts. No. 1 Special Mcdlclno - I'"or Tonsllltls , Laryncltls , Catarrhal Deaf ness , Hay Fever nnd Diphtheria. Price. GO cents. No. 2 Special Medicine For Con sumption and Bronchitis. Price , 60 cents. No. 3 Special Medicine-For Asthma , Whoop1- Ing CoiiQh and Croup. 1'rlce , 50 cents. Anil- sepllu Gauze For use In the Inhaler , 'i- U/nnl , 40 cents ; -ynrd , 7ii ccnta ; 1 yard. J1.50. Anti-Germ H.ilm An antiseptic preparation for external application , which , takes the soreness out of the lungs , hastens the cure of catarrh , iiMlst * In itho euro of all throat troubles and cures Cracked Lips , Chapped Hands and Eczcmn. Price. 2."i cents. LOHING'S OERM-KILLEK TABLETS. The wonderful Germ-Killer element dl - cuverort by Abbott Lorlng Is contained In each cf the Abbott Lorlng Germ-Killer Tab- lots. It constitutes the basis of the medi cine. Its wonderful nnd' ( marvelous active principle has never before been offered to 'tho publla In any remedy. It forms n most Important constituent part of the remedy nurt Is united with other scientific , tip-to-dnto cuntivo medicines In order to obtain quick contiol of the symptoms and conditions In cident to such nllment. It has been ahumli- nntly proven that any ono of the Germ- s Killer remedies quickly gains control ovcf the system , and experience shown thnt each ) remedy effects n complete cum of the illv fnse. for the treatment of which It Is special ly prepared. The governing principle of tha ( . .erin-Klllcr remedies la In perfect harmony with the principles of that greatest of nil physicians , NntuieIn curing disease. Send for book giving history of Abbott Lorlng's strange discovery , Its Interesting and mys terious prtuln nnd Its .wonderful curatlva power. It Is n product of the lloentgen or X ray una you should know nil about It. The book Is sent free. When catarrh Ix deep-seated In thn stem ach or bowels , where ozone does not pene trate , Lorlng'K Germ-Killer Dyspepsia Tab lets should lie used. They quickly control the digestive functions nnd Immediate bene fits foilr < , v. No other dyspepsia medicine can cure dyspep'l'i. Lorlng's Dyspepsia Tablets , to ccnta a. box. box.Lorlns'H Lorlns'H Germ-Killer Uhcumatlsm Tablets. DO cents a box. Lorlng's Gcrm-Klllcr Heart Tablets , J2.00 aj box. box.Lorlng' * Germ-Killer Lixatlve Tablets , 50 cents a box. Don't ? kp ! tlililt Is for your Rood. Kvery enterprising druggist carries all our other remedies In stock. Insist on scelni : LorliiR'a Inhaler. If you sec It you will not want any other. Our book furnished with the Inhaler will Klvc you full Information. It Is the Gcrtn- Klller .Mcdlclno that cures' , Abbott Lnrlng's 2Vcent book on "Disease * of theThro.it. . Lungs , Che t and Head and How to'Cure Them , " sent free , -wuii full In- ftrmatlon about treatment , n'l ' postpaid. Wrlto us fully nhoiit your ta o and we will advlie you FUBI3 OF CHAHdB. Tills treatment l cheap. You can set It by mall po tpild. You can take It at home. Order now and prevent delay. Mention department number below on your piivelopu wlii > n you write. Use only < tha nearest address. i Loring & Co. , Dept. 77 Nos. 5S-CO Wnbnuli Avo. , ClilcnRO. .Vo. 42 W. 15.1 .St. , New York. | fjTI Xo. 3 Hamilton 1'luco , Ilouton , Mass. " The HPO lins nrrniiKcd lo supply It's A readers with a sut ot 1'OHITOLIOS Delight which answer ninny imnortnnt ques tions they hnvo toecn nsklu > ; them selves nml their fricndo for some tlmo to the Eye past. The Hee prints the. news con- cernliiR CU1JA , the HAWAIIAN IS LANDS nml the AMERICAN NAVY , ' but where Is the reader Hint would netlike like to know more ? How did the MAINE look before she was blown up how after ? How ninny other vessels have we Hko lhe Maine , or larger , nnd better ? Where Is Morro Castle ( not Moro , ns Is often Incorrectly written , nnd how , big a chunk of its frowning masonry would be knocked out by every V | discharge of the Indiana's mighty IfMiich guns-each ns long as n saw- log and hmling a projectile bigger for the Mind than a beer keg from a distance of more than ten miles ? Then , lee , one would' like to see some of the common bights of Havana , the city A Treat which will be the objective point of our Key We.st squadron In cnso of war with Spain. Moreover , thcro Is much tnlk of annexing the Hawaiian Islands , and it is n good Idea to get acquainted with n thing before annexing It. Where are these Islands anil what are they good for ? What has President Dole done to excite the Ire of Hawaii's polysyllabic queen Queen I.il for short ? These and many other questions are answered , and striking pictures of the persons , places ami things given. The Uee offers Ten Portfolios of Photographic Reproductions presenting 160 views , accompanied by concise explanatory text. They furnish much valuable information about HAWAII , CUBA , Countries where America has largo interests to bo protected , and THE AMERICAN NAVY which will figure prominently in the protecting. Naturally every American wants to Know what sort of ships Undo Sam uses in arguing : nautical ques tions , and The BOG'S ' offer affords the means of knowing the strength of his logic in heated disputes. THE FIRST THREE PARTS flRE NOW .READY. Send in your order early and thus cruard against missing a single number of those of things all Americans , Graphic Descriptions are interested in now ant/ are anxious to learn about through the medium of such These wore prepared at great cost from originals hold at $200 , and the repro ductions are superior to the original photographs , and yet they are offered to Tha Boo'a readers at the low price of TEN CENTS for each PORTFOLIO , delivered to any address In the United States , Canada or Moxlco. The size Is 10xl4 inches , and the nuraher of views contained In each Is sixteen , printed on flno enameled paper , which admits of the most artistic flnlsh and accurate delineation. HOW TO GET THEM , The Omaha Bee will please send to the Fill out thd annexed coupon undersigned reader * PORTFOLIOS as legibly , slntliiff how many you wish , nnd brlnfr ( or fend ) It to The Bee with 10 cents In coin issued , for which * Is Inclosed. for each PORTFOLIO wanted. It will bo ttnoro convenient to . . Mamo. . . send $1.00 nt the outset , ns you can thereby avoid writing a . letter and enclosing- dlmo for Street , eachof the successive Issues. They will tie rent out nu fast os they como from the presses. City State Indicate In nluln firuroi : how many Portfolios Get One for a Dime ; nro antud uud how iiuiolt inouoy Is Inclosed. Bend no stim : ] > 3. 10 for a Dollar , Part I contains the following reproductions , with appropriate descrip tive text : S.\\KOItI ) DOI.K. IXTHOIILCT10X. HllllUm OK HONOLULU. 11 OVA I , I'AIACH. KI.VK KAI'AICAUA. SiA-lllltl : > HOOKKItY. UKI.V MII.IUOKOIAM.\ \ < ; ATIIIUI.VU SKA-IIIHD KGGS. FOUY STIIHHT. IMVIMI'I'LU I'bAVrATlO.V. IIAItllOll I'UOM EXKCUTIVR IIUJO. SUIll' ' SOHXIC. ' HOAU OVIOIl THE 1'ALU 3IOUXTAIXS. STUIIT SCKXI : . n < r Part II contains full page picturcss tt ttio ships of the American Navy : IXDIAM. " 'XK\V VOIIK. "CIIAIU.KSTOX. " MI .XTOXOMO1I. " 'CIIIOAJO. > 1 "IIAI.KIIJII. " ATI.AXTA. " "OHUnOX. " I . . , . , . , . , , I . . . ICATAHIIIX. " "MOVmOMKHV. " f " "Al. > l. | 'MASSACIIUSKTTS. " "IIOI.I'HI.V. " "IMII AXA'S ' 11UOOKI.VX. * ' , "VESUVIUS. " After-deck 13-Inch i Part III contains full page pictures of th i following : THE TOXAN , ( ! ) Naval Parailc i Tin : SA.V i'iiA.\cisco , TOIU'EUO IIOAT STII.I.KTO , IXIIIAVA'S I'OKWAKI ) UKCIC SIASSACIIUMETTil , ( HrnaiUlde View ) . | | ' ! ' Ksi'IXMXfJ A VAHV , AlllMUTIIITE , - FIHIXniL * PIVOT U.V , HAXCHOI'-T , Roads. TIM ; XI\VAHIC. Fleet at Hampton Parts I , II and III Now Ready on sale at the Business Office of The Omaha Beo.