Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 31, 1898, Page 11, Image 12

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Ar He978 Cootinncs to Advencly Affect
Wheat Markets.
( fPhrnil U XorroiiK nt the Clour , and
" ( lie Other Mnrkclo Knllnir la
L. Syftiitnthy 1 Souio
' ( CHICAGO. March 30. Wheat today closed
fcbrvous with all but Ho of un early adVance -
( Vance lost. The sailing of a new Spanish
fceot , the news from Washington and ru-
> nor ) of o favoralilo ( Kansas crop report
JkSrccliiltatcd general selling , partlcu'arly by
long * who had a prollt. Other products
followed wheat In a narrow ( way , closing
Quotations showing scarcely any change
from j-estcrday. dlsp'aycd ' same strength at the
fclart sml for about an hour after there -was
ttulte u good demand from shorts and not
little general buying. Following the ex
treme vvenkncsa of yesterday's market here ,
trtveriiool showed surprising strength. An
other Mource of strength was the northwest
ern wheat stocks , which were reported at
fcKO.WX ) bu. , against u.SOO.WO bu. last nlfeht.
fct W.IH nald that farmers had even sold
their seed wheat. These were the factors
in the opening strength , starting July % c
tilghir ut S2KQ82 > ; c. lor a few minutes
Iho market displayed nervousness , fel.lng
between S2)ie und 82 ,9 S2i4c. Then the
Bhnrji advance \vhlch was taking place in
( Wall street stocks nnd more quieting re-
iborts as to the Cuban situation lent addi
tional strength to the market and started
b quiet buyln ? movement , which curried
( the | /rlco up to 82c. Here the market
fcKnln sagged under realizing by scalpers
and Homo of the flrst bujers , but the de
cline was limited to about 3 c. For nn hour
the market fluctuated nervously within n
marrow rnn&j under the operations of
pcnlpers , but around the noon hour the
bontlntii-d strength of Wall street nnd ru-
finors of Impending cabinet changes stif
fened the backbone of wheat holders and
resulted In an advance In the price to S3V4c.
( As was the case yesterday , routine news
Iwas given very little attention. Northwest -
( west utclpts were 3JS cars , ngalnst 321 last
( week and 391 a yenr ago. Chicago receipts
fivere G3 cars. .The additions to the con
tract stocks toil.iy amounted to 8S.100 bu. ,
36 curs coming Irom rosular sources , wlillo
mixing houses contributed SO cars and 1G-
200 bu. No. 1 northern. Primary receipts
rwero IB7.000 bu. Atlantic port clearances
{ were reported nt 250,000 bu. Closing prices
ht Liverpool and Purls showed substuntlal
Advances. May wheat was little heard of.
It sold nt $1.03 shortly after the opening ,
tout quickly recovered to $1.01 and remained
nt that figure until near the close. July
buying by Lelter cut no small figure In the
advance In that future to S3V&C , though It
iwas not on a largo scale. The market held
firm at around that price until the lust half
hour , when attempts to sell out long wheat
with ( .ootl prollts attached to It were mide.
Coming about the sumo time rumors were
nJlrctilatcd o the effect that the forthcom
ing K insas crop report would l e the most
tfavorablo one on record , starting a general
liquidating movement. Holders had some
difficulty In disposing of their wheat and
price * dropped quite rapidly In consequence ,
tlio n nrket becoming decidedly weak In the
last tew minutes. After declining to Slc
phorts covered In a moderate way and a
Sally t3 82o ensued , where the market
fcloaed. May closed at $1.03 % .
The market for corn was quiet and
Htoady. Shorts did most of the buying , the
Influences being the strength ofwheat and
fatocVS. Trading as a whoo ! was unlnter-
tostln ? and price fluctuations were narrow.
May t.ingcd from 2-H'8c to 28\2STic ( and
Closed a shade higher nt 28c.
Oats -were very quiet. The market In a
general way sympathized with the action of
wheat and the tendency of the market was
iipward , though trade \vas too small to
f cause much variation In prices. Business
( Was tooitly of a scalping nature. May
( ranged from SoUc to 25c and closed He
Ihlplicr at 2Sc.
Provlr.lons were strong during the first
two hours. The strength of the grain mur-
> ' Beta drove in a good many shorts during
- . .That tln.e and prices advanced. I/iter real
izing became fairly heavy and the advance
Kj-adunHy disappeared. Packers -were the
Jbest sellers. The close was steady , May
Bork unchanged at $9.40. May lard 2'X.c
jhtRticr at $5.00 and May ribs 2 c higher at
Estimated receipts Thursday ; Wheat , 73
ttara ; corn , 175 cars ; oats , 220 cars ; lioss ,
90,000 head.
" " futures ranged ns follows :
Article D. | Open. I High. I Low. I Close , j Ycstdy
1 01 1 04 1 03 1 Ol' (
B1H igsg
7014 70U 70M
77 70H 70H 70W
28U-SO 28M 28M
25 25
0 40 0 C2 > o : i7K 0 40 0 40
0 47W DUO U 45 047H U 47H
4 07 C 05 407)4- S 00 1 07M
July. . . 0 OS a im B 05 607X fi 01
May. . . 0 00 n 05 5 00 5 03H S 00
July. . . 605M 6 : o 0 U7K D 0714 fi 03
Xo. 2.
Cash quotations were as follows :
. n/JXTll Quiet ; outhern patents , I490JJSOO :
tjouthetn strulRhta , II40B4M : southern clear ,
4 30G < 40 ; spring patents , (4 99U5 40 ; soft pat
ent ? , tl70Q4K ) ; bakers' patents , I3.40O3 W
WIIUAT No. 3 eprlne , 90wcj No. 2 red ,
CORN-NO. 2 , 2ST4c.
ATH-No. 2. 25c , f. o b ; No. Z white , 20UO-
No. 3 white. 27HflWHc.
-No. 2. 49HC.
No 1 , $1.16ffl 18.
TIMOTHY HEED-I'rlme. $2 S5.
PROVISIONS Mess pork , per U > l . $3 40
K4S. IJiril , per 100 Ibs. . $495@497U ; S.iort ribs.
Ides ( loose ) , $4 K" > Q5.12Vi. Ur > * salted shoulders
XboxM ) , $4.Tt,04.87'i ; short clear sides ( boxed ) ,
WHISKY Distillers' nnlahca goods , per enl. ,
SIKIAIIS Cut loaf , $5 C3ff5 ES ; granulated , $ j 32
On the Produce exchange today the butter mar.
get was quiet and tlrm ; creameries , 13flsy-c ;
alrle > , 10'iUlCc. ' Cheese , quiet , KSjS&c. IKKH ,
lead ) ; fresh , 9o. Live poultry , llrm ; turkeys ,
OlOc ; chUkens , SHOitc ; ducks ,
Unotntlon * for tlir nn > - on. CenernI
UT\V ! YORK. March 3 . KLOUR-Recelpts ,
JB.430 bbls. ; exports , fi,40l Ubls. ; city mill pat-
nts , $3.S5QC.10 ; city mill clears , $3.CO@I > .75 ; Mln-
0eaotu patents , $5.100'j 40 ; Minnesota bal < i > r ' ,
14.3504 ; winter Btralghts , $ IGOU4GO ; winter ex.
tra , $3 70ffl4.10 ; winter low grades , $2 WXtfJ uo.
Ilya Hour , ijulet at $2.753.25. liuckwheut Hour ,
tomliuil at il.Wtl 50.
UUCKU'HL'AT-Nomlnal nt 45c.
ICCUtN'MKAIj-Qulet ; jellow vvistern. 630.
l Birr ; quiet ; No. 2 western , t.HCfSSo.
OJARl.iY-lull ; fn-MliiB. 41H'-- .
UAIILKY MALT Dull ; western , SJil c.
WHEAT Receipts , 64.750 bu. : exports , 79.M ?
IVu. : spot , weak ; No. 2 red. $1 oo i f. o. b. ntloalj
Options opened firmer on letter cab'es than ex-
ipected * nd was governed all day by Washington
news. Activity among shorts kept prke well
ustalmtl until Just before the close , when re-
llilna iset In and established u sharp break
nnsl quotations being , c higher on near , bul
Jio oft nn late positions ; Murcli clotcd ut VSUCj
Jiay. MH09V. closed. fSlic.
OOIt.V IteivlpU , 10J.SW bu. ; exports. 48,251 Im.
pot , oapy ; No. 2. COc ; options oi > enej llrm will
( wheat und held steady ull day , easlnir off tlnally
on the lute decline In wheat ; cUsed VtiJ14c net
lower ; May , S3' , 33 11-lCc , clofed , 53V4c.
OATS Receipts. 81.COO bu. ; exports. COO l > u. ;
ppot. llnner , ' No , 3 oats. 30c ; No. t vhlte. SJ c ;
option i < iulct but steady , closing Ho net lilelicr :
alay cUfed at 29c.
FEED-Qulet ; bran. 70ffS5c ; middlings , SOcjnc
feed , 4BiVtb < > 5c.
HAY-Uull ; shipping , 20035c ; gooj to choice ,
IlOl'H-Oulet : state , common to choice. 18So
Itrop. 4CCc ; UM crop. 701X ! : 1897 crop , 17K1W :
Faclilc coast. ISM crop , 4iiCc ; 1SJO crop , SflOs ;
JUDlStendy ; Texas dry. tc ; Cillfornla ,
jXlATHER Firm ; hemlock sole. 19Wie
WOOIQulet ; lleece. 17f(22c : Texa . 1'iil .
I'ROVISIONS-Heef. ilrni ; fancy. $11 OOW.1.73 ;
Ktra tiKjj. I904U9.75 Cut meals , quiet ; pickled
liter , $5.25Q M , Lard , itradlerwestern
t * am HI. nominal. $3 25 ; refine ! , steady. J'ork ,
| t y ; iiie$3 2589.W ; short clear , JlO.IiOlirO :
ramlly , $11 WHI1 50. Tallow , dull ; city , 3 11-Uc ;
Country , SVfn c.
OILS 1'ftroleum , dull , llosln , s'eady : t'.raliiej ,
Common to good. $1.424 J1 45. Turpentine. qul l
and llrm at 32VjO3r. Cottonx-ed , rak nnd
lower ; prime crude. ISOIVVic ; prime crude. ( . n. b ,
mllln , IStmijc ; prime summer vellow , 2Jo. nnn > .
Inal ; off summer jcllovv , 21Hc ; butter oil , 25tf27c |
prime winter > ello\v , wytjijc.
BICE nrm ; domestic , fair to extra , 4SWSK
fapan. 6'iWSHc.
METALfe There wan a change for the bettci
hi severnl departments today as regards the gen
eral feeling amiolume of builneis , while ro ; > -
ftf WM uot d a 4riiad hUhtr. At tut clou
lie metal etclianre called t > lc Iron warranti
quiet , with fiViO bid and n Si mked ; copper.
Irm. tilth $11.90 Mil and. $1100 Hiked : tin. steady ,
tilth $1123 bid arxl 114 U atkedt pll r , * te ly <
with II K bid nnd II. M asked ; lead , steady , with
3.72U bl.t anil $3 77 H nsked. The nrm fixing th
fettling price fur miners and emclters quoted
ail nt $ $ CO.
nUTTKR-R lpt8. J.1W rVg . . inatket flrmj
western creamery , ISCl'Hc ; Elglns , 19 Vic ; f >
lory. U 14Hc.
CHKKSK IlfMlpl * . 1,200 pXs : matk l quiet !
IU1U skims. DHUC'ic ' ; part skims , 4a c ; full
lm , 2K3c ,
iOO3ltfrlpt8. . UW5 pkg < ; market steady ;
( tata and 1'ennrjrlvanla , IVHOIlc ; western ,
southern ,
Condition of Trnilcanil ( Initiation * on
Mtnple anil Fancy Produce.
DUTTnn Common to fair. Sffllc : jcpamtnr
creamery , 20c ; withered creamery , 15318i.
VUAL-Cliolcs fnt , l to lid Ibs , quoted at SO
Sc ; lareo nnd coarse , G < 87c.
LIVE l-OULTHY-Chtcliens , 6'iC7c ! old roost-
ere , S'ifl4c ; > oung roosters , CVift'c ; hens , 7C7'4c.
ducks. 7c.
OAME Mallardi , $2.50 2.7 ; ; teal , 11.130123 ;
brants , J ! 0055.00 ; Canada geese , $ I.C03 J.VO ;
mixed dusks , l.Wgi.H ,
PIOHONS Live. II ; dead pigeons not wanted.
HAT Upland. $0 ; midland , 3 ; lowland , (4 CO ;
ryn stravr , 14 SO ; color makes the price on hiy :
Isrht bales m.11 the best ; only top grade * Urine
op prices.
9Jh'tllT ' 'oo'l "tock , large , We ; email , fGG'tOc.
ONIONS 1'er bu. , 760S3c.
IJEANS-lInnd-plcked navy , per Ini. . 11.2381 30.
, , lii.KIirr POfATOIiS-Kansas , 10-peck bbl . ,
i2.i.iJJW ; seed sweet potatoes , JS.OO.
CAIHIAai : Good ttock. per Ib. l Jc.
stOTATOKS Homo grown , MBSCc ; ColoraJi.
TOMATOnS-I'er crate , seven baskets , $421 ®
'NEW I1KET3 Per doz. bunche. . KUlMc.
IlAIJISHiS-l'er doi. bunches , 2.-.P30C.
IJJTTUCI l'er do ? , bunches , 30 330.
RURIN ONIONS vcr doz , i3c.
WATiitrriias Per IC-qt. case , Jl.CO.
CUCUMlJKUB-I'er iloz. 1.5n 1
TnAVininHniKS-Per Z4-qt. case. ( C 00.
_ ' " - ' . 50 i'rI , KS Winter stock. J3 0033 50 ; boxes , $1.23
-Fancy .Jersey , per bbl. , $10 ,
_ as , J500S6W.
TiiopicAi. rnuiTs.
$2 r y j i-ji siNrcoTJ'Eo2-7303 ! co : ciioicp'
n nA/i'\JAS rholce' larRa "tock. ps- bunch ,
34l2Sj ; ineJIum sized bunches , $1.75g-2.t,0.
NUTS Almonds , per Ib. , large size , 1213c ;
UU nCi1UrI"K' pcr Ib9 IIC ! English wil-
- pnn I1 , ' , ' tancy ? . ° " lle" ' 108nc' ' t ndards.
; fllbeits. .
per Ib. . lOc ; pecans , polished
S' > Crf7i " " ? S8 c : l rge hlckor >
. , I/ . .C0al'10 | ier bu' ! tnm" ' M.K91 35 perbu ;
i. ioVlS..1"1 J4W ! ptanull > > rawC8I4C !
I.I9s Iln | > ortd' 'ancy , 3-crown , 14-lb. boxes ,
° ! J ? ; cr"" . boxes. 13c ; 2-lb. boxes , 221 *
tf > tivIVCnlltornlB' 10-'b ' b010 ° .
ffllc white , iJc ; Colorado amber , 10
iK.S-M ? : , halt bbl" K
Five-gal , can. each. $275
CIDiil-ivr half bbl , . $300 ; bbl , $500.
St. Lou I N General 'Marked ' , ,
ST. ' LOUIS , March 30. FLQUR-Slow
- s ,
- ' medium. $3 Mff3.75.
for July and Uo for ' September ff "c nbovo or iVstei -
h'clier ' ! ° ' 2 " ' ' c ' &
7e97'ic ; March , Me
q.ulcl nna Ftttul > ' lo
wtenlay ; cix-t llrm : No 2 cn h ,
JUI > <
. May. M
No2 whlte-
at $1 Bo
. ' .
timothy scarce nnrt In demand
, m > K ; timothy , $ G WH10.CO
_ IJUTTnR rirm ; criamerv , UQlgijc ; dairy , 0 ®
" at * 355spcitcr -
11AQOINO 5i46c.
iiOVII0. ! } " l'ork' rtoo'ly : stand-mi
, , ' 1' r : prm' stcnms3 !
'iHiwon. . boxed shoulders. $ - , 37vJ
lfinr > * 3C : ! : r' ' > > . 75
8a" meals' bo'HHl Bhou' '
ClCar' * 3-121'5 rlbl
hort ' - ' : ! '
RDCKIITS-Flour , 1,000 bblswheat , 10000
. ; corn , 37,000 bu. ; onts , 21,000 bu.
hllll'MliNTS-riour , 2000 bbls. ; wheat. 4 OOa
u. ; corn , 2 0,0 bu. ; oats , B1t3tf bu.
. . . . . . . . . . Mufltct ,
nAI.TIMORE , March 30 I'LOUR Dull : -ncst-
m Rupernne , K 7033.10 ; vvostern extra. $138
4 00 ; western family. } 4 JCO4 CO ; winter wheat
mtentB. 4 7j j 00 ; sprlnK Vhent pattnta , $0 : y
liii fPrtng wheat stralR-htH , $300S5.15 ( ; receipts ,
; fJt ltVil . _ . . ' " w4i .kt
4 *
, S5 bbH nwm eni t.t.i
r exports 3,607 bbls.
spotl " > onll > nnd April , t >
' " "
. .COI'NStenily spot""nrTd
; month , * .i-4 i.He , :
May. 33H33i.c steaBKr .
; mixed. 3 ! iS32Tc. c-
celpta , I3l.-27i bu. : exports , 223,207 bu. ; nmthern
wjj'.t ' ot > rn' 33io : ; noutihern yellow. 330j4c.
OATS Dull ; No. 2white. . S3R34e ; No 3
mixed , SOfflMiic ; receipts , 20.229 bu. ; cxiwrts ,
IITIJ Steady ; No. 2 nearby , rw'ic ; No 2 vvcat-
ern , 6CUc ; receipts. 10,000 bu. ; exports , none.
HAT 43teady ; choice Umothy , tl2Mei3CO.
OllAIN PnuiaHTS-llather weak ; stcnni to
Liverpool , per bu. , S'iu.
nUTTnR Steady : fancy creamery , 18f30j ;
fancy Imitation. 17ffl c ; fancy ladle , 15c ; eood
ladle. 13JJ14o ; Bloro packed , 10flI2c.
IXias-Flrm ; fresh , lOHc.
CIIin -Steady ; faney Now York , larse. O'i
< V4c ; fancy Ts'ew York , medium , D j(510c ( ; fancy
New York , small , ' " - *
Liverpool Mnrkct.
LIVKnPOOL , March CO WHEAT No. 1 Call-
du n't CUU7i/nt ' " ltd' N ° ' 2 'wcsUrn' "Inter.
COUN &po't. steady ; futures , steady ; March ,
i Hd : May. 3a l d ; July. 3s 2V4d.
Ji ? i'R7stV Loullt tatrv winter , dull nt 8s 9 < 1.
- HOIS At London (1'aclHc ( coast ) , dull at 3
( f 4.
PROVISIONS UecT , firm ; extra. India me s
C8n Dd ; i > rlmo mess , OS Sd. Pork , nrm ; prime
m s , flne western , 5n ! 3d ; prime mess , me-llum
w < atern , 45d 8d. Hams , s.'iort . cut , ilull nt S2a.
Ilaoon , ilull nt 30s ; short ribs , dull at 30s ; lonu
clear middles , llg-U , steady nt Ms ; Icnp clear
middles , heavy , steady at 28s 6.1 ; short rjear
backs. Hteady nt 2Ss Cd ; clear bellies , steady at
32s ; fhoulder- , square , steady at 243. Lard , prime
vwstem. ihill at 2C 3d.
ClinuSE American finest white and colored ,
dlL - Turpent'ne ' rplrlts , steady at 2 . Hojln
common , steady nt 4s M. '
Knnnna City Oriiln nnd Prnvlilnnn.
KANSAS CITY. March 30 WHEAT ( Steady to
" ,4o . .i hlffher no . XT ; _ No. M n 1 hard . , 8JB90c ; No. 2 , 87c ; No. 1
c. j 0 j 89g30 c ; No. 2 sprlnir ,
hleher ; active ; No. t mlxtd ,
o T8About atcady , active ; No. -nhltc , St'i
No. 2 , 434o.
HAY Weaker : choice tlmotliy , $3503900'
choice prairie. $7.00.
IHJTTKR Creamery , scarce and In demand
15 lSo ; dalrj' , 14916c.
IXU1R Klrm : fresh , 8c.
RDCIHITS Wheat. 2 < JCOO bu. ; corn , 25,000 bu. :
oats , 7,00) bu.N
SHIPMENTS Wheat , 8.4CO bu. : corn , 25,200 bu. '
oati , 3,000 Im.
Xc v Orlenn * Mnrkct.
A Minde loner nnd dull ; me'M pork , Htnndard ,
10c. .Lnixl , rclmeil tierce , 3 { f3c ; pure , f.ijr.
Hexed meats , dry Halt shoulders.4T4c ; sldei BV,5ji
! i\f. Ilacdn. clear rib sldw , 6Vi@6ic. ( Hame ,
chnlce Kucnr cured , SWWSHc.
OOlTlir : Rio , dull : ordinary to fair.
RICH Steady ; ordinary to good. 344 ? .
nxJUR Extra fancy , $4003470 ; iiatenls , $1 TO
65 CO
Hit \N-72c.
HAY Prime , $1100l 200 ; choice. $11 COW1I M.
CORN No. 2 sacked , mixed , 37J37V4c ; wilte
and > i-llovv , 37 > , iO3Sc.
, OATS No. 2 Hacked , western , 31'4e.
Clni'lnnntl MnrUet.
; fancy. $ I.SOjn.s3' fomlly. $3.80 4.00.
WIIEAT-CJulet ; No. 2 red , 5c.
CORN Dull ; No 2 mixed. S2c.
OATS Firm ; No , 2 mixed , 2VjC.
HYIQulet : Nr , 2. 62c.
I'ROVIsro.N'S-i nl. steady nt $1.60. Bulk
mrat * . steady n $5.10. Bacon , quiet at 13. i9.
WHISKY KS in at $1.20.
ItUTTBR-S'iady ; Elcln creamery , 20VJc ; Ohio ,
HClfc ; dairy , 10CI2C.
SlTOAR-n-/r } ; hard refined , $ i.M35.S5.
KOOS-Ka y at Sc.
Steady ; good to prime Ohio Rat , SO
4Srnln R 'eUitii nt Principal MnrkeU
CHICAOO. March 30. Jlecelpts todsy : Wheat.
3 cars ; corn. Ill caric-oats , 1W cars. Estimated
car lots tomorrow : Wheat , 75 ; corn , 175 ; oats ,
"MINNEAPOLIS , Marrti S0.-Recelpt : Wheat.
174 cars.
ST. I/MJIH , Mirch -Receipts : Wheat , 11
' "
"nULUTir. March -Receipts : "Wheat. 164
"KANSAS CITY. March 3o-Rcceipt : when * ,
27 cars.
IMillmlelpliln Prodnrr.
rillLAnKUPHlA. March SO.-IlUTTEn-nnn
and ijo hlKher ; fancy vveBtern creamery , JO c ,
IXlOrt Sti-Hdy ; fivih western 1D\r.
ClIKRSK-QulM but rte - v N > w Vo ir ' cy
full cream , SV46 Uc ; New York prime. 7WH e.
Stilirnr Murkt-ln.
NEW nrtLTTANS. March 1) . SITQAR Dull ;
open kettle. 2VT > J-lfc ; DO granulated or white
offerej ; > llow , 44 > 4Vlc ; sjeooadt , 10J 15-Ifc.
olimei , milt ; centrifugal , Mf14c.
NB\V TORK. Mnrcti 30.-HUOan-rUw , firm ;
'aJr ' rcflnlnK. J9-l c ; ccntrlfucal , M test. 4 1-lkc.
lUHned , Prm ; mold A , 67-10c : standard A , 1C.
confeotlonern' A , fc : rut loaf , 6 4e ! crushed ,
ondercil , 6Sc ; granulated , CHc ; cubes ,
Toledo Mnrkrt.
TOLEDO. March JO.-WHEAT-DulI , uown-
ara tendency ; No. 1 ca h and May. 4c.
CORN Active , steady ; No. 2 mixed , o ri and.
May. 30c.
OATrf-Bteady : No. 2 mixed , 2 Hc.
Iiru-I > ult. easy ; No. t cash , tOWSOHc bid
CI/VERSKUU Steady ; prime cash , March and
prll , $2874 ,
IlnlTnloMnrket ,
nUFrALO , N. V. , March 30.-WHEAT-No.
northern , old , I1.06V4 : new , $1.03Vi ! No. 2 Win
er , 97e.
CORN No. 2 , 33Vi J334e.
OATS-NO. 3 white , sovic.
aiYU-Nominal ; No. 2 , on track , JOc.
Detroit -Market.
DETROIT. March 83-WHEAT-No. t white.
Ko ; No. 2 red. Sic ; May , 94'ic.
CORN No. 2 mixed , 30o.
OATS No. 1 white , 30C.
HYE-No. 2 , Me. . „
flun KrnncUi-o AVUrnt Mnrkct.
nd steady ; December. $ l,40Vi : May , not quoted.
nARLKr Cjulet ; May , $120 ; December , not
I'enrln Mnrkot.
PEORIA , March M. CORN I'lrm , hlshtr : J.'o.
WHISKY-HlBh proof spirits.
Toupcctn of Pence Cniiop n llooni In
All Price * .
NUW YORK , March 30 , Todays transactions
n stocks might fairly be termed n runaway bull
nark-el. The overwhelming conviction of oil the
sperntora on Wall street F coined to be that a
peaceful adjustment of the controversy \vlth
Spain l probable. Any ct the minor develop
ments of the day which seemed to contradict
his assumption or to threaten the defeat ot this
> utcomo vvcro penlitently and confidently IB-
tared. There were reactions at times during the
day , but thee were evidently due- merely to
eallzlng sales by thofe who were content to take
largo profit already assured. T.icse realising
alen vvtro absorbed without at nn > time redi
nc the level cf prices to last nlRht's clore , or
ven near It , nnd tile market several times rol
led to near the top figure * of the day under re
newed bujlng. The day closed with euch a bu > -
ns movement In full force nnd with prices near
the highest level. The dnj's mt gains In the
nllroad list ranged from 1 to 3 points , and In
ho specialties gains of over C points In Sugar
mil nearly 7 points In Metropolitan Street rnll-
rny were scored. Seme of the shorts put out In
Momlav's ( bulge vvtrc covered today and perhapi
lejped on the advance materially , but the lead-
ng Influence In the market was a rampant spec-
ilntlvo bujlng movement. LonJon was credited
vltll bc-lrg a large bujtr herc.xbut foreign ex-
luinge failed to reflect the fact , the tone of ex-
hange being llrm. This mlKht be due to sllqhllj
asler time money , which was no less significant
if the prevailing confidence In the peaceful out
come than the strength In stocks. Itlces of
Ymcrlcans In I ondon had risen before the open-
ns here , but cabled report * raid that till * was
due to bujlng on New York orders. Bpanwi
government bond * nlsu nhowfil strength In Paris
and London , but this vvn called a rellectlon of
he strength of American securities , rather than
he cnu e of It , Early reports from Washington
hat Spam "had " agreed to free Cuba for tSOO.Crt-
DOO Indemnity gave the flrt powerful upward
mpctus to the market. The abstention of the
senate foreign relations committee from reporting
my of the warlike icsolutlons In Its custody nnd
the refuvil of the Jiouse to Interrupt ttb progrers
of Iho president's negotiations with the Spanish
government were Interpreted n * favorable fac
ers No account was apparently taken of the
mplled suggeitlon nccompfinj Ins tliffe actions
.hat the president's demands upon Spain were
Hufllclontly firm and far-reaching to meet the ol > -
iectlon * of these who had threatened to oppose
lira In congress The undeilsing vonvlctlon In
Inanclnl circles was tllat whatever these do-
nands may be. Spain would accede to them anil
hus avert Itostllltlcs. The bond market wns bj
no mean * ni nctlve an stocks , but the tone wan
strong , and some gains In prices vvero scored
Total sales , t2.243.OCO United States new 4s
coupon , advanced 14 } Per cent and United States
new" 4 . registered , 1 per cent bid. There were
Fal i of new ts. coupon , nt 1 per cent ocr bl <
l > rlces , tvnil old 4s. coupon , nt V , per cent over
jestenlaj'n bid price.
The Evening Post's LonJon financial cable
gram fays : "More eaglea - werewithdrawn from
the Bank of England today fcr shipment to New
York nnd the bank has slncti raised the selling
price by W to 70s & 1. There U a posilblllty also
of fi rise In the bank rate soon. After a dill
nlng the stock markets here were practicallj
.xjomlmt today , being le.1 by Spanish 4s , Arnerl
> an * and Orand Trunk. There Is n tendency 1 fere
again to buj' American * , and prices were above
-he New- York parity nil day. The demand In the
street was a trine under the best. There was a
sharp rifB In Kaffir * , first on the. rumors of the
death cf President Kmger. fltul then on reports
that the Deutoch bank had demanded the tcrml
nation of a loan to the Transvaal. Neither o
thn r.-ports wo * confirmed , but the latttr was
credited In good quarters The -.atlfnctory tor
mlnntlon of the settlement has g'vcn fresh near
to the markets , but much liquidation must p
are th closing quotations of the
leading stocks on the New York market today !
Atenlson 11M St.P.A Om 7m
do pfa 147
llaltlmore A Ohio. . 17 SUP. M.AM 120
Canada Pacific 82 < So. Pacltlo 14
Canada Soutnern. . . JSH So. Hallway SX
Chca.i.Onlo > . , i9 > * do pfd
Chicago & Alton..104 Texas A PnolHo. . . .
Union Pacific pftt. .
' " " ' ' " " '
c'.AE.i. . . ! . 05 U.P.D.&O 7V <
C.O.C.A SLIi 28H Wnbash ttVt
dopfd 73 do pfd lt i
Dal. i. Hudson JOB Wheel. & L. E 1U
Del. L.4 W 148W Wheel. & L. E. pfd RJ
Dcn.&KloO HM Adams Ex 100
( lopM 43W American Ex 133
Krlonenr ( ) 12H United States Ex. . . 39
ErlolBtpM SC WellsPanro EX..HS
Ft Wnrno Ifln Am. Cot. Oil 17 > i
GreatNorthorn pM.l 40 A. cot. oil pta ut )
Hocking-Vallov. . . . Am. Spirits , . . 7. . . . . 101 Am. Spirits pfd 17
Lake Erie iW 14W Am. Tooacco 1871 *
do pfd 71 do pfa 115
LakeShore IP ! ) People's Gas fl
Lomsvlllo & Nnsh. 01 Cons. Gas 183
Manhattan L. . . . Com. CaMe Co 100
Met. St. Uv Col. F. & Iron i0 !
Mlchlran Oentrii. dopfd 80
Minn , i St. L M Gen. lilcctno 84
do let pfd * iO IlllnolRStcol 47
Mo.Paclllo 27 ! < LnClodo Oas 4H
Mobile * Ohio S7 Lead 31
Mo. K. A T UK no pfd 103
Mo.R. AT pfd H4 NatUn Oil 14
Chi. , Intl. A L 7 Oregon Imp. Co 30
dopM 23 Pacific Mall 2(1) ( )
N J. Central U4W Pullman Pal 177
N.Y.Comral HUM SilvcrCortlueitea. .
N. Y. ChU A ; St. L. . 12K Stand.Ropo AT. . . . 314
dolut pfd D3 Sugar 120
do-.Mpfil 31 Oo pfd 101
Norfolk .V Western HUj T. C'.A Iron SIM
No. Amor. Co OH U.S. Leather. . . . . . . " : .
No.Pnuinc 24H do pfd , . . . . C7Vi
donfil UAH U. 8. ilubbor : IH
Ontario A W 1AH do pfd 07 & .Nav 4H Western Union. . . . S7)i
Ore. Short Line so ; Northwestern 121
Plttsbunr 1CH Uo pfd 17J
Uoadirur 17 ! . . Rio Grande West . ' . ' .I
Kock Island 874 ( Uo pfd 04
S. L.&S. J1 r Chlciigo-Grnat W. . 10 !
dolutpfd r ( l St. L. &S. W 4
St. fanl D1K do pfd n
do pfd Ill lioidlnBt pfd. . . . 41
Hawaii C. C utt
T3tnl sales of stocks today , shares. In
eluding : Atchlson preferred , SS 3 ; Chesapeak
& Ohio , S.900 ; Chicago , KjrllngtonQulncy
ti.S42 ( ; Louisville & Nashville , 19r : o ; Manlmttiin
33.C73 ; Metropolitan , 21,831 ; Heading preferred ,
CWO ; Missouri Pacific , 7,600 ; Northern Pacific ,
C.120 ; Northern Pacific preferred , 20,070 ; Reading ,
3.E90 ; Hock Island. 32.575 ; St. Paul , 71,116 ; South
ern preferred , 4.GS9 ; Union Pacific , 64.S20 ; Union
Paclilc , Denver & Oulf , 4.425 ; Tobacco , 15.4M ;
] > eoplc'c Oas , 1C,3K ! ) : Consolidated Oas , 4,323 ;
General Hlectrlc , D.343 ; Sugar , 1M.D12 ; Tennes
see Caal & Iron , 3,195 ; Western Union , S.Ktf.
> 'ew York 31oucjr Market ,
Nomlnally. IMrWI per cent.
PH1MB MKHC-ANTILK PAPKn-B r. per cent ,
STUIUJNa KXCHANGK Steady : with actual
bunlness In bnnloers' bills at J1.S3VJS4 S3H for de.
ntand and 11 SHI for sixty dajs ; postc-d nite ,
l.M'itJI S2 , and I ! 84 04 f > 5 ; commercial blllt ,
GOVERNMENT 11ONDS Firm ; new 4s. reg.
nnd coui > on. 121 ; 4 * , reg. 101 ; coupon. Ill ; 2 * . fS ;
Sa , rov. and coupon , HHi ; I'aclflc ( M ot 't'l , lOS'/i.
Cloilnc quotations on bonds rttn n tallows ;
LONDON , MarA 50 GeM ia quoted at Tlucnc *
Ajrts toilay at 164.30. India council bills were
allotted today at U 111-16,1. Amount ot bullion
Ken Into the Hank , of Uneland today > ,0oo.
American eagles amounting to JC115.WO wer
withdrawn from the Hank ot England today. On
thn Stock rxchanEu today American securities
viere excited and wild , clmlnv slightly under the
beit pr'cea. On the street later Americans were
PAHIS. March 30. Price * on the bourse today
were very firm on repurchase. Spanish 4i he * | .
UtcJ 4U the ouUet , but were quickly carried up
wit.1 other government Mnrttlea and nnli < ied at
Ui hlrhrnt point of the d y. T > eneen mine *
were partlcnUrly In f op. I'urch n were In.
ducr < l on the Urtnetli of .American securities.
Three per cent rentes , loaf 40 for the urcouiit.
BEltLlN , March to.-grc rjllrs opened weaker
on the bouI-M todny , Internntlonnln ami Ameri
cans being unfavorably Jnipifcced by the report *
'ram ' Washington , hut the- soon rallied and
ilowd steady. Northern Pacifies advanced.
tlnatnn Stock Qttolntlon * .
nOSTON , Match SO.-Call loans. Sffll per eentt
Ime loaus , 4VtiISt > per Teat. Cloning prices
or stock * , bonds and rnlnlpt shares ;
.T. A3. t' . . . . . . . 104 iea. ura. . .
merlcan flucar. . 121
m.Sumr nfd . . . inn ltd. Elee. Ill 1US
av stifcs On. . . t 7-10 ifd 80
Dell reloplione. . . ISO il SOW
Boston A AlDnr. 217 Atclilxon 4s B8M
oston 4 Mama. . . 103 Allouoj ! Mlnm ? Cj IVi
Atlantto 21) )
Pttchtmrr . „ U9 DostonA Montani 17im
General Kloctna. . IUU BatwA BoHton. . . . ' . ' 4 > j
Illinois steel. . . . 47 Calumet A Heola. . Bin
Mexlcnn Content , . n Centennial , 1SK
N. Y. * N.B. pfd , . SO Fnnklln 11H
Old Colony. . . . . . 1 7 Osoeol.i 40 > *
O.S.L . vi Oulncr 101)
uooer. . . . . . . . . . ] Tnmanwiu 148
Union Paclfto . vo Wolverines S.'OV
iVcstKna . SUM Parroti . ! 2J
iT. Elt'O . sol ,
flnn Frnnclsro Itnlntt Qiiofntlonn.
SAN FltANClSCO. March 30-Omclal closing
luotatlons on mining stocks today Tsera as fol *
lows !
i 17 Justice . Sil
Alpha Con 7 Krntuekv Con . 3
indes la
lelcher. . . . , 21 Occidental Con. . . . 270
lent * Delcher. . . . 3J Oohtr. . 74
lulllon. 7 Overman . II
Caledonia 21 I'otoit . 43
ChallenreConja Sarnse . 'J4
luollar. 4(1 ( Scorpion . 3
Conndeneo. on sierra Nevada. . . . 100
: ou.Cat. A Va. . . . at Sliver lllll . 4
! on. New Yor * . . . 2 Union Con . 4il
Crown Point UtahCon . 11
. . TeJlo\rJnc . t . -jr.
Norero . . 14,5 Sunttard . . . . . luo
'ulll ' . . . . . . i
_ _
Silver Imrw , H'dc ; Mexlcnn dollirs , 43Vif ICc ;
drafts. Eight , 15c ; telegraph , 1714c.
York MlnlnK Qnntntlonn.
NK\V YOrtK , March 30.-The following are the
; ljelnif mining quotations !
Chollar. 40 Ontario . 2flU
Crown 1'olut. yo Ounir.
"on. Cnl. Ji Va. . . . 78 t'lvmoiitn . H
tauhvoou ( offiT'il ) 1(10 ( Quicksilver . 100
Gould " JcCurrv 21) OulckRilver ofd. . . 20 J
"laleANorcroas. . 1MU Sierra Neva ta. . . . 170
ilomostiKo 37UO Standard . J05
Jron Silver 4 Union Con . 10
Mexican 34 Yellow Jacket . . . . 'JO
London Stoelc ilnotntlnnsj ,
LONDON. March 20-4 p. m.-CloMng :
Conools. m'r. . . in .f-iu N > Y. Central
Consols , acct.,111 7-10 PeiuiNvlvaula
" .in. Pacific U
irjc 1.14 AlthNon _ ,
Orlu''cla ' L. .VN D. 5
II. 1U.IH ninul Trunk SH
Jficau ordinary. . It)11 ) ! Mex. Cen. new 4s. . 00'4
.St.I'.uu common. . 4'4
HAH SILVER Uncertain nt 23 11-lCd per
MONEY 24(72 per cent. The rate of dls-
: ount In the open market for nhort bills and
: hree months' Ibllls , 3mj3',4 per cent.
Flnnnnlnlotin. .
OMAHA , March 30 Tile clearings fop the day
vero JS5CS3991. nilnnccs.J13R.233H The cleur-
: , ? , 1SD7 orc JG-S.9'.OOS nnd the lialnncca
:37,512 : no. Increise In cleirlng" , J337.SS9 S3
CHICAGO , March 33. Clearing" , $15.27,210. ( !
New York exchange , 30o discount. Pouted rates ,
14 S3 nnd SI S4Vi Stocks stronger ; Alley U 5iA
jlil nnd 02 oskeili Hlscult. 21 ; IJIicult preferred ,
SO'J ; Ulnmoml Match , 132M ; Liltu Street U 11 1 ;
North Chicago , 219 ; Straw board , K * > , ; Wtst Chi
cage , 92 % .
ST. LOUIS. March 30-Clcarlngo , 3WD,7C6 ;
aalances , JW7.118. Money , 5 3 per cent. Niw
York exchange , 40o dltcount ; I2'4o premium
PHILLVDDLPHIA. March ,30-Clearings , $10 ,
903.171 ; balances , Jl,108,411.
HALTIMOHE , March ! 0-Clearings , J3.379OOC ;
balances , JC92.119 ,
NEW ORLEAN3 , March -Clearings , J1.113-
151. New York exchange , bank , par ; commer
cial , Jl per Jl.OOO dlrcoutit.
MEMPHIS. March 30-iclsarlng * , J324.44S ; bal-
ancex , J133.LOO. New York exchange selling at
fl ro premium i
NEW" YORK. March 39- Clearings , JHJ.C92.42D ;
balance * , tS.791.7SO. ,
UOSTON. March 30. Clearings , Jls.OSG.Col ; bal-
anceJ , J2,020S87.
Wool Jl'nrk'etH.
BOSTON , March SO WOOIQuotatlons :
Michigan , \\lscon6ln , stc. X Michigan , 21c ;
No. 1 Michigan comblng.i 23c ; No 2 Illlnol *
cAmblng , 2S2Sc ) ; No. 2 . .Michigan combing , 2Sf *
29c ; X New York. New Hnmp-hlte nnd
Vermont , 212lc No , 'l ' New York. Ne-v
Hampshire and Vermont ! 7edelajno Michigan.
28c. Unwahed medium. Kentucky nnd Indiana
quarter blood combing , 23c ; Kentucky nnd
Indiana three-eighths blootl i.comblng , 23e : Mis
souri quarter blood camblng , 22c ; MIsH ur
three-elghthh bloo < l comb'ng.i 22'ir : braid comb
ing , 2Sc ; lake and OeorgU , 23e Texas w 00)11 )
Spring medium (12 inonth * ) , ICfilKc ; scoured , 43 ®
H > c ; spring fine (12 ( months ) . 18ifl9c ; scoured , fiOc.
Terrltorj' wools Montana fine medium nnd tine ,
! C018c ; scoured , 46f4Ro ; staple , 60c ; Utah , Wy
oming , etc. Fine medium and fine , 1 31Vo ;
scoured , 4Vft4Tc ; staple , 50c. Australian , scoured
basis combing , superfine , TOJfT.'c ; goo < l , Co ®
CSc ; comb'ntr , average , cS"Kc ; Queensland combIng -
Ing , Cue.
The Amerlcin T\"ool and Colon Reporter will
saj- tomorrow of the wool market l "The mar
ket Is so quiet that U can bo almost sil I th'ere
Is no market. Tor the present It would seem
that n turn for the better had taken place In
our foreign relations , and the market would not
again experience such dullness as has lately
characterized It. Much of the dullness In the
trade may be attributed , to the state of the
monej" market. Very few manufacturers have
been seen In the market. Another cause of the
dullness IH believed to be the Increased use 'of
cotton , sholdjand. . other substitutes The Lon
don sales report heavy bujlnc by France and
Germany at advancing prices. No sales have
been made ai jet for American account. Prloes
are almost purely nominal. Practically no on ?
cares to luiy at the existing quotations , but on
the other hand , rcarcely any one will make any
concessions. The sales of Ub week amount to
293.0T/0 / Ibs. domestic nnd CO.COO Ibs. foreign , mak
ing a total of 353,000 IV * . , against a total of
l,2 9r,00 Ibs. for the previous neck and a total
of 12,839,500 Ibs. for the corresponding week last
BT. LOUIS , March 30. WOOL-EnsIer ; me-
( Hum. 15Q19c ; light fine , 13Qlc ; heavy fine , SJ
14c ; tub washed , 22ir2 ic.
LONDON , Mnrc-li 30 The offerings nt the wool
auction rales today aggregated 12,435 ba1 > , and
Included n treed selection of scoured merlns ,
the bulk of which were taken by the continent.
Sales In detail : New South Wales , 3,300 bales ;
rmoured 10 > 4d ls 5'4d ; irtvnsjGfflld. . Queens
land. 1,809 bal s ; scoured , 1s UdU 4d : greanv ,
G\01M. ( Victoria , 2.100 bales ; BooureJ. 4Jfi'ls
4H'l ; greasjC d ls li d. H-DUth Australia. 1.100
> ale * ; scoured IB 2dSls 4d ; gieaey. fii ioifd.
Now Zealand , 3,300 bales ; greaj09741. . Cap )
of Good Hope nnd Natal. BOT bales ; scourtd.
Is llVid : greasv. rH 7J4d. l unta Arenas , SOO
bales ; grcisj- ,
Oil MnrketH.
OIL CITY , March 30 Credit balances , 7 ? ; ; cer
tificates opened and clo ed cash oil at 77Hc ;
highest , 77 c ; total sales , 15.000 bbls. ; ship
ment ! ) . 73.210 bhls ; runs , 100,773 Mil" .
CHARLHSTON , S. C. , March 30 OILS Tur
pentine , market dull ; notlIng doing , Itosln , firm
nnd unchanged : sales , none ,
WILMINGTON , N. C. , March 30. OILS Spir
its of turpentine , 11 rm at 29'4.10c , Tlosln , tlrm
at $1.20 and $1.23. Crude turpentine , firm nt
Jl.CO nnd $2. Tar. steady.
SAVANNAH , Ga. . March 30 OILS Spirits of
turpentine , firm at 30c neB < n , at the decllna
ff.rm. Quote ; A , B , C , D. 1.15 ; E , t.25 : r.
: i.3031.:5 : G. $1.4S : H. $1.CG ; I. St.CO ; K , $1.65 ;
M , $1.70 ; K. $1.75 ; W G. $1.85 ; W W , $2.
I.ouUrllle Live Stock.
dull and fully 10@lSc lower ; extra good export
steers. $4 CGJJH 62 ; choice Imtrher steers. H 25tp
4 10 ; fair to good butcher sUere , $3 7fW4 25 ; com
mon to medium butcher steers. $3503375 ; chclco
heifers , $3 9Z4 15 ; fair to choice butchers cow ? ,
9MT303 ; medium to good feeders , $3 CSfll 1.5.
HOOS Herelpts , 3,000 head ; tops , 90&3 95 ;
meaiums , $3 SiU3 90 ; light shippers , $3 GOQ'S SO ;
pigs. $2CO I3M
Slinui' AND LAMI1S Market
steady and un
changed ; good , to extra Flipping shonp , $3 TOO
3.75 : fair to coo , ) sheep , $3 Win 25 ; common to
medium , J2.0 > iJ2.M ; extra shipping Iambs , J4 7 ;
{ Co ft ) : fair to good Inmbs , $4 2-.WI.75 ; best butch
ers , $4 OOS > 4 CO ; fair to goo3 Uutchera. $3 C081.11) .
New York i.\\r Stock.
NEW YOniC. March M ( HUKVCS Receipts ,
1.C83 head ; active and s shade liljher ; utters ,
medium to choice , $4 73(15.40 ; oxen and stags ,
$315346.5 ; cows , | 200f373 ; extra fat cows , $3 M
W1.10. Cables unchanged ; exports today. 3,672
quarters of beef ; tomorrow ! 592 head cattle.
CALVES Receipts , 6,521 head ; good veals ,
steady ; common and medium , loner ; poor to
choice -veals , $400 700.
8HEF31' AN1 > < LAMHS Receipts , 9.5S2 head ;
s'lerp In light supply and firm ; lamb * slow and
15 20c lower : sheep. $4 000-5.10 ; lambs , goo.1 to
rlco. ! $60080S7V4 ; clipped , ( rood to choice , $5 00j >
C.15 ; spring lambs , t ? rj > 3 < V < each.
HOGS Receipts , 8,842 lifsj ; steady.
Indlnn iiolU I.Ue Stork.
c > lpt , 00 head ; s-h'pments. fair ; maiUet mo < ler-
ately active : gnod to prime steers , $19095.25 ;
fair to medium steers. $4.CO4.(0 ; common to
good Ktockrrs , $3 tJGtt t .
HOGS Receipts. C.CuO head ; fchlpmneta. 3.KO
head ; market fairly active at 2VQCc lower ;
eord to choice medium nnd heavy , $3800385 ;
mixed and heavy , $3 70fr3 W ; good to i holce
lights. J570a3.77V , : common lights. $3 6 > )33.70.
Slinni * Receipts , ICO hind : hlpmenU. light ;
good to cho'ce lamlia , $5 40Q5 75 ; fair to me-
ilium , $400 525 : rholce Blieep , $123 4 50 ; com-
mcm sheep , $2.7503 40.
En t IlufTnlo I.Ive Stock" .
Trlme to extra export steers. $520R523 ; prlrnn
to choice shipping , $4 9035 IS ; fat heifers , 14 Zii
4 50 ; fair to good mixed butchf rs1 stock. $3 Kli
4,10 ; butchers' and cows , $300fJ343 ; common
cow * . $2,606275.
HOGS Yorkers , goa.1 to choice. $ IM3105 ;
roughs , c-ommon to rholre. $3.50fl3 Co ; pig . com
mon to choice. $ } 75Q3 U.
SHEEP Choice to selected wethers. $4 90CS CO ;
culls to common , $3 MJJ3.40.
Cincinnati Lite Slack.
CINCINNATI. March SO.-HOGS-.Vetlvo at
$3.SOf)3 90.
CATTLK-Steady at $2.25475 0. ) .
811 HEP Steady at $3 ONJ4 75.
LAMDS-Eailer at $ l.t585.M.
Run of Ordinary Proportion ! Find an Ex
cellent Demand.
Trnilr Oprnc Uvclr nnrt OffcrliiRa Arc
Suon Irl\cu O cr tlip Scnlca
Active , but o LIN
tic Lower. ' '
SOUTH OMAHA , March SO.-Uccelpta of
the days Indicated were ;
Cattle. Hoes. Sheep. Hor's.
March 30 3.CS1 7.3J4 10,001 21
March 29 4,97 ! ) 4.IVV1 4..MI
March 25 1,30) I.HIS 4,036
March 28 93 $ P.22S 2,72f 23
March 23 1.7S7 7,513 3.152 1
JUrch 24 ? ,103 6,734 7.50S . . . .
Mnrcli 23 2.M7 3.3JU 3.1WO 23
March 2M < ) 4'M 6,015 1
March 21 1,42 1.77S 6.71G JG
March 19 iaw 3.3J3 1,701 7
Match 18 2,307 4.70S 2 W9
March 17 1S 5 4,730 1I.1W 3
Murch 1G 3.W7 4,943 C.Sio
March 13 3,720 6,007 3,041 S
March 14 2.1PS l.CJO 4.SQG 2
March J2 2.10S 4 Ml 796 20
March 11 2,4i2 5.912 l.WS . .
March 10 2.312 4.C37 10.207
The oniclal number of oars of stock
brought In today by each road was :
Cnttlc. Iloss. Shtcp. H'r's.
C. , M. & St. P. Uy. . 2 2 . . . .
O. & St. U Ily. . . . . . . . 2 l . . l
Missouri Pacific Ily. . 1 fi
Union Pacific System. U 23 33
r ! , E. & ' M. V. ii."ii ! si j * ' ' . . '
S. C. & P. Ily 4
C. , Bt. P. , M. Ac O. Ily 15 4
U. & M. H. 11. K. . . . 4S 2S 4 1
C. . U. & Q. Ily 2 2 . . .t
K. C. & St. J. . . 5
C. , It I. & P. ny. , e. 2 2
C. , II. I. it P. Ily. , w. 1 . . 2 , .
Total receipts 137 D9 43 2
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as folloivs , each buyer purchasing the num
ber ot head Indicated :
Huyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co iss 1177 203
O. H. Hammond Co 419 1,205
Swift nnd Company . . . . 621 1,716 H.7G3
Cudahy Packing Co 7H ) 1,933 2'isj
P. D. Armour , Chlcaso. ro2 1,270
11. Hecker & Dcgan. . . . . . 310
Krebbs & Co y
Hl'l Ac Huntzlnser 1'i.t \
Livlnfiston & Schuler. . . . 7J
H. Hamilton
Meyers 170
Swift , country jn
Cudnhy , Kansas City 701 . . . . .
Planklnton , Milwaukee.f 031
Other buyers UTI .
Left over 400 430 700
Totals 3 , ! > 24 7,399 9.03S
CATTLIi-Hecelpts today , 3K3 hend ; yei-
terd.iy. 4,878 head ; one week ago , 2,837 ;
twoweek-i ago , 3,5'J7 heao.
As 'Has ' the case yesterday , the. most of
the cattle on sale iw era corn-fed loevt" , but
there \VETO also quite a good many toek
cattle , us weJt ni a llbeinl sprinkling of
cow stuff. The market , as a uhole , did not
show any very marked change fiom j ester-
day nnd ns a general thing It was entirely
.satisfactory to sellers.
13UEF STEKHS Though not quite up to
yesterday's martc the supply of corn-fed
beeves was again IHIRbut none too large
to satisfy the very excellent buying deminil.
Local packer * seemed to want a goo 1 many
cattla and In addition to their requirements
thera were a number of good shlpp'ng or
ders. The market opened , early and the
yards presented a lively nppearnnce. The
cattle were soon moving toward the ecalis
and It wus not long until a. very largp pro
portion o fthe offerings had changed hands.
The prices paid shotted the market to be
stronp .especially on desirable lots.
BUTCHERS' STOCK Co s and hslfeis
were In active demand again toilay und
the market was fully steady , or even strong.
The offerings changed hands rapidly and
the bulk sold early.
STOCK CATTLB-For two days In suc
cession the supply of stockcrs and fcedsrs
has been much larger than usual and buy
ers were not qulto so hungry for anything
and everything as they have been on a
rood many days of late. In other -words ,
juyers were more discriminating , nnd while
.hey would pay steaMy prices for desirable
thin stock the moro common kinds were
slow nnd easier. Half-fat cattle did not sell
so readily nnd the feeling T\aa easier on
them as well. Representative sales :
. Av. IV. No. Av. IT. Nn. Av. Pr.
8..1133 Jl 25 16..1S04 J4 93 0..1053 Jl 50
23..1234 4 3S 2.112) " ) 410 10..1018 410
2..1153 4 40 16..1iW 4 CO 18..1277 4 M
5..1154 4 40 IS..10 % 4 S5 2i..t060 4 33
2. . . . 940 415 1. . . . 840 373 7..1277 4 CJ
SO. . . . 693 4 Go G6..10S5 420 9..1161 4 45
1. . . . 830 4 15 a. . . . 910 4 15 C > . . , ,122J 4 73
8..140t 47540. . . . . 11C1 435 21. . . . 8W 425
4..1100 4 SO 8..1259 425 3..1110 4M
4. . . . 715 3 GO 119..1123 4 S7 < 4 20..1UH ) 435
5. . . . 894 4 25 2. . . . 940 4 25 M..1-KS 4 45
58..1413 445 1. . . . S20 400 5U. . , . 835 400
2..1310 4 5 14..1K4 4 CO S3. . . . 952 4 13
7..1350 4 63 3..1218 4 25 1..UGO 4 K
G..1433 480 1. . . . 770 M5 G. . . . 546 IS' ' )
2..1075 4 OS 1. . . . 870 405 21..1114 440
1..1150 440 23..1117 4 SO 20..1057 4 3S
7..1303 430 17..1520 433 2..1240 400
2..1204 4 45 . 24. . . . 852 4 15 1. . . . S90 4 15
8..1290 4 GO 1C..1101 4 GO 20..11C4 450
20..1213 460 4..1100 430 20..1178 4 SI
1. . . . 930 4 00 30..12SS 4 45 12..10J7 4 35
41..1229 4 S3 IS..1351 434 31..1465 4 5
20..1211 440 10. . . . 9W 425 ; S..133I 470
9..13W 470 1..1300 430 12..1155 1 SS
22..1103 415 20..1256 4 CO W..11SO 4 25
C..10SO 4 30 1..10:0 3 90 12..1277 4 40
12..1137 4 40 3. . . . 9M 4 I' 1..132) 4 GO
8. . . . 951 363 19..11S3 4 GO G..11SG 430
14..1153 4 40 6..1301 4 25 22..1161 4 20
18..1070 430 47..10C7 440 40..1in 430
7..1C34 4 20 1. . . . C70 373
1. . . . 770 375 3. . . , 930 290 1. . . . COO 400
1. . . . 950 4 01 1..12IO 4 CO I7..C61 390
12. . . . G92 375 1. . , . 810 3 CO 1. . . . 4JI 3 6 < >
1. . . . C70 3 G 1. . . . 870 3 70 3. . . . 31i' 4 lj
3. . . 746 SCO 3. . . . S70 4 M 2. . . . 7 < JO 375
4. . . . 755 375 1. . . . 790 390 3. . . . 63.1 390
1. . . . 050 4 W 20. . . . Ml 390 3. . , . 870 400
1. . . . GV > 3 GO 2. . . . CIO 3 C5 26. . . . 671 IM
1..1390 4 GO 6. . . . 734 3 M 2. . . . 720 3 40
rows AND HciKnns.
1..1010 3 GO 1..1130 375 1. . , . 710 223
25..1006 4 40
1..11CO S 45 1..1350 S3 < } l..I7fO 3 45
1..2XO 3 30 1.1350 3 30 1..15M 3 ? 5
1..IC20 345 1./WSO 30) 1..1450 32'
1..10JO 344 2..13CO 340 1. . . . S7l ) 3 55
l..l'JJO 3 GO 1..1420 .1(5 1. . . . 910 290
1..1170 3 45 1..1500 3 3i 1. . . . 9IJO 3 5)
1..H70 345 1..1730 3.- ) 1. . . . SSO 275
1.-1030 330 1..1720 3 GO 1. . , . 900 275
1..17EO 3D.'i 1..13IO 3 GO 2..1190 340
1..11CO 300 1..1361 330 1..K50 310
1. . . . 100 650 1. . . . 2J } 4 25 4. . , . 220 fi GO
9. . . . 127 C75 1. . . . 310 GOO 1. . . . 140 601
2. . . . 100 009
22..1257 373 3..1126 370 1. . . . 9ft ) 260
13..1H5 3 40 1. . . . 810 4 10
i.1110 3 SO tO..1058 380 4..1107 3 f5
:0..10J7 3 G5 4..1100 3 CT. 1. . . . 920 3 l
4. . . . " ) SCO" 1. . . . 730 2 C3 C..1014 320
2..1335 S 80 77. . . . 902 SCO 1. , , , 750 SCO
1 , . . . 900 340 14. . . . 953 333 7..1205 370
21..114S 370 1. . . . S 325 2.1123 375
S..126S 3 S3 1. > . .1350 3 SO 1. . . . 7CO 3 15
10. . . . 9SC 3 GO 1.12:0 400 1. . . . 780 SCO
2..13S5 370 103. . . . 9U 3 G5 9 , . . . M2 3 GO
11. . , , U15 3 25 14 , . . , 372 4 15 1. , . . SCO 3 CO
1..112375 ) l.129i ) 8 SO 1..13CO SCO
1..1030 37" 2..1393 360 77. . , . 90. ! 3 GO
1. . . . 750 3 CO 1..1030 3 0) ) 1. . . . 770 2 75
1..1200 3 f. 7..1171 385 1..1100 3fO
20. . . . 921 410 1..1230 371 1..1010 3 f.O
3..1740 8 4 1..11M 4 00 1..11LO 3 70
1. . . . WW 210 1..1070 3 ) 1..11RO S 90
IS.,110i ) 365 1..12CO 325 2..1265 390
1..10IO 390 1..1SOO . " . fi" 2..1070 370
4. . . . W3 3 CO 1..1300 3 73 1. . . . S 0 3 7T
1..13DO 370 l.,10'iO ' 3 0 2..1KO 373
1..1090 SCO S.111C 3 Si 1..114) 333
1..1C20 3 15 1. . . . V 3 13 13..1004 3 S3
1..1050 38" . 1..12W ( 8" 4. . . . fOe 393
2..1800 3 70 1..10SO 3 11 2..118J 3 f ( )
1..1MO 363 3. . . . 830 3 BO 2..1170 3 C3
1. . . . 970 S3' ' ) 2..1045 SCO 2. . , . 783 201
21..1007 3 70 2. . . . 810 3 23 5..1071 ! 1 W
1. . . . 9CJ 3 10 l.n.lOrt ) 3 8 > 1..12J ) 3 73
2..1215 305 1 , . . . MO 3 W 1..1UO 300
1..13CO 363 1..11SO 370 1..1UO 374
3..1098 S 63
" * ' '
4. . . . E43 4 20 "l.i. . 60 4 00 16..1097 4 23
B. . . . SM 450 16. . . . 818 4 W 21. . . . Ml 425
2..10S5 3 GO 1. . . . 320 4 7 ? 13..1292 4 M
Cl. . . . 733 4 40 2. . . . 753 3 00 31. . . . S7S 4 S3
. . . . WJ7 4 S3 3. . . . W ) 350 9..13M 470
4..H3' 433 15. . . . FRO 423 4. . . . MO 415
63. . . .1087 4 2 < ) 1. . . . 92ft 411 G4..S062 430
1. . . . 870 4 00 4. . . . 810 4 05 & . . . . fitt 4 GO
16. . . . SIS 4 GO 3. . . . 723 4 31 1. . . . C30 4 15
2. . . . 7M 4 20 Ii..l004 4 3) 2. . . . CSO 4 10
1 , . , , G70 4 15 14 , . . . Mi3 4 M 4. . . . M7 3 75
2. . . . 624 3 75 6. . . . 840 4 0 14. . . . C94 4 25
C. . . . MO 435 14..105J 341 9. . . . 70S 4 CO
HOGS-ItecelpU today. 7.'Jl tirail : 5rMerilny ,
4.(132 ; one week ago. 3.S33 ; tun nexki ago , 4,945.
( 'ompared with i > re\louH ilajs It wa a very
liberal run for a Wednesday.
The quality of the hoc < on sale wan not a <
Rood na > mterrtay and hardly up to the average
that Is. there were moro light weights and not
to many clinlcu lic.-uy.
The ilemand as KOOI ! and tlif market nponej
early In itplte of the fart that a good msnv
loads came In en late trains. Th Uiyfr * all
neerned to have liberal orders and the offerings
changed hands rujiiaiy , no that the bulk vai
eon dltpoted of ,
AH to values , the market van eisler on nil
grades , but especially so on the light and lleht
mixed , which were Kenerally about 2'a lower.
Yi'stcrJay the hogs sold practically at 13 WfJ
370. lth a top at 13.72 anil a bottom at f I GS ,
Tlie ranee of prices \VOB not much different to
day , but there wer more loajs at tb * low
prlc . making the vor rf of all thu nits lower.
Th bin Ktrlnir void nt (1 60.
One of th IntereMlnir features of Hi * Irml *
at present is the rcurcltj * of Rood liesvy IID * .
It w not so very lone * eo that -all tin hots
coming were hcivy and lluhtelcliti commanded
a Rood bl premium The | > rv cnt crnK-lty of
heavy host , which no one M > ems able to e < r > Uln , !
coupled with the good forelcn ilemnnJ for fat
Imchs , has rev er ed the former onlf r of thlnss ,
ana put heavy hess at n premium , He-present \
tlvo Mies ;
No. Ay , Sh Vr. No. Av. Sh. Pr ,
13 273 f WV > u , : ,0 10 H M
M n : 40 s K : o . . . : i ; . . . .1 sn ,
O 510 . . . 3 < V ) 71 ,2.1 SO JM
C8 TC 16) 36- ) 11. . . . . . . Iw ) . . . 360
M 231 SO 3 C ) 7S . .Ml 40 3 ft )
< J . . . . . . .f.M W 3 60 K4i 251 M S U )
9) ) 24t 40 36. ) 0. ) 2.X . . . 3(0
79 243 120 3 W 79 241 120 3 C )
44 ! 3 160 CO M 21 ! . . . Jl 60
w 22t . . . j i 77 : io . . . nro
71 241 . . . 360 CO ! I2 . . . 30)
SI 202 t ) 36) ) 64 JU 40 SCO
79 K.1 . . . 36 43 2T7 2\W SCO
M 33 . . . S M M 211 io 5 CO
S3 207 . . . 3 60 I. : , . . . . . .2.Y ) IM 3 CO
4 * JSJ 120 36) 0 ! :4I SO 3 6t )
37 216 . . . 360 72 Ill ) 3 b
72 24S 160 36-1 IS ISS . . . 3 On
78 213 160 3 W IB 2J7 . . . 360
< a 51 200 3 U SO 2S , . 3f >
SI 3 . . . 364 S > JJJ SO 260
61 227 40 3 CO i 2.M . . . 3 10
< I1 277 . . . 3 61 73 VtH . . 3 CO
7J tm SO 1 60 6-1 210 . . . S M
63 244 . . . 3 R ) hS 23 M 3 <
; ; sis . . . 36) cr r > 8 M 3 co
64 2.-- . . . 3C2V4 47 323 W 3 6JU
44 312 40 3 C2'v 16 210 . . . 3 fU
i W4 M sc2i4 M ITT . . . s rU
4 272 SO 3 621i 77 ! VI SO 3 f2S
: 2W . . . 3 f2lj M SI7 . . . S 62U
Sft ) 160 3 621 , CO 27 < SO 3 tiC
< 245 . . . , t.6 ? IO . . . 3 63V
7 317 . . . 3624 .IS 22 . . . 365
A 24 t 3 63 63 J1I . . . 3 C3
0 3W . . . 3 C5 M 2f > . . . sis
: ' .D 40363 rr : is so IM
:2s . . . ic.- : s . . . so.- ,
J 279 . . . 363 < .S. . . , , . < .278 SC IK
H 2JI ) . . . 163 62 ft ) . . . 363
ron . . . s 6" M is- . . . s f3
4 255 . . . 163 77 2S3 4) SM
7 267 SO 3 67 > 4 63 811 SO 370
9 217 . . . 370 C6 267 . . . 370
3 2SSO 3 70
1 4CO . . . 2M 1 SCO . . . 271
4 ! 'i7 SO 340 C 2Vi . . . 3 B7U
2 31 * . . . S 57H 7 240 . . . 3 G7'i
4 Iti . . . .T r,7"j 6 233 . . . 3G7I.I
6 1UI . . . 360 8 Vti ! . . . 3(0 (
! 212 . . . 36. ) 6 22S . . . 3 W
S 263 . . . 3 H ) fi SO . . . 3 CO
b srt . . . SCO 8 2i,0 . . . 3 f2 < 5
2 JV , . . . Sir C 211 . . . 363
1 : ! l1 . . . 3 63 ! > 251 . . . S 65
RlinnP Herelpts toilny , 10,001 li-nrt ; je teiil.iy ,
541 head : one vseek ttjTi' , 3.PH6 liend ; t\so v\ei kH
eo , G3J3 hi.1 id. Itm a Ills run fui tli's ' mnrXrt
nd nearly i-ver > thins hcica on pile , lul It
Id not npponr nnv tinj l.irie fur the ilemnnJ.
Loc-il IIU > IM Kcvinoil to lmvi > Inrpe onlc-rn nnd
n mUltlrn Uirro uas a ( .hlppliiK demand tu IK'
ecltonnl vvltli.
The market opened enrlv nn < l VB fairly nctlv"
o that u very Hisc proiiortlim of the uiToiliii.B
> on chunireil liand .
The receipt v\eri' pretty equally dlvldl li- >
wii n niieop and lamb . * ! | H sheep were frtti-nl on
n uvcruira und the inaiket .n Ktionc. The
ntnt.3 poht nt steady ] n-ce und the avtrafe
uallty was fair.
One bunch f funcv rolornds spring lambs so'.d
? S 0) . llepresentntlve fclilos !
'o. Av. 1'r.
uu nr tcrn wptlicra Ill Jl C5
SS western > earllnKi ion 4 7'i
J3estern v\ethem . , , , . 1 ) 4 It
73 Mcxlcnn Inml.s 63 21
iM western Hluvp 92 4 55
i" wretcrn wethrra 114 4 15
70 Mexican latnlM . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . * * . . . , . . 6i 52' )
7 p es ! 2 400
23 western Iambi G5 4 u )
98 v-.c tcrn Inmbs 61 5 2 ° )
! < ) KprlnR lamba C2 SO' ' )
6 lamlm b. 5 1 >
v\cthcrH Ill 425
l'i ) je.ivllnir < " 2 4 < )
l \\ratern Inmbs 76 B * v
Chucks 123 373
92 weBtem phup HI 4 53
11 western wethers 12 } 4 40
S3 Mexican mixed 74 435
2 < feeder Iambi 63 5 ( * )
tG oM v\\i 93 40)
78 feeder limba C4 490
Jinltoil Supply Stri'iiKthciiN tlic 1'rlcc
of llflitvr CatIU- .
CHICAnO , March DO. Today1 B llmlte.1 supply
f cattle miile bujcrs more iirompt alwut tal.ln ?
hold than xisunl nnd recent prices were well
maintained , Rood to prime fat cattle ruling \ery
: ng and In some cases lOo lilcher. Sile of
beef steers were on a basH of from J3.90-to J3.93
'or the commonest tf > from T5 to J5.40 for choice
o prime shlpp'nj ; cattle , the greater part helling
or from J4.40 to J5.10. Xo fancy cattle are com-
UK und iiuotatlonii for uch are nominal nt from
5 65 to J3.78. Stackers and feeders we-e animate !
it } 3 fi to H 83 , and there W.TS nn jepe.'lftlly ' Blron ?
deninrRl for little Unlit wHKlIt fc-edlnc fctevm
Calves sold ut from J6 to f8 61 , n few alei belns
made nt from $4 to )3.75. CHnnlnif cons were iic-
Ivo nt from J2.23 to $3.00 nnd fat heifers wild
in to from tl.CO to $1.73 for prime. A car of
, ,130-lb Texas ttteers brought $4.G3 nnd two loads
of native steers nnd Hc'ftra about evenly dIUled
broiifiht } 5.35.
Traila In IIOK wan fairly active on both loci !
and shipping account , prices weakening n little
after early smnslh. The bulk of the pole * oc
curred at from $3.80 to $3.90 , the cnmmoneiit
lenvy packing IIOBS selllnu at from M.C5 to U.7J ,
while prime heavy IIORS brought from $3.90 to
$3 1214.
Trices for sheep nnd lambs were ctrona nt the
recent nrtvance. Sheen fold briskly nt from $4.23
to 14.50 for wooleil nnd at from JS.60 to $4.15 for
lihnm , rams selllns ; nt from 13 to $4 nnd itoats nt
11.2-3. TearllnK sheep brouBHt frrm M.73 to $5.10 ,
shorn Ro'ni ? at $4.50. Shorn lambs sold nt from
14.50 to $ ' and unshorn , nt fmm $5 to $6 , Oolo-
railoa telllnf : freely nt from $3.85 to $0.
Receipts : Cattle , 12COO licad ; hog , 2ICOO head ;
sheep , 16,000 hend.
St. I.oiiln Live Stock.
fT. IJOUIS. March 30 CATTI.K Hccelpts
, 00 hend , Includlntr 500 head Texnns ; Blilp
mentB , 800 head ; market strong and Ite hlfiher
on irood cattle ; Texnns atrone and active ; fair
to fancy nn.t4vn fihlppln ? and exnort uteers , SI fO
© 0 GO ; bulk of sales. $4.SOT3.23 ; drcfed Iwef
ami butcher stecra , $120(3" ( 00 ; bulk of nnlc- ,
14 3Ti@4 75 ; steers under 1.000 Ibs. . $3 004 63 ;
iulk of sale * . $3 90B1 ! 40 ; stackers nnd leederh.
13 3' ' > ff4 70 : bulk of pales. $3 40Jf I 35 ; COVVH and
lelfers , $2fiOi4M ; Texas nnd Indian fiecrr.
J3.aci4.73 : bulk of eales , $41004 CO ; cows
iclfors. $2.403 40. .
IIOQS Uecelpts , 7,600 head ; shipments. 1.21ft
nnd ; market bircly Ftcady , closln j louer ;
Yorkers , $3 7 < K33 M ; pacUcrs , $3.730350 ; butch-
. .
SHEEP necelpts. 1.400 liend ; rtilpmentfl. 150
.tend : market stcmlv ta mrong ; native muttons ,
M00475 ; lamta , $5.258527.
Knnnnii City l.lvc Stock Mnrkct.
KANSAS CITY. March 30 CATTI.n Itecelptd ,
7,600 head ; market steady to loner ; Texas ulcers ,
$360fT470 ; Texas cons , $3 004 n5 ; nitlve steers ,
$3SO5.13 ; native cows nnd heifers , iZOftfMM ;
Etockers and feeders. $3 1005 20 ; bulls. $ j OOJT3 85.
llOflS llecclpts , 18.000 head ; market weak to
Co lower ; market slow : bulk of sales , $ lWj >
365 ; henvles. $3.C.5'83 75 : packers. $3 COW3 or , ;
mixed , $3 433 65 : Hgits , $3 43 3 60 ; Yoikers , $3 C3
030) : pigs. $3 1503 CO
SHUEI' Hecelpts , 3,000 head ; market firm ;
lambs , $4 00fl6 00 ; mutton' , $3 25g4 75.
StocU In
Tlcrord of receipts of llvr- stock nt the four
principal markets for March 30 :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep
Omaha . 3.6M 7,391 10,00
Chicago . 12.000 21,000 16,00
Kansas City . WOO 18.COO 3.00
St. I > ouls . 1,900 7.COO 1,40
Totals . S5.0S3 C6.991 30.40 ;
Vln All AVntcr Honio.
Magnificent rtenmer "ROANOKE , " formerly of
the Old Dominion Steamxhlp Line , leavva Suiltli
Juno lOtih , direct for the mouth of thf Yukon
River , where river boats will promptly mcc
passengers for l > aw on. Klrst-class faro $3iX ) nm
up ; second-class faro 12X1 , Includlni ; meala und
Si-nU IflOO nt once- torefic'rvc PIINMII
We wilt also deliver 1.COO pounds of nworter
provision * ( crtlmated to be a year's mppl t
nny of our IKWIS for JJM extra to u limited num"
ber taking luusagu on our llrst tlramer.
To take you to Alnska. We have b en there foi
six > ear . Wrlt - for further partlculara.
Transportation and Trailing Co.
Seattle Wnsh. Chlcarjo
Ely 13 Wearo Pros , Dawsnn , N , W. T.
Capt. John .1 Heal } Vice I're-s. nnd CK Mgr.
N. W. T.
Telephone 1039. Omaha , Neb
Direct wlrex to Chicago and New York.
Correspondents : John A. Warren * Co.
11O Board of Trade Bldg. , Omaha , Neb
Branch Office. 1C38 N St. . Liarols. Nob.
President Vie * President
Ciiristie-U Commission Cos
Oaiiltnl , fSO.OOU.MU. Fally I'liia.
Ill llourd uf Trade IliilldliiK.
Frlmtrr , Secondary or Ttrtliry BLOOD
roiBON pcrmtntntljr
Cured in 15 to 35 DOTS. 1
u c'sn t * trtattd at horn * foMIM
I5rlc undfr am * Eunninty. If you prf rte
to elm * li r Wf. Trill ' contract to p y ra >
rota far * onJ not - biiu , aad no bwjt *
u w * rut to cur * . ,
takin mrreurr. lodld * potash and Mill
fuiv * aehta ana pain * . Mucous Patent * IB
tnjuih. Sore Threat. Plmplfi , Copper Caf
rcd 8poU , Ulcer * on any part of the
bodr. Malr or Hyebrowi falllnf out , U U
tm Secondary
Wt QuirantM tt Gun
W * solicit th mrst cbittnst * CAMS tn < T
challrnte the world for u cnta i * cannot
cur * This dltesjo lm > lwavs baffled th *
kill of the most tmlnvnt phrMoIoni.
$500.004) capital behind our unconditional
ruaranty. Abiolul * proofs lent icaJtd
on npplleatlon. 100 page book nnt frt * .
Moionlo Trmplc , Cblcniio , 111.
_ n ln .
ln tnnt ffpllcf. CnroInniUvs. Never returns
1 III Kin. 11 v send to nny sntTi rer In n plnlti denied
rnvrlupt ! I IlKK n iirricrlptlon with full illrrr-
lions for a quick , prlvntomrdfnrl.nit Mnnliond ,
Mslit I.o Eri. Nervous DiMlltv , nmllink
I'ltrl * . Varlrnrele. rtr. O. 11. % \ rlshl. Music
IVnirr. lln I A.'VU. MnrMioll , Mirli.
TltlH remedy bull „ In-
Jcrtod directly to the
neat of thoNo dlnni
of the Gciitto Urinary
Orijniis , rcqntrcs no
clmntro of dlot. Cnrn
gnarnntrrd in 1 to it
Kninll plain pncU-
' * ° " ' ) nil
TV TT'n V < 'V >
Q > W JtJCjSold | only by
M > orn Dillon Co. , S. II. Cornel
( ! tli unit M . , Oinnlin , Xrli.
Cw Bit 40 far unn mr t
rilichargM. InflamnistloM-
trrlutlcnt or uleertllou
ct in neon nirmbrioM.
. _ Pa'.Blcit. and not MtrlB *
THlEnuCHHlipjtCo. "
r nnt ID iltln wr > p
Home Industries
! > 1'nrctinMliiR Oooiln Mn < 1c nt the
elirimkn l > "nmoi-lc .
( Successors Omaha Tent nnd Awnlne Co )
Manufacturers tents , avtmngs : Jobber * ladles' nnd
rents' Mackintoshes. Tents for lent 1311 Far *
nam Ht. , Omaha.
Carload shipments made In our own refrltf-
trotor can. Itlue Ribbon , nilte Export , Vienna
Export nnd Family Export delivered to nil parti
ot the city.
conmcK WORKS.
Mnnufacturor of Oalvanlttd Iron Cornlcu , Gal
vanlred Iron Skylights Tin. Iron unfl Slatt
Roonue Agent for Klnnear s Steel Celllnj.
10S-10-12 Notth Eleventh street.
Wholesale Cracker Manufacturers.
AVOHKS. 1R2I I'nrnnm St.
Dyclnn and cleaning of garments and Roods of
every description. Cleunlne of fine Garment *
Flour , Meal , Feed , Bran. 1013-13-17 North 17th
Street. Omaha , Neb. C. K. lllaek. Manager.
Telephone 92.
Iron mid nrimii Fnnndersj.
Manufacturers nnd Jcbbcrs of Machinery. Q n.
cral repairing a specialty. 1501 , 100J and 1WJ
Jackson street , Omaha. Is CD.
WOODMAX M.vsnnu on. WORKS.
Manufacturers old process raw Unseed oil , kot >
tie boiled llneced oil , old process s'ound Unseed
cakes , ground and screened flaxteed for flrug-
Manufacturers of high trade Mattresses , 1111
llurney Street , Omaha.
nVK\S COMI > Ay.
Mrgrj. Pants , Rhlrts , Overall * .
Exclusive cuttoin Rhlrt tailors. IMS Karnam.
Manufacturers of Vinegar. Pickles. Catsup * .
Mustards. Celery and Worcesterfhtre Sauce.
For a gt > od substantial vehicle of any df scrip.
tlon for repainting or lubber tins on new or old
wheels the bett place 1s 27th end LeavcnworiD
CAnniAin co.
Che p , medium priced an4 tony carriages.
Any thing you want , second hand or new. Head ,
iiuarte-u for rubber tlrm warranted. 18th nnt
Harney , owosu * Court House.
A. J. smrsoM ,
144)9 ) , 1-111 Doilue.
Full * > ne of Carrl'ges , liuccles. Phaetons. Pony
Tarts. Wheels ruUUr tired. The beit U tb
LarRCft facto-y In the west Leading Joubtrt
f Omaba. Kansas City , Lincoln and bt Jo j >
1006 furuam fctr t