Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 30, 1898, Page 11, Image 12

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7uhington News Results in a General
Unloading !
) far nml Jnlr. Knrh CloneI.otrer ,
llo Al i Corn nnil Ontn nnil I'n -
xrrptliiK I/uril ,
CHICAGO , March 29. Grain nnd provl-
flloBs markets were all lower toilny , the
weakness Uerflp especially pronounced In
wheat. Washington news' caused general
unloading. Wheat closed with a net de-
cllno of 7c tor Jnly nnd le for Mny ,
Corn .and oajsclosed * 4g&c ( ; lower each , and
provisions aectlneil 2Vjc for rlhs and lOc
tor provisions. Lord was better supported
Bnd'iulvaneed 2'/4c. '
" \Vheat opened exceedingly weak , Initial
trades ( In July ranging from 83c to S-tVic ,
or % fc ( under yesterday's closing price.
Way/was le lower at $1.0.4 , and "declined
at onto to $1.01. Tli a I future was little
fceardf from and remained at that price
. with scarcely a trade of note tlntll lute In
the session. In July , oclllng orders werp
prominent at'first and U took but -a brlel
time to break'the price to 82c. The break
In WiH | street ? stocks , and the day's de
velopments at Washington , created decided
uneasiness among traders , and led to the
abandonment of tnui-h of the wheat taken
on during yesterday's advance.Tnid to the
almost total withdrawal of Influential sup
port-fromi the murket. The situation as to
Cuba , Indeed , constituted nbout the only
feature of the market , ns little else WIIH
elven any attention. The market continued
to drop for nn hour , Betting down as low
a 8240 , when bttyln ? against "puts" caused
a rally to 82c. Outside of this demand
there was little buying from any source ,
and the market again sagged , though
slowly , until around the noon hour. Then
creator weakness was developed. The pro
ceedings In the senate resulted In a lot
of long property com I up on the market
and Increased the volume ot short selling
In a marked degree , July breaking under
thfc precsure to 81c. Then the market
hardened under a covering movement ,
which resumed respectable proportions fern
n tlmo nnd caused a rally to S2c. North
west receipts were moderate today , Minne
apolis and Dulutti reporting 273 cars , ngalnst
, 2.W cars Hat week and 777 a year ago.
ClilcaKO ( eo lptH were 112 cars , 34 of con
tract grade. The total addition to the con
tract stocks was about 137,000 bu. . " > ! cars
nnd 33,800 bu. coming from mixing houses.
Cables were rather disappointing , showing
' but little response to yesterday's rally here.
r' Exports amounted to nbout 400,000 bu. The
J visible decreased 2,443.000 bu. Near tile close
u sharp break In May , caused by the at
tempt to market a fairly large line or
an unsupported market , resulted In re
newed activity among the July bears , anil
yrlceb slipped oft again In a very shorl
illmc to .Sl'Kc. After the liquidation In Ma >
wa ° over , J.clter brokers had no dltllcult >
In bldd'r.s the price , which Ind fallen tc
"la.Olvi , up to $1.0-114 afmln , and this c\uM \
reaction caused a little better feeling Ir
July. The market rallied to Sl isL'c , am
clos.e.1 at that figure.
The feature was rather the selling li
Jong corn all day , and the maiket wa1
vo'tk from the start. The break was alto
Bother In sympathy with wheat , and Wash
Ington news. There wus some recover ;
from tlio bottom late In the session. Ma ;
ranged from 2'Jc to WiSt'T c , and closei
Viii'lic lower at 2S)4 < iJ2ic.
OatB VV.IH rather slow ,11 * vvcak < I.lqtitda
tlon , which marked the early hours , vva :
In sympathy- with the wheat break. Sup
port was not lacking , and caused a sllgh
recovety , A good export demand was o
sonic help In sustaining prlce-t. May ratxcei
1 front Jli , % c , to 24y4c , and closed % o lowe
at 2lc.
Provisions were Irregular , though In th
main vvenk. I.ard was steadied by the pur
chases of prominent packers , but othe
products suffered from liquidation througl
commission houses. Washington new
caused a good deal of uneasiness nmon
holders , nnd this and the depression li
jrraln prlccs'WTre- features of the sell
Jng. At the close May pork was lOo lowe
ut (9.40 ; May lard , 2 > c higher and Ma :
xrlbs. 2Vfcc higher.
Estimated' ' receipts Wednesday : Wheat
CO cars ; conv.115 cars ; oats , 145 cars ; hogc
25.000 head.
Lcadltit : future * ranged M follow * :
Articles. . | Opan. | Ulgu. | Low. I Cloao. j Ycatd
Mny. . . I 044 1 04 1 nm 1 OJ1
July. . . HIH SIM-H'J 84
Sept. . . 78W 7CH 773
77S 77H 78 !
28M-21I 29
/uly. . . { MM aoK iiU 30 !
' " am 31H 31 !
" 24K-3J 250)4 ) 34H 85 !
WJuljr. ! 2'J 231
'Pork ' /
Mny. . . II 47 ! < 9 SO 0 .10 n 40 0 50
July. . . 0 GO 0 SO 035 047H 057 ]
Lard- *
" 4 OZ 4 B7 > t 4 02H 4 OTU 4 05
July" ! 0 0.1 6 DO 50 } B 02J
May. . . fi 00 4 Od a oo 5 02 !
July. . . SOS fi 00 B 05 B07 !
" No. 2.
Cash quotation ! ere at followi :
riXJUlt Dull : southrm | > atent . tl M3 ( X
aouthvrn utralirhti' , 14.4094 .V > ; nouthrrn clou
I4.301M-40 ; | ) Hiiff patent * . Jl.ri'Mri.lO ' ; soft pal
cnt , 4.70 4 ! K ) ; btikfrK' patent , J3.4003.M.
WHKAT No. S vprtnir. 95c ; No. 2 red ,
COllN"-No. S , iSKOJSTic.
OATS-No. S , StHWJSc ; 'No. 2 white. f. o. b
ttHUMUr ; No. 3 vshtte , f. o. ! > . , ! 6j
11YK No. 2 , 4 Uc.
I1AHI.KV No. J , f. o. li. , KSJUilC.
KbAXSHKU-No. 1. $1.17.
l'UOI8ION8 Mer pork , per libl. , J3 37 1
.42Vi. iJiril. | > cr 100 Ibs. . $4 9 4 > -l Shoi
rlbn , FIen ( loose ) , > 4 ) . Dry tultej nhiiil
tiers ( doled ) , t4.7Ktl.tiV < . .Short ctenr > U1 <
< boxed ) . * a 23425.40.
WHISKY IJIitlllerB * nnltheil sooils , p r B l
bUUAUH Cut loaf. 5 C3f)3 S8 ; sranulated , li ;
O5.57. .
On tlio Produce exchange today the Imtter ran
let nun llrtn : creamerlis , 13 il > c ; dairies , lin > .
ICc. I RS , linn. ac. LUe iniullry. Ht > Miltu ;
Keja , i'al'W ' ; chickens , SiS'4c ; ducks ,
4lllollltlollM for tinIn > - oil GflliTl
NKW YOllK , March M.-rLOrH-Ileielp !
J4Z > W'la. ; exiwrtf , 15i3 lbK ; clly mill | .i
ents. | 1 UG .M ; city mill clears. tI.COfi3.7S ; Ml
nesota patents , J5.10V3 40 ; Mlnnognta luilter
tl.l'.gl.DO ; nlnlcr klrnlRhts , } I J1i4hO ; whiter e
tra , JJU'Jffl.lO ; winter low grades , j.VOait
31)0 Hour , nulet nt j.Siyi.-S. lluckuhrat tlini
nominal at tl.Wfi I I.M.
IIUCKWHKAT Nominal ut 45 < - .
COItNMKAI. ( Juli't ; > ellow wi-strrn. KW.
11Y13 julei ; Nil. I -sleni , SlffoTSi. .
liAHLUV Dull : f.-ejlnir. 41V- " .
HAUUIY MALT-Uiill : uwtrrn , 53 6Jc.
WHKAT-IlwH-lpts. 4S.100 l > u. : exports , 21.C
ku. : Hut. o k ; No. 2 rnl. fl.OOS HlUwt. O
tl < itu t > nixtnk and nintlnned IM nil day
ct-vt ( r a brief midday mlly on a liberal ilecmi
to Ilnul > trv t' risible. The Inltuenc
w re tllaappolntlne rablra. disquieting Wnihlii
ton nenrs and IUHTJlUiuld'Xtlim near the clus
J-lnal tnlii were .it Untl'ic net lower ; M ro
HtlSk ' . iU ed. SS'ic ; Miy. S-lc ( ; clcvud. 'H\ ,
U011N Itrwlpt * . llS/iV ) bn ; pxportn , I37.J
bu , : H t , vtrak ; No. 2. 33Tiv. Optlnna op n
rttxr nlth wheat and ruleil ninU all dty Inn
nc t by llijul latlon. lomr cables and ccarcl
of bulnit urdeis ; client \c net lower ; ili
OATd Iti-cclptk. CI.WM bu. ; etportt. . IS bi
ijwt weak ; N' > . 2. % c atked ; No. 2 irhlte.
Uptlons .julft nnd ennler , clushiK Vie ljir :
heivy cxiwtl trade as a feature ; ilay , 2ij ,
Oltuetl , ISo. (
rKUD cul t ; brnn , 70S1i5c ! ; mlddllnsf , EOc ; r
ItJ. taVsttCi' .
llAY-Uull ; khrpplng. COjjKo ; good to choli
l5 7Pc.
HOI'S Qulc : Mtate , connrum to choice. 1 !
crop. 4tf < - ; 1W crop. 7 9c ; 117 crop. 17O1 !
I allc ! coast , 1(03 ( crop , 40 c ; IS crop. Syfc
1W7 trop. ITdlSc.
Hl ! > KH.-Sifadjr : a.ilvottcn , IS'.Jc ; Tons , di
IJc ; Cnllfronla. I7HfflS c. '
LKA'lHKll-rirni ; hemlock solo , 198iir. !
niOVISlONS-lleef , llrra ; Umlly , Jll.J ffll '
xtra mwis , tS.MTllto : beef liams , IJJ ; i ck
Ctit tneata , < iulet ; plikled Ulll. .
. .
hams , I7.WU7.TS. UarU , \ > alur ; western fctranu
* 3.e ! > .itS S3 ; utlneil. quiet. Poik. u y : me <
ia.GufirJ.7S ; v'tort clear , JlO.Wf 11 W ; family , tu
Btlt.M. Tullow. dull ; city , S U-ICo ; ciHiniry , 3 *
OILS rti oleum , dull , ItMln. slf di- ; strain ,
cmvnn to xood. Jl.4tHOI.41 , Turpentine. qt >
and Brm nt 3Vt9K . Cotton * d. weak a
tower ; prime crude. IJffmjc ; prlin * crude , f , o.
U1U , IdtflSHc ; iTtrn * summer yellow. Uc , no ;
taal : oa summer y el law. SI He ; butter oil ,
prime winter yellow. 21OIHe ,
IUUA cUaotn U
lonii and budnna taa nut materially I
. t\ better r e4lait prevalU I * . la U >
tifgf mrtau. At tn * * h e Mv. * *
chnnip-d , with II1.87U bid nnd 112 W .irked , tin.
quiet but firmer with til K bid nnd IH.r , asked ;
l > elter , xteady.with 14 i bxl and Jl.i" fl.'ked ;
Irail , steady , with K.Tt-J , bid and 13.771 , asked.
The firm Axing th" * ertllnK prlc for miners and
rmrltrrn In the writ rjuntei , lead at t3 5) .
IlITTnil Kecelptii , fclW pkK . ; llrnv w lern
creaniery , JCHUo ; JCWilns lS'.Joj ' faotury. J2dl4'4c.
UIUIKR ; : itvi.-ii > t > . i.-fei pV a. ; quiet , HI" , :
6HO > ic ; part- skims , Ijffc , lull * kli.t ,
KGCTS llecclpts , 1S.SCS pks. : firm : slate Mid
Pennsj tvnnla , lOMlOUc ; western , 10'ic ; southern ,
Conflltlon nl Trnflt > nhrt Qnotntlnnsj on
Stnplr it nil Fnncy Proilnce.
KCJO8 flood tock , 8H ? .
IIUTTER Common lo fair , effllc ; separator
creainer > \ ICc ; ( rtthereil'creamTj' , ISfttl : .
VEAk-ChoIco ( lf to lo IM .Ibs. . quoted at 89
9o ; largo nnd coarse , S < Kc.
MVC POUL.T11Y Chlchi-HS , 6H 7o : old roe t-
or * , 3c ; jounc roosters , iffGVic ; ducks , 7c.
OAM13 Mallards , $3 OCK 3.1 > ; teal , J1.K1H 60 ;
brants , $2.0083.00 ; Canadian gee ? * , 4.tO .00 ;
mixed ducks , $1.CO J1.Z3.
riOUONS IJve , tl ; dead plgMiM not wnntrd.
HAY Upland , $ C ; mlilland , to ; lowland. 14 50 ;
rye ntiaw , $4 so ; color make * the price on hny ;
IlKht bale * sell the bct ; only top grade * bring
top prices.
CKLCRY-nood stock , larire. Me ; unall. IJESOa.
ONIONS 1'er bu. . 7IftWc.
UUANH-Hnnd-plcked navy , per bu. , tl.2SOl.30.
KiYKhr I'OTATOUS Kanini ; lofpeck bbls. ,
tl utf-StO ; feed sweet potatoes , $2.00.
PAnilAOn-Oood tock , per Ib , ' l c.
roTATOKS-Homo crown , WiBKc ; Colorado
stock , 70o.
TOMATOES Per crate. se en baskets ,
NHW III2I2TS 1'er doz. bunches , 45fl50
RADIKIIKS Per do ? , bnnf-hes , CfrtOc.
tiKTTUCK I'er doz. bunches , MfiSlic ,
WATERCRESS Per , $1.60.
CUCUMBEHB-l'er doz. . $ l.50MJ. 0.
STHAWHKRniKS Per 21-qt. ca c , J600.
Al'1'i.KS Winter Block , $3.00 3.50 ; boxes , $1.23
gl'ANnnnnins-Faney .7pr ey. per bbl. , $10.
ruoi'iCAi. rnuiTS.
.siiVfffe i'aT'.a'ci.0o'o27503 ' M : fanov
l.lIMONS-Callfornla fancy , $ i.7O3.00 ; cbolcc ,
J2MJancy ; Mejslna , J3 COJI3.50.
. 'iiVi'i ' ? ; ? A r'lolc ' < ' ' 'arse ' stock , per Imnch ,
$300Jf2.2ii ; medium niz ] bunches , tl.7SJT2.uO.
, n' - larBe " " o
llrazlls , ptr ll > . , SiflOc ; inKllsli wiil-
n- ' fancy B0" * hel1' KX lc ; tundanl .
Illbeits , per ll > . . lOc ; pecans polished
' 67 "ttr-a large' S&ilc : Inrite hckor |
per bu. : small , tl.23l. , per bu ;
HGS-lmporteil , fancy , 3-crown. 14-lb. boxes.
lOc ; 5-crovvn. 44-lb. boxes. 13c ; 2-lb boxes. 22 ®
, JSUll.0 * ! Unll'ornla. 10-lb box , $1.00.
? 'Ce ' whlte' 12c ! Cuiorado amber , 10
® 11
KfiAt'T-rer nl , ! . , $3.50 ; half bbl. . $223
MAl'LJiJ syilUP f.'lvBal. . can. each. 12.75 ;
E ! . can , pure , uer dor. . . t2 0) ) ; half-eal. cam ,
$0.2j ; quart c inn , $3.50.
IATiS-Inllovvee , J0 ! to 70-lb b e , ClAc-
Salr. 5c ; Van ] , 9-lb. boxes , 9o. '
CIDEIl IVr half bbl. , $1 00 ; bbl. , J3 00.
nilKSSIlD IlHEF-Oood native steers 6V.C'
* Tefrs08iS [ awV/temee ? ! ° -0
arters heIfer gS ; " Rood
1'cow '
IllJ.r CUTS-HangliiK tenderloin. . 4Ucrlb
No. 1 , lie ; rlb . No. 2 , So ; ribs , No 3 CKe
rounds No. 1. 7'4c ; rmnH , , No - rl'-
rounds. No. 3. Olic ; trimmings , 4'Jo ; bier nhank * '
Sc ; bmin , per doz. . sic ; Bwectbed per Ib'
12 : ; sweetbreads ( calves ) ,
per Ib. . 40c ; kidnej-s
per doz. , . . -5 ; ox tails , pncli , 3c ; livers , ner 11.
2Ko ; hearts , per 11 , . 2 cu tongues per Ib lie"-
SfL" 1 ' 'i1 ' 3 ? ° : c ' . whole carcass or
* ffi.nrf : " hea n(1 fectcaldcl
iDci'tendeilnlni ? - , per cet.
, fresh
, ISc ; tenilerloln-i frozen
I3c ; boneless strips , fresh. 9V5c ; boneless strips'
frozen , 9c ; strl.i loins , fresh. 7'Sc ; "trip loS '
frozen. CJic ; rolls , bsr.eless , 0 cr rolli .Penc f
cuts. 9c ; sirloin bittts , bcmdes. . 9Cnhoulder
clod. , boneless , C'/c ' ; rump Imtts , bonele. . "vie-
No. 1 chuck" . 5c ; No 2 chucks , 4UCVi i
f.Tllln1ftf J/ . . 1 > nnnlA n , , . _ > 1 C. O. J
9o per Ib lamb.
EC ; t-hoop , 7cr market racks , long , be hotli
rack l.lmltd . 1'a Bhort. 1AA. lie ldu ; lons.,0c , ) te n _ . . . ; , saddles _ . _ . . , - . fc . ; leK. , 9o' '
rh rS
e ; h , Sc ; lioif * rfnlisl ScT'blaile bonpi ! , '
' HIDl'.S No. 1 green hWeg , 7c ; No. 2 irreen
hldex. Co ; No 1 salte , ! hides ? 8Ho ; No. 2 B"
ilte < l hides , 7',4c ; No. 1 veal calf. B to 12 Ibs . lie-
No. 2 veal calf , 11 to IS Ibt. . 8c. '
ka murrain
wool pelts , per Ib. actual weight. 3@4c ; dril
flint Colorado'botcWr wool pelts , per Ib . actual
weight. 4 r = e ; dra Plat Colorado muiVa n weS
pelts , per Ib. , actual n eight , J@4c.
( timber ) , 25c8J ( Kj wolf ( prairie coyote ) ,
wlldcut , leetSc ; fc < lrtr , 5S > 40c ; illver fox. t50.0 (
O7S.OO. ,
9t. Loaln ficnernl Mnrkrtn.
ST. LOUIS , March 29. FIXlUn Slow anc
eniler ; patents. , . ' 70 < H.SO ; ntralfthta , $ t SOS4.45
clear. t4 OOC4. * ; tn dlum , $350ff3.75
WHEAT U > fr ; closlnir Hio for May. 2Vii
for July and. HJc for September under jester-
day ; spot , firm ; No. 2 rod cash , elevator , 97'lc
track , 97VSftKi.Murcli ! : , M < lc ; May , S7iC asked
July. 7C , c bid : September , TSJje asked ; No. 1
hard. cash. 90 93c. .
COIIN Futures en y nnd A shnde lower ; spot
hUher ; No. 2 cash. 26ie : March , 2S > ic ; Maj
2C\o asked ; July , Kc fked ; September , 2S' i
OATS lilurr steady , xfept for July , whlcl
wat fractions lower ; snot , lower ; No. t catfh
ZM-c ; triuk. K iillc ; March. r\c ; May , ICc
July. 2iHc bid ; No. t 0 > lte , M MHc.
RYE Nominal. 4SVic.
-\XSnKD Nominal , lower , $1.12U. "
TIMOTHY Htii > Prime. J2.Siff2 .
HAY Steady ; pralrlf. ' 5.00O8 SO ; tlmotliy , r.C
( Tin 58.
IHJTTKR-rinn ; creamerj15 (
IXJOS-Steady , tc.
HIAN Dull ; sicked cast track ,
rOTTON Tins 70c
ItVOlllNO 515 o.
S-I ead. nrm , $3 B1 3S7 . Spcllej H.CO.
IPHOVIfllONS Pork , quiet ; stamlanl me"
r- JnbblnK. 19 87J3. Iwird. firmer ; pi Ime ite.-im
r.0 J4.SO ; choir * * , f4 M. Karen , boxeil thauMen
ir- J3 37'SffD 50 ; extra fhort clear , 5. Vj ; ribs. $175
thorH. J" > S7'4. Drjrait meats , FhouMers
$ I,6.'HS1 71 : exlrA short clear. tS.U'S ; ribs , $ > .2J
shortJ3 37U.
ItnC'lIIl'TS Flour , 6.000 bbls. ; wheat , 7,00
ul bu. : corn. 4VM bu. ; oats. 28.000 bu.
HHIPMKNTS ? Flour , 6,0 * ) bbU ; wheat. 3.0C
bu. ; torn , 134COi ) bu. ; oats , 19,1X10 bu.
nnltlniurc Murkrt.
nAI.TIMORK. Marrh It. riXJl'R Dull ; wfi
cm superdne , $1.7Pf3.1a : western extra. $ ) . & (
4.M ; western family. M.31OI.O ) ; winter when
patent * . tl,7" > C3.0ii ; sprint : wheat patents. JS.JOi
.4o ; opilnit vvjient > tralKhts , $5.00ff3.15 ; receipt !
7,9911 t'lil. ; exports , none.
ir. WIIKAT Dull and eisy ; fp"t , month and Aprl
( > 7ir07Hc ! MUJ9Ni88iic ; steamer Xo. 2 rei
Ii374 i9lc ; rxelpts , 52.SIS bu. ; exports. 16,000 bu
southern wheat , by sample. 9MJ39c ; mouther
wheat , on itra.le . , 8l(79Sc.
rOKN l > ull ami easj- ; spot nnd month. S3i
S3 He ; May. SlUWMHc ; steamer mixed , 3JHC32H <
rcce'pts. 1:7,113 bu. ; experts , 101.1MS bu. ; wiuther
IP- whltn corn , 3lff35e : southern jellow. 53ff34o.
OATS Kasler ; No. 2 wldle. 33b3tc ; No.
mixed , ' ) H8Jlc ; rcvelpls , S2.1CO bu. ; exports , 0
OKI hit.
jivn Dull and easier ; J o. 2. nenrby , S > 'ii
No. i , western , 56Uc ; receipts 16,015 bu. ; export :
"TlAY-Qulet : choice tlmothjn ! . Mlx.M. (
OUAIN FRKIOHTS Very niilet. mtes jteadi
Bt . m to Wverpool. per bu. , SUd May ; Cork , fc
onlern. T > r nuartur , 3s 61 April.
liirrrnn Strndy : fancy creamery1. ltfW <
fancy Imitation. 17 < J18c ; fanev ladle , 15c ; goc
ladle , lJ Hc ; store packed. lOCllc.
1K1O4" I'lrm ; fresli. lOVJc.
: -Stfady : fancy New York , linre. '
. . . . , - fancy New York , med'um , SViOlOc ; fane
New York , mall. MUQlfl'x.
Clu lDim4l ) lnrkc ( .
fan"V. $ l3fl 43S : f mllj' , n.MW * M
WHKAT Noinfnirt : No 2 red. ' - .
fOHN Dull ; no.rt mixed , 32e.
OVTH-Qulet ; No. i mlxej , ISUc.
HYB Qultt : No , 2. ic.
ry , Xf I rd , tealy. $4 V ) . Bulk meat
stenilv. U.10. llarnn , steady , $5.90.
WHISKY Firm. $1 an.
HUTTKn Strartyj UlKln creamery. lO c ; Ohl
73 ; isnifc ; dairy. 10 l2c-
ptTO.VH Ka y : hard refined. $ J.Mff5 K.
at le.
f ITKESK SteaJy ; guo4 to prime Ohio Hat ,
nrnln Rrrrliitu * Prlnrlia1 MnrVel
OUCAOO * Miin-h 59 , Hecelplw tii lay : Wh n
Jl ! can ; corn. 240 r r ; r nal . 234 cars. Hrt
mated lomoiTowf Wheat , > ears ; cunt. Hi r r
lt oats. Hcars. . . .
rvdb. MINNKAl US , Vanh . KeclplVhea
b.m . IS * cars.
m HT , IJ3UI3. March : Kccelpts ; Wheat ,
C > ° " '
- March -Recelpla : Wheat. 1
ICc ; No. 2. II 92c ; No. X S ; > i0 c ; No. S rprlns ,
scntsc ; NO. i. 3mc.
COIIN Active , meidr ; No. I mixed , 23f < 7r c.
OATS-Acttvc. about steady ; No. 2 white ,
RYK-No. 2 ,
HAY Firm , active ; choice timothy , tS.EOj
choice prairie , $7.00tJi.23 ,
III'TTKR t'nchanged ; creamery. UOlSHc ;
dalrj' , 1IJJ1G ? .
HllOS Firm ; fresh , Sc.
HUCBIPTS Wheat , 1S.GW bu. ; corn , IC.CM ) bj. ;
oats. lO.ftlO bu.
Pini'MIJNTS Wheat , 11,200 bu. ; torn , 4S7M
bu. ; oats , 6OX ) bu.
I.It < Tt < K > l Murkrt.
blVKRPOOU March M.-WHKAT-No. I Call-
farnla , dull at 7s ltd ; No. 2 western , winter ,
dull at r > * "fed.
COIIN Spot , steady ; future. , steady ; March ,
3i 3d ; Mnj3s 2 > , d : Jul > - , 3s 2 d.
FLOUR St. Louis fincy winter , dull si M.
HOPS At London ( Pacinc coast ) , dull nt. 4 } >
1 IDs.
PROVISIONS Reef , Ilrm ; extra India mess ,
( Sa M ; primp mes , ts 5d ! Pork , firm : prime
mess nnn western. 61 3d ; prime men , medium
western , 49s 9d , Hams. , short crt , dull at 32s.
Itacon , dull at SOj'short ; rib. , dull at Sis M ;
lonpr clear middles , light , steady at 89s ; Ions ;
clear middle. , heavy , steady nt 2S. 6d ; short
clear backs , sleady at 2Ss 6d ; clear bellies , steady
at 32s ; shoulders , square , steady at 21s. Lard ,
prime western , dull at 26i 3d.
CHKKSK American nnest white and colored ,
* '
o'l I fl Turpentine spirits , steady at 2is. Rosin ,
common , steady nt 4s Ed ,
llrnilMtreel'M Visible Stntriiienl.
NRW YORK , March 29. Ilrmlstrecrt'iweekly
statement of the changes In available nupplles
of irfaln Is s follows :
WHEAT United State , nnd Canada , east of
Rockies , decrrnsp , 1,743WO bu , : afloat and In
llurope , decrease , 700.0CO bu. ; total decrease In
world's available , 2.443,000 bu.
COIIN United States and Canada , cast of
Rockies , decrease , H3.000 bu.
OATH Unlt'.l States and Canada , east of
Rockle. , decrease , 1.201,003 bn.
AmonK the more Important reductions not re
ported In the olllclal visible supply statement
are the decreases of 75,000 bu. lit northwestern
Interior elevators , 60,000 bu. at Manitoba stornne
points. 40,000 bu nt New Orleans nnd 41,000 bu.
at Oalveslon. The Bains rot otherwise reported
are unprecedentedly fewnnd light.
Toledo Mnrkrt.
TOI.nno , March 9 WHflAT tower and
quiet ; No. 2 cash. KW. May. 91V4C.
COIIN Active nnd steidy ; No. 2 mixed. 3Dc.
OATS Dull and steady : No. 2 mixed , 25Vic.
RYK Dull and flrm ; No. 2 cih , Sic.
CLOVHRHUKD Dull nnd steady ; prime cash ,
March and April , $2.85.
Plillnileliihlii Produce.
Steady ; fancy western creamery , 20c ; fancy
western prints , 2c.
KQOS Steady ; fresh -western , 10V4c.
CHKESB Quiet but steady ; New \or\f \ fancy
full tri-um , S',4B9'Jc ' ; New York prime , 7'4 Sc.
llotrult Mnrket.
DimtOIT. M rch 2WHKAT ) No. 1 vvhlt .
92c : No. 2 red , KYtc ; M j % 9c.
CORN No. 2 mixed , SOc.
OATS No. 3 while , 30'ic. '
HYINo. . 2 , 6SC. '
Peorla Market * .
pnoniA , March 29. CORN-Inactho , lower ;
OATS Inactive , easy ; No. 8 white , 260CUc.
WHISKY High proof splrlti- . $1.19'i.
Sun PrnnelHpo Wlu-nt Market.
Steidy : nocemlber , $1.40Vi ; Mnj$1.I7 > , .
HAHIjKY Steady ; December , $1.21 ; May ,
STOCKS A. > n iioxns.
Ucacllnii on PCIU-P Ilumorn IIrliiB Dc-
iiinrnlUntlnii In PrlofM.
NP.W YORK , Mnrch 20. Wall street awoke
today to n realization that It had been duped.
Speculators wore n Fomcnlint rueful aspect In
all but that select Inner circle Which reaped- the
profits from the well organized plan to precipi
tate a bcur panic. It was noticeable that thojc
loudest jesterJay In the proclamitlon of the
settlement alleged to have been arrived at be
tween the United States and Spain were nu
longer active bidders for stocks nnd securities
today , althDURh they nrc cicdlted with having
parteil with larec holdings at tlie high level
jesterday. The Kangulnc expectations of this
element that values ! would ; so higher In the Im
mediate future having been changed , nnd the
shou Interest having been Inreely eliminated by
jesterday'o forceful process * , the market v\as
vilthout material bupport and prices promptly
dropped off nbout 1 per cent to upwards to .
per cent In the opening > nles. They did not rise
much above the opening prices except In a few
casent any time during the dny. Some of tli
smaller dealers who had confidently" swallow ec
nl the begun new a that was. ' fed them' jcstcrdas
were anxious to sell ntcck which they bough
then. The hears also took pome heart wher
they discovered what had frightened them ant
ventured on some operations , but In a tlmli
manner. Thin was eUown by the way In vvhlcl
they tcurrle.l to cover when the bulls began t <
mark up prices In the afternoon. The Improve
mcnt did not hold , but thfc subsequent relnpsi
dlil not carry prices to the lowest point of the
day. The list shows net declines , nevertheless
of between 1 and t points In the large majwlu
of Important stocks. London was both a buje
and seller here , support from abroid belns es
r-eclally manifest In the Northern Pacific stocks
There teems to be an Impression In London tia
tna Northwestern passenger rate war li li
course of adjustment. Foreign exchange stiff
cned sharply In response to additional nrrnnce
ments for additional gold for expcrt-nbout tl.500 ,
000. Rate * for money are etlffly held. It Is no
thought probable that the mavemept of goli
from Europe will cease until rntes for the loan
become easier. Prices of bonds moved In ejm
rathy with stocks , the speculative Issues show
ng- the sharpest declines. Total tales , tl.57G.Oflp
United States Ss were % higher and the new 4
* '
' "Tha Kvenl'm * Post's 1/mdon financial cable
gram says : New York adrlces caused a gen
rral recovery In the stock markets here today
led by Americans and Spanish 4' . Still , on bal
ance. realizations predominated , and prices her
were slightly under the New York partly nm
the close was rather rtull In the street. Th
rise Immensely relieved the nnanclnl situation
however , and the settlement tomorrow l no
generally feared. Gold la In strong demand a
New York. In addition to the 2M.COO with
drawn from the IHnk of Eng'and. ' about M.
COO In Japanese yen a bought In the opei
market at 76s Bd. Eagle * are also going fron
closing Quotation , of I *
leadlnir stocks on the New York market today.
Atchlaon . " 81. P. i Obi. . . 71)
dopfd . MO do DM . 141
Unltlmore * Ohio. . Ill St. P.M. AM . 120
Canada Pacific. . . . . U' So. Pncltto . . ' . . 1HV
CanadaSoutnern. . . * So. Knlhviiy . 71 ,
Central P.isltlc . 12 do pfd . 2ild
Ches.AOlno Texas .t P.ielHe. . . . ItlVi
Union P.icinc pfa. . Sl
IJ. P. IX&O . 7
. dopfd. . 1M <
dopfd . 73 Wheel. * L. E . Hi
Dol. * Hudson . 10i ! Wheel. & L. B. pfd 0) ,
Del.L. A W . .13 Adams Ex . lot )
Ucn.ABloO . 1 . American Kx . 125
dopfU . J3 i United states Kx. . . MH
Krlonnw ( ) . 12V Wcllafanco Kx.,115
KrlolHtptJ . S.U Am. Cot. Oil . 1IIK
Ft. Wavno . 10ft A. Cot. Oil pfd . u
OrcatNorthnrn nfd. 1 * 7 Am. Spirits . Ul )
iloeklne V.iltov. . . . 3 > Am. Polrlts pfd . 10
IlllnolHOiitr-il. . . 03' Am. TOO.ICCO . IMIf ,
LakoKrloA W. . . . . V" do pfd . 114
do pfd . ' " ? oopla'H ( ins . Ul4 !
l.akeShorn fen . IJ.IR . 177
Ooni. Oa-ilo Co . 101)
Manhattan L U7 Col. R Jtlron . IRS
Mot. St. IIV. . . . 1MIIM do ofd. . . . . . . . . HO Central..104Vv * cn. nirptrla. * . . . . S''V
M Inn. i St. L - ' : ' } & : illnolHStcal . 4.1
ilnlHtufd bit I.nUledo Gas . 41
Mo.P.ielne 2BV Li-ail. . ' . ' 8V
Mobllo.lOhta , . . . . 87 uo nfd . 101
Mo. K. A. T 10 > { Nnt. Un Oil . 1'J
Mo.K. & T pfd IW Ouvon Imp , Co . U7V
Clil.liul. , VL 7 IMcilloMall . i3
Oo pfd 2:1 : I'ltilninn I'.il . 170
N J. Conlral. Silver Certltlcatoa. . nst
N.r.OAntr.iI st.tnd.Uopo J T. , . . : > >
N. Y. Chi. At St. L. . 1'J Susar . 1131
dolat pfU do pfd . 1IH1
do-'dnfd ' 'S T. C. ilron . 20
Norfolk A Westcr.i 1H4 U. S , Lftther . , 6 ?
No. Ainer. Co AH do 1 > fJ . fi\ ) \
No.l'aulUc 2-i U. 3. Uubbjr : . 101
dODfd U1T4 do pfd . OAl
Ontario JL W 14H \YeHtern Union , . , . S3) )
Ore. R. iNav 45 Northwestern . 1 IS
Ore. Short Line 2n do pM . 172
PlUHlnirr 1HH si. L. A aw . 4
Kcadiur lOl do pfd . H <
Itocklaland 85 nio Graiulo Wust . 2.1
S , L.iS. V U > da li W . ct
dolatpM 64 UiMdlnr ! t pfil. . , .1(1 !
St. i'aul MM Chlcairo'Givut W. . 101
do pfd 141 Hawaii C , C. . . , . 20 !
S. L. it a rM. ' - ' H
Total tales or stocks today. 412.200 fharex. li
eluding : Atchlson preferred , 6,050 ; Chlcati
llurllngton & qulncy. 41,320 ; lyiulsvlllc R NaM
ville. 11.4C. ; Manhattan. W.'ISS ; Metrtipolltai
13,133 ; Missouri iWcltlo. 3,54 : New York Centra
fs < ; Northern Pacific , 11.9HO ; Northern Paclf
preferred , 13.1$9 ; Rock Island , 14.381 ; St. I'RU
45,090 ; Union I > aclllc. 40.5SJ ; tlnlon I'lClUc. Dei
\er & Uulf , 5.980 : Tobacco , 7,119 ; Itopte's Oa
1,640 ; Sugar , 118.KO.
noiton Stock Quotations.
BOSTON. March 29. Call loans , 3B4 per cen
tlmo loan * . 4J4 f5W pvr ceflt. ( losing prlo <
for stocks , bonds and mining shares ;
A.T.JbS. t * . 11 IV. K1.M5.PM ftl )
American Suesr. . AtcliUon pfd UV
Am.Suear pfd. . . . 1UOH ll'jltou T. , . , . , u.iv
Bav State Oa * . . , . . ! fi-10 Krt.El ct. til 1(13 (
Bell rolephone. . . E49 Gen. Eleo. pfd , UO
Uoalon&AlQvir. 218 Atchlsou 4H. , HH1
liomoni Mains. . . 101 ( leu. Ble ; . BK out
i , C..D.&Q . UIK Allouoz Mlnlnx a 1
ntchtnirr . ItuW Atlantic 3D
Georral Eieotno. . .1' W Boston Ac MillUuil 171)
0 , Illinois Stool. . . . 43 llntluA Iloatcn. . . . 'J- . '
Mexican Coutni. . SVi Oahimeti llocu. . fil-j
N. Y. Jf N. B pfd. . SO Centennial 13
Old Colour . 1x7 Franklin , 11
O.S. I , . _ . 28H OsceoU 30 !
HllDPer . IB Culncy 11)4
Union Pacific . 1HH TamxraKK 143
WeatEna . , 70U \Volrerin * . , . , , . , . Vll
W. Kleo 1'arroti ' -J
TiONDON. March 19. The market lor Am i
can ( ecurllles fluctuated somewhat after a tea >
opunlnc on n more buoyant feeling , but later eat
off. The closing ton * was btrely fte-Hdr and tl
demand moilerste. tlold Is quoted at Iluen
Ay res today at 1K.U. American e nlt imouc
ls to : tl.a > J wet wlthdravtn from the Dai
Of Bntland CDd T.
PARIS. Usrrli M.-T'.ie bourse opcnsd itrea
Tksn .UM44irt4.4 i < 'irsf y reaclloa.- w
by - aTljr 4Uw , ololiulWM , iB i
reporte < ] wlfllngnefii of < p ln to meet the > lew §
of the t'nlteil fltates , which caused Indl'crlm-
Inate purchailng to cover far open account ,
owlnr to the approaching settlement , y pin I Hi 4s
closed at C2 < c. a net advance of ! H point * over
jettcrday. Iliree | xr cent rtnto , lOJf JiV for
the account ; exchange on I.onJon , > f 32c for
MADRID , March . Spanish 4s were quoted
on the bourse here today at 72. The qualatlon
jcUcraay was M.75.
11KP.MN , March 13. Stofks were Hrm throurfi-
out on the bourse today , owing tn the strength
rtl the New York mntket , more favorable adv -
v Ices cauilng all around buying. The principal
feature war the buoyancy of American securi
ties. Canadian .I'nclflo were moMljr In demand.
York Mnrirr Mnrkrt.
NKW YORK. March 29. MONEY ON C\Ur-
Nominally , 1H1V4 | wr cent.
cent. ,
STKRI.INO KXCHANOn-Steady. with actual
business In bankers' mils , at 14 KIUIM 834 for
demand and $4 K\ for Vltt > 'd-iy : poMh I r. < tes ,
4S1"B482 and $4.84'itK85f1' comm.eri-lsl bills ,
4S094SH4. ' "n
OOVKRNMRNT noNLlRU-Htrontr ; new 4ss r.3.
and coupon. . 121 ; 4s , res'109 : coupon , Il'i ! 2 .
58 : fo , reg. nnd coupon"lifjt : 1'acltlo Ss of 'S3 ,
" " " quotations on bond * -wtrs as follows ; , rn ( . . as. . . 112
I.S.mw4l cou. . . . 121 sf.
J. 9,4s , rw * , , : o . N.'CMS 100
J.S. 43.03UP. . . . . . . HlfH JIO'Pactflo lati. . , "
I.S.'Js. roe os Na.l'acltlo a DIIH
J.S. ? im HNo . Paclllo 4s UDH
J.S.Dn. oonp. . . . . . niM-N , W.C&St. I.4 . .103
District .1.03s 110 i iN.W.'H5 llfl
A la. , class A 1IISH N. W.Consols 144
Ala..clnssll lOsHJN. W. Deb. 1 fia 115
Ala..rlnn-C 07 terli.iv.lBta ; us
Ala.Currency. , . . 07 i Or . Nav. 4s . , . , ) * . < H
Atchtnunts BO : t ) . > ti. 0 . t. r. l-'O
Atchmonaal. 4s. . , O. ait Ss. U r 04V <
f-iU.-iflaSo.'Jmls. . . 10,1 , i O. Inio. lsts.t.r. . . . 107 '
C ilciroTor'l 4s , . , O Imp. 8s. t. r fill
. .A O. < ) 11:1 : Pneinobs of'1)5. ) . . 10.1W
J.If. A.D. 4V4-J Jlo.iilluj 4s Hl f
D. , vu. a. un. . . R. O.Weit I t9 HI )
D. ill O. 4s H9 9t. U&T. M.O31,1 00
stTiil. ; 1st' ) , . . . 10.5 St. L..J.S. F.Gdi.O.llfi
KrlrOon. 41 70H St. P. Consuls 140
V W AD If. t. r. . 04 SUP. C. A P. Isti. . . IIS
' 100 St. P. C. A P. na 114
G.H ! S. A. IK ! ! ! . 102 Southern Hv. 6s , , . , Mil
< ! .Il.AS. A.Jda. . . .10l a R. AT. Us Gl
H..vT.Cent.53. . . . 109 . . K. >
H.AT.C. cnn 03. .11)1) ) Tex. Pac , G.lsn OH
lovvn C. lats 100 Tor. Pac. He. 'Jds , . : U
K. P. Con. , t. r 100 U. P.O.A.Q. Ists. . B1U
K.P. liits. t. r 120 Wnb. iHtSs lOfliJ
T.a. Now Con , 4s. . . .l01 Wab..vis 77K
L..VN. Ulll 4S. . . . 3 West Shorn 4S . . . .107
Missouri Os 100 VH. Cemutles OS
M. K.iT. flU V.i. doforrad ! 1
M.K.AT.43 hll Union Paclllc pfd. . fim
N. Y.C. ltts 110 Union Pacific 4s. . . 71M
Snn FrniioUfO Mining Quotation * .
BAN FIIANC1SCO , March 29 Ofllclal closlrg
quotations un mining Hocks today were as fol
lows :
Alia . Ill Kentucky Con .
AlohnCoD . G I.idy Wash. Con. . ! l
Andes . 11 Mexican . 37
Ilelcher . 20 ( XteldenUlCou. . . . 270
PpitJt Bolchor. . . , 31 Ophtr. . 270T2
million . 7 Overman. . . . 8
Caledonia It I'otosi . 100
SlV.178 . U4
Chollar. " " scorpion . 0
Con.cai.iv Va. . 81 Sierra Ner.icU. . . . 18.1
Crown Point 'J3 Sliver Hill . 3
HouldACurno. . , . Union Con . 41
Hiiloi Norcroas. . 140 UtnhCoi . 10
Julia 1 Yellow Jacket . ' . ' 4
Justice.- 24 Standard . _ 153
Sliver tnrs , 01 'ic ; Mexican dollars ,
drafts , sight , lie ; telenraph , 174o. !
tifv Ynrk MlnliiK Quotnllons.
NKW YORK , March 29 The follow Pis arc the minitifj nuotntiornj 41) Ontario J.'iii
Crown Point 20 Oniur. 110
Con. Cal. A Va . . "i Plvmoutn 14
Dcailvroou 75 Quicksilver 101)
Gould JcUitrrr 211 Onlcitsllrcr DM. . . UOJ
HaleiNorcroai. . 1311 Hlerr.iNevata. . . . 100
Iloinpsueo 37UO Stnnd-iivl 170
IronHllver II Union Con 33
Mexican 'M Yolloir JacitL't . . . . 2'J
London Stork ( ( notation * .
LONDON . March , 4 p. in. Closlnif :
CoiiHols. m'v N Y. Central
Consols , ncct. llcaUIn ? Mi
Can. Pacific1 81M Mex , Con. now 13. Cli' ;
Kile IHIJ PetutHYlvanlj
Krici iHt pfil 3il AtchlROu 11U
111. Ouutrai lu.t ! . , I , . .VN DIM
Mexican ordinary. , lll Grand Trunk
it.t'aul common. . . Dm
I'lntiiirliilotfM. .
OMAHA. March 23 The clearlnsa for the day
were ISbl,931.00. llalances. J ) ,31i4S. Tile clear-
Intis for 1S37 were 1KU.1G.84 , anj the balances
JF8.15C.13. The Incmisp In cleiirlnRa , $222.828 6J.
CIIIOAQO. March ( . 'tearing * . 5ir,2i5.639.
New York exchanne. Kc dlJCDunt , Posted rates ,
J1.S2 and J4.S4Vi. SlocJ > s , dull nml firm. Alley L. ,
58 bid , GJ afked ; Illscult. 2J ; lllzcult preferred ,
78 ; Diamond Match. 114K ; Lake Street , ll'i ;
North Clilcaso , 219 ; StrnnBoard , 24'i ; West Chicago
cage , 92.
BT. L.OUIS. llnrch 29TOlearlng ? , J4H,930 ( ; bal
ances. JC10.W9. Moneyi ; & .per cent ; 'New York
exehanBC , 40c discount Witt i3c askcdj
MnMl'IUS. March 2J-fCltarlnff * , J3llr 2 ; ba\- \
ames , 1116.223. N w York 'cuclmnte elllnff at
$1.50 premium. . _ , _
NEW ORLEANS. March 29. Clearfngs , J1.92S.-
C72. Now York exchaftkc.'I banlc , par ; commer
cial , SI per $1,000 discount ,
I'llII. A DELPHI A , MnrcJi 129 Clearings , $12-
SK.027 ; balances , $1fl33.W. f '
11AL.TIMOIII.- . Maichi.lciearlng ) , . $2u41,99 ! ;
baalncca , $320,511 , irt ,
NEW YOllK , March US. Clearlngs.J140,027,925 ;
balance * . 9.84.1o . -
BOSTON" , March i9. l CKlni ? , $17,5S6,412 ; bal-
ances. $2,601.809. . . . .
CINCINNATI. Marchow Clearing. : .193,7M ;
money , I'Mffl per centuNeW ; "York exchange , KG
Wa discount.
BOSTON , March 29.-l.Vo U-The .wool murlt.-t
ccntlnuoti dull and Tory 'tittle buslne has been
done. Manufacturers h yo fee < \ fcuppllea on hand
aa a rule nnd d < > not attpeqr Incllneil to Incrmsa
their holdings wlillo tW wrrsent uncertain con
ditions exist. Oul lili > . . Conditions nro 'Hrni , but
at preaent no one appears , disposed to buy ainl
o force sales on the present market liberal
concession Innlues would have to be mndr.
The fact Is no ono cares to buy at present and
nt such a time It la pj > r policy to sell. Quota-
Michigan. Wisconsin , etc. X Michigan. Z4e :
No. 1 Michigan combiner. > c ; No. 2 Illinois
c6mblng. 2S Mc ; No. 2 Mlchlgnn combing , 2Sff
2'te ' ; X New York , 3 Ntw Hiimpstilnnnd
Vermont. 2lc : No. ' 1 ttew York , New
tlampohiro and Vermont , 27c ; delaine 'MIchlRan ,
28c. Unwashed medium Kentucky nnd Indiana
quarter blood combing23c ; Kentucky and
Indiana thrM-elchths blood combing , 23c ; Mis-
fiourl quarter blood cnmblng. 22c ; Missouri
-elKhtlh blood comli'n < , 22Hc : braid comb'
n2Sc ; Jake and aewrula , Zc. ! Texas woola
iprlnn medium (12 ( monthi ) , ICifflftc ; scoured , 43&
4T > c ; spring fine 02 months ) . ISifliic : scoured , COc.
Territory wools Montana line medium and fine ,
W18c ; sTOiired. Kfrlfr : staple. We ; Utah. Wy
oming , etc. Fine medium and fine , ISCUc :
Ecnured , < iH47c ; Ftnple. S c. Australian , pcourcil
basis combing , tupcrflne , 70B72c ; coed , Kt
I8o ; comb'ng , average , 2j65c ; Queensland comb-
ng , 65c.
ST. I/HIIH. March 29. WOOU-Hafier : m -
Hum , 15(19o : light nne. 1316c ; heavy line , 8fl
Ho ; tub washed , giitfSVic.
IXNIJON , March 29 WOOL At the wool
auction sales today 1I.9DS l > ale * were offered. The
selection was good and th weakness In merlno
liaa almost dlrappeatod. Thery was stronK com.
petition for scoured with the continental buyer
competing strjnBly nnd paying extreme quota
tions. A large quantity of good New Soutli
Wales Brejsy wai actively competed for. wltli
the continent securing the bulk. ( Sine of Gooi !
Hope and Natal stock alfo sold well. The at.
tendance was good. Follow Ing are the tiles In
detail : New South Wales , 3,9W bales ; scoured ,
6dfls W ; greasy. ! JWJlli1 Queeniland , 2,001
bales ; scoured. Is 3dOH lOd : greasy.
Vi ictoria , 2,000 bales ; fcoured , S'Jdftls Cil ; greasy ,
6dSIl Id. South Australia , 2V ) < lnloi ; greaKy. 7V
< ! 8il. West Australia , 7'W biles ; greasy , 6',4Jfid
Now Xealand. 2.500 bales ; scoured , SViTMl'4d
Kreasy , 6'iflSd. Cape of flood Hope nnd Natal
3.2ft ) bales ; scoured , 7lCls 6d ; greasy , 50S'4d
Chtll , 100 balei ; greasy , -
Full Itlver Print Cluth Mnrliot.
PAI.Li RIVKR , Mass. , March 19 The prln
cloth market Is quiet nnd tteady at 2 U-16c.
C'otTeeMnrkrln. .
NKW YORK , March 29-COFFr.K-Optlon
opened steady , with quotations 10 points hlKhar
ruled falily active , with upward tendency 01
favorable European cables , Tallin ? nit In Itra
xlllnn rr-celpts , liberal warehousa dellverleu am
encouraging Increase la speculative Interests
Closed Irregular , with prices S to 15 points lie
advance. Sales. 20.SW bus * . Includlnc March a
i : 05May. . $1.13. Spot coffee , Rio , awedy ; No
. [ nVolc 4es4 ! : Nn. T. Jobbing , tS.KW. Mild
quiet ; Cordova. I3.25f16.0 . Sal . 500 bacs Mara
calbo. p. t.t 200 bajs vanllla. p. t. The tola
ware-house deliveries fronvthe United Slates , II ,
82J baps. IncludlnB 13.194 from vork : Net
York sto-'k today. 65H.II2. ) bam ; United Stntet
stock , 1-04,634 bai8 ; afloat for the1'nlted Statei
4IX.IMV ) IMIBS ; total visible for the United Stutei
1 OSS ( Ul bans , against 7i ,877 bags last year am
Santon , 8.000 rels ; receipts , U.CCO bigi
two days ; stock. M4.COO baKi.
HAMIimn. MarrhCOFPBKOpend un
f l nr < l : at 3:30 : p. m. , VtOWpfg net higher
sales. 11(100 baits.
' ! lrvvRi.0M ( r29.cni-EEE-aosea ? ; oit ne
htslier ; sales. HC , 0 br''j ' :
Snirur Wnrkrls.
otxm > kettle. M4C3 S-ldcY no , itranulated or whit
'ffeiTil : yellow. 4B4 S-lCol'tecnnds. 2Hfl3 13-lCc
ilolarse . dull ; rentrlfui'al.&fttc. !
NEW YOllK. March -J-SUOAR-Raw. > . quit
and firm ; fair reftnlnir. .mo : " ntrlfuB8.1 , 9 * te l
4c ; refine , ! , steady ; mold ArS > o : standard A. 'c
confectioners' A , V ; cut louf , i'nc ; cruihed. 6Wc
powdered , 5 5-lte ; granuyp U ' " " j cube , S 5-16 <
rl- -
rled NHW TOHK. March lhM ! AUlXHNIA nnim
ed FRUITS Apples , Mendn clh r fruitn qulel
he fV4t > or t d ipnlei. conuAntw M > 7'Jc ; prime wit
IO8 tary , " 4c ; wiwt drltd. prime. Ho : choice. V > '
It. * e : fancy. O c. Pru M. H 7ir. Apflcoti
It.nk Itoyil. tH 7c ; Moor Park. 8-44IIOWC-
Etiff Bun of Stock Finds a Very Active
I.ocnl llurcrn Attempt m. Cut , bnt Shlp-
lilnfl ; OriliTH Faro * Tliem lo
llltr Dime.
SOUTH OMAHA , March 2J.-Recelpts of
the days Indicated were :
Cattle. Hoes. Shwp. Hor't.
March 29 4.978 4.GJ2 4,541
March 23 1,300 1,339 s,036
March K. . . . . 93 < { GZ2S 2.726 U
March 25 1.7S7 7.31S S52 ; ! 1
March 24 M03 B.754 7,503
March 2J 2 , ( > 37 3.339 3,908 M
March -a 2/.I30 4,264 .915 1
March 21 1.429 1.77S 6,716 16
Mnrch 19 l.SOS 3.335 1,701 7
March IS. . . . . . . . . . . 2,307 4,708 ZM'i
March 17 1.S64 4.730 14.1W 3
March 16 3b97 4.945 B.SJ6
March 15 3,720 6,007 3,041 38
March 14 2.1FS 1.C20 4 , : S 2
March 12 2.10S 45.T2 796 20
March 11 2.4S2 5,911 ! . . . . .
March 10 2,342 4.G97 10,207
The ofllclal number of cars of stock
brought In today by cnch road was :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
C. , M. & St. P. ny 1
O. & St. L. ny fi 1
Missouri Pacific Ry . ,
Union Pacific System 31 S3
C. & N. W. Ry 3
F1. , B. & M. V. II. ill 42 21
8. C. & P. Hy G
C. , St. P. , M. & O. Hy 2 ! ) 7
11. & M. H. U. R 7f 1G 8
C. , H. & Q. Ry . .
C. . R. I. & P. Ry. , E 13 . .
C. , R. I. & P. Ry. , \ \ '
Total receipts 217 114 10
The disposition of the day's receipts wns
as follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated :
Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 193 C84
The O. II. Hammond Co. 29S 1,204 M3
Swift and Compiny . . . . 1,172 1,100 1,423 Cudahy Packing Co. 1,507 CSJ 1,911
R. Uecker and Degnn . . 190
Vansant & Co 70
J. L. Carey 3
Lobman & Rothschilds. .
Houston & Co 1OJ
Krcbta & Co 3
Hill & Huntzlng-er 153
Llvlng-ston & Sclmler . . . 19
Swift , from the country SG2
Hammond from K. C IM . . . .
Meyers 33 $ , , , .
Armour & Co 2JCJ . . . . .
Planklngton. Milwaukee 529
H. Hamilton si
Other buyers 176 . . . . : a4
Left over 200 250 . . . .
"Totals 42 4,633 4,511
CATTLE-Recelpts today. 4.97S head ; jts-
terduy , 1,300 ; onetwwk uifo , 2,930 ; two weeks
HBO , 3.720. It nvas the largest run In
weeks , and uonsldcrably larger than any
one antlclp-ited. There were , in fact , more
cattle here than at Chicago , which Is a
little unusual on any other day than Sat
urday. While there , was quite a sprinkling
of stock cattle , a very latgc percentage of
all the cattle here consisted of cornfed
beeves. The market as iv whole was In sn1-
isfuctory condition , viewed from u sellr "
standpoint , and especially so , considering the
largo run.
Beef Steers With 217 cirs of cittle of alt
klnd In the yatds , n very latgo. propottlon
of which were killing cattle , the buyer *
popmed Justified In bearing the market u
little , especially as advices from other points
Indicated no more than stcaily nnd In some
Instances weaker imrketb. The market was
accordingly a little slow to open and the llrst
bld w < ere easier. Tim local packers , how
ever , wanted the cattle and a little later
when shipping orders began arriving nnd
the buyers suddenly became aware that
there were none too many cattle to supply
the requirements of all the market livcnril
up Immediately. The cattle < ? old as fast as
buyers could ride from one pen to another
and It was pretty hot for a time. The prices
pildwere fully steady with yssterday and
It was not long Until the pens were cleared.
Butchers' Stock For the number of cat
tle here the > offerings of butchers' stock were
light- white the dem-xml was brisk. De
sirable cows and heifers brought good money
yesterday , but the market today i\aa fully
steady and even strong. The trade was
active and everything offered found a ready
buyer. iBulls , stagi ) and calves sold ful.y
as well as yesterday.
Stock Cattle Several strings of stock cat
tle were , among the day's receipts , some of
them little northern cattle and others west
erns , beside a showing of native stuff. In
fact , the fresh receipts of stackers and feed
ers were the largest of any day for some
tlmo back. The. market did not show much
change , desirable kinds being In good de
mand. Representative sales ;
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. ft.
13. . . . 427 4 85 SO. . . . 788 13 93 20. .11SO | 4 20
21..111. ! 440 22..1318 455 C * . . . . . MS 420
23..1037 433 44..1019 420 15..1117 430
6..I'll : 470 13. . . . ! > 430 IV..1261 480
21.1634 425 20..1411 450 27..1584 473
34..1399 400 S. . . . 620 465 12..1491 430
3..1483 430 S..1S22 4 CO 1. . . . 30 400
II. . . . MS 434 1 . . . .110S 430 1. . . . 810 390
4. . . . 992 4 21 1..1140 405 1..1000 375
2..10n 415 1..1040 410 1. . . . 750 420
2. . . . 910 410 ID. . , , 857 410 40..1218 425
6..1180 440 19..914 420 41..1110 4 2 >
43. . . . 977 423 19..1278 450 21..1177 450
54..1073 390 5..1174 3 90 5. . . . 518 4 CIO
1..1000 400 15.1200 455 SI , . . .1070 433
4..1070 400 20..1397 4 CO 23..1133 440
53..1273 440 1..1100 375 21..873 410
10..1015 4 21 ' It..1247 441 59.772 420
60.llr7 ( 441 12..11W3 435 177.1170 435
91..1194 43T , 3t..l 7 485 12..1000 430
40..Ifil 123 3..1116 + 11 4. . . . fW 460
2i , . . . 'J' ' > 430 2..UK 3 S3 8t. . . .UK 43" ,
2O..1093 410 9. . . . SCI 415 ! > . . . . S94 4 1)
6. . . . 6J3 375 2..1375 423 31..1378 450
23. . . . 918 434 5..UIM 430 1..10.11 3 5
23. . . .1167 433 14. . . . .12S71 SO 9..1MI4 4 W
42..1076 4 35 C8..10K ; 4 15 Si. . . . ! ! ! 1 IS
2..1460 410 1. . . . 970 4 Oil M..13H1 4 3
W..1211 440 19..122 ! ) 425 l..lS3rt 4 21
20..1128 431 46..10M 410 3. . . , 970 4 in
1..II2I ) 410 3..1230 4 55 4..12110 4 .V
3..1006 41"i 18..1S60 421 1..Hid 3 7"
1..101D 4 10 21..124S I GO 4..1017 4 23
1. . . . 1270. 3 8.1 ' A..14A3 421 2".971 3 80
B. , . . ! ? 370 l..llll > S 70 94..11)91 ) 423
37..1481 4 J 32..1111 420 38..1.VJ * 4 C
4. . . . 8.13 4 lr. 3..lOW 413 3..140 ; 460
1 , , . . 810 400 21.Kf8 435 :0..1J32 441
20.,1231 4 4 > ID..115 ! 4 23 17..13F5 4 7ll
20. . . . Ml 4 10 21..1117 4 & 3 S3..1376 4 73
C3..12SO 4 0. > 21..1144 4 ll ) 20. . . . 13V , 4 70
20..1J2S 461 IS..1366 4 SO 21..1.H1 461
19.,1417 471 12..14U7 4 .Ml 1. . . . 901 3 kO 430 CO..HJ1 , 4 C5 2U. . . . 115 445
41. . 1273 4 30
2..1120 .151 2..116.1 3W 37..10S3 361
2..1145 350 50.1066 850 1..1J10 3 CO
7. . . . 817 375 2.1010 3 EO 1..10W 311
1..11ZO 3.10 I. , . , 630 250 7..1047 3 U
2. . . . 903 S 00 2. . . . SSO 3 . ' 0 I 1..1290 370
8..11CS 3 EO 5..11C1 3d ) I. . . . 930 310
2..1150 SCO 1. . . . 830 300 1. . .1110 3 C
8..1145 410 3..K1S1 360 1..1040 S 0-1
IS..1175 420 2..12A1 3M 7..9S1 32.1
1..1030 323 2.1093 32.1 1..1020 321
l.n,104 > 325 S.ll06il 3M 1..1S70 300
1..1040 3d ) 1..1170 330 S..107J 335
1. . . . 8JO 24 > ) 1..1UM 350 8..10.11 3 SI
2..1015 3 70 4..1131 3 60 4..1170 1 fO
11..1073 370 1. . . . 810 375 5.1 1 375
2.10'jO 375 1. , . . 93d 343 1..1UO .1(0
1. . . . 870 290 2..1JfO 383 3. . . . 16 325
1..1040 325 13. . . . 1W 355 1..1030 340
1. , . . S6l ( 60 1..1090 3 W f.1123 ! 3 ( ,0
3. . . . 9G I 75 1. . . . SJO 2 21 3. . . . S10 3 flfl
1. . . , S30 300 I. , . . ] : & < > 3 fill 1..11M 310
1. . . . 900 300 1..1170 300 1..1400 271
1..U10 375 l.,1000 350 1. . . . 780 27.1
939 330 It. . . .1181 340 1. . . , 9f 330
1. . . .1.170 360 1. , . , 660 321 2..12 1 3K
l..iniO 320 S. . . , ST.O 273 17..1061 3 SO
1..1000 3tO 1. . , . S20 300 1..10U * S ( V )
I. . . . UW Z71 3..12W 3 11. . . . 7Hi J f.1
1..12& ) 3CA 7. . . .103.1 32.1 S..10M 3 W
1..HSO 3 frt 1. , . . tft ) 331 1. . . .10110 271
1..I030 325 l..inj ) 300 1..1140 330
3..10RT , * 50 1..1370 3M 1..11SO 351
1. , . . 9 < 7) ) 130 1..1010 300 2. . . . 'J3U 3D )
1..1210 3 Ul 1 , , , . 870 275 2. . . .1044 490
1..14SO 3 C3 1..10S4 293 4..TSO 3(0
1.1M ) 3 RO 2. , . . | i70 3 65 l.,1H30 3 V
* . , . . 73i 241 2..10W 301 3. . , . > : 321
1..13W 1 )
1. , . . 401 471 81. . . . SSI 403 21. . . . 763 410
1 , , . , 7EO 4 ZO 4 , , , . 311 4 00 2. , . . 470 3 K
1 , . . . 670 4W 1. , . . (10 371 1. . . . 379 100
1..C&0 3 25. . . . 791 39.- , . , . ! > 2i ! 383
12. . . , 961 380 9. . . .1007 3 SO 1. . . . 71 ! ) 421
I. . . . 630 3 73 6. . . . 731 100 17. . . . 71 4 IM
3 , . , , 793 373 1. . . . 1C' ' ) 3 7B 1. , . . 70 170
1. . , , MO 181 2. , . ,10(1.1 ( 380 4. . . . 747 S W
1. . . . 700 2 67 1. . . . * 70 3 & ) 1. . , . M. ) 4 50
t , . . . 820 4 25 1 , , . . S10 4 S ! 1..1070 4 00
4. . . . ill 3 * > l.,12 < 390 1..160J 36.1
8. . . . 7U 170 B , . . , ) 3 8T l..l'J.VI 3V.
I. . . .1010 3 73 2..10M 3 73 1..UV ) 3 T
3 , . , . SIC S 8 > 1 2. . , . 725 4 2) 10. . . . KO 4 20
I , . . . * * ) 373 3. . . . WO 3 l . , , , 664 390
1 , , , , 614 3 8U 10. , . . 730 3 M 20. . . . 418 3 94
) . . . . 6i 4 00
18..117 ! 3 73 S..10M 3 50
1..1300 94ft 1..1D ) ' ) 3 1..U7I ) S M
t. 2 , . , . 783 210 l.,10x ) JW 1..H50 3 ill
l.l l 35.1 22) 1 , , , . So. ) 'I M
1.1W ) SM 1..105I ) 3 M 1. , . . C7't ' 3 C9
I,1570 3M 1 , , . , 570 SIS 1. , , . IM 4 n
1.I430 3M 1,175A JW l.Utf ) 35) )
1 . , . ! ) 331 1..1HO 2U l..l < K ) i K
1..1130 360 l.,1800 33.1 1.1810 350
1.0,1370 3 M 1..I470 S U 1..1W ) 31' ' )
1. . ,1470 330 1. . . IOTO SCO l..I71t > S 41
1..13&0 150 1..19M } 64 1..1I70 1 KJ
1..1580 3 15 I. . . . 970 3 13 1..1SJ9 5 i3
1..1150 ICO 1..1M 3 4S 1-tM 1
113M I4S I..144 S 4.116 IM
. . . .1W < U 1..1M * IM
, ! „ . . , ( U
S. , , , 140 59 1. . . . 134 CO 1 , . . . 22' ' ) C9I
1. . . . ISO 6 M
3..IK. ) S 13 a..lit ] 70 I..IKS 379
11. . . . 34 3 51) 1 , . . . 410 4 O ) 3 , . . , 710 4 20
3..11W 4 25 1. . . . W 3 M ) 1. . . . tl J V )
1..KMO 4 CO II. . . . 818 420 10. . . , 803 41)
6..1111 4 23 4. . . , 772 4 4.1 1 , , . . MO 4 41
11. . . . m 450 1. . . . K-O 380 1. . . . SXI 30
i. , . , r-so 400 M..nrs 421 8. . . . tsi 420
1. , . . 349 * S 30. , . . 830 420 IV. . . . ' ! 471
17 , . . . 17 415 7. . . . 3 410 12. . . . 4 i 6 ( X >
3 , , . , 860 42.1 1. . . . fOI 375 9. , , . 707 3 M
17 , . , , 401 1 10 10. . . , < JM 4 13 3. , . . 36 4 75
1. . . , f440 8 , . , , 737 4 31 2. . , , 6V. 425
10. . . . C37 4 S5 2 , , , . 70) 4 0) 1. , . . 60 4 W
C. . . . 925 4 1C 21. . . . C7D 3 CO y. . . . l-i3 4 05
11OQS llecctpts today , 5,731 IK-HI ! ; vrntrnl.-v.
1.S59 , onr week n o , 4.2S4 ; two wwks ORII , 1.IVT
While the receipts were n < vt larpp for Tuesd.ij'
they were fully up to expectation * and nl tl"
same time the avenue quality wi verv fair.
Testerd > 's market presented the unusual fen-
lure of H decline whn receipts were oxtmnplv
IlKht , and today It was equally capricious , at. U
advanced In the face of liberal offering * . Thu
strrnRth of the market , however , came from thn
ea t. The BpftcuUtUe Imprests of the country
seemed to rRi rd the report on the Maine of
plosion as favorable to n continuance of peace
and on that iiipiHisltlnn the prov Isl377"narket ad
vanced yesterday. On top t > f thut receipts nf live
nous at oaMtrn markets proved much smaller
than anticipated. Umler iiurh Imll Influence *
the hog market opencxl 5flOc higher. lloth
packers and shippers seemed to have liberal
orders In hunt ! , and the mirket was netlvv nt
the ndvance. It rather Rained In strenrth than
nlDicrwIte , ami the best price ot the Jay wm
p-vld neiir the close.
Th bent heavy nnd butcher weights sold nl
$3 CTHJf-S 72H , while mixed loads went \cty
largvly nt $3 65 , In fact > 1 61 was Hie popular
prlc t f the dny , as icralnsl W Co yrstenlny.
llvervthlni ? was Bold nnd weighed up nt nn
early hour.
The uvetaKe of nil the sales was 7Hc higher
thnn > eitenli\y. but lie loner than a week IIKO
nnd 5o lower llian Ivvo weeks aKo. Hepreaentn-
live K > lei > :
No. Av. Rh. 1'r. No. Av. Sli. 1'r.
39 226 120 J3 43 4 1 ! . . . { 155
75 501 SO 360 61 20S 120 .ICO
31 ,237 . . . 3 60 D1. , 2-11 . . . t 60
41 115 40 360 84 20S . . . 360
30 2V ? 2SO 3 W 22 31.8 . . . 3 GO
71 2SS 40 3M 61 263 80 3 60
IW 261 120 3 6'1 ' 16 211 . . . 300
46 20 ? 120 3ft ) 67 23S . . . 360
M 1S6 . . . 311) 6.1 2IS 80 3 60
61 231 . . . 3 KIJ 2.1 26S . . . 3 621,4
27 TiJ 120 3 624 " 5 272 W ) 3 f2
3S 202 . . . S C2 > 4 87 241 40 3 f2'i
13 2.11 . . . 3 621 % I 77 274 W ) 3 62vfc
65 236 ICO 165 56 294 40 363
71 302 . . . 365 42 411 SO 365
57 237 . . . 86.1 m 270 40 3 f5
21 222 . . . 365 60 118 SO 361
P6 211 . . . 36.1 67 234 . . . 36-3
71 260 . . . 365 78 22S . . . 36.1
81 234 40 365 I fil 211 . . . 365
6S 241 fO .Id f.S 291 fO 361
49 17120 3 65 , 60 2S3 . . . 3 S3
51 32.1 SO 3 65 ' 47 254 . . . 361
10 211 . . . 36.1 6,1 260 . . . 36.1
M 229 SO 361 f.2 . 241 . . . 361
CO 2S3 120 365 C5 261 120 365
61 267 120 3 C5 K 261 . . . 361
4 < l 313 kO 365 32 267 . . . 365
74 270 . . . 3 67H M . .2W . . . S 7H
61 2M . . . 3 67H SI 2X6 . . . 3 67V4
121 245 . . . 36714 I 64 211 . . . 3 7 1
61 5V FO 367'4 fS 274 . . . 370
61 246 80 370 S2..26S 81) 370
67 2IW . . . 370 60 271 . . . 370
fS 211 . . . 370 57 280 . . . 3 7J'J
20 2W . . . 3 75
1 230 . . . 250 1 190 . . . 3'0
6 161 . . . S 21 1 4(10 ( . . . 350
3 516 . . . 3tt ) 4 5.2 . . . 353
4 112 . . . SIB fl 2W . . . 3 .M
5 20) . . . 360 2 2.13 . . . 301
8 IIS . . . 360 C 174 . . . 360
6 fivl . . . 3 62IJ fi 218 89 3 62H
" " ! " ! . ! ! ! 3 62 ' " ! ! " ! ! ! su s
1 24) . . . 362 < 4 7 331 . . . 365
MHUB1' Receipts tojny , 4,511 head ; XMlcrdnv ,
4,036 head ; one week ano , 6,915 ; two weeks at ; ,
Today's arrivals consisted nf rlghtoen tare. !
meat all of them lamb * , with only ; i < lliht
sprlnKllnB of sheep and ; iMrllnj ! . The iiuallly
vai fair , but there VVKS nothing choice to cmn-
pire with the Cnloiado lambs which sold a.
$3.40 veslerday.
Tlie inniKct opened early with an nctlvo tW-
manil , nnd evervlhlnu offered was snapp-d ui >
nt once. m > thnt very little time olnptml hcfon'
the in'ns vvero cleari'il
As lo values , the market wan not only active
but It was MronK as well. Tiie shoin Inmlis
bimiKht 5c more than paid for the Ufct that
were here.
In every respect the marltet was most citl--
factory to the gelling Inluicotv. llcpusentathe
Bales : , , / /
No. , Av. 1'r.
C4t Mexican lambs , shorn 66 SI . " " >
22 Colorado lambs i ; 72 521
1 ewe 120 lull
561 Mexican lamlis OS 5- " )
100 Mexican lambs r.'i 5 iti >
ICO Mexican lambB . . . . 50 501
471 Mexican lambs , T ,17 5 Ot )
260 Mexican lambs > 59 4 m
2IS Mexican lambd t > 8 4I"
CuT Mexkan e\\cs 79 4 2i
306 Mexican ewes 79 1 25
3S Mexican ewes 71 4 21
477 Mexican jenrllngs K 4 Bl
428 western ewes 109 44)
ciiic.vcio iivisiocic MAUKKT.
There IN nn Aotlvr < .Dc-niiiinl for
nnil I'rlvoN HullHlKlirr -
CIIICAQO , March 29. The demand for cattle
today wan not any better than It usually Is on
Tuesday , but offerings were llsht nnd were
mostly t-tcady at Monday's quotations. Bales
were mostly below } 5 , fed Texans selllns at from
13.80 to $4.50 for steers and from J3 to It for
bulls , oxen and cons. The tueker ami feeder
trade wan fairly acme at fKrti-'rlV5-to ) ! 11.S3 for
choice and common offerings and canning cowu
were firm nt from 12.00. tu 13 ; wltti liutchorliiK
cows and heifers In ftroni ; demand * at from 13.10
to J4.6. , . Hulls sold at ( rpnt ft.tO to 14 , and staeH
ana oxen brought from'13.23 to.'ll. 0. Calves
were In Inree supply nnd In the usual nctUc De
mand nt from 14 to .7S for poor to prune , with
sales chlelly at from , to 16,61) ) . ,
There wua an acti\c demand for hdgf from
Chicago packers and eastern shipper * bouKi
choice hogs with fair freedom , prices rullnff l
from 5c to " ! ,4c h'crher than yc terd y. Hogs sold
all the way from 13.70 to K.KVf , the bulk of the
sales being at from 13.BO to 13.81) ) . while pigs feM
largely ot from 13.30 to 13.90. The late market
was weak and quotations early were hard to
Trade In sheep and lambs was active and > * s-
terday's late advance of 2Jc In good fat lambs
was more than sustained. Lntnb * sold nt from
14.35 to J5 for shorn and at from 11.25 to $6 for
unshorn nocks , Colorados going tUlelly at from
15.85 to 16. Sheep wr * In excellent demand nt
from 13.75 to 14.80. with sales chlelly at from
14.25 to S4.70 for fed westerns and shorn lot *
brought from $3.75 to $1.20. Yearling- sheep sold
at from ] 14.K ) to 15.10.
Receipts : Cattle , 2,500 head ; hogs , 17,000 head
Eheij ) , 15,089 head ,
St. I.ouU L.U < > Stock.
ST. I/MJI3. March 29 CATTl.1 ; Receipts. WO
head. Including 800 head Texansj shipments , WO
head ; market cteady ( or natHci ; Tcxans.Ktrnni ; ,
Knlr to fancr nnthe > ohlpplrur nnd export steers.
$4.5035,60 ; bulk of aalca. (4 RO125.25 ; drcs < ed Iieef
nnd butcher steer * . 120g4.93 ; bulk of sales ,
$4 SOtiN 63 ; steers under l.CO. . ) ub . . J3 70fi4 0 ; milk
of males , 14 25 4 40 ; stockcrs iind feeders. 13 SOJJ
4 70 ; bulk of sales , $1.00@1 W ; cows and heifers
JITiOfMSO ; Ti-xas nnd Indian steers. $3.2384,75
bulk of sales , $1 ! 34,60 ; cows nnd heifers , $2 4)
HOGS Receipt * , fl.Pffl head ; ihlpntents , CtM
head ; market 5 IOc hlfiher ; jerk < TH. (3 6.1f3 73
packers , J3 70R3 SO ; butchers. 11 Srtffl Kl
SHiiP : Hecelpts , l,3ffl hfdil , shipments. lf
head ; market strong ; natl\i ! muttunx , $1250175
larnbJ , Jj C5Q3.75.
I : nut llnlTiilu 1,1 v < > Stoi-k ,
KAfiT nUlTAI-O , N. Y. , March 29 CATTI.H
IVIrnn to extra export steers , J-.20J5.23 ; prlmo
to vhnlio fhlpp'nt' ' , $4,90191.13 ; fat heifers. $1.2'f
4.M ; fair lo flood mixed butchers' stock , .65
4.10 ; butchers and cows , $3.CCQ3.45 ; ccnnmon co s
HOOrf Yorkcrf. good ti > choice. J3.904J3.95
rough , common to choice. $3.10 3.70 ; lilgs , com
mon to oHoKe. J3.Ti3.70. (
IjAMllfi Choice to extra , Jj.00fl8.00 ; culls to
common. JS.OOfi5EO.
BIIGni * Choice to selected wethers , $ l.95iT3,00
culls to common , JJ.SOVI.I3.
\cir York I.Ive Stock.
NEW YORK , Mnrcl.1 -CATTUK lle-'elpti 3M
head , nil for export ; feeling ilrm ; no cablf. nws
exports toilay , WO cattle , 1.1PO tiheep nnd 2,5C
nuuitcn of beef.
CAUVKP llecelptn. 47 head : ( lull anil weak
prime vrals , 1.5JH C.67 .
tilllJUl * AND LA4I1M Receipts , 691 head ; n
trailing ; aleady.
IlOdS Receipts , 4,393 head ; market dull an
I.ntilNvllle * Mv Stock.
I/)1JISVIM-B , March 2 > . CATTI.K-Marke
dull and fullv 10igi c lower ; extra good pxpor
steers. > l.5061.ft. ' . ; choice Ixltclicr i > teers. JI.2M
4 40- fair to good butcher fleers , $3.75 < M.2S ; rum
man to nvwl'iim butcher stfers. $3.5003 75 ; chc-lc
lirlfero , $1.9004.15 ; fair to clfcilrc butcher row
J2.90 ? 3.65 : medium to ircxvl feederi. $1.6'jW1.13.
HOOSJ Receipts , 1.200 head ; tops , $3.8593.90
Telephone 1O39. Ontalm , Nub
Dlrti-t wire * to Chicago and New York.
Correspondents ! John A. Warren A Co.
11O Board of Trade Bldg. , Omaha , Net
Bnocb OUr * . 1C3I N Bl. . Uacolu.
j , c. cHniarni ! . K. : . STREET.
President Vic * President
Christie-Street Cooinission Co :
9M.WMl.tMl. VajMf fmlt.
mMlums , tl.t ? ; light lilpp , W. 0rl.7S ;
WHIJKI1 AND tiAMItS Market utroOly htirt nn.
chanKed ; Rocxl to extra shipping > hrrp , t-1.r > 0 ( i
3.73 : fair to Rood rheeiv f3.CDtr3.Ki ; common U >
medium , W.WtfS.M ; extrn * 1illMilnc lambs , tl.'t
tt3,00j fair In good lamb * . t < .tHM.i3 : lxt t l.ulrli-
ors , t4. 0004.60 ; fair to irowl bntchf rs , t3.80 flW4
tnitliin p < > lla llv
celpts , 400 head ; shipment ? , fair ; tnatkrt shut-
gl h : K < Hl U > prime Mo < .r , tl.DOtfS a ; fair to
medium otrerr , tl WfM W ; common ' to ffoodl
stockers , 13 ! 5W4 W.
IIOHS Hecelit | > , B.OM ; shliunrnts , 3.CXV1
head ; market only fairly nctl\e ; KOO < I to cliolco
niedlum and hea\y , MSliltSIH ; mixed unit
heivy. 1373113 SO : need tn iholco lljht . t3.73Ul
SMI , ! rnmmnn llKlits. tl.70O3.73.
8I1KI3P Itecelpts , 'IlKht , sliliuneiitt , none ; nit
sold promptlr at strong prices ; Rnod to rholco
latntx , t3.40t/3fi3 ; fair to medium Isml * , H.Wtt
C 3 ; cv < mmon ulicep , t,7r > 03 4) ,
KnninH Cltr Mrr Stock Mnrkrt.
KANSAS CITY. M rth -rATTI.B-llecel | > ts ,
9.000 head : belt RfHites steady , ethers weak |
Texas steer * . * .3M > 5 60j Texim rows , t30t > ! M75 |
native Meers. $4 COIN 23 ; natl > e cjws and helf
BTJ , t2.7ltN43 ! rtockPM and feedern. | 3JWSM |
bulls , StSf > tM7l.
llOOS-llecelpts. 14,000 heiJ : matket stronir t
Co blR-her ; bulk of sale * . $13001(3 ; hea l Hu MM
HI3.7JV4 : packers , t3 JftOJ 67H ; mixed , t3 WiM 65 ;
IlKht , t3 4'iff3 ' co ; yorkers. 13 t..tf3 CO ; pic' , W.10W
VltHKP-nwIpts , 4,000 head : market flnnl
Umbi , t4.23Q3.40 ; mutlonn , (3.MI4/4 60.
riiK-ltiiintl Il > Slork.
CINCINNATI , March a.-lUHIS-DuM. tJ.lJ
D9VCATTI.nKa lrr , J 73O4 < S.
HliniP-Sleiidy : , J100 475.
l.AMIIS-.Stemly. J4 S3fi 00. ( l
SlovU In NlKlil.
Uecord of recctpts of ll\p slock nt the foul
principal maiket * for Manh ' :
Otlle. linns Sheep.
Omaln . 1,971 4 M2 4MI
ChlciiKn . ! ,5 - > I" . * " * IS.OilO
Kan-a City . 9,0i' ' ) 11,000 4,0
St , l.onls . , . Mv n.MiO 1rOI
Totals . K./17S 42K,2 21.811
After n lllulirr Opening tlio Close IM
nt n DiM-lIm1.
> fn\V YOHK , March 29. While InckhiB In the
sensational developments of vetertlny , Milton fu-
tuicr wire-apiln ilomlnitcd l y l olltlcnl news. AJ
Btendy start was made wltli prices 1 point
to 1 point lower , us a twult tif a fn\i > mlil
response by Llvtrpool lo our rally of juterday.
but sixrti after the call nn easier fi linK pit"
valleil. Cctttm pin chased on the bulge j - liviiav
wan unlo-idcd nnd tcllliiK orders from tlio soulli
added to the unselllevl oondlllon t > f Iho market.
Tor H. time lm > ln for lha account of l.lvtipDol
houses checked Ibe decline , but by midday n net
leas of 34M pofnls was In cvldnecB. The afler-
nix/n van feveilsh under disolosmw Hint mucli
of the hopeful talk from Wnshlimtim yesterday
liad been without biuslH. Trading
won npjsmodlc , wltli u.idlng on lontf touoii
quite Bt'nernl. Near the close there was a piiillnl
reaction on lls it covering. The. close w a clenily
t H net IOMS of Hf3 polntx Total Hilex nf f ti
ll rc were 102HM biles ; spot , sttady ) mlddlliiK ,
Vtc ; receipts , 371 bales ; exporls to the contl-
ent , 2.0-.0 l > ales ; snles , 620 bales , all spinners :
tuck , 197GS8 Uiles. Total today : Net ic-c lpls.
o.T.n bales ; exports to ( lira ! Tllllaln , IS.WiT tiller ;
ontlnent , 13,648 bale.i ; BtiK'k , 912,170 balen. Con- '
nlldated : Net recrliit ; , 12.141 * hales ; exports to
Irent Itrllnln. S'.W , Ixilos ; ennllnent , 41Ail balei.
aJ Hlnco September 1 : Net receipts. 7v > 0CJI
; exports to ( Srent llrltaln , 2RC7 , ( . l luli-sj
'rancr. 14lil7 bale * ; contlnenl. 2 , 4 , SOS bales.
NHW OIILKANS , Mntvh 29. COTTON-rutuicl
tc-aily ; hiloj , 2.1.7CO bales ; March , nominal ; April ,
3rfl bid : Ma > , fl.WSfl-57 ; .lune , l5.5Wi1.60 ; Julv.
1.62ii1.61 ; AumiHt , $1.6203.63 ; September , )1.l > 3ti
.64 ; October , J1.C24T5.64 ; Novemlwr. $1.6Jit.1.6l ( !
) eccmber , J1.61ffl5.67f .lanuarj' , J5,67r.1.6't. Kpot ,
ulot ; ( Tales , 4fiiK ) bales ; ordinary , 4Vic ; Bond or.
Inary. 4J4c ; low mlddllnR. 53-16c ; iiihlJIIiik' . t'loj '
Rood mluTilliiK , 5c ; mldilllnK fair , t > V4c noniln.ilj
ecclpts , 5S5I bales ; clock , 404,85S bales.
\o - York Ury 4 ! nil 3Inrk ( < t ,
NHW YOllK , Mnrch 21 Dty Roods are still
qu'i't ' In all lines. The condlllons b-v ed on i\ur
alk flre aKRravaled In the dtv poods market by
he unsatisfactory details of thik market for cot-
en Koods. The low prices pievnllliiK arc not
ulllclcnt to render trndlni ? possible nt a prolll ,
md nejlhrr huvcrs nor sellers ale maklns any
cry strenuous efforts to prosecute business. The
ovv prices of print cloths nnd the seeming npathy
> f buyeis have produced a necessity for a fur-
her rurtnllmtnt of prodiictlonH , In staple cot-
cms them Is little or ni > activity. Print rlntl ( (
are ciuoted nt nbout 2 1-16C , thoiiBh theie nro not
many bu > ers of extras nt this figure.
Oil Miirkrtx.
Oil , CITV , Pa. , March 2.1 Credit bilnnccs , 77o ;
crtlUcates opened wllh 77Hc bid for cash ; the
llrst nml Mffnest rales were 1,0i bbls. cash ile-
Ivcry at 78c , Durlnit the day there were rules
o3 10,001 Kills , cash delivery nt 77Hc : n'i bids or
offerings nt the close ; shlpmenls , 105,066 Mils. ;
runs , 112,161 b > ls.
CHAlllK TON. B. C , March 29. OI1..S Tur-
ptnllne , market dull ; nof.ilng dolni ; , Ilosln , nrm.
Health is Wealth ,
Is .oldunder positlru Written Gmmnuitee.
by oothoriwd wenU only , to cur * Weak llomanr ,
Iftidne. . . w56hUgei.'rit. : , lli.tefln.jCipiofc.
east , tight Loues , Kril Dretma , Mu > k of Coott.
dMKW , NerronintMIjtMltodeall ! I Dnlnt , Votrth-
( al Errora , or Exceuiv * CM ) ot Tobacco. Opiam.
or Uqanr.which lend * to MlMry. Conromptlon ,
InMOiitir and Dotth. At Mora or by nuul. W a
bos ; ix for * 5 | with wrltteajt ar Bt to
ewe or refta * niMiey. BBBB IB imeb >
e , eon'jrfntng fi ? * * dny r Uectmout.-with full
initraotioni , 25 cents. Ono nmplo only cold to
etehpanon. AtttoraorbymBU.
Utol Special
Extra Strength.
For ImpyUnoT. Lost ort
1'ower , Ixat Manliood ,
Htorility or BarronnejMi , ]
- a box ; six for $5with J
. rltte * ntwutecSfl
to cnroin aOai > At iton
nilloii Drnar Co. , S. K. Corner
KI4h nnd Kiiriiiini Sin. , Omuliu , > cb.
Two Weeks1
To All
In tht treatment of all
Chronic , Nervous and Private Diseases ,
Catarrh , all Dlscaxi of the Noce , Tiiroat. ClitiV
Btomach , Liver , Illood , Skin and Kidney Dlt >
UIM , Lo t M&nliood , Hydrocl , Verlcoctlc ,
Qonorrhca , Glecle , Syphilis , Stricture. I'lln , Fit *
tula and Rectal Ulcers Ulabctti Ililglrt' * Dl -
as ourxl. Call on or nddresi wltli itamp foi
Frta liook and N w Methods.
Treatment by Mall , Consultation free.
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute
t Wit North 11th SU , Nab ,
' haelUk Uluiud Braid.
PCkUkotcr'l PILLS
Or1f1i .v ! atf Ot.1Genuine. .
arc , lw.rcIUMi. . LADIC * tik
lit tor CMeA * * r iftialitk / > . /
Jlrciuf la Ited ftod OvM meullloX
, Malttd vltb blat rthtMo. flto
ootbrr.tff > m dangtrout tvlttttv-
tiontend imtfaff nt. At LrQC(1iti ) , r ft
In unjt * f > r
, -
ttU It all l/iui uranliu.
. w , * *