rpTT17. rkArATTA I'sATT.'V irTC'TC * GTfVTi A V.f A TnTT Ofl 1QOQ 1 ! t nr.t.i > . ( Continued. ) WANTED , YOUNG M\N TO WORK IN - laurantl mutt understand buln " ! is nnd be well tecommended. Aildrtu 243 York. Neb B-337 20 * wA.vni : > FKMAI.I : nni.p. 1M GtlU.q 1X > R AUj KINDS OF WOIIK : 13 TO _ 7 week. Canadian Olllce , 1322 Doiigln" aauiij.,1 - . c-431 GOOD COOK. APPLY 110 N. MD HT.C . C M23 25 * WANTED , GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework In lanilly of two. CJJ So. 29th Ave. C 517 20 FAT FOLKS REDUCED 15 I.IJS. A MONTH ; anyone can make remedy at home ; sample t > ox , etc , , mallei ! free ; tt costs you notnlni ; to try It. Hall Chemical Co. , A 34 St. Louis , Mo. C 11 LESSONS IS BOOKKEEPING , DAY Oil evening , privately , by practlcil expert ac countant ; iiu.illfltil to keep any links ; no tedious school methods ; 13lh ) eir ; write for Informutlon today , 1C IS , Dec. C 312 20 * I.ADIE3 CAN MAKI2 9.W I'EH WEEK IK > INO plain nn-Jlework for in at limne ; experience unnecessary ; tfply envelope for sample and particular * . International Co. , 27 Third Ave. , New York. C 237 20 * ijA.niIK AND GIIILS TO ix ) NEEDLU WORK fit home , can devotn nil ttr part time ; light , at tractive work and good pay. Call 32 and 33 Rir- ker blk. , uor. loth and Fiirnam. C Mail 21 * WANTED , fJOMPETENT GIRL KOIl .SMALL family. 1021 Park avenue. C Matt 21 * l-'Oll HKVr HOlJSES. CHOICE HOUSES & COTTAOISJ A I.I. OVER city. (3 to 173. ridcllty , 1st lloor N. Y. Life. D iz HOUSES , WALLACE. BROWN III.OCK. 16TH and Douglas. I ) 153 1.AROH LIST. M'CAOUE. 15TH AND DOPOa D-131 HOUSES. FLATS. GAIIVIN I1HO3. , 1613 FAIVM D \ & HOUSES. j , H. SHERWOOD , N. v. LIFE. U 456 Jin'- ' - IN AM. 1'AUTS OP THK CITY. THE O. F. Davis Ompany. 1503 rarnam. D 457 HOUSES. RENEWA & CO. , 109 N. 15T1I ST. D-418 HOUSES , STORES. HIMIS : , PAXTOND D 159 NEW COTTAGE , MONTHLY PAYMENTS. 604 nee Bldg. D M551 DETACHED MODERN 12-ItOOM , ALSO 9-ROOM house ; keys at ZnlS Cap. Ave. Tel , D7.1. H. H. Iloblson. D MI2S MOVING HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND PIANOS. Om. Van & Storage Co. , 15I1V4 rnrnam. Tel 1C9 D-M321 EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY FOR niOHT party tn op n nn exclusive family hotel and apartment honso for railroad and depot em ployes on South 10th street , Omaha , within two Mocks nf the new Burlington ami Union Pa- clflc depots ; new building coptnlns CO large rooms ; accommoditlotis for nbout IDT persons ; J will lei e for term to rofpon llile patty who wt.HH capital to furnish and conduct a first-class place. II 54 , UPC. D 670 e-noo.M MODERN PLAT. 1112 SOUTH HTH. D-M169 1711 PARK AVE. , 9-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. Oarvln Bins. , 1CI3 Parnam St. D MHO 20 j-iiooM1 HOUSE AND UAiiN. iiEAn not nunT street. D-223-20 * FOR nr.NT. 9-ROOM HOUSE AND WILL SELL furniture. Apply at once. 1030 Georgia Ave. Chafl. I ) . Hall. D-213 2 < > * FOR HUNT. MODERN S-ROOM FU1LVISHKD housij. 6:3 Su. 23th Ave. D 24j 21 * 7-ROOM MODP.HN FI.AT. 202" , FAUNAM ST. A. M. Cowle , 211 So. 18th St. D 347 20" s-nooM MonniiN nnTAnui > not'sn WITH barn , near Han-corn park ; vacant April 1. J. H. Shernood. 123 N. Y. Life. D 313 20 j-nooM noiJHn ON PAPITOL AVI : , u. c. Peters & Co. , U. S. Nat. Hank blilsr. D M31D n-nooM iiousn ON CAPITOL AVH. , NB 2"th si. n. C. Peters & Co. , U. S. Nit. Dink lildtf. D-M320 STOP PAYING HINT : wn WILL IIIMLD YOU n li'iuso In iood location , within easy wall.Ins ill tanco to Ixi9lne ! > i , and sell on monthly pay ments. Address J SS , lice. D 237 20 FOH rtHNT SIX-DOOM aTTTAOn ON DAVHN purl St. , iK-twcen 2llh and Kth Sts. Tor In- formAtlrin nil nt National ClothlnR ro. . corner Itth and DotiR-las St. D-257 UKNT KUHXI ! ! En THE INFOUMATION IIUKCAU , 1319 FA11NAM. B-M41S M3 t NICE ROOMS HOUSEKEEPING. 1112 SOUTH llth. E SI765 IIODEHN nOOMS. tl.CO WEEK UP. TUAN- ilcnti accommodated. G14 No. 19th St. E M128 21 A WELT. FtmNISIIED FRONT ROOM WITH bath , , to one or two Kcntlemen. five blocks from poslolllco. Address J C7 , Ilee. E 201 URSIRAnLE ROOM , II. F. ROYS , N. Y. llldff. 'Phone 811. E-M211 A17 t FURNISHED ROOMS. 6"9 8. 29TH ST. Modern Improvement ! . E 220-20 * BEAUTIFUL LARGE MODERN FRONT ROOM with bay window and kitchen furnished com plete for housekeeping ; no children , 514 Nortli 19th. E-337 20 * NICELY Ft'RXISItnn ROOMS ; PRIVATE FAM lly. 1811 Ca.-s. E-M330 26 FOR RENT. ONE OR TWO FURNISHED rooms , modern house ; no extra charge durlnc exposition. Address K 23 , Ilee. E M3 21 n.BASAKT FURNISHED FRONT ROOM IN prlvnto family with no children. 1317 S. 31st. rnivATn FAMILY NEAR HIGH SCHOOL will rent south front room ami alcove to couple. A'ery desirable for summer. Addre. i K 12 , Uc , E-239-20 * WANTED TWO ORNTI.KMBN TO OCCUPY pleasant front room In Hlrlctly private family. Hoard If desired. Terms reatonahle. Call 200 ] North ISth , corner Grace. n 261 20 IN PRIVATE FAMILY. 1919 tyiUOB. IIOOMS AMI HOARD. THE MER1HAM. FIR8T-CI.AS8 FAMILY HO- tel. 2Jth and Dodse SU. F 463 NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM : PR I vato family. 01 So. 29th St. F-24S 21 * THE ALRANY , 21C1 DOUGLAS ; TRANSIENTS ccommndatcd ; twst of tabla board. F M196 20f FURNISHED IIOOM3. GOOD HOARD , REA wnable , CIS No. IDIh St. F 201 W ELEGANT FRONT ROOMS ; FIRST-CLASS board. 1909 Capitol Ave. F M209 20 HOOMS WITH HOARD ; MODERN. 2:21 PODOI3 , t. K-MI30 23- KLONDIKE HOTEU S. E. COR. 16TH AND Webster Sts. ; vtcam heat rooms , $ l.Cu uer week and up. F MM : UTOPIA. 1721 DAVENPORT ; TRANSIENTS accommodated. F 61 ! A4 THE ROSK. 2020 HARNEY ; ROOMS WITI board ; rate * reasonable ; transients accommo ditto , ! . F-M971 THREE ELEGANTLY FURNISHED PAR , lorn , three blocks city hall ; ti > . of plino ; suit ble for four or six gentlemen : table board I desired ; terms reasonable , Addresi K II , Dee , F 34J 20 * FOR RENT. SUITE OF ROOMS I'P STAIRS also front and hvk parlors , suitable for fou gentlemen. 615 North 20th. F-M3s 21 * LARGE. PLRASANT EAST ROOM WITH O'fOD ' board ; small family ; convenient to dummy ; am block from Hanscom park street car. 154 * So , Mth. V M33J 23 IIOOM AND ROARD TOR LIMITED Nt'MRER first class , nt 30th St. entrance exposition. Bmmett street. F 2 FITRNISHBD ROOMS WITH HOARD. 2415 N SSth Ave. F K2-20 NEWLY Ft'RNIKHIJD ROOMS. MODERN , AND boanl ; reanonoble prices ; tx-rinanent for mm mer ; references required. 25W Sherman Ave. F-2SS 20 FURNISHED ROOMS. I11J GRANT ST. F-MS68 26 FOU IHXT _ TOUIS OFFICES. FOR RENT IN THE UEE I1UILDINO : One larje corner room , 2d tloor. with vault an Vrlvat * office , water , etc , One larg * front room , SJ floor , divided Into tw room * by partition ; water , etc. On * Krse corner room , TJ floor , with vaul1 water , etc. On * front room , divided by partition , 3d floor. One corner room , with \ault , 1J tloor. On * tare * room , M floor , with partition dlvldln. It Into one largo room and two smaller prlvat rooms ; water , etc. Tno Inrje itrounj floor rooms , frontlnr 17th Bt with vault. Several small room * on 4th floor , with vtulti. Alt th * rooms are hrated with ( team , electri llEhtf. tupplled with flrtt-clats janitor strvlc * . Elevator * run ' .ay and all night ; bulldlni trlctly flrtproof. Apply to HuptrlntenJtnt Room 104. Ue bulldlnf. I-1M FOR HKNT-DESK ROOM IN GROUND FLOOR office , P e bullJIng ; water , steam hivt , elrotrto Debt and Jinltor Mrvlet. Apiily tt Sup rtn- tondtab B bulUln * . \ I-UT V. nnxT _ Tonn § .VXD OFFICES. ( Continued. ) . FOR RENT-THE 4-RTORY HIUCK PUILDINO nt 918 Farnam fir. This Uultdlmj ha a fireproof cemrnt bnxmenti water on all floort ; gas , etc. Apply at the office of The Dee. 1-910 "FOR TRACKAGE , TRANSFERRING AND deth room , nrply to the Aultman & Taylor Machinery Co. . N. E. cor , Jth and JocUson sts. 1-923 AGIXTS : UEAUT1FUI. LIFE OF 1TIANCES E. V/It lard , written by Anna A. Gordon , who was MM | Wlllard's private secretary for ovf-r 2 ' years ; the only book authorized and endorse ! by the W. C. T. U. ; over l.OtO.OO ) copies will be sold ; the greatest seller of the century , wr'te for outfit ; best tcrnui ; circular free ; doti t tnl a thin chnnrvi act quick. J. B. Zlcgler & Co. , 323 Dearborn SI , , Chicago , J M23J 20 IVANTED , AGENTS TO SELL MURAT H.\I > stud's Great Cuba Hook : all about Cuba ; Spain ; and War ; great excitement ; everyone buy * it ; one agent sold 87 In one day ; another nude 113.09 In one hour ; COO paces ; mannnlll- cent Illustrations ; photographs , etc. ; low price ; we guarantee the most liberal terms ; freight paid ; 20 days' credit ; oulllt free ; fend 10 two- com stamps to pay postage. The lllble House , 324 Dearborn t. , Chicago. J-3H 21 , OENTS , CITY OR COUNTY , TO S1JI.I. McDonald's navorlnic Extracts. 2118 N. 17th St. , Omaha , J M327 2 GENTS WANTED TO SELL THE "AUT.O- matlc Ikxjkkcpper , " a new , simple , practical. Ingenious device wlveroby a person without pre- vloui experience can correctly keep a set of books ; sells at slg-hl ; price , W cents ; mrents' sample copy , postpaid , 23 twnti. Address Anto- matla Rookkorper Co. , 730 Alvarado St. , Iios Angelea , t\il. J 32 ; 2D GENTS WANTED A WHIRLWIND OF tnoni-y Helling ttio mnunlflcenl nrt color type of Imtlcalilp Maine , 19x23 , ready for framing ; Just nut ; nothing like It ; every home and hu ln < > ss hou"anti one ; order quick and get tlie cream ; sample mailed for 23c ; write for par ticulars. 1'alrlollc Art Co. , 67 S. Clark St. , Chicago. J 32.1 2 > > GENTS FOR 3.50 TALKING MACHINE ; greatest seller of the age ; big niorwy.Tilson Ac Holmes , manufacturers , 0)2 ) Rlalto tild ? . , Chicago cage , J 17 2i ) ' IVANTED. LADY AGENTS IN EVERY LOCAI.- Ity In Nebraska und 1'ottawattamlc Co. . Iowa. Call or write Mrs. J , H. Webster , 207 S. 24th St. J 313 20 * STORE FOR RENT , VACANT SOON : VERY central. J. H. Sherwood , 43 N. Y. Life. J-334 M iVANTKD , HUSTLING AGENTS EVERYwhere - where , to tell new Spray Pumps Just out ; largest demand now ; a bonanza for right party ; write today for particulars. Hergor Hptay Pump Co. , Canton , Ohio. J 32 20 * \GENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE ; QUICK- t'st selling lalxir ilevlcc since the Eewlng ma chine. Address Burr Mnfg. Co. , Dcpt. CJ , Cleveland , O. J 301 20 * . NOVBLTY OF EVERY DAY USE ; SELL' ' llko hot cakes ; It's a corker. Mall 10 cents for sample. Max Strehlow , SIO Unity Hide. . CW- caco , 111. J 2UJ-20 * .VANTED ALL MAIL ORDER FIRMS agents .nnd canvassers , to send for circulars and particulars of tiew novelties ; Inclosu 2-cent btamp for noHtagG ; rapid sellers ; territory free. U. M. JacotMcn , 149 Huron St. , Chicago J-2ii'J-20 GENTS MAKING $10 TO SO A WEEK. Greatest agents' seller ever Invented. Roth canvassing1 nn < l guncinl agents needed. Full IMrtlculnrs by mall. M > nroe Mfu. . Co. . X 16 I > 1 Crosse , WIs. J 2til-2) ) GENTS LUMINOUS SIGNS , NAME PLX.TF.S and street NO'H. Readable darke.st nights. Samples free. Thomas Co. , Englevvood , 111 GDNTS-J100.00 WEEKLY AND EXPENSES guaranteed good men to sell Arctic Rcfrlserat- Ing Mnc-lilnea for cooling tetrlgenitois ; cunro' tcnl 75 per cent cheaper than Ice ; Indestructible , everlasting ; retails for only J13.0 * > . Every owner of a refilgerator buys them , a * the savins of Icii In om- month more Mian pajs for machine. Have over 5,0ft ) In usv ? . 1,0ft ) testimonials from leading merchants of the U. S. Greatest mo nopoly ever offered ngvnta. No competition ; exclusive territory assigned good salesman. Wrlto today nnd secure your territory before It li taken. For full particulars address Arctic Refrleoratlnu Co. , Cincinnati , O. J-2C8-20' .VANTED . , MEN AND WOMEN ; HOME WORK ; )15 to U > per week salary ; no experience neces sary ; write nt once for InsUuctlon. a. L. Pcnrsall , 6 Fulton St. , Albany , N. Y. J 505 20 HEAUTirUI. LIFE OP FRAXCIXS E. WIL- lard , written by Anna A. Gordon , who was Mlfs Wlllard'H private secretary for over 20 years ; the only book authorized nnd endorsed by the W. C. T. , U. ; .over 1,000,000 copies will bo sold ; the Rreatrft teller , of the tentury ; write for outfit ? bent terms ; 'circular free ; don't ml s thli change ; net quirk. J. S. Zle ler & Co. , 323 Deirhorn St. Chicago. J-203 20 WANTED. AGENTS TO HANDLE OUR HIGH- gradc perfumes ; new jilan ; profit * large ; sales easy. Lelller & Co. , St. Louis , Mo. J 303 20 * AGENTS'WANTED , SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS given to hustling agents wishing to handle our celebrated portraits ; tlOO per month guaran teed. Address Duncan Portrait Co. , 240-242 Wnbnsh Ave.L Chicago , 111. J 301 20 * AGENTS , $60.00 FIRST MONTH , 17300 AND expenses , appointing agents , nfter flrit month. Gibson Supply Co. , Gibson City , III.J300 J-300 AGENTS , STOREKEEPERS ; UNPARALLELED opportunity ; new picture machine , "The Arto- pcope : " pays rent nnd expenses. Stlrrtm Mf c. Co. . 72 Fulton St. , N. Y. J-298 20 'ONLY PERFECT VAPOR RATH" GREATest - est seller on earth. Hygienic Rath Cabinet Co. , Nashville , Tenn. J 2C'J 20 * SOLICITORS WANTED. FOR "THE REAUTI- ful Life of Frances E. Wlllard , " by Anna Gor don , Mlm Willard's secretary for 21 years , the pnly official book ; endorsed nnd published under the auspices of the W. C. T. U. ; be-in- tlfully Illustrated ; superb printing- ; elegantly bound ; only $5.00 ; the only book of the * eafon ; sales will he tremendous ; liberal commissions ; credit given ; freight paid ; each book supplied by us bears the ofllclal stamp of the W. C. T. U. ; we warn all not to sell any unauthentlc editions , which are liable to be placed on the market ; If you whh to make more money than you ran spend , send CO cents for complete out lit at once , to the authorized distributors. Monarch Rook Company , Dept. F , 46 Jackson St. , Chicago. J-263 20 AGENTS' WE wii.ii PAY IKO.OO PER MONTH and railroad .expenses , to any man who will work energetically taking orders for the m * t reliable Portrait Copvln ? House In the United States ; we pay strktly salary. Addre s Imme diately , G. E. Martel , New York , N. Y. J 270 20 WANTED , SALESMEN TO SELL OUR LINE of fine lubricating oils nnd greases ; saliry or commission. The Atlas Oil Co. , Cleveland. O. J WANTED NOW. AGENTS TO SELL SASH lacks nnd door holders ; rnmple sash lock free for 2o stamp ; Immense ; better than weights ; burglar proof ; $10 a day ; write quick. Address Rrohard & Co. , Dept. 53 , Philadelphia , Pa. WANTED. MENi AND WOMEN TO WORK AT home ; I pay $ H to $1C per week for making crayon portraits , new patent met.hnd. nnvnns who can read or write can do the work at homo In spare time- , day or evening ; send for partic ular" nnd work nt once. Address H. A. Orlpp , German artist. Tyrone. Pa. J AGENTS WANTEL IN EACH TOWN AND city to sell Jewel Carpet renovator ; It cleans carpets on the floor without Injury to fabric or rol * > r ; removes presse. soot. dirt. etc. . as easily as scrubhlnr a floor. Write. Jewel Mfg. Co. , 13S Jackson St. , Chicago. J AGENTS. $25 A WEEK EASY : A RRAND NEW thine : fend vmir nddre s quirk nnd set mr- tlculnrs. Peoples' , 3W1 Market St. . Phlla. .T A LADY OP WEALTH AND FAMR WILL glva genteel employment ti energetic ladles of refinement. A rare onportunltv to make an In. dependent Income. Permits of travel or horn * work Address Drawer V. P. O. Chicago , J WfcXTKO TO nEXT. 5 OR ROOMS , STRICTLY MODERN. FUR- nlshed house ; centrally located ; state terms. Address J W , Hee. K 273 20 WANTED. ROOM AND ROARD. RY MAK and wife. In private family ; north part of city preferred , Addresi K 15 , R e. e.K271 JO * UNFURNISHED ROOMS. DY SCHOOL teacher living alone ; two or three rooms con venient for housekeeping ; permanent. Address K 19 , Ree. K-344 20- THE USE OF RED ROOM SUIT AND FOLDING beit for the storage ; best of care taken K 10 , Ree office K MS40 21 * WANTF.D. TWO NICELY FURNISHED P.OfiMS wlttlt first-class board. Address K 25 , Hee. KVI ? < 1 WB C1AN SUPPLY VERY DESIRRLI3 tenants for W houses { to S rooms within onn week. If you have nnv linuse * for rent list them with us at once. Fidelity , 1st fl'Vr , N. T. Life K-M.170 STORAGE. PACIFIC STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE CO. . Ms-tit Jones ; general atorac * and forwarding , M 46 ] OU. VAN A STORAGE. 1S11H FARN'M. TF.L IU9 M-464 WAKTKD TO BUY. OUAIIA SAVINGS DANKACCOUNTS HOl'OHT. Give amount and price to J SJ , lief.NM119 N-M119 20 WANTED TO BUY. FIRST-CLASS TWO SEAT- 4 phaeton chMp br c * li. K 14 , Hee. FOU SALr FURXITUIli : . BEDROOM SUITS , FOLDING 11ED3 AND AM. kinds of household goodt , to quit Lustnras ; no rensonablo offer refused. Neb. Furniture Co. . 710-12 N. Kth si. O-753 AS ' FOR SALE. THE COMPLETE FURNISHINGS for a seven-room house ; goods nearly new ; houfe can be rented by parties buy Ins furnl * ture. Address K 1 , Ree. O-273 20 STORAOn AUCTION SALE OF FI'RNITI'RE. carpet * , etc. , at 117 N. 13th , Wednesday , March 53 , 2 p. m. This Is a rare opportunity of get * tine gomta nt your own price , as the cntlro lot must be gold Wednesday , - O S63 22 * GOOD SEOOND-HAND DESKS TOR SALE. Apply room 413 Hoard of Trade , O 3" > * 21 * FOR SALE , A POMRINATION DOt'tlLETlOOKT case nnd desk , large size ; good as new , but cheap. 1531 SO. 29th St. O-368 23 FOU SALK 1IOHSKS , WAT.OXS , KTC. FOR f Ain , OINTLB DRIVING MARE. PIIAE- ton nnd harness. Call today or Tuesday , 4174 Cess street. 1' 339 20 WI1 WILL SELL 3EVKRAL CARS OF 1'RISSH country her es at our auction Wcdno Hy p. m. Walwin-th-IToclor Co. P M360 21 FOU SAIn MISCCM.AXKOUS. HORSE CLIPPING MACHINES , KNIVES AND repairs , all standard makes , on hand ; grind ing razors , shears , clippers ; pron.pt service. A. I. Undelar.d. CJ-M37e PURE- PLYMOUTH RJCh. EGOS FOR SETtings - tings : COc ; roosters , $1.00. 933 North 2Cth. 2Cth.419SS 41-9SS SEED SWERT POTATOES. $1.50 I'SR UIJU Theodore Williams , C7th and Military Ave. , Omaha. Neb. Q-MJM Maj- ; NOAH PERRY. JORI1ER AND WHOLESALE dealer In scwcr pipe and stoneware. 4477 Dodge street , Omaha Neb. Telephone SOO. q-M5C7 A2 CHICKEN . HOG AND LAWN FENCES ; .ALL wire ; ! * bust. Wire Works , 14th and Hnrney. FOR SALE-ONE OF THE REST DAIRIES IN tha cltv. Genuine bargain. Inquire J. 1 Kemp Feed Co. , 27th and I-eavcnwoith. Q-M33 FOR SALE , ABOUT 40,000 2ND HAND ST. Louis fire brlek nnd 35,000 building brick , also boiler ? , engine and brick machinery. Wm J. Welshans , City Hall. 'Phone 137. Ci M077 FOR SALE , THE ELKGANT RAR FIXTURES of Palmer house saloon , L , C. llrown , Grand Island , Neb. i Q M769 AS * HOG AND POULTRY FENCE ; 11ETTER THAN wire netting , Fine sawdust for floors , Tel 453. 901 Doufilas. QHR _ HLACKHEADS AND WARTS , HOW TO REmove - move , 5c. C > rus Gray , P. O. box 9t , Ren- nctt , Pa. Q-M154 A15 GOOD SECOND-HAND REMINGTON TYPE- writer. No. 2 , $35.00 cash. J 63. Hee. Q M190 20 GOOD UPRIGHT PIANO FOR SALE. APPLY I 2702 Rrl tel street. Q-M17S 2) ) | STERDOPTICON OUTFITS WITH KLONDIKE , Cuban nnd other slides ; cameras and grapho- phones bought and sold. Richards & Rlrch. 200 Nlcollet Ave. , Minneapolis. Q M213 20 * REGISTERED JERSEY HEIFER , RICHLY bred. Just fresh ; price , tlM. Nebraska Farmer , Arlington blk. , Omaha. Q M22S 20 * GOOD MANDOLIN AND CASE , $3.00. CALL 317 N. 14th St. Q-311 20 NEW WASHRURN GUITAR , REAUTIFUL nnd exceedingly sweet-toned ; account sickness will sell for twenty dollars cash. K 21. Hee. Q-33S 20 A 11ARY HUOGY AND GASOLINE STOVB IN good repair , cheap. 701 Howard St. Q 323 20 * COMR AND SEE OUR ELEGANT NEW STOCK of Hnnlman pianos. One Vose & Son" piano , slightly used. $110.00 ; new pianos , } ' "iO.C1 up. fpoolal sale on organs ; good organ , $30.00 ; ex tra good ones , JT5.00. $13 00 and S53.00. Mnet r pilano & Organ Co. , 214 S. 18th St. , Omahn. Q-S(12 ( 20 MASSAGE , IIATIIS. ETC. MRS. DR. LEON , ELECTRIC MASSAGE RATH parlors ; restful and curative. 417 S. lllh , up stairs. T M109 20 MME. AMES , MASSAGE AND DATHS. 162314 Howard street. T M135 21 MME. SMITH , 118 N. 15TH ST. , STEAM AND alcohol baths. T M120 21" LAURA ELLISON , 119 N. 16TH ( UPSTAIRS ) , room 12 , Turko-Rurslan and plain baths , mas- sage. T M3IO A19 I'KRSOXAL. VIAVI FOR UTERINE TROURLES. 34(1-8 ( REK Uldg ; physician consultation or health book free ' U-4C6 CLOTHES CLEANED , PRESSED AND RE- palred ; day or night ; dress suits for hire Pantorlum , N. E. Cor. 14th and rarnam. ' Tel ! 963. U-467 HORSES CLIPPED , SHORT NOTICE : ONLY electric clippers In city. Tel. C6. McCormac & Daunlcy. 14th & Howard. ' ' U 530 LADIES , HAVE YOUR HAIR DRESSED RE- fore going downtown at the halrdrcsslng parlors of Mme. O. Payne , 2303 Leavenworth St. ; tel. 1SC3 ; artistic manicuring , superfluous hair and facial blemishes rumoved with elec tricity ; strictly private. U M847 All * LADIES. DO YOU DESIRE A LOVELY COM- plcxlon , beautiful bust and perfect. health ? Write me for booklets , descriptive of new arti cles that will secure these If anything In the world can : no lotions. H. D ; Williams , llox 67 , South Omaha. U 177 22 * A HIGHLY RESPECTAHLB YOUNG LADY would like to meet well-to-do gentleman from SO to 40 , with good morals. Address M. Rex 88. U M204 20 * A HIGHLY RESPECTARLE LADY WISHES TO meet gentleman from CO to CO , with meani and good morals. Address D , Box 86. U M205 20 * OMAHA STEAM I.AUNDRY ; PRICES , SHIRTS , Se ; collars , 2c ; cuffs ( pairs ) , 4c ; underwear , 60 ; goods called for and delivered ; work guaran teed ; give us a trial. 1730 Leavenworth St. , telephone D47. U 345 20 HYPNOTISM TAUGHT BY MAIL. HOW TO hypnotize Instantly , conduct entertainments , cure diseases. Success guaranteed. Hllllns , 1000 S. 7th St. , St. Louis. Mo. U 311 20 * HYPNOTISM , LEARN TO HYPNOTIZE ! wonderful , mysterious , fascinating ! Rrlng1 ! social and financial success ; compels others to love nnd obey you ; gratifies every wish ; you can perform astounding feats and make fun by the hour ; cures diseases and bad habits : new nnd Instantaneous method : qulckest and best on earth ; success guaranteed ; costs noth ing to find out all about It ; I send my largo , profusely Illustrated lesson and full particu lars free ; write today. Prof. L , A. Hnrraden , Stn. 93 , Jackron , Mich. U 307.20 * ENLARGE YOUR RUST , IjADIES ! 4 TO 10 Inches , at home , with Dr. Convvay's Rust Tab loids , at trifling cost : JI.OW for a case we cannot ; those developed In past li years prove 'tis permanent ; sealed facts 4c stantps. Conway - way Specific Co. , 133 Tremont St. , Boston , Mass. U 276 20 * AZONA POSITIVELY ENLARGES THE BUST five Inches In thirty days ; wonderful complexIon - Ion beautlfler : failure Impnxslblc. Mrs. Corlnno B. Lahman , Indianapolis , Ind. U-S73 20 * MARRY-THE NATIONAL MATRIMONIAL club ha members worth $500 to $50,000 ; new private lists ; lOc. Rex 1551 , Denver. Colo. U-274 20 * PERSONAL. CROOKED PEOPLE MADE straight for $1.50 ; send for circulars , Gamble Shoulder Rrace Co. , 830 Reaper Block , Dept. F. , Chicago. U NUDE ART FROM NATURE : It BEAUTIFUL colored photos , 25c , stamps , Parisian Art Co. , E05 So. 5th St. , Philadelphia , Pa. U KLONDIKER8. JOIN OUR "HALF PAY GRUR stake" party ; send stamp for large/ map and particulars. Pioneer Klondike Transportation Co. , Room 12 , Security Building1 , St. Ixnils , Mo. U QUICKEST AND REST PRINTING FOR LEABT money. It. O. Hearsey , 1505 K.irnnni. 'Phnn * 2060. U-VXU W * WANTED TO CORRESPOND WITH ROME lolly young lady , 23 to 24 ; object fun. Address K27 , Bee. U-360 20 MONEY TO LOAST UEAl. ESTATE. MONEY TO LOAN AT LOW RATES. TUB O. F. Davis Co. , 1305 Farnam St. W 468 PER CENT CITY AND FARM LOANS. Garvln Bros. , 1613 Farnam Bt. W M47J WANTED , CHOICE FARM AND CITY LOANS. R. C. Peters & Co. , U. a , Nat'l Bank Rldg. W-47S MONEY LOANED ON MPROVED REAL EState - tate In Omaha , Council Bluffs & South Omaha. W. H. Thomas , 503 First Nat'l Bank , Omaha. W 475. $100.000.00 SPECIAL FUND TO LOAN ON first-clasa Improved Omaha properly , or for building purpose * . Fidelity Trust company. W-477 ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. . J15 N. Y. L. ; quick money nt low rates for choice farm lands In Iowa , northern Missouri , eastern Nebraska W 47J LOAN ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property. W , Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320 Farm , MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estat * . llrennan-Lov * Co. , 219 B. 16th. W 470 IU PER CENT MONEY. BBMIS. PAXTOtf Rlk. PRIVATE MOMiY , WEAD , 15TII & DOUGLAS. JJOXHY TO T.OAJI CIIATTii,5. $10 TO $10,000 TO LOAN JON'j HOUSEHOLD FURNITUKB..AND PIANOS , HORSES. WAGONS AND CARRIAGES , WAREHOUSE RErniPTS , ETC. , at lowest rititSn Omaha , South Omaha umViCouncll Iltufts. Nn removal of goods ; strictly confidential ; you can pay the loan off st any time or In any amounts. * * OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , [ , J-W South ICtlt St. THE OLDEST , LARGEST AN.D ONLY INCOR PORATED IX3AN COMPANY IN OMAHA. ' ' X47S MONEY IANED SALARIED PEOPLE HOLDIng - Ing permtnent positions. TVlh | responsible con cerns upon their own names , without security ; easy payments. Tolmanp It 793 , N. Y. L. bids , j 193 Apl6 * I1US1XESS CHANGES. TO GET IN OR OUT OF RUSINES3 GO TO J. J. Gibson , 514 First Nat'l Bank. Y 479 LIVE STOCK COMMISSION FIRM. SOUTH Omaha , wants man with large capital for part ner ; business thoroughly established ; refer ences first-class. Box 445 , Omaha , Y M323 J. I. WATT. BUILDER AND GENERAL JOB- blnir. 2415 Emmet street. Y M537 A2 * EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY FOR RIGHT party to open an exclusive family hotel and apartment house for railroad and depot em- Sioyes on South 10th street , Omaha , within two locks of the new Burlington nnd Union 1'a- clflo depots ; new building contain ; 50 large rooms ; accommodations for about 100 persons : will lease for term to responsllle party who his capital to furnish and conduct a first-class place. H D4. Ilee. Y 670 FIRST-CLASS BRICK MANUFACTURING plant for one-half actual value. Address Com mercial National Rank , Fremont , Neb Y M7S3 23 HARNESS AND SADDLE BUSINESS : COUNTY seat town , Enstein Nebraska. J. J. Glbion , 514 First Nat'l. Bank. V 131-21. FOR SALE. GENERAL MERCHANDISE store In n prosperous locality ; a splendid op- ' portunlty for the right party. For particulars write to G. D. Freed , Hugo , Colo. Y-M157 29 * NICE NEW RirSTAURANT ; GOOD LOCA- tlon ; $200. J. J. Gibson , 514 1st Nnt'l. Bank. Y-M179 21 REST FARM IN ELKHORN VALLEY-213 A. 150 per acre ; Inc. $2,500 equity far merchundlso Mck. J. J. Gibson , 614 First National Bank Bldg. - Y-M181 24 BETTER THAN KLONDIKE PERSONS WITH small or large capital wishing to make Invest ments that promise large returns Should ad dress or call on K W. Tulleys , Council Blurt ? , la. Y M197 A'C DRUG STOCK , $ SOO ; DOING NICE BUSINESS. J. J. Gibson , 514 1st National. Y M207 27 FURNITURE FOR SALU OF A 30-R BOARDIng - Ing house ; house for rent , J. J. Gibson , 514 lit Nat. Rank Illdg. Y M203 27 RLACKSMITH AND WAGON SHOP FOR 5 M.n cheap. U Larsen , 1205 N. 21th , Y ML20 21 * $1.C01.00-AVA1L YOURSELF OF THIS MEANS of nmas lng wealth. Our continuous , une-iuajed1 SUCCM-I Id the meritorious results attending tn- porlor knowledge , , nblllty and vast experience. Last season wo realized more than $1GOO.UO per month. Do you want to' Increaw your" capital and Income by having your surplus dollan make dollars for you ? If so , write for par ticulars. Condon & Co. , Boon block , Covlngtnn , Ky. Y 310 2H * WANTED. PARTNER IN REST PAYING AND established business In city ; must take active part ; splendid locution ; $400 required. Address K 17 , lee. . , Y 330 20 * PYRIT1C MATTB SMI7LTINO. LATEST handy prospectors furnace ) fully Illustrated free. The National Ors and. Reduction Co. , 413 Locust St. , St. L3U1S , Mof Y-309JSO * THE MORRIS PROGRlJfSIVFy GUARANTEE system ( plan No. 3) ) , ofTurf , speculation offers tha greatest Inducements tp Investors of $100 to $1,000 , nnd has the Inllorscment of the mo t successful speculators of the prc ent day ; It H the safest and most practical method In existence and yields n profit. , of from 20 to M per cent monthly , without' loss of original capital Invested : consult "MS ftor full particulars. Morris & Co. , 119 Dearborn St. , Chlcacn. Y SOS 20 * $130 INVESTED ACTUALLY ITARNING V PER cent weekly profits ; rare " chance ; no stock or Klondvke i-cliemo ; tnfc enterprise : control cap ital yourself. D. Sloane , . 110 St. Paul St. , ml- tlmore. Md. „ , , Y WANTED. CAPABL13 MAN WITH $1,600 TO carry stock of goods and.manage branch for Cn1cao house ; salary JIM per month nnd all expense * ; nlso extra percentage ; permanent position ; with good future prospects. Jnmes Vernon , 125 Franklin St. Chlcago. Y 299 20 * F&R SALE. ESTAHLLSIirirfj'EllD ANPD ° C business , fine trade , best location In cllv1 , low rent. Good cause for selling. Address K 8 , Bee. . Y 279-20 * FOR' SALE FIRST CLASS RAKERY AND confectionery : good town of 4,500. Good reason for selling. G. W. GregBV Perry , Iowa. Y-M2SO-22 * $234 AVERAGED EACH WEEK LAST SIX years by placing $10 ; dividends paid weekly ; can withdraw any time ; chance of a lifetime. C. B. Cooper & Co , , Covlngton , Ky. Y-278 21 FOR BALE , MEAT MARKET : STEVEN'S cooler. R. Real , 3 h and Hamilton. < Y M277 29 * 150 INVESTED ENARLES YOU TO JOIN KN- terprlso now yielding 150 per cent monthly ; no stock or Klondike ) genome ; safe , practlcV pui COSH. David Sloane , 110 St. , Paul St. , Baltimore , Md. Y .1.00 . , MO CARJM , ENVEIXPES. NOTKHEADS or circulars neatly printed. R. G , Hearsey , 1505 Famam , 'Phone 20CO. Y MM : 16 * FOR X2XCIIAXGE. TOR SA1.H OR TRADE , THE BEST THORoughbred - oughbred Norman stallion. In the state ; stock of goods , groceries or hardware preferred. B. C. Fell , 518 So. 16th St. Z 331 29 FINE DIAMOND RING FOR LADY'S WHEEL of high gradei Address 1C 13 , Bee , Z 281 20 FOH SALE HEAL ESTATE. KOUNTZE PLACE BARGAINS , $2,500. $3,750 TO $6,500. J. J. Gibson , 614 First Nat. Bank Rldg. RE-480 FOLLOWING DESIRABLE PROPERTY ; BU8I- ness lot corner. 60x150 ft. , m So. Omaha. pi\vd. Business lot , COxlW feet , Improved , South Omaha , street paved. Tract (24 ( lots ) , 3Cth St. Tract (20 ( lots ) 30th St. For particulars apply 1012 Farnam St. RE-9M FINE IRRIGATED LANDS WITH WATER right on 10 years' time at C per cent ; a chance of a lifetime ; write for book describing land : In connection with this we do a general real estate and loan bus. Wyoming Development Co. , 1C24 Capitol Ave. , Omaha. L. L. Johnson agent. RE M4H M27 * NEW , MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE. LARGE lot , $300 cash , balance to suit. Address G S3 , Bee. RD M103 SNAPS-45X66 FEET ON ISTH NEAR DODGE street , suitable for 2 brick houses , price $2,700 ; Ctixl32 fen with brick house , N. E. corner 20th and Cumlng afreets , , prlc * J6.0H ) . j. N. Frenzer , opp. old P , O. RE M594 UNENCUMBERED MODERN OMAHA RESIdence - dence for sale or trade -for Improved low * farm. Address H 34. Bee. , RE 732-A1 * MAKE MB AN OFFER ON TWO LOTS IN Walnut Hill addition. Oscar Groshell , Salt Lake. XJtah. RE-M768 A9 * HOUSEs7 LOTS. FARMS. LANDS , LOANS , also fire Insurance , BerriU. Taxton blk. tw y RE 4S2 WANTED TO PURCHASIJ. Q-ACRE FARM IN 'Douclafl ' or tfarpy counties , ' well Improved with orchard and some small ; if rult. for rash cus- tomert. R. C. Peters & , Co. , U. S. Nnt. Rank bldg. _ liii.- RE-M318 CHOICEBUILtHNO ' LOT' TI * FINEST denco district In South"Omahu. ; easy terms ciieap houses In all parts of the city ; easy term * . R. C. Peters & fco.JlU. S. Nat. IJ.mk bldg. q _ FOR BALE , 9-ROOM HQUSB , 4033 IZARD street. RE-M346 29 SOUTHERN CALIFORNfATlEMET LANDS unequalled for olives , fleclilupus fruits nn < profitable general farming ; ! money In p ° t * growing ; railroad fare from purchaser's hem < allowed on first payment : tflie perfect ; refer to leadlnc banks of California ; send for free Illustrated folder , HcmetilJLaiul Co. , Hemet Hlverslda Co. , Col. . , , RE 323 20 i' I > i OARVIN BROS.1 BARGAIN LIST On easy payments , J-room' ' house , with 60-foo' ' lot. south front , near Leavenworth street ca line , price $550,00. Well Lullt 7-room house , CO-foot lot , near 40th and Nicholas. $1,100.00. l-room house , near 21th and Rurdette , $1,200,00. Modern house , 8 rooms , 34th and Howard $2,300.00. ! Near Hanscom park , choice house , full lot $3,500.00. Near 17th and Lenvenworth , aroom house , lot , east front , J2.010.CO. Vacant lot. 2Sth and Miami , $775.00. Lot on paved street , near Hanscom park , very cheap , price $1,200.00. Farm.i sec. tn Dounlns county , choice land good bulldlngi , near railway station. $5,000.00. QARVIN BROS. . IMS Farnam Rt. R11-329 20 FOR SALE , 440 ACRES OF FINE FARM LAND , JOO Improved ; 5-roora house , barn , corncrib , pxvl water ; Llnln , Raymond aril Aijn T within 1. J and IS mllei ; rented for 1WS ; rath and grain rent ; price low. Inqiilrn nf or sd dress J. F. Lanrlnc , room. 41 Whird * IdU Lincoln , Neb. R.E-CC4 FOU SAMUIIAI/ ( Continued. ) NEBRASKA FARM CHEAP A GOOD FARM of 169 ncrr-s , clear nf encumbrance , for $2W cash. Owner must sell. Call or address room 731 New York Life. RE 2SI 20 * DWELLING. 13 ROOMS , 4 RLOCKH SOUTIt OF main entrance to expoMtlon ; oik finish , sta tionary wash tubs In laundry ; porcelain bath tub , ftcj greatest bargain ever offered , $6,500 , J. J. Gibson , 514 First Nat'l Bank , RE SHORTHAND .VXD TVI-KWUITHUS. A. C. VAN RANT'S SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND and Typewriting , 717 N. Y. Life , offers the fol lowing advantages ; Individual Instructions by experienced teachers and skillful stenographers ; up-to-date methods ; touch system of typewrit ing If preferred ; participation In actual work , for which students receive pay ; monthly pay ments. 745 AT OMAHA BUS.COLLEOF. . ItTH A DOUGUNS 4 SB OMAHA SHORTHAND COLLEGE. BOYD'S theater. MMO M24 * SHORT-HAND , UP-TO-DATE , TAUGHT RY court reporters. Rovles * School , 403-5-7. Bee I 4J4 LADIES ! CHICHERTER'S ENGLISH PENNYroyal - royal Pills ( Dlamind brand ) are the best ; safe , reliable ; take no other ; send 4c. stamps for par ticulars , "Relief for Ladles , " In letter by re turn mail ; at druggists. Chlclicster Chemical Co. . Philadelphia. Pn. Mention Bee. MUSIC , AHT AXI ) IMXT.UAC.K. G. C. KNOPFEL , ORGANIST AND MUSICAL conductor ; teacher of piano , organ , slmdnir , Jiarmony and composition : munloni minttscrlpla revlseil and armngcd. Residence , 222(5 ( Fnrnnm street. 2 > 2-rr REE LE-S-ONS IN ART EMBROIDERY AT Woman's Exchange. Selling out my llnl'hed work. Mrs. Frank Leslie. 367 20 * KXI'OSITIOX FIIOM'ARBS FOH IlKXT. GROUND LEASES FRONTING EXPOSITION , llemls. Pnxlon Blk. 4S9 STUXOr.ltAPIIEItS. WE SOLICIT AND FURNISH POSITIONS FOR Stenographers free. Thu Smith-Premier Type writer Co. Telephone , 12 . 450 niCYCLES. ron $1 YOU CAN GET YOUR WHEEL CLEANed - ed and adjusted. Om Ulcjcle Co's. Phone 16r,5. C53 A 4 FUHXITUHE I'ACKED. M. S. WALKIN. 2111 CUMING. TEL. 1331. TVl'EWITEHS. TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT $4 00 PER MONTH. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1623 Far nam St. ; telephone , 12S4. 491 MUSIC. PETKRSEN'S MUSIC SCHOOL : PIANO , VIO- lln , mandolin , guitar , zither ; German method , 613 Sheely block ; terms reasonable , 556 Apl * EMI'LOYMEXT OFFICE. CITY EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. 1417 FARNAM direct. Rooms 2 and 3. Tel. 1404. 492 FIXAXCIAL. LIFD INSURANCE POLICIES BOUGHT FOR cash. Richard Hcrzfeld , 171 LaSalle tit. , Chi cago. M210 A17 LOAN WANTED FROM HOME CAPITAL , $ I.4V ( ) to $1,600 at 7 per cent ; security on good Inside resldenco property. Addrraa K 21 , Beo.M325 -M325 25 WANTED TO BORROW. WANTED TO BORROW $300 9) ON GOOD SB- curlty for CO days at 10 per cent. Address K 9 , Bee. M242 ? 0 * DUESSMAKIXG. DRESSMAKING , FAMILIES. 2504 DAVENPORT 277 M22 * OPPORTUNITY FOR THOSE WHO ARD IN- tercstcd In learning to cut and fit perfectly by United States Tailor System. 1613 Dauirlas St. 2SJ-20 * IIOTKLS FOR BUILDING. SUITABLE FOR HOTEL ; M room * and large stare room ; central location. Bemls , Paxton Blk. 960 PAWXBnOKERS. II. MAROWIT55 LOANS MONEY. 418 N. I6TH -4S IIII 1C 1C. LOUISVILLE BRICK CO. , B'D TRADE ; tel. 497. 340 M25 * UAILRO.VDS. CHICAGO. ROCK ISLAND A Pacino Rallroad-"Th Gr .t Rock Island Route" city Ticket Office. 132S Farnam Street. Telephone 428. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone IIS. Leav * . Arrlv * . Chicago and Bt. Paul Vestlbuled Express . . 4:50 pm 1:45 : pm Lincoln. Colorado Sp'gs , Puueblo , Denver and west 1:55 pm 4:21 : pm Chicago , Des Molnes A Rock Icland TM : pm 8:15 am Atlantlo Express , for Des Molnes and eastern - - ern points ' , 7:20 : am 8:50 : pm Lincoln , Falrbury and Belleville 5:43 : pm 10:40 : am Dally nally exceot Sunday. ( OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAILROAD P2SI 1 Omaha , Kansas City & East- ARTHUR em Rallroad-"The Port Arthur Route"-Tlcket Office , 1411 Farnam ROUTE. Street. Telephone , 322. Depot Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone 128. LVaV' ' Arrlvt- Bt. bouli Cannon Ball - Expresii . 4:35 : pm HM am 5" " . 5:40 : am :60 : pS MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILROAD General Onicea and Ticket Oillce. Merchants National Hank Bulldlne , 1224 Farnam Stieet. Telephone 104. Depot , Fifteenth end Webster Streets. Telephone 1438. Leav * . Arrlva. " :30pm : 6:00 : am Nebraska oM : . . . . . . " Opm 9:43 : am Dally. Dally except Sunday. iURLINGTON & MISSOURI River Railroad "The Burling Burlington ton Route" General Offices , N , W. Cornir Tenth and Farnam Streets. Ticket Office. ISO ] Route Famam Street. Telephone 230. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 128. Leave. 128.Arrtv * . Lincoln , Hastings and McCook 8:35 : am 9:35 : am Lincoln , Denver , Cole rado. Utah. California , Black Hills , Montana ant Puget Sound 4Mpm 4:05 pm Lincoln Local 7:00 pm 7:40 : pm Lincoln Fast Mall 1:55 pm 11:40 : am Denver , Colorado , Utah , California and Pugct Sound . . . . . . . . Jl55pm 11:53 pm Dally. Dally except Sundar. KANSAS CiTY. BT. JOSEPH & Council Bluffs Railroad Burlington "The Bu'llngton Route" Ticket Office. 1502 Farnam Route Street. Telephone I50 Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 129. Leave. Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex. . . 1:05 am S:40 : pm Krnsoa City Night Ex. . * 10:00 : pm 6:30 : urn -1 Dally. HICAGO , BURLINGTON & tiinucy Railroad "The Burl- Burlington I'.excn Route" Ticket Office , Ib ? Farnam Street. Telephone Route M. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 111. Leave. Arrive. L'nlcago Veiilbuled Ex. . 5:05 pm 7:35 : am Chicago Express 9 : am 4:13 : pm Chicago & St. Louis Ex 7:45 p n 7:53 am Pacific Junction Local. . " 11:50 am 5:40 pm Fait Mall S:50 pm Chicago Special * 12:05 am 11:50 : pm Dallr , Dally except duncUv. CHICAGO. MILWAUKED & ST. Paul Railway City Tlckel Oitlce , l'j-4 Farnam Street Telephone 2S4. Depi * * , , Tenth una Mason Btreeti. Tele phone 128. Chicago Limited Ex. . . . 5i 3 pra S:05 am Omaha and C'llcago ' Ex 11:00 : an 1:50 pra niATT.noAns. ( Continued , ) UNION 1'ACIKIC "THE OVER , land Route" General Olftces. N. E. Corner Ninth and Farnnm Streets. City Tlck'l Otnce. 130J Farnnm Street. Telephone : iJ. Depot. Tenth and Mason Streets. - _ _ Telephone in. " * Leave. Arrive. "Thu Uterlaiid Limited" for Denver , Salt Lake , western points , 1:50 : am 4:43 : pm The Colorado Sjwclnl. for Denver and nil Colorado points * lt:53 : pm 7:00 : am Fast mall train for Halt Lake , Pacino coast and all western points * 4:33pm : 7.00 am Lincoln. Beatrice and Stronisburg ; Express , , 6:00 : pm 11:20 : pm Fremont , Columbus , Norfolk , Oranu Is land and Keaincy 4:39 : prm Grand Islind Express , . * * 3:00 : pm. 12:20 : pm Dally. Dally except Sundar. Council Bluffs Local Leaves. 4:40 : a. m. ; 6:50 a. m. ; 7:40 : a. m. ; 8:40 : a. in , ; 10JO a. m. ; 2:15 : p. m. ; 4:35 : p. m , : J : 5 p. m 8:10 : p. m. ; 10:03 p. m. Arrives , :20 : a. m. ; 7:20 : a. in. ; 8:33 : a. m , ; 11:30 : a. m. ; 3:10 : p. m. ; t:40 : p. m , ; 6:30 : p. tn. ; 1:03 : p. m. ; 10145 p. m. CHICAGO. ST. PAUL. MINNE. spoils & Omaha Rallvvuv General Olllces. Nelrntkn Dl- vision. Fifteenth nnd Web ter Streets. City Ticket Olllce , 1401 Fnrnnm street. Telephone GL. Depot , Fifteenth and Webster Streets. Tele- ihone 1153. I > ; ave. Arrive. loux City Accommoda. . 8W : nin S:20 : pm iloux City Accommoila. . 9:50 : am 8M ! pm Hair , Etnersjn , Sioux City , Ponca. Hnrtlng- ton nnd Rloomfleld. . . . 1:00 : pm 11:63 : am loux City , Mnnkato , St. Paul , Minneapolis . . . . * r > :55 : pm 8:21 : nm Emerxm Pns etmer 5:10 : pm S:43 : nm Dally. Dally except Sunday. Sunday mly. ThU train stops at stations Florence .o South Blair , Inclusive , Sundais only ; on week days , South Ulolr only. " " " " CHICAGO & NORTHWESTern - ern Railway City Ticket Of fice , 1401 Farnam Street. Tele phone 5C1. Depot. Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 12S. , Leave. Arrive. Da ) light Chicago Spe cial * 7:0am : ) 11:55 : pm Missouri Valley , Sioux city , St. Paul nnd Minneapolis 5:40 : am " 10:43 : pm dlisourl Valley , Slaux City 7:40 : am 9:03 : pm Dennlson , Carroll , Wall Lake , from Broadway , Council Bluffs 9:00 : am 8:43 : am Eastern Express , Des Molnes. .Mnralnlltown , C.-dar Rapids , Chicago. * 10:30 : am 4:35 : pm Atlantlo Fljcr , Chlcntjo and East 4:45 : pra 4:3o : pm ast Mall , Chicago to Omaha 3:10 : pm Missouri Valley , Sioux City , St. Paul , Minne apolis Limited 4:35 : pm 8:60 : nm Omaha-ClilcuKo - Speclil. . 6:45 : pm 8:50 : am Dally. Dally except Sundoy. FREMONT , ELKHORN AND Mls-oun Valley Hallway Gen. eral Offices , United States Na tional Bank Rultdlng , South west Corner Twelfth and Far nam Sttects. Ticket Olllce , 401 Farnam Street , Telephone 661. Depot , Fif teenth and Webster Streets Telephone H3S. Leave. Arrive. Black Hills , Deadwood and Hot Springs 3:00 : pm 5:00 : pm Wyoming , Caspar and Douglas 3:00 : pm 5:00 : pm Hastings , York. David City , Superior , Geneva Exettr nnd Seward , . . . 3:00 : pm 6:00 : pm Norfolk , West Point and Fremoni 7:60 : am lO nm LlncDln , Wahoo and Fremont 7:50 : am " 10.23 nm Fremont Local 7:30 : am Dally. Dally except Sunday. Sunday only. Dally except Saturday. Dolly excent Monday. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC RAILroad - road General Offices. United States National Bank Bulld lne , S. W. Corner Twelfth and Farnam Streets. Ticket Olllce , . , . , . 1401 Farnnm Street. Telephone 561. Depot , ISth and Webster Sts. Telephone 4 > l Leave , Arrive. Sioux City , Mankato , St. Paul. Mlnnapolli B:53 : pm 8:20 : atn WABASH RAILROAD-TICKET ofllce. H11 Farnnm Street. Telephone - phone 322. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telepone 128. , . , Leave. Arrive. St. L"iil "Cannon Ball" Express * 4:30 : pm * 11:20 : nm Daily. IlELIGIOUS SERVICES. llnpdnt. BETH EDEN CHURCH. K19 SOUTH TWENTY , ninth Avenue , Rev. W. W. Everts , Pastor Services at 10:30 : a. m. and 8 p. m. ; Sunday school at noon : II. Y. 1' . II. . < > :30 : p. m. CALVARY CHURCH , TWENTY-SIXTH AND Smvunl Streets , Rev. Thomas And rson. Pastor Services at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 p. m. ; Sunday school at noon. FIRST CHURCH. THIRTY-FIFTH AND FAR- nam Streets , Rev. T. L , Ketman , Pastor Serv ices at 10:30 : a. m. nnd 8 p. m. ; Sunday school at 11:45 : a. m. : Junior union. 3:30 : p. m. ; R. Y. P. U. . 7 p. m. ; Mission Sunday school. Twenty- eighth avenue and Farnam. 3-30 n. m. GERMAN CHURCH. TWENTY-SIXTH AND Seward Streets , Rev. August Bolter , Pastor- Services at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday school at 9:15 : a. m. GRACE CHURCH. TENTH AND ARBOR Streets. Rev. J. O. Staples. Minister Services at 10:45 : a. m. and 8 p. m. ; Sunday school at noon ; gospel meetings , Wednesday evening ; Young People's meeting , Friday evening ; read ing room open ev-erv cvonlmr. IMMANUEL CHURCH. BINNBY AND TWEN- ty-fourth Streets. Pulpit supplied temporarily ; services at 10:30 : a , m. and 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday school at noon. MOUNT PISGAH CHURCH. TWENTY-SEV- enth and Cass Streets , Rev. Robert January. Pastor Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 D. m. ; Sunday school at 12:30 : p. in. : prayer meeting Wednesday evening ; Younc People's meeting Frldiy evening. OLIVET CHURCH. GRAND AVENUE AND Thlrty-elgh'h Street , Rev. A. J. Fleming , Pastor Services at 11 a , m , and 7:30 : p. m , ; Sunday school at noon , SWEDISH CHURCH , 611 NORTH EIOH teenth Street , Rev. P. Swartz. Pastor Services at U a. m. and 7:10 : p. m. ; Sunday school at 9:30 : a. m. ZION CHURCH , 2215 GRANT STREET. REV. T. T. Word. Pastor Services at 11 t. m. and 7:30 p. m. , Sunday school at 12:30 : p. in. CIirlHtlnn. FIRST CHURCH , CORNER TWENTIETH Street and Capitol Avenue , Rev. J. M. Vawter , Pastor Services at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : n. m , ; Sunday school at 12 m. ; Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor at 6:30 : p. in. ; prayer meeting Wednesday nt 7:30 : p. m. ORANT STREET CHURCH. TWENTY-SIXTH and Grant Streets , Rev. Charles Taylor , Pastor Services at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. m , ; Sunday school at noon. WALNUT HILL CHURCH. 4420 NICHOLAS Street. Rev. Joseph NlchoU , Pastoi Servlcei , at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday school at > p. m. Cnmrrritntloiinl. CHERRY HILL CHURCH. 5011 NORTH FORTY- second Street. Rev. L. S. Hand. Pastor Serv ices at 11 a. m. ; Sunday school at noon. FIRST CHURCH , NINETEENTH AND DAVenport - enport Streets , Rev. Franlte A. Warfield , Pastor Services at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:45 : p. m. ; Sunday school at noon. HILLSIDE CHURCH. THIRTIETH AND OHIO Streets , Rev. Jacob Flook. Pastor Servlcei at 10:30 : a. in. and 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday school at noon ; prayer service Wednesday nt 7:30 : p. m. PARK VALE CHURCH , 1914 CASTELLAR Street Pulpit supplied ; services nt 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 p. m. : Sunday school at noon. PILGRIM CHURCH , 102 NORTH FORTY-FIRST Street , Rev. Frank D. Jackson. Pastor Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 : p. m , ; Sunday school at noon , PLYMOUTH CHURCH. TWENTIETH AND Spencer Streets Rev. Howard MacAyeal. Pastor Services at 10:30 : a. m. nnd 8 p. m. ; Endeavor society at 7:16 : p. m. ; nrayer meeting Wednes day at 7:90 : p. m. ; Sunday school at noon. ST. MARY'S AVKNUK CHURCH. TWENTY- seventh Street and St. Mary's Avenue. Rev. S. Wright Butler , D , D. , Pastor Services nt 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 p. m. : Sunday school at noon. BARATOGA CHURCH. TWENTY-FIFTH Street and Ames Avenue , Rev. L. S. Hand. Pastor-Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:45 : p. m. ; Sunday school at JSO : p. m. Cvmnirrllcnl. EMANUEL CHURCH. 2002 MARCY STREET , Rev. Q. J. Stretcher. Pastor Services at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday school at 11:30 : FREE' CHURCH , TWELFTH AND DORCAS Streets. Rev. F. H. W. Bruecherl. Pnstnr Services at 10:89 a. m , and 7:30 p. m. ; Sunday school at 2:4-1 : p. m. SWEDISH MISSION CHURCH. 2221 DAVEN- fort Street , Rv. F. " O. Ilultman. Pastor ervlcea at 10:30 : a , m , and 7:30 : p. m , ; Sunday school nt 3:45 : o. m. ZION GERMAN CHURCH. 2(23 SPRAGUR Street. Rev , Ernest Mehl. Pastor Services a 10:20 : a. m. and 7:30 p. m. ; Sunday school a 11:50 a. tn. Lutheran. DANISH CHURCH. 819 SOUTH TWENTY second Street , Rev , I. C. Paulson , Pastor Kjrvlces at 10:80 : a. m. and 8 P. in. , except la < Sunday In the month , when there ore no even Ing services ; Sunday school at 9J : a , m. EMMANUEL SWEDISH CHURCH , NINE teenth and Ca&s Streets. Rev. p. J. Svard , Pastor Heivices at 10:45 : a. m. and 7:45 : p. in. . Sunday * cliin | at noon FIRST GERMAN CHURCH , 100S SOUTH Twentieth Street. Rev. K. J. Frete. Pastor Services at 10:15 : a , m. and 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday school at 2 p. m. KOUNTZE MEMORIAL . CHURCH. SIX. teentli and Harney Streets , nev. A. J Turkic Pastor Services at 10:50 : a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school s ; r.cor. . QUACK CHURCH , TWENTY-SIXTH STREET and Woolworth Avenue. Rev. Luther U. Kuhns , Pastor Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 : p. m ; Sunday school at 1:15 p. m. NORWEGIAN AND DANISH OHURCU. 1310 Nortli Twenty-sixth Street , Mev. J. N. Ander son , Puitor Service * at 11 a , m. and 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday school at 12:15 : p. m. PKLLA DANISH CHURCH 221S NORTH Twenty-ilsth Street Pul U supplier tem porarily , services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. ; unday school at noon. niMRint > < < s ( Continued. ) ST. MARK'S CHURCH. TWENTY-FIRST AND Burdette Street * . Rev. Leonard Qroh. Paitc-tv- Services at 10:43 : a. m. and 7:39 : p. m.i Sunday school at noon. T. MAITHEWS CHURCH , FOURTEENTH and Center Streets. Rev , A. J. Turkls , 1'nitor Huml'iy scho' ' I nt 3 p , m. ST. PAUL'S GERMAN CHURCH. 272J PAHKRIt Street. Rev John F S. Her. Pastor Services at 10 a. in nnd 7:30 : p. m. j Sunday tcliool at I p. in. ; evening , second nnd fourth Sunday In each month nt 7:30 : v , m , SALEM HVANOELK'AL SWEDISH CHURCH. 3J19 South Twentj-thlrd Street. Rev. ( i K. Elvlng , Pastor Services at 10:31 : a. m , nnd 7J : * p. in. : Sun lay school at noon. ALL SAINTS' CHURCH. TWENTY-SIXTH AND Half-Howard Streets. Rev. Thornn J. Mnckar Rector- Holy communion every Sunday In th month , except thn Hist , at 7:30 : n. m , ; sermon at 11 a. m , and 7:3) : p , in , ; Sunday school at CM CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD , TWE.N. tleth and Ohio Streets. Rev. Georxr Eilwvrd Walk , M. A. . Rector Services at 8 a , m , , li n , tn , and 7:30 : p. m , ; i-undny school at 9 43 a. m , ST ANDREW'S CHURCH , CORNER CHARLF3 nnd Forty-first Streets. Rev. W S. Howard. Rector Scrv Ices nt 7:30 : n. m. . 11 a , tn , mil 7:45 : p. in , ; Sunday scohol at 10 a. m ST. At'OUBTINE'S CHURCH , THIRTY-TIirRD nnd Francis Sir-out * . Priest In Charge , Rer. W. S. Howard Services at 4 p. m. ; Sunday school nt 3 p m , ST. BARNABAS' CHURCH. C19 NORTH NINB- tecnth Street. Rev. John Williams Rector cr\lcc * at 7:30 : n. m , , 11 a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. | Sundiv school nt 'SO a. ni. ST. JOHN'S CHURCH. TWENTY-SIXTH AND Franklin streets. Rev. C. tt. Young. Pastor- Services nt 7:30 : , 9 and 11 n , m , and 7:30 : p. m. | Sunday school at 9:30 : a. m. ; dally meeting ! nt 7 , 7:20 : n , in. and 6 p. m , ; Wednesday , 7:5 : * P. in ST. MATHIAS' CHURCH , 1123 SOUTH TENTH : Street , Rev. U F. Potter. Priest In Charge- Services nt 7:30 : n , m. ; 11 a. m , nnd 7:30 : p. nvl Sundav school nt 10 n. m. 3T. PAUL'S CHURCH , 3211 CALIFORNIA Street Pulpit supplied temporarily ; services ) at 11 n , m , and 7:30 : p , in , ; Sunday school at If ' ST. PHILLIP THE DEACON CHURCH. 11 North Twenty-Illst ftiptft , Rev. John Albert Williams , Rector Services nt 7 : < 6 n , in , , 11 a , m. and 8 p. m. ; Sunday school nt 10 a. m.I dally morning prayer , 9 a.m. ; evening , 5 p. m. TRINITY ( "ATlir.DRAU CAPITOL AVENUU and Eighteenth Street , Rt. Rev. George Worth- fmton , Blshnp ; Rev. Campbell Fair. Dean Services at S:3) : n. m. , 11 n. m. and 7:13 : p. m. | Sunday school nt 10 0. m. nnd 3 p. in. AMBLER PLACE CHURCH , FORTY-SECOND and Mnrlnda Streets Pulpit supplied tem pornrlly : services lit 10:30 : a. in , ; Sunday school nt 11:30 : a. m. 11EDFOHD PLACE CHURCH. SOM LALIC Street , Rev. Knox Iloude. Pastor-Services at 10:30 : u. m. and 7:30 : p. in , ; Sunday school at noon. JENTRAL UNITED CHURCH. TWENTY. fourth and Dodge Streets , Rev. Alexander till- chtlst. Pastor Services nt 10SO : a , in. nnd 7:3 : * p. m. : Sunday school at noon. il.HTON HILL CHURCH. 433S ORANT Street , Rev. James D. Kerr , PAstor Services 10:30 : a , m , and 7:30 p. m , ; Sunday school at MUST CHURCH , SEVENTEENTH AND Dodge Slieets Services nt 1 :30 : a , in , nnd I p. in ; Sunday school nt noon. IRST GERMAN CHURCH. 813 NORTH EIGHT , eenth Street , Rev. Daniel Grleder. Pastor- Services at 10:30 : u. in. and 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday school nt iiiioii. J-IRST UNITED CHURCH. TWENTY-FIRST and Emmet Stress. Rev. Frank B. Foster , Pnstor Services nt 10:30 : n. m. and 7:30 : p. m.1 Sunday school at noon ; Christian union meet. Ing nt 1 p in. ORACH MISSION CHURCH. eo7 WILLIAM Street Pulpit supplied temporarily ; services at 10:30 : a. m , und 7:30 : p. in. ; Sunday school at KNOX CHURCH , NINETEENTH AND OHIO Streett , Rev. A. Christie llrown , Pastor Serv. Ices nt 10:30 : a , m. nnd 7:30 : p , tn ; Sunday school at noon ; Young Itople's meeting at 7 p. in. LOWE AVENUE CHURCH , FORTIETH AND Nicholas Streets , T. S. Hnwley , Pnstor Serv ices nt 10:43 : a. m. nnj 7:46 : r > . m , Sundar school at 12 m. Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor , C)3 : p. in , 1NTARIO STREET CHURCH , ISM ONTARIO Street Pulpit supplied temporarily : services at 10:30 : n. m. and 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday school at PARK AVENUE CHURCH , PARK AVENUH nnd Jackson Street , Rev. Edgar MaeDIII. Pastor Services at lO I a , m. and 7SO : p. m.j Runilnv school nt noon. SECOND CHURCH. TWENTY-FOURTH AND Nicholas Streets. Rev. Hamucl M. Wnrc , Pml > r Servlcei nt 10:30 : n. in. nnd 7:30 p. m. ; Sunday school nt noon , SOUTHWEST CHURCH , TWENTIETH AND , Leavenvvnrlh Streets Sunday school at noon WESTMINSTER CHURCH , TWENTY-NINTH ami Mason Streets Services at 10:30 : a. in. and 7:30 : p. in. ; Sunday school at noon. lloiuiin fntliiillc. CHURCH OF THE HOLY FAMILY. EIOIT- teenth nrd Izard SUeets , Rev. John Fllzpntrlck , Pastor Services nt 7 , 8 ntul 10:30 : a , m , and 7:30 : p. in. . Sundav school nt 20 : p. m. CHURCH OF THE SACRED HEART , Twenty- second nnd Blnney Directs. Rev. P.itilck J. Judge , Pastor ; Rev. J. McNnmarn , Assistant Pnstor Services at 7 , 8:30 : , 9:30 : and 10:30 : a , in. ; Sundiy Ediool at 2:30 : p , m. ; week day masiv 7 nnd 8 n , m. ST. CECELIA'S CHURCH. 4117 HAMILTON Street , Rev. Timothy O'Cnllahnn , Pastor Serv ices nt 8 and 10:30 : a. in , ; Sunday school at ST. JOHN'S CHURCH , TWENTY-FIFTH AND California Streets. Rev Joseph H. Meuffelii , S. J. , Pnstor Services nt 5 , 6 , 7. 8:30 , 9:30 : and 10:30 : a. m. ; Sundav school at 2:30 p. in. ; vespers nt 3 p. in. and 7.10 : p. m. ST. JOSEPH'S GERMAN CHURCH. SEVENteenth - teenth nnd Center Streets , Rev. Mauritius Baukkolt , Pastor Serv Ices nt 8 and 10:30 : a. m. ; Sunday school nt 2:30 : p. m. ST. MARY MAGDALENE CHURCH , 1(11 Douxlaa Street. Rev. George J. Glauber , Pastor Services at 8 and 10:30 : a. m. ; vespers at 3 D. m. ST. PATRICK'S CHURCH. 1404 CAST ELLA R Street , Rev. John T. Smith , Pastor Services nt 8 and 10:30 : a. in , and 7:30 : p. m , ; Sunday school at 2 p. m. ST. PETER'S CHURCH , TWENTY-EIGHTH nnd Ix > nvonwortli Streets. Rev. John E. Eng lish , Pnstor ; Rev. W. M. McNnmara. Assist ant Pnstor Services nt 7. 9 and 30:30 : n. in. : vespers at 7:30 p. m. ; Sunday school at 9:3 : a. m. ST. PHILOMENA'R CATHEDRAL , 404 SOUTH Ninth Street , Rt. Rev. Richard Scannell , Bishop ; Rev. J. H. McDcvltt. Pastor ; Rev. William Kelly , Assistant Pastor Services at 8 , 7 , 8 , 9 and 10:30 : a. m. ; Sunday schoolat 2:30 : p. m. ST. WENCESLAUS BOHEMIAN CHURCH. 1431 South Fourteenth Street. Rev , John Vrnnek. Pastor Services at S nnd 10 a. in. ; Sunday chool nt 2 p. m. ; vespers at 2:30 : p , m. ; week day mass at 8:30 : a. m. MrthmllMt. FIRST CnURCH , TWENTIETH AND DAVENport - port Streets. Rev. John McQuotd. D. D. , Pastor Services at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 p. m. ; Sunday school at noon. FIRST GERMAN CHURCH , ELEVENTH AND Center Streets , Rev. Otto E. Krlege. Pnstor Services at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 p. m. ; Sunday school at noon. HANSCOM PARK CHURCH , TWENTY-NINTH Street und Woolworth Avenue , Rev. F. M. Kls.'on , D.D. Pastor , Services nt 10:30 : u. ra. and 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday school at noon. MONMOUTH PARK CHURCH. THIRTY- fourth Street and Larlmore Avenu ? , Rev. Frank W , Bross , Pastor Services n : i a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday school at noon. NORWEGIAN AND DANISH CHURCH. Ifill North Twenty-sixth Stieet. Rev. Rasmu * Wll- helmnen , Pnstor Services nt 10:30 : o , m , nnd 7:3J : p. m. ; Sunday school at noon. ST. JOHN'S AFRICAN CHURCH. EIGHT , eenth and Webster Streets , Rev. James C C. Owens , Pastor Services at 10:45 : a. m , and 7:39 : p. m. ; Sunday school nt 1:15 : p , m , ; Kpworth League every Sunday evening one hour pre ceding preaching : prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 7:30 : ; class meeting every Friday nt 7:30 : p. m. BEWARD STREET CHURCH , TWENTY-HEC- end and Stiward Streets. Rev. John W. Robin son. D. D , , Pastor Services at 10:30 : n. in. nmj 7:31 p m : Sunday school nt noon. BOUTH TENTH STREET CHURCH TENTH and Pierce Streets , Rev. George A , Luce , Pas tor Services at H ; n. m. und 7:30 : p. in , ; Sun day school at noon ; Junior league , 4 p , in. ; Ku- worth lenpue , 6:30 : p. in. SOUTHWEST CHURCH. 6123 HICKORY Street , Rev. R. M. Henderson Pastor Services at 10:1" : n. m , and 7:30 p , m. ; Sunday hciiool at ° ' 8WBD HI CHURCH. 615 NORTH EIGHT- eomh Street. Rev. Carl O. Karlnon , Pastor- Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday school at 10 a. m , WEST OMAHA rHURCIf. TWENTY-SEV- enth and Marcy Streets , Rev. Jumes Hnyncs , Pastor Services ut 11 a , in , and 7 : 39 p. m.l Sunday uchool at noon. TRINITY CHURCH. TWENTY-FIRST AND Rlnncy Streets. Rev. Fred H. Sanderson. D. D. . Pastor Services at 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. m.I Sunday school at noon ; Epworth I/ague at 6:30 p. m , WALNUT HILL. FORTY-FIRST AND Charles Stretts , Rev. C. N. Davvaon. D , D. . Pastor Services at 10:30 : n. m. and 7:30 : p. m. ; Sunday school at noon. J. M. Glllan. superin tendent : l.pworth league at 6 : * p. in. SOUTH OMAHA. FIRST CHURCH. TWENTY , third cn.l . N Streets , Itev. J. A. Johnson , Pat tor ALBRIGHT. REV. J. Q. A. FLCHARTY. PH.D. . Pastor. UNITY CHURCH. SEVENTEENTH AND Cass streets , Rev , Newton Mann , Minister Services at 10:45 : . m. ; Sunday school at norm. FIRST UNIVERSAL1ST CHURCH. NINE- trenth ttnd Intlirnp Streets Pulpit supplied temporarily ; services at 10:46 : a. m , anU 7:31 : p. tn. : Sundav school ut noon. AMERICAN VOLUNTEERS-SERVICES AT 10:30 : a. m , and 7:30 : p , m , at the roomi ut lit Kouth Thirteenth street. CHAPEL OF THE CARPENTER. SECOND and William Streets-Service * at 9 a. in. and MM n. m FREE METHODIST CHURCH. 1739 SOUTH Eleventh Street. RHV , William M. Adams. Pas. tor Services at 11 a. m. and 7:30 : p , m. ; Sunday school nt 9:43 : n. in. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST ( SCIENTIST ) , 2U ) m. Mary's Avenue-Service at 11 a in , consisting of bible readings and explonitory readings from the Christian Science Text Imr.k. Sundav school nt n'nn. Testimonial meeting * ; each 1'rM'iy evening- X o'clock. NORTH OMAHA UNION MIPSION. 6 < 1H HHER. nun Avenue Pulpit supplied temporarily , serv. lees at It s. in. : Sunday school at noon. OMAHA PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIBY. LABOR Temple , Hcuth Seventeenth and Douglas Ulreeu Services at 3 p. m. PARK FOREST MISSION. 1110 D STREET- Servlcm ti 11 a. m. PEOPLE'S CHURCH. CIS NORTH EIOII- teenlh Street R v ChartW. . Savldv * . Paalor Frrvlcei nt 19 : : ' ) a. IP and 7SU : p. m. ; Biuniiy school at 2:30 : p. m.