Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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Tfeathor and War the Forces of Strength
Echini ] the Markets ,
Saint * IiiMiicniM- ( TV els Corn anil Ontsi ,
llolli Cliislnir HlKliirVlillc
I'riivlMlonit Ilciiinlii
CIIICACJO. Mirch 22-Wcnthcr nnJ war
MobablMtlos W6r the chief factors In to-
clny'rf market. Knars of damagi * from
the freor.lriK temperature rapidly Hprnidlng
over the winter wheat belt inniln thu inur-
ket stroni ; throunliout , although the news
from Washington hnd a tondonyy to restrict
trading. May closed H4o hlKher. nnd July
advanced lc. Corn nnd oatH were both
nrfcct - < l by the woiither , and advanced about
Mo each. Provision * wpro very dull and
closed substantially UnchanBi'd.
\Vheut upcncd very firm , though quiet and
tvlth advancoB In cvorythlnff. July started
> io hluhcp at 83l6ftKc and May 4iJ (
lilcher at Sl.OSTM.WK. The cold wave , pre
dicted .Monday , had spread as far south 38
KnnsaH , iwlth freezing temperature In many
localities. , Thu wenthtr bureau jiredlcted
that It .wouUt spread to Illinois and Mis-
hourl , nnd UIP anxiety on this ecoru wan In-
crea'od by the liltrh 'temperature ruling east
of the Missouri river and by the net con
dition cf the Kround. In consequence there
was quite a KCIO ! dEii.incl from shorts a
the opening. Tht > strensth was especla ly
noticeable In .May , as offerings were ver ;
ncarcn In that ; delivery and a BOO : ! deal o
< lllllculty was fttund In cove ring even nmxl
orate lines. Tllft price of May roe ; quite
rapidly to $1.07 , July In the meantime ad
viincliig 13 M % . At those figure * there was
freer realizing by longs , who had taket
property on the recent decline , and who saw
the opportunity of making good prollls , rim
prices slowly cased off. May to Jl.Ofli'i , am
July to bjc. There was another large ad
dition ta the Chicago contract stocks , bu
little attention was paid at first to any
thing but the weather reports. Chicago re
celpts were 327 cars , double the esllmntei
number. Of this big total ill : cars wi-ro o )
contract grade. In addition $2 cars of con
tract wheat were received from mixing
houses , n total of about 21.XOOO bu. North
vest receipts showed a falling off , Mlnne
npolls mid Uuliith reporting Xi ) cars , agalns1
3K ! last week and 410 a yrar ago. I-lver
pool allowed no change at the opening , bu
closed slightly lower. After the declin
mentioned the .market became exceptionally
dull for n time , but about 11 o'clock became
Htrong again on some unfavorab'e news re
gardlng the California , crop. Heavy frosts
were reported In that staid with gieat In
Jury to the crop , which started buying
aRtiln and prices advanced to the forme
lilgh' marks. Selling against "calls" then
caused anothi-r reaction , July declining bj
noon to gj&fiKftaC , and May to $1.00. Ktttl
Kolllng pressuie was evldrnced , and afle
July had declined to SriMffiS.VKc. covering b >
fihortH slarteil prices on"the mend am
strength waa shown to the close. Hrad
street's report of the world's visible whowei
a decrease of'.fMO bu. Atlantic per
c'earances were equal to OK'.OOO bu. July nil
vauced to S.I'dSiRi'c and closed steady at
SJ J/S.V'ic. May closed at Jl.Oii.
Corn was qulc-t but llrm at a little over
yuHtcrduy'H prices. Shorts covered all day ,
Intluenci'd by the bad weather and pros
pects of smaller receipts , and by the
.strength of wheat. Selling was scattered.
May ranged from ZiVic to L'O'.t.e , and closed
> , , TiVic higher nt 20'.if(2Wic. (
Data was quite active early , but slow
later. There wan some Investment buying.
Shorts also bought n good deal. The
weather was an Inllnence. Shippers re
ported peed foreign bids , which was also a
strengthening factor. May ranged from
2rt'ic to 2j"giand closttl10c higher at
The market for provisions was extremely
fiulet. Trade was again restricted by the
uncertainty of the outcome of the Cuban
affair , both buyers and sellers holding off
for this reason. Prices held steady within
a very narrow range , the advance In grain
markets sustaining provision.1) ! At the close
May pork was unchanged at $ ! ) .S7Mi : May
lard , unchanged at J3.10 and May ribs , 2' , c
lower nt J.0."i.
Estimated receipts Wednesday : Wheat ,
173 cars ; corn , 120 cars ; oats , 170 cars ; hogs ,
IW.OOO head.
futures rnngej ns follows :
Articles. . ! Opan. I Illth. | Low. I Cloao j Yeafy
Mny. . . 1 05K 1 07 1 OB l oo
July. . . 83Ji-80 83Hffl ! > <
May , . . SOW 20WCIW
* July. . . SUVj 30fflH (
Sept. . . aumn am 31H
Oats ,
Mny. . . * % 2Mii 20MOM 2SW
July. . .
May. . . 0 87M n 02\ < 0 B5 0 87
July. . . U U7H 0 U7M 0 00 0 03
Mny. . . 5 10 R 10 C 10 5 10 5 10
July. . . 0 17H D 17H 0 17K 5 17W 6 17X
May. . . B os fi or 05 8 07 > <
July. . . 6 10 5 P-'H s 10 G 10 }
No , 2.
C.isn quolallons were as follows :
FI/3UR Hull ; winter patents , Jl.10 5.00
ctrnlghtx , H.IOOI.50 : Hprlng sjioelals , S3.luifi.M
iiprlng pnlents , t' TMfj.lO ; straights , Jl.1031.CO
bakers. J3.Wfi3.90. (
W11BAT No. 2 red. J1.03.
CORN No. 2. 2S % 2SJic.
OATri-No. 2. 2fc f , o. b. ; TCo. 2 white. 23 i0
ft'ic ; No. 3 white. 2sl/4i21 > c.
RYB No. 2 , 4Je.
k. KLAXSBBU-No. 1. J1.17VJOI.20.
TIMOTHY HBBIJ Prime , J2.S2\4. \
PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. , JS.87'i5 ?
K SO. iJird , per 100 1M. , $3.07 5.10. Sliort ribs
Ides ( loose ) . tOOff-5.10. Dry salted sboudera
( boxed ) , J1.7Jff3.W. Short clear sides ( boxed )
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gal.
StHlAHS-Cut loaf , J3.S8 ; granulated , J3.3S.
On the Produce exchange today the buttei
market was steady ; creameries , UtMfc ; dairies
lOUfrlto. fheetc , QiiltUf SijiSV c. KKKS , Heady
8c. Ulve poultry , quiet ; turkeys , 7tDiic | ; chick
ens , kUSHc ; ducks , 7iSc.
KF.W vouic" < ; I.MHAI , MAIIKKT
for tinl > nx oil Grnvrtil
Ni\S' YOP.lf , March 22. ri.OUR-ni'celpts. M ,
S17 bbls. ; exports , 17 , ? H bbls. ; quiet , bul
nrm ; clly mill patents , J3.S5QC.10 ; ellj
mill ck-ars , J5CW3.73 ; winter straluhts ,
( f4. C3 ; Mlnneuita patents , J3.20if3.43 ; winter'
cnti , J4.00S5.50 ; wlntir extras. J3.Wffl,10 ; Mlmie
sola bakrrv , ; ulnlrr low grades , J2.t
ff'.OO. ll ) Hour , dull , Ji.Wli3.:5. lluckwheal
Hour , nomlmil , Jl.0iil.5'\
lll'CKWHIJAT yulet. 43HWIIC.
COH.NMHAl , Dull : yellow wi'stcrn , C9o.
IIYIJ Steady ; No. 3 western , 59c.
I1AHI.KY Dull ; feedlnc. 41Hc.
HAUI..KY MAI.T-Qulft ; western. MfiCSc.
WHKAT Ilecelpts , 148K bu. : exp-ms , 141.S71
bu : cpt , llrm : No. 2. rrd , J1.04j ! f. o. b. nlloa
to arrive ; options opened llrm at V 5Mic ne
advance nnd were stroiiR without exception ul
day. cloiilni ; Utic lift hlKlier ; the advance re
euiteil chletly frnm a severe cold wave west
affecting short inlerestii tn all markets ; March
Sl.03Hifl.04. closed , J1.03U ; May , Jl.OO i. cluted
ll.lM"- .
IXKN Iteceltits , 134,030 bit. ; exports , J10.S7
bu. : spot. stPHdy ; No. 2. 3CHc ; options openei
rtrady and advanced sIlKhtly durlnK the da ]
with wheat and the Inlluenre of larcer clear
ancev closeil ! ie net hlsher : Mny , 3lt 34Hc
closed , 3 < Hc ; July , 33CI33KC , closed. 15c.
OATS Ilevelpts. 17/.W buj exports. 01. 4W bu.
spot , 'lull : No. - 31c ; No. : white , J4c ; op
tlons llrm with the oilier markets , cloning Vt-
wt liluh-r : Miy cloje < l 3 Hc.
I'HUIQulet : bran , 8WS2i4cj irlddllnus , Me
HAY Kisy ; shlpplne , MtfSSc ; goo.1 to choice
HOI rt Quiet : state cammon to choice. ISO
crop. 4 c.lM' : crop. 7ilc ; 1S57 crop , KOISc
Iific | ! const. 1S93 crop , 41/Ec ; 1S > 6 crop , 6 10 =
1537 crop , 170 ISc.
IIIDis : Klrnu Oilvfston , 1514o ; Texas dry
lie ; California. UViliUlic.
, n.\TMiil- Jy. hfulock sole , Bueno
Ayrt-s. 201J20UC ,
WOOL-Quli-lj llcece. J7 T2Jc : Texas. 12 15e.
I'UOVISIOXS lleef. steady ; family. JU.2J
11.75 : extra mes . J8.&OQ9.00 : beef hams , SJJ.M
iiM.OO : packrt , lOSjllc. Cut meats , steady
nlrkted bellies , JJ.e.'ViflS DO ; pickled fhou
der . J4.WH462iJ : pickled lianis. IT.tXiO 7.7J. lr <
easy : ueftrrn ktritmed , J3.4 ; rrllned , rdet
1-ork. nieis. J9.750 10.00 : short clear. J10.Mai : . to
> .f nilly. tll.WCH.W ) . Tallow , steady ; city ,
ll-UiUSc : country , J ltJ ic , as to quality.
Od J T'lrokum , dull. Ilosln. stead ]
trained , common to eood , Jl.tJi ! M.4l. Turp r
llnw. quiet. 33ViC. Cottonseed oil , dull : prim
crude. l 4BOo ; prime crude , ' . o. h. mills , Hi
Ifttc ; prime summer yellow , 224nt3c ; oft sun
nier yellow , tia\ \ butter oil , SiU o ; prune wlnti
. .
HICK-nrui ; fair to extra , IVi&CUc ; Japat
TabljAfWES Firm : New Orleans , open kettli
ootl to choice , IfttJJc.
MI-n'AI.S Nearly all departments showed di
elded steadiness sea In today , slthouBh builnei
was limited to comparatively rmalt proportion ;
At tl close the metsl exchanE > called pie Ire
warrant * very dull at J0.75 bid snj M 85 askcil
r | ka txaipev-very aulot at JtU ; ft .Ud and llfj
.r.M * 4 : tfor steady nt J14.SO bUii414.49 , a k d
* - ' ' Hl c , stMdy at | 4.M bid and fi. ! ; lea <
nrm at J.7tH bid and J3.SO anked. The nrm
ilnit the K-ttllnir price for miners and smelters
uutes lead nt U.iO.
HUTTiU Ilecelpts. tl.tM plcsi. : market quletj
p lern creamery , 1S015C ; logins , Uc ; factory ,
: oiulltliin of Trinli * nnd { | iiolnlloiiM on
Mtiiplo nnil KMIICJI'roilneo. .
KOQ3 Otxxl stock , 8c.
IIUTTHH U > mmon to fair. Dffllc : separator
reami-ry , 2Cc ; gathered creamery , ISJJIC .
Vi\I.-Cholco : fat , SO to ' 120 Iti ? , qtloted nt 59
a ; larRo and ourso , M17c. ' "
Vi : 1-OUI/THY Chlckenw , 5&86c ; old rooft-
er , 3c : ducks , 7c , , - .1
UA.MK Mallards , J3.Wt3.2S : teal , tl.ZVin Mj
.rants , t.MQ3.0 ; Canadian secw , JI.503C.W ;
nlxcd , tl Bftl.M.
PIOiONS Live , It ; dead plifon * not wnnlml ,
lIAV-liplnnd. JO ; ml. . Han. . I , J3 ; lowliin.l , Sl..V ;
yn stniw , JI.W ; color makes the price on hay :
iKht hales sell the best ; only top ( fn'des bring
op prices.
CKM-illY Ooo l stork , larpp , 5)CJ ) Bm.ill , Jjff
ON10NM Per bu. , Jl.WSfUO.
lIKANS-lliind-tilckfd navy , per bu. , tl.iSni.30.
HWBKT POTATOCH Kanmis , 10-peck bbls. ,
( AIlllAOK-Oortl Block , per lb. , MR'.ic.
POTATOES Home grown , u035Cu ; ColornJo
itock , 7Uc.
TOMATOK8 Per crate , seven baskets , I.M9 !
! . .
HTiiAViii.nitns-Per : si-qt. case ,
APPI.KH Winter stock. J3.iNf(3.50 ( ; California
llellclleur , boxen , tt.Ji ) ; Colorado Jonathans ,
> ox s , J1.73 ; Nebraska , bnxps , J1.25.
( . UANIiilUlixKanoy ! : : .IciTey , per bbl. , J10.
UIIAPKH Mnlngns , J5.0iHf .00.
OIIANni S Callfnrnln naVcls , J3.75SJ3. < ; fancy
sri'dllngs , J2.50 ; i-holce , J2.23.
I < BMoNS-4'allfiirnla , fancy , 13.73 ; choice , J2.M ;
fancy Miwslna , J3.00'd3.5' ) .
1IANANAH Choice , lartce stock , per bunch ,
t2.001f2.3 ! ! ; medium sized bundles , J1.73JJ2.UO.
NUTS Almonds , per lb. , large size , 12rtl3c ;
small , lie ; llrazlls , per lb. , SJJWc ; Bullish wal
nuts , per lb , , fanny soft shell , lOHllc ; standards ,
SfiU ? ; nihertR , per lb. , lOc ; pecans , jiollshed ,
medium , C17c ; extr.i lar e , SIlUc ; larcc hickory
nuts , Jl. 0001. 10 per bu. ; unall , Jl.2391.3i per bu ;
eocoamus , per 100 , Jl.uO ; peanuts , raw , Ji3&c :
rruttcd , Ci6iic.
KllAUT Per Dbi , , J3.CO ; half bbl. . J3 23.
MAl'UJ HYJ1U1' Hve-gul. can. eaeli , J2.75 ;
K l. cans , pure , ppr doz. , J12.0) ) ; halt-eat , cans ,
J > 1.23 ; qunrt cans , J3.50.
DATICS-JIalloncc , 60 lo 70-lb boxes , Oijc ;
alr. So ; Kard , 9-lb. boxes , 9a.
CIDBIl Per half bbl. , J3 00 ; bbl. , J5.CO.
DIIKHHWD JIKBP-Oowl native steers , C'Jc ;
( rood foicciuarters steer ? , uVic ; Kood hindquarters
stceis , Sic ( ; wcEtern strerf , CJc ! ; fancy heifers ,
oHc ; good heifer ? , C : ; Rood forequarters hclfcrp ,
3c ; gDod hlmlaunltcrs helfors , Sc ; good cows
3c ; fair cows. 5Uc
; cow foroquurlers , 4&c ; uov
nlndquartcri , 7V4c.
1IKBF rUTS-HnnsIng tenderloins , 4Uc ; ribs ,
So. 1 , lie ; ribs , No. 2 , Sc ; ribs , No. 3 , C'/ic ;
otindH , No. 1 , 7Jic ; rounds. No. I , cic ? :
ounds , No. 3 , ( Hie ; trlmmlng , HJc ; beef shanks
; brains , per doz. , S..q ; sweetlnead ? , ppr lb ,
sides. Sc : calf head imd feet , scalded , per set
7uc ; tt'iidorlolnc. frejh , ISc ; tenderloins , frozen
l..c ; bonclPfB strlp , flesh , OHc ; boneless strlpa
frozen , 9o ; ftrln loins , fresh , 7Hc ; strip loins
frozen , Cic ! ; mils , li-uinles * , Sllc ; rolls , pppncor
cuts , ! c ; sirloin butt ? , boneless , 9c : Fhoul.lor
lods. boneless , GUc ; rump butts , boneless. Mic'
to. I chucks , Cc ; No. 2 chucks , 44c. ! ' ; No. 3
otel style , 4 < ! above loins ; cow loin , ends , 5c :
toer loin. Pnd ? , 9c.
Ml'TTON" Kancy limbs Jc Per lb. ; Iambi
c ; sheep , 7c : market racks , lonir , ac ; hotel
IICKR , short. Ilo ; loins , 9c : saddle" VaIc - < Do'
amlw leis , Iflo ; breads and stews , SHc ; tonaue '
ach 3c ; for > viuiirters , .I'ic. "
POIIK-Dressed pics , iji/jp per Ib.j ilrerfieil hosa ,
V4c ; tenderloins , lie ; loins , short , CHc ; lone , w
liarn rllis. 3c ; hum sausaRp butts. ; yc : Ilo ton
nittH , GWc ; nhouldfrs , roiisli , 5c ; Khonlder ! "
klnned , 5V4c ; trlmmliiBS , 4ijc ; leaf lard , not
cmlerod , 6iJc : hrnds. cleaned , 4c ; notits and
ar , 3c ; nockbnnes , 2c ; chefk meat , 4c ; pics'
nlla , 3c ; plucks , each , 5c ; chltterllnRS , Cc ; hocks ,
c ; hearts * , per doz. , 23c ; stomachs , cacli , 3e-
ongue ? , each , 7c ; kidneys , per doz. , lOc ; brains ,
icr doz. , 15c ; plus , feet , per doz. , 30c ; llveis ,
iach , 3c ; hop rlndi , 3c ; blailo bones , Gc.
HIDES , TALLOW , irrc.
1HDI3S No. 1 Rreon hides , 74c ; No. 2 green
hldM. Ci,4c ; No.xl sallod hides , 9c : No. 2 Rrwn
alteil hides , Ser No , 1 veal calf , S to 12 Ibs. , lOc ;
S'o. 2 veal calf , 12 to 13 Ibs. . Sc.
irjfla butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight ,
{ ? 3e ; dry Hint , Kansas nnd Nebraska murrain
vool pells , per lb. , actual welKht , 3 > 54c ; dry
lint Colorado butcher wool polls , per lb. , actual
velRlit , 483c ; dry Hint Colorado murrain wool
OltK , per lb. , actual weight , 3f4o.
TAMW. . C.RF.ASB. I-rTC. Tallow , No. 1. 3j ?
3Uo : tallow , No. 2 , 3c ; roiiRh tallow , H c ; white
2i62c ! ; yellow and brown grease ,
2 c.
. FURS Rear Oilack or brown ) , J3,0' < ? 20.00 ; otter ,
Jl.OOiJ3.CO ; mink , loJJCOc ; beaver , Jl.0rtff6.00 ;
skunk , 15e , 2."c , GOe : muskrat , 9f , fie , 7c : raccoon ,
5JJ90o ; red fox , 2ScJ1.23 ; gray fox. UQSOc : wolf ,
timber ) , 23cf-J2DO : wolf ( prairie coyote ) , lOiTCOc :
wildcat , K@23c ; badger , W40e ; silver fox , JJO.Oi
St. IionU ni-nornl .tlurUetM.
ST. I.OUIS , March 2S PIX1U II Weaker ; pat
nts. i.70fl-4. s : > ; KtrolRhts , Jt.3iR4.20 ; clear , J4.00
O4.23 ; medium , J3.50W3.7fi.
WHEAT Illnhcr , cioslnx ? 4c for Slay anil lc
for July above yesterday , with the market strong
; and advancing ; spot hlcher ; No , 2 red , cash
; elevator , 9 c ; track , 9SjISSTJc ; March , 9S'Jc : May
; S9Uc ; July , SSHc ; Septcanber , 7G'Jc ; No. 2 hard
cash. fllUffMe.
COUN Firmer , with' Slay Mft ic and Julv ' , lc
lKivn yestenluvj spot , firm ; .No. 2. cash. 26ie
Maix-h , 2CTic ; May , 27c bid ; July , 2S'lc ; Scjvtem
1 > er. 29Hc.
OATH Futures stromrtr and small fractions
ildier : ppot hlRher : No. 2. capb. MUpj track
2 < 545T27Uo : March , 26'ic ; May , 26Viff2C5c ; July
23'VJ : No. 2 white. 23o.
, UYB Klrm nt 4S'iq hid ,
FI.AXSKBD Nonilnal at J1.I1.
. TIMOTHY BEBD Prime. JJ.R3 Tt.9' ! ' > .
HAY Firm for choice grades ; prairie , $8.00 ?
, 8.23 : timothy. J3.oOiflO.75.
IllITTBU Htendy ; crentner13ffl9 5c ; dairy
9Jr.c. .
I. ria Steady at 8 > ic.-
WHISKY l 20.
MKTAIJ ? Lend , firm at 15.5333. 57U. Spelter
lull nt ' < Hfkeil.
PnOVISION ? Pork , oiilPt ; standard mes . toh
l > lnc , J-1.S7U. Iird. niilet ; pr'me ' steum , J4 02K
r > inl"e , J. . Hoxivl moats , bacon , shoulders , J3 1i
, > 3.2J : etlrR short clear. JS.M'4 : rlh . JS 75
, BhoH , J'l. H ; dry salted shoulders. Jt : .Ofl4. < W
o tra short clear , JS.12VJ ; ribs. J3.23 ; shorts
ItITRlPT3-Floiir. 4.000 bhli ; wheat. 14,00
. liii. : corn. 49.W ( ) bn. ; ontn. Ifi.fKV ) bu.
SIIIPMRNTft Flour. 7.0M hl.1i. ; wl. at , 5ftK (
bu. ; corn , lis.con bu. : onts , 22.doo bu.
llnlllmorc Mnrkpt.
. HAT/nMOTlR , March 22. FLOUn-Qulet ; west
ern , superfine , JI.7Mi3.10 ; woslern , extra , '
„ 4.PO ; western , family , JI.30I.GO ; winter wheat
iwtcnts , tl.73f3.0 < ) ; spring patpuls , f. > . ! 0r.-i.40i
fprlng wbp.-it stralKht. J3.00f5.15 ; receipts , S.OCS
' Mil * ; exports. 21.S4S bbls.
WIIBAT-Oul't ; spot nnd month.
May. 9 sic iJI.Ofl ; steamer No. t red.
rocolpts. Wr > 84 bu. ; exnnrt . ni.OOO hu. ; southern
wheat , 1 > V rumple , OCoifJl.CO ; southern wheat , on
grade. ! > 3 < 4 9 ! > ! ic.
OOIIN Firm : spot and month. SMifJSJHc ; May
% T3pi ( Pteam > r mlxe < l. 3J\3ir : receipts ,
236.24S bu. ; exports. 231.537 bu : southern while
corn. MVtf3l'ic ; southern vellow. 3iff3lc.
OATH Dull and winy ; No. 2 wh'ti' ' . wrotcrn ,
345T3H5c : No. 2 mixed , wcjlorn. SlViJfSic ; re-
celnti" . I7.S40 hu. : exports , 20.W bu ,
IIYB Firm : No. 2. nart > y , KSHe ; No. 2. wrat-
ern. SC'io : receipts. 8,4 < 6'lUj : exports. 17.143 bu.
HAY Slow : choice timothy. J12..V fM3.00.
OUAIN FIlBlfHITP Demand very flat an l
rates appear to he easy ; steam to Liverpool , pet
hu. , 3 < 4 < ! May : cork for orders , per quarter , Rs
10U.1 March ; 3s 4',7 < 13i < 0.1 . April.
ni'TTBU Steadv : fancy rreamm' . 19 < T5'V '
fancy Imitation , I'Rlfc : fancv Indie ; 15c ; good
ladlo. ISSfltc ; flnre parked , ,10fHc.
iilot : frenhi Id'.jP '
Steady : fancy ; .Now York. InrRc. 9M
tMUa : fancy New Ycrk tnp.llum , 9'Jf10c ; faticj
New York , small. .W.OI'ViC , ,
Kn nuns Cltr ( Irntn nnd .Provisions ! .
KANSAS CITY. Mar -h -WItnAT-Tl thei
slow snd lmut Ul higher : Nn.l t hanl , ( KV Slp
No. S. F5 M7Ue ; No. 1 re.1. .OSffpflc : No. ! . Ke
No. S. ( " "SMlSc ; No. I spring,4 S6ff8Se ; No. 3
OORN Active anil steady ; ' No. I mixed. 2fH
OATS Vlrm. hut flow ; Nft. ? while. SIHif'Sc ,
RYl'V-Plesdy ; No. . I , 4 * 'A .
HAY Firmer : rholctlm < t jr , ' JS.5CC900 ; cholci
pralrl * . I7.W 7,23. \ "i ]
UI'TTPR-Steady f > flf ) ' freamery , 15O18 < 4
dalrv. 14SI1CC , 'ts w'll'
Jnr5 ! F'rm ' to ' { p hiclirr ; fresh , So.
IincKIPTS Whent , I7SWbu. | ; corn , 4S.SM bu.
onif. M. M hu. ,
SHIPMENTS Wheat , H.200 bu. ; corn ,
bu. : oats , 4.000 bu. ) / ,
Ornln' nrrrlptsi nt Principal Mnrlcrtu
riHCAOO. Murrh 2 ! . neclnt tndayt Wheat
: S7 cars ; corn , 343 cars : nRts , ! ' 7 cars. KsllmstM
receipts tomorrow : Wheat , 173 cars ; corn , 17
csm : nats , 1M cars.
MINNEAPOLIS , March J ! ! Receipts : : \Vh st
111 oar .
ST. IXUIS. March , M.-llecelptst Wheat , 1
cars.DUI.UTII. . March J ! . Uecelpts : Wheat. S
cars ,
VJ lhlrStatement. .
NBW YORK. March . -Special cable an' '
telegraDhlo dlspitchea to Ilradtlreet's. mv rin
the nHnnlnal paint * of accumulation. Indira )
the fi4lowlnr thunire * in aviUlalile snpnlle * la *
Faturday a * nomporod with the preceding Sat
tinSjLv :
c Bockr nvniiHrnhM. Deccm r ,
afloat for and In Europe , December. LOO ) hush- i
els ; total dottvnw world's supply , 2,3'J7 , ' > "J bu h *
CORN United. States and Cnnndn , cajt Rocky
mountains , DeccmluT , 1M.OW bushels.
OATS L'nltcil Slates nnd Canndn , Rocky
mountains , decrease , 33Gno ) bushels.
Among the more Important rvdurtlons not re-
purled In tlie olllclal viable supply sta".em"iit
wa * the decrease of SOI.O" ) bushels nt New Or
leans , 1HU > bushels at Chicago private eleva
tor * . 73.0O ) buxhels at northwestern Interior ele
vators , and 11COJJ bushels at storage i > oltits > In
Manltotn nnd northwestern Ontario. The more
Important Incrpayes are the gains of 32.W1) busd.
elsi at Portland , Ore , , and C..WO bushels at Ak
ron , O.
Decreases In corn Ibis week arc general ana
heavy. Including 2n,00) ) bushels at Omntia. 130.-
000 bushels at Milwaukee private * c-latntor * .
183OOi ) bushels at Newport News and 91'MO
ols at New Oilcnns.
Llveriiool .Mnrkvt ,
LIVERPOOL. March 22.-WHBAT-Spot. dull ;
No. a red , northern spring , Ss ; No. 2 red , west
ern , 7si M.
CORN Spot , quiet ; American , new , 3s 4d ;
future. ' , quiet ; March , 3s 3d ; May , 3s 2VJd ; July ,
3s 21V1.
FljOl'R St. Louis fancy winter , dull , s Od.
HOPS At Ixjndon ( Pacllle coast ) , dull , 4 Gs
Wt4 13d.
PROVISIONS Hecf , nrm : extra India mess ,
Cfts d ! prime mess , ESs 9d. 1'ork , firm ! prime
mess , fair western , Sis 3d ; prime mess , medium
western , 4Ss lid. Hams , short cut , sleady , 3. . M.
liacon , IImi , 31s , Short ribs , dull , 31s ; long clear
middles , light , ste.-uly , 29jmg ; \ clear middles ,
ipnvy , steady , 2Ss Cd ; short clear backs , steady ,
f.s 6d , Clear bolllos. steady , 32s. Shoulders ,
qmre , steady , ! 4s. I enl , prime western ,
tcndy. 27s. Tallow , prime clly. ( Inn , 20s M.
CHBBSB American white and colored llnest ,
tichangcd ,
OILH-Collonseed , Liverpool rcllned , strady , 17s
J , Turpentine spirits , steady , 23s 3d , Rosin ,
ommon , steady , 4s 2d.
Cincinnati Market.
CINCINNATI. March 22. FLOUR-Easy ;
ancy , f4.33M.u5 ; family. J3.705f4.00 ,
WHBAT Steady ; No. 2 red , 07V4c.
CORN-QulPt : No. Z mixed , 3lc.
OATS Steady : No. 2 mixed , M'jc.
RYB Quiet : No. 2 , fi2c.
PROVISIONS Lird , steady , 11.95. Hulk meats ,
ulet , J3.10 liacon , steady , J3.80.
WHISKY Firm. 11.20.
HITTTER Steady : Elgin creamery , M'.Jc : Ohio ,
JftlSc ; dairy , IQfMic.
Sl'OAll Eiy : hard rennlng , JI.IOfl3.8J.
CHEESE Steady ; good to prime Ohio Hat ,
I'll I In ilrlp lila Produce.
Steady ; fancy western creamery 20c ; fancy west-
rn prints , 21c.
BOOf Dull nnd J5o lower ; fresh , nearby and
vestern. lOV.c.
OHEBSB Quiet but sttndy : .New York fancy
nil cream , S < ( | 9Vic : New York prime. TKQSc.
Tulcilo .MarUi-t.
TOLEDO , March 22. WHEAT Steady , hlsher ;
S'o. 2 cash nnd May , 9Sc.
CORN Steady , active ; No. 2 mixed , 30c.
OATS Dull ; No. 2 cash and Miy. 23c.
RYB Dull , unchanged ; No. 2 cash. fiOo bid.
CIJJVERSEBU Active , steady ; prime cash ,
Detroit MiirKi * ! .
DETROIT. March M.-W1IKAT No. 1 while ,
lite ; Nn. 2 reil ciush nnd May , Vj'.ic.
CORN No. 2 mixed , 2TH4c.
OATH No. 2 white , SOiic.
RYB No. 2. C2c.
Snii FrniH'lNi-o Wlirnt Slnrltft.
Dorcmbor. 11.371'j ; May. J1.47W.
1IARLBY Steady ; Decmbcr , $1.12 ; May ,
I'i'iirlii Market * .
PBORIA , March 22. CORN Firm nt 20c.
OATS CJulrt nnd steady ; No. 2 white , 2Sc ,
WHISKY Hlch proof pplrlts , Sl.lSH.
IM rirrntly lc | > rrwcl nnil
I'i'Ici'H Ant'iiii. . < < iiiilly YYi-nk.
NBW YORK , March 22. Ottering ? to pell were
not heavy In today's stock market , except In a
few flocks , nnd Intermittently. Hut the buying
demand was * at FO low nn r4 > b that oven the
desultory orterlnR ! " dribbled upon tha market
dro\e prices downward nlmott continuously. The
result Is fccn In net losses of between 3 and 3
poluts In a Kreal many of the standard railroad
docks and loaillni ; industrial specialties and ot
over 3 points In the local traction ppeUaltit1 * .
During the inornltuj ses.'ion there were evi
dences of un attempt to tupport prices In a few
Blocks , due to the rffoits of n Inrso cpT.itor
recently returned to the stn > ct. There was nlo
vxtenrivc covering by another of the largest
operators In tt.e street , win ha * r.-contlv boon
n. persistent Eeller. The slightest Indication of
a rise in prices brought out su h heavy offprints
all througli the list tint thf half pur-
pos-c .appotcnt to hid up prices for the ref of
th day wns alian lone.l. Apparently thi'hurst
of animation in the Una ! hour was due In con
siderable short celling , ns there was a ten-
cloncy to rally on covering just before the clojie ,
buC this rally wan so feeble that the movement
wu given over nnd price * fell away i to about
the lowest at the close. The great tulle of the
dealings wns In grangers , Unl3n Pacific nnd
the lonl traction stocks. The local" rnlltoad
Hocks were affected by reports of blizzards In
the west. Sugar continued depressed on the re
port that the company was on the verge of
war for supremacy. The local traction stocks
were affected by the threatened csmpllfntions
crowing out of the proposed rapid transit pro
ject. Hut while these special causes had an
opproolable Influence , the shadow on the mar-
kPt was developments of the government's
Cuban policy. In which all circles feel certain
a crisis Is Imminent. Evidently no one wants
to buy stocks until this question Is settled. An
other feature of the day l a fuither announce
ment of gold engaged for Import and concurrent
caning off of exchange rates. It was felt yes > -
tcrday that the gold movement hdd probably
come to an and for the present and this was
believed to be due to a prospect of lower money
rates. It was looked upon with favor by the
speculallvc community. According to this rea
soning the resumption today of the gold move
ment mlghl be regarded as an unfavorable fac
tor , though the further Inllux of gold must be
for lower money , although It was no Index that
caty conditions have already arrived. The dull
ness In the bond market wns even mojc pro
nounced than that In stocks , but the losses were
compnr.itlvely small. Sales , $1.107,000. United
Slates ttH higher ; the old 4s , coupon , 14
higher nnd the 2s V4 lower bid today.
The Bvcnlng Post's Lumlon Ilnanclal cable
gram says : The stock markets here continued
quiet nnd dull today , the only feature being1 the
better tone on Improved conditions In the Paris
bourse and the revival of French specialties ,
such IIT Rio Tlnto copper and Deltfer * mines.
Americans are simply waiting on New York.
They closed weak , Ilrazlls arc better. The de
mand for gold for Now York is less keen In
consequent of the rise In exchange. The China
loan Is going fairly well here and was appar-
enlly well received In London , where the tub-
srlpllon list was closed at noon. The new
IInli > ii'I > aelnc sharp" carried over today for the
special settlement on Thursday showed a short
ness of the stock , much of It having been taken
up The differences to bp met on Thursday arc
enormouK and assist In the present stagnation
of Americans.
Following are this closing quotations of the
leading stocks on the New York market today
Total sales of stocks today , 2C9.900 stares. In.
eluding : Chicago. Hurllngton & Qulncy , 29.223
Louisvlila Si Nashville , TW Manhattan , 17CM
Metropolllan , 9,340 ; Northern Pacific preferred
H.STiO ; Rock Island. 8,510 ; St. Paul. 11,481 ; Unloi
1'acltlc , 13.P23 ; American Tobacco , 17.C38 ; 1'eo
pie's Gas , 4.CSO ; Sugar , C0.930.
. . _ _ Flnaiic'lnl.
LONDON , March 2J. The amount of bullloi
cone Into the Hank of England today was 49.
000. Gold Is quoted at Hutnos Ayrei today a
16C.90. Gold at Lisbon has advanced to U
Spanish ) 4 on the Slock ezching * today wer
quoted at (4 % . The clo'ng price , yesterday ws
PARIS. ajrc&In. . the bourte Bpanh 1
tifi-U , a ott loai ot
Three per cent rentes , IWf 4V ; for the account ,
exchange on I/ondon. 23f 2S'W for checks. Hours *
prves were firm ILtuughout , except n the case
of Spanish 4s , which hesitated on uncertain re
ports as to the outcome of the Inquiry Into the
Km ot the t'n'tedl Stales battleship Maine. Rio
tlntoa hardened on bull purchases and dividend
report *
11ERLIN , March 12. Prices opened Irregular
on the bourse lodny , but subsequently hardened ,
stimulated by the succc'S of the Chinese loan.
American sccurllles were firmer , operators being
favorably Impressed by Iho Increase In tha
tatlla rrturnl of tl.b Northern Pacllle ra'lroal. '
MADRID , Mann S2. Spanish 4s were quoted
on the bourse toJay at 56.00 , against 7S.3 , the
closing price of yesterday.
Xrw Viirk MonejJliirltct. .
Nomlrmlly I'4fl2 pr cent.
"sTBRLINO UXCHANOK-aiarkpt steady , with
nctual business In bankers' hills nt tl.b4tfi.S4H
for ilemand and Jl.smf4.81Mi f"r sixty days ;
posted rates , JI.S334.S2Vi and't.E3',4 ! commercial
bills. II.MUIN Mli. "l ' -
MBXICAN nolJjAHS 43c. , . , , , I
(1OVKHNMKNT 1JONOS Market strong ! now
4" , rep. mid coupon , 121H : 4s : re * . , 109'ii coupon ,
112 ; ss. S8'4 ; ts , res , and coupon u ; llllj ; 1'ncinc
Cs of 'W , 103. '
Closing quotations on bonds'.were ai follows ;
tJ S.now49.r.jx . ltS !
U.S. now 4s con , . . . 1'J \ t N. C. -4s..1.4 HUM
U.S. . In , re/ . iOHH NO. Pftcllla iRtS. . .1111
U.S.4i.oonn . 1114 : \ " - ' 3a C.OH
U.S. ? . IH No. 1MCII16 4 a UIW
U. 9. * . lim N. Yittl A At. L.4s. . UlllVi
II. S. I T.s. coup . Itm N. A W. OH Ill )
Difltrlct S. (13 , . 1111 N. W.CowioU 144
Aln..cluiA . N. Wl)4biBs ) IK.
Ala. , class II (17 ( Oro. Nav'.lBta 115
- H7 Oro.Nile.Is . . . . H'JM
Alii.Ciirri-ney. . O. S. i ) . ijs. t. r. I'-'l )
AtclnnoniH . .i O. S. U nW. t. r lH'
Atclusonuil. 41 , . . ItlilM O. Intix UU. t. r. . . . Kill
Chicago Tor'l 4s. , O. hull. 5s. t. r 0:1 :
O..V o. .is 114 IMclfloOs of'U5. . . HIU
C.H.&l ) . 4144. . 104VI " ' ' '
D..VH. ( . Itas . . 1IIH4 lt.O.Wl3t iHtS. . . . 80
D.AH. (7.4s , Nil SU L. .t I. M , OD l. \ 811
KastTjnn. lats . . . 103 St. L.AS. F.Ojn.i ) . 117
KrleUen. 4s St. P. Consols itflt : <
F W , t I ) . l . t. r. HUH st. p. oP. . UK
' ' ' 11)1 ) St. P.O. A P. As. . . A'I ! V' . . , 102 Soiilhnrn Rv. us. . . 88
(1. 11. A3. A.'ds. . . , 111 ; ! S. R. .VT. ( is fili . . . 1011 TomMiewsouM. . . 88
II..VT.J.cim Us. III ) Tex. Pac , IG. . 1st l ! ) ! >
Iowa ( ! . Isls . . . , Ill ) | Te < c. IMc. 11.Ms. . H0 ! <
K. P. Con. , t. r . . . . iiiSiu. ) p. D..VU. i n. . r.iH ;
K.I' . iHtrt.t. r. . Wab. la'.us KiilH
.101 \Vab. Vlila 7H
I , \.N. Out is SU Wtxtt Shorn li . . . , l H
MlNsonrl Us. , lilt ) Va. Cfiiturlos (18
M. K..VT.Jilu Va. deferred 4
M. K. , VT. 4s h'l Union P.ielllo pM. . 48V <
N. Y. C. IBIS . 1H1U Union Paclllc 4s. . . 00h
N.J. O.AB . 1114
Hodloii Stock Quutntlniix.
nOSTON' , March 22 Call lontis , . .04 per cent ;
tliri > loans , 4SS per cent , Closlnjj prices
for etnckr , bonds und mining chares :
A.T. Jt .S. t' ! OVS Wls. Cjnt Ill
Anicrlcnn Hi IloHlon L Ti4
Am.Hitpar DM . . . . P.O. Blus. Hi 1(10 (
Hay st-ito ( las . l r.-li ) Atchlsoil pfd -J4M
Hell IVilupliono. . . 244 Atchistin . . . . . . 87Va
lloslon , t Ale itiv. 'J'JO N ! W Rnglaiid ils . . .111
HoHion.t .Mama. . . l' Wis. Cent On li5 !
C..H..V : . S3) ) ( Alloiinz MlnlnrO ) 13 [
Fltclitiurr . " " Atlantic 'J'.i a
( iencral ElbOtrio. . llOBlon.V Montimi lUriH
IllinolaStiiol. . . Iliitlu.t Ilostcn , . . . 'JDK
Mexican Cniitru. C'alumut.V lluclk. . 01,1
N. V.V N. K pM . . Centennial 1U <
Olu Colony . 1SH Franklin la
o.s. O cpoli. : H7J-6
Kiiuoor Ouhicy 10(1 (
Union Paclfli !
\VcHtKnii WolVtTillPS
W. Kloa P.irroti
W. Kluc. tiM
San I'rniiclKcMi llnlnpr * li
SAN FRANCISCO. March 23. Olllclal closlpg
quotations on mining stocks today ucre as fol
lows :
Alt.i 17 Tustice. . . . 'J7
AlnhaCon 7 .Mexican
Andes 11 OcfililouulCon , . . . e"i3
llulchpr "l Ouhlr. 4.'i
licnt.v Uolchcr. . . . 31 OvcriiKin 10
Ilullloii (1 ( I'oton 41
ChallcnirnCon. . . . .Ml Snvnze i > 5
ihollir. ; : 4H bcorpton H
Conildunca 71 Sierra Navr.ui. . . . In. )
COH.U.II..V. Va. . . . 70 Stiver lllll ' . ' 1
riiwn I'Dini i. | t'liion ' Uoti 45
UtaliCo'i ly
uiilu.vOurrio. . . . Yellow J.ijkot ' _
Hnlu.v f oreros3. . St.inOaiil 1U3
ulla „ . t
Silver bars , u ; Mexican dollars ,
rdtts , plsht , 13cj tcli'Krapli , '
I'liuinclnloti - .
OMAHA. Marcl ; 22 The clfarlnt , for the day
/fro 74D.ia.54. ( ! llal.mccj. : , : " . ! . The clejr-
iik'a for 1(07 ( were JC9l.C07.rj8 ami thf balances
7S , 20.0 ; . Iiurenfo In cIcarlnK ! " , J5,32S 9. . .
rillCACO , March 22. ClraHnss. $10,201,433.
'rw Ycrk exchanRo , 1332oc discount ; posted
ales , J4.2 anil S4.S5U. Stocks weak ; llimlda-
lou extendetl througliout entire list ; Alley 1 * .
0 bid ; Il'fcult. 21 % ; lllscult prefcneil , 77 ; Dla-
nonit Mntcli , 130 ; Ixike Strfet I < , lllj ; North
Chlcaco , 212 ; Strawlionnl , 2C ; JVpst ChlcaRo , ! 0.
PHII XDBM'IirA. March 2i-7-CParliiKS ) , 12-
90.2S6 ; balartces , Jlw.3B7. ,
HALTIMOKH. " Mnfclx 2J. ( Jlaarinss , Jl,7M,3S2 ; '
Balance ? , } 4ri2.510.
ST. IXUIf ! , M rh 22.-iCloarlnjrs , J ) , 010.303 ;
.alancps . , J722.101. Money , S578 Jier cent. New
ioik exchange , par blil , 12 > Art premium npkpil.
Ni\V OKUUNS. March 2Z. Clearings , $ ! , ! ? , .
S3. New York oxchanEC. LiinK ; par ; comnier-
lal. Jl t > or H.COfl d'mount. t' If
MUMI'IIIS. March 22.-ClenrlnKB , IWO.CSS ; bal-
nces , J07.C09. New York axclwnge , nelllns at
1,50 premium. ,
NK\V YOIIK. March K. Clearinss. tH2.9iA.S37 ;
balances. $3.570,370. > ' . . ' vL-
I10STO.V. March 22.-Clcarne | , 16,53S,0:2 ; ' bal-
nncffl , Jt.020.GIG. , , '
Aiiiorlenii Siiirl | pi ; lit , 7 , ( > ndnn.
INDON , March 22. Thejpiarhct for Amerfi-
can fecurltlea , nfter e. weakj openlntr. wns
teadler , closlrg dull. Opernlorswere Inactive.
lrlc - Itopedp Tliroiucli .St-ntinUoiinl
llninorH from
JJBW YOIIK , March 22. Early 'Indications gave
promise of a new low record for e | single day's
ransactlona on cotton futures ' and for the nar-
ownesii of the fluctuations. In response to bct-
; er news from Liverpool than looked for and
Isht foreign buying prices moved up 1 to 2
lolnls at the start , but were back to the tlnal
Isures of yesterday before midday under sheer
ack of Interest. Total dealings to that time
were about 15,000 bales. In thfc afternoon \veak-
ies devclopM on sensational rumors from
Washington via the Stock exchange , l.lquldn-
.lon became active and prices eased cff 4 to 0
lolnts from Hie hlirlJjat figures , with the miikit
tnally tteady at a net Iocs of 2 to 4 points.
pot , mlddllnR , C ? > c ; nft receipts" , 321 bales ;
; rcss , 5,650 biles ; exports to Great Ilrltaln , 11,510
> ales , forwartUtl , 1,014 hates ; rales , GIC bales ;
Fplnners , 16 bales ; stock , 1SC.22G bales. Total
oday : Net receipts , 21,293 bale * : exports to
Gro.-\t Itrltaln , 3I.4S6 hnlra ; to Krancc. 400 bales ;
n the cont'ncnt ' , 11,231 bales ; stock , 975,56 * ) In IPS ,
JonsolldatfJ : Net rix-elpts , 57,239 bales ; exports
to Great Britain. 30.S53 bales ; to Prance , 400
mlcxj to the continent , 47,071 bales. Total since
September 1 : Net receipts , 7,775.GT,6 bale * ; ex-
wrtH to Great Ilrltaln , 2.81S.5U bales ; to Trance ,
24.534 bale * : to the continent. 2.35S.C10 bales.
urcs , steady : sales , SC.OCO bnles ; March , t * > .52
bid ; April , J..51Ji1S.82 : May , JJ.5IJf5.53 ; Jim < %
3.0603.57 ; July. J5.6W3.61 ; Ausuit. JS.f.OHS.M ;
September. J3.PWI3.62 ( : Octobir , J5.Wfi3.C2 ; No-
omber. J5.0Mi5.62 ( ; December , J3,6O3.r > 4 ; Janu
ary , $3.64@3.G7. Spot , easy ; talt9 ? , 5. COO bales ;
ordinary. 4 0-16 ? ; Rood onllnary. 4 15-lCc ; low
mlddllns. 5'ic : mlddllnx. 59-ir ; Rood mlildrnir ,
i 15-I6c ; mlddllnK fair. 5 5-lCc ; receipts , 5.KO
bales : stock , 333 , ISO bales.
laVHItrOOU Marct ; 22.-XTTON Spot , mod-
rate demand ; prices steady ; American middling.
8 ll-32i < Sales were 7.SOO halfs , of which WO
vere for speculation and export and lncludt 1
.4W Amerlca'n. Hecolp43. 19.CO. ) bales. Including
8,000 American Futures" opened quiet and
iteady , with A niodornto demand , and rlood
steady ; American m'ddllnp. ' I * . M. C. . March ,
3 ! 8-64d bim-vs ; March and April , J 18-64 buy
ers ; April and May. S 18-CW513 19-64d sellers :
May and June. 3 18-64 3 19-C4d buyers ; Jnn nnd
July. 3 19-Cld biiyrrs ; July and Aiieust , 3 19-64W
3 204d ffllers ; AURUK an < ! September. 3 10-64d
myers ; Kcptemtxr nnd October , 1 19-64d buyers ;
October and November. S 19-64d buyers ; Novem-
1f.4d buyers Oe-
icr end December. 3 18-64W3 - ;
eember and Jfnuary. 3 lR-f4JJ.I9-f.ld buve's ; Jan-
lary and February , 3 18-CISJ 10-64d buyers.
C'ufTco 3lnrkct .
NEW YORK , March 22. COFFEK-Opllons
opened dull , with April 5 points lower ; other
months unchanged : barely active during greater
; i rt of session : disappointing news from Kuro-
iitan markets , heavy Hrazlllan receipts , further
lecllne In n t market and Uck of outside sup
port operated aRalnft Improvement ; closed dull
Bt unchanKCd prices to B points net lower ;
* ale3. 800 bans. . Includlnc April. J4.93 : Septem
ber , J5.33 ; October. J3.40 ; November , fj.65 ; Feh-
ruary , J5.60. Spot coffee , Hlo , dull ; No. 7 in
voice , Gttc : No. 7 Jobbing. 6c. Mild , quiet ; Cor
dova. SKeiCo ; total warehouse deliveries from
the United States , 15,075 baus , ln ludlne 2.0IS
ba s from New York : New York stock , today ,
If .a2 bajT > : United Rtitra Mock. 60R.31S bags ;
ntloat for the United States , S77.000 baps ; total
visible foi the United Stales. 1.185.318 bags.
npalnst 717. < i1 ouga last year and 50363 bags tn
Oil .Market * .
Oil. CITY , Pa. . March 22.Cfedtt balances. 77c ;
cerlincatcs opened 78o Wd for rcdlar ; llr t sale ,
1.000 bbls. retrular at fOc : hlKhest falei. 1,000
bbls. cash at fi'ic ; closetl. ' , 'j < Ac bid for cash ;
sales. 23.000 bbls. ; shipments 52.379 bids. ; runs ,
101.409 bbls. r-
pentine , market dull ; nothlnp/dlne. Iloitn , nrm ,
WII-VHNOTON. N. C. , ' 'Mirch I ! OILS-
Kplrlls turpentine , nothing > dolne ; price * un.
chanced. Itoln , steady , J1.23OI.30. Crude tur-
p ntln * . nothing dolnK. Tar. steady.
SAVANNAH. Oa. , March K.ioII.B-Splrlls ol
turpentine nrm at 27 < / > c. Itosln. firm ; A. II ,
C. D. Jl.15 : K. V. J1.40 ; G , If.M ; H. I. J1.60 ;
K. I1.CO1.75 : M. ll.70ffl.80j N. II.75S1.83 ; win.
dow glass , J1.85 ; W. W.
NEW OIU.nANS. March -SUOAn-Dull
open kelllo. : sifl3 11-lSc ; granulated , 4\ftl ll.icc
whltef. 4H04Vio ; yellows , 4114 MCc ; srcond !
J itS 15KVMolanses , stronBi rentrlfucal , Saii ? .
" NBW YOT1K. March 22.-SUtlAn-Haw. quiet
fair refining. 3V > c : wntrUuRal , S < _ trst , 4c
ircnned. quiet ; mould A , 5\c ! UtanJard . .Ato
confectioners' A , Co ; cut Iof , Witt cruthed. tKo
powd rd. i l-llcj fi nul ttd. CMC ; ouMf. * ! t-t8e
Fair Rtm of Stock Msots Ready nlo at
Local Yards.
I'nckcrn anil Shipper * CompHp for Hie
I.lliernl OlYfritiKH Iliilcliom * Stock
Senroe HIIKM Sell Higher Hut
Clout' Wenl
SOUTH OMAHA , March 22.-Ilecelpts for
the Jays Indicated were :
Cattle. Hoss. Sheep. Hor'J.
Mnrch .J 2,530 6.915
.March 21 1,12:1 : 1.77S C.71G
March ID i.ros 3,353 1,701
March IS 2,307 4,703 i.VW
Match 17 l.Sdl 4,730 14,148
March 1G 3,637 4,913
Mnrch 13 3.720 0,007 3.041
Mnrch 14 2.ISS 1.620 4i26
Mnrch )2 ) 2.10 * 4.5112 TVtt
March 11 2,482 5,912 l.lcS
March 10 2.342 4,637 10.207
March 9 2.SOI C.2J1 6,570 47
March S 2.939 6,609 7.S69 3i
March 7 3'JOO 3,170 3,5X4 i
March 5 1,137 5.437 1,270 66
March 4 1.SJ3 ,5I5 6.213 43
March 3 1.652 5D'J9 3,763 2
The oinelal number of cars ot stock ,
brought In today by each road was :
_ Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's.
C. . M. & St. P. Ily. . . 13 2
O. & St. L. Ily 3 . . . . "
Missouri Pacllle Ily. . . .
rnlpnIMrlc | | System 21 11 13 1
C. , St. P. , M. & O. Ily. 1G
. & M. U. It. U. . . . 31 13
O. , n. & q. uy a 4
C. , H. I. & P. Hy. , 1C. o 3
C. , It. I. & P. Hy. \ \ ' . . .
Totat receipts . . . 133 C2 23 2
The disposition , of the day's . . receipts was
iQ num-
Packing Co . . . . , ut
e ? . .G > ll- Hammond Co. 121 i.oVj ' 532
nvvirt and Company GSG ] no " 10S
The Cudahy Packing Co. 751 l 423 S ol
1Armour. . Chicago. . . 1S3 . . . . .
II. Decker nnd Degan L'U7
VaiiMant & Co. . . .T. . . . " ! . . ! > t . . , ,
Lobman & Iloth'chllds . . 1S7
\ \ . I. Stephens 32
Huston ,1 Co 14
Livingston & Sehacr ! . . . . 71
Swltt , from Uie country. . 33 310
Hammond , from 1C. C 403
U K. HUSK ] ir
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "i ; ?
rianUlntoii , Milwaukee
H. Hamilton 75
Other buyers 212 1,010
over JQO
Totals I.G67 C.072
CA1 rUi-nocelpts today. 2,030 head ; yes
terday , _ M23 ! one uoek ago. 3,720 ; two weeks
ago , -MS. Tiii ! great hulk of all the cattle.
Here c. nslsted of corn-fed brevw , with only
a s iKht sprlnklliiK of hutc-hcrs' stock nnd
feeders. Iho market , as a whole , was most
satisfactory to a.I selUrs.
HHKI.STBEIigPni'kors nnd shippers
alike wantt'd cattle and thry wanted a ( jooil
immy , whllo the receipts > , vcre. none too
,70- At tl ! ° s'l"ic time advices from ether
sellliif- i > olnts wore encourtiKlnK. Thus
everything combined to i wider the market
favorable to the holders of fat cuttle. The
Diiyers were cut early and sot right ilown
to buslnesM and It was not lonfj lipfore the
yards were pretty well cleared. As to prices ,
all kinds wcro stronger and desirable cattle
were fully lOc lilchcr.
ntlTCHKllS' iSTOL'K-Very few cow.s nnd
heirers were IneliuU-a In today's receipts and
the demand bolnfr jood a stroiiBer market
was the natural Msult. The best among the
offerings experienced nliout the same ad
vance as oed beef Moors. Everything that
at all desirable in tha eyes of killers
sold an 1 welshed up at an early hour.
- . . . K CATTLE In thu Miocker and
feeder division of , the yards holdings were
very light and liu > 'crs wanted the few fresh
arrival * . Anything in the way of light stuff
was snapped up very quickly nt gooJ , strong
prices "and the
few loads hero were noon
sold and weighed up. Warmed up cattle so d
Quito vr < ; | | for feders and at fully steady
prlcc.vntit there were not many to be had.
lloprescntntlvo , sales :
1. . . . 7io vned. !
M..itii > r 4
. 900
.1210 .10W )
.112S .1070
.lisa .1370
.114 !
. 90 1119
.11X2 1210
.1140 1093
. 770 1231
.1020 1270
. 750 1070
! > 73
. .mo 1000
. 01' ' ) 10CO
. .1110 1135
. .10W 1130
. .1213 1CW
23. . . . 912
23. . . . 932 3 90
(12.1 ( 3 m
9IS 3 SO
1020 4 00
1000 4 00
120 4 ( W
914 3 S3
.1010 . GlO ! 3 73
. 3C3
! 770
1. . , . 600
17. . . . 831
.1200 3
.1410 .2121 4 00 .1340
, SSO .1G10 335 , 910
. SM .16GO 3 35 .17CO
.1710 ,1620 3 40 .1670
.1330 .1S30 3 50 .1130
1..USO .20:0 aw .118.1
2. . . .1150 3 43 .1550
3 73 .13T4
. .1700 . MO 3 CO .1470
. .1540 .1320 3 33 .1110
. .20IO 1..UIO 3 35 .1110
. .3070 1..I4M 3 tfl
. .H10 1..1W ) 3 43
1. . . . 100 6 50 1. . . . 170 625
1. . . . 110 5 75 ! . . . . JS3 C 25
S..1195 3 KS 24. . . . S34' 1M 4. . . .1720 400
1..1CHM 4 00 1. . . . 800 3 23
4. . . . ffil 400 1. . MO 4 04 15. . . . 807 4 40
I. . . . 7D5 4 20 1 , . SrtO 4 20 2. . , . 425 4 75
' 3 M 450 4 90 1. . . . 750 4 40
4 ! ! ! . R52 4 04 SSO 4 23 B. . . . 704 4 ? 0
17. . . . C42 470 3. . . 573 4 04 1. . , , 8' 0 3 CS
. . . . (49 4 40 . S5 375 . . . .1030 4 U
e. . . . cos 4 K 1. . . . 414 4 04 2. . . . 96.1 4 75
7. . . , 771 435 4. . . , 843 SCO 1. . . . 710 3 W
40.1241 400 20. . . . 853 4 25 4. . . . 787 4 25
1 , . . . 710 4 33 1. . . . 400 2 25 1. . . . TO 22 !
1. . . . 430 4 25 7. . . . S72 4 30
HOOS Receipts today , 4.2C4 head ; yesterday.
1.778 ; one week URO. 6.&W ; two weeks BKO , 6f09.
The quality pf the offerings wa very fair and
on an average about the same us yesterday ,
At the opening of the market only about fifty
loads of lions were In sight , the severe cold
weather probably belnv the causa of trains or.
rlvlntr late.
While the receipts were moderate , the demand
was Rood , there being several shipping orderi
In hand In addition to the requirements of locnl
packer * , which were of liberal proportions.
The market opened just about steady snd nil
the early arrivals told on that Irasls. Thw trad
was fairly active and the first fifty cars to arrlvf
changed hands very readily. The prices paid
ringed from J3.70ff3.8T , the lop belnp to hltrhei
than anything brought yesterday , The greal
bulk , howoxer , brouicht J5.75 on both days. Tin
feeling ; at the extreme close was weak. Tlep
resentatlve nlei :
No. Av. 8h. Pr. No. Av. Bh. Pr.
17 Jl 1170 74. . 213 40 tl 72V
72 , , .114 S 72M 70 244 . . . 3 72' '
is ns . . . 7JV
( S 244 M 371V
U 109' 1M S72H 75 211 . . . STtV
C3 . 2S i" ) 37S J , , . r > 3 160 ITS
is . s > : . . . 375 : s . : a ; . . . s 75
SI . 231 . . . 375 74 . 23S . . . 373
K . . .310 240 3 75 I M . J5S SO 3 79
72 . J.V 120 375 SI . : I9 4) 373
? < . 247 . , , 375 43 . .tn 40 375
67 . 2S4 SO 375 6 } . fr40 375
; r . , .23 * so .175 s : . 119 40 3 75
M . 165 SO 375 60 . SJ4 . . . 373
4V . 24t SO 375 70 . 247 SO 3 7S
17 . 274 10) 375 C9 , . . . . . . .211 SO 375
6S . .2M ICU 37.1 05 . 20) . . . J TS
fil . 247 . . . 37S 76 . * ) J 40 375
C3 . 231 . . . 375 C * . 241 10) 37.1
M . 305 SO 37714 60 . 2t ) SO 3 77H
51 . 2 < 3 SO S77 > i M . 239 . . . 3 77H
. 2 < V > . . . 3 77b H. . . . . . . .SM . . . 37714
r.9 . :5i : oo 3 < n < e.i . i.u 4) 377(4
67 . 2:7 , , . 37714 61 . : ; ; . . . s s.i
53 . 270 . . . 3 S4 M . 292 40 3 JO
71 . 2&.1 110 3 SO ' ! , . , , . . . . : . . . 3 Si )
M . 2" . . . 3 SO 21 . H . . . 3 SO
57 . 359 . . . 3 SO 62 . 271 SO 3 M
S3 . 277 . . . .1 M 47 . 596 40 3 )
39 . 2 < ! 7 44 S 72 % 69. , . - , . . . .251 . . . S 71
71 . 213 SO 375. - 70. . . .1I.2.S0 KO 373
07 . 2 > 9 410 37.1 C9. . HI. i. 269 W 3 75
05 . 2S.1 SO 3 SO
1 . 404 . . . 2 M 6777. . . . .1S5 . . . 74
I . 350 . . . 300 10 . 1S4 . . . 370
5 . 344 SO 370 4 . ! ) . . . 3 72 < i
BHBKP Receipts today , 6,913 head : yesterday ,
P.71l ( ; one wet-k UKrt , 3.041 : two weeks airo , 7 , SKI.
The arrival * consisted very larcoly ot limbs ,
with n cprlnklltiK of s'.teop. While the offerlnns
wore principally killers , tncre were a few stock
lambs amnni ? the receipts. A Rood tnnnv of the
killing lambs were none too Rood and choice
mutton" of any kind were rather scarce.
Thf ilemsnrij for both sheep ami lambs on the
part of local porker * was oM ami In spile of
tlie Urge receipts prices were Just about steady.
While the market was not so very active , the
movement was fair and the dcjlrablo lots were
welshed up In wood sorifcm.
Holders of stock lambs , especially tlinup not
very attractive In appearance , found the mar-
< et a little slow , but they generally sold In tlio
The fnct that all nrrlvnN of sheep and Inmbs
neet with such ready sale on this market con-
tltulp < a most oncournKlnR feature of the Irnde.
lluyors appear to wmt the stuff and It seems to
nake little difference whether the receipt * are
ante or small , they keep the pous clear. Hep-
rojentatlve sales :
No. Av. Pr.
" 09 western ewe * . 107 J4 01
91 mixed westerns . 10) 4 40
10 culls . 92 3no
1S7 mixed westerns . . . 95 4 4.1 .
20 cull * . 9 > 3 Oi )
471 Iambi and yearlings . 73 4 S3
2P. ewes . S2 400
S3S cull. . OS 39)
II yearling . 104 4 10
145 ewe. ' . 107 350
90 wethers . 115 30. . )
31ii we.Mert ) l.imbt . , . 79 4 SI
237 Mexican lambs . K 4 ft )
221 Mexican lamb * . 61 4 M
GS western yearlings . SI r. 10
21 western ewes . S7 300
' .TO Mexican Inmbs . , . 69 C > 10
121 Mexican lambs . 61 4 90
iiNliifitN III HOKN Ai'tlvo lit Oonornlly
Stonily I'rlc-PM.-
CIIIOAC1O , March 22. Trade In cattle wn of
the usual Tuesday character , the Kcntral dcmind
ns only fair , but meager offering * prevented
any reduction In prices. Very few cattle were
choice enouBh to pell above J3.10 and strictly
choice beeies were nominal , none offerlnB. Fed
western cattle told at J4.1C03.10 and cattle from
Texas sold at J3.0W1.00 foil steers and J2 Wf.V.U
for bulls , oxen and cows , i-tocki'rs nnd feeders
continued In Rood demand , with Males largely
nt JI.WS-i.60. Cubes wcru steady at unchanged
llUKlness in boss was ncll\c nt generally
steady prlcef , Monday's advance lieliig sus
tained. The greater part of thu offerings rroved
the scales nt t3.903'4.00 , common droves soiling
rtt JJ SOG3.S5 nnd prime lots at 11.0001.05.
Prices for Mieep and lamlis were unchanged ,
with n fairly active demand. Sheep ( -old nt
J3.70Jf4.73 for common to pi line , cMelly nt tl ' - > W
4.63. Colorado Inmbs brought J3.C5if3.00. others
selling for J3.Wf5.40.
IIBUBIPTS Cuttle. 2.500 he-id ; lings , 21,000
head ; sheep , 15,000 bead.
Nt. l.lvc Stot-U.
ST. 1XUIS , March 22 - CATTI.Bliocelpts ,
. 'JiV ) head , Including COO head Texan * ; slilp-
menls , 400 head ; market steady to ttrong ; fair
tn fancy , native shipping and export kteor * , $4.60
if5.CO ; bulk of sap , J4.70O."i.30 ; dressed beef and
butcher steer * . J4.00ji3.00 ; bulk of rale ? , (4,250
4.73 ; steers under l.OCO Ilia , J3.COifl.45 : bulk of
sales , J1.23ii4.40 ; stockers nn.l fcedors , J3 &o f
4 FO ; bulk of sale ? , J3.SOQ4.POi cows and Jielfeis.
J2.00WlfO ; Texas and Indian tteer ? , J.I. 6081.70.
with j'3.25 paid for n FliiBle line r.rnde steer ,
bulk of sales , J1.COU4.IO ; cows nnd heifers , Ji.CO
63 I1)
1IOHS Receipts , C.7W head ; shipments , 1.2 < jO
head ; mniket steady to strong ; yurkers , JS.OCy
3.W : packer * , Ji.735il.CO ; butchers' , Jl.Wifl O.i.
HHBBP Receipts , l.SOO head ; bhlpni"nt , none ;
market htcndy lo strong : native muttons , JI.W5 ?
4.50 ; lambs , J3.CO < 75.3i ) .
I.I vi.Sto < -I.- .
I/UISVILiln , March 22. CATT1.K Market
dull and fully 100160 lower : extra good export
teer , ll.nOfft.G3 ; choice butcher steers. JI.13 ®
4.34 ; fair to good butcher stceis. JS.6Jiff4.13 ; com
mon to mttllum butcher ntif rs. J3.40ff3.6J ; choice
heifers , J3 > 90If4.13 ; fair to choice butcher cows ,
J2.905J'3.Go medium to good feeders , J3.dif4.13.
IIOOS Receipt * , 700 head ; topn , J3.M ; me
dium * . J3.83O3.95 ; light shippers , J3.73W3.S3 ; p'gs ,
SHHBP AND LAMUS Market steady nnd un-
Clianced ; good to extra shipping sheep , J3,50p
3 7S- fair to good dheep. J3.00ff3.25 ; common to
medium , J2.00R2.50 ; extra shipping lambs , J 1.73ft
5.00 ; fair to good lambs , J4.2iO4.73 : best butch-
erg , J4,00ffl ( , CO ; fair to good butchers , J3.C004.00.
IiiilliinniinllH Live Stock.
oelpl * . 7CO head : chlpmcnts , COO ; market moder
ately scllve. goo < l to prime steers. Jl. iff. ) ) ;
fair to medium steers , J4.6004.SO : common stock-
CrHOO3-Receipt9 , 4,600 head ; shipment ! " , I.COO
head : market more active and Co I'lsher ; good
tn chWce medium nnd heavy , J3.9.if4.iG ; mixed
nnd heavy. J3.90S3.95 ; goo.1 to choice lights.
S3 901T3.93 ; common llBlits. J3.fO 3.90.
SHBBP-Recclpts , light ; shipments , none ; mar
ket aulet ; good to choice lambs , J5.1.iff5.0 ; com
mon to medium lambs , J3.73fl3.00 ; common sheep ,
J2.25S3.00. _
KnnHiiH City Live Slock.
KANSAS CITY. March 22. CATTLB-Recelpts.
4 700 head natlvrs , 400 head southern ; market
active to lOe hUhcr ; medium beeves.
14 2504.78 : cow * nnd heifers. J2.MJI4.65 : "tockers
and feeders , t3.EOfr3.31 : western fed , J4.000l.CO ;
T/OGS-Re / lpt ! ) ! ' : market strong
Vc S.7MM ! SB heavies
t hlg or ; bulk of sales. * :
and packers , $3.70ns. ! > 0r mixed , $3.70fl3.90 ; lights.
' ' ' ' ' - -
-n'l''-- -head active , strong
" i - . - . ' ;
toS"c hlVnerf western 'mutlnns. M.JW4 W : , y-ar-
lings J4.50 f4.75 ; western lamb , JI.Ca85.30f ; 43-
Ib. uprlng Inmbs brought Sc per lb.
Kimt lluffnln LUStork. .
r-V T IH'FFALO. N. Y. , MnrcU 22. CATTLB
-nun ? prime export steers. K.2.103.S3 ; prime
shlpplne. J4.SW..15 : fat. J4.COSI4.75 , coarfe and
TO iS l. i3.73fl4.23 : light. JI.1W4.SO ; choice fat
lie'fers J4.2.fi4.CO ; mixed butcher ttock , J3.CW
400 ; fat butcher cows , J3.10S3.75.
iirir" ) Yorkers good to choice , Jl.lWt.2i > :
to choice. J3.C083.75 : pig * , com-
"LAMnS oicf'tfeiua. 5.9.)06.00 . ; cull , tn
' - ' ' ' choice wethers , J4.80tfl.CO ;
culls to common J3.I5tfl.25.
KiiMt Llliorty Live Stock.
T.AST LI11BRTY , Pa. . . March 2J.-CATTI.B-
Bt . : prime. * 5.05fj < l.l3 : nm0n. Jo.CO < t4.10.
bull * stags and oowc , J2.OiVrf4.14.
Iioas-Slendy ; prime medium weights , Jl 153
4.20 ; l , T .4vy packers. * I.1W4 ( 15 : o-rt heasv
lioei $1.104.15 : mmmon to fair york'1 ' Jl f J
ftfir , ; plK * . aA to quality. JS.COB3JU. K
rough- , f3.44fl-3.ei ; Cfmnnon to fair. 2.MOTM.
PHBBP-Steody nnd unchanK J ; * } < ? . ?
K7MT3.R5 : common to good , JlWj..O ; veal
ca'lvert. JC.Oliffi.BO.
Cltivlnniitt Stock.
CINCINNATI , March 22.-HOaS-S'.eady. J3.M
RCATTLK-SlronB , J2.7.1f4 S5.
SHBEP Steady , J2.75J4.23.
Stork In SlKlit.
Record of receipts of live strwk at the fojr
prlnclpM markels for
Tot ls . . 12J34 41,464 27.315
Now York Live Stock.
NBW YORK. March > .
G74 head ; no trading. Cables quote American
11O Board of Trade Bldg. , Omaha , Neb
Branch ORIro. 1038 N St. . Lincoln. N b.
President View President
diflslie-Stei Commission Cos
Capital , 50,00M(0. ( ( Fallr Pnlil.
Ill Hoard of Trade IlnlldluK.
Telephone 1030. Omaha ,
t * Chlc o nd IMw. York.
Ja n A. Warn * > A Co.
irrrs n.i amr'viic , arrnisi wripm ; ai\rj \ > ftl
Wfflto ; boof. Mttlio. '
OAL.VLM Uocfiiiln. C4 hpiul ; ctlr "U nrmj
V H , M.WffT.OO.
SlIKKP AND U\Mll No Arrival , ni n *
traulnfr ,
HOUS-RpfplplB. ; . ! ! | , c.nli tcuUtr.
Wi < il 3tnrUct .
6T. lAJl'IS , March \VOOL-15ull and i
tlon ive. ! TrndlnBs . nrm nnd compct .
to.lny usgreituto
's nil' ' A101"1"1 ! ! ft ' " of ii
N > n ( Miulh Wales ,
wool. hlch
was tl * he * of.
fercd so f r , and rniislMnl chiefly of merinos.
Tlip offerlnKs also Inclu.lo.l several very cliolc
lol of Rreaiy Bcouivd. Tlirrc was nctlvo competition -
petition Iwtwcvn the Fri-nch and Herman buyer *
for merinos , llolter uroitmls were nlno souitht
nfter. Rest .New South Wale * Mangrawalll *
jveto t.y Russia. ( ItvloiiK ns bought
Iiy the home trnJo and n small supply of the
crosn lired * sold at full rates. Previous to ( ha
i-flle today SS.1 hales of niund and 2.3i > S bale *
of ilnniaKnt China sheep wool wrrp fold , th *
fornwr lieln c laken by American buyers. IVm-
n K oil skins niimUTlnR 1,220 kilos nlso old noil.
are tl.l sale < In detail : New South
. fi.SW Imlon : r unrnt , l Uflu Id ; greasy ,
Ud Qiircnslnnd , liH ! ) Ixjlosj scoured , 1M
Wls Ctjd ; Kteasy , CUnoid. Vleloria. 2to ) bale :
scoured , 9itdflln 8 < l : srcasy. fisffllil. New 7.t *
land , l.SOil bnlc ; scounOdffls ! 2dj Kreasy , 6V
IIOSTON , March 22. The \\ool mnrket thl *
work has boi-n dull nnd the demand has drupp > 'it
almost to nothing. Territory wools arc undoubtedly -
doubtodly the weakest on the lift from th
fact that thcso wo < i | are In InrRp supply , nno
medium and flno are n'lllni ; nt nlout 43Mfr < i
Kcournl , nllh n o Utini nl ) iil 42.1'lcece wools
nro dull , but tlu < runlKot Is quoted nominally
nt.ttlntiary. The ileinand for Australian wools
Ii dull , tht * amo us oilier kinds , but holders
nro not disposed lo weaken the price , TH1 fol-
ate the pi Ices for tlic Icndtii ) ; dr.icrl | > -
Chin nnd IVnnrylrnnln llfccrs , X niul above ,
2 c ; XX. 29.XX : ami XX iibowv ? 0c : delo.'ne. '
Slcj No. 1 combliur , SOSfJlc ; No. 2 coinblnit , XHt
31c. MlPhlKnti , Wls'dtuln , ctc.-X Mlchlcan. 24o ;
No. 1 Mlchliriin ciunbliiiT , 2i > ; No. 2 Mlchlcan
rntnhltii ; , 2 < iff21'o ' : Xi New Yoik , Now Ilamp'tlro
and Vrrnmnt , SI4f2lc : N . 1 NVw York , Now
Ilnmiwhlro nnd Vermont , 27c ; dola/ne. Mlchlmut ,
! Sc. Unwashed modlum Ki-ntiicky and Indiana
ono-miartor blood ecmlilmr. 2Jc ; Kentucky nnd
Indiana threo-elKhllis blood comblnu , 2.V ; Ml -
sourl ono-qunrler blood oombliiK , 2 - ; Missouri
thrpe-clRhtlh blood rninirn ? , 22tic ; lirnhl i-iimb-
Intf. 20c ; laltn nn.l OeorKlii , I2c Texni wiviN
Pprln flno (12 ( nunitli < 0 , IffllSc ; scourod.
8irlnic | line (12 ( months ) , 1'UlHc : FCoured ,
Ti'rrllnrj' wooH-Monfina tine medium and line ,
KliilPc ; scoiiroJ , 4WI7c ; staple. 4iTMV' ( ; I'tnh aint
\Vyomlnc line tiicdlum and line , ir.fT17o ; scoured ,
43ifinc ; Btaplo , 48c. Anctrnllnn , pcouri-d bus1 *
futnliliiK. sup-rnno , 70H7Sf. comblnittol , r-ft
Cfc ; eomli'm ; , nvcrnBC , C2 C3c ; Queensland comb-
Inn , C3c.
X MV York nry ( lonili Slnrkct.
NHU * YORK , Mirch 23. A further decllno In
the bliMlmr for pilnt cloths and n reduction In
rtilrtliiR pilnls arc tbo fenturrn of the di-v lij
dry Kimds. The weakonlntt Irmloncy l declared
to bo duo nlmoi't entirely tn continued overpro
duction nnd n curtailment I * declared to bo tha
only Kolullon of th" illlllculty. There I * tj >
cbniiKo In the FltuotliMi liv woolen K.-xids. 'I rail o
U quiet In lioth men's wear nnd drom fnlirlP * .
The ninrkot for plnple ccittiins If nul < 't n ' ' ' "
ftroiiKcr. Print clith' ( nro nominally 2Wo , for
extraK In prints thr > i eduction of Amcrlonn
rhlrtln'ir prlri-s lo .IHc nnd n corroipiimllnif drop
In ( Vnlral P.nk Koodi are Hie mlworthv fea
tures of Iho iiiurl.Pt. The heavy cturks nf tliOFn
ci > od nro ehnmod I" chaiiKos In the ilcmind.
baseil nn the popularlly nf Madras nnd similar
lino. . Other staple prlntx nro quiet.
( -iillforiilii llrlfil .
FIIIT1TR- Quiet nnd Fteady. Bvainrnteil | iitipl'-s ,
oomiiKin. SfiSc pfr lb. : prl'tie wire Irny , EKifSHc ;
wood dried , prime , S'.ffSH" : rholco. f'ilif j ;
faticv , il'AfflOo. PruiU'c. 3mr7 ' , o Aprlonts ,
Royal. r > V.A7c ; Moor Pntk. SiiOlfliic. IVachos ,
unpeolod. uWc' pecbxl. 14il3p.
lliiiH'liowliT TrvllliKiilirli'M. .
JtANCIIBrtTBR. Mnich 22 Clnt'is nnd yarns
qiilot , with very little huMncftH
frlmary. Secondary or Tertiary BIXX5U
I'OISON penmnentiy
Cured in 15 to 35 Days.
You can be treated at homo for
price und r same gunranty. If you prefer
to come here we will contract to pay rail.
road lure and hottl bills , and no churn
U we fall to cure.
Uken mercurr. Iodide potash and tlil
hnve aches and pains. Mucous Patches In
mouth. Bore Throat , 1'Iinplei , Cupper CoN
wed Spots , Ulcers on any part of the
body , Hilr or Eyebrows falling out. It It
this Bcconaary
We Guarantee to Cure
W * solicit the mnt olntlnat * C JM and
challenge the world for a caie w cannot
cur * . This dlaeue haj alwny bafntd the
kill of tha IJioit tmlntnt phynlclani.
UCO.OOO capital behind our unconditional
guaranty. AbioluU proofa icnt ae led
on applloatlon. 100 pnga book aant frw.
Hnionlo Temple , ChlcuBo , III.
Two Weeks'
_ . To All
llllIY Alt ! ' . 01.1)
In the treatment of all
Chronic , Nervous and Private Diseases ,
and DISOHDIiHS OH [ 111.11
Catarrh , all DlieaEes ot the Nose , Throat , Cheil
Btomacli , Ulver , HlooJ , Skin and Kidney DIs-
ases , Lost Manhood , Ilydrocele , Verlcocele ,
Gonorrhea , Qleete , Syphilis. Stricture , Piles , fis
tula and nectal Ulcers Diabetes UilRht'i Dis
ease cured. Call on or address with stamp tot
Frto Doolc and Neiv Methods.
Trcntnient 1 > y Jlnll , Consultation free.
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute
Boom l > iKM North Kth SI. OnuUu. N K
Steel | Pennyroyal Treatment
is the nriginnl nnd only FRENCH ,
safe anil rcliablo cnro on the mar
ket. 1'rlcn. 81.110 ; sent by mnU.
Ueuuino sol-1 only b ;
Myi-rn Dillon Drnif Co , S. IS. Come *
JOth mill I'nriiiiin Sin. , Oninliit.ili. .
Mlcr's kncllih Ulsssead JlnnH.
Orl(1 sl and Only Ocmiliie.
Arc , ftlwayi rrltablt. LADIC * kit
l ( or CkUliiutri KnMtlt flla
T < M4 ID Itrd D4 < lJi BitlilUo
lb iej , trkleil with blu * rlbbea. Tuke
MeJL in.UOUTnllmuUU. * J'ajxr.
. Okie bMtrrC'
tali fcr 411 t/jcU Drojfliu. I'lllLAIIA * * A.