Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 30, 1898, Page 7, Image 7

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    11 , >
Carry Advanced Ideas of Co-Operatior
Into Alaska Teiritory.
Colony limited br * Tlerr Jerxe ;
Wit m II li SlenniMhlp Mnc to Hull
/ ( o the Xenr City ot
the \orth.
TAOOMA. Wnsh. , March 29. ( Speclal.- )
Mtes M. V. Bounds , a lawyer of Mctucbon
IN. J , , Is at the head of a party of fifty o
snore people who will found a city near th
mouth of the Copper river. With seven o
flier party 'Miss Bounds arrived Sunday an
Fwlll return to New York In a day or tw
after sending the first expedition north. Sh
( will return to Tacoma about the middle c
lAprll with the rest of the colony.
The town which Miss Bounds proposes t
found will bo conducted on advanced Idea
and will be so situated that it mu t becom
one of the principal towns near the Coppe
xlvor gold fields. Her selection of a site wl
( be ono which will provide a good harbor an
Will be most likely reached by railroad line
to the Interior or steamers plying up th
elver or to the sound. Miss Bounds propose
to operate a line of soundiCopper rive
( earners herself.
The principle of co-oporatlon la to bo cai
rled out In the townslte and In the torma
transportation company , but bi
* lon ot a
yond that each member of the party is re
epanslble for him or herself. In order to si
cure land for her townslto It Is necessar
to secure fifty people. The government wl
ollow them sixty-five acres of land and Mb
( Bounds says that this will be divided e < mall
among her colony , sulllclent ground belli
net aside for public bulldlngi and othi
public purposes. The first duty ot tl
coloi.lats will bo to erect a town as a baser
( or supplies and a rendezvous.
The selection of a townslte has partial !
been made. It has been decided to local
. Easy access i
eonicwhcro ou Valdes bay.
the Interior will be given and a good ha
ibor can be obtained. Three men have bee
ent to the north to look over the groun
and It was on their report that Miss llouni
decided on Valdes. Seven others go nor ,
wait at tl
on the steamer Rival ana will
coast for the re t of the party coming.
"Tho snow la too deep to do any prospec
Jng now , " said Miss Bounds. "H Is not a
vlsable to start with the rest of the color
at present. I shall return to New York
a few days and bring them out with n
yvhcn I return. Wo shall -leave Tacoma su
piled for a jear , and in the party will be
plijplclan. a trained nurse and a rhaplal
I expect to use the town as a base of su
pllcti. so that prospectors need not carry i
their suridles with them when they go 01
after sold. They will know that they m :
return when they run out of suppll
anil secure more. Thus they will bo able
gr , farther inland and do better work.
"It In our Intention ne econ as possible
put a steamer on the run between Tacon
and our city and as soon as matters bccon
more settled to establish trading posts at t !
principal settlements. I realize that this
the proper year to go to Alaska. Next yc
It will have been shown where the perm
nont settlements are to bo , and those on tl
gnwriil , cah first , taka advantage of this 1
"Tho first duty of our party alter esta
lisbln a townslte will bo to form a ci
ovcrnmcnt. I shall draw the charter ai
will make it ns far as possible absolute
co-operative. Heretofore It has been Impc
Bible to maintain a co-operative Indust
and it we are successful we shall be the Hi
to attain that success. The trouble has i
wa > H been with the promoter. Ho has s
cured the lion's ah are and the rest of t
ntocltholdcra have rebelled. In this cole
I will have no more to f > ay than any of tethers
others unU'Ss I may bo consulted , Evcryo
ehall be absolutely equal.
"I becan to advocate the Copper River
Tear ago and people In the cast would t
pay any attention to me at that time.
tut ,
i iDosted mybolf on the country there and frc
my experience In mining matters I km
that wherever copper wao found there w
also gold In paying quantities. I brnue
Ibis fact to the attention ot the public a
kept agitating Copper River until now t
people of New York all want to go to tli
country. I think that Copper River w
jirovo to bo even richer than Dawson a
that wo will catch much ot the ovcrfl
irom thp Yukcu. ,
"My experience In the Black Hllla In be
quartz and placer mining will prove val
tifcle In the north. I spnt several years
the Dakotan. and still own some qua :
r-vopertles which are not now in operatli
1 saw the \\asto In the stamp mills end i
waiting for some Invention which will ea
Kold. They have made ooveral Inventlo
l > ut none of them are satisfactory. "
Miss Bounds has another plan which in
ho successful. She says that a physlcl
tilth whom oho is acquainted says tl
Alaska baa the only climate 'n tbo wo :
which cureiJ catarrh. "He talks of brlagl
two patients to Alaska with us , " contltu
Miss Bounds , "and It the climate Is w !
ho thinks It le , we will have a Eaciltarli
there. "
Miss Bounds Is a thorough business worn
She won fuino last year no the clever yet
\\oinan who run donn. the three men v
robbed the Catholic church at Metuch
-Her father as the late John M. noun
who refused the whig nomination for prt
lent In 1S55 nnd who was a personal frit
ot Horaro ( Sreeloy.
Miss Bounds has nearly 3,000 appllcatli
to Join her party , but refused most of th <
bo says the party will outfit here.
to IIIKII | < * HI t'ouventloi
PIERRE , a D. , 'March 29. tSpeclal Te
Kram. ) Major Malloy tas selected aa d <
fates to the State Business Men's convent
at Sioux Falls , April G and 6 , Charles
Hyde , C. C. Bennett , J. C. Edger , A. C. Brli
II. It. Homer.
Hill * for Surveying.
CHEYENNE , Wyo. , March 29 , ( Spc <
Telegram. ) Surveyor General Hanson toi
called for bids for surveying 625 square ml
ct Wyoming lands along the Continental
vide near the heads of Wind river and
Annual Balas over O.OOO 000
such usVlnd and Pain In the Ftomach
Qlddtneas. i'ulnoss after meals. Head
ache. Dizziness , Drowsiness. Flushinci
ot llentt Loss ot Appotlto. Costlvoucss
Blotches on the Bltln , Cold Chills , Disturbed
turbod Bleep. Frightful Droama and ol
Nervous and Trembling Bensationt
IH TWENTY MIHUTE8. Evorr Bufforo
will acluiowlodso them to bo
EKCHAM'8 PIUJB , taken as direct
d. will quickly pistoro Females to complete
ploto health. They promptly romor
cbstructlonsorlrreKulorltlcs of tiio sye
( em * cure Mck Hetetaclic. For
Weak Stomach
Impaired Digestion
Disordered Livei
oham's Pill * ar
.Without a Rival
! *
Buffalo fork ot tiio Snake river. Bids are also
asked for the aurrcyn In the Brush creek dis
trict along the Medicine Bow range of moun
tains In southern Wyoming. The surveys
will require the expenditure ot $25,000.
Aiiihltl'otifl I'lnitM of Former Pork
Pnrkrr friim Slnnx City Inlimkn. .
S.\N FRANCISCO , March 29. A letter to
the Call from Fort Yukon rays : Judge J.
E. Booge ot Sioux City , la. , Is for the time
being In charge of the North American Trad.
Ing company's business hero because ot
being stranded. Ills destination also was
Dawson. He displaced Fred Gash in charge.
Mr. Booge Is circulating a petition for the
division of the district ot Alaska and the
making ot a new territory out of the northwestern -
western portion , embracing the Yukon river
district , the name lo be Lincoln and Ihe
capital to be located at the mouth ot the
Tarana , tbo name of the city to be Wearo ,
after the name ot the piesldcnt of the Nortli
American Trading and Transportation com
i- It is an open secret hero that Mr
I Boogo aoplrea fo be the first governor of tht
new territory and that his coming hero wat
a part of a plan to lhat end laid by Intluon
tlal stockholders and olficcrs of the trading
company month ? ago In Chicago. The trad
Ing company has large Influence with th <
administration. Secretary Gage hlmielt beliif
one ot 'Iho ' principal stockholders.
The movement lo dlvldo the terrltorj
omes ao news to the people here. At tin
lace doslgnaled for the capital , at tin
louth of the Tanana. there are four log !
aid crceswlae In order that no mistakes sue
o Its whereabouts may be mado.
Mr. Booge , the prospective governor , cam <
lero at the Instance of P. B. Wearo of Chi
ago , almost nlth a day's notice. He wai
reo to come , as he had retired fro-n bul
ess. His mission , he says , was just ti
oak thingu over and see what was going on
Ic Insists thai , although stranded at till
sclated place , Iho rcfugo this winter of tin
specially unfortunate , ho Is etlll glad hi
amo lo Ibis counlry. He was formerly en
; aged In the business ot pork packing a
loux City and ut one time , he declares will
omo pride , "killed as many aa 520,000 hogi
year. "
It Is Iho purpose of both the Alaska Com
mcrclal and the North American Tradlni
nd Truraportatlon companies to develop th
Tanana country this year. vUoats will hi
ent up that river and trading pools built
and the town or peat of Wearo will be es
abll&hed whether it bo the capital of Lin
oln or not.
Wj online Wool
NEWCASTLE , Wyo. , MarcCi 29. ( Special.
An assoslatlon ot sheepmen of casteri
Vyomlng and western Dakota was crganl/e
lore during the last week. The object ot th
ssociatlon la to build up and prccnoto th
ntercsts ofool growcra wlicae interest
are common In this portion ot Ihe counlrj
The following ofllcera were elected for th
nailing year : President , J. W. Webstci
3usUr Cily , S. IX : vlco president , B. A
) eetkln , Ncwcaslle ; secretary. John Berrj
Newcastle. A large number of the leadln
heeprncn of Wyoming and Soulh Dakol
uavo joined the araoclatlon.
, . Getting Settled In Iiliilio.
IDAHO FALLS , Idaho , March 29. ( Spe
al. ) The men wfco arrived here thfa wee
with their families from the cast have beei
very busy gelling sellled. They camn I
a special car from Omaha. These nci
seltlers are mostly from Iowa and bougb
and In this valley last year. They ar
uow bulldlAg houses on their laud end wl
commence farming Ihb : season ,
Tu-olJlc' , , of. Their Iiijurle * .
CHEYENNE , Wyo. , March ' 29. ( SpecU
'olegram. ) Matt Vampfie and Henry Matsor
coal miners of Rock. Springs , died In th
.Vyomlng . hospital at that place todaj
Vampse , while 'crossing the Bluer crcc
irldgo Sunday evening , In some unknow
manner fell off , receiving Injuries which r <
suited In his death. Mataon waa Injured b
falling rock In the Blair mine last Wcdne ?
0 "Wjoniliiir \ < MV > Xote * .
r An $8.000 hotel will bo built thla year i
Jj Grand Encampment.
The Board ot Land Control has selectc
30,000 ncrcs of Hqu lands la Ulntah cou < it ;
Gold was recently found among the debr
in a potato cellar In Evanston , having bet
wjishcd from Ihe dirt lhat stuck to the poti
toes when Ihey were dug.
Barzclla. Sylvester , aged 79 , one of tl
pioneers of Crook county , died last week i
his homo In Sundance. He had resided I
Wyoming twentyfiveyears. .
While drilling a test well for oil on tl
Brennlng tract near Douglas the Wyomlr
Oil company struck a slrong flow of wute
which gushes In a six-Inch slream to
height of sixteen feet above the mouth
the well. The water was struck at a depi
of COO feel and Is almost as valuable a fir
aa oil would have been , for It will cnab
largo tracts of land In that part of the stale
lo bo IrrlgaloJ It a slrong artesian flow
waler Is found lo bo general.
The Grand Encampment region placers a
allraeiting considerable attention. Al 11
moulh of the Grand Encampment rive
Challcrlon , Betmolt & Co. have three mil
of plucer ground , the gravel having a ma
Imum depth of ten feet and running fro
% to 1 cent per pan. Hydraulic machine
for working this placer bed will bo put
during this season at a cost of $8,000. C
Grand Encampment rlvpr there are exte
sl\o pVaccra which have been located b
not worked.
The officials ot Swcetwaler county a
making an effort to collect from outsl
sheep owners who have been ranging Ihe
sheep on Iho winter ranges of the counlr
Heretofore no effort has been made to c <
lect ta\cs upon this class of stock , and t
owners have In many Instances escaped tax
tlon In the state. The present law in refc
cnce lo the mailer provides that owners n
wollfylng Ihe counly officials of the occ
pancy of the range by Ihelr flocks are su
Jecl lo fine or Imprisonment. The sheepm
will contest this law and take the matt
Into the courts.
I < lnlit > > Note * .
The Grand Army of the Republic hall h
ibecn completed and occupied at Halley ,
An opera house company has born orga
lied at Preston with a capital ot $10,000
put up aa opera bouse In that lown.
A general court-marital has been In pro
res-i at tbe barracks near Boise for t
trial of a private charged with selling t
.Thcro was lively competition for leasl :
of school lands at Moscow , $4.20 eo AC
being paid. The average price was abe
$1.25 to $ : .
The Increased acreage and betterment
condition ot farmers around Kendrlck h
caused a. demand for work horses a :
ranchers are Importing trom other parts
Iho vtctil.
Two ranchmen of Caldwell will drive 1,0
head of cattld to the Klondike and expe
to realize a profit although It may coat the
$150 a head to get the cattle to market.
A largo number ot men are now worku
vlaceir ) along ibe banks ot Snake river ti
are laid to be doing \\ell , although It Is
very difficult matter to save Ihe One gold.
The Montana company that .lately pu
chased a largo tract of placer ground
Placervllle will eocn ship In dredging m
cbtnery and supplies. They are now arran
lr j to contract for tbe .hauling of 1,000,0
pounds from tbo railroad depot at Boise
tbe ground.
Cnllfornlncw \otr > .
The University ot California h * Jut eel
brated the thirtieth anniversary ot t
granting ot Its charter.
pms : are being prepared tor a aptem
new opera house to bo built In San Fra
< ( eco , the total outlay < o bo not leu th
Two offlcert la uniform have been al
tloned at each of the down town pool root
la San Francisco to take the name * ot worn
who place bete on tbe hone ranei.
BtgJb * BgMuVth Bar Oo
Lake company baa bonded and will at once
atari up the Machu mine at West Point.
The San Diego Water company has begun
eult against the city , alleging the rates for
use of water fixed 'by ' the city council of
Ean Diego are such that they will not per
mit the company lo earn any money.
The regUler of the land office at Stock
ton , in view of the dry season , rcmlnda cal-
tlemcn thn under an order Issued In 1S9I
< ho government allows the pasturing of any
stock except sheep in this slale on Ihe pub
lic rt-aenutlons. Including1 parks. There are
about 5,000,000 acres ot land In these reser
vations in California.
In San Bernardino county a ledge of gold
quartz running $25 per ton and carrying
copper and Iron bos been found on the
Mojave desert , near Bagdad. Several good
strikes are reported from the copper camr
north of Vanderbllt and a gcod dial of on
la ready for shipment which ctins over $5 (
per ton In copper , gold and silver.
Development on the Mammoth mines neai
Kennetl , Shasta county , shows sulphide on
lhat carries G per cent In copper and gooi
valuoa In both gold and silver. The ore-bodj
Is from 100 to 200 feet wide. The ore Ir
the Muletown belt , where development I :
JiBt beginning ; shows a good per cenl o
copper. The London raiMportatloa com'
pany la developing property near Muletowi
atid at a deplli of ISO feet Is finding or
which carries gold and copper.
The Gate City News U the name of a new
paper startej at Wallowa.
W. E. Lees expecls lo start a piper It
Onlarlo , Malheur oounly , about April 1.
J. D. McKcnnon has Just shipped from Ln
Grande ten carloads of potatoes ot easier :
Eight hundred acres of wheat land nea
Mlltcci. In Umalllla county , have just beoi
sold for $30,000.
. A colony of about fifty immigrants fion
| Minnesota passed through Coruillls recently
on the way to Lincoln counly , whore farm
1 will be purchased.
Maud Miller , daughter of Joaquln Mlllnr
will reside with her uncle In Coos county
She was at ono tlmo on Ihe stage nnd at
Haded much oitlenllon throughout th
UnlloJ States.
There Is always someone ready lo star
out In search of the Blue Bucket mines. Thl
tlmo It Is A. L. Brown of Long Creek , Gran
county.jvho expects to look for these mine
as soon as the snow Is off the mountains.
Joseph Schwarz , a successful sheep gronc
of Butter creek , In Urr.atllla counly , has sol
ils last band , conlalnlng l.COO bead , and wll
leave In a few days for his old home 1
Portugal. Mr. Schwarz has Leeci unpaged 1
sheep raiting In Umatllla rounty elghlee
years and has amassed $10,000.
\ iviuliitw XntPN.
Dayton ranctiers are receiving $12 a to
'or potatoes cei the ground by Callfornl
A carload ot new machinery for the Bal
Mountain company-arrived at Elko laat. wee
-.nd was esnt over the mountain.
A newspaper war at Elko has resulted 1
ttio arrest of Editor Snyder of the
on charges of criminal libel , preferred b
Editor Booher of the Independent.
Douglas county hisllluled suit agalns
Lyon county last week to recover the stir
of $22.841 ; the complaint eets up. . that ther
Is a dispute betneen the assessors of th
two counties in relation lo Smith valloj
which heretofore bas always been concede
to be In Lyon county.
Several of the old rookeries of Chlnatow
In Virginia City were burned last week.
The United States government is Indebte
to Iho stale ot Nevada to the amount c
$404,000 , < principal and' Interest-expended I
organizing troopa" foe the" < iuppr S3W6r Ir
dlan wara.
Elko county still bolde the banner for lo
taxation In Nevada , Ihe rate of $1.95 re
cenlly volcd being Iho lowest levy so fc
Situation In Hnvniia Given \o Ciiun
far UiieiiMiiexn.
WASHINGTON , March 29. Assistant Sei
rotary Day said today that there was t
basis for the reports that riots and dl :
turbanccs were threaleoed In Havana. Tt
State department posted .the foUdtvlngetat (
ment :
A lelcgram from General Leo shov
Ihero Is no occasion for Ihe alarming r
porls ns to the sltuallon In Havana.
The Stale department gives no ofllclal coi
firmatlon ot reports that ofllclal advices fro
Havana stale lhat rlols , headed by the We
ler element are apprehended , it appear
however , that Captain General Blanco hi
sent a communication , which has been sei
to Washlnglon , In which he says ho bollevi
that a demonalrallon may bo precipitated ,
any moment by an clement made up of ce
tain Americans of strong anti-Spanish te
dency now at Havana. General Blanco slat
that bo does not fear any disturbances ai
riots coming from the Cuban people. Tl
suggestion that the Weyler element Is threa
cnlng riots is emphallcally repudiated 1
Ihe captain general. General Blanco c
presses complete confidence In his ability
preserve quiet among the native people * . I
Is convinced , he says , lhat a riotous demo
stration at Havana amounting to an eve
act designed to precipitate war between t !
United States and Spain Is being eystoi
atlcally fomented by a , certain class of Arac
( can citizens.
Blanco clearly aud unequivocally declar
that the presence of American orrespon
enta In Cuba makes Ihe situation , in i
view , more critical.
This was Ihe only reference Judge D ,
would make to the many different stories'
to the agitation at Havana , Iho danger
American citizens Iherc , and the alleg
threats against General Los's life. The a
ststant secretary conveyed the strong li
presslon that these reports of dlaturban
were not correct. From an authoritati
source , also , it was learned that It was n
probable that American naval officials w
"bo sent to Havana for the present.
Itcfirlnicnt of Colored Infnntry S
lot-toil for the IH-tnll.
WASHINGTON. March 29. By dlrectli
of General Miles , commanding the arm
orders were Isssued today for the transf
of the Twenty-fifth regiment of Infantry
the Dry Tortugao. The fuct that thla ret
ment Is made up ot colored troops Is r
garded aa quite significant In showing t :
purpose ot the War department to ccnce
trate colored troops In the vicinity of Cut
Inasmuch as It la recognized that the neg
U better able to withstand the Cuban c !
mate than the white man. There are Ihr
olher colored regiments in the army. Tl
aggregate colored strength la 2,188. Tl
regiments are the Twenty-fourth Infant !
all at Fort Douglasa , Utah , Colonel J ,
Kent commanding ; the Ninth cavalry , Fc
Roblnsoc , Neb. , headquarter * . Colonel Day
Perry commanding ; tbe Eighteenth cavolr
headquarters at Fort Asslnabolne , Mont. , .
C. Henry commanding. The only color
officers outside ot chaplains ts First Lleutc
ant Charlea S. Young of the Ninth cavalr
who la at present on duty at the Wllbe
force university. The four colored cha
lalns are attached to the colored reglmenl
The Twenty-flflh regiment la now located
Forts Mlaaoula. Aislnabolne and Harr
Mont. , where they have been for the la
eighteen years. There are about 450 m
In all under the command of Colonel A.
Bird. The movement will begin In ti
weeks , and troopa on arriving at Tortug
will go Into camp , there bolng no barra
accommodations at that place for them.
It was announced some time ago that t :
department would detail a company of art
lerr to man the Improved guns which t !
Ordnance bureau Intends to mount at Fc
Jefferson. Tbe colored troopa , upon th <
arrival , U li pretumed. will be Initructcd
artillery practice , and thin will bo enabl
In case of necessity to assist the arlllle
company In Its work.
iOTtr > nrunn\r , . . ! . . MI
Izr's GovtrumentiTakes Joint Possession
of OuiBes
Tnlllen Wan ttl'tn < " < " 0 Commerce
of \VorIcUisil.i-rliiii Unll-
roml to He Kxtoinl
to tliut Tort.
PEKING. March 20. M. Pavloff , the llua-
clan charge d'affaires. when visiting the
tsung-ll-yamcn ( Chinese foreign cfilce ) foi
the purpose of signing the agreement arrived
at between Umala cad China regarding the
ces-slon of Port Arthur and Talllea Wan.VM
escorted by mounted Cossacks. A number
of Uusslaca left Tien Tain , accompanied bj
a priest , to talic part In and bl : . a the cere
mony of the taking of Port Arthur and Tal
lien Win.
ST. PETERSBURG , March 29. The Official
Meisengcr publishes a circular which ba <
been telegraphed by Count Muravleff , th (
Ku&slau minister ( or affairs , to the
representatives of Russia abroad. It Id ai
follows :
By virtue of a convention signed a
Peking on March 27 , Port Arthur and thi
port of Tulllen Wnn unit the territorlei
mljnccnt have been ceiled to Ituasla li
usufruct by China. You nrc requested K
notify the government where you .tiri
accredited , nil din./ that the above men
tloned porta and territories will bo Immc
dlntely occupied by Hu&slan troops uni
that the Russian Hag will be hoisted b ;
tlie aide of the Chinese Hag.
You may nt the same time Inform th
foreign minister that the port of Tulllei
Wan will be opn to foreign trade , nm
that the largest measure of hospitality wll
be extended to the ships of all frlcndl ;
nations :
An official communication Issued to th
press adCs :
The cessions arc for Iwenly-flvo yean
but may extunilid later by common ai
cord. further. China has conceded th
light of constructing a railroad to connei
the ports with the ttansslbeilnn main line.
After stating that the agreement Is th
direct and natural consequence of amlcabl
relations between t\vo neighboring atutc
anxlouo to advance the Interests of thcl
people , the ofllclal communication continues
While safeguarding the Integrity and sov
ercknty of China and intlsfylng the f
sentiiil needs of Russia , the arrangemcn
Injures the Interests of no forelsn stat <
On Ha contrary. It nfford.1 all nations th
possibility ot Giiteiln * ' In the near futnr
Into relations win the river regions of th
Yellow sea , hitherto closed to them. Th
opening of Tallcn Wan to the merchsii
shliH of nil nations will crea'e n new nn
wide market for commerce and Indir
try , owing to the traiis& line , whlc
s henceforth destined to connect the ex
: remltlca of twe continents and the ol
world. The arrangement , thtrefoie. Is o
ilgh historical value to liiidsln and shoul
3e hailed as a fdrtutnte event by all Ihos
who have the inncflts of poice and ilevel
opment of good relations nniong nations.
LONDON , Marrh-20. The St. Potersbur
correspondent of i the Times says ;
The greatest Indifference , amounting al
meet to contcmpt.'ils shown hero for an
possible British prat 1st against the Husso
Chinese agreement. uTho Novo Vremya de
clares : England wlllsncver go beyond a pro
test. Its predominance In the far east 1
? ona forever and It will bo worse for it I
It falls to como to a-tlmely agreement wit
UussU , France anUijermany. :
suui > iu.sia A. .jymvisii FOUTHES !
Kjiiltnii Troo'iU'Cniiliire Sliiiily nn
It * Aminnnlttbn Store * . '
CAIRO , Marchj p.It Is , officially ' ar ,
nounce jL , that the. gui , Ang'lo-Egxr
tlan troops attackfAi Shendy on Saturday
destroye'd the fortaj 'captured quantities c
grain , cattle ammunition and liberate
over 600 slaves , ' mostly Jaallns. Th
dervishes lost 160 , men. Thcro wcro B
casualties on the Anglo-Egyptian side.
Shonfly was taken by surprise. The gui
boats with a battalion of Egyptians on boar
ascended the Nile from the mouth of th
Atbara river ajl arrived at Shendy by daw
on Saturday , 'iho gunboats shelled the forl
and 'then the battalion was landed and a
tacked the town , The attack was 'made b
a flank movement and tbo dervish garrlso
was completely Touted , the Egyptians pu ;
suing them "for twenty miles.
The capture o'f Shendy was a brilllai
maneuver , as the main body of the dervlshi
which advanced against the Anglo-Egyplla
forces from Shendy Is now cut off from 1
base and Its reserve depot is destroyed.
The dervishes vfho advanced against tl
Anglo-Egyptian army are entrenched at 1
Hllgl , on the Atbara river. They are suffc
Ins severely from lack of food and are sul
sistlnz on palm nuts. The destruction i
their supplies at Shendy will compl the
to give battle , for which the Anglo-Egyptl :
expedition has been eagerly waiting. Nev
of a crushing defeat of the dervishes Is e
pected hero hourly.
titmi nil Cltlrr Mnkrrw Want the lr
Iillihlou Mil ilcComplete. .
BERLIN , March 29. During the dlscu
slon ot the agricultural estimated in t !
lower house of the Diet today Hcrr Knol
national liberal , asked that more strlnge
regulations bo made to exclude the Si
Jose scale.
Ho said the Cider iMakers' union demand
the complete prohibition of the Import
American applet , adding that It would
Impossible eventually to avoid such a pr
hlbltlon , pointing out that the Industry w
In such a flourishing condition that tht ? m
ment was particularly favorable.
Moreover , ho Inflated that the comple
exclusion of American apples would be le
burdenscmo than the present costly exai
Inatlons at the entry port.
Baron von Hammerateln-Loxten , the ml
Istcr of agriculture. In reply said that if
moro stringent operation was found nece
eary ho would make further recommend
tlon to tbo Imperial government. The a
noirncemont was greeted with cheers.
Foirrvuifiirr"nouns oxrun ic
I-'rllirlilfiil ICxiirrluniM-v of the Crew
11 WreelciMl ts'teanier.
ST. JOHNS , N. F.4lMarch 29. The steam
Mastiff was crushed dn an Ice. floe off Gro
island on March 15 and the bottom was to ;
out of it by the"J1bcVgs. The crew , wl
boats nnd provisions , left the ship and e
caned on the Icq floe , where they spe
forty-olsht hours.imfarly every man bell
frostbitten , most-ofithera ; severely.
The Ice broke upjlbe first night and
Iaro party of alt in was plunged Into tl
water. lAll cecapedocwlth their lives , b
their misery wast greatly Increased by tli
misfortune. .ot
The second nlghtHwelve went Insane , b
by great exerllcoa oa the part of the ca
tain and the offlccrrthese unfortunates we
kept under control , A
During the forenoon of March 17 t
steamers Newfoundland , Neptune and Ni
Walrus appcared.lrafill speedily transferr
the castaways tolthtlr decks. It i fear
that many must Ibajlthelr limbs.
Plot to A mi liiule thf Snlliiu.
LONDON , March 29. According to a sy
clal dispatch from Bucharest the outbrei
among the Albanian and Kurdish troops
the barracks ot the Ylldlz palace , Conata
tlnoplc , during the evening of March 15 , w
In reality a fight which followed the d !
corery of a plot to assassinate the sultan
Turkey. It Is added that 100 men we
filllirrt' * Jury Il unree .
LONDON , March 29. The Jury In t
libel eult of W. S. Gilbert against the El
the playwright claiming 1,000 damaj
r against the paper , owing to the publlcatl
In It ot an article taxing him with "poi
posity , envy and Ingratitude , " was unable
' agree on a verdict.
OArlalu Itrfuie to llitke Arreiit * .
SHANGHAI , March 29. The Mercury
ercr ot the otudent ot the American Moth-
idlst Medical mission , has been dispersed.
'ho Taotl , however , refuses to make any
rrests until Instructed to do so from Pckln.
'ho ' foreign consuls had demanded that
'aotl disperse the mllltla , execute the mur-
crer. arrest the leaders of the rioters , pay
W taels for the property destroyed and allow
lie mission to recccupy ltn premises with
Jecuate protection for the future.
Krrnoli Torpedo Hunt It tin UiMvn.
BRESTi "March " 29. The French cruiser
'rlanl camn Into collision with the torpedo
ioat Ariel tcday , during the maneuvers.
The torpedo boat sank and the members ot
ts crew Jumped Into the sea. They wcro
Ichcd up by the Frlanl's boats.
Intperor nntl Iliuiircrin nt
HAMUURO , March 29. The emperor and
mprcsa of Germany reached this city today.
he buildings and m < iln thoroughfares were
ecoratcd in honor of their majesties , who
occlved an ovation.
Scnil Artillery to the Cannrlcx.
BARCELONA. March 29 A quantity of
rtlllery Is about to be embarked here on
wo vessel for convejance to the Canary
stands , to bo used In their defense in case
llonnrn for Ailmlrnl Tlrplt * .
BERLIN , March 29. Admiral von Tlrpltz ,
he commander of the German navy , has
eoa appointed a Prusalao minister of state.
Aiuerlenn Nhlplitilliler lit ltn la.
ST. PETERSBURG , March 23. Charles H.
ramp , the shipbuilder of Philadelphia , has
nrrlved here.
( CortlnuoJ from First Page. )
nust bo coupled with other condition i which
Spain hoe not shown a disposition to ac
cept and peidara will not accept. The tenor
of the ? conditions Is not stated , but loook to
icrmamnt peace and self-government by the-
Cubans. It was rtated by ono iienatcc that
matters would bo brought to a head within a
fery short time.
It U llccplveil h > - ( JiMicrnl Iee After
tin * .Maine K\I > | IMOII.
WASHINGTON , Marrh 23. An Interesting
feature of the published report of the Maine
testimony iwned from the government print
ing olllce today was the famoua ancnymora
letter mentioned In the tcitlmcriy of Henry
Dialn , clerk ot the American corunlute at
Havana. The letter was received by Gen
eral Leo a few clays after the Maine disas
ter. It dated February 18 , 1SDS , anil
signed "An Admirer. " Itsna In SiunUh
wiltlcn apparently by a fairly well edu
cated person. It follows :
It should ! rpnirnnbereil | that nt dawn ol
the day of the tcrrlb'c catastrophe an Indi
vidual i-\is killed In n hniull boat , together
ivlth another found wounded and u prisoner ,
They were g&inir about the crullers M line
pd Alphonso XII , ami as the mid Individ
uals arci of the worst anteccJenU in harbor
Lhleves , I have lntcretE < l myself In lnvi > a-
tlnatlni ; what connection this could linv
mil with tlu explosion of the Mnlne mil I
have discovered thosr two men , to
gether with another who U called l\pc
Taco , hud bought In n Inrdware stole In
Mereadores street , called La Marln , u hcdc
such ns 13 u < cd by dlvenl and that t.he three
left Uegl.a In a small boat , which they plac (
under the vhurvcs of Snntn Catallni and
theyiwere lol'crlng ' about more than nn hour
and a ha'f , while il'epe Taco.ho Is a
calker and diver , probably the be t In the > ? c
parts , did the work to bring about the ex
plosion of the Maine.
I went to Hcijla and discovered thit the
family of the- dead man , who lived In th ;
utmost misery In a house In Rodquez , hai
moved to a well furnished one on delabor
I learned that they had agreet
with Borne- merchants of Mur.illn street foi
thft workoC blowing up the ship for the sun
ot $ fi,000$2COO in advance mid the othei
J4.000 utter seeing tlie result.
'Out ' as they did not come out of the ad
venture very well , having- been nttackct
when ! they wcro retiring , the result of 'Ahlcl
waa the death of one , who left hi" * teeth litho
the boat , and another one wounded , th
third one < has not yet presented himself t (
collect the rest of the money and It cou'i
bo probably secretly done , so that by pay
Ing him the rest that the other. ! will no
now pay him , ho would not declare th <
truth of all this.
The one whom I called the third Is th
diver Pepo Taco , who Is unwounded , bn
nho Is no doubt afraid to present himself ti
collect the rest.
In Murella street they tell me was th
place iwhcro the business was arranged will
Garcia Corujedo , Vlllasussa , ilaribon.i an
othero whom I do not rememb'r. The mu
who .a arrested is- being administered will
morphine constantly to see it he will dl
nnd not clvo evidence , so as not , a tht ;
express It , to spoil the affair after It ha
come off eo > much to their taste.
I certlfyi that the above Is n true copy.
Slgne/l : A. MAIUX.
Commander United States Navy and Judg
Drain , the consular clerk , cald In his cvl
denco that an effort was made to ascortali
the authenticity of this lettc-r , although the
consulate was handicapped , having no aecrc
service fund. Witness discovered , however
that the name Pepe Taco must have been i
mistake , as the man mentioned had died 2
few days before the explosion took place
Witness thought the name should have beei
Pepo Uarquln , who had died a couple of day
after the explosion.
Coiiiiiiniuler Sehley IN netting HemV
fOl * IIllNlllVNN.
FORT MONROE , Va. . March 29. Flyln
Squedron , Hampton Roads : Putting on wa
paint Isat present the principal occupatlo
of the nucleus of tbo AmerlCuti flying squad
ron ,
While Commander Sehley Is busily engage
finishing up his correspondence and attend
Ing to tlie numberless details of prcpadn
a fleet for war , seamen are tranaformln
the white and gold cruisers and battleship
Into grave Imitations of a cuede glove.
The Brooklyn completed Its change o
drcsM this morning , but the Masoachuaett
has only completed Its upper woiks , an
will not flnlcb painting until tomorrow nooi
By that time It Is hopsd the cculser Colum
bla will have arrived to Join Itio fleet , an
it also will have to bn painted. The
bta Is reported to Commodore Schley a
being on its way here. Everything will b
completed by tomorrow night so that th
squadron will be- ready to move.
Commodore Schley said today that he ha
received no official notlflcatlcn that th
yacht Mayflower had been designated aa hi
dUipatch boat. He had written to tbe de
partment suggesting the a&slgnnicnt of
boat for that purpose aa a matter ot con
vtnlence. He was positive that It was <
necessity , because tbe steam launcher ) wer
Inadequate , especially If tbe squadron shoul
go Into action.
The rumored completion of the squadro
by the addition of several monitors can no
be confirmed. The fact ls that monitor
would be absolutely valueless to such
squadron as this , especially designated fo
fa < U work , as they are the slowest of boat :
Tbe Minneapolis will Join tbe fleet Ui !
week in all likelihood.
On the Brooklyn today there were at leas
eighty applicants fcr enlistment as sailor
and marines. Very few are accepted , al
though about fifteen are needed , aa tb
physical examination la very severe.
The general Impression of officers here I
that the new color ot the war ships Is
great Improvement. Tbo boats are now uni
form and look much cmaller. Even the gun
ere painted the dull lead color , and It I
difficult at any distance to locate Kiel
Commodore Schley liea oot received deftnit
orders aa to any future movements of tb
wquadron , but will be prepared within forty
eight hours to go anywhere. While ho I
a conservative officer , It Is a well know
fact that he is quote-d as saying , prior t
bis assuming command , that ho would Ilk
nothing better than to receive orders to In
terccpt the SpaciUh torpedo boat flotilla ,
Sitnln llit > H Arl.-iuiHni .Mules.
n LITTLE ROCK , Ark. , March 29. Fifty-on
Arkansas mules pasted Into the pcvceaslo
of the Spanish government today , and \vl
be shipped at once to Cuba for the use o
tbo Spaniid cavalry. An agent ot tbe Span
lib government li In Arkansas buying al
"Uncle Averv , " of " Lonilont. trjr' lame , ns he appeared fifty years ago selling'
" Londonderry ' water at mutters , country ( airs , and other public gathering.
11 Londonderry " was famous even in those days ns a cure for Kidney Complaints ,
Rheumatism , and many other diseases. It in now prescribed by leading physicians all
over the land every day of the year , and sold everywhere.
A Saw and a Sage.
It's an old saw tV-at "any fool can ask moro questions than nlno wise men can an
swer. " It Is safe to say , however , that HIilputh'N llUtory of the World an-
awers every historical question that any reasonable man , woman , or child la Interested
n. This history Is not a mcro conglomerate of the great obvious facts that auy would *
jo historian could rake together. A few random selections suggest Dr. Itldpath's ex-
laustlvo researches.
The Dyaks are described ; and so uro the FneRlaiw. itho Eberltcs , the Dravldlana , the
Malacrnns , the Papuans. We ore told who Ryngold was , and Siva , Ulfllaa , and Lao-TiH1 ,
Gedymln , and Texcatllpoca. '
The career of Eudoxla , the taking of Cyreno by Acbah , the gluttony of the Baby-
onlans , the general doctrines of the Kcrsn , are quickly fcund from the Indox.
The 6,500 pages making up this wonderful history bristle with facts for the curious ,
and deductions for the selois. For not a single ono of all the thousands upon thousands
of Intcre.itlnR detail b dragged In by the heels , enc > clopedla frdhlon ; but each fact ,
each statement bears directly upon and Is aiibordlnatu to the m-iln purpose of the work ,
which U to give a scholarly but popular , philosophical yet graplc account of liow men
have lived and what they ha\c done since mau-llfo began on this world of ours. ,
Megeath Stationery Co. ,
Omaha , Neb.
Inclosed Hud $1 for momboi-nhip in tiio History
Club. Sciul sot to mill roas below. I ngrco to pay
boJuncc in 15 monthly payments.
Nam o . ;
It is the story that every man and cvo y youth should know. Dr. RUpath's History
of the World Is the third moat valuable and single work in any homo. Bible and diction
ary rtand ahead.
Fifty thoucand sets and over have boon sold at largo price * . Just now , until the
Is filled , you can ? ciro a set at half price and on cany payment * . -The membership t >
Is ONE DOLLAR , , on paymt'.it ' of whlc-h the complete set In eight manslvo volumes.
U delivered at once , you agreeing to mako. fifteen monthly payments first payment
thirty dayt' after Joining for the Cloth-bound , $1.50 a month ; for the lialMluatla. by far
the more durable and attractive , $2.00 a month ; for sumptuous full-morocco , J2.GO u
month.Members may resign In ton days cad their payments will bo returned.
Specimen pagca , Illustrations , testimonial. ] and full particulars mailed free. , 'q
by uur lull treatment cCTrrklsli C'apbiilM KruiJtloui cured by
fort&OX NlcM Lo > es Uay Law * , WITVO iire , norcr fill *
or Drtln troubleCurcil oa perfect ft joa Fuli troutimin vith ( fnti-
, ovcrvero. VVf < niku our o\\n m tlcinta tec , tiO.OUi bln
amiyoicanrelf wtiKtUinff'voll.V < j4iao |
written ( ruaranuavith full eura. Hlrele HAHN'Q PHARMACY ,
I Hoy.glO-ihY trtii : lUiiv * ruxitMACT nn 1 Ka
a government order for a heavy machine
used In the manufacture of steel projectiles
for big guns and la figuring on another gov
ernment order for fifty similar machines to
bo turned out In ten to slxUen days. Work
Is belli ; : rushed night aud day to complete
the order.
Orilnnnro Otfli' ri t'-irrfiilly WnleliliifS
tlir Xew Won linn.
CLEVELAND , 0. , .Match 2D. General
Nelson A. Silks arrived In Cleveland today.
Tbo gencial was accompanied by a number
of officers of the rcguMr army , who com
pose the Board of Ordnance. The party was
met here by cx-Congrenaman Outhwalte ,
Dr. Gntllns and Captain Day. Among these
with General Miles waa iMJor I'hipru. The
gentlemen were at once driven to the \xor ! i
oC Ihe Otis Steel company , where the big
Run designed by Dr. Galling Is being con-
i slrucled. It was for Iho purpcae of viewing
I Iho niamlrellns of Ibis gun lhal Ihe board
canin lo Cleveland. It la expected thai thin
alylo of sun will be an Imporlant faclor In
coail defense and Ihe governmenl deemed
It besl lo have skilled oilioials on Iho Rrourul
while Ihe big gun was belns Inlcrnally
forged. General Miles expressed himself aa
highly pleured wllh the icsult of Iho worlc ,
Mlolilenn HeloHnlloii li | Unlfi-il.
WASHINGTON. March 29. The Michigan
delegation met ibis afleruoon in tbo room
of the committee on foreign affairs and
. unanimously decided to call upon 1'rcsldenl
' jIMcKlnlcy lomorrrow morning In a body and
' urge upon him Iho neccsslly anl advlaahll-
lly for prompt and vigorous aclloi on the
Cuabn qucslloti. They will say Ihst in ask
ing for inlcrvcnllou Ihey rcpreocnt Ihu over-
1 whelming sentiment of the people of Mich-
1 Igan. William Aldcn Smith is chairman of
1 the delegation ,
Mexlritit Alii fur
WASHINGTON , March 19 , Senor I'olo , tht
Spanish minister , received a telegram today
saylnK thai at 'a. ' mectliiK of Spaniards rcsl-
dent In Mexico $240.000 w < ia subscribed for
the relict of the Cuban n conccntradcs ami
that It wc ccnfldcntly hoped the lund would
reach Jl.COO.OOO'during the week.
\c-Kollatu for'I orfiio lion I DfHlroji-m
IJERLIN , March 23. Lieulenant Ccra-
mander Albert P. Nlblack , Iho United State , ]
* naval atMcbe , has opened negotiations with
the Stettin and Vulcan yanU for the purchue
r ot torpedo beat , destroyers.
Tr < i | i l.nnilliiK ( or the Coiml.
EL RKNO , Okl. , March 29 , At noon today
troops from Fort Reno began loading at thla
, paint on the Rock Iiland tracks , taking
> GatllnK aud HotchkUs nuns and all the
s aval'uble field pieces at the fort. It Is under-
Hood they are to bo sent to eastern coaat
points and will go via Fort Worth , Tex.
llruiTimou VlnllH Italy.
ROME. March 20 , Commander Wlllard H ,
Brown , U. S. N. , ban coiiferred with the
1 mln'ster ' of marine , Admiral Brln , relative
t to the purchase of ships building In Italy ,
The commander has been authorized to visit
tbe private yards and see what vessels , etc. ,
. . . r- '
Onnrniitcr to cure Mpecdlly nnil rndU
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Consultation Free-
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CL'IIKS ' AM ) l > itiVi.STS
Culilx , Cuiiiilm , Sore Throat. Inlliionzii ,
llroiielilttn , I'lii'iimoiiln , Snclllni ;
of tlit * Joliitu , l.timliiiKV ,
Inllu in mniloiii. MIH ; tiii i , m\ii ,
ItailMiDM1 Hi-mly lii-llrf IH n ui-i- Cure
fur KvL-ry I'nln , Siriilii , HruUcu ,
I'll I u In the llurk , Clint cir l.liiilm.
It MUM tinKirn ! nnil U tin * Only
i'\i.\ HIMII : : > V
That IntUntly ttcpi ttio most excruciating pains ,
alU > n Inllunii.inUon. anJ LUI coiiK tluna ,
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tlaiuli or OTKUTU , Ly one app Icuilon.
A half tu u tfifiJxinful li Imlf a tumbkr n (
water will In a few minute * cuiu Crampi ,
Kp4 in , Bour btonwcli , Ilcnrlbiirn. NmouMiei * ,
HliepleisneM. Hick ll , Uloirhoea. Dyecn-
tery. Colic , llatulfncy unj a 1 Internal pjlim.
There 13 not u ronieOUl uKcnt In 110 world
tliut will cur.i fcu'r un < l aijue nnil nil nilicr
mjlurli.ui ) , l.lllloun anil other rcvvti , allied by
HAinVAY'B I'll.l , r ) iiulcXly u * IIAUWAY'il
ItKAUY HIXIUI' ' , Uu u iMJttla told by Uruj.
ItaOway & Co. . New York City ,
studying naval architecture at Glasgow uni