Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1898, Page 6, Image 6

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Try Mocre'a stock food. ' W
Dr. Roe , dentist , Merrlam block.
Eggs , 3 doz. 25c. Bartel & . Miller.
Ask merchants ( or premium stars.
Photos Platlno or Arlsto. Sherraden.
' Dr. Brown , dentist , room 301. Merrlara blk
The scries of meetings conducted at tin
Fifteenth street -mission all winter havi
been clcscd.
The Evans laundry Is the leader In fin
work both for color and finish. 620 Pear
trect. Phone 290.
Don't you think It must be a pretty gooi
laundry that can please no many hundred ;
of customers ? Well that's the "Eagle , " 72
The box sheet for Sunday evening's at
traction , "Mlpa Fronclo of Yale , " will b
put out today , with a prospect of a larg
advance sale of seats.
The Ladles' Aid society of St. John's Eng
llth Lutheran church meets Thursday after
, noon at the residence of Mrs. Olc llasniUBsen
71 South Eighth street.
R. N. Whlttlesoy will bo taken to th
penitentiary at Fort Madison this evening
All arrangements wcro made for the Journc.
last evening , but It was deferred until to
, day.
"A Hired Girl , " a musical comedy b
Charles E. Illancy , author of "A Rallroai
" " Chock " "Tho Elcc
Ticket , "A Baggage ,
trlclan" and other successes , will be th
attraction at the Dabany theater on Monda
W. A. Richards , the vctcwn ex-Unite
States deputy marshal , has been appolntc
in the position ot field deputy for this die
trlct. Ho took the oath of ofllce yestcrda
oml was olllclally Inducted Into his ol
The High School cadets will have a pub
lie Inspection atthe armory at 3 o'cloc
this afternoon. The Inspectors arc Captal
J. B. Mathers , Lieutenant H. B. Wallac
and Lieutenant J. B. Askln of the Tabor College
lego cadets.
IJ. . Splcklcr , formerly manager of th
Poatal Telegraph company In this city an
later an employe of the main ofllce In Omah ;
has been appointed to the position of manage
of the company's ofllce at llloomlngton , H
Ho took charge of the olllco there ycstei
The fruit growers have received the pol-3
wave that has been making all other peopl
uncomfortable with much satlofactlon. Th
recent warm weather was rapidly devclopln
the fruit buds and the fruit raisers fcarc
that the frosts and cold spclle yet to be c.\
peeled would find the fruit BO far advance
that fatal Injury would be inflicted. Th
freeze of the last two days , they declari
will put the fruit back a week or two aa
remove any danger from ordinary frosts.
The attraction at the Dohany theater thl
evening will bo James A. Hcrne's beautlfi
comedy-drama of American home life , "Shot
Acres. " The play Is beautifully staged an
oil things In connection with It harmoulz
exquisitely. Every nceno Is perfect. The ol
New England kitchen In the second and lai
tuts ffi Ideally real , nnd In the first ac
when the barnyard of Shore Acres farm I
shown , with the beach near at hand , one ca
Imagine the cackling of hens , the singing <
birds , the hum of beca and the swlshswas
ot the waves upon the sandy shore.
C. B. Vluva Cn. , female remedy : consultt
tlon free. Olllco hours , 0 to 12 ind 2 to i
Health book furcldhed. 326-327-3-S Merrlai
Elegant cottage for sale. Klunc , Baldwin bl
N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250.
The very best of meats are sold at J. Zo
ler & Go's. Telephone 320.
on I ulillc Iinnrovoiiicnl
The demands that have teen made upc
the council SOT street paving have caused tl
city attorney to hasten the work of rcvisin
the Improvement ordinances to conform I
the requirements of the new statutes ar
at the next meeting of the council thei
will probably bo presented a number i
changes that will have to bo made befoi
any paving contracts can be let. It li :
been fouml necessary to completely recoi
struct the Improvement ordinances of tl
city end to avoid future complications ar
liabilities the work must bo done with gre ;
care. One of the changes requires that tl
city give property owners notice of the li
troductlon of the contemplated Improvcmei
ordinance twenty days before It Is prcscnti
to the council. The character of the woi
Is regarded as of ouch Importance that se
CPJ ! cities of the state have felt called upc
to secure the assistance , of expert lawye
who arc making a business of soliciting tl
work. Communications have been recelvt
from some of them , but the city counc
has decided that the head of Its own leg
department In fully competent to do tl
work and has refused the offers of outsit
attorneys ,
Buy your groceries at J. Zollcr & Co
Telephone 320.
Hoffmayr's fancy patent flour makes tl
best and moot bread. Ask your grocer for
Innnne from Fever.
Harry Lola ml , who has been a patient
the Women's Christian Association hosplt
for several clays for treatment for a serlo' '
attack of fever , became a raving maniac la
night and In spite el the efforts of the a
tendants to restrain him escaped from tl
building. Leland's' condition during the al
ornoon was very Ecrlous and at 4 o'clock ti
matron called upon the police for asslc
once In controlling him. Later ho quiet
down and the physicians and nurses hi
reason to hope that he would recover fro
the violent attack that seized him. At
o'clock he again became uncontrollable 01
loft the hospital. The police patrol wagi
was sent after him and an attendant ft
lowed htm from the Institution. Ho w
found at a neighboring grocery store ai
taken Into custody. Hla condition was su
itliat it was evident ho could not .bo ke
at the hospital during the night and ,
was takeu to the county Jail. Late la
night his condition was very serious. It
not believed , however , that his mental co
dltlou Is such asto Indicate permane
aberration. Mr. "Lcland Is a well kno\
fruit grower living Just cast ot the cl
Farm , garden and flower seeds at J. Zoll
& Co'e. Telcphcno 320.
Garden rakes , hoes , spades and shove
poultry wlra and lawn fencing and all kin
of hardware , gasoline stovca , etc. , at J. Z >
Ice & Co.'a Telephone 320.
The best of meat cut at J. Zollcr & Cc
Telephone 320.
\clKhhorM Tilt the Klr < Out.
A hay stack on the premises otMori
Jensen , corner of Eighteenth avcnuo a :
Eighth street , was set on lire by on Ince
diary on Tuesday night , and the whole bio
of residences endangered. The nelgnbc
formed a lire brigade and made a suecessl
flght. About thirty men , women and ch
drcn cngagej In .tho flght and carried wat
from adjoining houses and threw It on t
llame ? . The hay stack was standing besl
a barn and adjoining the burn were ott
wooden buildings that formed a direct cc
nectlng line with a large number of va
able residences and had the flro not be
extinguished It would have been carried It
them by the lilgh wind that was bloult
No ono thought of turning In a flro alai
until the danger was all over.
Cnll Uiilf 1'rloc Sale.
Our last week In half-price frames. :
not fall to avail yourselves ot this rare t
portunlty to buy frames and pictures a
frames for just half price. H , L. Smith
Dunce t Kiilghta ot Pythias hall Sati
day night.
J. A. D. cigar leads 'cm all.
Dr. lUller , osteopath , Beno block. .
Oity Engineer Tostcvin Unearths a Mos
Peculiar Situation ,
Unknown Pomona Unrtortnlco to DC
Ntroy the \YorIc Done ! > the
City to ICei'p the Current
Oity Engineer Tostevln has reported t
the police department a number of curiou
things In connection with the channel o
Indian creek and Investigations may oventu
ully lead to some Interesting developments
Within the last two years several thousan
dollarti have been expended upon the wor
of widening and deepening the channel c
the creek. Last year nearly $5,000 was cji
ponded upon this work. The success of th
whole sewer system depends upon the con
dltlon of the creek channel below the poln
where the main city sewers discharge Int
It. Last summer , after nil of the sprln
rains had passed , the condition ot the chat
nel was found to bo excellent. With th
exception of the small amount of mud tha
had been gathered and retained by the weed
the channel had not been filled to any ar
preclablo extent. Recently It has been foun
that the water has been backing up and raU
Ing ubovo the level ot the outlets of th
sowers. Au Investigation resulted In flndln
the cause. In the channel on the south lln
of section 10 flvo posts wcro found drive
across the stream and Inwoven thickly wit
barbed wire , effectually closing the chatini
to the height of the posts. At another polr
a largo mass of weeds was leaded down wit
two sacks of rotten fish and earth. At stl
another point a large trunk was dUcovcrc
filled with brick and sunk in the channc
At other places were similar obstruction
evidently purposely placed in the channi
with the object of interrupting the flow <
the sluggish current and filling up the beef
of the creek. The obstructions were cv
denlly placed with malicious Intent , and a
effort Is being made to discover by whom.
Picture FrniuvH.
Wo have picture frames that will su
anyone. All kinds to select from and n
will frame your pictures at moderate price
Wo employ the moat skilled workmen 1
our house , and we toke pains to please 01
patrons. Our art department will well n
pay you to visit It und see the newest thliif
cut in that line. We can satisfy you 1
theqo goo6s beyond doubt , and only ask yet
Inspection to bear us out In this aseertloi
When you want anything In the art llr
call at the etoce of the Council Bluffs Pain
Oil and Glass Co. , Maooilc block.
Another Ilntch of 1'rlxniiprn Hecolvo
Sentonecn from JuiltccVoolson. .
Yesterday was sentence day lii ; ht > feden
court and Judge Woolson spent a largo poi
tlon ot the day fixing the punishment d <
manded by the facts In the various casei
The petit jury , which wao called to try th
cases , has been cheated out of Its regula
work by all of the accuscid men plcadln
guilty to the charges against them , and tl
Jurymen were finally discharged yesterday.
A rather peculiar case was prcsentd t
tire ' ( acts elicited In , the hearing ot tt
charge , against H. G. Wellman , an old ma
who was brought hero from the central pai
of the state and Indicted for Impersonatln
a federal officer. Wellman Is 09 years eland
and Is a well preserved and aristocratic ol
man. Ho had entered ft plea of guilty ar
frankly told' the court all of the Incldeni
connected with hl # deception. He has bee
traveling over the country for some tin
representing himself to b * a governmei
boiler Inspector , Inspecting boilers and li
troduclng a new compound tr > prevent sea
formation. His method was to Inspect tl
boiler free and sell his recipe for $5. H
told the Judge 'that he had been connecte
i for a number of years with Washburn , Moi
! & Co. ot Chicago , and produced letters shov
Ing that ho had responsible connections
other firms. He also showed that he was
competent boiler Inspector , and in hla tou
over the country ho had Inspected and coi
dcmncd boilers that were dangerous. Judi
Woolson had been Investigating the ca
and announced his conviction that the o
man's Intentions were not bad , as he h !
learned that his compound was really a goi
thing , and he was In the way of doing
good deal of real good to his fellow nu
nml would haye been commended If ho hi
not practiced the deception concerning h
official position In the government. Judi
Woolson gave him a number of envelop
addressed to the court with Instructions then
on the first < lay of each month until Se
tembcr he should write a latter telling wh
ho was doing and where he was. Passli
sentence was deferred until the Septemb
term , and the old man was Informed th
if he observed the instructions about wrl
Ing and was able to show that ho was wort !
of the leniency shown him he need not a
pear at the September term.
Sentence was also surpended In the ca
of John P. Nestlebush of Omaha. Indict
for using the malls Improperly In conne-ctli
with the purchase end shipment of egf
Nestlebush had entered the plea of guilt
but District Attorney Miles announced
the court that he w > s satisfied the often
was wholly technical. The man's pica
guilt had made It Impossible to nolle t
case and the district attorney made a Btroi
plea for clemency.
Charles Douglass , charged with a technl (
violation of the retail liquor dealer's llcen
law , was discharged pending good behavli
Gcorgo Williams , bootlegger , was given
Jail sentence of six moaths and ordered
pay a fine of $300. This was also a sllg
Infraction of the revenue laws and Wllllan
first offense and his sentence was also si
pended pending good behavior.
W. II. McKee's offense against the sai
laws was more serious an3 ho was order
to bo confined In the Avoca Jail for i
months and to pay a fine of $300.
George Perkins , name offense , was given
term of four months In Avoca and order
to pay a fine of $250.
Ed F. Dunn proved to bo an old offend
and his pica , of guilt and application I
mercy availed him little. He was sent to t
Fort Madison penitentiary for elghite
months and fined $500.
T. L. Allen , another bootlegger , was glv
six months In Avoca and assessed a fine
$300. No mittimus was ordered issued
his case , and ho will keep out of Jail If 1
conduct proves to bo of the right kind.
Peter Schlaak , who pleaded guilty to n
blng the Trejnor postofllce , was sent to t
Fort Madison penitentiary for three ycc
and required to pay a. fine of $500.
Frank Welcome , a negro bootlegger , \ \
sent to the Avoeu Jail for six months a
ordered 'to ' pay a fine of $400.
Only two of the grist ot bootleggers w <
ordered to bo confined in the Council Dlu
Jail , C. II , Castrip and Chi5s Exman. Ea
waa given a sentence of four months' i
prlsonment and a fine of $250.
The grand Jury made Its final report a
returned a number of new Indictments.
Ilrnl l' tu < < - Trnnnfi-rn.
The following transfers are reported fr <
the tltlo and loan otllco ot J. W. Squire ,
Pearl street :
Henry Anderson to Augusta Anderson ,
HH > sw < 4 swVi sett 29. Vi swU swV4 30-
76-41 ; n4 sett nett 25-76-42. q c d $
L. Ii. Johnson and wlfo to Frank L.
Hodges , part lot 2 , block 23 , Neola ,
w d 1 ,
Will C. Esten nnd wife to T. ' J. Evans ,
lot 10. Evans' sutxllv of block 16 , Mill
add , q c a.
Three transfers , total $1 ,
Unmuire to the Uluer ,
The oooa train on the 'Milwaukee r <
yescr ! < ! ay went out without Its dining car ,
The car waa left In the ynrda to make some
repairs made necessary by an Occident ,
Whllo the car was being switched to Hi
place In the train the rear trucks jumpeO
tbo truck at a creasing. The oar ran alons
on the tips for a little distance and ( her
went Into the dirt. The heavy weight almosl
burled the trucks out of sight. The stepi
were broken oft and the trucks disordered.
J. Boiler & Co. Cash Store , Telephone 320
KuKiill of it Senintlonnl Trial ni
OSAG-B , la. , March 23. ( Special. ) Th <
most celebrated case In the history of thl :
county and the ono creating the most or.
cltemcnt has Just been decided by a trial 01
two weeks In the district court presided ovci
by Judge John Sherwln. A brief history o :
the case Is as follows : Utanton U. Pclton , c
young man of excellent character and good
family , reared In this city , was acting as
deputy county treasurer under Jerry D
Shcehan. IPor several years I'elton had ful
charge of the books and during May am
Juris of 18S7 his friends were talking of hln
as a candidate for treasurer at the comlni
election. Juno 30 Treasurer Sheehan dls
charged him , giving hla place to his ( Shco
ban's ) daughter.
Pelton asked why ho was discharged am
was assured everything was perfectly sat
Isfactory. Later In the county convcntlot
I'olton was nominated as republican candl
date for county treasurer. Soon after thl
heehan accused Pelton of stealing some J30' '
f the county funds , had him arrested am
rled , resulting In acquittal. Later , on Shee
an's and his daughter's evidence , the gram
ury Indicted Pelton for embezzlement o
ounty funds and two counts of falslfylni
lie books. Expert accountants were callci
o overhaul the books and heavy shortage
vero discovered since Pelton's discharge
U the trial Just closed Pclton was promptl'
acquitted. The grand Jury will Invcstlgati
ho shortages found In the books after Pel
on's discharge.
Drnn-iicil ( iolnpr to Klondike.
OTTUMWA , la. , March 23. ( Special Tele
gram.-CHelroso ) 'Is in mourning for th
hreo young men , August Anderson , M. It
Lemley and Elmer II. Currier , who wer
passengers on the Illfated bark Helen W
Mmy , which sunk Just off San Franclacc
'ho three men are from that city's mos
prominent citizens , and left there 'March I1
or the Klondike. Lemley was a llverymai
and the son of a wealthy hardware merchant
Currier wus the s-an of the leading grali
merchant In 'the ' city and was postmaster o
-lelrose. - Ills brother had charge of th
ofllco during his absence. August Andersoi
vas a wagonmaker.
loiva Iliilvcrxlt.v Commencement.
IOWA CITY , la. , March 23. ( Speclal.- )
Thc spring commencement of the depart
ments of medicine , pharmacy and dentlstr ;
f the Iowa State university will bo held thl
vcek and next. Thcro are sixty-six candl
dates for degrees in the dental department
ifty-thrco In the medical department , elgh
n the pharmacy department , eight in tbj
lomeopathlc department and two In tin
rained nurse department.
Trying to Save Money.
SIOUX OITY , March 23. ( l-peclal. ) Th
members of the city council of Sioux CIt
are wrestling with a problem to save $20,00
his year In the annual expenses of the city
This means there must bo retrenchment , li
all of the offices. A number of deputyshlp
vill fbo abolished and salaries will bo cu
everywhere possible. The city treasurer wll
> o put on a salary and the other offices wi !
find the force very- materially reduced.
Truer Gctii a Good Job.
SIOUX CITY , la. , March 23. ( Special Tele
ram. ) Ed Knott , United States marshal fo
the northern district of Iowa , has appolnte
Jacob A. Tracy of this city as his deput
tor this division , to succeed deorgo Llewel
yn , who has occupied the position of deput
marshal for the last four years. Deput
Marshal Tracy has lived In Sioux City fo
several years , having been In business her
as a barber.
1'rollt Shnrlni ; Plan.
SIOUX CITY , March 23. ( ( Speclal.- ) .
Sloux City Is to have a business hous
operated on the profit-sharing plan. It I
one of the largest houses In the city , bu
until the plans are completed the name c
.he promoters are withheld. The Idea Is t
offer shares of stock in the concern to th
public at $100 per share , the stockholders t
receive interest on the investment and to b
entitled to a discount on all purchases madi
CEDAR UAPIDS , la. , March 23. ( Specli
Telegram. ) Justice Whittam handed dow
hla decision In the case of the State again :
John Tenney , who had a preliminary hearln
on last Saturday on a charge of assault wit
Intent to maim and disfigure. He found tt
evidence not sufficient to warrant holdln
him to the grand Jury and ordered his dli
charge. '
ANITA , la. , March 23. ( Special. ) Le'
. a boy 16 years old , broke into a stoi
last Sunday and secured a quantity of cand ;
cigars and small articles and was soon aftc
found complacently eating the candy. H
confessed and Implicated several other bo )
of the town. There had been a number <
small robberies lately.
IOTTIIe 'Mutex. .
The Toledo electric light company wl
furnish lights for the Indian school bulldln
The pcoplo ot Buffalo Center will have t
opportunity soon to vote on a water wor !
A Museatlne man was made very sick 1
eating a chicken1 which upon cxamlnatli
was said to bo Infected with cholera.
The proposition to levy a tax of | 15,0
at Clinton to bo used in building a ne
school house carried at the recent election.
The proposition to bond New Sharon I
$8,500 for a period of twenty years for tl
purpose ot establishing water works Is b
ing urged.
The school superintendent of Esthervll
Is planning for a series of educational mcc
lugs in which he hopes to bring togeth
the parents and teachers and discuss maters
tors of Interest to both.
Vlnton's new school house will conta
seven school rooms and Is estimated to co
$21,000. The rcof Is to 'bo of slate and tl
building completely wired and plumbed f
electric light and water.
One of the oldest men In Floyd county
John Blum , who will bo 90 years old <
Tuesday next. Ho was born In Germany
1808 , served in the German army und
King William III , end was later a iserva
at the palace of King William IV. Ho cat
to this country In the 40s , has been twl
married and la the father of eleven chlldrc
lown I'ren * Comment.
Kcokuk Gate City : A larger acreage
wheat will be sown In Iowa this year tb
for a long time. The prevailing high prl
prompts this Increase.
Marshalltown Tlrnes-Ilepubllcan : Govcrr
Shaw is having a great deal or advlco en t
question of selecting good men ( or offli
And he la very anxious to act upon the bi
of it.
Des Molnes Register : The average crlmli
convictions in this city have numbered a be
100 a year. Dut now we have "had 121 In fl
monthci and nine-tenths of them have coi
from the Whltechapcl district. After t
election Is over wo hope to see that dlstr
as it now exists abolished. U should ha
been done long ago. There is no use
forcing crime lit tiot houses.
Sioux City Journal : All the way fn
Seattle comes a popocratlc wall over tbo i
cent suspension of a Sioux City savings bat
coupled with an inquiry as 'to what pa
Is responsible tn < l a lot of Insanity over t
questlcn of standard. The causes of t
suapccalon of the bank In question are w
understood. A receivership was asked I
and ordered for the protection of all I
tereets. U does not appear that anyone TV
lose a dollar , and It Is believed to bo certc
that no depositor 'Will lose anything. U '
simply a matter of business a matter , the
( ore , of which the ordinary poperatlc how
hM not the remotest conception. . ,
Board of Control Bijl aGoas Through thi
fc'enate _ Again.
it ' ' !
Great HtiNtle on thc.J'nrt of Ilnwkcyi
I'olltlcIniiM ti ( . , Secure 1'lacen
on the Hoard ThuH
DES MOINES , March 23. ( Special Tele
gram , ) The board of control bill came U ]
In the senate again this morning and In i
few minutes was finally passed and read :
for the governor's signature. When the bll
was called up the ways and means commit
tee reported In favor of concurrence In al
of the eight amendments which the nous
had adopted. None of them were Importan
except that giving the board of control su
pcrvlsory authority over the educational In
stltutlons. The amendments were promptl ;
adopted and the bill placed on Its passage
receiving twenty-nine votes , with eight litho
the negative. Trewln and Palmer , who ha
previously voted against the bill , on this rol
call supported It. Several who had prcvl
ously voted In the negative refrained fror
The bill being finally passed , all Intcrea
was centered In the questions concerning th
ari'olntments to the three places on th
board. Governor Shaw was reported by thos
who saw him on the subject this afternoo
to bo still uncertain whom he would recotn
mend. The only appointment which by gen
ral agreement Is reasonably certain Is tha
f John Cownle of Iowa county. Mr. Cownl
s president of the State Fair association , a
xtenslvo farmer and business man , who las
ear was a candidate for governor and ha
onsldorablc support In hla own district , th
econd. The appointment Is regarded as a
xcellent one.
This morning the friends of Horace M
: ebok of Tama City presented his case t
10 governor , urging his appointment as th
emocratlo member. Kebok Is editor of th
'ama Democrat and came with excellen
ecommendatlons. His case was prcsente
y Cato Sells of Vlnton , who spent two hour
tlth the governor. In the afternoon It wa
Ivcn out that the governor had dropped Mt
lebok from the list of possibilities. C. II
loblnson of Des Molnes was until yestcrda
cuarded as the leading democratic candl
ate , but today It Is said the governor Is les
avorablo to him and likely to name a ma :
ho thus far has been little heard of , bu
ho It will bo Is not known. The appoint
lent of J. G. Hutchlnson of Ottumwa as on
f the republicans Is still being urged by th
rleuds of the bill , but the governor has nc
idlcatcd whether ho will grant the request
'ho friends of J. A. King of Nevada ar
taking a strong fight and It Is claimed tha
tin ? stock Is In the ascendant today.
Other candidates who arc consldere
mons the leaders are : Democrats , L. C
lnne , Des Molnes ; S. ll'f Mallory , Charlton
. II. Hunter , W. H' . Wheeler , M. L. Carper
er , Des Molnes ; republicans. Spencer Smltl
Council Bluffs ; Frank T. Campbell , H. li
'eachout , G. L. Godfrey- Des Molnes ; H. I
Vatcrman , Ottumwa ; ex-Senator Lewis
Jlarlnda ; S. T. Meservey , Fort Dodge ; Mai
'arrott. Waterloo ; Dr. J. I. HornlbrooV
Cherokee ; Jed Lake , Independence ; J. I
llck , Bedford ; R. A. St. John. Ricevllle.
Candidates for secretary of the board wh
vlll bo elected by that body are ; A. I !
Javlson. nock Rapidsr ; Julian nichardi
Vaterloo ; E. A. Cohslgney , Avoca ; C. I
Longley , Waterloo.
Numerous nnluiporant | bills , largely (
ocal Interest , passed' ' both houses today an
Yood progress was made In clearing the ca'
ndars preparatory to aUournment , which I
tactically assured on Thursday of nes
The appropriations committees arc stl
unsettled as to what "they will give th
Omaha exposition and the Cherokee asylurr
therwlso their work Is practically con
iletcd. -
School Election Content.
LEMAHS , la. , March 23. ( Special. ) A col
est over 'the election lor school treasurer :
Akron has been commenced. At the re-cei
ilectlon there , were 182 votes cast for tl
tffice of treasurer , of which B. Ross recelvi
)0- and E. A. Fields 92. Rcse , .In . tils not I
of contest , alleges that two of the women '
Akron voted for his opponent and that 01
llegul Vote was also cost for his oppcner
The date ifor hearing the .contest . baa bei
set for April 13.
Commit * Suleldp.
ATLANTIC. la. , March 23. ( Special. ) '
ohn Johnson , a farmer near Oumberlan
his county , committed sulcldo by bangl :
ast evening. He leaves a wife and s
hlldren. the oldest 21 , the youngest
months. He was heavily Involved financial !
GLENiWOOD , la. , March 23 , ( Special. )
While John Tubbs , the sheriff's son , w
'ceding the prisoners at noon at the coun
all Charlie Dunn , a wheat thief , got 1
him and escaped. iDunn was awaiting tl
action of the grand jury.
School Ilunril Reorganized.
CRESTON , la. . March 23. ( Special. ) Tl
Crcston school board has been reorganlzi
jy the election of D. Davenport as preelden
to succeed W. W. Bradford. t
I faave a little boy who was nearly tie ;
rom an attack of whooping cough. J >
neighbors recommended Chamberlain's Cout
Remedy. I did not think that any mcdlcl
would help him , but after giving him a fe
doses of that remedy I noticed an improv
ment , and one bottle cured him entirely.
s the best cough medicine I ever had In tl
louse. J. L. Moore , South Burgettstow
Washington county. Pa.
The Weekly Hee.
The Weekly Bee and New York Trlbu :
for 90 cents a year. You can have tl
Weekly Bee sent back to the old homo ai
advertise the west and the exposition at
aave the Tribune sent to your address. Gl
your order to a carrier or leave at this ofilc
lHcoiiHln 11 ml Colorado Elicit Trjli
to Avoid IlenuoiiHllillIty.
MADISON. WIs.fMarch 23. Wlscons
and Colorado arc having a ccntest over t'
disposition of an Insaflu man named Osc
Hake. Richard QunlhoV , a member of t
Board of State Contrpl,31eft for Colorado I
day to make an invwtlgatlcn.
It appears Hake was. a former citizen
Wisconsin -and moVed * to Colorado twel
years ago , where he'raised a family. Ser
time ago while In Cfo'.qrado ho became I
Mrs. A. H. Crosby , of ISBKerrRt
Memphis , Term. , paid noattentio
to a small lump in her breast , bu
it soon develope
into a cancer c
CURED BY the most umlif
nant type. Tli
best physician
In New York treated her , and fir
ally declared her case hopelcs :
As a last resort , 8. S. 8. was givei
and an immediate improvement re
eulted ; ft few bottles
tles cured her
completely , and
no sign of the dis sss
ease has return
ed ( or ten years.
Books on Cancer free ; addrcu Bwl
Co. , JLUacu , Qa.
eanp , nnd was lodged In the state nsylurn At
Pueblo , from which ho was discharged as
Ho came to Wlscocsln , nnd In a short
tlmo was adjudged Insane aga'.u an ] was re
turned to Colorado. The authorities of that
state refuse to accept him , alleging ho does
not belong to that state. H may be neces
sary to refer the matter to the federal courts
for adjustment.
Thousands of suffercro from grippe have
been restored to health by One Mlnuto Cough
Cure. It quickly cures coughs , colds , bron
chitis , pneumonia , grippe , asthma and all
throat and lung diseases.
I.nnixe Dlxaiiix-nr * , nnil 1)1-
vori'p I'rtiotMMtliiKH Are HOKUM.
LONDON , March 24. The Vienna corre
spondent of the Dally News says :
Th.o sudden departure from the Rlvcrln
of Princess Louise of Saxe-Gotha Coburg
eldest daughter of King Leopold of Bolglun ;
end wife of Prince Philip of Saxo-Coburj
Qotha , with the simultaneous disappear
ance of Lieutenant Mattachlch-Ki-glevltcl ;
( with whom Prince Philip recently fotighl
a duel ) , Is now developing In such n man
ner that It Is Impossible to maintain th <
original resolution to preserve secrecy.
At Coburg pa'aco ' the wheretfoouts of tht
princess are unknown. She had money ad'
dressed to her butler at Monte Carlo , am'
'It Is assumed that rJio Is now In Purls
Steps have been taken a't ' Gotha , by ordei
of the reigning duke , whoso consent wet
necessary , to obtain a Judicial separation
By the emperor's express wish the proceed
ings will not occur In Vienna.
At the same time It will bo sought to place
the princess under guardianship as a spend
thrift. Prince Philips' advertisement In
Paris that ho would not be responsible foi
his wife's debts was Just In time to prevent
her ralslnc a loan on the security of her
A curious feature of the case was an at
tempt made to suppress the advertisement
through the telephone by the unwarranted
use of the name of the secretary of the Aus
trian ambassy , Count Bcrchtold.
of SullHlmry KxiirexmeN n lie-
Mlrc > to KcslKii.
LONDON , March 24. T'he Dally Chronicle
says :
We learn that the long cabinet council on
Monday was to consider an Intimation from
the marquis of Salisbury of his desire , actIng -
Ing under medical advice , to resign both the
premiership and the foreign secretaryship.
Our novvs Is obtained from a source usually
trustworthy , but the crisis may take a few
weeks to develop , the queen being abroad.
Lord Salisbury's successors are almost cer
tain to be the duke of Devonshire as premier
and A. J. Dalfour as secretary of state for
foreign affairs.
Clilnn WniilH It Cotinfrrxluncil Iiy
Kranec a ml Gerinnny.
LONDON , March 24. The Nagatakl corre
spondent of the Dally IMatl rays :
"China , it Is reported , refuses to accept
Russia's pledge that the occupation of Porl
Arthur will not be permanent , unless the
document is countersigned by Franco ami
Germany ; but It Is believed that If It does
not accede to the Russian demands before
Saturday next , Russia intends to seize Porl
Arthur ami Ta-Lten-Wan , and to hoist the
Russian Hag there. "
Selicnrk nnd III * DUc-overy.
( Copyright , liOS. by Press I'ubllwUnR Company. ]
VIENNA , .March 23. ( New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram. ) I'eaw Dr ,
Schenck this morning and asked him whethei
the countess of Warwick had been under hla
treatment. He replied : "I don't know whc
the countess of Warwick is , neither have 1
heard her uamo before. "
"Have you treated any member of the
British aristocracy ? "
"No. I have never treated any one out ol
Austria. I am now engaged on a case which ,
If successful , will create a sensation. "
Simln ApiiriilM to Frnnoc.
LONDON , March 24. The Vienna corre
spondent of the ( Standard says :
I am credibly Informed that Spain has informally -
formally inquired at Paris whether France
as Us largest creditor and traditional friend
would either alone or in conjunction will
other powers , mediate at Washington , am
also whether it Is possible to place a Spanlsl
loan In France.
AVcsley Coclirim Kill * Mm. Gertli
Woodward nn < l Hliimelf.
ATWOOD , Kan. , March 23. Wesley Coch
ran , Jr. , a young man of good family , cut hi :
throat with a razor today , dying almost in
A few minutes after ho was found dylnj
Without n Peer Work * Miracle *
Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart Is with
out a peer. This great remedy relieves In
stantly the most aggravated end dlstrcsslni
forms of heart disease. It Is the surest am
quickest acting formula far heart troubl
known to medical science and thousands o
times has the hand of the grim destroye
been stayed by Its use. If there Is 1'alpita
tlon. Shortness of Breath. Pain In Left Side
Smothering1 Sensations , don't delay or yoi
may be counted In the long list of those wh
have gone over to the great majority be
cause the best remedy in the world toda-
was not promptly use < l. Kuhn & Co. , IBti
and Douglas tits. Sherman & McConnel
Drug Co. , 1513 Dodee St.
Mrs. Gcrtlo Woodward , daughter of the rd-
Itor of the Atwood Citizen , was found In the
doer of the newspaper office , where die had
been shot down She- died tonight , after
fiaylng Cochrnn did the shooting ,
A short time before the d'scovery of the
suicide of Cochrnn , It Is said that ho was
seen runnlns from the direction of the Clt-
Izrn office toward his home , whore he was
The cause of the eutcldo nnd murder Is not
known. Qtrs. Woodward and young Cochrau
wcro children together.
Arnold's Ilromo Celery cures headaches.
lOc , 25c and JOc. All drugglats.
I'lillniloliililn linn it * .Hfiimillon Involv
ing I.oral rolltleliitiN.
PHILADELPHIA , March 23. What prom-
Iscs to develop Into the ugliest political
scandal ever Inflicted on this city was re
vealed In court hero today when one member
of the council confessed the acceptance of a
bribe , another was accused of a like offecse ,
and two others \vero charged with offering
the bribe- ! .
The whole affair grows out of the ordi
nance offered In the council to lease the city
water works to the Schuyiklll Valley Water
company and the alleged attempt by Nelson
Q. Green of New York , representing the
company , to obtain a favorable report from
the water committee by the payment of be
tween ? 1G,000 cud $25.000.
During recent consideration of the bill In
common council , "Walter 0. Stevenson , a
member of that body , charged that $5,000 had
been offered to him by Peter K. Smith , a
member of the republican city committee , to
vote for the bill.
A councllmanlc Investigation committee
waa appointed end Is still at work , but Dis
trict Attoiney Graham promptly took up the
case , and Smith was held In $10,000 ball , and
today's sensational developments came at his
hearing before Judges Gordon and Bregy. of
the common pleas court. As a consequence
of this hearing Smith's ball In thu same
amount was continued , and his trial has been
set for next Tuesday.
Another councilman , L. J. Walker , de
clared that he and Councilman Edwin E.
Smith had each accepted ? 5,000 from Coun
cilman Charles Segcr to vole for the bill In
committee. He also averred that Couicllman
J. E. Uyram had previously offered him
$5,000 to vote for the bill In chamber , but
he had refused the money acid voted
against It.
The court will resume the Investigation
next Monday. The exposure has created a
profound sensation.
There is no better exercise for a young
woman In thoroughly good health than
bicyclingOn the contrary , if she. Buffers
from weakness or disease of the distinctly
feminine organs , if she rides , at till , such
exercise should be very sparingly inelulRcd
in. Women arc peculiarly constituted and
tlicir Rcneral licalth is peculiarly dependent
upon the health of the specially feminine
It is the health of these delicate and im
portant parts that "makes the wheels of
general health go round. " Their strength
and vigor arc as important to a woman ns a
mainspring to a watch , or a sprocket and
chain to a bicycle. Dr. Picrce's Favorite
Prescription is the best of all medicines foi
delicate women. It makes them strong-
where they most need strength. Taken
" interval " it banishes
during tlie "interesting ,
ishes the usual squcamishncss and makes
baby's admission to the world easy and al
most painless. It fits a woman for in-dpor
work and out-door sports. Honest druggists
don't advise substitutes.
" I cannot say enough In praise of Dr. Tierce's
Favorite Prescription , ns U has undoubtedly saved
ray life , " writes Mrs. Florence Hunter , of Corley.
Logan Co. , Ark. " I miscarried four times ; could
get no medicine to do me any good. I tried the
' I'ax-orlte Prescription' nnd after taking several
bottles , I made my husband a present of a
fine girl. I think it is the best medicine in
the world. "
A man or woman wlio neglects constipa
tion suffers from slow poisoning. Doctor
Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure constipa
tion. One little "Pellet" is a gentle laxa
tive , and two a mild cathartic. All medi
cine dealers.
Have your clothes neatly cleaned , pressed
and repaired , ready ( or spring. Suits made
to order. First class work and low prices.
For sale , cheap , ten-aero tract of land ,
cor. MndUon and Uennett avenues. Council
Bluffs. C. S. Lc-fferts , 200 Main street.
FAIIM 1,0.YXS I'M Hi ; I.\SlillAXCE _
SUUITY no\nsioAve t iintcs.
AU surety bonds executed at my ofllce.
U.10 Main Street Council UluflM.
No Man.
. . .
Is well dressed this spring who doesn't
wear a Covert Cloth Top Coat. The
newcoat [ ] for Spring is cut short box
back and fly front a stylish looking
garment. There is no reason why
every man shouldn't have one at least
price shouldn't stand in the way. We
will sell you an all-wool Covert Cloth
Coat , made up with good linings , sewed
good and cut to fit , for
Eight Dollars and Fifty Cents.
Met calf Bros. ,
18 AND 20 MAIN ST. - . - 17 AND 19 PEARL ST.
It is the best Itnown remedy
for Indigestion , Dyspepsia
and all similar troubles , It
will restore yon to health ,
Do not let yonr druggist or
grocer peranado you to
take other than Duffy's.
Send for pamphlet to
Rochester , NY. .
One-Half Cent
with every 10-ccnt purchase. That's what
our premium checks are , and you can got
anything yea vaut for them , from a tint
trumpet to an organ or a piano , providing"
you get enough checks. Our PHEM1UM
eticcks are worth the cash a ul OUR MEATS
are the best and as cheap as any place la
the city. Try the
Blue front Market ,
1.10 W. Hrondway , 'Phone , ! JS2.
2t : llryiuit St. , Onii City IliilldliiE.
Runs between Council Bluffa and Omaha.
Now In effect. For prompt delivery , call on
Wm. Welch. Bluffs 'phone. 12S ; Omaha
'phone , 7SO. RATES LOW. For carriage or
express wagon , call at No. 8 North Main
street or above telephones.
One Mil Thurimliiy , March S-t.
James A. Hernes' beautiful comedy dranxi
Presented by a flno company of players ,
with entire new scenery nnd many unlqua
realistic novelties. A superb production
guaranteed. Prices $1.00 , 75c , 50c and 23c.
Seats now on sale.
The New York nnd London Laughing Success ,
"Hotter than 'Chnrlcya Aunt' nnil funnier than
My Fried from India. ' " Hanson City Journal.
. . . .ITepentcU by the drent nnd Only. . . .
Prices Jl.CO , "jc , 6Co nnd 2Cc. Seats on sals
Thursday morning nt 9 o'clock.
A Ulff Specialty Cant with THOMAS J. IlYAJt
A Hired Qlrl.
Written nnd produced l - chus. U. nlnney. tha
ninn who made Railroad Ticket , HnirEaKe check.
A Boy Wnnted. etc. . famous.
I'llICES-TSc 50c 33c 25o.
Seats on eale Friday , 0 o'clock a. m ,
16 Penrl Street.
JG3.00 per month 18 Penrl etreet , store room.
HO.OO per month 4 1'tarl ( street , next to Pere '
gcy'a clear btore. i
| 23 00 per month-Cherry Hill , ID-room house and
1 acre , fruit and garden. '
J15.00 per month 1011 llroailwny , store room.
JS.CO per month 1323 Pleasant street , elx-roonk
8.00 per month-ISO nidge street , large Blx-roomr
l ° fen PsF rnORth Avcnu D & 15th trcet , two
5.CO per manth-SUt Bt. , near Broadway , threa
"iio i" montl' 81ii Avenue II , threc-roora
134 acres fenced bottonT"lan.l : will build new
IIOUEO nnd barn for leBjJontlblo tenant : < 2.5 >
per ucre.
107 acres Eouthcnat of Woodbine , llarrlion
county ; good ImprovemcntB ; J2.SO.
30-acre farm near Council lllurti , I120.CO pet
IJ-acre eardcn tract , close In , J100.CO per year.
Good fnrni for tale or trafle cheap ; will laku
farm" , city property ! or live itock In parl
payment. Wrlto for llela or apply to
Ovtr 16 Penrl Strett.
landt for tale or rent. Day & Ucn , 3 Pearl
flICU !
If mi Iftl ' ' "truction. . Albln Huiter. itujia
YIULlIl HS "roartwair. German method
" " * " of Dresden Conservatory.
5c-Charles Sumner Cigar-5c
Dealer Made Who AiMireclute for * Supplied Truile a bj Good Smoke . , John Q. Woodward & Co. , SIOWA