Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 20, 1898, Part I, Page 8, Image 10

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    8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEEt 'flStJa DAY , MARCH 20 , 1808.
KANSAS CITY'S 0 , T , 0 , Gil )
Novel Scheme Which is Attracting E&ilroa
People Form Together for Hie Pn
IIOKP of YlftltlttK tiic tJreut Trnnii-
inlnKlM lipl Knlr IlnrlnK
the Summer.
tt. If , A da tr , manager of ( do land dcpai
rncnt of tlic Kansas City , I'lttRburg & Oi
railroad , Is at the head of o novel scher
by which a number of Kansaa City peoi
plan to cc th& Transmlflslsnlppl Exposltl
with pleasure and cctnfort. Fifty men 01
women of thst city have formed "The 0.
O. club. " The letters eland for the coi
mcndablo device , "On to Omaha. " The cl
has been organized since last autumn , a
through the winter has held card rortl
nnd Indulged In older social amcaltli
H ch member now contribute ? 3 per we
to the club's exchequer , and this contrlb
tlon forms a part of a fund that will be ue
io pay the expenses of the raembera
Omaha and return during the expositlc
and will Include nil expenses \vtille In tt
city. The forty will travel ir. two r.pec
earn and will sea the exposition In the nu
plcaeant manner that can bo arranged.
Harry E. Moorcs , city pasflenger agent
Mio Port Arthur route , hno Juat return
from Kaunas City , Mo. He reports a gre
deal of Interest In the exposition manifest
there and all along the line of the now nor
and oouth line. He says the pictures of t
grounds and buildings that have been sc
out have created a wonderful amount or i
thuslasm , and the headquarters of the coi
pany dally receive applications from t
southern agents for more advertising m <
tw for the Tratismlffllenlppl Exposition ,
'Arlillrnlor In SiiKRciloil , lint TV
noniln Until Out.
NEW YOIIK , 'March 18. At the mcctli
of the passenger and traffic agents of ral
roads to try to end the rate war betwci
( American and Canadian roads the comm
tec submitted a rcoolutlon providing that i
arbitrator bo appointed on or before Man
23 , who shall decide on the points In co
tendon. All the roads agreed except t :
Great Northern and the Northern I'aclf
whose agents will report to their super !
T re I'M AlotiK tin * TrncUn.
John P. Brown of Conncrsvllle , Ind. ,
In the city In the Interest of forestry c
tension In the west. Ho Is an expert
the planting of trees , and comes to Oma
Iron Arbor Lodge , Nebraska City , where
has been In connultatlon with lion. J. Sti
ling Morten. The latter Is In cordial syi
pathy with the plans of the Indiana me
ami Is going 'o help him In his efforts
get the great railway systems of the we
to do some trco planting In the tcrrlto
tributary to their lines.
At present Mr. Drown ta In corwultatl
with General Manager Holdrcxo of the
& M. end other Burlington officials on 1 :
mission. Ho has their assurances of BU
port , and while In the wcet will make a tr
over all the lines of the Burlington we
of the iMIssourl river to Investigate t
matter of planting the right trees In t
right places. He also Is being backed
Collls P. Huntln ton , president of the Sout
crn Pacific compcny , who has promised
help the cause of forestry along the lin
cf that system. iMr. Brown says ho Is co
fldent that If the railroads and the presa
the west take up the mission of those w
are trying to secure general tree planting
the went , that Tills section of the count
will teen enjoy the most beneficial effcc
Auri-e to .Slop Unto Cutting- .
CHICAGO , March 19. The general mo
ngers of the lake steamer lines from Ct
cage , Gladstone and Lake Superior at the
meeting here today came to an agrccmct
which may end the- disastrous rate wars
the last two seasons. If the all-rail lln
between Chicago and the seaboard come
on agreement at their New York mectlr
ns.xt Tuesday to maintain rates on grain at
grain products at 20 cents between Chlcat
on New Yoik , the steamer lines will po
mulgatc tariff .of 17 cents on slxth-cla
and 21 cents on fifth-class. Mlnneapol
takes a sixth-class rate to Now York cf :
cents. The line managers have agreed ni
to start their boats out before April 1C , hi
It Is believed that If the Straits of Mad
inaw are open by April 1 the agrecmei
will not hold ,
Extending Norfolk & Wentorn.
PHILADELPHIA. March 18. It wan state
In this city today that a number of caplt
lists , headed by Adolph Segal of this clt
have bought the Morrlstown & Cumberlat
Gap Railroad of Tennessee and propose
reorganization of the system under Uio nan
of the Knoxvlllc & Bristol Hallway compan ;
It In the Intention of the owners to cxtci
the road to Knoxvlllc and later to bul
north to Bristol , where connection U to 1
made with the Norfolk & Western. A repr
eentatlvo of the Norfolk & Western ea
today that the company had long been d
alrous of extending Its lines' beyond Brtstc
but was unable to say whether the late
proposition would bo favorably received.
? few Port Arthur Elevntor.
< A telegram to The Bee from the hcai
quarters of the Kansas City , Plttfburg
Gulf railroad last night annsunced that woi
en the big new elevator at Port Arthu
Tex. , was commenced ou Saturday momln
The new elevator Is to have a capacity i
500,000 bushels and will be one of the lari
cat on the Gulf of Mexico. Work will 1
pushed energetically and U Is expected th ;
a considerable part of the next grain crc
of the west will bo handle ! through th
Hnntlinunil Krvlnlit Milniuciiti.
CHICAGO , March 19. Eastbound frclgl
shipments for the vcck ending March 1
amounted to 151,204 tons , compared wll
153,232 tons the previous week and 79,2 !
tons the corresponding week last yea
divided among the different roads as fo
lows : Michigan Central , lti.102 tons ; Ws
bash , 8,397 ; Lake Shore , 22,851 ; Pcnnsy
vanla , 16,197 ; Plttsburg. Cincinnati. Chlcaf
& St. Louis , Il,7 < i9 ; Baltimore & Ohio , 13,01 :
Grand Trunk. 19.&G2 ; Nickel Plate , 17,331
Erie , 19.6S9 ; Big Four , 10,042.
llnllronil Noti'H anil IVrxoiialn.
The return limit on the reduced fare tlcl
ets to the lumbermen's convention hero h :
< Route
A Panorama
700 Miles Long.
Reg Ins at Denver , Ends af Sail
Lake City. Mountiilna canons water
falls rivers cities. You ran see them
all If you take the Burlington lloute.
Two dally trains 'to Denver nnd the
Afternoon train Denver Limited-
leaves Omaha 4:33 p. m. Arrives Den
ver 7:30 : next morning.
Night train Denver Specja
Omaha 11.33 p. m.
1:30 p. m next tin ,
been extended from March 21 to March :
by the agreement of all Interested lines.
Traveling Passenger Agent Branch of tl
Erie U In the city.
General Manager Dickinson of the Unlc
Pacific hai gene out for a trip ot luspcctlc
over the line.
The new train to be placed In service b
twecn Kacasa City and Denver on Sunday
to bo known as "Tho Colorado Flyer. "
Edward Dent , formerly assistant city pa
eenger and ticket agent of the Chicago
Northwestern railway , has been appolnte
assistant city ticket agent of the Kansi
City , Plttsburg & Gulf railroad. The a )
polntce Is ono of the most popular men !
local passenger circles. He U a resident i
Council BltifTe , but for a number ot ycai
past has been engaged In the railway pa
trcngcr business on ths ! side of the river. I !
will bring to the local office of the Po
Arthur Route an Invaluable experience t
a passenger and ticket man , and an abllll
to get business that Is equaled by few par
sengcr men In Omaha.
Two of the GrrntCHt , Mont Setmntlom
nuil Stnrtllnir IlnricnJn Suit * * .
These two salcvj will bo the talk of th
town for many a day. The reality awa
ahead of description ,
LADIES' $15.00 TEA GOWNS , | 3.08.
Tomorrow at sharp 9 o'clock wo will plo <
on sale hundreds of the handsomest an
most elaborately trimmed tea gowns , actual
worth aa high as $15.00 , at
$1.98 , $2.CO AND $3.98.
In this sale you will find hundreds of a
wool Henrietta and cashmere , black , nav
maroon , pink , light blue , challle and From
fltinel tea gowns , all handsomely and elabi
rately trimmed with lace , embroidery , velvi
and ribbons , , positively worth up to $15.0
but tomorrow they go at $1.98 , $2.50 ar
$3.98. They are In all sizes from 32 to 44.
These are large size , new and handson
patterns , all colors and the biggest bargal
wo have ever offered. At 9 o'clock the
go at $1.98 each.
All the' extra large and h avy Ingrain A :
Squares , worth up to $5.00 , go promptly i
9 o'clock at $2.50 each.
All the Jute Art Squares think of It ,
full sized carpet , bordered and fringed a
around at 75c.
Never was there such carpet Belling t
will begin tomorrow at 9 o'clock.
ICth end Douglas.
Tlint Are Good the Worlil Around X
funned front Oiiinlui. "
"Speaking about letters of credit , " sa !
Mr. J. H. Mlllard , president of the Omat
National bank a few days t'lnce ' , "I doul
If any banker east or west arc now using
handsomer letter of credit than Is bclr
Issued by the Omaha National bank , bol
for domestic use throughout the Unite
States , payable In dollars , and for travc
crs going abroad , payable In pounds ster
Ing. Besides , thla letter wco designed ar
printed In Omaha. It certainly Is a vci
creditable pli-co of work and ehows win
can be done here , and the Omaha N'atlcni
bank Is prepared now to furnish Its o\\
lettero of credit direct , either for trave
crs In this country or across the watc
This bank Is alee prepared to furnish spec !
letters/ credit available in Australia , Nc
Zealand , the Sandwich Islands , and tl
principal commercial sltlcs In Japan at
China. "
Heretofore. It has been the custom of banl
throughout the west to furnish letters <
credit through their correspondents elthi
In New York or Chicago , but this now a
rangemcnt on the part of the Omaha Ni
tlonal bank docs away with this entirely i
far as the bank 1 ? concerned , and It
ready now upon application from Its patrol
to Isfuo letters of credit to them dlrec
which wo feel will bo a great convcnleni
to parties traveling either In America i
Foreign letters are made payable In pour
sterling , but can be uaed in Gerinar
France , Italy and other European countrle
and we feel sure this now feature on tl
part of the Omaha National bank will I
grcatly'apprcclated by the traveling public.
He = 9 & Swoboda. flortaw. lilt Farnam S
'Phono 1S01. Palms , cut flowuts and flort
A. D. T. Co. ; messengers furnished ; bat
gage delivered. 1302 Douelas St. Tel. 177.
Have you tried Mystic flour ? You wl
like It when you do. >
Ttninliler Store.
Located at 17th and Douglas In th
Woman's Exchange. The ' 98 models ar
ConxoIliliitoM Farm PnnerM.
A combination of Interests , which ha
just been effected , gives to Omaha the lars
est , most Influential nnd In all respects th
best farm paper published In the west. O
January 1 , 1S98 , the Cultivator , a fan
paper published here , nnd the Nebrask
Farm , a farm pnpar published nt Llncolr
merged their Interests. Now the combine
organs have bought Campbell's Soil Cultun
the only remaining agricultural paper pul
lis'ied between DCS Molncs , la. , and Dcnvc :
The subscription list of Soil Culture Is t
be Incorporated Into the list of the Ne
braska Farmer and the publication of So
Culture discontinued. W. H Campbell c
Soil Culture , who has made a wldo repute
tion as nn agriculturist , because of hi
success In farming In the semi-arid bel
has been retained to edit a department e
soil culture In the Nebraska Farmer.
TJnly Liken Omnlin.
John Daly , the Irish patriot who dellverc
the lecture before the Irish-American clt
zens of Omaha on St. Patrick's day , left f (
Des Molncs last night. Ho TARS accompanU
to the depot t > y n committee consisting' <
John Powers , Richard O'Keefe. Patrlc
Cummins , John Nnngle , T. L. McDonald. J
Hogan. P. C. Hcafey and Jerry Howard. 1
tpeak'.nn of Ills sojourn In Omaha Mr.
s.ild that he. had n very enjoyable vlrlt nn
wns ( well pleased A 1th the city and Its clt
MnrrliiKc * I.l
The following marriage licences were I
sued yesterday by the county Judge ;
Name ami Addres ? . i As
Alfre.l M. O'.son , Omaha . ;
1C nun a C. Anderson , Omaha
Frank Ncwklrk. Leon. In
Sarah Flher , Leon , la
August Morten * . South Omaha
Bertha G , l emburir , South Omaha
Krnest C. Vo s , South Omaha
Marie M. Lcmbm-R , South Omaha
WOIIIUII'M Clnli Mcctluir.
For several reasons theWoman's club ha
found It necessary to mike a change In th
program for Monday's meeting. The regu
lar meeting will be hold Monday nftcrnoor
but the program prepared by the youn.
women will be adjourned ovar until Tuea
day evening at ! > o'clock. At that tlm
MM. Hcnrotln of Chicago , president of th
Women's Federation , will address th
meeting. In addition to this a spsctul pla
will be presented.
S'liri. for Mix I'Vox.
John C. Wat5on has brought suit fc
J2C.COO against William Hawke , James i ;
Catron. George W. Hauke , Logan Cnyar
K. K. ( Bradley nnd M. C.itron , alleging tin
thU sum Is ilue ihlm for legal services 1
contesting the will of William Hawke , ilc
ceased , cf Otoo county. The. petition cor
tains norm * sixty pages and details the time
and Incidents connected with the service
thut he alleges that lie Iws rendered.
Tied ( In- Church UuorM ,
George Roach , Pink Wlgworth and Ceorg
Ulgby. ftnall boys llvlntr In the vicinity c
the Monmouth Park Methodist Kplscop.i
church , \\ero arrested on complaint of th
ohurch people , who say that the boys las
Wednesday evening , while prayer meetln
was In progress , wired the iloors shut fror
the outside , nnd ono of the pirtles Insld
wai compelled to climb through alnJo \
nnd release the other * .
Funeral of J. - % .
Brief funeral services were heli
morningat liM Cuplto
of the late Johi
The Grand Arm ;
" ' e of the service
. llarnaba.3 churc
. bn. .Immediate ) ;
fro taken to Plattc
will bay
Broad for tta Pnblio Mast Not Be
Menace to Health.
CommlftNloner Spnldlnir linn nn Oi
dlnnnce to Compel linker * to
Comply with Certain Snnl-
tnry Itcunlntloni.
Health Ccmmls/jloner Spaltllng has pr
pared an ordinance regulating bake ebo
and ccnfccttoncry manufacturing establls
mentrt , which will be Introduced at the nc
meeting of the council. The ordinance pr
vldcs that all establishments of this dcecrl
tlon must be properly drained end the plum
Ing and surroundings kept In perfect sar
tary condition. No wooden floors can be UR
In rooms used for making bread or other fo <
prod tic to when the floor Is more than h
feet below the level of the street or t !
adjacent ground , and the walls and ccllla
must bo whitewashed at least once In tbr
months. No closets , ash pits or slecpli
apartments arc allowed In connection wl
the cstabllshimntG and ample toilet fad
tics and a drcsslmg room must be provlJ
In order that the utmost cleanliness may '
enforced among employes. No shop can her
after be established where the floor Is mo
than two feet below the street level , 01
every shop must secure a permit from t !
health department , for which an annual f
of $1 Is cl'argcd. Any Infraction of the c
dinanco Is punishable by a fine ot not le
than $5 or more than $100.
Offer * for the llondM.
City Treasurer Edwards continues to r
cclve material evidence that there will bo i
difficulty In disposing of the 4 per cent r
funding bends In case Bernard Thurman
Co. refuse to stand by their bid. Two adi
tlonal Inquiries wcro received yesterda
Ono was from Dcltz , Dennlson & Prior
Cleveland , who have been bidders on sever
re-cent bond issues. They state that thi
are not In tbe "pool" and are willing to b ;
the bonds at a material advance on the
previous bid. They explain that when the
representative left Cleveland ho woo autuo
Ized to make a much stronger price than w
indicated by their bid. But "war talk" W' '
so strong on the day ot the sale that tin
wired him to reduce his bid. Now they sta
that ( too "war la over" and they are wlllli
to put In a much higher bid.
Another letter Is from Scasongood. & May
of Cincinnati , who ask to bo allowed ' to ma !
a bid It the sale Is reopened.
1' I n in hi UK : IiiKueetor
Plumbing Inspector Matt Clausscn h ;
tendered his resignation to iMayor Moorej
take effect 'March ' 23. ( Ho has 'accepted
more lucrative position at Fort Worth , Te ;
and will leave for the south the last
the month.
There Is already a red-hot race for tl
place that will be made vacant by M
Claussen's resignation. The leading cam !
dates are : W. O. Hlgglns , John Hose at
W. E. Thatcher. The Plumbers' union wl
meet next Tuesday night and an effort wl
probably be made to secure an endorsemei
ot one or another ot the candidates. A nur
her of the councllmen favor Jlose , but i
one has any great advantage up to date.
.Mortnllly StntlNtlcH.
The following births and deaths were r
ported at the health ofllcoTdurlng the twent
four hours ending at noon yesterday :
'Births Henry Wennlnghoff , 2029 Bancro
street , girl ; George B. Carr , 815 North Fort ;
second , girl ; Q , A. Eastman , 1711 Davenpoi
Deaths Anna E. Dickey , 69 , 1624 Soul
Thirty-second avenue , heart disease , Ottaw
111. ; Mrs. J. L , drover , 48 , 419 South Twci
tleth , surgical operation , Elk City , Neb
Costen Lorcnzen , 62 , 419 South Twentletl
septic nneumonla.
Smith Itendy to
J. B. Smith , who lias contracts pending c
a number of paving district ? , Is In the clt
and ho hao notified City Engineer Rosewati
that he Is ready to begin work at the carllei
possible date. He will rave Sherman aveni
fTomv Locust to Wlrt street first and tlu
move out to the west Farnam street Job. I :
expects to begin getting tils plant ready fi
operations some time next week. Hugh Mu :
phy has not Intimated whether he will 1
ready to begin fata South Sixteenth strc <
contracts or not.
Mnckny ti Succeed Wullnee.
IMayor Moorcs has decided to appoint Re1
T. J. Mackay as a member of the Publ
Library board , to nil the vacancy cause
by the resignation of William Wallace. M
Wallace has absolutely refused to reconsldi
his resignation. The appointment Is on1
for a short term , as the terms of Messr
Wallace , Chase and Reed expire In June.
The llee'it Latent Enterprise Will 11
ItiHtrnte Our Xuvy , Culm
nnd HaTviiU.
When a newspaper publishes an accoui
of a person , place , or thing. It has to tal
It for granted that the reader has conslden
bio knowledge of the subject. This Is m
always the case , oven In matters ot tl :
greatest public Interest , for few of us Iw
the tlmo or chance to acquire specific know
edge of far-off places or technical matter
however much we should like to do so.
Hence the wisdom of The Bee's new cnte
prlso of supplementing Its news colutnr
with an Issue of ten superb portfolios , eac
containing sixteen well executed picture
10xl4 Inches , on fine enameled paper. The :
are Intended to show things as they lee ]
and with the ICO pictures goes explanatoi
text telling what they are. They will cor
voy as much Information In a minute as ca
bo acquired In an hour's desultory readlni
These portfolios Illustrate and describe tr
salient features of the .American navy , Cut
and the Hawaiian Islands , subjects whlc
Interest every American Just now.
When The Hee'a readers have turned ov (
the last leaf they will know , among othi
things , that at Havana the Morro Castle
cannon balls would be powerless against 01
battleships ; that Undo Sam's cruisers ai
built on different lines frcm those of 'th
coal ships In Chicago river ; that Havana
famous for something besides fine cigari
that Cuba and Hawaii are respectively aboi
as large as Ohio and New Jersey , and b
the variety of their productions and th
charms of their climate and scenery full
deserve their titles. "The Queen of the Ar
tlllcs" and "The Paradise of the Pacific.
If we learn by pictures how these placea lee
wo shall be able to read with more appreclt
tlon the current news of what happens then
By virtue ot a special arrangement wit
the publishers of these artistic protfollo !
The lice can offer them to Us readers at
nominal price. Elsewhere In this Issue wl
bo found a more extended notice of ou
proposition , and full directions for prafltln
by It.
Curd of
Wo desire to return our heartfelt thank
to all our neighbors and to Ancient Orde
United Workmen lodge. No. 159 ; Nations
Union council , No. 449 ; Degree ot Hone
lodge. No. 28 , and the Holy Family Sodaltt
for all the kindness and assistance renderc
to us during the alckncns and death of ou
dear wife aprl mother.
M T. M'uftlDB and Children.
All colored bojs , members ot the Day
Mercer Gun brigade , are requeseted to me <
today at 1 p. in. at 17th and Fa roam sts. t
attend Mra. Tluirston'a funeral ,
lliillillni ; 1'eriultM.
A permit his been Issued to J , B. Smith <
Co. tn build an asphalt plant 40xCO feet o ;
Ohio street , between Fourteenth and Fll
teenth. The cifit ot the building will b
$1,000. Mr. Smith saya he will have th
plant tn operation by April I when eprta
paving la scheduled U beg'n.
31t.\VKSEN-Alhllda. beloved wife of Johi
Groveuen. lang connertrfl with the Langi
Grocery company. Fuifcral Sunday at r
o'clock from the famAy residence , 10 *
ED cmssni.L's ntoME is KOHIIED.
nun nuclei -tile Itenlilencv nnd
Curry. Off WnlafaiHnd Jevrelry.
Burglars Friday nlftht. raided the residence
of B. J. Chlsscll at 13'Chlcngo street and
carried off ipolla cotaUttng ot a valuable
gold watch and a diamond ring. The case
has been reported to ( ho police and the
usual result baa follmrtd.
The theft was committed while the occu
pants were away at church , between tbe
hours of 8 and 10. The front door lock was
picked , after the burglars were debarred by
a bolted back door. "Too entire house was
turned topsy-turvy In the search for valu
ables , but the thlovM apparently found
nothing to their liking except the articles
mentioned. When Mr. and Mrs. Chlesell re
turned homo they found all the doors ot
the house open.
Time l Money ,
and "Tho Overland Limited"
time to the Pacific coast than any other line.
For full Information call or address
City Ticket Office , 1302 Farnam street.
the Federal Ilulldlnir.
Some time next .week the work , on the
upper stories of the new federal building
will be commenced In earnest nnd Con
tractor McCloud soys that It will be hurried
as fast as possible to completion. Some
It Cost $2.765.42
That's what our now soda fountain cost
us the -I2o was for the coupling < we're hav
ing our ) 'Fountain ' put lln first ( class condition
and as It's too early to talk soda water
we'll quote you a few drug prices :
I'rlvBH' Itlienmiitlc Liniment . . . . . . S.lo
Smith's Gloria Tome . C7c
Pyramid Pile Cure . 30c
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets . . . . . 29c
Palno's Celery Compound . Goo
Plerce'B Favorite Prescription . C2c
S. a. S . 75c
Duffy Malt Whiskey . SOc
Laxative IJromo Qulnlno . lOo
William's Pink Pills . : c
Illrney nnd Gem Catarrh Powder . Kc
Malted Milk . 3Sc. 75c , $3.00
Plnaud's Eau de Quinine . 2Sc nd 'Gu
Carter's Liver Pills . 12o
No-To-Bao . fi .c
. c
Pe-ru-na > >
Vine Kolafra . . . . 75c
Open All Night. 10th and ChlciiKO.
twenty men will be set to work nnd In a
couple Of weeks the number will be In
creased to fifty. There are now about ten
men engaged In preparing the necessary
preliminaries. Trie electric elevator In the
rear of the building , on which the material
will be hoisted. Is about completed nnd will
bo all ready for service during the early
part of the coming week.
All Tlilnn * NCMT on Advertlied.
By competing , llnra enow a progressive
spirit , but aome of the things that are al
leged to bo new have been In constant dally
use fcr years past on the steam-heated , elcc-
trie-lighted ( with berth reading light ) , vestl-
bulod trains of the Chicago , Milwaukee &
St. Paul railway between Om&ba and Chicago
cage , as thousands upon thousands of Its
patrons will cheerfully testify.
The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul rail
way always maintains Its supremacy with
1 ( he traveling public by always being the
first to utilize every mechanical device and
Improvement which can be ot any value to
tliooo who ride on Us magnificently equipped
Sam'l Burns , 1318 Farnam , says another
week ot tumbler sale , lee cloz. , worth 5c ,
to go at 2c ; 100 doz. , worth 8c , to go at 4c.
Mystic flo-ir. - wholesale 1014 N. 16th St.
MU Bcrolzhelmer has returned from New
York with choice millinery. 203J3. 15th st.
A. I. Root , artistic book binder. 1609 Howard
"Doro-Llthla" has the endorsement of the
medical profession.
"Boro-Lltlila'11 Is needed by nil who do not
take sufllclent exercise.
Uoro-Llthla overcomes obesity and clothes
the lean with flesh.
lioro-I.HIila Water Is of Immense value
to till high livers nnd to such as Indulge
freo'y In spirituous liquors.
The regular dally use of Boro-Llthla Wa
ter ns a. beverage tends to prevent IJrlght's
disease and appendicitis.
Uoro-Llthla Water Is Indispensable In the
treatment of DrlRht's disease , diabetes and
all kidney and bladder ailments.
Boro-Llthla Water Is Invaluable In rheu
matism , catarrh of the stomach , dyspepsia ,
Incomnta and skin eruptions.
Write or call for pamphlet Sold at a net
price of 14 cents per quart bottle when
taken by full case of CO bottles and empty
bottles returned to us.
Sherman & McDonnell Drug Go
llctuccn Old and New 1'ostoillce.
The Cares of
Are cccslrterably lightened when you
have the proper cooking utensils.
Quality Is everything when cooking
utensils arc concerned , and the high
standard of our goods leaves nothing
to bo desired. The quality of our
goods Is the very best. The following
prices only hint at the sterling values
to bo found here.
Granite Stow Kettles- ! 5c Granite Tea Kettles-
worth 25c , at , worth $1.00 , at
Granite Coffee Pots- Dover Ess Boaters
worth 73c , at , the best made
Granite Dish Pane- 35c Surprise Wire .Egg Beaters
worth 75c , at , . worth lOc-at
Granite Pudding Pans- 10c Hunter Flour Sifters-
worth 25c , at worth 23c at
1519 and 1521 Douglas Street
You You
can be
Restored to
Read This. good
The most successful Chinese physician In America 4s now located at 13th and Douglaa
streets , Omaha , Neb. It will cost you nothing to be examined. After all other doctors
have failed to "cure Dr. Gee Loy's medicines glvo Immediate relief and almost Invaria
bly cure the Iworst casci ? of chronic diseases. Dr. Gee Loy guarantees absolute cures
for .tho . , following : Rheumatism , Female ) Weakness , Lost Manhood. Kidney Trouble ,
Catarrh , Stomach Trouble , Asthma , Gravel , Fits , and many othtr diseases. It will cost
you nothing- consult Dr. Go Loy. Offlce located over Huberman's Jewelry Store , 13th
and Douglaj ptreets. Olllco hours , from 9 o'clock a. m. to 8 p. m. ; also Sundays , from
ft o'clock a. m. to 3 p. m. 1
( Attention.
The Union Veteran club will parade ot
Sunday at 1:30 : p. m. In front ot the cour
house , to march to All Saints' church , ti
attend the funeral of Mri. Thunton.
C. L. HARRIS , President.
Mystic flour , wholesale 1014 N. 16th St.
The New Shoe for Women.
A combination of comfort
easy nml clognnco
Price $3.50
Ono of the most popular shoes over made
for women at any price. i
They are the nemo of comfort nnd extreme
of fashion mannish In shape a perfect flt-
tlng lace boot , Iwlth tips of same material
as uppers and made from the finest kid. In
black and well Bliudo of tan. They hnvo
rtll the good qualities of a custom-made
shoo costing $0.00 Prlco J3.W ) .
They nro highly endorsed by Marl" Dame
flail , president ! of the "Sorosls" club of New
fork. , i .
On sale tomorrow at , I 1 , i I I
SE 1,1,1.vo anon suons CIIHAP.
I adles You will find that you
L will not bo subjected to the unnoy
moo of your Imlr straightening out al-
nest as soon as curl oil , if you use
"Hawley's ' Unique Gurlene"
Take the same amount of time just once
ivery week , as you do MCI clay ( nnd some
everal times a day ) and you will always
lave your hulr In perfect curl.
Thousands nro t > raslnff ! CURLENE be-
ause It enables them to Indulge In the lux-
iry of brushing the hair as often as they
Icslre , without brushing out tha curls. Be-
ne able to brush the hair every day , then
Imply arranging It by combing- Into posl-
lon , gives the. hair the appearance of nat-
irally curly hair "so much jdmlred. "
How imnny have remarked , 1 would glvo
my prlco If I could only llnd something
o keep my hair In curl.
IImli'H Unique Ciirlciic.
* 111 do It. 23c for trial bottle. Will not
nake the Jialr harsh , stiff or gummy ; but
> oft , loose and fluffy. On sale at the
Boston Store
Drug Dept ,
Kith nnd Douglas Streets.
Just Received
Mortar Hods ,
Brick Hods ,
Mortar Hoes ,
Cork Floats ,
Plaster Trowels ,
Brick Trowels ;
Pointing Trowels ,
Plaster Hawks.
Jas. Merion & Son Go.
1511 Dodge St.
Only Trnln to Dcnvrr
For full Information Mil or addrrca
City Ticket Office , Nu. JSOS Farnam. Street ,
Blank books. Have them made by A , I.
noot , printer and binder , 1C09 Howard.
Oriental Bazaar * .JU <
Special sale all this week of
Real Turkish Rugs , Benares
Brass , Bagdad Curtains , Kis-
culuins , all kinds of Drape
ries and all kinds of Novelties ,
Belts. Buckles.etc. Come and
see my real Turkish Rugs , the
best ever brought to Omaha
for § 7.75.
Wo say to every mnn , got the boat you
can. If there is another store that of
fers you a bolter cipar for 5 cents than
Our 5 Cent Jersey
wo can't expect you to trade with us.
But the truth is no other store does it.
Wo sny it's the best 6 cent cigar sold
nnd wo know it.
Paxion Block Cigar Store *
10th and FARNAM.
to be well dressed , if you arc
willing to pay the price. 3C
Now , as to shoes you must
pay at least S5.00 to get a
shoe that will wear well and
look dressy , unless you buy
The only kind you can get
for $3.50 that will wear well
and look well. The Regent
shoes are regular $5.00 shoes
in quality. That's why. S\ >
The Regent Shoe Co.
205 S. 15th St. , Omaha , Neb.
Dheumatic Liniment
Compowd of seven Ingredients , con
tains no poison. EndorsoJ by all
leading physicians
A euro for bruises , sprains , cto.
Dr. GrciNPimnii ,
Ir , CofTiunn ,
Dr. IloHCTinlcr ,
ItcfercnucH Dr. Neville ,
Dr. .Moore.
Dr. Gnlbrnldi ,
Manufactured by
Far mile liy .11 ) < ! Dillon Druir Co.
mid Knlm fc Co. , ir.tli nnil Douglas ,
MAJESTIC Hotel , Restaurant
and Boarding House
Coffee and Tea Urns ,
Majestic and Monitor , Broilers and Carving Tables ,
Bake Ovens , Plate Warmers ,
Quick Mtal and Garland Waffle and Cake Griddles ,
Kitchen Utensils and Supplies , 1898 Improved
STEEL RANGES. Cook's Knives , Cutlery ,
Carvers , Silver Plated
Made of cold rolled steel plnte , milleable Knives , Forks , Spoons , Etc ,
and gray iron , /asbestos / lined , never break House Furnishing Goods , QUICK MEAL
don't warp , or buckle use less coal Granite Steel Ware ,
bake much quicker give more hot \vater Wooden Ware , Water Filters. Gosoline and Oil Stoves
and last longer than any others all styles ,
Estimates on application for The latest 1898 Hlue Flame Oil Stoves in
and , from $25 .
s izes prices up.
the wick and wickless latest
or both patterns
hotel and restaurant ranges
warranted. We sell 1898 reliable 2-burnep
All our ranges are See our improved -
ranges and stoves on , monthly payments or kitchen outfits. Get our prices Gasoline Stove at $2.25 regular price $3,25
give a discount for cash. before you buy , Gasoline and oil stove ovens from 85c up.